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230 F.

2d 883

Application of John Henry TUNE, for a Writ of Habeas

No. 11630.

United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit.

Argued Nov. 2, 1955.
Decided March 6, 1956.

Charles Danzig, Newark, N.J., for appellant.

Charles V. Webb, Jr., Newark, N.J. (Grover C. Richman, Jr., Atty. Gen.,
of New Jersey, C. William Caruso, Sp. Legal Asst. Prosecutor, Newark,
N.J., on the brief), for appellee.
Before GOODRICH, STALEY and HASTIE, Circuit Judges.
STALEY, Circuit Judge.

Petitioner, John Henry Tune, presently incarcerated under sentence of death in

the New Jersey State Prison, Trenton, New Jersey, was denied a writ of habeas
corpus by the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. The
necessary certificate of probable cause required by Section 2253 of Title 28 of
the United States Code was issued by the district court, and Tune has appealed
to this court. He contends that the district court erred in holding that none of his
federal constitutional rights were violated during the process of his arrest, trial,
and conviction, and raises here questions which were considered in the district
court. The petitioner had previously exhausted his state remedies, including an
application for certiorari which was denied by the United States Supreme

William Prather was found dead in the cellar of his home in Irvington, New
Jersey, during the early morning of Saturday, August 23, 1952. In the afternoon
of the same day, petitioner was taken into custody, and sometime between 3
and 5 a.m. Sunday, August 24, he signed a fourteen-page, detailed statement
which contained admissions as to how and when he had killed Prather. On
Monday, August 25, 1952, petitioner was arraigned, and on October 7, 1952, he

was indicted. On October 30, 1952, about two months and one week after
petitioner's arrest and his signing of the fourteen-page statement, the trial court
appointed counsel to represent him. The trial, which began on February 15,
1954, and lasted for fifteen days, resulted in a verdict of guilty of murder in the
first degree with no recommendation of mercy. A judgment of conviction was
entered upon the verdict, and petitioner was sentenced to death.

The questions we are asked to consider are: whether petitioner was denied trial
by jury in violation of constitutional rights; whether the confession used by the
state as evidence was lawfully procured; whether the refusal to allow petitioner
to inspect a confession prior to trial was a denial of due process; whether the
tactics of the state so impregnated the jury with the thought that the defense
was unfair that the petitioner was deprived of a fair trial; and whether
petitioner's right of cross examination was unconstitutionally impaired.

First, we will consider whether the state unconstitutionally deprived petitioner

of trial by jury by removing the question of the voluntariness of petitioner's
confession2 from the jury's consideration. A very material element in the
evidence which led to petitioner's conviction was his written confession. Before
the confession was introduced in evidence at the trial, the question of its
voluntariness was determined by the trial judge who resolved the conflicting
testimony on the issue in favor of the state. Under New Jersey law, the trial
judge's ruling was final for all purposes, and was not subject to scrutiny by the
jury when it received the case. The jury was told that the petitioner had
voluntarily made the confession and was instructed that it was to determine
only whether or not the confession was true and the weight it should receive.
On the petitioner's appeal to the New Jersey Supreme Court, these instructions
to the jury were affirmed. State v. Tune, 1954, 17 N.J. 100, 110 A.2d 99.

Although, in a constitutional context, the ultimate determination of the issue of

voluntariness is not really a question of fact, nonetheless before the
determination can be made, basic facts must be accepted as true either because
they are undisputed or because they result from the reasonable resolution of
conflicting testimony. Lyons v. State of Oklahoma, 1944, 322 U.S. 596, 602,
603, 64 S.Ct. 1208, 88 L.Ed. 1481; Watts v. State of Indiana, 1949, 338 U.S.
49, 5152, 69 S.Ct. 1347, 93 L.Ed. 1801. The trial judge in the case before us
had to resolve conflicting testimony as to what occurred prior to and during the
taking of the confession before deciding whether the confession was voluntary.
It is, therefore, clear that the trial judge and not the jury decided certain
questions of fact in the petitioner's trial.

