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804 F.

2d 250
5 Fed.R.Serv.3d 1196

LASKY, Harvey, Guardian ad litem Lasky, Jesse I. and Jamie

November, husband and wife, individually, and as
parents and natural guardians of their
minor son, Gregory Lasky
Aktiengesellschaft Nissan Motor Corporation In
USA, Nissan Motor Corporation Limited (Japan).
Appeal of Jamie November LASKY, individually and as parent
and natural guardian of her minor son, Gregory Lasky.
No. 85-1460.

United States Court of Appeals,

Third Circuit.
Argued Feb. 11, 1986.
Decided Oct. 31, 1986.
As Amended Nov. 18, 1986.

William J. Gallagher (argued), Michael G. Louis, MacElree, Harvey,

Gallagher, O'Donnell & Featherman, West Chester, Pa., for appellant.
Leonard J. Bucki (argued), Wolf, Block, Schorr & Solis-Cohen,
Philadelphia, Pa., for appellee.
Before HIGGINBOTHAM and STAPLETON, Circuit Judges, and
TEITELBAUM, District Judge.*
A. LEON HIGGINBOTHAM, Jr., Circuit Judge.

This unfortunate appeal is again before us for resolution due to the parties'

inability to reach a prompt settlement of their dispute. We must decide whether

the district court erred in finding that it lacked jurisdiction to allocate settlement
proceeds among the plaintiffs in the underlying personal injury action and, if
so, whether its refusal to allocate constituted an abuse of discretion. For the
reasons that follow we will reverse the order denying appellant's Rule 60(b)
motion for lack of jurisdiction, and remand for proceedings consistent with this

On February 11, 1986, this court heard oral argument on this appeal and was of
the opinion that the parties should attempt to reach a prompt and equitable
settlement of their claims. Decision in this matter was accordingly held in
abeyance pending settlement negotiations mediated by Judge Rosenn.1
Unfortunately, after months of negotiations the bitter rift between the parties
could not be closed and we are again faced with the resolution of their dispute.

On August 6, 1982, Jesse Lasky instituted a products liability action against

defendant Continental Products seeking to recover damages for injuries he
sustained in an automobile accident on March 31, 1981. Lasky's wife, Jamie,
and his minor son, Gregory, appellants in the instant appeal, joined as coplaintiffs asserting claims for loss of consortium and companionship
respectively. Due to Lasky's deteriorating condition, his brother, Harvey, was
appointed guardian ad litem.

Prior to trial, plaintiffs and Nissan Motor Corporation in USA and Nissan
Motor Corporation Limited (Japan) agreed to a compromise settlement.
Following three days of jury trial Continental Products Corporation and
Continental Gummi-Werke Aktiengesellschaft also entered into a compromise
settlement with the plaintiffs. Pursuant to these settlement agreements plaintiffs
were to receive a handsome lump sum settlement, the amount of which was to
remain confidential.2

Subsequently, the plaintiffs reported to the district court that although they had
agreed that payment of the lump sum amount would settle their claims against
the defendants, they had been unable to agree upon an equitable allocation of
the funds among themselves. On December 6, 1984, the district court
dismissed the action against Continental with prejudice pursuant to Local Rule
23(b).3 Shortly thereafter, on or about January 16, 1985, Mrs. Lasky filed a
divorce action in the Chester County Common Pleas Court seeking, inter alia,
distribution of all marital property. Some two months later a consent order in
the products liability action was submitted to and signed by the district judge.

That order of March 18, 1985 approved the payment of counsel fees and
expenses out of the settlement proceeds. Since no agreement had been reached
among father, wife and son on the division of the funds, however, the court
directed that the balance of the settlement fund be deposited in an interest
bearing account in the court registry. Three separate deposits were duly made to
the account for the benefit of the plaintiffs. To date, those funds remain in the
registry of the court.

