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667 F.

2d 600


Counter-Plaintiff-Third Party Appellee,
UNITED STATES of America, Third Party DefendantAppellee.
No. 80-2494.

United States Court of Appeals,

Seventh Circuit.
Argued Oct. 30, 1981.
Decided Dec. 10, 1981.*
Opinion Dec. 28, 1981.

John F. O'Meara, Arlington Heights, Ill., for plaintiff and counterdefendant-appellant.

Russell L. Caplan, Dept. of Justice, Washington, D.C., for third party
Before CUMMINGS, Chief Judge, SPRECHER, Circuit Judge, and
CAMPBELL, Senior District Judge.**
CUMMINGS, Chief Judge.
Charter House Insurance Brokers, Ltd. ("Charter House") appeals from
the dismissal of its suit against New Hampshire Insurance Company
("NHIC"). The district court ordered the dismissal as a sanction for
Charter House's refusal to comply with proper discovery requests. Finding
no abuse of discretion by the district judge, we affirm.
* Charter House sued NHIC for damages arising out of a 1978

government undercover operation that went awry. NHIC and its parent
company, American International Group, Inc., had lent their cooperation
to an FBI investigation of organized crime's activities in governmentfinanced construction projects. Exactly how the operation went wrong is
neither clear nor relevant to this appeal. Charter House claimed to have
been caught in the fallout. It said it had been induced by Norman Reed, a
middle-man acting for NHIC,1 to broker construction surety bonds that
were not valid. Charter House therefore sued NHIC in late 1978, alleging
that: (1) NHIC was liable for premium losses of $237,244 because it
clothed Reed with actual or apparent authority (Count I); (2) NHIC's
agents'2 deceit had caused Charter House to suffer $10.5 million of direct
and consequential losses (Count II); (3) NHIC's letters disavowing the
bonds defamed Charter House and caused it $10.5 million in losses (Count
III); (4) NHIC's letters amounted to intentional interference with the
business relationships of Charter House and its clients, for which a total of
$40.5 million in compensatory and punitive damages was sought (Count
IV); and (5) NHIC was liable for the $237,244 in premium losses because
of its negligence in giving Reed its power of attorney.
NHIC's answer denied all responsibility for Reed's criminal activities and
alleged that Charter House's own illegal brokerage practices prevented it
from claiming damages from NHIC. NHIC also counterclaimed for $35
million in compensatory and punitive damages for Charter House's
"malicious, wanton, reckless, and fraudulent" conduct in selling the bonds.
At the urging of NHIC, the government was made a third party defendant
in the suit and undertook to handle NHIC's defense and counterclaim and
to indemnify NHIC against any liability. Thus after June of 1979, the
litigation was mainly in the hands of Fred Louis and David Austern,
Charter House's counsel, and Mark Kurzmann, a Justice Department
attorney representing the government and NHIC.

The course of events after the filing of the complaint was far from smooth. In
January 1979 Charter House made a Request for Production of NHIC
Documents under Rule 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. NHIC filed
its objections within the thirty-day time period prescribed by the Rule. Govt.Br.
28a. Charter House also served interrogatories on NHIC, to which NHIC made
timely objection under Rule 33. Govt.Br. 75a.3 In November 1979 Charter
House deposed NHIC's general counsel, and shortly thereafter NHIC complied
with the original document production request. Charter House Br. 4; Govt. Br.
NHIC filed two Requests for Production on Charter House, one on April 23,

NHIC filed two Requests for Production on Charter House, one on April 23,
1979, and another on October 10, 1979. Neither was complied with or objected
to within the time limits of Rule 34. On February 12, 1980, NHIC presented to
Judge Aspen a motion "For Sanction of Dismissal of Plaintiff's Claims * * * or
* * * to Compel Production of Documents." At the time of the motion, Charter
House had produced nothing, nor had it applied for a protective order. At the
hearing, however, Charter House's counsel Fred Louis promised to turn over
the documents requested within a ten-day period, if the court would postpone
ruling on the motion until February 22. Mr. Louis clearly understood the
seriousness of his undertaking: "The Judge stated that if discovery has not been
completed by that time, he would grant the motion."5