The question which has been raised is whether the petitioner was

constitutionally entitled to have all fact questions ultimately determined by the


Although to our knowledge a situation similar to that which confronts us has

never been presented to the Supreme Court of the United States, yet what that
court has said makes it clear that trial by jury is not a due process requirement.
In Snyder v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1934, 291 U.S. 97, 105, 54
S.Ct. 330, 332, 78 L.Ed. 674, the Supreme Court said:

'The commonwealth of Massachusetts is free to regulate the procedure of its

courts in accordance with its own conception of policy and fairness unless in so
doing it offends some principle of justice so rooted in the tradition and
conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental. Twining v. (State of)
New Jersey, 211 U.S. 78, 106, 111, 112, 29 S.Ct. 14, 53 L.Ed. 97; Rogers v.
Peck, 199 U.S. 425, 434, 26 S.Ct. 87, 50 L.Ed. 256; Maxwell v. Dow, 176 U.S.
581, 604, 20 S.Ct. 494, 44 L.Ed. 597; Hurtado v. California, 110 U.S. 513, 4
S.Ct. 111, 292, 28 L.Ed. 232; Frank v. Mangum, 237 U.S. 309, 326, 35 S.Ct.
582, 59 L.Ed. 969; Powell v. (State of) Alabama, 287 U.S. 45, 67, 53 S.Ct. 55,
77 L.Ed. 158. Its procedure does not run afoul of the Fourteenth Amendment
because another method may seem to our thinking to be fairer or wiser or to
give a surer promise of protection to the prisoner at the bar. Consistently with
that amendment, trial by jury may be abolished. Walker v. Sauvinet, 92 U.S.
90, 23 L.Ed. 678, Maxwell v. Dow, supra; New York Central R. Co. v. White,
243 U.S. 188, 208, 37 S.Ct. 247, 61 L.Ed. 667; Wagner Electric Mfg. Co. v.
Lyndon, 262 U.S. 226, 232, 43 S.Ct. 589, 67 L.Ed. 961. Indictments by a grand
jury may give way to informations by a public officer. Hurtado v. (People of
State of) California, supra; Gaines v. (State of) Washington, 277 U.S. 81, 86, 48
S.Ct. 468, 72 L.Ed. 793. The privilege against self-incrimination may be
withdrawn and the accused put upon the stand as a witness for the state.
Twining v. (State of) New Jersey, supra. What may not be taken away is notice
of the charge and an adequate opportunity to be heard in defense of it. Twining
v. (State of) New Jersey, supra; Powell v. (State of) Alabama, supra, pages 68,
71 of 287 U.S., 53 S.Ct. 55; Holmes v. Conway, 241 U.S. 624, 36 S.Ct. 681, 60
L.Ed. 1211. Cf. Blackmer v. United States, 284 U.S. 421, 440, 52 S.Ct. 252, 76
L.Ed. 375.'

In the light of the above, we cannot see how New Jersey has 'run afoul' of the
Fourteenth Amendment by permitting the trial judge to conclusively determine
the voluntariness issue. See also Stein v. People of State of New York, 1953,
346 U.S. 156, 179, 73 S.Ct. 1077, 97 L.Ed. 1522.


Petitioner next contends that the confession was not voluntarily given and asks

this court to so hold. We may properly upset a determination of voluntariness

by a trial judge or jury only if the facts which are unquestioned in the state's
version of the case persuade us that the confession was not voluntary. See
Watts v. State of Indiana, 338 U.S. at page 52, 69 S.Ct. 1347, 93 L.Ed. 1801.

The facts in this case, which a reading of the transcript indicates were not
questioned by either side, are:


William Prather was found dead in the cellar of his home in Irvington, New
Jersey, during the early morning of Saturday, August 23, 1952. When found,
Prather was lying on the floor nude from the waist down. In the afternoon of
the same day, petitioner was picked up without a warrant and taken to the
Newark Police Headquarters3 and told that he was wanted for questioning
about an auto accident. At the Newark station, petitioner stripped from the
waist up, removing his coat, shirt, and belt. He was questioned for a short
while, fingerprinted, and put into line-ups for identification by witnesses.
Petitioner was at the Newark station until about eight o'clock that evening.
Petitioner's wife, who was five months pregnant, was also at the Newark
station for several hours when petitioner was there. From the Newark station,
petitioner was taken to the cellar of the Prather home. In the cellar, certain
pictures were taken of petitioner in various poses. In some of the pictures a
police officer took the part of the deceased Prather. Petitioner was taken from
the Prather home to the Irvington police headquarters, arriving there about 10
p.m. Sometime around midnight a doctor came in to see petitioner and asked
certain questions and requested petitioner to perform certain coordination and
sobriety tests. After the doctor left, petitioner was questioned for a period of
from three to four hours. As he answered questions, a police officer was writing
something down. After the questioning, petitioner affixed his signature to the
fourteen-page statement which had been written out by the police officer during
the questioning. Petitioner's wife was at the Irvington station that night. The
afternoon of Sunday, August 24, petitioner had a visitor who turned out to be
one Hope, an individual not connected with the police, who was brought in as
an impartial witness to examine petitioner about the voluntariness of the
The state's version of the facts was:


