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212 F.3d 199 (3rd Cir.



No. 99-3500


Argued: January 25, 2000
Filed May 9, 2000

Appeal from the United States District Court For the Western District of
Pennsylvania D.C. No.: 98-cv-01776 District Judge: Honorable Donald J.
Lee[Copyrighted Material Omitted]
Counsel for Appellants: Deborah J. Papushak, Esquire (argued) William
Mitchell, Esquire Armstrong, Mitchell, Damiani & Zaccagnini 1725 The
Midland Building 101 Prospect Avenue, West Cleveland, OH 44115-1091
Counsel for Appellee: Micah D. Green, Esquire (argued) Richard Gurbst,
Esquire Adam R. Fox, Esquire Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. 4900
Key Tower 127 Public Square Cleveland, OH 44114-1304
Before: GREENBERG, ROTH, and ROSENN, Circuit Judges.
ROSENN, Circuit Judge.

This appeal marks the second time this litigation has come before this court. It
arises out of a bankruptcy proceeding that began when Chemetron Corporation
filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition in the United States Bankruptcy Court
for the Western District of Pennsylvania in early 1988. The bankruptcy court
confirmed Chemetron's bankruptcy reorganization plan on July 12, 1990. On
March 2, 1992, Phyllis Jaskey Jones and fourteen other persons filed a state law
tort action in the Court of Common Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio ("the
Cleveland Action") seeking monetary damages and other relief for injuries
allegedly sustained from exposure to radioactive and other toxic and hazardous
substances Chemetron deposited at the Bert Avenue dump, a site located in
their residential neighborhood of Newburgh Heights, Ohio. The suit was later
amended to name a total of twenty-one plaintiffs. Chemetron moved to dismiss
that action on the ground that the bankruptcy court had retained jurisdiction
over the issues presented when it confirmed the reorganization plan.

The parties agreed to stay the Cleveland Action, and the plaintiffs filed a
motion in the bankruptcy court to allow their late-filed claims, or alternatively
for an adversarial proceeding to determine that their claims had not been
discharged by the bankruptcy confirmation order. At the time they filed their
motion, the plaintiffs were scattered across Ohio and as far away as Texas. In
support of their motion to permit late-filing, the plaintiffs argued that they had
not been provided with sufficient notice of the bankruptcy proceeding, and that
they were unaware that their illnesses were the result of Chemetron's conduct at
the time Chemetron filed for bankruptcy. In support of their request for a
determination of nondischargeability, the plaintiffs contended that their claims
had accrued after the confirmation of Chemetron's bankruptcy reorganization

The bankruptcy court agreed that the plaintiffs had received inadequate notice,
and permitted the late filing. In re Allegheny Int'l, Inc. (Jones v. Chemetron
Corp.), 158 B.R. 356 (Bankr. W.D. Pa. 1993). The United States District Court
reversed. 170 B.R. 83 (W.D. Pa. 1994). The appeal came to this court, which
ruled that the plaintiffs had received sufficient notice of the bankruptcy
proceeding. We remanded to the bankruptcy court, however, to determine
whether the plaintiffs should still be permitted to file their claims based on
excusable neglect pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 9006(1). Chemetron Corp. v.
Jones, 72 F.3d 341 (3d Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 517 U.S. 1137 (1996)
[hereinafter Chemetron I].

On remand, the bankruptcy court held, by opinion and order dated September
14, 1998, that the plaintiffs had failed to demonstrate excusable neglect.
Turning to their motion for an adversarial proceeding, the court held that the

plaintiffs' claims had accrued prior to the bar date and to the 1990 confirmation
of Chemetron's reorganization plan; they therefore were discharged by the
court's confirmation order. The district court affirmed by memorandum opinion
dated May 18, 1999. This timely appeal followed.1 We affirm in part and
reverse in part.

The underlying facts are set forth in this court's prior opinion in this case, and
need only be summarized here. Beginning in 1965, appellee Chemetron
Corporation ("Chemetron") owned and operated a manufacturing facility on
Harvard Avenue in Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio, as well as a nearby landfill on
Bert Avenue in Newburgh Heights, Ohio. From 1965 to 1972, Chemetron
employed a manufacturing process at the Harvard Avenue facility that utilized
depleted uranium. After Chemetron ceased to use this process, it demolished a
portion of its Harvard Avenue facility and placed a quantity of rubble from the
demolition in the Bert Avenue landfill.2 This rubble was apparently
contaminated due to radiation exposure.

