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1 AUGUST 1996
Command Policy



The Quality Approach

Supersedes AFH 90-502, Sept. 1994 and AFH 90-503, Sept. 1994
OPR: AFQI/OS (Lt Col Phillip Dove)
Certified by: AFQI/CC (Col Henry Fiumara)
Pages: 186/Distribution: F

Air Force Quality Institute

Over 1,000,000 copies of the previous editions of The
Quality Approach and Process Improvement Guide are in
print. With that many books in print, why are we
publishing a third edition? Simply put, in a dynamic world
its not enough to merely keep pace with our adversaries,
we must constantly seek better ways of accomplishing our
mission. To be effective, we have to be out front, seeking a
better, faster and cheaper way of doing business. The third
edition of this book is designed to help you find better ways
to accomplish your mission.
The biggest change youll notice in the two books is that
they are now one book. Thats right, based on input from
numerous customers, weve combined AFH 90-502, The
Quality Approach and AFH 90-503, The Process
Improvement Guide. The new handbook is titled AFH 90502, The Quality Approach. You also told us you wanted
to see more how to information on benchmarking, its in
here. Some of you wanted to see information on the
Action Workout process, its in the new edition also.
Additionally, weve updated the information on the Air
Force Core Values and modified the QAF Model by placing
the core values at the center of the model, where they
The third edition team charter also included a direction to
make this book useful to everyone from the lowest ranking
airman on the flightline to the wing commander. Hopefully,
we succeeded. As with the previous editions, team
members used the continuous improvement process from
identifying the improvement opportunity to planning for
future editions to match the product to your needs and


Chapter 1.
Quality Air Force

What is Quality Air Force?

Quality Air Force System

Education and Training Strategy

Air Force Awards

Quality Air Force Criteria

Government Performance and Results Act

Chapter 2.


Quality Leadership


The Air Force Mission


The Air Force Vision




Operating Style


QAF Roles


Chapter 3.
Quality Focus


Phases of Quality Focus


Strategic Planning Process


Chapter 4.
Quality in Daily Operations






Assessment Process


Chapter 5.
Improvement Process


Shewhart Cycle


Teams in the Work Place


Basic Tools and Techniques


Continuous Improvement Process


Action Workout




Process Reengineering


Chapter 6.
Quality Air Force Assessments
Quality Air Force Criteria


QAF Model and QAF Criteria Interrelationship 63

Appendix A: Process Improvement Guide


Appendix B: QAF Glossary


Appendix C: Case Study


Appendix D: Benchmarking Code of Conduct


Appendix E: Suggested Reading




Feedback Form

Quality Air Force
What is Quality Air Force?
Quality Air Force (QAF) is a leadership commitment and operating
style that inspires trust, teamwork and continuous improvement
everywhere in the Air Force . The QAF principles and techniques
provide the tools needed to make those improvements. These
concepts have a proven track record in the Air Force and in worldclass organizations around the globe .
Quality is not a static description, but a dynamic process
for an attitude of continuous improvement within the
constraints of available resources. Quality does not stand
alone, but is measured by its contribution to the Air Force
Dr. Sheila E. Widnall
Secretary of the Air Force

A quality-focused organization recognizes the need to improve and

wisely adapts to meet changing operational demands. Faced with
shrinking resources and a dynamic international environment,
todays Air Force continues to undergo fundamental structural
changes. Its just not logical to reshape the Air Force into a
smaller version of the Cold War military; we must find innovative
ways to improve the way we do business. With new, ever
changing challenges facing our nation and our service in the coming
years it is imperative that we constantly seek a better, faster and
cheaper way to accomplish our mission. Thats where Quality Air
Force can help allowing us to improve productivity and quality of
life through the ingenuity and collective strength of us all.

Chapter 1/Quality Air Force

Quality Air Force System

Quality Air Force is built on a foundation of leadership and is an
integrated system of three components: quality focus, quality in
daily operations and the improvement process. Quality focus
identifies the priority issues. The improvement process focuses
continuous improvement efforts as needed. Quality in daily
operations applies QAF concepts to the workcenter. Finally, the
Air Force core values at the center of the model summarize the
military profession.






QAF System Model



Quality in
daily operations


Leadership is the foundation of the Quality Air Force system.

Leaders set the vision, policies, priorities and strategies. Their
responsibility is to foster an environment that inspires trust,
teamwork and pride. Leaders maintain a customer focus and a
systems perspective. They must not lose sight of their overall
responsibilities. These responsibilities cannot be delegated.
Therefore, senior leadership involvement is absolutely necessary to
ensure successful implementation of quality principles.
The difference between a Quality Air Force and just
another organization leadership.
Gen. Ronald R. Fogleman
USAF Chief of Staff

The Quality Approach

Quality Focus includes strategic planning, senior-level

guidance and a cultural implementation throughout the Air Force.
Think of it as the big picture approach to quality, a top-to-bottom
alignment of goals and objectives. Achieving this focus requires
buy-in at all levels from front-line airmen to four- star generals.
This can only happen when the ideas of people who best know the
processes are solicited and incorporated into the strategic plan.
Does everyone know the plans, strategies, goals and objectives?
Do they understand how those plans and strategies relate to the
mission? What about how their individual jobs contribute to the
process? The replies to these questions may hold the key to your
organizational success.
My personal philosophy is that the best outfits are those
wherein a procedure is developed so that every man who has
an idea on a particular subject may bring it forward without
the slightest criticism or hesitation and argue for his point of
view. He should not hang back because his idea may appear
radical or because the bulk of the crowd may not agree with
Gen. Curtis E. Lemay

Quality in Daily Operations puts theory into practice. Tools

and metrics are a part of the daily routine in a culture, where
teamwork and continuous improvement are part of the job.
Specialized education and training, customer-focused processes and
customized evaluations help meet the needs of all commands. The
QAF effort goes beyond installation or command boundaries. The
new culture demands common ground so we can grow together.
Improvement Process is a structured team environment and a
disciplined approach allowing people to work together toward a
shared objective. This is a working environment, enriched by
empowerment, team participation and commitment. The ultimate
goal is to find ways to work smarter, faster and cheaper.

Chapter 1/Quality Air Force

Improving processes allows us to reduce costs, cycle times and

man-hours. Results from the improvement process provide better
products and services, stronger team and individual skills, open
communication and a richer quality of life for all.
Values ... are certain ideals core values set the standard for our
behavior, our service and our treatment of one another.
Integrity, service and excellence. Three simple words that
epitomize the core of the military profession: the bedrock of
integrity, fortified by service to our country, which in turn
fuels the drive to excellence.
Dr. Shelia Widnall
Secretary of the Air Force

Integrity First is the foundation of trust, standing by your word

and a commitment to honesty. Demonstrated integrity, in a highrisk aerospace environment is a life-essential element of every job,
from filing work orders to launching combat sorties. It is doing the
right thing when nobody is looking.
According to General Ronald R. Fogleman:
The Air Force exists to fight and win wars thats
our core expertise. Its what allows us to be called
professionals. Were entrusted with the security of
our nation. The tools of our trade are lethal, and
we engage in operations that involve risk to human
life and untold national treasure. Because of what
we do, our standards must be higher than those of
society at large. The American public expects it of
us and properly so. In the end, we earn the respect
and trust of the American public because of the
integrity that we demonstrate.

The Quality Approach

Service Before Self is being willing to place the needs of the

service above our own needs. Secretary of the Air Force Sheila E.
Widnall said, Selfless acts of courage and service fill our military
history books. Someone once said There are no heroes; only
ordinary men and women caught in extraordinary circumstances.
Our nations medal of honor winners are perfect examples of what
normal people can do when they place service before self.
Excellence in all We Do across all daily activities is directly or
indirectly related to mission accomplishment. In the military, we
cant afford to fail in achieving excellence in all we do. General
Ronald R. Fogleman states, To excel is a moral obligation for
members of a professional military force. The line between
incompetence and immorality is a thinner line in the military than
any other calling.

Education and Training Strategy

Education and training are essential to implementing quality.
Todays quality training is designed so an individual will receive the
right training at the right time. With this in mind, they will receive
the basic fundamentals of quality concepts through the professional
military education system. Base level training will reinforce
principles and concepts with hands-on training via just-in-time
courses. For example, if you are appointed to be a team leader, the
base will provide training on the roles and responsibilities at the
appropriate time.

Chapter 1/Quality Air Force

Air Force Awards

The Air Force recognizes that while education is important and
leadership is vital, the real key to continuous improvement lies in
the hands of the people actually accomplishing the mission out on
the flightline, in the support office or in the cockpit . Award
programs should recognize accomplishments consistent with the
values and direction of the organization and support overall A ir
Force objectives. Many organizations use local reward and
recognition programs that publicize a teams progress in the quality
effort while publicly praising those involved. The Air Force has
two programs: the Secretary of the Air Force Unit Quality Award
and the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Team Excellence Award.
The Secretary of the Air Force Unit Quality Award is based on
the QAF criteria. The award recognizes organizations for
outstanding mission accomplishment and implementation of a
quality culture. The Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve,
Headquarters Air Force and each major command are invited to
nominate one unit for the award. The best practices of all the
finalists are published in the Profiles in Excellence to share their
success with other Air Force units.
The Chief of Staff of the Air Force Team Excellence Award
recognizes outstanding team performance, promotes QAF
awareness and implementation, emphasizes teamwork, results,
rewards excellence and shares best practices. The Air Force
Reserve, Air National Guard, Headquarters Air Force and the
major commands are each invited to nominate two teams for this
award. A team of experts scores the application packages based
on results, overall Air Force impact and a 15-minute presentation of
the teams story.

The Quality Approach

Quality Air Force Criteria

When youre planning a long journey, you need a roadmap. The
Air Force roadmap comes from the Air Force senior leadership and
includes the QAF Criteria. The criteria are based on the Malcolm
Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA).
According to Mr. Greg Watson, the senior 1996 Secretary of the
Air Force Unit Quality Award examiner:
Today, the Air Force is at a crossroads in its process
of seeking maturity in its processes. The best units
are at the point where they must transition from
training and the decreed use of scientific methods,
analytical tools, teamwork and process management
to the point where these methods have become a
natural part of its behaviors, actions and methods.
The true test of leadership for the entire Air Force
will be its ability to navigate safely beyond this
current position of excellence in the top units to the
ability to sustain systematic organizational
improvement efforts across all units, not just the
award nominees.
The criteria provide the framework to achieve these systematic
improvements. The criteria assess seven interrelated and essential
ingredients of every successful organization. (See chapter 6 for a
complete explanation of the assessment system.)

Chapter 1/Quality Air Force

Government Performance and Results Act

The 103rd Congress enacted the Government Performance and
Results Act (GPRA) into public law (Law 103-62) in 1993. The
intent of GPRA is to bring about fundamental changes in how the
government operates. Air Force leadership, fulfill ing the spirit and
letter of the law has shown its commitment through policy guidance
and support for training at all levels .
The purpose of the GPRA is to:
1. Improve confidence ... of the American people in the capability
of federal government, by systematically holding federal agencies
accountable for achieving program results.
2. Initiate program performance ... with a series of pilot projects
in setting program goals, measuring performance against these
goals and reporting publicly on their progress.
3. Improve federal program effectiveness ... and public
accountability by promoting a new focus on results, service quality
and customer satisfaction.
4. Help managers improve service delivery ... requiring they plan
for meeting program objectives and by providing them with
information about program results and service quality.
5. Improve congressional decision making ... by providing
objective information on achieving statutory objectives and on
relative effectiveness and efficiency of federal programs and
6. Improve internal management ... of the federal government by
requiring agencies to submit:
a. strategic plans beginning September 1996 covering a
period of five years
b. annual performance plans beginning Fiscal Year 1997

The Quality Approach

c. performance reports beginning Fiscal Year 1998

d. The GPRA requires structured strategic planning and
measurement systems that indicate how well agencies are
achieving results based on their strategic performance
plans. It shifts the focus to outcomes how the public is
affected by the program.
Two fundamentals key to the success of GPRA are accountability
and flexibility. Managers cannot be held accountable for results
unless they are empowered with the authority and discretion needed
to accomplish results. The GPRA goal is an effective, efficient and
results-based government.

Chapter 1/Quality Air Force


The Quality Approach

Quality Leadership
Quality is not a new way of conducting business or a new
management tool. Military leaders of many eras have recognized
the value of quality leadership.
Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do
and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
United States Army

However, the terminology of quality is new and evolving. Leaders

must communicate quality through actions, attitudes and behaviors
and by clearly defining and communicating the mission and vision.
The Air Force Mission
To defend the United States through control and
exploitation of air and space.

A mission describes the task you face, the forces you bring to the
fight, what you hope to achieve and the medium in which you
operate. It is ongoing, enduring and symbolizes goals that will
stand for long periods of time.

Chapter 2/Leadership


The Air Force Vision

Air Force people building the worlds most respected air
and space power and reach for America.

Its more than a slogan a vision is a picture of the future. While

the mission describes the current tasks, the vision determines the
direction and helps you focus.
The core values of integrity first, service before self and
excellence in all we do are supported by a set of principles.
Theyre similar to a creed and provide a roadmap to help reach our
goals. Heres a look at the QAF principles:
Leadership involvement ... sets the pace for our journey by
establishing the vision, policies, priorities and strategies. Leaders
communicate these by creating an environment that supports trust,
teamwork, risk taking, initiative, reward and continuous
improvement. Leaders initiate and sustain quality in the culture, a
responsibility that cannot be delegated.
Dedication to mission ... is reflected in all we do as a team. No
matter what the role from flightline to family care every person
is critical to achieving global power and reach for America.
Respect for the individual ... happens as we recognize everyones
skills and contributions. Rank and level of responsibility shouldnt
be the measure for respect. Success comes when you understand
and appreciate each persons contributions to the team.


The Quality Approach

Decentralized organization ... breaks down functional walls and

eliminates layers of bureaucracy. By aligning an organization to
support critical processes, both customer and stakeholder prosper.
Decentralizing organizations returns decision-making authority to
the appropriate level.
Empowerment ... is one of the most misunderstood concepts.
Some leaders understand empowerment as a surrender of power to
subordinates. Not true! This isnt about power its about giving
people the tools they need to do their jobs. Leaders who have
learned to use empowerment find their roles enhanced not
weakened. The goal is to create an environment in which properly
trained subordinates can continually improve the organization.
This encourages innovation and risk taking. However,
empowerment is a two-way street. Once a leader empowers an
individual, they must accept the responsibility and accountability
that comes with empowerment.
Management by fact ... uses realistic measures to help indicate
when, where and how to improve the most important processes.
Data-driven decisions help identify smarter, more productive ways
to accomplish the mission.
Operating Style
Create a working environment that inspires trust, teamwork and
pride. Trust and teamwork instill pride and a sense of mission
Delegate responsibility and authority. Give people the tools,
training and guidance they need and they will accept accountability
for results.

Chapter 2/Leadership


Set goals, measure progress and reward performance. Develop

and communicate goals that support the Air Force vision and align
the objectives from top to bottom. Then measure results,
evaluate progress and celebrate success.
Give everyone a stake in the outcome. Empower people who own
the processes and products to ensure the acceptance of
responsibility and increased productivity.
Strive for continuous improvement. Challenge the concept of
business as usual. Understand customersneeds and
requirements, and learn new ways to do jobs smarter and better.

QAF Roles
Senior Leader Roles
Senior leaders set the pace of an organization by identifying the
values through strategic planning. In addition to planning for the
future, senior leaders talk with customers, focus on work to
complement the Air Force vision and measure significant objectives
necessary to accomplish the goals. They know the benefit of
creating a short-term plan (12-24 months) as well as a long-term
plan (over three years). These plans help keep the organization on
track. Turnover in leadership shouldnt change these plans,
however its realistic to expect the inevitable mid-course
Senior leaders can better plan for the future by listening to feedback
from the workforce and addressing individual and group needs.
Feedback through strong, positive communication helps leaders and
workers better understand the organizations processes.
Therefore, senior leaders must create a cooperative environment by
implementing policies and procedures that enable and energize the
work force.


