United States v. Mark William Cothran, 286 F.3d 173, 3rd Cir. (2002)

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286 F.

3d 173


Mark William COTHRAN, Appellant.
No. 01-1437.

United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit.

Argued March 4, 2002.
Filed April 11, 2002.

Dolores M. Troiani (Argued), Paoli, PA, for Appellant.

Jennifer Chun (Argued), Office of United States Attorney, Philadelphia,
PA, for Appellee.
Before SCIRICA and ROSENN, Circuit Judges, and WARD,* District
ROSENN, Circuit Judge.


In the present climate of terrorism, this appeal presents an important question

pertaining to the conduct of a potential airline passenger. A jury in the United
States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania convicted the
appellant, Mark Cothran, of conveying false information and threats about
carrying an explosive device on an airplane, in violation of 49 U.S.C. 46507.
The District Court sentenced Cothran to ten months imprisonment, three years
of supervised release, a $1000 fine, and a $50 special assessment. Cothran
raises three issues on appeal: (1) the Court erred in denying his motion for
acquittal based on the sufficiency of the evidence; (2) the Court erred by
finding that United States Sentencing Guideline (U.S.S.G.) 2A6.1 was the
most analogous offense guideline for Cothran's crime; and (3) the Court erred
by denying Cothran a four-level reduction pursuant to U.S.S.G. 2A6.1(b)(4).
We discern no error and therefore affirm.

On December 29, 1999, Cothran was scheduled to fly from Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania, to Atlanta, Georgia, on a U.S. Airways (U.S.Air) flight. That
morning, Cothran telephoned the U.S. Air Ticket Reservation Office in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Reservation Sales agent Denise Gaich, now Blanc,
answered the call. Cothran stated something to the effect that he was upset with
U.S. Air for not letting him bring explosives on the plane, and that he wanted to
blow a plane out at 35,000 feet. Blanc perceived this as a threat, and started
recording the call. Subsequently, Cothran told Blanc that he was merely joking.

Later that day, while waiting in the airport for a flight from Philadelphia to
Atlanta, Kate Stancil (Kate) observed Cothran talking on the phone and heard
him say "don't tell me how to blow up a bomb." Joanne Stancil, Kate's mother,
also believes she heard Cothran talking about "doing his job and a bomb."
(Simultaneously, and in the same vicinity as Cothran, the airport television was
tuned to CNN, which was airing a story about bombs.) Kate was alarmed and
urged her mother to inform airport security of Cothran's behavior. Her mother
did so; Cothran was then arrested based on his earlier phone call and Joanne's

A. Sufficiency of the Evidence

The standard of review is "particularly deferential" when deciding whether a

jury verdict is based on legally sufficient evidence. United States v. Dent, 149
F.3d 180, 187 (3d Cir.1998). It is not our role to weigh the evidence or to
determine the credibility of the witnesses. Id. We must view the evidence in the
light most favorable to the Government and sustain the verdict if any rational
juror could have found the elements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Id.
The appellant carries a very heavy burden on appeal. Id.

Cothran was convicted under 49 U.S.C. 46507(1), which provides criminal

liability if a person:

knowing the information to be false, willfully and maliciously or with reckless

disregard for the safety of human life, gives ... under circumstances in which
the information reasonably may be believed, false information about an alleged
attempt being made or to be made to do an act that would violate section ...
46505 ... of this title....

49 U.S.C. 46507(1). Section 46505 criminalizes carrying a weapon or

explosive on an aircraft. Thus, the elements here are: (1) Cothran gave false

information about an attempt to be made to carry explosives on an aircraft; (2)

Cothran knew the information was false; (3) Cothran acted willfully and
maliciously; and (4) under the circumstances, the information reasonably may
have been believed. There is no argument but that the first three elements are
met. Cothran argues that the information he conveyed could not reasonably be
believed, or, more precisely, that no rational juror could have found that a
reasonable person would have believed that Cothran was threatening to destroy
a plane.

