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288 F.

3d 105

Gail B. WARDEN, in her capacity as Trustee of the Trust

established under Deed of Charles Graham Berwind, dated
February 28, 1963, for the benefit of David McMichael
Berwind, et al., and derivatively on behalf of Berwind
Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.; Linda B. Shappy, in her capacity
as Trustee of the Trust established under Deed of Charles
Graham Berwind, dated February 28, 1963, for the benefit of
David McMichael Berwind, et al., and derivatively on behalf of
Berwind Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.; David McMichael
Berwind, Jr., in his capacity as Trustee of the Trust established
under Deed of Charles Graham Berwind, dated February 28,
1963, for the benefit of David McMichael Berwind, et al., and
derivatively on behalf of Berwind Pharmaceutical Services,
Inc.; David McMichael Berwind, in his capacity as Trustee of
the Trust established under Deed of Charles Graham Berwind,
dated February 28, 1963, for the benefit of David McMichael
Berwind, et al., and derivatively on behalf of Berwind
Pharmaceutical Services, Inc., Appellants,
M.B. McLELLAND, in his capacity as a Director of Berwind
Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.; C.G. Berwind, Jr., in his
capacity as a Director of Berwind Pharmaceutical Services,
Inc., and as Trustee of the David Berwind Trust; J.J. Byrne,
Jr., in his capacity as a Director of Berwind Pharmaceutical
Services, Inc.; J.S. Dulaney, in his capacity as a Director of
Berwind Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.; E.F. Kosnik, in his
capacity as a Director of Berwind Pharmaceutical Services,
Inc.; J.L. Hamling, in his capacity as a Director of Berwind Pharmaceutical
Services, Inc.; L.C. Karlson, in his capacity as a Director of Berwind
Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.; Bruce McKenney, in his capacity as Trustee of the
Trust established under Deed of Charles Graham Berwind, dated February 28,
1963, benefit of David McMichael Berwind, et al.; R.M. Cohn, in his capacity as a
Director of Berwind Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.; Berwind Group Partners;
Berwind Corporation.

No. 00-1364.
United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.
Argued January 18, 2002.
Filed April 30, 2002.
Steven L. Friedman (Argued), Dilworth Paxson, Philadelphia, PA, for
Marc J. Sonnenfeld (Argued), Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, Philadelphia,
PA, for Appellees.
Before SCIRICA and ROSENN, Circuit Judges, and KANE, District
SCIRICA, Circuit Judge.

This is a dispute between two brothers over ownership and control of a

pharmaceutical company. The complaint alleges, inter alia, breach of trust,
breach of fiduciary duty to the corporation, and violations of the Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ("RICO"). The District Court
granted defendants' motion to dismiss the complaint under Federal Rule of Civil
Procedure 12(b)(6). We will reverse and remand.


Plaintiffs/appellants1 are trustees of a trust established for the benefit of David

Berwind, who himself is one of the trustees. The David Berwind Trust was
established in 1963 by David's father, Charles Berwind. At the same time, trusts
were created for each of David's three siblings. The principal asset of each trust
was stock in the Berwind Corporation, a successful diversified corporation
controlled by Charles Berwind. Each of the trusts was assigned three trustees:
the beneficiary, an attorney, and Graham Berwind, one of the four children. In
addition to being trustee of each trust, Graham Berwind was most directly
involved in the operation of the family business. His trust received a somewhat
larger share of the Berwind Corporation stock (53,200 shares to 45,600 for each
of his siblings' trusts).

Following the death of Charles Berwind in 1972, Graham Berwind began to

consolidate ownership of the Berwind Corporation by arranging for the
company to purchase all of the shares held by the two other siblings' trusts. A
few years later, the David Berwind Trust sold half of its shares to the
corporation. Because Graham Berwind was a trustee of each trust, he obtained
approval for the transactions from the Orphans' Court of Montgomery County,

In 1978, Berwind Corporation acquired Colorcon, Inc., a producer of

pharmaceutical coatings. Colorcon was absorbed into the newly created
Berwind Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. ("BPSI"). Berwind Group Partners, a
trust partnership established for the benefit of Graham Berwind and his family,
held 83.6% of the shares in BPSI. The David Berwind Trust received the
remaining 16.4%. In 1985, the David Berwind Trust sold its remaining shares
in Berwind Corporation to Berwind Group Partners. But the David Berwind
Trust still owned 16.4% of BPSI, its last holding in any of the Berwind
companies. These shares are at the center of the current dispute.

