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563 F.

2d 627

UNITED STATES of America ex rel. Benjamin WRIGHT

Julius T. CUYLER, Superintendent, Graterford State Prison,
The Commonwealth, Appellant.
No. 76-2553.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued Sept. 7, 1977.
Decided Oct. 6, 1977.

Mark Sendrow, Asst. Dist. Atty., Chief, Motions Div., Abraham J. Gafni,
Deputy Dist. Atty., F. Emmett Fitzpatrick, Dist. Atty., Philadelphia, Pa.,
for appellant.
Stanley Bashman, Bashman, Bernstein & Wolf, Philadelphia, Pa., for
Before ALDISERT, ROSENN and WEIS, Circuit Judges.
WEIS, Circuit Judge.

Petitioner Benjamin Wright was convicted by a Pennsylvania court of

aggravated robbery and murder in the shooting death of a pedestrian in
Philadelphia on July 11, 1972. After the state supreme court affirmed the
convictions, Commonwealth v. Wright, 460 Pa. 247, 332 A.2d 809 (1975),
Wright filed a petition for habeas corpus in the United States District Court.
Finding that Wright's confession was the product of an illegal "dragnet" arrest,
the district court granted the writ. After a review of the complete record, we
find ourselves in disagreement with the district court and vacate its order.

At approximately 9:35 on the evening of July 11, 1972, two police officers
were driving on patrol when two shots rang out. The officers immediately drove
toward the sound, and as they approached the intersection of 56th and Ludlow

Streets, they saw a man fall to the street and two black males running toward
them. The men turned into Ludlow Street and continued their flight. After a
brief, unsuccessful chase, the officers directed their attention to the victim and
took him to a hospital. Other officers arrived on the scene within a few minutes
and obtained a description of the assailants from an off-duty policeman and
another witness who had seen the incident. The police radio broadcasted
information about the shooting, its location, and the direction in which the
assailants had run, and gave the following description: Two Negro males, 5'7 to
5'8 , medium to dark complexion, "wearing dark colored T shirts, like silk
underwear" blue pants or dark pants, 17 to 18 years of age, "semi-bush" haircut,
thin or medium build.

Approximately an hour later, Officer John Clinkscale, cruising one block away
from the scene of the shooting and in the direction in which the assailants had
run, saw the petitioner sitting on a stoop. He was wearing a black T shirt of a
silk-like material and blue denim trousers, was 5'9 tall and weighed 148
pounds. Petitioner was taken to the police station along with several
companions. Before accosting petitioner, the officer had arrested four to six
other suspects. He explained that he had taken anyone close to the description
given by the broadcast.1 The record contains no accurate count of the number
of suspects taken into custody that night; estimates range from "eight to twelve"
to as high as "fifteen to twenty."

Wright was questioned from about 3:30 A.M. to 5:00 A.M., during which he
denied any involvement in the crime. At about 5:00 A.M. the interrogators
were told that Jackson had confessed and implicated petitioner. The officers
told petitioner about this development and took him to a nearby room where
Jackson confirmed the fact. Wright then admitted his participation in the
robbery and stated that Jackson had shot the victim.

At trial a witness named John Cochran testified that shortly after the shooting
Wright told him "(t)hat him (petitioner) and Chris tried to rob somebody; that
Chris had the gun. He didn't know the man had one. The man reached back and
Chris emptied the gun into him, and that was it." Cochran further testified that
he had told a detective about Wright's statement some time before midnight on
the evening of the crime.2 Cochran signed a formal statement some hours later.

At a suppression hearing held before the state court trial, petitioner alleged that
his arrest had been illegal. The hearing judge found that the Philadelphia police
had probable cause to arrest petitioner and, accordingly, denied suppression of
the confession. A jury returned a guilty verdict in the trial before another judge
who, in ruling on post-trial motions, disagreed with the finding of the

suppression hearing. A trial judge concluded that the petitioner had been
picked up as part of a mass arrest but held the confession was admissible
because the taint of the illegal arrest had been dissipated. The testimony about
the circumstances of the arrest at both the suppression hearing and the trial did
not differ substantially.

On appeal, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decided that petitioner's confession

was admissible since it was prompted by the confrontation with his accomplice
rather than by exploitation of an alleged illegal arrest, Commonwealth v.
Wright, supra. The court found it unnecessary to determine whether the arrest
was the result of a police dragnet, although in a companion case,
Commonwealth v. Jackson, 459 Pa. 669, 331 A.2d 189 (1975), the conviction
of petitioner's accomplice was reversed on that ground.

Petitioner then instituted habeas corpus proceedings in the district court. After
argument, the district court granted the writ, holding that petitioner's confession
was inadmissible because it was obtained as a direct result of an illegal arrest.