Some six hundred pages of material were mailed to Washington on February

18. As of the February 22 hearing, Mr. Kurzmann had not inspected them. He
had been told by Mr. Millbranth, the Charter House attorney in charge of
collecting and mailing the documents, that the material "substantially
complied" with the requests for production, but lacked the financial statements
of Mr. Foundos, an owner of Charter House, and the items requested about
Royal Exchange, a premium finance company related to Charter House.6

On February 22 Judge Aspen granted NHIC's motion to dismiss Charter

House's suit. Under Rule 41(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, this
became a dismissal with prejudice. Charter House attorneys, having mistaken
the time of the hearing, were not present.7 On February 29 they presented a
Motion to Vacate the Order of Dismissal. Judge Aspen had the case

to a magistrate, to supervise production of all documents by the plaintiff to
the government to be done in 45 days; and to regulate discovery and submission of a
pretrial order. Motion to vacate dismissal will be allowed in 45 days if magistrate
certifies to Court that all documents have been turned over.

Order, February 29, 1980.

At that juncture the parties betook themselves to Magistrate Cooley, where

problems of intransigence continued. After considerable jockeying by both
sides, Mr. Louis provided identical affidavits of Mr. Foundos and Mr.
Patterson, the owners of Charter House, in which they swore (Govt.Br. 101a,

(t)hat all of the documents, records and written material in the possession of
Charter House Insurance Brokers, Ltd. and affiant has been produced and
turned over to the Attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice;

(t)hat affiant has no knowledge of any other documents that were either created
or subsequently destroyed that relate to any of the issues in the Complaint or
Counterclaim in this cause;


(t)hat the only other documents known by affiant that relate to the issues in this
cause were turned over pursuant to a subpoena issued by a Grand Jury or
someone acting in its behalf in connection with the criminal prosecution of
Norman Howard Reed, the person who committed the acts alleged in the
Plaintiff's Complaint regarding the sale of certain forged surety bonds;


(t)hat affiant knows of nothing that can be produced either directly or indirectly
by Charter House Insurance Brokers, Ltd., or affiant that would comply with
the Notices to Produce served herein by the attorneys for New Hampshire
Insurance Company and the United States of America.


Later Mr. Foundos and Mr. Patterson were deposed. Only then did it become
clear that many documents had not been produced. The deponents sought to
justify nonproduction on the following grounds: (1) some documents related to
Charter House's non-bond business; (2) some material had been produced and
lost by the defendant; (3) the government itself could gain access to the grand
jury materials; and (4) the documents relating to sister enterprises of Charter
House were not relevant to this litigation.8 Charter House had raised none of
these objections in a timely fashion. Instead it relied on its unilateral ability to
construe and interpret the requests for production.


On August 26, 1980 Magistrate Cooley refused to certify that discovery had
been completed. His report to Judge Aspen was unequivocal in recommending

stated, this record reveals unquestionably that plaintiff has failed miserably
in its attempt to persuade this court that "all documents have been turned over." On
the contrary, this record reflects, clearly and convincingly, that plaintiff has
deliberately withheld documents which are unarguably discovery-relevant to this
action in which plaintiff has asserted a claim for damages in excess of
$40,000,000.00. Such resistance to discovery in itself is, in this Circuit, clearly
punishable by the sanction of dismissal, see Margoles v. Johns, 587 F.2d 885 (7th
Cir. 1978), and is equally repugnant and intolerable, if not more so, where, as here, a
district court graciously affords an obstinate litigant a second chance to make full

Magistrate's Report 9-10; Govt.Br. 111a-113a (footnotes omitted).


On September 17, 1980, Judge Aspen adopted the magistrate's finding and
conclusions, having considered and rejected invoking lesser sanctions. Since
"Plaintiffs * * * have failed to satisfy the one dispositive condition of the
February 29, 1980 Order * * *, notwithstanding generous opportunities given to
it by this Court to cure its discovery defaults," Judge Aspen allowed his
dismissal order to stand. He also dismissed NHIC's counterclaim without
prejudice, with defendants' acquiescence.