Petitioner was taken into custody about 4 p.m. At the Newark police
headquarters he was asked to remove his coat, shirt, and belt, this being a
standard procedure in homicide cases. Very shortly thereafter, petitioner
admitted killing Prather. He was then fingerprinted and put into line-ups and
identified by certain witnesses. He talked with his wife and uncle. About 8 p.m.,

petitioner was taken to the Prather cellar and demonstrated how he had killed
Prather. Petitioner was then taken to the Irvington police headquarters, where
he ate a meal of his own selection and after it was finished said he felt good and
that the dinner was good. Again petitioner repeated orally the details of the
crime and displayed a willingness to have his oral statements reduced to
writing. A doctor examined petitioner for the purpose of determining
petitioner's sobriety, orientation, co-ordination, and generally his mental
faculties. Petitioner then willingly answered questions about the events and his
activities in connection with the crime and gave details about his past life.
Upon completion of the written confession, petitioner read it aloud. The
confession was then read aloud to him, and petitioner admitted that its contents
were true and signed each page of the confession and swore to the truth of its
contents. At no time was petitioner threatened or coerced in any way.
Petitioner's wife was permitted at both the Newark and Irvington stations
because she wanted to be there. About 3 p.m. on August 24, 1952, petitioner
was interviewed alone by William T. Hope, an impartial citizen-witness, for
about ten or twelve minutes concerning the treatment received prior to and
during the taking of the confession. Petitioner told Hope that he gave the
confession, that he had not been threatened or coerced in any way, that he had
read the confession and that it was read to him. Petitioner again read the
confession aloud in Hope's presence and said that he wished to change nothing.

The version of the facts presented by the defense was in sharp conflict with the
state's version and showed the following:


Petitioner was drunk at the time he was taken into custody. It was claimed,
though vaguely, that this occurred around noon. At the Newark station,
petitioner was ordered to take off his shirt, coat, and belt. He was then
questioned and beaten with a hose and with fists and kneed in the stomach. One
officer had a blackjack in his hand and told him that he better tell all. Petitioner
saw his wife and uncle in the presence of a police officer and so said nothing
about the violence although he was crying at the time. He was taken to the
Prather cellar and did not re-enact any crime but only followed police directions
after he was hit again. When he was taken to Irvington police headquarters, he
was offered food but refused. He answered all sorts of questions at the
Irvington police headquarters about himself and his activities but at no time
admitted Prather's murder, although he admitted having been with Prather and
at his home. When he was asked to sign the statement, he refused at first but
acquiesced when the police threatened to put his wife (who was pregnant at that
time) in jail and brought her to the doorway of the room in which he was
sitting. His wife was kept in a locked cell at Irvington police headquarters.
Petitioner denied that he had ever read the fourteen-page statement or that it

had ever been read to him at the time he signed it or thereafter. Petitioner
admitted the circumstances of the doctor's visit but denied the circumstances of
Hope's visit. Hope visited him but was only with him a few moments in the
presence of police officers and did nothing more than ask him to sign his name
on a piece of paper.

Our first consideration is whether the facts which were not disputed are
sufficiently persuasive to warrant a conclusion that the petitioner's confession
was involuntary. We do not think so. The unquestioned facts alone do not show
that any force, threats, promises, or violence were used in obtaining the
confession; the time element between arrest and the signing of the confession is
a period of between twelve and sixteen hours. Within that period, petitioner was
fingerprinted, put in several line-ups and taken to the Prather cellar. No long
periods of interrogation took place. The situations in cases where the
confessions have been determined involuntary have been far more serious.
Compare Watts v. State of Indiana, 1949, 338 U.S. 49, 69 S.Ct. 1347, 93 L.Ed.
1801; Turner v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1949, 338 U.S. 62, 69 S.Ct.
1352, 93 L.Ed. 1810; Harris v. State of South Carolina, 1949, 338 U.S. 68, 69
S.Ct. 1354, 93 L.Ed. 1815; Ashcraft v. State of Tennessee, 1944, 322 U.S. 143,
64 S.Ct. 921, 88 L.Ed. 1192; Chambers v. State of Florida, 1940, 309 U.S. 227,
60 S.Ct. 472, 84 L.Ed. 716.


