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Al-Mansur and al-Mated

Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Volume XXIX

Translated by Hugh Kennedy

This volume opens when the caliph al-Mansur has just
defeated the rebellion of Muhammad the Pure Soul in
145/762-3 and is now securely established in power. The
main concerns of the remaining thirteen years of his
reign are the building of his new capital at Baghdad, on
which al-Tabari's text contains details not previously
published in English, and his efforts to have his nephew
'lsa b. Musa replaced as heir apparent by his own son
Muhammad al-Mahdi, a maneuver that required all his
political skills.
The circumstances of al-Mansur ' s death in 158/775 are
described in vivid detail, and this section is followed by a
series of anecdotes, some serious, some humorous, most
vivid and lively, that illustrate his character and habits.
The last section of the volume describes the reign of alMahdi, more pious than his father but also more liberal
and open-handed. Along with routine administration,
space is devoted to the bizarre intrigues that accompanied the rise and fall of the vizier Ya'qub b. Dawud and
the mysterious circumstances of the caliph's own death
in 169/785, followed by a short collection of character
stories. In addition, the volume also contains important
information about warfare on the Byzantine frontier and
in Khurasan.

SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies

Said Amir Ariomand, Editor ISBN: 0.7914.0143-X

The State University of New York Press




Al-Man$ur and al-Mahdi

A.D. 763-786/A.H. 146-1[69

The History of al-Tabari
Editorial Board
Ihsan Abbas, University of Jordan, Amman
C. E. Bosworth, The University of Manchester
Franz Rosenthal, Yale University

Ehsan Yar-Shater, Columbia University (General Editor)


Said Amir Arjomand, Editor


The preparation of this volume was made possible in part by a

grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, an
independent federal agency.

Bibliotheca Persica
Edited by Ehsan Yar-Shater

The History of al-Tabari

(Ta'rikh al-rusul wa 'l muluk)

Al- Man$ur and al -Mahdi

translated and annotated

Hugh Kennedy
University of St Andrews

State University of New York Press

Published by
State University of New York Press , Albany
0 1990 State University of New York

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America
No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.
For information, address State University of New York
Press, State University Plaza, Albany, N.Y., 1x246
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Tabari, 838?-913.

Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi.

(The history of al-Tabari = Ta'rikh al- rusul wa'l
mulnk, v. 29) (Bibliotheca Persica ) ISUNY series in
Near Eastern studies)
Translation of extracts from: Ta 'rikh al-rusul
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
i. Islamic Empire-History-7 So-1255 . 2. Man$nr,
Abu la'far, Caliph, ca. 712 - 775. ;. Mahdl, Caliph,
d. 785 . I. Kennedy, Hugh (Hugh N.) 11. Title.
III. Series : Tabari, 838?-923 . Ta'rikh al-rusul
wa-al-muluk. English, v. 29. IV. Series : Bibliotheca
Persica (Albany, N.Y.) V. Series: SUNY series in Near
Eastern studies.
DS38.2.T313 1985 vol. 29 909 '. 1 s 88-35573
(DS38 .61 )909 '.097671(
ISBN 0-7914-0142-1

ISBN o-7914-0143 -X (pbk.)

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


THE HISTORY OF PROPHETS AND KINGS (Tarikh al-rusul wa'1mulnk) by Abu Ja`far Muhammad b. Jarir al-Tabari (839-923),
here rendered as the History of al-Tabari, is by common consent
the most important universal history produced in the world of
Islam. It has been translated here in its entirety for the first time
for the benefit of non-Arabists, with historical and phiological
notes for those interested in the particulars of the text.
Tabari's monumental work explores the history of the ancient
nations, with special emphasis on biblical peoples and prophets,
the legendary and factual history of ancient Iran, and, in great
detail, the rise of Islam, the life of the Prophet Muhammad, and
the history of the Islamic world down to the year 915. The first
volume of this translation will contain a biography of al-Tabari
and a discussion of the method, scope, and value of his work. It
will also provide information on some of the technical considerations that have guided the work of the translators.

The History has been divided here into 38 volumes, each of

which covers about two hundred pages of the original Arabic text
in the Leiden edition. An attempt has been made to draw the
dividing lines between the individual volumes in such a way that
each is to some degree independent and can be read as such. The
page numbers of the original in the Leiden edition appear on the
margins of the translated volumes.
Al-Tabari very often quotes his sources verbatim and traces the
chain of transmission (isndd) to an original source. The chains of



transmitters are, for the sake of brevity, rendered by only a dash

-) between the individual links in the chain. Thus , "According
to Ibn Humayd-Salamah-Ibn Ishaq" means that al-Tabari-received the report from Ibn Humayd , who said that he was told by
Salamah, who said that he was told by Ibn Ishaq and so on. The
numerous subtle and important differences in the original Arabic
wording have been disregarded.

The table of contents at the beginning of each volume gives a

brief survey of the topics dealt with in that particular volume.
It also includes the headings and subheadings as they appear in
al-Tabari's text, as well as those occasionally introduced by the
Well-known place names , such as, for instance, Mecca, Beghdad,
Jerusalem, Damascus, and the Yemen, are given in their English
spellings. Less common place names , which are the vast majority,
are transliterated . Biblical figures appear in the accepted English
spelling. Iranian names are usually transcribed according to their
Arabic forms, and the presumed Iranian forms are often discussed
in the footnotes.

Technical terms have been translated wherever possible, but

some, such as dirham and imam, have been retained in Arabic
forms . Others that cannot be translated with sufficient precision
have been retained and italicized as well as footnoted.
The annotation aims chiefly at clarifying difficult passages,
identifying individuals and place names, and discussing textual
difficulties. Much leeway has been left to the translators to included in the footnotes whatever they consider necessary and
The bibliographies list all the sources mentioned in the annotation.

The index in each volume contains all the names of persons

and places referred to in the text , as well as those mentioned in
the notes as far as they refer to the medieval period . It does not
include the names of modern scholars . A general index, it is hoped,
will appear after all the volumes have been published.
For further details concerning the series and acknowledgments, see Preface to Volume I.
Ehsan Yar-Shater


Preface / v
Abbreviations / xi
Translator's Foreword / xiii

The Caliphate of al-Man$ur

The Events of the Year 146 (763/764) / 3
The Events of the Year 147 (764/765) / r4
The Events of the Year r48 (765/766) / 40
The Events of the Year 149 (766/767) / 42
The Events of the Year 150 (767/768) / 44
The Events of the Year r5r (768/769) / 51
The Events of the Year r52 (769/770) / 62

The Events of the Year 153 (770) / 64

viii Contents

The Events of the Year 154 (770/771) / 67

The Events of the Year 155 (771/772) / 69
The Events of the Year 156 (772/773) / 75
The Events of the Year 157 (773/774) / 78
The Events of the Year 158 (774/775) / 8r
Some Stories about al-Mansur and His Conduct / 93
Information about His Wills / 149

The Caliphate of al-Mahdi

The Events of the Year 158 (cont 'd) (774/775) / r61
The Events of the Year 159 (7751776) / 170
The Events of the Year rho (776/777) / 181
The Events of the Year 16r (777/778) / 196
The Events of the Year 162 (778/779) / 205

The Events of the Year 163 (779/780) / 209

The Events of the Year 164 (780/78x) / 217

The Events of the Year 165 (78-1/782) / 220

The Events of the Year 166 (782/783) / 223
The Events of the Year 167 (783/784) / 236
The Events of the Year 168 (784/785) / 240

Contents ix

The Events of the Year r69 (7851786) / 242

Some of the Doings of al-Mabdi and Stories about Him / 246
Bibliography of Cited Works / 265
Index / 269


EI': Encyclopaedia of Islam , first edition

E12: Encyclopaedia of Islam, second edition

Translator's Foreword

This volume is a translation of the part of Tabari's History that

deals with the period from 145/762 to 169 /786. It begins immediately after al- Mansur's defeat of the `Alid rebellion of Muhammad the Pure Soul and his brother Ibrahim and deals with the rest
of al-Mansur's reign until his death in 158 /775. Much of the material is simply administrative detail, government appointments,
and the travels of the caliph, but two important subjects are dealt
with: the foundation of Baghdad , on which Tabari provides some
valuable information to supplement the well -known accounts of
the geographers, and the caliph 's efforts to force `Isa b. Musa to
renounce his right to the caliphate in favor of his own son alMahdi. Much of the anecdotal material here reveals the caliph in
a distinctly unfavorable light. The climax of this section is the
extraordinarily detailed and vivid account of al-Mansur's death,
plainly showing the awe and fear with which he was regarded.
The next section is a series of anecdotes about his behavior and
appearance . These are not arranged in chronological order but
read rather as isolated narratives that Tabari could not fit into the
main run of the text but felt were too good to miss out. There are
some general themes here : the caliph's determination to uphold
his authority, the contrast between his frugality and al-Mahdi's
easy going generosity, his eloquence and the effectiveness with
which he dealt with hecklers in the mosque, and his relations
with the wild and unruly Main b . Za'idah. Despite the random
nature of much of this material, we get a very clear idea of al-

xiv Translator's Foreword

Man^ur 's personality, and even after twelve hundred years he
seems a powerful, individual, rounded character. It says much for
the immediacy of the narrative that such a lively impression
The third section deals with the reign of his son , al-Mahdi.
Compared with the upheavals and struggles of his father 's life, alMahdi's caliphate was altogther quieter . Much emphasis is laid
on his pious works, his building of mosques , his encouragement
of the holy war against the Byzantines , and his persecution of the
Manichaean Zindiqs. We are also given detailed accounts of
government appointments . The major political events were, once
again, the removal of "Isa b. Musa from his position in the
succession in favor of al-Mahdi 's own son al-Hadi and the
meteoric rise and sudden fall of the vizier Ya`qub b. Dawud, who
was originally appointed as the caliph 's intermediary with the
Alid family but who went on to become his all-powerful
minister. This section also ends with an account of the caliph's
death and sundry anecdotes about his behavior . Unlike the
accounts of al-Man $iir's death, which are generally consistent,
these accounts are directly contradictory , and it is impossible to
decide which if any is true . From the point of view of assessing
the accuracy of Tabari 's work as a whole, it is interesting to note
that it is not only in the earlier parts on the life of the Prophet and
the early caliphs that such contradictory accounts survive side by
side but even of events that took place well after the establishment of the `Abbasids and within the lifetimes of such authorities
as al-Wagidi and al-Mada'ini.

In terms of literary approach, the early `Abbasid parts of the

history are transitional between the akhbdr narratives of the early
parts and the more linear official narratives of the third century.
The use of classical Muslim historiographical technique , the individual akhbar, each supported by its own isndd. becomes much
less common after the death of al-Saffah in 136/754, and much
more of the material is unattributed or consists of no more than
laconic notes about appointments and dismissals . The latest major
work that seems to have used the classical canons was `Umar b.
Shabbah's account of the rebellion of Muhammad the Pure Soul,
which finishes immediately before the beginning of the section
translated here . Those narratives, still large in number, that are

Translator's Foreword xv
attributed are often attached to isolated individuals, many of
whom contribute no more than one or two accounts and few of
whom are known to have composed books . Many of them are
eyewitnesses or sons of eyewitnesses , and it is quite unclear in
what form these accounts reached Tabari more than a century
later. The established compilers like al -Mada'ini and al-Wagidi
are relied on for points of detail, rather than substantial narratives.

Of the sources that can be identified, many are closely linked to

Baghdad and the caliphal court and bureaucarcy , like the Qurashi
`Ali b. Muhammad al-Nawfali , whose father was an important
courtier and Yahya b. al-Hasan b . 'Abd al-Khaliq, a relative of the
ubiquitous chamberlain al-Rabi` b. Yunus . This means that we
have very little information from provincial sources . There are
virtually no extended narratives dealing with Syria or Egypt. Even
Khurasan, which looms so large in earlier parts of the History, is
largely neglected . Historical writing, like politics and administration, was becoming more centralized in the `Abbasid period.
At their best, the accounts collected by Tabari and translated
here are interesting and lively; at their worst they are obscure and
monotonous. But whatever their literary merit, there can be no
doubt that they form by far the most important historical source
for the early `Abbasid caliphate.
It remains a pleasure to thank those who have helped me in the
preparation of his translation and generously given of their time,
patience, and erudition : Dr. David Jackson and Richard Kimber of
the Department of Arabic Studies in the University of St Andrews
and especially Judy Ahola, whose aid and encouragement were
invaluable. I must also express by thanks to Dr. E. Whelan of the
Tabari project for her help. Most of all, I would like to thank
Professor Ihsan Abbas, whose patient editing of my typescript and
immense knowledge of classical Arabic literature notably improved the readability of the text and saved me from numerous
errors . Such mistakes as may remain are, of course , entirely my
Hugh Kennedy

The Caliphate of al-Mansur

Events of the Year

(MARCH 2.1, 763 - MARCH 9, 764)

The events of this year:

Among these was Abu ja'far's' completion of his city , Baghdad.
According to Muhammad b. Umar :2 Abu Ja'far moved from
Madinat Ibn Hubayrah3 to Baghdad in $afar 146 (April 20-May 18,
763) and settled in it and built his city.

Information about the description of the building.

We have mentioned before the reason that impelled Abu Ja'far
to build it and the reason why he chose the site on which he built
his city, and we will now describe the building of it.
According to Rashid Abu Dawud b . Rashid: Abu Ja'far set out
for al -Kufah when he received news of the rebellion of Muhammad b. 'Abdallah . He had prepared the necessary wood and teak
i. The caliph al -Man$ur. In contrast to other Abbasid caliphs, he was frequently
known by his kunyah , Abu Ja'far, perhaps because his ism (first name), 'Abdallih, and his father 's name, Muhammad, were so common.
z. The well-known historian al-Wagidi, d. 107/8,.; , author of the surviving
Krtdb al-Maghdzi and other, lost works; see El ', s v. "al-Waladi." Al-Tabari frequently quotes him for exact dates but rarely for extended narrative.
;. Between Baghdad and al-Kufah, near modem Htllah : Le Strange, Lands, 71.

4 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

and other things, for the building of the city of Baghdad and when
he set out he left his freedman Aslam in charge of completing
what he had prepared. Aslam heard that Ibrahim b. Abdallah had
defeated the army of Abu Ja'far, and he burned the teak and wood
13201 that Abu Ja 'far had left him in charge of, for fear that that might
be taken from him if his master was defeated . When Abu Ja'far
heard what his freedman Aslam had done , he wrote to him, censuring him for that, and Aslam wrote to him, informing him that
he had feared that Ibrahim would be victorious over them and
take it, and he did not say anything to him.
According to Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Mawsili -his father4: When alMansur wished to build his city of Baghdad, he asked the advice
of his companions, and and one of those whose advice he sought
was Khalid b. Barmak ,s and he gave him advice.
According to `Ali b. `ISmah : Khalid b. Barmak laid out the city
of Abu Ja'far for him and gave him advice about it. When he needed
rubble he said to him, "What do you think about demolishing the
city of the iwdn of Chosroes at al-Mada 'in6 and taking the rubble
from it to this city of mine?" He replied, "I do not think that is a
good ideal 0 Commander of the Faithful ," and he asked him why,
and he answered, "It is one of the proofs of Islam by which the
observer is convinced that people like its the palace's ) lords were
not swept away by the power of this world but only by the power
of religion. Furthermore, 0 Commander of the Faithful, there is
in it a place where `Ali b. Abi Talib prayed ." The caliph said,
"How wrong you are Khalidi you did not agree because of your
partiality for your friends the Persians."
4. Ibrahim al -Mawgili, d. 189/804, was a famous poet and singer at the Abbasid
court, and his son lyhaq succeeded him. Al-Tabari uses them as a source for much
incidental detail and anecdotal information . See Ell, S.V. "Ibrahim al-Mawgili."
5. The founder of the fortunes of the Barmakid family . Khilid 's ancestors were
hereditary guardians of a Buddhist shrine at Balkh in northern Afghanistan, but
the family converted to Islam in the Umayyad period . Khilid joined the Abbasid
movement early and distinguished himself in an administrative role. He was employed by al-Saffab and al-Man$nr in the financial administration and as governor
of Firs. He died in 163/780 : Sourdel, Vizirat, 1, 129-34 . See Crone, Slaves,
176-77; Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate, for-2.
6. Al-Madi'in was the ancient Ctesiphon , the Sasanian capital, southeast of
Baghdad ; see Yiget, Mu'/am, V, 74-75; Le Strange, Lands, 33-35. The iwdn of
Chosroes is the giant arch of the royal palace , part of which still survives to this

The Events of the Year 146 5

He ordered that the white palace be demolished, and a section
of it was and the materials were brought . He investigated the
amount it cost them to demolish and transport it, and they found
that that would be more expensive than it would be if it were
newly made. This was reported to al-Mansur, and he summoned
Khalid b. Barmak and told him what it cost them to demolish and
transport and asked him for his opinion. He said, "0 Commander
of the Faithful, I thought before that you should not do it, but
since you have done it I think that you should demolish it now
down to the foundations because , if you do not, it will be said that
you failed to demolish it." Al-Mansur rejected that advice and
ordered that it should not be demolished.

According to Musa b. Dawud al -Muhandis (engineer): AlMa'mun told me this story, "If you build me a building, make it
impossible to demolish so that its remains and traces may last."
It is said: Abu Ja'far needed gates for the city and Abu 'Abd alRahman al-Humani alleged that Sulayman b . Dawud had built a
city called Zandaward near the site on which al -Hajjaj7 had built
Wasit. The devils had made five doors of iron for it the likes of
which people today could not make , and he set them up in it.
They remained there until al-Hajjaj built Wasit and this city was
in ruins. Al-Hajjaj transported its doors and used them in his city
of Wasit. When Abu Ja`far built the city, he took those doors and
used them for his city, and they are there until today. The city has
eight doors, four inside and four outside , and four out of these five
doors were used on the inside ones and the fifth on the outside
gate of the palace.

On the outside Khurisan gate he used a door that was brought

from Syria, of pharaonic workmanship. On the outside Kufah gate,
he used a door brought from al-Kufah, which had been made by
Khalid b. `Abdallah al-Qasri.8 He ordered that a door be produced
for the Syrian gate, so one was made in Baghdad, and it was the
weakest of all the gates.
7. Al-llajjil b. Yusuf al-Thagafi, d. 95/714, the celebrated governor of Iraq and
the east for the Umayyads who founded the city of Wisit. Sulaymin b . Dawud is
the biblical King Solomon, who is credited with numerous building achievements
in the Muslim tradition . For Zandaward, see Yiqut, Mu'^am, II, 154, where he
explains that the city fell into ruins with the foundation of Baghdad.
8. Governor of Iraq for the Umayyads , 1o5-2o/723-38.

(3 2 1)

6 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

The city was built round so that, if the king settled in the
middle of it, he was not nearer one place of it than another. He set
up four gates on the model of military camps in war, and he built
two walls, the inside wall being higher than the outside one. He
built his palace in the middle of it and the congregational mosque
next to Jhawla) the palace.
It is said that al-Ilajjaj b. Artah10 was the man who laid out the
I322J plan of the congregational mosque on the orders of Abu Ja'far and
laid its foundations. It is said that its qiblah was not in the right
direction and that anyone praying in it had to turn a little toward
the Basrah Gate and that the qiblah of the mosque of al-Rusafah"
was more correct than the qiblah of the mosque of the city because the mosque of the city was built onto the palace , while the
mosque of al-Rusafah was built before the palace and the palace
was built onto it and it happened because of that.
According to Yahya b. 'Abd al-Khaliq'2-his father: Abu Ja'far
appointed a commander to every quarter of the city to hurry the
completion of the building of that quarter.
According to Harun b. Ziyad b. Khalid b. al-$alt-his father: AlMansur appointed Khalid b . al-$alt in charge of the expenses of
one of the quarters of the city when it was being built . Khalid
said : When I had finished the building of that quarter, I brought
him all the expenses on it, and he added them up with his own
hand, and I still owed fifteen dirhams, and he imprisoned me in
the Sharqiyyah prison for some days until I paid it . The mud
bricks that were made for the building of the city were each a
cubit by a cubit.
9. For the design of the Round City and the problems it raises, see Le Strange,
Baghdad; Creswell, Early Muslim Architecture, II, 1-38; and Lassner, Baghdad.
io. Al-Nakha'i: Having served the Umayyads, he went over to the Abbasid
cause and became gadi of al-Bagrah and later a secretary to Abu Ja'far. He died in
al-Rayy, where he had gone with al-Mahdi, probably in 150/767 (Crone, Slaves,
15 7). For his role in planning the northern suburbs of Baghdad, see Ya'qubi, Buldan,
241, where he is described as a muhandis or engineer. His obituary is given by alDhahabi, Tarikh, VI, 5 r - S 3.
i i. The settlement founded by al-Mahdi on the east bank of the Tigris at
Baghdad. The qiblah is the direction of prayer and should be oriented toward

r:. Yal}ya was a maternal uncle of al-Faal, son of al-Mangur's chamberlain alRabi' b. Yiinus. Al-Tabari draws on him extensively for inside information on
court and bureaucratic intrigues.

The Events of the Year 146 7

According to one source : He demolished a section of the wall on
the Muhawwal Gate side and found in it a mud brick on which was
written in red its weight , 117 rat1s, 13 and he said, "We weighed
it, and we found it was the weight that was written on it." The
doors of the chambers of the mass of the military commanders
and secretaries of Abu Ja`far opened onto the courtyard of the
According to Yahya b. al-Hasan b. `Abd al-Khaliq, the maternal
uncle of al-Fadl b. al-Rabi`: `Isa b. `Alil4 complained to Abu
Ja`far, "0 Commander of the Faithful , it is tiring for me to walk
from the gate of the courtyard to the palace, for I have become (323)
weak," and he replied, " Have yourself carried in a litter," but he
responded, " I am embarrassed because of the people." Al-Mansur
said, " Is there anyone who continues to be embarrassed because
of them ?" but `Isa continued, "Allow me , 0 Commander of the
Faithful, what is allowed, one of the water-carrying camels." He
said, "Does any water-carrying or riding animal enter the city?"
Thus he ordered that everyone move their doors to the intervalla
(fusldn) of the arcades and that no one should enter the courtyard
except on foot. When al- Mansur ordered that the doors that led
into the courtyard should be blocked and opened to the intervals
of the arcades, the markets were established in the four arcades of
the city, each one having a market . This continued until one
of the patrikioi15 of Byzantium came as an ambassador, and he
ordered al-Rabi"' to take him on a tour of the city and its sur1 3. A rail was a dry measure that varied from place to place but was usually
between z and 4 kg.
4. One of al-Manour's paternal uncles . In 132/750, immediately after the
Abbasid revolution, he had been sent by al- Saffah to Firs as governor. It seems
that he was worsted in an unsuccessful struggle for power the re with Abu Muslim's
nominee, Muhammad b al-Ash`ath al-Khuzi' i, after which, unlike his brothers,
he never held a governorate . He remained at court, an influential adviser and
promoter of the interests of his brothers and their children . He acquired extensive
properties in Baghdad on the west bank and was the first member of the Abbasid
family to build a palace there. He died in Baghdad in 163/780.

is. For the most recent discussion of the interior of the Round City and the
problems raised by this text, see Lassner, Abbasid Rule, 184-97, where the role of
the intervalla between different rings of the Round City is explained. A Patnkios,
or patrician: a Byzantine official title. The Arab transliteration bifriq is used to
designate Byzantine officials in general, see E12, s.v. Bitri$."
r6. A man of obscure origin , apparently a freed slave, who rose to great impor-

8 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


roundings to see the development and the building . Al-Rabi' took

him on a tour, and when it was finished he asked, "What do you
think of my city?" He had gone up on the walls of the city and in
the domes of the gates, and he said, "I saw a beautiful building,
but I saw your enemies with you in the city." The caliph asked
him who they were, and he replied, "The market people." Abu
Ja'far was silent about it and , when the patrikios had gone, he
ordered that the market be sent out of the city. He appointed
Ibrahim b. Hubaysh al-Kufi and attached Jawwas b. al-Musayyab
al-Yamani, his freedman, and ordered the two of them to build
the markets in the Karkh area and ordered them to make booths
( ufuf,, lit: rows or ranks) and houses for every trade and to hand
them over to the people . When they had done this, he moved the
market there from the city and imposed rents on them according
to size.
When the number of people grew , they built markets on sites
Ibrahim b . Hubaysh and jawwas had not sought to build on because
they were unable (to construct) the booths from their resources.
They were charged less in rents than was collected from those
who settled in the buildings of the authorities.
One of them said : The reason Abu Ja'far moved the merchants
from the city to al-Karkh and the nearby areas outside the city
was that it was said to Abu Ja'far that foreigners and others
stayed the night in it and that it was not safe because there might
be spies and intelligence agents among them or they might open
the gates of the city by night because of the position of the markets.
So he ordered that the market be removed from the city and he
established the shurtah and tiaras " in it and for the merchants,
tance in the service of al-Mangur and al-Mahdi . He was officially lidlib, or chamberlain, but he used this position to become one of the most powerful men at court,
masterminding the succession of al-Mahdi . He became leader of the mawali
(freedmen) at court and a bitter opponent of the kuttdb (secretaries) and their
leaders, like Abu 'Ubaydall ah Mu' awiyah and the Barmakid family . He had very
extensive properties in Baghdad, notably in the market area of al -Karkh to the
south of the Round City. He died c. 169 /786 after the death of al-Mahdi, but his
position was inherited by his son al-Fa4l , who became the chief rival of the Barmakids during Hirun's reign . On al-Rabi , see Crone, Slaves, 193 - 94; Kennedy,
Abbasid Caliphate, 103-4.

17. "Police" is the conventional translation of the Arabic shurfah. In fact, the
shurlah seems to have been a small , elite military force attached to a ruler or
governor to maintain order in peacetime and to act as a stiffening to other military

The Events of the Year 146 9

built at the Gate of the Harrani Arch, the Syrian Gate, and in
According to al-Fail b. Sulayman al-Hashimi-his father: The
reason for the removal of the markets from the City of Peace and
the City of al-ShargiyyAh to the Karkh Gate, the Barley Gate, and
the Muhawwal Gate, 's was that al-Mansur had appointed a man
called Abu Zakkariyya ' Yahya b. `Abdallah in charge of the 1,isbah
(accounts ) of Baghdad and the markets in the year 157 (November
21, 773-November 10, 774 ), when the market was in the city. AlMan4ur was pursuing those who had rebelled with Muhammad
and Ibrahim sons of 'Abdallah b. Hasan. 19 This muhtasib2O had
some connection with them, and he gathered a group against
al-Mansur and led the lower classes of them astray, and they
caused a commotion and gathered together . Al-Manur sent Abu
al=Abbas al -Tusi21 to them, and he calmed them down and took
Abu Zakariyya' and put him in in his custody. Abu Ja`far ordered
him to kill him, so a chamberlain of Abu al=Abbas al-Tusi, called
Musa, killed him with his own hands at the Golden Gate in the
courtyard on the order of al-Mansur . Abu Ja`far ordered that those
houses that extended into the street of the city be destroyed and
that the street be forty cubits wide. He demolished whatever had
been extended into that width and ordered that the markets be
removed to al-Karkh.

According to Abu Ja'far : When he ordered the removal of the

merchants from the city to Karkh, Aban b. $adaqah spoke 22 to
forces in war. The shurrah referred to here is the caliph 's shurfah in Baghdad, but
it seems that most provincial governors also had such forces at their disposal. The
guard (tiaras ) seems to have been a personal bodyguard attached to the caliph.
18. For the geography of these areas, see Le Strange, Baghdad, pp. S7-8o.
i9. The Alid rebels of 145/762.

zo. An official responsible for maintaining law, order , and fair trading in the
21. Al-'l'a i. a Khurasini officer , who participated in the wars of the Abbasid
Revolution, notably the siege of Wasi1 . He seems to have remained in Iraq until
166/782 - 83, when he was appointed governor of Khurasan . In 171 /787-88 he returned to the west to take control of the khdtam , the caliph 's official seal, but he
died shortly afterward. He was responsible for dividing up land on the west bank
in Baghdad and kept extensive properties for himself (Crone, Slaves, 174)
22. Originally a secretary (kdtib) to al-Manger's wazir Abu Ayyub al-Muryani,
he later became secretary and wazir to Harun and then Musa, sons of al-Mahdi,
during their father's reign . He died in 167/783-84, while in service with Musa b.
al-Mahdi in Jurjan (Sourdel, Vizirat, 1, 97-98).


ro Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

him on behalf of a vegetable seller and he consented on the
condition that he should sell vinegar and greens alone . Then he
ordered that in each quarter one vegetable seller should be established following that example.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad-al-Fadl b. al-Rabi`: When
al-Mansur had finished building his palace in the city, he entered
it and toured it and approved of it and examined it and admired
what he saw in it, except that he thought he had spent too much
money on it.
He looked at one part of it and thought it excellent, and he said
to me, " Go out to al-Rabi` and tell him to go out to al-Musayyab24
and tell him to bring me a competent builder immediately ." I went
out to al-Musayyab and told him, and he sent for the chief of the
builders and summoned him and sent him in to Abu Ja`far, and
when he stood before him he said to him, "How did you work for
our overseers on this palace, and how much did you take in wages
for each thousand baked bricks and sun -dried bricks ?" The builder
stood and was not able to make any reply , and al-Musayyab
was afraid of him . Al-Mansur said to him, "What is the matter
with you that you do not speak ?" and he said, "I do not know,
O Commander of the Faithful ," and he said, "Damn you! tell me!
You are safe from everything you are afraid of." He replied, "0
Commander of the Faithful, I do not concern myself with it, and I
do not know it." He took his hand and said, "Come, may God not
teach you the right thing !" He took him into the room he admired
and showed him a maj1is25 that was in it and said, "Look at this

23. Probably the historian al-Mada'ini . Al-Tabari uses three sources he refers to
as Ali b. Muhammad in this period, Ali b. Muhammad al-Madi'ini, Ali b.
Muhammad al -Nawfali, and `All b. Muhammad b. Sulaymin al-Hishimi. It is
often difficult to know which source is being referred to. The problem is mitigated
by the fact that al -Nawfali 's information is obtained from his father , whereas alMadi'mi does not quote his father at all. Al-Hishimi also received information
from his father, the important Abbisid Muhammad b. Sulaymin . Al-Madi'ini's
information tends to be matters of fact and date , whereas both al-Nawfali and alHishimi retell court gossip and circumstantial eyewitness accounts.
24. B. Zuhayr al-Dabbi: a long serving Khurisini officer . He had participated in
the early stages of the 'Abbasid Revolution in Khurisin and come to Iraq with the
Abbisid army . He was at various times chief of police for al-Saffih, al-Manyur
and al -Rashid, as well as being governor of Khurisin from 163 /780 to 166/782-83
(Crone, Slaves, 186-88).

25. Majlis is used in two senses by al-Tabari and his sources, as an assembly of

The Events of the Year 146 11

majlis, and build an arch next to it so that it will be similar to the
house, and do not use any wood in it." The builder said, "Yes,
0 Commander of the Faithful," and the builder and all those who
were with him began to marvel at his understanding of building
and engineering. The builder said to him, "I am not expert enough
to construct it in this way and cannot do it as you want," and he
said, "I will help you."
He ordered baked bricks and plaster, and these were brought,
and then he began to calculate the amount of baked bricks and
plaster involved in the construction of the arch , and he continued
doing it for the rest of that day and part of the next. He called alMusayyab and said to him, "Give him his pay for the amount of
his work with you." Al-Musayyab calculated it and reached five
dirhams, and al-Mansur thought that was too much and said, "I
am not satisfied with that," and he went on until he had reduced
it by a dirham. Then he took the measurements and looked into
the measurement of the arch of the room so that he understood it.
He obliged the agents and al-Musayyab to take the expenses and
with him took reliable builders and engineers, who told him the
value of the work. He went on adding one thing after another and
charged them what he had calculated the cost of the building of
the arch to be. He demanded from al-Musayyab more than six
thousand dirhams of the money he had, and he arrested him for it
and interned him, and he did not leave the palace until he had
paid it to him.

According to `Isa b. al-Mansur : I found in the treasuries of my

father, al-Mansur, among the papers that he spent on the City of
Peace and its mosque and the Palace of Gold in it and the markets
and the intervals and the trenches and its domes and its gates,
four million eight hundred and thirty three dirhams. The equivalent in fulus was roo,oz3,000. that was when a master mason
was paid a girdf of silver a day and a laborer (ruzgarij two or three
people or audience and also as the setting in which such an assembly takes place,
either a building or a tent. See Ell, s.v. "Madyl:s."
26. Baghdad was officially known as Madinat al-Salim , the City of Peace, and I
have translated it as such when it is used . The old name, Baghdad, remained more
common . Fulus were small copper coins of differing values; see E12 S.V. "Fals."
Habbah and girdf were fractions of a dirham and units of account , not minted
coins, a habbah being ilr6o dirham and a girdf 4 habbahs.

1 32 61

12 Al-Manger and al-Mahdi


In this year al-Manger deposed Salm b. Qutaybah27 from alBagrah and appointed as governor28 Muhammad b. Sulayman b.
'Ali."' The reason for his deposition:
According to `Abd al-Malik b. Shayban-Ya`qub b. al-Fadl b.
`Abd al-Rahman al -Hashimi: Abu ja`far wrote to Salm b . Qutaybah
when he appointed him governor of al-Bagrah, "To continue:
demolish the houses and destroy the palm trees of those who
rebelled with Ibrahim," and Salm wrote back , "With which of
those shall I begin, the houses or the palm trees?" and Abu ja`far
wrote, "To continue: if I had written ordering you to destroy their
dates, you would have written asking me whether you should
begin with the barn dates or the shahriz dates," and he deposed
him and appointed Muhammad b. Sulayman as governor. He
arrived and caused havoc.
According to Yunus b. Najdah: Salm b. Qutaybah came to us as
governor after the rout with Abu Barqah Yazid b. Salm31 in charge
of his police . Salm remained there five months ; then he was
deposed, and Muhammad b. Sulayman was appointed governor
over us.
According to `Abd al-Malik b. Shayban : When Muhammad b.
Sulayman arrived, he destroyed the houses of Ya`qub b. al-Fadl
and Abu Marwan in the quarter of the Banu Yashkur and those of
27. Son of the celebrated Qutaybah b. Muslim al -Bihili, conqueror of much
of Transoxiana for the Muslims . He himself was governor of al-Bagrah for the
Umayyads at the time of the Abbasid Revolution and thereafter lived in retirement in al-Rayy until he was summoned by al-Mangiir , who needed his support in
al-Bagrah when the city was taken by the 'Alid rebel Ibrahim b. Abdallih in
145/762 . He died in 149/766 - 67 (Crone, Slaves, 136-381.
28. Al-Tabari uses the word walldhu for the appointment . The two words commonly used for provincial governors are wdli and 'dmi/. Although the former is
slightly more common and occurs also in the verbal forms walld or the passive
wullhya, there is no discernible distinction between the two terms . The office of
governor is also frequently indicated by the preposition 'aid, which I have translated as "in charge of."

29. Muhammad b. Sulaymin b. Ali was the able and most important of the
younger generation of the Abbasid family at this time . His father, Sulaymin,
uncle of al-Manger, had been governor of al-Bagrah. He died in 1421759-60, and
Muhammad inherited his status . He was at times governor of al-Bagrah and alKufah and a firm opponent of the claims of'Isi b. Musi to the succession. He died
as governor of al-Bagrah in 173 /789-90, and al-Rashid's agents confiscated much
of his vast wealt:i.
30. See note 19 above.
31. Salm's son.

The Events of the Year 146 i 3

`Awn b. Malik, 'Abd al-Wahid b. Ziyid and al-Khalil b. al-Hugayn
in the quarter of the Banu 'Adi and the house of 'Afw Allah b.
Sufyan and destroyed their palm trees 32

In this year Ja'far b. Hanzalah al-Bahrani33 led the summer

expedition against the Byzantines.
In this year 'Abdallah b. al-Rabi'34 was deposed from Medina,
and Ja'far b. Sulayman3S was appointed in his place , and he arrived
there in the month of Rabi ' I (May z9-June17, 763).

In this year also al -Sariyy b. 'Abdallah36 was deposed from

Mecca, and 'Abd al -$amad b. 'Ali37 was appointed governor.
The leader of the pilgrims in this year was 'Abd al-Wahhab b.
Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. 'Ali b. 'Abdallah b. 'Abbas, 38 as is said
by Muhammad b. Umar and others.
32. Alid supporters in al-Bagrah.

33. A long-time supporter of the Umayyads , who served on the Byzantine frontier in the early Abbasid period . Al-Manger sought his advice at the time of the
Alid rebellion in 145 /762. This is his last appearance in the historical record, and
we must assume that he died soon after.
34. Al-l;f3nthi. The Harithis had no record of service in the Abbasid cause but
became important because of their kinship with the mother of al-Saffib . Abdallih
b. al-Rabi', who was an intimate of al-Manger, had been appointed governor of
Medina the previous year . This is his last datable appearance in the historical
record. In the treasury of St . Germer in Cologne, West Germany, there is an ivory
box with an inscription saying that it was made for him in Aden (Crone, Slaves,
35. Less successful brother of Muhammad b. Sulaymin (see note 29). He was
later absentee governor of al-Bahrayn in 157 /773-74 and of Mecca and Medina in
the reign of al-Mahdi, c. 166/781. Apart from these, he held no high office and died
in 177 /793-94.
36. B. al-Hanth b. Abdallih b. al-Abbas, hence a distant relative of al-Manger.
He was with al-Mahdi in Khurisin in 141 / 758-59 and had been governor of
Mecca since 143/760 -61. According to &I-Ya 'gebi, Ta'rikh, II, 470, he led the
summer expedition against the Byzantines in 147/764.
37. The youngest of the Bann All, al-Manger 's uncles. He was in some ways
the black sheep of the family, joining the unsuccessful rebellion of his brother
Abdallih against al-Manger in 137/754 and being deposed from the governorate
of al-Jazirah and imprisoned for insulting al-Mahdi (see below p. 214). He also
emerged as spokesman for the family interests against the power of the freedmen
(mawdlil at this time. He was briefly governor of Damascus, wher e he caused
trouble by favoring the Yamamyyah , and al-Bagrah, at the beginning of al-Rashid's
reign. He survived until 185/801.
38. Despite the fact that he was the son of the martyred Ibrahim b. Muhammad,
the Abbasid pretender killed by the Umayyads shortly before the Abbasid
Revolution, he never became a political figure of consequence . He spent most of
his time in Syria and the Byzantine frontier areas , where he led the summer raid
at least twice, and he died as governor of Syria or Palestine , c. 157/774.



Events of the Year

(MARCH 110, 764 -JANUARY 28, 765)

The events of this year:

Among these was the attack by Istarkhan al-Khwarazmi39 with
a body of Turks on the Muslims in the area of Armenia and his
taking of many of the Muslims and the ahl al-dhimmah4O prisoner,
their entry into Tiflis,41 and their killing of Harb b. `Abdallah alRawandi after whom the Harbiyyah in Baghdad is named 42 It is
said that this Harb was stationed in Mosul with x,ooo soldiers
because of the Kharijites in al-jazirah 43 When Abu Ja`far heard
39. The invaders were Khazars from north of the Caucasus . Barthold reads the
name as Tarkhan and suggests that he came from the Muslim bodyguard of the
Khazar Khaghans, who were recruited in Khwarazm : E12, s.v. "Khazar."

40. Protected people ; the name given to Jews or Christians who lived under
Muslim rule but were free to practice their own religion : See El ', s.v. "Dhimma."
41. Thlisi, capital of Georgia, strategically located where the Kura river emerges
from the northern Caucasus mountains into the broad plains of Azerbaijan; it was
the farthest outpost of Muslim rule in this direction.
42.. A Khurasani officer who served in Baghdad before being posted to Mosul.
The Harbiyyah quarter was situated immediately northwest of the Round City )le
Strange, Baghdad, 121-33) and was the area of western Baghdad where most of
the Khurasani soldiers settled.
43. See Azdi, Tdrikh al-Mawwil, 194 -95, Kennedy, Provincial Elites, 30-31.

The Events of the Year 1147 15

about the gathering of the Turks in those areas, he sent Jibra it b.
Yahya44 to fight them, and he wrote to Harb ordering him to go
with him. He went with him, and Harb was killed and Jibra it was
put to flight, and those Muslims whom I have mentioned were

In this year the death of `Abdallah b. All b. `Abdallah b. `Abbas

occurred. 45 Opinions differ as to the cause of his death , and some
follow All b. Muhammad al-Nawfali from his father : Abu Ja'far
went on the pilgrimage in the year 1147 some months after he had
given al- Mahdi precedence over 'Isa b. Musa . "' He had deposed
`Isa b. Musa from al-Kufah and its territory and appointed Muhammad b. Sulayman b. All as governor in his place . He sent `Isa to
the City of Peace and al-Mansur summoned him and handed
'Abdallah b. All over to him secretly in the depths of the night.
Then he said, "0 `Isa , this man wishes to remove God's favor
from you and from me . You are my heir apparent after al- Mahdi,
and the caliphate will pass to you, so take this man and behead
him without being weak or half-hearted . You must do this, or the
power that I have built up will be weakened and destroyed." He
then set off on his way and wrote to him three times on the road
asking him what he had done in the matter that he had been
44. Al-Balali: a Khurisini officer who had previously been stationed on the
Byzantine frontier. He survived this defeat and later served in his native Khurisin,
being governor of Samarqand in 159/775-76 (see below, pp. 45 , 171; Crone,
Slaves, 179-80)
4S. One of al-Mansur's paternal uncles, the Banu Ali, he had led the Abbasid
armies in pursuit of Marwin, the last Umayyad caliph. He then became governor of
Syria and attracted the support of many cadres of the Umayyad regime . With their
encouragement, he launched a rebellion against al-Mansur immediately after his
accession but was defeated and forced to take refuge with his brother Sulaymin in
al-Basrah After Sulayman's death in 142/759-6o his position became increasingly
exposed, but he continued to enjoy the support of his surviving brothers. See
Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate, 59-61; Lassner, Abbasid Rule, 39-57.

46. 'Isa b. Musi b. Muhammad b. Ali b. Abdallah b. al-Abbas. He had participated in the defeat of the Umayyad forces in Iraq at the time of the Abbasid
Revolution and was rewarded with the governorate of al-Kufah, which he held for
the next fifteen years. He also played a major part in the defeat of the Ahd
rebellion of 145 /761. On his deathbed al-Saffih had been concerned that his heir,
al-Mansur, then on the pilgrimage, might not return alive, so as a precaution he
had stipulated that al-Mansur should be succeeded in turn by Isa b. Musa The
oath of allegiance was then taken to both of them . By this time al-Mansur was
trying to revise the succession so that it would pass directly to his own son
Muhammad, but 'Isa was resisting stubbornly.


1 6 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

instructed in, and he wrote to him , "I have executed what you
ordered," and Abu ja`far had no doubt that he had done what he
had ordered him to do and that he had killed `Abdallah b. `Ali.
When he had been handed over to him, `Isa had hidden him, and
he called his secretary Yunus b. Farwah and said to him, "This
man has handed over his paternal uncle to me and ordered me to
do such and such to him," and he replied, "He wants to kill you
and kill him. He ordered you to kill him secretly , and he will
claim him from you openly and then he will retaliate on you for
his death."'Isa asked for his advice, and he said, "I think that you
should hide him in your house and do not let anyone know about
his affair. If he seeks him openly from you, then hand him over
openly but do not ever hand him over secretly , for, although he
had entrusted him secretly to you, his affair will be produced in
public." `Isa did this.


Al-Mansur came and conspired with his paternal uncles , urging

them to ask him to give `Abdallah b. `Ali to them, and he gave
them hope that he would do that.47 They came to him and spoke
to him and aroused his compassion and reminded him of their
kinship and showed their good will to him , and he said, "Yes,
bring me `Isa b. Musa." So he came to him, and he said, "O `Isa,
you know that I handed over to you my paternal uncle and your
paternal uncle, `Abdallah b. All, before I set out on the pilgrimage
and I ordered you to keep him in your house," and he replied,
"You did that, 0 Commander of the Faithful," and he went on,
"Your paternal uncles have spoken to me on his behalf , and I have
decided to pardon him and release him. Bring him to me!" He
said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, did you not order me to kill
him so I killed him ?" but al-Mansur replied , "I only ordered you
to imprison him in your house," but he insisted, "You ordered me
to kill him." Then al -Mansur said, "You have lied; I did not order
you to kill him ." He said to his paternal uncles, "This man has
confessed to you that he has killed your brother and claims that I
ordered him to do that, but he has told a lie."

They said, "Hand him over to us so that we can kill him in

47. Abdallah was, of course, brother to these paternal uncles, who seem to
have been led at this time by `Isa b. Ali and Muhammad , son of the dead Sulayman
b. Ali, and they are seen acting together to protect Abdallah.

The Events of the Year 147 17

retaliation," and he said , "Do as you like with him!" and they
sent him out to the courtyard. People gathered, and the matter
became widely known. One of them stood up and drew his sword
and advanced on' Isa to strike him, and `Isa said to him, "Are you
going to do it?" and he said, "Yes by God!" and ' Isa said, "Do not
be hasty but send me back to the Commander of the Faithful,"
and so they returned him to him, and he said, "You only wanted
me to kill him so that you could kill me. Your paternal uncle is
alive and well, and, if you order me to hand him over to you, I will
do so." Al-Mansur said, " Bring him to us," so he brought him to
him, and `Isa said to him, "You schemed against me something
toward which I was suspicious and my suspicion was right. Deal
with your paternal uncle as you like." He said, "Let him enter so
that I can consider my opinion." Then they left, and he ordered
him to be put in a house with salt in the foundations and that
water be poured into the foundations, and it collapsed on him and
he died, and it happened to him as it happened.

'Abdallah b. `Ali died in this year , and he was buried in the

cemetery at the Syrian Gate, and he was the first person to be
buried there."'
According to Ibrahim b. `Isa b. al-Mansur Ibn Burayh: 'Abdallah
b. `All died in prison in 147 at the age of 52.

According to Ibrahim b. `Isa : When Abdallah b. Ali died, alMansur was riding one day , and 'Abdallah b. `Ayyash was with
him, and he said to him as he was alongside him, "Do you know
that three caliphs whose name began with 'ayn killed three rebels
whose names began with 'ayn?" He replied, "I only know that
the common people say that 'Ali killed 'Uthman, and they lie,
and 'Abd al-Malik b. Marwan killed 'Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath and 'Abdallah b. al-Zubayr and 'Amr b. Sal d"
and a house collapsed on 'Abdallah b. 'Ali." Al -Mansur said,
"Am I to blame if the house collapsed on 'Abdallah b. All?" and
he replied, "I never said you were to blame."

In this year al-Mansur deposed `Isa b. Musa and had the oath
of allegiance taken to his son al-Mahdi and appointed him heir
apparent after him and, some say, 'Isa b. Musa after him.
48. Le Strange, Baghdad, 13o-49.

49. All these names begin with the Arabic letter 'ayn. The caliph 'Uthman

1 8 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


The reasons for his deposition and how the matter happened:
Opinions differ as to what brought al -Mansur to the point of
deposing him. Some say the reason that brought al-Mansur to do
that was that Abu Ja'far confirmed 'Isa b. Musa, after the death
of Abu al-Abbas, in what Abu al `Abbas had appointed him to,
the governorship of al-Kufah and its Sawad. He honored him and
treated him with respect, and when he came in to him he sat him
on his right hand and sat al -Mahdi on his left. This was his attitude
to him until al-Mansur decided to give al -Mahdi precedence over
him in the caliphate . Abu al-Abbas had decided that the succession after him should pass to Abu Ja'far and then after Abu Ja'far
to 'Isa b. Musa.
When al-Mansur decided on that he spoke to 'Isa b . Musa about
giving his son precedence over him with kind words , and 'Isa
replied, "0 Commander of the Faithful, what about the oaths and
agreements that bind me and bind the Muslims in my favor and
the freeing and divorcing and other guarantees of the oaths?so
There is no way to that, 0 Commander of the Faithful."
When Abu Ja'far saw his refusal, his mood (color) changed, and
he became rather estranged from him . He ordered that al-Mahdi
be given permissions ' ( to enter) before him, and he used to come
in and sit on al -Mansur's right hand in 'Isa 's seat . Then he gave
'Isa permission, and he entered and sat beyond al-Mahdi on alMansur's right as well, and nobody sat on his left on the seat that
al-Mahdi used to sit on. Al-Mansur was furious about that, and
matters were coming to a head . He used to order that al-Mahdi be
given permission, then that 'Isa b. 'Ali be given permission after
him. Then he waited a little while and ordered that 'Abd al-$amad
b. 'Ali be given permission, and then he waited a little while

was murdered in 35 /656 by insurgents from Iraq and Egypt . 'Ali b. Abi Tilib, who
succeeded him, was not directly involved . The Umayyad caliph Abd al -Malik b.
Marwin was responsible for the deaths of the rebels Ibn al-Ash 'ath )85 /704) and
lbn al-Zubayr (71/792 ). Amr b. Said al-Ashdaq was an Umayyad rival to 'Abd alMalik, executed by him in 70/689-90.

5o. He had sworn oaths with the condition that his slaves would be freed and
his wives divorced if he broke them.
5 i. Allowing people to enter the caliph 's audience was the function of the hdlib
(chamberlain), and the order in which people were admitted was an important
indication of status.

The Events of the Year 147 19

before ordering that `Isa b. Musa be given permission . After that
he always gave al-Mahdi permission first on every occasion, but
he mixed up the rest, giving precedence to some who had been
kept waiting and keeping waiting some who had been given precedence, letting `Isa b. Musa think that he gave them precedence
only because of some business that had cropped up and to discuss
his affair with them . Then he used to give `Isa b. Musa permission
after them, and he was silent about all that and did not complain
at all and did not criticize.
Then he moved on to harsher measures . There were with `Isa
in the audience some of his children, and he heard digging at the
foot of the wall and feared that the wall would fall down on top of
him. Dust was scattered on him , and he looked up to the wood of
the ceiling of the audience room and saw that one of its sides had
been dug out to be removed from its place, and dust fell on his
galansuwah52 and his clothes. He ordered those of his children
who were with him to move, and he stood up to pray. Then
permission came to him, so he stood up to go in in that state with
the dust on him and he did not shake it off. When al -Mansur
saw him, he said, "0 `Isa, no one ever comes in to me in a state
like yours with so much dirt and dust on you. Does all this come
from the street ?" He replied, "I suppose so, 0 Commander of the
Faithful ." Al-Mansur had only spoken to him like that because he
wanted him to complain to him about something. Al-Mansur had
sent `Isa b. `Ali to him about the matter that he wanted from
him, and `Isa b. Masi did not appreciate his visit to him, for it
was as if he were provoking him.
It is said that he administered to `Isa b. Musa something that
would make him perish, and he rose up from the audience and alMansur said, "Where are you going, 0 Abu Musa?" and he replied,
"I have a stomach ache, 0 Commander of the Faithful." "Then
retire to the house ." He replied, "The ache that I have is more
severe than I can bear in the house ." "Where are you going to?"
"To the (my) lodging ." So he got up from the audience and went
to his river boat and al-Mansar got up after him and followed in
his tracks to the river boat, pretending alarm for him. `Isa asked
5 x. The galansuwah was a tall hat in the shape of a cone or truncated cone. See
Ahsan, Social Life, 30-3 c.


20 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


him for permission to go to al-Kufah , but he said, "Stay rather,

and be treated here ." He refused and pressed him, and he gave
him permission . The person who encouraged him to do that was
his doctor Bukhtishu` Abu Jibra 11,53 who said, "I, by God, would
not venture to treat you at court, and my soul would not be safe."
Al-Mansur gave him permission and said, "I am going on the
pilgrimage in this year of mine , and I will stay with you in alKufah until you recover, if God wills."
When the time of the pilgrimage approached , al-Mansur set out
and reached a place outside al-Kufah called al-Rusafah,54 and he
stayed there for several days. He held horse races there and visited
'Isa more than once. Then he returned to the City of Peace and
did not go on the pilgrimage, giving the shortage of water on the
road as an excuse . `Isa b. Musa 's illness reached such a point that
his hair fell out, and then he recovered from that illness. Yahya b.
Ziyad b. Abi Huzabah al-Burjumi Abu Ziyad55 said about this:
You escaped from the medicine of the doctor as
the gazelle escapes well-aimed arrows.
From a hunter whose arrow penetrates al faris (the flesh
behind the shoulder blades ) when
he prepares the arrow of death in his bowstring.
God defended you from the assault of a lion
who wants (to hunt) lions inside his thicket.
That is why he came to us carrying within him a hidden

made known through hearing and seeing him,

A man with little hair, for from his head
the thick black hair has gone away.
It is said that `Isa b. `Ali used to say to al-Mansur that `Isa b.
Musa refused to take the oath of allegiance to al-Mahdi only
53. Well-known physician, d. x85/got.
54. Near al-Kufah, not to be confused with al-Rugifah of Baghdad or Rugifat
Hishim . For the numerous al-Rugifahs scattered through the Muslim world from
Cordova to Nishipur, Yiqut, Mu'jam, III, 46-50 . The word means a causeway or
bank of masonry.
55. Grandson of the poet Abu Huzibah al-Walid b. Hanafiyyah ; Aghdni, Buliq
XIX, 152, Beirut, XXII, 273.
56. Referring to Isi.

The Events of the Year 147 211

because he was looking after this matter for his son Musa,57 and
it was Musa who was preventing him. Al- Manqur said to `Isa b.
'Ali, "Speak to Musa b. `Isa and make him afraid for his father
and for his son." `Isa b . `Ali spoke to Musa about that, made him
give up hope, threatened him, and warned him of the wrath of alManqur. When Musa was filled with fear and became apprehensive
and feared that something dreadful would happen to him, he came
to al-Abbas b. Muhammad" and said to him, "0 my paternal
uncle, I am speaking to you with speech that no one , by God, has
ever heard from me before, nor will anyone ever hear again and
only my position of trust and confidence in you has extracted it
from me. It is entrusted with you and I am putting my life in your
hands." He replied, "Speak, 0 son of my brother, you appreciate
my feelings toward you." He said , " I can see what my father is
facing in order to resign this matter and have it transferred to alMahdi . He is treated with different sorts of harm and evil. Once
he is threatened and once his permission to enter is delayed, once
the walls are demolished on him, once death is plotted for him.
My father will not give in because of this. That will never be. But
here is an idea according to which he may give up if ever he will."
He said, "What is it, 0 my brother's son ? You are certainly correct
and have earned my sympathy." Musa continued, "Let the Commander of the Faithful speak to him in my presence and say to
him, 'O `Isa, I know that you are not withholding this matter
from al-Mansur for yourself because of your advanced age and
your nearness to death , and indeed you know that you do not
have a long span, but you are withholding it because of the position
of your son Musa. Do you think that I should allow your son to
survive you and my son to survive with him , so that he can have

57. He survived to be restored to his father 's old office of governor of al-Kufah
in 167/783-84 by al-Mahdi. In Harun ' s reign he was serveral times governor of alKufah, as well as of Syria and Egypt. He never made any attempt to claim the
caliphate and died in 183/799-800.
58. Brother of the caliphs al-Saffab and al-Man$ ur. He spent much of his time
leading expeditions on the Byzantine frontier and does not seem to have played an
important role in politics . He was, however, immensely wealthy, being the owner
and developer of the Abbasiyah Island in Baghdad, among other properties: see
Ya'qubi, Bulddn, :13, 2521 Le Strange , Baghdad, it, 148 . He is last recorded at
the court of al-Hadi in 170/786-87.

1 3351

22 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

power over him? Absolutely not, by God, that would never be! I
would fall upon your son with you watching until you despaired
for him and I was safe from him dominating my son. Do you
think that your son is preferable to me than my son?' Then he
would order either that I was suffocated or that the sword was
drawn on me. If he I`Isa) will agree to anything, then perhaps he
will do it for this reason and not for any other."


Al-Abbas said, "May God reward you well, 0 son of my brother!

You have sacrificed your life for your father, and you have preferred his survival to your own fortune. You have had the best
opinion and followed the best of paths." Then he came to Abu
Ja`far and told the news, and al-Mansur rewarded Musa well and
said, "He has acted well and decently, and I will do as he has
advised me, if God wills." When they gathered and isi b. 'Ali
was there, al-Mansur turned to `Isa b. Musa and said, "0 `Isa, I
am not ignorant of the motive that you harbor nor of the aim you
have pursued in this matter that I asked of you; you wanted this
affair only for your son, who has been an evil omen both for you
and for himself."
`Isa b. `Ali said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, I need to
relieve myself," and he said, "We will call for a receptacle so that
you can urinate in it." He said, "In your audience, 0 Commander
of the Faithful? That cannot be, but let me be guided to the
nearest latrine to get to it." He ordered a man to guide him, and
there he went.59 `Isa b. Musa said to his son Musa, "Get up with
your paternal uncle and gather his garments up behind him and
give him a cloth if you have one so that he can wipe himself with
it." When `Isa squatted down to urinate, Musa gathered his clothes
up behind him, and he did not see him and he said, "Who is that?"
and he replied "Musa b. `Isa." `Isa said, "May you be saved with
my father and may the father who begot you be saved with my
father! By God, I know that there will be no good in this matter
after you two have departed, and I know that you two have the
best right to it, but man is fond of what he can get soon!" Musa
said to himself, "By God, this man has exposed his vulnerable

59 The story suggests that isi b. Ali, an old man at this date , was blind, but
there is no other evidence for this in the sources.

The Events of the Year 147 23

spot to me, and it is he who urged (al-Manqur) on against my
father. By God I will kill him because of what he said to me. I
don't care if the Commander of the Faithful kills me after him,
but there would be consolation for my father in his killing, and he
would forget that I had been killed.i6O

When they returned to their positions , Musa asked, "0 Commander of the Faithful, may I say something to my father?" and
that pleased him, and he thought that he wanted to discuss some (337)
of their affair with him. So he said, "Go on," so he went to him
and said, "0 my father, `Isa b. `Ali has killed you and me many
times because of what he has said about us . He has exposed his
vulnerable spot to me ." His father asked, "How?" and he replied,
"He said to me this and that, and if I tell the Commander of the
Faithful he will kill him, and you will satisfy your thirst for revenge
and kill him before he kills you and me . We don't care what
happens afterwards." His father said , "Damn this thought and
opinion! Your paternal uncle said words to you in confidence that
he hoped would please you, and you have made them into a
reason for doing him evil and annihilating him! Keep silent and
do not let anyone hear this from you and go back to your place."
He stood up and returned to his place, and Abu Ja'far waited to
see if he could see any result from his going to his father and
speaking with him, and when he saw nothing he went back to his
original threats and tried to intimidate him. "By God , I will swiftly
do to you what harms you and what will make you despair of his
surviving after you ! 0 Rabi`, go up to Musa and strangle him
with his sword belt! ,61 Al-Rabi` came up to him and gathered his
sword belt and began to strangle him slowly.
Musa shouted out, "0 Commander of the Faithful , fear) God in
killing me and shedding my blood ! I am not in the position you
imagine, and Isa will not care if you kill me , for he has more
than ten male children, all of whom are like me or have precedence
over me." The caliph said, "Tighten more, 0 Rabi`; finish him
off!" Al- Rabi` made as if he were going to annihilate him and
6o. `Isa b. Ali admits that `Isa b. Musa is in the right, and so Musa b. `Isa
could have accused him of disloyalty to al-Mangur.
61. The strap by which the wearer hangs a sword around his neck ; see Lane, s.v.

24 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

undid the belt and Musa cried out, and when `Isa saw that he
said, "By God, 0 Commander of the Faithful, I did not think that
the affair would go as far as all this. Order him to leave him alone,
for I could not go back to my family if one of my slaves had been
killed because of this affair, never mind my son . I give you witness
that my wives will be divorced, my slaves free, and what I own
spent in the path of God among whomever you wish, 0 Commander of the Faithful. Here is my hand for the oath of allegiance
to al-Mahdi."
133 81

He took the oath of allegiance to him as he wanted, and then he

said, "0 Abu Musa, you have answered this request of mine in
hate, and I have a request I would like you to answer in obedience
so that you expunge with it your feelings toward me concerning
the first request ." `Isa asked, "What is that, 0 Commander of the
Faithful ?" and he replied, "That this affair will pass to you after
al-Mahdi ." `Isa said, "I cannot enter into it after I have gone out
from it." The caliph and those of his family who were present did
not stop pressing him until finally he said, "0 Commander of the
Faithful, you know best."
One of the people of al-Kufah said , when `Isa passed by him
with retinue : "This is the man who was tomorrow and became
the day after tomorrow." This story, it is said, is attributed to the
family of `Isa, who told it.

According to those who relate this matter from other sources:

Al-Mansur wanted the oath of allegiance for al-Mahdi and he
spoke to the army about that and when they saw `Isa riding they
made him hear what he did not like and he complained to alMansur and he said to the soldiers, "Do not annoy my brother's
son for he is the skin that lies between my eyes, and, if I come
closer to you,.I would cut off your heads" and they used to stop
and then begin again and continued with it for some time. Then
he wrote to `Isa:
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
From the slave of God `Abdallah al-Mansur, Commander of the Faithful, to `Isa b. Musa : peace be upon
you. I praise to you God, beside Whom there is no other
To continue : praise be to God of ancient grace, great

The Events of the Year 147 25

kindness and magnificent blessing who began creation
with His knowledge and puts the decree into effect by His
order. No creature reaches the end of His justice or attains
the end of describing His glory. He arranges affairs as He
wishes with His power and dispatches according to His
will and there is no judge in them except Him and no
executing of them except through Him. He carries them

through with ease and He consults no wazir about them ]339]

nor asks the advice of any helper . He is not confounded
about anything He wishes and its completion comes to
pass whether the worshippers like it or hate it. They are
unable to protect themselves from Him nor do they have
any defense for themselves against Him . He is the Lord of
the earth and what is on it. To Him belong creation and
affairs, may God be blessed, the Lord of the universe.
You know the position we were in during the rule of
oppressors and the state of our power and our expedients
against what the cursed house62 inflicted on us whether
we liked it or not . So we patiently accepted having to give
up things to those (rulers] to whom they committed our
affairs and whose opinions weie unanimously agreed upon.
We were unjustly treated and downtrodden by oppression,
not resisting tyranny, not preventing injustice, not giving
right nor forbidding wrong. We were unable to accomplish
it or to benefit ourselves until what was ordained came to
pass and the affair reached its allotted span. God allowed
the destruction of His enemy and blessed with compassion
the people of the family of His Prophet. God sent helpers
(ansdr)63 for them to seek to avenge them and to strive
against their enemies, to summon to support them and to
give victory to their state from scattered lands and different reasons but united wishes . God gathered them in
obedience to us and formed in their hearts affection for us
to give us victory and made them glorious through our
6z. The Umayyads.

63. The term an$dr (helpers) was used for the people of Medina who supported
the Prophet Muhammad. Abbasid propaganda often drew parallels between them
and the Prophet and referred to the lChurasanis as their an$dr.

26 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

( 3401

victory. We would not have met many of them , nor drawn

a sword with them if God had not affected their hearts
and sent them to us from their countries with committed
enthusiasm and pure obedience to meet victory and to
return victorious and to win victory by fear. They did
not meet anyone without putting him to flight nor any
offender without killing him so that God brought to us by
that the end of our waiting, the limit of our affliction, the
fulfillment of our hopes, the manifestation of our right,
the slaughter of our enemies through the blessing of God,
great and glorious, as a favor from Him to us without any
effort or power from us.
After that we remained in the blessing of God and His
favor until this young man" grew up and for him God
worked on the hearts of the helpers of the Faith whom he
had sent to us as He had done to us at the beginning of our
power. He filled their hearts with affection for him and
spread love of him in their breasts . They got to the point
where they could only talk of his virtue , only gave praise
to his name and only recognized his right.
Then when the Commander of the Faithful saw how
God had filled their hearts with affection for him (alMahdi) and put his name on their tongues and (saw) their
recognition of him by his characteristics and his name
and the demand of the common people that he should be
obeyed, the Commander of the Faithful became certain
that this was a matter that God had decreed and wrought.
His servants had no authority or power or counsel or discussion about it because of what the Commander of the
Faithful saw of the consensus of opinion and attachment
of the people. The Commander of the Faithful thought
that even if al-Mahdi was not recognized by right of descent,
power would pass to him . The Commander of the Faithful
was not preventing what the people had agreed on and
was not seeking to avoid granting what they claimed for

64. AI-Man$Or's son al-Mahdi.

The Events of the Year 147 27

The most pressing of the people on the Commander of
the Faithful in that were the very closest of his courtiers
and the trustworthy men of his Guard and Police. The
Commander of the Faithful saw no alternative to approving
of and following them. The Commander of the Faithful
and the people of his family were the most justified of
those who hastened to that and strove for him and desired
him and recognized his virtue and hoped for his blessing
and told true reports about him and thanked God if He
put in his offspring what the Prophets asked for before
him when the true servant said, "Lord give me an heir as
from Thyself, one that will truly represent me, and
represent the posterity of Jacob; and make him, 0 my
Lord! One with whom Thou art well pleased ! X65 God
gave to the Commander of the Faithful an heir and made
him God fearing, blessed and rightly guided (mahdi) and a
namesake of the Prophet 66 He seized those who assumed
this name and claimed that resemblance , which confused
the people of that intention about it and stirred up strife
among the people of that misery . He removed that from
them and put upon them the calamity that befalls.67 He
established the right firmly and raised up to al-Mahdi his
splendor and to the Faith its supporters.
The Commander of the Faithful wanted to inform you
what the subjects had agreed . You were like a child of his
to him and he wants to protect you and guide you and
make you glorious, as he would himself and his children.
He thinks about you that if you hear about what you see
the people have agreed on concerning the position of your
cousin (al-Mahdi) you will take the start unurged, so that
our helpers, the people of Khurasan and others come to
know that you will be more speedy than themselves in
doing what they would like according to their opinion
about their own well-being; that for any merit they rec65. Zacharias, father of John the Baptist. Qur'an, XIX: 5-6.
66. A play on the name of al-Mahdi, whose name was Muhammad and whose
title, al-Mahdi, means "rightly guided."
67. Cf. Qur'an, IX: 99 and XLVIll 66.

28 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

ognize in al-Mahdi or hope from him, you would still be
the most happy of men over that and delighted about it
because of his position and kinship . Accept the advice of
the Commander of the Faithful to you, for through it you
get better and are guided . Peace be upon you and the mercy
of God.
So `Isa b. Musa wrote to him in reply:

In the name of God , the Merciful, the Compassionate.

To the servant of God `Abdallah Commander of the


Faithful from `Isa b. Musa : Peace be upon you, 0 Commander of the Faithful, and the Mercy of God . I praise to
you God, other than Whom there is no god. To continue:
Your letter has reached me in which you mention what
you have decided on in contradicting the law and committing sin in the cutting off of your kin and violating the
pact that God has accepted from the people about faithfulness to the caliphate and to my inheriting it after you in
order to cut off what God made close by bonds of affection
and to split up what God joined together and join together
business that God separated in defiance of God in His
heaven and turning from God in His decree and following
Satan in his desire.
Whoever defies God He throws him down and whoever
goes against Him He subdues and whoever tries to deceive
Him about anything He requites, but whoever puts his
trust in God He protects and whoever humbles himself
before God He raises up. The rule on which the building
was founded and that should be followed is that there is
an inheritance to me from the last Caliph from God and
a command before which we are the same and no one
Muslim has more right to change than another . The fulfillment of it is obligatory and the first has no more right
to change it than the last and if something is legal for the
second then it cannot be forbidden for the first. The first
who followed information about it and recognized its sign
and revealed what he thought about it and hoped from it
has precedence . He who wished to work first was more

The Events of the Year r47 29

entitled to the right."" Neither being made negligent by
God nor giving license to the people to abandon fulfillment (of the oath) will get you safety from affliction.
Anyone who answered you in abandoning anything that
was due to me and considered that legal against me would
not feel embarrassed when opportunity enabled him and
license tempted him to be more hasty in finding it licit
against you also and to be more destructive to what you
have established.
So accept the consequence and be pleased with God for
what He has done, take what you were given strongly and
be among those who are grateful (to God) for God, Great
and Glorious, increases him who gives Him thanks as a
just promise from Him with no breaking in it. Whoever
fears God He protects and whoever decides to oppose Him
He turns away from, for God "knows of (the tricks) that
deceive with the eyes and all that the hearts (of men)
In addition to that, we are not safe from disasters or
sudden death before (the completion of) what you have
begun in cutting me out. If death comes quickly to me,
you will have been saved the trouble and you would have
hidden the ugliness of what you wished to make open. And
if I survive after you, you would not have put my back up
(lit: aroused my bitter feelings ) and severed relationships
with me and helped my enemies to follow in your traces,
accept your tutelage and act according to your examples.

You mentioned that all affairs are in the hands of God

and He is their organizer and measurer and executor according to His wish. You are right. Affairs are in the hands
of God, and he who knows this fact and can define it
should accomplish it and try to reach it (as a goal). Know
that we ourselves did not acquire any benefit to ourselves
or push away any mischief and we did not obtain what
you know by our own power or by our own strength. If we

68. 'lsa being the first, al-Mahdi the second.

69. Qur'dn, XX: i 9.


30 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

13 441

had been left to depend on our own efforts and desires, our
power would be weakened and our ability diminished to
seek what God brought us. But God, if He wishes firmly
to execute His order and carry out His promise and complete His covenant and make certain His pact , decides His
conclusion and concludes His decision and gives light to
his announcement and establishes His pillars when He
founds His building, and (His ) servants are not able to
delay what He is hastening or to hasten what He is delaying. But Satan, the beguiling and obvious enemy, whom
God has warned against obeying and made clear his enmity,
causes disputes among the agents of the right and the
people of His obedience so that they divide their community and scatter their gathering . He sows discord and
hatred among them and washes his hands of them when
the realities of affairs and the straits of tribulation become
God, Great and Glorious, has said in His Book, "Never
did We send an apostle or a prophet before thee, but, when
he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his
desire: but God will cancel anything (vain) that Satan
throws in and God will confirm (and establish ) His signs:
for God is full of knowledge and wisdom . i7O and He described those who fear (Him) and said, "When a thought
of evil from Satan assaults them , bring God to remembrance, when lo! they see (aright)! i71
So I ask God's protection for the Commander of the
Faithful, lest his intentions and the innermost part of his
soul are in opposition to what God, Great and Glorious,
granted to those who were before him. Indeed their sons
asked them and their desires had led them to a similar
position to what the Commander of the Faithful was considering, but they preferred the right over its opposite and
they knew that nobody overcomes the decree of God, nor
turns away His gifts . And beside that, they did not feel

70. Qur'dn, XXII: s:.

71. Qur'dn, VII: too.

The Events of the Year 147 311

secure from the change of fortune and the hastening of
afflictions. So they chose the life to come and accepted
the consequences and hated change and feared alteration.
They showed fine conduct and God brought their affairs
to completion and sufficed for what concerned them and
protected their authority and glorified their helpers and
honored their supporters and made their buildings noble
so the prosperity was completed and the blessings became
apparent and they felt obliged to give thanks . So the order

of God was completed, even if they did not like it.