Between 1980 and 1988, Chemetron was involved in periodic clean-up efforts
at both the Harvard Avenue and Bert Avenue sites at the direction of the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission ("NRC"), with some involvement by the
federal and Ohio Environmental Protection Agencies. The presence of
hazardous materials at the Bert Avenue dump and these efforts to clean up the
area received considerable local attention beginning shortly after its discovery
in 1980. The local press reported on these cleanup efforts for the next decade.
Town meetings were held in which environmental officials explained the
situation to area residents. A community watchdog group formed that
distributed a questionnaire to everyone in the neighborhood requesting
information about contact with the dump and medical conditions suffered. The
mayor's office sent out a newsletter in 1980 noting concern about the
contamination. As earlyas 1980, another resident in the area filed a lawsuit
against Chemetron charging that the presence of hazardous materials at the
Bert Avenue dump was responsible for her daughter's health problems.

For the next decade, cleanup efforts persisted, but as this court noted in its
earlier decision in this case, these efforts were of "dubious" efficacy.
Chemetron I , 72 F.3d at 344. By 1990, local attention swelled again,
recognizing that the contamination danger persisted. Although press accounts
were at times ambiguous concerning the severity of the danger presented by the
Bert Avenue dump, some articles reported that several families in the
neighborhood were suffering adverse health effects.

On February 20, 1988, Chemetron filed a petition for reorganization under

Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. Following Bankruptcy Rule 3003(c)(3),
the bankruptcy court issued a bar date order, fixing the claims bar date at May
31, 1988. Under bankruptcy law, the bar date is the last day on which existing
claims can be filed against the debtor. The bar date order required that actual
notice be provided to all persons known to have claims against the debtors. The
order required notice to all other claimants by publication in the national
editions of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. Chemetron complied
with the order and, in addition, voluntarily published notice in seven other
newspapers in areas where it was doing business at the time of the filing. On
July 12, 1990, the bankruptcy court confirmed Chemetron's reorganization

Nevertheless, Jones and the other plaintiffs assert in affidavits that they were
unaware of the degree of risk posed to their health and safety by the
contaminated site until after reading about a 1991 federal lawsuit filed against
Chemetron in Cleveland by other local residents. Only then, the plaintiffs
assert, did they contact lawyers, who proceeded to gather their medical records,
have these records analyzed by physicians, and subsequently report to the
plaintiffs that their health problems resulted from the contamination.


In March 1992, almost four years after the claims bar date and twelve years
after the first newspaper articles reported on contamination at the sites, Phyllis
Jones and ultimately twenty other individuals brought suit against Chemetron,
McGean Chemical Co., and McGean-Rohco, Inc., in the Court of Common
Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. The gravamen of the complaint alleged injury
from exposure to toxic chemicals as a result of time spent living in or visiting
the Bert Avenue area.


Of the twenty-one plaintiffs, one, Ivan Schaffer, was born on August 27, 1992,
more than two years after the bankruptcy court confirmed Chemetron's plan of


We first discuss the plaintiffs' claim that the bankruptcy court erred in
concluding that they failed to demonstrate excusable neglect. Next, we address
their argument that the bankruptcy court erred in finding that their claims arose
prior to the confirmation of Chemetron's bankruptcy reorganization plan.
Finally, we revisit the issue of notice with regard to one of the plaintiffs.


On remand from this court's decision in Chemetron I, the plaintiffs argued that
the bankruptcy court should permit them to file their claims late because their
failure to file prior to the May 31, 1998 bar date was attributable to excusable
neglect.3 The district court affirmed the bankruptcy court's ruling that the
plaintiffs failed to demonstrate excusable neglect under the test enunciated in
Pioneer Investment Services Co. v. Brunswick Associates Limited Partnership,
507 U.S. 380, 395 (1993).4 It concluded that to allow the plaintiffs to proceed
with claims potentially amounting to $36 million four years after Chemetron's
bankruptcy petition was filed and two years after its reorganization plan was
confirmed "would cause disruption to the bankruptcy process that has already
taken place," and therefore would cause extreme prejudice to the debtor."
(Bankr. Op. at 7). It further noted that "the length of delay in this case was
significant," and that the plaintiffs did not contest this. (Bankr. Op. at 8). The
court also concluded that there is no evidence of bad faith on the part of the
plaintiffs. (Bankr. Op. at 15). Finally, the court rejected the plaintiffs'
arguments (1) that Chemetron's prepetition actions contributed to their delay in
filing their claim, by Chemetron's misrepresentation of the danger present at
the Bert Avenue dump to the relevant government agencies and to the public
(Bankr. Op. at 9); (2) that the investigating agencies failed to adequately
investigate or independently follow up with Chemetron's clean-up efforts; and
(3) that newspaper accounts inaccurately reported the extent of the
contamination, and failed to warn the community that residents could suffer
physical harm from the exposure.