A reading of the differing versions of what occurred aside from the accepted
facts makes it clear that had the trial judge accepted the defense's version of the
disputed events, involuntariness would have been clear and certain. But the trial
judge rejected the defense's version and accepted the state's version, which
clearly provided sufficient foundation for his conclusion that the confession
was voluntary. His resolution of the conflicting testimony cannot now be
reviewed. See Watts v. State of Indiana, 338 U.S. at page 52, 69 S.Ct. 1347.
Thus, we must reject the petitioner's claim that the confession was involuntary.


Petitioner also contends that the refusal of the state to allow his counsel to
inspect his confession prior to trial was a denial of due process.


Counsel was appointed about two months after petitioner had signed the
confession. Petitioner admitted to counsel that he had signed a statement but
denied that he had killed Prather, or that he ever told the police that he had. He
said that he had never read the signed statement and did not know its contents.


Confronted with this situation, defense counsel prior to trial sought permission
from the trial court to inspect the alleged confession,4 claiming that 'The

information sought by the attorneys for the defendant is necessary for the
proper preparation of the defense, the preparation for trial, and the presentation
of the defense at the trial * * *. (A) denial of the right of inspection * * * will
result in an injustice or undue hardship to the defendant. * * *'

The trial court granted permission for inspection, but its order was reversed by
the Supreme Court of New Jersey,5 which said that the affidavit accompanying
petitioner's application for inspection was insufficient to support the
application.6 After the New Jersey Supreme Court decision, petitioner again
applied for permission to inspect. Petitioner's own affidavit was submitted,
denying, inter alia, that he had read the statement, or that it was read to him, or
that he had admitted the crime, and relating circumstances of force and
coercion under which the alleged confession was obtained. Petitioner's counsel
also submitted an affidavit, stating, inter alia, that they had good reason to
believe (not from petitioner, but primarily because of pictures shown to them in
an interview with the prosecutor and 'talk around the courthouse') that the
alleged confession contained statements concerning sodomy or some other
homosexual act, and if this was true it could affect the preparation for the
defense and psychiatric help would be needed. Their affidavit also stated that


'* * * investigation thus far has disclosed material discrepancies between the
facts as we have been able to ascertain them (not only from the accused but
others) and the theory of the homicide indicated by the State, and to ascertain
the real truth of the matter and to prevent an injustice from being done it is, in
our opinion, of the utmost importance in the interest of justice that we be
permitted to examine and make a copy of the alleged confession.


'The accused has informed us of the information which he gave to the police
and in which he informed us he detailed everything which he did from the time
he first met William Prather, the deceased, until the time of his arrest, but he
has informed us that he has no knowledge whatsoever of what is contained in
the alleged confession which he signed or how William Prather was killed or
that he had anything to do with any such killing. Under the circumstances of
this case as the same have been revealed to us by the accused, as well as others
whom we have interviewed, it is our opinion that we cannot properly, fully and
squarely present our defense to this indictment unless we are permitted to
inspect the confession claimed by the State to have been voluntarily signed by
the accused * * *.'


Petitioner's second application for inspection was also denied. Thus, petitioner's
counsel proceeded to trial without having had an opportunity to inspect the

alleged confession.

During the trial, the state continued to resist petitioner's request to inspect. At
one point in the trial, when petitioner's counsel Danzig referred to Exhibit S-39
for Identification (the alleged confession), the following colloquy occurred
between Danzig and prosecutor Giuliano:


'Mr. Danzig: Would you please hold it up, Mr. Giuliano? I am not supposed to
see this.


'Mr. Giuliano: I am not going to be technical about it. You may see it.


'Mr. Danzig: This is the first time in two years that we have seen it.


'Mr. Giuliano: There is no objection at all to your seeing it. I didn't want you to
read it.


'Mr. Danzig: This is it, gentlemen of the jury. I have not read it yet.


'Mr. Giuliano: And I will see to it that you don't until the proper time.'