The Quality Approach

Mid-level Leader Roles

Mid-level leaders provide training and resources, and facilitate
continuous process improvement. Everything they do is designed
to support organizational goals and objectives. From measuring
work processes to reviewing objectives, these people literally put
QAF theories to the test in the everyday workcenters. They also
make sure information on key issues moves smoothly along the
chain of command.
Individual Roles
Individuals who are the process experts are vital to the continuous
improvement process. Everyone must know the strategic goals
and critical processes that best support mission accomplishment and
customer requirements. Then they can work to understand each
persons contribution to those processes.
Front-line workers probably know better than anyone else whats
required to satisfy the customer. However, they cant help meet
mission goals if they dont understand the process. They must be
taught the basics, included in discussions that affect processes such
as estimating capability and developing metrics. Its important to
remember that process workers are essential in identifying key
issues to successfully execute the strategic plan.
Trust men and they will be true to you; trust them greatly,
and they will show themselves great.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quality Advisor Roles

Commanders play the lead role in implementing quality in a unit.
However, they will probably need assistance in bringing quality into
their day-to-day operations. The quality advisor assists and

Chapter 2/Leadership


advises the commander in the use of QAF principles, concepts,

tools and techniques to improve organizational, team and individual
performance. The quality advisor helps the commander build an
environment that results in trust, teamwork and continuous
improvement. According to David W. Hutton, in The Change
AgentsHandbook, to be most successful the quality advisor needs
Understand the leaders priorities and preference
Establish a relationship of mutual trust and respect
Assist the leader in understanding quality in practice
Most importantly, the quality advisor must have the commanders
full support.
Typically a quality advisor fulfills four roles architect, trainer,
coach and consultant.
An architect builds the support system used to institutionalize a
cultural change. This system consists of at least the following:
senior-leader council, quality working groups, education and
training efforts, teams, subordinate unit quality advisors, instructors
and an administrative support structure. The commander is the
foundation of the system and the quality advisor plans, builds and
implements this basic system within the organization.
An important duty of the quality advisor is training management.
The quality advisor assesses training needs, develops budgets and
resource priorities, schedules and organizes training and establishes
a plan to reinforce training in an on-the-job environment.
An extremely important role is that of coach. The commander is
the single most important public figure in the organization. The
actions of the commander are watched very closely. This is one
area where the quality advisor may have a significant impact. Like

The Quality Approach

a football or track coach, the quality advisor can observe the

leaders performance and make recommendations to encourage
behaviors that support quality in the organization, pinpoint
behaviors that are counter to the quality culture and give positive
and developmental feedback (Werner and Lynch, 94).
A quality advisor is also a consultant. The quality advisor
recommends, coaches, persuades, confronts and solves problems
depending on the situation. The quality advisors role is to
facilitate for leadership so they can plan, develop, deploy and revise
the strategic plan and its link to continuous improvement.

Chapter 2/Leadership



The Quality Approach

Quality Focus
Phases of Quality Focus
A quality organization must start with a sound systematic plan.
Planning is a leadership-driven cooperative effort between the
leadership team and the organization. Establishing a strong quality
focus requires substantial time and effort from the leadership team
as they formulate, deploy, implement and review their vision,
mission and plans.
Formulation Phase ... consists of defining the mission, vision,
values and developing goals and objectives from a macro or
system perspective. Envision an organization that fulfills its
mission, exceeds customer needs and expectations that may
constantly be changing. The ability to meet those demands
depends on actively listening and communicating with customers
regularly to help tailor performance.
Start setting customer-driven goals and objectives by answering the
following questions. Who are your key customers? What major
product or service characteristics (timeliness, accuracy, reliability,
etc.) are they most concerned about? Can you and your customers
agree on indicators to how well youre doing in those areas? Once
you reach agreement, monitor those indicators and use the
information to identify improvement. Finally, develop supporting
action, human resource and budget plans to move you toward the
goals and vision.
Deployment Phase ... builds a support structure to integrate the
mission, vision, values and goals throughout the organization. Its
important that communication be two-way to ensure understanding
and buy-in. A technique known as catchball is very useful to
achieve wide scale deployment. Catchball is a give-and-take
Chapter 3/Quality Focus


dialogue within the organization keep it going until everyone

understands the desired focus of the organization. Each level of
the organization should, in turn, develop goals, objectives and
action plans to support the overall goals. They will also need
functional plans while monitoring and tracking their processes and
product and service indicators to ensure quality consistently meets
customer requirements and performance goals.
Implementation Phase ... takes a common-sense approach to
implementation; focus on the most important and dont expect
immediate changes or 100% success. Natural working groups will
monitor the action plans and incrementally improve processes.
Other teams may need to identify improvements and breakthroughs
in a few selected areas critical to organizational success.
Review Phase ... compares your progress to the original plan. Do
your system indicators show youre meeting customer requirements
and improving performance? Do you have a tracking system for
your action plans and their results? Evaluate your overall planning
and implementation process, expanding your improvement efforts.
Strategic Planning Process
In order to effectively implement the four elements of quality focus
youll need a sound, systematic process. The process should help
review steps taken and search for ways to identify additional
improvement opportunities. There are many models and
approaches from which to choose. The Strategic Planning Model
developed by AFQI is one that provides a sound, systematic and
integrated process for achieving organization-wide quality focus.
Quality Air Force strategic planning is designed to provide a
structured and more detailed approach to accomplishing the
activities involved in the four phases of quality focus. The basic
elements include the mission, vision, values, goals, objectives and

The Quality Approach

action plans. In addition, metrics and indicators track performance

and a review indicates progress. There are plenty of planning
processes to choose from, many that are very similar. Whatever
process you choose, make sure it is systematic and addresses the
four phases of quality focus.
Heres an overview of the Strategic Planning Model developed by
AFQI. Although the model provides a recommended order of
activities, strategic planning requires flexibility and often the
simultaneous accomplishment of multiple activities (formulation and
deployment, deployment and implementation, etc.). Back-tracking
and overlapping between steps are common as new factors are
continually introduced.

Strategic Planning Model

3. Analyze

4. Envision the

2. Values

1. Planning
to Plan

11. Annual

6. Gap Analysis

Deploy Down

7. Develop
Strategic Goals
and Objectives

8. Develop
Functional Plans

10. Periodic

Chapter 3/Quality Focus

5. Assess Current

9. Implement


Step 1: Planning to Plan Leaders must first be willing to commit

the time and other resources necessary for an effective planning
process. Then the following must be identified: dedicated team
members, permanent facilitators, meeting schedules and
administrative support. A well-planned approach with milestones
and a target date for completion will help the team stay on track.
Without strong trust, teamwork and commitment, the planning
process is likely to fail. Therefore, a commitment to the process
and strong working relationship between the leadership team and
the organization is essential.
Step 2: Values Assessment The values driving behavior define
the organizational culture. Values mark the boundaries of any
planning process and should serve as a baseline for actions and
decision-making. Leadership should first assess current values
driving organizational behavior. Then it can determine which
values and behaviors to reinforce. Since people often base
behavior on perceived values it is critical to ensure their
perceptions reflect Air Force and organizational values. Use
metrics to monitor these behaviors. Finally, leadership must
communicate, encourage and reinforce the desired values and
related behaviors to integrate them into the organizational culture.
Step 3: Analyze Mission The entire planning team as well as the
rest of the organization completely understand the mission. The
team should create a mission statement that concisely expresses the
reason for existence. Key elements include the organizations
purpose, who it serves, how and why. The most effective mission
statements are easily recalled and provide direction and motivation
for the organization. When analyzing the mission, its important to
conduct an ongoing environmental scan.


The Quality Approach

This includes: identifying and analyzing factors that impact the

mission; identifying customers, suppliers and their requirements;
defining key result areas and defining key processes. Heres a look
at each of these:
Identify factors and drivers that impact the mission.
Anticipate and understand internal and external
environmental factors (political, budgetary, technology,
etc.) likely to impact your strategic planning. Consider
the factors identified in the environmental scan with the
products generated by each step of the model to validate
the strategic plan.
Identify customers, suppliers and their requirements.
Every customer (internal or external) has specific needs
and requirements that include a set of quality
characteristics (i.e. timeliness, accuracy, convenience,
dependability, etc.). Planning team members must
identify these requirements as well as suppliersneeds
and requirements. (A supplier is anyone who provides
materials, service or information to the organization.)
Fully understanding who the organizations key
customers and suppliers are helps identify the
requirements. Finally, customers and suppliers should
then validate their requirements before the team finalizes
the mission.
Define key result areas. The major categories of
customer requirements critical to organizational success
(e.g. responsive airlift, dependable air refueling, combat
ready equipment and people, etc.)? Usually
organizations have anywhere from six to twelve key
result areas. Determine customer expectations
associated with each key result area, then compare them
with organizational values to see if they are congruent.
Establish priorities based on this relationship.

Chapter 3/Quality Focus


Define key processes. Key processes are system-level

or macro processes that typically cross functional
boundaries. Normally, one to four key processes
support each key result area. Sometimes a key process
will support two or more key result areas. The
measurements of these key processes form the basis of a
sound metrics system.

Step 4: Envision the Future Envisioning the future makes

strategic planning proactive rather than reactive in nature. Without
a vision of the future, its hard to plan for anything except
sustainment. As Erich Fromm pointed out, The best way to
predict your future is to create it. A planning team should
visualize the future, develop possible scenarios and plan the
direction of the organization. From there, you can develop a
realistic vision; followed by a vision statement, organizational goals,
objectives and metrics.
Step 5: Assess Current Capabilities Evaluate key processes to
determine if they meet current and future customer requirements.
Use this assessment as a baseline for future improvement, as well as
the gap analysis. Measure current capabilities by referring to
recent inspection results and other existing data, or conducting a
unit self assessment. Another way to assess your current
capabilities is to compare your organization against external
Step 6: Gap Analysis The gap analysis identifies the progress
required to move the organization from its current capabilities to its
desired future state. If the progress required is minimal, perhaps
the future vision isnt ambitious enough. If the gap seems
overwhelming the future vision may be unrealistic. Benchmarking
with other internal and external organizations can help identify a
realistic gap. From the gap analysis, identify critical issues facing
the organization in relation to the key result areas and capabilities
for near- and long-term planning.


The Quality Approach

Step 7: Develop Strategic Goals and Objectives Tie strategic

goals to the vision and strategies for overcoming the critical issues.
Develop goals and objectives to bridge the gap between current
capability and the vision. The strategic goals and objectives form
the basis for the action plans. Prioritize and communicate this
information to collect and incorporate the feedback. The feedback
helps determine if goals and objectives are feasible and helps gain
support and commitment from unit personnel.
Step 8: Develop Action Plans At this point the planning team
commissions working groups to develop action plans. Senior
leadership should take an active role in developing action plans.
The action plans must address potential problem areas; consider the
cross-functional impact of the actions and include what if
provisions in case primary plans cant be executed. To develop
action plans define the subprocesses and tasks that align with and
support key processes in the organization. Develop methods to
measure the subprocesses. An important reminder before
implementing the action plans, give the senior planning team a
chance to review them for cross-functional integration, alignment
and system optimization.
Step 9: Implement Plans Functional, process action and
developmental teams and natural working groups all carryout the
plans to move the organization closer to its vision. Senior-leader
oversight and review are critical for effective implementation.
Step 10: Periodic Review Take some time each month to
review action plans and their progress. Use metric data to assess
progress and communicate the results throughout the organization.
Step 11: Annual Review Annually, the planning team should
review the overall Strategic Plan. Input metric data and the
periodic review results into the next planning cycle and review the
strategic planning process for continuous improvement.

Chapter 3/Quality Focus



The Quality Approach

Quality in Daily Operations
Quality in daily operations (QDO) implies repeatedly doing the best
at a job according to internal and external evaluation criteria. You
should be able to determine whether you are doing a good job
regardless of the frequency or duration of your tasks. In order to
determine this, you must know how your job is part of a process
that supports the larger Air Force mission. To do a good job in
daily operations look at the following components: customer and
suppliers interaction, metrics and an assessment process.

Customer/Supplier Model
This model is a simple illustration that demonstrates the flow of
inputs and outputs through a process.

Customer/Supplier Model





Using the model, ask the following questions about the products
and services you provide:

Chapter 4/Quality in Daily Operations


What do you need from your suppliers (people or processes

that provide tools, equipment, raw materials, questions,
information, etc.) to make your process work?
What type of feedback could you provide your suppliers to
benefit the process?
Is your part of the process effective and efficient?
What products or services do you provide customers?
What type of feedback is needed to meet customer expectations?
A metric is a meaningful measurement taken over a period of time
that communicates vital information about a process or activity,
leading to fact-based decisions. There are many things to measure
to help better understand systems and processes but its simply
not feasible to measure them all. Instead, select the critical few
metrics for process and monitor them. The following are eight
characteristics of a good metric according to The Metrics
Handbook, AFMC Pamphlet 90-102:
Meaningful to the customer
Simple, understandable, logical and repeatable
Shows a trend
Clearly defined
Data thats economical to collect
Drives appropriate action
Shows how organizational goals and objectives
are being met through tasks and processes


The Quality Approach

The mission, vision, goals and objectives of the organization should

be developed first in order to manage daily operations according to
metrics. Remember: evaluate systems and processes not people!
Sources of Metrics
Each organization may already have measures available for the
metrics you need. Using or modifying available information saves
time and duplication of effort. Air Force agencies have extensive
databases on budgets, training, maintenance, personnel information,
etc. In addition, other organizations that do similar work may have
helpful ideas (see Benchmarking in Chapter 5).

Examples of Metrics
Most successful organizations are able to continually produce
quality products and services very quickly. They have processes in
place that allow workers to meet high standards in their products
and services. What metrics might organizations use to evaluate
themselves to ensure success? How is customer satisfaction
translated into metrics that can guide and inspire their individual
workers? The following are a few examples of metrics that might
be worthwhile in some organizations:
1. An outcome/customer satisfaction metric ... such as the
percentage of customers who respond excellent service
provided on random surveys over a pre-determined period of
time. The goal would be to keep the percentage high. This
survey could also help identify specific areas for improvement.

Chapter 4/Quality in Daily Operations


2. A process metric ... such as percentage return rate would

measure the number of defective products versus the number
produced. The goal would be to stabilize the percentage at a
small number. The nature of the defects could be displayed in
a pareto chart to identify problem areas in processes.
3. A system metric ... such as time spent in an organization on
internal processes versus time spent interfacing with the
4. A supplier metric ... such as percentage of items that arrive
late. The results could be used to negotiate a better
arrangement with suppliers, find a new supplier or decide no
changes are necessary.
When developing and managing a metric, be sure to communicate
its purpose, the results obtained, decisions made and actions taken
based on the metric. Also remember that what is measured will
drive behavior in the organization. If measurements are made
irrationally, erratically, without a clear purpose or with negligence,
expect similar behavior from the organization.

Assessment Process
Metrics measure processes over time. An assessment method is
needed to measure the success of the QAF system. To help track
your progress, the QAF roadmap includes assessment and awards
programs. You can use the QAF Criteria to measure your
progress. There are many formal assessment processes that the AF
uses to evaluate organizations. These assessments include IG
inspections, operational readiness inspections, unit self assessments,
award and recognition programs such as the Secretary of the Air
Force Unit Quality Award and the Chief of Staff Team Excellence
Award (see Chapters 1 and 6 for more detailed explanations).
These assessment processes incorporate metrics and may be of
assistance in developing metrics in your unit.


The Quality Approach

Improvement Process
Once you have defined your metrics and begun to achieve
maximum performance in your daily operations you will find
opportunities to improve your processes. Four approaches to
exploiting these opportunities are the continuous improvement
process (CIP), action workout, benchmarking, and reengineering.
The concept of process improvement is based on the Shewhart
Shewhart Cycle
The Shewhart cycle, also referred to as the Ishikawa Circle or
Deming Wheel, is a systematic approach to achieving continuous
improvement. The approach involves repetition and is often
represented graphically as a circle. The circle has four quadrants:
plan, do, study and act (PDSA).



Study Do

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Plan Study the process flow and any existing data. Formulate
possible improvements and experiments or decide on methods to
gather data. When working with a new process, be willing to
concede additional time to this quadrant to identify and think about
the processes.
Do Implement the improvement effort youve planned using a
small-scale test. Working from too large a base of change can
make it difficult to assess the effects of the change. Train the
people responsible for implementation. They need to know what
the goal of this change is, and how they impact the implementation
Study Measure the results of the improvement effort. Analyze
the data collected. Study the results to see if the process was
improved. This quadrant gives you the chance to see if you
measured the right things and can also give you helpful clues about
Act If the result was a clear improvement, the team should agree
to make the change permanent, standardizing and documenting all
actions. If the results werent successful, identify the cause then go
back to the plan quadrant and start over again with the newly
acquired knowledge.
Teams in the Work Place
One of the most effective ways to use the PDSA cycle is in a team
setting. Teams are a critical part of the QAF culture. They
improve existing processes, solve problems or develop new plans or
procedures. Team members benefit from a wide range of ideas and
an increased knowledge of the system. Four of the more common
types of teams are tiger teams, process action teams, developmental
teams and natural working groups. The teams can include workers
from different organizations, but everyone must share a given


The Quality Approach

Tiger Teams ... are formed by senior leadership to address

symptoms of a specific problem. High visibility and priority are
two important characteristics of tiger teams. Members are
normally selected for their expertise in the problem area. Tiger
teams normally meet for a short time and promptly disband after
they alleviate the symptom or complete the task. They are of
limited utility, formed only to address symptoms not develop long
term solutions.
Process Action Teams ... are formed to improve an existing
process. The process owner must clearly define the scope of
activities and establish the duration of the task. Team members
should have a vested interest in improving a process. They should
be trained in group dynamics, the continuous improvement process
model and basic quality tools.
Developmental Teams ... are formed to design new processes or
projects. Members do not have to be experts in the tasks being
developed. They may need training in the use of basic quality tools
and may or may not be chartered.
Natural Working Groups ... typically work with a common
desire to continually improve shared work processes. These
members participate in the process and have a vested interest in its
success or failure. Decisions regarding improvement efforts rely
upon data collected relative to the process. By continually
measuring the process, team members can be responsive to
Self-Directed Work Teams ... can evolve from natural working
groups. Members working closely together in a work unit
eventually gain a significant understanding of their work processes
and the results produced. Because they also know their
organizations mission, goals and operating guidelines they can
analyze the processes and develop and monitor useful measures to
identify improvement opportunities. They trust one another and
have refined interpersonal skills that contribute to reducing negative

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


conflict and achieving the ultimate goal of delivering the product or

service. A fully-functioning self-directed work team actually
directs its own work. This high-performing team requires support
from supervisors and leaders who must maintain an environment in
which the team can excel.
Basic Tools and Techniques
Use basic quality tools to work through the continuous
improvement process. These tools can be grouped into four
categories: generating ideas, making decisions, analyzing problems
and analyzing data. They are described below and discussed in
greater detail in Appendix A; the Process Improvement Guide.
Generating ideas Get your team thinking and working together
with idea starters. These tools work well for teams or individuals
and can be adapted to suit changing purposes. Some examples are
brainstorming, mental imaging and the five whys.
Making decisions Organize the ideas generated and aim for
consensus or a win-win decision. Tools to help teams make
decisions include nominal group technique, pairwise ranking,
multivoting and benchmarking.
Analyzing problems Searching for the root cause of problems
can be challenging whether analyzing just one part or the entire
process. Some helpful tools to use are cause-and-effect diagrams,
flowcharts, pareto charts and thematic content analysis.
Analyzing data Throughout improvement efforts, a lot of data
will surface for analysis. Some tools to use for analyzing data
include: check-sheets, histograms, run charts, box plots, control
charts and process capabilities ratios.