The bankruptcy court made the following pertinent findings:


[Chemetron's cleanup] efforts were not satisfactory according to reports by the

NRC. However, in the summer and early fall of 1980, several newspaper
articles were published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Cleveland Press
regarding the contamination and the concerns expressed by the residents of the
area. Specifically, articles appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on 7/9/80,
9/5/80, 9/10/80, 9/12/80, 11/21/80 and 11/21/80. The Cleveland Press also had
an article on July 8, 1980. In particular, one article reported on a town meeting
held in September of 1980 to address residents concerns about the levels of
radiation in the area. The article indicated that six members of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission as well as approximately 80 people from the
community were in attendance. The residents were informed that while levels
of radiation were present on the Chemetron and McGean properties, the levels
were not high enough to cause harm.


In addition to the potential dangers being reported in the newspapers, members

of the community organized and formed the Concerned Citizens of Newburgh
Heights. This association prepared and distributed a community health survey
which stated that the citizens were working to remove the danger of hazardous
waste from the community.


Several investigative and administrative agencies were involved in the

assessment and cleanup efforts in conjunction with the NRC including the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"), the Ohio Environmental Protection
Agency and the Ohio Health Department. A Congresswoman made inquiry and
follow up inquiry to the federal EPA in the fall of 1980 into 1981. There was
awareness of the site and attention focused on it by at least 1980. This level of
awareness and inquiry does not support plaintiffs contention that
misrepresentations by Chemetron hindered them from learning the necessary


(Bankr. Op. at 11-12). Based on these findings, the court further found "that the
toxic site was well known in the community." (Bankr. Op. at 12).


Moreover, the court found that even assuming Chemetron did mislead or
provide inadequate information regarding the contamination to the community,
the plaintiffs failed to adequately investigate the situation themselves, a factor
wholly within their control. Specifically, the court noted that "[n]ot one of [the
plaintiffs'] affidavits indicates what efforts had been made through the course
of plaintiffs' medical history to determine the cause of their injuries until they
learned of the class action suit filed by the other residents . . . [,] despite the fact
that certain affidavits state that the families had serious health problems."
(Bankr. Op. at 14). Moreover, the court noted that "nothing in the record[ ] . . .
suggest[s] that plaintiffs sought information from Chemetron which may have
assisted them in their determination which was denied." (Bankr. Op. at 14-15).


We must accept the bankruptcy court's factual determinations unless clearly

erroneous. See Fed. R. Bankr. P. 8013. Our review of issues of pure law, or
mixed questions of law and fact, is plenary. See Mellon Bank, N.A. v. Metro
Communications, Inc., 945 F.2d 635, 642 (3d Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 503 U.S.
937 (1992). We review the bankruptcy court's ultimate determination regarding
the existence of excusable neglect for abuse of discretion. See In re Vertientes,
Ltd., 845 F.2d 57, 59 (3d Cir. 1988).


On appeal, the plaintiffs contend that the bankruptcy court imposed an

"unreasonable burden" on them because they had no way of knowing that they

had a claim against Chemetron prior to the 1988 bar date, and therefore the
delay was beyond their control. The burden of proving excusable neglect lies
with the late-claimant. See In re Trump Taj Mahal Assoc., 156 B.R. 928, 936
(Bankr. D.N.J. 1993), aff 'd, Civ. A. No. 93-3571, 1993 WL 534494, at *5
(D.N.J. Dec. 13, 1993).5 Moreover, "[i]gnorance of one's own claim does not
constitute excusable neglect." In re Best Prods. Co., Inc., 140 B.R. 353, 359
(Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1992), cited with approval in In re Trans World Airlines, Inc.,
96 F.3d 687, 690 (3d Cir. 1996).

