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913 F.

2d 102
59 USLW 2189, 23 Collier Bankr.Cas.2d 1035,
20 Bankr.Ct.Dec. 1515, Bankr. L. Rep. P 73,606

In the Matter of James TAYLOR, Debtor.

James TAYLOR, Appellee.
No. 89-5700.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued June 25, 1990.
Decided Sept. 4, 1990.

Michael L. Moskowitz (argued), Richard E. Weltman, Weltman & Moskowitz,

New York City, for appellant.

Paul S. Hollander (argued), Peter A. Pizzani, Jr., Okin, Cohen & Hollander,
Fort Lee, N.J., for appellee.

Before SLOVITER and MANSMANN, Circuit Judges, and FULLAM, District




FULLAM, District Judge.

James Taylor, as debtor-in-possession in this Chapter 11 bankruptcy

proceeding, sought the bankruptcy court's approval of his decision to reject
certain executory contracts, including a music-publishing agreement dated
November 13, 1985, between the debtor and the appellant, Delightful Music,
Ltd. The latter objected, moved to dismiss the bankruptcy petition, and
requested the court to abstain from ruling on the rejection request.

The Bankruptcy Court granted permission to reject the executory contract, and
refused to dismiss the bankruptcy petition or abstain. The district court upheld
these rulings, In re Taylor, 103 B.R. 511 (D.N.J.1989), and Delightful now


Under 28 U.S.C. Sec. 158(d), this court has jurisdiction to review "final"
orders. In the bankruptcy context, finality is accorded a somewhat flexible,
pragmatic definition, see, In re Comer, 716 F.2d 168, 171 (3d Cir.1983). The
order approving rejection of appellant's contracts fully and finally resolved a
discrete set of issues, leaving no related issues for later determination; we
conclude that that order is final and appealable for purposes of Sec. 158(d) and
28 U.S.C. Sec. 1291. See generally, Century Glove v. First Amer. Bank of
N.Y., 860 F.2d 94, 97-99 (3d Cir.1988). The order refusing to dismiss the
bankruptcy petition is likewise appealable, In the Matter of Christian, 804 F.2d
46 (3rd Cir.1986).1

This appeal presents an issue which has not previously been addressed in any
reported appellate decision, namely, whether executory contracts for the
personal services of the debtor may be rejected under Sec. 365 of the
Bankruptcy Code. Appellant argues that personal-service contracts are not, and
cannot become, part of the estate being dealt with in the bankruptcy court, and
therefore cannot be rejected or otherwise affected in a Chapter 11 proceeding.
Alternatively, appellant argues that rejection should not have been permitted in
this case because it was not sought in good faith and would not benefit the
estate. A final argument is that the bankruptcy petition should have been
dismissed because the debtor was not insolvent at the time the petition was
filed, and lacked a genuine reorganization purpose, and because the petition
was not filed in good faith.

I. Factual Background

James Taylor is a well-known professional musician and entertainer. From

1979 until mid-February 1988, he served as the lead singer and principal
songwriter in a group known as "Kool and the Gang" ("The Group").


The services of The Group were furnished pursuant to various contracts

arranged through "furnishing companies"--corporate entities in which various
members of The Group held ownership interests. Thus, Quintet Associates, Ltd.
was a corporation formed by the members of The Group to handle its recording
contracts. Fresh Start Music, Inc. handled The Group's musical publishing
business. A third corporation, variously known as Road Gang Enterprises, Inc.
and/or Road Gang Associates, Ltd., arranged The Group's concerts and tours.


Until 1985, Quintet contracted to provide The Group's exclusive recording

services to DeLite Recorded Sound Corp., and the individual members of The
Group were required to furnish their recording services to Quintet so that
Quintet could fulfill its contractual obligations to DeLite. In 1985, DeLite
assigned its rights to Polygram Records, Inc., which entered into a new
agreement with Quintet. Mr. Taylor and the other individual members of The
Group executed "inducement letters" assenting to these arrangements.
Concomitantly, Quintet entered into a music-publishing agreement with the
appellant, Delightful Music, Ltd., which was a corporate affiliate of DeLite.
This arrangement, too, was sanctioned by "inducement letters" executed by Mr.
Taylor and other members of The Group.

In November 1986, similar arrangements were concluded between Fresh Start

and Polygram for the services of Group members as songwriters; by this
agreement, Polygram was required to pay royalties for songs written by Group
members but not recorded by The Group.


In consequence of these contractual arrangements, appellant obtained the

exclusive worldwide copyrights in all of the musical compositions of The
Group, and of Mr. Taylor as a principal writer for The Group. Appellant was
obliged to secure and protect copyrights, make master recordings and other
audio-visual reproductions of The Group's compositions, print, publish and sell
sheet music of The Group's compositions, market these products and issue
licenses, and collect performance fees. And Mr. Taylor was contractually
obligated to compose and perform, as a principal member of The Group,
musical compositions sufficient to produce at least eight record albums (subject
to various options). In the event Mr. Taylor should terminate his membership in
The Group, he would remain personally liable to fulfill his remaining
obligations as a solo artist--i.e., to compose and perform enough musical
compositions to produce the required minimum number of albums--under a
"leaving member clause" in the pertinent agreements.