Peace be upon the Commander of the Faithful and the
mercy of God.
When his letter reached Abu Ja`far al-Mansur, he kept aloof
from him and was exceedingly angry. The army renewed what
they had been doing more violently . Among them were Asad b.
al-Marzban, `Ugbah b. Salm, Nasr b. Harb b. `Abdallah72 with a
group, and they came to `Isa 's door and prevented anyone from
going in to him and when he rode out they walked behind him
and said, "You are the cow of which God said, "They offered her
in sacrifice, but not with good will."" He returned and complained about them, and al-Mansur said to him, "0 son of my
brother, I am afraid what they might do to you and me. Their
hearts are full of the love of this young man,74 but if you give him
precedence before you so that he is between you and me , they will
refrain." `Isa agreed to do it.
According to Ishaq al-Mawsili-al-Rabi `: When `Isa's answering letter reached al-Mansur, as we have described, he wrote on

72.. Asad, a soldier presumably of Persian origin, Marzbin being a Persian title
given to military officials in frontier districts of the Sasaman Empire . For his
subsequent relations with 'Uqbah and his death, see below p 6o. 'Ugbah was
from Huni 'ah of Azd (Caskel, table :i i). He is first recorded in Sind with 'Uyaynah
b. Musi in 14 1/759-60 (Ya'qubi, Tdrikh, II, 448). For his subsequent role in alBakirayn, see below p. 60. He was assassinated in 167/783-84, apparently in
revenge for a man he had killed in al -Yamimah (below p. 2 38, Ya'qubi,
Tdrikh, II, 478). Nasr, a Tamimi and a member of Abu Ja'far's guard, was subsequently appointed to the frontiers of Firs (below p. 85(. He was probably the
son of Harb b. Abdallih al-Riwandi (see note 42 above).
73. Qur'dn, II 71.
74. Al-Mahdi.

13 4 51


Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

it "If you accept its loss, you may obtain compensation for it in
this world, and you may be secure from it responsibilities in the

There has been given on the subject of al-Mangur 's deposition

of `Isa b. Musa a version other than these two, which is the one
which Abu Muhammad known as al-Aswari recounted on the
authority of al-Masan b. `Isa the secretary;75 Abu Ja`far wanted to
depose `Isa b. Musa from his position as heir apparent and to give
al-Mahdi precedence over him, but he refused to agree to that.
The affair defied all Abu Ja`far 's efforts so he sent for Khalid b.
Barmak and said to him, "Speak to him, 0 Khalid. You have seen
his refusal to give the oath of allegiance to al-Mahdi and what we
have done before about his affair . Do you have any stratagem for
it? All sorts of tricks have exhausted us, and our ideas have come
to nothing." He replied, "Yes, 0 Commander of the Faithful.
Choose thirty senior men of the party76 and attach them to me."
Khalid b. Barmak rode out, and they rode with him and reached
`Isa b. Musa and brought him Abu Ja`far's message . He replied, "I
will not depose myself for God, Great and Glorious, has entrusted
this matter to me." Khalid worked on him with every sort of
warning and desire, but he refused (to change his mind).

1 3461

Khalid left him and the members of the party left after him, and
Khilid said to them, "What is your advice in this matter?" and
they said, "Let us bring the Commander of the Faithful his message
and tell him what we did and what he did," but Khalid said, "No,
we will tell the Commander of the Faithful that he has agreed and
we will bear witness against him if he denies it." They replied,
"Do it and we will do our part," and he said, "It is the right
course," and he informed the Commander of the Faithful about
what he attempted and wished.

They went to Abu Ja`far, and Khalid was with them , and told
him that he had agreed so he issued the document for the oath of
allegiance to al-Mahdi and wrote all areas.
When the news reached `Isa b. Musa, he came to Abu Ja`far
75. Nothing seems to be known of these.
76. The word shrah here, and elsewhere in al-Tabari 's work, applies to the
Abbasid party, only later does it come to be applied exclusively to the pro=Alid
party in the modem sense.

The Events of the Year 147 33

denying the claim that he had agreed to giving al-Mahdi precedence
over himself and he reminded him of God in what he had intended. Abu Ja`far summoned them and asked them, and they
said, "We bear witness against him that he did agree and he should
not go back on it." Abu Ja`far carried the matter through and
thanked Khilid for what he had done and al-Mahdi was aware of
what had happened and praised the excellence of his opinion in
this affair..
According to All b. Muhammad b. Sulayman-his father`Abdallah b . AN Sulaym, freedman of `Abdallah b. al-Harith b.
Nawfal :" I was traveling with Sulaymin b. `Abdallih b . al-H rith
b. Nawfal when Abu Ja`far had decided to give al-Mahdi precedence over `Isi b. Musa in the oath of allegiance . We met Abu
Nakhilah the poet 's with his two sons and two slaves, both of
them carrying some of the luggage of their people . Sulaymin b.
`Abdallih stopped by them and said, "Abu Nakhilah, what is this
I see and what position are you in?" He replied, "I was staying
with al-Qaga`, who was a man of the family of Zurirah who was
in command of `Isi b. Musa 's shurtah , and he said, "Leave me,
for this man has done good to me , and it has reached my notice
that you composed a poem about this oath of allegiance to alMahdi. I am afraid that he will hear of it and I will be exposed to
reproach because you stayed with me," and he pestered me until I
He said to me, "0 `Abdallah, go with Abu Nakhilah and give
him a safe place to spend the night in my house and treat him and
those with him well . Then Sulayman b. `Abdallah told Abu Ja`far
about the poem of Abu Nakhilah in which he says,

`Isa let it slide to Muhammad (al-Mahdi)

so that it may be passed from hand to hand
Among you, and it rests there while it is increasing.
We are delighted with the beardless youth (al-Mahdi).
77. See note z3 above.
78. Abu Nakhilah (his ism, not his kunyah ) b. Hazn al-Tamimi was court poet
to the Umayyads from the time of Maslamah b. Abd al-Malik, his first patron. He
transferred his allegiance to the Abbisids and became then panegyrist , styling
himself the "poet of the Banu Hishim" (Aghdni, Bulaq , XVIII, r3q; Beirut, XX,
36!.) For the family of Zurirah, see Crone, Slaves, 121-23.

13 4 71

34 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

When it was the day on which Abu Ja'far had the oath of allegiance taken to his son al-Mahdi and gave him precedence over
'Isa, he summoned Abu Nakhilah and ordered him to recite the
poem . Sulayman b. 'Abdallah spoke to Abu Ja'far and advised
him in what he said to give him the most magnificent reward. He
said, "It is something that will remain about you in books and
people will talk about it at the time and for eternity ," and he
continued until Abu ja'far ordered that he be given ten thousand

(3 481

According to Hayyan b. 'Abdallah b. Hibran al-Himmani-Abu

Nakhilah: I came to Abu Ja'far and waited for a month at his gate
and did not reach him until the day when 'Abdallah b. al-Rabi'
al-Harithi said to me, "0 Abu Nakhilah, the Commander of the
Faithful has nominated his son for the caliphate and the oath of
allegiance ('ahd ), and he is giving him precedence before `Isa b.
Musa . If you said something encouraging him in that and mentioning the virtue of al-Mahdi, you would be likely to receive
some favor from him and from his son ," so I said:79
Take care, 'Abdallah, who is worthy of it,
(I mean) the caliphate of God, which He has given you.

He has chosen you, he has chosen you for it , He has chosen you.
We had looked for a time to your father,
Then we looked to you for it.
We were among them,BO but our longing was for you.
Yes, we shelter in your protection.

Rest your staff on Muhammad,

Your son, who, whatever you entrust to him, can bear the
The best man to protect it (the caliphate ) is the nearest kin to

I fatigued my legs and thighs,

I roamed until I found no place to go,
I turned here and there and everywhere,

79. For a variant version of this poem, Aghdni, Bulaq, XVIII, 15 z; Beirut, XX,

8o. Supporters of the Umayyads. Much of the poem is concerned with the
author's attempt to excuse his support of the previous dynasty.

The Events of the Year 1147 35

and every word I spoke except about you

Was a lie, and this has done penance for that.

I also recited my poem in which I said:8'
To the Commander of the Faithful betake yourself , 0 my shecamel,
traveling to the foamy sea of seas (or to the most generous of
You are he, 0 son of the namesake of Ahmad,82
0 son of the noble Arab house,
Yes, the trustworthy of the Eternal One,
it is you who was appointed by the Lord of the mosque.
The heir apparent to it (the caliphate ) most fortunately
was `Isa, and he let it slide to Muhammad
And before `Isa it was gradually surrendered from one to one,
so that it may be passed from hand to hand
Among you, and it rests there while it is increasing 13491
and we are delighted with the beardless youth.'
We have arrived to witness, but we did not,
the pact has not been confirmed.
So, if we hear the clamor "Stretch out! Stretch out!" (your hand),
it will be for us like the torrent of rain for a thirsty horse.
So call to the oath of allegiance the surging crowds.
It will become clear to you today or tomorrow.

It is he (al-Mahdi ) who has become perfect, and no obstacle

[stands in his way].
He has increased as you wish, so give him more, that he may
increase further.

Clothe him yourself in the mantle you choose and he is ready to

for it is the mantle of the garlanded horse that goes before.
It had been related that it was as if it (the caliphate)
had returned, and when it did it was not rejected.
For it used to wander from one wilderness to another

St. For a variant, see Aghuni, Bulaq, XVIII, rsr; Beirut, XX, 288-89.
Si. Muhammad al-Mahdi was the namesake of the Prophet.
83. Al-Mahdi.

36 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

for some time. So, when the time for the drinkers to gather
around the spring has arrived,
And the time of turning the vile seducer (into a man of virtue) has
also arrived
God would say to it, "Come along quickly and be rightly
Then it is settled in the right place,
in the best lineage, in the best lineage,84 in the most glorious
The loud complaint of jealous souls has not been silenced by
better than a firm and reliable lord.
When they started striking fire by unsparkling firesteel,
they were tested with the extremely firm and powerful
Who increases in watchfulness against threats.

So they changed to compliance and supplication

Toward a determined sword , which eats up every file.


This was recited and spread through the mouths of the servants
and reached Abu Ja`far, who asked who the author was. He was
informed that it was a member of the Banu Sa'd b. Zayd Manat
and he was pleased . He called me and I was brought into his
presence . `Isa b. Musa was on his right-hand side, and the people
were with him with the chiefs of the commanders and the army.
When I was in a place he could see me, I cried out, "0 Commander
of the Faithful, bring me near you so that I can make you understand and you can listen to what I have to say ." He beckoned with
his hand, and I came near until I was closed to him . When I was in
front of him I spoke and raised my voice and recited to him from
this position. Then I returned to the beginning of the urjuzah,85
and I recited it from the beginning to this place also. I repeated it a
second time until I came to its end. The people were listening,
and he was delighted with what I recited to him when he was
listening to it. When we left him, there was a man putting his
hand on my shoulder, and I turned and there was `Igal b. Shabbah
saying, "As for you, you have delighted the Commander of the
Faithful and, if the affair is resolved as you wish and you said, by
84. That is, the caliphate was settled on al-Mahdi.
8 S. A poem in the rajaz meter.

The Events of the Year 147 37

my life you will be well rewarded by him, but, if it is otherwise,
then look for a tunnel in the earth or a ladder to the sky.i86

Al-Mansur wrote to him at al-Rayy that he be given a reward,

and Isa sent men after him and he was intercepted on his way
and he had his throat cut and the skin stripped off his face. It is
said that he was killed after he left al-Rayy and he had taken his
According to al-Walid b. Muhammad al-'Anbari: The reason
why 'Isi gave Abu Ja'far his consent for giving al-Mahdi precedence over him was that Salm b. Qutaybah said to him, "0
man, take the oath of allegiance and give him precedence over yourself. If you resign from the affair, he will assign it to you ('Isa)
after him (al- Mahdi), and you will please the Commander of the
Faithful." He said, "I will succeed him?" and he replied, "Yes,"
and'Isa said, "I will do it." Salm came to al-Mansur and told him
of 'Isi's reply, and he was pleased about that and Salm's status
with him increased, and the people took the oath of allegiance to
al-Mahdi and to `Isa b. Musa after him. Al -Mansur preached the
sermon in which was the announcement of the precedence of alMahdi over 'Isa, and 'Isa preached after that and gave precedence
to al-Mahdi over himself, and al-Mansur fulfilled what he had
promised him.
According to some of the companions of Abu Ja 'far: We were
reminiscing about the affair of Abu Ja'far and ' Isi b. Musa and
the oath of allegiance and his resigning of it and giving precedence
to al-Mahdi, and one of the commanders, whose name he gave,
said, "By God, other than Whom there is no god, the deposition
of 'Isa from it happened only with 'Isi's consent, his dependence
on dirhams, and his failure to appreciate the importance of the
caliphate and his desire to escape it. When the day came when he
went out to the deposition and resigned, I was in the magsurah87
(of the mosque) in the City of Peace when Abu 'Ubaydallah,88
86. That is, if al-Mahdi is made heir apparent.
87. An enclosure in the mosque, usually to separate the ruler and his entourage
from the people.
88. Abu 'Ubaydallah Mu'awiyah b. 'Ubaydallah was vizier and secretary to
al-Mahdi. Originally from Palestine, his father had served the Umayyads (Jalp;,
1261 'Uyun, z8 i ). He was attached to al-Mahdi when he was sent to al-Rayy and
continued as his vizier after he became caliph. He aroused the jealousy of Ya'qub




Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

secretary to al-Mahdi, with a group of people of Khurasan came out

and 'Isa spoke and said, "I have handed over the position of heir
apparent to Muhammad , son of the Commander of the Faithful,
and have given him precedence over me." Abu Ubaydallah said,
"It was not like that, may God glorify the Amir, but tell it in truth
and honesty and say what you wanted for it and what you were
given." `Isa replied, "Yes, I sold my rights of precedence in the
position of heir apparent to Abdallah, Commander of the Faithful, to his son Muhammad al-Mahdi for ten million dirhams and
three hundred thousand to be divided among my children such
and such and such (and he named them) and seven hundred thousand to so-and-so (one of his wives, and he named her), with a good
heart on my part and desire that it might pass to him because he
is most worthy of it and has the most right and strongest claim to
it and to undertake it. I do not have any right to precedence over
him in big or in little . If ever I claim anything after this day of
mine, then I am in the wrong and have no rights in it, no claim
and no demand."
He said: Sometimes he forgot one thing or another about that
and 'Abu `Ubaydallah reminded him until he finished up. Abu
`Ubaydallah only sought confirmation and sealed the document
and the witnesses witnessed it. I was present until `Isa put his
own handwriting and seal on it with the people gathered there.
Then they went in from the maq$urah to the palace.
He said: The Commander of the Faithful robed `Isa and his son
Musa and other children of his with robes to the value of over one
million, two hundred thousand dirhams.

The governorship of `Isa b. Musa over al-Kiifah and its Sawad

and the area around it lasted thirteen years89 until al -Mansur
deposed him and appointed Muhammad b. Sulayman b. `All
as governor when he refused to give al-Mahdi precedence over
b. Dawiid and of al-Rabi ` and the mawdli, which eventually led to his fall; he lost
his post as vizier in 1 63 /779 - 8o and as cobib a1-rasa i1 din charge of correspondence)
in 166 /782-83 . He survived into the reign of Hirun , when Yahyi b. Khalid invited
him to return to government , but he declined because of his great age. See below,
pp. 599 - ioz, al-jahshiyari , 14i-57, 179; Sourdel, Vizirat, 1, 94-103.

89. According to al-Tabari, III, 72, isa had been appointed governor of al-Kufah
in 131/75o. This would have given him fifteen years as governor.

The Events of the Year 147 39

It is said : Al-Mansur only appointed Muhammad b. Sulayman
as governor when he did because he wanted to humiliate 'Isa, but
Muhammad did not do that and continued to treat him highly
and to show him respect.
In this year Abu Ja'far appointed Muhammad b. Abi al-'Abbas,
his brother's son, as governor of al-Basrah, but he asked to be
excused, so he was, and he left there for the City of Peace and
died there. His wife al -Baghum b. 'Ali b. al-Rabi' shrieked and
lamented him . One of the guards struck her with a bridle rein on
the posterior, and the servants of Muhammad b. Abi al-Abbas
took turns in beating him until he was killed, and his blood was
unavenged . When Muhammad b. Abi al-Abbas set out from alBasrah he left 'Ugbah b. Saim as his deputy over it, and Abu
Ja'far confirmed him in charge of it until 151 (January z6, 768January 13, 769).
Al-Mansur led the pilgrimage in this year. In this year his
governor of Mecca and al -Ta'if was his paternal uncle Abd al$amad b. All, over Medina Ja'far b. Sulayman, over al- Kufah and
its territory Muhammad b. Sulayman, over al -Basrah 'Uqbah b.
Salm with Sawwar b. 'Abdallah in charge of the judiciary there,
and Yazid b. Hatim was in charge of Egypt.90
9o. B. Qabigah b. al-Muhallab : He had been governor of Egypt since 143/760-61.
A descendant of the famous al-Muhallab b . Abi $ufrah, he is said to have been
instrumental in saving Abu Ja'far's life before the Abbasid revolution. He was
governor of Azerbaijan , Egypt, and, in 154 -70 (771-786/7 ), of lfrigiyah, where he
died. See also his brother Rawb and cousin 'Umar b. Haft (al-Tabari, III, 68, 142,
370, 372, 373 , 569; al-Kindi, Governors, iii-i5; Ibn Idhari, Baydn, 78-82). Ibn
Idhari gives his date of death as Ramadan 171/February- March 788. For the
Muhallabids in the early Abbasid period, see Kennedy , Abbasid Caliphate, 8z83; Crone, Slaves, 133-35.



Events of the Year



5, 766)

The events of this year:

In this year Al-Manlur sent Humayd b. Qah.tabah9! to Armenia
to make war on the Turks who had killed Harb b . `Abdallah and
ravaged Tiflis. Humayd went to Armenia and found that they had
gone, so he left without meeting a single one of them.
In this year $alih b. 'Ali"' made camp at Dabiq,93 it is said, and
did not go on a raid.
91. Son of Qalitabah b. Shabib, who had led the Abbasid armies from Khurisin
at the time of the revolution. He had initially supported the rebellion of Abdallih
b. Ali against al-Man $nr in 137/754 but was restored to favor, serving briefly as
governor of Egypt in 143 - 45/761 - 63 and, from 151 until his death in 159 (768-76(,
as governor of Khurisin. See al-Tabari, III, 15, 21 , 48, 55, 92-93, 369, 459; alKind-1, Governors, i 1o; Hamzah,141. For the role of his family in the early Abbasid
state, see Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate, 79-8o ; Crone, Slaves, 188-89.
9z. Paternal uncle of al-Saffih and al-Manyur . He had been active in the Abbasid
conquest of Syria and was the leader of the Abbasid force that killed Marwin, the
last Umayyad caliph in Egypt. He was briefly in charge of Egypt on two occasions,
but most of his career was spent in Syria, where he took over many formerUmayyad
properties, and on the Byzantine frontier, where he was an active builder of fortifications. He and his family had a celebrated residence at Salamiyyah in central
Syria. He was the same age as his nephew al-Mansur but died before him, in 15 z/
769. See al-Tabari, III, 48; al-Baladhuri , Bulddn, 170, 197; Ibn al-Adim, Zubdat,
59-60; al-Kindi, Governors, ioz-6 . See also Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate,
93 An important Muslim base on the Byzantine frontier , north of Aleppo.
Yaqut, Mu'/am, II, 416-17; Le Strange, Palestine, 4z6.

The Events of the Year 148


In this year Ja`far b. Abi Ja'far al-Manur94 led the pilgrimage,

and the governors of the am$dr95 in this year were the same as in
the year before.

94. Known as Ja'far the Elder, to distinguish him from his younger brother of
the same name . He was at one time considered as a possible rival to al-Mahdi for
the succession but died in 15o/758 see below pp . 49, 145-461.

95. Plural of mi$r. The am$dr were orginally the towns established by the
Muslims in the years immediately after the conquests at al-Kufah , al-Baorah and
al-Fuslat. In the early Abbasid period, the term is applied generally to the mayor
provincial capitals.

Events of the Year

( FEBRUARY i6, 766-FEBRUARY 5, 767)

The events of this year:

In this year al-`Abbas b. Muhammad led the summer raid on
the Byzantine lands . With him were al -Hasan b. Qahtabah96 and
Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath, and Muhammad b . al-Ash'ath died on
the road.97

In this year al-Mansur completed the building of the walls of

the city of Baghdad and finished with the ditch and all the work.

96. Brother of Humayd (see note 91 above). On his father's death, he took over
command of the Abbasid army . The rest of his career was spent in Armenia and
on the Byzantine frontier, where he built numerous fortresses and frequently led
expeditions against the Greeks . He died in 18 1 /797, full of honor and years, at the
age of eighty-four (al-Tabari, III, 17, 95, 353, 493 , 495, 646 ; al-Balidhuri, Bulddn,
22.3). For the family properties in Baghdad, see Le Strange, Baghdad, 140-41.
97. AI-Khuzi' i. A close colleague of Abu Muslim, he was sent to Ifrigiyah by
Abu Ja'far in 144/761, but he was subsequently driven out by a mutiny of his
Khurisini troops. (al-Tabari, 11, :001, 111, 71 , 1z2.; Ibn Idhiri , Baydn , 72). In the
Leiden edition of al-Tabari, III, 74, his appointment to lfriqiyah is wrongly dated to
133. See Crone, Slaves, 184-85

The Events of the Year 1149 43

In this year he went to Hadithah98 of Mosul and then back to
the City of Peace.

In this year Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. All b.

`Abdallah b. `Abbas99 led the pilgrimage.
In this year `Abd al-$amad b. All was deposed from Mecca, and
Muhammad b. Ibrahim was appointed as governor.
The governors of the amgar in this year were the same as those
in the years 1147 and 148, except for Mecca and al-'Wa'if, where the
governor in this year was Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Muhammad
b. `Ali b. 'Abdallah b. `Abbas.

98. On the east bank of the Tigris, about thirty miles southeast of Mosul. See
Yaqut, Mu jam, II, 23o, Le Strange, Lands, 9o-911.
99. Son of Ibrahim al-Imam, the leader of the Abbasid family put to death by
the Umayyads immediately before the Abbasid Revolution. He had an unspectacular career, mostly in the Holy Cities . He led the pilgrimage on three occasions
in al-Mangur 's reign (149/757, 151/759, 154/762) and was governor of Medina at
the time of the caliph 's death (see below, pp 86 - 87). He died in 185/8oi.


Events of the Year

(FEBRUARY 6, 767-JANUARY 25, 768)

One of the events of this year was the rebellion of Ustadhsis10

with people from Harat, 101 Badhghis, 102 Sijistan'03 and other
areas of Khurasan. They were said to have numbered about 300,000
fighting men and conquered most of Khurasan and proceeded
until they came up against the people of Marw al-RUdh . io4 Al-

too. Ya'gUbi, Tdrikh, II, 457, and Gardizi , Zayn, 74b, both make it clear that
there was a religious aspect to the rebellion and that Ustadhsis claimed to be
a prophet. The independent account in Agapius of Manbij, 'Unwdn, 544-45,
suggests that there were economic causes, notably a dispute over control of silver
mines in Bidhghis . See Sadighi, Mouvements, 155-62 ; Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate, 183-84 ; Daniel, Khurasan, 133-37.

tot. Herat, in western Afghanistan.

roe. Yiqut, Mu'jam, I, 3t8; Le Strange, Lands, 412-15.

io3. Or Sistan, the province of eastern Iran around the delta of the Helmand
river, near the modem Iran-Afghanistan frontier . On the history of the area, see
Bosworth, Sistan under the Arabs.
504. Marw al -RUdh lay on the Murghib river south of Marw, near the modem
Soviet-Afghan border. It was an important center of Muslim settlement in the
area, and its people has played an important part in the Abbasid Revolution. See
Yiqut, Mu'lam, V, i 12; Le Strange, Lands, 404-5.

The Events of the Year 150 45

Ajtham al-Marwarrudhi105 went out to meet them with the people
of Marw al-Rudh, and they fought him fiercely until al-Ajtham
was killed and many of the people of Marw al-Rudh with him.
Ustadhsis defeated many commanders, including Mu'adh b.
Muslim b. Mu' adh,' 06 Jibra it b. Yahya, Hammad b. `Amr,107
Abu al-Najm al-Sijistani,108 andDawud b. Kiraz109 until al -Mangur,
who was then at al-Baradan,110 sent Khazim b. Khuzaymahl" to
al-Mahdi, who then put him in charge of the campaign against
Ustadhsis and assigned commanders to him.

It is said that Mu' awiyah b. 'Ubaydallah, al-Mahdi's vizier,

was undermining Khazim's position . At that time al-Mahdi was
in Nishapur.112 Mu'awiyah despatched letters to Khazim b.
Khuzaymah and to other commanders giving himself unlimited
powers. Khazim, who was with his army, was ill, but he drank
some medicine and rode with the postal service until he reached
al-Mahdi in Nishapur. He greeted him and asked to speak with
him alone because Abu 'Ubaydallah was present, but al-Mahdi

105. Otherwise unknown.

io6. He later became governor of Khurisin , 161-63/780-83, but disappears
from the record after that . His son Yabya was prominent in the early years of alMa'mun 's reign, while another son, al-Husayn, was foster brother to the future
caliph al-Hidi, suggesting that Mu'8dh was more important than his brief appearance in the historical record would suggest. (See below , pp 196, 215; Gardizi, 76b;
Hamzah, 141; Crone, Slaves, 183-84).
107. Otherwise unknown.
io8. Otherwise unknown.
109. Otherwise unknown.
r 1o. On the east bank of the Tigris, about ten miles north of Baghdad. See
Yiqut, Mu'/am, 1, 375t Le Strange, Lands, 50.
i i 1. Al-Tamimi al-Marwarrudhi, one of the most important figures in the
Abbasid Revolution in Khurasin and subsequently in the army of the early
Abbasid caliphate. He led the people of Marw al-Rudh in support of the Abbasid
Revolution and was one of the leaders of the Abbasid armies in Iran and Iraq In
1341751-52 he took 'Umin for the 'Abbisids, and in 141/758-59 he was sent
with the young al-Mahdi to al-Rayy and played a prominent part in the defeat of
the rebel governor Abd al -Jabbir al-Azdi; he was governor of Khurisin on two
occasions. He disappears from the record after 151 /768. His son Khuzaymah was
an important military figure in Hiriui ' s reign and in the civil war that followed his
death dal-Tabari, II, 1959, III, 13, 20, 69, 76 - 78,134-35; Hamzah 14o-41 ; Crone,
Slaves, 18o-81 ; Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate, Si-8z).
112. In northeastern Iran, some thirty miles west of Mashhad, and one of the
most important cities of Khurisin in the early Islamic period. Yaqut, Mu)am, V,
331-33s Le Strange, Lands, 382-88.

[ 3551



Al-Manqur and al-Mahdi

said, "Abu `Ubaydallah will not spy on you, so say what is on

your mind," but Khazim refused to tell him or talk to him until
Abu Ubaydallah rose and left. When he was alone with him, he
complained to him about Mu`awiyah b. `Ubaydallah and his
hostility and his prejudice against him and what he was saying in
his letters to him and the commanders under him. He explained
how they were corrupted, how they acquired a domineering
manner, how they tried to be independent in their opinions and
became heedless and rather disobedient . Khazim argued that the
war could not be conducted properly without a sole head and that
no banner' 13 should fly over the head of anyone in the army
except his banner or a banner he had given . He also told al-Mahdi
that he would not return to fight Ustadhsis and his men unless he
was given complete control and exempted from the authority of
Mu`awiyah b. `Ubaydallah. He asked for permission to unfurl
the banners of the commanders who were with him, and that alMahdi write to them ordering them to obey him.
Al-Mahdi granted him everything he requested and Khazim departed for his army. He did what he had said and unfurled the
banners of the commanders that he deemed wise to unfurl, and he
entrusted banners to those he wished. He was joined by those
soldiers who had fled, using them as a surplus reinforcement in
the rear, just to increase the numbers of the soldiers . He did not
put them in the vanguard because of the feelings of fear of defeat
that were in the hearts of those who had been defeated; those in
this category who joined him numbered zz,ooo. He then chose
6,ooo of the army and joined them to r Z,ooo specially chosen men
who were with him. Bakkar b. Muslim al-`Ugayli114 was among
those chosen.

Then he prepared for battle; he dug a trench and appointed al-

113. The banner (hwd') was important as a symbol of command of an army or of

the governorate of a province . Here it means that Khizim should have an independent command and be able to choose his own subordinates.
154. He came from a family that had been prominent supporters of the last
Umayyad caliph, Marwin , and he himself had been one of the leaders of Abdallih
b. 'Ali's rebellion against al -Mansur. Despite this, the caliph valued his military
expertise and support, he later, in 15 3 /770, became governor of Armenia . See also
his brother Ishaq (al-Tabari, III, 96, 371, Crone, Slaves, ro6-7).

The Events of the Year 150


Haytham b. Shu`bah b. 7,uhayr15 in charge of the right wing and

Nahar b. Husayn al-Sa`di116 over the left wing . Bakker b. Muslim
al-`Ugayli led the vanguard and Turarkhuda117 was over the rear
guard; he was one of the descendants (abnti of the Persian kings
of Khurasan. His banner was held by al-Zibrigan and his standard
by his freedman Bassam . 18 He tricked and deceived the enemy
by moving from place to place and trench to trench, so that they
were totally exhausted, as most of them were on foot.

Then Khazim went to a place and stopped there and dug a trench
around it. He brought inside it all that he wanted to, including all
his companions. He made four gates in it and appointed man from
his chosen companions, who were 4,000 strong, in charge of every
gate. He assigned to Bakker b. Muslim , the commander of his
vanguard, 2,000 men to supplement the i 8,ooo he had already.
The other side came, bringing with them spades, axes, and large
baskets, intending to fill in the trench and enter it. They reached
the trench at the gate that Bakker b. Muslim was in charge of and
attacked it so fiercely that Bakkar's companions had no choice
but to flee and they were pursued into the trench by the enemy.
When Bakker saw that, he dismounted and rushed and stood at
the gate of the trench and shouted to his companions , "You sons
of harlots, the Muslims are attacked from the side I guard!"' 19
and there dismounted about fifty of his tribe and family who were
with him and they blocked the gate so that they held the enemy
back from it.
Then a man from Sijistan called al-Harish, 12O who was with

115. Al-Tamimi, like Khizim. He had fought under Khizim 's command before
and was later to serve his son Khuzaymah (al-Tabari, III, 69, 130, 856).

i 16. Otherwise unknown.

117. The second element of his name, khudd, means "lord" in Persian . The word
"kings" (muluk ) is used loosely here to refer to the semi-independent princes and
lords of Khurasan . See Shahan, Political Geography of Khurasan . Turirkhudi
himself had been, like Bakker b. Muslim , a supporter of Abdallah b . Ali but is
otherwise unknown.

118. Zibrigan is a Persian word meaning either the moon or the man with the
little beard . Neither he nor Bassim is recorded elsewhere.
i 19. Suggesting, of course, that Ustidhsis' supporters were non-Muslims, a
useful clue to the nature of the rebellion.

izo. The name means "rough" or "harsh" in Arabic, but it may be either a
nickname or a corruption of a Persian word ; it is not recorded elsewhere.



[ 3581

Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Ustadhsis and was the man who was managing his affairs, came
to the gate where Khizim was. When Khazim saw him coming,
he sent to al-Haytham b. Shu'bah who was on the right wing,
saying, "Go out of the gate you are in charge of and take a different
route from the one that leads to Bakkir's gate while the enemy is
occupied with fighting and attacking us and, when you are behind
them and beyond the range of their vision, come upon them from
the rear." At that time they were expecting the arrival of Abu
'Awn121 and 'Amr b. Salm b. Qutaybah'22 from Tukharistan'23
so Khazim ordered Bakkar, "When you see the banners of alHaytham b. Shu'bah approaching you from behind, say, 'God is
great!' and, 'The people of Tukharistin have arrived!"' So alHaytham's men did that while Khazim, with the main body of
the army, attacked al-Harish al-Sijistini and engaged in fierce and
prolonged sword fighting. While they were locked in combat they
saw al-Haytham's banners and shouted to each other, "The people
of Tukharistan have come!" and when the people of al-Harish and
those who were fighting Bakkar saw those standards, Khizim's
men attacked them fiercely and exposed them so that al-Haytham's
men attacked them with spears and arrows. Nahar b. Husayn and
his men from the left and Bakkar b . Muslim and his men from
their direction also attacked and they routed them and put them
to the sword. The Muslims made a great slaughter and those who
were killed in that battle numbered about 70,000 and 14,000 were
taken prisoners.

Ustadhsis took refuge in the mountains with a small number of

his companions. Khazim took the fourteen thousand prisoners
and cut off their heads. Then he went and besieged Ustadhsis in

rsr. Abd al-Malik b. Yazid al-Azdi, a Khurisini from Jurjin who played an
important role in the Abbisid Revolution and came west with the Abbisid
armies . He was later governor of Egypt , 133-36 /751-35 and 137-41/755-58, and
of Khurisin, in c. 159 - 60/775-77, but was deposed by al-Mahdi for his failure to
defeat the rebel al-Muganna`. He died in 168/784 - 85. See al-Tabari, III, 38, 48, 72,
459,477, 536-37, for his relations with al -Mahdi and his son; Gardizi, Zayn, 74b,
76b, gives him two periods as governor of Khurisin ; Kindi, Governors, 102-5,
says he was a mawli of Huni'ah of Azdj see Crone, Slaves, 174.
122. Son of Salm b. Qutaybah; see note 27 above; not recorded elsewhere.
123. A district of Khurisin in the Oxus valley east of Balkh; see Le Strange,
Lands, 426-27.

The Events of the Year 15o 49

his mountain refuge, and there joined him Abu `Awn and 'Amr b.
Salm b. Qutaybah with their companions at that place . Khizim
settled them in an area and told them to stay where they were
until they were needed . Khazim besieged Ustadhsis and his companions until they agreed to accept the judgment of Abu Awn:'24
they would not accept any other terms and Khazim agreed to that
and ordered Abu `Awn to allow them to accept his judgment so
he did. When they came down to the judgment of Abu `Awn, he
decided that Ustadhsis and his sons and his household 121 should
be secured with irons and that the rest, 30,000 in number, should
be released. Khazim put Abu `Awn 's judgment into effect and
gave each of them two garments . Khazim wrote about the conquests God had given him and the destruction of his enemies to
al-Mahdi who in turn wrote to the Commander of the Faithful alMansur about it.

Muhammad b. Umar126 mentioned that the rebellion of

Ustadhsis and al-Harish took place in the year 150/767 and that
Ustadhsis was defeated in the year 11511/768.
In this year al-Mansur deposed Ja`far b . Sulayman from Medina
and appointed al-Hasan b . Hasan b. Zayd b. Hasan b. All b. Abi
'J alib.127
In it Ja`far b . Abi Ja`far al-Mansur the Elder died in Baghdad
and his father al-Mansur prayed over him. He was buried by night
in the cemetery of Quraysh.128
There was no summer expedition for the people against the 13591
Byzantines in this year: it is said that Abu Ja`far had put Usayd129

1x4. Abu Awn was clearly known and trusted by the rebels as no other Muslim
leader was, but the sources give no indication as to why this was so.
i z5. According to other sources (Gardizi, Zayn, 74b; Mas' udi, Mural, IV, 299),
Ustadhsis' daughter Marijil, mother of the future caliph al -Ma'mun, was among
the captives taken to Baghdad on this occasion.

i z6. Al-Wagidi.
i 27. An important and significant move : Al-Hasan was an Alid who had proved
loyal to al-Manlier, and there is no doubt that his appointment to Medina , a center
of Alid support, was a conciliatory gesture He remained governor until 155/772
and died in 168/784-85.

rz8. Le Strange, Baghdad, 158, says that this was situated at KiZimayn, north
of Baghdad, on the west bank.
1:9. Possibly Usayd for Asid) b. Abdallih al-Khuza' i (Crone, Slaves, 175-76),
but he is said to have been governor of Khurisin at this time (Hamzah, 141). More

50 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

in charge of the expedition in this year but he did not lead the
people to the land of the enemy but stayed in Marj Dabiq.130
`Abd al-$amad b. `Ali b. `Abdallah b. `Abbas led the pilgrimage
in this year.
The governor of Mecca and al-'Wa'if was Abd al-$amad b. `Ali
b. `Abdallah b . al-`Abbas but it is also said that the governor of
Mecca and al-Ta'if was Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Muhammad.
The governor of Medina was al-Hasan b. Zayd al `Alawi. The
governor of al-Kufah was Muhammad b . Sulayman b . All and of
al-Basrah `Ugbah b . Salm, with Sawwar131 in charge of the judiciary, and the governor of Egypt was Yazid b. Hatim.

likely this is a mistake for Yazid b . Usayd al -Sulami (see note r9o below), as
Brooks suggests ("Byzantines and Arabs", 734.
13o. The fertile meadows and pastures around Dabiq (see note 93 , above), which
were frequently used as a base for Muslim raids.
131- Sawwar b. Abdallah, d. 1 57/773-74, was qd.Ii of al-Bagrah for many years.


Events of the Year
(JANUARY 26, 768-JANUARY 13, 769)

Among the events of this year was the seaborne attack on Jeddah
by the Kurk132 mentioned by Muhammad b. `Umar.
In this year Umar b. Hafs b. `Uthman b. Abi $ufrah133 was
appointed governor of Ifriqiyah. He was deposed from Sind and
replaced by Hisham b. `Amr al-Taghlibi.131
The circumstances of the deposition of `Umar b. Hafs from
Sind and his appointment as governor of Ifriqiyah, and of the
appointment of Hisham b. `Amr as governor of Sind.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sulayman b. `Ali al=Abbasi 1360]
-his father: The reason for that was that al-Mansur had appointed

1;2. Pirates of unknown origin . See Omar, Abbasid Caliphate, 319.

133. A member of the Muhallabi family (see note 9o above). He had been
governor of Sind since 142/759- 60. He remained governor of Ifrigiyah until he
was killed by the Berbers and the Khanjites in an uprising in 153 /770 (al-Tabari,
III, 139, 370) al-Balidhuri, Futuh, 2321 lbn ldh3ri, Baydn, 75-76).
134. A chief of the Jazirah tribe of Taghlib , he is said to have secured the
allegiance of Mosul to the Abbasids at the time of the revolution . According to
Ya'qubi (Tdrikh, ll, 4481, he conquered Multan and died soon after his return from
Sind in 157/773-74 (al-Tabari, III, 47, 380).

52 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Umar b. Hafs al-$ufri, called Hazarmard135 to Sind . He remained
there until the rebellions of Muhammad b. `Abdallah in Medina
and Ibrahim in al-Basrah. Muhammad b. `Abdallah sent his son
`Abdallah b. Muhammad who was known as al-Ashtar,136 with
some members of the Zaydiyyah 137 to Basrah and ordered them to
buy the foals of excellent horses and take them with them to Sind
so that Muhammad could use them as a means to reach `Umar b.
Hafs. He did this because Umar b. Hafs was one of Abu Ja`far
commanders who had taken the oath of allegiance to Muhammad
b. `Abdallah, as he was a sympathizer of the family of Abu Talib.
They went to Ibrahim b. 'Abdallah in al-Basrah and bought foals
from there. There is nothing in the land of Sind and Hind 13" more
valuable than good horses . They traveled by sea until they reached
Sind and then they went to `Umar b. Hafs and said to him, "We are
horse dealers and have some excellent horses with us," and he
ordered them to show their horses so they showed them to him.
When they came to him one of them said to him , "Come near me
and I will tell you something," so he came near and he went on,
"We have brought you something that is better for you than the
horses and that has in it for you all the best of his world and the
next. Give us a guarantee on two points: that you accept what we
bring you or that you will conceal it and refrain from making it
public until we leave your country on our return journey." He gave
them the guarantee and they said, "We did not come to you
because of the horses but we have here the son of the Prophet of
God, `Abdallah b. Muhammad b. Abdallah b. Hasan b. Hasan who
has been sent to you by his father who has come out in rebellion in
Medina and proclaimed himself Caliph . His brother Ibrahim has
135. The name means "thousand men" in Persian, but it is not clear why he
was so called.
136. The word is applied to someone who has either an inversion of the eyelid
or a split bottom lip (see Lane, s.v. shtr).
137. The Zaydiyyah were originally followers of Zayd b. Ali, who rebelled
unsuccessfully in al-K6fah against the Umayyads in 122 /740. They continued in
existence as a small group of Alid activists, based mostly in al-Kufah, and they
supported all the main 'Alid rebellions of the early Abbasid period (see Kennedy,
Abbasid Caliphate, 203-9).
138. Sind was the Muslim province on the lower Indus , roughly equivalent to
the modem province of Sind in Pakistan . Hind was used in a more general sense
for the neighboring parts of the Indian subcontinent not under Muslim rule.

The Events of the Year 115 i


risen in al-Basrah and taken it over ." He said, "You are most 136][1
welcome," and he took the oath of allegiance to him from them
and ordered him to be concealed with him.
Then he called the people of his household, his commanders
and the great men of the town to take the oath of allegiance and
they accepted. He cut up white standards, white turbans and
white galansuwahs and on Thursday he prepared white garments
in which to go up to the pulpit. On Wednesday there came a boat
from Basrah with a messenger of Khulaydah bint al -Mu`arik,
wife of Umar b. Hafs with a letter telling him of the killing of
Muhammad b. `Abdallah . He went to `Abdallah, told him the
news and consoled him and said to him , "I have sworn the oath of
allegiance to your father and now this had happened ." `Abdallah
said, " My activities are now notorious and my position wellknown and my safety is your responsibility so look after yourself
or leave." `Umar replied, "I have a suggestion to make : there is
here one of the Kings of Sind with a great kingdom and following.
He is, despite his polytheism, a great admirer of the Prophet of
God and he is a trustworthy man. I will write to him and make an
agreement between you and him and send you to him to stay with
him, and you will be beyond reach with him." `Abdallah replied,
"Do as you wish ." So he did that and he went to the king who
was very generous to him and showed him great kindness. The
Zaydiyyah escaped to join him until there were about 400 "people
of perspicacityi139 with him and he used to go out riding and
hunting among them and he amused himself in the manner of
kings and their families.

When Muhammad and Ibrahim were killed, news of `Abdallah

al-Ashtar reached al- Mansur and he was worried about it so he
wrote to `Umar b. I iafs, informing him what he had heard. Umar
b. I3afs gathered his kin and read al -Mansur' s letter to them and
told them that if he admitted the story , al-Mansur would not
hesitate to depose him and if he went to him, he would kill him
and if he refused he would make war on him. Then one of his kin
said, "Put the blame on me and write to him telling him about
me. Arrest me immediately, put me in chains and throw me into
139. Ahl al-ba$dir, presumably the description they adopted for themselves.



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

prison. If he writes that I should be sent to him, send me to him.

He will not dare to take action against me because of your position
in Sind and the status of your family in Basrah ."'Umar replied, "I
fear things may not turn out as you think ." "If I am killed," the
man said, "I will be a sacrifice for you , and I am pleased to be a
sacrifice for you, and if I am spared that is God's will." So `Umar
ordered him to be chained and imprisoned and he wrote to alMansur about that. Al-Mansur wrote back ordering `Umar to
send the man to him and he arrived ; he was brought before him
and he was executed.
Al-Mansur continued to think whom he might appoint as governor of Sind . He would begin to talk of someone and then change
his mind. One day he was going along with Hishim b. `Amr alTaghlibi and al -Mansur observed him in his retinue when he
went off to his house . When he had thrown off his robe, al-Rabi`
came in and announced Hishim. Al-Mansur said , "Has he not
just been with me?" and al -Rabi' replied, "He said that he has a
request that has become important ." So he called for a chair and
installed himself on it and then he gave Hishim permission to
enter. When he appeared before him he said, "Commander of the
Faithful, when I left the retinue and went to my house, my sister,
so-and-so, daughter of 'Amr, met me. I saw her beauty, her intelligence and her piety which would please the Commander of the
Faithful, so I came to offer her as a gift to him." Al-Mansur bowed
his head and began to scratch the ground with a cane he had in his
hand. "You may go," he said, "and my decision will reach you
later." When he left he said, "Al-Rabi`, if it were not for a verse of
Jarir'st4o about the Banu Taghlib, I would marry his sister. This
was Jarir's verse:

Do not seek maternal unclehood among the Taghlib;

even the Zanj are more high-bred than they as maternal
I am afraid she will bear me a son who will be taunted with this
verse. But go out and say to him, 'The Commander of the Faithful
140. Jarir b . Attyyah al-Tamimi , d.c. 11o/728-z9, the celebrated poet of
Umayyad times, active at the courts of al-Ilaj;a; andAbd al-Malik and famous for
his invective against his great rival al-Farazdaq ; see E12 , s.v. "D;arir."

The Events of the Year 115 r


says, "I would not refuse you any request except marriage , and, if
I had need to marry, I would accept what you offered me, so may
God reward you for the good you intended to do for him . Instead
of that I have given you the governorate of Sind ."' He ordered him
to write to the king commanding him to hand over `Abdallah b.
Muhammad and, if he did not obey , to make war on him . He also
wrote to `Umar b. Hafs appointing him governor of Ifrigiyah.


Hisham b. `Amr al-Taghlibi left for Sind as governor , and Umar

b. Hafs began to make his way through the provinces to Ifrigiyah.
When Hisham b. 'Amr reached Sind , he was extremely reluctant
to capture `Abdallah and pretended to people that he was writing
to the king and treating him gently. Abu Ja`far heard about this
and he began to write to urge him into action . While this was
going on, a group of rebels rose up in a certain part of Sind, so
Hisham sent his brother Safannaja against the rebels . He led his
army out and his route lay along the borders of that kingdom, and
while he was going there appreared a cloud of dust that arose from
a troop of horsemen. Safannaja thought that it was the advance
guard of the enemy he was attacking , so he sent out scouts.
When they returned, they said, "This is not the enemy you are
looking for but `Abdallah b. Muhammad al-Ashtar al=Alawi
riding for pleasure along the banks of the Indus ." Safannaja went
to meet him, and his advisers said to him , "This is the son of the
Prophet of God. You know that your brother is leaving him alone
intentionally for fear of shedding his blood . He has not come to
attack you but only for pleasure and you have come out seeking
someone else; so turn away from him ." Safannaja replied, "I will
not leave him for any other to capture him, and I will not give up
the prospect of gaining favor with al-Mansur by taking him and
killing him."

He was with ten men, so he rushed toward him and urged on

his companions and he attacked him. `Abdallah fought and his
companions fought in front of him until Abdallah and all his
companions were killed and not a single one of them escaped to
take the news and he was among the slain. His fate was not
known, but it is said that his companions hurled him into the
Indus when he was killed so that his head would not be taken.141
14 r. As a trophy and sent to al-Manger.


56 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Hisham b. `Amr wrote a victory letter about this to al-Mansur,
telling him that he had attacked `Abdallah vigorously, so alMansur wrote back, praising his conduct and ordering him to
make war on the king who had given 'Abdallah refuge. This was
because `Abdallah had taken slave girls when he was staying with
that king, and one of them had given birth to a son, Muhammad
b. `Abdallah, Abu al-Hasan Muhammad al-'Alawi, who was known
as Ibn al-Ashtar. So Hisham made war on the king until he had
conquered his kingdom and killed him. The slave girl of al-Ashtar
and her son were sent to al-Mansur . Al-Mansur wrote to his
governor of Medina, 142 telling him that the boy was of true descent. He sent the boy to him and ordered that he should gather
all the family of Abu T glib and read them his letter about the true
descent of the boy and hand him over to his relations.
In this year al-Mansur 's son al-Mahdi came to him from Khurasan
in the month of Shawwal (October 18-November 15, 768). There
came to meet him and welcome him many members of his family
from Syria, al-Kufah, al-Basrah, and other places. Al-Mahdi rewarded them, gave them robes, and was generous to them, and alMansur did the same for them. He appointed some of them as
courtiers (. ahabah)' 43 for al-Mahdi and assigned each of them an
allowance of five hundred dirhams.
In this year al-Mansur began the building of al-Rusafah144 on
the east side of the City of Peace for his son Muhammad al-Mahdi.
The reasons for building it.


According to Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Sharawi-his father:

When al-Mahdi came from Khurasan , al-Mansur ordered him to
stay on the east bank (of the Tigris ) and built al-Rusafah for him,
making a wall, a moat, a square,145 and a garden and he brought
water to it. The water used to run from the River of al-Mahdi to
142. At this time the Alid, al-Hasan b. Zayd.
143. Sahdbah were advisers and friends permanently attached to an important
figure and given salaries. They were often poets and scholars, as opposed to important political or military figures.
144. Al- Ru$afah was to form the nucleus of the developments on the east bank
of the river . Le Strange, Baghdad, 187-98 . See also note 54, above.
145. Mayddn implies a large open space for horse racing and polo, a smaller
piazza would have been called a rahbah.
146. A branch of the Khalig Canal ; see Le Strange, Baghdad, 175.

The Events of the Year 15 r


According to Khalid b. Yazid b. Wahb b . Jarir b. KhazimMuhammad b. Musa b. Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Muhammad b.
`Ali b. `Abdallah b. `Abbas147-his father: When the Rawandiyyah rioted against Abu Ja 'far and did battle with him at the Golden
Gate, l4s Qutham b. al= Abbas b. Ubaydallah b. al-`Abbas, 149
who was at that time a very old man , respected by the people,
came in to him. Abu Ja`far said to him, "What is your opinion
about the situation we are in concerning the slowness of the army
to help us? I am afraid that they will agree together and this power
will slip from our hands . What do you think?"

He replied, "0 Commander of the Faithful, I have an idea but if

I explain it to you it will not work, but if you let me I will go
ahead with it, and your caliphate will be made secure for you and
your soldiers will be in awe of you." The caliph asked, "Are you
going ahead with a plan for my caliphate that you will not tell me
He said, "If you think I am suspect in regard to your state, do
not ask my opinion, but if you think I am faithful to it let me go
ahead with my idea."
Al-Mansur said, "Go ahead."
Qutham went to his lodging and called a page of his and said to
him, "When tomorrow comes, go ahead of me and sit in the
palace of the Commander of the Faithful. When you see that I
have entered and am in the middle of the people of rank (a;hdb
al-mardtib), 1so take hold of the bridle of my mule and stop me
and entreat me, by the Prophet of God, by al=Abbas, and by the
Commander of the Faithful, to halt , to hear your request, and to
fulfill it for you. I will chide you and speak harshly to you, but do

not let that make you frightened of me but repeat your request, 13661
and I will curse you, but do not let that intimidate you but repeat

147. For Muhammad b. Ibrahim , see note 99, above.

148. The Riwandiyyah noted in 141 / 758-59, three or four years before the
beginning of work on Baghdad (see al-Tabari, III, 129 - 3o(. The Golden Gate, or
Bab al-Dhahab, was one of the names given to al -Mangiir's palace in the Round
City in Baghdad; see also note 391 below.
149. A distant cousin of the caliph's who was governor of al-Yamimah in eastern
Arabia for many years, until his death in 159 /775-76.

15o. In formal audiences courtiers lined up in order of precedence or rank before

the caliph

58 Al-Manqur and al-Mahdi

your speech and request to me, and I will hit you with my whip,
but let that not be unbearable and say to me, 'Which tribe is more
noble, al-Yaman or Mudar?i15' and when I answer you, let go of
the bridle of my mule and you will be a free man."

The page left early in the morning and sat where he had ordered
him in the palace of the caliph and, when the old man came, the
page did as his master had ordered, and his master did as he had
said he would and then he said to him, "Speak!" and he asked,
"Which of the two tribes is more noble, al-Yaman or Mudar?"
Qutham said, "Mudar among which was the Prophet of God
and in which is the Book of God and the House of God (the
Ka'bah) and among which is the caliph of God."
Al-Yaman were resentful that he had mentioned nothing of
their honor and one of the commanders of al-Yaman said to him,
"The matter is not absolutely like that, with no honor or merit in
al-Yaman." Then the Yamani commander said to his page, "Get
up and take the bridle of the old man's mule and restrain it forcibly
until he is lowered down."
The page did as his master ordered him, so that he.'almost
brought it down on its hamstrings. Mudar were annoyed about
this and said, "Is he doing this to our old man (shaykh)?" and one
of them ordered his page "Cut off the hand of the slave," so he
came up to the Yamani's page and cut off his hand. The two tribes
began to quarrel and Qutham sent away his mule and went in to
Abu Ja`far. The army split into groups, Mudar being a group,
al-Yaman another, the Khurasaniyyah152 another , and Rabi'ah
another, and Qutham said to Abu Ja'far, "I have split your army
into groups and divided them into parties, each one fearing that, if
it does any evil to you, you will strike it with the other. It remains
to you to organize the rest."
15 r. Mu4ar, al-Yaman, and Rabi'ah were the large groupings to which Arab
tribes were traditionally assigned . Under the Umayyad caliphate these divisions
had become a major source of conflict , and this continued, though to a lesser
extent, under the Abbisids. The word used for tribe here is hayy, while the
smaller tribes that made up the group might be called gabilah (pl. gaba'il), but the
usages are not always consistent (cf. Ell, s.v. "Hayy," where it is defined as
the smallest unit).
r 5 n. Interestingly, the Khurisiniyyah are considered here as a group with a
separate indentity, though many of them in fact came from Arab tribes attached in
theory to one of the other groups.

The Events of the Year 15 I 59

Al-Mansur asked, "What is that?" and he replied , "Cross your
son over and settle him on the other side (of the Tigris ) in a palace
and move him over and move over some of your army with him,
and make that a town and this a town . If the people of this side
turn against you, you can strike them with the people of the other
side, and, if the people of the other side turn against you, you can
strike them with the people of this side . If Mudar turn against
you, you can strike them with al -Yaman and Rabi`ah and the
Khurasaniyyah, and, if al-Yaman turn against you you can strike
them with Mudar and others who obey you."

He accepted his idea and opinion, and his power was firmly
established . This was the reason for building on the east side and
in al-Rusafah and the granting of property to commanders there.
$alih Sahib al-Musalla ' 53 was put in charge of the plots on the
east side, and he did as Abu al `Abbas al-Tusi had done about distributing the remaining'54 plots on the west bank. He had for
himself building plots at the Gate of the Bridge, the market of
Yahya, the mosque of Khudayr and in al-Rusafah and the Road of
the Skiffs on the Tigris, 15' which he asked for as a gift from the
plots that were undistributed among owners . $alih came from the
people of Khurasan.
In this year al-Mansur caused the oath of allegiance to himself,
to his son Muhammad al-Mahdi after him, and to `Isa b. Musa
after al-Mahdi to be renewed by all the people of his family in his
audience on Friday. He gave them a general permission to enter,
and every one who took the oath to him kissed his hand and the
hand of al-Mahdi and then pressed the hand of `Isa b. Musa but
did not kiss it.

In this year Abd al -Wahhab b. Ibrahim b. Muhammad led the

summer raid (against the Byzantines).
153. A high-ranking palace servant; from his title he would seem to have been
in charge of the caliph 's oratory, but he seems actually to have been employed
extensively as a financial administrator, and (p. 82, below) he was a friend of
Khalid b. Barmak. He served al -Mahdi, Harun, and al-Amin and is last recorded in
:oi./817-18, among the opponents of al-Ma 'mun in Baghdad (see al-Tabari, III,
1S4. See note 21, above.

155. Le Strange, Baghdad, 197-99. The word for skiffs is zawanq (sing.,


6o Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


In this year'Ugbah b. Saim left al-Basrah, where he left his son

Nafl` b. Ugbah in charge, for al-Bahrayn156 and killed Sulayman
b. Hakim al-`Abdi 157 and took prisoner the people of al-Bahrayn.
He sent some of those he captured and made prisoner to Abu
Ja`far, who killed some of them and gave the rest to al-Mahdi,
who was generous to them, released them, and attired each of
them with two Marw cloaks. Then 'Uqbah b. Salm was deposed
from al-Basrah.
According to Afrik, the slave girl of Asad b. al-Marzban: AlMansur sent Asad b. al-Marzban to 'Uqbah b . Salm to al-Bahrayn
when he executed those he executed to investigate his affairs.
Asad got on well with `Ugbah and did not examine him in depth
and did not expose him fully. Abu Ja'far heard about this and that
Asad had taken money from him so he sent Abu Suwayd alKhurasani, 158 a friend and brother of his, to him. When Asad saw
him coming on the post, he was happy. He was in the neighborhood of 'Uqbah's camp and greeted him and said, "My friend."
Abu Suwayd stopped by him, and he jumped up to stand by him.
Abu Suwayd said (in Persian ) "Sit down, sit down," so he sat
down and he asked, "Are you heeding and obeying?" "Yes," replied
Asad. "Stretch out your hand." So he stretched it out and Abu
Suwayd struck it and cut if off. Then he stretched out his leg. then
his hand, and then his leg until all four were cut off. Then he said,
"Stretch out your neck," so he stretched it out, and his head was
cut off. Afrik said : I took his head and kept it, but he took it from
me and brought it to Abu Ja'far. Afrik never again ate meat until
her death.

Al-Wagidi claimed that Abu Ja`far appointed Ma'n b. Za'idah159

to Sijistan in this year.
15 6. Al-Bahrayn at this time referred not just to the island now known by that
name but also to the mainland areas opposite (around modem Dhahran). The
island itself was called Uwil at this time= see Yaqut, Mu'lam, 1, 274, 346-49.
157. Nothing else is known of him. He came from Abd al-Qays, an Arab tube
powerful in al-Bahrayn since pre -Islamic times.
i58. According to Balidhuri, he was sent by lJqbah b. Salm on the orders of
Abu Ia'far. Ibn al-Athir says that his son Suwayd was governor of al-Bahrayn in
559. Al-Shaybani, an almost legendary figure at the court of al-Manyur, many
picturesque anecdotes were recorded about him. He had supported the Umayyads
at the time of the Abbasid Revolution and claimed to have killed Qahtabah,

The Events of the Year 1151 61

The leader of the pilgrims in this year was Muhammad b. Ibrahim
b. Muhammad b. All b . `Abdallih b. `Abbas. The governor of
Mecca and al-Ta'if was Muhammad b . Ibrahim. Al-Hasan b. Zayd
was in charge of Medina , Muhammad b. Sulaymin b. All of alKufah, Jibir b. Tubah al-Kilabi16O of al-Bqrah, with Sawwir b.
`Abdallah over the judiciary, and Yazid b. Hatim was over Egypt.

leader of the Abbasid armies . Al-Man4dr restored him to favor as a reward for his
help against the Riwandiyyah rebels . He was later appointed as governor of Yemen
in 141 /759-6o and Sistin in 15 x /768 and was assassinated in the latter in the next
year. He was important as a patron of poets, notably Marwin b . Abi Haf$ah, and as
a symbol of old Arab bedouin qualities (al-Tabari, II, 16, 63, 119-30, 368, 369,
3914-971 Wynn, 119, 164; Ya'qubi, Tdrikh, II, 448, 462, Crone, Slaves, 169-70;
El , s.v. "Ma`n b. Zi'idah."

i6o. According to Igfahani, Magatil, 311, he had sent Abu Ja`far to al-Bagrah to
oppose the Alid revolt of 145 /761-63, he is otherwise unknown.

[ 3691

Events of the Year

14, 769 - JANUARY 3, 770)

Among these was the assassination of Ma'n b. Za 'idah al-Shaybani

by the Khawarij in Bust 161 in Sijistan.
In this year Humayd b. Qahtabah raided Kabul . 162 Al-Mansur
had appointed him governor of Khurasan in 115 z.
It is said that 'Abd al-Wahhab b . Ibrahim led the summer expedition but that he did not go through the passes. It is also said
that Muhammad b. Ibrahim led the summer expedition in this
In this year al-Mansur dismissed Jabir b. Tubah from al-Basrah
and appointed Yazid b. Mansur" as governor.
161. One of the most important towns in Sistan , on the Helmand river, some
sixty miles west of Kandahar in the south of modem Afghanistan ; see Yigiit,
Mu'jam , I, 414-r9; Le Strange, Lands, 344-45
162. Capital of modem Afghanistan . Although repeatedly raided by the Muslims,
Kabul was never incorporated permanently into the caliphate.
163. He was al-Mahdi 's maternal uncle, brother to Arwi, wife of al-Mangur
and mother of al-Mahdi and ja 'far the elder. He came from Yemen , of which he
was later governor. He was a close adviser to al-Mahdi as caliph but died in 163/

The Events of the Year 152 63

In this year Abu Ja`far killed Hashim b. al-Ishtakhanj,'M who
had mutinied and raised a rebellion in Ifrigiyah . He and Abu Khalid
al-Marwarrudhit65 were brought to Abu Ja`far, and he killed Ibn
al-Ishtakhanj at Qadisiyyah166 while he was on the way to Mecca.

The leader of the pilgrims in this year was al-Mansur. It is said

that he set out from the City of Peace in the month of Ramadan
and that neither Muhammad b. Sulayman, his governor of al-Kufah
at that time, nor `Isa b. Musa nor anyone else in al -Kufah knew
that he had set out until he was nearly there.
In this year Yazid b. Hatim was dismissed from Egypt, and 137o1
Muhammad b. Sa` id was appointed as governor.167

The governors of the main cities (amsdr) in this year were the
same as in the previous year except al-Basrah, where the governor
was Yazid b. Mansur, and Egypt, where the governor in this year
was Muhammad b. Sa' id.
164. Otherwise unknown except for a reference in Jabi;, Managib al-Turk,
where the Khurisiniyyah boast of his prowess.
t65 From Marw al-RUdh in Khurisin , an early supporter of the 'Abbasid Revolution, he and the Marwarrudhiyyah had a quarter in Baghdad. He and Hashim
seem to have represented "rank and file" opinion among the Khurisaniyyah, and
neither held government office. Abu Khalid survived this incident and was one of
the leaders of the Khurasaniyyah who demanded the removal of isa b. Mnsa from
the succession. He is last recorded in 171 /787-88, but his son Muhammad was to
be one of the leaders of the Khuraasaniyyah in the civil wars that followed the
death of Hirun (al-Tabari, II, 1oo4, III, 21 , 455, 6o6, Yiq'ubi, Bulddn, 247)
166. About ten miles southeast of al-KUfah on the road to Mecca (Yiqut,
Mu'lam, IV, 391-93; Le Strange , Lands, 76).
167. The governors of Egypt given by al-Tabari at this period differ from those
recorded by the local historian al-Kindi . It seems that al-Tabari recorded the
names given in the records of the financial administration in Baghdad , whereas alKindi gives those of the prayer leaders and military commanders; see Kennedy,
"Provincial Elites ," 33-34, n. 46.

Events of the Year

(JANUARY 4, 7 70-DECEMBER 23, 770)

In this year al-Mansur prepared a naval expedition to fight the

Kurk when he reached al-Basrah, returning from Mecca after
completing the pilgrimage . The Kurk had sacked Jeddah and when
he reached al-Basrah in this year he prepared an army to fight
them. It is said that he stayed at the Great Bridge when he was
there. 168 This was his last visit to al-Basrah , although it is said
that his last visit was in 1155 (7711-71), his first visit was in 145
(752-53). He stayed there for forty days and built a palace before
he left for the City of Peace.
In this year al-Mansur was angry with Abu Ayyub al-Muryani169
and imprisoned him and his brother and his brother 's sons, Sa` id,
Masud, Mukhallad, and Muhammad, and demanded restitution

168. Great Bridge at &I-B"rah.

169. Sulayman b. Ayyub, from the village of Muryin in Khuzistin . A confidant
and adviser to al-Mangur, he had helped plan the assassination of Abu Muslim. He
became vizier, and he and his family amassed vast estates and had a bad reputation
for taking bribes and financial oppression (al-Tabari,111, io8 ; al-Jahshiyiri, 97-111;
Sourdel, Vizirat, I, 78-871.

The Events of the Year 15 3 65

from them. Their dwellings were at al -Manathir. It is said that
the reason for his anger against him was the intrigue of Aban b.
$adagah, Abu Ayyub's secretary, against him.

In this year `Umar b. Hafs b. Uthmin b. Abi $uurrh was killed

in Ifriqiyah by Abu Hatim al-`Ibidi and Abu `Ad and those Berbers
who were with them. It was said that they were 350,000 in
number, of whom 3 5,000 were horsemen. Abu Qurrah al-$ufri was
with them with 40,000 men; forty days previously he had been
acknowledged as caliph. "0
In this year `Abbad, freedman of al-Mansur, Harthamah b.
A'yan, and Yusuf b. `Ulwan171 were brought from Khurasan in
chains because of their support for `Isa b. Musa.
In this year al-Mansur urged the people to wear extremely tall
galansuwahs, 172 which they used to keep up , it was said, by
putting canes inside. Abu Dulamah173 said,

We used to look to the imam for increase (in donations)

but so the chosen imdm increased galansuwahs.
You will see them on the heads of men looking like
a Jew's wine jugs covered with cloaks.
In this year 'Ubayd b. bt. Abi Layla , 174 judge of al-KUfah, died and
was replaced by Sharik b. `Abdallah al-Nakha`i.175
The leader of the summer expedition this year was Ma`yuf b.

270. Abu Hitim, Abu Ad, and Abu Qurrah were the Khanlite leaders of this
largely Berber rebellion (Ibn Idhiri, Baydn, 74-75, Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate,

171. Neither Abbad nor Yusuf is recorded elsewhere. Harthamah b. A'yan was
to achieve great power as a trusted servant of Harun and played a central role in
the civil war that followed Milan 's death (Crone, Slaves, 177-78).
172. See above, note 52.
173. Zand b. al-)awn, d. ca. 160/776-77; he was a sort of court jester for the
first three Abbasid caliphs, famous for his outrageous humor and doubtful religious views . He is also quoted in al-Tabari, III, 541. See Aghdni, Buliq, IX, 120;
Beirut, X, 247; 812, S.V. "Abu Dulama."

174. That is 'Ubayd, son of the daughter of Abu Layli . Ibn Abi Layli was qdi
of al-Kufah under the last Umayyads and was reappointed by `Isa b. Musa after the
Abbasid Revolution. For the family , see E12, s.v. "Ibn Abi Layla," but nothing
more seems to be known of 'Ubayd.
175. Born in Bukhiri in 75/694- 95, died in Ahwiz, where he was gddi, in 177/
793-94 (lbn Khallikan, I, 622). Later, it seems, he combined the offices of gd4i and
governor in al-Kufah, most unusual for this period (see below, pp. 168-69).

1 3711)

66 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Yahya al-Hajuri.' 76 He attacked a Byzantine fortress by night when
its inhabitants were asleep . He captured the garrison and took
them prisoner before going on to Burnt Laodiceia,177 which he
took, taking 6,ooo prisoners beside mature men.

In this year al-Mansur appointed Bakkar b . Muslim al-`Ugayli

governor of Armenia.

1 3721

Muhammad al-Mahdi, son of Abu Jafar, led the pilgrimage this

At that time Muhammad b. Ibrahim was in charge of Mecca and
al-W'a'if, al-Hasan b. Zayd b. al-Hasan of Medina, Muhammad b.
Sulayman of al-Kufah, Yazid b. Mansur of al-Basrah, with Sawwar
in charge of the judiciary there, and Muhammad b. Said was in
charge of Egypt . Al-Wagidi mentioned that Yazid b . Mansur was
governor of Yemen for Abu Ja`far al-Mansur in this year.

176. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 7341 Ma'yuf led the summer expedition
again in 158 /775 and 169/785-86 and a naval raid on Cyprus in 191 /807. llajur
was a branch of Hamdin, well established in Syria see al-Tabari, III, 385, 568,

177. Laodikeia Katakekaumene, northwest of Iconium, on the road to Amorion.

Events of the Year

( DECEMBER 24, 770- DECEMBER 12., 771


Among these was the expedition of al-Mansur to Syria and his

visit to Jerusalem. He sent Yazid b. Hatim to Ifrigiyah with 50,000
men, it was said, to fight the Khawarij who were there and who
killed his governor `Umar b . Hafs . It was said that he spent
63,000,000 dirhams on that army.
In this year, it is said, al-Mansur decided on the building of the
city of al-Rafigah.t7s
According to Muhammad b. Jabir-his father : When Abu Ja`far
wished to build it , the people of al-Raqqah opposed him and wanted
to make war on him, saying that it would ruin their markets, take
away their livelihood, and reduce the size of their dwellings.
He was anxious about fighting them and sent to a monk in a
monastery there and asked him if he had any knowledge that a
man would build a city there. He replied that he had been informed

178. On the Euphrates by al-Raqqah, it soon merged with the older city, and the
whole became known as al-Raggah ; for the design of the city and outlines of the
walls, which are still visible, see Creswell, Early Muslim Architecture, II.

68 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

that a man called Miglas would build it, so al-Mansur said, "I, by
God, am Miglas."' 79
Muhammad b. 'Umar (al-Wagidi ) mentioned that a thunderbolt fell this year in the Mosque of the Haram, 1B0 killing five
In this year Abu Ayyub al-Muryani and his brother Khalid
perished. Al-Mansur ordered Musa b. Dinar , "' the chamberlain
of Abu al=Abbas al-Tusi, to cut off the hands of the nephews of
Abu Ayyub and their legs and their heads, and he wrote to that
effect to al-Mahdi . Musa did that and carried out what he had
been ordered to do to them.

1 3731

In this year 'Abd al-Malik b. ?abyan al-Numayri 182 was appointed governor of al-Basrah.
Zufar b. 'Asim al-Hilali 183 led the summer expedition in this
year and reached the Euphrates.
Muhammad b. Ibrahim led the pilgrims this year; he was Abu
Ja`far's governor of Mecca and al-Ta'if. Al-Hasan b. Zayd was
governor of Medina, Muhammad b. Sulayman of al-Kufah, 'Abd
al-Malik b . Ayyub b. 7,abyan was in charge of al-Basrah, with
Sawwar b. `Abdallah ( in charge) of its judiciary, Hisham b. `Amr
was in charge of Sind, Yazid b. Hatim of Ifrigiyah and Muhammad
b. Said of Eygpt.
179. This prophecy also appears in connection with the foundation of Baghdad
and is discussed in Lassner, Abbasid Rule, 164-65 . The word migldf is said to
mean a "fat she-camel." See Lane, s.v. qll.
18o. In Mecca.

18 r. Unknown elsewhere.
182. Properly Abd al-Malik b. Ayyub b. 7abyin. He was briefly governor of alBalrah a second time in 159 /775-76 but is not recorded elsewhere.
183. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 734, Zufar's father had been governor of
Armenia for the Umayyad caliph Marwan b. Muhammad . He himself joined the
rebellion of Abdallah b. Ali against al-Mangur. He led the $d'ifoh several times
and was governor of Medina in 16o-63 /776-8o and, according to Azdi, Tdrikh,
243-44, briefly of al-jazirah thereafter (see al-Tabari, III, 94, 378, 482, Soo, Crone,
Slaves, 166(.

