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994 F.

2d 467


Commerce Bank of St. Joseph, N.A., Appellant,
Gary HOLTSCLAW, Third-Party Defendant,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Appellee.
No. 92-2744.

United States Court of Appeals,

Eighth Circuit.
Submitted Jan. 12, 1993.
Decided May 27, 1993.

Creath S. Thorne, St. Joseph, MO (Ronald S. Reed, Jr., on the brief), for
J. Scott Watson, Washington, DC, argued (Richard J. Osterman, Jr. and
Ann S. DuRoss, on the brief), for appellee.
Before JOHN R. GIBSON, Circuit Judge, HEANEY, Senior Circuit
Judge, and BOWMAN, Circuit Judge.
HEANEY, Senior Circuit Judge.

This appeal presents the question of the proper construction of an agreement

entered into by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") and the
purchaser of assets of an insolvent bank. Commerce Bank of St. Joseph, N.A.,
("Commerce") which purchased some of the assets and liabilities of First
National Bank of St. Joseph, Missouri, ("First National") asserts that the FDIC
has agreed to indemnify Commerce for any liability it may have in a suit
brought by Universal Assurors Life Insurance Company ("Universal") against
Commerce. The district court found that the FDIC had not assumed the
potential liability and therefore granted the FDIC summary judgment.
Commerce appeals the district court's order, and we reverse.

* In December 1983, First National entered into a trust agreement with

* In December 1983, First National entered into a trust agreement with

Universal and Great Missouri Life Insurance Company ("Great Missouri") that
created a demand checking account into which Great Missouri would deposit
funds. According to Universal's view of the trust agreement, those funds could
only be withdrawn on the written demand of Universal.

In October 1985, First National was declared insolvent, and the FDIC was
appointed receiver. Commerce then entered into a "purchase and assumption"
agreement with the FDIC, pursuant to which Commerce acquired certain assets
and assumed certain liabilities of the insolvent First National. One of the
accounts transferred to Commerce was the demand checking account created in
Great Missouri's name in December 1983. The signature card for the account
named Great Missouri as the holder of the account and carried the signatures of
Gary Holtsclaw and Jeff Daum. In the "remarks" section of the card was the
notation "Trust Agreement--Bob Coil." For the purposes of this appeal, it is
assumed that Commerce did not receive a copy of the trust agreement from the

In 1988, Commerce paid out all of the funds from the checking account in
question--a total of $46,190--upon the demand of Gary Holtsclaw. Upon
discovery of the funds' disbursal, Universal brought suit against Commerce
alleging breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract, and violation of
provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code. It was not until after the funds
had been paid out that Commerce received a copy of the trust agreement from

Commerce subsequently filed a third-party complaint against the FDIC,

alleging that the FDIC had agreed to indemnify Commerce for claims such as
that by Universal. The FDIC moved to dismiss, arguing that the agreement on
which Commerce relied expressly excluded liability for any action or inaction
by Commerce after October 11, 1985--the date of the purchase--and that any
liability to Universal resulted from the actions of Commerce in 1988. Because
the FDIC relied on materials outside the pleadings, the district court treated its
motion as one for summary judgment. Finding the express limitation on FDIC's
liability unambiguous and controlling, the district court granted FDIC's motion
and entered final judgment in the FDIC's favor. This appeal followed.


To resolve this appeal, we must determine the proper construction of the

agreement between the FDIC and Commerce. In relevant part, the indemnity
agreement provides the following:

7 [FDIC] will indemnify and hold [Commerce] harmless from and against the
9 Any and all claims whatsoever not covered by [the previous clauses] and (a)
based upon any action or inaction by [First National], its directors, officers, or agents
prior to [October 11, 1985,] or (b) based upon the execution and delivery of the
Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby....

App. at 61. The indemnity agreement also included the following disclaimer: "
[E]xcept as expressly provided in this Indemnity Agreement, the [FDIC] shall
not be liable to [Commerce] for any action or inaction on the part of
[Commerce] after [October 11, 1985]." The purchase and assumption
agreement specifically provided that the FDIC would transfer to Commerce "
[s]ignature cards, orders, and contracts between [First National] and its
depositors, and records of similar character." App. at 45.


The FDIC's proposed interpretation of the indemnity agreement is rather

narrow, turning exclusively on the disclaimer of all liability that arises from
actions by Commerce after October 11, 1985. The FDIC argues that any
liability to Universal arises from actions by Commerce in paying out the funds
in question. In furthering its argument, the FDIC notes the existence of the
remarks on the signature card, but does not rely on them. Were there no such
remarks, any potential liability would still fall outside of the indemnity
agreement as interpreted by the FDIC because the liability would arise from
Commerce's actions of paying out the funds after the date of the purchase. The
issues of whether First National failed properly to record the trust agreement
and whether the FDIC failed to provide the trust agreement to Commerce are,
under the FDIC's view, irrelevant, for neither gives rise to the claim by
Universal and both therefore fall outside the scope of the indemnity agreement.
The FDIC agrees that any breach of a duty of care in delivering the trust
agreement to Commerce might give rise to direct liability under the Federal
Tort Claims Act, but asserts that any such breach would be irrelevant to the
scope of the indemnity agreement.


