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897 F.

2d 128
133 L.R.R.M. (BNA) 3100, 15 Fed.R.Serv.3d 1335

Roy A. JOHNSON and John J. Sheller, Plaintiffs-Appellants,

Verne ORR, Secretary of the Air Force, Francis Erard, Major
General, Wilfred C. Menard, Jr., Major General, Colonel John
Murphy, Brigadier General Charles Young, Air Commander
Colonel Billy McDaniels, Defendants-Appellees.
No. 89-5315.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued Oct. 20, 1989.
Decided March 1, 1990.

Martin R. Cohen (argued), American Federation of Government

Employees, Philadelphia, Pa., Mark D. Roth, American Federation of
Government Employees, AFL-CIO, Washington, D.C., for plaintiffsappellants.
Bette E. Uhrmacher (argued), Asst. U.S. Atty., Trenton, N.J., for
Before BECKER, COWEN, and SEITZ, Circuit Judges.
SEITZ, Circuit Judge.

This is the decision on defendants' motion to dismiss plaintiffs' appeal from a

district court order granting plaintiffs allegedly inadequate attorneys' fees on
the ground that the notice of appeal is untimely. The extensive history of this
case is recounted in two earlier opinions of this court. Johnson v. Orr, 780 F.2d
386 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 828, 107 S.Ct. 107, 93 L.Ed.2d 56 (1986);
Johnson v. Orr, 776 F.2d 75 (3d Cir.1985). We will repeat only those facts
necessary to an understanding of the issues raised by defendants' motion.

Plaintiffs Roy A. Johnson and John J. Sheller ("plaintiffs") were civilian

technicians employed by the New Jersey Air National Guard. They were
discharged from their positions for labor activities alleged to be in violation of
federal law. In an administrative hearing, the dismissals were upheld by an Air
National Guard hearing examiner, whose findings were in turn adopted by the
New Jersey Adjutant General.

Thereafter, plaintiffs filed a complaint in the district court containing three

claims: 1) improper discharge in violation of the first and fifth amendments to
the United States Constitution, the Bivens claims 2) improper discharge in
violation of the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and 3)
other constitutional violations remediable under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1983 (1982).

The district court dismissed the first of these claims, the Bivens claims, in
December of 1983. On July 2, 1984, the district court granted summary
judgment for plaintiffs on their APA claim. The so-called Sec. 1983 claim
remained undecided. Defendants moved to have the order granting summary
judgment on the APA claim made final pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil
Procedure 54(b). This the district court did by order dated October 24, 1985.
The defendants then appealed the summary judgment on the APA claim and
that judgment was affirmed by this court. Johnson v. Orr, 776 F.2d 75 (3d

After the judgment on the APA claim became final in December 1986,
plaintiffs renewed their motion in the district court for costs and attorneys' fees
on that judgment.1 Upon receipt of the Report and Recommendation of the
United States Magistrate, the district court entered an order awarding plaintiffs
certain fees and costs, pursuant to the Equal Access to Justice Act, 28 U.S.C.
Sec. 2412 (1982 & Supp.1987). The order was docketed on April 11, 1988. At
this point in time, April 11, 1988, plaintiffs' Sec. 1983 claim remained viable in
the district court.

We come next to the critical events relevant to the disposition of the pending
motion to dismiss. The plaintiffs did not file a notice of appeal within sixty days
after the April 11, 1988, fee order was docketed. See Fed.R.Civ.P. 4 (where
government is a party notice of appeal must be filed within sixty days). Rather,
after negotiation, the parties settled the Sec. 1983 claim and the court entered
an order dated April 3, 1989, dismissing the amended complaint with prejudice.
On April 10, 1989, plaintiffs filed a notice of appeal from the district court's fee
order that had been docketed April 11, 1988. It is the timeliness of this notice
of appeal that we must determine.

The issue is more simply stated than resolved. The district court's judgment for
plaintiffs on the APA claim had been appealed and had become final in
December 1986. The order fixing the fees and costs with respect to that
judgment was docketed on April 11, 1988. Since the fees and costs were based
solely on a final judgment, we must decide whether the order fixing such fees
and costs likewise became final and thus triggered the running of the time for

Defendants contend quite simply that the fee order was a final judgment for
appeal purposes. Plaintiffs counter that the fact that a final judgment existed
with respect to the APA claim, did not render the subsequent fee order final
because the Sec. 1983 claim remained outstanding.

