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499 F.

2d 851


Eqbal AHMAD et al.
Appeal of Elizabeth McALISTER. William Davidon,
No. 73-2094.

United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.

Argued April 3, 1974.
Decided June 26, 1974.

Jack J. Levine, Philadelphia, Pa., William J. Bender, Newark, N.J., for

appellant and intervenor.
Henry E. Petersen, Asst. Atty. Gen., Edward C. Christenbury, Garvin L.
Oliver, Larry L. Gregg, Dept. of Justice, Washington, D.C., S. John
Cottone, U.S. Atty., for appellee.
Before VAN DUSEN, WEIS and GARTH, Circuit Judges.
WEIS, Circuit Judge.

The difficulties that may be encountered when litigation is divided between

courts of concurrent jurisdiction is illustrated by this Tale of Two Districts-- an
appeal generated by civil suit fallout from a closed criminal proceeding.

During the pretrial stages of a criminal case in the Middle District of

Pennsylvania in which she was a defendant,1 Elizabeth McAlister, now Mrs.
Philip Berrigan, learned that she may have been overheard by electronic
surveillance. Judge R. Dixon Herman, who presided over the case, found that
there had been an unauthorized and illegal wiretap.2 A taint hearing was held in
May, 1972, after the criminal trial had been concluded. Transcripts of two
conversations were made available to two of the then defendants, McAlister
and Philip Berrigan, as well as counsel of record, in accordance with a

protective order to which the parties agreed. The stipulation and order read:

'It is stipulated by and between counsel for the parties that the contents of or
information contained in any tapes or transcripts thereof relating to any
overhearing of conversations by means of electronic surveillance, shall not be
disclosed to persons other than defense counsel of record or defendants Philip
Berrigan and Elizabeth McAlister. (signature of counsel) IT IS SO ORDERED.

(s) R. Dixon Herman United States District Judge May 1, 1972'

On October 10, 1972, a suit was filed in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania by
McAlister and one William Davidon against Richard D. Kleindienst, then
Attorney General of the United States, L. Patrick Gray, then Acting Director of
the FBI, John N. Mitchell, former Attorney General, and several named and
unnamed agents of the FBI. The complaint alleged in essence that Mrs.
Berrigan and Davidon were the subjects of illegal wiretaps and that they
claimed damages in accordance with, inter alia, the provisions of 18 U.S.C.
2520,3 which permits recovery of civil damages and counsel fees in such

The civil case was assigned to Judge E. Mac Troutman for disposition. The
defendants then asserted that they were unable to answer all of the allegations
of the complaint because they were bound by the protective order and the
stipulation filed in the criminal case in the Middle District. To resolve the
impasse, Mrs. Berrigan and Davidon jointly filed a petition with Judge Herman
in the Middle District seeking to vacate the protective order. After
consideration of briefs filed by the parties, Judge Herman on October 24, 1973
refused to lift the protective order. Mrs. Berrigan filed a notice of appeal in the
district court on November 15, 1973, after having been granted an extension of
time by Judge Herman.4

Davidon did not file a notice of appeal but on January 18, 1974, requested leave
to intervene as an appellant in this court. The motion was granted, and Davidon
adopted the brief filed by Mrs. Berrigan.

Since Davidon did not appeal the order as it applied to him, we consider the
merits of this case only as applied to Mrs. Berrigan. In the peculiar
circumstances here, Davidon's intervention is necessarily limited. He cannot
circumvent the requirements for taking an appeal in his own right by a later
petition for intervention in an effort to present contentions applicable only to

Mrs. Berrigan asserts that the practical effect of Judge Herman's order is that
the plaintiffs in the civil suit will be unable to proceed because it is unlikely
that Judge Troutman will order the defendants in his court to file an answer
which would be in violation of the protective order previously filed in the
Middle District.6


However, at oral argument on this appeal, counsel for the defendants conceded
that they could answer the complaint of Mrs. Berrigan to admit that she was
overheard as a result of a surveillance conducted without the authority of court
order. Since Judge Herman found there were two such conversations
intercepted in the period from November 24, 1970 to January 6, 19717 and that
they were illegal, there is nothing to prevent such admissions by the defendants.
These facts were reported in the written opinion of the district court after the
taint hearing had been concluded, and thus, there is no disclosure problem.


At this stage of the litigation, therefore, there has been no need shown to have
the protective order lifted as to Mrs. Berrigan.8 The concession of the
defendants in this court that they can, and therefore must, file an answer, will
enable her to present a prima facie case of an illegal overhearing on two
separate occasions. Thus, Judge Herman's order will be affirmed on the basis
that no need exists at this point to vacate the protective order. 9


We recognize, however, that there may well be further requests to dissolve or

modify the protective order and think it appropriate, therefore, to comment on
the grounds relied on by the Middle District in its Memorandum of October 24,


The district court took judicial notice of an affidavit filed by then Attorney
General Mitchell on May 13, 1971 which asserted that the surveillance was 'one
deemed necessary to protect against a clear and present danger to the structure
or existence of the Government of the United States' and that '. . . it would
prejudice the national interest to disclose the particular facts contained in the
sealed exhibit.'10 The court took no position on the justification for the
government's desire for secrecy but accepted the Attorney General's affidavit at
face value.


The difficulty with this position is that what may have been justified in May of
1971 (on the record of this case we are unable to pass any judgment on that
point) is not necessarily so today. The passage of time has a profound effect
upon such matters, and that which is of utmost sensitivity one day may fade
into nothing more than interesting history within weeks or months. Any

considerations of national security interests therefore must be viewed in the

light of circumstances as they exist at the time the request for disclosure is
made-- not when the affidavit was prepared or the material filed with the court.