On June 7, 1985, after numerous attempts to negotiate a division of the

settlement among the plaintiffs proved unsuccessful, Jamie Lasky, individually
and as parent and natural guardian of her minor son, Gregory, filed a Rule 60(b)
motion for an order allocating the settlement proceeds among the plaintiffs.
Harvey Lasky as guardian ad litem for his brother, Jesse, opposed the motion
arguing, inter alia, lack of subject-matter jurisdiction and filed a cross-motion
requesting that the funds be transferred to the Chester County Court for further
disposition. The district court denied the motion to allocate, on July 16, 1985,
holding that it was without subject-matter jurisdiction to adjudicate the
conflicting claims for shares in the settlement. This appeal ensued. After oral
argument this Court remitted the parties to further settlement negotiations.
Those negotiations have also turned sour. We now consider the merits of
appellant's appeal. We will reverse the order of the district court.



At the outset, the question arises whether we may exercise appellate

jurisdiction in this case because the district court has failed to dispose of the
settlement funds and may still take further action. We find that this court may
exercise appellate jurisdiction in this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1291.
First, under the "final order" rule, orders dismissing a complaint for lack of
jurisdiction are typically considered final. See Knibb, Federal Court of Appeals
Manual Sec. 4.3 at 18 (1981). Moreover, and more specifically, "it is now well
established that orders denying a motion for relief from a judgment under Civil
Rule 60 are final." 15 C. Wright, A. Miller & E. Cooper, Federal Practice and
Procedure Sec. 3916, at 610-11 (1976). On the facts of this case, it is clear that
the district court intends to take no further action with regard to the settlement
fund. Indeed, the court considers itself powerless to do so. Thus, there is no
impediment to our exercise of appellate jurisdiction over the district court's
denial of appellant's Rule 60(b) motion. Our review of the court's ruling,
however, is restricted to the issue raised by the motion and does not extend to
the merits of the underlying judgment.

A question concerning the jurisdiction of the district court is also raised by this
appeal. Following futile attempts to negotiate an equitable division of the
settlement fund, appellant, Jamie Lasky, moved for an order allocating the
settlement proceeds among the plaintiffs pursuant to Rule 60(b)(6).4 The
district court, in ruling on appellant's motion, held that it lacked jurisdiction "to
adjudicate the allocation of proceeds dispute among [the] plaintiffs...." App. at
194. In addition, Harvey Lasky, on behalf of his brother, Jesse, independently
alleges a jurisdictional defect at the district court level, contending that the
dismissal of the underlying products liability action divested the court of
jurisdiction over the subsequent motion to allocate. Specifically, appellee
maintains that, because the Rule 60(b) motion involves competing claims of
non-diverse parties, there is no basis for federal court subject-matter
jurisdiction.5 See Brief of Appellee, Jesse I. Lasky at 10-11.

We briefly address the issue whether the district court could properly entertain
the Rule 60(b) motion to allocate. Appellee suggests that the dismissal of the
products liability action with prejudice on December 5, 1984 terminated the
district court's jurisdiction over the allocation dispute because diversity
jurisdiction no longer existed. Appellee also contends that the 90-day time limit
for seeking relief from a final dismissal pursuant to Rule 23(b) had elapsed,
thereby extinguishing any right of appellant to object to the consent order. Both
arguments are without merit. First, appellant's motion seeks relief from the
March 18, 1985 consent order of district court approving the settlement amount
and directing, inter alia, that deposits in satisfaction of the settlement be made
to the registry of the court. Appellee does not challenge, nor could he, the
court's jurisdiction over the consent decree. The power of a court to enter a
consent decree emanates from its authority to adjudicate the rights of the parties
in the first instance. The authority thereafter to modify the consent decree
similarly derives directly from the court's initial exercise of jurisdiction over the
dispute. Put otherwise, a court has inherent power to modify a consent decree
that it initially had the power to approve. See Sansom Committee By Cook v.
Lynn, 735 F.2d 1535, 1538 (3d Cir.1984). Thus, jurisdiction over appellant's
motion to allocate is not contingent upon the diversity of the parties seeking
modification of the consent decree. Rather, the district court's power to
consider the motion at all is based on the consent decree itself which was
properly entered pursuant to the court's diversity jurisdiction. See Smith v.
Widman Trucking & Excavating, 627 F.2d 792 (7th Cir.1980) ("It is clear that
a Rule 60(b) motion is considered ancillary to or a continuation of the original
suit; the motion thus requires no independent jurisdictional ground") (citing
Kelly v. Greer, 334 F.2d 434 (3d Cir.1964)).6 See also 7 J. Moore & J. Lucas,
supra, at p 60.28, p. 60-308 ("No independent jurisdictional ground is needed to
support the motion proceeding, which is ancillary to or in effect a continuation