In 1993, Graham Berwind made the first of several attempts to buy his brother's
trust's stock in BPSI, offering $29 million. Four years later, he offered $53
million. On both occasions, David Berwind refused because Graham Berwind
had allegedly provided insufficient financial information to assess the value of
the stock. Shortly thereafter, Graham Berwind took actions to resign as trustee
of the David Berwind Trust. According to the complaint, however, he did not
comply with all of the requirements for resigning. Consequently, plaintiffs
allege Graham Berwind remained a trustee, and continues in this capacity.

In August 1999, according to plaintiffs, Graham Berwind's attempt to obtain

full control of BPSI intensified. Berwind Corporation's president, Edward
Kosnik, sent David Berwind a letter threatening that in the event David
Berwind continued to reject his brother's offers, "we are prepared to start a
process that will result in our ownership of 100% of BPSI at a price to be
determined by us and our financial advisor. This will be a costly, timeconsuming and legalistic process that we would prefer to avoid, but one that we
are prepared to undertake, if necessary."

In response, David Berwind retained attorneys and advisors to negotiate the

sale of his shares of BPSI. But their attempts to obtain the information
necessary to proceed with the sale were allegedly rebuffed. Plaintiffs brought
this suit on November 22, 1999. Defendants were served with the complaint on
December 9, 1999.

Six days later, BPSI's Board of Directors approved a "squeeze-out" merger. The
result of this maneuver was that BPSI emerged as a corporation wholly owned
by Berwind Group Partners. Having lost its status as shareholder, the David
Berwind Trust was offered a note worth $82,820,000. The Trust also obtained
the right to seek judicial appraisal of the fair value of its shares, should it view
the note as inadequate. An appraisal hearing was initiated in Philadelphia
Common Pleas Court and is proceeding during the pendency of this appeal.

Plaintiffs allege that, prior to the BPSI "squeeze-out" merger, Graham Berwind
engaged in several transactions that caused the unlawful transfer of value from
BPSI to Berwind Group Partners and other Berwind entities. The result was to
deplete the value of the David Berwind Trust's holdings while increasing
benefits to Graham Berwind.


Five of the thirteen counts in the amended complaint are brought on behalf of
BPSI. The other eight are brought on behalf of the David Berwind Trust.
Plaintiffs primarily allege: that Graham Berwind breached his duty of loyalty to
the David Berwind Trust; that defendants violated RICO with schemes to
defraud the trust; that the BPSI directors breached their fiduciary duty of
loyalty to the corporation; and that the directors diverted corporate


On April 25, 2000, the District Court granted defendants' motion to dismiss. In
doing so, the Court only provided the following explanation:


The Court approves and adopts Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's [sic]
Amended Complaint (Docket No. 12), Defendants' Reply Memorandum in
Support of Motion to Dismiss (Docket No. 19), and Defendant's [sic]
Supplemental Reply Memorandum in Support of Defendants' Motion to
Dismiss (Docket No. 20) which collectively set forth the legal authority which
is dispositive of Plaintiffs' cause of action.


Warden v. McLelland, No. 99-5797, at 2 (E.D.Pa. Apr.25, 2000).


Plaintiffs appealed. We vacated the District Court's judgment and "remanded to

the District Court for it to provide this Court with an opinion setting forth the
legal reasoning as to its decision to grant the motion to dismiss." Warden v.
McLelland, 250 F.3d 737, No. 00-1364, at 3-4 (3d Cir. Feb. 23, 2001)
(judgment). We did so because we could not "perform our appellate review
responsibly without the District Court first performing its function in its
entirety." Warden v. McLelland, 250 F.3d 737, No. 00-1364, at 7 (3d Cir. Feb.

23, 2001) (slip op.).


