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203 F.3d 228 (3rd Cir.



NO. 98-2129


Argued September 13, 1999
Filed February 4, 2000
Amended February 10, 2000

On Appeal From the United States District Court For the Eastern District
of Pennsylvania (D.C. Civil Action No. 95-cv-05181) District Judge:
Honorable Louis H. PollakRichard J. Orloski Stephen D. Rhoades
(Argued) Orloski, Hinga & Pandaleon 111 North Cedar Crest Boulevard
Allentown, PA 18104 Attorneys for Appellants
Edward H. Feege Jeffrey M. Zinskind (Argued) Stevens & Lee P.O. Box
20830 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-0830 Attorneys for Appellees Daddona,
Monahan, Boyer, Mitchell, Combs and the City of Allentown
James T. Huber Gavin P. Holihan (Argued) Huber and Waldron 535
Hamilton Mall, Suite 301 Allentown, PA 18101 Attorneys for Appellees
Stephens, Manescu and Trocolla
STAPLETON, Circuit Judge:

Plaintiffs/Appellants are police officers employed by the City of Allentown

("the City"). The defendants are the City and the high-ranking police officers
who were involved in evaluating plaintiffs for promotion. Plaintiffs brought
suit under 42 U.S.C. SS 1983 and 1985(3), alleging that the defendants violated
their civil rights by, inter alia, not promoting them to sergeant in retaliation for
their exercise of First Amendment rights, specifically their union activities and
their support for a particular mayoral candidate. Plaintiffs each sought
injunctive relief ordering their promotion to sergeant and damages. Defendants
filed a motion for partial summary judgment on plaintiffs' claims for failure to
promote, in which they accepted as true all of the factual averments in the
plaintiffs' complaint, but asserted that they were entitled to judgment as a matter
of law on the basis of an affidavit of William Heydt, mayor of Allentown,
stating that during the relevant time period, no permanent promotions were
made. The District Court granted the defendants' motion and this appeal
ultimately followed.1
I. The Facts

The following facts are taken as true for purposes of our review. Throughout
1993, the Queen City Lodge No. 10 of the Fraternal Order of Police (the FOP)
and the City were attempting to negotiate a new collective bargaining
agreement. All four plaintiffs were members of the FOP negotiating team and
were significantly involved in union leadership, a fact of which defendants were
aware. Throughout the 1993 contract negotiations, the relationship between
defendant Stephens, then Chief of Police, and the FOP was very strained,
culminating in defendant Stephens and ten of his Command Staff Officers,
including defendants Monahan (Assistant Chief of Police), Manescu (Captain
of Police), Trocolla (a police lieutenant) and Combs (another lieutenant),
resigning from active FOP membership. In late September 1993, one month
before the commencement of the promotional process at issue here, the FOP,
having previously rejected five of the City's contract proposals during 1993,
declared a total impasse and elected to pursue arbitration.

In March 1992, plaintiff Suppan requested a transfer from steady night patrol.
Chief Stephens, in the presence of defendants Monahan, and Boyer, Deputy
Assistant Chief of Police, responded by chastising plaintiff Suppan: "Your
problem is that you are a frustrated FOP lawyer, and as long as you want to
assist a bunch of losers with your labor knowledge, you'll lose." (A. 97). In May
1993, defendant Monahan stated in front of all parties that "The FOP will not
dictate how the department will be run." (A. 99). In September 1993, one
month before the commencement of the promotional process at issue here,
defendant Stephens said to plaintiff Suppan, "I'm getting sick and tired of you

and your negotiating team trying to run this department. You don't run it, I do!
You had a career here." (A. 97 (emphasis added)).

Plaintiffs were also outspoken supporters of then mayoral candidate William

Heydt. Heydt's opponent, John Pressman, was a friend of defendants Stephens,
Monahan and Manescu. In September 1993, defendant Stephens stated, "I have
a sweet deal set up when John Pressman takes over." (A. 100-01). In late
September 1993, the local paper ran a story stating that the FOP had endorsed
Heydt. The paper also reported that plaintiff Dieter had hinted that a change of
Chief of Police might be in the offing if Heydt were elected. Defendant
Stephens waged a successful campaign to rescind the endorsement.