The Quality Approach

Continuous Improvement Process

The continuous improvement process (CIP) is a systematic
approach to planing, sequencing and implementing improvement
efforts. It is not the only process improvement model or method,
but it is a very comprehensive improvement process based on the
Shewhart cycle. Additionally, CIP provides a common language
and methodology for all Air Force members to better understand
the improvement effort.
CIP Model
O r g a n i z a t i o n s
goals & priorities
1. Identify
im p r o v e m e n t

Im p r o v e
7. Plan for future

6. Standardize

2. Evaluate process





3. A n a l y z e

5. Study results

4. Take action

Step 1: Identify Improvement Opportunity

Select the appropriate process for improvement that impacts the
organizations mission and is linked to its key processes. This
helps ensure the most return on investment (ROI) for the teams
efforts. Establish a logical pattern or framework to lead the team
through the improvement process. Develop indicators, such as
graphs or control charts, to accurately display and help visualize the
Chapter 5/Improvement Process


need for improvement. Remember to narrow the focus to a

specific process; keep the improvement efforts within the teams
span of control.
Identify the organizations key processes
Ensure everyone understands why the process was
selected for improvement and its relationship to the
strategic plan
Identify customer-defined critical success factors
Develop a macro-process flowchart
Prioritize candidate processes
Identify the process to improve
Identify process owner, customers, suppliers and
Identify customer requirements
Establish indicators that will measure process
Develop schedule for completing CIP and leadership


The Quality Approach

Step 2: Evaluate the Process

Select an improvement opportunity and focus on the problems in
close detail. Collect and interpret data relating to the process and
identify a specific issue to tackle. Remember, the word problem
describes any discrepancy between the current and desired state of
a process.
Develop as is flowchart to task level
Identify process measurement relevant to customers
then collect the data
Stratify the problem to a specific level for analysis
Identify the most significant part of the problem
Validate customer requirements against process
Ensure the problem statement addresses the gap
between the desired state and the actual state of the
Establish the target for improvement (use data)
Step 3: Analyze
To identify and verify the root causes of the problem use analytical
tools to explore the data. Do not focus on symptoms! Analysis can
help avoid discussing symptoms while identifying areas that need
more information. Whether focusing on a single stage or an entire
process, a careful analysis can help you succeed.

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Perform cause-and-effect analysis of the problem
Analyze potential root causes
Select the root cause that has the greatest probable
Verify the root causes (use data)
Step 4: Take Action
Plan and implement actions that correct root causes. The team can
propose improvements by using an action plan matrix to identify
specific methods to use in attacking root causes. The action plan
should address what, who, how and when plus identify the resources
needed. The methods should be feasible, effective and cost
Develop and evaluate possible actions
Ensure the actions are cost-beneficial
Develop an action plan
Test actions (if possible) before fully implementing them
Get the cooperation and approval needed
Implement the action plan
Step 5: Study Results
Confirm that the actions taken achieved their target results. Its
important to understand why the target was or wasnt met. If the actions
were not effective, additional actions may have to be implemented.


The Quality Approach

Confirm the indicator was the same one used to identify
the process
Determine if the action results met or exceeded the
Discuss why the target was or wasnt met
If the target wasnt met, confirm additional actions
Step 6: Standardize Solution
Maintain the improved level of performance. Integrate the teams
improvement efforts into the organization; make improvements a
regular part of daily operations. A control system can help by
outlining the process, tasks involved, improvement efforts and
Publish revised methods and procedures
Conduct training on new processes
Create periodic process review points
Consider areas for replication
Step 7: Plan for Future
Plan what to do with remaining problems and evaluate the teams
effectiveness. The improvement process allows the team the
opportunity to review the work accomplished, address remaining
issues and evaluate effectiveness. Additionally, the team can review
lessons learned in problem-solving, interpersonal communications
and group dynamics.

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Analyze and evaluate any remaining issues
Plan any future actions necessary
Evaluate the teams problem-solving skills and their
QAF Tools
There are a number of tools that can be effectively used in each of
the 7-steps of the CIP. Although some of the tools work better in
one area than another, it is up to each team to choose based on its
comfort level with each tool. A skilled facilitator can help
determine the tools a team should use.
The Continuous Improvement Storyboard
Storyboards visually and logically present the appropriate steps in a
plan or task. As an alternative to a lengthy narrative,
storyboarding captures and tracks basic ideas, plans, activities
and process actions. This technique is applicable to a wide range of
process improvement or planning activities and requires minimal
resources, materials and equipment.
Storyboards are usually visually appealing in their layout and
design; they stimulate the readers imagination. (Creating a
storyboard can be a team building exercise in itself!) Another useful
consequence of storyboards is the immediate feedback received.
Ideas, suggestions and constructive criticism from coworkers not
directly involved on the team can be posted using sticky-back notes.
Additionally, they aid in documenting the teams work and are an
excellent briefing tool.


The Quality Approach

Make the storyboard as simple or as complicated as you like.

Get the team involved in selecting the storyboard it plans to use.
Personalize the storyboard with team membersnames or use a
group photo. A sample storyboard is provided below.
1. Identify improvement

Team info





2. Evaluate process




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213

3. Analyze


4. Take action

6. Standardize

5. Study results

7. Plan for future





Study Do







1 2 3 4



6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Action Workout
An Action Workout (AWO) is a rapid, concentrated, high-energy,
team effort to make dramatic productivity improvements in any
The AWO is driven by an urgent need to improve a process. Units
can identify an AWO candidate through their Unit Self Assessment
process or functional managers for systemic problems.

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


An AWO is designed to eliminate non-value added work and to

reduce cost, work-hours (not personnel) and cycle times of key
You can apply the AWO techniques to identify non-value-added
work and waste. Some tools used in AWO include: video taping
(to document work practices); using of visual controls;
brainstorming; trystorming (going out and actually trying the new
ideas rather than debating issues); process mapping; and modeling
and simulation (if available). These basic tools and techniques
produce significant results when team members apply them in a
barrier-free environment that allows for a free flow of ideas.

Action Workout the Human

Working Harder vs Working Smarter






Working Harder




Identify Waste
Eliminate Waste
Replace with Value-added Work



Working Smarter

Work Content
The diagram above depicts two distinct options to take in
approaching daily work. Most work usually consists of productive
activity and significant amounts of waste. However, when faced
with additional work, we often take the path depicted by the top

The Quality Approach

arrow and cram the extra work into what is an already very busy
and wasteful day. Consequently, this approach leads to longer
days, additional shifts, requests for more personnel, etc., because
systemic waste is never addressed. The path shown by the lower
arrow is the ideal path to take. Process owners and stakeholders
must determine what is necessary to eliminate waste in order to
work smarter, not harder. This approach creates space for
increased work capacity, multi-skilled workers and recovery time.
There are three classifications of work content: (1) value-added, (2)
non-value-added, and (3) queue or wait time.
Value-added activities are those tasks the customer is willing
to pay for that affects the form, fit, or function of the product.
Compliance tasks typically fall into this category. Usually less
than 10% of any process is truly value-added. Teams should not
look for short-cuts but for more efficient ways (reduce nonvalue-added steps) to get the job done while maintaining safety and
conformance standards. Units should first attempt to creatively reengineer a process and remove non-value-added rather than buy
newer and faster equipment.

Reduce Waste

Typical Processes
Non-value added


World-class Process



Figure - Waste Elimination

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Non-value-added increase the time, resources required and

costs of products and services while not benefiting the product or
customer. For example, walking across a shop floor to get a tool
is non-value-added activity. In most cases, the tools should be
located where workers accomplish the tasks. Often, leaders can
eliminate non-value-added steps by multi-skilling their people.
For example, calling a flight line specialist to perform a task in a
back-shop is non-value-added if shop chiefs can adequately train
their own people to do the task. Multi-skilling allows workers to
remain in their primary work centers while reducing wait time.
Teams should eliminate non-value-added activities or activities that
add cost or require additional resources.
Queue time occurs when people cannot complete their work
because other products being produced, maintained or repaired are
already ahead of them in the system. For example, a worker who
is inspecting an engine part can only safely inspect one engine part
at a time. If other workers send four engine parts at a time, they
add queue time to the process since the inspector will not get to
work on the other three engine parts until the first inspection is
complete. Thus, it makes more sense for the entire team to
process one engine part at a time while sequentially completing the
tasks. Waiting time is another form of process delay. You
cannot eliminate all of the waiting time from the system. However,
workers should not have to wait for material deliveries or for
machine set-up periods. Team members should find ways to avoid
waiting period whenever possible.
Types of Waste
Teams need to figure out what tasks must be accomplished to get
the job done while meeting customer requirements. Inherently,
there are non-value-added activities associated with normal work.
These non-value-added steps typically fall into one of the following
categories of waste.


The Quality Approach

Production Waste
Over production producing more than needed or faster than
Correction/rework repair of product or service not meeting
customer expectations
Motion movement that does not directly add value to the
product or service
Processing work or effort that adds no value to the
Inventory materials exceeding what is required to work
productively via standard operations
Transportation Waiting people waiting for work or work
waiting in batches for people
Administrative Waste
Unnecessary approval
Batch processing
Multiple/manual systems
Multiple hand-offs
Waiting times
Not knowing who the customer is or their requirements
Paper vice electronic means of transferring information
The administrative process itself unnecessary movement of
product or information
AWO is systematic and results oriented. It begins with identifying
the targets of opportunity the processes that contain non-valueadded work and narrowing the focus down to a manageable level.
This allows you to get results real-time. Once customer and
mission requirements are confirmed document the actual work.
Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Next, tear into the work content, identifying value-added and nonvalue-added work along with queue and wait time. Finally,
systematically eliminate the non-value-added work and queue time
through a reiterative effort of brainstorming and trying of new
Another process available for continuous improvement is
benchmarking. Benchmarking is an organized way for Air Force
units to become more innovative an essential ingredient to infuse
excellence in all we do.
The defense of our country requires the aggressive pursuit of bestin-class service in all operational and support areas. Process
improvement must be accelerated wherever necessary to assure
operational efficiency and effectiveness at the benchmark level.
Executive Order 12862, Setting Customer Standards, directs
benchmarking customer service performance against the best in
business. Best in Business shall mean the highest quality of
service delivered to customers by private organizations providing a
comparable analogous service.
Benchmarking directly impacts the QAF Criteria, the framework for
improving overall unit performance. Benchmarking is addressed
throughout the criteria as an essential component to develop
appropriate goals and attaining superior processes and, most
importantly, results.
David T. Kearns, former CEO of Xerox, provided one of the
earliest definitions of benchmarking ... the continuous process of
measuring products, services, and practices against the toughest
competitors or those companies recognized as industry leaders.


The Quality Approach

From this early definition of benchmarking evolved many other

definitions to include the Air Force definition the process of
finding and adapting best practices to improve organizational
Benchmarking is a process and not just a tool. It requires inputs
that are systematically addressed through valued-added activity to
reach an end product (superior performance). Benchmarking is
about finding, which reflects the discovery piece of learning.
Adapting, not adopting, suggest our willingness to take what we
learn from others, combine those learnings with our own
organizations wisdom, and exhibit our action-oriented bias for
process improvement. A single or absolute best practice may be
elusive; however, we must find what are recognized as best
practices to achieve breakthrough levels of performance. All this is
done to improve organizational performance (results).
Unlike other improvement methods such as CIP, reengineering,
problem solving, etc., benchmarking requires developing an
external orientation to the units performance in relation to others.
Further, benchmarking does not merely encourage organizations to
compare themselves with others, but to learn from them. The
benchmarking process finds the best practices and explains how
and why their performance is the standard of excellence.
Benchmarking is not just a study. When leadership commits itself
to achieving benchmark levels of performance, it should implement
improvements based on the findings of the benchmarking team.
Without implementation, have only conducted a comparative
study not a complete benchmarking effort.

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Reasons for Benchmarking

A typical scenario might be as follows: A process action team
learns that another organization was world-class and probably
had a best practice worth considering. The team decides the
process is critical to the entire organization. Senior leadership
approves a change for the team to benchmark against the best in
class, and the team finds quantum improvements not thought
possible until seeing success from the other organization.
Important reasons to benchmark include:
Attaining higher mission effectiveness ratings
Improving the quality of services and products (doing it
better); shortening cycle times (doing it faster); and
reducing operations and support costs (doing it cheaper)
Establishing actionable and rational goals for strategic
Addressing opportunities for improvement from the
units self assessment
The benchmarking process promotes breakthrough improvements
enabling an organization to match or even surpass other
organizations with similar processes. Why does it work?
Benchmarking is directly tied to the units mission and goals It's
the essential methodology for best-in-class or world-class

The benchmarking process involves four phases: planning the
benchmarking effort, collecting information, analyzing the data and
adapting best practices. An adaptation of the Shewhart Cycle.


The Quality Approach



Analyze Collect

Planning Phase What should be benchmarked? What can be

gained from the benchmarking effort? These two questions will
help focus activities during the initial planning phase.
Seek the leadership support of an executive champion from the
onset. This person may be a process owner, squadron commander,
member of the wing quality council or someone capable of
implementing the findings and recommendations of the team.
Assemble a team composed of at least one or two members directly
involved in the targeted process area. Contact the local quality
improvement office or command benchmarking champion to obtain
Benchmark a key process (or sub-process) that will directly impact
one of the key result areas look to the organizations strategic
plan to identify priorities for benchmarking. Dont benchmark an
unmanageable process like aircraft maintenance its just too big.
Look at subprocesses that are manageable and still directly impact
the organizations goals. If you select a process at too low a level,
e.g., at the task level, the benchmarking efforts will be
suboptimized. Anticipate the benchmarking candidate process to
be cross-functional and impact more than one office or section
across the organization.

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Once a process is selected to benchmark, study it in depth. There

might be discrepancies that easily can be addressed through
optimizing on-hand resources called entitlements. If found, make
corrections where appropriate, baseline performance, then press on
with benchmarking. Since a benchmarking partnership is benefited
by mutual disclosure, document the process and be willing to share
it with a benchmarking partner. Do not attempt to collect data
before finishing planning the study.
Collecting Phase Start this phase by reviewing the internationally
recognized Benchmarking Code of Conduct (Appendix E) to guide
all data collection efforts. In this phase, try to identify the criteria
in a benchmarking partner to assure a meaningful exchange of
information. Those individuals closest to the process (customers,
suppliers or workers) may be able to help identify a handful of
potential benchmarking partners. As necessary, consider the
limited use of screening surveys, detailed questionnaires or
interview questionnaires.
Take a disciplined approach to collecting data in the following
Internal research. Look inside your organization for
previously conducted research.
External research. Look outside your organization to
other armed services or public domain sources.
Primary investigation. A trip is not always necessary,
but if it is, review and strictly adhere to the
benchmarking code of conduct.
Analysis Phase The volume of data collected may be
overwhelming. Examine the performance data to find out how
well their processes perform, and more importantly, look for the
process data to tell you why their process is superior. The best
practices may jump out at you immediately!


The Quality Approach

Analysis is necessary to compare their data (collection phase)

against your data (planning phase). In the event you end up with
apples-to-oranges, normalize the data to make relevant
comparisons and analyze the performance and/or process gaps.
Once youve made the comparison, study the best practices and
their associated enablers the things, processes or cultural elements
that make their practice superior. The best practice may not be
singular nor cosmic, but if it contributes to the benchmark-level
performance, consider how to use it in the organization.
The important thing in science is not so much to obtain
new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.
Sir William Bragg

Adaptation Phase Communicate the teams findings to those

responsible for implementing the best practices as well as the
stakeholders involved. If necessary, senior leadership may wish to
adjust organizational goals based on this new information.
Develop an action plan to implement the best practices in a way
that works with the organizations culture. Depending on the
process level targeted, look for dramatic improvements to make the
organization the new standard of excellence.
A word of caution: benchmarks are not static. Recalibrate the
benchmark as required to maintain organizational effectiveness.
Ensure superior performance longevity by re-benchmarking the
process benchmarking cycle time should be shorter the second
time around.

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement

Once the best practices are implemented and performance has
stabilized, the seven-step continuous improvement process (CIP)
takes over. The CIP is essential to raising the organizations
standard of excellence even higher and not being complacent with
best-in-class performance.