Generally speaking, an order unconditionally fixing fees, docketed after the

docketing of the final merits judgment, is a separate final judgment, at least
where the merits judgment resolved all of the claims before the district court.
Such a conclusion is implicit in some of the Supreme Court's analysis in White
v. New Hampshire Dep't of Employment Security, 455 U.S. 445, 102 S.Ct.
1162, 71 L.Ed.2d 325 (1982). Indeed, this proposition seems not to be
challenged here. Plaintiffs say the rule is otherwise, however, where other
claims remain unresolved and there is no 54(b) certification of the fee order.


An analysis of our problem must begin with a recital of certain federal law
relating to 54(b) final judgments. Generally speaking, a judgment entered
pursuant to Rule 54(b) has the same finality as any other judgment. See, e.g.,
Hayes v. Sealtest Foods Div. of Nat'l Dairy Prods. Corp., 396 F.2d 448 (3d
Cir.1968) (recognizing that after a Rule 54(b) certification and the entry of a
final judgment, the time for appeal begins to run); Government of Virgin
Islands v. 2.6912 Acres of Land, 396 F.2d 3 (3d Cir.1968) (finding that failure
to certify judgment under Rule 54(b) precludes res judicata effect); Hooks v.
Washington Sheraton Corp., 642 F.2d 614 (D.C.Cir.1980) (stating that after
Rule 54(b) order, judgment begins to accumulate interest); Redding & Co. v.
Russwine Constr. Corp., 417 F.2d 721 (D.C.Cir.1969) (stating that Rule 54(b)
has implications as to a judgment's finality for purposes of execution).


Thus, certification of a judgment under Rule 54(b) triggers, subject to review,

all of the direct consequences of any final judgment. While plaintiffs would, of
course, agree that the district court was authorized to fix attorneys' fees, they
insist that the fee order, unlike the merits judgment, was not a final judgment
when entered because of the existence of the Sec. 1983 claim. Such a result
would follow in the absence of a certification of the merits judgment where
claims remained undecided. But does plaintiffs' position clash with the basic

purpose behind the adoption of the Rule 54(b) provision permitting a district
court to render a judgment final while other claims remain pending?

The factors that motivated the adoption of the certification provision in Rule
54(b) are clear:


Rule 54(b) is designed to facilitate the entry of judgments upon one or more but
fewer than all the claims or as to one or more but fewer than all the parties in an
action involving more than one claim or party. It was adopted because of the
potential scope and complexity of civil actions under the federal rules, given
their extensive provisions for the liberal joinder of claims and parties. The basic
purpose of Rule 54(b) is to avoid the possible injustice of a delay in entering
judgment on a distinctly separate claim or as to fewer than all of the parties
until the final adjudication of the entire case by making an immediate appeal
available. [footnote omitted]


10 C. Wright, A. Miller & M. Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure, Sec. 2654
(2d ed.1983).


Attorneys' fees are, of course, collateral to the main cause of action. White, 455
U.S. 445 at p. 451, 102 S.Ct. 1162 at p. 1166. However, when the judgment on
the fees is rendered after the entry of final judgment on the merits pursuant to
Rule 54(b), is there any policy reason why the court's decision to render the
merits judgment final should not carry over to the fee determination thereon
solely because of the existence of another claim?


If plaintiffs are correct, the fee order of the district court docketed on April 11,
1988, lacked finality and thus could not have been appealed at that time by
either side without a certification. Such a result could materially delay the
finality of a frequently not unimportant aspect of a favorable judgment on the
merits--attorneys' fees. Moreover, since a 54(b) certification indicates that the
district court believes the merits judgment should become final immediately,
we can think of no policy consideration that would suggest that a separate fee
award on that judgment should not also be final. This is even more true when,
as here, the certified merits judgment has already been affirmed on appeal.
Assuredly, the very purpose served by a certification of finality suggests the
importance of making final all of its collateral consequences.


Plaintiffs contend that the legal fees award was not appealable because there
was no express Rule 54(b) determination as to the fees and costs claims. The
contention implies that such an express determination of finality was necessary.

Of course, the certification would only be necessary if the attorneys' fee order
were to be viewed as not being a final judgment. Our determination to the
contrary negates this argument.

Plaintiffs assert that this court's decision in Yakowicz v. Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania, 683 F.2d 778 (3d Cir.1982), requires us to find this fee order
unappealable until the entire complaint was dismissed. However, that case is
not controlling. Yakowicz ruled that an order denying interim attorneys' fees
was not final and appealable. Here, in contrast, the final assessment of fees was
based on a final judgment.


Finally, plaintiffs rely on certain actions of the parties to suggest that they
understood the fee order of April 11, 1988, not to be a final judgment. Finality
of a judgment for appeal purposes presents a jurisdictional issue for our
determination. As a consequence, plaintiffs' understanding as to the finality of
the order is irrelevant.