General Order 309 set forth the criteria and procedure for determining
eligibility for promotion in the Allentown Police Department. All officers with
a minimum of five years experience were eligible to participate in the
evaluation process for promotion to sergeant. Officers submitting to the
evaluation process were then ranked on a "promotion eligibility list."
Promotion eligibility lists were effective for two years. For general positions,
the Chief of Police was permitted to select any one of the top three candidates
on the list for promotion, but could pass over a candidate only twice before that
officer became entitled to the next available position.

Plaintiffs, having the requisite five years experience, participated in the

evaluation process in October 1993. In November 1993, they were notified of
their rankings on the promotion eligibility lists for two potential positions:
patrol sergeant and investigative sergeant. In accordance with General Order
309, these lists were effective from January 1994 to December 1995. Out of
thirty-six names on each list, plaintiff Kerrigan ranked highest of all the
plaintiffs at twenty-eighth on both lists. Plaintiff Suppan was thirtieth on the
patrol sergeant list and thirty-first on the investigative sergeant list; plaintiff
Dieter was thirty-third on both lists; and plaintiff Bowser was thirty-fourth on
both lists.

Candidates for promotion were ranked according to a combined score that

accounted for two weighted factors: 20% based on seniority and 80% based on
an oral interview. Plaintiffs Kerrigan and Suppan were entitled to the maximum
possible credit for seniority, which was 20 points. Plaintiffs Dieter and Bowser
were entitled to sixteen and fourteen seniority points respectively.

The Promotional Interview/Evaluation form allows the lowest score to be a

four. Defendant Stephens intentionally gave plaintiffs Suppan and Dieter less

than four on numerous items in violation of the rules. Defendant Boyer also
downgraded plaintiffs, giving scores of less than four. Defendants Monahan
and Manescu did not violate the scoring procedure, but alleged insignificant
incidents as a basis for their low scores. Plaintiffs had never been disciplined or
counseled for these incidents. Defendants Monahan, Manescu and Mitchell
admit that they rated plaintiff Kerrigan low because of his actions as President
of the FOP when he alleged wrongdoing by a police captain. Defendant
Manescu also has testified that he rated plaintiff Dieter low because he got a
fellow officer in trouble by reporting that the officer struck a suspect on the
head with a flashlight.

The night before the interviews, defendant Stephens telephoned defendant

Combs and instructed him what grades to give the applicants under his
command. Plaintiffs Suppan and Bowser were to receive threes and fours.
Although he did not give threes and fours, defendant Combs gave consistently
low scores, which he admits did not accurately reflect his opinion of plaintiffs'
abilities, but rather reflected his instructions from defendant Stephens.


The candidates who were ranked first and second on both sergeants lists had
had severe disciplinary action taken against them within the two-year period
preceding the evaluations, while plaintiffs Suppan, Bowser and Dieter have
never been disciplined during their entire careers, and plaintiff Kerrigan has
never been justifiably disciplined. Plaintiff Suppan has received many
accolades from superiors and above-average personnel evaluations during his
eleven and one- half years on the police force.


In December 1993, before the promotion lists became effective, Queen City
Lodge No. 10 of the Fraternal Order of Police, the bargaining agent for
members of the Allentown police force, filed an unfair labor practice charge
with the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board (PLRB) alleging that the
sergeant's promotion lists were compiled in the midst of labor/management
negotiations over a new collective bargaining agreement and that the rankings
assigned to members of the union negotiating team reflected anti-union
discrimination and retaliation.2 In January 1994, while the PLRB proceedings
were still pending, a new mayor, William Heydt, took office. No permanent
promotions were made during the effective period of the promotion lists. Heydt
explains that this was in part due to his belief that the Allentown Police
Department had too many officers in management and not enough officers on
patrol, and in part due to the PLRB proceedings, which made it inadvisable to
promote from the "tainted" sergeants promotions lists. Heydt also believed that
the promotion lists were the result of unfair evaluations based on nepotism and
favoritism rather than merit.