Events of the Year
' 55
(DECEMBER 13, 771-DECEMBER z, 772)

Among these was Yazid b. Hitim's conquest of Ifriqiyah and his

killing of Abu `Ad and Abu Hitim and their supporters . The lands
of the Maghrib became peaceful, and Yazid b. Hitim entered
Qayrawin. 184
In this year al-Mansur sent his son al -Mahdi to build the city of
al-Rifigah. He went there and built it with the same gates, arcades
(fusel ), squares, and streets as Baghdad . He built the walls and
dug the moat and then departed for his city.185
In this year, according to Muhammad b. Umar, Abu Ja`far dug
moats around al-Kufah and al-Basrah and constructed walls for
them.1 86 He paid for the expenses of the walls and moats out of
the wealth of their inhabitants.

In this year al-Mansur dismissed `Abd al-Malik b. Ayyub b.

184. See Ibn Idhiri, Baydn, 78-8:, for a fuller account.

185. I.e., al-Rusifah. In what sense the plan of al-Rifiqah resembled that of
Baghdad is not clear; certainly the surviving walls show an irregular plan very
different from the round plan of Baghdad.
186. These towns seem to have been unfortifled before this date.

70 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


7abyan from al-Basrah and appointed as governor al-Haytham b

Mu`awiyah al-`Ataki1A7 and attached Said b . Da`laj to him.188
He ordered him to build walls to surround the city and a moat
outside the walls using the wealth of its people , so he did this.
It is said that, when al-Mansur wanted to order the building of
the walls of al-KUfah and the digging of the moat, he ordered that
each of the people of al-KUfah should be given five dirhams to
find out how many there were of them . When he knew the number,
he ordered forty dirhams to be collected from each person, and
when this was done he directed that the money should be spent
on the walls of al-KUfah and the digging of the moat. Their poet
O my people, look what came to us
from the Commander of the Faithful.
He distributed five to us
and collected forty.
In this year the Byzantine emperor sought peace from al-Mansur
on condition that he paid the poll tax.189
The leader of the summer expedition in this year was Yazid b.
Usayd al-Sulami.'90
In this year al-Mansur dismissed his brother al=Abbas b. Muhammad from al-jazirah, fined him heavily, was angry with him,
and imprisoned him.
According to one of the BanU Hashim: Al-Mansur appointed al`Abbas b. Muhammad as governor of al-Jazirah after Yazid b.

187. Al- Khurasani ; he had been governor of Mecca in 140-43/758-61 and possessed properties in Baghdad, both inside and outside the Round City. Al-Tabari
(III, 119 ) reports that the Rawandiyyah considered that he was the incarnation of the
Angel Gabriel, but it is difficult to know quite what to make of this information.

i88. Al-Tamimi ; he was later governor of al-Bahrayn , Tabaristan and Ruyyan,

and Sistan for short periods and disappears from the record after 164/780-81.
189. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 734. Al-Tabari uses the word ?izyah, the
name given to the poll tax paid by non -Muslim subjects of the caliph.
190. His father was a comrade in arms of Marwan , the last Umayyad caliph, his
mother the daughter of the Christian patrician of Sisajiin in the Caucasus. His
career was spent largely on the Byzantine and Caucasus frontiers . He was governor
of Armenia in the reign of al-Saffah and became a trusted adviser of Abu Ja'far;
he disappears from the historical record after 161/779 ( al-Tabari, III, Si, 493, alBaladhuri, Futoh, trans., 311, 318).

The Events of the Year 15 5 711

Usayd. Then he was angry with him and continued to be angry
with him so that his anger extended to one of his paternal uncles
of the children of 'Ali b. 'Abdallah b. Abbas, either Ismail b.
All or someone else. His family, his uncles, and their women
took it in turns to speak to him on his behalf and put pressure on
him so that he was restored to favor.

`Isi b. Musa said, "0 Commander of the Faithful , look at the

family of 'Ali b. 'Abdallah! Your generosity to them was abundant
and they returned it with envy toward us, and for that reason
you were angry with Ismail b. Al! for some days and they put
pressure on you. You have been angry with al-Abbis b. Muhammad for such-and-such a time, but I have not seen any of them
intercede with you on his behalf," so he called al-'Abbas b. Muhammad and restored him to favor.191
When Yazid b. Usayd was dismissed by al-'Abbas from al -Jazirah,
he complained to Abu Ja'far about al-Abbas, saying that his
brother had done evil by dismissing him and had insulted his
honor. Al-Mansur replied, "Consider whether my goodness to
you and my brother's evil to you balance each other out."
Yazid b. Usayd said, "0 Commander of the Faithful , if your
goodness were only to balance with your evil, then our obedience
would be given to you as a mere courtesy."
In this year al-Mansur put Musa b. Ka'b192 in charge of the
military and fiscal administration of al-jazirah.193

191. 'Isa b. Musa is expressing the rivalry in the Abbisid family between the
descendants of Muhammad b. All, who included al-Saffah, al-Manger, and their
brothers, and the families of the other sons of All b. Abdallah . For the political
background, see Lassner, Abbasid Rule, 19-38.
r92. This presents problems . Al-Tabari, III, 138, states clearly that Musa b
Ka'b died in 141/758 - 59, and he is not recorded after this date, except 111, 383,
where his deposition from al -Jazirah is noted. Al-Azdi, Tarikh, has Musa b. Kab
appointed to al-jazirah in 154 and deposed in 155 (771-72) but Mug'ab as governor
at the death of Abu Ja 'far (Azdi, 222-26 ). Michael the Syrian records the appointment of Musi b . Mug'ab sub anno 1083 (trans. Chabot, III, 526), which is the equivalent of 1 55/772. His exactions in al-Jazirah provoked the long diatribe in the
history of Pseudo Dionysius of Tell Mahr@ ( Chronique, trans. Chabot, see the
discussion in Cahen, "Fiscalite "). Musa b. Mug'ab later became governor of Egypt,
where his oppressions were equally severe and led to his death in 168/785 (alKind!, 124). It seems most likely that Masi b. Mug'ab should be read for Masi b.
Ka'b in both al-Tabari and al-Azdi . See Crone, Slaves, 186.

193. He was in charge of barb and khardi. This unusual formula may mean that



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

In this year, according to some sources , al-Mansur dismissed

Muhammad b. Sulayman b. All from al-Kufah and appointed
'Amr b. Zuhayr, brother of al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr, in his place.
'Omar b. Shabbah, t9a on the other hand, holds that he dismissed
Muhammad b. Sulayman from al-Kufah in 115 3 (770) and appointed
'Amr b. Zuhayr al-I)abbi, brother of al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr, as
governor in that year and that it was he who dug the moat round
The reasons for the dismissal of Muhammad b. Sulayman b.
It is said that 'Abd al-Karim b. Abi al- Awja',195 the maternal
uncle of Man b. Za'idah, was brought before Muhammad b.
Sulayman when he was governor of al-Kufah and he ordered his
According to Abu Zayd196 Qutham b. Ja'far and al-Husayn b.
Ayyub and others: Many people interceded for him in the City of
Peace and importuned Abu Ja'far, and, since everyone who interceded on his behalf was suspect , he wrote to Muhammad ordering
him to leave him alone so that he might come to an opinion about

Ibn Abi al-Awja ' spoke to Abu al-Jabbar, 197 who was an intimate
of Abu Ja'far and Muhammad and then of their sons after them,
and said, "If the Amir delays (punishing me) for three days there
will be ioo,ooo dirhams for him and you yourself will get such
and such." Abu al -Jabbar told Muhammad about this and he said,
"You have reminded me about him, by God, for I had forgotten
him. When I leave Friday prayers, remind me about him." When
he left he reminded him and he summoned Ibn Abi al-'Awja' and
ordered him to be beheaded. When he was certain that he would
be killed, he said, "But if you kill me, by God I have invented four
thousand traditions of the Prophet in which I forbid which is
he was not in charge of the prayers ($aldt ) as well and that he was a military fiscal
agent, rather than full governor.
194. The important historian and compiler 'Umar b. Shabbah, d. 262/876, who
wrote on the Alid rebellions of 145 /762 and the early Abbasid caliphs; see Fihrist,
195. Crone, Slaves, 169; Vajda, Les Zmdlgs, 269.
196. l.e., Umar b. Shabbah.

197. Not known elsewhere.

The Events of the Year 15 5 73

lawful and make lawful what is forbidden. By God I have made
you break fast when you should be fasting and fast when you
should be breaking your fast! " So he was beheaded.

Then Abu Ja`far's messenger arrived with his letter to Muhammad, 'Be careful what you do in the case of Ibn AN al =Awja'! If
you have taken action (against him) I will do this and that," threatening him. Muhammad said to the messenger , "This is the head
of Ibn Abi al-`Awja ' and his body is crucified in al-Kunasah,198 so
inform the Commander of the Faithful what I have told you."
When the messenger reached Abu Ja`far he was furious and
ordered that a letter be written dismissing him and he said, "By
God, I considered killing him for Ibn AN al-`Awja '." Then he sent
for `Isa b. `Ali and when he came to him he said, "This is your
doing. You advised me to appoint this youth as governor so I
appointed him, an ignorant young man with no knowledge of
what he perpetrates in daring to kill a man without asking my
opinion about him and waiting for my orders . I have written ordering his dismissal and, by God , I will do this and that," threatening him.
`Isa remained silent until his anger had subsided and then he
said, "O Commander of the Faithful , Muhammad only killed this
man on account of his Zandagah , i99 If his killing was right then
the credit goes to you and if it was wrong the responsibility is
Muhammad's. By God, 0 Commander of the Faithful, if you depose him for acting as he did, he will go with praise and reputation
and the common people will criticize you." So he ordered that the
letters be torn up and that he be confirmed in his post.

One source said that al-Mansur only deposed Muhammad b.

Sulayman from al-Kufah because of some evil matters that he
heard he was accused of. The man who informed him of that was
al-Musawir b. Sawwar al-Jarmi,700 his chief of police, about whom
Hammad said:

198. An open place, a traditional site for executions in al-K6fah.

199. That is to say, his alleged Mamchaean tendencies. It seems that the term
zandaqah was used fairly generally at this time for different sorts of atheism or
attacks on Islam, and it often carried the death penalty.
zoo. Not known elsewhere.


74 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Do you not consider it one of the wonders of the age
that I am afraid and on my guard against the authority of
In this year also al-Mansur dismissed al-Hasan b. Zayd from
Medina and appointed `Abd al-$amad b. `Ali as its governor, and
he appointed Fulayh b . Sulayman with him to supervise him.202
Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Muhammad was in charge of Mecca and
al-Ta'if, `Amr b. Zuhayr of al-Kufah, al-Haytham b. Mu`awiyah
of al-Basrah, Yaiid b. Hatim of Ifrigiyah and Muhammad b. Said
of Egypt.
zoi. A branch of Qu4Iah. Hammed was Hammed b. Yahyi b . Amr, known as
Hammed 'Ajrad (or "naked Hammid " (. He was known for his poems of invective
against his greater rival Bashshir b. Burd and was patronized by al-Man$ur but
particularly attached to Muhammad b. AN al-Abbis. See Aghdni, Buliq, XIII, 73;
Beirut, XIV, 304 ; Ell, s.v. "Hammid."
zoz. Abd al-$amad 's relations with al-Mangdr and al-Mahdi were often stormy
(cf. P. z14, below), which is why the caliph took the unusual step of appointing
Fulayh (otherwise unknown ) as a mushrif, or supervisor, for him.


Events of the Year

( DECEMBER I, 772- NOVEMBER 2O, 773)


Among these was the capture by al-Haytham b. Mu`awiyah, Abu

Ja`far's governor of al-Bagrah, of Amr b. Shaddad,'m Ibrahim b.
`Abdallah's governor of Fars , and he was executed in al-Bagrah
and crucified.
The reason for this:
According to `Umar-Muhammad b. Mari f-his father: `Amr
b. Shaddad struck one of his servants who came to the governor,
either Ibn Da`laj or al-Haytham b . Mu`awiyah and led him to
him. The governor arrested him and executed him and crucified
him in the Mirbad,2 on the site of the house of Ishaq b. Sulayman. Amr was a mawla of the Banu Jumah.

One source says that al-Haytham b. Mu`awiyah arrested him

and left for the City of Peace and stayed in a palace of his on the
203. In the rebellion of 145 /762-63, he had taken over Fars with thirty men in
the name of the Alid rebel Ibrahim b. Abdallib . On the death of Ibrahim he fled
to Kirmin and then went into hiding in al-Ba $rah (al-Tabari, III, 287, al-Igfahini,
Magdtil, 330-31).
204. The principal open space and meeting place in al-Ba$rah.


76 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

banks of the river known as the Nahr Ma'gil.2O5 The post(man)
came from Abu Ja'far with a letter to al-Haytham b. Mu' awiyah
ordering him to hand over 'Amr b. Shaddad to him, which alHaytham did. He took him to al-Basrah and then to the district of
al-Rahbah, where he was kept in solitary confinement for interrogation, but no useful information was obtained from him, so he
cut off his hands and his legs and he was beheaded and crucified
in the Mirbad of al-Basrah.
In this year al-Mansur dismissed al-Haytham b. Mu' awiyah
from al-Basrah and its offices and appointed Sawwar b . 'Abdallah
al-Qadi in charge of the prayers , so that he was responsible for the
prayers and the judiciary, and al-Mansur appointed Sa'id b. Da'laj
in charge of the police and the ahddth there.206
In this year, after being dismissed from al-Basrah, al-Haytham
b. Mu' awiyah died suddenly in the City of Peace, while he was
having sexual intercourse with a slave girl of his. Al-Mansur
prayed over his body, and he was buried in the cemetery of the
Banii Hashim.207
In this year the summer expedition was led by Zufar b. 'ASim
The leader of the pilgrims in this year was al -Abbas b. Muhammad b. 'Ali. The governor of Mecca was Muhammad b. Ibrahim, 208
but he stayed in the City of Peace and his son Ibrahim b . Muhammad was his deputy in Mecca with al-Ta'if . 'Amr b. Zuhayr was

205. One of the main canals of al-Bagrah , connecting the city with the Tigris;
see Le Strange, Lands, 44, 46.
zo6. It is not clear what the reason was for the division of the functions of the
governorship of a1-Bagrah at this time . There seem to have been four or more
elements, the leading of the prayers with the giving of the khutbah, or Friday
sermon; the gads', or judiciary; the shurat (p1. of shurtah), meaning police but cf.
note 17 above; and the ahddth . Ahddth at this stage means "incidents," presumably any matter that required the governor to take action . In later centuries the
word came to mean "young men." I am indebted to Professor I. Abbas for putting
me right on this matter.

207. The cemetery of the Banu Hishim is probably to be identified with the
Cemetery of the Quraysh (at Kizimayn, on the west bank , north of the Round
City(. It is not clear why he was so honored; he was an 'Ataki , that is, he came
from a branch of Azd; see note 187, above.
208. According to Ya 'qubi, (Tdrikh, II, 498), he was an early governor of Yemen
in Harun 's name, but he is otherwise unknown.

The Events of the Year 156 77

in charge of al-Kufah, Said b. Dalai of the incidents (ahddth),
poll tax209 (jawdli), police, and the tithes21O of the land of the
Arabs in al-Basrah, while Sawwir b. `Abdallih was in charge of
the prayers and the judiciary there. Umirah b . Hamzah21 t was in
charge of the districts of the Tigris, Ahwiz, and Firs; Hishim b.
`Amr of Kirmin and Sind; Yazid b. Hitim of lfrigiyah, and Muhammad b . Sa` id of Egypt.

:09. The word for poll tax here is iawdli. See Lane, s.v. ;1w.
iso. Sadagdt, another sign of the way in which al -Bagrah retained its early
Islamic administrative institutions ; elsewhere in the Muslim world land was
usually subject to the khardj, or basic land tax.

iii. A mawli, or freedman, appointed to office by al -Manger. He became

governor of al-Bagrah briefly at the beginning of al-Mahdi's reign but seems to
have been most important as a financial administrator . He was a friend of I{hilid
b. Barmak (see below, p. Si), but others, like the people al-Bagrah , found him
overbearing and corrupt . His period in high office seems to have been short, and he
disappears after 160/777 (see Crone, Slaves, 195).


Events of the Year
1 57
(NOVEMBER 21, 773-NOVEMBER I0, 774)

Among these was that al- Mansur began building his palace on the
banks of the Tigris, which is called al -Khuld.212 He divided reponsibility for construction between his freedman al-Rabi' and
Aban b. $adaqah.
In this year Yahya Abu Zakariyya ' the muhtasib was executed.
We have already mentioned the reasons for his execution.211

In this year al-Mansur moved the markets from the City of

Peace to the Karkh Gate and other areas . We have also mentioned
the reasons for this previously.214
In this year al-Mansur appointed Ja`far b. Sulayman as governor
of al-Bahrayn but he never took up office, and Said b. Dalai was
appointed governor in his place and sent his son Tamim215 there.

2t2. The name means eternity. It lay to the east of the Round City, between it
and the Tigris . See Le Strange, Baghdad, ioi-S.
2 It 3. See above, p. 9.
214. See above, pp. 7-to.

zi S. In 1661782 - 83 he appears as governor of Sijistan but is not recorded elsewhere.

The Events of the Year 157


In this year al-Mansur inspected his army with their weapons

and horses at a meeting he held on the banks of the Tigris below
Qatrabbul .2'6 He ordered his family, his relatives, and his courtiers to don their arms that day, and he appeared dressed in a coat
of mail and a low Egyptian galansuwah under the helmet.
In this year `Amir b. Ismail al-Musli217 died in the City of 138o]
Peace. Al-Mansur prayed over his body, and he was buried in the
cemetery of the Banu Hashim.
In this year Sawwir b. `Abdallih died and Ibn Dalaj prayed
over his body. Al-Mansur appointed `Ubaydallah b. al-Hasan b.
al-Husayn al-'Anbari in his place. 218
In this year al-Mansur constructed the bridge at the Barley
Gate .219 This was achieved by Humayd b. al-Qisim al -$ayrafi22
on the orders of al-Rabi' the chamberlain.
In this year Muhammad b. Said the Secretary was dismissed
from Egypt and Matar, the freedman of Abu Jafar al-Mansur,22'
was appointed as governor.

In this year Mabad b. al-Khali1222 was appointed to Sind, and

Hishim b. `Amr was dismissed. At this time Ma`bad was in
Khurisin, and his appointment was made by letter.
The summer expedition this year was led by Yazid b. Usayd
al-Sulami . He sent Sinan, freedman of al-Battil to one of the

z16. The district that included the northwestern quarters of Baghdad, see Le
Strange, Baghdad, 50-5 i. "Below" (duna ) Qa;rabbul must mean on the west bank
of the Tigris, just north of the Round City.
217. A soldier of no great distinction He served in Egypt and Ifrigiyah at the
beginning of al-Mangur 's reign and was sent to police al-Kufah at the time of the
Alid revolt of 145 /762-63 He had a property near the Kufah Gate of Baghdad (alTabari, III, 301; al-Kindi , Governors, io;, rio).
z is. That is, over the prayers and the judiciary there . He remained gdcli until
166/782 - 83 but seems to have been removed from the prayers in 159 /775-76, at
the beginning of al-Mahdi 's reign.
219. This was the lower of the bridges of boats across the Tigris (Le Strange,
Baghdad, 95).

zzo. Unknown elsewhere.

2.21. AI- Kindi does not report his appointment at all He had been a slave bought
by Abu Ayyub al- Muryini, who gave him to al-Mangur , who employed him in the
post before appointing him to Egypt (Crone, Slaves, 193)
ziz. Al- Muzani. He remained governor for two years until his death in 159/
775-76. He did not take the banner of appointment from the caliph in person, as
was usual

8o Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

fortresses, and he took prisoners and booty . " Muhammad b.
Umar224 said that the summer expedition in this year was led by
Zufar b. `Asim.
The leader of the pilgrims this year was Ibrahim b. Yahya b.
Muhammad b. `Ali b . `Abdallah b. `Abbas. Muhammad b. `Umar
said that he, meaning this Ibrahim , was in charge of Medina, but
other sources say that Abd al -$amad b. All was in charge there
this year. Muhammad b. Ibrahim was in charge of Mecca and alTa'if, `Umarah b. Hamzah of Ahwaz and Fars , Ma`bad b. al-Khalil
of Kirman and Sind, and Matar, freedman of al-Mansur, of Egypt.
22.3. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 734. Al-Battil was a semilegendary Muslim hero of the early wars against the Byzantines.
224. Al-Wagtdi.

The [38111
Events of the Year

(NOVEMBER 111, 774-OCTOBER 30, 775)

Among these was al -Man^ur's sending his son al -Mahdi to alRaqqah and ordering him to dismiss Musa b . Ka`b225 from Mosul
and appoint Yahya b. Khalid b . Barmak as governor.
According to al-Hasan b. Wahb b . Sa`id2 6 $alih b. `Aliyyah:
The circumstances of that were that al-Manqur imposed a fine of
3,000,000 (dirhams ) on Khalid b. Barmak on pain of his life and
gave him three days to pay. Khalid said to his son Yahya, "0 my
little son, I have been mulcted and required to pay what I do not
have and he had only done this to take my life . Go to your
women and your family and do to them what you would do to
them after my death ." Then he continued, "Do not let that pre22.5. See note 193, above.
zz6. Brother of the third-century vizier Sulaymin b . Wahb. This is the only
time al-Tabari uses him or the otherwise unknown $ilih b . 'Atiyyah as a source.
An abbreviated version of this story appears in Jahi;, 99-too, where al-Mangur's
anger is instigated by the vizier Abu Ayyub al-Muryani. In keeping with the
author's more romantic presentation, al-Khayzurin, wife of al-Mahdi and mother
of al-Hidi and Harlin, lends Khalid an extremely valuable jewel because of the
milk brotherhood between his son al -Fa41 and the young Harlin.

8z Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

vent you from going to our brothers and visiting `Umarah b.
Hamzah, $alih, Sahib al-Musalla, and Mubarak al-Turki227 to tell
them of my position."


According to $alih b. `Atiyyah-Yahya: I came to them and

some of them frowned at me but sent money secretly and others
would not receive me but sent money after I had gone. I asked
permission to see `Umarah b. Hamzah and I went in and found
him in the courtyard of his house facing the wall, and he did not
turn his head to me. I greeted him and he replied without warmth.
Then he said, "0 my son, how is your father?" "Well," I replied;
"he sends you greetings and informs you of the fine that has been
demanded and asks to borrow roo,ooo dirhams from you." He
made no reply of any sort to me, and my position became awkward
and the earth swayed under me.
Then I spoke to him on the matter I had come about, and he
said, "If I can manage anything, I will send it to you." So I went on
my way saying to myself, "God curse everything that comes from
your haughtiness, your pride, and your arrogance," and I came to
my father and told him the news and then said, "I think you
relied on `Umarah b. Hamzah for what he could not be relied on
for." By God, I was just saying that when `Umarah b. Hamzah's
messenger arrived with roo,0o0 dirhams. So we collected2,700,000
dirhams in two days, leaving only 300,000 to find to reach our
target, and if not we would fail.

By God I was on the bridge of Baghdad, preoccupied and gloomy,

when a fortune-teller (relying on the flight of birds) accosted me
and said, "The young bird has told you," but I left him behind
with heavy heart, so he followed me and seized my bridle and said
to me, "You are, by God, much concerned and, by God, God will
free you from your anxieties and you will pass this way tomorrow
with a banner228 in your hands." I began to wonder at his words

zz7. All important figures in the palace and fiscal administration at the end of
al-Man^ur's reign. Mubarak al-Turki appears again as a leader of the Abbasid
forces against the uprising of al-Husayn b. Ali the Alid in Medina in 169/785-86.
He had property on the east bank in Baghdad. The geographer al-Hamadhani says
that he built a stronghold in Qazvin in central Iran; al-Hamadhani, z81).
zz8. That is the hwd', which is the symbol of the governorate of a province. See
note 113, above.

The Events of the Year 15 8 83

and he went on, "If that happens, will you give me five thousand
dirhams?" and I replied "Yes" and if he had said fifty thousand, I
would still have agreed because it was so unlikely.

I went on my way and news came to al-Mansur of the rebellion

in Mosul and the spread of the Kurds in the area, and he asked
who should be appointed to deal with it. Al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr,
who was a friend of Khalid b. Barmak, said, "I have a suggestion,
0 Commander of the Faithful, which I do not think you will
consider good advice and which I think you will refuse but I will
still offer and counsel it." He said, "Speak! I do not think you are
being dishonest." 1229 said, "Why do you not despatch someone
like Khalid?"
The caliph replied, "Woe to you! Will he be loyal to us after
what we have done to him?"
"Yes, 0 Commander of the Faithful. If you appoint him to that,
I will be his guarantor."
"He has it! Let him be brought to me tomorrow." So he was
brought and excused the 300,000 still outstanding and appointed.
Yahya said: Then I passed by the fortune-teller who had accosted
me and, when he saw me, he said, "I have been waiting for you
since this morning." I told him to come with me and he came and
I gave him 5,000 dirhams.
My father said to me, "0 my little son, `Umarah is a man of
great responsibilities, and he is exposed to many difficulties. Go
to him and give him greeting and say to him, 'God has given us
the good will of the Commander of the Faithful and he has excused
us what remained due from us and has appointed me governor
of Mosul and ordered the return of the money I borrowed from

I came to him and found him in the same position as I had met
him in before and I greeted him, but he did not return my greeting
and said nothing except "How is your father?" and I replied that
he was well and that he said such-and-such and he sat up and said,
"Was I only a treasurer for your father from whom he takes when
he wants to and returns when he wants to? Go away, won't you?"

219. Meaning al-Musayyab; the narrative slips into the first person.

[3 8 31

84 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

1 3841

I returned to my father and told him and he said to me, "0 my

little son, he is 'Umarah and one does not argue with him."
Khalid remained in charge of Mosul until al-Mansur died and
Yahya was in charge of Azerbaijan.
According to Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Sawwar al -Mawsili:230
We were never in awe of a governor as we were of Khalid b.
Barmak, not because of the severity of his judgments or because
we experienced tyranny at his hands , but awe was in our breasts.
According to Ahmad b. Mu'awiyah b. Bakr al-Bahili `-his
father: Abu Ja'far was angry with Musa b. Ka'b, who was his
governor of al-Jazirah and Mosul , so he sent al-Mahdi to al-Raqqah
to build al-Raigah and said publicly that he was going to Jerusalem,
but he ordered him to pass on and proceed to Mosul . When he
reached the town (or al-Balad )232 he arrested Musa b. Ka'b and
put him in chains and appointed Khalid b . Barmak to Mosul in his
place. Al-Mahdi did that and left Khalid in charge of Mosul. Two
of Khalid's brothers, al-Hasan and Sulayman , sons of Barmak,233
set out with him.
Before this, al-Mansur had summoned Yahya b. Khalid and said
to him, "I have an important command in mind for you and I have
chosen you for one of the frontier provinces , so be prepared and do
not tell anyone about this until I summon you." He kept the
news secret from his father and, when he was waiting at the door
with those who were waiting, al-Rabi' came out and said, "Yahya
b. Khalid! " So he stood up and al-Rabi' took him by the hand and
brought him in to al-Mansur. When he came out before the people,
his father being present, he had the banner of Azerbaijan in front
of him, and he ordered the people to go with him and they went
with him in his retinue and they congratulated him and con230. Presumably a local Mosul source, not otherwise used by al-Tabari.
231. Also quoted in al-Tabari , III, 567. His father, Mu'awiyah, appears as a
source (below, p. 146 ) for an anecdote that can be dated to 145-48/762- 66, when
la'far the elder was governor of Mosul . There he quotes from an eyewitness
directlyi we can probably extrapolate from that that Mu'awiyah lived before the
end of the second century and his son Ahmad early in the third.
232. Al-Balad can either mean "the town," i.e. Mo$ul, or be the name of a small
town on the Tigris north of Mosul ; see Yaqut, Mu'jam , 1, 481; Le Strange, Lands,

233. Al-Hasan and Sulayman also accompanied Yahya on the summer expedition of 163 /780, when he went with Harun (see al-Tabari, III, 497).

The Events of the Year r58 85

gratulated his father Khilid on his appointment and their two
offices were joined together. Ahmad b. Mu`awiyah said that alMansur admired Khilid and he used to say, "Khilid gave birth to
a son and Yahyi gave birth to a father."

In this year al-Mansur settled in his palace known as al-Khuld.

In this year al-Mansur was angry with al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr
and dismissed him from command of the police and ordered that
he be imprisoned and chained up. The reason for this was that he
had flogged Abin b. Bashir234 the Secretary to death because of a
grudge he bore him concerning his partnership with his brother
`Amr b. Zuhayr in the governorate of al-Kufah and the collection
of its taxes. In place of al-Musayyab, he appinted al-Hakam b.
Yusuf, Commander of the Lances,235 but then al-Mahdi spoke to
his father on behalf of al-Musayyab, and he was restored to favor
after he had been in prison for some days and he was given back
his command of the police.
In this year al-Mansur sent Nasr b. Harb al-Tamimi as governor
of the frontier regions of Firs. 236
In this year al-Mansur fell off his mount at Jarjariya2a7 and
fractured his skull between his eyebrows. This was when he had
gone out, when he sent his son al-Mahdi to al-Raqqah, to say
farewell to him. When he reached a place called Jubb Summiga"
he turned aside to Hawlaya 9 and then went on to the Nahrawins.
He reached, it is said, the sluice gates and the point240 where
the Nahrawin flows into the Diyila river, and he stayed by the
dam there for eighteen days and it wearied him so he went on to

234. Not known elsewhere.

2.35. Ya'qubi, Bulddn, 248, records that he had a property in the Harbiyyah
quarter in Baghdad. Hirdb were small, throwing spears (see Lane, s.v. brb), but the
title .dllib al-hirdb is not, to my knowledge, recorded elsewhere. From the context, it must be presumed that he was second -m-command of the shurlah.
236. Thughur Mrs, a curious usage, thughur usually being applied to the Byzantine frontier area . Perhaps it refers to the wild, eastern part of the province, on
the Kirmin border.
237. Small town on the Tigris , southeast of Baghdad . See Yiqut, Mu'jam, II,
123; Le Strange, Lands, 37.

238. Not noted by Yaqut or Le Strange. Jubb means a well.

2.39. A village near Nahrawin. See Yaqut, Mu'jam, II, 322.
240. The hydrology of the Nahrawin area is explained in Adams, Land behind

13 8 51

86 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Jarjaraya and went out from it to inspect an estate belonging to
`Isa b. `Ali there. That day he was thrown from his gray horse and
fractured his skull . When he was in Jarjaraya, Indian prisoners
came to him from `Uman. They had been sent by Tasnim b. alHawari241 with his son Muhammad . He contemplated having
them executed, so he interrogated them and what they told
him about their affairs confused him and he refrained from killing them and divided them among his commanders and agents
In this year al-Mahdi came to the City of Peace from al-Raqqah
and entered in the month of Ramadan (July 5-August 3, 775).
In this year al-Mansur ordered the repair of the White Palace,
which Chosroes had built, and the fining of all those in whose
houses Sasanian brickwork, taken from the buildings of the
Chosroes, was found. He said, "This is the booty of the Muslims,i243 but this was never completed, nor were the repairs to
the Palace.
In this year the summer raid was led by Ma`yuf b. Yahya along
the Darb al-Hadath,244 and they met the enemy and fought and
then broke off the engagement.
In this year Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. `Ali, the
governor of Mecca, was imprisoned because, it is said, al-Mansur
ordered him to imprison Ibn Jurayj ,245 `Abbad b. Kathir,246 and al-

241. He appears once as a source for the 'Alid rebellion of 145 /762-63 (alTabari, 111, 206, 293), and his son al-Hasan was governor of'Umin in 169/785-86.
For his family, see Crone, Slaves, izi.

242. Nuwwdb, not a usual administrative term at this period, its sigmflcance is
243. In Ctesiphon/al-Madi ' in. The building was still used by the Muslims
for official purposes in early Umayyad times (Morony, Iraq, 761. Al-Mangur was
claiming that it formed part of the fay' (booty) of the Muslims and hence should
not be divided up but used for the common good.
244. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 734. The Darb al-Hadath was the pass
that led from the Muslim base at al-Hadath across the mountains into Byzantine
245. Probably to be identified with the Ibn Jurayj whom al -Tabari cites extensively as a source in the early part of the History, notably on Old Testament
material . He had been in Mecca at the time of the Alid rebellion of 145 /762 but
does not seem to have played a very active part.
246. He had been in Medina in the immediate aftermath of the Alid rebellion
and interceded for one of the participants , but, like Ibn Jurayj, he does not seem to
have played a major part.

The Events of the Year 158 87

Thawri,247 and then he released them without Abu Ja'far's permission and Abu Ja'far was angry with him.

According to 'Omar b . Shabbah-Muhammad b. `Imrin , freedman of Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. 'Ali b . 'Abdallah
b. 'Abbas-his father: A1-Mansur wrote to Muhammad b. Ibrahim,
governor of Mecca, ordering him to imprison a man of the family
of 'All b. Abi Talib who was in Mecca along with Ibn Jurayj,
'Abbid b. Kathir, and al-Thawri, so he imprisoned them. He had
companions with whom he used to talk at night24 " and, when it
was time for his nighttime conversation , he sat down looking
intently at the ground and not uttering a syllable until they dispersed. I approached him and said, "I saw what you did; what is
the matter ?" He replied, "I came upon the possessor of kinship249
and imprisoned him and some of the most worthy people250 and
imprisoned them. The Commander of the Faithful might come,
and I do not know what will happen. Maybe he will order that
they be killed and his authority will be strengthened, but my
religion will be destroyed."
I asked him what he would do and he replied , "I will placate
God and release the people . Go to my camels and take a female
riding camel and take fifty dinars and give them to the Talibi,251
give him greeting and say to him, 'Your cousin252 asks you to
release him from his guilt about you. Ride this camel and take
this money."'
When he saw me he had begun to ask God's protection from my
evil, but when I told him he said, "He is released .253 I have no
247. This is the celebrated traditionist Sufyin b . Sa'id al-Thawri, d. 161/778,
like Ibn Jurayl an important source for the early sections of al-Tabari 's history. He
spent much of his life in hiding in the Hiliz and Yemen to escape appointment as
a gd4i. See El' , s.v. "Sufyan."
248. The sdmir or samir was a friend or courtier with whom one had relaxed
conversations at night . These nighttime gatherings were an important social and
cultural institution of the period.

249. With the Prophet, by which he means the (anonymous ) Alid referred to
25o. The three learned men mentioned above.
251. That is, the Alid. The term Talibi was used for desecendants of Ali's
father, Abu Tilib, either through Ali himself or through his brother Ja'far.
252. Muhammad b. Ibrahim, being an Abbasid, speaks as a cousin, albeit a
very distant one, of the Alid.
253. The Alid releases Muhammad b. lbrihim from his guilt for imprisoning


88 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

1 3 871

need of the camel and no need of the money," but I said, "It would
be better for his soul if you took them," so he did.
Then I came to Ibn Jurayj, Sufyan b. Said, and 'Abbad b. Kathir
and told them what he had said and they said, "He is released." I
said to them that Muhammad b. Ibrahim had said that none of
them should appear as long as al-Mansur was staying.
When al-Mansur approached, Muhammad b. Ibrahim sent me
with gifts but, when al-Mansur was told that the messenger of
Muhammad b. Ibrahim had arrived, he ordered that the faces of
his camels be struck . When he reached Bi 'r Maymun,254 Muhammad b. Ibrahim came to meet him but, when he was told of that,
he ordered that the faces of his mounts should be struck. So
Muhammad was traveling on one side of the road while Abu
ja`far was diverted from the road to the left-hand side and the
camel was made to kneel for him (to relieve nature). Muhammad
was waiting facing him, and his doctor was with him. When Abu
Jafar mounted and he and his companion al-Rabl' went on,
Muhammad ordered his doctor to go over to Abu Ja`far's camelkneeling place, and he saw his excrement and he said to Muhammad, "I saw the excrement of a man who does not have long to
live." When he entered Mecca he remained there only a short
time before he died and Muhammad was saved.
In Shawwal of this year (August 4-September r, 775) Abu ja`far
set out from the City of Peace heading for Mecca. It is said that he
stayed at Qasr Abdawayh255 and while he was there a meteorite
fell on z6 Shawwal (August z9) after the beginning of dawn and
remained visible until sunrise ; then he went on to al-KUfah and
stayed at al-Rusafah25a and then set out from there on the pilgrimage and the lesser pilgrimage 257 With him he drove the
camels to be slaughtered in Mecca , branded them, and put signs
on their necks for some days into Dhu al-Qa'dah (September 2-

254. On the borders of the sacred area of Mecca, where al-Mangur died. See
Yagiit, Mu';am, 1, 302.
255. Not noted by Yignt or Le Strange.
2.56. That is al-RuOfah of al-Kiifah ) see note 54, above.
257. For the differing rituals of the pilgrimage lha;;) and lesser pilgrimage
)'umrah ), see El , s.v., "Hadjd;;" EI' s.v. "Umra."

The Events of the Year 158 89

October 1 , 775 j. When he had gone some stages from al-Kufah the
disease of which he died became apparent.

Opinions differ as to the nature of the disease that he died from.

According to All b . Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Nawfali,258
his father used to say : Al-Mansur was unable to digest his food
and he complained of that to the doctors and asked them to bring
him digestives, but they did not want to do that so they told him
to eat less food and that the digestives would be digested immediately but that the illness would recur and intensify, until an
Indian doctor came to him and said the same thing to him as the
others had but prepared a drug for him, a digestive powder with
hot spices and medicaments, and he took it and his food was
digested and he praised the doctor highly.
He continued : My father said that many doctors from Iraq said
that Abu Ja`far would die only of a stomach complaint. I asked
him what the symptoms were of this and he said, "He takes a
digestive and it digests his food, but every day some of the lining
of his stomach and the fat of his bowels is eroded , and he will die
because of his stomach. I will give you an analogy : What would
you think if you put a jar on a high place and put a new brick
under it and it drips? Is it not the case that its dripping will pierce
the brick in the course of time and do you not then know that
every drip makes an impression ?" Abu Ja far died, as he said,
because of his stomach.
One source said : The illness of which he died began when he
suffered heatstroke from riding in the midday sun . He was a hotblooded person in his eating and the red bile afflicted him and he
got dysentery in his stomach . He continued in that condition
until he reached the Garden of Ibn Amir, where it became more
severe. He moved on from there but could not reach Mecca and
stopped at Bi'r Ibn al-Murta fl ,259 where he stayed for a day and a
night before going on to Bi'r Maymun . He asked whether he had
entered the Haram and bequeathed what he wished to al-Rabi`,
and then he died at dawn or sunrise of Saturday 6 Dhu al-Hijjah

258. See note 2.3, above.

259. Bustin Abu Amir and Bit Ibn al -Murtafi' were, like Bi t Maymun, stages
on the route from Iraq to Mecca and Medina.



9o Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

(October 7, 7751. Only his servants and al-Rabi', his freedman,
were with him at his death.
Al-Rabi' kept his death hidden and prevented the women and
others from weeping and wailing. In the morning the members of
his household came as they were accustomed to and sat in their
places. `Isa b. `Ali was the first to be summoned and he remained
a little while and then permission was given to `Isa b. Musa,
although in time past he used to be given permission before `Isa
b. `Ali and that was the rank in which he was established. Then
the senior and older members of the family260 were given permission and then the main body of them . Al-Rabi` took their
oath of allegiance to the Commander of the Faithful al-Mahdi and
to `Isa b. Musa after him at the hand of Musa ,261 son of al-Mahdi.
When the Banu Hashim262 had all taken the oath, he summoned the commanders and they took the oath and none of them
showed any reluctance except `Ali b. `Isa b. Mahan263 and he refused, at the mention of `Isa b . Musa, to take the oath to him.
Muhammad b. Sulayman slapped him and said, "Who is this
lout? "264 and taunted him with being a sucker265 and considered
beheading him, so he took the oath . The people took the oath in

z6o. Probably meaning the Abbasid family but possibly the family of the
Prophet, including the Alids, at least one of whom, al-Hasan b. Zayd, is known to
have been present.

2.6r. The future caliph al-Hidi, at this time a young boy.

z6i. Hishim was the ancestor of both 'Abbisids and 'Alids (and, of course, the
Prophet himself ( but not of the Umayyads.
263. A soldier of Khurasini origin , probably the son of 'Isi b. Whin, who had
been one of the original supporters of the Abbasid movement in Khurisin. In atMahdi's reign Ali became a partisan of Musa al-Hgdi, the heir apparent, and an
opponent of the Barmakids . Between 180 /796 and 192/807 he was governor of
Khurisin, making himself very unpopular with the local notables. After Hirun's
death, he became the leading champion of al-Amin and the Khurisiniyyah of
Baghdad but was killed in battle by the forces of al-Ma'mun led by Tihir at alRayy in 195/8!! (see below , pp. 455, 494, al-Tabari, III, 666, 675, 714, 799-801,
8::-85; al-(ahshiyiri, 167, :28; Hamzah, 143; Crone, Slaves, 178-79).
:64. Ill; originally referring to a strong or sturdy man, the word acquired a
perjorative sense. Here it can mean either "Persian" (which is probably appropriate
for Ali( or other unbeliever or, more simply , "lout."
265. Ama$$ahu. The root mas$a means "to suck." In this context "sucker" is
used as an obscene term of abuse, being short for "sucker of your mother's clitoris."
The full form is used below p. 146. The American "mother fucker" is probably the
most effective colloquial translation . See Lane s .v., ma$$a.

The Events of the Year 15 8 91

turn and the first one who said "If God wills" was al-Musayyab b.
Zuhayr, and `Isa b. Musa said, "It will be thus," and they called
him a sucker. Musa b. al-Mahdi went out to the public audience
and took the oath from the rest of the commanders and leading
men. Al-`Abbas b. Muhammad and Muhammad b. Sulayman proceeded to Mecca to take the oath from the people there , and al`Abbas acted as spokesman at that time . The people took the oath
to al-Mahdi between the rukn and the magdm .266 A number of
members of the household of al-Mahdi were sent out in the neighborhood of Mecca and the camp, and they had the people take the
oath to him.
Al-Manjur was prepared for burial and he was washed and
covered in a shroud. Those of his household who were in charge
of this were al=Abbas b. Muhammad, al-Rabi', al-Rayyan,267 and
a number of his servants and freedmen. The preparations for burial
were completed by the afternoon prayer and his face and all his
body were covered with his shroud up to the beginning of the
hair, and his head remained uncovered because he was in a state
of ihrdm .268 The people of his household and the most intimate of
his freedmen went out with him and, as al-Wagidi claimed, `Isa b.
Musa prayed over him in Shi'b al-Khuz.
It is said that Ibrahim b. Yahya b . Muhammad b. 'A1i269 prayed
over him, and it is said that al -Mansur had stipulated that in his
will because he was his deputy in charge of the prayers in the City
of Peace.
According to All b. Muhammad al-Nawfali-his father: Ibrahim b. Yahya prayed over him in the tents before he was carried
out because al-Raba' said, "No one should pray over him who
is aspiring to the caliphate ," so they fetched Ibrahim b. Yahya,

266. The rukn is the comer of the Ka'bah in which is the Black Stone, the
maqdm, short for "magdm Ibrshun," is a small building, containing the mark of
Abraham's footprint, near the Ka'bah; both of these are in the mosque in Mecca.
267. Mawla al-Man$ur; in an anecdote dated 145 - 48/762-66 he was sent to
Mosul to execute a political suspect (see below, p. 145 ) but is otherwise unknown.
268. That is, he was in the ritual dress for pilgrimage, having entered the hardm
(sacred area) at Bt'r Maymun . The lhrdm involves being bareheaded.
269. B. Abdallah b. al-Abbas and therefore a member of the Abbasid family.
He was later governor of Medina from 166 until 167 (782-84 ), when he died. For
Shi'b al-Khuz, see Yaqut, Mu'^am, III, 347.

1 3901

92 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

who was at that time a young man. He was buried in a grave at
Thaniyyat al-Madaniyy-in, which is called that and Thaniyyat
al-Ma'lat,270 because it is above Mecca. Isa b. 'Ali, al-`Abbas b.
Muhammad, `Isa b. Musa, al-Rabi' and al-Rayyan, his freedmen,
and Yagtin b. Musa271 lowered him into his grave.

1 3911

Opinions differ about his age when he died; some say he was
sixty-four years old, some that he was sixty-five, and some that he
was sixty-three on the day he died. Hisham b. al-Kalbi272 said that
al-Mansur died when he was sixty-eight and that he held power
for twenty-two years less twenty-four days. Different riwayas are
related to Abu Ma'shar273: Ahmad b. Thabit al-Razi told me on
the authority of those who were told by Ishaq b. 'Isa on his (Abu
Ma'shar's) authority that he said:274 Abu Ja'far died one day before
the day for providing oneself with water (Yawm al-Tarwiyyah: 8
Dhu'l-Hijjah/October 9, 77S), which was a Saturday. His caliphate
lasted twenty-two years less three days. It is related on the authority of Ibn Bakkar that he (Abu Ma'shar)275 said: Less seven
nights. Al-Wagidi said that the reign of Abu Ja'far was twentytwo years less six days. 'Umar b. Shabbah said that his caliphate
was two days short of twenty-two years.
The leader of the pilgrims in this year was Ibrahim b. Yahya b.
Muhammad b. All.

In this year the Byzantine emperor died.276

Information about the appearance of Abu Ja'far al-Mansur:

2.70. Pass of the Medinans, or High Pass.

271. He had a background in the Abbasid movement in Khurisan and was
chiefly employed as a civil servant, dividing up booty and supervising construction work on the road to Mecca and in the hardm itself. He died in 185/801 (see alTabari, 111, 486, 5201 Yiqut, Mu';am, II, 439).
272. Celebrated early Islamic historian, ca. 12o-1o4 /737-819, and author of
surviving Jamharat al-Nasab, the definitive work on early Arab genealogy, see
El', s.v. "Ibn al-Kalbi."

173. Najih al-Sindi. An important source for the earlier sections of al-Tabari's
history, he contributes only occasional details of appointments and dates , the last
being the date of the death of al-Nadi (see al-Tabari, III, 579).
274. He being Abu Ma'shar, Ahmad b. Thibit and Ishaq b. Ibrahim, both otherwise unknown, are al-Tabari's usual isndd for Abu Ma'shar's information.

275. Presumably Abu Ma 'shar again, by a different isndd. Ibn Bakkir is alZubayr b. Bakkir, who is occasionally used elsewhere by al-Tabari.
276. Constantine V, A.D 741-75.

The Events of the Year 5 5 fl 93

It is said that he was brown-skinned, tall, thin, with a sparse
beard. He was born in al-Humaymah.277

Some Stories about al-Mansur and His Conduct27S

According to $alih b. al-Wajih27-his father: Al-Mansur heard
that 'Isa b. Musa had killed one of the descendants of Nasr b.
Sayy,ir28O who was hiding in al-Kufah. `Isa was directed to him
and cut off his head. Al-Mansur disapproved of that and was appalled. He was planning something that would be the destruction
of `Isa, but `Isa's ignorance of the significance of what he had
done stopped him. So he wrote to him:
Were it not for the discernment and restraint of the
Commander of the Faithful, your punishment for the killing of the son of Nasr b. Sayyar and your high-handedness
in going beyond the aspirations of governors would not
be delayed. Stop such actions against those whom the
Commander of the Faithful appointed you to, whether
Arab or non-Arab, white 211 or black. Do not act arbitrarily
contrary to the Commander of the Faithful in inflicting
punishment on anyone who has a case to answer . He does
not think that anyone should be arrested for an evil thought
for which God will accept penance as reparation, or for
any act of his in war that God has brought him safely
2.77. The estate in southern Jordan that was the main base of the Abbasid
family in late Umayyad times (Yaqut , Mu'lam, II, 307, Le Strange, Palestine,

278. Al-Tabari usually follows the account of the death of a caliph with some
undated anecdotes. In general these are arranged at random, but some are loosely
arranged according to themes, Abu Ja'far's meanness, the contrast between him
and his son al-Mahdi , the activities of Ma'n b. Zi'idah are some of these. The
sources of this material are usually named , in contrast with the main body of the
text, but are often individuals who contribute only single narratives and about
whom nothing else is known.
279. This is the only time al-Tabari uses this source, and nothing more is
known of him or his father. The story should probably be dated 145 -47/762-65
when `Isa was still governor of al-KUfah, but al-Mansur was attempting to remove
him from the succession.
280. Nasr b. Sayyir was the last Umayyad governor of Khurisin and an ancient
enemy of the Abbisids.
281. The Arabic uses al.imar (red) to mean "white."

1 3921

94 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

through, thereby concealing him from the rancorous and
preventing investigation of what is in men's hearts. The
Commander of the Faithful will not despair of anyone,
nor of himself, of God's causing the retreater to advance
just as the retreating of one who advances is not sure, if
God wills, and peace.


According to `Abbas b. al-Fad1282-Yahya b. Sulaym,2s3 secretary to al-Fadl b. al-Rabi': Entertainment was never seen in the
house of al-Mansur, nor anything like entertainment games or
amusements, except one day, when we saw a son of his called
'Abd al-'Aziz, the brother of Sulayman and `Isa,284 sons of Abu
Ja`far by the Talhi woman, who died when he was a youth. He
came out to the people with a bow on his shoulder, wearing a
turban and a striped outer garment and looking like a bedouin
boy. He was riding on a young camel between two saddlebags in
which there were mugl,285 sandals, and sticks for cleaning the
teeth286 and the things that the bedouin gave as gifts . The people
were amazed at this and disapproved of it . The young man went
on until he crossed the bridge and came to al-Mahdi in al-Rusafah
and gave them to him. Al-Mahdi took what was in the saddlebags
and filled them with dirhams, and he set off with the saddlebags.
It was made known that this was a sort of royal joke.
According to Hammad al-Turki : I was standing by al-Mansur's
head when he heard a clamor in the house and he said , "What is
that, Hammad ? Have a look." I went and found one of his servants
sitting among the slave girls and playing a Iunbur287 for them,
and they were laughing . I came to him and told him and he said,
"What sort of thing is a funbur?" and I replied that it was made of
wood and I described it to him. He said, "You have given me a

282. That is, al-Abbas b. al-Fall b. al-Rabi', later hdlib to al-Amin as his
grandfather had been to al-Manger and al-Mahdi ('Uynn, 342; lahshiyari, 289).
283. Yahya took over some of al-Rabi"s administrative functions on his death
and later worked for al-Amin (see below 598, lahi; , 266, 289, 292.E
284. Both Sulayman and isa reached maturity and played a part in political life
in Hirun 's reign and after.

28 s. Bdelhum . See Groom, Frankincense and Myrrh, 124-26.

286. Sticks for cleaning teeth, used by the bedouin, see El , s.v. miswdk.
287. A kind of lute or guitar with a long neck.

The Events of the Year 115 8 95

good description of it. How do you know what a tunbtir is?" and I
replied that I had seen one in Khurasan . He said, "Yes, there,"
and then asked me to bring him his sandals , so I brought them
and he got up and walked slowly until he looked down on them
and saw them. When they caught sight of him, they scattered. He
said, "Seize him!" so he was taken and he went on, "Beat him
over the head with it!" and I went on striking him on the head
with it until I broke it. Then he said, "Take him out of my palace
and go to Hamran in al-Karkh288 and tell him to sell him."

According to al-`Abbas b. al-Fadl-Sallam al-Abrash:289 When I

was a young servant, I and another page used to wait on al-Mansur
inside in his residence . There he had an enclosure with a tent and
pavilion with bedding and covers for him to be alone in. He was
the best- natured of people whenever he did not appear in public,
and the most tolerant of boys' games , but when he put on his
official robes his complexion changed and his face became gloomy,
his eyes reddened, and he went out and did as he was used to
doing. When he got up from his audience, he returned in that
state. When we received him in the hallway , he sometimes used
to face us with blame . He said to me one day, "0 my son, when
you see me dressed in my official robes or returning from my
audience, do not any of you approach me for fear that I should
abuse him for something."
According to Abu al-Haytham Khalid b. Yazid b. Wahb b . Jarir b.
Hazim290-`Abdallah b. Muhammad , called Mingar, of the people
of Khurasan, who was one of al-Rashid 's agents29'-Ma`n b.
Za'idah : We were seven hundred men in the sahdbah who used to
go in to al-Mansur every day. I asked al -Rabi` to put me among
the last of those who were going in but he said to me, "You are
not one of the most noble of them to be put first of them nor the

z88. A slave dealer. Al-Karkh was the commercial quarter of Baghdad , south of
the Round City.
:89. A palace servant, who was later in charge of the ma?dlim (complaints) for
al-Mahdi . Abrash means speckled or marked with various colors.
290. Great-grandson of Jarir b . Hizim, an important source for the earlier sections of al-Tabari 's work; he himself contributes only two short narratives.
291. He may be identified with Abdallih b. Muhammad al-Munaggtri, who
appears as a source in al-Tabari , 111, 565, neither name is recorded elsewhere.
Minqdr means "the beak of a bird."


96 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


most humble in descent to be put among the last of them. Your

rank corresponds to your genealogy. "292 I went into al-Mansur
that day wearing a loose, flowing outer garment, a Hanafi sword 291
the point of whose scabbard touched the ground, and a turban
that I let hang down behind and in front of me. I greeted him and
went out and, when I reached the curtain, he shouted to me, "0
Ma'n" with a shout I did not like. I said, "Your servant, 0 Commander of the Faithful," and he ordered me to come to him. When
I came near him, he had gotten down from his throne to the
ground and he was kneeling and pulling out a rod from between
the two cushions. His color changed, and his neck veins swelled
out. He said to me, "You were my parallel combatant on the day
of Wasit?294 May I not escape death if you escape from me," and I
said, "O Commander of the Faithful, that was my support for
their false one; what about my support for your truth?" He said,
"What are you saying?" I repeated my words to him and he went
on asking me to repeat until he returned the rod to its resting
place and sat down on his throne. His complexion turned pale and
he said to me, "0 Man, I have some trifles in Yemen," and I
replied, "A man who is denied secrets cannot have an opinion
about them," and he said, "You are the man I need, so sit down,"
so I sat down and he ordered al-Rabi' to send out all those who
were in the palace, and they were sent out. Then al-Mansur said,
"The lord of Yemen295 is considering rebelling against me and I
want to take him prisoner and not to let any of his wealth escape
me. What is your opinion ?" and I replied , "0 Commander of the
Faithful, appoint me governor of Yemen but say in public that
you have attached me to him. Order al-Rabi' to prepare whatever
equipment I need and to send me off this very day so that the
news does not get out." He took out a diploma of appointment
from between the two cushions, inscribed my name on it, and
292. That is, the order of precedence was established by descent, but Ma'n,
wanting to attract attention to himself, asked for a more conspicuous position.
293. It is not clear what a Hanafi sword was . The point was to wear unconventional garb to attract the caliph 's attention.
294. Ma'n b. Zi'idah had been one of the leading defenders of the Umayyad
base at Wisi; when it was besieged by Abi3 Ja'far at the beginning of al-Saffih's
295. Sdhib al-Yaman means the governor.

The Events of the Year 15 8 97

handed it over to me. Then he called al-Rabi' and said, "We have
attached Ma'n to the lord of Yemen so prepare the equipment he
needs, horses and arms, and do not delay for he is going now."
Then he said, "Take your leave of me," so I took my leave of him
and went out into the vestibule, where the father of the governor
met me and said, "0 Ma'n, I am not very pleased that you have
been attached to your brother's son," and I replied to him, "It is
no disgrace for a man that his Sultan attaches him to his brother's
son. "296 I left for the Yemen and I came to the man and took him
prisoner, read the diploma of appointment to him, and sat in his
According to Hammad b. Ahmad al- Yamani-Muhammad b.
Umar al-Yamani-Abu al-Rudayni:297 Man b. Za'idah wanted
to send a delegation to al-Manqur to assuage his ill will and soften
his heart toward him, and he said, "I have consumed my life in
his service, worn myself out and exhausted my men in war in
Yemen, and then he is angry with me because I have spent money
in his service." He chose a group of his tribe of the small lineages
of Rabi'ah'298 and among those he selected was Mujja'ah b. alAzhar,299 and he began to call the men one after the other and
asked them what they would say to the Commander of the Faithful if he sent them to him, and they replied that they would say
this and that until Mujja'ah b. al-Azhar came to him and said,
"May God glorify the Amir. You are asking me what I would say
in Iraq when I am in Yemen. I shall pursue your business until I
complete it as is possible and appropriate ." Ma'n said, "You are
the man for me." Then he turned to 'Abd al-Rahman b. 'Atiq alMuzani300 and said to him, "Be strong in support of your paternal

296. It is unusual for sultan to be used of a person at this date, it is more

commonly an abstract word meaning "authority." As the governor is not named,
it is not clear what the relationship between him and Ma'n was . The story relates
to Ma'n's appointment as governor of Yemen in 142/759-60.
297. This is the only time al-Tabari uses this isnad, and the transmitters cannot
be identified. The anecdote dates from Ma'n's governorate of Yemen , 142-51/

298. Ma'n's tribe, Shaybin, was part of Bakr b . Wi'il, which was a section of
the larger Rabi'ah tribal group.
299. Not known elsewhere.
300. Not known elsewhere.

98 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

uncle's son,3O1 give him precedence over you, and , if he overlooks
anything, put him right." He chose eight people from his companions with them so that the total number was ten , and then he
said farewell to them.
They traveled until they reached Abu Ja'far and, when they
were in his presence, they came forward and Mujja'ah b . al-Azhar
began by praising God and extolling him and thanking him so
that the people thought that he intended to do no more than that.
Then he turned to mention the Prophet and how God had chosen
him from the midst of the Arabs and expanded on his virtue, so
that people were surprised. Next he turned to the description of
the Commander of the Faithful al-Mansur and how God had exalted
him and to what he had appointed him. Finally , he turned to the
business of mentioning his lord . When he had finished his speech,
al-Mansur said, "As for the praise you gave God, God is more
glorious and greater than description can say , and, as for your
mention of the Prophet, God has given him more virtue than you
said, and, as for your description of the Commander of the Faithful, God has favored him with that and He will support him in
obeying Him, if God wills. As for your description of your lord,
you lied and behaved disgracefully . Get out! What you said is not
Mujja'ah replied, " The Commander of the Faithful has spoken
the truth but, by God, I did not lie about my master." They were
sent out and, when they reached the end of the !wan302 al-Mansur
ordered that he return with his companions and he asked, "What
did you say ?" and he repeated his speech as if it were on a page
and he were reading it, and al-Mansur replied as he had done the
first time, and they were sent out until they had all emerged and
he ordered them to stop. Then he turned to those of Mudar3o3 who
were present and asked , "Do you know among you anyone like
this man? By God he spoke until I was envious (of his eloquence)
and nothing prevented me from completely agreeing to his request except that it might be said that I was prejudiced for him
because he was a Raba ' i. I have never seen a man more self3ot. That is, Mupa'ah.
Son. The arched structure in which the audience was held.
3o3. Rivals of Rabiah.

The Events of the Year 158 99

possessed or clearer in eloquence than he was today. Bring him
back, page." When he came before him, he returned his greeting
and that of his companions and al -Manqur said to him, "Mention
your request and the request of your lord."

He replied, "0 Commander of the Faithful , Man b. Za'idah is

your slave, your sword and your arrow that you shot at your
enemy, and he struck and thrusted and shot so that what was
rough became smooth and what was difficult became easy and
what was stirred up in Yemen was settled and they became the
chattels of the Commander of the Faithful , may God prolong his
life. If the Commander of the Faithful did have in his mind a
criticism from a slanderer, or a calumniator , or an envious person,
the Commander of the Faithful has now shown his favor to his
slave, the man who has spent his life in his service."
He accepted their representations and accepted the excuses of
Ma`n and ordered them to return to him . when they reached
Ma'n and he read the letter restoring him to favor , he kissed him
(Mujja`ah ) between the eyes and thanked his companions, gave
them robes of honor, and rewarded them according to their rank
and the part they had played in the journey to al-Manqur. Mujjiah
I swore in the assembly of Wa 'il' an oath
that I would not sell you, 0 Ma`n, for greed.
0 Ma'n, you have brought me prosperity.
It has become general for Lujaym and special for the family of
Mujja`ah 3os
I shall remain attached to you
until the time when the voice of the herald of death
announces my passing.
The prosperity that Main gave to Mujjiah was that he asked
him for three wishes. One of these was that he was courting a
noble woman from his household called Zahra ', whom nobody
had yet married. This was told to her and she said , "With what

304. See note 298, above.

305. That is, Mulla'ah 's tribe . For the relationships of Bakr b. Wail , Shayban,
and Lujaym, see Caskel, table tor.


100 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


will he marry me? With his woollen jubbah and garments?" When
he returned to Man, the first thing he asked him was that he
should marry him to her. Her father was in Ma`n's army. He said,
"I want Zahri ' and her father is in your army, 0 Amir." He married
him to her for ten thousand dirhams, which he gave her as a
dowry. Then Man said, "What is your second wish?" and he
replied, "The palm grove in which my house is in Ilajar .306 Its
owner is in the army of the Amir." Main bought it from him and
handed it over to Mujji`ah and said, "What is your third wish?"
"Give me money," he replied . Ma`n ordered that he be given
thirty thousand, one hundred thousand dirhams in total, and he
sent him away to his house.
According to Muhammad b. Silim al-Khwirazmi , whose father
was one of the commanders of Khurisin ,Abu al-Faraj, the maternal uncle of `Abdallah b. Jabalah al-'J aligani :307 I heard Abu
Ja`far saying, "How much I need four people at my door and they
should be the most decent people there." He was asked, "0 Commander of the Faithful, who are they ?" and he replied, "They are
the pillars of the state and the state would not be safe without
them as a couch would not be safe without four legs and, if one of
them is missing, it is weakened. The first of these is a judge
whom no reproach can deviate from what pleases God. The second
is a chief of police who defends the rights of the weak from the
strong. The third is a chief of taxation who investigates and does
not oppress the peasants because I can dispense with their oppression. The fourth ...." Then he bit on his index finger three times,
saying each time "Ah, ah," and he was asked, "Who is that, 0
Commander of the Faithful ?" and he replied, "A head of the post
who writes reliable information about these men."

It is said : Al-Mansur summoned one of his agents who had

defaulted on his taxes and said to him , "Pay what you owe," and
he replied, "By God, I do not owe a single thing." The muezzin
called, "I bear witness that there is no god but God," and he said,
"0 Commander of the Faithful, give what I owe to God and to the
call that there is no god but God," and he let him go.
306. The capital of al-Yamimah province of east central Arabia, see Yiqut,
Mu'jam , II, iii.

307. None of these individuals is known elsewhere.

The Events of the Year 15 8 101

He said: Al-Mansur appointed a Syrian to an office in the tax
administration, and he approached him with his advice and said,
"How well do I know what is in your mind at the moment, 0
brother of the people of Syria. You will go out from my presence
now and you will say, 'Keep upright in your work and your work
sticks to you."' He also appointed an Iraqi to something in the
taxation of the Sawad and approached him with his advice and 13991

said, "How well do I know what is in your mind. You will go out
now and say, 'If you become poor after that may you not thrive
again.' Leave me and go to your work and, by God, if you become
open to that, I will surely inflict on you the punishment you
deserve!" They were both appointed to it and put things right and
were sincere in their intentions 3013
According to al-$abbah b. 'Abd al-Malik al-Shaybani-Ishaq
b. Musa b. `Isa:309 Al-Mansur appointed a man of the Arabs as
governor of Ha4ramawt and the chief of the post wrote to alMansur that the governor often went out in pursuit of game with
falcons and dogs that he had prepared. He dismissed him and
wrote to him, "May your mother lose you, and may your tribe
miss you. What is this equipment you prepared to slaughter wild
animals? We put you in charge only of the affairs of the Muslims,
not the affairs of the wild animals. Hand over the office you have
been entrusted with by us to so-and-so, son of so-and-so, and go to
your family, censured and banished."
According to al-Rabi`:310 Suhayl b. Salim al -Basri3 t i was brought
in to al-Mansur after he had been appointed to an office and
dismissed. He ordered that he be put in prison and that money be
demanded of him. Suhayl said, "Your slave, 0 Commander of the
Faithful." "What an evil slave you are," he said, "But you are a
kind master, 0 Commander of the Faithful," he replied. "Not to
you, I'm not," said the caliph.

According to al-Fads b. al-Rabi`-his father: When I was standing

308. Freytag, Proverbia, II, 576, 584, and II , 687, 329

309. Neither of these can be securely identified . lsl}aq b. Musa b. 'Isi may have
been the grandson of 'Isa b. Musa, who was briefly governor of Yemen in alMa'mun's reign (`Uyiin, 348).
310. B. Yunus, hd,ib to al-Manger; see note 16, above.

3 11. He is not mentioned elsewhere, nor is it known what office he held.

102 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

before al-Manger, or by his head, a Khariji who had defeated his
armies was brought to him. He was preparing him for execution
when his eye lighted on him in disdain, and he said, "You son of a
whore! Does someone like you put armies to flight? " and the
Khariji replied to him, "Woe to you and evil to you ! Between me
and you yesterday there was the sword and killing and today there

14001 is abuse and insult. What makes you so sure that I will respond,
for I have despaired of life and you will never rescind my punishment even if asked ?" Al-Mansur spared his life and released him
and he never saw his face again.
According to 'Abdallah b. 'Amr al-Mulahi -Harlin b. Muhammad b. Ismail b. Musa al-Hadi312-'Abdallah b. Muhammad b.
Abi Ayyub al-Makki-his father313-'Umarah b. Hamzah: I was
with al-Mansur and I left him at midday after the people had
taken the oath of allegiance to al-Mahdi . Al-Mahdi came to me at
the time when I left and said to me, "I have heard that my father
intends that the oath of allegiance should be given to my brother
Ja'far,314 and I swear by God that, if he does, I will kill him." I
went immediately to the Commander of the Faithful and I said,
"This matter will not wait," and the chamberlain said, "You have
only just left," but I replied, "The matter is new." He gave me
permission and I went in to al -Mansur and he said , "Hey, 'Umarah,
what has brought you?" and I replied, "A new matter, 0 Commander of the Faithful , that I wish to tell you about ." He said, "1
will tell you about it before you tell me: Al-Mahdi came to you
and said such-and-such," and I said, "By God, 0 Commander of
the Faithful, it is as if you were present as the third of us." He
continued, "Tell him that we are too solicitous of him (Ja'far) to
expose him to you."

According to Ahmad b. Yusuf b. al-Qasim-Ibrahim b. $alih:311

We were in the audience waiting for permission to go in to alMansur and we were reminiscing about al -Hajjaj 316 There were
3 r 2. A great-grandson of the caliph.
313. Muhammad b. Abi Ayyub, along with other notables, was arrested on a
charge of zandaqah (see note 199 above ) in 166/782-83 (see p. 234, below).
314. That is, Ja'far the Elder (see above, note 94).

M. B . Ali al-Abbasi, son of $ahh b. 'All (see note 92, above ) and himself
governor of Palestine and Egypt in al-Mahdi 's reign.

316. B . Yasuf al-Thaqafi, the famous governor of Iraq and the east for the
Umayyad caliphs.

The Events of the Year 158 103

those among us who praised him and those who condemned him;
among those who praised him was Ma`n b . Za'idah and among
those who condemned him was al-Hasan b. Zayd . Then we were
given permission to go in to al-Mansur, and al-Hasan b. Zayd let
fly and said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, I did not think that I
would live to see the day when al -Hajjaj would be discussed in
your house and on your carpet and given praise." Abu Ja`far replied
to him, "Why do you disapprove of that? He was a man whom a
people (i.e., the Umayyads ) entrusted with power, and he served
them well. I would be happy, by God, if I could find a man like alHajjaj so that I could hand over my reponsibilities to him and
settle him in one of the two Harams (Mecca or Medina )." Then
Ma`n said to him, "0 Commander of the Faithful , you have a
number of men who would serve you well if you entrusted them
with power," and he asked, "Who are they ? It is as if you were
referring to yourself ." He said, "If I wanted to, I would be close to
that." "You are not at all like that," the caliph replied, "A people
(the Umayyads ) had trust in al-Hajjaj , and he repaid them with
trustworthiness. We had trust in you, and you betrayed us."
According to al-Haytham b. `Adi3l7-Abu Bakr al -Hudhali:318
I went with the Commander of the Faithful al-Mansur to Mecca.
I was traveling with him one day when there appeared a man
on a red-colored camel riding in the open country, wearing a silk
jubbah319 and an Adeni turban . He had a whip in his hand that
almost touched the ground and a notable appearance . When alMansur saw him, he ordered me to call him. He came, and the
caliph asked him about his genealogy, his country, the desert his
people lived in, and about the officials in charge of the sadagah 320
317. Al-Tai, ca. 120-2o6 /738-821, a historian who attended the court of Harun
and a source intermittently used by al-Tabari throughout his history. In the
Abbasid period, he mostly contributes anecdotal material in the sections following the deaths of al-Manger and al-Mahdi, from court sources including alRabe. The traditiomsts accused him of falsehood , but al-Mas'udi had a good
opinion of his material on the history of the Arabs ; see E12, s.v., "al-Haytham b.
3 18. Salama b. Abdallah, another occasional source of anecdote.
3 r9. Long outer garment with open front and wide sleeves jAhsan , Social Life,
P 40).

;20. The alms Muslims are enjoined to pay. At this time it was a compulsory
tax, rather than a voluntary contribution, and probably the only tax a bedouin
would pay.

104 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

He gave the best of answers and al-Mansur was amazed at what
he saw in him. Then he said, " Recite to me." He recited to him a
poem of Aws b. Hajar32i and of other poets of the Banu `Amr b.
Tamim. He continued to recite until he came to the poem of Tarif
b. Tamim al-`Anbari322 which goes:
My lance is a strong wood (nab', which neither the pinching and

of the straightening instrument nor grease nor fire can soften.

When I take a fearful man under my protection, his grazing places
are safe,
and, when I make a safe man fearful for his safety, the house
looks not spacious enough for him.
When I initiate matters, they are brought to fruition;
matters have a beginning and a completion.
Al-Mansur said, "Woe to you! What was Tarif's reputation among
you when he spoke this poem?" He replied, "He was the most
severe of the Arabs in trampling on his enemies and the most
14021 determined in retaliation, the most fortunate in character, the
hardest of them with spears on those who tried his patience, the
most hospitable to his guests, and the most protective to those
who were in his charge. When the Arabs gathered at `Ukaz,323 all
of them acknowledged that he had these qualities except one man
who wanted to belittle him and he said, 'By God, you do not
search far for food and do not pursue game.' He called upon him
to take it upon himself not to eat anything except the meat of
game he had hunted and not to avoid going every year on a raid to
distant parts." Al-Mansur said, "0 brother of the Banu Tamim,
you have done very well in describing your friend, but I myself am
more truthfully described in his two verses, not he."