When governmental privilege is invoked to prevent disclosure of information

during the course of litigation and a need for the data is shown, disposition of
the dispute requires a balancing of the interests. The needs of a party to secure
information necessary to the prosecution or defense of a civil remedy expressly
granted by Congress must be weighed against the government's position that it
should not divulge that which would be injurious to the public security.
Obviously, such a process requires a careful inquiry into the pertinent facts.


The government's privilege is a necessary one, but it is one which may be

overcome by a citizen's right to secure desired information.11 In determining
whether the privilege is to prevail, a court is faced with a delicate task. As the
Supreme Court pointed out in United States v. Reynolds, supra, at 8:


'The court itself must determine whether the circumstances are appropriate for
the claim of privilege, and yet do so without forcing the disclosure of the very
thing the privilege is designed to protect.'


In carrying out such an assignment, the in camera techniques employed in

Jabara v. Kelly, 62 F.R.D. 424 (E.D.Mich., 1974), and Philadelphia Resistance
v. Mitchell (Civil No. 71-1738, E.D.Pa., August 3, 1972), may be helpful.


It is difficult to set out adequate guidelines in advance for such an inquiry as

proposed here because the facts loom so large. All that can be said is that the
necessities of the civil litigation and the policy of the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure favoring broad disclosure require that there be serious and wellfounded concern about national security before all disclosure is prohibited. In
United States v. Reynolds, supra, at 11, the court said:


'In each case, the showing of necessity which is made will determine how far
the court should probe in satisfying itself that the occasion for invoking the
privilege is appropriate. Where there is a strong showing of necessity, the claim
of privilege should not be lightly accepted, but even the most compelling
necessity cannot overcome the claim of privilege if the court is ultimately
satisfied that military secrets are at stake. A fortiori, where necessity is
dubious, a formal claim of privilege . . . will have to prevail.'


It may well be that the defendants in the civil case will be those who next seek


to have the order lifted because of the possibility that the Eastern District will
exercise the broad default powers conferred by Fed.R.Civ.P. 8(d) and 37(b)(2).
See the procedures followed in United States v. Reynolds, 10 F.R.D. 468
(E.D.Pa.1950), aff'd. 192 F.2d 987 (3d Cir. 1951).12 Indeed, we feel it should
have been the defendants who presented the petition to the Middle District in
the first instance. The plaintiffs' proper posture was to insist upon a default
being entered in the Eastern District, thereby shifting the burden to the
defendants to secure a relaxation of the Middle District protective order.


The order of the district court will be affirmed.

See United States v. Ahmad, 347 F.Supp. 912 (M.D.Pa.1972), modified sub
nom., United States v. Berrigan, 482 F.2d 171 (3d Cir. 1973); United States v.
Ahmad, 335 F.Supp. 1198 (M.D.Pa.1971); and United States v. Ahmad, 329
F.Supp. 292 (M.D.Pa.1971)

See 335 F.Supp. 1198 (M.D.Pa.1971). The electronic surveillance apparently

had been performed without a court order in accordance with a Presidential
determination that national security was involved. Judge Herman relied on the
decision of the Court of Appeals in United States v. United States District
Court, 444 F.2d 651 (6th Cir. 1971), later affirmed by the United States
Supreme Court at 407 U.S. 297, 92 S.Ct. 2125, 32 L.Ed.2d 752 (1972) in
deciding that the wiretap was illegal

'Any person whose wire or oral communication is intercepted, disclosed, or

used in violation of this chapter shall (1) have a civil cause of action against any
person who intercepts, discloses, or uses, or procures any other person to
intercept, disclose, or use such communications, and (2) be entitled to recover
from any such person-(a) actual damages but not less than liquidated damages computed at the rate of
$100 a day for each day of violation or $1,000, whichever is higher;
(b) punitive damages; and
(c) a reasonable attorney's fee and other litigation costs reasonably incurred.
'A good faith reliance on a court order or legislative authorization shall
constitute a complete defense to any civil or criminal action brought under this
chapter or under any other law.'

It is questionable whether such an extension was required. Although the

petition was filed under the criminal case caption, the order really applied to a
civil, collateral matter. See Olympic Refining Co. v. Carter, 332 F.2d 260 (9th
Cir. 1964); Fed.R.App.P. 4

Nor did Davidon utilize a petition for mandamus, the procedure followed in Ex
parte Uppercu, 239 U.S. 435, 36 S.Ct. 140, 60 L.Ed. 368 (1915) and in
Olympic Refining Co. v. Carter, supra

On September 12, 1973, Judge Troutman signed an order granting the motion
of the plaintiff to compel the defendants to answer within 30 days. By
agreement of counsel at a later date, that order was stayed pending the
determination of this appeal

See 347 F.Supp. at 934

See discussion infra on the balancing of a litigant's need for information against
the government's desire to protect it. As the Supreme Court noted in United
States v. Reynolds, 345 U.S. 1, 11, 73 S.Ct. 528, 534, 97 L.Ed. 727 (1953), '. . .
where necessity is dubious, a formal claim of privilege . . . will have to prevail.'

If in the future any need should arise for a modification of the stipulation,
another application can be presented to Judge Herman


The sealed exhibit contained a description of the premises and transcripts of

overheard conversations. (Appendix at 10A)


For discussion of the privilege, see Wright & Miller, 8 Federal Practice and
Procedure: Civil 2019


The case was reversed on its merits, not on the procedures employed, by the
Supreme Court in 345 U.S. 1, 73 S.Ct. 528, 97 L.Ed. 727 (1953)
See note 6, supra.

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