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210 F.

2d 247
54-1 USTC P 9144

KANN et al.
Nos. 11066, 11067.

United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.

Argued Nov. 16, 1953.
Decided Dec. 31, 1953.
Rehearing Denied Feb. 15, 1954.

R. J. Cleary, Ferdinand T. Weil, Pittsburgh, Pa. ) Andrew L. Weil,

Pittsburgh, Pa., on the brief), for petitioner.
Meyer Rothwacks, Washington, D.C. (H. Brian Holland, Asst. Atty. Gen.,
Ellis N. Slack, Hilbert P. Zarky, Sp. Assts. to Atty. Gen., on the brief), for
Before GOODRICH, McLAUGHLIN and KALODNER, Circuit Judges.
McLAUGHLIN, Circuit Judge.

We are asked to review two decisions of the Tax Court, 18 T.C. 1032,
upholding certain income tax deficiencies and fraud penalties for the years
1936 through 1941. Petitioners are W. L. Kann and Stella H. Kann, his wife,
and the representatives of Gustave H. Kann, deceased.1

A summary of the leading facts as stipulated and found follows. G. H. and W.

L. Kann were brothers, During all the years in question both were shareholders,
directors and officers of Pittsburgh Crushed Steel Company (hereafter called
PCS), a Pennsylvania corporation, G. H. Kann being the president and general
manager while W. L. Kann was secretary, treasurer and assistant general

manager. The brothers Kann were similarly situated with respect to Globe Steel
Abrasive Company (hereafter called GSA), an Ohio corporation wholly owned
by PCS.

From 1936 through 1941 W. L. Kann personally kept the books and records of
PCS and through checks of PCS and overstated credits in the personal accounts
of the brothers, all concealed by various deliberately false and fictitious entries
consisting chiefly of understated sales and overstated purchases, caused
payments in the amount of $675,881.76 to be made to himself and his brother.
During this period the brothers also received the sum of $66,000 in the form of
checks from GSA, none of which were recorded on the books of that
corporation. These checks were concealed as understated sales by the Kanns
with the assistance and cooperation of the GSA secretary and general manager
and the GSA bookkeeper. Neither the payments from PCS nor from GSA were
reported as income by the Kanns. In addition to the above sums the brothers,
during this period, also failed to report some $151,015.50 representing
dividends received from Steelblast Abrasives Company, a corporation. As to
these items, it was stipulated that the failure of W. L. and G. H. Kann to report
them was due to fraud with intent to evade and defeat tax.

As the litigation was presented below petitioners contested the assessment of

the income tax and the fraud penalties on the PCS and GSA payments on the
ground that these sums, having been embezzled, did not constitute income
under Section 22(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. 22(a),2 as
construed in Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Wilcox, 327 U.S. 404, 66
S.Ct. 546, 90 L.Ed. 752. Respondent's claim based on the Steelblast dividends
was apparently not challenged. The Tax Court, conceding the difficulty of
reconciling the embezzlements in the Wilcox case, which had been held not to
constitute income, and the extortion in Rutkin v. United States, 343 U.S. 130,
72 S.Ct. 571, 96 L.Ed. 833, which did, decided that the latter case was more
nearly applicable to the situation before it and entered deficiencies and
penalties aggregating $719,955.96. The court also resolved a second issue
against petitioners W. L. Kann and Stella H. Kann, deciding that they had filed
joint returns for 1937 and 1938.

A review of the authorities does indeed reveal what appears to be a conflict of

views. In North American Oil Consolidated v. Burnet, 286 U.S. 417, 52 S.Ct.
613, 76 LEd. 1197, taxpayer had in 1916 disputed beneficial ownership of
certain oil lands. A receiver was appointed in that year to operate the property
and hold the net income. The United States, as the other party to the dispute,
filed a bill in 1917 to establish its rights in the oil lands. Upon the district
court's dismissal of the bill in that year the 1916 profits were paid to taxpayer.

Appeals followed and the litigation was finally terminated favorably to

taxpayer in 1922. In holding that the 1916 income should have been reported in
1917, the court said at 286 U.S. at page 424, 52 page 615, 76 L.Ed.

'They (the 1916 profits) became income of the company in 1917, when it first
became entitled to them and when it actually received them. If a taxpayer
receives earnings under a claim of right and without restriction as to its
disposition, he has received income which he is required to return, even though
it may still be claimed that he is not entitled to retain the money, and even
though he may still be adjudged liable to restore its equivalent.'