According to Ahmad b. Khalid al-Fuqaymi:324 A number of the

321. A well-known Tamimi poet of the pre-Islamic period; Aghdni, Buliq, X, 6;
Beirut, XI, 64.
322.. This poet is not quoted elsewhere by al-Tabari, nor does he appear in the

323. The site of the famous fairs outside Mecca, where poets are said to have
gathered in pre-Islamic times.
32.4. A source used several times in this section of the History but otherwise

The Events of the Year 1158 105

Banu Hashim related that al-Mansur worked at daybreak, ordering
and forbidding, appointing and dismissing, policing the frontiers
and borders, safeguarding the roads and supervising the taxes and
the expenses and protecting the livelihood of the subjects, to
drive away their poverty and to find the best means to keep them
quiet and comfortable. When he had prayed the afternoon prayer,
he sat down with the people of his household except those he
wished to be his nighttime companions . When he had prayed the
last evening prayer, he looked at the letters that had arrived from
the frontiers, the borders, and outlying districts and sought the
advice of his nighttime companions about whatever he needed.
When a third of the night had passed, he went to his bed and his
companions left. When the second third of the night had passed,
he got up from his bed, performed his ablutions, and prayed before
his mihrab until dawn broke, when he went out and prayed with
the people. Then he went in and sat down in his audience hall
According to Ishag325-'Abdallah b. al-RabY:326 Abu Ja'far
said to Ismail b . `Abdallah,327 "Describe the people to me," and
he replied, "The people of the Hijaz are the beginning of Islam and
the most excellent of the Arabs ; the people of Iraq are the pillar of
Islam and the militia of the Faith; the people of Syria are the
fortress of the Muslim community and the spearheads of the
Imams ; the people of Khurasan are the the horsemen of battle and
the bridles of the men; the Turks are the people of the rocks and
the sons of raids. The people of India are wise men who are satisfied with their country and content with it and do not aspire to
what lies beyond it. The Byzantines are people of the book and
of piety and whom God had removed from near to far, and the
Nabat328 had an ancient kingdom but now are slaves to every
325. Presumably Isbiq b. Musa b. 'Isi, mentioned above (see note 309).
326. Probably Abdallih b. al-Rabi ' al-Hirithi (see note 34 ), who is described as
one of the night companions (summdr) of al-Mangur (Ya qubi, Tarikh, II, 468).
327. Al-Qasri, a firm supporter of Marwin , the last Umayyad caliph, who was

reconciled to Abu Ja'far and was briefly appointed governor of Mosul . Thus this
story belongs to a genre in which Abu Ja 'far looks for advice and example to the
Umayyads and their supporters.
32.8. A term cognate with Nabataeans but generally used of the indigenous


io6 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

The caliph asked, "Which governors are the best? " and he replied, "The one who gives freely and avoids evil." He asked,
"Which of them is the most evil?" and he replied, "The one who
is hardest on the subjects and who inflicts most violations and
punishments on them ." He asked, "Is obedience through fear
more useful to the interests of the state or obedience through
love?" and he replied, "0 Commander of the Faithful, obedience
through fear engulfs treachery, and it is exaggerated when it is
exposed, while obedience through love engulfs diligence and goes
to exaggeration when it is not examined ." He asked, "Which man
is most worthy of obedience?" and he replied, "The most capable
in need and useful service." He asked, "What is the sign of that?"
and he replied, " Quickness to answer and self-sacrifice." He asked,
"Who must be appointed as wazir to the king? " and he replied,
"The soundest of heart and the farthest from passion."
According to Abu `Ubaydallah the secretary, I heard al-Mansur
saying to al-Mahdi when he made him heir apparent, "0 Abu
`Abdallah, make prosperity last by giving thanks, power by forgiveness, obedience by affection, and victory by humility. Do not
forget, because of your fortune in this world, your fortune from
the mercy of God."
According to al-Zubayr b. Bakkar-Mubarak al-Tabari329Abu `Ubaydallah: I heard al-Mansur say to al-Mahdi , "Do not
settle a matter without thinking about it , for the thought of the
intelligent man is his mirror in which he sees his good and his


According to al-Zubayr again -Mus`ab b. 'Abdallih 130 -his

father: I heard Abu Ja'far al-Mansur say to al-Mahdi, "0 Abu
`Abdallah, the Sultan is not safe except with piety , and its subjects
are not safe except with obedience . The country will not thrive
without justice, the prosperity of the Sultan and obedience to him
will not last without money. You will not achieve security withinhabitants of Iraq.
329. Probably to be identified with Mubarak al-Turki see note 227 , above). AlTabari means that he came from Tabaristan in northern Iran on the Caspian coast,
as, of course, did the great historian himself.
330. B. Mu$ ab al -Zubsyri, d. 233 /847-84, a descendant of the Prophet's companion al-Zubayr b. aI-Awwim and a source used occasionally throughout the

The Events of the Year 15 8 107

out the movement of information. The most powerful of men in
forgiveness is the most powerful in punishment, and the weakest
of men is he who oppresses those beneath him. Consider the
work of your friend and his knowledge by putting him to the

According to Mubarak al-Tabari-Abu `Ubaydallah: I heard

al-Mansur say to al-Mahdi, "0 Abu `Abdallah, do not hold an
audience without people of knowledge to talk to you , for Muhammad b. Shihab al -Zuhrii said, 'Conversation is male; only
masculine men like it, and only effeminate men hate it.' The
brother of Zuhra spoke the truth."
According to All b. Mujahid b. Muhammad b. `Ali:" AlMansur said to al-Mahdi, "0 Abu `Abdallah, he who loves praise
has the best conduct, and he who hates praise has the worst. No
one hates praise except he who seeks to be derogated , and nobody
is derogated without being hated."
According to Mubarak al-Tabari-Abu lJbaydallah: AlMansur said to al-Mahdi, "0 Abu `Abdallah, the intelligent man
is not the one who makes efforts when disaster befalls him until
he escapes from it but he who makes efforts when disaster
threatens so that it does not befall him."
According to al-Fugaymi-`Utbah b. Harun:3 Abu Ja`far said
to al-Mahdi one day, "How many banners do you have ? ,-33 4 and
he replied, "I do not know," and Abu Jafar said, "This, by God, is
utter heedlessness, which denotes that in the caliphate you will
be more heedless . But I have gathered for you what will not be
affected by loss, no matter how negligent you are. Fear God in
what He has bestowed on you."

According to `Ali b. Muhammad33s-Hafs b. `Umar b. Hammad336-Khalisah:331 I went in to al-Mansur and he was com3 31. AI-Zuhri, d. 119/737, was one of the great early authorities on the Traditions of the Prophet; see E( , s.v. "al-Zuhri."
332. A source used fairly commonly in sections I and H of his history but only
twice for the 'Abbisid period see al -Tabari, III, 5 t above.
333 Unknown elsewhere.
334. Meaning "How many offices are at your disposal?"
335. Probably al-Nawfali; see note 2;, above.

336. Not known elsewhere.

337. One of only three examples of a female narrator in this volume . For the
others, see Afrik, above, p. 60, and Jamrah al-Attirah, below , p. 15 z.

1 4051

1o8 Al- Mansur and al-Mahdi

plaining of a toothache and, when he heard my noise, he said,
"Come in," so I went in and there he was resting his hand on his
temples. He was silent for a while and then he said to me, "0
Khalisah, how much money do you have?" and I replied that I had
a thousand dirhams . He said, "Put your hand on my head and
swear," so I said that I had ten thousand dindrs. He then said,
"Bring them to me," so I returned and went in to al-Mahdi and alKhayzuran338 and told them. Al-Mahdi kicked me with his foot
and said to me, "Why did you go to him? He has no illness, but I
asked him yesterday for money and he pretended to be ill. Take
him the sum you mentioned." I did that and when al-Mahdi came
to him he said, "0 Abu `Abdallah, you were complaining of need,
while Khalisah had all this!!"
According to `Ali b. Muhammad-Wadih, freedman of Abu
Ja`far: Abu Ja`far said one day , "See what worn-out clothes you
have and collect them together and, when you know of the approach of Abu `Abdallah, bring them to me before he enters and
bring rags with them ." I did this and, when al -Mahdi came to
him, he was assessing the value of the rags and al-Mahdi laughed
and said, "0 Commander of the Faithful , people say about this,
'They look after the dinar and the dirham and what is less than
that,"' but he did not say the ddniq.339 Al-Mansur replied, "There
are not new clothes for him who does not mend his worn garment.
This winter has arrived, and we need clothes for the family and
children." Al-Mahdi said, "I will pay for the clothing of the Commander of the Faithful and his family and children ." He said,
"Fine, get on with it."

According to `Ali b. Marthad340 Abu Di`amah the poet14061 Ashja' b. `Amr al- Sulami341-al-Mu'ammil b . Umayl:342 This
338. Mother of al-Hidi and Hirun al -Rashid. Al-Mahdi marned her in 159/
775-76, and she died in 173/789-90.
339. Small copper coin of very little value . This refers to the nickname alMansur was given by the people because of stinginess , i.e., Abu al-Dawiniq.
340. The addendum suggests this name should read Yazid. He is also recorded
as a transmitter of poetry . See Tabari, III, 593.
341. See Aghani, Buliq, XVII, 3oj Beirut, XVIII, 143.
342. B. Usayd al-Muhiribi . For this poet, see Aghani, Buliq, XIX, 147j Beirut,
XXII, :55, where the narrative and the poem are given with minor variations. He
had been a poet in Umayyad times but was attached to al-Mahdi , and it was for
him that his best -known work was done.

The Events of the Year 158 1o9

is also according to `Abdallah b. al-Hasan al -Khwarazmi343-Abu
Qudamah34^-al-Mu'ammil b. Umayl : I came to al -Mahdi, says
Ibn Marthad in his narrative, when he was heir apparent (alKhwarazmi says : I came to him in al-Rayy when he was heir
apparent), and he ordered that I be given twenty thousand dirhams
for some verses in which I praised him. The head of the post
wrote about this to al-Mansur, who was in the City of Peace,
telling him that al-Mahdi had ordered that twenty thousand
dirhams be paid to a poet . Al-Mansur wrote to him reproving and
criticizing him, saying that he needed to give the poet, after he
had remained at his gate for a year , only four thousand dirhams.
According to Abu Qudamah: Al-Mahdi's secretary wrote to me
asking me to send him the poet ; he was sought but could not be
found, so he wrote saying that he had set out for the City of Peace.
Al-Mansur sent one of his commanders to wait at the bridge of
Nahrawan and ordered him to scrutinize the people who were
crossing one by one until he came across al-Mu'ammil. When
he saw him he said, "Who are you ?" and he replied, "I am alMu'ammil b. Umayl, one of the guests of the Prince al-Mahdi."
He said, "You are the one I am looking for," and al -Mu'ammil
said that his heart almost burst for fear of Abu Ja`far . "He seized
me and brought me to the gate of al -Magsurah and handed me
over to al-Rabi`. Al-RabF went in to al-Mansur and said , 'This is
the poet whom we have arrested ,' and he said, 'Bring him in to
me,' so I was brought in to him . I greeted him and he returned the
greeting, and I said to myself, 'There is nothing but good in this.'
He said, 'You are al-Mu'ammil b . Umayl ?' and I said, 'Yes, may
God preserve the Commander of the Faithful .' He said, 'You came
to an inexperienced youth and cheated him ,' and I replied, 'Yes,
may God preserve the Commander of the Faithful, I came to an
inexperienced and generous young man and cheated him and he
allowed himself to be cheated .' That seemed to please him, and
he asked me to recite to him what I said about al-Mahdi . I recited:
He is al-Mahdi, except that in him

is the similarity to the appearance of the shining moon.

343. Called al-Harrini in the Aghani narrative.
344. Possibly Uthmin b. Muhammad, who is recorded twice before in alTabari's History.

1 4071

r Io Al -Mansur and al-Mahdi

The one and the other are similar when they both shine;
they are confusing to the discerning.
One in the dark is the lamp of night;
the other in the day is the lamp of light.
But the Merciful One has preferred one to the other
by giving him pulpits and the throne
And a glorious kingdom . For that one is the Prince;
but the other is neither a prince nor a wazir.
The decline of the month darkens one,
but the other shines at the decline of months.
0 pure son of the caliph of God!
In him the boasting of the boastful overtops.
If you have outstripped the kings, and they come to you
from flat lands and rugged places,
Your father (before you) preceded the kings also, so that
they are left one stumbling and one lagging behind.
You come after him, running swiftly.
There is no weariness in you when you run.
The people say, 'What are these two if not
perfectly suited and competent for the rank?

If the elder comes first he is worthy of his precedence;

he has the virtue of the elder over the younger.
If the younger covers the same distance as the elder had,
the younger was created from the elder.'

1 4081

Al-Mansur said, 'You have done well, but this is not worth
twenty thousand dirhams,' and he continued, 'Where is the
money? ' and I said, 'Here it is.' He said, 'Rabi', go down with him
and and give him four thousand dirhams and take the rest.' AlRabi` went out and he put down my load, weighed out four thousand dirhams for me and took the rest . When the caliphate passed
to al-Mahdi he appointed Ibn Thawban345 to the mazalim. He
used to hold audience for the people in al-Rusafah and, when his
robe was full of notes, he would take them up to al -Mahdi. One
day I took him in a note in which I told my story. When Ibn
Thawban brought them in, al-Mahdi began to look through the
345 Not known elsewhere.

The Events of the Year 15 8 111

notes until, when he saw mine, he laughed and Ibn Thawban said
to him, ' God preserve the Commander of the Faithful , I did not
see you laugh at any of these notes except this one .' He replied, 'I
know the reason behind it; give him back the twenty thousand
dirhams,' so they were returned to me and I left."
According to Wadih , freedman of al-Mansur : One day I was
standing at the head of Abu Ja`far when al- Mahdi came in to him,
wearing a new, black cloak. He gave a greeting, sat down and then
got up to go. Abu Ja `far followed him with his eyes because of his
love for and delight in him. When he was in the middle of the
portico, he stumbled on his sword and tore his black cloak. He got
up and continued on his way unperturbed and unconcerned with
what had happened. Abu Ja`far said, "Bring back Abu `Abdallah,"
so we brought him back to him and he said, "0 Abu `Abdallah, is
it disparaging of gifts or arrogance in prosperity or lack of knowledge of the occasion of misfortune , as if you were ignorant of
what you have and of your responsibilities ?! The position you are
in is a gift from God; if you give thanks to Him for it, He will
increase it for you, and, if you acknowledge that the time of misfortune in it is from Him, He will forgive you ." Al-Mahdi replied,
"May God not shorten your life, 0 Commander of the Faithful, or
your guidance . Praise be to God for His beneficence and I give
God thanks for His gifts and the glorious compensation by His
mercy." Then he left.
According to al `Abbas b. al-Walid b . Mazyad346- NWim b.
Mazyad-al-Wadin b. `Ata': Abu Ja` far wanted me to visit him,
as there had been friendship between him and me before the
(`Abbasid ) caliphate . I went to the City of Peace, and one day
when we were alone together he said to me, "0 Abu Abdallah,
what is your wealth?" and I replied, "The wealth the Commander
of the Faithful knows of," and then he asked, "What is your household?" and I replied, "Three daughters, my wife, and a maidservant for them ." He said, "That is four in your house?" and I
said, "Yes," and, by God, he repeated that to me , so that I thought
that he was going to make me rich . Then he raised his head and
346. AI-Amuli al-Bayruti contributes a number of narratives to the first section
of the History but nothing else in the Umayyad or Abbasid penod . The other two
names in the isndd are unknown.



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

said, "You are the most prosperous of the Arabs with the four
spindles they are turning in your house."
According to Bishr al-Munajjim :347 Abu Ja'far called me one
day at sunset and sent me off on some errand, and when I returned
he lifted the corner of his prayer mat and there was a dinar, and he
said to me, "Take this and keep it," and I have it to this hour.
According to Abu al-Jahm b. `Atiyyah34s-Abu Mugatil alKhurasani : One of his pages let Abu Ja`far know that he had ten
thousand dirhams, and Abu Ja`far took it from him, saying, "This
is my money." The man asked, "How can it be your money? By
God, I was never appointed in any office by you, and there is no
kinship or relationship between you and me ." Abu Ja'far said,
"Yes, you were married to a freedwoman of `Uyaynah b. Musa b.
Ka`b,349 and she bequeathed you some wealth. That man was
disobedient, and he took my money when he was governor of
Sind, and this is part of that money."
According to Mus`ab-Sallam-Abu Harithah al-Nahdi, the
master of the treasury :3'0 Abu Ja`far appointed a man to Barusama, 35i and when his governorship was over the caliph wanted
an excuse for not giving him anything , so he said, "I took you into
my confidence and appointed you to part of the fay'352 of the
Muslims and you have betrayed it," and he replied , "I ask God's
protection against you, 0 Commander of the Faithful; I kept nothing from that office except a little bit of a dirham which I
slipped into my sleeve so as to use it when I go out from you, to
hire a mule to go to my family , and I shall enter my house without
any of the wealth of God or of your wealth," and al-Mansur said,

347. Al-Munajjim means "the astrologer." Not known elsewhere.

348. This isndd poses problems. Abu al-Jahm b. Aliyyah played an important
role in the proclamation of al-Saffih as caliph and is described as his wazir. He
disappears from the record after 137/75 5, but the narrative must date from after
'Uyaynah's rebellion in 142/759-60.
349 He was governor of Sind and rebelled in 142/759-60 but was captured and
executed Isee al-Tabari, III, 138-39; Ya`giibi, Tdrikh, Il, 448).
3 50. Sahib Bayt al-Mal. Nothing seems to he known of this individual or of the
office he held. Nahd were a Yemeni clan, many of whom settled in al Kufah.
351. In the sawdd of Baghdad. See Yiqut, Mu';am, I, 320; Le Strange, Lands, 70,
352. The booty taken in the Islamic conquests, which, it was argued, should be
treated as the common propoerty of the Muslim community as a whole.

The Events of the Year 15 8 113

"I do not doubt that you are telling the truth. Give us our dirham!"
and he took it from him and put it under his skullcap and said,
"You and I are like the protector of Umm `Amir," to which the
man said, "What is the protector of Umm `Amir? " and he told
him the story of the hyena and its protector.353 Al-Mansur only
treated him harshly in order not to give him anything.

According to Mus`ab-Hisham b. Muhammad :354 Qutham b.

al-`Abbas went in to Abu Ja`far and made a request and Abu ja`far
said to him, "Do not bother me with this request of yours. Tell
me why you are called Qutham," and he replied, "By God, 0
Commander of the Faithful , I do not know," and he said, "Qutham
is someone who eats and carries away food . Have you not heard
the words of the poet?
The great ones eat how they wish.
The eating of the little ones is gulping down and carrying
According to Mus`ab-Ibrahim b. Isa : Al-Mansur gave twenty
thousand dirhams to Muhammad b. Sulayman and ten thousand
to his brother Ja`far. Ja`far said, "0 Commander of the Faithful,
you preferred him to me , and I am older than he." He replied, "Do
you think you are similar to him ? Wherever we turn we find some
trace of Muhammad in it and some part of his gifts in our house,
whereas you do not do any of this."
According to Mus`ab-Sawadah b. `Amr al-Sulami- Abd alMalik b. `Ala', one of the courtiers355 of al-Mansur : I heard Ibn
Hubayrah356 saying, when he was giving audience, "I never saw
in battle or heard of in peace a man more crafty, more amazing, or
more alert than al-Mansur . He besieged me in my city for nine
months. I had with me the horsemen of the Arabs,357 and we
353 Freytag, Proverbia, II, 333, explains the reference . The hunted hyena
(Umm Amir) had been protected and fed by an Arab , whom he had subsequently
354 See above, note 271.

355. Sahdbah ; see above, note 143. Neither Sawadah nor Abd al -Malik is recorded elsewhere.
356. Yazid b. 'Omar b . Hubayrah, the last Umayyad governor of Iraq, was
besieged in Wasit by Abu Ja`far and executed after his surrender.
3S7. Fursdn al-Arab, in contrast to the `Abbasid troops, many of whom were




Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

strove with all our might to take advantage of his army and defeat
it, but there was no opportunity . When he began the siege there
was not a white hair on my head; when I surrendered to him there
was not a black one. As the poet al -A`sha says:ass
He stands out in spite of his people.
He forgives, if he wishes, or takes revenge,
The brother of war, with no enfeebling weakness,
who does not wear worn-out sandals."
According to Ibrahim b. `Abd al- Rahman :359 Abu Jafar was
staying with a man called Azhar al-Samman , not the traditionist 360 This was before his caliphate, and, when he succeeded to
the caliphate, Azhar went to him in the City of Peace , and, when
he was admitted, the caliph asked him what he wanted . He replied,
"0 Commander of the Faithful , I have a debt of 4 ,000 dirhams
and my house is falling down , and my son Muhammad wants to
marry." He ordered that he be given i 2,ooo dirhams and said, "0
Azhar, do not come to us making requests," and he agreed. After
a little he returned, and the caliph asked him what had brought
him. He replied, "I came to greet you, 0 Commander of the
Faithful " and he said, "It occurs to me that you have come to us
for the things for which you came to us the first time," and he
ordered him to be given twelve thousand dirhams and said, "0
Azhar, do not come to us making requests or greeting us," and he
agreed. He did not wait long before he returned , and the caliph
asked him what had brought him and he said , "A prayer I heard
from you that I wanted to learn." The caliph replied , "You should
not want it, for it has not been granted because I called on God in
it to spare me from your foolishness , and he has not done so." He
sent him away and did not give him anything.

According to al-Haytham b. `Adi-Ibn `Ayyash : Ibn Hubayrah

sent to al-Mansur when he was besieged in Wasil , and al-Mansur

358. Maymtin b. Qays, ca. 57o-6z5, a well-known blind poet of the pre-Islamic
period from central Arabia; see Aghdni, Buliq , VIII, 77, Beirut, IX, 104; El 2, S.V.

359. Not recorded elsewhere.

360. Probably to distinguish him from Azhar b. Said b. Nifl`, used by alTabari as a source earlier in section III. Sammin means "butter merchant."

The Events of the Year 15 8 115

was confronting him saying , "I will be coming out on such-andsuch a day and meet you in single combat, for I have heard that
you call me coward ." Al-Mansur wrote to him:
0 Ibn Hubayrah, you are a man without self-control and
running in the reins of your sin . God threatens you with
what He tells the truth about, and Satan raises your hopes
with what he lies about and allows the approach of what
God keeps away and gradually things will run their course.
I have found a fable for you and me . I have heard that a
lion met a pig, and the pig said to him, "Fight me," and
the lion replied, "But you are only a pig and you are not a
match or equal for me. When I do what you are asking me
to and I kill you, it will be said to me , 'You killed a pig,'
and I will not gain any reputation or mention from that,
and if I obtain something from you it will be a disgrace
to me," and the pig replied, "If you do not do this, I shall
go back to the other lions and tell them that you have
flinched from me and were too cowardly to fight me," and
the lion said, "Bearing the dishonor of your lies is easier
for me than the shame of staining my mustache with
your blood."
According to Muhammad b. Riyah al-Jawhari:361 Abu Ja'far
was told about the planning of Hisham b. 'Abd al-Ma1ik362 in one
of his wars, so he sent for a man who was with him and settled in
Rusafah Hisham363 to ask him about that war. When he arrived
he said to him, "You were a companion of Hisham?" and he
replied, "Yes, 0 Commander of the Faithful." Al-Mansur went
on, "Tell me about his war, which he handled in the year so-andso." The man said , "He, may God have mercy on him , did suchand-such," and then he went on "he did such-and-such, may God
be pleased with him." Abu Ja'far became annoyed at this and
said, "May God 's wrath come upon you. You tread on my carpet

361. Not recorded elsewhere. Jawhari means "a jeweler."

362. Umayyad caliph, 105-25/724-43.
363. Ancient Sergiopohs, the rums now called al-Ruyafah, south of al-Raqqah
in the Syrian desert, a favorite residence of Hisham . See Yiqut, Mu'tam, m, 47; Le
Strange, Lands, rob.


116 Al- Mansur and al-Mahdi

and ask blessings for my enemy ," and the old man stood up and
said, "Your enemy put a necklace on my neck and favor on my
head that no one will remove except the man who washes my
body when I am dead." Al-Mansur ordered him to return and said,
"Stay. Look, what did you say?" "I said that he saved me from
begging people and protected my face from asking favors . Since I
saw him, I have not stopped at the gate of an Arab or a non-Arab.
Should I not feel obliged to mention him favorably and bestow

141131 my praise on him?" He said, "Yes, what a mother that gave birth
to you and what a night that was disclosed on you! I bear witness
that you are the son of a freeborn mother and of a noble father."
Then he listened to him and ordered that he be given gifts. He
said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, I do not take it out of need
but only so that I may be honored by your generosity and boast of
your gift." Then he took his gift and went out , and al-Mansur
said, "Where in our army is there a man like that? To such a man
favor is recommended, kindness finds its proper place , and the
protected valuables can be given."
According to Hafs b. Ghiyath36a-Ibn `Ayyash: A number of
the people of al-Kufah continued to speak evil of their administrator ( dmil and complain about their governor (amir(365 and
verbally attack their Sultan. This was told to al-Mansur in a report,
and he said to al-RabF, "Go out to those of the people of al-Kufah
who are at the gate and tell them that the Commander of the
Faithful says to them, 'If two of you gather together in a place, I
will shave their heads and their beards and strike their backs so
go to your houses and take care of yourselves ."' Al-Rabi` went
out to them with this message, and Ibn `Ayyash366 said to him,
"0 you who look like `Isa b. Maryam,367 tell the Commander of
364. Al- Nakha`i: qd ii of the Sharqiyyah of Baghdad and later of al-Kufah and
an important traditionist of Hirun 's reign. He is also an occasional source for
section I of the History; see al-Khatib, VIII, i88.
365. It is not clear whether the 'dmil and the amir are two different officials
or whether this duplication is simply for rhetorical effect. For the language of
appointments, see above, note 28.

366. Abdallih b. Ayyish al- Hamdani, d . 158/774-75. He was a member of the

sahdbah of al-Manger and famous for his wit: see al-Khatib, X, 14-16 . He also
appears as a source for both Umayyad and 'Abbisid material and was used by alHaytham b. Adi.
367. Possibly a reference to Qur'dn, XLIII: 61: "And (i si( shall be a Sign for the

The Events of the Year 158


the Faithful from us what you told us from him and say to him,
'By God, 0 Commander of the Faithful , we cannot tolerate beating, but if you want beards shaved.... "' Ibn 'Ayyish was cleanshaven . When al-Mansur was informed, he laughed and said,
"What a really crafty and wicked man!"
According to Masi b. $ilih36A-Muhammad b. 'Uqbah al$aydawi369 Nasr b. Harb, who was in the guard of al-Mansur:
There was brought to me a man from a distant part who had
plotted to undermine the state , so I brought him in to Abu Ja'far
and when he saw him he said , "Are you Asbagh ? i37O and he said,
"Yes, 0 Commander of the Faithful ," so the caliph continued,
"Woe to you . Did I not free you and do good to you ?" and he said,
"Yes." "And you have striven to destroy my state and undermine
my rule," and he said, "I have done wrong, and forgiveness is more
becoming for the Commander of the Faithful ." Abu Ja'far called
'Umarah'371 who was present, and said to him , "O 'Umarah, this
is Asbagh ."'Umarah started to gaze intently into my face because
he had evil in his eyes and said , "Yes, 0 Commander of the Faithful," and al-Mansur said, "Bring me the purse that contains my
('ata')," and so the purse was brought and there were five hundred
dirhams in it, and he said, "Take it. It is pure silver, woe to you!
Go to your work," and he pointed with his hand and moved it.
'Umarah said , "I asked Asbagh what the Commander of the
Faithful meant and he replied, 'When I was a young man, I made
ropes and he used to eat from my earnings."372
Nasr said : Then he was brought again, and I took him in as I
had before and, when he stood before him, he stared at him and
said, "ASbagh !" and he replied, "Yes, 0 Commander of the Faithful," and he told him what he did to him and reminded him of it,

coming of the Hour of judgment ; therefore have no doubt about the Hour but
follow ye Me, this is a Straight Way," but it may be that IbnAyyish is insinuating
that al-Rabi`-like 'Isa-had no father.
; 68. Probably the traditionist Musa b. $ilih b. Shaykh, d. 257/871 (al-Khatib,
XIII, 42-4;1. He appears again as a narrator ; see al-Tabari, III, 589

369. $aydawi means from Sidon (Saydi ) in Lebanon Not known elsewhere.
370. No further information seems to be known about him.
371. B. Hamzah; see note 214, above.
372. That is, during Abu ja'far 's wanderings before the Abbislds came to

31118 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

and he admitted it and said, "Stupidity, 0 Commander of the
Faithful," so he brought him forward and cut off his head.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Nawfali-his
father: The dye used by al-Mansur was saffron , and that was
because his hair was soft and would not take dye. His beard was
thin and I saw him in the pulpit, preaching and weeping, and the
tears hastened down his beard and dripped because of its softness
and thinness.

1 4IS1

Ibrahim b. `Abd al-Salim, son of the brother of al-Sindi b. Shahik

-al-Sindi :373 Al-Mansur captured one of the great men of the
Banu Umayyah and said , "I will ask you something and, if you
tell me the truth, you will be safe ." The man agreed and al-Mansur
asked, "What happened to the Banu Umayyah that their affairs
fell into disorder?" He said, "Neglecting information ." Then he
asked, "What sort of wealth did they find most useful?" and he
said, "Jewels." He asked, "Among what people did they find most
loyalty?" and he replied, "Their freedmen." Al-Mansur wanted to
ask for help from members of his family in gathering information,
but then he said, "I would diminish their status ," and he sought
help from his freedmen.
According to All b. Muhammad al-Hashimi -his father, Muhammad b. Sulayman: I was told that al -Mansur took medicine
on a very cold winter day and I went to him to ask him about the
effect of the medicine on him . I was admitted by an entrance to
the palace I had never been in before . Then I went into a little
enclosure with one room in it and a portico in front of it, at the
edge of the house and the courtyard, supported on teak columns.
Over the front of the portico , curtains (bawdri ) were hanging, as
they do in mosques 374 I went in and in the room was a coarse
carpet and nothing else except his mattress , his pillows, and his
blankets, and I said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, this room is
not worthy of you," and he replied, "0 my uncle, this is the room

373. A mewls (freedman ) of al-Manyur, who became a powerful figure in the

reigns of Hirnn and al -Amin. He died in 204/819 (Crone, Slaves, 194-95 ). Ibrahim
b. 'Abd al-Salim is recorded (see al-Tabari, III, 5 8o) as transmitter of another story
from al-Sindi, this time about the caliph al-Midi.
374. The architectural vocabulary is interesting here. Huiayrah is the word I
have translated as "little enclosure," bayt as "room," dwdq as "portico."

The Events of the Year z 5 8 119

I sleep in," and I asked if there was anything more than what I
saw, and he said, "There is only what you see."
According to 'All b. Muhammad al-Hashimi : I heard him say
on the authority of someone who spoke on the authority of Ja'far
b. Muhammad who said that it was said that Abu Ja'far was
accustomed to wear a ragged Harawi jubbah375 and that he patched
his shirt, and Ja'far said, "Thanks be to God, Who favored him by
afflicting him with poverty on his person," or he said, "With
poverty in his power."
He said that his father told him: Al-Mansur never appointed
someone to an official post and then dismissed him without
throwing him in the house of Khalid al-Batin ( the fat), which was
on the bank of the Tigris adjoining the house of $alih alMiskin,376 to extract money from the dismissed man. He ordered
that everything that was taken should be inscribed with the name
of the man from whom it had been taken and deposited in a
treasury that he called the treasury of the mazdlim 377 The quantity of money and goods in that treasury became enormous. Then
he said to al-Mahdi, "I have given you something with which you
can please the people and not spend any of your own money.
When I am dead, summon those from whom I have taken this
wealth that I have called the mazdlim and return it to them just
as it was taken from them , and you will earn their praise and that
of the people," and al-Mahdi did that when he succeeded.
According to All b. Muhammad: Al-Mansur appointed 'Abdallah b. Sulayman b. Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Muttalib b. Rabi'ah b.
al-Harith as governor of Balgai378 and then dismissed him and
375. For iubbah, see note 319, above. Harawi means that it was made in Herat,

376. Khalid is otherwise unknown. $alih al-Miskin ("the poor," apparently

because of his ascetic life style) was a son of al-Manger. For this palace, see Le
Strange, Baghdad, to8.
377. Ma;dhm means "complaints" and was the name given to the court where
people could complain about government injustice.
378. 1 have accepted the reading of this name proposed by Houtsma, editor of
the Leiden edition. The two manuscripts on which this portion of the text is
based-Koprulii 1040 and Berlin-give different versions, but the editor has retrieved the correct form from Ya 'qubi and Ibn al-Athir; see p. 416 n. a. This may
be another version of the incidents related below , pp 207 and x18 , where Abdallih
is appointed to Yemen and dismissed and arrested by al-Mahdi. Balgi' is in modern
Jordan near Amman. See Yiqut, MOM, 489; Le Strange, Palestine, 34-35


Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

ordered that he should be brought to him with the wealth that

was found on him . He was taken by the postal service along with
two thousand dinars, which were carried by the post with his
luggage, which consisted of a Susanjird prayer rug,379 a quilt,
bedding, two cushions, a bowl and an ewer , and an alkali holder3s
made of copper. He found it all together with his equipment, but
the baggage was worn out, so he took the two thousand dinars but
was ashamed to take the baggage and said, "I do not recognize it,"
and left it. Later al-Mahdi appointed him governor of the Yemen
and al-Rashid appointed his son, called Rabra,311 to Medina.


According to Ahmad b. al-Haytham b. Ja'far b. Sulayman b.

'Ali382-$abbih b. Khigan: I was with Abu Ja'far when the head
of Ibrahim b. 'Abdallah b . Hasan was brought.3e3 It was put in
front of him on a shield. One of the executioners leaned over it
and spat in its face, and Abu Ja'far stared at him hard and said to
me, "Strike his nose." I struck his nose with a staff such a blow
that you could not find his nose for a thousand dinars . Then the
staffs of the guard began on him, and he was pounded by them
until he became unconscious and he was dragged out by the feet.
According to al-ASma' 1384-Ja'far b. Sulayman: Ash'ab3gs
came to Baghdad in the days of Abu Ja'far and he was surrounded
by the young men of Banu Hashim and he sang to them and, when
his songs were moving and his voice was (as good ) as ever, Ja'far
said to him, "Who composed this poem?

379. Siisanlird textiles were produced at Qurqub in Khuzistan . See Le Strange,

Lands, x41.

380. Ushndnddnah , for holding the ashes of glasswort used for cleaning the
;81. Houtsma, citing ibn al-Athir, VI, 147, establishes that his true name was
Muhammad. The reading of Rabra is uncertain , and the editor )Addendum, ncLIv)
suggests Zira as a possible alternative. The significance of the name, which is
described as a laqab, or title, is quite unclear to me.
; 8z. A grandson of al-Mansur 's cousin Ja'far b. Sulayman (see note 35, above).
He contributes one other anecdote, below, p. ooo.

3 83. The Alid rebel killed in 145/763.

384. Abd al -Malik b. Qarib al-Nahwi, d. 2.10/8:5-86, a well-known grammarian and historian who was originally from al -Basrah but came to Baghdad
in Harun's reign. He contributes occasional information on the Umayyads and
Abbasids to al-Tabari 's History; see Ell, s.v. "al-ASma'L"
385. Ash'ab b. Jubayr, d. after 154/771, a famous singer of the early Abbasid
court. See Aghdni, Bulaq, XVII, 83 ; Beirut, XIX, 69.

The Events of the Year 158 i z r

Whose are the traces of the camp at Dhat al-Jaysh , which became
obliterated and worn out?
They (the women on the riding camels ) were out in the open
desert, and the grief-stricken passed a sleepless night."

He replied, I took the song from Ma`bad.3116 I used to take melodies from him and if he was asked for it he would say, 'Go to
Ash'ab, for he has a better rendering of it than I."'
According to al-Asma` i-Ja`far b. Sulayman: Ash`ab said to
his son 'Ubaydah "I think that I will expel you from my house
and banish you," and he asked, "Why, 0 Father ?" and his father
replied, "I am the best of God's creatures in earning a loaf of
bread, and you are my son and you have reached this age of maturity and you are still in my household and have not earned
anything ." His son said, "I do earn, but I am like the banana tree
that does not bear fruit until its mother dies."
According to `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Hashimi-his
father Muhammad: The Sasanians used to cover the roofs of their
houses with clay in the summer every day and the king had his
siesta there. Stems of canes and willows, long and thick, were
brought and put together closely around the house. Large pieces
of ice were brought and put in the spaces between them. The
Umayyads did the same, and al -Mansur was the first to use sackcloth.
Some people say that at the beginning of his caliphate al-Mansur
made a clay house for himself in which to take his siesta in the
summer. Abu Ayyub al-Khuzi brought heavy cloths for him,
which were dampened and placed on a wooden framework, and
he enjoyed its cold and said, "I reckon that if you took thicker
cloths than these, they would hold more water and would be
colder." So he took sackcloth, and it was made into a dome for
him. Then the caliphs after him took woven palm leaves , and the
people did likewise.387
386. Two famous singers of this name are known - Ma'bad b. Wahb, who was
well known in the Umayyad court of Damascus in the reign of al-Walid b. Yazid,
d. t26 /744, and Ma'bad al-Yaqtini, who appeared at court in Hiran's reign and
was attached to the Barmakids ; it is difficult to link either of these chronologically
to Ash'ab. See Aghdni, Bali% 1, i9 XII, z68; Beirut, 1, 47, XIV, no.

387. For a discussion of these methods of cooling , see Ahsan, Social Life, z 8z- 83.

1 4 181



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

According to `Ali b. Muhammad-his father: There was a man

of the Rawandiyyah called al-Ablaq (piebald), who was a leper,
and he preached extremism3es and called men to the Rawandiyyah,
alleging that the spirit that was in Jesus , son of Mary, passed
to `Ali b. Abi Talib and then to the Imams , one after the other,
to Ibrahim b. Muhammad,389 and that they were gods. These
Rawandiyyah made the forbidden lawful to the extent that a man
of them summoned a group of them to his house , fed them, gave
them drink, and offered them his wife. News of this reached Asad
b. Abdallah,390 and he killed them and crucified them, but this
still continues among them to the present day. They worshiped
Abu Ja'far al-Mansur, and they climbed up to the Khadra'3s1 and
threw themselves off as if they could fly. A group of them attacked
the people with arms and began shouting for Abu Ja'far, "You,
you!" He went out against them in person to fight them, and
they continued to say, "You, you!" while they were fighting.
He said: It was told to us on the authority of one of our shaykhs
that he watched the group of the Rawandiyyah throwing themselves off the Khadra' as if they were flying, and none of them
reached the ground without being broken in pieces and his soul
going out.
According to Ahmad b. Thabit 392 the freedman of Muhammad
b. Sulayman b. `Ali-his father: When Abdallih b. 'Ali was
hiding from al -Manur in al-Barah with Sulayman b. 'Ali,393 he
looked out one day, and there were with him a number of his
freedmen and a freedman of Sulayman b. `Ali, and he saw a man
of beauty and perfection walking haughtily394 and dragging his

388. Ghuluww, meaning extremely heterodox ideas that often included, as

here, ideas of the transmigration of souls.
389. Brother of al-Saffa}3 and al-Manger , killed by the Umayyads immediately
before the Abbasid Revolution and often referred to as Ibrahim al-Imam.
39o. Al-Qasri, Umayyad governor of Khurisan , 116-19/734-37. See Crone,
Slaves, 102; and Ell, s.v. "Arad b. Abdallih."
391. The name given to al-Manyur 's palace in the Round City in Baghdad
because of its green dome. Le Strange, Baghdad, 31-33.

392.. Not known elsewhere.

393. After his abortive rebellion against al-Mangur , 'Abdallih b. Ali took refuge
with his brother Sulayman , who was at that time governor of al-Bagrah.
394. Khaja 'a is a kind of walk in which a man pushes his buttocks backward
and goes on slowly and haughtily.

The Events of the Year 15 8 123

long clothes as a sign of pride. He turned to the freedman of
Sulayman b . `Ali and asked him who it was, and he replied that it
was so-and-so, son of so-and-so the Umayyad. `Abdallih flew into
a rage and clapped his hands in amazement and said, "There is
still a hillock in our road," and he ordered one of his freedmen to
go down and bring him his head . He found a simile in the words of

Why and wherefore do we neglect Abd Shams,396

having a bleat in every flock?
It would not redeem the tomb in Harrin,397
even if it were killed in its entirety.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad al-Madi'ini: After the defeat
of `Abdallih b. `Ali and his capture by al-Mansur and his imprisonment in Baghdad, a delegation of the people of Syria398 came to
Abu Ja'far al-Mansur, among them al-Hirith b. `Abd al-Rahmin.
A number of them stood up and made their speeches, and then
al-Hirith b. `Abd al-Rahmin399 stood up and said, "May God
protect the Commander of the Faithful. We are not a delegation of
boasting but a delegation of repentance . We were put to the test in
the revolt that stirred up our noble and carried away our prudent.
We confess what we have done and seek pardon for our previous
deeds. If you punish us, it is for the crimes we have committed,
and, if you forgive us, it is because of your generosity to us.
Forgive us since you have the power ; give us an amnesty since
you are able. Do good when you have been victorious and you
have always been doing good." Abu Ja'far said, "It is done."

395 Sudayf b. Maymun, see Aghdni, Buliq, XIV, 162., Beirut, XVI, 86. A Hi;izi
poet of Umayyad times who was a partisan of the Banu Hishim and forced into
hiding. He survived into the Abbisid period. This is the only citation of this poet
in al-Tabari 's History.

396. The ancestor of the Umayyads and brother to Hishim , ancestor of the
Abbisids and Alids.
397. Near Edessa (modern Urfa ) just north of the Turkish-Synan frontier. Marwin, the last Umayyad caliph, had made it his capital. Yiqut , Mu'jam, II, 2.35,
quotes a parallel verse that makes it clear that the tomb referred to is that of the
'Abbisid Ibrihim al-Imim.
398. Abdallih b. Ali had received most of his support from the people of
Syria; see Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate, 58-61.

399 Al -Harashi, nothing more is known of him.



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

According to al-Haytham b. 'Adi-Zayd, freedman of `Isa b.

Nahik:400 Al-Mansur called me after the death of my master and
said, "0 Zayd," and I said, "Your servant, 0 Commander of the
Faithful," and he continued, "How much money did Abu Zayd
leave?" and I replied that it was about a thousand dinars, and then
he asked, "Where is it?" and I said that his widow had spent it on
his funeral, and he was surprised at that and said, "The widow
spent a thousand dindrs on his funeral. I am amazed at this."
Then he asked, "How many daughters did he leave?" and I said
that there were six, and he bowed his head in silence for a long
time. Then he looked up and said, "Go in the morning to alMahdi's gate." I went and I was asked if I had a mule with me and
I replied that I had not been provided with that or with anything
else and that I did not know why I had been summoned. I was
given one hundred and eighty thousand dindrs and ordered to give
each of 'Isa's daughters thirty thousand dinars. AI-Mansur summoned me and asked me, "Have you collected what we ordered
for the daughters of Abu Zayd?" and I replied, "Yes, 0 Commander of the Faithful," and he said, "In the morning bring to me
those who are of suitable rank so that I can marry them to those
men." I brought him three of the children of al 'Akki and three of
the family of Nahik, their paternal cousins, and he married each
of them off with a dowry of thirty thousand dirhams and ordered
that their dowries should be brought to them from his own money.
He told me to use the money he had ordered to buy estates for
them to provide an income for them, so I did that.

1 4 211 1

According to al-Haytham: In one day Abu Ja'far distributed to a

group of his family ten million dirhams, and he ordered that a
single one of his paternal uncles be given one million. We do not
know of any caliph before him or any caliph after him who conferred that on a single person.
According to al `Abbas b. al-Fadl: Al-Mansur ordered that his

400. Al- Akki. His brother'Uthmin had been an early supporter of the Abbisids
in Khurasin and was one of Abii Muslim's assassins. He had become head of alMangiir's guard, but the Riwandiyyah, who held him to be the spirit of Adam
incarnate, had killed him in their revolt . 'Isa succeeded him in command of the
guard until his death, probably in the 140s. The point of the story is to show Abu
la'far's concern for a family that had served him well (see Crone, Slaves, i89).

The Events of the Year 158 125

paternal uncles Sulayman, 'Isa, $alih, and Isma'il, sons of 'Ali b.
'Abdallah b. 'Abbas, should each be given a million as their salary
from the treasury. He was the first caliph to give a million from
the treasury and it was put into effect in the diwans.40'

According to Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Mawsili402-al-Fall b. alRabi'-his father: Abi3 Ja'far al-Manur held a public audience
for the people of Medina in Baghdad, a number of whom had come
on a delegation to him. He said, "Let every one of you who come
into me give his genealogy." One of those who came in was a
young man of the descendants of 'Amr b. Hazm, who gave his
genealogy403 and then said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, alAhwas recited a poem about us and we were deprived of our
wealth sixty years ago because of it." Abu Ja'far told him to recite
it so he recited:
Do not be moved with pity for a Hazmi if you see
poverty in him or even if the Hazmi has been thrown into the
Those who pricked the mule of Marwan, at Dhu Khushub4O4
the invaders of 'Uthmin's house. 405
He continued, "The poem is in praise of al-Walid b. 'Abd alMalik,' and he had him recite the qasidah and, when he reached
this point, al-Walid said, 'You have reminded me of the sin of the
family of Hazm,' and he ordered the confiscation of their wealth."
Abu Ja'far asked him to recite the poem to him again, and he
repeated it three times, and Abu Ja'far said, "Certainly you will
401. That is to say that it was registered in the diwans , where official salaries
were listed ; the implication is that these were regular payments, not one-time

402. Perhaps the most famous of the singers of the early Abbasid court. He
succeeded his father, who died in 188/804, at the cultural center of the Abbasid
court. See Aghdni, Buliq, V, 52; Beirut, V, 242 ; Ell, s.v. "isbit b. Ibrihim alMawgili."
403. He was a descendant of Amr b. Hazm al-Anliri, a companion of the
Prophet. The family supported 'Ali's claim to the caliphate, hence its members'
attacks on the Umayyads Marwin and 'Uthmin, their punishment by the Umayyad
caliph al-Walid, and the restoration of their properties by Abu ja'far.
404. A valley one night 's journey from Medina (Yiqut, Mu'lam, II, 372).

405. The assailants who attacked the caliph 'Uthman in his house in Medina
and killed him in 35/656.
406. Umayyad caliph, 86-96/705-15.

1 12.6 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

be made fortunate by this poem as you were deprived by it." Then
he said to Abu Ayyiib,407 "Bring ten thousand dirhams and give
them to him because of his singing it to us." Then he ordered him
to write to his officials instructing them to return the estates of
the family of Hazm to them ^ and to give them their rents every
year from the estates of the Umayyad family and that their
wealth be divided up between them according to the Book of God
in succession and, whenever any of them died, his heirs would be
1422] safeguarded . The young man left with what no one had left with
According to Ja`far b. Ahmad b. Yahya-Ahmad b. Asad:4O8 AlMansur delayed going out to the people and riding, and people
said that he was ill and they made much of that . Al-Rabi` went in
to him and said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, may the Commander of the Faithful live long, the people are talking," and he
asked what they were saying and al-Rabi` replied that they were
saying that he was ill . He bowed his head in silence for a bit and
then he said, "0 al-Rabi`, what do the common people want with
me? The common people only need three things . If they are done
for them, what more do they need ? If I appoint someone for them
to supervise their administration, do justice among them, make
their roads safe so that they have no fear by night or day, and
defend their frontiers and borders so that their enemies do not
attack them, I have done that for them ." He stayed for some days
and then he said, "0 Rabi`, beat the drum," and he rode out so
that the people saw him.

According to All b. Muhammad-his father: Abu Ja`far sent

Muhammad b. Abi al `Abbas with the Manichaeans and the dissolutes,409 among them Hammad 'Ajrad.410 They stayed with
him in al-Basrah, and the dissolutes ' profligacy became obvious.
He wished to do that only to make him hateful to the people.
Muhammad revealed that he loved Zaynab, the daughter of Sulayman b. `Ali, and he used to ride each day to the Mirbad , preoccupied
407. Al-Muryini, his wazir; see above, note 169 . This story can be dated before
Abu Ayyctb's fall in 153/770.

408. Neither of these is recorded elsewhere.

4o9. AI-zanddigah wa-al-muilan (plural of main (. Hammad 'Alrad was of the
second group.
V o. Aghdni, BUliq, XIII, 73; Beirut, XIV, 304.

The Events of the Year 15 8 127

with her and hoping that she would be in some vantage point
looking at him. He asked Hammid to compose a poem about her,
and he made some verses in which he said about her:

O dweller in the Mirbad, you have stirred up in me

a longing so that I am not separated from the Mirbad.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad-his father: Al-Mansur was
staying with my father for two years, and I knew al-Khasib the
doctor because of the number of times he came to him. Al-Khasib
pretended to be a Christian, but he was an atheist Manichaean411
who had no scruples about killing. Al-Mansur sent a messenger to
him ordering him to put his mind to the killing of Muhammad b.
Abi al-Abbis. 412 He prepared a deadly poison and waited for an
illness to afflict Muhammad . He discovered a fever, and al-Khasib
said to him, "Take this drink of medicine," and he replied, "Prepare it for me," so he prepared it for him and put the poison in it
and gave it to him to drink and he died from it. Muhammad b.
Abi al=Abbas' mother wrote to al-Mansur about it and informed
him that al -Khasib had killed her son . Al-Mansur wrote ordering
that he should be brought to him and, when he arrived, he gave
him thirty light strokes of the whip and imprisoned him for some
days. Then he gave him three hundred dirhams and released him.
According WAR b. Muhammad-his father : Al-Mansur promised to Umm Musa al -Himyariyyah413 that he would not marry
anyone in addition to her or take a concubine, and she obtained
that in writing from him and had him confirm it and had it
witnessed . He remained faithful to her alone for ten years of his
rule, and he wrote to fagih414 after faqih of the people of al-Hijiz
seeking a legal opinion on it . A fagih from the people of al-Hijaz
and from the people of Iraq was brought to him, and he showed
him the document so that he could give a legal opinion on annulling it. When Umm Musa knew about his position . she hastened
411. Zindiq mualfil. Al-Khagib is not mentioned elsewhere.
412. He died in 147/764-5 (see above, p. 39(. It is not clear why al -Man$ur
should have sought his death , but he may have feared him because Mukiammad
was the son of al-Saffih, the previous caliph and al-Manger 's brother.

413. Arwa bt . Manger. He marred her before becoming caliph . It is not known
when she died.
414. Authority on religious law.


1128 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

to him and sent him a large sum of money . When Abu Ja`far
showed the document to him, he gave the opinion that it could
not be annulled until she died after ten years of his rule in Baghdad.
He heard of her death in Hulwan,415 and that night he was given a
hundred virgins . Umm Musa bore him Ja'far and al -Mahdi.

1 4 24 1

It was said on the authority of `Ali b . Ja`d:416 When Bukhtishu`

the Elder417 came to al-Mansur from Sus,418 he came in to his
palace by the Golden Gate in Baghdad. He ordered food for him to
have lunch and, when the table was put in front of him , he asked
for wine and he was told that wine was not drunk at the table of
the Commander of the Faithful , and he replied that he would not
eat food without wine . Al-Mansur was told about this and ordered
that it be called for. When it was dinner time he did the same
thing and asked for wine, and he was told that wine was not
drunk at the table of the Commander of the Faithful. He ate
dinner and drank the water of Tigris . The next morning he looked
at his water and said, "I did not think that anything would compensate for wine, but this Tigris water does compensate for wine."
He mentioned on the authority of Yahya b. al-Hasan419-his
father: Al-Mansur wrote to his governor in Medina , "Sell the
fruits of the estates and do not sell them to anyone except those
whom we can get the better of and not to those who get the better
of us . Only the bankrupt with no money, who does not fear our
punishment, gets the better of us and takes what we have for
himself. Even if he offers you a good price, perhaps you should sell
it below that to he who is able to deal justly with you and pay you
in full."

According to Abu Bakr al-Hudhali : Abu Ja`far used to say, "It is

not man who is done a favor and who forgets it before death."
According to al-Fadl b. al-Rabi': I heard al-Mansur say that the
415. On the road from Baghdad to the Iranian plateau, at the foot of the Zagros
mountains. See Yiqut, Mu'jam, II, :90-91; Le Strange, Lands, 191.
416. Al-Jawhari, d. 230/845, a traditionist who contributed just three reports to
the Abbisid section of al-Tabari's History. See al -Khatib, XI, 36o-66.
417. Famous physician , father of ribra it b. Bukhtishu ` and grandfather of
Bukhtishu` the Younger.

418. Ancient Susa, in Khuzistin, southwestern Iran. See Yiqut , Mu'lam, III,
z8o-8i ; Le Strange, Lands, 240.
419. Yahyi b. al-Hasan b . Abd al-Khiliq, maternal uncle of al-Fa1 b . al-Rabi'.

The Events of the Year 158 1129

Arabs say, "Oppressive thirst is better than shameful quenching
of thirst."

He mentioned on the authority of Abin b . Yazid al- Anbarial-Haytham al-Qari ' al-Basri :42O He read in the presence of alMansur, "Squander not in the manner of a spendthrift, X421 to the
end of the verse, and al-Mansur said to him and started praying,
"God preserve me and my son from squandering the gifts that.
You have bestowed on us! " Al-Haytham read to him, "Those who
are niggardly or enjoin niggardliness on others . ,422 He said to the
people, "If it were not that wealth is the fortress of authority and
the pillar of the Faith and of this world and the glory and ornament 1 4 251
of them, I would not pass a night retaining a dinar of it nor a
dirham because of the pleasure I find in expending wealth and
because of the reward I know lies in giving it away."
A learned man entered to al-Mansur, and he thought little of
him and he fixed him with his eyes disdainfully , but he did not
ask him any questions he did not know the answer to. He said to
him, "Where did you get all this knowledge ?" and he replied, "I
am not stingy with the knowledge I have learned, and I am not
ashamed to learn," and he said, "From there." He said: Al-Mansur
often used to say, " Whoever acts without organization," or he
said, "Whoever acts from lack of organization will not lack
mockery or scorn from the people."
According to Qahtabah: 423 I heard a1-Mansur say that kings
will put up with anything from their intimates except three things,
giving away of secrets, interfering in what is inviolate, and slandering the king.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad : Al-Mansur used to say, "Your
secret is of your life blood , so take care whom you entrust it

According to al-Zubayr b. Bakkar-Umar: When `Abd al-

420. Neither of these sources is known elsewhere. Ai-Qari means "the (Qur'an)
421. Qur'an, XVII: 26.
422. Qur'an, IV: 37.

423. B. Ghadanah al -(ushami. These are the only two occasions al-Tabari uses
him as a source.
424. Or "Do not pour it out"; Freytag, Proverbia, III, 222.

130 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Jabbar b. `Abd al-Rahman al -Azdi425 was brought before al-Mansur

after his rebellion against him he said, "0 Commander of the
Faithful, a generous execution," and he replied, "You are too late
for that, 0 son of fornication."
According to `Umar b. Shabbah-Qahtabah b. Ghudanah alJushami, who was one of the caliph's courtiers (sahabah ): I heard
Abu Ja`far al-Mansur give the sermon in the City of Peace in the
year 1521769, and he said, "0 servants of God, do not do each
other wrong, for that will be counted as a sin on the day of Resurrection. By God, were it not for the sinning hand and the wrongdoing injustice of the criminal, I would walk among you in your
markets and, if I knew where there was a man more worthy of
this authority than I, I would bring him so that I could hand it
over to him."
According to Ishaq al-Mawsili-al-Nadr b. Hadid : 426 One of the
(426) courtiers told me that al-Mansur used to say, "The punishment of
the intelligent man is a hint, and the punishment of the fool is a
According to Ahmad b. Khalid-Yahya b. Abi Nasr al-Qurashi:427 Aban al-Qari ' ( the Qur'an reader) read in the presence of alMansur the verse, "Make not thy hand tied ( like a niggard's) to
thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach (so that thou
become blameworthy and destitute ), i428 and al-Mansur said,
"What is better than the teachings of our Lord?"
He said : Al-Mansur said, "He who does a favor the like of which
has been done to him has paid his due, and he who does double
has thanked and he who thanks is noble. He who knew that he
did something only for himself does not consider the people slow
in gratitude and does not ask for an increase in their friendship
toward him . So do not ask from others thanks for that which you
have done for yourself and by which you protected your honor.
Know that the man who asks you to fulfill a need for him does not

425. Governor of Khurasin, who rebelled in 140/757-85. Kennedy, Abbasid

Caliphate, 1803 Daniel, Khurdsdn, 159-62; Crone , Slaves, 173-74.
426. Not recorded elsewhere.
427. Not recorded elsewhere.
428. Qur'dn, XVII: 29.

The Events of the Year 15 8


honor his own face to the exclusion of your face, so honor your
own face rather than rejecting him."
According to 'Umar b. Shabbah-Muhammad b. 'Abd alWahhab al-Muhallabi:429 I heard Ishaq b. 'Isa saying, "There was
none of the Banu al=Abbi s who could speak and be spontaneously
eloquent except Abu Ja'far, Dawud b. 'Ali,430 and al-Abbas b.

According to Ahmad b. Khalid-Ismail b. Ibrahim al-Fihri:431

Al-Mansur preached in Baghdad on the Day of 'Arafat, though
some said he preached on the Day of Mina, 432 and said in his
sermon, "I am only the authority of God in His earth, and I govern
you through His guidance and His direction to what is right. I am
His treasurer in charge of the fay',433 and I work according to His
will and divide it according to His wish and give it with His
permission. God has appointed me over it as a lock; if He wants to
open me for your salaries and divide your fay' and allowances, He
will do so and if He wants to close me up, He will close me up. So
make your requests to God, 0 people, and ask Him on this noble
day on which He has given you His favor as He has made known
to you in His book when He, Blessed and Exalted, says, 'This day 4271
have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon
you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion, r434 so that
He can make me successful in good conduct and direct me to
the right way and inspire me with mercy and goodness toward
you and open me up to giving your salaries and distributing your
allowances with justice to you, for He is all-hearing and near."
According to Dawud b. Rashid"-his father: Al-Manur
preached and he said, "Praise be to God . I praise Him and ask His

429. Not known elsewhere.

430. Eldest of the surviving Banu Ali, paternal uncles of al -Manyur, at the time
of the Abbasid revolution . He delivered the main speech at the inauguration of alSaffali as caliph and was the first Abbasid governor of al-Kufah . He died in 133/
751 as governor of Mecca (see al-Tabari, III, 30-33, 37, 72).

431. Not recorded elsewhere.

432. During the Ha;j, or pilgrimage month.
433. For fay ', see above, note 3S2.
434. Qur'dn, V: 3.

435. Not recorded elsewhere, this is the first of a small group of stones in
which Abu la'far confronts hecklers in the mosque.

13 2 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

help; I have faith in Him and put my trust in Him. I bear witness
that there is no God but Him alone without any partner." Then
a man on his right hand interrupted and said, "0 man, let me
remind you Whom you are reminding us about." Al-Mansur
stopped the sermon and said, "All listening, all listening to the
one who keeps God's instructions and reminds of Him. God save
me from being a stubborn tyrant or getting proud by sins. In that
case I have gone astray, and I am not one of the rightly guided.
And you, 0 speaker, by God, you do not seek the way of God but
rather you want it to be said, 'He stood up and spoke and was
punished and he bore it bravely.' How easy it would have been,
woe to you! if I wanted to. Take his opportunity for forgiveness.
Beware both you and you all, 0 gathering of the people, of a
similar attempt. Indeed wisdom has descended on us and goes out
from us, so return authority to its people, sent it back to its place
of origin, and despatch it to its sources." Then he returned to his
sermon as if he were reading it from the palm of his hand and said,
"I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Prophet."


It was reported on the authority of Abu Tawbah al-Rabi' b.

Nafi`-Ibn Abi al-Jawza':436 I stood up before Abu Ja`far when he
was preaching in Baghdad in the city mosque on the pulpit, and I
recited, "0 ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not? "437
I was brought in to him, and he said, "Who are you, woe to you?
You wanted only that I should kill you. Go away from me so that
I do not see you." So I went out from his presence safely.
According to `Isa b. `Abdallah b. Humayd-Ibrahim b. Isa:431
Abu Ja`far al-Mansur was preaching in this mosque, referring to
the city mosque in Baghdad, and, when he reached "Fear God as
he should be feared, X439 a man stood up before him and said,
"And you, `Abdallah, fear God as he should be feared." Abu Jafar
broke off his sermon and said, "All listening, all listening to one
who calls attention to God. Come on, O `Abdallah (Slave of God),
what is the fear of God?" The man was silenced and did not say a

436. Neither of these two is recorded elsewhere.

437. Qur'dn, LXI: 2.
438. Ibrahim b. `Isa b. a1-Mangur, who is used by al-Tabari on several occasions.
`Isa b. Abdallah is not known elsewhere.

439. Qur' dn, III: iox.

The Events of the Year 158 133

thing, and Abu Ja`far went on, "God, God! Oh people, do not
impose on us those of your affairs that you are unable to undertake. A man does not stand up in this way without my injuring
his back and giving him a long term of imprisonment ." Then he
ordered Rabi' to arrest him. We were confident that he would
escape, for it was a sign that he intended to harm a man if he said,
"Arrest him, Musayyab.i440
Then he resumed his sermon at the place he had stopped it, and
the people approved of what he had done . When he had finished
the prayers, he entered the palace, and `Isa b. Musa began to walk
behind him as was his custom . Abu Ja`far heard him and said,
"Abu Musa," and he said, "Yes 0 Commander of the Faithful?"
and the caliph continued, "I think you are afraid what I will do to
this man," and he replied, "Something like that was in my mind,
but the the Commander of the Faithful is too learned and has too
lofty an opinion to do anything unjust about his case ," and he
said, "Do not be afraid for him." When the caliph had sat down,
he ordered that the man should be brought to him and when he
arrived he said, "0 you, when you saw me on the pulpit you said,
'This is the tyrant. I cannot refrain from arguing with him.' It
would be better for you if you occupied yourself with something
else, so occupy yourself with the thirst of the heat of the day, with
staying up all night, and with getting your feet dusty in the path
of God. Give him, 0 Rabi', four hundred dirhams. Go away and
do not come back."
According to `Abdallah b. $a`id ,441 freedman of the Commander of the Faithful : AI-Mangur went on the pilgrimage after
he had built Baghdad,442 and he stood up to preach in Mecca and
among his words that were preserved were, "'Before this We wrote
in the Psalms after the message (given to Moses) : "My servants,
the righteous shall inherit the earth." A43 This is a firmly established matter, a just word, and a decisive judgment . Praise be to
God who makes His authority effective and away with the op-

440. Referring to al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr , chief of polices see above, note 24.
441. Freedman of al-Manger , see al-Khatib, IX, 482
442. In the year 147/764-65.
443. Qur'dn, XXI: toy.



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

pressors444 who treated the Ka'bah with contempt and took the
fay' as an inheritance441 and who have made the Qur' an into
shreds.446 He has afflicted them with what they scorned. How
many blocked-up wells and lofty castles do you see? God has cast
them into oblivion because they changed the Sunna and oppressed
the Family (of the Prophet). They turned aside and acted outrageously and became overbearing. He has frustated the hopes of
every obdurate tyrant. Then He took them and said, 'Canst thou
find a single one of them or hear a whisper of them?' A47
According to al-Haytham b. 'Adi-Ibn 'Ayyash: When the incidents441 followed one another before Abu Ja'far, he quoted the

The gazelles were too many for Khidash,

and Khidash did not know what he was hunting.


Then he ordered that the commanders, the freedmen, his companions, and the people of his house be summoned to his presence,
and he ordered Hammad al-Turki to saddle up the horses, Sulayman b . Mujalid to take the lead, and al -Musayyab b. Zubayr to
guard the gates . Then he went out one day and climbed the pulpit.
He was silent for a long time , saying nothing, and a man said to
Shabib b. Shabbah'450 "What is the matter with the Commander
of the Faithful that he does not speak? For he is one of those for
whom the most difficult speech is easy. What is the matter with
him?" Then he began the sermon:
"Why am I repelling others from Sa'd4-11 when he abuses me?
If I were to abuse the Banu Sa'd, they would be silent

Out of rashness against us and cowardice toward their enemy.

How evil are the two characteristics: rashness and cowardice."
444. That is, the Umayyads.

445 The Umayyads are accused here of taking the fay', which should belong to
all the Muslims communally, as their personal property.
446. Qur'dn, XV: 91.
447. Qur'dn, XIX: 98.
448. See above, note zo6.
449. Aghdni, XI, 74.
450. Possibly a brother of 'Omar b. Shabbah, the historian; nothing else is
known of him.

451. He is using this poem for an oblique attack on the 'Alids.

The Events of the Year 15 8 1135

Then he sat down and said,

"I threw the covering from my head , and I am not the sort of man
uncover it except because of a great calamity.
By God, they452 were incapable of the matter we have undertaken,
and they were not grateful to the one who did it. It was made
smooth for them and they sought to make it rough and they
refused to recognize the truth and held it in contempt . What have
they sought ? That I would drink muddy water that chokes or
accept injustice and agony? By God, I do not honor anyone by
insulting myself. By God, if they do not accept the truth, they will
seek it, but they will not find it with me . The happy man is he
who is warned by others . Lead on, page! " Then he rode off.
According to al-Fugaymi-`Abdallah b . Muhammad b. `Abd alRahman,453 freedman of Muhammad b. `Ali:454 When al-Mansur
had arrested `Abdallah b. Hasan4ss and his brothers and those of
his family who were with him, he went up on the pulpit and gave
thanks to God and praised Him and prayed for the Prophet. Then
he said, "0 people of Khurasan, you are our party (shiah) and our
helpers (ansar) and the people of our state and, if you give the oath
of allegiance to someone else, you will not take a better oath to
him than to us. As for these members of my family from the
children of All b. Abi Talib, we have left them, by the one and
only God, with the caliphate. We did not oppose them in the
caliphate in any way.456 All b. Abi Talib undertook it and he was
stained, and the two judges passed judgment on him and the
Community split from him and opinions were divided about him.
Then his own party, helpers, companions, retinue, and trusted

452. The Alids.

453. Not recorded elsewhere.
454. The father of al-Saffib and al-Manyur.
455 The father of Mubammad the Pure Soul and Ibrihim, the Alid rebels of
1451762. Al-Man$Ur had taken him into custody before the rebellion, as a way of
putting pressure on his sons.

456. To rally the support of the Khurisinis, al-Mangur gives an account of

Alid attempts to secure the caliphate and explains how they failed because they
were unworthy.


r36 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

men rose against him and killed him.457 Then al-Hasan b. `All
rose up after him and, by God, he was a man who, when he was
offered money for it (the caliphate), took it, and Mu`awiyah intrigued with him, saying that he would make him his heir apparent after him and then misled him so that he abandoned and
surrendered it to him. He took to women, marrying one every day
and divorcing her the next, and he continued that way until he
died in his bed.458 After him al-Husayn b. `Ali rose up. He was
betrayed by the people of Iraq and the people of al-Kufah, the
people of divisions and hypocrisy and plunging into continuous
civil wars, the people of this black town," indicating al-Kufah,
"By God, I would not make war with them or make peace with
them but may God keep me away from it. They forsook him and
handed him over so that he was killed.459 Then Zayd b. `Ali rose
up and the people of al-Kufah betrayed him and deceived him and
when they made him rebel they exposed him and handed him
over. 41 Muhammad b. A1i46' had come to him and implored
him not to rebel and asked him not to believe the words of the
people of al-Kufah and said to him, "We have found out that one
of our family will be crucified in al-Kufah, and I am afraid that the
crucified one will be you." My paternal uncle DAwf1d b. 'Ali
implored him and warned him of the treachery of the people of alKufah, but he did not believe this and went on with his rebellion
and was killed and crucified in al-Kunasah. Then the Umayyads
pounced on us and destroyed our honor and banished our glory,
and they had no grudge to pursue against us at all, except on
account of them (the `Alids) and their rebellion. We were driven
out of the country and went sometimes to al-'Wa'if, sometimes to

457. 'Ali was caliph in 35-40/656-61. After the Battle of Siffin he agreed to
accept the verdict of the two judges 'Amr b. al=Ag and Abu Mai al-Ash`ari as to
whether he was worthy of the caliphate. This in turn led to the defection of many
of his supporters, notably the first Kharijites.
458. All's son al-Hasan surrendered his rights to the caliphate to Mu'iwiyah
in exchange for a large sum of money and went to live a life of luxury in Medina.
459 At Karbala', near al-Kufah, in 6i/68o.
460. He rebelled in al-Kufah in 111/740 but was captured and executed.
461. Al-Mangur's father.

The Events of the Year 1158


Syria, and sometimes to al-Sharit462 until God sent you463 to us

as a party and as helpers . The revival of our honor and glory is
because of you people of Khurasan . Your truth refutes the people
of falsehood. It makes our right clear and gives us the inheritance
of our Prophet . It establishes the right in its place and makes its
light clear. It gives glory to its helpers and cuts off the roots of the
people of oppression. Praise be to God, Lord of the two worlds.
When authority was established with us by the grace of God and
His just judgment for us, they rose up against us in evil and envy
toward us, coveting what God has bestowed on us in preference to
them and given us generously of His caliphate and the inheritance
of His Prophet.