When the presentation of the evidence on voluntariness was over, the trial
judge ruled that the confession had been voluntarily made by the petitioner. At
the time this ruling was made, the trial judge himself had not yet studied the
confession or a copy thereof.7


It was after the ruling had been made that the 'proper time,' referred to by the
prosecutor, arrived. Then, for the first time, petitioner was given a copy of the


Three days later the trial concluded and the case was submitted to the jury.


Although the confession was not given to the defense, the state's reply
affidavits, submitted when the second application for inspection was made, did
say that it was the state's position '* * * that the commission of both sodomy
and robbery played an important part in the commission of murder. * * *' The
trial judge also authorized defense counsel to retain a psychiatrist to examine
the defendant, which was done. Petitioner denied to the psychiatrist that he had
committed sodomy or any other homosexual act.


The argument on this point is that even though the defense was apprised by the
state that sodomy and robbery were involved and psychiatric assistance was
authorized and obtained, nonetheless 'Had the psychiatrist, during this pre-trial
examination of the defendant, been able to confront the defendant with his
confession or had he been armed with the details pertaining to the commission
of sodomy, he might have pierced the iron curtain, impervious to
communication, that the defendant had drawn between himself and that
transaction and obtained sufficient data to evaluate the impulses and
compulsions motivating the defendant under the circumstances and the jury
would have had the benefit of such scientific opinion and give it whatever
weight it might think it was entitled to.'8 Summed up, the claim is that the
psychiatrist, if he had had a copy of the confession, could have examined the
petitioner more effectively. Without the confession, according to defense
counsel, they were hampered in preparing a complete defense, and thus
petitioner was deprived of due process. We cannot agree. While refusal to give
the defense a copy of the confession may not be the better practice,9 failure to
do so will violate due process only if prejudice can be shown. See Leland v.
State of Oregon, 1952, 343 U.S. 790, 801-802, 72 S.Ct. 1002, 96 L.Ed. 1302.
Since the state did specifically inform the defense that sodomy and robbery
were connected with the case, and since the state did afford psychiatric
assistance, no harm occurred so far as due process is concerned. We have only
the petitioner's assertion that the course of the defense might have been
different. There is nothing else in the record to support the assertion. Indeed,
psychiatric opinion might well vary as to how much effectiveness was lost in
examining the petitioner without a copy of the confession. Also, we note that
defense counsel made no attempt after receiving the confession to do what it
now claims it might have done. True, the concluded three days after the defense
was given the confession, but there is no indication that a psychiatric
examination could not have been arranged without significant delay in the trial.


There is, however, another distinct problem that arises because of the state's
refusal to produce the confession prior to trial. As we have pointed out earlier,
New Jersey, unlike some other states,10 does not allow the jury to determine
ultimately the question of voluntariness. The jury is compelled to accept the
confession as voluntary and is so charged, as was the jury in this case.


Thus, it is readily apparent that any basis which the petitioner had for
challenging the admission and use of the confession in the trial, so far as
voluntariness was concerned, had to be addressed to the trial judge.


Petitioner did so present evidence to the trial judge to sustain the contention

that the confession was involuntary and should therefore be excluded from the

The defense centered around factors which frequently are important on the
issue of a defendant's voluntariness in giving or signing a confession. These
factors will vary from case to case and may include defendant's mental or
physical state, the circumstances of his arrest, the period of time during which
he is held incommunicado, the treatment he received during that period,
including the method or methods of police or other official interrogation, etc.
But aside from the combination of circumstances which culminate in the
obtaining of an alleged confession, there is another important factor which
concerns the alleged confession itself that is necessarily important and relevant
in considering whether an alleged confession was voluntary. And that factor is
the accuracy or inaccuracy of the statements contained in the confession.
Certainly, important shadows of doubt might be cast upon the alleged
voluntariness of a confession if it were shown that statements in the confession
were false. The entire confession, of course, may not be false, but if some
significant portion of it should be, that fact would add weight to the side of the
scale marked 'involuntary.' We think that the truth or accuracy of statements
contained in an alleged confession is significantly relevant to the question of


In some states under the practice which permits the jury to ultimately decide
the issue of voluntariness, the defense, when it receives the confession after its
admission in evidence, has an opportunity to challenge its accuracy before the
jury determines finally whether it is a voluntary confession. However, under
New Jersey law, the defense did not have the opportunity to challenge the
accuracy of the statements contained in the confession as a factor to be
considered on the issue of voluntariness, and understandably so, because
petitioner did not have a copy of the fourteen-page confession in his hands until
after the ruling on voluntariness had been finally made, which ruling governed
for all purposes and was not to be questioned later by the jury.11


What we have said readily points up that the refusal of the state to allow
petitioner to inspect the confession prior to the final ruling on voluntariness
effectively deprived petitioner of an opportunity to inject the factor of the
confession's accuracy and truth into the trial on the issue of voluntariness. That
factor might very well make a difference in a trial judge's determination of that
issue. And a different ruling on voluntariness would have been most significant
since the trial judge was of the opinion that without defendant's written and oral
statements there could be no conviction and so charged the jury.