In its effort to have Judge Aspen's dismissal order reversed. Charter House has
mustered a wealth of constitutional, procedural, factual, and policy arguments.
It has however not appreciated the basic legal issue in the case and accordingly
many of its arguments are misdirected.9


A. The Applicable Provisions of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.


The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure have two distinct provisions for discovery
sanctions. If discovery responses are made but are inadequate, the party
seeking discovery must apply to the court for an order to compel discovery
(Rule 37(a)); and sanctions cannot be invoked until the court order is
disobeyed (Rule 37(b)). But if a "party or an officer, director, or managing
agent of a party, or a person designated under Rule 30(b)(6) or 31(a) to testify
on behalf of a party" does not appear for a properly noticed deposition, does not
answer or object to interrogatories properly served, or does not make a written
response to a proper Rule 34 request for production or inspection, the court
may impose sanctions directly, without first issuing an order to compel
discovery (Rule 37(d)). 4A Moore's Federal Practice P 37.05 (1981) explains
the rationale for the distinction:

20 such a system, designed to operate insofar as possible without judicial

intervention, it is crucial of course, that the initial request be answered and such
objections as the party may have be set forth. If it were necessary to seek a court
order requiring a response, followed by a response setting up objections, followed
by a second motion to resolve the objections and order discovery, the possibility of
delay and abuse would be apparent. Rule 37(d) makes it explicit that a party
properly served has an absolute duty to respond * * *. Thus there must be an order
under subdivision (a) before sanctions are imposed under (b), while under (d) the
party aggrieved moves directly for the imposition of sanctions.

At the time of the government's motion on February 12, 1980, Charter House
was in the position described in Rule 37(d), having taken no action whatsoever

on either of the defendants' requests for production. Judge Aspen would have
been justified therefore in imposing sanctions immediately, calibrating the
severity of the sanctions with the willfulness of Charter House's recalcitrance.
See II C infra.

However, Judge Aspen was forestalled by Mr. Louis' promise to produce the
missing material within ten days. Charter House takes the position that its late
and incomplete tender should have ended the applicability of Rule 37(d) and set
in motion instead the procedures of Rule 37(a) and 37(b). Br. 8-17. It then
argues that those procedures could not properly lead to a dismissal, because
Judge Aspen entered no order under Rule 37(a) as a predicate for dismissing
the complaint under Rule 37(b). Br. 20-22. Charter House's position has two
weaknesses. First, it overestimates the curative effects of dilatory and partial
compliance. See, e.g., Margoles v. Johns, 587 F.2d 885 (7th Cir. 1978)
(documents produced after defendant filed motion to dismiss did not cure
disobedience of court order; dismissal granted); G-K Properties v.
Redevelopment Agency, 577 F.2d 645 (9th Cir. 1978) (documents tendered at
hearing on motion to dismiss rejected by court; prior violation of order to
produce justified dismissal). Second, Charter House's theory ignores the effect
of the colloquy between Mr. Louis and Judge Aspen. If a court order were
necessary, then Mr. Louis' promise in open court, which was not kept, could be
treated as the equivalent of an order. See, e.g., Jones v. Uris Sales Corp., 373
F.2d 644 (2d Cir. 1967) (proceedings in judge's chambers on Oct. 21 treated as
oral motion and order to produce; proceedings on Oct. 22 treated as oral motion
for sanctions and order for default judgment). Accord, Henry v. Sneiders, 490
F.2d 315, 318 (9th Cir. 1974), certiorari denied, 419 U.S. 832, 95 S.Ct. 55, 42
L.Ed.2d 57 ("Where oral proceedings unequivocally give a litigant notice that
certain documents are to be produced, the absence of a written order does not
preclude the entry of a default judgment for failure to comply."). On either
hypothesis, therefore, Charter House still had not met its discovery obligations
by the time the hearing on the motion for sanctions reconvened on February 22.


B. Procedural Due Process Issues.


At the February 22 hearing, attorneys for Charter House did not appear, and
Judge Aspen entered an unconditional order of dismissal. A week later he
modified his order, giving Charter House 45 additional days to comply with the
two requests for production and assigning the case to Magistrate Cooley to
supervise. Charter House has argued that this procedure was unfair. Br. 27-36.
Magistrate Cooley, it says, assumed that Judge Aspen had found willfulness in
Charter House's conduct and refused to hear evidence on that point. But Judge
Aspen ultimately treated the magistrate's findings on willfulness as dispositive.