(They act) out of rashness against us and cowardice toward their

How evil are the two characteristics, rashness and cowardice.
I did not act the way I did in this affair, by God, 0 people of
Khurasan, due to rashness . I was informed of some disaffection
and disturbance among them, and I had secretly sent men to them
and I said, 'Off you go, so-and-so, off you go, so-and-so, and take
so much money with you.' I proposed an example for them to
follow . They set out until they came to them in Medina and
secretly passed on this money to them . By God there was not a
single old man or young, big or small, who did not take the oath of
allegiance to them; because of that , I regard their blood and their
wealth as lawful . It became lawful to me because of their breach
of the oath of allegiance to me and their seeking of civil war and
their intention to rebel against me. Do not think that I reached
this point without being certain. ,464

Then he went down and he recited this verse of the Qur'an on

462. Ancient Edom, the southern part of modem Jordan. Al-Humaymah, where
the Abbisids lived before they came to power, is situated there. Al-Mangur claims
that the Abb3sids suffered greatly because of their association with the Altds,
but he is certainly being economical with the truth here.
463. l.e., the Khurasanis, who are repeatedly described as the an$dr (helpers) of
the Abb3sids, just as the people of Media were the an$dr of the Prophet.
464. He justifies making war on the Ahds and their supporters in Medina by
claiming that his agents provocateurs had persuaded them to break their oaths of



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

the steps of the pulpit, "And between them and their desires is
placed a barrier as was done in the past with their partisans, for
they were indeed in suspicious doubt."46s

1 4331

He said : Al-Mansur preached in Mada'in when Abu Muslim466

was killed and he said, "0 people, do not leave the intimacy of
obedience for the loneliness of rebellion . Do not conceal deceit
for the Imams. No one ever concealed a forbidden thing without
its becoming visible in the works of his hand or the slips of his
tongue . God will manifest it to His Imam467 by the glory of His
faith and the exaltation of His justice . We will not diminish your
rights and we will not diminish the faith He has imposed on you.
He who disputes with us so much as the unbuttoning of this
shirt, we will consider him a sacrifice for the contents of this
scabbard . Abu Muslim took the oath of allegiance to us and the
people took the oath to us with the condition that, whoever betrayed us, (the shedding of ) his blood was lawful . Then he betrayed
us and we passed judgment on him as he had on others for us. Our
gratitude in acknowledging his role for us did not prevent us from
doing justice to him."
According to Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Mawsili-al-Fadl b. al-Rabi'his father; I heard al-Mansur say that he had heard his father say
that his father, `Ali b. `Abdall ah, had said, "The lords of this
world are the most generous, and the lords of the next world are
the Prophets."
According to Ibrahim b. isa: Al-Mansur was angry with Muhammad b. Jumayl al-Katib '468 who came from al-Rabadhah,469
and he ordered him to be thrown to the ground . He proved his
innocence, and he ordered him to be raised up. He looked at his
drawers and saw that they were made of linen . He ordered him to

465. Qur 'an, XXXIV: 54.

466. Al-Manour had Abu Muslim, architect of the Abbasid revolution in

Khurisin, executed in 137/755 in al-Mada 'in. Here he is concerned to justify his
467. I.e ., al-Man$ur.
468. He was in charge of the khardj (land tax ) of al-Kufah in 155/772 and later
served al-Hadi before and during his caliphate (see al-Tabari, 111, 519s al-lihshiyari,
469. A small town in the Hijiz, see Yigfit, Mu'jam, 111, 14. The site has recently
been excavated with interesting results by the Saudi Department of Antiquities.

The Events of the Year 1158 139

be thrown down and given fifteen blows with a stick, saying, "Do
not dress in linen drawers, for that is extravagant."
According to Muhammad b. Isms ` it al-Hashimi-al-Hasan b.
Ibrahim47O-his shaykhs : When Abu Ja`far had killed Muhammad
b. `Abdallah in Medina and his brother Ibrahim at Bakhamra471
and Ibrahim b. Hasan b. Hasan472 rebelled in Egypt and was brought
to him, he wrote a letter to the descendants of `Ali b. Abi Talib in
Medina telling them about Ibrahim b. al-Hasan b . al-Hasan and
his rebellion in Egypt and saying that Ibrahim would not have
acted without their consent and that they were conspiring to seek
power and seeking the breaking of relations and disobedience;
they had failed in their opposition to the Band Umayyah when
they challenged them for power and they were feeble in seeking
revenge so that the sons of his father had risen up in anger on
their behalf against the Band Umayyah, sought revenge for them,
and shed their blood and wrested power from their hands, and he
quoted in the letter the poem of Subay' b. Rabi'ah b. Mu` awiyah

Were it not for my protection of you when you were incapable,

for I protected and defended you through God's help,
Your affairs were lost, and I knew no reliable people for them,
and everything that God does not protect is wasted.

Name those who scattered the people from around you

and those at the mention of whom fingers are bent (i.e., the
We never ceased to confer on you all the time
the favors whose usefulness is apparent.

There never ceased to exist among you people of treachery and

470. Probably the son of the Alid leader Ibrahim b. Abdallih. He was arrested
after the defeat of the rebellion. He later played an important part in the rise to
power of al-Mabdi's wazir, Yaqub b. Dawud. See below pp. 461-64.
471. The village between al-Bagrah and al -ICufah where Ibrahim's army was
defeated by the Abbasids; see al-Tabari, III, pp. 301-14.
472. As Houtsma notes, his leadership of a revolt in Egypt is not found in alTabari or other sources, it is probable that he was a supporter of Ali b. Muhammad,
who led an unsuccessful uprising in Egypt at the same time as the rebellions of
Muhammad and Ibrahim in 1451762.
473. 1 can find nothing more about this poet.

1 4341

140 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

a traitor to God and a cutter-off of kinship.
When we have been absent from you and you witnessed
great deeds, there were good satisfactory witnesses.474
We looked after you and you looked after your own affairs,
and things are abasing and exalting.475

Do the feet of men come high to their chests?

Do the hoofs go high above the hump (of the camel)?
Men among you are conspiring for headship,

as frogs move under the pond.

(4 351

According to Yahya b. al-Hasan b. 'Abd al-Khaliq: The salaries

of the secretaries and tax collectors in the days of Abu Ja'far were
three hundred dirhams, and this continued to be the case until
the days of al-Ma'mun . The first man who allowed an increase in
salaries was al -Fadl b. Sahl.4" As for the time of the Umayyads
and 'Abbasids, the salaries remained at three hundred or below.
Al-Hajjaj used to pay Yazid b. AN Muslim three hundred dirhams
each month.
According to Ibrahim b. Musa b. 'Isa b. Musa: The postmasters
in all outlying districts used to write to al-Mansur during his
caliphate every day about the price of wheat and corn and seasoning and the price of all foods and all the decisions the gddi had
made in their district, and what the governor had done and what
wealth was returned to the treasury and items of news . After they
had said the sunset prayer, they used to write to him about what
happened each day and they used to write to him about what
happened each night when they said the morning prayer. When
their letters arrived, he looked at them and, if he saw that the
prices were as usual , he did nothing but, if he saw that something
had changed, he wrote to the governor and the tax collector there
and asked about the reasons for the price change , and when the
reply came about the reason he was gently concerned about it
until prices returned to normal . If he had doubts about a judgment
474 This verse appears to be corrupt and against the spirit of the poem.
475. Possibly a reference to Qur'dn, LVI: ;. " Many will it bring low , many will
it exalt."
476. Al-Fall b. Sahl was wazir and chief adviser to al-Ma 'mun in the early years
of his caliphate . Yazid b. Abi Muslim was a freedman and the foster brother of alHajjal, who became governor of lfrigiyah.

The Events of the Year 15 8


the gddi had made, he wrote to him about that and asked those
who were in his presence about his conduct and, if he disapproved
of anything that was done , he wrote to him, rebuking him and
criticizing him.
According to Ishaq al-Maw^ili-al-Sabbah b. Khagan al-Tamimi
-a man of his family-his father: Al-Walid was mentioned to alMansur when he was settling in Baghdad and leaving Medina
and finishing with Muhammad and Ibrahim, the sons of Abdallah,
and they said, "God curse the apostate unbeliever ." In the assembly were Abu Bakr al-Hudhali, Ibn Ayyash al-Mantuf, and alSharqi b. al-Qulami,477 all of them members of his sahnbah, and
Abu Bakr al -Hudhali said that he was told by a paternal cousin of
al-Farazdag478 that al-Farazdaq said, "I came into the presence of
al-Walid b. Yazid,479 and his boon companions were with him and
he had had a morning drink and he said to Ibn `A'ishah,480 'Sing
the song of Ibn al -Zibara:481

Would that my shaykhs at Badr had witnessed

the fear of al-Khazraj482 of falling spears.
We killed a double number of their lords.
We put right on the bend of Badr (i.e., the defeat), and it
became straight.'
Ibn `A'ishah said, 'I will not sing this, 0 Commander of the
Faithful,' but he replied, 'Sing it, or I will cut out your tonsils,'
so he sang it and al-Walid said , 'Well done,' and by God he was of
477. Occasionally used as a source by al-Tabari (once in section 1, twice in
section II(. He is recorded in the Fihnst , 195, among the traditionists.
478. Tammam b. Ghilib al-Tamimi, d. ca. 1 io/7x8, one of the most famous
poets of the Umayyad period and a rival of jarir. See Aghani, Bulaq, Il, 19; Beirut,
XXI, 299; and El , s.v. "al-Farazdak."
479. Umayyad caliph, 125-26/ 743-44.

480. Muhammad b. A'ishah, d. ca. 1:5/744, famous singer at the court of the
Umayyad caliph al-Walid b . Yazid. See Aghani, B6liq, Il, 6%) Beirut, II, 170.
481. Abdallih b. Zibafa al -Sahmi, Qurashi poet who abused the Muslims. He
was converted to Islam at the conquest of Mecca and was received by the Prophet,
see Aghdni, Buliq, XIV, ii ; Beirut, XV, 13S. The poem is also quoted by Ibn
Hishim, Sirah, 6i6.
482L. One of the tubes of Medina that supported the Prophet Muhammad This
is an anti-Islamic poem, attacking the military prowess of the Prophet 's supporters
at the battle of Badr, hence Ibn A'ishah 's reluctance to sing it and al -MangUr's



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

the faith of Ibn al-Ziba`ra the day he recited this poem. Al-Mansur
cursed him and his companions cursed him, and he said, 'Praise
be to God for his generosity and his unity."'
According to Abu Bakr al-Hudhali: The governor of Armenia483
wrote to al-Mansur that the army had mutinied against him and
broken the locks of the treasury and taken what was in it, and alMansur said in his letter, "Leave our office in disgrace, for if you
were intelligent they would not have mutinied and if you were
strong they would not have plundered."
According to Ishaq al-Mawsili-his father : A joker rebelled
against Abu Ja`far in Palestine and he wrote to his governor there,
"His blood will be on your blood if you do not send him to me,"
so he made great efforts to find him, captured him, and sent him
off. He was ordered to be brought into the caliph 's presence and
when he stood before him Abu Ja `far said to him, "You have
preyed on our governors. I will scatter about more of your flesh
than remains on your bone," and he replied , and he was an old
man with a weak , thin, unimpressive voice:
Do you train your wife after she has become decrepit?
The training of the decrepit man is wearisome.484

His words were not clear to al-Mansur so he asked Rabi ` what he

was saying, and he replied that he had said:
The slave is your slave and the wealth is your wealth,
and is your punishment deflected from me?

He said, "0 Rabi`, I have forgiven him so let him go, take care of
him, and give him good care."
He said: A man complained to al-Mansur about his tax gatherer
('dmil ), saying that he had taken a part of his estate and added it
to his property, so he wrote to his official in the note of the
complainer, "If you prefer justice, peace will be your companion.
Do justice to this complainer for his wrong."
He said: A man of the common people wrote a note to him
requesting the building of a mosque in his area , and he wrote on

483. Shc3ib Armaniyyah, used here of the governor.

484. Freytag, Proverb,a, II, 666, n. 177.

The Events of the Year 1158


his note, "One of the portents of the Day of judgment is the

proliferation of mosques , so increase your paces (toward a distant
masjid), and your reward will be increased."
He said : A man of the Sawid complained about one of the tax
collectors in a note that was sent up to al-Mansur, who replied,
"If you are telling the truth, bring him held up by the upper front
of his shirt. We give you permission to do that."

According to `Umar b. Shabbah-Abu al-Hudhayl al-`Allif:48s

Abu Ja`far said, I was told that al -Sayyid Ibn Muhammad (alHimyari)486 died in al-Karkh or in Wisit and they did not bury
him and, if that story is true, indeed I would bum it down. It is
said that the true story was that he died in the time of al-Mahdi in
al-Karkh of Baghdad and that they avoided burying him and that
al-Rabi` was sent to take charge of his affair, and he ordered that,
if they were obstructive, their houses should be burned, but Rabi'
was diverted from them.
According to al-Mada'ini : When al-Mansur had finished with
Muhammad and Ibrahim and `Abdallah b. `All and `Abd al-Jabbir
b. `Abd al-Rahmin and went to Baghdad and things became calm
for him, he quoted this verse:
You often spend the night on a sword edge of tribulation,
but God will suffice against that which you feared.
He said : `Abdallah b. al-Rabi` recited to me that al -Mansur had
recited after the killing of these:

There is many an affair that will not harm you,

but the heart still palpitates for fear of them.
According to al-Haytham b. 'Adi : When al-Mansur heard of the
scattering of the sons of `Abdallih b. Hasan4B7 through the lands,
fleeing from his punishment, he quoted:
My lance is a strong wood (nab', which neither the pinching and

485. D. 226/840-4t, a Mu`tazdi scholar from al-Ba^rah ; see Fihnst, 386-87.

486. Ismail b. Muhammad, a poet well known for his pro Ahd sympathies.
The date of his death is not known ; see Aghani, Buliq, VII, 2; Beirut, VII, 224.
487. The Alid rebels of 145 /762 Muhammad and Ibrahim.


144 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

of the straightening instrument , nor grease, nor fire can
When I take a fearful man under my protection , his grazing places
are safe.
And when I make a safe man fearful for his safety, the house
looks not spacious enough for him.
Come to me and lower some of your eyes,
for I am to every man the protector from his neighbor.

1 439)

According to `Ali b. Muhammad -Wa4ih, freedman of Abu

Ja`far: Abu Ja`far ordered me to buy him two soft pieces of cloth,
so I bought them for a hundred and twenty dirhams and brought
them to him. He asked me how much they were and I said,
"Eighty dirhams ." He replied, "Good ! Ask for a reduction, for, if
the goods arrive to us and then are returned to their owner, that
breaks him down! " So I took the two pieces from their owner, and
on the next day I brought the two of them with me to him, and he
asked me what I had done and I said that I had returned them to
him and that he had given me a reduction of twenty dirhams. He
said, "You have done well ; cut up one of them as a shirt, and
make the other into a gown for me ." I did that and he wore the
shirt for fifteen days and did not wear anything else.
According to a freedman of `Abd al-$amad b . `Ali-`Abd al$amad b. `Ali: Al-Mansur used to order his family to dress well to
show their prosperity by wearing brocade and perfume . If he saw
that any of them had failed to do that or had not done enough, he
would say, "0 so-and-so, I do not see the gleam of musk in your
beard,488 and I see it shining in the beard of so -and-so," and in this
way he used to urge them to use more perfume so that he might
be enhanced with the common people by their appearance and
the sweetness of their breath and that he might enhance them
(his family ) among them ( the people). If he saw any of them in
plain cloth, he abused him.4119

According to Ahmad b. Khalid: Al-Mansur used to ask Malik b.

Adham490 much about the story of `Ajlan b. Suhayl, brother of
488. The perfuming of beards was a luxury of the Abbasid court.
489. The text seems to be corrupt here.
490. Al-Bahili; he was one of the Umayyad generals in Iran defeated by the

The Events of the Year 158 1145

Hawtharah b. Suhayl . 491 We were sitting with 'Ajlan when Hisham
b. 'Abd al-Malik passed and someone said, "The cross-eyed man
has passed," and he asked, "Whom do you mean?" "Hisham," he
answered. "You are calling the Commander of the Faithful with a
derisive nickname , and, by God, were it not for your kinship, I
would cut off your head ," and al-Mansur said, "That is a man
with the likes of whom life and death have a use (a meaning)."

According to Ahmad b. Khalid-Ibrahim b. 'Isa: AI-Mansur

had a servant with pale , brownish skin, acceptably skillful, and alMansur said to him one day, "What race are you? " and he replied,
"Arab, 0 Commander of the Faithful," and he asked, "Which
Arabs? " and he replied, "From Khawlan. I was captured from
Yemen by one of our enemies, who castrated me, and I became a
slave and passed to a member of the Umayyad family and then to
you." The caliph replied, "You are certainly an excellent page,
but no Arab ever enters my palace to serve my harem. Go out,
may God forgive you, and go wherever you wish."
According to Ahmad b. Ibrahim b. Ismail b. Dawud b. Mu'awiyah b. Bakr,492 who was one of the courtiers (salidbah): AlMansur attached a man from al-Kufah called al -Fudayl b.'Imran493
to his son Ja'far and appointed him as his secretary and put him
in charge of his affairs. He had the same position with regard to
him as Abu 'Ubaydallah had to al-Mahdi. Abu ja'far had wished
that the oath of allegiance should be taken to Ja'far after al-Mahdi.
Umm 'Ubaydallah, Ja'far 's nurse, plotted against al-Fudayl b.
'Imran and told stories against him to al-Mansur and hinted that
al-Fudayl had homosexual inclinations forward Ja 'far. Al-Mansur
sent his freedman al-Rayyan and Harun b. Ghazwan, the freedman of Uthman b . Nahik,494 to al -Fu4ayl, who was with ja'far

Abbasid armies under QaItabah . In Abbasid times he fought on the Byzantine

frontier. See Crone, Slaves, 168-69.
491. Al-Bihili as well. He was sent by Marwin to reinforce Ibn Hubayrah in
Iraq against the 'Abbasid armies and repeatedly urged Ibn Hubayrah to adopt a
more active strategy; he was executed after the fall of Wisi3 (Crone, Slaves, 143 ). The
story again shows Abu Ja'far's admiration for the Umayyads and their supporters.
492. A secretary and poet of the reigns of al-Mansur and al-Mahdi ; see Fihnst,

493. Otherwise unknown.

494. For Uthmin, see note 400, above, on his brother 'Isa.

[ 4401

1146 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

in Hadithah of Mosu1495 and said, "When you see al-Fudayl, kill
him wherever you meet him." He wrote an edict for them and he
wrote to Ja'far, telling him what he had ordered them to do and
he told them not to hand the letter over to Ja'far until they had
carried out the execution. They left and, when they reached Ja'far,
they sat at his gate waiting for permission to go in, and al-Fudayl
came out to them. They seized him and took out al-Mansur's
letter. Nobody opposed them and they cut off his head on the
spot, and Ja'far did not know until they had finished. Al-Fudayl
was an upright and God-fearing man and , when al-Mansur was
told that he was completely innocent of what he was accused of
and that he had been hasty with him, he sent a messenger and
promised him ten thousand dirhams if he reached him before he
was killed, and the messenger arrived before his blood was dry.
According to Mu' awiyah b . Bakr-Suwayd, freedman of Ja'far:
Ja'far sent for him and said, "Woe to you . What does the Commander of the Faithful say about the killing of a pious and Godfearing Muslim who has committed no crime or offense?" to
which Suwayd replied, "He is the Commander of the Faithful and
he does what he wishes and he knows best what he is doing."
Ja'far said, "0 sucker of your mother's clitoris ! I am speaking to
you in the language of the elite, and you reply in the language of
the common people. Take him by the legs and throw him into the
Tigris." He said, "I was seized and said, 'I want to talk to you,' so
he said, 'Leave him!' and I said, 'Do you think your father will be
answerable for Fudayl only? When does he answer for him when
he had already killed his paternal uncle 'Abdallah b . 'Ali and
'Abdallah b. al-Hasan and other descendants of the Prophet
144111 wrongly, and he had killed countless men of this world, before he
was responsible for the death of Fudayl , ( who was only ) a rat who
nipped Pharaoh 's balls.'496 He laughed and said, 'Leave him to the
curse of God!"'

According to Qa'nab b. Muhriz497 Abu Muhammad b. `A'idh,

495 About thirty miles southeast of Mosul , on the east bank of the Tigris just
above its junction with the Upper Zib; see Yagiit, Mu,am, 11, :3o; Le Strange,
Lands, 90-911.
496. See Glossary, CCxxiv.
497. Al- Bahili. Al-Tabari cites him on one other occasion.

The Events of the Year 115 8


freedman of Uthman b. `Affan : Hafs al-Umawi the poet was

known as Hafs b. Abi Jum` ah,498 freedman of `Abbad b . Ziyad,
whom al- Mansur had appointed literary instructor (mu'adib) to
al-Mahdi in his audiences . He was a panegyrist of the Umayyads
in Umayyad times and in the time of al-Mansur , and he did not
hold it against him and he remained with al-Mahdi all the time
that al-Mahdi was heir apparent but died before al-Mahdi succeeded
to the caliphate . Among his poems in praise of the Umayyads was
the following:
Where are the two chiefs of `Abd Shams,"" where are they?
Where are their men of ability and nobility?
You did not compensate them for their kindness to you
with what you have done, you the family of 'Abd alMuttalib.500

O inquirer about them,

they were shoots of palm trees, shining above the wood.
If you foolishly cut off their roots,
what a time that is turned upside down.
Pour what milk you like into your basin.
You will drink that milk as sour residue.
It is said that Hafs al-Umawi came in to al-Mansur and he
spoke to him and asked information about him. He asked him
who he was and he replied, "Your freedman, 0 Commander of the
Faithful," and he said, "A freedman of mine like you I do not
know." He answered, "The freedman of a servant of yours, `Abd
Manaf, 0 Commander of the Faithful ." The caliph approved
of his reply and knew that he was a freedman of the Umayyads
and attached him to al-Mahdi and said to him, "Take him for

Among the eleg.'es for al-Mansur was the poem of Salm alKhasir:501

498. There is no section on him in the Kitdb al -Aghdni

499. Progenitor of the Umayyads.
zoo. Father of al-Abbis and grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad and 'Ali b.
Abi Tilib.
5oi. Salm b. Amr, a poet of the Abbasid court , prominent in the reign of
Hirun ; see Aghdni, Beirut, XIX, zi4.

148 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

I wonder how the two announcers could announce his death.
How could the two lips speak of his departure?

A king who, if one day he faced time,

time would fall down dead.


Would that a hand that had scattered dust on him

came back without any one finger on it.

When the countries acknowledged his absolute rule

and both man and jinn502 cast down their eyes from fear of it,
Where is the lord of al-Zawrai50-; to whom it (the country)
has entrusted sovereignty for twenty -two years?504
The man is like a kindling stick
when it is surrounded by sparks of fire.
Prohibition does not divert his will,
and intelligent people cannot weaken his rope.
The reins of power have been handed over to him,
so that he can lead his enemies without reins.
Eyes are lowered before him, and you see
hands on chins for fear of him.

He gathered together the borders of his kingdom and then became

beyond their farthest edge and this side of the nearest part.
A Hashimi in readiness who does not carry the burden
on the back of a runaway foolish camel,
A man of moderation who makes the fearful forget his fear
and determination that causes every heart to fly.
Souls have left scared from him.
What remained in the bodies were only the spirits.

The names of his children and wives : Among his children were
al-Mahdi, whose name was Muhammad, and Ja'far the Elder,
and their mother was Arwa, daughter of Mansur and sister of
Yazid b. Mansur al-Himyari . Her kunyah was Umm Musa. This
Ja'far died before al -Mansur. There were also Sulayman, `Isa and
Ya`qub, whose mother was Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad,
Soz. Lit . "the two heavy ones", see Lane, s.v., thgl.
5o3. A name of Baghdad, allegedly because the qiblah was bent or crooked and
did not face Mecca. See Le Strange , Baghdad, r i.

5 04. The number of years of Abu Ja`far's caliphate.

The Events of the Year 15 8 3149

one of the descendants of Talhah b. Ubaydallah,5O5 and Ja'far
the Younger,5"6 whose mother was a Kurdish slave whom alMansur had purchased and taken as a concubine , and her son was
known as Ibn al-Kurdiyyah (son of the Kurdish woman). There
was $alih al-Miskin, whose mother was a Greek slave girl called
Qali al-Farrashah. Al-Qasim died before al-Mansur, aged ten, and
his mother was a slave girl known as Umm al-Qasim, who had a
garden by the Syrian Gate that is known as the Garden of Umm
al-Qasim to the present day.507 There was 'Aliyah,50s whose
mother was an Umayyad woman; al-Mansur gave her in marriage
to Ishaq b. Sulayman b. Al! b. 'Abdallah b. al-'Abbas. 509

According to Ishaq b. Sulayman-his father: My father said

to me, "I am marrying you, 0 my son, to the most noble of
people, 'Aliyah, daughter of the Commander of the Faithful," and
I asked who were our equals, and he answered, "Our enemies, the

Information about His Wills510

According to al-Haytham b. 'Adi: Al-Mansur made a will for alMahdi when he set out for Mecca in Shawwal of this year (4
August-i September, 775). He had stopped at Qasr 'Abdawayh
and stayed some days in the castle there. Al-Mahdi was with him,
and he gave him his testament. While he was staying in Qasr

505. One of the companions of the Prophet, killed at the Battle of the Camel in
506. Little is known of fa'far the Younger, and he seems to have played no part
in politics He died in i86/8oz.
507. Not noticed in Le Strange.
508. Not known elsewhere.

509. Brother of Muhammad (note z9j and la'far (note 35(. He was probably
younger than his brothers and only became prominent in the reign of Harun, when
he held a number of governorates, including Sind, Egypt, al-Ba$rah, and Armenia.
He disappears from the record after 194/810. As a governor he seems to have been
rather ineffectual but is recorded in the Fihnst as an early patron of translators.
Daughters of the Abbasid caliphs in this period were usually married within the
51o. The various versions of al-Mangur 's wills and their interpretation are discussed in detail in Dietrich , "Das politische Testament ." He also provides a
German translation on which I have drawn.

(44 31

1 150 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

(44 4(

`Abdawayh, a shooting star fell on 28 Shawwal (; i August, 775)

after it began to get light , and its track remained clear until sunrise. He bequeathed him his wealth and authority (sultan ), and he
did that every day of his stay there, morning and evening, and he
did not let up from that , and the two of them parted with emotion.
When the day came when he wanted to leave , he called al-Mahdi
and said to him, "There is nothing that I have not handed over to
you. I will pass on to you some good rules of conduct but, by God,
I do not think you will continue with a single one of them." He
had a container in which he kept the notebooks (dafatir) of his
knowledge, and it was locked and he trusted no one to open it and
he kept its keys in the sleeve of his shirt. Hammad al-Turk! used
to bring him that container when he called for it , and if Hammad
was away or had gone out it was entrusted to Salamah al-Khadim.
He said to al-Mahdi , "Look after this bag and keep it, for in it is
the knowledge of your forebears of the past and future until the
Day of Resurrection. If things start going badly, look in the larger
notebook and, if you find what you want there , (well and good)
but, if not, look in the second and the third until you reach the
seventh. If it weighs heavily on you, look in the small notebook,
and you will find in it what you need; but I do not think you will
do it.
"Look after this city51 and be careful not to exchange it for
another, for it is your house and your glory . For you I have gathered
in it such wealth that, if the kharaj512 were to be interrupted for
ten years, you would have enough for the salaries of the army and
the expenses and allowances of the children and the needs of the
frontiers . So keep it and you will not cease to be powerful as long
as your treasury remains full , but I do not think you will do this.
"I am commending to you the members of your family ( ahl albayt ). Show them honor, give them precedence, give them great
benefits, increase their status, submit the people to their authority, and put them in charge of pulpits . Their glory and renown
will glorify you, but I do not think you will do this.

"Look after your freedmen and do good to them , bring them

fir. Baghdad.

5 1 7.. Meaning tax receipts in general.

The Events of the Year i 5 8 151

near you, and cherish them for they are your support in adversity
if it befalls you, but I do not think you will do this.

"I commend to you generous treatment to the people of Khurasan, for they are your helpers (ansdr) and your party (shi'ah) and
have spent their wealth in the service of your state and shed their
blood for you. You will not drive out love for you from their
hearts if you are good to them and forgive whoever among them
commits a blunder, rewarding them for what they do and providing for the families and children of those of them who die, but
I do not think you will do this.
"Take care over the building of the eastern city (of Baghdad) in
case you do not complete it, but I do not think you will do this.
"Be careful not to ask for help from a man of the Banu Sulaym,513
and I think you will do this.
"Be careful not to bring women to advise you in your affairs,514
and I think you will do this."
According to sources other than al-Haytham : Al-Mansur summoned al-Mahdi when he left for Mecca and said to him, "0 Abu
`Abdallah,515 I am setting out and I will not return , for we are
God's and return to him . I am asking for a blessing on what I am
going to do. This sealed book contains my testament . If you hear
that I have died and power has passed to you , look into it. I have a
debt and I would like you to pay it and be responsible for it." He
replied, "I will do it, 0 Commander of the Faithful ." He said, "It
is three hundred thousand dirhams and some more, and I do not
consider it lawful to pay it from the treasury of the Muslims, so
take responsibility for it and for any more like it," and he replied,
"I will do it."

He said, "This palace is not yours ; it is mine and I built my

palace with my money and I would like you to give your share in
it to your younger brothers," and he replied, "Yes."
He said, "My personal slaves are yours, so assign them to them

513. A reference to Ya`gnb b. Diwid, future vizier of al-Mahdi , who was a

mawli of Sulaym. According to the account, p. zzs, below, he was at this time an
unknown prisoner, an indication that this part of the testament is a later addition.
514. Probably it reference to the influence later wielded by al-Khayzurin, wife
of al-Mahdi and mother to al-Hidi and Hirnn al -Rashid.
5 15. Al-Mahdi.


152. Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

(your brothers), for you will be in a position where you can spare
them and your brothers' needs are greater."
He said, "As for the estates (diyd), I am not enjoining this (i.e.,
division with his brothers) on you, but, if you were to do that, I
would like it," and he said, "I will do it."
He said, "Hand over to them what I have asked you of this, and
you will have a share with them in the estates."
He said, "Hand over the baggage and clothes to them," and he
replied, "I will do it."
He said, "May God make the caliphate good for you and the
benefit will be yours. Fear God in what he has conferred on you
and in what I have given you charge over."

144 61

He went to al-Kiifah and stayed in al-Rusafah and then left

joyfully for the greater and lesser pilgrimages . He drove camels
for sacrifice and marked them and distinguished them on their
necks. This was in the last days of Dhii al-Qa'dah (September
2-October r, 775).
According to Abu Ya`qub b. Sulayman-Jamrah al=Attarah,
perfumer to Abu Ja`far:516 When al-Mansur decided to go on the
pilgrimage, he summoned Raytah,517 daughter of Abu al-Abbas
and wife of al-Mahdi, who was at that time in al-Rayy, before he
set out and bequeathed her what he wished and gave her his
instructions and handed over the keys of the treasuries to her. He
instructed her and made her swear and confirm the oath that she
would not open one of those treasuries or show it to anyone
except al-Mahdi and that not until she was sure of his death, and
when that was certain she and al-Mahdi should go together without a third party being present and open the treasury.

When al-Mahdi came from al-Rayy to the City of Peace, she

handed over the keys to him and informed him how al-Mansur
had enjoined her not to open it or show it to anyone until she
was certain of his death. When al-Mahdi heard of the death of alMansur and that the caliphate had passed to him he opened the
516. Abu Ya'gnb is otherwise unknown . Attirah means "a female perfumer,"
the third example of a female narrator ; see above, note 337.
517. Raytah was the daughter of al-Saffih who married her cousin, the future
caliph al-Mahdi, in 144/761-6z. She is described as Umm Ali and was still alive
in 170/786 at the accession of Hirun, but otherwise little is known of her.

The Events of the Year x58 1153

door, and Raytah was with him, and there was a big, long chamber
in which there was a collection of corpses of the Talibids, and in
their ears were pieces of paper on which were written their genealogies . Among them were children and young men and old men
in large numbers. When al-Mahdi saw that, he ordered that a
grave be dug for them , and they were buried in it and a tombstone
was put over them.

According to 'Isa b. Ishaq b. `Ali-his father: I heard al-Mansur

as he was setting off to Mecca in the year 158, saying to al-Mahdi
that he was saying adieu to him , "0 Abu `Abdallah, I was born in
the month of Dhu al-Hijjah and succeeded in the month of Dhu alHijjah, and it occurs to me that I may die in Dhu al-Hijjah of this
year and that has persuaded me to make the pilgrimage . Fear God
in the affairs of the Muslims that I have entrusted you with, for
He will give you relief from the things that will distress you and
sadden you (or he said, a relief and refuge) and will provide you
with peace and a good outcome when you do not anticipate it.
Remember, 0 my son, the Prophet Muhammad in His community
(ummah ), that God may look after your affairs . Beware of shedding
blood unlawfully, for it is a grave offense to God and an unavoidable and lasting disgrace in this world . Keep to the permitted
things, for in that is your reward in the future and your safety in
the present.
"Apply the established penalties (hudud) and do not go beyond
them or you will perish . God knows if something benefits His
religion and restrains us from disobeying Him better than the
penalties He would have stipulated in His book . Know that for
the powerful defense of His Sultan , God, in His book, has ordered
double the punishment and retribution on those who stir up corruption ( fasad ) on the earth with the severe punishment He reserves for him when He says , 'The punishment of those who wage
war against God and His Prophet and strive with might and main
for mischief through the land (is execution or crucifixion).'5l8

"Authority, my son, is the strong rope of God and a firm bond

and the unshakable religion of God. Preserve it and protect it and
strengthen it and defend it. Strike down the heretics in it and
518. Qur'nn, V. 3 ;.

1 4471

1154 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

those who would apostasize from it. Kill those who leave it, by
applying penalties and punishments . Do not exceed what God
laid down about it in the perfect and accurate Qur'an. Give judgment justly and do not be unfair, for that is the best means to
prevent discord, to settle enmity, and to get the best remedy.

) 448)

"Refrain from taking the fay', for you have no need of it on top
of what I have left you . Inaugurate your work with a grant to the
family and generosity to the kinsmen . Beware of self-indulgence
and wasting your subjects' wealth, fortify the frontiers and establish the borders; make the roads safe. Extend your favor to
the best people, improve the livelihood of the common people,
and keep them calm by bringing them benefits and defending
them from disaster . Keep account of your wealth and put it in the
treasury and beware of waste. Nobody is secure from misfortunes,
and (future ) events cannot be relied on, for that is the nature of
"Prepare men and horses and soldiers as far as you are able.
Take care not to put off today 's work until tomorrow, lest matters
pile up on you and they are lost. Be diligent in settling matters
that come up at the proper time , first come, first served. Make an
effort to get ready for them and prepare men at night to know
what will happen in the day and prepare men in the day to know
what will happen at night . Take matters in hand yourself; do not
get impatient, do not be idle, and do not be faint-hearted. Think
the best of your Lord but the worst of your tax collectors and
secretaries. Hold yourself in wakefulness. Investigate those who
spend the night at your gate and grant permission to the people
(to see you) readily. Investigate those strangers who come to
you and entrust them to a sleepless eye and undallying soul. Do
not sleep, as your father has not slept since he succeeded to the
caliphate, and sleep has not entered his eyes without his heart
being awake . This is my testament to you and God is my Successor in charge of you."

Then he said farewell to him , and each of them wept in front of

the other.
According to Umar b. Shabbah-Sa`id b. Huraym : When alMansur went on the pilgrimage in the year in which he died, alMahdi bade him farewell and he said, "0 my son, I have gathered
for you more wealth than any caliph before me and I have gathered

The Events of the Year 115 8


for you more freedmen than any caliph before me and I have built
for you a city the likes of which there has not been in Islam. I am
only afraid for you of two men, `Isa b. Musa and `Isa b. Zayd.519
As for `Isa b. Musa, he has given me assurances and guarantees
that I have accepted from him and, by God, even if he only spoke
empty words, I am not afraid for you of him, so put him out of
your mind. As for'Isa b. Zayd, if you spend this money, kill these
freedmen, and destroy this city so that you can gain control of
him, I would not criticize you."

According to `Isa b. Muhammad-Musa b. Harun: When alMansur reached the last halt on the road to Mecca, he looked
inside the house he was staying in and there was written in it:
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Abu Ja'far, your death is drawing near, and your years
Are coming to a close. There is no escape from the decree of God.
Abu Ja'far, is there a wizard520 or astrologer
With you today who can hold back the pain of death?
He summoned the man in charge of maintaining the halting places
and said to him, "Did I not give you orders that no vandal should
enter the building?" and he replied, "0 Commander of the Faithful, no one has entered it since it was finished." He said, "Read
what is written inside the house!" and the man replied, "I do not
see anything, 0 Commander of the Faithful." He summoned the
chief chamberlain and said, "Read what is written inside the
house!" and he replied, "I do not see anything inside the house."
Al-Mansur then dictated the two verses and they were written
down . Then he turned to his chamberlain and said , "Recite me a
verse from the Book of God that will make me long for God," and
he recited, "In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
And soon will the unjust assailants know to what vicissitudes
Sig. Son of Zayd b. Ali who rebelled against the Umayyads in al-Kufah m 122/
740. He played an active role in the Alid rebellions of 145/762 and subequently
went into hiding, becoming leader of the small clandestine group of the Zaydiyyah
(see above, note 137) and refusing the blandishments of al-Mahdi and Ya'qub b.
Diwud. He died of natural causes toward the end of al-Mahdi 's reign (see Ilfahini,
Maqdtil, especially pp. 405, 411, 416-19).
520. A soothsayer or pre-Islamic holy man among the Arabs; see Ell, s.v.

1 44 91



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

their affairs will take them. "521 He ordered that his jaws be pinched
and said to him, "Could you not think of anything other than this
verse to recite?" and he replied, "0 Commander of the Faithful,
the Qur'an has been erased from my mind except for this verse."
He gave orders to move from that lodging, seeing what had occurred
as an evil omen, and he rode off on horseback . When he was in the
wddi called Saqar, which was the last lodging on the road to
Mecca, his horse stumbled and crushed his back . He died and was
buried at Bi'r Maymun.
According to Muhammad b. `Abdallah, freedman of the Banu
Hashim522-one of the `ulamd' and people of adab: A voice called
to Abu Ja'far from his palace in the city and he heard it say:
By the Lord of Stillness and Movement,
death has different nets.
Remember, 0 myself, that if you do evil
and if you have good intentions, everything will be yours.
The night and day do not take turns,
nor do the stars of the sky revolve in the heavens
Except to transfer authority from one king,
when his power ceases, to another
Until they bring it to a King
Who shares the glory of His authority with no one,
Who is the Creator of the sky and earth,
the establisher of the mountains, the Controller of the

Abu Ja'far said, "By God, it is close to the time of my death."

According to 'Abdallah b. `Ubaydallah523-`Abd al-'Aziz h.
Muslim :524 I came in to al-Mansur one day and greeted him, and
he was lost for words and confused in his answer . I got up when I
S ic. Qur'dn, XXVI: 227.

5 zz. Not known elsewhere.

523. B. al-Abbas b. Muhammad b. Ali. An Abbasid , grandson of al-Abbas b.
Muhammad, al-Manqur's brother; see note 58, above . He led the pilgrimage four
times in al -Ma'mun 's reign and is last recorded as governor of Yemen in 217/833.
524. Al-`Ugayli, brother of lshaq and Bakkir Isce note 114, above). His family
had been staunch supporters of Marwin , the last Umayyad caliph , and he himself appears below, p . 197, showing his loyalty to Marwan 's son. He died in 167/

The Events of the Year 158


saw him like that, intending to leave him, but he said to me after
a while, "I saw as a dreamer sees a man reciting these verses to

O little brother, be modest in your wishes.

It is as if your day has come to you
And time has visited you with
the vicissitudes it has visited you with.
And, if you wish to be a base and humble slave, you are that;
you were made sovereign of what you were made sovereign
But command has passed to others.
The cause of my worry and grief, which you see, is what I heard
and saw," and I said, "It was a good thing you saw, 0 Commander
of the Faithful," but it was not long after that he set out on the
pilgrimage and died on the way there.
In this year the oath of allegiance was taken to al-Mahdi as
caliph, and he was Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. Muhammad b.
All b. `Abdallah b. al-Abbas, in the early dawn of the night
when Abu Ja'far al-Mansur died , which was Saturday, 6 Dhu alHijjah, 159 (October 7, 775, a Sunday), as it is reported by Hisham
b. Muhammad and Muhammad b. `Umar . According to al-Wagidi,
the oath was taken to him in Baghdad on Thursday , x8 Dhu alHijjah (October 19), of this year. Al-Mahdi's mother was Umm
Musa, daughter of Mansur b. `Abdallah b . Yazid b. Shammar alHimyari.

The Caliphate of al-Mahdi

Events of the Year

15 8 (cont'd)
(NOVEMBER II, 774-OCTOBER 30, 775)

Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. Muhammad b. All b. `Abdallah b. al`Abbas: A description of the oath of allegiance that was taken to
al-Mahdi as caliph when his father al-Mansur died at Mecca.
According to All b. Muhammad al-Nawfall-his father: In the
year that Abu a far died I left (on the Pilgrimage ) by the Bagrah
road and Abu Ja`far had left by the Kufah road, and I met him at
Dhat `Irg525 and accompanied him. Whenever he rode, I put myself in his way and greeted him. He was seriously ill and on the
brink of death. When he reached Bi'r Maymun, he stayed there
and we entered Mecca and I completed the lesser pilgrimage. I
used to visit Abu Ja`far frequently in his camp and stay there
until shortly after midday, and then I left and the Hashimites did
likewise . His illness began to worsen and become acute. On the
night that he died, none of us knew and I performed the morning
prayer in the Masjid al-Haram (in Mecca) at daybreak and then

5:5. Modem Dariba, the point where pilgrims coming overland from Iraq don
the ihrdm . See Yiqut, Mu'jam, IV, 107.

1 4 521

x62 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

rode out in my two robes,526 with my sword belted on top of them.
I went with Muhammad b. 'Awn b. Abdallih b. al-Hirith527 who
was one of the lords and shaykhs of the Banu Hashim. At the
time, he was wearing two rose-colored garments that he had
donned for ihram with his sword belted on them.
He said : The shaykhs of the Banu Hashim used to like rosecolored garments for the ihram because of a tradition of 'Umar b.
al-Khattab and 'Abdallah b. ja'far and the words of All b. Abi
Talib about it.528 When we reached the bottom of the wadi, we
met al-'Abbas b. Muhammad and Muhammad b. Sulayman with
horses and men on their way into Mecca . We went over to them
and greeted them and went on , and Muhammad b. 'Awn said to
me, "What do you think about the role of those two men and of
their entering Mecca ?" "I reckon that the man has died," I replied,
"and that they want to secure Mecca ." And so it proved to be.

1 4531

While we were going along we came across a man of unclear

form in two ragged garments for ihram), and we were still in the
half-light of early dawn . He came between our two beasts and
addressed us saying, "The man, by God, has died," and then he
disappeared .529 For our part, we went on until we came to the
camp. When we entered the large tent we used to sit in every day,
there was Musa b. al-Mahdi sitting in the place of honor by the
tent pole, whereas al-Qasim b . al-Mansur was at the side of the
tent. Previously, when we met al-Mansur at Dhit 'Irq, whenever
he mounted his camel, al-Qasim would come and ride in front of
him, between him and the Chief of Police, and the people would
be ordered to bring their petitions to him . When I saw him at the
side of the tent and Musa in the place of honor , I knew that alMansur had died. While I was sitting there, al-Hasan b. Zayd
came up and sat down beside me so that his thigh rested against
mine, and people came until they filled the tent, among them Ibn
'Ayyish al-Mantuf. While we were like that I heard a faint sound
of weeping and al-Hasan said to me, "Do you think that the man
526. The thrdm, the ritual dress for the pilgrimage, see Ell, S.V. "Ihram."
527. Despite al-Nawfali's comment on his seniority, he is not recorded elsewhere. He was a descendant of al-Hanth b. al=Abbas, hence a distant cousin of
the ruling branch of the Abbasid family.
528. See Hinds and Crone, God's Caliph, 84.
529. Presumably an apparition or ghost.

The Events of the Year r 58 (cont'd) 163

had died?" and I replied, "I do not think that, but perhaps he is
very weak or has lost consciousness." The next thing we knew
was that suddenly, Abu al-Anbar, the black servant of al-Mansur,
came to us with his outer garments torn in front and behind and
dust on his head, crying, "Alas for the Commander of the Faithful!" Every single person who was in the tent stood up and rushed
for the tents of Abu Ja`far, wanting to go in , but the servants
prevented them, pushing them in the chest, and Ibn `Ayyash alMantaf said, "Glory be to God! Have you never witnessed the
death of a caliph? Sit down, may God have mercy on you!" The
people sat down and al-Qasim stood up and rent his clothes and
put dust on his head, but Masi, who was a young lad, remained
seated in his place, not budging.

Then al-Rabi' came out with a scroll in his hand. He let the end
of it fall to the ground and took the top of it and read:
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
From 'Abdallih al -Mansur, Commander of the Faithful,
to the Bana Hishim, his supporters, the people of Khurisin,
and the generality of the Muslims who survive him.
Then he dropped the scroll from his hand and wept and the people
wept, and then he picked up the scroll and said, "It is easy for you
to weep but this is a covenant that the Commander of the Faithful
has made and we must read it to you, may God have mercy on
you, so listen!"

The people fell silent and he carried on with the reading:

I hereby write this document of mine while I am alive in
the last day of this world and the first of the next. I give
you greeting and ask God not to make strife among you
after me or "cover you in confusion in party strife, giving
you a taste of mutual vengeance-each from the other.i530
Oh Bana Hishim! Oh people of Khurisin!

and then he began commending al-Mahdi to them and reminding

them of the oath of allegiance to him and exhorting them to
uphold his state and remain faithful to his covenant to the end of
the document.
S;o. Qurdn, VI: 65.


164 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


According to al-Nawfali-his father: This was something that

al-Rabe had concocted. Then he looked at the faces of those
present and approached the Hashimites and took the hand of alHasan b. Zayd,531 saying, "Stand up, Abu Muhammad, and take
the oath of allegiance!" Al-Hasan stood up with him, and al-Rabi`
took him to Musa and sat him down before him. Al-Hasan took
Muse 's hand and turned to the people and said , "0 people, the
Commander of the Faithful al-Mansur had beaten me and confiscated my wealth and al-Mahdi interceded on my behalf, and he
(al-Mansur) restored me to favor and he asked that my wealth be
returned but he refused that, so al-Mahdi gave it back out of his
own money and doubled it, giving two items for every one. Who
could be more likely than I to take the oath of allegiance to the
Commander of the Faithful, without reservation, with good spirit
and a sincere heart? " Then he gave Musa the oath of allegiance to
al-Mahdi and shook his hand. Next al-Rabi` came to Muhammad
b. `Awn, giving him precedence on account of his age, and he
took the oath . Then he came to me and raised me up, and I was
the third (to take the oath).532 Then the rest of the people took the
oath, and, when he had completed that, he entered the tent and
remained there a little while . Then he came out to us, the body of
the Hashimites, and ordered us to stand , so we all stood up with
him, and we were a great gathering of people from Iraq, Mecca,
and Medina, who had come on the pilgrimage . We went in and
there was al -Mansur on his bier in his shroud with his face uncovered, and we carried him three miles to Mecca . It is as if I
could see him now, looking at him from near the leg of the bier as
we carried him, and the wind was blowing and ruffling the hair on
his temples because he had let his hair grow long in order to shave
it off,3 and the dye had faded from his beard. So we brought him
to his grave and lowered him into it.

He said : I heard my father say that the first thing that earned
53 i. Al- Hasan was a leading member of the Alid family; hence his pledge of
loyalty was very important.
532. The narrator, Muhammad al-Nawfali, came from a branch of Quraysh,
Nawfal, having been a brother of Hishim and Abd Shams , and this accounts for
his position of honor.

533. Shaving the hair is part of ihrdm; he would have grown his hair to make
the subsequent shaving more noticeable.

The Events of the Year 158 (cont'dj 165

'All b. Isa b. Mahan a high position was that, on the night when
Abu ja'far died, they tried to make 'Isa b. Musa take a renewed
oath of allegiance to al-Mahdi ; it was al-Rabi' who undertook
that, but 'Isa b. Musa refused . The military commanders who
were present began to push forward and backward, and 'Ali b.
'Isa b. Mahan rose up, drew his sword , and came to him and said,
"By God, you will take the oath or I will cut your head off!" When
Isa saw that, he took the oath and the people took it after him.
According to 'Isa b. Muhammad-Musa b. Harun : Musa b.
al-Mahdi and al-Rabi', the freedman of al-Mansur, despatched
Manarah,534 the freedman of al-Mansur, with news of the death of
al-Mansur and with the oath of allegiance to al-Mahdi, and afterward they sent al-Hasan al-Sharawi535 with the staff of the Prophet
and his mantle, 131 which the caliphs had inherited. Abu al-'Abbas
a1-Tusi537 sent the seal of the caliphate with Manarah . Then they
left Mecca . 'Abdallah b. al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr131 carried the
harbah (ceremonial spear) in front of $alih b. al-Mansur, as he
used to do in the lifetime of al-Mansur , and al-Qasim b. Nasr b.
Malik,539 who was in charge of the shurfah of Musa al-Mahdi at
that time, broke it. 'Ali b. 'Isa b. Mahan interfered because of the
grievance he had against 'Isa b. Musa and what had been done
by him to the Rawandiyyah54o and openly accused them and
534. He is also described as being one of al-Mangur's agents ('ummdl), but
little else is known of him ; see Crone, Slaves, 192.

535. He was a freedman of Muhammad b. All, al- Manyur's father, and later
became governor of Mosul.
536. The staff (gadib) and the mantle (burdah) were among the msigma of the
caliphate. The gadib was lost in the later Middle Ages, but it is believed that the
burdah passed eventually to the ottomans and is now kept in the Topkapi Palace
in Istanbul.
537. He was keeper of the seal at this time; see above, note 21.
538. Son of al-Manyur's long-serving gddib al-shurfah (above, note x4). He was
later governor of Egypt for a year in Hirun's reign and fdhib al-shurfah for alMa'mun (Crone, Slaves, 187).

539. There seems to have been a continuing rivalry between the family of alMusayyab b. Zuhayr al-Dabbi and Malik b. al-Haytham al-Khuza'i for command
of the shurfah. Al-Qisim himself was later gadib al-shurfah to Hirun for a short
time but was overshadowed by his powerful uncle Abdallih b. Malik. For the
family, see Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate, 8o-8i.
540. It is not clear why 'Isi was so unpopular with sections of the Khurisimyyah, but the ruthless repression of the Riwandiyyah, who were Khurisinis, in
1411758- 59 seems to have been a contributory factor.

x66 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


talked about their journey, one of the leaders being Abu Khalid alMarwarrudhi . The matter was on the point of becoming serious
and reaching alarming proportions so that they put on arms.
Muhammad b. Sulayman took action about that and dealt with
the matter with other members of his family, but Muhammad
was the best of them at it ; the disturbance died down and became
calm. He wrote to al-Mahdi about it, and he wrote back removing
`Ali b. 'Isa from command of Musa b. al-Mahdi 's guard and
putting Abu Hanifah Harb b. Qays54 i in his place , and the state of
the army quieted down . Al-Abbas b. Muhammad and Muhammad
b. Sulayman came to al-Mahdi , al-`Abbas b. Muhammad arriving
first. Manarah reached al-Mahdi on Tuesday, 115 Dhu al-Hijjah
(i6 October, 775, a Monday), greeted him as caliph, offered his
condolences, and handed the letters over to him . The people of
the City of Peace took the oath of allegiance to him.
According to al-Haytham b. `Adi-al-Rabi`: When al-Mansur
was on the pilgrimage during which he died, at al= Udhayb542 or
one of the other halts on the road to Mecca, he had a dream. AlRabi` was in the other side of his litter . He was frightened by it
and he said, "0 al-Rabi`, I think I will die on this trip of mine and
that you must secure the oath of allegiance to Abu `Abdallah alMahdi."
Al-Rabi' continued : I said to him, "God will preserve you, 0
Commander of the Faithful, and Abu `Abdallah will reach what
you love in your lifetime, if God wills ." His illness increased at
that, and he said, "Hasten me to the Haram and safety of my Lord,
and I will escape from my sins and self-indulgences." He continued
to feel like this until he reached Bi'r Maymun, and I said to him,
"This is Bi'r Maymun , so you have entered the Haram," and he
said, "Thanks be to God," and he died the very same day.

Al-Rabi' continued : I ordered the tents to be pitched and the

pavilions543 to be prepared , and I attended to the Commander of
541. He had been one of the assassins of Abu Muslim (al-Tabari , III, 110, z z4l.
He never became a prominent figure and is last recorded escorting a prisoner at the
beginning of Hirun 's reign in 171 /787-88.
541. An oasis that was the stage after Qidisiyyah on the pilgrimage road from
al-Knfah to Mecca ; see Yiqut, Mu'jam, IV, 91; Morony, Iraq, i53
543. 1 have translated khiyam as tents and fasdfif as pavilions, but there is no
clear distinction, except that fasdfif were probably the larger tents for general

The Events of the Year 158 (cont'd) 167

the Faithful and dressed him in the tawilah and the durra-`ah,544
and I propped him up . Over his face I put a thin veil so that you
could see his form but not perceive his condition . I brought his
family close to the veil so that it was not obvious what had happened to him, but his form could be seen . Then I went in and
stood in a place from which I could pretend to them that he was
talking to me. After that I came out and said , "The Commander
of the Faithful is recovering, by the Grace of God, and sends you
his greeting and says, 'I desire that God may safeguard your affairs,
crush your enemies, and delight your friends, and I desire that you
should renew the oath of allegiance to Abu `Abdallah al-Mahdi
so that no enemy or oppressor can make trouble among you,"'
and all the people said, " May God give success to the Commander
of the Faithful; we will hasten to do that ." He545 w ent in and
stayed for a bit and then came out and said , "Come on with the
oath !" so all of them swore, and there was not a single one among
the courtiers (khdssah ), principal men (awliyd'), 546 and chiefs present who did not swear to al-Mahdi . He went in again and came
out weeping with his chest rent and slapping his face, and one of
those present said, "Our curses on you, 0 son of a sheep !" meaning
al-Rabi', for when his mother who used to suckle him died, he
was suckled by a sheep. A hundred graves were dug for al -Mansur,
and they were all filled in so that the position of his tomb, which
was obvious to the people, was not known, and he was buried in a
different one because of fear for him.547 This was done with the
tombs of the caliphs of the `Abbasid family, and no one knew the
whereabouts of their tombs . When al-Rabi` reached him, alMahdi exclaimed, "0 slave, did not the majesty of the Commander of the Faithful restrain you from doing what you did to
him?" People said that he had beaten him, but this was not true.
One of those who was present on al-Mansur 's pilgrimage said: I

544. Al- Rabic tried to show that Abu Ja'far was in a normal condition . Thus he
dressed him in fawilah (galansuwah) and durrd'ah is coat of mail).
545 The narrative changes to the third person here.
546. Khdgah means the elite, or inner circle , and was a more loosely used term
than faltdbah, which can also be translated as "courtiers," who were a defined and
salaried group. Awhyd' is also a general term for prominent people.
547 The Abbisids had exhumed the bodies of the Umayyad caliphs and desecrated their graves; Abu Ja`far must have been anxious that the same would not
happen to him.


168 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

14 581

saw $alih b. al-Mansur with his father. The people were with him
and Musa b. al-Mahdi was among his followers , but when the
people returned they were following Musa , and $alih was with
It was mentioned on the authority of al-Asma' is The first person
to announce the death of Abu Ja'far in al -Basrah was Khalaf alAhmar,549 and that was when we were sitting in the circlesso of
Yunus,sst and he passed us and greeted us and said:
"Calamity has prepared to bring forth her first born."
Yunus said, "What did he say?552

You have certainly caused her to bring forth, a huge-necked shecamel.

The death of the Imam is one of the great disasters."
Ibrahim b. Yahya b. Muhammad b. `All led the pilgrimage in
this year. It is said that al -Mansur had arranged that.
The governor of Mecca and al-'Wa'if in this year was Ibrahim b.
Yahya b. Muhammad b. All b. 'Abdallah b. `Abbas and of Medina
'Abd al-$amad b. 'Ali; 'Amr b. Zuhayr al-I?abbi, brother of alMusayyab b. Zuhayr, was in charge of al-Kufah, and it is said that
the governor ('dmil ) of it was Ismail b. Abi Ismail alThagafi, ss3 who was said to be a freedman of the Banu Nasr of
Qays; Shank b. 'Abdallah al-Nakha' i was in charge of the judiciary there, and Thabit b. Musas54 was in charge of the taxation
(khardj) . Humayd b . Qahtabah was in charge of Khurasan and
548. This reflects Musi's changed status and position in the order of precedence
when his father became caliph and he became heir apparent. Such matters of
protocol were taken very seriously in the Abbasid court.
549 Abu Muhnz Khalaf b. Hayyin , 115-80/733-96. His parents were brought
from Farghinah as slaves . He was freed and lived in al -Ba$rah, becoming a great
expert on ancient Arab poetry; see E12, s.v. "Khalaf."

550. Halgah, the circle of students and friends gathered round a teacher.
551. Abu Ishiq Yunus b. Amr al-Sabi'i, a Baran traditionist who was an
important source for sections I and 11 of the History but who contributed no
material on the Abbasid period.
552. Meaning "How does the poem continue?"
553. Al- Tabari quotes him twice as a source for the last days of Umayyad rule
in Iraq, but nothing else is known of his career.
554 A tax specialist who was later in charge of the taxation of Iraq, Syria, and
the Maghrib in Hirun 's reign ; see Ya'qubi, Bulddn, 252; al -lahshiyari, 124, 177.

The Events of the Year 158 (cont'd) 169

Shank b. `Abdallah of the judiciary of Baghdad, along with the
judiciary of al-Kufah . It is said that the gddf of Baghdad on the day
al-Manur died was `Ubaydallah b. Muhammad b . $afwan alJumahisss and that Shank b. `Abdallah was in charge of the
judiciary of al-Kufah specifically. It is also said that Sharik was in
charge of the judiciary of al-Kufah and of leading its people in
prayer. In charge of police in Baghdad on the day al-Mansur died is
said to have been `Umar b. `Abd al-Rahman,ss6 the brother of
`Abd al-Jabbar b. `Abd al-Rahman, but some said it was Musa b.
Ka`b.557 `Umarah b. Hamzah was in charge of the taxation office
of al-Bagrah and its district, and `Ubaydallah b. al-Hasan al`Anbari was in charge of the judiciary and prayers there with Said
b. Da`laj over the incidents (ahddth ). In this year, according to
Muhammad b. `Umar, the people were afflicted by a severe plague
5 5 5. 'Ubaydallah b. Muhammad b. Abd al-Rahman b. Safwan . He had been in
Medina at the time of the rebellion of Muhammad b. Abdallah in 145/76z but
remained in contact with the Abbasids (see al-Tabari, M, 126 (. He was later
governor of Medina, where he remained until his death in x60/776-77.
556. Al-Azdi . His brother had been executed by al-Mangr for rebellion , so it is
a bit surprising to find him in this position . See Crone, Slaves, 173-74.
557 For the problems this raises , see note 193, above.

(4 591

Events of the Year

(OCTOBER 31, 775- OCTOBER 18, 776)

Al-Abbas b. Muhammad led the summer raid on Byzantium,

reaching Ankara . 558 Al -Hasan b. al-W"If559 was in charge of the
vanguard of al `Abbas 's army with the freedmen. Al-Mahdi had
assigned a number of commanders from Khurasan and others to
him. Al-Mahdi himself went out and camped at Baradan and remained there until he had despatched al-`Abbas b. Muhammad
and those he sent with him. Al `Abbas did not give al -Hasan b. alWa^If, or anyone else, a separate command . In his raids he conquered a city of the Byzantines and a mafmurah560 with it and
returned safely, not a single one of the Muslims being injured.

Humayd b. Qahtabah, al-Mahdi 's governor of Khurasan, died in

558. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 73 S. It will be seen that my understanding

of the passage is somewhat different.
559 This seems to have been his only public role. He appears in al-Tabari, III,
as al-Mahdi 's personal servant. Wa;if means a slave, a servant, or a page.
560. Brooks takes this to be a subterranean granary , but it could refer more
generally to any underground structure , like the rock-cut churches and dwellings
still found in Cappadocia.

The Events of the Year 159 171

this year, and al-Mahdi appointed Abu `Awn Abd al-Malik b.

Yazid in his place.
In this year Hamzah b. Malik 561 was appointed governor of
Sijistan and Jibra it b . Yahya of Samarqand.
In this year al-Mahdi built the mosque of al-Rusafah and built 14601
its wall and dug its moat.
In this year al-Mahdi deposed `Abd al-$amad b. `Ali from
Medina, the city of the Prophet, because he was angry with him,
and appointed Muhammad b. `Abdallah al -Kathiri562 in his place.
Then he deposed him and appointed Ubaydallah b. Muhammad
b. `Abd al-Rahman b. $afwan al-Jumahi.
In this year al-Mahdi sent `Abd al-Malik b. Shihab al-Misma`i563
by sea to the land of Hind and assigned to him 2,000 people of alBasrah from all the troops (ajndd) and sent them with him. He
sent 1,5oo of the volunteers564 who were settled in frontier garrisons565 with a commander from the people of Syria called Ibn
al-Hubab al -Madhiji with 700 Syrians . He was accompanied by
i,ooo volunteers from the people of al-Basrah with their wealth,
among them, it is said, al-RabY b. $ubayh,566 and 4,000 of the
Uswariyyin567 and the Sababijah .568 `Abd al-Malik b. Shihab ap- 1461]

561. Son of Milik b. al-Haytham, brother of Abdallih b. Malik and uncle of alQasun b. Napr; see note 539 , above. Hamzah was later governor of Khurisin in
177/793-94 and died in 181/797-98 ; see Crone, Slaves, 181-83.
56z. He was again interim governor in the next year but is otherwise unknown.
563. He was bnefly governor of Sind two years later . None of the other commanders is known elsewhere.

564. The distinction seems to be between the salaried aindd and the voluntary
mu(awwi ah, who fought because they wished to make a contribution to the
,ihdd, or Holy War.
565. Murdbi fd f means the men who form such a garrison (see Lane, s.v. raba f a).
From the same root comes the better -known nbdf, meaning a frontier fortress or
simply a religious house.
566. According to Ibn al-Athir, this name should read $ubih (see editor's note).
567. So voweled by the editor in the text ; the manuscript versions are obviously
corrupt. They were Persian cavalrymen who deserted to the Muslims after the
conquest of Iraq and settled in al-Bagrah, where they became like a small tribe and
retained their own identity . See Morony, Iraq, 198, 207, 213.
568. Again this is reconstructed by the editor from corrupt readings . He relates
it to Persian shabdnah, meaning "night watchmen ." The Addenda, s.v. sbi,
suggests the reading siydbilah and that it derives from a name given to soldiers
originally from Sumatra who emigrated to Iraq in pre-Islamic times ; see EI', s.v.

172. Al- Mansur and al-Mahdi

pointed al-Mundhir b. Muhammad al-Jarudi as leader of the i,ooo
volunteers from al-Basrah and his own son Ghassan b. `Abd alMalik as leader of the 2,000 men assigned to him from al-Basrah.
He appointed his son `Abd al-Wahid b. `Abd al-Malik as leader of
the 1 , 500 volunteers from the frontier garrisons. He kept Yazid b.
al-Hubab and his men as a separate unit, and they set out. AlMahdi sent Abu al -Qasim Muhriz b. Ibrahim to supervise their
equipment before they left. They set out on their expedition and
reached the city of Barbad569 in the land of al -Hind in the year 16o
In this year Ma`bad b. al-Khalil died in Sind . He was al-Mahdi's
governor there, and he appointed Rawh b. Hatim in his places7o
on the advice of his wazir, Abu `Ubaydallah.
In this year al-Mahdi ordered the release of all those who were
in al-Mansur's prison, except those who were accused of shedding
blood or killing or those who were known for spreading corruption
or against whom anyone had a complaint or just claim. They
were released, and among those who were released from the
dungeon was Ya'qub b. Dawud,571 freedman of the Banii Sulaym.
Imprisoned with him in that prison was al-Hasan b. Ibrahim b.
`Abdallah b. al -Hasan b. al-Hasan b. `Ali b. Abi Talib.572

In this year al-Mahdi transferred al-Hasan b . Ibrahim from the

dungeon he was in to the custody of Nusayr al-Wasif.573
14621 The reasons why al-Mahdi transferred al-Hasan b. Ibrahim from
the dungeon to Nusayr:
569. The editor suggests that this should read Nirbudda . I have not been able to
locate this place.
57o. Al-Muha 'labi, elder brother of Yazid, see note 9o , above. At the time of the
Abbasid Revolution , he had joined Abu Ja'far at the siege of Wash , and he served
the Abbasids continuously until his death in Ifrigiyah in 174 /791, becoming, as
Ibn Khallikin says, the only man, apart from AND Musa al -Ash`ari, to hold office
under five caliphs . He returned in 165/781-82 to become governor of his
family 's home town, al-Bqrah . He had another spell in al -Kufah see pp. 237,
239, below) before his final appointmant to Ifrigiyah in 171 /787-88 , see also lbn
ldhari, Baydn, 84.

571. His origins and rise and fall are fully dealt with in the following pages. AlTabari's version is corroborated with some more detail in al-Jahshiyari , 15 5 -63.
572. An 'Alid, son of Ibrahim , who led the 145/762 rebellion in al-Bagrah.
573. For the term Wagif, see note 559, above. He later took the news of alMahdi's death to al-Nadi in Jurlan (see al-Tabari, 111, 5451 and is last recorded in
202/917-18, when he took the oath of allegiance to Ibrahim b. al-Mahdi.

The Events of the Year x 59 1173

It is said that the reason for this was that, when al-Mahdi ordered
the release of the prisoners as I have mentioned, Ya'qub b. Dawud
was imprisoned with al-Hasan b. Ibrahim in one place and Ya'qub
b. Dawud was released but al-Hasan b. Ibrahim was not. He was
disturbed by this and feared for his life, so he searched for a way of
escape for himself and release . He secretly communicated with
one of his reliable helpers, who dug a tunnel from a place opposite
to the place where he was in prison . After Ya'qub b. Dawud had
been released, he used to visit Ibn Ulathah, 574 who was alMahdi's gddi in the City of Peace, and stay with him until he
became friendly with him. Ya'qub heard how al-Hasan b . Ibrahim
intended to escape, so he approached Ibn 'Ulathah and told him
that he had some advice for al-Mahdi and asked to be sent to Abu
'Ubaydallah. Ibn 'Ulathah asked him what the advice was, but
he refused to tell him and kept it to himself . Ibn'Ulathah went to
Abu 'Ubaydallah and told him about Ya'qub and what he said to
him. He ordered him to be fetched and, when he entered, he asked
to be taken to al-Mahdi to tell him the advice he had, so he was
taken to him. When he came in to al-Mahdi, he thanked him for
his favor in releasing him and his generosity to him and said that
he had some advice for him . Al-Mahdi asked him for it in the
presence of Abu 'Ubaydallah and Ibn 'Ulathah, but he asked that
they leave . Al-Mahdi told him that he had trust in them, but he
refused to reveal anything to him until they got up and he was
alone with him. Then he told him the information about al-Hasan
b. Ibrahim and his plan and that it would take place that very
night. Al-Mahdi sent a trustworthy man to bring him information,
and he told him that Ya'qub's information was correct . Al-Mahdi
ordered that al-Hasan be transferred to Nusayr . He remained in
his custody until he schemed and schemes were made for him
and he escaped and could not be found . News about him became
public, and he was sought but could not be captured. Al-Mahdi
remembered Ya'qub's guidance to him, and he hoped for guidance
from him like that he had been given (before) in his affair.
574. Muhammad b.'Abdallih b. Ulathah ; he is said (see below, p. 2.o3 ) to have
been one of the two gddis of al-Rusafah. His brother Sulaymin was governor of alJazirah for Marwin b. Muhammad, the last Umayyad caliph ; see Crone, Slaves,


174 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


He asked Abu `Ubaydallah about him, and he replied that he

was present, as he had stayed with Abu `Ubaydallah. Al-Mahdi
summoned him privately and spoke of what he had done with
regard to al-Hasan b. Ibrahim the first time and of his advice to
him, and he informed him of what had occurred in his affair.
Ya`qub replied that he did not know where he was but that, if he
gave him a safe-conduct he could trust, he would guarantee to
bring him so that he could fulfill his safe -conduct and be generous
to him and favor him. Al-Mahdi gave him this in his council
(majlis) and guaranteed it. Ya`qub said to him, "Refrain, 0 Commander of the Faithful , from mentioning him and give up searching
for him because that frightens him. Leave me and him so that I
can entice him and bring him to you ." Al-Mahdi agreed to this.
Ya`qub said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, you have extended
your justice to your people, treated them fairly , and spread your
goodness and favor among them . Their hopes have grown and
their expectations have increased . However, there remain some
things that, if I drew them to your attention, you would not fail to
look into as you do in other affairs. Furthermore, there are things
done behind your door without your knowing. If you give me a
way of coming in to you and give me permission to bring them to
your notice, I shall do that ." Al-Mahdi granted him that and
entrusted him with it. He appointed Sulaym , the black eunuch of
al-Man^ur, 575 as his channel of communication with al-Mahdi
whenever he wished to enter. Ya`qub used to go in to al-Mahdi by
night and offer him advice on good and fine matters concerning
the frontiers, the building of fortresses, the strengthening of raids,
and the marrying of single people, the liberating of prisoners and
captives, the redemption of debtors , and the distribution of alms
to the virtuous . He enjoyed his favor because of that and because
he hoped he would secure for him the capture of al-Hasan b.
Ibrahim . He took him as a brother in God and issued a decree
(tawgi`) to that effect and established him in the diwdn ' 17' and
he was assigned roo,ooo dirhams, which was the first grant he
575. I have translated khddim as eunuch, possibly wrongly . At this date it may
well just mean "servant"; cf. waif.
576. That is, he was given a regular salary, recorded in the official list, or

The Events of the Year 159 1175

had ever received from it . His status continued to increase and
climb upward until he placed al -Hasan b. Ibrahim in the hands of
al-Mahdi, after which his status fell and al-Mahdi ordered that he
be imprisoned . All b. al-Kha1i157 said about that:

What a wonder is the changing of affairs

pleasing and unpleasing.
Time plays with men

and has running occurrences.

Because of Ya'qub b. Dawud,
the ropes of Mu' awiyah578 are fraying.
The disasters from `Afiyah579 have infringed upon Ibn 'Ulathah
the gadi.
Say to the wazir Abu'Ubaydallah,
"Do you have a future?"
Ya'qub is looking into affairs, and you are looking sideways.
You introduced him, and he rose above you.
That is the real inauspiciousnes.
In this year al-Mahdi dismissed Isms' it b. Abi Isms' it from alKufah and its ahdi th ( supervision of daily affairs) . Opinions differ
as to who succeeded him; some say it was Ishaq b. al-$abbah alKindi, then al-Ash'athi,580 on the advice of Sharik b . 'Abdallah,
the gadi of al-KUfah . 'Umar b. Shabbah says that al-Mahdi appointed Isa b. Lugman b. Muhammad b. Hatib b. al-Harith b.
Mu'ammar b. Habib b. Wahb b. Hudhifah b. Jumah581 and ap-

577. Mawla of Shayban from al- KUfah and a poet at the court of Hirunj Ibn alNadim numbers him among the Zindiq poets ( Fihnst, 804). See Aghdni, BUlaq,
XIII, 14; Beirut, XIV, 166 . He is not quoted elsewhere by al-Tabari.

578. AbU 'Ubaydallih, al-Mahdi 's vizier, whose position was being threatened
by Ya'qub.
579 Ibn Yazid al-Azdi . He is described as joint qd4i of Askar al-Mahdi with
Ibn 'Ulithah. The sense of the poem is that he was supplanting Ibn 'Ulathah, just
as Ya'qub was supplanting Abu'Ubaydallah.
58o. I. e., a member of the tribe of Kindah, descended from the great Ash'ath
b. Qays al-Kindi, companion of the Prophet and a leading figure in the politics
of early Muslim Iraq. The family was still very influential in al-KUfah in early
Abbasid times . Ishaq was the father of Ya'qub al -Kindi, known as the "philosopher of the Arabs"; see Crone, Slaves, iio-iz.