In this case, however, we find no resulting prejudice to the petitioner. He did

not deny the truth of many of the facts contained in the confession. Other such
facts, although denied by petitioner were substantially corroborated by state
witnesses. The petitioner, of course, denied the facts immediately concerned
with the killing, but it does not appear that the defense could have challenged
those facts by evidence other than the petitioner's denial. There is no indication
that the petitioner would have been able to challenge the facts contained in the
confession even had he been given a copy of the confession prior to trial and
thus had more time for investigation and preparation.12


Other contentions made by petitioner, including the alleged unfair tactics of the
state during the trial and the alleged deprivation of the right to cross examine
witnesses, have been examined but contain no substance and do not require


The order of the district court will be affirmed.


HASTIE, Circuit Judge (concurring).


As I read the record, defendant did not contend before trial or at trial that the
very contents of the alleged signed confession would or might shed light on the
question whether he had been coerced. At the trial, throughout the preliminary
inquiry by the court to determine the admissibility of the document, the
defendant maintained that nothing of its contents should be revealed. And even
on this appeal the defendant does not indicate how pretrial disclosure might
have helped him establish that he had been coerced. In the absence of any such
showing it seems to me that the conclusion of the court cannot properly be
avoided. But I think Judge STALEY has very correctly pointed out that, in
other circumstances, a grave due process question may arise out of the very
unsatisfactory practice of deciding upon the admissibility of an alleged
confession without first revealing its contents to the defendant and affording
him a reasonable opportunity to use the text itself in support of his claim of

State v. Tune, 1953, 13 N.J. 203, 98 A.2d 881; State v. Tune, 1954, 17 N.J.
100, 110 A.2d 99; Tune v. State of New Jersey, 1955, 349 U.S. 907, 75 S.Ct.
584, 99 L.Ed. 1243

Throughout this opinion the word 'confession' is used to refer to a fourteenpage statement, admittedly signed by the petitioner, which contained

incriminatory admissions of fact and a confession of guilt


Irvington and Newark are contiguous municipalities. Apparently, the police

departments worked together in this case

In New Jersey, permission to inspect an alleged confession prior to trial is

within the discretion of the trial judge

State v. Tune, 1953, 13 N.J. 203, 98 A.2d 881

While four members of the New Jersey Supreme Court joined in the majority
opinion denying inspection, three members registered very strong disagreement
in a dissenting opinion by Justice Brennan. See State v. Tune, 1953, 13 N.J.
227, 98 A.2d 894

Apparently the trial judge was given a copy of the confession just prior to a
discussion as to its admissibility. He did note that it was signed by the
petitioner. But after the discussion, he explained to the jury that he and counsel
for the defendant had been supplied with typewritten copies, and that although
the confession had been admitted into evidence, it would not be read to the jury
until the following day so that the defense could read it over and 'that will also
give me an opportunity to study it tonight.'

Defendant's brief, pp. 26-27

It has been held in Louisiana that refusal to give the defense a copy of a
confession per se is a violation of due process. State v. Dorsey, 1945, 207 La.
928, 22 So.2d 273


See 85 A.L.R. 870 et seq


It is true that the jury was told that it was to determine the truth of the
confession, but this is beside the point since the accuracy of the confession was
important in the voluntariness issue, which had already been conclusively
determined when the jury received the case. In addition, charging the jury that
the confession was voluntary certainly was persuasive as to the confession's
accuracy and truth. A voluntary confession is less likely to be inaccurate and
false than an involuntary one


Of course, had the state provided the petitioner with counsel at the time of his
arrest or prior to his signing of the statement, the question of prejudice would
not have arisen. Compare Reece v. State of Georgia, 1955, 350 U.S. 85, 76
S.Ct. 167

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