Although the North American Oil case did not purport to hold that there must
be a claim of right before there can be taxable income, the Wilcox case, citing
North American Oil, did so state. In Wilcox the taxpayer had been a salaried
bookkeeper for a Reno, Nevada, warehouse company. An audit of his books in
1942 disclosed that he had converted $12,748.60 of his employer's money to
his own use in 1941. Most of the money was lost in Reno gambling houses.
Wilcox was convicted in Nevada of the crime of embezzlement and served a
jail term. His employer never condoned or forgave the conversion and still held
him liable therefor. Wilcox did not include the embezzled proceeds in his 1941
return. The Commissioner asserted a deficiency and was sustained by the Tax
Court. In affirming a reversal by the Court of Appeals the Supreme Court held
that Wilcox' embezzlement did not constitute income under Section 22(a).
While noting that it was immaterial whether the taxpayer's motive in acquiring
the money was reprehensible or the mode of receipt illegal it nevertheless
stated at 327 page 408, 66 page 549, 90 L.Ed. 752:

'For present purposes, however, it is enough to note that a taxable gain is

conditioned upon (1) the presence of a claim of right to the alleged gain and (2)
the absence of a definite, unconditional obligation to repay or return that which
would otherwise constitute a gain. Without some bona fide legal or equitable
claim, even though it is contingent or contested in nature, the taxpayer cannot
be said to have received any gain or profit within the reach of Section 22(a).
See North American Oil v. Burnet, 286 U.S. 417, 424, 52 S.Ct. 613, 615, 76
L.Ed. 1197./3

In Rutkin v. United States, supra, however, the majority of the court would
seem to have discarded the claim of right test4 in holding that money extorted
under death threats was income within Section 22(a).5 In so concluding the
court stated that '(a)n unlawful gain, as well as a lawful one, constitutes taxable
income when its recipient has such control over it that, as a practical matter, he

derives readily realizable economic value from it.' 343 page 137, 72 page 575, 96 LEd. 833. It was further pointed out that the money was
taxable as income notwithstanding the taxpayer's freedom to use it was
assailable by someone with better title.

We are of the opinion that the Tax Court correctly held the instant case to be
controlled by Rutkin, not Wilcox, particularly in view of the gloss put on the
Wilcox case by the Rutkin decision. Without indulging unnecessarily in ribbon
matching it is manifest that the present appeal differs in several pertinent
respects from the facts in Wilcox.


In the first place, although taxpayers here strenuously urge that the Kanns
embezzled the money there is not, as the court below emphasized, any external
evidence of that crime. They were never indicted or convicted of the alleged
embezzlement, nor does it appear that those concerned with the corporate
affairs of PCS or GSA, or anyone else, ever urged prosecution.6


Next, while it is clear that Wilcox' victim did not forgive or condone him, the
Tax Court here found that there was 'no adequate proof that the method if not
the act has not been forgiven or condoned.' The court further stated that the
details of the supposed liability to repay7 were 'such as to leave serious doubt
whether the whole project was not a false front erected to deceive not the
corporation nor its stockholders but the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.' To
the extent that the above views involved questions of fact and an opportunity to
observe G. H. and W. L. Kann, as well as other witnesses, on the stand, they
should not lightly be disturbed. The court also properly pointed out that the
testimony of the Kanns, 'self-confessed deceivers and defrauders, one of whom
is an ex-convict',8 was not entitled to any credence. See Quock Ting v. United
States, 140 U.S. 417, 420- 422, 11 S.Ct. 733, 35 L.Ed. 501.


The Tax Court made another relevant distinction between this case and Wilcox.
In the latter decision the Supreme Court assigned as one of its reasons for
voiding the deficiency the fact that should the Commissioner have succeeded
the effect would have been to give the United States a prior lien over the claim
of the victim to restitution. In the present case, said the Tax Court, '(p)etitioners
are obviously in a financial position to make good such defalcations, if any, as
their associates decide to recover.'9 We agree with respondent that if Wilcox is
to be limited to its facts this aspect of the case assumes considerable stature.