Im eakt
pr hro
em ugh




Use the CIP in conjunction with benchmarking to make incremental

improvements until the benchmark must be recalibrated. Until that
time, benchmark another key process while CIP is running on the
first process benchmarked.
Process Reengineering
Having just completed the benchmarking study, the benchmarking
team may conclude that the best practice(s) can not be easily
adapted without overhauling important functions of the
organization. The team may recommend to senior leadership that
the process be dramatically changed through reengineering the
process of radically redesigning a process to achieve a
breakthrough in performance. To reengineer a process, senior


The Quality Approach

leadership may also need to consider the redesign of the

organizational structure, its management system and possibly its
values to attain and surpass benchmark performance levels.
Caution: Reengineering is usually considered a clean sheet
approach to implementing organizational change. The results will
be dramatic positively or negatively depending on the
organizations approach. For this reason, its important to
benchmark before reengineering to develop a sense of what success
looks like before dramatically altering the manner in which the
organization operates. From the benchmarking model, the
jumping off point for reengineering would be prior to the
adaptation phase:



Analyze Collect

Reengineering Methodology
Reengineering may involve many steps and sub-steps depending on
the level of complexity of the reengineering effort. The phases of
this methodology, like benchmarking, can also be linked to the
Shewhart Cycle of Plan-Do-Study-Act through the phases of
planning, redesigning, analyzing and implementation.

Chapter 5/Improvement Process






Planning Phase Attaining senior leadership commitment is more

critical in beginning a reengineering effort than a benchmarking
effort since the reengineering effort is a more radical approach to
breakthrough improvement.
Planning for reengineering involves many of the same components
as the planning phase of benchmarking. As in benchmarking, first
learn what the organization does before asking why it is done.
Review the efforts of previous process analysis in benchmarking
planning. Although not exclusively reserved for reengineering,
reengineers commonly use more sophisticated analytical tools to
diagnose the current process.
Redesigning Phase Knowing how the work is performed, the
team must now ask why the work is performed. Question
everything. Throughout this phase, the team will be generating
alternative approaches to process redesign. In doing so, the team
will determine its criteria for a reengineered process. Consider
both efficiency measures (costs and cycle times) and effectiveness
measures in describing an ideal reengineered process. The team
may use idea generating tools to create alternatives such as simple
brainstorming techniques.
Most importantly, consider applying new or emerging technologies
to your process. For example, information technology is a key
enable to maintaining competitiveness in most operational and
support areas.


The Quality Approach

Analysis Phase This phase is actually comprised of two parts:

selecting between alternatives and identifying the impact of the new
design on the organization. Selection between the various options
will be based on potential benefits of each alternative. The team
may develop scenarios or to be state descriptions for each
alternative. A performance comparison may still be checked
against the benchmark.
Project the impact of the redesign on the organizations personnel,
physical and monetary resources, culture, and other processes and
strategic priorities. Try modeling the future state and developing
scenarios to predict the impact of the change to the mission and the
Implementation Phase Success of any reengineering effort is
dependent on the ability to properly implement the new design.
Communicate the findings to the stakeholders as the earliest
Again like benchmarking, this phase involves project management.
However, unlike benchmarking, ownership of previous
organizational functions may change. Managing dramatic change
will involve careful project planning to assure the organization
continues to perform its mission in the midst of turmoil that radical
change brings.

Reengineering and Continuous Improvement

Reengineering is not a frequently used organizational process
improvement tool nor should it be. It should be reserved for crossfunctional processes that impact the organizational performance and
can not be corrected by creatively adapting best practices. Once a
redesigned process is implemented and performance has stabilized,
hand the process over to the continuous improvement process for
adjustments as necessary.

Chapter 5/Improvement Process


Once we reengineer the process, when do we reengineer it again?

It may be necessary to reengineer again if the rules of
engagement change for the process. These rules may change
based on trends in technology, competition or strategic imperatives.
The reengineering model depicts a wheel that turns and repeats its
cycle, but unlike the frequently turning Deming Wheel, the
reengineering wheel should turn only when necessary then stop.
With todays demanding pace and requirements for organizational
flexibility, the wheel should always be an available option to
maintain competitiveness.


The Quality Approach

Quality Air Force
In the past, military inspections focused on individual components
of an organization looking for conformance to a predetermined
standard. However, Quality Air Force assessments focus on the
entire systems level of performance . Both a Quality Air Force
Assessment (QAFA) and Unit Self Assessment (USA) allow units
to evaluate their success in applying the principles of Quality Air
Force. The QAFA an external assessment and the USA an
internal assessment identify organizational strengths and
opportunities for improvement. They help focus improvement
efforts on areas having the most impact on the units ability to meet
mission requirements. Assessments ultimately provide leaders a
nonprescriptive feedback report describing the organization and
its current performance levels. These assessments are based on the
Quality Air Force Criteria.
Quality Air Force Criteria
The QAF Criteria, based on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
Award (MBNQA), are grouped into seven broad categories. The
categories provide the framework to tie together the multitude of
seemingly independent tasks units perform to accomplish the
mission and assess their relative effectiveness. The four elements
of the QAF Criteria framework are as follows:

Chapter6/Quality Air Force Assessments


Driver Senior leadership is responsible for: setting the

direction for the organization; creating organizational
values, goals and systems; and guiding the pursuit of
customer value, mission accomplishment; performance
improvement and customer satisfaction
Planning Process Well-defined and well-planned
processes are essential to meeting the organizations
mission and customer performance requirements
Measures of Progress These measures serve as a
results-oriented basis for channeling actions to improve
organizational mission performance
Goals Goals deliver ever-improving mission
performance and value to customers
Criteria Systems Model
of Progess



5.0 Process
7.0 Customer Focus
and Satisfaction

1.0 Leadership

3.0 Strategic Planning

4.0 Human Resourse

Development and


6.0 Performance
2.0 Information and


The Quality Approach

This Criteria Systems Model, derived from Figure 1.1 in AFI 90501, depicts the connection and integration of the categories that
comprise the whole system. The driver of the system is leadership.
The organizations senior leaders focus efforts on meeting current
and future mission and customer requirements. Inputs to the
planning process come from data on the current and future mission
and customer requirements, as well as organizational performance
measures. The measures of progress include: data from the
customers perspective; operational performance measures; human
resource and development measures; and financial performance
measures. All of these inputs are tracked in the information and
analysis function. The goals of the system are to continuously
improve the organizations operational performance, mission
accomplishment and customer satisfaction.
The QAF Criteria offer a well-designed framework to help raise
performance standards and expectations and help in planning,
training and assessment. The following are specific ways applying
the criteria can benefit an organization:
Help best execute the mission by becoming more
effective, efficient and focused
Emphasize how different units act in concert to produce
a units end product mission
Facilitate communications based upon a shared
knowledge of quality and mission requirements
Improve overall operational performance within the
Enable a thorough, accurate assessment of an
organizations systems and how they affect customer
and supplier relationships and mission accomplishment

Chapter6/Quality Air Force Assessments


The QAF Criteria are arranged into seven categories. Here is a

brief summary of each.
1.0 Leadership
Senior leaders demonstrate their commitment to quality principles
through personal involvement in directing the organizations focus.
They also prove their commitment by being directly involved in
quality efforts and receiving education and training in the quality
disciplines. You can measure top leadership involvement by
observing several things. How is Quality Air Force integrated
throughout the organization? Are the senior leaders driving and
supporting the implementation? Are daily operations oriented and
focused toward the customer and mission? Has this focus
extended throughout the base community? Exploring these
questions will indicate your senior leaderslevel of commitment.

2.0 Information and Analysis

The drive for quality excellence demands a strong push to
effectively manage and use data and information. This category
examines the scope, validity and analysis of data used to improve
operational performance. It helps a unit determine if it is collecting
and managing the information important to operational and mission
performance improvements. How do the data and information
systems your unit employs support improvement efforts toward
customer and mission focus? Do they provide information on the
units internal operations? Is the right information readily available
to the people who need it to drive improvement efforts? These
questions help assess the organizations ability to improve
operational performance.


The Quality Approach

3.0 Strategic Planning

Plans should include performance improvement goals and
quantifiable objectives both short and long term for all key areas
in an organization. Does the organizations planning process
consider: future customer and mission requirements, human
resource and development requirements, expected developments in
technology and changes in its environment, budget and manning?
What long and short-term plans are produced by this process?
How does the organization translate and deploy the key quality and
performance requirements to the entire organization? Answering
these questions will assist in the strategic planning process.

4.0 Human Resource Development and Management

People are the Air Forces most important resource; this category
examines the way an organization manages and develops its people.
Does the organization help workers reach their full potential? Are
people enabled and empowered to reach quality and operational
performance goals? Do they receive the support and training
needed to help the organization reach the goals and objectives in its
strategic plan? Does the organizations environment satisfy the
needs of its internal customers? These questions can lead to a
better understanding of an organizations approach and deployment
of methods to improve the development of its work force.
5.0 Process Management
Key processes help consistently deliver high levels of operational
performance. This category examines how a unit translates its
customer and mission requirements into processes capable of
meeting those requirements. It takes a look at how an
organization manages, controls and improves these processes to
ensure they continually meet customer and mission requirements.
Finally it examines how the organization assesses and improves the
Chapter6/Quality Air Force Assessments


quality of the products and services it receives from its suppliers.

Systematic quality improvement and quality and performance
assessment are major players in this category.
6.0 Performance Results
Every organization needs proof or evidence that the processes and
programs it implemented actually improved quality and overall
mission performance. How do you get this evidence? Measure the
inputs, process and outputs of the operations. Data collected from
these measures cover the entire system, from the supplier of parts
and services, through the daily operations, to the end result
mission readiness.
7.0 Customer Focus and Satisfaction
Successful organizations consistently meet or exceed customers
needs and mission requirements. This category addresses the
interface between each organization and those outside
organizations (or individuals) who receive the key products and
services. The units mission statement helps identify the
organizations customers. The entire cycle of external customer
contact is contained in this single category from determination of
basic needs through post-delivery feedback. Organizations that
deliver high quality mission performance, that listen to customer
feedback and adjust to meet changing requirements, hold the key to
continually excelling in their mission.


The Quality Approach

Scoring the criteria

These 7 categories are divided into 24 items. The system used to
score an organization is based on the units response for the
criterias 24 items. Use the score to baseline the organization.
The scoring system has three dimensions: approach, deployment
and results. Approach refers to the systematic method(s) used to
achieve the requirements addressed by the items the how an
organization accomplishes the item. Deployment is the method
and extent the approach is applied. Results refers to outcome
and effect in achieving the purposes addressed in the criteria.
QAF System Model and QAF Criteria Interrelationship
The QAF system model is guided by leadership which is the
driver for the QAF criteria. The seven QAF categories are an
interwoven system used to diagnose the effectiveness of a unit in
accomplishing its mission and service to its customers. The inputs
to the system are customers and their requirements. A unit first
needs to define its customers and then identify what is important to
each one (7.0). Once customer requirements are identified, the
leadership (1.0) can develop its mission and direction. Once the
mission and direction are defined, the organization can identify
measures of success within the Information and Analysis category
(2.0). In the quality focus area, senior leaders develop short- and
long-term goals and strategies relating to each of the performance
measures during the strategic planning process (3.0). Based on the
goals and improvement strategies outlined in the organizations
plans, the following systems and processes should be developed:
human resource systems (4.0); work processes in the direct and
indirect areas of the organization (5.0); and processes used to
manage relationships with customers (7.2). Quality in daily
operations ensures these systems and processes are implemented,
measured and reviewed regularly. All of these systems and
processes must work together to produce internal performance

Chapter6/Quality Air Force Assessments


results (6.0) and external results for customers (7.4 and 7.5).
Depending on the results improvement processes can be used to
ensure the products and services meet mission requirements.
Quality Air Force
The language of Quality is heard at all levels of the Air Force.
There are many different methods for implementation. This
handbook is just one reference to use to sustain the quality journey
towards process improvement and mission enhancement. These
concepts, models and measurement tools have proven to be of
value in the pursuit of improving operations and quality of life.
As we look to the future, a quality culture will continue
to be important to our Air Force. We will employ its
tools and its techniques. We will help our service become
leaner, more flexible, more agile. We will operate in a
decentralized manner to keep up with the pace of events.
People at all levels will have to know their business.
Youll have to be ready to seize the initiative to exploit
opportunities as they arise. And youll need to be bold, to
think outside the box, to seek out fresh and innovative
ways to capture the promise of air and space.
General Ronald R. Fogleman
USAF Chief of Staff

JOHN W. HANDY, Major General, USAF

Director,Programs and Evaluation


The Quality Approach

Process Improvement Guide
Tools for Generating Ideas
Brainstorming, asking Why?, and mental imaging are all tools to
help generate ideas. These tools work well for individuals or
groups. Flexibility is critical. Be ready to change techniques to
suit the groups mood and purpose. Heres a quick look at tools
for generating ideas:
Generates multiple ideas about a problem
or topic
Works well in groups of all sizes
Five Whys
Discovers the root cause of a problem
Shows how causes of a problem might be
Mental Imaging
Helps visualize key relationships and
Creates a detailed picture of an ideal
This tool, which doesnt involve analysis, builds a shopping list of
ideas about a specific problem or topic in a short time. Heres
what to do:

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Write the problem or topic on a blackboard or flipchart where

everyone can see it. Include all ideas; dont edit the remarks. Try
to withhold judgment until the session is complete. Dont forget to
give your group quiet time to generate ideas, and be sure to involve
process owners, customers and suppliers. Each of the following
techniques can be used by itself or in combination to suit the team.
If there are too many ideas after brainstorming, trim the list with a
decision-making tool.
Structured brainstorming gives everyone an equal chance to
participate. Solicit one idea at a time from each person.
Participants may Pass if they have no comment. Continue until
everyone passes. Although, structured brainstorming is rigid and
lacks spontaneity, this eliminates the influences of rank or strong
Use free-form brainstorming when you want a less structured
approach to brainstorming. Be aware that less assertive or juniorranking members may feel intimidated or outgunned by using this
method, and they may not contribute. Work in a relaxed
environment, and encourage everyone to contribute ideas as they
come to mind. This gives participants the opportunity to build on
each others ideas.
Switch to silent brainstorming if team members cant resist
analyzing the contributions. Ask each participant to write ideas on
sticky-back notes or small slips of paper. Then collect the papers
and post them for all to see. Silent brainstorming may lose the
synergy that comes from an open session, so it may be more
effective when its used in combination with other brainstorming
What works best? It depends on the topic, team members and
their mood. One approach may be to combine these two methods.
For example, start the session with a few rounds of structured
brainstorming and finish up with a period of unstructured


The Quality Approach

Five Whys
The Basics: Ask Why?. Thats the key to finding the root
cause (or causes) of a problem. This technique can also help spur
understanding of how different causes might be related. Another
advantage of using this technique is focusing on the process instead
of personalities. Heres what to do:
The Process: Describe the problem in specific terms. Everyone
should have a chance to contribute opinions. Be specific in the
choice of words to help keep everyone focused.
Ask Why? Why did the problem occur? The question might
have to be asked more than once. Just keep asking Why? until
the root causes have been identified. (Youve identified the root
cause when asking Why? doesnt yield any more useful
An Example: Office workers wanted to discover why they missed
their Initial Operating Capability (IOC) date. So they asked
Why? and heres what they learned:
We missed the IOC.
Our contract delivery date slipped.
There were numerous engineering changes.
The contractor didnt understand our initial requirements.
We took only one week to prepare it.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Group members discovered that poor requirements planning was a

root cause of their problem. To improve their process, they
decided to budget up-front time in the planning process for
requirement analysis.
Mental Imaging
The Basics: To achieve goals, visualize achieving them. Mental
imaging helps describe a desired outcome and the conditions
needed to make it happen. Professional athletes often use mental
imaging to reach their goals. Use this process to visualize key
relationships and obstacles within a situation. Warm up by
visualizing something pleasant your favorite vacation spot,
perhaps. Empty your mind of negative thoughts before you start.
Heres what to do:
The Process: Relax Take five or six deep breaths. Block out the
pressures of work and home.
Imagine What would happen if ideal conditions existed? How
would that affect the outcome of your processes? Jot down your
ideas. If youre part of a group, use the individual ideas to create a
combined description of the ideal process.
Assess the current conditions Are they different from the ideal
conditions youve imagined?
Define the gaps Whats different between the current and ideal
Identify obstacles What stands between the current state and the
ideal state you imagined?
An Example: The commander asked the audiovisual manager to
create a slide presentation to enhance the image of the
organization. The slides would be used at the annual Quality Air
Force Symposium.


The Quality Approach

Before starting, the graphics manager visualized a peaceful

landscape scene. She imagined standing in a sunny meadow,
surrounded by flowers; she saw snow-capped mountains in the
distance. Next, the manager envisioned an ideal environment.
She visualized many excellent slides and widespread support for the
project. The ideal environment would have a profound impact on
the outcome the result would be the best presentation seen at the
Then the manager thought about the everyday work environment,
and realized it was different from the imagined ideal state. There
were less than a hundred slides in the collection, and many were
out-of-date. Several branch managers refused to allow
photographers inside their workcenters. The staff photographer
was on vacation, and the organizations best camera was being
Despite these obstacles, the manager kept the ideal in mind and
went to work. She knew the presentation would be successful, and
she was determined to make it happen.