II. The Merits Issues


The District Court held that even if plaintiffs' ranks on the promotion lists were
lowered in retaliation for their exercise of First Amendment rights, there could
be no recovery on their failure to promote claims. In the Court's view, it is
impossible for the plaintiffs to prove that they would have been promoted in the
absence of the alleged retaliation because there is no way to prove, assuming
the alleged retaliation had not occurred, (1) how many, if any, promotions
would have been made from the lists; and (2) whether plaintiffs would have
ranked high enough to get promoted. Because no causal connection can be
shown between the retaliatory ranking and the absence of promotion, the Court
held that the plaintiffs have suffered no actionable deprivation of rights.


We conclude that summary judgment was inappropriately entered against the

plaintiffs for two independent reasons. First, if the defendants deliberately
lowered the plaintiffs' scores because of their exercise of their First Amendment
rights, a constitutional violation occurred at that time for which relief may be
appropriate even if the plaintiffs are not entitled to relief on their failure to
promote claims. Second, there is evidence in the record that could support an
award of compensation on plaintiffs' failure to promote claims.
III. The Threshold Issue Collateral Estoppel


Defendants Daddona, Monahan, Boyer, Mitchell and the City assert that the
plaintiffs are collaterally estopped from contesting both these issues. As to
plaintiffs Kerrigan, Dieter and Bowser, this argument is plainly without merit.
Due process requires that a party against whom collateral estoppel is asserted
have "some fair relationship with the prior litigation relied upon." See
Moldovan v. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Inc., 790 F.2d 894, 899 (3d Cir.
1986). None of these three were parties to the prior action to which the
defendants assign preclusive effect. See Suppan v. City of Allentown, No. CIV.
A. 97-2102, 1997 WL 476359 (E.D. Pa. 1997) (hereinafter "Suppan I").
Furthermore, that case involved an entirely different set of promotion lists than
the ones at issue here, and the plaintiff 's cause of action was based on alleged
retaliatory adoption of a new seniority policy that adversely affected the
plaintiff, which is not the same retaliatory conduct at issue here. See id. at *1-2.
The mere fact that plaintiffs Kerrigan, Dieter and Bowser are now co-plaintiffs
with a party to the prior action and are represented by the same counsel is not
sufficient to make them privies to the prior action.


Moreover, even as to plaintiff Suppan, the defendants have not met their burden

of establishing an identity of issues between the cases. "Identity of the issue is

established by showing that the same general legal rules govern both cases and
that the facts of both cases are indistinguishable as measured by those rules." 18
Wright et al., Federal Practice & Procedure S 4425, at 253 (1981). The party
seeking to effectuate an estoppel has the burden of demonstrating the propriety
of its application. See Chisolm v. Defense Logistics Agency, 656 F.2d 42, 50
(3d Cir. 1981). The defendants have relied entirely on the District Court's
opinion to establish which issues were litigated in the prior case. See Suppan I,
1997 WL 476359. That opinion does not establish that the Court considered the
same issues presented here.

As noted, Suppan I involved subsequent promotion lists and different acts of

alleged retaliation on the part of the defendants. Moreover, the Suppan I Court
considered whether a change in the seniority policy that resulted in the plaintiff
's low ranking could by itself support a First Amendment retaliation claim. See
id. That issue is not before us. In the instant case, what we must decide is
whether a campaign of harassment, including threatening statements and
culminating in a retaliatory low ranking that purports to be based on an
assessment of the plaintiffs' qualifications, and that results in "mental anxiety, .
. . stress, humiliation, loss of reputation, and sleeplessness," is an actionable
First Amendment violation. (A. 107). The injuries that result from a lowranking based on lack of seniority and a low-ranking based on qualifications are
not "indistinguishable" in the context of First Amendment retaliation. For
example, there is no indication in the Suppan I opinion that the plaintiff there
had suffered humiliation and loss of reputation as a result of his low-ranking.
Moreover, a low-ranking on the list "by itself " is distinguishable from a series
of retaliatory incidents including threats and culminating in a lowranking.
Given that it is generally a question of fact whether a retaliatory campaign of
harassment has reached the threshold of actionability under S 1983, see Bart v.
Telford, 677 F.2d 622, 625 (7th Cir. 1982), we cannot say that these differences
are legally insignificant.