of the action that resulted in the [order] from which relief is sought."). Thus,
that the current dispute with regard to the consent order does not involve the
original adversaries in the products liability action does not defeat the district
court's jurisdiction over its order.7

Nor does the 90-day limitation period of Local Rule 23(b) preclude district
court consideration of a Rule 60(b) motion. The primacy of the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure with regard to the procedural aspects of litigation in federal
courts is well-settled. See Hanna v. Plumer, 380 U.S. 460, 465, 85 S.Ct. 1136,
1140, 14 L.Ed.2d 8 (1965). Thus, the "reasonable time" provision of Federal
Rule 60(b), as opposed to the 90-day limitation of Local Rule 23(b), controls
the determination whether appellant's motion was timely filed.8


A district court properly exercises power over a Rule 60(b) motion where the
motion is made within a reasonable time, subject to a maximum time limit of
one year after the judgment if made pursuant to clauses (1) through (3), or
solely "within a reasonable time," if made pursuant to clauses (4) through (6).
In either instance, "what is a reasonable time must depend to a large extent upon
the particular circumstances alleged." 7 J. Moore & J. Lucas, supra, at p 60.27,
p. 60-301. See also Delzona Corporation v. Sacks, 265 F.2d 157, 159 (3d
Cir.1959) (same). Here, appellant's motion pursuant to Rule 60(b)(6) to allocate
the settlement fund was filed within six months of the Rule 23 dismissal, three
months of the court approved settlement agreement and several weeks prior to
the final deposit of settlement proceeds into the court registry. Moreover, there
is nothing in the record to suggest that appellant did not act as soon as it
became clear that a settlement was not imminent. We think these facts satisfy
the reasonable time requirement. Accordingly, we find that appellant's motion
is neither jurisdictionally defective nor time-barred by virtue of Local Rule


Ordinarily, having rejected jurisdictional challenges to a court's authority to act,

we leave it to that court to assess and resolve independently the merits of the
underlying dispute. In the instant action, however, because the district court
implies that even were there no jurisdictional impediment to its authority, it
would nonetheless deny relief,9 we will address the discretionary aspects of
Rule 60(b).


If the district court has the power to grant relief under Rule 60(b), the
determination to grant or deny relief is within the sound discretion of the court.
See 7 J. Moore & J. Lucas, supra, at paragraphs 60.19, 60.27, pp. 60-149, 60-

272. We have long held in this circuit that "[r]ule 60(b)(6) is available only in
cases evidencing extraordinary circumstances." Stradley v. Cortez, 518 F.2d
488, 493 (3d Cir.1975). See also Mayberry v. Maroney, 558 F.2d 1159, 1163
(3d Cir.1977) (relief justified "only upon a showing of 'exceptional
circumstances,' " and where "absent such relief an 'extreme' and 'unexpected'
hardship will result"). In exercising its discretion the district court is guided by
a number of relevant factors, inter alia, " the general desirability that a final
judgment should not be lightly disturbed; the procedure provided by Rule 60(b)
is not a substitute for an appeal; the Rule should be liberally construed for the
purpose of doing substantial justice; whether, although the motion is made
within the maximum time, if any, provided by the Rule, the motion is made
within a reasonable time; ... whether there are any intervening equities which
make it inequitable to grant relief; any other factor that is relevant to the justice
of the [order] under attack...." See id. at p 60.19, pp. 60-164--60-165.10