Tools for Decision Making

Decision-making tools help keep the process moving once ideas
have been generated. Multivoting, nominal group technique, pairwise ranking and force field analysis are tools that can help. Heres
a quick look at these tools:
Finds the important items on a list
Avoids a win-lose situation for group members
Nominal Group Technique
Prioritizes items in a list
Makes decisions based on inputs from all

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Pairwise Ranking
Prioritizes items in a short list
Reaches decisions by consensus
Force Field Analysis
Identifies the significant forces of the process
Helps identify improvement opportunities

Effective Decision-Making
Meet in a suitable place. Schedule the decision-making meeting in
a room quiet and free from interruptions (telephones, co-workers,
etc.). Have plenty of flipcharts, markers and other supplies.
Combine items where possible. Look at the list. One method
might be to place each idea on a post-it-note then put them on a
flipchart or board so everyone can touch and move them around.
Are any items similar? Give group members a minute or two to
review the items. Then ask them for their opinions. Work as a
group to combine similar ideas where it is feasible.
Number each item on the list. This makes it easy for group
members to refer to item, and saves time as well.
Base decisions on data. Try to keep intuitive decisions to a
minimum. Data-driven decisions can speed your process.
Understand the politics of decision-making. When people make
decisions as a group, the decision-making process usually fits one
of seven styles ranging from no decision to consensus.
The following is a guide to consequences when groups make
decisions. The types of decision-making are listed with the
percentage of group involvement and a profile of the decision style.


No decision 0 percent issue avoided. All members do

not want to discuss the issue.
The Quality Approach

Decision by powerful minority 20 percent

involvement decision made by powerful minority or
individual. Other opinions not invited.

Bartering 40 percent involvement competing powerful

individuals or cliques make trade-offs.

Consultative decision 50 percent involvement

decision made by powerful individuals about the expert

Majority vote 60 percent involvement minimal

discussion of minority point of view. Minority concedes.

Majority rule 80 percent involvement decision by

majority vote, but minority viewpoints explored as well.

Consensus 100 percent involvement needs and interests

of all explored and a unified team solution develops into an
action plan.

The Basics: Prioritize the items on a list by multivoting. This
simple, fast technique works best for large groups and long lists.
The benefit to prioritize the list without creating a win-lose
situation for group members. This tool also helps you separate the
vital few from the trivial many on a large list. Heres what to
The Process: Empower. First, count the number of items in the
list. Divide that number in half; thats the number of votes each
team member receives. For example, there would be ten votes for
a 20-item list.
Vote. Each member votes for the items they believe have high
priority. Then compile the votes.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Select the top items. Identify the top four, five or six items. If
there is still a problem identifying the top few, then drop the items
with the fewest votes and re-vote. Once the top items have been
identified discuss and prioritize these items.
An Example: Members of a system program office (SPO) often
participated in meetings held across the nation. Unfortunately, the
meetings were often unproductive. The division chiefs, hoping to
improve this situation, scheduled a brainstorming session. Heres
the list they generated:
1. No agenda

8. Too much dog and pony

2. No clear objectives

9. Problems not mentioned

3. Going off on tangents

10. Unclear charts

4. Extraneous topics

11. Few meaningful metrics

5. Unproductive

12. Trouble calling home office

6. Time spent on travel

13. No parking

7. Money spent on travel

14. No administrative support

Since there were 14 items, each team member had seven votes they
could use to reduce the list to a manageable size. Heres how they


1. No agenda


8. Too much dog and pony


2. No clear objectives


9. Problems not mentioned


3. Going off on tangents


4. Extraneous topics

||||||| 11. Few meaningful metrics


5. Unproductive

10. Unclear charts

12. Trouble calling home office

||||| 6. Time spent on travel

13. No parking

||||| 7. Money spent on travel

14. No admini strative support

The Quality Approach

As a result of the vote, the group chose to focus on problems 2, 6,

7, 8, 10 and 11.

Nominal Group technique

The Basics: The nominal group technique (NGT) is a structured
method to generate and prioritize a list. This method uses
priorities of each group member to discover the overall group
priorities. Heres what to do:
The Process: Generate and prioritize ideas. Use silent
brainstorming to generate ideas. Then clarify and consolidate
those ideas.
Use letters. First, assign a letter to each idea. For example, assign
the letters A through H if there are you had eight ideas. Next,
have each person write the assigned letters on a piece of paper.
Prioritize the lists. Ask each person to prioritize their list by
writing a number beside each letter. If there are eight ideas, then
identify the most important idea with the number 8. Work
through the list, identifying the least important idea with the number
1. Remind group members they may use each number just once.
Compute the total for each letter. Whats the highest score? That
letter has the highest priority; the letter with the lowest score has
the lowest priority.
An Example: Heres a list of office problems identified during a
brainstorming session:
A. Ineffective organizational structure
B. Poor communications outside the office
C. Lack of training
D. Poor communications within the office
E. Unclear mission and objectives

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


F. Poor distribution of office mail

G. Lack of feedback on management reports

Each group member then wrote the letters A through G on a

piece of paper, and prioritized each of the seven items (7 was the
highest; 1 was the lowest). Take a look at the results:

P e rson














P ro b l e m

T o tal

P rio rity

H ighest

Pairwise Ranking
The Basics: If there is a small list of items, try pairwise ranking.
This structured method ranks a small list of items in priority order.
It can help make decisions in a way thats consensus-oriented.
Heres what to do:
The Process: Construct a pairwise matrix. Each box in the
matrix represents the intersection (or pairing) of two items. Lets
say the list has five items. A pairwise matrix would look like this
(the top box represents idea 1 paired with idea 2):



The Quality Approach

Rank each pair. Using a consensus-oriented discussion for each

pair, have the group determine which idea they prefer. Then, for
each pair, write the number of the preferred idea in the appropriate
box. Keep doing this until youve filled the matrix.



1 and 2 compared;
2 is better...

1 and 3 compared;
1 is better...

4 and 5 compared;
5 is better.

Count the number of times each alternative appears in the matrix.







Alternative 5
appears four times
in the matrix

Rank all items. Rank the alternatives by the total number of times
they appear. Do two ideas appear an equal number of times?
Break the tie; look at the box in which those two ideas are

Count 2
Rank 3rd 2nd 4th

5th 1st

Alternative 5
ranks first overall

An Example: A feasibility study produced a list of six possible

locations for testing a unique portion of a system. A program team
then used pairwise ranking. The results proved that Nellis AFB
was best suited for this particular test.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


1. Fort Huachuca

4. Nellis AFB

2. Edwards AFB

5. Eglin AFB

3. Kirtland AFB

6. Hanscom AFB




Rank 3rd






Force Field Analysis

The Basics: To visualize issues or concepts that influencing the
problem or goal, consider force field analysis. This technique
identifies and visualizes the relationships of significant influencing
forces. It identifies key factors or forces that promote or hinder
your efforts to solve a problem or reach a goal. Improvement
opportunities can be identified. Heres what to do:
The Process: Define the objective First, decide what needs to be
analyzed. Is the problem or goal clearly identified?
List the forces. What key factors promote or hinder the ability to
reach the goal or solve the problem? Use two lists: one for forces
that promote the efforts, another for forces that hinder.
Prioritize. Consider the items listed. What is the relative impact
of each item on the problem or goal? Prioritize the forces based on
the impact of each item. The nominal group technique works well
here or another decision-making tool could be used.
Implement. Now, strengthen or maximize the forces that promote
the efforts. Then work to weaken or minimize the hindering forces.
An Example: An Air Force sergeant smoked more than a pack of
cigarettes every day. His family and colleagues (all non-smokers)
wanted him to quit. Despite frequent attempts to stop, the


The Quality Approach

sergeant continued to smoke. One day he sat down with the

quality advisor, and did a force field analysis. Heres what he
Goal: Quit Smoking
P r o m o ting forces
B e tter health
Save money
W o n t h a v e t o l e a v e b u i l d i n g
F a m ily w o n t b r e a t h e s m o k e
F o o d w ill taste better

Inhibiting forces
H abit
Need for nicotine
Need to have fingers occupied
Need to have something
i n m o u th
G ain w eight w hen I try to quit

After completing the force field analysis, the quality advisor worked
with the sergeant to prioritize the forces. That helped the sergeant
decide which forces to strengthen and which to weaken.

Tools for Process Analysis

Flowcharts, affinity diagrams and cause-and-effect diagrams are
excellent analysis tools. You can also use thematic content
analysis or a Pareto chart in your analysis efforts. Heres a quick
look at tools for analyzing problems:
Shows how the whole process works
Identifies critical stages of a process

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Affinity diagram
Shows relationship between factors in a problem
Identifies areas where you most need
Cause-and-effect diagram
Determines causes of a particular effect
Identifies areas where more information is needed
Thematic content analysis
Summarizes raw data into useful categories
Shows patterns in raw data
Pareto chart
Identifies and separates major and minor
Prioritizes problems
The Basics: Want to see what a process looks like from start to
finish? A flowchart is a graphical representation of all major steps
of a process. To understand the complete process, identify critical
stages within a process, and locate problem areas. Flowcharts
also show relationships between different steps in the process.
Heres what to do:
The Process: Identify the process. First, define start and finish
points for the process being examined.
Describe the current process. From the starting point, chart the
entire process. Work slowly and include every step along the way,
right through to the finish. Use standard flowchart symbols to
improve the clarity of the flowchart, but theyre not essential.

The Quality Approach

Chart the ideal process (this is an optional step). Try to identify

the easiest and most efficient way to go from the start to finish.
This flowchart makes it easier to find improvements.
Search for improvement opportunities. Study the flowchart. The
process probably has areas that hinder or add little or no value.
Look at the flowchart, and examine any steps that differ from the
ideal process, and question why they exist.
Update the chart. Build a new flowchart that corrects the problems
When working on the flowchart, consider using index cards or
sticky-back notes to record each step of the process. Then
rearrange the diagram without erasing and redrawing. This can
reduce the chances of losing valuable ideas.
The following are standard flowchart symbols. When developing a
flowchart, the goal is to chart the process. Dont waste time
debating these symbols. The flowchart will be useful with or
without these symbols.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Standard flowchart symbols





Receive trouble report

M achine operable

Decision point



D rop off travel voucher

Open access panel


Fill out trouble report

(to another
page or part
of the diagram)


After identifying the basic flow of the process, put the flowchart on
a grid. Grids categorize information about geography,
organizational structure, time or other categories of information.
The goal is to see the process in different and useful ways. Heres
an example:


The Quality Approach




submits report
for review

Log report


Review and
(CC division)

Review and

Review and

Is data










A copy machine suffered frequent paper jams, and was a notorious

source of frustration. Often, a problem could be cleared by simply
opening and closing the access panel. Heres a flow chart of the
troubleshooting procedure most people used:

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Copy machine

feed area



















Does it
w o rk?

Does it
w o rk?

Does it
w o rk?

Copy machine

Users usually had to check several locations in the copy machine

before they found the problem. An office worker posted this
flowchart showing a more efficient procedure. This process
reduced frustration and panel slamming when the machine
stopped unexpectedly.


The Quality Approach

Copy machine
Open access
Check paper
feed area
Check toner
Check collator
Close access

Does it


Call for

Copy machine

Affinity Diagram
The Basics: Exploring all aspects of an issue is easy to do when
using an affinity diagram. This diagram takes verbal information,
and organizes it into a visual pattern. Start with specific ideas, and
work toward more broad categories. (This is the opposite of a
cause-and-effect diagram, which starts with broad causes and
works toward specifics.) Affinity diagrams can also help identify
key areas needing improvement. First, identify the problem and
generate ideas. Heres what to do:

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


The Process: Cluster the ideas into related groups. Use stickyback notes or cards anything easy to sort and move. Which ideas
are similar? Which ideas seem connected to other ideas? Questions
like these can help you group the ideas.
Create affinity cards. For each group, create a card that has a
short statement describing the entire group of ideas.
Cluster related cards. Put the group of related cards under the
groups affinity card. Group the affinity cards into broader
groups? Keep creating groups until the definition of group grows
too broad to have comfortable meaning.
Create an affinity diagram. Lay out all the ideas and affinity cards
on a single piece of paper; use a blackboard or table. Put the
affinity cards at the top of each group, and draw an outline of the
group. A hierarchical structure will develop that can offer valuable
insight into the problem.
An Example: A publications team hoped to reduce typographical
errors. Heres the list (generated during a brain-storming session)
of factors affecting the error rate:



No feedback

Proofreading skill



Short deadlines



Chair height


Desk height

Time of day






Technical jargon

Draft copy




Final copy

Editing skill

Computer skill

Typing skill

No measurement

The Quality Approach

The team created an affinity diagram to identify areas for further

E n v iro n m e n t
U nreasonable
d e a d lin e s
T im e o f d a y

E rg o n o m ic s
N o ise
L ig h tin g
D e s k h e ig h t
C h a ir h e ig h t
C o m f o rt

O rig in a l d o c u m e n t
A u thor skill
H a n d w ritin g
G ra m m a r
P u n c tu a tio n
S p e llin g

R e q u ire m e n ts
D ra f t c o p y
F inal copy
D istrib u tio n

T e c h n ic a l jarg o n , s l a n g

E q u ip m e n t
C o m p u te r s
P rin te rs
T y p e w rite rs

T ra in in g
T y p in g s k ill
E d itin g s k ill
C o m p u te r s k i l l
P ro o freading skill
N o d e f in itio n
o f q u a lity
N o measurement
N o feedback

Cause and Effect Diagram

The Basics: To examine the relationship between a given outcome
and the factors influencing that outcome, use a cause-and-effect
diagram. Sometimes called an Ishikawa diagram or even a
fishbone diagram, the cause-and-effect diagram focuses on
specific issues, identifies areas short on data and gives you a
structured approach to finding root causes. Heres what to do:
The Process: Specify the problem to analyze. The effect can be
stated positively (in terms of the objective to be accomplished) or
negatively (in terms of a problem to be overcome). Place the
problems title in a box on the right side of the diagram.
List the major categories of factors influencing the effect being
studied . Use the 4Ms (methods/manpower/ materials/
machinery) or 4 Ps (policies/procedures/people/plant) as the
starting point.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Manpower, personnel,
staffing, etc.

Materials, policies,
regulations, etc.

goal, etc.

Methods, procedures,
specifications, etc.

Machine, plant,
equipment, etc.

Identify factors and subfactors. Ask Why? or use brainstorming

or mental imaging to generate ideas. Start with the major
categories and work from there.
How do our people influence...?
Personnel, staffing, etc.

What regulations affect...?

Materials, policies, regulations, etc.

goal, etc.

Procedures, methods, specs., etc.

What procedures are causing...?


Plant, machine, equipment, etc.

How does our equipment affect...?

The Quality Approach

Identify significant factors. List the factors having a significant

effect (data can help identify these).
Prioritize the list of causes. Dont confuse the location of ideas
with importance a subfactor may be the root cause to all the
problems. After prioritizing new factors may be discovered then
more data should be collected.
An Example: The frustrated office workers put their heads
together and identified specific issues in their search for the root
cause. Take a look:


Copy paper



Poor storage


Bad paper

Paper quality




Bad originals
Poor maintenance


Poor photocopy

Bad settings

Not level
Roll condition





Lamp dirty


Thematic Content Analysis

The Basics: To find patterns in raw data, use thematic content
analysis. This analytical technique can help summarize and
categorize data. Analyze data from surveys, questionnaires and
interviews. Heres what to do:

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


The Process: Obtain data. Use the data from a questionnaire,

interview or a survey.
Combine answers. Make a single list for each question and record
all the answers to that question. If an answer is repeated, place a
mark beside the original response.
Determine themes. What are the recurring themes of the
responses? Try to match the responses to these themes. Dont
forget to include a miscellaneous category for responses that dont
easily fit into your major categories. Miscellaneous category gets
too big, try to analyze it and find a common theme.
Incorporate the results. Use the major issues identified to help
move the process forward.
An Example: When managers decided to improve their
government agencys process for awarding contracts, they needed
to identify the main problem areas. They involved the main
customers of the contract award process their contractors. The
agency sent a questionnaire to 50 of its largest contractors. Heres
what the thematic content analysis of the responses looked like:
1. What do you feel is the biggest problem
with our contract award process?
2. ...
3. ...


The Quality Approach

# responses

Answers to first question

A. The whole process takes too long.
B. We spend a lot of time and resources
C. We have to generate a great deal of data.
D. There are too many specifications.
E. We have to submit too much cost data.
F. We have to document everything.
G. Its impossible to keep up with all the
latest regulations/standards.
Too many data requirements: C, E, F
Too long and costly: A, B
Too complicated: D, G

Pareto Chart
The Basics: Pareto charts are bar charts based on the Pareto
Principle: 20 percent of the problems have 80 percent of the
impact. Those 20 percent are the vital few. Separating the
problems or issues in this way helps you focus on the improvement
process. Why? A Pareto chart allows you to arrange data
according to priority or importance. This takes the guesswork out
of the process. Heres what to do:
The Process: Identify the possible problems. Use brain-storming,
mental imaging or ask Why? to generate ideas. List all the
possible problems in a particular process.
Use existing reports or collect new data on the process. Group
existing data by consistent units of measure. That means dollars,
percentages, pounds, etc.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Label the chart. Put frequency of occurrence on the left vertical

axis and categories of problems on the horizontal axis.
Plot the data. Order the categories according to their frequency
(how many), not their classification (what kind). Use a descending
order from left to right. If there are stray categories, include an
other category.
Heres an optional step: use the right vertical axis to measure the
cumulative percentage of total occurrences summed over all the
An Example: The office staff experienced a lot of trouble with a
new laser printer. This Pareto chart helped them identify the vital
few problems. The left side shows the frequency of occurrences;
the actual problems are listed along the bottom:

Problems experienced using laser printer

(Most recent quarter)

















The Quality Approach

Next is a comparison of frequency and cost. The most common

defect is A. The most costly defect, though, is E.
Take a look:




Costs ($)





Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


An Example: If there are broad causes, break them down into

specific areas to help improvement efforts. These specific areas
are within the broad causes thats why the term nested Pareto
charts is used. Heres a look at the concept:
Defects in parts per million (PPM)
Q. What assembly has the
most defects?