The important distinctions between the Wilcox case and this appeal, however,
concern the relationship of the taxpayers to their employers. As noted, whereas

Wilcox was merely a salaried employee, the Kanns controlled PCS and GSA.
The findings of fact clearly indicate that in all the years in question except 1936
the Kann family owned, directly or beneficially, at least 90% of the stock in
PCS.10 At all times here pertinent G. H. and W. L. Kann directly owned in
excess of 20% of PCS stock. During this period management of the operations
of PCS was confined solely to G. H. and W. L. Kann. GSA was, of course, a
wholly owned subsidiary of PCS. It is thus readily apparent that but for the
alleged embezzlements 90% of the money in question (less corporate taxes)
would in normal course of events have been returned to the family in the form
of dividends 11 or capital. Unlike the situation in Wilcox, where the taxpayer
would not have received the proceeds except for his conversion the Kanns were
to a large extent taking their own money. Indeed, under the Pennsylvania and
Ohio codes, supra Note 6, and bearing in mind the principles of corporate
entity, it would seem to be possible for the proprietor of a one-man corporation
to be guilty of embezzlement if he diverted corporate monies to his own pocket
without the formality of declaring dividends. Such local law concept of
embezzlement, while it may be useful to deter those in control of a corporation
from defrauding creditors and minority stockholders, should not, in our opinion,
be used as a vehicle for tax avoidance, absent a clear mandate to the contrary.

Finally, there is in the instant case another vital element, heretofore alluded to,
which is absent from Wilcox: an independent showing of fraud with intent to
evade and defeat income taxes. We refer to the omission from gross income in
the tax returns during this period of the $151,015.50 in dividends from
Steelblast Abrasives Company. This fact, entirely unrelated to any claimed
wrongful taking, sheds light on the misappropriations of PCS and GSA funds
and reveals them as but other pieces in this mosaic of tax evasion.


There is likewise no merit to the argument of petitioners W. L. Kann and Stella

H. Kann that they did not file a joint return for the years 1937 and 1938. Their
contention is based on the fact that the wife did not sign the return nor was a
power of attorney authorizing the husband to sign as agent for his wife included
with the return for those years, as required by the applicable regulations. We
agree with respondent that the latter are not mandatory but merely set forth a
method of compliance and may be waived by the Commissioner. In this respect
it is pertinent to note that Stella H. Kann was not called to testify and W. L.
Kann did not while testifying contend that he signed the returns for his wife
without her consent. Under the circumstances, the Tax Court having found as a
fact that joint returns were filed we cannot say that this determination was
clearly erroneous.


Petitioner Stella H. Kann further contends that absent a showing of fraud as to

her she cannot be held liable for the 1937 and 1938 fraud penalties. We
disagree. The Revenue Act of 1938, c. 289, 52 Stat. 447, 26 U.S.C.A. Int.Rev.
Acts, page 1001 et seq.,12 specifically provided for joint and several liability in
the case of a husband and wife filing a joint return. This has been held to
include liability for fraud penalties imposed on a wife who was not a party to
her husband's fraud. Boyett v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 5 Cir., 1953,
204 F.2d 205; Howell v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 6 Cir., 1949, 175
F.2d 240. While the Revenue Acts prior to 1938 did not expressly provide for
joint liability, it was decided in Moore v. United States, Ct.Cl. 1941, 37 F.Supp.
136, that such liability attached under the earlier statutes. Although this
interpretation of the pre-1938 Revenue Acts did not enjoy unanimous
acceptance at the time of the Moore decision,13 we are persuaded that the latter
is correct and consonant with Congressional intent.14

The decisions will be affirmed.

On Petition for Rehearing




An examination of the petition for rehearing discloses no point which was not
considered by the court. The petition for rehearing therefore will be denied.


KALODNER, Circuit Judge (dissenting).


The plain import of the majority's position is that it construes Commissioner v.

Wilcox1 to have been overruled by Rutkin v. United States,2 although it paid lip
service to Wilcox in attempting to distinguish its factual situation from that in
the instant cases.


First, as to whether Rutkin overruled Wilcox:


I don't believe it did. Nor do I believe that the majority has the right to assume
that it did. Like John Alden, the Supreme Court of the United States can and
should speak for itself. Wilcox held in the plainest terms that embezzled money
does not constitute taxable income to the embezzler. Until the Supreme Court
tells us otherwise, we are required to follow Wilcox in embezzlement cases. It
hasn't told us anything different since Wilcox. It is true that in Rutkin it
distinguished between embezzled money and extorted money and held the
latter to be taxable income. That circumstance is no reason why an inferior

court should assume that Wilcox was overruled. Had the Supreme Court
intended in Rutkin to overrule Wilcox it would, and undoubtedly would have
said so. But the fact is that it did not and while it limited Wilcox 'to its facts' it
reiterated its holding in that case that 'There embezzled funds were held not to
constitute taxable income to the embezzler under Sec. 22(a).'3

On the score as to whether Rutkin overruled Wilcox, it is significant that in

Alison v. United States4 decided more than eight months after Rutkin 5 the
Supreme Court cited Wilcox in support of its statement that 'One whose funds
have been embezzled may pursue the wrongdoer and recover his property * * *
.' (Emphasis supplied.)6


Second. It is the factual situation in the instant cases distinguishable in its

critical aspects from that in Wilcox?