We conclude that the determinations of the bankruptcy court that contamination

generally was known in the community in the early 1980's, and that some
residents publicly expressed concern about the health effects of these toxins in
press accounts and at public meetings, are supported by the record. Moreover,
as discussed in greater detail in Part II.B. below, the record supports the court's
observation that the plaintiffs introduced no evidence to show what measures
they took to specifically investigate the cause of their medical problems.
Therefore, these findings are not clearly erroneous.6


Accordingly, the bankruptcy court committed no abuse of its discretion in

holding that the plaintiffs have failed to sustain their burden of proving
excusable neglect. The prejudice to the "fresh start" to which Chemetron was
entitled as a result of the Chapter 11 reorganization, the delay of four years
after the bar date and two years after the confirmation date before the plaintiffs
brought their claim, and their failure to specifically investigate the cause of
their illnesses, even though the danger from the Bert Avenue dump generally
was known in the community, combine to defeat their request that they be
permitted to file late claims.


The plaintiffs also filed a motion for an adversarial proceeding requesting a

determination by the bankruptcy court that even absent excusable neglect, their
claims arose after the confirmation of Chemetron's bankruptcy reorganization
plan. Therefore, their Cleveland Action was unaffected by the earlier
bankruptcy proceeding.


The parties dispute the correct standard for determining when the plaintiffs'
claims arose. Chemetron contends that the question of when the plaintiffs'
claims arose is not governed by state law dictating when a cause of action
accrues, but rather by a federal common law of bankruptcy. Although
significant authority supporting this proposition exists in other circuits, this

circuit has held the reverse. In Matter of Frenville Co., Inc., 744 F.2d 332 (3d
Cir. 1984), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 1160 (1985), this court held that in most
circumstances a "claim" arises for bankruptcy purposes at the same time the
underlying state law cause of action accrues. Id. at 337. We are cognizant of the
criticism the Frenville decision has engendered,7 but it remains the law of this
circuit. See Matter of Penn Central Transp. Co., 71 F.3d 1113, 1114-15 (3d Cir.
1995) (applying rule of Frenville), cert. denied, 517 U.S. 1221 (1996); In re
Bryer, 216 B.R. 755, 759 (Bankr. E.D. Pa. 1998) (same). Accordingly, this
court must look to Ohio tort law to determine when the plaintiffs' claims

The Ohio Supreme Court has held that where an injury is latent, the "discovery
rule" dictates that a cause of action based on that injury accrues, for statute of
limitations purposes, when the injury is manifest and when the injured party
knows or has reason to know the cause of the injury. Liddell v. SCA Servs. of
Ohio, Inc., 635 N.E.2d 1233, 123739 (Ohio 1994); O'Stricker v. Jim Walter
Corp. , 447 N.E.2d 727, 732 (Ohio 1983). That court, however, has never
addressed whether knowledge of causation is required even where an injury is
manifest, i.e., where the plaintiff is aware of actual physical harm. Ohio law is
not particularly clear on this issue.


Nevertheless, several Ohio courts have held that some knowledge of the
relationship between the putative plaintiff 's injury and the illegal conduct
responsible for that injury is required for a cause of action to accrue (although
they disagree about the required degree of knowledge regarding how
proximately the injury resulted from the defendant's conduct). Barker v. A.H.
Robins Co. , No. 84AP297, 1985 WL 9826 (Ohio Ct. App. Jan. 17, 1985), an
unpublished decision of the Court of Appeals of Ohio, is most directly on point.
There, the plaintiff brought an action to recover damages for an infection
requiring removal of her left ovary, resulting from her use of defendant's intrauterine device. The trial court dismissed the complaint on statute of limitations
grounds. Interpreting Ohio precedent, the Court of Appeals held that
application of the "discovery rule" in all cases of bodily injury requires a
determination as to when the plaintiff knew or should have known of the
"causal relationship" between the defendant's actions and her injuries. Id. at *56. In so holding, the court expressly rejected the notion that the knowledge of
causation required by cases like O'Stricker was limited to situations in which
the plaintiff 's injuries were latent. Id.8


Apparently assuming without deciding that such a rule applied, the bankruptcy
court found that the plaintiffs had failed to present evidence to show that they
satisfied their duty to investigate the cause of their manifest injuries.