A. Assembly 5.

Assy. 5 Assy. 2

Assy. 1

Assy. 9

Q. What are the most common

types of defects in assembly 5?
A. Electrical.




M. parts


Q. What electrical component

contributes the most defects?


A. The K2 relay.



U101 Q101 Q7

Q5 Other

Q. What is the most common

way the K2 relay fails?
A. Thermal Failure.

Thermal Offset Open Spec. Noisy Flux

The Quality Approach

An Example: Heres an example of a stratified Pareto chart. The

same data can be plotted against different potential causes to
determine the significant problem. This concept is useful when
original A Pareto chart doesnt clearly identify one or two
significant problem areas. Be imaginative and be creative when
defining the problem categories.
Number of contract changes
P roducts divisions

C o n tractors

F iscal quarters

Using this analysis, there doesnt appear to be much difference in

contract changes among different product divisions or among
different contractors. There does appear to be a large difference
across fiscal quarters.
Tools for Analysis of Process Data
The following is a list of tools that are used for the analysis of
process data:
Helps collect data easily
Converts raw data to useful information

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Displays the underlying distribution of process
Illustrates the total variability of the process
Scatter diagram
Shows relationship between variables
Identifies possible causes of problems
Run chart
Shows changes in a process over time
Helps recognize abnormal behavior in
a process
Shows center point and variation of a set of scores
Can be displayed repeatedly to show trend
Control chart
Gives detailed look at trends and variation
Shows changes in a process over time
Includes process driven control limits
Process capability ratio
Links control charts to customer requirements
Relates process variability to tolerance
The Basics: An organized method of collecting data is a
checksheet. This simple form helps convert the raw data into
readily useful information. An excellent advantage to checksheets
is that they help translate opinion into fact. Heres what to do:


The Quality Approach

The Process: Clearly identify whats being observed. Make sure

everyone collecting data is looking for the same thing. Be specific
about the event or activity observed.
Keep the data collection process as easy as possible. Dont make
data collection a job in itself. Using simple check marks to fill in
the checksheet is easy.
Be creative. Develop a checksheet format that will give you the
most information with the least amount of effort.
Reasons for misplaced letters
W rong m ailbox
W rong city
W rong zip code

M ay 6

M ay 7



M ay 8

O ld office sym b o l
Total defects



Pictorial checksheets can give much more information than tabular

checksheets. Take a look:

Finish defects on 100 driversdoors

(after 25,000 miles)


C2 C 3

Chipped paint
Total defects



A - Scratch
B - Chipped paint
C - Tar
D - Dent
Note: A 3 = 3 scratches in close proximity, etc...

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


An Example: During testing, an electronic system control console

experienced an unusually high failure rate in some of its black
boxes. To help analyze the failures, the program office managers
developed a pictorial checksheet. Heres what the checksheet
looked like after 120 days of testing:











TypeA TypeB TypeC TypeA TypeB TypeC TypeA TypeB TypeC





Most failures (18 of 24) occurred in boxes along the center of the
equipment racks, and most of these failures were type C
(shutdown during test). A facility inspection revealed a heating
duct ran directly behind these boxes. The resulting high
temperatures caused the equipment to overheat and fail.
The Basics: To show the central tendency and variability of a data
set use a graph called a histogram sometimes referred to as a
frequency distribution. A histogram can help you determine the
underlying distribution of a process. Histograms also help
understand the total variability of a process. When using
histograms, each data point appears in only one interval. The
number of intervals can influence the pattern the data will take.
Dont expect histograms to be a perfect bell curve; expect
variations. Heres what to do:

The Quality Approach

The Process: Determine the type of data to collect. Make sure

the data are measurable. Times, lengths and speeds are examples of
measurable data.
Collect the data. Obtain a random sample of data from the process.
Collect as many measurable points as possible. Then count the
total number of points collected.
Determine the number of intervals required. Use this guide to
determine how many intervals (or bars) the graph should have:
If you have these

Use this

many data

number of



< 50








Determine the range. Study the data set. Subtract the smallest
value from the largest. This value is the range of the data set.
Determine the interval width. Divide the range by the number of
intervals. Round answers up to a convenient value. For example, if
the range of the data is 17 and nine intervals are used, then interval
width is 1.88. Round this interval to 2.0. Its a good idea to carry
the intervals to one decimal place more than the data collected.

Determine the starting point of each interval. Use the smallest

data point value as the starting point of the first interval. The
starting point for the second interval is the sum of the smallest data
Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


point plus the interval width. For example, if the smallest data
point is 10 and the interval width is two, then the starting point for
the second interval is 12. Label intervals along the horizontal axis.
Plot the data. Count the number of data points that fall within each
interval; plot this frequency on the histogram. Remember: each
data point can appear in just one interval. For example, if the first
interval begins with 10.0 and the second with 12.0, then all data
points that are equal to or greater than 10.0 and still less than 12.0
are counted in the first interval.
An Example: During aerobic testing, evaluators weighed 80 Air
Force officers. Heres a histogram and a table showing the
distribution of the data. Which format is most useful?












Weight (lbs)


The Quality Approach


W eights of 80 officers





Scatter Diagram
The Basics: Recognize the relationship between two variables
with a scatter diagram. These diagrams are graphs that reveal
possible relationships and also help identify possible causes of
problems. An important note: while this method shows a
relationship exists, it wont show that one variable causes another.
Further analysis using other statistical techniques will quantify the
strength of a relationship between two variables. Remember, that
when a relationship exists between two variables, theyre
correlated. (Both positive and negative correlations can be useful
for continuous process improvement.) Heres what to do:
The Process: Collect the data in pairs. Find two different
variables (X and Y) that appear to have a relationship. Each point
on the scatter diagram is an (X,Y) pair of values. There will be
many (X,Y) datapoints on one scatter diagram.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Construct the graph. Label the horizontal and vertical axes in

ascending order. Make sure the value on the two axes correspond
to the data pairs.
Plot the data. Look for patterns when plotting each point, circling
repeated points. Heres an illustration to help you interpret scatter

(Y doesnt
appear to be
related to X.)

(Increase in X
may be related
to in Y.)

(Increase in X
may be related
to in Y.)

An Example: A typing agency wanted to investigate the

relationship of speed of typing and errors made.

Number of Errors






Words Typed per Minute

Observations about the Scatter Diagram

One person typed 65 words per minute with five mistakes. One
person typed 40 words per minute with three mistakes. There are
differing errors rates for the same words per minute typed. As the
words per minute increased the number of errors increased.

The Quality Approach

Run Chart
The Basics: To show changes in a process measurement over
time, use a run chart. A run chart may also help recognize
abnormal behavior in a process. Heres what to do:
The Process: Construct the chart. Label the vertical axis with the
key measurement of the process you want to measure. Label the
horizontal axis with units of time.
Plot the data. After collecting the data, plot each data point on the
Interpret the chart. One signal that shows the process has
significantly changed: six steadily increasing or decreasing points in
a row. Another possible signal: nine points in a row that are on the
same side of the average.
An Example: Heres an example of a run chart tracking the
number of people who travel each week. Its important to
recognize the variability inherent in any process. In this process,
the variability is the number of people traveling (four to nine
people). Take a look:


Number TDY




Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


The Basics: A boxplot, sometimes called a box and whisker plot,
is a graph that offers a detailed picture of the center point and
variability of a distribution of data. Boxplots can also help identify
the changes in a process measured over a period of time or show
differences in similar processes (instructor ratings for different
instructors covering the same material). Heres what to do.
The Process: Understand the terms. 100 percent of the data
points fall below the highest data point. 75 percent of the data
points fall below the upper quartile, with 25 percent above it. The
number data points are divided equally at the median 50 percent
below and 50 percent above it. At the lower quartile, 25 percent of
the data points below, with 75 percent of the data points above it.
And finally, 100 percent of the data points are above the lowest
data point.
Collect the data. Collect the data by subset weeks, days,
questions, etc.
Put the data in sequential order. For each subset, put the data in a
row or column. Start with the lowest data point and end with the
highest. For example, this subset has nine data points:
2, 4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 10
Determine the median. The median is the mid-point of the
sequentially ordered data set. In other words, its the point where
half the data points are above and half are below.
If there are an odd number of data points the median is the middle
data point and the same number of data points are on either side of
the median. For example, the underlined 7 is the median for this
dataset with nine datapoints:
2, 4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 10


The Quality Approach

Does the subset have an even number of data points? Then the
median is the average of the two middle data points. For example
with 10 datapoints in which the median is the average of 6 and 7:
1, 2, 4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 10
Determine the quartiles. Quartiles are the points at which there is
25% of the data. If there are an odd number of data points in a
subset, the median is in both the upper and lower quartiles. Heres
an example the median and the upper and lower quartiles are
2, 4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 10
If there are an even number of data points in a subset the quartiles
are the midpoints of the upper and lower halves. Heres an
example the quartiles are underlined, and the letter M
represents the median (M is 6.5, which is not a datapoint and is
1, 2, 4, 6, 6, M, 7, 7, 7, 8, 10
Determine the mean. To obtain the mean (X), or average, add all
numbers in the subset and divide that sum by the number of data
points in the subset. For example, heres the mean for the nine data
points in this subset:
2, 4, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 10
2 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 10 = 57
X = 57 (sum of the scores) 9 (number of scores) = 6.33
Plot the data. Draw the axes for the entire data set. For the first
subset, put a dot at the highest data point, the lowest data point, the
quartiles and the median. Draw a box in the space between the two
quartiles. Then draw a line at the median. Draw lines from the
quartiles to the highest and lowest data points. Finally, draw a dot
at the mean. Heres an example:

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Highest data point


Upper quartile



Lower quartile

Lowest data point

Subset 1

Subset 2

Subset 3

Subset 4

Subset 5

Boxplots can be repeated over time or for different groupings.

Just draw a box and whisker plot for the other subsets of data:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Interpret the data. These boxplots show two center points

(median and mean l) and the amount of score variation for
each week. It identifies whether the process is changing over time
or if the spread of scores is changing over time.


The Quality Approach

Run charts vs. boxplots

The traditional approach puts attention on average performance:



Q. Do we have an eight-day
average turnaround?
A. Maybe.



The process-focused approach puts attention on satisfying the

majority (75%) of customers:
An Example
An Air Force office wanted to become more customer-focused.
Take a look at the customer survey conducted:



1. Employees in this organization are


2. W o rk is completed in a timely

3. W o rk is completed correctly the

first time.

4. I am satisfied with the overall

performance of this organization.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


The office received 22 responses during one week:




6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 6


4 3 4 4 4 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 4 3 5 6 6 5 4 5 5 4
5 6 5 4 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 6 4 4 4 3


5 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 5 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5

The office placed each questions responses in numerical order.

The M represents the median; the underlined numbers represent
the quartiles:


5 5 5 5 5
3 3 3 3 4
2 3 3 3 3

5 6 6 6 6 6
4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 4 4 4 4

M 6 6 6 6 6
M 4 4 5 5 5
M 4 4 4 4 5

6 6 6 6 6 6
5 5 5 6 6 6
5 5 5 5 6 6


3 4 4 4 5

5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 6 6 6 6

5 5 5 5 5

Heres a summary of the data used in making the boxplot:





















The Quality Approach

Heres the data plotted:



M = Median
= Mean (average)









The survey revealed members of the organization were very

courteous to their customers. The survey also showed these people
needed to improve the accuracy of their work as well as their ability
to meet schedules. The organizations goal is to have all customers
satisfied defined as a rating of four or higher.

Control Chart
The Basics: Control charts show how a process varies over time
so variability can be recognized, understood and controlled. They
also help identify special causes of variation and changes in
performance. Control charts can also help avoid fixing a process
which is not broken.
Control charts are similar to run charts, but control charts have
statistically calculated upper and lower control limits. A process is
in statistical control when the process measurements vary randomly
within the control limits. That means the variation is consistent and
Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


predictable over time. Dont confuse upper and lower control

limits with tolerance limits. Control limits are computed from
process information data. Tolerances are specified in standards,
drawings and specifications. The relationship between process
variation and tolerances is given by process capability ratios
more about that later. Here is a sample control chart:

Upper Control Limit


Center Line An Average

Lower Control Limit


The Process: Decide what type of control chart is needed.

Control charts use one of two types of data: variable data and
attribute data. To use variable data, take measurements in units
such as: lengths, temperatures, etc. To use attributes data, gather
counted data such as the number of good/bad, number of
defects, or percent late. Attributes data usually are easier to
collect and are less expensive to gather than variable data.


The Quality Approach

Still not sure what kind of control chart to use? Take a look at this:

Need to construct
a control chart


n = 1


XmR chart

Variables data
attributes data

A ttributes

n > 1


Defects or

x-R chart










Defect = A failure to meet one part of an acceptance criteria.

Defective = A unit that fails to meet acceptance criteria due to one or more defects.

Construct the control charts. After deciding the type of data to

collect, create the chart. There are several types of control charts.
Heres a summary of the different charts that can be used and some
strengths and weaknesses of each.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


Control Chart



varible data

Simple to construct
and desirable if
other factors limit
the sample size.

Increased Type I
and Type II error
if used for attribute


Good for preventing

nonconformances and
truly controlling a

Difficult and

c and u

Good for troubleshooting

because specific defects
are tracked.

counted data
Little value from
a prevention

Data is relatively easy

to obtain.
p and np

Good management
overview tool.

Little value from a

troubleshooting or
prevention view.

Identify and eliminate any special or assignable causes of

variation. To determine if these causes exist, look for one or more
of the seven signals described on the next page. Theres a low
probability that any of these signals will occur at random thats
why theyre a signal that something has changed in the process. If
possible, eliminate those causes.


The Quality Approach

Control Chart Signals

One or more
points outside the
control limits.

Seven or more
consecutive points on
one side of the centerline.

Six points in a row

steadily increasing
or decreasing.

Fourteen points
alternating up
and down.

Two out of three

consecutive points in
the outer third of the
control region.

Fifteen points in a
row within the center
third of the control

Eight points on both sides

of the centerline with none
in the center third of the
control region.

Reduce overall variability. Eliminate all special causes, and try to

reduce the remaining variability in the process.
XmR Charts
An XmR chart is actually a pair of charts: one X chart and one mR
chart. The X chart is a plot of some measured process
characteristic that can change over time. The mR chart is a plot of

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


the moving range of X. (The moving range is the difference

between a specified X value and the one preceding it.) After
plotting the X and mR data points on the XmR charts, complete the
appropriate control limits.
For the X chart, the center line (CL x) represents the average
process value and m R represents the average of the moving range
values. How to calculate follows.
X chart
Upper Control Limit(X) UCL X =

X + 3/d2(m R )

Center Line

Lower Control Limit(X) LCLX =

X - 3/d2(m R )

mR chart
Upper Control Limit(R) UCL mR =

D4(m R )

Center Line

(m R )

CL mR =

Lower Control Limit(R) LCLmR =

D3(m R )

Plot the X values and draw the computed control limits and your
X chart is complete. Do the same for the mR chart.
An Example: This table shows individual customer service times
(X) and moving range values for a process observed 15 times.
Note that each mR is the absolute difference (no negative numbers)
between the current X value and the previous X value (e.g., l
7.47-7.89 l = 0.42).


The Quality Approach

Customer Service Time Data


Service Time (X)




































= 6.94

Moving Range

m R =1.11

The X and mR charts created from the data above are on the
following page:

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


X chart
Service Time





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
mR Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

X R charts

This chart uses subgroups of data collected over time to determine

process variation.