On remand, the District Court issued an opinion that was a minimally modified
version of one of defendants' legal memoranda the District Court had
previously listed as setting forth the legal authority for its prior order. Rather
than seeking further clarification, we turn to the merits of the appeal.2


Because this is an appeal from a dismissal under Rule 12(b)(6), we accept the
factual allegations in the complaint. We may affirm only if it is certain no relief
could be granted under any set of facts that could be proven. Rossman v. Fleet
Bank (R.I.) N.A., 280 F.3d 384, 387 n. 1 (3d Cir.2002). This standard is
especially important here because the District Court adopted defendants'
version of the facts.


a. Breach of Trust.


Plaintiffs allege Graham Berwind and his associate Bruce McKenney, who was
also named as a trustee of the David Berwind Trust, breached their duties to the
trust owed by virtue of their positions as trustees.


Defendants contend these claims fail for two reasons. First, they maintain they
were not trustees at the relevant times, as they had resigned. As noted, plaintiffs
allege these defendants had not effectively resigned as trustees. At this stage,
we must accept the complaint's allegations as true, so this proposed basis for
dismissal fails. Second, defendants point to a provision of the Deed of Trust
that provides:


The fact that any trustee may be interested in Berwind Corporation or any of its
subsidiaries as director, stockholder, manager, agent or employee shall not
constitute an adverse or conflicting interest, and the acts of such trustee shall be
judged as if he had no interest in the Corporation.


This provision, however, cannot fairly be read to permit trustees to engage in

self-dealing or otherwise to act fraudulently or in bad faith with respect to a
beneficiary of the Trust. We need not determine the precise extent of the
protections afforded by this provision to conclude that it is consistent with
plaintiffs' allegations that the trustees acted outside the provision and may have

breached a duty owed to the trust and its beneficiaries. Therefore, we will
reverse with respect to plaintiffs' breach of trust claims and leave the precise
effect of the exculpatory provision for the District Court to consider on remand.

b. Derivative Claims.


Five of plaintiffs' thirteen counts are brought derivatively on behalf of BPSI.

Two are RICO claims; the other three arise under Pennsylvania corporate law
and include diversion of corporate opportunity and breach of fiduciary duty of
loyalty to the corporation. Defendants contend plaintiffs have not complied
with the procedural requirements for bringing shareholder-derivative lawsuits.


Under Pennsylvania law,3 a shareholder cannot ordinarily bring an action on

behalf of the corporation without first making demand on the board of directors
to pursue the action. Cuker v. Mikalauskas, 547 Pa. 600, 692 A.2d 1042, 104950 (1997). In Cuker, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court expressly adopted
several sections of the American Law Institute's Principles of Corporate
Governance, including the section setting forth the demand requirement.
Section 7.03(b) provides, "Demand on the board should be excused only if the
plaintiff makes a specific showing that irreparable injury to the corporation
would otherwise result, and in such instances demand should be made promptly
after commencement of the action." Id. at 1050. Prior to Cuker, "[s]ufficient
averments of fraud excused a demand based upon its futility." Drain v.
Covenant Life Ins. Co., 551 Pa. 570, 712 A.2d 273, 278 (1998). But "Cuker,
which established that a demand is excused only if irreparable harm to the
corporation is shown, changed the law on demand requirements in derivative
actions." Id.


It is undisputed that plaintiffs did not make demand on the board of directors of
BPSI either before filing suit or thereafter. But they contend they should be
excused from the demand requirement because of the catch-22 they allegedly


To have standing to bring a derivative action, one must be a shareholder, both

at the time of the alleged wrongdoing and continuing to judgment. Cuker, 692
A.2d at 1050 (adopting 7.02 of the ALI Principles). This requirement may be
excused, however, where "the failure to do so is the result of corporate action in
which the holder did not acquiesce, and ... the derivative action was
commenced prior to the corporate action terminating the holder's status...." Id.


Plaintiffs brought suit on November 22, 1999. Making a prior demand, they


contend, would have foreclosed their opportunity to bring this action.

Defendants would have responded, plaintiffs maintain, by immediately
squeezing out the David Berwind Trust, depriving it of standing to bring
derivative claims. As noted, BPSI's board of directors effected the "squeezeout" merger only one week after being served with the complaint.


