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326 F.

2d 730


Philip Charles TESTA, Appellant.
No. 14655.

United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit.

Argued Nov. 6, 1963.
Decided Nov. 8, 1963, On Denial of Rehearing Jan. 14, 1964,
As Amended Jan.31, 1964, Certiorari Denied Feb.
24, 1964, See 84 S.Ct. 701.

Jacob Kossman, Philadelphia, Pa., for appellant.

Isaac S. Garb, Asst. U.S. Atty., Philadelphia, Pa., for appellee.
Before STALEY, HASTIE and SMITH, Circuit Judges.

Pleading privilege against self-incrimination, appellant refused to answer

certain questions put to him as a witness before a grand jury. Brought before the
court below, he persisted in this refusal despite the court's explanation to him
that pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 409(l), he would be immune from any prosecution by
reason of any testimony he might give. After the appellant in the presence of
the court had categorically refused to obey the court's command, the court
ordered him committed to prison until he should purge himself by obeying the
court. This appeal followed.

In the light of our decision in Marcus v. United States, 310 F.2d 143 (C.A.3,
1962), we find no merit in any of the arguments advanced by appellant.
Accordingly, the judgment will be affirmed but without prejudice to the right of
the appellant to apply to the district court for such relief as may be necessary
and proper in the light of any events which have occurred since the imposition
of sentence.


HASTIE, GANEY and SMITH, Circuit Judges.

On Petition for Rehearing


Upon consideration of the petition for rehearing in this case and the
government's reply thereto, the petition for rehearing will be denied.

KALODNER, Circuit Judge (dissenting).

The appellant was brought before the District Court because of his refusal to
answer certain questions as a Grand Jury witness on the ground of selfincrimination. In a brief hearing the Assistant United States Attorney asserted
that since the questions 'obviously' related to possible violation of 47 U.S.C.
501, the witness was immune to prosecution under 47 U.S.C. 409(l). The
District Judge thereupon directed the appellant to answer the questions of the
United States Attorney. Counsel for the appellant said that the latter had
previously told him that he did not intend to answer the questions. The Court
then asked appellant his intention, to which he replied: 'I refuse to answer any
more questions, Your Honor.' Thereupon, the Court held him in contempt and
directed that he be committed until he purge himself. This occurred on October
25, 1963. After the appeal was taken the District Judge filed a certificate under
Rule 42(a), F.R.Crim.P. The appeal was especially listed for argument on
November 6, 1963. On November 1, 1963, the same grand jury returned an
indictment against the appellant, charging him with conspiracy to violate 18
U.S.C. 1952 and travelling in interstate commerce in violation of 18 U.S.C.
1952. This indictment was brought to the attention of this Court in the brief for
the appellant.

On November 8, 1963 in a per curiam opinion, this Court affirmed the District
Court's judgment in the light of Marcus v. United States, 310 F.2d 143 (3 Cir.
1962), cert. den. 372 U.S. 944, 83 S.St. 933, 9 L.Ed.2d 969 (1963). It added,
however, that such affirmance is 'without prejudice to the right of the appellant
to apply to the district court for such relief as may be necessary and proper in
the light of any events which have occurred since the imposition of sentence.'
On the same day the appellant applied to the District Court for relief, based
upon the subsequent indictment, but such relief was immediately denied.1

All of this information comes from the record on the appeal in this case,
supplemented by the Petition for Rehearing, and the Answer filed by the

Government, which includes a copy of the indictment.


The per curiam opinion of this Court in this appeal suggests, if it does not
direct, that appellant should apply to the District Court for relief based on the
indictment filed after he was held in contempt. But whether this was necessary
or desirable is itself questionable. cf. Bartone v. United States, 375 U.S. 52, 84
S.Ct. 21, 11 L.Ed.2d 11 (1963).


Implicit in the Court's per curiam opinion, is its holding that the filing of the
indictment subsequent to the contempt adjudication, (fully argued at the
hearing of the appeal as the Government concedes in its brief), was not of such
proportion as to compel vacation of the contempt commitment.