Suppan I also determined that the plaintiff 's claim for retaliatory failure to
promote was not ripe for decision where, for reasons having nothing to do with
the plaintiff 's protected conduct or the defendants' alleged retaliation (i.e., the
plaintiff's poor performance on an objective exam), the plaintiff would not be
eligible for promotion until eighteen promotions had been made. See Suppan I,
1997 WL 476359, at *5-8. Put differently, the issue in Suppan I was whether
the plaintiff 's failure to promote claim was viable in light of undisputed
evidence of an intervening and superceding cause for the plaintiff 's not having
been promoted. In contrast, the second issue presented in the instant case is
whether the plaintiffs have viable failure to promote claims where there is

evidence that the plaintiffs' protected conduct and the defendants' retaliation
were substantial factors in each step of the decision-making process, and where
therefore there was no independent and superceding cause. Therefore, because
the instant case involves different legal issues that arise in a different factual
context, none of the plaintiffs' claims are collaterally estopped.
IV. The Violation

Because the plaintiffs were unable to prove that they would have been
promoted in the absence of the retaliatory low ranking, this left them, in the
District Court's view, "with only the argument that their low rankings .. . alone
can support a S 1983 claim for retaliation if they can prove that the rankings
resulted from defendants' alleged bias against them for engaging in protected
conduct." Suppan v. Daddona, No. CIV. A. 95-5181, 1996 WL 592644, at *7
(E.D. Pa. Oct. 15, 1996). The District Court concluded that this claim was "too
insubstantial to support the deprivation of rights element of a S 1983 claim."3
Id. We disagree.


In Rutan v. Republican Party, 497 U.S. 62 (1990), the Supreme Court held
"that promotions, transfers, and recalls after layoffs based on political affiliation
or support are an impermissible infringement on the First Amendment rights of
public employees." Id. at 75. In the course of its opinion, the Court rejected the
argument that the First Amendment rights of the public employees had "not
been infringed because they [had] no entitlement to promotion, transfer, or
rehire." Id. at 72. Relying on Perry v. Sinderman, 408 U.S. 593 (1972)(teacher's
lack of contractual or tenure rights to reemployment is immaterial to his First
Amendment claim), the Court found the lack of legal entitlement "beside the
point" in a First Amendment case. Rutan, 497 U.S. at 72.


The Court then turned to the argument that the employee's First Amendment
rights were not violated because the retaliatory decisions did "not in any way
adversely affect the terms of employment, and therefore [did] not chill the
exercise of protected belief and association." Id. at 73. The Court responded:


This is not credible. Employees who find themselves in dead-end positions due
to their political backgrounds are adversely affected. They will feel a significant
obligation to support political positions held by their superiors, and to refrain
from acting on the political views they actually hold, in order to progress up the
career ladder.




The Supreme Court went on to observe that "the First Amendment . . . protects
state employees not only from patronage dismissals but also from `even an act
of retaliation as trivial as failing to hold a birthday party for a public employee .
. . when intended to punish her for exercising her free speech rights.' " Id. at 76
n. 8 (quoting Rutan v. Republican Party, 868 F.2d 943, 954 n.4 (7th Cir. 1989).


Under the teachings of Rutan, we believe that a trier of fact could determine
that a violation of the First Amendment occurred at the time of the rankings on
the promotion lists and that some relief is appropriate even if plaintiffs cannot
prove a causal connection between the rankings and the failure to promote. The
plaintiffs' complaint alleges a campaign of retaliatory harassment culminating
in the retaliatory rankings and asserts that the defendants' conduct resulted in
"mental anxiety, . . . stress, humiliation, loss of reputation, and sleeplessness"
as well as loss of promotion. (A. at 107). Accepting as true the facts alleged in
the complaint, as the District Court was required to do in light of defendants'
stipulation, the District Court erred in concluding that there has been no
actionable First Amendment violation for which relief would be appropriate.