Upon completion of a February 1988 tour of The Group, Mr. Taylor left The
Group to pursue a solo career. The bankruptcy petition was filed on May 23,
1988. At that time, only one album had been released.


Beginning at least as early as 1985, The Group and its various related corporate
entities experienced financial difficulties, apparently due in large part to lifestyles involving unduly lavish expenditures, in excess of the substantial income
generated by their performances. They borrowed money, from banks, their
agent, and their pension funds, and these advances were secured by
assignments of future revenues under the recording agreements, as well as by
the personal guarantees of The Group members, including Mr. Taylor.


When the bankruptcy petition was filed, Mr. Taylor was in the following
unenviable position: he was owed substantial amounts by Group entities, but
with virtually no prospect of payment; he was contractually obliged to write and
perform enough musical compositions to provide at least seven additional
albums, but any revenues these efforts might generate would be retained by The
Group's creditors; and he had personally guaranteed the obligations of The
Group and its related entities in amounts greatly in excess of the remaining
equity in his home, which was his only significant asset.

II. Dismissal of the Bankruptcy Petition


If the bankruptcy court and district court erred in refusing to dismiss the
bankruptcy proceeding in its entirety, the issue of contract-rejection would be
moot. We therefore first address the dismissal question.


In affirming the bankruptcy court's refusal to dismiss the petition, the district
court found that the "debtor's current financial condition justifies the filing of a
voluntary petition in bankruptcy". Taylor, 103 B.R. at 521. The court noted that
the bankruptcy petition lists liabilities totaling $4,518,701.50 ($2,530,730
secured, $1,987,969.50 unsecured), and assets totaling only $734,215. The
court further concluded that appellant had not established that the petition was
filed in bad faith. We review the factual component of these findings under the
clearly erroneous standard, and the legal component de novo.


Appellant contends that, if the personal liabilities of the debtor had not been
improperly confused with the debts of the various Group entities, and if the
debtor's personal liabilities had been properly evaluated to reflect their
contingent nature, the debtor's financial picture would not be nearly bleak
enough to warrant filing for bankruptcy; in addition, appellant argues, inter alia,
that many of the listed liabilities are not enforceable against the debtor for
various reasons: that the debtor was merely an accommodation-maker, whose
liability was extinguished by the acts of the other parties; and that the debtor's
obligations had been canceled by virtue of novations or settlement agreements.
We reject these arguments.


Even if debtor's contingent liabilities (approximately $1.2 million in amount)

were disregarded, his debts would greatly exceed his assets.2 Moreover,
appellant's argument rests upon an unduly optimistic view as to the remoteness
of the contingency. The district court expressly found that the debtor was not a
mere accommodation party--he was, after all, personally guaranteeing
repayment of loans to Group entities (owned by The Group members) for the
direct benefit of the members of The Group, himself included. Whether a

novation occurred as to certain of these guaranty transactions depends upon the

intent of the parties. This is a factual question, and the findings set forth in the
record are not clearly erroneous.3

In short, we conclude that the order appealed from, to the extent appellant's
motion to dismiss the bankruptcy proceeding was denied, must be affirmed.

III. Rejection of Executory Contracts for Personal Services


As set forth in Sec. 1107, a debtor-in-possession in a Chapter 11 proceeding has

the same powers with respect to executory contracts as a trustee. And 11 U.S.C.
Sec. 365 provides as follows:


"(a) Except as provided [in subsection (c) of this section], the trustee, subject to
the court's approval, may assume or reject any executory contract or unexpired
lease of the debtor.




"(c) The trustee may not assume or assign any executory contract or unexpired
lease of the debtor ... if--


"(1)(A) applicable law excuses a party, other than the Debtor, to such contract
or lease from accepting performance from or rendering performance to an entity
other than the debtor or the debtor in possession ... and


"(B) such party does not consent to such assumption or assignment."


It is clear that contracts for personal services fall within (c)(1)(A), since
"applicable law" excuses the parties from accepting performance from, or
rendering performance to, non-signatories.


Thus, Sec. 365(a) permits a trustee to assume or reject any executory contract,
but Sec. 365(c) adds the limitation that a trustee may not assume or assign an
executory contract for personal services unless the parties consent.


On its face, the statute places no restrictions on a trustee's right to reject a

personal services contract. This is not in the least surprising, since, as we read
the statute, it implicitly provides that any executory contract which is not
assumed--either in the course of the proceedings, or in the reorganization plan

approved by the court--is automatically rejected. See 11 U.S.C. Sec. 365(g)(1).


Appellant argues that this straightforward reading of the plain language of Sec.
365 is inappropriate, because it does not take into account other provisions of
the Bankruptcy Code, most notably Sec. 541(a)(6) which, in defining "property
of the estate," makes clear that the proceeds of the debtor's post-petition
personal services are excluded from the estate. Since an executory contract for
the debtor's personal services is not part of the estate, the argument continues,
such a contract is not within the "jurisdiction" of the trustee, and the trustee
simply has no power to deal with such a contract. This line of argument rests
upon some fundamental misconceptions.