The majority determined that there were these distinguishing factors:


(1) '* * * whereas Wilcox was merely a salaried employee, the Kanns (G. H.
and W. L.) controlled PCS and GSA'; (2) in the taxable years concerned the
Kann family owned 90% of the stock in PCS; (3) the two Kanns 'directly
owned in excess of 20% of PCS stock'; (4) 'Unlike the situation in Wilcox,
where the taxpayer would not have received the proceeds except for his
conversion, the Kanns were to a large extent taking their own money'; (5) in
Wilcox the embezzling taxpayer was prosecuted by his employer, convicted
and jailed, while the Kanns were never prosecuted by PCS or GSA and were
never indicted or convicted; (6) in Wilcox the embezzler's victim 'did not
forgive or condone him' while here there was no adequate proof of this score;
and (7) in Wilcox the embezzler was unable to make restitution while the
Kanns were able to do so.


In my opinion the asserted distinguishing factors are distinctions without a



In Wilcox the embezzling bookkeeper was an employee. Here the two Kanns
were just as much employees of PCS and GSA albeit they held top executive
positions and received very substantial salaries.7 The record shows that G. H.
Kann owned 19% of the stock of PCS and W. L. Kann 6%.8 Their direction of
the affairs of PCS and GSA was by virtue of their employment and their service
as directors,9 and not because of their stock ownership. The statement that 'The
Kanns were to a large extent taking their own money is entirely without basis.
Between the two of them they only had a 25% stock interest in PCS. They had

no interest at all in GSA.10 The view expressed by the majority that the Kanns *
* * were never indicted or convicted of the alleged embezzlement * * * nor
does it appear that * * * anyone * * * ever urged prosecution' and accordingly
'* * * there is not * * * any external evidence of that crime (embezzlement)'
suggests the startling concept that in order to constitute a crime there must exist
the ingredients of prosecution, indictment and conviction. The same is true with
respect to the majority's statement that in Wilcox the embezzler's victim did not
condone his misconduct or forgive him. Also, utterly irrelevant to the issue as
to whether the Kanns embezzled the money, was the question as to whether or
not they could repay it.

The Tax Court disclosed an amazing dexterity in judicial legerdemain in

determining these cases. It ignored the plan and unmistakable meaning of the
word embezzlement and the essential elements of the crime of embezzlement. It
ignored a stipulated record which demonstrated beyond any possible doubt that
the two Kanns, in a most shameful abuse of the confidence reposed in them as
executives and directors of their corporate employers, by means of crooked
manipulation and financial juggling looted their employers of approximately
$750,000.11 The fact that they perpetrated their embezzlement on members of
their own family group did not affect the legal significance of their conduct, but
merely aggravated the enormity of their crime.


The Tax Court further ignored the stipulated facts that following discovery of
the embezzlement late in 1942 by the PCS auditor, the latter, with the
concurrence of the Kanns noted upon the books of PCS their indebtedness to
PCS in the amount of the embezzled funds, and that the Kanns later made
restitution to PCS of $251,000 and to GSA of $45,000, and, in addition
executed a note to PCS covering their embezzlement and assigned all their
stock in PCS as collateral for their obligation.


Not only did the Tax Court ignore the stipulated facts establishing the
embezzlements but it also ignored the uncontradicted sworn testimony of both
the Kanns at the hearing that they had 'stolen' the embezzled funds and had
done so 'without any claim of right.'12


It did so despite the fact that Mr. Dickinson, government counsel, had stated at
the Tax Court hearing that he was not challenging the credibility of the Kanns
or any of the witnesses testifying as to their embezzlement.13


In my opinion the Tax Court committed reversible error when it (1) failed to
find as a fact that the Kanns had, without any bona fide claim of right,

fraudulently taken and converted to their own use money belonging to PCS and
GSA and (2) when it failed to find as a matter of law that the Kanns' conduct
constituted embezzlement and that under the Wilcox decision the moneys
which they had embezzled were not taxable income.