We find the observation of the Court in Bart v. Telford, 677 F.2d 622 (7th Cir.
1982), appropriate here. The plaintiff there had allegedly been the victim of a
"campaign of petty harassments . . . motivated by her [political] views," a
retaliation less serious in our view than the one alleged here. Id. at 625. In
remanding for a trial on the merits, the Bart Court observed:


The effect on freedom of speech may be small, but since there is no

justification for harassing people for exercising their constitutional rights it
need not be great in order to be actionable. Yet even in the field of
constitutional torts de minimis non curat lex. Section 1983 is a tort statute. A
tort to be actionable requires injury. It would trivialize the First Amendment to
hold that harassment for exercising the right of free speech was always
actionable no matter how unlikely to deter a person of ordinary firmness from
that exercise-that if the Mayor of Springfield had frowned at Miss Bart for
running for public office he would be liable for damages (unprovable, of
course) under section 1983. See Raymon v. Alvord Indep. Sch. Dist., 639 F.2d
257 (5th Cir. 1981); cf. Walsh v. Louisiana High School Athletic Ass'n, 616
F.2d 152, 158 (5th Cir. 1980).


However, more is alleged here -an entire campaign of harassment which though
trivial in detail may have been substantial in gross. It is a question of fact
whether the campaign reached the threshold of actionability under section


Similarly, we conclude that a factfinder in this case could determine that the
alleged retaliatory conduct was sufficient "to deter a person of ordinary
firmness" from exercising his First Amendment rights and that some relief may
be appropriate.
V. Causation and the Extent of Relief


If the trier of fact determines that a violation of the plaintiffs' First Amendment
rights occurred at the time the promotion lists were prepared, the plaintiffs are
entitled to relief with respect to any injury or loss that resulted. This should
include relief with respect to the loss of promotions if the requisite causal
connection is shown. We believe the District Court's conclusion that it is
impossible to establish the requisite causation overlooked relevant record
evidence and misallocated the burden of proof.


In a First Amendment retaliation case, the plaintiff has the initial burden of
showing that his constitutionally protected conduct was a "substantial" or
"motivating factor" in the relevant decision. Mount Healthy, 429 U.S. at 287
(citing Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development
Corp., 429 U.S. 252, 270-71 & n.21 (1977)). Once the plaintiff carries this
burden, the burden shifts to the defendant to show "by a preponderance of the
evidence that it would have reached the same decision even in the absence of
the protected conduct." Id. In adopting this framework, the Mount Healthy
Court explained the rationale for providing the employer with the opportunity
to prove it would have reached the same decision in the absence of retaliation:


[a] rule of causation which focuses solely on whether protected conduct played
a part, "substantial" or otherwise, in a decision not to rehire, could place an
employee in a better position as a result of the exercise of constitutionally
protected conduct than he would have occupied had he done nothing. . . . The
constitutional principle at stake is sufficiently vindicated if such employee is
placed in no worse a position than if he had not engaged in the conduct.


Id. at 285 (emphasis added).


Mount Healthy does not define "substantial" or "motivating factor." It does,

however, attribute the phrase "motivating factor" to Village of Arlington
Heights, which, in the context of a Fourteenth Amendment challenge, discussed
the challengers' burden of proving discriminatory purpose. Id. at 287 (quoting

Village of Arlington Heights, 429 U.S. at 270-71 & n.21). The Arlington
Heights plaintiffs relied entirely on evidence of disparate impact; they adduced
no other evidence of discriminatory purpose. See Village of Arlington Heights,
429 U.S. at 268-70. The Court stressed that the plaintiffs were not required to
show that a decision was "motivated solely by a single concern, or even that a
particular purpose was the `dominant' or `primary' one." Id. at 265. The Court
held, however, that the plaintiffs' evidence of discriminatory effect was
insufficient "to carry their burden of proving that discriminatory purpose was a
motivating factor in the Village's decision." Id. at 270. In the course of reaching
this conclusion, the Court further noted that:

[p]roof that the decision was motivated in part by a racially discriminatory

purpose would not necessarily have required invalidation of the challenged
decision. Such proof would, however, have shifted to the Village the burden of
establishing that the same decision would have resulted even had the
impermissible purpose not been considered.


Id. at 270 n.21.


Under Mount Healthy's burden-shifting substantial factor/same-decision

framework, the plaintiff is not required to prove "but for" cause in order to
warrant a judgment in his favor. In this framework, the defendants, in proving
"same decision," must prove that the protected conduct was not the but-for
cause. If, in proving a substantial or motivating factor, plaintiffs were required
to prove but-for causation, it would be impossible for defendants to then prove
that the same decision would have been made in the absence of what the
plaintiffs had already shown to be the but-for cause of the decision. While butfor causation is the ultimate question, it is the defendants' burden to prove lack
of but-for causation.