I do not agree with the view expressed in our per curiam opinion that Marcus is
dispositive here, since the indictment which followed the contempt
commitment, which is clearly before us on this appeal, distinguishes the instant
case from Marcus. The circumstance of the indictment presents a novel,
substantial issue which compels specific disposition by this Court. Pertinent is
the expression of Mr. Justice Douglas (concurred in by Mr. Justice Black) in
his dissenting opinion in Piemonte v. United States, 367 U.S. 556 at pages 565566, 81 S.Ct. 1720, at pages 1725-1726, 6 L.Ed.2d 1028 (1961):


'Once an indictment was returned, the proceedings of this grand jury became a
part of a criminal prosecution directed against petitioner. Counselman v.
Hitchcock, 142 U.S. 547, 562, (12 S.Ct. 195, 35 L.Ed. 1110); United States v.
Monia, 317 U.S. 424, 427 (63 S.Ct. 409, 87 L.Ed. 376). When the citizen is
formally accused by indictment, he has a constitutional right to stand mute and
to refuse to testify. His right not to take the stand in a federal criminal trial
transcends his privilege against self-incrimination. No immunity statute, no
pressure of government, no threats of the prosecution can be used to deprive the
citizen of this right. See Wilson v. United States, 149 U.S. 60 (13 S.Ct. 765, 37
L.Ed. 650); Stewart v. United States, 366 U.S. 1 (81 S.Ct. 941, 6 L.Ed.2d 84).
And it is unthinkable that a district judge would ever hold a defendant in
contempt because he refused to take the stand at his own trial. The district
judge did no such thing here. But that was the posture of the case when it was
decided by the Court of Appeals. For by then the matters about which the
petitioner refused to answer had become in form and in effect an indictment
against him. 'There is no power in our free society to compel a person to talk
about a matter on which he has been indicted or to penalize him for failure to
do so. We might as well say that an accused can be committed for contempt for
failure to take the stand at his own trial. 'We are advised that after we granted
certiorari the indictment against petitioner was dismissed on motion of the

Government for lack of evidence. That seems irrelevant. The truth is that the
grand jury before which petitioner was summoned did indict him. Petitioner
was in fact held in contempt for refusal to testify in a criminal proceeding
against him. That is not permissible under the procedures of our free society,
whatever may have been the ultimate fate of that criminal proceeding.'

It must be observed that the majority opinion in Piemonte did not advert to the
fact that there an indictment had been returned after the contempt commitment,
presumably because the indictment pending when certiorari was granted, had
been dismissed on the government's motion prior to the Supreme Court's
disposition. Since in the instant appeal the indictment which followed the
contempt commitment is still pending, the views expressed by Justices Black
and Douglas are assuredly of sufficient significance and weight to require their
consideration by this Court. For my part, I am in accord with the views of
Justices Black and Douglas.


I am further of the opinion that this Court should give merited consideration to
the very substantial question as to whether Marcus is dispositive here for these
further reasons:


In Marcus, we noted particularly that, 'The questions asked plainly showed that
the inquiry was concerned, inter alia, with unlawful use of telephones to
transmit gambling information,' and that, 'The nature of the questions
themselves which Marcus refused to answer plainly shows that unlawful use of
telephone communication in connection with gambling and racketeering was
involved.' 310 F.2d, at pp. 145, 148.2 In this case, the questions put to the
appellant were not self-revealing; he was asked whether he owned, rented or
visited a summer place in New Jersey, whether he made certain specific calls to
specific numbers, and, as to some, whom he spoke to and the purpose. Nothing
is apparent from these questions, least of all that they concerned any alleged
violation of the Federal Communications Act, as in Marcus.


Immunity is granted by 47 U.S.C. 409(l) only when the testimony is elicited in

'any cause or proceeding * * * based upon or growing out of any alleged
violation of (the Federal Communications Act).' See Marcus, 310 F.2d at p.
145. Since the Fifth Amendment is properly asserted when a witness is first
called upon to give an answer which may tend to incriminate him, it seems to
me that a witness may not be shorn of his constitutional privilege unless it is
clear that co-extensive immunity will result. For, judged at the time immunity
is asserted as a defense to a prosecution, it might not be found to exist if for no
reason other than the want of substantial relation. See United States v. Onassis,
125 F.Supp. 190 (D.C.D.C.1954); Note, The Federal Witness Immunity Acts in

Theory and Practice: Treading the Constitutional Tightrope, 72 Yale L.J. 1568
(1963); and also, In re Bart, 113 U.S.App.D.C. 54, 304 F.2d 631 (D.C.Cir.