Specifically, the court noted that the record amply demonstrated that other
residents in the Newburgh Heights community were aware of the existence of
harmful substances at the Bert Avenue dump prior to 1990. (Bankr. Op. at 2123). The bankruptcy court also found it significant that one neighborhood
resident, Barbara Looby, had made inquiry into a connection between medical
conditions and exposure to toxins present at the dump as early as 1980. (Bankr.
Op. at 22). The court found that there was no reason

that competent medical authority was unable to make the appropriate diagnosis.
There is nothing to suggest that the medical community at the time did not have
the knowledge or necessary scientific evidence to determine medical conditions
resulting from toxic exposure.


(Bankr. Op. at 22). Accordingly, the bankruptcy court determined that had the
plaintiffs undertaken a reasonable investigation of the cause of their manifest
injuries, they would have discovered this potential cause, and their causes of
action would have arisen prior to the filing of Chemetron's bankruptcy petition.
Consequently, the court held their claims were discharged by the 1990
confirmation order.


On appeal, the plaintiffs contend that the bankruptcy court's factual findings
were clearly erroneous. Specifically, they contend that the court erred in finding
that they failed to investigate the cause of their injuries. In support of this
contention, however, the plaintiffs primarily argue that notwithstanding press
accounts, community meetings and newsletters from the mayor's office, they
personally were unaware of the danger posed by the dump. Moreover, they
claim that Chemetron contributed to their obliviousness because it knew what
chemicals were present at the dump, but lied to the community about it.


As the bankruptcy court observed, the Ohio Supreme Court has superimposed
on the "discovery rule" a "reasonable investigation" requirement, which
essentially acts to end the tolling of the statute of limitations prior to actual
discovery of the nature and cause of a putative plaintiff 's injury at the time he
or she should have discovered this information through the exercise of
reasonable diligence. See Flowers v. Walker, 589 N.E.2d 1284, 1288-89 (Ohio
1992);9 see also Ohio Rev. Code Ann. S 2305.10 (cause of action may accrue
"upon the date on which by exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should
have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure").
Even the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized the importance of a policy
requiring prospective plaintiffs to "initiate a prompt inquiry" regarding a
negligence cause of action. United States v. Kubrick, 444 U.S. 111, 118, 122
(1979) (addressing accrual of claim under Federal Tort Claims Act); see also

Zeleznik v. United States, 770 F.2d 20, 22-23 (3d Cir. 1985), cert. denied, 475
U.S. 1108 (1986). Accordingly, we now turn to an analysis of whether the
plaintiffs satisfied this diligence requirement.

In their brief to this court and at oral argument, the plaintiffs have made
reference to their repeated visits to their treating physicians.10 Notwithstanding
these assertions, however, there is no evidence at all on this record that thirteen
of the twenty-one plaintiffs even visited doctors to determine the cause of their
medical problems.


Seventeen of the plaintiffs in this case submitted affidavits in support of their

filings in the bankruptcy court. Four of these affidavits imply, without stating
directly, that the affiants had been to see doctors about their health problems.
These affidavits include the following language:


During the process of gathering medical information [for evaluation for this
lawsuit], and in the normal course of my continuing treatment for various
medical problems, I informed my treating physicians and nurses of the
investigations our attorneys were conducting relating to the radioactive
substances and chemicals. While none of those physicians made any statements
to me as to the relationships between my medical problems and these
substances and chemicals, they were all extremely interested.


(Appendix at B-496 (affidavit of Phyllis Jones), B-509 (affidavit of Janice

Jaskey Butvin), B-525 (affidavit of Arlene Vans), B-538 (affidavit of Sandra
Jaskey Hujarski)). One additional affidavit states "for years my daughters and I
had been suffering from numerous health problems for which our doctors had
been unable to find a cause." (Appendix at B-499 (affidavit of Mary
Schaffer11). These affidavits, which at most indicate that only seven of the
plaintiffs even went to see a physician about their medical problems,12
constitute the only evidence offered by the plaintiffs of efforts they took to
determine the cause of their injuries. However, this vague evidence does not
indicate when these seven plaintiffs first made attempts to see physicians or
what other efforts they made to determine the cause of their injuries in a timely


Accordingly, with regard to twenty of the twenty-one plaintiffs, the bankruptcy

court's finding that these plaintiffs failed to diligently investigate the cause of
their injuries is not clearly erroneous. Its holding that these plaintiffs' claims
were discharged by the 1990 confirmation order is therefore affirmed.