Although there is no case law on 46507(1), courts have interpreted analogous

statutes as requiring an objective test to determine whether something is a
threat. United States v. Malik, 16 F.3d 45, 49 (2d Cir.1994). Moreover, "[t]he
use of ambiguous language does not preclude a statement from being a threat."
United States v. Fulmer, 108 F.3d 1486, 1492 (1st Cir.1997). A bad joke can
fall within the scope of the statute. In United States v. Irving, 509 F.2d 1325
(5th Cir.1975), the court sustained a conviction under 49 U.S.C. 1472(m)(1),
the statutory precursor to 46507(1), when a passenger made a comment about
hijacking an airplane. Id. at 1328. The Court of Appeals observed that Congress
"was concerned with the prankster as well as with the individual acting out of
malice." Id. at 1329. The question is whether an ordinary, reasonable person
would view the language as a threat. Malik, 16 F.3d at 49. Another way of
looking at this test is asking whether Cothran should have reasonably foreseen
that the airline industry is highly sensitive to bomb threats and that his
statement would be taken as a threat by the U.S. Air reservationist. United
States v. Freeman, 176 F.3d 575, 578 (1st Cir. 1999). In determining whether
something is a threat, "proof of the effect of the alleged threat upon the
addressee is highly relevant." Malik, 16 F.3d at 49.

Cothran attempts to muddy the waters by portraying Blanc's testimony as

inconsistent (e.g., at one time she stated that Cothran said he was "very" upset
with U.S. Air, another time she stated that Cothran said he was a "little" upset
with U.S. Air). There is no need for this Court to reconcile the
"inconsistencies," because they relate to witness credibility, an area peculiarly
within the jury's domain. See United States v. McGlory, 968 F.2d 309, 321 (3d
Cir.1992). We are required solely to look at the trial record to determine if there
is evidence sufficient for a rational juror to find Cothran guilty beyond a
reasonable doubt. Here, there is more than sufficient evidence.


At the time of Cothran's phone call, Blanc had been a U.S. Air employee for
twelve years, and had been in the position of taking phone calls for a decade.
She testified that never in those ten years had she found a phone call as
threatening as she found Cothran's. Cothran told Blanc that he was upset with

U.S. Air and wanted to take explosives on the flight and blow the plane out of
35,000 feet. Blanc then pressed the emergency button to record the call.
Protocol requires U.S. Air reservation sales agents when receiving a threatening
call to press an emergency button that allows the call to be recorded. Blanc
further testified that in her ten years of taking calls, she never previously felt
the need to record a call. Blanc was upset because the situation was serious,
"something not to be taken lightly." She felt that the passengers on the flight
might be threatened by Cothran's comments. She further described any laughter
heard on the recording as "nervous laughter," and stated that, despite Cothran's
claim to be joking, she did not take his comments as a joke. Blanc's testimony
is such that a rational juror could certainly have found Cothran guilty beyond a
reasonable doubt. Thus, the District Court committed no error in denying his
motion to acquit.
B. Analogous Sentencing Guideline

There is no specific sentencing guideline for 49 U.S.C. 46507. Therefore,

pursuant to U.S.S.G. 2X5.1, the most analogous guideline should be applied.


The circuits are split vis-a-vis the standard of review applicable here. In United
States v. Osborne, 164 F.3d 434 (8th Cir. 1999), the court provided a
comprehensive and cogent analysis of the standard to be applied. The court first
noted that 18 U.S.C. 3742(e) provides the standard of review for guideline
appeals.1 Id. at 437. The court then looked at the background note to U.S.S.G.
2X5.1, which "states specifically, `The court is required to determine if there
is a sufficiently analogous offense guideline and, if so, to apply the guideline
that is most analogous.'" Id. (quoting U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES
MANUAL 2X5.1, cmt. background (1998)). The court noted that there is a
two-step process involved: first, the district court must determine whether there
is a sufficiently analogous offense guideline, and, if there is, it then must
determine which guideline is most analogous. Id.