Here, the appellant could properly rely on the Fifth Amendment to refuse to
answer the questions put to him. This is not questioned by the Government. An
answer could well form a link in the chain of evidence against him with respect
to 18 U.S.C. 1952, one of the objects of this Grand Jury's investigation as
declared by the Government counsel. Section 1952 does not contain an
immunity provision.


However, I am not prepared to say that the mere declaration by Government

counsel that one of the purposes of the investigation concerns violations of the
Federal Communications Act affords a sufficient basis upon which the
immunity provision of the Act may be invoked to deprive the appellant of his
constitutional privilege. In my view the questions put to the appellant do not
advance the Government's claim that immunity would necessarily or even most
probably apply. In Marcus, despite the rather broad language of the opinion, we
were evidently satisfied that the nature of the questions left no doubt as to the
object of the inquiry. The instant case falls far short of Marcus in this respect.


Further, it is not clear by any means how the Federal Communications Act is
here involved.


The record discloses that before the Grand Jury the appellant was advised by
Government counsel that, 'The Grand Jury is inquiring into the following
matters: One, possible violations of the law of the United States which prohibits
travel or the use of any facility such as telephone in connection with any
extortion in violation of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
The Grand Jury is also inquiring into any possible conspiracy to violate that
law, and also any violations or conspiracies to violate Title 47 of the United
States Code, 501, which is part of the Federal Communications Act which
makes it an offense to use any telephone, facility-- any telephone-- for an
unlawful or illegal purpose.'


The appellant could well understand how his answer to a question concerning
his telephone number, or whether he placed a particular telephone call to
another number and to whom he spoke, might tend to incriminate him under 18
U.S.C. 1952, but not as to 47 U.S.C. 501. The latter statute does not directly
make it an offense to use the telephone for an illegal conversation.


It is plain from the argument of the Government in Marcus, as well as from the
indictment here involved (only count 8 of which concerns the Federal
Communications Act but does not charge appellant with such violation) that the
theory of the Government is as follows: 47 U.S.C. 501 makes it unlawful for
anyone knowingly and wilfully to do or cause or suffer to be done that which is
prohibited by the Act; 203 of the Act requires a telephone company (a 'carrier')
to file a tariff, prohibits the company from engaging in communication unless a
tariff is filed, and also prohibits it from extending to any person any facility or
privilege except as specified in the tariff; since the company's tariff, as filed, in
some manner restricts its service or facility to exclude unlawful purposes, one
who knowingly and wilfully uses a telephone service for unlawful purposes
may come within 501.3


I have two reservations which are, to me, stumbling blocks to the acceptance of
our conclusion in this case. First, unlike Marcus, the questions here involved do
not in any way whatsoever show any alleged violation of the Federal
Communications Act. And the mere use of a telephone for interstate
communication does not, ipso facto, involve that Act. Second, if the
Government is here suggesting that an illegal conversation over the telephone,
i.e., a conversation in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1952, for example, puts the
telephone company in violation of its tariff so that the user is in violation of 47
U.S.C. 501 as well as 18 U.S.C. 1952, then the Government is going beyond
Marcus, or any other case I have been able to find, and a new issue is presented
not reached by our Marcus decision. I seriously question whether a single
telephone call, or even sporadic telephone calls, as distinguished from the
regular use of a telephone service for, say, the transmission of wagering
information or other unlawful purposes as in Marcus, 'causes' the telephone
company to provide an unlawful service so as to put the one who makes the
calls within 501.


Here, as in Marcus, appellant contends that the immunity granted by 47 U.S.C.