Although plaintiffs may have properly pled futility in making a prior demand,
Pennsylvania law no longer recognizes a futility exception. But Pennsylvania
law permits a plaintiff to bring derivative claims if irreparable harm to the
corporation would result. Plaintiffs contend they fall within this exception.


In their complaint, plaintiffs allege, "Demand on the board of directors of BPSI

to bring the derivative claims asserted herein is excused because the David
Berwind Trust and BPSI would suffer irreparable injury if demand were
required to be made upon the board of directors." Although the complaint lacks
specificity, we think it sufficiently supports an inference of irreparable harm to
the corporation. Any harm to the corporation suffered as a result of the merger
would be effectively irreparable for these purposes. Because only those
responsible for the corporation's alleged losses remained as shareholders
following the elimination of the David Berwind Trust as shareholder, the
"squeeze out" would have effectively defeated the action, depriving the
corporation of any possibility of recovering the losses. The immediate
elimination of the David Berwind Trust's interest in BPSI, in other words, may
have irreparably damaged BPSI just as it would have irreparably harmed the
trust. For purposes of a Rule 12(b)(6) motion, these allegations are sufficient.


Even where demand is excused for threat of irreparable harm to the

corporation, the ALI Principles state "demand should be made promptly after
commencement of the action." 7.03(b); adopted by Cuker, 692 A.2d at 1050.
As noted, BPSI's board of directors squeezed out the David Berwind Trust
within weeks of filing the lawsuit. No longer a shareholder, the David Berwind
Trust was no longer in a position to make demand on the board by no fault
of its own. Although there appeared to have been a brief window of time in
which plaintiffs could have made a demand (which would have been the
preferable course), their failure to do so, demand having been made impossible
by action of the board, is not fatal to their derivative claims.


Plaintiffs also contend they should not have been required to make demand by
virtue of an exception contained in section 7.01(d) of the ALI Principles.
Section 7.01 was not among those adopted by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
in Cuker. In that case, however, the Supreme Court invited Pennsylvania courts
to adopt other provisions of the ALI Principles:


Our adoption of these sections is not a rejection of other sections not cited. We
have identified and studied the sections which apply to this case and have
adopted those which appear most relevant.


The entire publication, all seven parts, is a comprehensive, cohesive work more
than a decade in preparation. Additional sections of the publication, particularly
procedural ones due to their interlocking character, may be adopted in the
future. Issues in future cases or, perhaps, further proceedings in this case might
implicate additional sections of the ALI Principles. Courts of the
Commonwealth are free to consider other parts of the work and utilize them if
they are helpful and appear to be consistent with Pennsylvania law.


692 A.2d at 1049 n. 5.


Plaintiffs contend the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would adopt section 7.01
because it interlocks with the adopted sections, it is helpful, and it is consistent
with Pennsylvania law. Section 7.01(d) provides:


In the case of a closely held corporation, the court in its discretion may treat an
action raising derivative claims as a direct action, exempt it from those
restrictions and defenses applicable only to derivative actions, and order an
individual recovery, if it finds that to do so will not (i) unfairly expose the
corporation or the defendants to a multiplicity of actions, (ii) materially
prejudice the interests of creditors of the corporation, or (iii) interfere with a fair
distribution of the recovery among all interested persons.


BPSI is a closely held corporation. 4 Were Pennsylvania to adopt section

7.01(d), the District Court here would have discretion to treat this case as an
individual action, exempt from the procedural requirements for derivative
actions. Because the David Berwind Trust was the only minority shareholder,
there is no apparent reason that doing so would invite multiple actions,
materially prejudice the interests of creditors or the corporation, or interfere
with a just recovery. Therefore, this case would seem to be a good candidate for
such treatment, were section 7.01(d) to apply.