In this case, these considerations that ordinarily inform a court's determination

whether a Rule 60(b) motion should be granted weigh heavily in favor of
providing relief. First, the finality of the underlying judgment is not threatened
by the instant challenge of the district court's consent order. Appellant does not
maintain that the settlement amount is inadequate. Nor does she raise any other
issue on the face of her motion that would have been more appropriately raised
on appeal of the underlying judgment. Moreover, we have found that the
appellant's Rule 60(b) motion was filed within the "reasonable time"
requirement of the rule. In addition, on this record we cannot conclude that
"intervening equities mak[e] it inequitable to grant relief." Indeed, the very
opposite result obtains. Appellant's Rule 60(b) motion requests allocation of the
funds ordered by the district court "to be deposited in an interest-bearing
account for the benefit of plaintiffs and to be disbursed to plaintiffs on further
Order of this Court."11 App. at 114. In refusing appellant's motion, the district
court stated:

15 case settled on the third day of trial, December 5, 1984, at which time I made it
abundantly clear to counsel then representing all plaintiffs 'that regardless of any
problems that conceivably could lie ahead theoretically as among the parties inter se,
each one of the parties is specifically agreeing that this case is, has been, shall be
and is finally settled, and that they will negotiate and work out any division as
among themselves.' (Tr. at 3.4).... As stated in the March 18th order, those funds
will be released by court order after negotiations or other resolution between the
plaintiffs result in an apportionment of the funds now with the registry.

App. at 193-94 (emphasis added). The effect of the court's order is essentially
to hold the settlement funds hostage until the parties "kiss and make up." The

resulting prejudice to all plaintiffs is obvious: Jesse Lasky continues to incur

mounting medical expenses; Jamie Lasky must independently support her
family; and Gregory Lasky, perhaps the most tragic party to this litigation, is
not only deprived of the financial support of the settlement fund, but is also
trapped in the midst of this acerbic and unnecessarily prolonged dispute
between his parents.

Perhaps there is more to this case than meets the eye. But closing one's eyes
will not make the problem go away. Apparently prompted by its view that it
lacked jurisdiction, the district court failed appropriately to consider appellant's
motion. There is no evidence in the record by way of findings by the district
court or appellee opposition to indicate that the suggested allocation is
inequitable or otherwise inappropriate. Moreover, the court, without discussion,
granted appellee's cross-motion only to the extent that it argued lack of subject
matter-jurisdiction. Thus, the record is also devoid of any assessment of the
propriety of transferring the funds to the Common Pleas Court in Chester
County. Consequently, we are left without a basis finally to dispose of this
matter. It is clear, however, that the general purpose of Rule 60(b) and the more
specific factors that inform a district court's discretion compel that some relief
be granted in this case. Accordingly, we will reverse the order of the district
court and remand for a determination of what relief is just.12

Honorable Hubert I. Teitelbaum, United States District Court for the Western
District of Pennsylvania, sitting by designation

In a few cases each year after having read the briefs and heard oral argument, a
panel becomes persuaded that to further prolong of the litigation would be
disastrous to all of the parties and that the case has a record that suggests that
rational parties acting in good faith should be able to adjust their differences.
Under such circumstances we inquire of counsel whether they are in unanimous
agreement that the submission of the matter to an experienced judge and
mediator for a limited period of time would be desirable. In this case after all
the parties agreed that such mediation would be helpful, we assigned the matter
to Judge Max Rosenn, a distinguished Senior Court of Appeals Judge and
extremely effective mediator. The matter was assigned with the explicit
agreement that none of the facts would be discussed with the panel; that the
only information we would receive would be whether the matter had or had not
been settled. After several months of persistent effort, Judge Rosenn advised us
that despite his recommendations, the parties had not been able to reach an
amicable resolution of their dispute. We note our appreciation to Judge Rosenn
for his efforts in this matter and in several other matters where he has had

extraordinary success in helping parties resolve fiercely contested cases


The plaintiffs' Motion For Court Approval of Compromise Settlement of Action

and the consent order approving the settlement were both filed under seal as
ordered by the district court. See App. at 113-14

Local Rule 23(b) for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania provides:

Rule 23. Dismissal and Abandonment of Actions.
(b) Whenever in any civil action counsel shall notify the Clerk or the judge to
whom the action is assigned that the issues between the parties have been
settled, the Clerk shall, upon order of the judge to whom the case is assigned,
enter an order dismissing the action with prejudice, without costs, pursuant to
the agreement of counsel. Any such order of dismissal may be vacated,
modified, or stricken from the record, for cause shown, upon the application of
any party filed within ninety (90) days of the entry of such order of dismissal.