581. A Qurashi, Jumah being a branch of Quraysh . He was later governor of

Egypt, 161 -6:/778-79. It is not clear why al -Tabari gives so complete a genealogy

1 4651


AI-Mansur and al-Mahdi

pointed his brother's son `Uthman b. Said b. Lugman over the

police. It is also said that Sharik b. `Abdallah was in charge of the
prayers and the judiciary and `Isa of the ahddth, and then Sharik
was appointed alone as governor and put Ishaq b. al-$abbah alKindi in charge of the police. A poet said:
You would not be more than a puppet raised up by Sharik
even if your hand were to stretch so high as to catch
Canopus 582

They say that Ishaq did not thank Sharik and that Sharik said to
He prays and fasts for the things of this world he hopes for;
he attains them and prays and fasts no more.
According to `Umar583 - Ja`far b. Muhammad, the gddi of alKufah :584 Al-Mahdi put Shank in charge of the prayers as well as
the judiciary and Ishaq b. al-$abbah in charge of the police. Then
he later appointed Ishaq b. al-$abbah over the prayers and the
ahddth; then he appointed Ishaq b. al-$abbah b. 'Imran b. Ismail
b. Muhammad b. al-Ash`ath as governor of al-Kufah. He appointed
14661 al -Nu`man b. Ja'far al-Kindis85 over the police , but al-Nu'man
died and he appointed his brother Yazid b. Jafar over the police.
In this year al-Mahdi deposed Said b. Dalaj from the ahddth
of al-Barah and'Ubaydallah b. al -Hasan from the prayers and the
judiciary of its people, and he appointed `Abd al-Malik b. Ayyub
b. 7,ubyan al-Numayri in place of both of them. He wrote to Abd
al-Malik, ordering him to do justice to those people of al-Barah
who had been oppressed by Said b. Dalaj. Then in this year the
ahddth were removed from the control of 'Abd al-Malik b. Ayyub
and given to `Umarah b. Hamzah . `Umarah put a man from alBai3rah called al-Miswar b. `Abdallah b . Muslim al-Bahilis86 in
and none of his forebears seems to have distinguished himself; the identical genealogy is recorded by Ibn al-Kalbi (Caskel, table 24).
58z. The poem may be a comment on the different social status of Sharik and
Isbaq, humble Sharik appointing the aristocratic Ishaq as his deputy.

583. B.Shabbah.
584. Not recorded elsewhere.
585. Presumably a relative of his.
586. Probably a cousin of Salm b. Qutaybah b. Muslim al-Bahili, whose family
was prominent in al-Bagrah; see above, note 17.

The Events of the Year r 59 1177

charge of it, and `Abd al-Malik was confirmed in charge of the
In this year Qutham b . al-Abbas was deposed from al-Yamamah
because of (the caliph's) anger, but, when the letter of his deposition arrived in al-Yamamah, he had died. Bishr b. al-Mundhir alBajali587 was appointed governor in his place.
In this year Yazid b. Mandr was deposed from Yemen and Raja'
b. Rawh was appointed in his place.

In this year al-Haytham b. Sa'id588 was deposed from al -Jazirah

and al-Fadl b. $alih was appointed as governor.
In this year al-Mahdi manumitted his slave girl (umm walad)
al-Khayzuran and married her.589
In this year al-Mahdi also married Umm `Abdallah, daughter of
$alih b. `Ali and sister of al-Fadl and 'Abdallah b. $alih by the
same mother . In this year in Dhu al-Hijjah ( zo September- As
October, 776) fire broke out among the boats in Baghdad by the
palace of isi b. `Ali.59O Many people were burned, and the boats
there with their contents were destroyed by fire.

In this year Matar, freedman of al-Mangur, was deposed from

Egypt and Abu I?amrah Muhammad b. SulaymanS91 was made
governor in his place.
In this year there was agitation among the Band Hashim and
their party of the people of Khurasan, demanding the removal of
isi b. Musa from his position as heir apparent and its transfer to
Musa b. al-Mahdi . When that became apparent to al-Mahdi, he
wrote, it is said, to isi b. Musa, who was in al-Kufah, ordering
587. Nothing more is known about him.
588. He is probably to be identified with al-Haytham b. Sa'id b. Zuhayr, mawli
of al-Manyur, who had a suwayqah (small market) in west Baghdad by the Round
City (Yaqut, Mu'jam, III, :88). It is not clear when he was appointed to al-Jazirah,
and no further information is known about him.

589. Mother of the future caliphs al-Nadi and Hirtin and the princess al-Banugah.
A former slave of Yemeni origin, she became very powerful because of her influence with al-Mahdi. Her position declined in al-Hidi 's reign, but she regained
much of her influence upon the accession of Hiran. She died in ' 73/789.
59o. This lay on the west bank of the Tigris, where the isi Canal flowed into
it, see Le Strange, Baghdad, 146. There was a harbor there mostly used by boats
coming from al-Bayrah.
591. Not to be confused with Muhammad b . Sulaymin the 'Abbisid (see note
29, above ). He remained governor until 161/778, according to al-Tabari, but is not
recorded by al-Kinds (see note 167, above).

1 4671

178 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

him to come to him, but Isa was suspicious of his intentions and
refused to come to him.
According to `Umar:592 When power passed to al-Mahdi, he
asked `Isa to resign his position but he refused , so he wanted to
coerce him. He appointed Rawh b. Hatim b. Qabisah b. al-Muhallab
as governor of al-Kafah and Khalid b. Yazid b. Hatim in charge of
the police . Al-Mahdi was wanting Rawh to attack 'Isa in a way
that nothing could be held against Rawh , but he could not find
any means of achieving this.
`Isa had left for an estate of his at al -Rahbah593 and only used to
come into al-Kufah during two months in the year , in Ramadan,
when he joined the Friday prayers, and the id, 594 after which he
returned to his estate, and at the beginning of Dhu al -Hijjah to
attend the 'id 595 and return immediately to his estate . When he
attended the Friday prayers, he used to ride from his house to the
doors of the mosque, dismount on the threshold of the door, and
pray on the spot, Rawh wrote to al-Mahdi saying that `Isa b.
Musa did not attend Friday prayers or enter al-Kufah except for
two months of the year and, when he did come , he rode until he
reached the square by the mosque, which was the praying place of
1468] the people, and then he crossed it to the gates of the mosque and
his animals dropped dung in the praying place of the people. No
one else did this . Al-Mahdi wrote to Rawh, ordering him to block
the ends of the lanes that led to the mosque with planks of wood
so that the people would dismount there . Rawh put the planks at
the ends of the lanes, so that the place became known as "the
Planks."'Isa b. Masi heard about this before Friday , and he wrote
to the heirs of Mukhtir b. Abi `Ubayd,596 the house of Mukhtar
being on the edge of the mosque , and bought it for a high price,
refurbished it, and had a bath installed. On Thursday he went
there and stayed in it and , when he wanted to go to Friday prayers,
he mounted a donkey and rode slowly to the gate of the mosque,
59:. B. Shabbah.
593. It is probable that 'lsi's secluded residence was the great palace now
known as Ukhaydir, in the desert west of al-Kufah.
594. The 'Id al-Fifr, or Feast of the Breaking of the Ramadan Fast on i Shawwil.
595 The 'Id al-Adha, or Feast of Sacrifice, on to Dhu al-Hgjah.
596. Mukhtir had led a famous rebellion against the Umayyads in al-Kufah in

The Events of the Year 159 1179

prayed in a comer, and returned to his house. He made al-Kefah
his home and stayed there . Al-Mahdi became insistent with `Isa
and said, "If you do not agree to renounce your rights so that I
can have the oath of allegiance taken to Musa and Hirun, I will
feel justified in treating you as a rebel, but, if you accept, I will
compensate you with what will be more advantageous to you
and more immediately useful ." He agreed and took the oath of
allegiance to the two of them , and al-Mahdi ordered ten million
dirhams for him, or, it is said, twenty million dirhams, and
numerous estates (gala'i').
According to someone other than `Umar: Al-Mahdi wrote to
`Isa b. Musa when he was intending to depose him, ordering him
to come to him, but he was suspicious of his intentions and refused
to come so that it was feared that he would rebel. Al-Mahdi sent
his uncle al=Abbas b. Muhammad to him and wrote a letter and
informed him what he wanted him to say to `Isa . Al-Abbis
reached `Isa with al -Mahdi's letter and his message to him, and he
returned to al-Mahdi with his reply to that. After al=Abbas had
come to him, he sent Muhammad b. Farrukh Abu Hurayrah,597
the commander, with a thousand of his companions who were
enthusiastic in their support (for al-Mahdi). He gave each man a
drum and ordered them to beat them in unison as they reached alKefah . He entered the city one night in the early dawn, and his
companions beat their drums. `Isa b . Musa was extremely frightened by that. Abu Hurayrah came to him and ordered him to set
out. `Isi complained that he was ill, but Abu Hurayrah did not
accept this and brought him immediately to the City of Peace.
The leader of the pilgrims in this year was Yazid b. Manger, the
maternal uncle of al-Mahdi, on his arrival from Yemen.
According to Ahmad b. Thabit-anon.-Ishaq b. `Isi-Abe

Ma'shar: Muhammad b. Umar al-Wagidi and others also say

this: Yazid b. Manger came from Yemen because of a letter from
al-Mahdi ordering him to come to him and appointing him in

597. Al- Azdi. He had been one of the small group of Khurasani soldiers who
had discovered al-Saffah in al-KUfah and first proclaimed him caliph (al-Tabari,
History, III, 361. Immediately before his death, al-Hidi sent him to arrest his
brother Harun, and, when Harun became caliph, he had Muhammad executed in


i 8o Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

charge of the Pilgrimage and telling him of his longing to see him
and have him near.

[ 4701

The governor of Medina in this year was `Ubaydallah b. $afwan

al-Jumahi, Ishaq b. al-$abbah al-Kindi was in charge of the
prayers and the ahdath at al-Kufah, Thabit b. Musa was in charge
of the taxation there, and Shank b. `Abdallah of the judiciary.
`Abd al-Malik b. Ayyub b. Zubyan al-Numayri was in charge of
the prayers at al-Basrah . `Umarah b. Hamzah was over the ahdath
there, with al-Miswar b. Abdallah b . Muslim al-Bahili as his
deputy and `Ubaydallah b. al-Hasan over the judiciary. `Umarah
b. Hamzah was over the districts (kuwar) of the Tigris, al-Ahwaz,
and Fars . Bistam b. `Amr was in charge of Sind ,598 Raja ' b. Rawh
of Yemen, and Bishr b. al-Mundhir of al-Yamamah . Abu Awn
`Abd al-Malik b. Yazid was in charge of Khurasan , al-Fadl b. $alih
of al-Jazirah, Yazid b. Hatim of Ifrigiyah, and Muhammad b.
Sulayman Abu Damrah of Egypt.
598. His brother Hisham had been governor of Sind in 156-57/772-74, and he
himself was appointed to Azerbaijan in 16x /777-78 . See Crone, Slaves, 167-68.

Events of the Year

(OCTOBER 19, 776-OCTOBER 8, 777)

The events of this year:

Among the events of this year was the rebellion of Yiisuf b.
Ibrahim, he was the one who was called Yusuf al-Barm,599 in
Khurasan. He and those who followed him and shared his opinions
repudiated al-Mahdi because of the position he was alleged to be
in and his conduct in that position . It is said that many people
joined him and Yazid b. Mazyad was sent against him and met
him in battle until they fought hand to hand and Yazid took him
prisoner and sent him to al-Mahdi with a number of his principal
supporters . When they were brought to al-Nahrawan , Yusuf alBarm was carried on a camel with his face toward the tail of his
camel, and his supporters were also on camels. They were taken
into al-Rusafah in this position and brought to al-Mahdi. He ordered Harthamah b. A`yan to cut off Yusuf 's hands and legs and
then to behead him and his supporters , and they were crucified
on the Upper Bridge over the Tigris at the `Askar al-Mahdi end.

599 For this rebellion, see Daniel, Khurdsnn, t66-67.

1182. Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

He only ordered Harthamah to kill him because he had killed a
brother of Harthamah's in Khurasan.600


In this year `Isa b. Musa arrived with Abu Hurayrah on Thursday,

6 Muharram (Thursday, October 24, 776), according to al-Fadl b.
Sulayman. He stayed in a house belonging to Muhammad b. Sulayman on the banks of the Tigris in Askar al-Mahdi. For some
days he stayed visiting al-Mahdi, frequently going in by the entrance he was used to using and not meeting with any opposition,
hostility, or indifference, and some of the courtiers became friendly
with him. Then one day he came to the palace before al-Mahdi's
audience and came into an audience being held by al-Rabi` in a
small room (magsurah) with a door. The chiefs of the (Abbasid)
party had gathered that day to depose him and attack him, and
they did that when he was in the room where al-Rabi` held his
audience. The door of the room was locked in front of them, so
they beat on the door with their maces and their staffs until they
smashed it and almost broke it down. They cursed him with the
worst of curses and besieged him there. Al-Mahdi appeared to
disapprove of what they were doing, but this did not deter them
from what they were doing but rather they intensified their attack
on him. He and they remained in this position for some days until
senior men from his family made it public in the presence of alMahdi and they insisted on deposing him and cursed him to his
face, Muhammad b. Sulayman being the most hostile of them
toward him. When al-Mahdi saw their opinion of `Isa and their
hatred of him and his position as heir apparent, he called on them
to accept Musa as heir. He went along with their opinion and
agreement and urged `Isa to respond to him and them by giving
up the oath to himself that was on the necks of the people and
releasing them from it. He refused, saying that he was restrained
by an oath on his money and his family.601 Al-Mahdi sent him a
number of legal scholars (fugaha) and judges, among them Muhammad b. `Abdallah b. `Ulathah, al-Zanji b. Khalid al-Makki,6o2
boo. Daniel regards this as the "ostensible reason," but there seems to me no
cause to doubt al-Tabari 's account.
bor. I.e., an oath with provision that he would give away his money and divorce
his wives if he broke itj see p. i86, below, where 'Isi's letter of resignation
contains such penalty clauses.
6oi. Nothing more seems to be known of him.

The Events of the Year 16o 183

and others, and they gave him a legal opinion as they saw it. (He
agreed to his deposition ). 603 Eventually al-Mahdi decided to buy
the oath that he had on the necks of the people for what would be
a satisfaction and compensation to him for what he was paying
out for the breaking of his oath . This was ten million dirhams and
the estates of the Upper Zib and Kaskar, and Isa accepted this.
Since al-Mahdi had begun negotiations about deposing him until
he had agreed to it, 'Isa had remained confined with him in the
House of the Diwdn604 in al-Rusifah until he accepted the deposition and the surrender on Wednesday , 26 Muharram (Wednesday, 13 November, 776), after the afternoon prayer. He took
the oath of allegiance to al-Mahdi and to Musa after him on the
morning of Thursday, 27 Muharram (Thursday, 14 November,
776), toward midday. Then al-Mahdi received the members of his
family in a pavilion that Muhammad b. Sulaymin had given him
that was pitched in the Courtyard of the Gates.605 He received
their oaths of allegiance to himself and to Musa b. al-Mahdi after
him one by one until the last of them , and then he went out to the
Friday Mosque in al-Rusafah and sat on the pulpit. Musa climbed
up so that he was below him and `Isa stood on the first step of the
pulpit. Al-Mahdi thanked God and praised him and prayed for the
Prophet. Then he explained why he had called together the people
of his House and his Party , his commanders, his helpers ( ansar)
and others of the people of Khurasan . He told them about the
deposition of `Isa b. Musa and the transfer of the rights he had
over the people to Musa, son of the Commander of the Faithful,
about their choice of him and their pleasure in him and how he
saw their response to that, what he hoped from their interest and
friendship and what he feared from their differences in intention
and disagreements in their words . isi had resigned his precedence
and released them from the oath to him that was on their necks.
His rights in this had passed to Musa, son of the Commander of
the Faithful, with the agreement of the Commander of the Faith-

603. The editor suggests that these words from Ibn al-Athir's version should be
inserted; al-Tabari,111, 47:, n. b.
604. Dar al-Diwan, presumably the building where the diwdn records (see note
401, above ) were kept, but it is not recorded by the geographers.
605. Sahn al-Abwdb, it seems that this was in the caliph's palace in al-Ruofah.


1 84 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

ful and the members of his family and his party . Musa was the
agent of the Book of Allah and the sunna of His Prophet among
them with the best and most just conduct.
(He continued,) "So take the oath of allegiance, you who are
present and make haste to do what others have made haste to do
before . All goodness lies in consensus and all evil in division. I
ask Allah for us, and for you, good fortune through His mercy and
action in obedience to Him and what is pleasing to Him , and I ask
the forgiveness of Allah for me and for you."

14 741

Musa sat down below him separately on the pulpit so as not to

leave a gap between him and those who came up to take the oath
of allegiance to him and shake his hand and so that his face should
not be hidden. Isa remained standing in his place and a letter was
read to him detailing his resignation, his withdrawal from his
position as heir apparent, and his releasing of the people from the
oath of allegiance to him that was on their necks . That was his
own doing, and he was doing it obediently without force , willingly
without anger, lovingly without duress. `Isa agreed to that and
went up to swear allegiance to al-Mahdi and shook his hand and
then retired . The family of al-Mahdi took the oath in order of age,
swearing allegiance to al-Mahdi and then to Musa , shaking both
their hands until the last of them had finished . Those of the
courtiers (ashab) and the leading military commanders and men
of the ( Abbasid) party who were present did likewise . Then alMahdi came down and went to his house, leaving his maternal
uncle Yazid b. Mansur in charge of taking the oath from those who
were left of the upper and lower classes (khdssah wa--` ammah).
He administered it until all the people had finished . Al-Mahdi
handed over to `Isa what he had given him and satisfied him with
for the resignation of the position of heir apparent . For him he
wrote a letter of resignation witnessed by all the people of his
house, his courtiers and his party, his secretaries and the soldiers
in his diwans, as a proof against `Isa and a block to any claims or
pretensions he might have to what he had given up.

This is a copy of the conditions that `Isa wrote for himself:

In the name of God, the Merciful , the Compassionate.
This is a letter to the servant of Allah al-Mahdi Muhammad, Commander of the Faithful , and to the heir apparent

The Events of the Year i 6o 185

of the Muslims, Musa, son of al-Mahdi, to the members of
his family, to all his commanders and troops of the people
of Khurasan, and to all the Muslims in eastern and western
parts of the earth wherever they may be. I wrote it for alMahdi Muhammad, Commander of the Faithful, and for
the heir apparent of the Muslims, Musa b . Muhammad b.
`Abdallah b. Muhammad b. All concerning the assigning
to him of the covenant that belonged to me until the
words of the Muslims came together, their affair was harmonized, and their desires were united to accept appointing Musa, son of al-Mahdi Muhammad, Commander of
the Faithful, as heir apparent . I have acknowledged that
the writing of that is binding on me and that the writing
in it is mine. I have entered into what the Muslims have
entered into concerning the choice of Musa, son of the
Commander of the Faithful, and the oath of allegiance to
him and have abandoned the oath of allegiance to me that
was on their necks , and given you freedom from that, in
fullness without embarrassment on your behalf, or any of
your number or the generality of the Muslims . There is
nothing either old or new of that which gives me any
claims, demands, proofs, arguments, or obedience from
anyone of you or from the generality of the Muslims.
There is no oath of allegiance (due to me) in the lifetime
of Muhammad, Commander of the Faithful, or after him,
or after the heir apparent of the Muslims, Musa, as long as
I live until my death. I have sworn allegiance to Muhammad al-Mahdi, Commander of the Faithful, and to Musa
son of the Commander of the Faithful after him, and I [475)
have granted to them and to the mass of the Muslims of

the people of Khurasan and others absolution from the

conditions that applied to me in this matter that I have
abandoned. I have made a pact with Allah to persist in
this. I will not release any of His creatures from any pact
or agreement or oath or assurance (they have made) to
hear and obey and support al-Mahdi Muhammad, Commander of the Faithful, and his heir apparent, Musa, son
of the Commander of the Faithful , either secretly or openly,
by word or by deed, by intention, by force, by urgent re-

1 186 Al-Manur and al-Mahdi


quest, for better or for worse . (I shall act ) in friendship to

the two of them and those they appoint to office and
hostility to those who are hostile to them , whoever it
might be, as if we were still in this position that I have
If I deviate from or change or alter or interfere with or
act contrary to anything I have promised in this agreement or if I call on others to disobey anything I have made
incumbent on myself in this letter to al-Mahdi Muhammad, Commander of the Faithful, and his heir apparent,
Musa, son of the Commander of the Faithful, and to the
mass of the Muslims, or do not fulfill it, every wife I have
married at the time I wrote this letter or will marry in the
next thirty years is divorced three times, finally and completely, every slave I have now or will own in the next
thirty years is free before Allah, and all my wealth, coin or
goods or loans or land, whether great or small, long held
or newly acquired, or that I shall acquire in the next thirty
years from today, will be alms (sadagah ) for the wretched
and the governor will distribute it as he sees fit. I will
walk barefoot from the City of Peace to the old house of
Allah that is in Mecca, dedicated and obliged, for thirty
years. There will be no expiation for me and no escape for
me except fulfillment of it, and God will ensure the fulfillment of it as the responsible witness, and God is a
sufficient witness . The witness to `Isa b. Musa of his
acceptance of what is in these conditions is four hundred
and thirty members of the Banu Hashim , of the freedmen, of the courtiers (sahabah ) of Quraysh, the ministers,
secretaries, and judges. This was written in $afar, r 6o (i 8
November- r6 December, 776), and sealed by `Isa b.
A poet said:

Abu Musa hated death,

but in death was escape and honor.
6o6. The Ka'bah.

The Events of the Year i 6o 187

He cast off power and appeared dressed in
a very long garment of blame that goes down till his feet are
not seen.

In the year rho `Abd al-Malik b. Shihab al -Misma` i reached

the city of Barbad with those volunteers and others who had set
out with him. They attacked the city the day after their arrival
and besieged it for two days. They then prepared a mangonel and
attacked it with all their equipment . Then the people gathered
together and spurred each other on with the Qur'an and praising
Allah, and Allah allowed them to take it by force . Their horsemen
entered it from all sides and forced them to take refuge in their
stronghold . They lit fires with oil, and some of them were burned
while others attacked the Muslims but Allah killed them all.
More than twenty Muslims were martyred and Allah gave (the
city) as booty (fay') to them.
The sea became rough so that they could not sail away on it, so
they stayed until it improved and they were afflicted with a disease in their mouths called scurvy (humdm qurr), and about a
thousand of them died, including al-Rabi ' b. $ubayh. Then they
left when it was possible and reached the shore of Fars at a place
called Bahr Hamran .607 The wind rose up on them there during
the night, and most of their ships were wrecked. Some of them
were drowned and some escaped . They brought with them some
of their prisoners, among them the daughter of the king of Barbad,
to Muhammad b. Sulayman, who was at that time governor of
In this year Aban b. $adaqah was appointed secretary and minister (wazir) to Harm b . al-Mahdi.

In this year Abu `Awn was deposed from Khurasan on account

of (the caliph's)6os anger and Mu` adh b. Muslim was put in his
In this year the summer expedition (against the Byzantines)

607. Not known to the geographers.

608. According to In al-Athir, this was because he failed to defeat the rebel alMuganna'. That the caliph still retained a high opinion of him is shown by the
anecdote, pp. 156-57, below.


i88 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

was led by Thumamah b. al-Walid al-'Absi.609
In this year al-Ghamr b. al-Abbas al-Khath'ami610 led a raid
on the Syrian (Mediterranean sea.


In this year al-Mahdi returned the family of Abu Bakrah from

their genealogy in Thaqif to their position as clients of the Prophet
of God. 61' The reason for this was that a man of Abu Bakrah
complained of injustice to al-Mahdi and claimed to be related to
him because of his position as a freedmen of the Prophet of God.
Al-Mahdi replied, "You have established this genealogy and traced
back this descent only when you felt you needed to and you
required to become close to us ." Al-Hakam said, "0 Commander
of the Faithful, if anybody has denied that, we will acknowledge
it. I am asking you to return me and the clan of Abu Bakrah to
our descent from the freedman of the Prophet of God and to order
that the family of Ziyad b. 'Ubayd be expelled from the genealogy
to which Mu'awiyah had attached them, contrary to the judgment of the Prophet: 'The child belongs to the bed and to the
adulterer the stone.' They should be returned to their descent
from 'Ubayd among the freedmen of Thagif. 612
Al-Mahdi ordered that all the branches of the family of Abu
Bakrah and the family of Ziyad should be returned to their genealogy. He wrote to Muhammad b. Sulayman a letter that he
ordered should be read out in the Great Mosque (in al-Basrah) to

609. He was to lead the expedition for the next two years . For his background,
see Crone, Slaves, ro5-6.
bro. Ya'gnbi, Bulddn, z53, says that he had a property in Baghdad and calls
him gdhrb al-balrr, "the lord of the sea."
61 i. Abu Bakrah Nufay' )or Nafi') b. Masruh was a slave man of Thaqif by
origin, but he became a mawla Ichent here , rather than freedman ) of the Prophet.
His mother, Sumayyah, later married 'Ubayd, so he and Ziyad were half -brothers
(see note 6r:). His descendant is claiming that this bond entitles him to be
considered as a member of the Prophet 's kin. The issue was important because
genealogy decided the level of pension paid by the diwdn.
6r2. Ziyad was Mu' iwiyah 's right -hand man in Iraq. At first he was accepted
as the son of 'Ubayd, a mawli of Thaqif and his wife Sumayyah , but it was widely
believed that Sumayyah had been unfaithful and that Ziyid's true father was Abu
Sufyin, Mu'iwtyah 's father. As a sign of his gratitude, Mu'awiyah acknowledged the link and had Ziyid accepted as an Umayyad . Al-Mahdi removed his
descendants to the humbler position of mawili of Thaqif. The descendant of Abu
Bakrah is arguing that this is a precedent and that the caliph can alter people's
genealogical status if he believes that to be right.

The Events of the Year it 6o 189

the effect that the family of Abu Bakrah should be returned to
their status as freedmen of the Prophet and their descent from
Nufay' b. Masrah .613 There should be returned to those who
acknowledged that genealogy their wealth in al-Basrah , which he
ordered should be restored to them the same as those in a similar
position whose wealth had been restored to them . It should not be
returned to those who denied that . He appointed as investigator
and examiner of them al -Hakam b. Samarqand 614
Muhammad put into effect the orders that had come about the
family of Abu Bakrah , except those of them who were not present.
As for the family of Ziyad, what strengthened the opinion of alMahdi about them was what `Ali b. Sulaymin reported that his
father told him : "I was in the presence of al-Mahdi when he was
investigating complaints (mazdlim), when a man from the family
of Ziyad called al -$ughdi b. Salm b . Harb came to him and he
asked, 'Who are you ?' and he replied, 'Your cousin (ibn 'amm),'
so he asked, 'Which cousin?' and he traced his genealogy back to
Ziyad . 615 Al -Mahdi said, '0 son of Sumayyah the adulteress, since
when are you my cousin?' and he was very angry with him, and
he was squeezed in the neck and thrown out and the people rose."
He said : When I went out, `Isa b. Musa or Masi b. `Isa followed me and said, "By God, I wanted to send after you because
the Commander of the Faithful turned to us after you had gone
out and said, 'Who knows anything about the family of Ziyad?'
and, by God, none of us knew a thing about it. Do you have any
information, 0 Abu `Abdallah?" I continued to tell him about
Ziyad and the family of Ziyad until we reached his house by the
Muhawwal Gate, where he asked me by God and kinship to write
all of it down so that he could go to the Commander of the Faithful
and tell him about it on my authority. So I wrote it down and sent
it to him, and he went to al -Mahdi and informed him about it.
Al-Mahdi ordered that a letter be written to Hirun al -Rashid, [479)

who was his governor of al-Basrah,616 ordering him to write to

613.. See note 6 11, above.

614. He is not recorded elsewhere.

615. If Ziyad had been accepted as an Umayyad , his descendant would have
been a every distant cousin of the caliph.

6 16. The situation seems to have been that the young Hiriin had some theoret-

Igo Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

the governor to remove the family of Ziyad from the diwan of
Quraysh and the Arabs617 and to examine the descend--its of Abu
Bakrah about their position as clients of the Prophet . Those who
accepted it were to retain their wealth, but, if they traced their
descent to Thaqif, it should be confiscated. They were examined
and all of them accepted their status as freedmen except three,
and their wealth was confiscated . After that the family of Ziyad
bribed the chief of the diwan to restore them to their previous
position. Khalid al-Najjar6t8 said about this:
To me : (the brothers ) Ziyad, Nafi', and Abu
Bakrah are one of the most amazing wonders.
One is a Qurashi, he says, the next
a client and the third, as he alleges, an Arab.
A copy of the letter sent by al-Mahdi to his governor of alBagrah ordering that the family of Ziyad be returned to their
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
The most just thing that the governors of the Muslims
themselves, their courtiers, and their general public undertake in their affairs and their judgments is acting among
them (the Muslims ) in accordance with the Book of God
and in surrendering to the desires other than it leads to
with it. They should persevere with it and take pleasure
in it in their likes and dislikes because of what is in it
about the establishment of the legal punishments of God,
the knowledge of His law, the following of His wishes,
and the obtaining of His rewards, and His good recompense. Whatever goes in conflict with it, in rejecting it

1480) and in surrendering to the desires other than it, leads to

all sorts of going astray and depravity in this world and
the next.
It was the decision of Mu` awiyah b. Abi Sufyan to adopt
Ziyad b. `Ubayd, the slave of the family of `Allaj of Thaqif
ical authority over al - Basrah but appointed an executive governor to administer
the city.
617. Following Ibn al-Athir here , see al-Tabari, 111, 479, n. b.
618. Nothing more is known of him.

The Events of the Year rho 1911

and to accord him what the mass of the Muslims after
him and many in his own time refused him619 because of
their knowledge of Ziyad and his father and his mother.
(Those who refused him were ) persons of good will, virtue,
law (figh ), piety, and knowledge . Mu`awiyah did not follow that because of piety, or good guidance, or observing
the guiding Sunnah, or the example of the past imams of
truth, but because of his desire for the destruction of his
faith and his afterlife and his determination to contradict
the Book and the Sunnah. He admired Ziyad for his determination and effectiveness and what he hoped from his
assistance and his support to strengthen him in his resorting to the falsehood in his conduct, ways, and wicked
works. The Prophet of God said, "The child belongs to the
bed and to the adulterer the stone,11620 and he said, "He
who claims descent from someone other than his father,
or to be related to someone other than his master, upon
him is the curse of God and His angels and of all the
people. God will not accept either repentance or ransom
from him ." By my life, Ziyad was not born in the lap of
Abu Sufyan, nor in his bed, nor was `Ubayd a slave of Abu
Sufyan, nor was Sumayyah his slave girl. They were not
his property, and he did not own them by any means.
All those who know traditions and anecdotes remember what Mu`awiyah said to Na*r b. Hajjaj b. 'Ilat alSulami621 and those freedmen of the Banu 'l-Mughirah
al-Makhziimi who were with him,622 and how they wanted
to adopt him and accept his claim . Mu'awiyah prepared a
stone under one of his cushions and threw it at them, and
they said to him, "Should we regard as permissible what
you have done for Ziyad while you do not make permissible to us what we have done to our relative (Nair)?"

619. l.e., the status of a member of Quraysh.

6zo. Crone and Hinds, God's Caliph, 88, claun that this is the first time a
caliph ever quoted a prophetic tradition in a public statement.
6zi. Nagr was the beautiful lad of Medina with whom a certain woman was
infatuated. 'Omar b. al-Khaltab drove him out of Medina.
6zz. No further information is available about them.


Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Upon that Mu` awiyah said to them "The judgment of
the Prophet of God is better for you than the judgment of

(481) Mu`awiyah." Thus in his judgment about Ziyad and his

adopting him, and what he did for him and how he promoted him, Mu`awiyah contradicted the order of God,
Great and Glorious, and pursued in this matter his own
desire, forsaking truth and avoiding it. God, Great and
Glorious, says, "Who is more led astray than he who
follows his own desires without the guidance of God, for
God does not give guidance to a wrong -doing people."623

And He said to David, to whom he had given judgment

and Prophecy and wealth and the caliphate , "0 David,
we did indeed make you a vicegerent (khalifah) on the
earth," to the end of the verse.624
The Commander of the Faithful asks God to safeguard
his soul and his faith and protect him from pursuing his
own desires and to grant him success in all his affairs as
He wishes and accepts, for He is listening and close.
The Commander of the Faithful has decided that he
will return Ziyad and those who are descended from him
to their mother and their well-known genealogy; he assigns them to their father , `Ubayd, and their mother,
Sumayyah. He is following the words of the Prophet of
God and what truthful people and rightly guided Imdms
have agreed upon . He does not hold permissible what
Mu`awiyah has ventured that contradicts the Book of
God and the Sunnah of his Prophet. The Commander of
the Faithful is the person most entitled to do that and to
apply it because of his kinship with the Prophet of God
and his following in his tracks, his keeping alive of his
Sunnah and his rejection of the customs (sunan ) of others
that deviate and outrage truth and good guidance.

God, Great and Glorious, has said, "Apart from Truth,

what remains but error ? How then are ye turned away? "625

623. Qur'dn, XXV: So.

6:4. Qur'dn, XXXVIII: 26.
62.5. Qur 'dn, X: 32.

The Events of the Year 16o 193

Know that this is the decision of the Commander of

the Faithful about Ziyad and the matter of the children of
Ziyad, so attach them to their father, Ziyad b. Ubayd,
and their mother, Sumayyah. Force them about that and
make it known to those of the Muslims in your area, so
that they may know it and it may be accepted among
them. The Commander of the Faithful has written to the
gadi of al-Ba^rah and the master of their diwan about
that. Peace be upon you and the mercy of God and His
Mu' awiyah b. `Ubaydallah wrote this in the year 159 131
October, 775-18 October, 776 ). When the letter reached Muhammad b. Sulayman, he set about putting it into effect, but then
representations were made on their behalf and he did not proceed.
`Abd al-Malik b. Ayyub b. Zubyan al-Numayri had been sent a
letter like the one to Muhammad, but he did not put it into effect
because of his relationship to Qays and his dislike of any of his
people, leaving it for another group.626
In this year the death of `Ubaydallah b. $afwan al-Jumahi
occurred. He was governor of Medina, and Muhammad b. 'Abdallah al-Kathiri was appointed in his place, but he remained there
only a short time before he was removed and Zufar b. Aim alHilali was appointed in his place. Al-Mahdi appointed 'Abdallah
b. Muhammad b. 'Imran al-Talhi627 in charge of the judiciary in
Medina in this year.
In this year'Abd al-Salim al-Khariji62s rebelled and was killed.
In this year Bistam b. 'Amr was deposed from Sind and Rawh b.
lli tim was made governor.

Al-Mahdi led the pilgrims in this year. When he left his city, he

626. Numayr and Quraysh were of the Qays group, thinly represented in alBa$rah, and 'Abd al-Malik did not want to lose the family of Ziyad.
627. B. Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Talhah b.'Ubaydallah, a descendant of Talbah
b. 'Ubaydallah, the Prophet's companion and one of the first Muslims . This may
be why al-Tabarl singles him out for notice, for he does not seem to have been
famous for any other reason (see Caskel, Table 2r, for the full genealogy(.
628. B. Hishim al-Yashkuri. Ibn al-Athir adds that he was killed near Mosul,
and al-Khalifah, Tdrikh, 702, quotes al-Mahdi's letter refuting his claims. For
further details, see text, p. 492.

[ 482

194 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

appointed his son Musa as his deputy and with him left Yazid b.
Mansur, the maternal uncle of al-Mahdi, as his vizier and administrator of his affairs . In this year his son Harun and a group of
people of his household set out with al-Mahdi. Among those who
accompanied him was Ya'qub b. Dawud because of the position
he had with him. When he reached Mecca, al-Hasan b. Ibrahim b.
`Abdallah b. al-Hasan, for whom Ya'qub had asked al-Mahdi for a
safe-conduct, came to him with his safe-conduct. Al-Mahdi gave
him the best of gifts and rewards and assigned him wealth from
the state lands (sawafij in the Hijaz.

In this year, al-Mahdi took off the cover (kiswah) of the Ka`bah
and replaced it with a new one. This was because the keepers of
the Ka'bah, it is said, told him that they were afraid that it would
be destroyed by the weight of the covers that were on it. He
ordered that the covers that were on it should be stripped off so
that it was completely bare. Then he ordered that the whole
house be covered with perfume (khaluq). It is said that, when
they reached Hisham's cover, they found it was made of very
thick brocade and they found that the covers of those before him
were mostly of textiles from Yemen.
This year it is said that al-Mahdi distributed a great deal of
money to the inhabitants of Mecca and that he did the same to
the people of Medina. It is said that the amount he distributed on
this journey was investigated and it was found to be thirty million
dirhams, which he brought with him. Three hundred thousand
dinars came to him from Egypt and 200,000 from Yemen, and it
was all distributed. One hundred and fifty thousand garments
were also distributed. He extended the mosque of the Prophet
of God and ordered the removal of the enclosure (magsurah)
that was in the mosque of the Prophet, so it was removed.629
He wanted to reduce the height of the pulpit of the Prophet of
God and return it to its original state, removing from it what
Mu`awiyah had added. It is said on the authority of Malik b.
Anas`0 that he took advice about this and he was told that there
629. The enclosure for prominent people (magfurah) was disapproved of by the
pious because all Muslims should be considered equal before God.
630. D. 179/796. The great traditionist and legal scholar, author of the Muwalld
and founder of the Maliki legal school ; see Ell, S.V. "Malik b. Anas."

The Events of the Year rho 1195

were nails that joined the wood that Mu`iwiyah had added to the
original ancient wood and that it was not safe to take out these
nails because the vibration would break it, so he abandoned the
During the days he was staying in Medina he ordered that five
hundred of the men of the Ansir631 should be recruited and that
they should be a guard and helpers (ansdr) to him in Iraq. They
were to be given their food in addition to their salaries and, on
their arrival with him at Baghdad , they were given a property
(gati'ah),632 which was known after them.
During his stay there, he married Ruqayyah the Uthmani,
daughter of 'Amr.633
In this year Muhammad b. Sulayman brought ice to al-Mahdi,
which reached him in Mecca . Al-Mahdi was the first of the caliphs
to have ice brought to him in Mecca.
In this year, al-Mahdi returned to his family and others the
plots (gatd'f) that had been confiscated from them.
Ishaq b. al-$abbah al-Kindi was in charge of the prayers and the
ahddth in al-Kufah in this year , and Sharik was in charge of the
judiciary there . Muhammad b. Sulayman was in sole charge of
al-Basrah and its ahddth and its separate offices, the districts
(kuwar) of the Tigris, Bahrayn, and `Umin and the districts of
Ahwaz and Firs. 'Ubaydallah b. al-Hasan was in charge of the
judiciary of al-Ba^rah in this year. Mteidh b. Muslim was in
charge of Khurisan, al-Fadl b . $alih of al-jazirah, Rawh b. Hitim
of Sind, Yazid b. Hitim of Ifriqiyah, and Muhammad b. Sulayman
Abu Qamrah of Egypt.
63 r. In this case, descendants of the original an;8r of Medina, the helpers of the
Prophet are meant, not the Khurisiniyyah , who are often referred to as the an;ar
of the Abbisidsi see note 63 , above.
632. Le Strange, Baghdad, :: 2, notes a Bridge of the Anger on the East Bank of
the Tigris in Baghdad.
633. Probably daughter of Abdallih b . Amr, a grandson of the caliph'Uthman.
After al-Mahdi's death , Ruqayyah became the wife of al-Husayn b. Ali, the unsuccessful 'Alid rebel of 169/785-86.

( 484)

Events of the Year
(OCTOBER 9, 777-SEPTEMBER 27, 778)

The events of this year:

Among the events of this year was the rebellion of Hakim alMuganna634 in Khurasan, from one of the villages of Marw. It is
said that he used to teach the transmigration of souls and applied
it to himself. He led many people astray and became powerful and
moved to Transoxania. Al-Mahdi sent a number of commanders
to fight him, among them Mu'adh b . Muslim, who was at that
time in charge of Khurasan . With him were `Ugbah b . Muslim,63s
Jibra 'il b. Yahya, and Layth, freedman of al-Mahdi .636 Then alMahdi put Said al - Harashi637 in sole command of the war against

634. For the most recent discussion of al-Muganna `, with full references, see
Daniel, Khurdsdn, 137-47.

635. This name should probably read Ugbah b. Salm, on whom see note 72,

636. He was later appointed governor of Sind (see below , p. 505 ; Ya`qubi,
Td'rikh, II, 4651 Crone, Slaves, 192.
637. Not to be confused with Said b. Amr b. Aswad al -Harashi, who was
governor of Khurisin for the Umayyads 103-4 /721-22 (cf. Crone, Slaves, 144-45,
who attempts to link the two). Al -Kindi, Governors, 122, reveals that the family at

The Events of the Year 11611 1197

him and attached the commanders to him . Al-Muganna' began
to gather food in preparation for a siege in a castle in Kishsh.638
In this year Nasr b. Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath al-Khuza`i639
apprehended 'Abdallah b. Marwin640 in Syria and brought him to
al-Mahdi, before he was appointed governor of Sind, and al-Mahdi
imprisoned him in the Mutbaq.64i

Abu al-Khattab mentioned : 'Abdallah b. Marwin b. Muhammad,

whose kunyah was Abu al-Hakam, was brought to al-Mahdi when
he was holding a public audience in al-Rusafah, and he said, "Who
knows this man?" and 'Abd al `Aziz b. Muslim al-'Uqayli stood
by him and said to him, "Abu al-Hakam? " and he replied, "Yes,
the son of the Commander of the Faithful," and he said, "How
have you been since I saw you?" Then 'Abd al-Aziz turned to
al-Mahdi and said, "Yes, Commander of the Faithful, this is
`Abdallah b. Marwin." The people were amazed at his boldness,
but al-Mahdi did not take any action against him.
When al-Mahdi imprisoned `Abdallah b. Marwin he laid a trap
for him. 'Amr b. Sahlah al-Ash'ari642 came and claimed that
`Abdallah b. Marwin had killed his father and he was brought
before `Afiyah the Qadi, who gave judgment that he should be
killed for `Amy' s father, and proof was established against him.
When the judgment was about to be carried out, `Abd al `Aziz b.
Muslim al-'Uqayli came to `Afiyah the Qadi, passing through the
people until he reached him, and said, "Amr b. Sahlah alleges
that `Abdallah b. Marwin killed his father. By God he is lying, for
I alone killed him, on the orders of Marwin, and `Abdallah is
one time consisted of slaves of Ziyad b . Abd al-Rahmin al-Qushayri (Nagr b.
Sayyir's governor of Nishapur(. His father, Diwud, was a Turk, while his mother
was maternal aunt of the king of Tabanstan . He later campaigned in Tabanstan
and is last recorded in i 89/805, when he came to meet Harun al-Rashid on his
visit to al-Rayy. He was given extensive properties in eastern Baghdad by al- Mahdi,
including a market and a square , perhaps as a reward for defeating al-Muganna`.

638. In Transoxania between Samarqand and the Oxus, known since AD the
fifteenth century as Shahr-i Sabz . See Le Strange, Lands, 469-70.
639. Son of the Khurasani commander Muhammad b . al-Ash'ath al-Kliuzi'i.
He was later governor of Sind and died there in 164 /780-811 (Crone, Slaves, i85).
640. Son and heir apparent of Marwin b. Muhammad, the last Umayyad caliph.
He died in pnson in 170/786-87.

641. The state pnson within the walls of the Round City in Baghdad; see Le
Strange, Baghdad, :7.
642. Nothing is known of this man or his father.

1 48 51

198 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

( 486(

innocent of his blood." The case against `Abdallah b. Marwan

was dropped, and al-Mahdi did not take any action against `Abd
al-`Aziz b. Muslim because he killed him on the orders of Marwan.
In this year Thumamah b. al-Walid led the summer expedition 141
and camped in Dabiq , and the Byzantines assembled an army
while he was heedless . When his scouts and spies came and told
him, he did not pay any attention to what they said . He went out
against the Byzantines, who were commanded by Michael, with
the advance guard, and a number of the Muslims were killed. `Isa
b. All was posted (murdbit ) at the fortress of Mar`ash144 at that
time. The Muslims did not make a summer raid this year because
of that.
In this year al-Mahdi ordered the building of castles (qusur) on
the road to Mecca1S45 more extensive than the castles that Abu al`Abbas had built from Qadisiyyah to Zubydah , and he ordered that
Abu al-'Abbas 's castles should be enlarged , and he left the staging
posts that Abu Ja`far had built as they were. He ordered the
building of reservoirs (masdni ') at each watering place and the
renewal of the milestones and cisterns ( birak ) and the building
of watering troughs with the reservoirs . He put Yaqtin b. Musa
in charge of this, and he continued with it until the year 171
(June 22, 787 -June ro, 788). Yagtin's successor in this was his
brother Abu Musa.
In this year al-Mahdi ordered the enlargement of the great mosque
in al-Basrah, and it was extended in front in the direction of the
qiblah and on the right in the direction of the square of the Banu
Sulaym. He put Muhammad b. Sulayman, who was at that time
governor of al-Basrah, in charge of the work.

In this year al-Mahdi ordered the demolition of the enclosures

(magsurah ) in all the mosques and the shortening of the pulpits
643. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 735

644. Modem Mara, in southeastern Turkey. It was one of the main Muslim
bases on the south side of the Taurus mountains ; see Le Strange, Palestine, 502-3.
645. With the establishment of Abbasid power in Iraq, the pilgrimage road
from al- Kufah and al-Ba$rah to Mecca became increasingly important, and water
supply was a constant problem ; see below, p. Sot. This was aggravated by the fact
that the pilgrimage fell in high summer during the reigns of al-Mahdi and Hirun.
This was one of a series of measures to improve the position that culminated in
the work of Zubaydah in the reign of Hirun.

The Events of the Year 161 199

and their reduction to the size of the pulpit of the Prophet of God.
He wrote about that to the provinces and it was done.

In this year al-Mahdi ordered Yaqub b. Dawud to send trusted

agents to all the regions , and this was done . No letter was allowed
to be sent on behalf of al-Mahdi to a governor until Ya`qub b.
Dawud had written to his trusted agent to send it.
In this year the status of Abu Ubaydall ah, the vizier of al-Mahdi,
was humbled. Ya`qub attached to himself a large number of the
legal experts of al-Basrah and of the people of al-Kufah and Syria.
He appointed as chief of the Basrans and organizer of their business
Isms` it b. `Ulayyah al-AsadiM6 and Muhammad b. Maymun
al-`Anbari 647 He Appointed `Abd al-A`la b. Musa al-HalabiTM8
as chief of the people of al-Kufah and the people of Syria.
The reason why the position of Abu `Ubaydallah with al-Mahdi
We have already mentioned the reasons for his appointment
in the days of al-Mansur and how al -Mansur attached him to
al-Mahdi when he sent him to al-Rayy at the time when `Abd
al-Jabbar b. `Abd al- Rahman rebelled against al-Mansur.649
According to Abu Zayd `Umar b. Shabbah-Sa` id b. IbrahimJa`far b . Yahya-al-Fadl b . al-Rabi`: The freedmen used to denounce Abu `Ubaydallah to al-Mahdi and attack him in his
presence . The letters of Abu `Ubaydallah used to convey to alMansur whatever business he wished , and the freedmen were
closeted with al-Mahdi and used to inform him about Abu `Ubaydallah and incite him against him.
Al-Fadl said : The letters of Abu `Ubaydallah used to come to
my father one after the other complaining about the freedmen
and what he suffered from them . He continued to mention it to
al-Mansur and tell him about his position , and he extracted letters
from him to al-Mahdi ordering him to stop listening to slander
about him.
646. 116-93/734 -809. An important authority for Section I of al-Tabari's
history. Ibn al-Nadim numbers him among the traditlomsts (F,hnst, 549).

647. Not known elsewhere.

648. Not known elsewhere ; his name al-Halabi suggests that he came from

649. In 141/758-59. For the fall of Abu'Ubaydallih, see also al -Jaht;, 150-57,
and Sourdel, Vizlrat, 1, 99-103.


Zoo Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


He said : When Abu `Ubaydallah saw the influence of the freedmen over al-Mahdi and how they were alone with him, he approached four educated and knowledgeable men from different
tribes and attached them to al -Mahdi so that they were among his
courtiers, so as not to let the freedmen be alone with him. Then
when Abu `Ubaydallah spoke to al-Mahdi on some business of
his, one of these four men raised objections concerning the business that he was speaking about. Abu `Ubaydallah passed over it
in silence and did not argue with him and left. He ordered that the
man be kept from seeing al -Mahdi, so he was kept from him.
News of this reached my father.
He said : My father went on the pilgrimage with al-Mansur in
the year in which he died, and my father undertook what he undertook on behalf of al-Mahdi with regard to the oath of allegiance
and its renewal from the household of al-Mansur and his commanders and freedmen . When he arrived, I met him after sunset
and accompanied him while he went past his dwelling place and
left the house of al-Mahdi and went to Abu `Ubaydallah and he
said, "0 my little son, he is friend ($dhib) of the man,6so and it is
necessary that we should not deal with him as we used to deal
with him about it, nor should we call him to account for the help
we gave him in his business."
We went oil until we reached Abu `Ubaydall ah's gate, and he
remained standing while I prayed the evening prayer . The chamberlain came out and said, "Enter," so he stretched his legs and
I stretched mine. (The chamberlain ) said, "I only gave you permission to enter, 0 Abu al-Fadl," and my father replied, "Go and
tell him that al-Fadl is with me," and turning to me he said, "This
is also related to that."
He said : The chamberlain came out and gave permission for us
to enter together so we went in , my father and I . Abu `Ubaydallah
was in the front of the reception room, on a prayer mat leaning
with his elbow on a cushion and I said (to myself), "He (usually)
stands up for my father when he comes in," but he did not stand
up for him. And I said, "He will sit erect when he approaches
him," but he did not do it. And I said, "He will summon a prayer
650. l.e., al-Mahdij now that Abu 'Ubaydallih's master is caliph, he must be
treated with respect.

The Events of the Year i6i 2o1

rug for him," but he did not do it. My father sat down before him
on the carpet while he was leaning. He began to ask him about his
journey, his travel, and his conditions, and my father waited for
him to ask about what he had done in the business of al-Mahdi
and the renewal of the oath of allegiance, but he avoided it and,
when my father began to mention it, he said, "News of you has
reached me ." Then my father began to get up and he said, "I see
that the gates are closed so you may stay," and my father replied,
"The gates cannot be closed to me." But he answered , "Yes, they
have been closed."
My father thought that he was wanting to detain him so that he
could rest after his journey and to ask him so he said, "I will
stay." Abu 'Ubaydallah said, "0 so-and-so, go and prepare a place
for Abu al-Fadl to spend the night in the house of Muhammad b.
`Ubaydallih." When my father saw that he was wanting him to
leave the house he said, "The gates cannot be closed in front of
me." Then he made up his mind and rose.
When we left the house , my father turned to me and said, "0
my little son, you are most stupid ," and I said, "What is my
stupidity ?" and he replied, "You should have said to me, 'You
should not have come and, when you did come and we were not
admitted, you should not have gotten up until you had prayed the
evening prayer and you should have gone away and not entered.
When you entered and he did not stand up for you, you should
have returned and not stayed with him .' The right course of
action was entirely what I did. But, by the one and only God,
Whose oaths are binding, I will use my rank and spend my wealth
to satisfy myself from Abu Ubaydallah."

He said: He began to make strenuous efforts but he could not

find any way of getting at the object of his hate, despite using
great stratagems. Then he remembered al-Qushayrl, 611 whom
Abu Ubaydallah debarred (from entering the caliph's presence).
He sent to him and when he came he said , "You already know
what Abu Ubaydallah has done to you, and he has done the most
evil sorts of things to me . I have conspired against him with all
my power, but I have not found any way to get at him. Do you
65 r. I cannot identify him further.

14 8 91

:os. AI-Mansur and al-Mahdi


have any ideas about his business ?" He replied, "Abu `Ubaydallah
can only be got at in one way, which I will tell you. It is said that
Abu Ubaydallah is the most ignorant of men in his trade, but
Abu `Ubaydallah is the most skillful of people , or it is said that
he is suspect in his adoption of the Faith, but Abu `Ubaydallah is
the most upright of men; if the daughters of al-Mahdi were in his
lap, that would be their safe place . Or it is said that he is inclined
to contradict the Sultan, but Abu `Ubaydallah cannot be attacked
through that , yet he is only showing some inclinations toward
Qadar. He cannot be attacked through that to the extent of
drawing an accusation against him, but he can be attacked for all
this through his son."
Al-Rabi` took him in his arms and kissed him between the
eyes. Then he began to conspire against the son of Abu `Ubaydallah and, by God, he continued to scheme and make insinuations
to al-Mahdi and accused him with regard to one of al-Mahdi's
harem until suspicion of Muhammad b. Abu `Ubaydallah was
established in al-Mahdi 's mind. He ordered that he should be
summoned and Abu Ubaydallah was brought out, and he said,
"Muhammad, recite! " and he began to recite, but he was unable
to speak the Qur'an. The caliph said, "Mu`awiyah, did you not
tell me that your son has learned all the Qur'an?" He replied, "0
Commander of the Faithful , I did tell you, but he left me years ago
and in that period when he kept his distance from me, he has
forgotten the Qur'an." He said, "Get up and come near to God by
killing him!" and he began to stand up and collapsed . Al-`Abbas
b. Muhammad said , "I think, Commander of the Faithful, that
you should excuse the old man."

He said: He did so and he ordered that he ( the son) be taken out

and beheaded.
He said : Al-Mahdi was suspicious of him in his heart and alRabi` said to him, "You have killed his son, so it is not desirable
that he should be with you or that you should trust him," and he
filled al-Mahdi with anxiety and his affair turned out as it turned
out and al -Rabi` achieved what he wanted; he was avenged and
his power increased.

According to Muhammad, son of Abu `Abdallah Ya`qub b.

Dawud-his father : Al-Mahdi beat a man of the al-Ash`aris and
caused him pain . Abu Ubaydallah felt solidarity with the man

The Events of the Year 16 z 203

because he was a freedman of theirs and he said, "Death would be

better than that, 0 Commander of the Faithful," and al-Mahdi
said to him, "0 Jew, get out of my camp (`askar),652 God curse
you!" and he said, "I do not know where I shall go if not to the fire
(of hell)," and my father said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, how
fitting that such a thing should be prepared," and he said to me,
"Glory be to God, 0 Abu 'Abdallih."
In this year, al-Ghamr b. al `Abbas made a naval raid (on the
Byzantine Empire).
In this year Na*r b. Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath was appointed to
Sind in place of Rawh b. Hitim and he set out there until he
reached it, when he was deposed and replaced by Muhammad b.
Sulaymin, who sent `Abd al-Malik b. Shihab al -Misma`i. He
arrived there and came upon Nair unawares. He gave him permission to set out, so he set out until he stopped on the shore about
six farsakhs from al-Mansurah. Nair b . Muhammad then received
his diploma of appointment to Sind and returned to his post. `Abd
al-Malik had been there for eighteen days and he did not block his
way, and so he returned to al-Ba^rah.
In this year al-Mahdi appointed `Afiyyah b. Yazid al-Azdi as
gddi. He and Ibn Ulathah were both gddis in `Askar al-Mahdi in
al-Rusafah . The gddi in the eastern city (madinat al-sharqiyyah)
was `Omar b . Habib al-Adawi.653
In this year al-Fall b . $alih was deposed from al-Jazirah and
`Abd al-$amad b. `Ali was appointed in his place.
In this year `Isa b. Lugman was made governor ('dmil) of
In this year Yazid b. Mansur was appointed governor (wdli) of
the Sawid of al-Kufah, Hassan al-Sharawi of Mosul, and Bistim b.
`Amr al-Taghlibi of Azerbaijan.

65z. Al-Rugafah in Baghdad was sometimes called 'Askar al-Mahdi , the Camp
of al-Mahdi, and it may be what is meant here.
653. It is not clear what is meant here . The Sharqiyyah quarter lay on the west
bank of the Tigris to the east of the Round City. According to Le Strange (Baghdad,
9o-91), it originally had its own Friday mosque and gdtii, so it could have been
referred to as a madinah . The other possibility is that this should read , madinat
al-gharbiyyah ("the western city"), meaning the Round City and its suburbs on
the west bank, as opposed to al-Rug3fah on the east.
654. Al-Kindi, Governors, ixS.

zoo Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

In this year he deposed Abu Ayyub, who was called Sulayman
al-Makki, from the diwan of taxes (kharaj), and Abu al-Wazir
`Umar b. al-Mutarrif was appointed in his place.655


In this year Nasr b. Malik died of hemiplegia, which afflicted

him. He was buried in the cemetery of the Banu Hashim and alMahdi prayed over him. In this year Abin b. $adagah was transferred from Hirun b . al-Mahdi to Musa b. al-Mahdi and appointed
as his wazir and secretary. Yahya b. Khalid b. Barmak was appointed to his position with Harun b . al-Mahdi. In this year alMahdi deposed Muhammad b. Sulayman Abu I?amrah from Egypt
in Dhu al-Hijjah (August 3o - September 27, 778 ) and appointed as
governor (wahl Salamah b. Raja'.656

Musa b. Muhammad b. `Abdallah al-Hid-1 led the pilgrimage

this year, and he was heir apparent to his father.
The governor of a)-Ta 'if, Mecca, and al-Yamamah in this year
was Ja`far b. Sulayman . Ishaq b . al-$abbah al-Kindi was in charge
of the prayers and the ahdath at al-Kufah and Yazid b. Mansur of
the Sawid there.
655. Nothing is known of either of these : 'Umar's appointment is confirmed
by al-Jahshiyari X166). He married Ya'qub b . Dawud 's brother's daughter and is
last recorded on the pilgrimage of 169/786.
656. His appointment is not noted by al-Kindi , and nothing more is known of

Events of the Year
( SEPTEMBER 28, 778- SEPTEMBER 16, 779)

The events of this year:

Among these was the killing of `Abd al-Salam al-Khariji at
Qinnasrin . It was said : This Abd al-Salem b. Hashim al-Yashkuri
rebelled in al-Jazirah, and his following there became numerous
and his power became intense. He was met by a number of alMahdi 's commanders, among them `Ise b. Musa al-Qa'id (the
Commander) .`5' He killed him with a number of those who were
with him, and he routed a number of the commanders . Al-Mahdi
sent troops against him, and he afflicted disaster on more than
one commander, among them Shabib b. Waj al-Marwarrudhi 658
Then he assigned to Shabib a thousand horsemen and gave each
one of them a thousand dirhams for supplies . Then he sent them
to meet Shabib, and they came to him and Shabib set out on the
657. B. Alin al-Khurisini, not to be confused with `lsi b. Musa the Abbasid.
He had taken part in the mutiny of Khurisini troops in Ifrigiyah in 148/765 1Ibn
Idhiri, Baydn, 73), but little more is known of him.

658. He had been present at the proclamation of al-Saffi h as caliph in 132./75o

and was one of the four assassins of Abu Muslim. His name implies that he
originally came from Marw al-Rudh in Khurisin.

:o6 Al-Manqur and al-Mahdi

tracks of 'Abd al-Salam. He fled from them until he reached
Qinnasrin,659 where Shabib met him and killed him.


In this year al-Mahdi established the registry departments"

and appointed his freedman `Omar b. Bazi'661 in charge of them.
'Umar b. Bazi' appointed al-Nu'min b. 'Uthmin Abu Hazim662
in charge of the registry of the taxation of Iraq.

In this year al-Mahdi ordered that payments be made to the

lepers and people of the prisons in all districts.w
In this year Thumimah b. al-Walid al -'Absi was appointed to
command the summer expedition , but he did not carry it out.
In this year the Byzantines attacked Hadath and destroyed its
walls.664 Al-Hasan b. Qahtabah led the summer expedition with
thirty thousand regular troops, beside volunteers. He reached
Hammah al-Adhruliyyah665 and wrought great destruction and
damage in Byzantine lands, without capturing a fortress or meeting
an army. The Byzantines called him "the sea monster ." It is said
that al-Hasan only came to this al-Hammah (hot spring ) to soak in
it because of the skin complaint ( wadah ) he had. Then he withdrew with the people safely . Haft b. 'Amir al -Sulami666 was gadi
in his army and in charge of the booty I fay') that was collected.
He said: In this year Yazid b. Usayd al-Sulami raided through
659. Ancient Chalcis, south of Aleppo in northern Syria , an important center
at the time of the Muslim conquests ; it was at this time in full decline, Aleppo
becoming the regional center; see Yiqut, Mu''am , VI, 403-4; Le Strange, Pales
tine, 486-87.
660. Dawowin al-azimmah . Morony, Iraq, 66-68, 5 1z, explains that these
diwins were registries where records of all decisions were stored . According to
him, Ziyid b. Abihi was said to have been the first Muslim official to use them, in
the reign of Mu'iwiyah, which seems to conflict with the statement here that
they were established by al-Mahdi.
66t. Nothing is known of his ongins, but he seems to have been a freedman. In
168/784 - 85 he was replaced by 'Ali b. Yaglin, but a year later he succeeded alRabi' as vizier to the caliph Musa al -Hidi, which is probably why he does not
seem to have held office under HarOn ; see al-Tabari, III, 58z-83, 598; al-Jahshiyari,
144, 146, r6o, 166, 173.
66z. Nothing more is known of him.

663. Presumably this relates to the payment of alms, though why the people of
the prisons )ahl al-suivn) were so favored is not clear.
664. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs ," 735-36. My interpretation differs somewhat from his.

665. Dorylaion, modem Eski$ehir, on the main road across Asia Minor, between the frontier and Constantinople.
666. Nothing more is known about him.

The Events of the Year 1162 207

the pass of Qaligala,667 took booty, and conquered three fortresses
and took many prisoners and captives.
In this year `All b. Sulayman668 was deposed from Yemen and
`Abdallah b. Sulayman669 was appointed in his place.
In this year Salamah b. Raja' was deposed from Egypt and `Isa
b. Lugman was appointed governor (wall) in Muharram (September 28-October 27, 778 670 and was then deposed in Jumada 11
(February 23-March 2.3, 779). Wadih, freedman of al-Mahdi, was
appointed governor but was deposed in Dhu al-Qa`dah (July 20August 118, 779) when Yahya al-Harashi671 was appointed.

In this year the Muhammirah672 appeared in Jurjan, led by a

man called `Abd al-Qahhar. He conquered Jurjan and killed many
people. Umar b. al-'Ali '673 launched a raid against him from
Tabaristan and killed `Abd al-Qahhar and his companions.
Ibrahim b. Ja'far b. al-Mansur674 led the people on the pilgrim667. Byzantine Theodosopohs, modem Erzurum, in the extreme eastern part of
668. Al-Abbisi, son of Sulaymin b. Ali and brother of Muhammad (note 29,
above) and Ja'far (note 35) He became governor of northern Syria and al-Jaziirah
soon after this and seems to have remained in that area until removed from office
by al-Midi in 169/786. He was also briefly governor of Egypt 169 - 7o/786, after
which he disappears from the record ; see al-Kindi, Governors, 131.
669. Al-Raba' i, no relation of his predecessor , Ali; he is known only for his
appointment to Yemen.
670. AI-Tabari' s account differs here from that of al-Kmdi, Governors, 121-22,
who has `Isa arriving in Dhu al -Hijjah, 161, that is, a month before al-Tabari says
he was appointed . They agree on the year of his dismissal and on the appointment
of Wadih, but al-Kindi has him deposed in Ramadan , a month later than al-Tabari.
They both agree that Yahya al-Harashi was the next governor.
671. Brother of Said (see note 637, above). He had a reputation for determined
administration of justice and ruthless establishment of law and order. He subsequently had a vaned career as governor of Rilyin and Tabaristin, Armenia
(twice), and Mosul ; he is last heard of as governor of al-Jibal in 184/800 (al-Tabari,
III, 500, 503, 517, 520, 649; Ya' qubi, Tdrikh, II, 517; al-Kindi, Governors, I22).
672. So called because they wore red; they were part of a popular revolutionary
movement in Juriin , devoted to the memory of Abu Muslim. Despite this defeat,
they were to reappear in Hirun's reign ; see Daniel, Khurdsdn, 147.
673. He was by origin a butcher in Qazvin, in northern Iran, who distinguished
himself by raising a troop to oppose the rebellion of Sunbidh (al-Tabari, History,
III, 119-2o). He subsequently became an expert on the affairs of Tabanstan and
led numerous campaigns there . He is said to have forced the local ruler to surrender,
but he was killed in the province at the end of al -Mahdi 's reign (al-Tabari, 136,
137, 500, 520, 521 , 'Uyan, 229; Baladhuri, Futah, II, 46).

674. Son of Ja'far the Elder (see note 49).

1 4941

208 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

age in this year. Al-`Abbas b. Muhammad had asked al-Mahdi for
permission to go on the pilgrimage after that, and al-Mahdi reproved him for not asking permission before he had appointed
anyone for the pilgrimage, so that he could appoint him to it, and
he said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, I delayed that on purpose
because I did not want the appointment."
The governors of the amsdr were the same as in the previous
year, with Abd al-$amad b. `Ali in al-Jazirah, Said b. Dalaj in
Tabaristan and al-Ruyan and Muhalhil b. $afwan675 in Jurjan.
675. Freedman of al-Mangur . He is recorded in 137 /754-55 fighting Khaniites
in al-Jazirah and disappears from the record after he was dismissed from Tabanstan
(p. z16, below).

Events of the Year

(SEPTEMBER 17, 779- SEPTEMBER 5, 780)

The events of this year:

Among the events of this year was the destruction of al-Muganna`. This was because Said al-Harashi besieged him in Kishsh
and the siege tightened and, when he felt near death , he drank
poison, and his women and family drank it too and, it is said, they
all died. The Muslims entered his castle and cut off his head and
sent it to al-Mahdi while he was in Aleppo.
In this year al-Mahdi ordered all the armies of the people of
Khurasan and others to furnish troops for the summer expedition.
He set out and camped at al-Baradan for about two months , drawing
up his army and making preparations and paying the troops. He
gave gifts there to the members of his family who had set out
with him.

`Isa b. `Ali died on the last day of Jumada II (March 1111, 780) in
Baghdad . The next day al -Mahdi left for al-Baradan, setting out on
the summer expedition . He left Musa b. al-Mahdi as his deputy in
Baghdad, and his secretary at that time was Aban b. $adaqah;
`Abdallah b. U lathah was the keeper of his seal ; `Ali b. `Isa was Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

14 951

the commander of his guard; and `Abdallih b. Khazim676 was his

chief of police.
According to al-`Abbas b. Muhammad: When al-Mahdi sent alRashid on the summer expedition in the year 163, he set out to
escort him, and I was with him. When he was opposite Qasr
Maslamah,677 I said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, we owe
Maslamah a debt of gratitude, for when Muhammad b. `Ali678
went to him, he gave him four thousand dinars, saying, '0 my
cousin, here are two thousand for your debt and two thousand for
your subsistence and, when you have exhausted it, do not be
inhibited with us (in asking for more )."' When I told him the
story, he ordered that those of the children of Maslamah who
were there and his freedmen be brought into his presence and
he ordered that they be given twenty thousand dinars and that
salaries (rizq ) be paid to them . Then he said, "0 Abu al- Fadl, we
have recompensed Maslamah and done justice to him ." I replied,
"Yes, 0 Commander of the Faithful, you have done more."
According to Ibrahim b. Ziyad-al-Haytham b. Adi: Al-Mahdi
sent Harun al-Rashid on the raid against the Byzantines , and attached al -Rabi' the Chamberlain and al -Hasan b. Qahtabah to
According to Muhammad b. al-Abbas : ... I was sitting in my
father' s audience in the house of the Commander of the Faithful
when he was in command of the guard when al -Hasan b. Qahtabah
greeted me and sat on the cushion (firash) that my father used to
sit on and asked me about him. I told him that he was riding and
then he said to me, "0 my dear one, tell him that I have come and

676. B. Khuzaymah al-Tamimi . The text reads Hizim, but this is corrected in
the Addenda. Son of Khazim (note r i i, above), he was Sahib al-shurEah to al-Hidi
for many years and was consequently out of office under Hanin but emerged after
his death as one of al-Amin's chief supporters ; see Crone, Slaves, iSr.
677. Castle of Maslamah , more commonly called Hign ("fortress ") Maslamah.
It lay to the north of the Euphrates in al-)azirah , between Harrin and al -Raqqah.
Maslamah was a son of the Umayyad caliph 'Abd al -Malik who never became
caliph himself but established a great reputation as a soldier on the Byzantine
frontier. He built a formidable fortress there and developed irrigation systems,
much admired by the geographers (Yaqut, Mu';am, II, 265 , Le Strange, Lands,

678. The Abbasid, father of al-Saffah and al-Man@ur.

679. Probably a mistake for al-Abbas b. Muhammad (see above and note 58).

The Events of the Year 163 2.1 1

give him greetings from me and tell him that I would like him to
say to the Commander of the Faithful, 'Al-Hasan b. Qahtabah
says, 0 Commander of the Faithful , may God make me a sacrifice
for you . You have sent Harun on a raid and attached me and alRabi` to him. I am the foremost of your military commanders and
al-Rabi` is the foremost of your freedmen, and it does not seem
good to me that we should both leave your gate together ; either
you send me on on the raid with Harun and al-Rabi ' stays behind
or you send al-Rabi' and I remain at your gate.I"

He said: My father came and I gave him the message and he went
into al-Mahdi and told him . He replied, "By God, he has made
a good excuse, not like the cupper, son of the cupper" (meaning
`Amir b. Isma`il,68O who had excused himself from setting out
with Ibrahim and he was angry with him and confiscated his
According to `Abdallah b. Ahmad b . al-Waddah-his grandfather Abu Budayl : "` Al-Mahdi sent al-Rashid on a raid and he
sent with him Musa b. `Isa b . Musa, 'Abd al-Malik b. $alih b.
`Ali, and two of his father 's freedmen, al-Rabi' the Chamberlain
and al- Hasan the Chamberlain.682 Two or three days after he set
out, I came in to him (al-Mahdi ), and he said, "Why were you kept
back from going with the heir apparent and especially with your
two brothers ( meaning al-Rabi` the Chamberlain and al-Hasan
the Chamberlain)?" and I replied, "The Commander of the Faithful gave me orders and my place is in the City of Peace until he
gives me permission ," and he said, "Go and catch up with him
and the two of them and say what you require ." I said, "I do not
need any equipment , if the Commander of the Faithful decides to
give me permission to leave ." He asked, "When do you intend to

68o. Probably Amir b. Ismail al-Musli . There seems to be no information

about the incident in question, but the Ibrahim referred to may have been Ibrihim
b. $ihh al-Abbasi, who was governor of Syria for some years (see note 35 r, above).
A cupper is one who draws blood by application of a hot cup to the surface of the
skin, an ancient medical technique , the term is used here as an insult, a cupper
being of dubious social status.