Both the district court and the Pennsylvania appellate court relied upon Davis v.
Mississippi, 394 U.S. 721, 89 S.Ct. 1394, 22 L.Ed.2d 676 (1969), and
Commonwealth v. Fogan, 449 Pa. 552, 296 A.2d 755 (1972), and described the
police action as a dragnet arrest. Neither court, however, noted the distinction
between the facts in those cases and the one at bar. In Davis v. Mississippi,
supra, a rape victim could give no better description of her assailant than that
he was a Negro youth. Local police thereupon took at least 24 black young men
to the police station for fingerprinting and interrogated 40 to 50 others. The
state conceded that there was no probable cause for the detention of any of
these young men. In Commonwealth v. Fogan, supra, the police rounded up all
the members of two rival street gangs after a shooting incident. No probable
cause existed for arresting the defendant in that case other than his membership
in one of the gangs. It was not even known if he had been with the gang on the
night the crime occurred. Clearly in both Davis and Fogan, probable cause for
arrest of anyone detained was lacking.


In the case at bar, however, whether probable cause for arrest existed is a
matter which requires some analysis. The question is whether the description of
the assailants, as well as the time and geographic factors, were sufficient for a
prudent man to believe that petitioner had committed the offense. Beck v. Ohio,
379 U.S. 89, 85 S.Ct. 223, 13 L.Ed.2d 142 (1964); Brinegar v. United States,
338 U.S. 160, 69 S.Ct. 1302, 93 L.Ed. 1879 (1949). The fact that others may
also have met the same description is not in itself determinative. The inquiry
must determine whether the information is adequate to narrow down the list of

potential suspects so that probable cause for petitioner's arrest and not mere
possibility is the criterion. It is obvious that race and age alone, as in Davis v.
Mississippi, supra, do not furnish probable cause. But in United States ex rel.
Hollman v. Rundle, 461 F.2d 758 (3d Cir. 1972), we agreed with the
Pennsylvania courts in finding probable cause for arrest where the description
included race, height, weight, color of hair, distinctive type of hair styling,
precise color of clothing, and the suspects were apprehended near the scene of
the crime one night after it had occurred. See also United States ex rel. Dessus
v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 452 F.2d 557 (3d Cir. 1971), where the
description was more general but the arrest was made within a few minutes
after commission of the crime and in the early morning hours when few people
were about.3

The fact that there were other persons approximating the description may have
value in deciding whether the characteristics listed are sufficiently distinctive.
However, judgmental errors in applying the description in the detention of
others do not eliminate the necessity for examination of probable cause in the
specific arrest under scrutiny. Here, the description was close to that found
adequate in United States ex rel. Hollman, supra, but lacked the distinctive hair
styling touch. The proximity of time and place, however, was more immediate
than that in Hollman. That the question is a close one is borne out by the
conflicting rulings of the two state judges who heard substantially the same


As we noted in United States v. Thompson, 420 F.2d 536, 540 (3d Cir. 1970),
in an alleged illegal arrest case, the reviewing court must evaluate the
individual facts. Because of the limited precedential effect of such review, we
do not deem it desirable to resolve the issue of probable cause here because the
case hinges on another factor, the legality of custody at the time the confession
was given.


In Virgin Islands v. Gereau, 502 F.2d 914, 925 (3d Cir. 1974), cert. denied, 420
U.S. 909, 95 S.Ct. 829, 42 L.Ed.2d 839 (1975), this court decided that a
defendant's original illegal arrest was converted into a lawful detention by the
issuance of an arrest warrant while he was in custody. A statement secured after
issuance of the warrant, therefore, was held not to be tainted by the original
unlawful detention. Gereau held that it would be a charade to require police to
release an illegally detained prisoner and then rearrest him on the station house
steps pursuant to a valid warrant. The same reasoning applies if after an illegal
arrest the police become aware of the existence of probable cause from a source
other than the prisoner. Under those circumstances, it is not necessary to
require that the police make a fresh arrest of the prisoner.4


Thus, even if it is assumed that Wright's initial arrest was without probable
cause, the record reveals that before he gave his incriminating statement, the
police had additional evidence of his complicity in the crime from Cochran's
pre-midnight disclosure. When Cochran's statement was added to the
descriptions furnished by the witnesses as well as the time and place of
apprehension, the police had a strong case to support probable cause.


The circumstances of Cochran's arrest were not fully developed. It does appear,
however, that he was 18 years of age at the time, was 5'8 in height, and was
arrested about a block away from the scene of the crime. The arresting officer
was someone other than Clinkscale who had taken petitioner into custody.
There is no evidence in the record that Cochran's arrest was either legal or
illegal. Indeed, even if it were illegal, petitioner would have no standing to raise
the issue here. Fourth Amendment rights are personal and may not be
vicariously asserted. Brown v. United States, 411 U.S. 223, 230, 93 S.Ct. 1565,
36 L.Ed.2d 208 (1973); Alderman v. United States, 394 U.S. 165, 174, 89 S.Ct.
961, 22 L.Ed.2d 176 (1969).