In her Motion For Order Allocating Settlement Proceeds Among Plaintiffs,

appellant maintained that "[t]his motion is authorized by F.R.C.P. 60(b)
because plaintiffs need relief from the March 19, 1985 Order by having the
Court allocate the [funds] deposited with the Registry of the Court ...." App. at
119. Moreover, in her Brief In Support of Motion For Order Allocating
Settlement Proceeds Among Plaintiffs, appellant specifically relies on Rule
60(b)(6). See App. at 142. Thus, despite appellee's assertion that the "motion
itself contained no reference to any jurisdictional or procedural bases for relief."
Brief of Appellee, Jesse I. Lasky at 6, it is clear that the Motion to allocate was
a Rule 60(b) motion for post-judgment relief. See 7 J. Moore & J. Lucas,
Moore's Federal Practice p 60.18, p. 60-139 (2d ed. 1985) ("[S]ince
nomenclature is unimportant, moving papers that are mislabeled in other ways
may be treated as motions under Rule 60(b) when relief would be proper.")
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60(b) provides in pertinent part:
On motion and upon such terms as are just, the court may relieve a party or his
legal representative from a final judgment, order, or proceeding for the
following reasons: (1) mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect; (2)
newly discovered evidence ...; (3) fraud ..., misrepresentation, or other
misconduct of an adverse party; (4) the judgment is void; (5) the judgment has
been satisfied, released, or discharged, or a prior judgment upon which it is
based has been reversed or otherwise vacated, or it is no longer equitable that
the judgment should have prospective application; or (6) any other reason
justifying relief ..., The motion shall be made within a reasonable time, and for
reasons (1), (2), and (3) not more than one year after the judgment, order, or

proceeding was entered or taken.


Appellee frames the issue before this court as follows:

What is presented here is the question of whether non-diverse plaintiffs may
insist that the district court exercise jurisdiction over a controversy which did
not exist at the time the action was dismissed with prejudice, was not intended
for adjudication by the district court and not the subject of any motion until
well after the time limit for seeking relief under local rule.
Brief of Appellee at 11.

Similar to the case sub judice, Kelly involved a "bitter intra-family

controversy" which concluded in a settlement. Following the settlement, all
pending actions between the parties were dismissed with prejudice. The
property which was the subject of the dispute and the basis of the district court's
in rem jurisdiction was subsequently removed from the district. When the
plaintiff later moved to vacate the order of dismissal, the district court denied
the motion on the ground that it lacked jurisdiction. On appeal, this court
[T]he district court appears to have been of the view that the dismissal of the
original actions with prejudice deprived it of jurisdiction to entertain the
ancillary complaints seeking enforcement of the settlement agreement. But
there can be no question of the power of a Federal district court to vacate its
own orders entered in civil actions over which it had original jurisdiction
"whenever such action is appropriate to accomplish justice."
Id. at 436-37 (emphasis added).