We note, however, that one of the plaintiffs, Ivan Schaffer, was not born until
August 27, 1992, more than two years after the bankruptcy court confirmed
Chemetron's plan of reorganization. We believe his situation merits separate


Under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, "the confirmation of a plan . . .

discharges the debtor from any debt that arose before the date of such
confirmation." 11 U.S.C. S 1141(d)(1)(A). Thus, in most circumstances,
"confirmation of the debtor's reorganization plan discharges all prior claims
against the debtor." Chemetron I, 72 F.3d at 346.13 However, if a potential
claimant lacks sufficient notice of a bankruptcy proceeding, due process
considerations dictate that his or her claim cannot be discharged by a
confirmation order. In re Trans World Airlines, Inc., 96 F.3d 687, 689-90 (3d
Cir. 1996); Chemetron I, 72 F.3d at 346; In re Harbor Tank Storage Co., 385
F.2d 111, 115-16 (3d Cir. 1967).


Such due process considerations are often addressed by the appointment of a

representative to receive notice for and represent the interests of a group of
unknown creditors. See, e.g., Hatch v. Riggs Nat'l Bank, 361 F.2d 559, 566
(D.C. Cir. 1966); In re Piper Aircraft Corp., 168 B.R. 434, 436, 440 & n.12
(S.D. Fla. 1994), aff 'd, 58 F.3d 1573 (11th Cir. 1995). In In re Amatex, 755
F.2d 1034 (3d Cir. 1985), this court held that a representative could be
appointed to represent the interests of future unknown asbestos claimants in
bankruptcy reorganization proceedings because such claimants are "sufficiently
affected by the reorganization proceedings" as to require some voice in them
and therefore qualify as "parties in interest" under 11 U.S.C. S 1109(b). Id. at
1041-43. Accord In re Forty-Eight Insulations, Inc., 58 B.R. 476, 477 (Bankr.
N.D. Ill. 1986); In re UNR Indus., Inc., 46 B.R. 671, 675 (Bankr. N.D. Ill.
1985); In re Johns-Manville Corp., 36 B.R. 743, 747-49 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y.
1984). The Amatex court did not decide whether future claimants are
"creditors" who possess "claims" that may be discharged by a bankruptcy
confirmation order. Id. at 1043. We need not reach this issue, however, because
in the instant case there exists a more fundamental problem. Ivan Schaffer
cannot be deemed to have received adequate notice of Chemetron's Chapter 11
bankruptcy proceeding, because no effort was made to address his potential
claims in that proceeding.14


Where no action is taken to address the interests of unborn future claimants in a

Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization proceeding, the reorganized former
debtor cannot later avoid liability to such claimants by arguing that their claims

were discharged in bankruptcy. Under fundamental notions of procedural due

process, a claimant who has no appropriate notice of a bankruptcy
reorganization cannot have his claim extinguished in a settlement pursuant
thereto. See, e.g. , Mullane v. Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co., 339 U.S. 306,
314-19 (1950); Chemetron I, 72 F.3d at 346; In re Savage Indus., Inc., 43 F.3d
714, 721 (1st Cir. 1994). Here, Ivan Schaffer had no notice of or participation in
the Chemetron reorganization plan. No effort was made during the course of
the bankruptcy proceeding to have a representative appointed to receive notice
for and represent the interests of future claimants. Therefore, whatever claim
Ivan Schaffer may now have was not subject to the bankruptcy court's bar date
order, Conway v. White Trucks, 885 F.2d 90, 97 (3d Cir. 1989), and was not
discharged by that court's confirmation order.