Moreover, characterizing Wright's and Jackson's arrests as part of a flagrantly

illegal dragnet does not withstand close scrutiny because the question of
probable cause in each instance is indeed a close one. The arrests were not
made on a wide ranging indiscriminate basis, but rather were confined to
persons meeting the description or something close to it. In any event, the
district court's reasoning does not apply to the information which Cochran
supplied. His evidence goes to the question of probable cause for Wright's
continued detention not to the confession which came later. Wright was not
informed of Cochran's statement and, therefore, that disclosure could not have
influenced petitioner's decision to confess. Since Wright's detention was proper
before he confessed, any connection between his assumed illegal arrest and the
inculpatory statement had been severed.


As the Court indicated in Alderman v. United States, supra, the deterrent value
of preventing incrimination of those whose rights the police have violated has
been considered sufficient to justify suppression of probative evidence. But
extending the exclusionary rule to one because of violation of the rights of
others has not been shown to be in the public interest. In Stone v. Powell, 428
U.S. 465, 486-87, 96 S.Ct. 3037, 3048, 49 L.Ed.2d 1067 (1976), the Court said:
"Despite the broad purpose of the exclusionary rule, it has never been
interpreted to proscribe the introduction of illegally seized evidence in all
proceedings or against all persons," citing United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S.
338, 94 S.Ct. 613, 38 L.Ed.2d 561 (1974). The Court suggested that the conflict
between deterrent effect on police conduct and impairment of the truth seeking

function of trial found some resolution in the standing requirement. See Stone
v. Powell, supra at 488, 96 S.Ct. 3037.

Using this analysis, we conclude that petitioner has no standing to contest the
legality of Jackson's arrest and subsequent detention.5 The rule enunciated in
Wong Sun v. United States, 371 U.S. 471, 83 S.Ct. 407, 9 L.Ed.2d 441 (1963),
applies to an illegal arrest of petitioner, not that of some other person. That
same reasoning applies to Cochran's detention, if that had been illegal. Where
no standing exists, information secured as the result of an illegal search and
seizure of one person's premises may be used to supply probable cause for the
arrest of another. United States ex rel. Cardaio v. Casscles, 446 F.2d 632 (2d
Cir. 1971).


The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania found that the confrontation between

Jackson and Wright was a sufficiently independent circumstance aside from the
arrest which brought about the confession. That court, therefore, found that the
Wong Sun test had been satisfied. The Court reached a similar result in Fogan
v. Commonwealth, supra. There, the defendant's illegal arrest during a dragnet
was held not to bar admission of his confession obtained after police learned of
his complicity from the victim. The court reasoned that the incriminating
statement was not the result of exploitation of the initial illegality but was
obtained by means sufficiently distinguishable so as to have been free of taint.
In that case the police informed the defendant what they had been told by the


In summary, assuming only for sake of argument that petitioner's arrest was
illegal, his detention ceased to be unlawful when the police received the
Cochran statement shortly before midnight and thus had probable cause for his
arrest. Petitioner's confession which he gave thereafter, prompted no doubt by
the confrontation with Jackson, was admissible in evidence at the state trial.
Accordingly, defendant was properly convicted in the state court and the writ of
habeas corpus should not have been granted by the district court.


The order of the district court will be vacated.

The same officer also arrested petitioner's accomplice, Christopher Jackson, at

about the same time, after seeing him with an elderly man in an encounter
which appeared to the officer to be a "shakedown." Jackson was shirtless and
wore light blue trousers. Commonwealth v. Jackson, 459 Pa. 669, 331 A.2d
189 (1975)

Trial transcript at pp. 171, 174-76, 190

For cases analyzing adequacy of descriptions compare Commonwealth v.

Hicks, 434 Pa. 153, 253 A.2d 276 (1969) (defendant without mustache, but in
need of shave, wearing light or beige colored coat, held invalidly arrested when
description was Negro in his thirties, with given height and weight, with a
mustache, and wearing a brown coat), and Commonwealth v. Berrios, 437 Pa.
338, 263 A.2d 342 (1970) (one Negro in dark clothing in company of one
Puerto Rican in light clothing walking east on Ontario Street about three blocks
from scene of crime held invalidly arrested when description was two Negroes
in dark clothing and one Puerto Rican in light clothing walking east on Ontario
Street), with United States v. Thurman, 141 U.S.App.D.C. 126, 436 F.2d 280
(1970) (defendant who, save for attire, fitted description held validly arrested
when description was Negro male 5'8 -5'9 , 140 pounds, medium complexion,
black leather jacket and brown hat) and United States v. Skinner, 412 F.2d 98
(8th Cir.), cert. denied, 396 U.S. 967, 90 S.Ct. 448, 24 L.Ed.2d 433 (1969),
(defendant matching description in every respect held validly arrested when
description was white male, 35-45 years old, slender build, less than 5'6 in
height, brown hair turning gray, needing a shave, hatless, and located in a
specific geographic area)

In Gereau the arrest was for a misdemeanor which required the issuance of a
warrant. The power to arrest on probable cause without a warrant applied only
to felonies under Virgin Island law

Whether there was probable cause for Jackson's detention after Cochran told
the police about Wright's conversation has not been considered by the
Pennsylvania courts

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