We conclude that the fee order of April 11, 1988, was itself a final judgment
under the circumstances. We will therefore grant defendants' motion to dismiss
plaintiffs' appeal as untimely.


BECKER, Circuit Judge, concurring.


Although I join in the court's opinion, I find this case far more difficult than its
tone would suggest. To hold final an award of counsel fees after a partial merits
judgment itself certified as final under Fed.R.Civ.P. 54(b), as we do, is to
presuppose that an appropriate fee can and should be determined at that time. I
find this assumption somewhat problematic, and indeed in some tension with
the Supreme Court's prescribed method for determining an appropriate counsel
fee award. I write separately to identify how today's result will complicate the
counsel fee analysis and to explain why I believe that we reach the right result


In Hensley v. Eckerhart, 461 U.S. 424, 103 S.Ct. 1933, 76 L.Ed.2d 40 (1983),
the Supreme Court established the basic methodology for calculating an
appropriate award of statutory attorneys' fees. "The most useful starting point
for determining the amount of a reasonable fee is the number of hours
reasonably expended on the litigation multiplied by a reasonable hourly rate,"
id. at 433, 103 S.Ct. at 1939--the so-called "lodestar" amount. However, hours

spent litigating unsuccessful claims unrelated to the ones on which the plaintiff
has prevailed must then be identified and excluded from the lodestar. See id. at
434-35, 103 S.Ct. at 1939-40. If, on the other hand, the unsuccessful claims are
sufficiently interrelated with the successful ones--i.e. they "involve a common
core of facts or [are] based on related legal theories," id. at 435, 103 S.Ct. at
1940--courts should not attempt to identify specific hours spent on those claims
and to exclude them from the lodestar. "Instead the district court should focus
on the significance of the overall relief obtained by the plaintiff in relation to
the hours reasonably expended on the litigation." Id.

Hensley thus teaches that the requisite comparison between hours expended
and relief obtained cannot be done on a claim-by-claim basis for claims that
"involve a common core of facts or [are] based on related legal theories." Thus,
a plaintiff who prevailed on only one of several interrelated claims and won
essentially complete relief should receive a fee award equal to the lodestar
amount, while a plaintiff who prevailed on all of his claims but won only
limited or partial relief might appropriately receive less than the full lodestar
amount. In either case, "the most critical factor [in setting an appropriate fee] is
the degree of success obtained" in the litigation as a whole. Id. at 436, 103 S.Ct.
at 1941.


Claims can be sufficiently interrelated to require joint consideration for Hensley

purposes but sufficiently discrete to be severable from one another on the
merits under Rule 54(b) for purposes of appellate jurisdiction. The "common
core of facts" or "based on related legal theories" test set out in Hensley
suggests a very broad standard of relatedness similar to the one generally used
for purposes of claim preclusion.1 The Supreme Court, however, has held that
some transactionally related claims are sufficiently discrete to be severable
from one another under Rule 54(b). See Cold Metal Process Co. v. United
Engineering & Foundry Co., 351 U.S. 445, 452, 76 S.Ct. 904, 909, 100 L.Ed.
1311 (1956) ("If the District Court certifies a final order on a claim which
arises out of the same transaction and occurrence as pending claims, and the
Court of Appeals is satisfied that there has been no abuse of discretion, the
order is appealable."); Sears, Roebuck & Co. v. Mackey, 351 U.S. 427, 436-37
& n. 9, 76 S.Ct. 895, 900-01 & n. 9, 100 L.Ed. 1297 (1956) (upholding the
certification of a claim that involved "some" different operative facts from
those involved in claims that remained pending). I conclude, therefore, that
some claims that "involve a common core of facts or [are] based on related
legal theories," Hensley, 461 U.S. at 435, 103 S.Ct. at 1940, can be severed
from one another under Rule 54(b) nonetheless.


Thus, a situation can arise in which a plaintiff has prevailed on one claim,

another transactionally related claim remains pending, and the district court has
certified the adjudicated claim as final under Rule 54(b).2 At that point in the
litigation, it seems to me that the analysis required by Hensley cannot be done
properly. Because the adjudicated claim is interrelated with the pending one,
the hours reasonably spent litigating both must be included in the lodestar.
However, because the plaintiff's overall degree of success is as yet unknown
(because of the uncertain outcome of the related claim that remains pending),
the district court cannot make the requisite comparison between the hours
expended and the overall relief obtained. In short, an unmodified Hensley
analysis is impossible.