The court held that the first step, determining whether there is a sufficiently
analogous guideline, is a legal question and is reviewed de novo. Id. Contra
United States v. Cefalu, 85 F.3d 964, 968 n. 6 (2d Cir.1996) (whether there is a
most analogous offense guideline involves applying guideline to facts and
receives due deference review). Because determining whether there is an
analogous guideline is substantially interpreting and applying the guidelines,
the Osborne court was correct and review of that first determination should be


If there is more than one sufficiently analogous offense guideline, the second


step requires the district court to apply the most analogous one. Osborne, 164
F.3d at 437. The Osborne court held that this determination is more factual
than legal and thus should be reviewed with due deference. Id. at 438.


The court noted that in choosing the most analogous guideline, the "district
court must take into account all the circumstances of the case and make factual
findings to support its choice." Id. The district court then must decide which
guideline is most analogous based on the factual findings. Id. The court further
stated that choosing the most analogous guideline involves more than mere
interpretation, but rather "involves evaluating which of two or more legal
standards is most akin to the facts." Id. The court found this to be an
"application of the guidelines to the facts," and worthy of due deference
pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3742(e). Id.; accord United States v. Rahman, 189 F.3d
88, 150 (2d Cir.1999); United States v. Mariano, 983 F.2d 1150, 1158 (1st Cir.
1993).2 The Osborne analysis is logical, United States v. Calbat, 266 F.3d 358,
363 n. 1 (5th Cir.2001), and is the one we accept.


The Presentence Investigation Report in this case prepared by the probation

officer recommended applying U.S.S.G. 2K1.5 as the most analogous
guideline. 3 Section 2K1.5 is the guideline applicable to "Possessing Dangerous
Weapons or Materials While Boarding or Aboard an Aircraft," and provides for
a base offense level of 9. The District Court demurred, finding 2A6.1 the
"appropriate section to apply to [Cothran's] conduct." Section 2A6.1 is the
guideline applicable to "Threatening or Harassing Communications," and
provides for a base offense level of 12.


Section 2A6.1 is the more analogous guideline. First, in contrast to 2K1.5, it

accurately embodies Cothran's conduct. Cothran was convicted of conveying a
false threat, not of possessing dangerous weapons while on an aircraft.
Moreover, there is a scienter element present in the base offense level for
2A6.1 that is not present in the base offense level of 2K1.5. That is, a
defendant sentenced pursuant to the base offense level of 2A6.1 has
knowingly conveyed a threat, while a defendant sentenced pursuant to the base
offense level of 2K1.5 has not boarded the aircraft knowing that he has a
dangerous weapon. If such a boarding takes place with actual knowledge of the
presence of dangerous weapons, the base offense level of 9 increases 15 levels
to 24. U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL 2K1.5(b)(1) (2000). To
most accurately analogize Cothran's act under 2K1.5, we would therefore
have to increase his base offense level to 24 because he knowingly conveyed the
false threat. Thus, speaking strictly in terms of base offense levels, 2A6.1 is
the more analogous guideline.


Cothran cites United States v. Norman, 951 F.2d 1182 (10th Cir.1991), as
support for applying 2K1.5. Norman involved a defendant who falsely
reported that his ex-wife's suitor had boarded an aircraft with a handgun and
explosives. Id. at 1183. The district court had applied 2A6.1 as the most
analogous guideline during sentencing, and the appellate court reversed, ruling
that it should have applied 2K1.5. See Id. As its rationale, the court stated that
"[t]he offense of threatening communications, codified in 18 U.S.C. 871,
876, 877, 878(a), and 879, is committed by making threats against a President,
using the mail to make threats, making threats against foreign dignitaries and
officials, and making threats against a former President." Id. at 1184. The court
found that the defendant's conduct implicated none of those offenses and that
2K1.5 was therefore the most analogous guideline. Id.