Charter House maintains that it was deprived of the opportunity for a full and
fair hearing by the Alphonse-and-Gaston aspects of the procedure.

We cannot agree. In the proceedings before Judge Aspen on February 29,

Charter House submitted a motion that covered its central factual contentions
and a memorandum of law in support of its motion. It renewed its arguments in
the June 23 hearing before the magistrate on its motion to have full production
certified. Over the government's objections, it was given ample time to respond
in writing to the magistrate's findings before the district court made its final
ruling. We find no indication that the division of responsibilities between the
trial judge and the magistrate compromised Charter House's ability to argue its
position. Under these circumstances, the failure to hold yet another hearing, at
which the evidence would have been cumulative, did not prejudice Charter
House. Cf. Margoles v. Johns, supra, 587 F.2d at 889 (briefs and affidavits
adequately illuminated circumstances of noncompliance; additional oral
argument or testimony unnecessary); Cine Forty-Second Street Theatre Corp. v.
Allied Artists Pictures Corp., 602 F.2d 1062, 1066 n.7 (2d Cir. 1979) (plaintiffs
demanded evidentiary hearing on reargument of motion to dismiss; district
court decided "that in light of the extensive proceedings already conducted
before the magistrate, an evidentiary hearing in the district court could serve no
useful function.").


C. The Choice of Sanction.


It is well settled that a district judge should tailor the choice of sanction to the
severity of the misconduct. A Rule 37 dismissal requires a showing of
"willfulness, bad faith, or fault" by the dismissed party, under the standards of
Societe Internationale v. Rogers, 357 U.S. 197, 212, 78 S.Ct. 1087, 1096, 2
L.Ed.2d 1255 and National Hockey League v. Metropolitan Hockey Club, Inc.,
427 U.S. 639, 640, 96 S.Ct. 2778, 2779-80, 49 L.Ed.2d 747 (per curiam).
Without such a showing there are constitutional obstacles to depriving a litigant
of his day in court. It is equally well settled that the decision to impose
appropriate sanctions is the responsibility of the trial judge and is reviewable
only for abuse of discretion. National Hockey League, supra, 427 U.S. at 642,
96 S.Ct. at 2780. The trial judge must have considerable latitude to make the
sanctions serve their function as both specific and general deterrents. Id. at 643,
96 S.Ct. at 2781.


Charter House first insists that its conduct was not willful, because it believed
in good faith that the requests to produce did not cover a great many of the
documents in this case. But Charter House was not entitled to rely on its
interpretation. It should have sought the court's interpretation, either by

objecting to the requests in timely fashion or by applying for a protective order

under Rule 26(c). Its failure to take either step obstructed both the district judge
and the magistrate in the performance of their duties. Cf. Mertens v. Hummell,
587 F.2d 862, 864 n.2 (7th Cir. 1978) (per curiam, adopting the opinion of
Judge Decker). Charter House cannot be heard to justify its conduct on the
basis of self-inflicted misunderstanding.

Charter House also argues that no matter how egregious its conduct was, Judge
Aspen never made the findings necessary to support a dismissal order. This
argument is the due process argument of II B supra in a slightly different guise.
It assumes that the case was dismissed at the time it was referred to the
magistrate, subject to reinstatement if the magistrate certified total production.
As a corollary, it assumes that Judge Aspen's finding of willfulness had to
precede, and could not rely on, the findings of Magistrate Cooley.10 A less
sophistic interpretation of these events leads us to believe that Judge Aspen had
no duty to make findings as of February 22 because he was giving Charter
House one more chance, under a deadline, to comply with the requests to
produce. At the end of that time, Charter House still was delinquent; according
to the magistrate it had "failed miserably in its attempt to persuade this court
that 'all documents have been turned over.' " Magistrate's Report 9; Govt.Br.
112a. The magistrate's report, which Judge Aspen incorporated in his
memorandum order, set out in detail (1) the discrepancies between the sworn
affidavits of Charter House's owners and the actual sketchy production; (2) the
specific and clear requests not complied with; and (3) the importance of the
material sought to the litigation. It discounted as incredible Charter House's
assertions that some documents had been produced but later lost by the
government, and that still others had not been returned to Charter House by the
grand jury. Charter House fastens on the magistrate's statement that its conduct
was the more "repugnant and intolerable * * * where, as here, a district court
graciously affords an obstinate litigant a second chance to make full
disclosure," as evidence that Magistrate Cooley's conclusions were not based on
his own experience but on what he assumed Judge Aspen's experience to have
been. But the report read in its entirety is clearly not based on guesswork or
inference, but on direct knowledge of Charter House's conduct. The facts
known to the magistrate are more than adequate to show willfulness, and Judge
Aspen was therefore justified in adopting the magistrate's findings and
dismissing Charter House's complaint.11