To the extent that money is due the debtor for pre-petition services under a
personal services contract, the debtor's claim for those sums is undoubtedly an
asset of the estate which passes to the trustee/debtor-in-possession. And this is
so regardless of whether the trustee later affirms or rejects the contract. Stated
otherwise, the issue of affirmance or rejection relates only to those aspects of
the contract which remained unfulfilled as of the date the petition was filed. It
serves no useful purpose to speak generally about whether "the contract"
becomes part of "the estate". The real question is the status of the reciprocal
rights and obligations of the contracting parties arising after the petition was
filed. As to these, the "assume or reject" dichotomy means simply that if the
trustee wishes to obtain for the estate the future benefits of the executory
portion of the contract, the trustee must also assume the burdens of that
contract, as an expense of bankruptcy administration (i.e., having priority over
all pre-bankruptcy claims of creditors).


It is simply a non sequitur to suggest that a trustee may not reject an executory
contract because it is not property of the estate. It is the trustee's decision
(whether to assume or reject) that determines whether the benefits of an
executory contract will or will not become property of the estate. And that
decision is obviously within the power ("jurisdiction") of the trustee.


Personal services contracts differ from other executory contracts only in that
the consent of the parties is required before the trustee has authority to assume
them--a qualification which reflects the peculiar nature of such contracts and
the widespread distaste for involuntary servitude. On the other hand, the
trustee's authority to reject extends to all executory contracts--including
personal-services contracts.


When an executory contract is not assumed (is rejected), 11 U.S.C. Sec. 365(g)


"(g) ... The rejection of an executory contract ... constitutes a breach of such
contract ...


"(1) if such contract or lease has not been assumed under this section or under a
plan confirmed under Chapter 9, 11 or 13 of this title, immediately before the
date of the filing of the petition ....


Appellant has a claim against the debtor's estate for whatever damages the
rejection/breach has occasioned. This claim, like the claims of other creditors,
will have to be dealt with in the reorganization plan.


The parties' research has uncovered only two reported decisions directly
pertinent to this appeal. In In re Noonan, 17 B.R. 793 (Bky.S.D.N.Y.1982), the
court permitted the trustee to reject an executory personal-services contract in a
Chapter 11 proceeding which had been voluntarily converted to a Chapter 7. In
In re Carrere, 64 B.R. 156 (Bky.C.D.Cal.1986), the court ruled that a debtor in
possession or trustee has no "standing" to reject a personal services executory
contract (since the "trustee has no interest in the contract, he has no standing to
act at all under Sec. 365", 64 B.R. at 159). In Carrere, a TV actress
contractually committed to perform in a daytime serial program was offered a
more lucrative role on another program, and the court found that the sole
purpose in filing for bankruptcy was to enable her to reject her existing contract
and accept the new offer, in order to improve her financial position--a purpose
not compatible with the true aim of the bankruptcy law. It seems probable that
the principal basis for the court's decision was its conclusion that the
bankruptcy proceeding itself might well have been dismissed. At any rate, for
the reasons already discussed, we reject the notion that a trustee lacks power to
deal with personal-service contracts.


The remaining issue is whether this particular executory contract was properly
rejected. Since we are dealing with a personal-services contract which could
not be assumed without the parties' consent, and which would therefore, sooner
or later, be deemed rejected in the absence of such consent, the debtor-inpossession was confronted with an extremely limited choice: he could reject the
contract, or he could defer decision pending formulation of a plan of
reorganization--in case the parties might change their minds and consent to
assumption of the contract in the plan itself. In these circumstances, the
traditional "business judgment" test of benefit to the estate, see, Sharon Steel
Corp. v. National Fuel Gas Distrib. Corp., 872 F.2d 36, 39-40 (3d Cir.1989) has

only limited application. We have no hesitation in concluding that no useful

purpose would have been served by delaying the rejection decision. Indeed, the
task of formulating a successful reorganization plan is undoubtedly aided by
promptly clarifying the potential availability of some or all of the revenues
from the debtor's post-petition creative efforts.IV. Conclusion

The district court properly decided that the Bankruptcy Code permits a debtorin-possession to reject an executory contract for personal services, with court
approval; that rejection of appellant's contract was appropriate; and that the
bankruptcy proceeding should not be dismissed. We affirm those rulings. To
the extent the appeal challenges the refusal to abstain, the appeal is dismissed.

Honorable John P. Fullam of the United States District Court for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation

But the order denying the motion to abstain is, by the express terms of the
statute, not appealable. 11 U.S.C. Sec. 305(c). Insofar as the appellant
challenges the abstention decision, the appeal will be dismissed

Of course, if later facts adduced before the bankruptcy court present a different
financial picture, the statute permits the court to reconsider the appropriateness
of dismissal. See 11 U.S.C. Sec. 305(a)

The assertion that the debtor lacked a true intent to reorganize is not borne out
by the record. Presumably a proposed plan of reorganization will emerge in due
course, or the alternatives of dismissal or conversion resorted to. No issue of
undue delay is presented at this stage

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