409(l) is not coextensive with his privilege under the Fifth Amendment because
the immunity is not applicable to state prosecution. In Marcus we rejected that
contention relying on Reina v. United States, 364 U.S. 507, 81 S.Ct. 260, 5
L.Ed.2d 249 (1960). However, a different statute, the Narcotic Control Act, 18
U.S.C. 1406, was there involved. In holding that 1406, granted immunity from
state prosecution the Supreme Court concluded that its specific provision that
the compelled testimony shall not "be used as evidence in any criminal
proceeding * * * against him in any court' * * *' covered both federal and state
courts. 364 U.S. at p. 510, 81 S.Ct. at pp. 262, 263, 5 L.Ed.2d 249. In Marcus
we apparently did not consider that the specific statutory language, to wit, 'in
any court' relied upon by the Supreme Court in Reina is not contained in 47

U.S.C. 409(l).4

It compels observation that in Reina the Supreme Court chose to premise its
holding that state immunity was granted by the specific terms of 1406, and not
on the holding, in that case, by the District Court and the Court of Appeals that
assuming only federal immunity was granted by the statute that United States v.
Murdock, 284 U.S. 141, 52 S.Ct. 63, 76 L.Ed. 210 (1931) had settled that the
Fifth Amendment does not protect a federal witness from answering questions
which might incriminate him under state law.


It is not without significance and relevance here that the Supreme Court in
premising its decision on the statutory language instead of Murdock said in


'Petitioner contends that Murdock should be re-examined and overruled. We

have no occasion to consider this contention, since in our view 1406
constitutionally grants immunity from both federal and state prosecutions.' 364
U.S. 510, 81 S.Ct. 262, 263, 5 L.Ed.2d 249.


In two other immunity statute cases which preceded Reina, the Supreme Court
also premised their holding that they granted state as well as federal immunity
on the specific statutory provision in each that the use of the compelled
testimony could not be used '* * * in any criminal proceeding * * * in any court
* * *.' See Ullmann v. United States, 350 U.S. 422, 76 S.Ct. 497, 100 L.Ed. 511
(1956), and Adams v. Maryland, 347 U.S. 179, 74 S.Ct. 442, 98 L.Ed. 608
(1954). In Ullmann, the critical statute was the Immunity Act of 1954, 68 Stat.
745, 18 U.S.C.A. 3486; and in Adams, the predecessor Immunity Act of 1948,
62 Stat. 833, 18 U.S.C.A. 3486.


I do not think that it is judicial impertinence to venture the opinion that implicit
in the Supreme Court's premising of its disposition in Reina, Ullmann and
Adams on the circumstance that the immunity statutes there concerned
extended immunity to state offenses by reason of the statutory provision 'in any
court' is the evidencing of a change in doctrinal trend from earlier decisions that
the Fifth Amendment affords no protection against self-incrimination of a state
offense when testimony is compelled under federal immunity statutes sans
express statutory provision against the use of such evidence 'in any criminal
proceeding * * * in any court.'


In the instant case, especially since inquiry into violations of 18 U.S.C. 1952
was an express objective of the Grand Jury investigation, and appellant has

been indicted under that statute, involving as it does extortion under state law,
the risk of state prosecution is genuine. Accordingly, we must here go further
than Marcus: we must hold that the omission from 409(l) of the critical words
'in any criminal proceeding * * * against him in any court' contained in the
statute involved in Reina is without relevance, or we must decide that the
privilege of the Fifth Amendment does not protect a federal witness from
answering questions which might incriminate him under state law. These issues
are squarely posed by the instant case. The former was not an issue, and the
latter was expressly left open, in the Reina decision. I do not believe either can
or should be disposed of on the basis of Marcus, nor do I believe either should
be disposed of by silence.

Finally, I have substantial reservations that a contempt was committed in the

presence of the court and which the court should have dealt with under Rule
42(a), F.R.Crim.P. The certificate filed by the District Court pursuant to that
rule recites that the appellant was directed to return to the Grand Jury and
answer the questions propounded, and that the appellant stated he would refuse
to answer those questions or any more questions. The transcript of the record,
however, discloses that the District Court directed appellant to 'answer the
questions of the United States Attorney.' Counsel for appellant repeated to the
Court that appellant had told him, rather than go to the Grand Jury room and
return, that he did not intend to answer the questions. The District Court then
inquired of appellant whether 'it is your intention to refuse to answer the
questions directed to you by the United States Attorney?' to which appellant
replied, 'I refuse to answer any more questions, Your Honor.' Appellant was
then held in contempt and committed. I have substantial reservations that the
intention of appellant to refuse to answer if brought before the Grand Jury
constituted a contempt in the presence of the Court. I do not believe that the
procedure may be short-circuited in this way: the intention to commit an
offense is not the same as committing the offense.