For the reasons stated, we hold that the district court did not abuse its discretion
in its choice of sanction. The decision below is affirmed; costs to appellees.

This appeal originally was decided by unreported order on December 10, 1981.
See Circuit Rule 35. The panel has decided to issue the decision as an opinion


The Honorable William J. Campbell, Senior District Judge for the Northern
District of Illinois, is sitting by designation

According to David Austern, one of the attorneys for Charter House, Norman
Reed had been indicted and had pled guilty to insurance fraud by May of 1980.
He was also the defendant in four pending federal criminal cases and two state
cases. Transcript of proceedings, May 29, 1980, at 8-9

I.e., Norman Reed and the Northfield Organization, which was Reed's base of
operations under an agency agreement with NHIC

Charter House could have responded with a motion to compel answers but it
apparently never did so. Transcript of proceedings, May 29, 1980, at 43-45

The one document not produced was a cancelled check that could not easily be
retrieved. Other documents produced did reveal the amount of the check and
the identity of the payee. Charter House's argument (Br. 39-41) that NHIC's
record of compliance was no better than its own is without merit

Letter from Fred Louis to Russell Millbranth, another of Charter House's

attorneys, dated February 12, 1980, and attached as an exhibit to Charter
House's Motion to Vacate Order of Dismissal

Transcript of telephone conversation between Fred Louis and Russell

Millbranth, dated February 22, 1980, and attached as an exhibit to Charter
House's Motion to Vacate Order of Dismissal

Charter House later suggested to the magistrate that Judge Aspen had granted
the government's motion because of the absence of Charter House's attorneys.
"It was like a default." Transcript of proceedings, April 3, 1980, at 18. Even
though neither the magistrate nor the district judge based the determination of
willfulness on counsel's nonappearance, Charter House now urges that it was
tacitly considered. Br. 31-32. There is no support in the record for this assertion

Summarized at Magistrate's Report 6-9; Govt.Br. 109a-112a

For example, its assumption that dismissal or default judgment is possible, in

the absence of a court order, only if the wrongdoer has lulled or deceived its
opponent into not applying for a court order, is wrong. So is its assertion that in

the absence of any objections by Charter House, the burden of showing that
Charter House possessed the documents sought rests on NHIC or the
government. Its "unclean hands" argument, note 4 supra, is not supported by
the facts, and its belief that findings of willfulness must follow certain formal
rules (Br. 42-43) is not the view in this Circuit. Finally, its arguments that
dismissal is a disfavored and in this case a constitutionally invalid sanction
depend on the assertion that Charter House had complied fully in the discovery
phase of this litigation. That assertion is patently untrue

This is not the position Charter House's counsel had taken before the
magistrate. Asked if Judge Aspen had dismissed the case, Mr. Louis replied,
"No, sir. He reinstated my case pending the certification * * *." Transcript of
proceedings, April 3, 1980, at 40. Later Mr. Louis admitted that the language of
the minute order technically did not support his position, and told the
magistrate, "That's why I'm not objecting to the way you are proceeding." Id. at
42. It is difficult to square this acquiescence with Charter House's later
insistence that the procedure was unfair


It is worth noting that less drastic sanctions, which Judge Aspen said he had
considered, would not have served any purpose. The government's costs for the
February 22 and 29 hearings had already been assessed against Charter House
on February 29 and produced no change in its behavior. Postponing the trial
date, when Charter House was already engaged in dilatory tactics, would have
been ineffective. Allowing Charter House to produce evidence only in areas not
subject to the discovery disputes would have been tantamount to dismissal,
since Charter House would then have been barred from proving its theories of
causation and damage

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