Chemetron contends that as a future claimant, Ivan Schaffer had sufficient

notice of the bankruptcy proceeding because his mother, also a plaintiff to this
action, had notice of the proceeding and was qualified to act as guardian for her
unborn children. Although we do not dispute that a parent can represent the
interests of her minor children, because of the imponderables involved, we do
not believe the law imposes a duty upon a parent to take action to protect a
potential claim of a child not yet conceived or born. Nor do we believe that in a
Chapter 11 reorganization, a bankruptcy court is obligated sua sponte to
appoint a representative to deal with future interests if no request is made. See
Locks v. United States Trustee, 157 B.R. 89, 95-99 (W.D. Pa. 1993); cf. In re
Chicago, Rock Island & Pac. R.R. Co., 788 F.2d 1280, 1282 (7th Cir. 1986)
(holding the Fed. R. Civ. P. 17(c) does not impose on federal courts duty to
appoint guardians for all potential litigants who cannot represent themselves).15
Such a duty would impose an enormous and unreasonable responsibility of
prescience on the courts. Accordingly, we hold that the potential claim of an
unborn child not represented in bankruptcy reorganization proceedings is not
discharged by a confirmation order.


For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the district court will be affirmed
except as to plaintiff Ivan Schaffer. As to Ivan Schaffer, the May 18, 1999 order
of the district court will be reversed and the case remanded with instructions to
direct the bankruptcy court to issue a declaration that his potential claim was
not discharged by the July 12, 1990 confirmation order. Each side to bear its
own costs.


The bankruptcy court had subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S

157. The district court had appellate jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S
158(a). This court has appellate jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. S 158(d).

Later in 1975, Chemetron sold both sites to McGean Chemical Company.

McGean Chemical Co. subsequently merged with Rohco, Inc., to become
McGean-Rohco, Inc., the current owner of both sites.

Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9006(b)(1) provides:

[W]hen an act is required or allowed to be done at or within a specified period
by these rules or by a notice given there under or by order of court, the court for
cause shown may at any time in its discretion . . . on motion made after the
expiration of the specified period permit the act to be done where the failure to
act was the result of excusable neglect.

Under this test, to show "excusable neglect" sufficient to waive the requirement
that all bankruptcy claims be filed by the bar date, a bankruptcy court must
make an equitable inquiry into the totality of the relevant circumstances.
Relevant circumstances to be considered include (1) the danger of prejudice to
the debtor, (2) the length of the delay and its potential impact on judicial
proceedings, (3) the reason for the delay, including whether it was within the
reasonable control of the movant, and (4) whether the movant acted in good
faith. Id.

The plaintiffs, relying on cases involving motions for summary judgment,

suggest that the bankruptcy court should have viewed the facts in a light more
favorable to them. This case does not involve summary judgment, however, and
therefore the bankruptcy court properly placed the burden on the plaintiffs.

The plaintiffs make an additional argument that the bankruptcy court should
have concluded that their failure to file claims prior to the bar date was
excusable because they are insufficiently sophisticated to know that they might
have claims against Chemetron. (Appellants' Br. at 3132). However, the
plaintiffs' degree of sophistication is an issue that is relevant to the adequacy of
the notice of bankruptcy proceedings they received, In re Grand Union Co., 204
B.R. 864, 872, 880 (Bankr. D. Del. 1997), not to the issue of excusable neglect.
The adequacy of notice in this case was (with one exception, discussed infra at
note 14) conclusively decided by this court in Chemetron I.

See, e.g., Epstein v. Official Comm. of Unsecured Creditors of Estate of Piper

Aircraft Corp., 58 F.3d 1573, 1576 n.2 (11th Cir. 1995); Grady v. A.H. Robins
Co., Inc., 839 F.2d 198, 201-02 (4th Cir.), cert. dismissed sub nom. Joynes v.
A.H. Robins Co, Inc., 487 U.S. 1260 (1988); In re Black, 70 B.R. 645, 648-51
(Bankr. D. Utah 1986); Acevedo v. Van Dorn Plastic Machinery Co., 68 B.R.
495, 497-98 (Bankr. E.D.N.Y.1986); In re Johns-Manville Corp., 57 B.R. 680,
688-90 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1986); In re Edge, 60 B.R. 690, 701-05 & n.13
(Bankr. M.D. Tenn. 1986); In re Yanks, 49 B.R. 56, 57-59 (Bankr. S.D. Fla.
1985); In re Baldwin-United Corp., 48 B.R. 901, 903 (Bankr. S.D. Ohio 1985);
Ralph R. Mabey & Annette W. Jarvis, In re Frenville: A Critique by the Nat'l
Bankruptcy Conference's Comm. on Claims & Distributions, 42 Bus. Law. 697,
703-14 (1987).