The Quality Approach

Collect 20 to 30 subgroups of data. Each subgroup consists of two

or more data points. For example, a subgroup could be a week,
and its data points could be days. The size of each subgroup (n)
should remain constant. Total number of subgroups is represented
by k.
Determine the average ( X ) and range (R) for each subgroup:


x1 + x 2 +...+ xn x
R = x max x min, by subgroup

Determine the overall mean ( X ):



Take the sum of all the subgroup averages divided by the number of
Determine the average value of the range ( R ):


Take the sum of all the subgroup ranges divided by the number of
Calculate the control limits and centerline using these formulas
and constants:

X chart
Upper Control Limit( X ) UCL x =

X + A2 R

Center Line ( X )

CL x =

Lower Control Limit( X ) LCL x =

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide

X - A2 R


R chart
Upper Control Limit(R) UCL R =
Center Line

CL R =

Lower Control Limit(R) LCLR =

per subgroup

D3 R
And for an R chart...
Use this
value for



D4 R


Use this
value for




Plot the charts. Always use these charts in tandem. The X chart
shows sample-to-sample changes in a process, and the R chart
shows the variability within each sample. Recalculate the control
limits if there is a significant change in the process average or
variability one of the signals mentioned earlier.
Customers complained the program office took too much time to
process documents submitted for approval. Thats why the
program manager decided to analyze the offices approval process.
He studied ten weekswork and noted the turnaround times for five
documents in each week. Take a look:


The Quality Approach

Approval time for documents


Doc. 1


36 days

Doc. 2

Doc. 3

33 days

Doc. 4

43 days

Doc. 5

51 days

33 days

39.2 days

18 days

x = 42.56

R = 24.4

Here are the variables and constants used to prepare the chart:
X = (39.2 + ... + 48.2)/10 = 42.56

R = (18 + ... + 24)/10 = 24.4

UCL x =
CL x =
LCL x =

X + A2 R = 42.56 + (0.58)(24.4) = 56.63

X = 42.56
X - A2 R = 42.45 - (0.58)(24.4) = 28.48


D4 R = (2.11)(24.4) = 51.48


R = 24.4


D3 R = (0)(24.4) = 0

k = 10 (number of weeks)
n = 5 (number of documents/week)

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


An Example: After reviewing the chart, the manager saw the

approval process had been stable over time the process was in
control. That led the manager to wonder how the offices
turnaround times related to customer expectations of a 30- to 60day response. The manager decided to use a process capability
X chart









R chart




Attributes of control charts

There are two types of control charts to choose from those for
defectives and those for defects. Charts for defectives can show
you the percentage of items that are defective, while charts for
defects can show the number of defects on each item.
Use charts for defectives when an items quality characteristic
cannot be easily measured, but can be classified by the item either
conforming (good or nondefective) or not conforming (bad or
defective). Charts for defectives involve the fraction (percent) of
defective items in a sample. Take a random sample of items and
compare the number of defective items to the total number of items
in the sample. For example, use this to establish the fraction of
circuit boards rejected for bad solder joints.


The Quality Approach

Use charts for defects when determining the items quality by the
number of defects in the item, or by counting the number of
occurrences of some event per unit of time. These charts involve
the degree to which an item is defective (for example, the number
of bad solder joints on a circuit board).
Decide which chart to use. This chart can help. (It is also
acceptable to use XmR charts to analyze attribute data.)
When charting:
sample size:
Defectives: A unit with
one or more defects.
Example: A memo with
five words misspelled.
Defects: An individual
failure to meet a single

Varied sample size:


A p-chart will chart chart

the fraction or percent

A np-chart will chart the

number of defectives in a

A u-chart will chart the

number of defects per unit.

A c-chart will chart the

number of defects in a

Example: A misspelled
word in a memo.

Collect 10-20 subgroups of data. Each subgroup (sample) consists

of multiple data points arranged in a rational manner (day, lot,
office, etc.). The size of each subgroup is represented by n.
Compute the subgroup statistics and control limits for the type of
chart that is being used. Use these formulas:

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


number of defectives in subgro up

= fraction o r% defecti ve
size of subgroup(n)
total defective
= centerline = average fr action def ective
total insp ected


UCL = p + 3
LCL = p 3

p(1 p )
= upper cont rol limit (varies by subgroup)
p (1 p)
= lower control limit (varies by subgroup)
plot p for each subg roup

Note: Use an average subgroup size to obtain a single set of control limits if the largest
subgroup size is less than twice the average subgroup size and the smallest is more than
half the average subgroup size.

Control Chart np-chart

p, n = same as for p chart except n must be constant
n p = centerline = average number of defectives
UCL = n p + 3 n p(1 p )
LCL = n p 3 n p (1 p )
plot np for each subgroup

number of defects per subgroup

number of units per subgroup

total number of defects for all subgroups

= centerline
total inspected
UCL = u + 3



plot u for each subgroup
LCL = u 3


The Quality Approach


c = number of defects per group

total defects
= centerline
total number of subgroups
UCL = c + 3 c
LCL = c 3 c
plot c for each subgroup
An Example: A program director worried that changes to
specifications might be excessive. To see if these concerns were
well founded, the manager tracked the number of times per week a
specification was changed by either an Engineering Change
Proposal (ECP) or by a letter from the contracting officer. The
table below shows the summary of changes for a ten-week period.
Note: The number of changes to specifications are attributes
(counted)data, rather than variables data, and the c-chart is

9 10

Number of



= 5. 6 (changes per week)
UCL = 5. 6 + 3 5. 6 = 12. 7

LCL = 5. 6 3 5. 6 = 1. 5 => 0
n = 50 active contracts

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


The c-chart showed that week six contains a special cause for
variation. The special cause was a design review held the previous
week. Ten of the 15 changes in week six came from this design
review. Pleased with the charts results, the program manager
adopted this control chart as a permanent management tool.

UCL = 12.7


c = 5.6
(the number of

LCL = 0.0



Process Capability Ratio

The Basics: Process capability ratios relate customer requirements
to actual performance. While control charts measure the stability
of a process over time, process capability ratios relate the variability
of a process to the actual specification and tolerance requirements.
These ratios are helpful when measuring how capable a process is
of meeting customer requirements or relating process variability to
specifications and tolerances. Finally, process capability ratios
provide a link between control charts and customer requirements.
Heres what to do:
The Process: Obtain customers requirements. These
requirements can be tolerances on drawings, delivery specifications,
management objectives, etc.


The Quality Approach

Estimate the variability of the process being analyzed. Use the

estimated standard deviation of the process to estimate the

variability. That statistic is represented by (pronounced sigma

hat). One way to estimate is to use the R chart from a process

in statistical control. Here are equations and constants needed to

obtain :
R = overall av erage of s ubgroup ra nges

( c e n terline on R c h a r t )
= a constant based on the subgro up size

n = s u b g r o u p s ize

Constants for estimating













= estimate of process standard deviation

Compute the capability ratio of the process (Cp ).

Cp =



USL is the upper specification limit

LSL is the lower specification limit
Cp is the capability ratio

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


A process with a Cp greater than or equal to 1.0 is considered

capable. The customers requirements can be met about 99 percent
of the time using a capable process. If Cp is less than one, the
requirements will be met less frequently. The figures on the next
page illustrate the concept of Cp .
This is an non-capable process. The process variability is greater
than the specification limits, so a large number of nonconformances
will be made:



Cp < 1
This is a capable process. The process variability is equal to the
specification limits. If the process remains centered, specifications
will be met about 99 percent of the time.


Cp = 1


The Quality Approach

The process below is a desired process. The process variability is

much less than the specification limits. Even if this process shifts
off-center, the shift is detectable and can be corrected it without
creating nonconformances.


Cp > 1
Compute actual process performance. After determining the
potential capability of the process, measure the actual performance
of that process. The actual performance of a process is measured
using the performance index. Compute this:

Cp =
Cpl =



Cpk = the minimu m of {C pu,Cpl }
where x is the overall aver age of subgroup averages
(centerlin e on x chart)
Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


A process with a Cpk less than Cp isnt centered between the

specification limits. When computing Cpk for a capable process
and its less than 1, the process isnt centered. Here are two figures
which illustrate the Cpk concept:



3 ^0

3 ^0
C p = 1, C



This capable process is not centered within spec limits



3 ^0

3 ^0

Cp = 1

C pk = 1

This capable process is centered within spec limits:


The Quality Approach

The manager used the data from that chart for this process
capability ratio. He used the data to relate current process
performance to the 30- to 60-day turnaround expected by
R = 24. 2; d 2 = 2. 326; and x = 42.56
(data from the x R chart)

24. 4
= 10. 49
d 2 2. 326
With a USL of 60 days and an LSL of 30 days:
USL LSL 60 30
= 0. 48
Cp =

6(10. 49)

Cpu =
Cpl =



60 42. 56
= 0.55
3(10. 49)

42.56 30
= 0. 40
3(10. 49)

Cpk = minimum {Cpu,Cpl} = 0.40

The Cp of 0.48 told the manager the requirement of a 30- to 60-day

turnaround could only be met 83.6% of the time. (Although the
process was in control, it wasnt capable.) Also, the C pk of 0.4
showed the process wasnt centered.
The manager commissioned a team to investigate the process. He
wanted the team to find ways to reduce variability so the 30- to 60day requirement could be met more consistently. The manager
briefed the team at the kickoff meeting and said, Heres a picture
of what our process looks like now.

Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide


The late documents create customer dissatisfaction, and the early

documents represent inefficient use of our resources. Heres the
managers graph:


Early documents
represent inefficient
use of resources.

Late documents
produce customer



The manager showed another graph and said, The answer is not to
speed up the entire process to get few documents taking longer
than 60 days. This would shift the process to the left, leaving us
with even more inefficient use of resources and wed still have
too much variability. Heres the graph illustrating the managers
Even more



Fewer late

The Quality Approach

Showing a third graph, the manager said, The smart way to

correct the situation is to reduce variability and center the process
on 45 days, so we get a curve that looks like this.



Few late

Few early


Appendix A/Process Improvement Guide




QAF Glossary
Action plan -- Specific method or process to achieve the results
called for by one or more objectives.
Action Workout -- An Action Workout is a rapid, concentrated,
high-energy, team effort to make dramatic productivity
improvements in any organization by reducing cycle time.
Affinity diagram -- A management tool that assists with general
planning. It makes disparate language information understandable
by placing it on cards and grouping the cards together in a creative
manner. Header cards are used to summarize each group.

Air Force Mission --To defend the United States through control
and exploitation of air and space.
Air Force Vision --Air Force people building the worlds most
respected air and space power and reach for America.
Alignment --The process of improving a system so that all
elements contribute to the aim.

Appendix B/Glossary


Assessment -- A systematic process of collecting and analyzing

data to determine the current, historical or projected status of an
Assignable cause -- The name for the source of variation in a
process that is not due to chance and therefore can be identified and
Attributes, method of -- Measurement of quality by the method
of attributes consists of noting the presence (or absence) of a
characteristic or attribute in each unit in the group under
consideration; counting how many units do (or do not) possess the
quality attribute, or how many events occur in the unit, group or
Audit -- The inspection and examination of a process or quality
system to ensure compliance to requirements. Audit can apply to
an entire organization or be specific to a function or production
step. (Dr. Joseph M. Juran)
Autonomous department -- A process unit which receives
various inputs and converts them into finished goods and services,
all within a single self-contained work center. (Dr. Joseph M.
Baldrige award -- The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
Award (MBNQA) is an annual award to recognize American
companies that excel in quality management and quality
achievement. (MBNQA Criteria)


The Quality Approach

Baseline measurement -- A beginning point based on an

evaluation of the output over a period of time to determine how the
process performs prior to any improvement effort.
Best practice -- a superior method or innovative practice that
contributes to improved performance.
Benchmarking -- The process of finding and adapting best
practices to improve organizational performance.
Boxplot -- A graphic summary of a distribution where the overall
dispersion and the central tendency or mean of the data are
highlighted. (Arturo Onnias)
Brainstorming -- An idea-generating technique that uses group
interaction to generate many ideas in a short time period. Ideas are
solicited in a non-judgmental, unrestricted manner from all members
of a group.
Breakthrough -- A change, a dynamic, decisive movement to
new higher levels of performance. (Dr. J. M. Juran)
Cascading -- The continuing flow of the quality message down
to not through the next level of supervision until it reaches all
Catchball -- Continuous give-and-take between levels around
chosen targets and organizational capabilities.

Appendix B/Glossary


Cause -- An established reason for the existence of a defect or


Cause-and-effect diagram -- A diagram graphically illustrating

the relationship between a given outcome and all the factors that
influence this outcome. Major categories often used are:
manpower, machines, methods, materials; or people, procedures,
policies, plant. (Also called a fishbone diagram or an Ishikawa
Centerline -- Represents the overall average operating level of the
Central tendency -- The tendency of data gathered from a
process to cluster toward a middle value, somewhere between the
high and low values of measurement.
Chart -- A tool for organization and summarization; aids in the
analysis of data and displays organized information in graphic form.
Charter -- A written commitment by management stating the
scope of authority for an improvement group. Resources, including
time and money, are specifically addressed.
Checksheet -- A form for recording data on which the number of
occurrences of an event can be recorded as ticks or checks.
Code of conduct -- Expectations of behavior mutually agreed
upon by a team. (Also called norms or rules of engagement.)

The Quality Approach

Common cause -- A source of process variation that is inherent

to the process and is common to all the data.
Conformance -- The state of meeting and/or exceeding customer
requirements and expectations.
Consensus -- A state where everyone in the group supports an
action or decision, even if some of them dont fully agree with it.
Consensus decision -- A decision made after all aspects of an
issue, both positive and negative, have been reviewed or discussed
to the extent that everyone openly understands, supports and
participates in the decision.
Consultant -- An individual who has experience and expertise in
applying tools and techniques to resolve process problems and who
can advise and facilitate an organizations improvement efforts.
Continuous improvement process -- The idea that quality
management and improvement is necessarily a continuous activity
to ensure ongoing customer satisfaction and improved efficiency.
Control -- Keeping a process within boundaries; minimizing the
variation of a process.

Appendix B/Glossary


Control chart -- A problem solving statistical tool that indicates

whether the system is in or out of control, as determined by
computed control limits.
Control limits -- Defines natural boundaries of a process within
specified confidence levels [upper control limit (UCL), and lower
control limit (LCL) defined on a control chart]. (J. R. Russell)
Cost of quality -- The sum of the cost of prevention, inspection,
and failure. The key financial measurement tool that ties process
control and process optimization into a total process management
effort. It can be used as an indicator and a signal for variation
(more often, patterns of variation) as well as a measure of
productivity and efficiency.
Cost of quality trend chart -- A chart reflecting the absolute
and relative magnitudes of prevention, appraisal, failure and total
quality costs over time.
Cost-benefit analysis -- A way to compare the costs and
benefits of plans. Can be used for comparing the financial
outcomes of different actions and determining if a particular action
makes sense financially.
Countermeasure -- Action taken to counter the verified root
cause of a problem.


The Quality Approach

Critical characteristic -- A characteristic dependent on the

functioning of budget constraints, competitive edge and/or
customer satisfaction of the product.

Critical dependencies -- The interrelationships existing within

or among processes that are primary drivers of defects or errors in a
product or service.
Critical issue -- Major unresolved requirements that keep a unit
from reaching its desired future state. Selection of critical issues by
senior leaders drives the goal-setting process.

Critical processes -- Processes that present serious dangers to

human life, health and the environment, or risk the loss of very
large sums of money and/or customers. Critical processes usually
require numerous safety features to be built into the operational
quality control system.
Cross-functional -- A term used to describe individuals from
different organizational units or functions who are part of a team to
solve problems, plan and develop solutions affecting the
organization as a system.
Cultural resistance -- A form of resistance based on opposition
to the possible social and/or organizational consequences associated
with change.

Appendix B/Glossary


Culture, organizational -- A common set of values, beliefs,

attitudes, perceptions and accepted behaviors shared by individuals
within an organization.
Culture change -- A major shift in attitudes, norms, sentiments,
beliefs, values, operating principles and behavior of an organization.

Customer -- Anyone for whom an organization or individual

provides goods or services. Can be internal or external.
Customer supplier alignment -- Matching supplier
capabilities (whats delivered) with customer needs (whats
required). Applies to internal as well as external customers.
Customer supplier model -- A model depicting inputs flowing
into a work process that, in turn, adds value and produces outputs
that are delivered to a customer. Throughout the process,
requirements and feedback from the customer to the supplier
monitor how well the process is meeting customer needs and
Customer supplier relationship -- The relationship between
customers and suppliers attempting to align capabilities and

Data -- A set of facts presented in descriptive form. There are two

basic kinds of data: measured (also known as variable), and
counted (also known as attribute or enumerative data).


The Quality Approach

Defect -- State or condition of nonconformance to requirements.

Departmental task analysis -- A method for analyzing an
organization by deter-mining its mission and how it interacts with
customers and suppliers. Used to position the organization for

Design of experiments -- A branch of applied statistics dealing

with planning, conducting, analyzing and interpreting controlled
tests to evaluate the factors that control the value of a parameter or
group of parameters.
Detection -- A reactive quality assurance strategy that attempts to
identify unacceptable output after it has been produced and
separated from the good output. (Also known as inspection.)
Deviation -- In data sets, the difference or distance of an
individual observation or data value from the center point (often the
mean) of the data set distribution.
Diagnosis -- The activity of discovering the cause(s) of quality
deficiencies. The process of studying symptoms, taking and
analyzing data, conducting experiments to test theories and
establishing relationships between causes and effects.

Driving forces -- Forces that tend to change a situation in ways

that you want it changed.
Effect -- An observable action, result or evidence of a problem.
Appendix B/Glossary


Empowerment -- Act of placing accountability, authority and

responsibility for processes and products at the lowest possible
level. Whether or not a person is truly empowered depends on
their acceptance of responsibility and accountability, their
capabilities, and the seriousness of the consequences.

Enable -- Removing the barriers to empowerment.

Expectations -- Customer perceptions about how your products
and services will meet specific customer needs and requirements.
Expectations for a product or service are shaped by many factors

The specific use the customer intends to make of it

Prior experience with a similar product or service

Representations and commitments (marketing and advertising


External customers -- Those who use the product or the service

supplied by the organization, but are not members of the
organization that produces the product.

External failure -- Nonconformance identified by external

Facilitator -- A person specially trained who functions as a
teacher, coach, and moderator for a group, team or organization.
In quality improvement, the facilitator focuses on group process
while the team leader focuses on content.


The Quality Approach

Failure -- The inability of an item, product or service to perform

required functions on demand due to one or more defects.