To be sure, there are prudential limitations on the district court's power in

granting or denying a Rule 60(b) motion. See infra Part V. Thus, a district court
may not, without abusing its discretion, grant a motion where substantial
prejudice to the non-moving party will result, or deny a motion where
extraordinary circumstances require relief in the interests of justice. Nor may a
district court exceed the scope of its power in ordering particular relief. These
prudential limitations on the court's exercise of its power, however, must not be
confused with the threshold determination whether such power exists

To be certain, a district judge may consider the expiration of the 90-day

limitation of Local Rule 23 relevant to, or, under the appropriate circumstances,
determinative of the issue whether the "reasonable time" requirement of
Federal Rule 60(b) has been met

It is unclear from the district court's order denying appellant's motion to

allocate whether the judge alternatively ruled that he either (1) would not
(discretionary) or (2) could not (jurisdictional) adjudicate the current claims of
the parties, or whether he ruled only that he could not adjudicate the claims.
See App. at 193-94. The court emphasizes, however, that at the time the case
was settled it was understood by all parties and the court that the plaintiffs
would "work out any division as among themselves," "regardless of any
problems that conceivably could lie ahead." Id. at 193. Since subject-matter
jurisdiction cannot be conferred by consent or understanding, we read the
court's statement as a basis for denying discretionary relief. Thus, the court
seems to suggest that it will not exercise its discretion to afford relief to the
parties because they agreed to "work [it] out ... among themselves." Id. The
discretionary provision of Rule 60(b)(6), however, "is clearly a residual clause
[precisely designed] to cover unforeseen contingencies." 7 J. Moore & J. Lucas,
supra note 2, at p 60.27, p. 60-274


Other "relevant factors and propositions," that the district court may consider in
exercising its discretion on a Rule 60(b) motion include: "if relief is sought
from a default judgment or a judgment of dismissal where there has been no
consideration of the merits, whether in the particular case the interest of
deciding cases on the merits outweighs the interest in orderly procedure and in
the finality of judgments, and whether there is merit in the defense or claim, as
the case may be; if relief is sought from a judgment rendered after a trial on the
merits, whether the movant had a fair opportunity to present his claim or
defense...." 7 J. Moore & J. Lucas, supra note 2, at p 60.19, p. 60-164. None of
these factors are applicable here


Appellant independently argues with regard to the district court's power to

entertain the motion to allocate that, by virtue of the quoted provision, the
district court "specifically retained jurisdiction of this matter...." Brief of
Appellant, Jamie November Lasky at 10. We reiterate here that the district
court's proper exercise of power over its consent order is not dependent upon an
express retention of jurisdiction within that order. Rather, jurisdiction to modify
the order is inherent in its power properly to issue the order. Cf. Delaware
Valley Citizens Council v. Pennsylvania, 674 F.2d 976, 980 (3d Cir.1982)
("The authority of the district court [in this case] to modify or refuse to modify
the consent decree is defined in the decree itself.... [T]he decree empowers the
court ... to enter 'such further orders and directions as may be necessary or
appropriate for carrying out' the decree.... This provision ... is merely
declaratory of a district court's inherent power to modify a consent decree, even
over the objection of one of the parties.") (emphasis added)


We recognize that there are some cases where the wisest of trial judges or

mediators cannot bring about an amicable resolution because of the deep

personal hostilities of some of the parties. We are not insensitive to the district
court's apparent reluctance to become embroiled in a bitter, complex dispute
involving issues wholly collateral to the original products liability action.
Indeed, such involvement may exceed the scope of the court's power to grant
relief pursuant to Rule 60(b). That the scope of the court's power does extend to
a determination whether an equitable division has been proposed by appellant
or whether such division is better left to the Common Pleas Court in Chester,
however, is clear. Appellant's Rule 60(b) motion does not ask the district court
to undertake a task foreign to its experience. District courts make similar
apportionments frequently in interpleader actions where they are asked by
insurers to distribute policy limits among competing personal injury claimants.
One possible approach to Appellant's motion would be to conduct proceedings
similar to those which take place in these interpleader actions. Thus, in
remanding this matter, we leave to the sound discretion of the district court-with due consideration to the rights of the minor child--the determination of the
appropriate relief to be granted within the bounds of Rule 60(b)(6). Failure to
grant some relief in the context of this case, however, would constitute an abuse
of discretion, for if left to the parties and their counsel, this case could come to
rival Jarndyce v. Jarndyce in Dickens' celebrated 1853 satire of the legal
system, Bleak House. See C. Dickens, Bleak House (First Signet Printing,

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