We reject the Norman court's analysis. Although it is true that 18 U.S.C. 871,
876, etc. are enumerated in 2A6.1's commentary, U.S. SENTENCING
GUIDELINES MANUAL 2A6.1, cmt. (2000), the statutory list is not
exhaustive, but merely illustrative. Immediately following the list of statutes,
the commentary provides, "[f]or additional [applicable] statutory provision(s),
see Appendix A (Statutory Index)." Id. Appendix A provides for application of
2A6.1 to, inter alia, violations of 18 U.S.C. 35(b). U.S. SENTENCING
GUIDELINES MANUAL, app. A (2000). Title 18 U.S.C. 35(b) provides
criminal liability if a person, "willfully and maliciously ... imparts or conveys
or causes to be imparted or conveyed false information, knowing the
information to be false, concerning an attempt ... to do any act which would be
a crime prohibited by this chapter." 18 U.S.C. 35(b). In the same chapter as
35(b) is 18 U.S.C. 32, which provides criminal liability for the destruction of
an aircraft. Furthermore, 35(b)'s language closely tracks that of 49 U.S.C.
46507, the provision under which Cothran was convicted. When we look at
these sections and 32, the statutory provisions aim at the heart of Cothran's
crime: conveying false information about an attempt to destroy an aircraft.
Accordingly, 2A6.1 is the most analogous guideline applicable to Cothran's

C. Guideline Reduction

Cothran argues that if 2A6.1 is applicable, he is entitled to a four-level

reduction because his "offense involved a single instance evidencing little or no
deliberation." U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL, 2A6.1(b)(4)
(2000). The District Court disagreed, stating that, "I do not find that it was one
single episode and I find the conduct existed over the two different episodes
and over a period of hours and that there was some serious deliberation and
thought ... in reference to both of these conversations and both of these

activities." We review the District Court's refusal to decrease Cothran's

criminal level for clear error. United States v. Green, 25 F.3d 206, 210-11 (3d

Cothran argues that his offense was a single episode and that he is thus entitled
to the reduction. Assuming arguendo that the offense was a single episode,
Cothran would still not ipso facto be entitled to the reduction. For the reduction
to be applicable, Cothran's single episode would also have to "evidence[] little
or no deliberation." U.S. SENTENCING GUIDELINES MANUAL, 2A6.1(b)
(4) (2000). The District Court clearly did not err in finding that Cothran
seriously deliberated before acting. Federal Bureau of Investigation agent
Richard Marx testified that Cothran told him that he wanted to get a reaction
from a U.S. Air reservation agent, "and that he knew that a good terrorist would
speak of explosives" to accomplish that goal. Such a statement demonstrates
sufficient deliberation for the District Court's decision to refuse a downward
departure from the guideline. The court's decision to do so was not clear error.


In summary, the District Court did not err in finding the evidence sufficient to
convict Cothran. Moreover, the District Court committed no error in finding
U.S.S.G. 2A6.1 to be the most analogous guideline and in denying Cothran a
four-level reduction pursuant to 2A6.1(b)(4). Accordingly, the District
Court's judgment will be affirmed.


Honorable Robert J. Ward, United States District Judge for the Southern
District of New York, sitting by designation

The relevant portion of the statute provides: "[t]he court of appeals ... shall
accept the findings of fact of the district court unless they are clearly erroneous
and shall give due deference to the district court's application of the guidelines
to the facts." 18 U.S.C. 3742(e)

Courts to the contrary that apply de novo review are:United States v. Couch, 65
F.3d 542, 544 (6th Cir.1995) (de novo review); United States v. Norman, 951
F.2d 1182, 1184 (10th Cir.1991) (same).

At sentencing, the probation officer renounced his original position, stating, "in
retrospect, I would agree with the Government that Section 2A6.1 is more

analogues [sic] to the actual statute that defendant was found guilty of."

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