68i. Al-Wa44ah b. Habib, quoted by al-Tabari four times in all. His father had
governed al- Rayy for the Umayyads (Crone, Slaves, 1671.

68z. Possibly to be identified with al -Hasan al-Watif, who had been on a previous raid on Byzantium in 159/779 , see note 559, above.

14 961

212 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

leave?" I replied, "Tomorrow morning." So I took leave of him
and set out and caught up with the people.

1 4971

He said, I began to observe al-Rashid when he was going out to

play polo, and I observed Musa b. 'Isa and `Abd al-Malik b. $alih
and they were laughing at him, so I went to al-Rabi` and al-Hasanwe were never apart-and I said, "May God not reward you two
well on behalf of him who sent you or him whom you were sent
with!" They said, "Now then, what is the news?" I replied, "Musa
b. `Isa and `Abd al-Malik b. $alih were laughing at the son of the
Commander of the Faithful. Could you not prepare an audience
for those two so that they can visit him in it, and for the military
commanders who were with him, on Friday, and not on other
days as he wishes?"
While we were on this journey, the two of them sent for me in
the night, and when I came to them there was a man with them,
and they said to me, "This is the page of al-Ghamr b. Yazid,6Aa
and we have found him with the Book of the State (Kitab alDawlah).6s4 I opened the book and I looked in it for the years of
al-Mahdi, and it said ten years. I said, "There is nothing on earth
more amazing than you two! Do you think that this page's information will remain hidden and that this book will be concealed?" and they replied, "Certainly not!" and I continued, "If
the Commander of the Faithful's years are cut short, as it says, are
you not the first to announce his own death to him?"
He said: They looked stupid, by God, and were covered with
confusion and said, "What ought to be done?" and I said, "0 young
man, fetch 'Anbasah," meaning the bedouin ('a`rdbi) copyist,
freedman of the family of Abu Budayl. When he was brought, I
said, "With writing like this writing and a page like this page,
instead of ten years, insert forty years and insert it on the page."
He said: By God, if I had not seen ten in this and forty in that, I
would have had no doubt that the writing was that writing and
the page was that page.

He said: Al-Mahdi sent Khalid b. Barmak with Harun al-Rashid,

who was at that time heir apparent, when he sent him to raid
683. B. Abd al-Malik, an Umayyad prince.
684. There seems to be no more information about what was clearly a work of

The Events of the Year 16 3 213

Byzantium. He sent with him al-Hasan and Sulayman, sons of

Barmak, and he sent Yahya b. Khalid with him in charge of the
administration of the army, his expenses, his secretariat, and the
managing of his affairs, and all Harun's business was in his hands.
Al-Rabi` the Chamberlain was appointed with Harlin to go on the
raid on behalf of al-Mahdi, and (the differences) between al-Rabi'
and Yahya were on account of that. He used to ask their advice
and act accordingly. God enabled them to make many conquests and bestowed great favor on them in that expedition;
Khalid achieved in Samalu what no one had achieved before.
Their astrologer was called the Barmakid, giving a blessing for
and out of respect for him.
When al-Mahdi sent Harlin on the summer expedition he sent
him on, he ordered that the secretaries of the abna' al-da'wah
should be sent in to him so that he could inspect them and choose
one of them for him.
Yahya said: They sent me in to him with them, and they stood
in front of him and I stood the last of them. He said to me, "Yahya,
come near! " so I came near. Then he told me to sit down, so I sat
down and knelt before him. He said to me, "I have scrutinized the
sons of my party (abna shi'ati) and the people of my state
(dawlati), and I have chosen from them a man for Harlin my son
whom I can attach to him to supervise the organization of his
army and take charge of his secretariat, and my choice has fallen
on you and I think you are the best person for that because you
have been his tutor and his special adviser, and I have appointed
you in charge of his secretariat and the organization of his army."

He said: I thanked him for that and kissed his hand and he
ordered that I be given a hundred thousand dirhams as subsistence for my journey, and I was sent to that army when I was sent
to him.
He said: Al-Rabi` sent Sulayman b. Barmak on a mission to alMahdi and sent a delegation with him. Al-Mahdi was generous to
his mission and favored him and was good to the delegation who
were with him. Then they went on their way.
In this year was the journey of al-Mahdi with his son Harlin. AlMahdi deposed `Abd al-$amad b. `Ali from al-lazirah and appointed Zufar b. 'Aim al-Hilali in his place.
The reasons for his deposition:



1 4991

Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

It was said: On this journey of his , al-Mahdi traveled along the

Mosul road. `Abd al-$amad b. `Ali was in charge of al-Jazirah and,
when al-Mahdi left Mosul and went in to the land of al-Jazirah,
`Abd al-$amad did not meet him or prepare victuals for him, or
repair the bridges . Al-Mahdi resented him for that and, when he
met him, he scowled at him and made his displeasure plain. 'Abd
al-$amad sent delicacies to him, but he was not pleased with
them and returned them and became more angry with him. He
ordered him to be punished because of the organization of the
victuals for him, but `Abd al-$amad made light of it and did not
worry. He continued to do more things al -Mahdi hated until they
stopped at Hi^n Maslamah . He summoned him and there was an
argument between them ; al-Mahdi spoke angrily to him about it
and `Abd al -$amad answered back . He could not bear it and ordered that he be imprisoned and deposed him from al-Jazirah, and
he remained in prison during that journey and after he returned
until he was restored to favor . Al-Abbas b. Muhammad organized
the victualing until he reached Aleppo and the good news came to
him of the killing of al-Muqanna'.
When he was there, he sent 'Abd al-Jabbar the Muhtasib685 to
collect those Zindigs686 who were in that district, so he did that
and brought them to him when he was in Dabiq . He killed a
number of them and crucified them. Some of their books were
brought to him and they were cut up with knives.

He reviewed his army there and gave orders for the journey. He
despatched all those of his family who had joined him with his
son Harun to Byzantium . Al-Mahdi escorted his son Harun until
he had gone through the Pass and reached the Jayhan, 687 and there
he chose the site of the city that was called al-Mahdiyyah.688 He
bade farewell to Harun by the Jayhan.

685. Not known elsewhere.

686. See note 199, above, whether the Zindiqs of Aleppo were the same as the
Zindigs of Iraq is not clear, and it is possible that they were pagan Sabians from
nearby Harran.

687. Ancient Pyramus, modem Ceyhan. It flows into the Mediterranean in

Cilicia, southern Turkey ; see Le Strange, Palestine, 6i.
688. The first foundation of the city later known as Hiruniyyah )modem
Haruniye ) in southern Turkey on the eastern edge of the Cilician plain; see Le
Strange, Palestine, 449-50.

The Events of the Year 163 215

Harun traveled until he stopped in one of the Byzantine districts689 in which there was a castle called Samalu .690 He besieged
it for thirty-eight days. He set up mangonels against it, so that
God conquered it after ruining it and after thirst and hunger had
afflicted its inhabitants and after killing and wounds among the
Muslims . Its conquest was according to the conditions that they 15001

laid down for themselves that they would not be killed or deported
or split up. They were granted that and they came out, and he
fulfilled (the conditions] for them. Harun returned safely with the
Muslims, except those who had been killed or wounded there.69'
In this year and on this journey, al-Mahdi went to Jerusalem
and prayed there . With him were al -Abbas b. Muhammad, alFadl b. $alih, All b. Sulayman, and his maternal uncle Yazid b.
In this year al-Mahdi deposed Ibrahim b. $alih from Palestine,
and Yazid b. Mansur interceded for him until he was reinstated
over it.
In this year al-Mahdi gave his son Harlin charge of all the west
and Azerbaijan and Armenia .692 He appointed as his secretary in
charge of taxation Thabit b. Musa and in charge of his correspondence Yahya b. Khalid b . Barmak.
In this year Zufar b. `ASim was deposed from al -Jazlrah and
`Abdallah b. $alih b. All was appointed in his place. Al-Mahdi
had stayed with him on his journey to Jerusalem and admired his
house, which he saw in Salamiyah.693
In this year he deposed Mu`adh b. Muslim from Khurasan and
appointed al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr to it.
In this year he deposed Yahya al -Harashi from al-Isfahan and
appointed al-Hakam b. Sa`id694 in his place.
689. Rusfdq, from Middle Persian rostak, an administrative district of the
Sasaman Empire . The term continued in use in Muslim Iraq, but it is somewhat
strange to find it in a Byzantine context.

690. A Byzantine fortress above Tarsus near the Cilician Gates; see Le Strange,
Palestine, Sao.
691. For this expedition, see Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 436-37.
69z. This is the first example of the division of the caliphate between two
Abbasid princes, which was to be a recurrent feature of the politics of the dynasty.
693. In central Syria, to the east of Hamah. His house is commented on by the

geographers, and his descendants continued to live there for many years. See Le
Strange, Palestine, 5z8.
694. He is not recorded elsewhere.

Zi6 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

In this year he deposed Said b. Da'laj from Tabaristan and
Ruyan and appointed `Umar b. al--'Ala' as governor.
15011 In this year he deposed Muhalhil b. $afwan from Jurjan and
appointed Hisham b. Said 695 as governor.
In this year All b. al-Mahdi led the people on the pilgrimage.
Jafar b. Sulayman was in charge of al-Yamamah, Medina, Mecca,
and al-Ta'if in this year. Ishaq b. al-$abbih was in charge of the
prayers and the ahdath in al-Kufah , and Sharik was in charge of
the judiciary . Muhammad b. Sulayman was in charge of al-Basrah
and its dependencies, the provinces of the Tigris , al-Bahrayn,
Uman, al-Furad the seaports ),696 and the districts of Ahwaz and
the districts of Fars. Al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr was in charge of
Khurasan and Nasr b . Muhammad b. al-Ash 'ath of Sind.
695. B. Manyur. Not recorded elsewhere, but possibly a brother of the al-Hakam
above and nephew of Yazid b . Mangur, maternal uncle of al-Mahdi.
696. Presumably on the Gulf somewhere ; only mentioned twice in al-Tabari
(p. 503 , below ) and not recorded by the geographers.

Events of the Year

(SEPTEMBER 6, 780-AUGUST 25, 781)

Among the events of this year was the raid697 by `Abd al -Kabir b.
'Abd al -Hamid b. `Abd al-Rahman b. Zayd b. al-Khattab698 by the
pass of al-Hadath. Michael the Patrician met him, it is said, with
about ninety thousand men, among them 't azadh the Armenian
the Patrician 699 Abd al-Kabir lost heart before him and prevented
the Muslims from fighting and returned . Al-Mahdi wanted to
execute him, but intercession was made for him and he was imprisoned in the Mutbaq.
In this year, al-Mahdi deposed Muhammad b . Sulayman from
his offices. 70 He sent $alih b. Dawud7O1 over what Muhammad
b. Sulayman had had and sent with him `Asim b. Musa al-Khurasani

697. Brooks, "Byzantmes and Arabs," 737.

698. A descendant of Zayd b. al-Khattab, brother of the caliph 'Omar, which

may have been why he was given the honor of leading the expedition.
699. Theophanes gives the names Tazates . Armenians formed a large and increasing proportion of the Byzantine armies of the period.
700. The governorates of al-Bqrah, Fars, and the Gulf shores.
701. B. 'Ali the Abbasid, son of Dawud b. Ali, not to be confused with $alil,,
brother of Ya'giib b . Dawud the vizier.

2118 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

the secretary, in charge of the taxation. He ordered him to arrest
15021 Hammad b. Musa, the secretary of Muhammad b. Sulayman, and
`Ubaydallah b. `Umar, 702 his deputy, and his agents, and that
they should be investigated.
In this year al-Mahdi built at Greater `Isabadh703 a palace of
mud brick before he laid the foundations of his palace of baked
brick, which he called Qasr al-Salamah.704 It was founded on
Wednesday at the end of Dhu al-Qa'dah (the month ended on
Friday, July 27, 781).
In this year, when he founded this palace, he set out for alKufah on the pilgrimage. He stayed at al-Rusafah of al-Kufah for
some days, and then he set out in the direction of the pilgrimage
until he reached `Agabah.705 Water became scarce for him and
those with him, and he was afraid that what they carried would
not sustain him and those with him. On top of that, he developed
a fever so he returned from `Agabah. He was angry with Yagtin706
about the water because he was in charge of the cisterns. During
their journey, and on their return, the people were severely afflicted
by thirst until they were on the verge of perishing.

In this year Nasr b. Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath died in Sind.

In this year he deposed 'Abdallah b. Sulayman from Yemen
because of his anger. He sent people to meet him and examine his
baggage and account for what he had with him. Then he ordered
that he should be imprisoned with al-Rabi when he returned
until he gave up the money and jewels and ambergris that he
confessed to. He returned it to him and released him and appointed
as governor (`dmil in his place Mansur b. Yazid b. Mansur. 7O7

In this year al-Mahdi sent $alih, son of Abu Ja'far al-Mansur,

15031 from 'Aqabah when he left it to Mecca to lead the pilgrimage

702. Nothing more is known about these three.

703. To the east of Baghdad (Yaqut, Mu'iam, IV, 142- 43). It is said to have
been named after al -Mahdi 's son `lsa. Its exact location is unknown.

704. Palace of Well-Being: Yaqut calls it Qa$r al-Saldm , Palace of Peace.

7o5. One of the stages on the desert road from al - Kufah to Mecca, on the modem
Iraq-Saudi Arabian border ( Yaqut, Mu'lam, IV, 134(.
706. B. Musa.
707. Son of Yazid b. Manyur, maternal uncle of al-Mahdi (note 163 , above(. He
was later briefly governor of Khurasin , 179-80/796.

The Events of the Year 1164 219

with the people, and $alih performed the pilgrimage for the people
in this year.
The governor (`dmil j of Medina, Mecca, al-'j a'if and al-Yamamah in this year was Ja'far b. Sulayman, of Yemen Manger b.
Yazid b. Manger. Hashim b. Said b . Manger was in charge of the
prayers and ahddth of al-KUfah and Sharik b. `Abdallih of the
judiciary. $ilih b. Dawud b. All was in charge of al-Bagrah and its
ahddth , of the districts of the Tigris, al-Bahrayn , `Umin, al-Furad
and the districts of Ahwiz and Firs. Satih b. 'Umar 708 was in
charge of Sind, al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr of Khurisin, Muhammad
b. al-Fadl of Mosul, 'Ubaydallah b. al-Hasan of the judiciary of alBagrah, Ibrahim b . $ilih of Egypt, Yazid b. Hatim of Ifriqiyah,
Yahya al-Harashi of Tabaristin , Ruyan and Jurjin, Farishah,
freedman of the Commander of the Faithful, of Dunbawand and
Qumis, 709 Khalaf b. 'Abdallih of al-Rayy710 and Sa'id b. Da'laj
of Sijistin.
708. Not known elsewhere
709. Farishah subsequently became governor of Jurjin and was captured and
executed by the Ispahbidh of Tabanstin at the end of al-Mahdi's reign ; see Crone,
Slaves, 191. Dunbiwand is the earlier form of Damavand, the great peak of the
Elburz chain north of Tehran, but it was also the name of a small town at its foot
and the surrounding province . Qumis was the small province to the east, with its
capital at Damghin See Yiqut , Mu'lam , II, 275-77, IV, 414- I5; Le Strange,
Lands, 364-68 , 371, and map V.
71o. Not known elsewhere

Events of the Year

(AUGUST 26 , 781-AUGUST 14, 782)


Among the events of this year was the summer raid of Harun, son
of Muhammad al-Mahdi . 711 It is said that his father sent him on
Saturday, 18 Jumada II (February 7, 782 , a Thursday), to raid the
lands of Byzantium. He attached al-Rabi` his freedman to him.
Harun penetrated deeply into Byzantine territory and conquered
Majidah .712 The horsemen of Nicetas, Count of Counts, 71; met
him. Yazid b. Mazyad went out to meet him in single combat.
Yazid was forced to dismount,714 and then Nicetas fell off and
Yazid struck him so that he was defeated. The Byzantines were
put to flight, and Yazid took posession of their camp and went
to the Domesticos, head of the armed forces (masdlih ) in Nicomedia. 715 Harun set out with 95,793 men and took 194,450

711. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs," 737-38 ; my interpretation differs somewhat from that of Brooks.
712. In Cappadocia (Honigmann, Ostgrenze, 46, 47(.
713. Count of the Opsikion Theme.

714. It is not clear whether Nicetas fell off or dismounted intentionally.

715. For conflicting Byzantine versions of these events, see Brooks , op. cit., 738.

The Events of the Year 165 221

dindrs in gold and 21,414,800 dirhams in silver for them. He
traveled until he reached the Sea of Marmara. The ruler of Byzantium at that time was Augusta, the wife of Leo.716 This was
because her son was a minor, whose father had died when he was
in her charge . Messages and ambassadors passed between her and
Harun, son of al-Mahdi, seeking peace and reconciliation and the
paying of ransoms. Harun accepted that from her on condition
that she fulfill what she promised and that she provide guides and
markets on his route. This was because he had come by a way
that was difficult and dangerous for the Muslims. She responded
to his requests.

The terms of the peace were ninety or seventy thousand dindrs,

which she was to pay at the beginning of April"' and in June
every year, and he accepted that from her and she established
markets on his route and sent an ambassador with him to alMahdi with what she had agreed should be paid as she could in
gold and silver and goods.
They wrote an agreement of truce for three years, and the prisoners were handed over. Those whom God gave as booty to Harun
before the Byzantines would pay the jizyah were 5,643 people.
Fifty-four thousand Byzantines were killed in battle and 2,090
prisoners were killed in captivity. Among the beasts and trained
animals that God gave him as booty with their equipment were
twenty thousand riding animals, and he slaughtered a hundred
thousand head of cattle and sheep. The salaried troops, beside the
volunteers and the traders, numbered one hundred thousand. A
work horse was sold for a dirham and a mule for less than ten
dirhams, a coat of mail for less than a dirham, and twenty swords
for a dirham. Marwan b. Abi Hafph718 said about that:
You have gone around Constantinople of the Byzantines , resting
the spear on it so that its walls were covered with ignominy.

716. The Empress Irene.

717. Unusually al-Tabari uses the Christian months Nisan and Haziran here.
As Brooks and the Addenda point out, Nisan should probably read Kinun 1, being
December and making the payments due every half year.
718. Sometimes called al -Akbar, to distinguish him from Abu al-Saint
Marwin b. Abi al-Janub, who is also called lbn AN Haf$ah . See Aghdni, Bulaq, IX,
36; Beirut, X, 74.



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

You just went toward it and lo, its kings came to you
with its jizyah, while the pots of war were boiling.
In this year he deposed Khalaf b . 'Abdallih from al-Rayy and
appointed 'Isa, freedman of ja'far, 719 to it.
In this year $alih b. Abi Ja'far al -Mansur led the pilgrims.
The governors of the amsar were the same this year as in the
previous year, except that Rawh b. Hitim was the governor of the
ahdath and the public prayers at al-Basrah . Al-Mu'alli,720 freedman of the Commander of the Faithful al -Mahdi, was in charge of
the districts of the Tigris, al-Bahrayn, 'Uman, Kaskar, and the
districts of Ahwiz, Firs, and Kirmin. Al-Layth, freedman of alMahdi, was in charge of Sind.
719. Nothing more is known of him, see Crone, Slaves, 192.
720. Brother of Layth ; see text, p. 484 . According to Aghdni, Beirut, VI, 239-40,
he and his brother were bought in al-Kufah by Ali b. Sulaymin , who gave them to
al-Mangur, who in turn gave them to al-Mahdi , who freed them. Al-Mu'alli was
first given charge of the firdz (state textile industry) and post in Khurisin before
being appointed to this vast governorate; see Crone, Slaves, 193. The reign of alMahdi was the high point of the influence of the freedmen , and this is exemplified
in the careers of al-Mu'alli and Layth.

Events of the Year

(AUGUST 15, 782-AUGUST 4, 783 )

The events of this year:

Among these was the return of Harm, son of al-Mahdi, and
those who were with him from the Sea of Marmara on 17 Mom- l5o6l
ram (August 31, 782 . The Byzantines came bringing the jizyah
with them, and it was said that this was 64 ,ooo dinars by Byzantine accounting, 2,500 Arab dindrs, and 30,000 rafls72' of goat's

In this year al-Mahdi took the oath of allegiance from his military
commanders to Harun after Musa , son of al-Mahdi, and named
him al-Rashid.
In this year he deposed 'Ubaydallih b. al-Hasan from the judiciary of al-Basrah and appointed Khilid b. Taliq b . 'Imrin b.
Husayn al-Khuza' i722 in his place, but his appointment was not
approved of, and the people of al -Basrah asked to be free from him.
In this year he deposed ja'far b. Sulayman from Mecca and
Medina and the offices he held.
721. A dry weight that vaned from place to place, probably between 2 and 4 kg.
722. Nothing more is known of him.



Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

In this year al-Mahdi was angry with Ya'qub b. Dawud. The

account of al-Mahdi's anger with Ya'qub:
According to'Ali b. Muhammad al-Nawfali-his father: Dawud
b. Tahman, that is, Abu Ya'qub b. Dawud, and his brothers were
secretaries to Nasr b. Sayyar, 723 and before him he was secretary
to one of the governors of Khurasan. At the time of Yahya b.
Zayd,724 he was passing information to him and his companions
and warning them about what he heard from Nasr. When Abu
Muslim rose in rebellion to avenge the blood of Yahya b. Zayd
and to kill his killers and those who spied on him among the
companions of Nasr, Dawud b. Tahman came to him confident in
what he knew about what occurred between him and Yahya. So
Abu Muslim gave him a safe-conduct and did not molest him in
person, but took the money he had acquired in the time of Nasr
and left the houses and estates in Marw that were his inheritance.
When Dawud died, his sons emerged as people of culture and
knowledge of the Days725 of people and their histories and their
poetry. They looked and found that they had no status with the
Banu al-'Abbas, and they did not aspire to their service because of
the position of their father in the secretariat of Nasr. When they
saw that, they adopted the faith of the Zaydiyyah726 and approached
the family of al-Husayn727 and wanted there to be a state (dawlah)
for them so that they might live in it. Dawud used to roam through
the land on his own and sometimes with Ibrahim b. 'Abdallah,
seeking oaths of allegiance to Muhammad b. 'Abdallah. When
Muhammad and Ibrahim b. Abdallah came out in rebellion,728
'Ali b. Dawud, who was older than Ya'qub, wrote to Ibrahim b.
'Abdallah, and Ya'qub with a number of his brothers rebelled
with Ibrahim.
723. The last Umayyad governor of Khurasan.

72.4. Alid, whose father, Zayd b. Ali, rebelled unsuccessfully in al-Kiifah

in 122/740. Yahya subsequently fled to Khurasan , where he was arrested and
725. Ayynm al-nds, the "Days," were the battles of the pre-Islamic Arabs and
the poetry connected with them, essential knowledge for anyone hoping to be
considered educated.
726. See above, note 137.

727. That is, the family of al-Husayn b . Ali b. AN T alib, in this case Muhammad b. Abdallah and his brother Ibrahim , the rebels of 145/762.
728. In 145/762.

The Events of the Year 166 225

When Muhammad and Ibrahim were killed, they hid from alMansur, and he searched for them and captured Ya`qub and All
and imprisoned them in the Mutbaq for as long as he lived. When
al-Mansur died, al-Mahdi favored them, along with others, by
releasing them, and he let both of them go. Ishaq b. al-Fadl b.
'Abd al-Rahman729 was with them in the dungeon, and they were
not separated from him and his brothers who were in prison with
him, and because of that there developed a friendship between
them. Ishaq b. al-Fadl b . `Abd al-Rahmin was of the opinion
that the caliphate had passed to the righteous ones of the Banu
Hashim730 together, and he used to say that after the Prophet the
'imamate had not been secure except with the Banu Hashim and it
was not secure at this time except with them. He used to talk
continually of the eldest of the Band Abd al-Muttalib,73' and he
and Yaqub b. Dawud used to have discussions about that.

When al-Mahdi released Ya'qub, al-Mahdi continued for some

time searching for 'Isa b. Zayd732 and al-Hasan b. Ibrahim b. 15081
`Abdallah733 after al-Hasan had escaped from prison . One day alMahdi said, "If I found a man of the Zaydiyyah with knowledge of
the family of Hasan and of `Isa b. Zayd and understanding, I
would bring him to me on the way of knowledge, so that he could
serve as an intermediary between me and the family of Hasan and
`Isa b. Zayd ." Ya`qub was suggested to him , and he was brought
and taken into his presence. That day he was wearing furs and
sheepskin top boots, 734 a turban of kardbis,735 and a coarse white
kisd'.736 He spoke and conversed with him and found him to be a
729. B. al-Abbas b. Rabi' b. al-Hanth b. Abd al-Mu4talib b. Hashim. He was
thus related to both Alids and Abbisids, since his ancestor al-Hanth was a brother
of al-Abbas and Abu Tilib.

730. That is, both Alids and Abbasids.

731. Abu Talib, father of Ali, who was older than his brother al-Abb as, ancestor of the Abbasids. He is arguing that the Alids had precedence over the
Abbisids because of the relative positions of their ancestors among the Banu
732. See note 159, above.
733. See note 470, above.
734 For a fuller description, see Ahsan, Social Life, 47.
735. A fine white cotton or linen fabric.

736. An outer cloak, see Ahsan, Social Life, 44. The point of this description
is that he was wearing white, traditionally associated with the 'Alids, not the
Abbasid black.

226 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

sterling man. He asked him about `Isa b. Zayd, and people said
that he promised him that he would be his intermediary with
him. Yaqub used to deny that, but people accused him of owing
his position with al -Mahdi to the fact that he led him to the
family of All. His status with al-Mahdi continued to increase
and rise until he made him his wazir and entrusted him with the
affairs of the caliphate. He sent for the Zaydiyyah, and they were
brought to him from all sides and he gave them charge of the
affairs of the caliphate in east and west and every great matter and
precious work, and the whole world was in his hands . Bashshar b.
Burd737 said about that:
Sons of Umayyah wake up! Your sleep has gone on too long.
Ya`qub b. Dawud is caliph.
Your caliphate has been ruined , 0 people! Search
for the caliph of Allah among the tambourines and lutes.


He said : The freedmen of al-Mahdi were jealous of him and

intrigued against him. One thing by which Ya`qub gained alMahdi 's favor was that he asked for a safe -conduct for al-Hasan b.
Ibrahim b. `Abdallah, and he negotiated between al-Mahdi and alHasan so that he brought them together in Mecca.
When the family of al-Hasan b. Ali738 knew what he had done,
they stayed away from him, and Yaqub knew that if they established a state he would not survive in it and that al -Mahdi did
not put him on an equal footing because of the greatness of the
slander brought to him about Ya`qub. Ya`qub became close to
Ishaq b. al-Fa4l, 739 and he took to discussing affairs with him.
Scandal was reported to al-Mahdi about Ishaq , and it was said to
him that the east and west were in the hands of Ya`qub and his
friends and he had written to them . It was only enough for him to
write to them and they would rise in rebellion on one day at the
appointed time and hand over the world to Ishaq b . al-Fadl. This
hardened the heart of al-Mahdi against him.

According to Ali b. Muhammad al-Nawfali: One of the servants

737. Celebrated poet. Aghdni, Bulaq, III, r9; Beirut, III, mg.
738. This should probably be the family of al-Husayn b. Ali.
739. The sense would seem to be that he turned to Ishaq because he was not
completely accepted by either the Husaynid Alids or al-Mahdi.

The Events of the Year 166 227

of al-Mahdi mentioned to me that , when he was standing at his
head one day to whisk away the flies, Ya`qub came in and knelt
before him and said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, you know
about the disturbed state of Egypt and that you ordered me to
search for a man for it to settle its affairs . I continued to investigate
until I decided on a man who will put it right." Al-Mahdi asked
him who it was and he replied, "Your paternal cousin, Ishaq b. alFadl." Ya`qub saw the change in his face, and he rose and left and
al-Mahdi followed him with his eyes and then said, "May God
strike me dead if I do not kill you!" Then he raised his head to me
and said, "Keep quiet about this, damn you!" The freedmen continued to stir him up against Ya`qub and turn him against him
until he decided to withdraw his favor from him.

According to Musa b. Ibrahim al-Mas`udi740-- al-Mahdi:

Ya`qub b. Dawud appeared to me in a dream and it was said to me
that I should take him as wazir and when he saw him he said,
"This, by God, is the person I saw in my dream," so he appointed
him as wazir and he enjoyed the greatest favor with him. He
stayed for some time until he built `Isabadh and one of his servants, who was a favorite of his, came to him and said to him,
"Ahmad b. Ismail b. Ali741 said to me, 'He has built a park on
which he has spent 50 million dirhams of the Muslims' money.'
He remembered what the servant had said but forgot that it was 15101
Ahmad b. Ismail and imagined that it was Ya`qub b. Dawud.
When Ya`qub b. Dawud was before him, he took him by the
throat and struck him to the ground and he said, "What is your
quarrel with me, 0 Commander of the Faithful?" and he replied,
"Were you not the one who said that I spent fifty million dirhams
on a pleasure park for myself?" and Ya`qub said, "By God, my
ears did not hear it, and the two angels did not write it ." This was
the first reason for his affair (i.e., his fall from power).

According to my father: Ya`qub b. Dawud had known from alMahdi dissoluteness and licentiousness in the mention of women
and sexual intercourse . Ya`qub b. Dawud used to describe many
things from his own experience in that, and al -Mahdi did like740. Not known elsewhere.
741. An Abbasid, son of al-Man$ur's uncle, Ismail b. Ali. He was governor of
Mosul, 165-68/781-85 (al-Azdi, 246, 252).

228 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

wise. They742 used to leave al-Mahdi alone at night and say that
he would be furious with Ya'qub in the morning. When it was
morning, Ya`qub went to visit him, and he had heard about this,
and, when al-Mahdi saw him, he smiled and said to him, "Have
you had a good time?" and he replied, "Yes," and al-Mahdi used
to say, "Sit down, by my life, and tell me," and he used to say, "I
was alone with my slave girl yesterday and she said and I said...,"
and he made a story about that and al-Mahdi did the same and
they shared the pleasure. News of this reached those who were
plotting against Ya`qub and they were amazed at it.

According to al-Maw^ili: Ya`qub b. Daw id said to al-Mahdi

about some matter he wished, "This, by God, is extravagance,"
and al-Mahdi answered, "Damn you! Do only people of nobility
think extravagance is good? Damn you Ya`qub, were it not for
extravagance you could not tell the generous from the miserly."


According to `Ali b. Ya`qub b. Dawud-his father: Al-Mahdi

sent for me one day and I came in to him, and there he was in a
majlis furnished with exquisite rose-colored fabrics, most lofty in
fashion, overlooking a garden in which there were trees, and the
tops of the trees were level with the floor of the majlis. These
trees had burst into leaf with roses and peach and apple blossoms,
and all these were pink like the furnishing of the majlis that he
was in . I have not seen anything more beautiful than it. He had
with him a slave girl, than whom I have never seen one more
beautiful nor more erect in bearing nor more elegant in proportion,
wearing clothes of the same color. I have never seen anything
better than this ensemble. He said to me, "0 Ya`qub, what do you
think of this majlis of ours?" and I replied, "Extremely beautiful;
may God grant the Commander of the Faithful enjoyment of it
and delight in it." He said, "It is yours. Take it with what is in it
and this slave girl so that your pleasure in it may be complete," so
I prayed God for him, as it should be.

Then he said, "0 Ya`qub, I have a request from you," and so I

jumped up and said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, is this some

742. Ibn al-Athir explains : Intriguers used to make attacks on Ya `qub at night
(when they were talking with the caliph) and when they dispersed they were of the
belief that he (al-Mahdi( would arrest him the next morning.

The Events of the Year 166 X29

grievance you have? I take refuge in God from the anger of the
Commander of the Faithful." He said, "No, but I would like you
to guarantee to me the fulfilling of this request. I did not ask it for
the reason you suspect, and I meant only what I said. I would like
you to guarantee to me that you will fulfill this request for me." I
replied, "It is the order of the Commander of the Faithful, and it is
my duty to hear and obey." He said, "[Do you swear) by God?"
and I said "by God" three times, and then he said, "by the life of
my head?" and I said, "by the life of your head," and he said, "Put
out your hand and swear to it," so I put my hand on him and swore
to him by it that I would do what he said and fulfill his request.

When he had made certain of me in his mind, he said, "This soand-so, son of so-and-so of the descendants of `Ali: I would like
you to save me from trouble with him and make me free of him
and do that quickly." I said that I would do it and he said, "Take
him to you," and I transferred him to me and I transferred the
slave girl and all the furnishings and everything that was in the
house, and he ordered 100,000 dirhams for me with it. 15121
I took all of it and went with it and, because of my great pleasure
in the slave girl, I put her in the mailis with a veil between me
and her. I sent for the `Alawi and brought him in to me and asked
him about his position, and he told me about it and, in short, I
found him the most intelligent of men and the clearest of them in
speech. Among the things he said to me was, "Damn you, Ya`qub!
You are accountable to God for my blood, and I am one of the
descendants of Fatimah, daughter of Muhammad." I said, "No by
God; are you the grateful type if you receive a favor?" And he said,
"If you do a favor, I will thank you and invoke God' s blessing on
you and ask forgiveness for you." I said to him, "Which road
would you like best?" and he replied "Such-and-such a road." I
asked, "Who is there there with whom you are friendly and whose
position you trust?" and he said, "So-and-so and so-and-so." I
said, "Go to them and take this money and travel with them in
safety under the veil of God. Your meeting with them to go out of
my house to such-and-such a place that they have agreed on is at
such-and-such a time of night."

Now the slave girl had remembered my words against me and

sent them with a servant of hers to al-Mahdi and said, "This is
your reward from the one whom you preferred over yourself, and


Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

he has acted and done this and this ...," until she had passed on
the whole story.


Al-Mahdi immediately sent men to police those roads and

places that Ya`qub and the `Alawi had described , and it was not
long before they brought this very `Alawi to him with his two
friends and his money, exactly as the slave girl had told . He said, I
got up the next day and there was a messenger from al-Mahdi
summoning me to his presence . I was free of anxiety and the affair
of the `Alawi was not weighing on me until I entered to al-Mahdi
and I found him on a chair with a mace in his hand, and he said to
me, "0 Ya`qub, what is the position of the man? " and I said, "0
Commander of the Faithful , God has relieved you of him." He
asked if he had died and I replied , "Yes," and he said, "1Do you
swear] by God ?" and I said, "by God." Then he said, "Stand up
and put your hand on my head ," so I put my hand on his head and
took the oath with it.
He then said, "Page! Bring out to us what is in this chamber,"
and he opened the door on the very same 'Alawi and his two
friends and the money . I remained at a loss and was filled with
regret. I was unable to speak and did not know what to say. AlMahdi said, "You have made your blood legal for me if I choose to
shed it, but imprison him in the Mutbaq and let him be forgotten."
So I was imprisoned in the Mutbaq, and I was taken to a well in it
and lowered into it. I remained there for a very long time and I do
not know the number of days. My sight was afflicted and my hair
grew long, so that it was flowing like the hair of beasts.
I was in that condition when I was called and I was taken and
brought I knew not where and I was told no more than "Greet the
Commander of the Faithful !" so I made my greeting and he said,
"Which Commander of the Faithful am I?" and I said "al-Mahdi,"
and he said, "May God have mercy on al-Mahdi," and so I said,
"al-Hadi," but he said, " May God have mercy on al-Hadi," and
then I said, "al-Rashid," and he said, "Yes." I said, "I do not doubt
that the Commander of the Faithful understands my story and
what has befallen me and that my position has been explained
to him." He said, "Certainly, I am aware of that and the Commander of the Faithful knew. Ask for what you need." I said, "To
settle in Mecca," and he said, "We will grant that ; do you have
any other requests ?" and I replied, "I have no longer enjoyment in

The Events of the Year z66 231

anything and no power of communication," and he said, "Go
rightly guided." I left and set my face for Mecca.
His son said, "He stayed in Mecca and he was not long there
before he died."
According to Muhammad b. 'Abdallah-his father-Ya`qub b.
Dawud : Al-Mahdi did not drink wine, not because he was avoiding
sin, but because he did not like it . His companions Umar b.
Bazr; al-Mu`alla, his freedman; and al-Mufaddal743 and his freedmen used to drink in his presence under his eyes . I used to warn
him of their drinking and listening to singing , 744 and I used to say,
"It was not for this that you made me wazfr and not because of
this that I became your companion . After the five prayers in the
cathedral mosque, should wine be drunk in your presence and
should you listen to singing ?" He used to say, "`Abdallah b. ja'far
listened,"745 and I said, "This was not part of his virtues . If a man
listened to singing every day, would he increase in nearness or in
distance to God?"
According to Muhammad b. 'Abdallah-his father : My father,
Ya'qub b. Dawud, besought al-Mahdi to stop listening to singing
and pouring wine until it got on his nerves . Ya`qub had grown
uneasy about his position and repented to God for what he was
doing and looked to the future and advanced the intention of
leaving his position . He said, "I used to say to al-Mahdi, '0 Commander of the Faithful, by God, drinking wine myself and repenting to God for it would be more pleasing to me than what I
am doing. I am riding to you and wish that a sinful hand would
strike me down on the way, so excuse me and appoint another,
whomever you wish. I wish to get safe with you, I and my children, and, by God, I am afraid in my sleep. You have put me in
charge of the affairs of the Muslims and the payment of the army,
but this world of yours is not a fair exchange for my hereafter.' "
He used to say, "0 God, forgiveness, 0 God purify his heart," and
the poet said to him:

743. Called al-Wagif. He is later recorded among the `Abbasid party on the
pilgrimage of 169/786 when the Alid al-Husayn b. Ali rebelled.
744. The Arabic simply has al -asmd"'listening," specifically to singing.
745 Abdallih b. ja'far b. Abi Tilib: al-Mahdi is citing the example of 'Ali-Is
nephew to prove that righteous men could listen to singing.

23 2 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Leave Ya`qub b. Dawud on one side,
and take to the good wine that has a good smell.

1 5 15 1

According to 'Abdallah b. `Umar746-Ja'far b. Ahmad b. Zayd

al-'Alawi747-Ibn Sallam74s : Al-Mahdi gave a slave girl to one of
the sons of Ya'qub b. Dawud, who was feebleminded . After some
days he asked him about her and he said , "0 Commander of the
Faithful, I never saw the likes of her. I have never had such an
easy riding steed between me and the ground ... present company
excepted!"749 Al-Mahdi turned to Ya'qub and said to him, "Whom
do you think he means? Does he mean me or does he mean you?"
and Ya'qub said to him, "You can protect a foolish man against
anything except himself."
According to `Ali b. Muhammad al-Nawfall-his father: Ya'qub
b. Dawud used to go into al-Mahdi and spend the night alone with
him chatting and conversing . One night when he was with him
when most of the night had passed he came out wearing a dyed
Hashimi taylasan750 that was blue and light , and the taylasdn
had been strongly starched and ironed and it rattled. A page took
the reins of his riding beast, a gray beast of his . The page had slept
and Ya'qub went smoothing his taylasdn, and it rattled. The
palfrey shied and Ya`qub approached it, and it turned its back on
him and kicked him on his leg and broke it. Al-Mahdi heard the
noise and came out barefooted and, when he saw what had happened, he made clear his anxiety and solicitude . Then he ordered
that he be carried in a chair to his house. The next day al-Mahdi
visited him at dawn , and the people heard about that and they
came to him in the morning. He returned to him on the next
three days and then he ceased his visits and began to send to him
asking him how he was . When he was not present, intriguers
were able to influence al-Mahdi , and within ten days (nights) his

746. B. Abu al-Hayy al-Absi. He contributes one other report (see 539, below.
747. Probably a grandson of Zayd b. Ali, the unsuccessful rebel of 122/740.
748. Muhammad b. Sallimal-Jumahi 139 -231/756 -845, author of the surviving
Tabaqdt al- Shu'ard ', contributes six reports on the Umayyads and 'Abbasids to
the History; see Ell, s.v. "Ibn Sallam."
749. He clearly did not know how to express himself properly.

75o. A piece of material worn over the shoulders and hanging down the back, a
bit like an academic hood; see Ahsan, Social Life, 42-43.

The Events of the Year 1166 233

anger against him became apparent, and he left him in his house 15r6J
to be treated and he announced to his companions that no one
should have a Ya`qubi taylasdn on him or a Ya`qubi galansnwah
or his clothes would be taken from him . Then he ordered that
Ya`qub should be confined in the prison of Nair.

According to al-Nawfali : Al-Mahdi ordered that Ya`qub's men

be deposed from offices in east and west and ordered that his
family be arrested and imprisoned and that was done to them.
According to `Ali b . Muhammad: When Ya`qub b. Dawud and
his family were imprisoned , his agents dispersed and went into
hiding and lived as vagabonds; his story and the story of Ishaq b.
al-Fadl were told to al -Mahdi, and he sent for Ishaq by night and
for Ya`qub. He was brought from prison, and he said to him, "Didn't
you tell me that this man and the people of his family claimed
that they had a better right to the caliphate than we, people of the
family, 75i and that they had contempt for us? " and Ya`qub said to
him, "I never told you that," and he said, "You are accusing me of
lying and contradicting my words! " Then he called for a whip and
struck him twelve violent blows and ordered that he be returned
to prison.
Ishaq came and swore that he had never said that and that it
was not his business. Among the things he said was , "How would
I say that, 0 Commander of the Faithful, when my ancestor died
in the Jahiliyyah and your ancestor (lit: grandfather) survived after
the Prophet of God and was his heir? X752 He said, "Send him
away." The next morning he summoned Ya`qub and repeated to
him the words that he had spoken, and he replied, "0 Commander
of the Faithful, do not punish me until I remind you and you
remember when you were in a pavilion753 overlooking the river.
You were in the garden and I was with you when Abu al-Wazir7sa
came in."

`All said : Abu al-Wazir was the son-in-law of Ya'qub b. Dawud

by the daughter of $alih b. Dawud. "Abu al-Wazir told you this
752. I.e., the Abbasid family.
751. Isbaq's ancestor was al-Hanth b. Abd al-Multalib, brother of al-Abbas;
see note 729, above.
753. Tdramah, a wooden building of circular form with an arched roof.
754. `Omar b. al-Mutarrif; see note 655, above.

2.34 Al- Mansur and al-Mahdi


story on the authority of Ishaq . He (al-Mahdi) said, "You have

told the truth, Ya`qub, I remember that," and al -Mahdi was
ashamed and apologized to him for the beating . Then he returned
him to the prison, and he remained a prisoner in the reign of alMahdi and the whole of the reign of Musa until Harun released
him because of the regard he had for him in the life of his father.
In this year Musa al -Hidi left for Jurjan . He appointed Abu
Yusuf Ya'qub b. Ibrahim755 over his judiciary.
In this year al-Mahdi moved to `Isibadh and settled there. It
was known as Qagr al -Salamah, and the people settled there with
him and dinars and dirhams were struck there.756
In this year al-Mahdi ordered the establishment of the post
between the City of the Prophet757 and Mecca and Yemen by
mule and camel, and the post had not been established there
In this year Khurasin was agitated against al-Musayyab b.
Zuhayr, and al-Fadl b. Sulayman al-Tusi Abu al-Abbas was appointed as governor there . 758 Sijistan was attached to him as well,
and he appointed Tamim b. Said b . Dalai as his deputy in
Sijistan on the orders of al-Mahdi.
In this year Dawud b. Rawh b. Hatim, Ismail b. Sulayman b.
Mujalid, Muhammad b. Abi Ayyub al- Makki and Muhammad b.
Tayfur were arrested for Zandagah . 759 They confessed and alMahdi called on them to repent and released them . He sent Diwud
755. The famous qd4i and author of the surviving Kitdb a1-Khardy. He remained
gd4i in Baghdad until his death in 181./799.

756. Most early Islamic coins had the names of the places they were minted on
them. ' Isibidh briefly became a center of habitation and government, but it
seems to have been abandoned after al-Mahdi 's death.
757. Medina.
758. Barthold, Turkestan, : o5, mentions that Musayyab introduced a new
coinage that may have provoked discontent . For further sources and discussion,
see Daniel, Khurasan, z68, 184 n. 46.
759. All these were sons of prominent members of the regime , which is probably
why they were treated so leniently . Rawb b. Hitim was the celebrated Muhallabi
see note 570, above; Sulayman b. Mujalid was a member of al-Mangur 's sahdbah
who played an important part in the development of Baghdad ; Abu Ayyub alMakki was in charge of the diwdn al-khardj at the beginning of al-Mahdi 's reign;
and Tayfur was probably the Tayfur, freedman of al-Hid! , who was al-Mahdi's
half-brother and is recorded as governor of Igfahin in 169/785 - 86; see Crone,
Slaves, 195.

The Events of the Year 166


b. Rawh to his father, Rawh, who was at that time governor of alBasrah. He was gracious to him and ordered him to educate him.
In this year al-Waddah al-Sharawi brought `Abdallah b. Abu
`Ubaydallah the wazir, that is Mu` iwiyah b. `Ubaydallah alAsh`ari of the people of Syria . He was the one whom Ibn Shabibah
conspired against and who was accused of Zandaqah . We have
already described his affair and his execution.760
In this year Ibrahim b . Yahya b. Muhammad was appointed
governor of Medina, the City of the Prophet of God; Ubaydallah
b. Qutham761 was in charge of al-'W'a'if and Mecca.
In this year Mansur b. Yazid b. Mansur was deposed from Yemen
and `Abdallih b. Sulayman al-Rabai was appointed in his place.
In this year al-Mahdi released Abd al-$amad b. All from the
prison he was in.
Ibrahim b . Yahya b. Muhammad led the pilgrimage in this year.
In this year the governor ('dmil ( of al-Kufah, in charge of the
prayers and the ahddth, was Hishim b. Said. Rawh b. Hatim was
in charge of the prayers and ahddth in al-Basrah, and Khalid b.
Taliq was in charge of the judiciary there. AI-Mu`alla, freedman
of the Commander of the Faithful, was in charge of the districts of
the Tigris; Kaskar; the governorates of al-Basrah and al-Bahrayn;
and the districts of Ahwaz, Firs and Kirmin. Al-Fadl b. Sulayman
al-Tusi was in charge of Khurasan and Sijistin ; Ibrahim b. $alih of
Egypt, Yazid b. Hatim of Ifrigiyah ; Yahya al-Harashi of Tabaristin,
Ruyan, and Jurjan; Farashah, freedman of al-Mahdi, of Dunbawand
and Qumis; and Sa`d, freedman of the Commander of the Faithful, of al-Rayy.

In this year there was no summer expedition against the Byzantines because of the truce in it.
760. The passage raises a problem. On p. 490 of the text al-Tabari relates how
Muhammad b. Ubaydallah was executed, and there is mention of Abdallih.
It is not clear whether this is the same incident with a mistake in the name or
a separate event that has been lost from the text . Neither al-WaQah nor lbn
Shabibah can be identified further.
761. B. al. Abbis b. Abdallih b. al-Abbas, an Abbasid; for his father, see note
149, above. He remained governor until Hirun 's reign.

Events of the Year

(AUGUST 5 , 783-JULY 2 3, 784)

The events of this year:

1 51191

Among these was the sending by al-Mahdi of his son Musa with
a huge number of soldiers and equipment the likes of which, it
was said, no one had ever been equipped with before to Jurjan for
the war against Wandahurmuz762 and Sharvin ,763 the two lords of
Tabaristan. When al-Mahdi organized it for Musa , he placed Aban
b. $adagah in charge of his correspondence , Muhammad b. Jumayl
of his army, and Nufay`, freedman of al-Mansur, as his chamberlain. `Ali b. `Isa b. Mahan was in command of his guard and
`Abdallah b. Khazim of his police. Musa despatched the troops
against Wandahurmuz and Sharvin under the command of Yazid
b. Mazyad and he laid siege to them.

In this year `Isa b. Musa died in al-Kufah . The governor of al762. One of the native princes of Tabanstan . He resisted this Muslim assault in
his mountain stronghold and is last recorded visiting Hariin on his trip to al-Rayy
in 189/805. He was the grandfather of Mazyar, the famous opponent of the Muslims during the reign of al-Mu 'ta^im.
763. Neighbor and ally of Wandahurmuz.

The Events of the Year r67 237

Kufah at that time was Rawh b. Hatim, and Rawh b. Hatim called
on the gddi and a body of the principal people to witness that he
had died of natural causes, and then he was buried . It is said that
`Isa b. Musa died when Rawh b. Hatim was in charge of al-Kufah
on Tuesday, 26 Dhu al-Hijjah (Tuesday, July 2o), and Rawh was
present at his bier. It was said to him, "Go first, you are the governor
(amir)." He said, "God will certainly not see Rawh praying over
`Isa b. Musa. Let his eldest child have precedence." They refused
to do that and he insisted, and al-Abbas b. `Isa took precedence
and prayed over his father . News of this reached al-Mahdi and he
was angry with Rawh and wrote to him, "News has reached me of
your refusal to pray over `Isa. Did you pray for him for yourself or
your father or your grandfather ?764 If I had been present that
would have been my position, but since I was absent you should
have been the first because of your position of authority," and he
ordered that he be called to account . He had been in charge of the
taxation along with the prayers and the ahddth . When `Isa died
al-Mahdi still held a grudge against him and his children, yet he
used to hate having precedence over him because of his seniority.

In this year al-Mahdi stepped up the hunt and search for Zindigs
in all areas and executed them . He put Umar al-Kalwadhi765 in ]Szo]
charge of dealing with them. Yazid b. al-Fayci,766 secretary to alMan^ur, was arrested and, it is said, he confessed and was put in
prison but escaped and could not be recaptured.

In this year al-Mahdi deposed Abu `Ubaydallah Mu`awiyah b.

`Ubaydallah from the Diwdn al-Rasd 'il and appointed his chamberlain al-Rabi` to it. He made Said b. Wagid his deputy.767 Abu

764. This is probably a reference to the fact that the Muhallabis had opposed
the later Umayyadsand worked for their overthrow and that Rawh should have
paid his respects to i si for his part in the cause to which his father and grandfather
had contributed, whatever his personal feelings.
765. From Kalwidhi, a small town on the eastern bank of the Tigns dust south
of Baghdad. Nothing more is known of him.
766. He seems to have remained in hiding and was one of the Zindigs specifically
excluded from an amnesty granted at the beginning of Hirfin 's reign (see al-Tabari,
III, 604 ).
767. Al-Rabi' as lid/ib would not have the necessary expertise to run the diwdn
al-rasd il (chancery, responsible for sending out letters himself . Nothing more is
known of Said b. Wiqid.

238 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

'Ubaydallah continued to enter (into the presence of the caliph)
according to his usual grade.
In this year there spread death and coughing and severe plague
in Baghdad and al -Basrah.
In this year Aban b. $adagah died in Jurjan . He was secretary to
Musa in charge of his correspondence (rasa 'il ). Al-Mahdi sent
in his place Abu Khalid al-Ahwal Yazid,768 the deputy of Abu
In this year al-Mahdi ordered the expansion of the Haram
mosque, 769 and many houses were incorporated into it. He appointed Yaqtin b. Musa to oversee the building of the extension
and he was occupied with the building of it until the death of alMahdi.
In this year Yahya al-Harashi was deposed from Tabaristan and
Ruyan and what he had in that area , and 'Umar b. al-Ala' was
appointed to it. Farashah, freedman of al-Mahdi , was appointed to
jurjan and Yahya al-Harashi was deposed.
In this year the earth darkened in the last nights of Dhu alHijjah until the day was well advanced.
In this year there was no summer expedition because of the
truce there was between the Muslims and the Byzantines.
Ibrahim b. Yahya b. Muhammad led the pilgrimage in this year.
He was governor of Medina and, after he had finished the pilgrimage and returned to Medina for a few days , he died, and Ishaq b.
'Isa b. All was appointed in his place.

In this year 'Uqbah b. Salm al-Huns i was stabbed in 'Isabadh.

15 211 He was in the house of 'Umar b. Bazi` and a man took him by
surprise and stabbed him with a dagger and he died there.77O
The governor of Mecca and al-Ta'if in this year was 'Ubaydallah b. Qutham. Sulayman b. Yazid al-Harithl was in charge of
768. A friend of Yahya the Barmakid . When he died the next year, Yahya looked
after his son . His son Abmad played a central part in the appointment of Tihir as
governor of Khurasan in 105/8:o.
769. In Mecca.
770. According to al-Yaqubi, Tdrikh, II, 478, he was killed in revenge by a
youth whose father he had killed when governor of aI-Yamimah (see note 72,
above). Muhammad b. Habib has him killed in al-Bahrayn in al-Mahdi's reign
(p. 196(.

The Events of the Year 167 239

Yemen; 771 'Abdallih b. Mu^'ab al-Zubayri772 of al-Yamimah;
Rawh b. Hatim was in charge of the prayers of al-Kufah and the
ahddth there; Muhammad b. Sulayman was in charge of the prayers
and ahddth of al-Ba^rah, with `Umar b. Uthman al-Taym1773 in
charge of the judiciary there . Al-Mu'alli, freedman of al-Mahdi,
was in charge of the districts of the Tigris; Kaskar; the governorates (a `mdl ) of al-Bagrah, al-Bahrayn, and Umin; and the districts (kuwar) of Ahwiz, Firs, and Kirman. Al-Fadl b. Sulayman
al-Tusi was in charge of Khurisan and Sijistin; Musa b. Mus`ab774
of Egypt; Yazid b. Hitim of Ifrigiyah; `Umar b . al-Ala' of Tabaristin and Ruyan ; Farishah, freedman of al-Mahdi, of Jurjan, Dunbiwand, and Qumis ; and Sad, freedman of the Commander of
the Faithful, of al-Rayy.

771. He may have been the brother of Muhammad b. Yazid al-Hinthi who was
governor of Yemen 133 -34/750- S2.. Al-Saffib's mother was a Hinthi, and several
of them were influential in the early Abbisid state , especially in Yemen, where
the family originated (Crone, Slaves, 149, Kennedy, Abbasid Caliphate, 5z-53).
772.. A descendant of the Prophet 's companion al-Zubayr b. al-Awwim. Beside
his political role, he was a significant source for al-Tabari's History.
773. Not known elsewhere.
774. See note 193, above.

Events of the Year



2-4, 784 -JULY 13, 785)

The events of this year:

Among these was the breaking by the Byzantines of the peace
that had been made between them and Harun b. al-Mahdi as we
described above and their treachery.775 This was in the month
of Ramadan (March 17-April 15, 785). Between the beginning of
the peace and the Byzantines' treachery and their breaking of it
were thirty-two months. `Ali b. Sulayman, who was at that time
governor of al-Jazirah and Qinnasrin, sent Yazid b. Badr b. alBatta1776 with a cavalry force against the Byzantines, and they
took booty and were victorious.

In this year al-Mahdi sent Said al-Harashi to Tabaristan with

forty thousand men.
15221 In this year Umar al-Kalwadhi, master of the Zindigs, died,
and in his place was appointed Hamdawayh, who was Muhammad b. `Isa of the people of Maysan.777
775. Brooks, "Byzantines and Arabs ," 739-40.
776. Grandson of the Muslim hero, al-Battil, n. 2.23. He is not known elsewhere.
777. Maysan was in southern Iraq north of al-Bayrah and to the east of the Great

The Events of the Year 168 241

In this year al-Mahdi executed the Zindigs in Baghdad.

In this year al-Mahdi returned his diwdn and the diwdn of his
family to Medina , and he transferred it from Damascus there. 778
In this year al-Mahdi went out to Nahr al-$ilah, below Wasit. It

was only known as Nahr al-$ilah (the canal of the grant ), it is said,
because he wished to assign to his family and others the rents of
it and grant them that. 171
In this year al-Mahdi appointed All b. Yagtin780 to the Diwdn
Zimam al-Azimmah781 over `Umar b. Bazi`.
According to Ahmad b. Musa b. Hamzah-his father:782 The
first person to work the Registry Department was `Umar b. Bazi`
in the caliphate of al-Mahdi. This was because, when the diwdns
were gathered to him, he thought that he could organize them
only by setting up a zmam (registry) on every diwdn, so he set up
the registry departments and appointed a man to every department. To the registry department of the khardj, he appointed
Isma il b. $ubayh.783 The Banii Umayyah did not have registry

`Ali b. Muhammad al-Mahdi, who was called Ibn Raytah, led

the pilgrimage in this year.

Swamp (Yaqut, Mu'jam, V, 242- 43) Le Strange, 43). For his efforts against the
Zindiqs, see al-Nahrawini, al-Jails al-SdhIi (Beirut, 1987) , III, 203-7.
778. The diwan of the family was the list of its members and the salaries they
were entitled to. It is surprising that it had remained in the old Umayyad capital:
its return to Medina (not Baghdad ) was intended to emphasize the connection
between the Abbisids and the Family of the Prophet.
779. Yigdt (Mu'lam, V, 321) says that the canal was dug by al-Mahdi and the
land brought into cultivation by him but that the revenue was assigned to the
people of the Haramayn (Mecca and Medina).
780. Son of Yaqtin b. Musi (note 271 , above). According to al-Tabari, 549, he
was executed for Zandagah in 169/786, but Ibn al-Nadim , Fihnst, 224, says he
died in 182/798.

781. For diwdn al-azimmah (registry departments), see note 66o, above. This
new diwan seems to have been an attempt to centralize the registries of different
782. Not known elsewhere.
783. Al-Harrini. He was subsequently to have a long career as secretary for
Hirun and later for al-Amin and is last heard of in 195 /81o-11.


Events of the Year

(JULY 14 , 785-JULY 2, 786)

The events of this year:

Among these was al -Mahdi 's departure in al-Muharram (July

785) to Misabadhan.784

14-August 12 ,


The story of his departure:

It is said that at the end of his reign al-Mahdi had intended to
give his son Harm precedence over his son Musa al-Rid-1. He sent
a member of his family to him when he was in Jurjan in order to
decide finally on the oath of allegiance and give al -Rashid precedence. Musa did not comply. Al-Mahdi then sent one of his
freedmen to him, but Musa refused to come back and beat the
messenger. Al-Mahdi departed because of Musa , intending to go
to Jurjan, but there befell him what befell him.

According to al-Bihili7B5-Abu Shakir' 786 one of the secretaries

of al-Mahdi in charge of one of the diwans : 'Ali b. Yaqtin asked
784. A district to the east of Baghdad , on the modem Iraq-Iran border see
Yiqut, Mu'jam, V, 4 i; Le Strange, Lands, zo2'.
785. Abu Bakr: nothing more is known of him.
786. Nothing more is known of this man.

The Events of the Year 169 243

al-Mahdi to have breakfast with him, and he promised that he

would and then he decided to come to Masabadhan and, by God,
he gave orders for the journey as if he were driven to it, and `Ali
said to him, "0 Commander of the Faithful, you promised to me
that you would have breakfast with me," and he replied, "Bring
your breakfast to Nahrawan!" so he brought it and had breakfast
in Nahrawan, and then he departed.
In this year al-Mahdi died. The account of the circumstances of
his death:
There are different accounts of his death: According to Waft,
gahraman7s7 to al-Mahdi: Al-Mahdi went out to hunt in a village
called al-Radhdh in Masabadhan, and I remained with him until
after the afternoon prayer and then I went to my tent, which was
far from his . Just before daybreak I rode to do my duties, and I was
traveling through the desert and I had separated from the pages
who were with me and from my companions when I met a naked
black man traveling on a camel . He came near to me and then
said to me, "Abu Sahl, may God give you great recompense for (5241
your master, the Commander of the Faithful . ,7118 I contemplated
whipping him, but he vanished from in front of me and, when I
came to the portico (of the tent), Masrur789 met me and said to
me, "Abu Sahl, may God grant you great recompense for your
master, the Commander of the Faithful." I went in and there I
saw him covered with a shroud in a tent (qubbah). I said, "I left
you after the afternoon prayer and no one was more cheerful in
mood or more healthy in body, so what happened ?" He replied,
"The hounds chased a gazelle and he continued to follow them
and the gazelle rushed through the door of a ruined building and
the hounds rushed after it and the horse rushed after the hounds,
and his back was smashed against the door of the ruin and he died

According to All b. Abi Nu `aym al-Marwazi:790 One of al787. A qahramdn was a member of the domestic staff of the court , rather than a
political figure; Wadib is not otherwise known.
788. A formula meaning that the caliph has died . Compare the specter who
announces the death of al-Mangur ; see above, p. 162.
789. Abu Hishun MasrUI al-Khidim, a palace servant who became an important figure at the court of Hirim ; see Crone, Slaves, 192-93.

790. Marwazi means coming from Marw ; this is the only report he contributes.


Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Mahdi's slave girls sent beastings with poison in it to a rival of

hers. He was sitting in the garden after he had left `Isabadh. He
called for it (the beastings) and ate from it, and the slave girl was
afraid to say that it was poisoned.


According to Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Razi:791 Al-Mahdi was

sitting in an upstairs room in the palace at Masabadhan looking
down from his vantage point on those below him. A slave girl of
his, called Hasanah'792 had picked up two large pears and put
them in a siniyah793 dish and poisoned one that was the best and
ripest in its lowest part, and replaced the stem in it and put it in
the upper part of the dish. Al-Mahdi used to like pears very much,
and she sent it with a servant of hers to a slave girl of al-Mahdi's
whom he favored, intending to kill her with that. The servant was
taking the dish with that pear in it, intending to give it to the
slave girl whom Hasanah had sent it to, when al-Mahdi saw her
from the vantage point. When he saw her and saw the pear with
her, he called her and stretched out his hand to the pear, which
was uppermost in the dish, the poisoned one, and ate it. When it
reached his stomach, he screamed, "My stomach!" and Hasanah
heard the voice and was told the news, and she began to strike her
face in lamentation and weep and said, "I wanted to be alone with
you and I have killed you, 0 my lord!" and he died that day.
According to `Abdallah b. Ismail, master of the riding animals:794 When we reached Masabadhan, I came near to his bridle
and took hold of it and he showed no sign of illness, by God, but
in the morning he was dead, and I saw that Hasanah had returned
with sackcloth on her collar and Abu al-Atahiyah795 said about

In the afternoon, the women went in fine fabrics, but in the

morning they had sackcloth on.
Every butter has a butting day against him by time.
You were not to remain, even if you were given life as long as
791. R3zi means coming from al-Rayy; he contributes two other reports.
791. Not known elsewhere.
793. A metal tray used for serving food.
794 Sdh,b al-mardklb, a palace servant not recorded elsewhere.
795 D. 110/825. The celebrated poet. See Aghdni, Biilaq, XIV, 56, Beirut, XV,
118; E/2, s.v. "Abn'1=Atahiyah."

The Events of the Year 169


Noah was.
Lament for yourself for you have no alternative but to

According to $alih al-Qari'-`Ali b. Yaqtin: We were with alMahdi in Masabadhan and he woke up one day and said, "I have
woken up hungry," and he was brought loaves and cold , cooked
meat in vinegar. He ate some of it and then said, "I am going into
the hall to sleep in it. Do not wake me up until I wake up myself."
He went into the hall and slept, and we slept in the house under
the portico. We were awakened by his weeping and hurried to
him and he said, "Did you not see what I saw?" and we replied
that we had not seen anything and he said, "There stood at the
door a man who would be easily recognized by me had he been
among a thousand or a hundred thousand men and he recited,
It is as if I were in this palace and its people have perished [526]
and its residences and dwelling places are deserted.
The chief of the people has come after glory and
power to a tomb covered with stones.
Nothing remains but his memory and story
and the wailing of his wives cries out for him."
Ten days did not pass before he died . According to Abu Ma'shar
and al-Wagidi he died in the year 169 on the night of Thursday
(i.e., Wednesday night by our reckoning) 2.2 Muharram (Thursday,
August 4, 785). His caliphate lasted ten years and one and a half
months. Someone said that his caliphate was ten years, forty-nine
days and that he died at the age of forty-three.
According to Hisham b. Muhammad: Abu `Abdallah al-Mahdi
Muhammad b . `Abdallah began to rule on 6 Dhu al-Hijjah, 158
(October 7, 775), and reigned for ten years, one month, and twentytwo days and then died in 169 , when he was forty-three years old.

A description of his burial place and those who prayed over

It is said that al-Mahdi died in one of the villages of Masabadhan
called al-Radhdh, and about that Bakkar b. Ribah796 said:
796. He is not noticed in Aghani and not quoted elsewhere in al-Tabari.


Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

May the mercy of the Merciful One at all hours (come down)
over a corpse that decayed at Masabadhan.
The tomb covered a fault-free man
and two palms that hasten to do kindness.


His son Harun prayed over him, and there was not a bier to be
found to carry him on, so he was carried on a door and buried
under a nut tree he used to sit under.
He was tall, of thin build, with curly hair. Opinions differ as to
his coloring; some said that he was brown, and others said that
he was white. Some said that he had a white spot in his right eye,
and others said that it was in his left eye, and he was born in

Some of the Doings of al-Mahdi and Stories

about Him
According to Harun b. Abi `Ubaydallah: When al-Mahdi used to
sit for the mazdlim, he said, "Bring in the judges to me! If I only
settle the mazdlim with their approval, it is enough."
According to al-Hasan b. Abi Sa` id-`Ali b. $alib:798 Al-Mahdi
sat down one day to give rewards, which were distributed in his
presence to his intimates (khdsgah) among his family and his
army commanders. The names were read to him and he ordered
bonuses of ten thousand and twenty thousand and similar. There
came before him one of the commanders, and he said, "This man
is reduced by 500," and he asked, "Why have you brought me
down, 0 Commander of the Faithful?" and he replied, "Because I
sent you against an enemy of ours and you fled," and he said,
"Would it have pleased you more if I had been killed?" Al-Mahdi
said, "No," and the commander went on, "By Him Who has generously bestowed the caliphate on you, if I had stood firm, I would

797. On the border between the provinces of Iyfahan and Khiizistan, in the
Zagros mountains . He was bom there because his father was involved in the
unsuccessful rebellion of Abdallih b. Mu'awiyah against the Umayyads in
r26-:7 /743-45 ( Yiqut, Mu'/am, 1, 266-69).
798. Nothing more is known of al-Hasan, who contributes a number of reports
to the History, of which this is the first . Ali was the son of $alih, Sahib al-Mugalla
(note 15 3, above) and so a good source of court gossip.

The Events of the Year x69 247

have been killed." Al-Mahdi was shamed by him and said, "Give
him five thousand more."
According to al-Hasan-`Ali b. $alih: Al-Mahdi was angry with
one of his army commanders and had reproved him several times
and said to him, "For how long will you sin against me and I
forgive you?" and he replied, "May it continue forever and may

God spare you to forgive us," and he repeated it a number of 15281

times, and al-Mahdi was ashamed about him and took him into
According to Muhammad b. `Umar7 -Haft, mawla of Muzaynah-his father: Hisham al-Kalbi80 was a friend of mine, and
we used to meet and tell stories and recite verses to each other. I
had seen him in worn-out clothes and rags on a skinny mule, and
he and his mule were obviously in need, so I was surprised when
one day he met me on a light-colored mule that was one of the
caliphal mules, with a saddle and bridle that belonged to the
caliphate, and he was riding in fine clothes and good perfume.
I showed my pleasure and then said to him, "I see obvious prosperity," and he replied, "Yes, I will tell you about it and keep it a
secret. While I was in my house some days ago between the
midday and afternoon prayers, al-Mahdi's messenger came to me,
so I went to him and entered to him. He was sitting alone without
anyone with him, and in his hands he held a letter . He said'Come
near, 0 Hisham,' so I came near and sat down in front of him, and
he continued, 'Take this letter and read it and do not let the
odious things in it prevent you from reading it.'
"I looked at the letter and, when I had read some of it, I found it
odious and I threw it from my hand and cursed the author. He
said, 'I told you that, if you found it odious, you should not throw
it away. Read it on my orders until you reach the end.'

"I read it and it was a letter whose author had abused him
savagely without sparing anything, and I said, '0 Commander of
the Faithful, who is this cursed liar?' and he replied, 'The Lord of
al-Andalus.i80' I said, 'By God, 0 Commander of the Faithful,
799. AI-Wigidi.

8oo. The famous historian. Nothing else is known of Hafg or his father.
8oi. The Umayyad ruler of Muslim Spain, at this time Abd al -Rabman b
Mu'iwiyah b. Hishim ( 138-7 :/756-88(.

248 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi


the shame is on him and his fathers and mothers .' Then I began
abusing them . He was pleased with that and said, 'I am asking
you to dictate all abuse of them to a secretary.'
"He called one of the confidential secretaries and ordered him
to sit down nearby, and he ordered me to go to him, and the
secretary began a reply from al-Mahdi , and I dictated abuse against
them in great quantity and did not spare anything until I had
finished the letter. I showed it to him, and his pleasure was obvious
and he went on to order that the letter be sealed and put in a bag
and given to the Master of the Post and he ordered that it be
hastened to al-Andalus.
"Then he ordered a cloth in which there were ten of the best
robes and ten thousand dirhams and this mule with its saddle and
bridle, and he gave me that and said to me, 'Keep silent about
what you have heard."'
According to al-Hasan-Miswar b. Musawir: Al-Mahdi's agent
(wakil ) oppressed me and was angry with me on account of an
estate I had, so I went to Sallam, sahib al-mazalim ,802 and complained about the oppression to him and gave him a written note.
He took the note to al-Mahdi , and there were with him his paternal uncle, al-Abbas b. Muhammad ; Ibn Ulithah; and 'Afiyah
the Qddi. Al-Mahdi said to me, "Come near," so I came near, and
he asked, "What are you saying ?" and I replied, "You have oppressed me ." He said, "Are you satisfied with one of these two
"Yes," I said and he told me to approach , and I did so until I was
touching the cushion, and he said, "Speak!" I said, "May God give
the judge peace, he oppressed me on account of this estate of
mine." The gddi then asked, "What do you say, 0 Commander of
the Faithful ?" and he replied, "It is my estate and it is in my
hands," and I said, "May God give the judge peace . Ask him
whether the estate passed to him before he became caliph or

He asked, "What do you say, 0 Commander of the Faithful?"

He answered that it came to him after he had become caliph. The
Soz. Sallim al -Abrash, see note 289, above.

The Events of the Year 169 249

judge said, "Hand it over to him," and he replied, "I have done it,"
and al-Abbas b. Muhammad said, "0 Commander of the Faithful.
Indeed this majlis is dearer to me than twenty million dirhams."

According to `Abdallah b. al-Rabi`803-Mujahid, the poet:804

Al-Mahdi went out for sport, and with him was `Umar b. Bazi`,
his freedman. We were cut off from the army and the people
(courtiers) in the hunt, and al-Mahdi was struck by hunger and
said, "Damn you! Do you have anything?" and he said, "No,
nothing. I see a hut, and I think it has a vegetable patch." We
went in its direction, and there was a Nabati8O5 in a cottage and
a vegetable patch. We greeted him and he returned the greeting,
and we asked if he had anything to eat . He replied, "Yes, I have
rubaytha ' (a kind of small fish ) and barley bread," and al-Mahdi
asked, "If you have oil you will have done everything," and he
said "Yes." "And leeks?" "As you like, and dates." He hurried
to the vegetable patch and brought them greens and leeks and
onions, and they ate a large and satisfying meal. Al -Mahdi said to
`Umar b. Bazi`, "Say a poem about this," and he said:
He who prepares a meal of rubaytha ' in oil, barley bread, and
deserves a blow or two for the evil of his action, or three.
Al-Mahdi said, "It is a shame your poem did not go like this:
deserves a bidrahB06 or two for the excellence of his action, or
The escort and treasury and servants came by, and al-Mahdi ordered that the Nabati be given three bidrahs (30,000 dirhams),
and he went on his way.