Thus, under Mount Healthy, if a plaintiff establishes that the exercise of his
First Amendment rights played some substantial role in the relevant decision,
he is entitled to the extent practicable to be put in the same position that he
would have been in had he not engaged in that protected conduct. As a result, if
the defendant is able to show by a preponderance of evidence that the same
decision would have been made had the protected conduct not played a
substantial role, no relief will be required. On the other hand, if the protected
conduct played any substantial role and the defendant is unable to carry its
burden of showing the plaintiff has suffered no adverse consequences as a
result, the plaintiff is entitled to be put in the same position he would have been
in had the tainted decision been made in his favor.


In the instant case, it is undisputed that the plaintiffs engaged in protected

conduct, that they were qualified to participate in the promotion process, and
that they were not promoted. The plaintiffs have the burden of showing by a
preponderance of the evidence that their protected activity played a substantial
role in the two decisions that resulted in their not being promoted: the ranking
decision and the decision not to promote anyone. If the plaintiffs carry that
burden, the burden will shift to the defendants to prove by a preponderance of
the evidence that the plaintiffs would have gone unpromoted even if they had
not engaged in the protected activity. That burden could be carried by showing


(1) a fair evaluation by their superiors -i.e., one in which retaliation played no
role, would have ranked the plaintiffs sufficiently low on the lists that they
would not be contenders for any promotions that would be made; or


(2) a fair evaluation by those supervisors would h ave resulted in the same
decision by the mayor not to promote anyone; or


(3) assuming promotions would have been made, a fair evaluation by those
supervisors would have resulted in the Police Chief 's selecting other


Since we are reviewing the District Court's decision on a defense motion for
partial summary judgment, the crucial issues for us at this stage are whether the
plaintiffs came forward with sufficient evidence so that a trier of fact could find
that plaintiffs' protected conduct played a substantial role in the two decisions
that resulted in their not being promoted. We hold that they have.


For purposes of this motion for summary judgment, defendants accepted as true
all the factual averments in plaintiffs' complaint. It is clear that these facts
could lead a reasonable factfinder to conclude not only that defendants were
biased against the plaintiffs because of their protected activities, but that they
acted on that bias in the evaluation process, lowering plaintiffs' scores. There
are statements by the decisionmakers reflecting hostility to plaintiffs' union
activities, particularly the statement by defendant Stephens made to plaintiff
Suppan one month prior to the evaluations to the effect that because of his
union activities, he had (past tense) a career with the department. Most
importantly, several of the decisionmakers admit that the plaintiffs' protected
conduct caused them to lower their scores. This evidence, if credited, is
sufficient to prove that plaintiffs' protected conduct was a substantial factor in
the ranking decision, thus shifting the burden to the defendants.


The affidavit of Mayor William Heydt is direct evidence from the

decisionmaker regarding the reasons for the decision not to make any
promotions. He swears that one of the factors in his decision was the claim
brought on behalf of the plaintiffs alleging retaliation for their protected union
activities. Plaintiffs' protected conduct was the basis and but-for cause of the
PLRB proceedings. Indeed, the unfair labor practice charge and the PLRB
proceedings are themselves protected activities. Given that the plaintiffs'
protected conduct and the defendants' retaliatory acts caused both the PLRB
proceedings and the "taint" in the lists, and that these in turn were substantial
factors in the decision not to make promotions, the plaintiffs' burden with
respect to causation has been met.


It is true, as the defendants stress, that there is no evidence of any retaliatory

animus underlying the Mayor's decision not to make any promotions. Rather,
the logical inference is that the Mayor was motivated by fear of liability.5
Further, there is nothing to suggest that the Mayor's decision was in any way
improper. Indeed, had the Mayor made promotions from the lists, he might
have subjected the municipality to S 1983 liability by exhibiting deliberate
indifference to plaintiffs' First Amendment rights. See San Filippo v.
Bongiovanni, 30 F.3d 424, 445-46 (3d Cir. 1994). This does not, however,
negate the retaliatory animus behind the initial ranking decision, and so it
cannot expunge the taint from the process. Nor does it break the causal
connection between plaintiffs' protected conduct and the defendants' failure to
promote them.


