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Macapanton, Norkhan D.

and Literature Programs


Management of Language

The English Language Program for Saharan Students: A

Case Analysis
1. Problem
An English language program for Saharan students is on the verge of
closing down because the scholars were not behaving accordingly.
Furthermore, due to a lot of negative factors, the hired teachers were
resigning. With these, Mrs. Pineda does not know what to do.
2. Objective
There is a need to continue the program for there is a contract. All
the more the program should be continued since it is aimed at
educating students. Furthermore, a lot has already been invested in the
program so might as well wait until the end of the contract.
3. Decision Criteria
Damage control should be done to prevent things from
Everyone should be reminded of their tasks/obligations.
The decision should yield immediate results for the whole
program is behind schedule.
The sentiments of both parties, students and teachers, should
be heard like in a dialogue by a third party, preferably the
administration composed of people from the Philippines and Sahara.
Socio-cultural factors should be presented and be considered
in the decision making.
The solution should make the involved parties meet half way
resulting to smoother communication that would eventually lead to
better relationship.
4. Analysis
An English Language program was designed to educate Saharan
students. This program will prepare the scholars in further studies in
aviation and maritime schools in the Philippines. Prior to the arrival of
the students, books were prepared. However, a lot of things were
neglected in the making of the books. First, the creators do not know

Macapanton, Norkhan D.
and Literature Programs


Management of Language

the level of competence of the expected users. Second, needs analysis

was not conducted. Worst of all, not enough time was invested in the
design of the books. These will later on constitute to the ineffectiveness
of the books.
As the time for the first examination for the students is fast
approaching, the teachers were afraid that the scholars are not yet
ready. They believe that a lot of things still need to be taught to them.
However, the examination has already been scheduled and necessary
arrangements have already been made.
Even though the center was intended to be conducive to learning,
the students grew bored in it. They wanted to be in Manila because,
according to them, it was a more interesting place. The students also
were complaining with a lot of things. They say that there was not
enough food and if there was, it was something they cannot eat. It was
also found out that the students were not treating the staff well.
Furthermore, the students made unfounded assertions that the
teachers were not competent enough. They claim that they were not
There was a very strict hiring of teachers. Those accepted had five to
ten years of teaching experience. On the teaching end, at the
beginning, the teachers were very enthusiastic. Even though they were
expecting difficulties, they still went on with their teaching. However,
they can only take so much. A significant number of the teachers were
resigning. It was even exacerbated when they were phoned by their
head Mrs. Pineda after she was insulted by a group of students.
5. Alternatives
Mrs. Pineda should first meet with the administration. In this
meeting, she can initiate a dialogue wherein the sentiments of both
the students and teachers be heard by everyone. Here, the sociocultural factors be reconsidered as they continue on with the

Macapanton, Norkhan D.
and Literature Programs


Management of Language

Positive Consequences: In this alternative, the administration

will be able to hear both sides. They will be able to properly weigh
things. On the other hand, the teachers and students will be able to
voice out their sentiments and because of that, as an entity, they
can try and fix whatever is wrong.
Negative Consequences: This might lead to further chaos.
Knowing the nature of some of the scholars, they might resent and
further justify their actions and claims. On the other hand, the
teachers might get too emotional resulting for the whole thing to be
dramatic. With all these, the dialogue might not meet its objective.
Another concern here is the diversity of socio-cultural orientation of
the parties. In trying to meet ends, there might be values/morals
that will be put more importance by the teachers and students that
will hamper the harmonious relationship between them.

The students and teachers should all be reminded of what they

are supposed to do. Since Mrs. Pineda is the person directly

connected with the students, teachers and the administration, she
should be the one who would propose a plan with the administration.
This plan should be directed by the administration for the stand as
the third party between the students and the teachers.
Positive Consequences: If this alternative be implemented,
everyone will be reminded of what they are expected to do. Once the
administration reminds the concerned, they will keep straight to their
tasks; the students with studying and the teachers teaching.
Negative Consequences: This will be added task to the
administration. They also have other things to attend to and the
problem between the students and teachers should not have been a
problem in the first place. In line with this, this alternative will only
further delay the schedule of the English program as they are
already behind it.

Macapanton, Norkhan D.
and Literature Programs


Management of Language

Considering the timeframe of the program, they are expected

to fall behind schedule. Because of this, Mrs. Pineda should

immediately set a meeting with the administration and strategize a
plan to remedy the situation.
Positive Consequences: The problems with the attitudes of the
students as well as the increasing number of teachers resigning, Mrs.
Pineda, with the help of the administration, can directly address
these. In addition, since this alternative will be implemented
immediately, actions will be seen right away. In this alternative, the
program can definitely save time. So, only minimal time will be
allocated for problem solving.
Negative Consequences: There is no assurance that whatever
Mrs. Pineda and the administration plan will be successful, that it will
be followed and supported by the teachers and students. There is
also a question with the time that will be allocated for the planning
(when) and the implementation (how).
6. Decision
Realizing all the consequences of the alternatives presented, I
believe that all will be applicable to Mrs. Pinedas situation. First of all,
she should do necessary actions to prevent the worsening of the
situation. On the other hand, the effect of these actions should be felt
immediately as they have a calendar to follow. An alteration in the
activities will surely change the whole program however they can save
time if they will be able to properly strategize their remedies.
Furthermore, I believe that there is a need for a dialogue especially
between the teachers and students since most of the problems sprout
from their misunderstandings. The role of the administration will really
play a vital role in the aim of continuing the program. Thats why there
is an intervention that the administration should do with the presence
of Mrs. Pineda.

Macapanton, Norkhan D.
and Literature Programs


Management of Language

Considering that the program is academic in nature, a lot of thought

should be invested in planning and sustaining it. Thus, if problems
surface, the people concerned should be able to keep the program
going despite their short comings. If they do this, at the end of the day,
everyone will benefit from it.

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