There are only three Pennsylvania cases addressing section 7.01(d), each from
trial courts. All have adopted the provision.5 Liss v. Liss, No.2063, 2002 WL
576510 (Pa.Ct.C.P.Phila. Mar.22, 2002); Baron v. Pritzker, 52 Pa. D. & C.4th
14, 26-27 (Pa.Ct.C.P.Phila.2001) (excusing demand by treating corporate waste
claim as individual one); Levin v. Schiffman, 54 Pa. D. & C.4th 152, 167
(Pa.Ct.C.P.Phila.2000) (adopting section 7.01(d) and "exercis[ing] its discretion

and treat[ing] all of [plaintiff's] `derivative' claims ... as direct claims for which
demand is not required"). Accord Audio Visual Xperts, Inc. v. Walker, No.
17261-NC, 2000 WL 222152, at *2 (Del.Ch. Feb.18, 2000) (predicting
Pennsylvania Supreme Court would adopt section 7.01(d)).

There are good reasons to believe the Pennsylvania Supreme Court would
concur and adopt section 7.01(d). As noted, it invited lower courts to adopt
other sections, especially those, like section 7.01(d), that "interlock[ed]" with
the sections adopted in Cuker, all of which govern the prosecution of derivative
claims. Section 7.01 addresses the classification of a case as a derivative or
individual action. The adoption of section 7.03 made the demand requirement
substantially stricter by narrowing the available exceptions. But the ALI
adopted that provision in light of section 7.01, which allows certain cases to
avoid that requirement. Thus, the close corporation exception closely interlocks
with section 7.03. Consequently, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's invitation
to adopt other sections seems particularly appropriate here.


Defendants argue 7.01(d) contravenes Pennsylvania law. In particular, they cite

section 1717 of the Pennsylvania Business Corporations Law ("B.C.L."), 15 Pa.
Cons. Stat. 1717, entitled "Limitation on Standing." It provides, in part:


The duty of the board of directors, committees of the board and individual
directors under section 1712 (relating to standard of care and justifiable
reliance) is solely to the business corporation and may be enforced directly by
the corporation or may be enforced by a shareholder, as such, by an action in
the right of the corporation, and may not be enforced directly by a shareholder
or by any other person or group.


Because suits brought alleging directors' failure to meet the standard of care
owed to the corporation cannot "be enforced directly by a shareholder,"
defendants contend application of section 7.01(d) would directly contradict this
provision. For this reason, they contend, section 7.01(d) is inconsistent with
Pennsylvania law, and would not likely be adopted by the Pennsylvania
Supreme Court.


While this argument has force, we do not see defendants' conclusion as

inevitable. It is not obvious that a court's "treating" a case as an individual one
represents such a fundamental change in the underlying character of the lawsuit
such that it is barred by section 1717 of the B.C.L. And even if so, the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court might decide to adopt section 7.01(d) only to the
extent it creates exceptions to the procedural requirements of derivative actions.

Cf. Baron, 52 Pa. D. & C.4th at 26 ("Section 7.01(d) sets forth the basis for a
second exception to the demand requirement.").

Furthermore, the most recent Pennsylvania case discussing section 7.01(d)

expressly rejected the argument asserted by defendants on the effect of section
1717 of the B.C.L. in a case also involving a dispute between brothers over
ownership and control of a closely held corporation. Liss, 2002 WL 576510, at
*3-10. The court held certain kinds of claims that would otherwise be
derivative can be treated as direct claims under certain circumstances
notwithstanding the limitation on standing provided by section 1717.


Because there may be some lingering uncertainty over the adoption of section
7.01(d) and the appropriateness of applying it in this case, we think this issue is
best left unresolved at this point. The District Court, on remand, should
consider this issue if it proves to be necessary. This matter was not briefed
extensively and this will provide the parties with a chance to do so in light of
the recent statements of Pennsylvania courts.


c. RICO claims.


Plaintiffs have stated three counts for violation of the Racketeer Influenced and
Corrupt Organizations Act, 18 U.S.C. 1961 et seq. The complaint describes a
scheme to defraud the David Berwind Trust and its trustees over several years.


To establish a RICO claim, a plaintiff must show "(1) conduct (2) of an

enterprise (3) through a pattern (4) of racketeering activity." Sedima, S.P.R.L v.
Imrex Co., 473 U.S. 479, 496, 105 S.Ct. 3275, 87 L.Ed.2d 346 (1985). The
statute defines racketeering by a list of criminal activities that constitute
predicate acts for purposes of RICO. Among these predicate acts are mail fraud
and wire fraud, the predicate acts plaintiffs have alleged here. See 18 U.S.C.
1961(a). A RICO claimant must establish a "pattern" of such predicate acts, and
demonstrate the scheme caused injury.