Moreover, Marcus was a 42(b) proceeding, and I am of the view that the
appellant here, in all the circumstances, was entitled to notice, an opportunity to
prepare his defense and to defend himself, including an offer to the Court of
such explanation as he may have for his refusal to answer if he be required to
answer. These protections are afforded by Rule 42(b). Certainly, the problems
raised were not so factually and legally clear as to justifiably premise the
fourteen-minute5 determination of guilt made under 42(a). Cf. Panico v. United
States, 375 U.S. 29, 84 S.Ct. 19, 11 L.Ed.2d 1.


For the reasons stated I am of the opinion that the petition for rehearing should
be granted and accordingly dissent from its denial.


BIGGS, Chief Judge (dissenting).


I too must respectfully dissent for the following reasons. Assuming arguendo
that Testa was guilty of contempt when he refused to answer the questions put
to him in the court below, the order committing him until he has purged himself
of his contempt may have become unenforceable by reason of his indictment. If
he purges himself by answering the questions put to him he could, possibly,
under the compulsion of the continuing contempt sanction, be compelled to
testify against himself. This question was not adjudicated in Marcus v. United
States, 310 F.2d 143 (3 Cir. 1962), and as Judge Kalodner points out in his
dissent here, was not regarded as an issue in the opinion of the Supreme Court
in Piemonte v. United States, 367 U.S. 556, 81 S.Ct. 1720, 6 L.Ed.2d 1028
(1961), because the indictment there had been quashed prior to argument of the


The issue seems to me to be of such importance as to warrant rehearing. I

therefore join in Judge Kalodner's request for a rehearing, which I assume, is to
be one en banc.

A separate appeal from that order was taken at our No. 14,674, but the appeal
was dismissed for want of jurisdiction in the District Court to act since the
mandate of this Court had not issued with respect to our opinion of November
8, 1963

Indeed, the record in the Marcus case discloses explicit questions as to whether
the witness used his telephone service in connection with interstate gambling
operations; whether he used his telephone service to transmit or receive race
results; and whether he was aware that the tariff filed by his telephone company
states that service is furnished subject to the condition that it will not be used
for an unlawful purpose

Neither below, nor in this Court, is this spelled out by the Government. Before
the Grand Jury and the District Court the Government merely stated that 47
U.S.C. 501 made it unlawful to use the telephone for an unlawful purpose. In
this Court, in its Answer to the Petition for Rehearing, the Government stated,
'It is alleged that the indictment and the questions asked petitioner (appellant)
clearly show the use of interstate telephones for the purpose of extortion which
would be an unlawful use of the said telephones and a violation of the tariff
filed in the Federal Communications Commission by the telephone company.'
The tariff is not in evidence in this case

Of course, the indictment was not before the District Court when it held the
appellant in contempt. I do not agree that the questions asked of the appellant
here show he use of interstate telephones for the purpose stated.

For comparison, the relevant portions of the two statutes are here set out: 18
U.S.C. 1406 '* * * But no such witness shall be prosecuted or subjected to any
penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing
concerning which he is compelled, after having claimed his privilege against
self-incrimination, to testify or produce evidence, nor shall testimony so
compelled be used as evidence in any criminal proceeding * * * against him in
any court.'
47 U.S.C. 409(l): '* * * but no individual shall be prosecuted or subjected to
any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing
concerning which he is compelled, after having claimed his privilege against
self-incrimination, to testify or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise, *
* *.'

According to the transcript of the record, the proceeding resulting in the

judgment appealed from commenced at 1:59 o'clock p.m. and concluded at 2:13
o'clock p.m. the same day

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