Hensley, however, can easily be modified to make the requisite calculation

possible. At the time of the Rule 54(b) certification, the Hensley analysis can be
performed on the assumption that the plaintiff will obtain no relief on the claim
that still remains pending. Then, the "overall relief obtained" for purposes of
the fee determination is simply the relief obtained from having prevailed on the
certified claim. That relief can be compared against the total number of hours
spent litigating both claims until the time of the certification, and an appropriate
fee set accordingly.


If the pending claim also provides for statutory attorneys' fees and the plaintiff
later prevails on it as well, another calculation under Hensley would then be
warranted. The effect of the Rule 54(b) certification, I believe, is to sever the
previously related claims, both for appellate jurisdiction and for Hensley
purposes. Before the certification, "[m]uch of counsel's time [was] devoted
generally to the litigation as a whole, making it difficult to divide the hours
expended on a claim-by-claim basis." Hensley, 461 U.S. at 435, 103 S.Ct. at
1940. After the certification, however, counsel's time is easily allocable
between the two claims: obviously, time spent litigating in the district court is
attributable only to the claim still pending. Thus, a Hensley calculation can be
made at this second stage by comparing all potentially compensable hours-which include all time spent litigating the pending claim after the certification
and all time spent litigating before the certification (which is fairly attributable
to both claims) that went uncompensated under the first Hensley calculation-against the degree of additional success afforded by the later judgment (or


The exact mechanics of all the various permutations of this bifurcated Hensley
analysis are not before us at this time. Nonetheless, the result we endorse today
makes sense only to the extent that the bifurcated Hensley analysis that it will

necessitate is feasible. Feasible it is, although even this brief outline of the
analysis reveals its principal vices: (1) it further complicates an already overly
complicated field of law, measured against the alternative of requiring a unitary
fee determination to be made only after all related claims have been fully
adjudicated; (2) it requires some interstitial modification of the procedures set
out in Hensley, a binding Supreme Court precedent; and (3) it allows piecemeal
appeals of related merits judgments to be followed by piecemeal appeals of
related counsel fee awards.

For these reasons, I am uncomfortable with the statement that there is "no
policy consideration that would suggest that a separate fee award on [the
certified merits] judgment should not also be final." Ante at 131. Nonetheless, I
join in the court's opinion. I do so, despite these misgivings, because I believe
that the adverse consequences of postponing finality are sufficiently weighty to
overcome the complications of bifurcating the counsel fee determination.


First of all, requiring a unitary fee determination only at the end of the litigation
of all related claims would make the Hensley analysis simpler as a formal
matter, but often more difficult practically. Frequently claims are litigated over
a number of years, and a pending claim can drag on for several years after a
related claim has been decided and certified. Memories (unlike pending claims)
fade with time, so a district court is surely in a better position to set an
appropriate fee relatively contemporaneously, even after accounting for the
technical complications engendered by the bifurcation of the Hensley analysis.


Second, a prime policy underlying the various statutory fee provisions is to

encourage competent attorneys to file classes of suits that Congress has deemed
to be in the public interest. See, e.g., City of Riverside v. Rivera, 477 U.S. 561,
575-81, 106 S.Ct. 2686, 2692-98, 91 L.Ed.2d 466 (1986) (plurality opinion)
(discussing the rationale behind 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1988). To the extent that the
calculation of a counsel fee award is postponed, the attorney must wait that
much longer to receive his compensation. Money has a time value, and
attorneys often have cash flow considerations to worry about. For these reasons,
an award delayed is an award reduced--and with it, the incentive to bring
similar suits in the future. At the margin, therefore, delaying the fee calculation
will result in fewer actions, thus undermining the purpose underlying the
relevant statutory fee provision.


Although for me the question is close, I conclude that on balance the benefits
of the rule we announce today outweigh its drawbacks. I understand nothing in
the court's analysis to be inconsistent with the views I have expressed and, on
that assumption, I join in the court's opinion.

The earlier motion was not acted on at the time of the certification of the
judgment on the APA claim

Compare, e.g., Fed.R.Civ.P. 13(a) (counterclaim must be raised "if it arises out
of the transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the opposing
party's claim"); Restatement (Second) of Judgments Sec. 24 & comments a, b
(1982) (equating "claim" with "transaction" and defining "transaction" in terms
of "a natural grouping or common nucleus of operative facts")

Indeed such a situation arose earlier in this litigation: the plaintiffs prevailed on
their APA claim; the Sec. 1983 claim, which arose out of a common core of
operative facts as the APA claim, remained pending; and the district court
certified the APA claim as final nonetheless

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