Commerce argues for a broader interpretation. It argues that any liability to

Universal is "based," to use the language of the indemnity agreement, both on
First National's inaction prior to October 11, 1985, and on the FDIC's failure to
provide Commerce with the trust agreement as contemplated by the purchase
and assumption agreement. Its argument is not, as the FDIC asserts, that no
liability could have arisen "but for" First National having created the account in

the first place, but that no liability could have arisen but for First National's
failure properly to record the trust agreement and the FDIC's failure to provide
Commerce with the same agreement.

Commerce necessarily reads the disclaimer of liability for action or inaction by

Commerce more narrowly than does the FDIC, relying in part on the clause
"except as expressly provided in this Indemnity Agreement." It argues that the
indemnity sought in this case is expressly provided in section 2(5), and is
therefore not subject to the disclaimer. Under its reading, had the FDIC
provided a properly recorded trust agreement to Commerce and had Commerce
nonetheless paid out the funds without Universal's approval, any liability would
be solely the result of action (or inaction) by Commerce, and the FDIC would
not be obligated to indemnify. But in this case, the actions by Commerce after
October 11, 1985, are the result of inaction of First National and the FDIC for
which indemnification is expressly provided.


Our reading of the indemnity agreement accords with that of Commerce. We

first read the agreement in light of the hypothetical situation raised in oral
argument in which the trust agreement was not provided to Commerce and the
signature card did not include any remarks. Under those circumstances, it is our
view that the FDIC would be obligated to indemnify Commerce for any
liability to Universal because the potential liability would be based on First
National's failure properly to record the trust agreement and/or the FDIC's
failure to provide the trust agreement to Commerce. Such liability falls within
sections 2(5)(a) and 2(5)(b) of the indemnity agreement and does not arise
simply from the actions of Commerce in paying out the funds.


The district court stated that the interpretation proposed by Commerce "serve[s]
to render the stated time limitation meaningless and obligate[s] the FDIC to
indemnify Commerce in perpetuity." Universal Assurors Life Ins. Co. v.
Commerce Bank, No. 906116-CV-SJ-2, slip op. at 8 (W.D.Mo. May 21, 1992).
We disagree. The time limitation in question simply precludes indemnification
for liability that arises from actions by Commerce. Commerce would not be
indemnified, for example, if it had been provided with all the proper
documentation but nonetheless paid out funds from the trust account without
Universal's approval after the date in question. Likewise, the FDIC would not
be obligated to indemnify Commerce anytime it might be sued over its handling
of one of the purchased accounts. The time limitation is not intended as a
termination point for all of the indemnification provided, and the agreement
contains no such ending date. The FDIC does appear to be obligated in
perpetuity to indemnify Commerce for the liability that falls within section
2(1)-(6), but that fact cannot support our reading the time limitation in one

clause of the agreement as generally applicable when it clearly applies only to

liability predicated on actions by Commerce that would not otherwise be

Moving from the confines of our hypothetical to the case before us, we must
consider the significance of the remarks on the signature card. The FDIC
argues that regardless of the scope of the indemnity in our hypothetical
situation, liability in this case turns on the exercise of independent business
judgment by Commerce in ignoring the notation "Trust Agreement--Bob Coil."
FDIC further argues that such liability is expressly excluded from the
indemnity agreement. Commerce, of course, argues to the contrary. Though we
agree with the FDIC that a jury could find both that the notation put Commerce
on notice of the existence of the trust agreement and that Commerce should
reasonably have investigated the notation, we believe that resolution of this
issue through summary judgment is inappropriate at this stage in the
proceeding. On the record before us, it cannot be said that the FDIC "is entitled
to a judgment as a matter of law," Fed.R.Civ.P. 56(c), because this issue could
"reasonably be resolved in favor of either party." Anderson v. Liberty Lobby,
Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 250, 106 S.Ct. 2505, 2511, 91 L.Ed.2d 202 (1986).


Having found that the FDIC was not entitled to summary judgment on the
record before us, we reverse the order of the district court and remand for
further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

The district court indicated in its order that "nothing in the file or pleadings
supports the allegation that either the FDIC or First National failed to record the
trust documents or convey them to Commerce." Universal Assurors Life Ins.
Co. v. Commerce Bank, No. 90-6116-CV-SJ-2, slip op. at 8 n. 3, 1992 WL
494970 (W.D.Mo. May 21, 1992). Though this finding did not control the
district court's ruling, the statement is nonetheless incorrect. Commerce
included with its response to the FDIC's motion an affidavit by William A.
Carpenter, Chairman of the Board of Commerce Bank, in which he states that
Commerce was first provided a copy of the trust agreement by Universal, that
the agreement "was not previously part of any records in the possession of or
made known to Commerce Bank," that Commerce "was never informed of the
existence of this agreement" by the FDIC or First National, and that the
agreement "was not part of the trust department business of the First National
Bank at the time that the Commerce Bank assumed that business and has never
been part of same." App. at 88. The FDIC supplied no counteraffidavit because

it argues that this fact is not material to the scope of the indemnification

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