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Scaffolded Experimental Report

Aim: (what do you want to test? e.g. to test the effect of sunlight on plant height)

Hypothesis: (your predication based on the available material/evidence)

Materials/apparatus used to complete the procedure: (list all equipment that you

Risk Assessment: (special precautions that must be considered due to the nature of
the chemicals, equipment or procedure)

Method: (outlines sequence of steps in the order that they were carried out.
Numbers can be used to show order, or time words such as first, then, when
and finally. Always expressed in past tense, for example was added, it melted.

Results: (record observations from the experiment. What did you hear, feel and

Conclusion: (evaluation of hypothesis based on observed results)

Highly Scaffolded Experimental Report

Aim: (what do you want to test? e.g. to test the effect of sunlight on plant height)
To test for the ______________________ of ________________________

Hypothesis: (your predication based on the available material/evidence- what do

you think might happen?)

Materials/apparatus used to complete the procedure: (list all equipment that you
need. Try and drawing what you see and describing it)

Risk Assessment: (special precautions that must be considered due to the nature of
the chemicals, equipment or procedure)
Risk or Hazard

Safety precaution to be taken

Tie your hair back

To prevent hair being exposed to open


Wear a lab coat

Method: (outlines sequence of steps in the order that they were carried out.
Numbers can be used to show order, or time words such as first, then, when
and finally. Always expressed in past tense, for example was added, it melted.
1) Set up equipment as shown on diagram
2) Clean the magnesium until it is bright silver in colour
3) Place the magnesium in the small test tube and pour hydrochloric acid into the small
test-tube until the magnesium is covered (4-5cm)
4) Cover the medium test tube with the larger and collect the gas as it is produced
5) After 1-2minutes remove the larger test tube. Keep the test tube vertical with the
mouth down so the Hydrogen gas will not escape
6) Light the candle away from the experimental area and bring it to the mouth of the test
7) Feel the outside of the medium test tube
8) Record observations

Results: (record observations from the experiment. What did you hear, feel and
When the flame was put under the test tube that collected the _________________ gas, a
________________ sound was heard.

Conclusion: (evaluation of hypothesis based on observed results)

When a metal and an ___________________ are combined, __________________ gas is
produced. When we put a flame under the test tube, a ___________________ was heard.
This confirmed the presence of ___________________ gas.

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