Defendants contend plaintiffs have failed to plead proper RICO claims. In

particular, defendants argue plaintiffs failed to properly allege a causal
relationship between the alleged RICO violations and their injuries, sufficient
continuity to constitute a "pattern," reliance on fraudulent acts, and fraud with
the particularity required by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 9(b). Where acts
of mail and wire fraud constitute the alleged predicate racketeering acts, those
acts are subject to the heightened pleading requirement of Rule 9(b).6 Rolo v.
City Investing Co. Liquidating Trust, 155 F.3d 644, 657-58 (3d Cir.1998).


The complaint lists several particular communications allegedly constituting

acts of wire fraud. But the complaint does not state clearly how these or any
other communications were false or misleading, or how they contributed to the
alleged fraudulent scheme. On the other hand, the complaint does provide a
reasonably clear overall picture of what has been alleged.


We believe this issue, along with the other RICO pleading issues, is best
resolved by reexamination of the sufficiency of the complaint by the District
Court. We are confident the District Court will permit plaintiffs to amend their
complaint if appropriate. See Fed.R.Civ.P. 15(a) (leave to amend "shall be
freely given"); Eddy v. V.I. Water & Power Auth., 256 F.3d 204, 209 (3d
Cir.2001) ("Unless the opposing party will be prejudiced, leave to amend
should generally be allowed.") (quoting Charpentier v. Godsil, 937 F.2d 859,
864 (3d Cir.1991)). The District Court will be able to consider these issues in
light of any amendments it permits, something we are in no position to do.


d. Statute of Limitations.


Defendants contend the state law claims for breach of fiduciary duty are wholly
or partially barred by Pennsylvania's applicable two-year statute of limitations.
Plaintiffs acknowledge that some of the events occurred more than two years
before they brought suit. But they contend the statute of limitations should be
tolled because defendants fraudulently concealed information necessary for
recognizing these claims.


This is a factual issue that cannot be resolved at this time. Nevertheless,

defendants contend plaintiffs have failed to meet specific requirements for
pleading such tolling. These matters are better addressed by the District Court
in light of any amendments to the pleadings.


e. Equitable Relief.


Even were plaintiffs to prevail, defendants contend they would not be entitled
to equitable relief, because the only post-merger remedy is an appraisal of the
value of the shareholder's prior stake in the company. Defendants cite In re
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., 488 Pa. 524, 412 A.2d 1099 (1980), as support
for this proposition. But in Jones & Laughlin, equitable relief was sought after
the merger had occurred. Here the merger occurred after plaintiffs had initiated
this action, a critical distinction. See id. at 1104 ("[O]ur cases recognize[ ] the
right of shareholders to enjoin proposed unfair or fraudulent corporate actions.
In each case where this power was exercised it was in an action in equity

instituted prior to the consummation of the proposed transactions.") (citations

omitted). The District Court's reliance on Jones & Laughlin to dismiss these
counts, therefore, was erroneous.

Defendants also contend plaintiffs have alleged no irreparable harm and have
an adequate remedy at law. But the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has permitted
equitable claims along with appraisal remedies where a merger is "fraught with
fraud or fundamental unfairness." Id. at 1103. To the extent defendants contend
that plaintiffs have insufficiently pled fraud or fundamental unfairness, we
leave this matter to the District Court in the first instance.


Defendants further argue that even if appraisal is not always the only remedy
available following mergers, it is the only remedy available absent
extraordinary circumstances in the context of a short-form merger. The
Pennsylvania B.C.L. permits corporations to eliminate minority shareholders
without formal shareholder approval when the controlling shareholder controls
at least eighty percent of the company's shares. 15 Pa. Cons.Stat. 1924(b)(1)
(ii). Defendants note the Delaware Supreme Court has eliminated the "entire
fairness" requirement applicable to long-form mergers. Glassman v. Unocal
Exploration Corp., 777 A.2d 242, 248 (Del. 2001). One effect of this holding is
that appraisal is the only remedy available to minority shareholders eliminated
by short-form mergers "absent fraud or illegality." Id. Defendants insist that
because the Pennsylvania B.C.L. was modeled on Delaware law, we should
interpret Pennsylvania law in the same way.