The District Court erred in granting summary judgment on plaintiffs' failure to

promote claims. Plaintiffs adduced evidence from which a reasonable factfinder
could conclude that plaintiffs' protected conduct was a substantial factor in both
the ranking decision and the decision not to promote anyone, and thus the
burden shifted to the defendants to show that the plaintiffs are in the same
position they would have been in if they had not engaged in protected activity.
If it turns out to be true, as the District Court predicted, that it is impossible to
prove by a preponderance of the evidence what would have happened absent
the retaliation, it is the defendants who will bear that risk once the plaintiffs
have established that retaliation was a substantial factor in the two relevant
decisions. 6
VI. Conclusion


The judgment of the District Court will be reversed, and this matter will be
remanded to the District Court for further proceedings consistent with this


Plaintiffs' complaint alleged a campaign of retaliatory harassment that resulted

in "mental anxiety . . . stress, humiliation, loss of reputation and sleeplessness"
as well as loss of promotion. (A. 107). Plaintiff James Bowser also alleged that
he had been demoted in retaliation for his First Amendment activity. The
defendants moved for a partial summary judgment limited to the failure to
promote claims only. The District Court nevertheless entered summary
judgments on all claims of the plaintiffs other than plaintiff Bowser's
retaliatory demotion claim. That claim was ultimately settled and a final order

Although in October 1996 the PLRB found that the City had violated the
Pennsylvania Labor Relations Act with regard to plaintiffs Kerrigan and
Suppan (but not plaintiffs Dieter and Bowser), on appeal to the Commonwealth
Court of Pennsylvania, the case was dismissed as moot because the promotion
lists had expired and no promotions had been made from the lists during their
effective period. (Brief for defendants Daddona et al., Att. 2).

The District Court cited Ferraro v. City of Long Branch, 23 F.3d 803 (3d Cir.
1994), as supporting this conclusion. See Suppan, 1996 WL 592644, at * 8. It is
inapposite. Ferraro was not a First Amendment retaliation case; it addressed
whether an adverse change in working conditions deprived an employee of a
property interest in employment in violation of the due process clause. See
Ferraro, 23 F.3d at 804. Because the plaintiff conceded that he had not been
deprived of his job or suffered any loss of pay or benefits, the court concluded
he had not been deprived of a property interest that could support aS 1983
claim based on the Fourteenth Amendment. See id. at 806-07. Similarly, the
district courts' reliance on Mark v. Borough of Hatboro, 51 F.3d 1137 (3d Cir.
1995), is equally misplaced. The Mark plaintiff's S 1983 action was based on
alleged violations of substantive due process; it was not a retaliation case. See
Mark, 51 F.3d at 1141.

Defendants would demonstrate this third alternative by showing that even if

absent retaliation the plaintiffs would have ranked high enough to be twice
considered for promotion, the Police Chief would have exercised his option to
pass over a top-ranked candidate twice. We emphasize again, however, that this
is the defendants' burden to show that the same decision would have been made
even absent retaliation; the Police Chief 's hypothetical decision plays no part in
the plaintiff 's prima facie case. The plaintiffs' case is based on the actual
decisions that led to their not being promoted; they are not required to adduce

evidence that their protected conduct would have been a substantial or

motivating factor in a hypothetical decision that in fact was never made.

Since Mayor Heydt is the candidate whom plaintiffs supported, a factfinder

might also conclude the Mayor was acting to protect plaintiffs' interests.

Stephens v. Kerrigan, 122 F.3d 171 (3d Cir. 1997), is distinguishable. In that
suit, which was brought by the officers at the top of these same lists, this Court
found that the plaintiffs had not met their burden of proving causation. See id.
at 182. However, the protected conduct upon which those plaintiffs based their
claims was not the basis for the unfair labor practice charge that was at issue in
the PLRB proceedings. The Stephens plaintiffs had presented no direct
evidence that their own protected conduct or the defendants' retaliation against
them played any part in the decision not to make promotions. This Court
concluded that no reasonable jury could have found that Heydt's proffered
reasons for failure to promote anyone from the lists, the unfair labor practice
charge and the taint in the lists, were a pretextual cover for an impermissible
decision based on the plaintiffs' protected activity. See id. at 181-82.

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