Ohio statutes also provide for application of the discovery rule to various torts.
Most relevant here is Ohio Revised Code S 2305.10, which states:
(A) . . . [A]n action . . . for bodily injury . . . shall be brought within two years
after the cause of action accrues. Except as provided in divisions (B)(1) to (4)
of this section, a cause of action accrues under this division when the injury . . .
(B)(1) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily
injury . . . that is caused by exposure to hazardous or toxic chemicals . . .
accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical
authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon
the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should
have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure,
whichever date occurs first.
Ohio Rev. Code Ann. S 2305.10 (emphasis added).

Flowers was a medical malpractice case, which was governed by a one year
statute of limitations. The court noted that in Ohio, the "discovery rule" had
been judicially imposed in determining when such actions accrue. Id. at 1287.
The court then held that "[a] plaintiff need not have discovered all the relevant
facts necessary to file a claim in order to trigger the statute of limitations. . . .
Rather, the `cognizable event' itself puts the plaintiff on notice to investigate
the facts and circumstances relevant to her claim in order to pursue her
remedies." Id. at 1287-88. The court further held "the identity of the
practitioner who committed the alleged malpractice is one of the facts that the
plaintiff must investigate, and discover, once she has reason to believe that she
is a victim of medical malpractice." Id. at 1288. There is no reason to believe
the Ohio Supreme Court would not impose a similar diligence requirement in a

toxic tort case such as this. See also supra note 8 (quoting Ohio Rev. Stat. Ann.
S 2305.10).

The plaintiffs assert that the bankruptcy court "placed an unreasonable burden
upon [them] to have greater knowledge than their physicians or the regulatory
agencies which were involved in investigating the site." (Appellants' Br. at 27,
32). They contend:
[T]he Appellants in this case had no reason to question their physicians about
the possibility that their illnesses might have been caused by their exposure to
radiation and hazardous substances at the Toxic Sites. When Appellants finally
acquired the suspicion that their illnesses were caused by such exposure, their
treating physicians still did not express an opinion that linked their illnesses to
the exposure.
The fact is -these Appellants knew what their doctors told them, and were
reasonable in relying upon those statements until they were told otherwise by
competent medical authority.
(Appellants' Br. at 42 (emphasis in original)). Finally, they state:
Even when Appellants' treating physicians were asked about a connection
between their exposure to Toxic Sites and their injuries, their treating
physicians did not identify a connection.
The Appellants in this proceeding have regularly seen physicians for treatment
of their injuries, but were never advised by their physicians of a causal
connection between their exposure to the Toxic Sites and their illnesses.
(Appellants' Br. at 47).


Mary Schaffer's daughters are Amanda and Stephanie Schaffer, both plaintiffs
to this action.


These are Phyllis Jones, Janice Jaskey Butvin, Arlene Vans, Sandra Jaskey
Hujarski, Mary Schaffer, Amanda Schaffer and Stephanie Schaffer.


See also Epstein v. Official Comm. of Unsecured Creditors of Estate of Piper

Aircraft Corp., 58 F.3d 1573, 1576, 1577 (11th Cir. 1995); In re Christopher,
28 F.3d 512, 515 (5th Cir. 1994); In re Waterman S.S. Corp., 157 B.R. 220, 221

(S.D.N.Y. 1993); In re The Charter Co., 113 B.R. 725, 728 (M.D. Fla. 1990); In
re Eagle-Picher Indus., Inc., 216 B.R. 611, 615 (Bankr. S.D. Ohio 1997); In re
Nevada Emergency Servs., Inc., 39 B.R. 859, 861, 862 n.4 (Bankr. D. Nev.

In Chemetron I, we held that the plaintiffs had received sufficient notice of the
bankruptcy proceedings. However, it is apparent from the face of that decision
that this court did not consider the specific question of whether sufficient notice
was provided to unborn future claimant Ivan Schaffer. Therefore, that decision
does not bind us as to this issue.


We do not address whether such appointment is mandatory in bankruptcy

liquidation proceedings. Compare Forty-Eight Insulations, 58 B.R. at 477
(appointing futures representative in liquidation proceeding because after
debtor-entity dissolves, future claimants will have no recourse) with Locks, 157
B.R. at 96 (appointment of futures representative in liquidation proceeding

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