We express no opinion whether Pennsylvania would follow Delaware law on

this point. Nor do we think it prudent to assess whether plaintiffs have
sufficiently alleged "fraud or illegality" to survive summary judgment under the
Delaware standard, should it apply. The District Court did not specifically
address this matter. We leave it to the District Court to consider, if necessary.


Nevertheless, we note this case has special features that may require that it be
treated differently from standard short-form merger cases. This is not simply a
dispute between a majority and a minority shareholder in a corporation. Here
the majority shareholder was allegedly controlled by Graham Berwind, who
was also an alleged trustee of the David Berwind Trust. And Berwind
company7 stock was the central holding of the Trust as set up by Charles
Berwind. Thus, Graham Berwind's duty to the trust was not simply that owed
by a majority shareholder to a minority shareholder, but also a duty owed
directly to a trust designed to hold equity in the family business. In these
circumstances, the argument in favor of equitable remedies would appear to
take on a different character from that of a case focused only on a short-form

merger. The resolution of these matters is best reserved for the District Court at
this juncture.

f. Remaining Claims.


There are other arguments made by parties. But many seem to have been
abandoned; others are clearly ancillary to other arguments or other claims.
These remaining issues are best resolved by the District Court in the context of
its reexamination of the central issues in the case. Accordingly, we will vacate
the remainder of the District Court's opinion.


For the forgoing reasons, we will reverse the dismissal under Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) and remand the case to the District Court for
proceedings consistent with this opinion.


The Honorable Yvette Kane, United States District Judge for the Middle
District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation

Gail Warden, Linda Shappy, David Berwind, and David Berwind, Jr. are
named as plaintiffs

Despite plaintiffs' request for reassignment to another district judge on remand,

we are confident the able trial judge will give this difficult and important case
the attention it demands

In determining the scope of the demand requirement and its exceptions, we

apply the law of the state of incorporationGarber v. Lego, 11 F.3d 1197, 1201
(3d Cir.1993). BPSI is a Pennsylvania corporation.

It appears that the David Berwind Trust and the Berwind Group Partners were
the only shareholders prior to the merger

Recently, a Pennsylvania trial court again discussed the possibility of applying

section 7.01. The court declined to treat that case as a direct action, but
apparently accepted its authority to do soMogilyansky v. Sych, 2002 WL
372950, at *1 n. 2 (Pa.Ct.C.P.Phila., Feb. 4, 2002) ("[T]here is no indication
that the conditions for allowing a direct action have been met and the

circumstances surrounding this case do not convince the Court to exercise its
discretionary authority to allow [plaintiff] to proceed as an individual in a direct

Of course, with limited exceptions, pleading is subject to the notice pleading

rules of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which require "only a short and
plain statement of the claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief."
Fed.R.Civ.P. 8(a)(2). "Such a statement must simply `give the defendant fair
notice of what the plaintiff's claim is and the grounds upon which it
rests.'"Swierkiewicz v. Sorema N. A., 534 U.S. 506, 122 S.Ct. 992, 995, 152
L.Ed.2d 1 (2002) (quoting Conley v. Gibson, 355 U.S. 41, 47, 78 S.Ct. 99, 2
L.Ed.2d 80 (1957)). By contrast, the Federal Rules subject fraud claims to a
heightened pleading standard: "In all averments of fraud or mistake, the
circumstances constituting fraud or mistake shall be stated with particularity.
Malice, intent, knowledge, and other condition of mind of a person may be
averred generally." Fed.R.Civ.P. 9(b).

Defendants contend the minority shareholder's status as a trust is irrelevant to

the analysis, because BPSI derived from Colorcon, Inc., which was acquired
fifteen years after the formation of the trust. We find this argument
unconvincing. BPSI was a Berwind family corporation and the David Berwind
Trust's ownership of shares in BPSI arose from its ownership of the Berwind
Corporation stock originally held by the trust

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