The government's content that despite the fact that the Kanns 'surreptitiously
procured for their own use funds from family owned corporations'14 the funds
so taken were not embezzled is, to say the least, ingenious. 'Surreptitiously
procured' is undoubtedly more euphonious and less grating on the embezzler's
ear; but embezzlement, called by any other name, is still embezzlement.


The view which I have expressed makes it unnecessary to discuss the issues as
to (1) whether Stella H. Kann filed a joint income tax return with her husband
W. L. Kann for the years 1937 and 1938 and (2) whether, for either of such
years, she is liable for a fraud penalty. I should like to note, however, that I am
of the opinion that the returns were not joint15 and even if they were that there
is no liability on the part of Mrs. Kann for a fraud penalty since the government
failed to discharge its affirmative burden of proof with respect to any fraudulent
intent on her part to evade tax.


For the reasons stated I would reverse the decisions of the Tax Court.


KALODNER, Circuit Judge, dissents.

Gustave H. Kann died on April 9, 1953, after the decisions of the Tax Court
had been entered. His executors were duly substituted as petitioners

26 U.S.C. 22(a) reads in pertinent part as follows:

'Sec. 22. Gross income
'(a) General Definition. 'Gross income' includes gains, profits, and income
derived from salaries, wages, or compensation for personal service * * * of
whatever kind and in whatever form paid, or from professions, vocations,
trades, businesses, commerce, or sales, or dealings in property, whether real or
personal, growing out of the ownership or use of or interest in such property;
also from interest, rent, dividends, securities, or the transaction of any business
carried on for gain or profit, or gains or profits and income derived from any
source whatever. * * *'

See also Lewis v. United States, 340 U.S. 590, 71 S.Ct. 522, 95 L.Ed. 560

The court, at 343 U.S. 137, Note 8, 72 S.Ct. 571, 96 L.Ed. 833, listed examples
of unlawful gains which were taxed under Section 22(a). It is clear that in many
of these situations the taxpayer had no more claim of right to the sums taxed
than did Rutkin to the fruits of his extortion of the petitioners to the money
involved in the present issue

Rutkin had been indicted under 26 U.S.C. 145(b) for wilfully attempting to
evade and defeat taxes. His defense was that the money in question constituted
his share of capital distributed on the dissolution of a corporation upon which
capital gains taxes had been paid by others. (The United States conceded that
Rutkin's failure to pay the capital gains taxes himself would not have provided
a satisfactory basis for criminal charges). Under the court's charge Rutkin could
only have been convicted if it was found that the money was extorted rather
than paid under a claim of right. Rutkin having been convicted, the Supreme
Court specifically accepted the finding of extortion

It is petitioners' contention that the stipulations and other parts of the record
show that they committed embezzlements within the meaning of the
Pennsylvania Penal Code, 18 Purdon, Section 4827, and of the Ohio Code,
Volume IV, Throckmorton's Ohio Code, Section 12467. While mere labels are
not decisive it is noteworthy that the term 'embezzlement' was not used in the
minutes of the meeting of the board of directors of PSC, September 15, 1947, at
which time the misconduct of G. H. and W. L. Kann was revealed. This
misconduct was there referred to as an 'unauthorized withdrawal by G. H. and
W. L. Kann for their own use of certain funds belonging to the company.' It
does not appear that the Kanns' behavior was characterized as embezzlement by
anyone, including petitioners, until the latter commenced this litigation

At the September 15, 1947 meeting of the board of directors of PCS, supra, it
was resolved that the corporation accept a joint demand note from the Kanns
for the money owing to PCS. The note was without interest. Two and one-half
months later the board of directors approved a loan of $12,500 to G. H. and W.
L. Kann. On August 17, 1948, while G. H. Kann was serving a prison sentence
upon a conviction based on his failure as president of PCS to file correct
corporate tax returns, the stockholders, at a special meeting, resolved to grant
him a leave of absence from July 1 to December 31, 1948, at his then current
As to the $66,000 received by petitioners from G.S.A. there is nothing in the
record to show an agreement to repay. As far as is shown the only indication
that this sum was improperly received by the Kanns is a series of entires on the
GSA books, such as 'Accounts Receivable Special (G. H. and W. L. Kann).'

See Note 7, supra

Petitioners dispute this finding but refer us to no contrary proof


In 1936 the figure was only slightly less than 90%


On which income taxes would also be paid


The pertinent part of the Act, Section 51(b), reads as follows:

'Sec. 51. Individual returns.
'(b) Husband and wife.- In the case of a husband and wife living together the
income of each (even though one has no gross income) may be included in a
single return made by them jointly, in which case the tax shall be computed on
the aggregated income, and the liability with respect to the tax shall be joint and
several. No joint return may be made if either the husband or wife is a
nonresident alien.'