According to Muhammad b. `Abdallah-Abu Ghanim: Zayd

al-Hilali807 was a noble, generous, and famous man of the Banu
Hilal, and the inscription on his seal read, "He is successful, 0
803. B . UbaydallMh al-Hanthi, see note 34, above.
804. He is not noticed in Aghdni and does not appear again in the History.
8o5. One of the indigenous , non-Arab inhabitants of Iraq.
8o6. A large sum of money, ro,ooo dirhams.
807. Despite the caliph 's encomium, Zayd has left no other trace in the histoncal record.

2 50 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

Zayd, who causeth his work to grow," 1108 and news of this reached
al-Mahdi, who said, "The inscription on Zayd al-Hilali's seal reads,
'He is successful, 0 Zayd, whose work has a good reputation."


According to al-Hasan al-Wa0if : In the reign of al-Mahdi we

were struck by a wind so strong that we thought that we would be
swept away to the Last judgment, so I went out to look for the
Commander of the Faithful and I found him lying, his cheek on
the ground, saying, "0 God, preserve Muhammad in his people!
0 God, do not let our enemies among the peoples rejoice! 0 God,
if you have taken the world because of my sin , my forelock is in
your hands !" We remained only a little time before the wind
disappeared and what we were in vanished.
According to al-Mawili-`Abd al-$amad b. `Ali: I said to alMahdi, "0 Commander of the Faithful, we people of the family
have been made to imbibe into our hearts the love of our freedmen and the giving of precedence to them . What you have in this
respect has gone too far . You have given them charge of all your
affairs and you have favored them by night and day, and I fear a
change of heart among your soldiers and your commanders from
the people of Khurasan."
He replied, "0 Abu Muhammad, the freedmen deserve that.
There is no one who combines these qualities except these freedmen. I can hold audience for the common people and summon a
freedman of mine and raise him up so that his knee rubs against
mine, and then he gets up from that audience and I can ask him to
look after my mount and he does so and does not think himself to
be above that. They are not proud with me about that, and if I
wanted that from anyone else he would say, 'Where is the person
whose job it is and the first to answer your call, and where is he
who is first to respond to your summons ? 809 I would not shove
him out of the way."'

According to 'Ali b. Muhammad-al-Fadl b. al-Rabi': Al-Mahdi

said to Abdallah b. Malik, "Wrestle with this freedman of mine,"
so he wrestled with him and he took him by the neck , and al8o8. The inscription was taken from Qur'dn, XCI : 9. The sense of the anecdote
is not clear.
8o9. The text here presents some problems : I have incorporated some of the
suggestions made in Gloss ., s.v. 'ain, cxxiv-cxxv, where the matter is discussed.

The Events of the Year 169 251

Mahdi said, "Press hard," and, when 'Abdallah saw that, he took
him by his leg and he fell on his head and he threw him on the
ground. 'Abdallah said to al-Mahdi, "0 Commander of the Faithful, I left you while I was one of the most beloved of men to you,
and yet you still side with your freedman against me." He said,
"Have you not heard the words of the poet?

Your freedmen should not be oppressed while you behold,

for the oppression of a certain people 's freedman is like the
cutting off of the nose."
According to Abu al-Khattab:811 When death was approaching
al-Qasim b. Mujashi' al-Tamimi,sll of the people of Marw of the
village known as Baran , he wrote a testament for al-Mahdi : "There
is no god but He; that is the witness of God, His angels, and those
endued with knowledge, standing firm on justice. There is no god
but He, the Exalted in Power, the Wise. The religion before God is
Islam... "812 to the end of the verse . Then he wrote that al-Qisim
b. Mujashi' bore witness to that and that Muhammad was his
slave and his messenger, that 'Ali b. Abi Talib was the heir of the
Prophet of God and the inheritor of the imamate after him.813
The testament was presented to al-Mahdi and, when he reached
this point, he threw it away and did not look at it.
Abu al-Khattab said: This remained in the heart of Abt Ubaydallah, the wazfr, and, when his death approached, he wrote this
Qur'anic verse in his testament.
According to al-Haytham b. 'Adi: A man came in to al-Mahdi
and said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, al-Mahdi cursed me and
called my mother a whore ; either you should order me to exonerate him from his sin, or you should give me compensation
and I shall ask God to forgive him." He asked why he had cursed
him and the man replied, "I cursed an enemy of his in his presence
and he was angry with me."
Rio. Hamzah b. All contributes a few scattered narratives to the History.
8i i. AI-Tamimi. He had been one of the original agents (nugabd') of the
Abbisids in Khurisin and had fought in the Abbasid armies beside QabIabah, so
his disaffection was all the more sinking.
Biz. Qur'dn, III: i8-i9.

8 13. That is to say that the Alids, not the Abbisids, were the rightful leaders
of the Muslim community.


252 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

( 5331

"Who was this enemy that he was angry with you for cursing
him?" he asked . "Ibrahim b. `Abdallah b. Masan," the man replied. "Ibrahim is a very close relation and most worthy of alMansur's kinship rights. If your cursing was as you allege, he was
protecting his kin and defending his honor . What is wrong with
someone who comes to the aid of his own cousin (ibn `amm)?"si4
He said, "He was his enemy," but al-Mahdi replied, "He did not
come to his aid out of hostility (to you) but because of his kinship." He silenced the man and, when he turned to go , al-Mahdi
said, "Perhaps you wanted something and you were not able to
find a better pretext for coming to me than this claim ?" and he
replied, "Yes." Then he smiled and ordered that he be given five
thousand dirhams.
A man was brought to al-Mahdi who claimed to be a prophet
and when he saw him he said, "Are you a prophet?" and the man
replied, "Yes," so he asked to whom he had been sent, and he
replied, "Have you left me to go to those to whom I was sent? I
was despatched in the morning, and you arrested me in the evening
and put me in prison ." Al-Mahdi laughed at him and let him go.
According to Abu al-Ash 'ath al-Kindi815-Sulayman b. `Abdallah-al-Rabi': I saw al -Mahdi praying in a hall on a moonlit
night, and I do not know whether he was more beautiful or the
hall or the moon or his clothes . He read this verse : "Then it is to
be expected of you, if ye were put into authority, that ye will do
mischief in the land, and break your ties of kith and kin?""' He
completed his prayers and turned to me and said , "0 Rabi`," and I
said, "Your servant, 0 Commander of the Faithful ," and he said,
"Bring me Musa," and stood up to pray . I asked (myself ), "Which
Musa, his son Musa817 or Musa b . Ja`far? X818 (who was imprisoned
at my house ) and I began to think and came to the conclusion that
it was Musa b. Ja`far, and I brought him . Then he broke off his
814. Stressing the unity of the Family of the Prophet , despite Ibrihim 's rebellion
in 145/768.
815. Presumably a member of the family of al-Ash 'ath b. Qays, see above, note
816. Qur'an, XLVII: 22.

817. The future caliph al-Hadi.

8i8. Mesa al-Ka;im, son of ja'far al-$adiq. Musa is held to have been killed by
Harun in i86/8o: and is venerated by twelver Shi'is as the seventh imam.

The Events of the Year 169


prayer and said, "0 Musa I was reading this verse 'Then it is to be
expected of you, if ye were put into authority, that ye will do
mischief in the land and break your ties of kith and kin,' and I was
afraid that I had broken the tie of kinship with you, so confirm
that you will not rise in rebellion against me," and he said, "Yes,"
and confirmed it and he released him.

According to Ibrahim b. Abi `Ali-Sulayman b. Dawud: I heard

al-Mahdi reciting quickly in the mihrdb of the mosque in a unique
chant "Hast thou not turned thy vision to those who were given a
portion of the Book? They believe in sorcery and evil," in the
chapter of the women.819
According to `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sulayman-my father: I
came into the presence of al-Mahdi and he was sitting for the
mazdlim. A man from the family of al-Zubayr820 approached
him and mentioned an estate that one of the kings of the Banu
Umayyah-I do not know whether it was al-Walid821 or Sulayman822-had confiscated from his father. He ordered Abu Ubaydallah to extract its record from the old diwdn. He did that and
read the record to al-Mahdi that said that it was included among a
number of them that `Omar b. 'Abd al-`Aziz82a had not seen fit
to return. Al-Mahdi said, "0 Zubayri, this Umar b. `Abd al'Aziz, who was one of your tribe of Quraysh, do you know why
he did not see fit to return it?" and he asked, "Do you approve of
all the acts of Umar?" and al-Mahdi asked, "What acts of his do
you not approve of?" "One of those was that he apportioned to
the prematurely born baby of the Banu Umayyah, while in his
infant clothes, a share of the most honorable `atd'824 and apportioned an old man of the Banu Hashim sixty." Al-Mahdi said, "O
Mu`awiyah, did 'Umar do that?" and he replied, "Yes," so he
said, "Restore his estate to the Zubayri."

819. Quran, IV: 51.

8zo. Ibn al=Awwim, the Prophet's companion. The family's estates were confiscated after the unsuccessful rebellion of his son Abdallah b. al-Zubayr against
the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik.
Sir. B. 'Abd al-Malik, Umayyad caliph 86-96/705-15.
8z2.. B. Abd al-Malik, Umayyad caliph 96-99/715-17.

8z3. Umayyad caliph, 99-101/717-2.o, respected by the Abbisids as the only

righteous Umayyad.
824. The highest level of salary.


254 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

'Umar b. Shabbah-Abu Salamah al-Ghifari: Al-Mahdi wrote
to Ja'far b. Sulayman, who was governor of Medina, ordering him
to bring a group of people who were suspected of Qadar.825 Among
them were 'Abdallah b. Abi 'Ubaydah b. Muhammad b. 'Ammar
b. Yasir,826'Abdallah b. Yazid b. Qays al-Hudhali,827'Isa b. Yazid
b. Da'b al-Laythi,828 and Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Abi Bakr alUsami.829 They were brought in to al-Mahdi and Abdallah b. Abi
Ubaydah among them exculpated himself to him and said, "This
was the faith of your father and his belief," and he replied, "No,
that of my paternal uncle Dawud, "830 but 'Abdallah said, "No,
your father was of this belief of ours, and it was his faith," and he
let them go.

1 5351

According to 'Ali b. Muhammad b. Sulayman al-Nawfalihis father-Muhammad b. 'Abdallah b. Muhammad b. 'Ali b.

'Abdallah b . Ja'far b. Abi Talib :83 i I saw as a sleeper sees at the
end of the reign of the Banu Umayyah ; it was as if I had entered
the mosque of the Prophet of God and I raised my head and looked
at the writing in mosaic that was in the mosque and there was
what the Commander of the Faithful al-Walid b. 'Abd al-Malik
had ordered.s32 There was a voice saying , "Wipe out this writing
and write in its place the name of a man from the Banu Hashim
called Muhammad."
I said, " I am Muhammad and I am of the Banu Hashim. Whose
son is it? " and the voice replied, "Son of 'Abdallah," and I said, "I
am son of 'Abdallah; son of whom?" and the voice said , "Son of
Muhammad," and I said, " I am the son of Muhammad; son of
whom ?" and the voice said, "Son of 'Ali," and I said, "I am son

825. A belief in human free will, which came to be considered heretical; see
El2, s.v. "Kadanya."
826. A traditionist occasionally quoted in the History.
827. No more is known about him. It is suggested in the Addenda that the
name should be Qantash.
W. A traditionist quoted by al-Tabari who later became a valued companion
of the caliph al-Hadi.
829. Not recorded elsewhere.
830. B. Ali al=Abbosi; see note 430, above.

83 r. A descendant of Ali's brother Ja'far; the Ja'fands were sometimes thought

of as possible candidates for the caliphate. He and his forebears had identical
names to those of the caliph al-Mahdi for five generations.
832. Umayyad caliph 86 - 96/705-15.

The Events of the Year 169 255

of `Ali; son of whom ?" and the voice said, "Son of 'Abdallih,"
and I said, "I am son of `Abdallih; son of whom?" and the voice
said, "Son of `Abbas." If I had not reached `Abbas, I would have
had no doubts that I was the lord of the affair.
I told the story of this dream at the time, and we did not know
al-Mahdi and people told it, so he entered the mosque of the
Prophet and raised his eyes and looked and saw the name of alWalid and he said, "Indeed I still see the name of al-Walid in the
mosque of the Prophet of God." He called for a chair, and it was
put before him in the court of the mosque and he said, "I will not
leave until it is wiped out and my name is put in its place." He
ordered that workmen and ladders and the necessary equipment
be brought, and he did not leave until it was changed and his
name was written.833
According to Ahmad b. al-Haytham al-Qurashi-Abdallah b.
Muhammad b. `Ala': Al-Mahdi went out after the stillness of
the night to walk around the house (the Ka`bah) and he heard a
bedouin woman by the side of the mosque, and she was saying,
"My people are poverty -stricken, eyes glance at them with repugnance, debts weigh on them , famines bite them hard, their
men have passed away and their wealth has gone , and their dependents have grown numerous . They have become wanderers far
from home and emaciated phantoms of the road . They are God's
and the Prophet's trust that he ordered to help . Is there one to
order good for me? May God protect him in his journey and assist
his people in his absence." He ordered Nugayr al -Khidim to pay
her five hundred dirhams.

According to `Ali b. Muhammad b. Sulaymin-his father: The

first person to use Tabari furnishings" was al-Mahdi . This was
when his father had ordered him to settle at al-Rayy and he was
given the Tabari from Tabaristan and put ice and reeds" around
it until canvas was introduced to them (for cooling) , and the Tabari
was pleasant for them in it.
According to Muhammad b. Ziyad-al-Mufaddal : Al-Mahdi
833. Cf. the surviving inscription in the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, where
Abd al-Malrk's name has been replaced by that of al-Ms'mUn.
834. That is, textiles from Tabaristin in northern Iran.
83 S. See the description of al-Man^Gr's coolhouse , p. 12. 1.


256 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

said to me, "Collect for me proverbs that you hear from the badw
and that you consider authentic." I wrote proverbs for him and
accounts of the wars of the Arabs that were mentioned in them,
and he gave me grants and treated me very well.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad: One of the descendants of
'Abd al-Rahman b. Samurah836 sought to rebel in Syria and he
was brought to al-Mahdi. He released him and was generous to
him and brought him close in his audience, and he said to him
one day, "Recite the qasidah of Zuhayr with the rhyme in ra',837
which goes:
Whose tents are those on the mountain top of al-Hajr?"


and he recited it. The Samuri said, "Gone are the people who
deserve to be eulogized by such poetry." Al-Mahdi was angry
with him and considered him ignorant and thrust him aside but
did not punish him, and the people considered him stupid.
It was said that Abu `Awn `Abd al-Malik b. Yazid was ill and
al-Mahdi visited him and there was a shabby house, badly built,
and the arch of the suffah was made of mud brick. There was a
luxurious tent in his audience. Al-Mahdi sat down on a pillow
and Abu Awn sat in front of him, and al-Mahdi treated him with
respect and commiserated with him about his illness. Abu `Awn
said, "I hope for good health from God, 0 Commander of the
Faithful, and that He will not cause me to die in my bed before I
am killed in your service. I trust that I will not die before I show
God in your service what He is entitled to, for indeed we have
been succored and given succor."

Al-Mahdi expressed a very good opinion of him and said, "Request from me what you need and ask me for what you want, and
I will provide for you in life and death. By God, if your wealth fails
in any way, make a request and I will indeed fulfill it, whatever it
is. Say and request."
Abu `Awn thanked him and blessed him and said, "0 Commander of the Faithful, my request is that you show favor to

836. B . Habib b. Abd Shams. Habib was a brother of that Umayyad after whom
the dynasty was named.
837. In the classical Arabic ode Jga6idah) all the lines end with the same rhyme.

The Events of the Year 1169


`Abdallah b. Abi `Awn and summon him, for your anger against
him has lasted a long time."
Al-Mahdi replied, "0 Abu `Awn, he is on the wrong road and is
against our belief and your belief . He defames the two shaykhs,
Abu Bakr and `Umar,sae and uses evil language about them."
Abu `Awn said, "He is, by God, 0 Commander of the Faithful,
of the belief for which we rebelled and that we summoned people
to.sa9 If you have engendered any change, order us to do what you
wish, so that we can obey you."
Al-Mahdi went away and, when he was on the road, he said to
one of his children and family who were with him, "Would that
you were like Abu `Awn. By God, I did not expect that his house
would be built of materials other than gold and silver. You, if you
found a dirham, would build in teak and gold."
According to Abu `Abdallah-his father: Al-Mahdi preached the
sermon one day and said, "Servants of God, fear God," and a man
stood up and said "And you too fear God, for you are acting unjustly!" He was arrested and brought, and they set about goading
him with the points of their scabbards . When he was brought into
al-Mahdi, he said, "0 son of a whore, you said to me when I was
on the pulpit, 'Fear God !"' and he said, "How bad! If this insult
came from someone other than you, I would have been appealing
for your assistance against him ." He said, "I think you are only a
Nabati," and he replied, "It is the most positive form of proof
against you if a Nabali orders you to fear God." He saw the man
after that, and he was talking about what happened between him
and al-Mahdi . My father said, "I was present with him at the
time, only I did not hear the words."
According to Harun b. Maymun al -Khuza`i-Abu Khuzaymah
al-Badhghisi : 840 Al-Mahdi said, "Nobody seeks my help with a
petition or offers an excuse that is more pressing than he, reminding me of a favor I did him so that it would be followed by its

838. An indication of Acid sympathies since Abu Bakr and 'Omar, the first
two caliphs, were held by some to have deprived Ali of his rightful inheritance,
the caliphate.

839. This seems to mean that the original beliefs of the Abbasid movement
agreed with this but that the view had subsequently been modified.
84o. Neither of these is recorded elsewhere.


258 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

sister ( i.e., one like it) and so good would be done to its asker
because withholding of later things removes gratitude for earlier
According to Khalid b . Yazid b . Wahb b . Jarir-his father: Bashshar b. Burd b. Yarjukh841 had attacked $alih b. Dawud b. Tahman, the brother of Ya`qub b . Dawud, in a poem when he was
appointed governor of al-Basrah saying:

They carried $alih your brother onto the pulpits,

and the pulpits groaned because of your brother.842
Ya`qub b. Dawud heard of this attack and came into al-Mahdi
and said, "0 Commander of the Faithful , this blind infidel has
attacked the Commander of the Faithful," and he said, "Damn
you, what did he say ?" and he replied, "Let the Commander of
the Faithful excuse me from reciting it," but he insisted on his
reciting it so he said:
A caliph who fornicates with his paternal aunts
and who plays with a child 's toys and polo mallets,
May God give us another in his place.
And Musa thrusts into al -Khayzuran's cunt.

He sent for him to be brought, and Yaqub b . Dawud was afraid

that he would come to al-Mahdi and eulogize him and he would
forgive him, so he sent someone to meet him in al-Batiha843 at
According to Abdallah b. `Amr-his grandfather, Abu al-Hayy
al-`Absi: When Marwan b. Abi Hafsah came in to al-Mahdi, he
recited his poem in which he says : How can it be that the inheritance of the paternal uncles should pass to the sons of the
daughter ? This is something that does not happen.844

He rewarded him with seventy thousand dirhams, and Marwan

84r. The celebrated poet; see Aghuni, Buliq, III, 19; Beirut ; III, 129.
842. The pulpit Iminbar) is used hereto symbolize the authority of the governor.
843. The great swamp of southern Iraq, between Baghdad and al -Bayrah. Aghani
expands the text to add , "He met him and whipped him so that he killed him and
threw him into the swamp at the place called Kharsrah."

844. Al-Abbas was the paternal uncle of the Prophet and, the Abbisids argued,
his true heir, rather than his daughter Fitimah, who marred `Ali.

The Events of the Year 169 259

With seventy thousand he has made me wealthy with his gifts,

and no poet before me has ever acquired as much.

According to Ahmad b. Sulayman-Abu 'Adnan al-Sulami: AlMahdi asked 'Umarah b. I iamzah, who was most sensitive of the
people in poetry, and he replied that it was Walibah b . al-I;Iubab
al-Asadi845 and he was the one who said:
She is sinless, but she has
love, which, like the points of spears,
Strikes fire in the heart and the bowels,
for the heart is the wounded part.
He said, "You told the truth, by God," so 'Umarah asked, "What
is stopping you from taking him as a boon companion, for he is a
noble Arab and elegant poet ?" and al-Mahdi replied, "What prevents me, by God, from making him a boon companion are his
I said to our cupbearer when we were alone
'Bring your head near mine like that.
And lie on your front for me for a while,
for I am a man who has sex with my companion.'
Do you want to be his companion on this condition?"
According to Muhammad b. Sallam: There was in the time of
al-Mahdi a foolish person who used to recite poetry in order to
praise al-Mahdi . He was brought in to him and asked to recite a
poem in which he said "Wa jawarin zafaratin ," and al-Mahdi said
to him, "What is the meaning of zafarat?" and he answered, "Do
you not know that, 0 Commander of the Faithful?" and he said,
"No, by God," and the poet said, "And you are the Commander
of the Faithful and the lord of the Muslims and the son of the
paternal uncle of the Prophet of God and you do not know it? Am
I expected to know it? Not at all, by God."

According to Ibn Sallam-more than one person : Turayh b.

Ismail al-Thagafi846 came in to al-Mahdi, gave his genealogy to
845. 'Abbasid poet, noted for his wine drinking and pederasty, eventually forced
to retire to his home town of al-Kufsh by the hostility of Abu al=Atihiyyah and
Bashshir b. Burd; Aghani, Biiliq, XVI, 148 ; Beirut, XVIII, 43.

846. A well- known poet at the court of al-Walid b . Yaiid who died in the reign
of al-Mahdi; see Aghdni, Buliq, IV, 74, Beirut, IV, 304.


260 Al-Man4ur and al-Mahdi

him, and asked if he would hear some of his poetry, and he said,
"Are you not the one who said to al-Walid b. Yazid:
You are the son of the wide -open spaces,
and the winding track and the path through the sands are not
tramped upon to reach you?
And, by God, you will never say anything like that to me. I will
not hear a poem from you, but if you wish I will make you a

It is said that al-Mahdi ordered a fast in the year (11)66 to ask for
rain for the people on Wednesday , and on Monday night (Tuesday
night in the Arabic terminology) there was a snowfall , and Lag-it
b. Bukayr al-Muharibi said about that:
0 Imam of right guidance , you watered us with rain,
and, because of you, hardship was removed from us.
You spent the night concerned with protecting them while the
were sleeping, covered by the darkness.

They slept when your night grew long among them;

yours are the fear, the humble prayers , and the weeping.
Their affairs gave you concern because of the foolishness
of the crowd, who disobeyed and acted evilly.
We were watered and we had been smitten by drought, and we

"A severe (red) year that has become worse"

By a prayer that you sincerely offered in the blackness of the night
to God, and the call was answered
By snows that give life to the ground, so that
in the morning it was a green flower.


It is said that the people in the days of al -Mahdi fasted for the
month of Ramadan in the height of summer. Abu Dulamah was
seeking a reward for that , and al-Mahdi promised him one, so he
wrote a note to al -Mahdi in which he complained of his sufferings
from the heat and the fast, and in that he said:
I call on you in the name of the kinship that links us
in closeness both near and far.

The Events of the Year 169 261

I implore you to hear, you the most generous man who walked,
from a singer who hopes for the reward of a singer.
The fast has come, and I fasted it devotedly,
hoping for the recompense of the devoted faster.
I bowed in prayer until my forehead cracked
from what I imposed on myself of butting the mosque.
When al-Mahdi read the note, he summoned him and said, "What
kinship is there between me and you, 0 son of fornication?" and
he replied, "The kinship with Adam and Eve," and al-Mahdi
laughed at him and ordered that he be given his reward.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad-his father-Ibrahim b. Khalid
al-Mu'ayti : 847 I came in to al-Mahdi, and my singing had been
described to him and he asked me about singing and about my
knowledge of it and asked me if I sang the nawdgis' 848 and I said,
"Yes, and the sa1ib849 too, 0 Commander of the Faithful." Then
he disregarded me, and I was told that he said , "Mu'ayti, I have
no need of him among those who are brought tome in my solitude
and I do not like his company , and Ma'bad the singer has the
nawdgis in this poem:

Ask the abode of Layli. Does it answer and speak?

How can the desert plain reply?
Does an abode reply that looks like a blank paper
because of its long decay and the length of its survival?"
According to Qa'nab b . Muhriz Abu'Amr al-Bihili-al-ASma'i:
I saw Hakam al-Widi8so when al-Mahdi was traveling to Jerusalem,
and he accosted him on the road. He had some little poems, and
he took out his tambourine to play it and said , "I am the poet who

847. Not noticed in Aghdni.

848. A type of poetry but also the board on which the Christians strike to
summon people to church.
849. The cross.
85o. Al-Hakam b. Maymun, mawli of al-Walid b . 'Abd al-Malik . His father was
al-Walid 's barber, and he began his career as a camel driver taking oil from Wadi
al-Quna to Medina . He sang for every caliph from al-Walid b. Yazid to Harun, in
whose reign he died . See Aghdni, Biilaq, VI, 64 , Beirut, VI, 264.


262 Al-Manqur and al-Mahdi

When will the bride come out?
Her confinement has lasted long.
Dawn has come near or has actually appeared,
and she has not completed her dressing."
The guard rushed to him, and he cried out and they desisted. He
made inquiries about him, and it was said that he was Hakam alWadi, and he was brought in to him and he gave him a grant.
According to `Ali b. Muhammad-his father: Al-Mahdi went
into one of his houses one day, and there was a Christian slave
girl of his and her bosom was wide and the part between her
breasts was uncovered and there was a cross of gold hanging there.
He thought it was very beautiful and stretched out his hand toward
it and pulled it out and took it. She wept for the cross, and alMahdi said about that:
One day I contended with her at pulling the cross from her, and
she said,
"Woe to me, Do not you think the cross licit?"
He sent for one of the poets and gave him a gift and ordered him to
sing it, and he was proud about this song.
He said: I heard my father say that al-Mahdi observed a slave
girl who was wearing a crown in which there was a narcissus of
gold and silver, and he thought it very beautiful and said:

(5 4 31

How beautiful is the narcissus in the crown!

He was unable to continue, and he asked who at court (could

complete the line), and they said, `Abdallah b. Malik,asi so he
summoned him and said, "I saw a slave girl of mine with a beautiful
crown on her and I said:
How beautiful is the narcissus in the crown!
Are you able to add to it?" and he replied, "Yes, 0 Commander of
the Faithful, but let me go out to think about it ," and al-Mahdi
said, "Please yourself!" He went out and sent for the tutor of one

85r. A military man, for many years chief of police ; poetry does not seem to
have been his forte. For his ability as a wrestler, see above , pp. 2.5o-Sr.

The Events of the Year 169 263

of his children and asked him to complete it and gave him a gift,
and he said:

on (her) brow that shines like ivory.

And he completed it up to four verses , and `Abdallah sent it to alMahdi, and al-Mahdi sent him forty thousand and he gave the
tutor four thousand and kept the rest for himself, and there is a
well-known tune about it.
According to Ahmad b. Musa b. Muclar Abu `Ali: AI-Tawwazi
recited poetry to me by al -Mahdi about Hasanah, his slave girl:
I see water, and I am afflicted by severe thirst,
but there is no path to reach it.
Is it enough for you that you enslave me
while all people are my slaves?
If you were to cut off my hands and feet,
I would say from excess of pleasure "0, more!"
According to `Ali b. Muhammad-his father: I saw al-Mahdi
when he had entered al-Basrah by Sikkat Quraysh, and I saw him
going along and in front of him was al-Banugah between him and
the chief of police . She was wearing a black cloak (gibd) and a
sword, as pages- do, and I could see some signs of her breasts on
her chest.
According to `Ali-his father : Al-Mahdi came to al-Basrah and
passed along the Sikkat Quraysh, where our house was,852 and
the governors never used to go along there when they arrived.
They used to think it an evil omen) scarcely a governor who
passed along it remained in office except for a short time before
he was deposed, and no caliph ever passed along it except alMahdi. They used to go along the Sikkat of `Abd al-Rahman b.
Samurah, which ran parallel with the Sikkat Quraysh. I saw alMahdi going along and Abdallah b . Malik, who was in command
of the police, was going in front of him with the harbah in his
hand, and his daughter al-Banugah went before him, between him
and the chief of police , dressed as a young man with a black cloak

85z. Ali b. Mukiammad al-Nawfali was a Qurashi, which is why he lived in

that street.


264 Al-Mansur and al-Mahdi

and belt and Shashiyyah, wearing a sword, and I saw that her
breasts had raised the cloak by their swelling.
Al-Banugah was brown, of beautiful stature , and charming and,
when she died, in Baghdad , al-Mahdi showed grief the like of
which has never been heard of. He sat for the people to offer their
condolences, and he gave orders that no one should be kept away
from him and large numbers of people came to offer their condolences and they made great efforts with their eloquence. Some
of the people there were criticized by those with knowledge and
literary education fadab), but they agreed that they had never
heard of condolences more succinct or more eloquent than those
of Shabib b. Shaybah, who said, "0 Commander of the Faithful,
God is better for her than you, and the rewards of God are better
for you than her, and I ask God not to make you sad and not to
torment you."
According to $abbah b . `Abd al-Rahman-his father: When alBanugah, daughter of al-Mahdi, died , Shabib b. Shaybah came in
to him and said, "May God give you recompense , 0 Commander
of the Faithful, for what you have been deprived of and follow you
with fortitude . May He not wear out your courage by adversity or
deprive you of the benefits of the reward of God, which is better
for you than her, and the mercy of God , which is better for her
than you . It is more worthy to be given patience for what cannot
be returned."

Bibliography of Cited Works

Primary Sources: Texts and Translations

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Vasiliev, in Patrologia Orientalis, vol. VIII (Paris, 1911).
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al-Baladhuri, Al}mad b. Yahya. Futrib al-Bulddn. Ed S. Munajjid (Cairo,
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z66 . Bibliography of Cited Works

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French translation, G. Wiet, Les Pays (Paris, 19371.
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Secondary Sources and Reference Works

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Barthold, V. Turkestan Down to the Mongol Invasions (London, 1928).

Bibliography of Cited Works


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Sourdel, D. Le vizirat abbdside, z vols. (Damascus , 1959-60).


For the purposes of alphabetization the abbreviations b. (for ibn "son")

and bt. (for bint "daughter") have been disregarded.
Aban b. Bashir 85
Abin al-Qiri' 130
Abin b. $adagah 9, 65, 77, 187, 204,
209, 236, 238
Aban b. Yazid al-Anbari 129
Abbid b. Kathir 86-88
al-Abbis b. al-Fall 94 , 95,124
al-Abbis b.'Isa b. Muni 237
al-Abbis b. Muhammad a1-Abbisi
21-22, 42,70-71 , 76,91 , 92,
162., 166, 170, 179, 202, 208, 210,
214, 215 , 248-49

al=Abbis b. al-Walid b. Mazyad 1I I

Abd al-A'la b. Musa al-Halabi 799
Abd al-Aziz b. Muslim al-'Uqayli
156, 197-98
Abd al-Iabbar b. Abd al-Rahman alAzdi 129-30, 143, 169, 199
'Abd al- labbir al-Muhtasib 214
'Abd al -Kabir b. Abd al-Hamid b. Abd
al-Rahman b. Zayd b. al-Khattib

'Abd al-Karim b. Abi a1= Awla' 72-73

Abd al-Malik b 'At!' 113
'Abd al-Malik b. Ayyub b. Zubyan

al-Numayri 68 , 69-70,176-77,

'Abd al -Malik b. Marwin, Umayyad

caliph 17
Abd al-Malik b. Salih al= Abbisi III,

Abd al-Malik b. Shaybin 12

'Abd al-Malik b. Shihib al-Misma i
17T-72, 187, 203

'Abd al-Qahhar, leader of the

Muhammirah 207
'Abd al-Rahman b. Atiq al-Muzani 97
Abd al-Rahman b. Muhammad b. alAsh'ath 17
Abd al-Rahman b. Samurah 256,263
'Abd al-Salim b. Hishim al-Yashkuri
al-Khinji 193, 205-6
Abd al-Samad b. Ali al- Abbisi T3,118,
39, 43, 501 74, 80, T44, 168, 171,
203, 208, 213-14, 23 5,150
'Abd al-Wahhib b. Ibrahim b.
Muhammad b. Ali al-Abbisi 13,
59, 6z

Abd al-Wihid b. 'Abd al -Malik 172

'Abd al-Wahid b. Ziyad 13
Abdallah b. Abi Awn 256-57
Abdallah b. Abi Ayyub al-Makki 102



Abdallih b. Abi Sulaym 33

Abdallih b. Abi 'Ubaydah b.
Muhammad b. Ammar b. Yastr
Abdallih b. Ahmad b. al-Wa4oih z 11
Abdallih b. A1i b. Abdallih b. alAbbas 15 - 17, 122 - 23, 146

Abdallih b. Ali al-Raba i 207

'Abdallih b. Amr al-Mulahi 1oz, 2 58

Abdallih b. A yyish 17, 114 , 116-17,
134, 141 , t62-63

Abdallih b. al-Hirith b. Nawfal 33

Abdallih b. al-Hasan al-Alawi 135
'Abdallih b. al-Hasan al-Khwirazmi
Abdallih b. Ismail, ;dhtb almardkib 2.44
Abdallih b. jabalah al-Taligani 100
Abdallih b. Ja'far b. Abi Talib 231
Abdallih b. Malik al-Khuzi i 250-51,
Abdallih b. Marwin alUmawi 197-98
Abdallih b. Muhammad b. Abd
al-Rahman 135
Abdallih b. Muhammad al-Ashtar

Abdallih b. Muhammad b. Ata' 255

Abdallih b. Muhammad b. 'Imrin
al-Talbi 193

al=Absi 232
Abdallih b. Yazid b . Qays al-Hudhali
Abdallih b. al-Zubayr 17
al-Ablaq al-Rawandi 122
Abu a1 =Abbas al-Fail b. Sulayman
al-Tusi 9, 59, 68 , 165, 234,235,
Abu al-Abbis al-Saffah 18, 198
Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Humani 5
Abu Ad al=lba^li 65, 69

Abu Adnin al-Sulami 2S9

Abu al-Anbar, servant of al-Mangur
Abu al-Ash'ath al-Kindi z52
Abu al-Atahiyah, poet 2.44-45
Abu Awn 48 - 49, 171, 1So, 187, 25657
Abu Ayyub al-Muryani 64-65
Abu Bakr al - Hudhali 103 , 1 zs, 141,

Abu Budayl 211, 212

Abu Dulamah Zand b . Jawn, poet 65,

Abu Harithah al-Nahdi t 12

Abu Hitim al-'Ibadi 65, 69
Abu al -Hayy al=Absi 258
Abu al -Hudhayl al-Allif 143
Abu al -Jabber 72

Abu al-Jahm b. Atiyyah 112

Abdallih b. Muhammad al-Mingar 95

Abdallih b. Muy' ab al-Zubayri 239
Abdallih b. al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr
Abdallih b. al-Rabi' 13 , 43, 105, 143,

Abu Khalid al-Marwarrudhi 63, 166

Abu Khilid Yazid al-Ahwa1 238
Abu al-Khattib Hamzah b. Ali 197,
Abu Khuzaymah al-Badhghisi 2S7
Abu Marwin 12

Abdallih b. $i'id, freedman of the

Commander of the Faithful 133
Abdallih b. $alih 177, 215

Abu Ma'shar 92, 179, 245

Abu Muhammad al-Aswiri 32
Abu Mugitil al-Khurisini 11 z
Abu Muslim 138, 224

Abdallih b. Sulayman b. Muhammad

b. Abdallih b. Abd al-Muttaltb b.
Rabi'ah b. al-Harith 119 - zo, z18,

Abdallih b. 'Ubaydallih
al=Abbisi t56
Abdallih b .'Ulithah 209
Abdallih b. 'Omar b. Abu al-Hayy

Abu al -Najm al -Silistini 45

Abu Nakhilah , poet 33-35
Abu Qudimah 1o9
Abu Qurrah 65
Abu al - Rudayni 97
Abu Salimah al-Ghifiri 254
Abu Suwayd al-Khurisini 6o

Abu Tawbah al-Rabi ' b Nifi' 13 z
Abu'Ubaydallih Mu'iwiyah b.
Ubaydallih 37-38 , 45-46,106,
107,145, 171-75o 193, 199-203,
Abu Ya'qub b. Sulaymin 15 2
Abu Zakanyyi' Yahyi b 'Abdallih 9,
Aliyah b. Yazid al -Azdi al-Qi4i 197,
103, 248


Ali b. al-Mahdi, lbn Ray;ah z'6, 241

Ali b. Marthad, Abu Di amah, poet
108, 109
'All b. Muhammad al-Madi'ini Io,
123, 143
Ali b. Muhammad al-Nawfali 15, 89,
91, 107, 108, 119, 126, 127, 129,
144, 161 , 164, 224, 226, 232, 233,
2-50, 254, 256, 261, z62

'All b. Muhammad b. Sulaymin

Afrik, slave girl 6o


ahddth 76, 77, 169, 175, 176, 180, 195,

204, 216, 2.19,212,23 5, 237, 239

122, 189, 207, 215, 240

Ahmad b. Asad 126

Abmad b. al-Haytham b. Ja'far b.
Sulayminb. Ali 120, 255
Abmad b. lbrihim b. Ismiil b. Dawud

b. Mu'awiyah b. Bakr 145

Ahmad b. Ismail b. Ali 227
Ahmad b. Khilid al-Fuqaymi 104, 130,
135P 144,145

Abmad b. Mu'iwiyah b. Bakr

al-Bihili 84,85
Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Rini 244
Abmad b. Muhammad b. Sawwir
al-Mawsili 84
Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Sharawi 56
Ahmad b. Masi b. Hamzah 241
Abmad b. Masi b. Mudar, Abu
'All 263
Abmad b. Sulaymin 259
Ahmad b. Thibit 92,12.2,179
Ahmad b. Yusuf b. al-Qisim Ioz
al-Ahwas, poet 125
Ahwaz 77, 8o, i8o, 195, 2.16, zt9, 2.22,
'Allin b. Suhayl 144-45
al-Ajtham al-Marwarrudhi 44-45
Aleppo 209,214

'Ali b.`Abdallihal-'AbbW1 138

'Ali b. Abi Nu'aym al-Marwazi 143
'Ali b. Diwlftd z'4
'All b.'lsi b. Mihin 9o, 165-66,
'All b. 'lsmah 4

'All b. Ja'd al-Jawhari I z8

'All b. al-Khalil 175

3 3, 51 ,

118, I19, Ill,

'All b. Mujihid b. Muhammad b. 'All


Ala b. $alih 246, 247

Ali b. Yaq;in 241, 242 -43, 245
Ali b. Ya'gi1b b. Diwad 22.8
'Aliyah, wife of Ishaq b. Sulaymin 149
Amu b. Ismiil al-Musli 79, 211
'Amr b. Hazm 125

'Amr b. Sahlah al-Ash'ari 197

'Amr b. Said al-Ashdaq 17
Amr b. Salm b. Qutaybah 48-49
Amrb. Shaddid 75-76
'Amr b. Zuhayr 72,74,76-77, 85, 168
amsdr 41, 43 , 63, 2081 222
Anbasah the copyist z i2.
al-Andalus 247, 248
Ankara 170
'Aqabah 2.r8
Armenia 14,40, 66, 142, 215
Arwi bt. Mansur al-Himyanyyah 148
Asad b. Abdallih al-Qasrl 122
Asad b. al-Marzbin 31, Co
Asbagh 117

A'shi, poet 114

Ash'ab b. Judayr, singer 120-2I
Ashla' b. Amr al-Sulami 108
'Aiim b. Masi al-Khurisani 217
Askar al-Mahdi 181, 182,203
Aslam, freedman of al-Mansur 4
al-Agmai, 'Abd al-Malik b. Qarib
al-Nahwi 120, 121,168, 26i
'Awn b. Milik 13
Aws b. Ha jar, poet 104
Azerbailin 84, 203, 215
Azhar al -Sammin 114



Dabiq 198, 214

Badhghis 44
Baghdad 3-11,15,20,39,41,43,56,
63,64,69,75,77,79, 82,86, 88,91,
109, III, 132, 141,151, 173, 195,
209, 238, 264

al-Baghdm bt. Ali b. al-Rabi ;9

Bahr Hamran 187

al-Bahrayn 6o, 78, 195, 2r6, 222, 235,

Bakkir b. Muslim al -'Ugayli 46-48,
Bakkirb.Ribah 245-46
Balad 84


Damascus 241

Darb al-Hadath 86
Dawdd b. Ali al-Abbisi 131, 136, 254
Diwrad b. Kiriz 45
Diwdd b. Rashid 131

Dawdd b. Rawh b. Hatim 234-35

Diwdd b. Tahmin 224
diwdn 174, 18;, 184 , 190, 241, 242
Diyil i River 85

Dunbiwand 219,235,239

I1 9

Band Hishim, cemetery of 76, 79

Band Yashkdr i2
al-Bandgah 263-64
al-Baradin 45, 170, 209
Birbad 172,187
Barley Gate, in Baghdad 79
Bashshir b. Burd, poet 226, 258
al-Ba$rah 12,39,50,52,53,54, 56, 60,
61, 6z, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, 74,

Egypt 39, 50, 61, 63, 66, 74, 77, 79, So,
139, 180, 195, 203, 204, 207, 235,
al-Fadl b. al-Rabi' 7, 1 0, 94 , 101, 125,
r28, 138 , 199-202, 215, 250

75-77, 171-72, 180, 187, 189, 189,

al-Fadlb.Sahl 140

193, 195, 198, 203, 216, 218, 222,

al-Fadl b. $alth 177, 180, 195, 203

al-Fadl b. Sulaymin al-Hishimi 9, ISz
Farishah, freedman of the Commander

223, 235, 238, 239, 258, 263

Ba;3rah Gate, in Baghdad 6
al-Balihah 258
Bi'r Maymiin 88, 89, 156, 161, i 66
Bishr b. al-Munajpm 112
Bishr b. al-Mundhir al-Balali 117,180
Bislam b. Amr al-Taghlibi 18o, 193,
Bukhtishd', Abu libra'il 20,128
Bust 6z

Byzantines 13, 49, 66, 70, 92, 105, 170,

of the Faithful 219, 235, 238, 239

al-Farazdaq, poet 141
His 75, 77, 85, iSo, 187, 195, 219, 2z2,
235, 239
Filimah bt. Muhammad al-Talhiyyah
fay' 112, 131, 134, 154, 187, 2o6
Fudayl b.'Imran 145-46
al-Furad 216, 2r9

198, 203, 2o6, 210, 214-15, 22021,223,235,238,240

Chosroes 4, 86
Constantinople 221

al-Ghamr b. al-Abbas al-Khath'ami

al-Ghamr b. Yazid 212
Ghassin b. Abd al-Malik 172


Hadath 206
al-Nadi, see Musa b. al-Mahdi
Hadithah of Mosul 43,146
Ha4ramawt roi
Hafg, mawid of Muzaynah 247

Hall b. Abi Jum'ah, see Hafg al-Umawi

Hafg b. Amer al-Sulam, 2o6
Haft' b. Ghiyath 116
Hafg b. 'Umar b. Hammad 1107
Hafg al-Umawi, poet 147
Hagar loo


al-Hasan b. Abi Said 246, 247, 248

al-Hasan b. Barmak 84, 213
al-Hasan b. al-Hasan b . Zayd b.
al-Hasan b. Ali b. Abi Tilib 49,
50, 61 , 66,68,74, 103, 162, 164
al-Hasan b. Ibrihim 139
al-Hasan b. Ibrahim b. 'Abdallih b.
al-Hasan b. al-Hasan b. Ali b. Abi
Tihb 172-73, 194, 225, 226
al-Hasan b.'Isi 32

al-Hasan b. Qahlabah 42, 206 , 210-1I

al-Hasan b. Wahb b. Said 81

al-Haljal b. Arlah 6

al-Hasan b. al-Wagif 170, 211, 212,


al-Hajjaj b. Yusuf 5, 102, 103, 140

al-Hakam b. Said 215

Hasanah , slave girl of al-Mahdi 244,


al-Hakam b. Samarqand 189

al-Hakam al-Wadi, poet 261-62
al-Hakam b. Yusuf 85
Hamdawayh Muhammad b. 'Isi 240
Hammid b. Ahmad al-Yamini 97,
134, 150

Hammad b. Amr 45
Hammid b. Musa 218
Hammad al-Turki 94-95
Hammid b Yahya b. Amr al=Alrad,
poet 73-74, 126-27
Hammah al-Adhruliyyah 2o6
Hamrin, slave merchant 95
Hamzah b. Malik 171
Harit 44
Harb b. Abdallih al-Riwandi 14, 15
Harb b Qays, Abu Hanifah t66
al-Hanth b. Abd al-Rahmin 123
al-Ninth al -Sijistini 47-49
Harrin 123

Harthamah b. A'yan 65, 181-82

Harlin b. Abi'Ubaydallih 246
Harlin b. Ghazwin 145
Hirun b. al-Mahdi 179, 187, 189, 194,
204, 210, 211-15, 220-21, 223,

Hishim al-Ishtikhanj 63
Hishlm b. Said b. Manger 219, 23 5
Hassin al-Sharawi 165, 203
Hawliyi 85
Hawtharah b. Suhayl 145
al-Haytham b. Adi 103, 1 14, 124, 134,
143, 149, 166, 210, 251
al-Haytham b. Mu'iwiyah al-Ataki
al-Haytham al-Qirial-Bagri 129
al-Haytham b. Said 177
al-Haytham b. Shu'bah 47-48
Hayyin b. Abdallih b. Hibrin
al-Himmani 34
Hind 171- 72; see also Sind
Hishim b. Abd al-Malik 115,145
Hishim b.Amr al-Taghlibi 54 - 56,68,
77, 79
Hishim b. Muhammad al -Kalbi 92,
Hip Maslamah 214
Humayd b. Qahlabah 6z,168,170
Humayd b. al-Qisim al-$ayrafi 79
al-Humaymah 93

2-30,234, 240, 242, 246

Harlin b Maymun al -Khuzi'i 257

Harlin b. Muhammad b. Ismail b.
Musa al-Hidi 102
Hirun b. Ziyid b. IChilid b. al-Salt 6

Ibn Abi al-jawza' 132
Ibn A'ishah, singer 114


Ibn Bakker 92
IbnHubayrah T13,114
Ibn jurayj 86-88

Ibn Shababah 235

Ibn Thawban, $ihib alMakalim 110-11
Ibn al-Ziba'ra, poet 141-42
Ibrahim b. Abd al -Rahman 114
Ibrahim b. Abd al-Salem i , 8

Ibrahim b. Abdallih al=Alawi 4,9,12,

T20,122, 139,141 , 143,214-25,


Ibrahim b. Abi Ali 253

Ibrahim b. al-Hasan b. al-Hasan
al- Alawi 139
Ibrahim b. Hubaysh al-KUfi 8
Ibrahim b.'Isa b. al-Manger 17, 52,
113,132, 138,145
Ibrahim b . Ja'far b. al-Manger 207-8
Ibrahim b. Khalid al-Mu'aYSi 261
Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Abi Bakr
al-Usimi 254
Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Ibrahim
al-Abbasi 76, 8o
Ibrahim b . Musa b.'Isa b. Musa 140
Ibrahim b. $1lih aI-Abbasi 102, 219,
Ibrahim b. Yahya b. Muhammad b. Ali
a)-Abbasi 91-92, 168, 235, 238
Ibrahim b. Ziyad 21o
Ifrigiyah 51, 55 , 65, 67, 68, 69, 74, 77,
180, 195 , 219, 235, 239

'Igal b. Shabbah 36
Irene, Byzantine Empress zii
'Isa, mawld of ja'far 222
`Isa b. Abdallih b. Humayd 132.
'Isa b. Ali, palace of 177
7sa b. All al=Abbasi 7, 19, 20 - 23, 73,
86, 90 , 92, 12.5, 198, 209
7sa b. Da'b al-Lakhmi 254
7s1b. Ishaq b. Ali 153
'Isa b. Lugman 175, 203, 207
'Isa b. al-Manger 11 , 94, 148
7sa b. Muhummad 155, 165
7s1b. Musa al=Abbasi x5-38,59,63,
65, 71 , 90-91 , 93,155 , t65,17779,182 - 87, 189 , 236-37

7sa b. Musa al-Qa'id 205

7sa b. Nahik 124
'Ise b. Zayd al-Alawi x55,165
'Isabidh 218, 227, 234 , 238, 244
Isfahan 215
Ishaq b. al-Fall b. Abd al-Rahman
225, 226, 233
Ishaq b . Ibrahim al -Mawgili 4,125,
130, 138 , 141, 142, 228, 250
Ishaq b.'Isa 92, 131, 179, 238
Ishaq b. Musa b.'Isa tot, 105
Ishaq b. al-Sabbah al-Kindi 175,176,
180, 195 , 204, 2r6
Ishaq b . Sulayman b. All al-Abbasi
Ismail b. Abi Ismail al -Thagafi 168,

Ismail b. Ali b. Abdallah al=Abbasi

71, 125

Ismail b . Ibrahim al-Fihri 131

Ismail b. $ubayh al-Harrani 241
Ismail b . Sulaymin b . Mujilid 234
Ismail b.'Ulayyah al -Asadi 199
Istarkhan al-Khwirazmi 14

jabir b. Tubah al-Kilabi 61, 6z
Ja'far b. Abi la'far al-Manger the elder
41, 49, 128, 145-46, 148
ja'far b. AN ja'far al-Manger the
younger 149

ja'far b. Ahmad b. Yahya 126

Ja'far b. Ahmad b. Zayd al=Alawi 232
la'far b. Han;alah al-Bahrani 13
Ja'far b. Muhammad 119

Ja'far b. Sulaymin al-Abbasi 13, 49,

78, 113, 120, 121, 204, 216, 219,

223, 254
Ja'far b. Yahya 199
Jamrah al-Altarah 152
larir, poet 54

Jarjaraya 85,86
lawdli 77
Jawwas b. al-Musayyab al-Yamani,
mawld of al-Manger 8

Jayhan River 214
al-Jazirah 14 ,70,711,84,177, 180,1195,
203, 208 , 213-14, 215, 240
Jeddah 51,64

Jerusalem 84, 215, 2.62

Jibra 'il b. Yahya 15, 45 ,171,196

jlzyah 221, 222

Jubb Summiqi 85
Jurjan 207, 208, 219 , 234, 235, 238,
239, 242


2-19,234, 235, 239, 250

Khurasin Gate in Baghdad 5
Kirman 77, 80, 222, 235, 239
Kishsh 197, 209

al-Kufah 3, 5, 15, 18, z0, 24, 38, So, 56,

61, 63, 65, 68, 69-70, 72, 73, 74,
85, 88, 89, 116 -17, 136, 152, 168,
175, 178-79,180,195,199, 203,
204, 218 , 219, 235, 236, 237, 239
al-Kunisah 73, 1;6
Kurds 83
Kurk 51,64

Kabul 62
Karkh (Baghdad ) 8-9,78, 95, 143
Kaskar 183, 222, 235, 239
Khalaf b. Abdallah 219, 222
Khalaf al-Ahmar 168
Khalid, brother of Abu Ayyub
al-Muryani 68

Khalid b. 'Abdallih al-Qasri 5

Khalid b. Barmak 4-5,32, 81-95,

Khalid al-Bailin, house of 119

Khalid al-Najjar 19o
Khalid b. Taliq b.'Imran b . Husayn
al-Khuza i 223, 235
Khalid b. Yazid b. Hitim 178
Khalid b. Yazid b. Wahb b. Jarir b.
Khazim, Abu al -Haytham 57P95,

Khalil b. al-Hugayn 13
Khalisah 107
khara^ 15o, 168, 204, 241
Khari ites 14,61,67, 102
Kharrarah 258
al-Khagib, poet 127
al-Khayzuran ,o8, 177, 258
Khazim b . Khuzaymah 45-49
Khudayr, mosque of 59
Khulaydah bt. al-Mu'ank, wife of

'Umar b. Hafg 5 3
Khuld, palace 78, 85
Khurasin 27, 38 , 44, 47, 56, 59, 65, 79,
95, 137, 168 , 170,r8o,18i,183,
185, 187, 19S, 196, 209, 215, 216,

Layth, freedman of al-Mahdi 196, 222

Ma'bad, singer 121, 261
Ma'bad b. Khalil 79, 80, 172
al-Mada 'in 4, 138
Madinat Ibn Hubayrah 3
al-Mahdi 15,19 , 20-24, 26-27,3238, 45-46 , 49-56, 59, 6o, 66, 68,
69, 81 , 85, 86, 94, 102, 106, 107,
to8, 109, 110, 128, 147, 148,149,

al-Mahdiyyah 214
Mapdah 220
Malik b. Adham 144
Malik b. Anas 194
al-Ma'mun 140
Ma'n b. Za'idah 6o, 62,72,95-100,
Manarah, freedman of al-Mangur 165
al-Mangur 3-157,198, 199, 200, 225,
Mangur b. Abdallah b. Yazid b.
Shammar al-Himyari 157
Mangur b. Yazid b. Mansur 218, 219,
al-Mangurah 203
Ma'qil River 76



Mar'ash 198
Mari Dibiq So
Marmara, Sea of 221, zz3
Marw 196, 224
Marw al- Rudh 44-45
Marwin b . Abi Hafyah, poet 221-zz,
Marwin b . al-Hakam 125
Marwin b. Muhammad 197-98
Misabadhan 24z,24-3,244,245,246
Maslamah b. Abd al-Malik 2io
MasrUr al-Khidim 243
Matar, freedman of al-Mangur 79, 80,
Maysan 240
Ma`yuf b. Yahyi al-Hajuri 65-66, 86
maZdlim 110, 119, 189, 246, 248, 253
Mecca 13, 39 , 43, 50, 61, 63, 64, 66, 68,
74, 76, go, 86, 87, 88, 91, 92, 103,
125, 128, 149, 155, 161, t62, 164,
166, 168, 194, 198, 204, 216, 219,
223,230- 31,234 , 235,239

Medina 13, 49 , 50, 52 , 56, 61 , 68,74r

8o, 168, 171, 180, 193, 194, 216,
219, 223, 234, 235, 238, 241, 254
Mediterranean Sea t 88
Michael the Patrician, Byzantine
commander 198,117
Miglay 68
Mirbad 7S, 76, 126-27
al-Mlswar b. Abdallah b. Muslim
al-Bihili i8o
Miswar b. Musiwir 248
Mosul 14, St, 83, 84, 203, 219
Mu'idh b. Muslim b. Mu'idh 45, 187,
195, 196, 215
al-Mu'alli, freedman of al-Mahdi 222,
231, 235,239
al-Mu'ammil b . llmayl, poet 108 -10
Mu'awiyah b. Abi Sufyan 188, 19092, 194, 195
Mu'iwiyah b. Bakr 146
Mubirak al-']'abaci 106,107
Mubarak al-Turk] Si
Muriar, tribe 50, 98
al-Mufadllalal-Wagif 231

Muhalhil b. $afwan zo8

Muhammad b.'Abd al-Wahhib alMuhallabi 1;1
Muhammad b. Abdallah 231, 249
Muhammad b. Abdallah, mawld of
the Bani Hishim 156
Muhammad b. Abdallah al - Alawi 3,
9, 53, 139, 141, 143, 224-25
Muhammad b. Abdallah al-Kathiri
171, 193

Muhammad b. Abdallih b.
Muhammad, Ibn al-Ashtar 56
Muhammad b. Abdallih b.
Muhammad b. All b. Abdallah b.
fa'far b. Abi Ta11b z54
Muhammad b. Abdallah b.
'Ulitha 173-75, 182, 203, 248
Muhammad b. Abi al =Abbas 39,
Muhammad b. Abi Ayyub alMakki 234
Muhammad b. Abi Ubaydallih zoz,
Muhammad b. Ali al -Abbisi 136
Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath 42
Muhammad b. Awn b . Abdallah b. alHirith 162, 164
Muhammad b. al-Fadl 219
Muhammad b. Farrukh Abu
Hurayrah 179,182

Muhammad b. Ibrahim b . Muhammad

b. Ali b. Abdallah b. al=Abbas
43, So, 61, 6z, 66, 68, 74, 76, 86,

Muhammad b. 'Imran 87
Muhammad b. Ismail al -Hishimi 139
Muhammad b. Jabir 67
Muhammad b. Jumayl al-Kitib
Muhammad b. Ma'ruf 75
Muhammad b. Maymun alAnbari 199
Muhammad b. Musa b . Muhammad b.
Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Ali b.
Abdallah b. Abbas 57

Muhammad b. Riyih al-Jawhari 115

Muhammad b. Said 63 , 66, 68, 74, 77,
Muhammad b. Salim al-Khwirazmi

Muhammad b. Sallam al -Jumahi 232,

Muhammad b. Shihib al-Zuhri 107
Muhammad b Sulaymin Abu
Damrah 180,195,2.04
Muhammad b. Sulaymin b. Ali alAbbisi I2, t 5, 38 - 39, 50, 61, 63,
66,68 ,72-73, 90-91,113, 118,
162, 166, 182, 183, 187, 188, 193,
195, 198, 203, 216, z'7-18,239
Muhammad b.Tayfur 234

Muhammad b.'Ubaydallah 201

Muhammad b.'Ulithah; see
Muhammad b. Abdallih b.
Muhammad b.'Umaral-Wigidi 3, 13,
49, 51 , 6o, 66, 68, 69, 8o, 91, 157,
169, 179

Muhammad b. 'Omar al -Yamini 97

Muhammirah 207
Muhawwal Gate, Baghdad 7, 9,189
Mubriz b. Ibrihim 172
muhtasib 9, 78, 214
Mulihid, poet 249


Mus'ab b. Abdallih to6, 107, 112, 1 13

Musiwir b. Sawwir al -Jarmi 73
al-Musayyab b. Zuhayr al-Qabbi
10-11, 72, 83, 85, 91, 133, 134,
215, 216, 219, 234

al-Mutbaq 197 , 217, 230

al-Nadir b. Hadid 130
Nifi' b.'Ugbah b. Salm 6o
Nahir b. Husayn al- Sa'di 47-48
Nahr al-$ilah 241
Nahrawin 85,109 , 181,243
Ni'im b. Mazyad I I I
Nagr b. Harb b. Abdallih atTamimi 3, 85, 117

Nagr b. Milik al-Khuzi i 204

Nasr b. Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath alKhuzi`i 197, 203, 216, 218
Nagr b. Sayyir 93, 224
Nicetas, Byzantine commander 220
Nicomcdia 220
Nishapur 45
Nufay', freedman of al-Mansur 236
al-Nu'min b. Uthmin 206
Nugayral-Wasif 172, 173, 255

Mulli'ah b . al-Azhar 97-1oo

al-Mundhir b. Muhammad al-Jirudi

al-Muqanna' t96-97,209,z'4
Musi b. Diwud al-Muhandis 5
Musa b Dinir 68

Musa b. Hirun 155, 165

Musi b. Ibrihim al-Mas'udi 227

Palestine 142

Musi b. 'Isi b. Musi al- Abbisi

2I-24, 211, 212

Musa b. Ja'far al-Alawi 252-53

Musa b. Ka'b 71, 81, 84, 169
Musi b. al-Mahdi 9o, 91,162,165,
168, 179, t82-86 , 194, 204, 209,
22-3,230,2-33, 236,238, 242,252,
Musi b. Mus'ab 239
Musi b. $ilih 117

Qadar 102,254
gadi 173,175,176,2-03,2o6,237
Qadisiyyah 63, 198
Qahtabah b. Ghadinah alJushami 129,130
galansuwah 19, 53 , 65, 79, 233
Qili al-Farrishah 149

Qaligala 207
Qa'nab b. Muhnz al-Bihili 146,261

278 Index
al-Qa'ga' of the family of Zurirah 3 3 al-Ru $afah of Baghdad 6, 56, 59, 94,
al-Qisim b. al-Mangur 149 , 16z 110, 171, 181 , 183, 197, 203
al-Qasim b. Mulishi' al-Tamimi 251 al -Rugafah of al - Kufah 2o, 88,152, 218
a1-Qasim b. Na$r b. Malik 165 Ru$ifat Hishim i 15
Qayr Abdawayh 88, 149 al -Ruyan 208, 219, 235 , 238, 2.39

Qagr Maslamah 210

Qasr al-Salimah; see 7sibidh
Qalrabbul 79
Qayrawan 69
Qays 193
Qinnasrin 205, 2.40
Qumis 219, 235, 239
Quraysh, cemetery of 49
al-Qushayri zoi
Qutham b. al=Abbas b.'Ubaydallah b.
al-Abbas 57-59,113

Qutham b. Ja'far 72

Sabibijah 171
al-$abbih b. Abd al-Malik alShaybani rot
Sabbah b. Abd al-Rahmin 264
al-Sabbah b . Khagan al-Tamimi 120,
Sa'd, freedman of the Commander of
the Faithful 235, 239

$adagah 186

al-Rabadhah 1;8
al-Rabi' b. $ubayh 171,187
al-Rabi' b. Ynnus 7-9,10 , 23-24,31,
54, 78 , 84, 88, 90-96, 101, 109,
110,I16, 1z6,133 , 142.,143,16367, 182, 200-3 , 210, 211, 212, 213,

Rabi'ah, tnbe 58-59,97

Rabri b . Abdallih b. Sulaymin i zo
al-Radhdh 243, 245
al-Rafigah 67, 69, 84
al-Rahbah 178
Raja' b. Rawh b. Hitim 177
al-Raqqah 67, 81, 84, 85, 86
al-Rashid, see Hirun b. al-Mahdi
Rashid b. Rashid Abu Dawud 3
al-Riwandiyyah 57, i21, 165
Rawh b. Hitim al-Muhallabi 172,178,
193,195 , 2-031 222, 235, 237,2-39
Raytah bt . Abi al- Abbas al-Saffah
al-Rayy 37, 252, 199, 219 , 222, 235,
239, 255
al-Rayyan 91 , 92, 145
Ruqayyah al-'Uthmaniyyah 195

Safannali b. Amr al-Taghlibi 55

$ahdbah 56,95,113,130041#145
Said b. Da'laj 70 , 75, 77, 78, 79, 169,
176, 208 , 216, 219
Said al-Harashi 196, 209, 240
Sa'id b. Huraym 154

Said b. Ibrahim 199

Said b. Wagid 237
Salimah aI -Khidim i 5o
Salimah b. Raja' 204, 207
Salamiyah 215
Salih, Sahib al-Mu$alla 59,82
$alih b. Atiyyah Si, Si
$alih b. Dawud 2r8, 219, 233, 258
$alih b . al-Man$ur al -Miskin 119, 149,
165, 168, 218-19, 222
$ahh al-Qeri' 245
Silih b. al-Wajih 93
Sallim al- Abrash 95,249
Salm al-Khisir, poet 147-48
Salm b . Qutaybah r:
Samilii 213, 215
Samarqand 171
Sariyy b. Abdallih 13
Satih b.'Umar 229
Sawidah b. Amr al-Sulami 113
Sawwir b . Abdallih 39, 5o, 6t, 66, 68,
76, 77, 79


al-Sayyid b. Muhammad alHimyari 143

Shabib b. Shabbah 134

Shabib b . Shaybah 264
Shabib b. Wij al-Marwarrudhi 205-6
al-Sharit , mountains 137
Shank b. Abdallih al-Nakha'i 65,
168-69 , 175 , 176 , r8o , 195 , z,6 ,

al-Shargi al-Qutimi 141

Sharqiyyah prison (Baghdad) 6
Sharvin, lord of Tabanstin 236
Shi'b al-Khuz 9i
shurfah 8 , 27 , 33 , 37 , 77, i65 , 169
Silistin 44,47, 6o, 6z, 171, 219, 234,
235, 239

Sinan , mawld of al-Bafta1 79

Sind 5z - 55 , 68 , 77 F 79 , 80 , 172- , 180,
193, 195 , 197, 203 , 216, 219, 222
al-Sindi b. Shihlk i 18
Skiffs, road of (Baghdad) 9,17
Suba y' b . Rabi'ah b . M u 'awi ya h a lYarbu'i, poet 139
Sudayf b. Maymun, poet 123
Sufyin b. Sa'id al-Thawri 86-88
al-Sughdi b. Salm b Harb 189
Suhayl b. Salim al-Bagri to,
S u l aym, f ree d man of a l -Mangier 174
Sulayman b. Abdallah 252
Sulaymin b. Abdallah b. al- Hanth b.
Nawfal 3 3
Sulayman b. Ali al-Abbisi 122-23,

Sulayman b. Barak 8z, 213

Sulayman b. Diwud 15 3
Sulaymin b. Diwud (Solomon) 5
Sulayman b . Hakim al-Abdi 6o
Sulayman b. al-Makki, Abu Ayyub
Sulayman b. al-Manger 94,148
Sulayman b. Mulilid 134
Sulayman b. Yazid al-Hirithi 238
Sus 128
Suwayd, freedman of al-Manger 146
Syria 67,197, 199, 256

Syrian gate, in Baghdad 9,17

Tabaristan 207, 208 , 216, 219, 23 5,
236, 238, 239, 240, 255

Taghlib, tube 54
al-Ti'tf 39, 43, 50 , 61, 66, 68, 74, 8o,
137, 168, 204, 216, 219, 23S, 238

Tamim b. Sa'id b. Da'lal 79, 234

Tarif b. Tamim al=Anbari 104
Tasnim al-Hawari 86
al-Tawwazi, poet 263

Tazadh, Byzantine commander

Thibit b. Masi 168, 180, 215


Thamyyat al-Madaniyyin 92

Thamyyat al-Ma'lit 92
Thaqif, tribe 188

Thumamah b. al-Walid al-Absi 188,

198 , 206

Tiflis 14
Tigris, districts of 77, 180, 195, 216,
219 , 222 , 235 , 239

Tigris, river 78, 79, 128, r81, 182

Transoxama 196
Tukhanstin 48
Turirkhudi 47
Turayh b. Ismail al-Thagafi 259
Turks T4- 15 , 105
Ubayd b. bt. Abi Layli 65
Ubaydah b. Ash'ab 121
Ubaydallih b. al-Hasan r8o, r95, 219,

'Ubaydallah b. al-Hasan b. al- Hugayn

al=Anbari 79, i69

'Ubaydallih b. Muhammad b. Safwin

al-Jumahi 169 , 171,180,193
'Ubaydallih b. Qutham 235, 238
'Ubaydallah b. 'Omar z i 8
Umin 86, 195, 216, 219, 222, 239
'Umarb. Abdal-Aziz 253
'Umar b. Abd al- Rahman 169
Umarb. al=Ale' 207, 216, 238, 239
Omar b. Bazi' 206,2.31 ,238,241,249
Omar b. Habib al-'Adawi 203

280 Index
Umar b. liaf$ b.'Uthmin b. Abi
$ufrah 51-55,165,67
'Omar al-Kalwidhi 237, 240
'Umar b. al-Mutarrif, Abu al-Wazir
204, 233-34
'Umar b. Shabbah 72,75 ,87,92, 130,
131,143# 154, 175, 178, 199, 254,
'Umar b.'Uthman al -Taymi 239

'Umirah b. Hamzah 77 ,80,92-94,

102,I17,16q, 176,18 o
Umm Abdallih bt. $alih b. Ali 177
Umm Musa al-Himyariyyah, wife of alManyur 127-2.8,157
Umm'Ubaydallah, nurse of Ja'far b.
al-Mangur 145
'Ugbahb. Muslim 196
'Ugbah b. Salm al-Huni i 31, 39, 50,
6o, 238
Usayd 49-50
Ustidhsis 44-49
Uswinyyin 171
'Utbah b. Hirun 107
Uthmin b Affin 17,125
Uthmin b. Said b. Lugmin 176
'Uyaynah b. Musa b. Ka'b 112

al-Wad4ah al-Sharawi 23 5
Wsft, freedman of al-Manjur tog,

Wioih, qahramdn to al-Mahdi 243

al-Wallin, b. Ata' i i i
Wilibah b. al-Hubib al-Asadi 259
al-Walid b. Abd al-Malik 125 , 254, 255
al-Walid b. Muhammad al-Anbari 37
al-Walid b. Yazid 141-42, 26o
Wandihurmuz, lord of Tabaristan z36
al-Wigidij see Muhammad b.'Umar
Wasit 5, 96,143# 241

Yahya al- Harashi 707,215 , 219,235#

Yahya b. al-Hasan b. Abd al- Khaliq 6,
7,128, 140

Yahya b. Khalid b. Barmak 81-85,

204, 213, 215

Yahya b. Sulaym 94
Yahya b . Zayd al-Alawi 224
al-Yamimah 177,180,204 , 216,2191
al-Yaman, tribe 58-59
Yagtin b. Musi 92, 198, 218, 238
Ya'qub b. Diwud 172 - 75,194,1991
202, 225-34, 2-58

Ya'qub b. al-FaO1 b. Abd al-Rahman

al-Hashimi 12
Ya'qub b. al-Man@Ur 148
Yazid b. Abi Muslim 140
Yazid b. Badr b . al-Battil 240
Yazid b . al-Fayd 237
Yazid b . Hitim al-Muhallabi 39, 50,
61, 63, 67,68, 69,74, 77, 180, 195,
219, 235, 239
Yazid b. al-Hubib al -Madhiji 171-72
Yazid b. Mansur 62, 63, 66, 148, 177,
179,184 , 1194,203,204,215
Yazid b. Mazyad 181 , 220, 236
Yazid b. Salm Abu Barqah 1, z
Yazid b. Usayd al - Sulami 70 - 71, 79,
Yemen 66, 96 - Too, 1zo, 177, 179, 194,
207, 218, 219, 234, 235, 238

Yunus b. Amr al-Sabi'i 168

Yunus b. Farwah 16
Yunus b. Naydah 1 z
Yusufal-Barm i81-82
Yusuf b. Ibrahim Abu Ya'qub 234
Yusuf b.'Ulwin 65

Zab, nver 183

Zahri' 99

Zandaqah 73,234-35
Zandaward 5
Yahya b. Abi Na$ r al-Qurashi 130 Zany 54

Zayd, freedman of'[sa b . Nahik 124
Zayd b. Ali 136
Zayd al-i$lali 249
Zaydiyyah 52-53, 224, 225-26
Zindigs 126-27,214, 237, 240, 241

Ziyid b.'Ubayd, family of 188-93


Zubalah 198
al-Zubayr b. al-Awwam, family of
al-Zubayr b. Bakkar i o6, 12.9
Zufar b. Aim al- Hilali 68,76,80,193,
213, 215

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