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G.R. No.

L-35697-99 April 15, 1988

REQUIJO, petitioners,
BARRETO, respondents.
Petitioners were passengers of a bus of the Laguna Tayabas Bus Co. (LTB) when it
collided with a delivery truck of the Seven-up Bottling Co. of the Philippines on June 3,
1958 resulting in the death of Petra de la Cruz and serious physical injuries of Eladia de
Lima and Nemesio Flores, all passengers of the LTB bus. Three civil suits were filed
against herein respondents consolidated for trial with Court of First Instance of Laguna
(San Pablo City) where it rendered decision in favor of the plaintiffs.
Plaintiffs moved for reconsideration seeking an award of legal interest on damages from
date of said decision but was denied. Due to their indigence, only the private respondents
appealed to CA. In CA decision, petitioners moved for reconsideration seeking its
modification so that the legal interest awarded by it will start to run from the date of the
decision of CFI on December 27, 1963 instead of January 31, 1972, the date of the
decision of CA.
CA denied the motion for reconsideration holding that since the plaintiffs did not appeal
from the failure of CFI to award interest on damages and that CA on its own discretion
awarded such interest in view of Art. 2210 of Civil Code, the effectivity of the interest
should not be rolled back to the time the decision of CFI was rendered.
Whether or not computation of legal interest on damages will start to run from the date of
CFI decision considering that petitioners did not appeal to CA hence precluded from
questioning its decision.
Yes. It is true that the rule is well-settled that a party cannot impugn the correctness of a
judgment not appealed from by him, and while he may make counter assignment of
errors, he can do so only to sustain the judgment on other grounds but not to seek
modification or reversal thereof, 6 for in such case he must appeal. 7 A party who does not
appeal from the decision may not obtain any affirmative relief from the appellate court

other than what he has obtained from the lower court, if any, whose decision is brought
up on appeal. 8
We take note of the fact that petitioners are litigating as paupers. Although they may not
have appealed, they had filed their motion for reconsideration with the court a quo which
unfortunately did not act on it. By reason of their indigence, they failed to appeal but
petitioners De Lima and Requijo had filed their manifestation making reference to the
law and jurisprudence upon which they base their prayer for relief while petitioner Flores
filed his brief.
Moreover, under the circumstances of this case where the heirs of the victim in the traffic
accident chose not to appeal in the hope that the transportation company will pay the
damages awarded by the lower court but unfortunately said company still appealed to the
Court of Appeals, which step was obviously dilatory and oppressive of the rights of the
said claimants: that the case had been pending in court for about 30 years from the date of
the accident in 1958 so that as an exception to the general rule aforestated, the said
heirs who did not appeal the judgment, should be afforded equitable relief by the
courts as it must be vigilant for their protection. The claim for legal interest and increase
in the indemnity should be entertained in spite of the failure of the claimants to appeal the
We take exception to the ruling of the Appellate Court as to the date when the legal
interest should commence to ran. In view of the consistent rulings of this Court, We hold
that the legal interest of six percent (6) on the amounts adjudged in favor of petitioners
should start from the time of the rendition of the trial court's decision on December 27,
1963 instead of January 31, 1972, the promulgation of the decision of the Court of

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