See 37 F.Supp. 136, 141


In H. Rep. No. 1860, 75th Cong., 3d Sess., pp. 29, 30; 1939- 1 Cum. Bull., Part
2, 749, the change in Section 51 of the Revenue Act of 1938, supra note 12,
was explained as follows:
'Section 51(b) of the bill expressly provides that the spouses, who exercise the
privilege of filing a joint return, are jointly and severally liable for the tax
computed upon their aggregate income. It is necessary, for administrative
reasons, that any doubt as to the existence of such liability should be set at rest
if the privilege of filing such joint returns is continued.'

1946, 327 U.S. 404, 66 S.Ct. 546, 90 L.Ed. 752

1952, 343 US. 130, 138, 72 S.Ct. 571, 576, 96 L.Ed. 833

26 U.S.C. 22(a)

1952, 344 U.S. 167, 170, 73 S.Ct. 191, 192

Rutkin v. United States was decided March 24, 1952; Alison v. United States
was decided December 8, 1952

The rationale of the Wilcox case was that the embezzler 'received the money
without any semblance of a bona fide claim of right' and was consequently 'at
all times under an unqualified duty and obligation to repay the money to his

employer'; that 'all right, title and interest in the money rested with the
employer' and the embezzler 'thus received no taxable income from the
embezzlement.' (327 U.S. 404, 66 S.Ct. 549) (Emphasis supplied.)
The rationale of the Rutkin decision was that the money which was extorted
was given to him by its owner 'in a manner which allows the recipient freedom
to dispose of it at will'.


G. H. Kann was President and General Manager of PCS and President of

G.S.A. Salaries paid to him during the years 1936- 1941 were:


W. L. Kann was Secretary and Treasurer and Assistant General Manager of

PCS and Vice-President of GSA. Salaries paid to him during the years 19361941 were:



The record discloses that there were 25 members of the Kann family who
owned stock in PCS. The family group owned 90% of PCS

PCS had three directors in the years 1936- 1938; G. H. Kann, W. L. Kann and
Bertha F. Kann, their aged mother. It had five directors in 1940 and 1941; the
three Kanns, T. W. Pangborn and A. Leo Weil, Jr


All of the stock of GSA was owned by PCS


$675,000 from PCS and $75,000 from GSA


Following is an excerpt of the cross examination of G. H. Kann by Mr.

Dickinson, counsel for the Commissioner:
'Q. Now, as I understand your position in your petition, the allegations of facts
in the petition, and the testimony you have given on direct examination, your

position is that you appropriated the funds of Pittsburgh Crushed Steel

Company and Globe Steel Abrasive Company to your own use without any
claim of right to it; is that right? A. That is correct.
'Q. In other words, your position is that you stole this money from the
corporation? A. We obtained the money in a surreptitious manner and took the
money without any right.
'Q. You stole it? A. That is correct.' (emphasis supplied)
Following is an excerpt of the cross examination of W. L. Kann, by Mr.
Dickinson, counsel for the Commissioner:
'Q. Now, as I understand your position, both in your petition and in the
testimony you have given on direct, it is that in the years 1936 to 1941 you
appropriated the funds of both these companies, Pittsburgh Crushed Steel
Company and Globe Steel Abrasive Company, to your own use, you and your
brother, without any claim of right to those moneys, is that right? A. Yes, sir.'

'Mr. Dickinson: I will say this: That in so far as any of Mr. Cleary's witnesses
have testified with respect to the manner in which these falsifications with
respect to the Pittsburgh Crushed Steel Company and Globe Steel Abrasive
Company were done, I do not attack their credibility, and I will state that for the
record.' * * *
'Mr. Cleary (counsel for Kahns): In view of Mr. Dickinson's statement that in
his attack on the credibility he is not attacking the statement made by the
Messrs. Kann respecting the manner in which the records were kept in their
working out of these falsifications, I do not think that I shall need the testimony
of Mr. Casey.'


In its brief the government stated:

'During the taxable years 1936 through 1941, the taxpayers, who were the
principal officers of family-owned corporations, who managed and conducted
the affairs of the corporations, and who, by proxies and other arrangements,
had voting control, surreptitiously withdrew large sums of money from the
corporations for their own use and benefit.'


Cf. McCord v. Granger, 3 Cir., 1952, 201 F.2d 103

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