Feedback -- Communication from the customer about how

process output compares with customer expectations. (AT&T)
Fire fighting -- The activity of getting rid of sporadic quality
troubles and restoring the status quo. (Dr. Joseph M. Juran)
Fishbone diagram -- See Cause-and-effect diagram.
Five whys -- A technique for discovering the root cause(s) of a
problem and showing the relationship of causes by repeatedly
asking the question Why?
Flowchart -- A graphic, structured representation of all the major
steps in a process.
Force field analysis -- A technique that helps you identify and
visualize the relationships of significant forces that influence a
problem or a goal.
Frequency distribution -- A statistical table that graphically
presents a large volume of data in so that the central tendency
(average/mean, etc.) and distribution are clearly displayed.

Function -- A group of related actions contributing to a larger

Appendix B/Glossary


Gain sharing -- A reward system that shares productivity gains

between owners and employees. Gain sharing is generally used to
provide incentive for group efforts toward improvement.
Gatekeepers -- Individuals who help others enter into a
discussion (gate openers) and those who cut off others or interrupt
them (gate closers).
Gap analysis -- The comparison of a current condition to the
desired state.
Goal -- A broad statement describing a desired future condition
or achievement without being specific about how much and when.
(Government Performance and Results Act of 1993)

Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 -- The

law provides for the establishment, testing and evaluation of
strategic planning and performance measurement in the Federal
Government. (Public Law 103-62, August 3, 1993)
Group dynamics -- An ongoing process involving interaction of
individuals within a team to achieve the desired objective.
Hawthorne effect -- Every change results (initially, at least) in
increased productivity.


The Quality Approach

Histogram -- A chart that takes measurement data (e.g.,

temperature) and displays its distribution. A histogram reveals the
amount of variation within any process.

House of quality -- A product planning matrix developed during

quality function deployment that shows the relationship of customer
requirements to the means of achieving these requirements. The
matrix indicates the impact each of the means has on one another.
Hoshin Planning -- Helps to control the direction of the
company by orchestrating change within a company. This process
includes both long- and short-range planning and focuses annual
objectives on one or two key areas for breakthrough efforts. The
key is that it brings the total organization into the strategic planning
process, both top-down and bottom-up. It ensures that the
direction, goals, and objectives of the company are rationally
developed, well defined, monitored, clearly communicated, and
adapted based on system feed-back.

Imagineering -- Developing in the minds eye; a process without

Implementation -- A structured approach that addresses all
aspects (who, what, when, where, why, and how) of incorporating
improvements into the process or system.
Improvement -- The organized creation of beneficial change; the
attainment of unprecedented levels of performance. Levels of
improvement range from incremental to major; e.g., breakthrough

Appendix B/Glossary


In control -- Describes a process that has variations which

fluctuates between the computed control limits. It may indicate the
process is behaving as desired or that any problems can be
attributed to the process. A process in control is stable and
therefore predictable.

Indicators -- Measures of how well you are meeting customers

needs and reasonable expectations. They are measures of the
degree and/or frequency of conformance to valid requirements.
(Qualtec Quality Services, Inc.)
Inhibitors -- Individual managers and/or workers unwilling to
promote improvement activities regardless of demonstrated results
or reasoning.
Inputs -- Products or services obtained from others (suppliers) in
order to perform your job tasks.

Inspection -- Process of measuring, examining or testing a

product service against some requirement to identify
nonconformance before it reaches a customer.
Inspection costs -- Cost associated with inspecting the product
to ensure that it meets the customers (internal or external) needs
and requirements.
Internal customers -- Those who are impacted by the product
or service and are also members of the organization that produces
the product or service. (Dr. Joseph M. Juran)


The Quality Approach

Internal failures -- Product failures that occur before the

product is delivered to external customers. (Dr. Joseph M. Juran)
Intervention -- The role of team facilitator when he or she
interrupts a group to state his or her observations about the group

Ishikawa diagram -- See Cause-and-effect diagram.

ISO Standards -- The International Organization for
Standardization compiled the ISO 9000-9004 quality standards.
These are a set of individual but related international standards on
quality management and quality assurance developed to help
organizations effectively document the quality system elements to
be implemented to maintain an efficient quality system. The
standards are a starting point, not a finishing line.

Juran Trilogy -- The three managerial processes used in

managing for quality: quality planning, quality control and quality
improvement. (Dr. Joseph M. Juran)

Just-in-time (JIT) -- A concept where an item is delivered, justin-time, where and when it is needed.
Just-in-time inventory -- The minimum inventory required to
meet production schedules.

Appendix B/Glossary


Just-in-time training -- A process of providing training when it

is needed. Eliminates the need for refresher training due to subject
knowledge loss experienced if training precedes, over an extended
period of time, the knowledge use.
Kaizen -- Kaizen means improvement. Moreover it means
continuing improvement in personal life, home life, social life, and
working life. When applied to the workplace, Kaizen means
continuing incremental improvement involving everyone
managers and workers alike. (Kaizen Institute)
Kanban -- A communications tool in the just-in-time
production and control system. A kanban, or signboard, is attached
to specific parts in a production line signifying the delivery of a
given quantity. When all parts have been used, the same sign is
returned to its origin where it becomes an order for more. (Kaizen
Key interface -- The principal channel of interaction between
customer and supplier. (Dr. Joseph M. Juran)
Key process -- The major system level processes that support the
mission and satisfy major customer requirements. The
identification of key processes allows the organization to focus its
resources on what is important to the customer.
Key result area -- A major category of customer requirements
that is critical for the organizations success.


The Quality Approach

Measurement -- The act or process of quantitatively comparing

results to requirements to arrive at a quantitative estimate of
Metric -- A measurement, taken over a period of time, that
communicates vital information about a process or activity. A
metric should drive appropriate leadership or management action.
Physically, a metric package consists of an operational definition,
measurement over time and presentation.
Mental imaging -- A technique that uses the imagination of
experienced or informed persons to visualize success.
Mission -- The mission of an organization (and of an activity)
describes its reason for existence. Mission statements are broad
and expected to remain in effect for an extended period of time.
Multivoting -- A structured voting process used to reduce a large
number of items, usually ideas, to a more manageable number for
further processing or analysis.
Natural working group -- A group of people, similar to process
action teams (PATs), except the process to be improved is owned
and operated by the members of the group rather than senior
leaders or process owners.

Appendix B/Glossary


Nominal group technique (NGT) -- A tool for generating a list

of ideas or opportunities (allows individuals to express their
opinion). Priorities are determined by voting and ranking. The
nominal group technique consists of the following steps:
Individuals silently generate ideas without prior
discussion; all idea s are written on a board, flip chart or
pinned to the wall
The group discusses ideas to identify, clarify and
combine what has been written
Votes are taken to establish the priorities, or ratings, of
the various items using weighted, multivoting or a similar
Optionally, these steps can be followed by a discussion
of the results and a second vote
Non-value added -- Not essential to the achievement of process
Objective -- A specific statement of a desired shorter-term
condition or achievement. Includes measurable end results to be
accomplished by specific teams of people within time limits. It is
the how, when and who for achieving a goal.

Outputs -- Products, materials, services, or information provided

to customers (internal or external).


The Quality Approach

Out of control -- Describes a process that has variations which

fluctuate outside the computed control limits. This condition
normally indicates the process is not operating as desired or that
external factors have been introduced. A process out of control
is not stable and therefore is not predictable.
Pairwise ranking -- A group decision-making and prioritization
method. Used to prioritize groups of items via comparison of
predetermined criteria.
Paradigm -- A set of rules and regulations that defines boundaries
and tells what to do to be successful within these boundaries.
Pareto chart -- A statistical method of measurement to identify
the most important problems through different measurement scales;
e.g., frequency, cost, etc. It directs attention and efforts to the
most significant problems.

PDSA -- Plan-Do-Study-Act: a structured, cyclical methodology

for developing and implementing actions of any type: Plan for the
action by collecting and analyzing data and developing alternatives;
Do, implement the selected alternative (preferably on a small scale);
Study, evaluate results and compare expected values; Act,
standardize action and/or start over. (Shewhart Cycle, Deming
Performance standard -- No deviation from agreed-upon valid
internal or external criteria.

Appendix B/Glossary


Policy -- Overarching plan (direction) for achieving an

organizations goals.
Policy deployment -- Process for developing and deploying an
organizations plans and goals to the implementation level (top
down) and then actions and metrics to achieve them (bottom up).
It is very similar to Hoshin planning.
Policy management -- Targeting the achievement of
breakthroughs by concentrating organization efforts and resources
on a few priority issues. By doing this you: increase performance
levels, improve communication of organization and unit direction
and ensure broad participation in the development and attainment
of long-term and short-term goals.
Prevention -- A quality assurance strategy that attempts to
identify and correct unacceptable service or product characteristics
during the design, development or production phases.
Process -- A set of interrelated work activities that are
characterized by a set of specific inputs and value-added tasks that
produce a set of specific outputs. (AT&T)
Process action team (PAT) -- A chartered team made up of
members with a vested interest in improving a process whose scope
and duration are clearly defined by the process owner.

Process Capability ratios -- A group of measures that relate

customer requirements to actual process performance.


The Quality Approach

Process control -- The application of Plan-Do-Study-Act

(PDSA) philosophy to daily activities necessary to meet the needs
and expectations of the customer.

Process Improvement -- A structured team environment that

allows your people to work together to continuously improve
Process owner -- The person who coordinates the various
functions and work activities at all levels of a process, has the
authority or ability to make changes in the process as required, and
manages the process end-to-end so as to ensure optimal overall
performance. (AT&T)
QAF Systems Model --A way of ensuring customer satisfaction
through involvement of all people in reliably delivering quality
products and services. The QAF system has three components:
focus, quality in daily operations and the improvement process.
The system is founded on leadership and revolves around the Air
Force core values.

Quality -- Consistently meeting or exceeding customer

Quality advisor -- Assists and advises the commander in the use
of QAF principles, concepts, tools and techniques to improve
organizational, team and individual performance.

Appendix B/Glossary


Quality Air Force (QAF) -- The Air Force approach to total

quality management: a leadership commitment and operating style
that inspires trust, teamwork and continuous improvement
everywhere in the Air Force.
Quality audit -- A systematic, independent examination and
review to determine whether quality activities and related results
comply with planned arrangements and whether the arrangements
are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve the
objectives. (ASQC Quality Progress, Feb 92)
Quality circles -- Quality improvement and self-improvement
study groups composed of workers and their supervisor who
functions as a leader. (ASQC Quality Progress, Feb 92)
Quality function deployment -- A system that translates
customer requirements (voice of the customer) into technical
requirements for each stage of development and/or production.
Quality management -- The management of a process to
maximize customer satisfaction at the lowest overall cost to the
organization. (AT&T)

Quality tool -- Instrument or technique that supports the activities

of process quality management and improvement.
Random cause -- A cause of variation due to chance and not
assignable to any factor.


The Quality Approach

Requirements -- Performance standards associated with specific

and measurable customer needs; the itin do it right the first time.
Restraining force -- Forces that tend to keep a situation from
changing in the way that you would like it to.
Root cause -- Original reason for nonconformance within a
process. When the root cause is removed or corrected, the
nonconformance will be eliminated. (AT&T)
Sampling -- The process of taking a small part or quantity of
something for analysis.
Scatter diagram -- A graphical technique to analyze the
relationship between two variables. (ASQC Quality Progress, Feb
Special cause -- Causes of variation, in a process, that arise
because of special circumstances. They are not inherent parts of a
Stakeholder -- Any individual, group, or organization that will
have a significant impact on, or will be significantly impacted by,
the quality of the product or service you provide.

Appendix B/Glossary


Statistical process control -- The application of statistical

techniques for measuring and analyzing the variation in processes.
(Dr. Joseph M. Juran)
Statistical quality control -- The application of statistical
techniques for measuring and improving the quality of processes.
SQC includes SPC, diagnostic tools, sampling plans and other
statistical techniques. (Dr. Joseph M. Juran)

Statistics -- Descriptive: involves the tabulation, depicting, and

describing collections of data. Inferential: a formalized body of
techniques characteristically involving attempts to infer the
properties of a large collection of data from inspection of a sample
of the collection. (Glass & Stanley)
Storyboard -- Technique to graphically display the methodology
used and progress made by a process action team; a board,
specifically designated to display information

Strategic planning -- The process by which an organization

envisions its future and develops special quality strategies and plans
to achieve that future.

Strategies -- A broad, multifaceted approach chosen by an

organization that is intended to move the organization from where
it is to where it wants to be. Strategies address one or more
critical issues.


The Quality Approach

Stretch goals -- A set of goals designed to position the

organization to meet future requirements.

Suboptimize -- The act of committing energy and resources to

maximize a portion of a process or system that undermines the
effectiveness of the overall process or system.
Subprocess -- The process that makes up a larger process.
Suppliers -- The source of materials, service or information input
to a process. Suppliers can be internal or external to an
organization or group.
Symptom -- An observable phenomena arising from and
accompanying a defect. Sometimes, but not always, the same word
is used both as a defect description and as a symptom description;
e.g., open circuit. More usually, a defect will have multiple
symptoms; e.g., insufficient torquemay include the symptoms of
vibration, overheating, erratic function, etc. (Dr. Joseph M.
System -- A group of interdependent processes and people that
together perform a common mission.
Tampering -- The process of adjusting a stable process to try to
compensate for a result that is undesirable or for a result that is
extra good, the output that follows will be worse than if the
tamperer had left the process alone.

Appendix B/Glossary


Task -- Specific, definable activities to perform an assigned piece

of work, often finished in a certain time.
Thematic content analysis -- A procedure for finding patterns
in raw data.
Total quality -- A strategic integrated system for achieving
customer satisfaction that involves all managers and employees and
uses quantitative methods to continuously improve an
organizations processes. Often combined with other words to
indicate this approach to various organizational functions or
activities, as in: total quality management, total quality leadership,
total quality control or total quality culture.
Value added -- The parts of the process that add worth to the
external customer.
Values -- The fundamental beliefs that drive organizational
behavior and decision making. Stated values may or may not match
real values as exhibited by behavior.
Variation -- The difference among individual outputs of the same
process; common or special.
Vision -- An overarching statement of the way an organization
wants to be. An ideal state of being at a future point.


The Quality Approach

Weighted criteria ranking -- A way to prioritize a list of issues,

ideas or attributes by assigning weighted criteria to judge them.
Weighted voting -- A way to prioritize a list of issues, ideas or
attributes by assigning points to each item based on its relative
Zero defects -- A long range value or concept. It implies the
need for never-ending improvement.

Appendix B/Glossary


Case Study
A Quality Fable About Improvement
Once upon a time at a fighter wing in the American southwest, the
duty day was sunup to sundown. Nobody knew why, but it had
been that way for as long as anyone could remember. The long
hours were frustrating for families, friends, flightline workers and
aircrews. There had to be a better way. But while there were
plenty of complaints, no one really knew what to do about the long
duty days. Operations blamed maintenance, maintenance blamed
the schedulers, and the families blamed everybody.
CIP step 1 Enter Capt F.W. Taylor. Capt Taylor had
worked at the base quality office, and noticed several processes in
his F15E squadron that needed improvement. He knew any
process worth improving must meet two criteria. First, the process
had to be consistent with Air Combat Command goals. Secondly,
Capt Taylor needed a process that was significant to his units
mission, but not overly ambitious.
So Capt Taylor went to work. With help from Capt Deming, who
worked in the quality office, and with inputs from the operations
group commander, they decided to focus improvement efforts on
the length of the crews duty day. Some folks werent sure the
duty day needed attention. After all, the flyers knew maintenance
could solve that problem by speeding up their turn times. On the
contrary, said maintenance; they were convinced the schedulers
needed to be more precise. Capt Taylor had to ask himself, Would
improving this process contribute towards the Air Combat
Command mission or even the squadrons mission?

Appendix C/Case Study


CIP step 1 Nobody knew how changes would affect

readiness and combat capability. Capt Taylor and Capt Deming
surveyed internal and external customers and interviewed
personnel. They explored how shortening the duty day would
benefit all involved and ultimately benefit the mission.
CIP steps 1 and 2 The survey cited strong reasons to
reduce the length of the crews duty day: shortening the day would
increase the safety of both aircrews and maintenance while
improving training. Other benefits included: improved relations
between units, more debrief time between pilots and improved
quality of life for all units involved with the F15E. The captains
collected the customer requirements and identified the process
owners. Then they created a team to examine and improve the
The team members were volunteers from all of the critical areas:
operations, fuels, maintenance, weapons, safety programming and
quality assurance. Team members, armed with impressive
corporate knowledge, took their assignments seriously and attended
a quality course. Capt Taylor was the team leader; Capt Deming
was the facilitator.
CIP step 2 The group set out to collect data on all
aspects of the process. The duty day was broken down into its
critical components using the experience from the flying,
maintenance and supply squadrons. Next, the components were
assembled to give an as-ispicture of the process. The team used
many tools to collect data, beginning with a flowchart of the
existing process. That flowchart helped team members identify the
questions they needed to ask, and focused everyone on the
improvement process. After building the flowchart, the team
created a fishbone diagram of the long duty day.


The Quality Approach



Range scheduling

Ordinance checks
Night flying

Maintenance crews
Fuel crews


Long duty day

Ramp layout

Bombing range


CIP step 3 The team slowly traced the cause-and-effect

relationships in maintenance and scheduling. Those familiar with
specific parts of the process took a new look when they explained it
to others. The maintenance knowledge and weapons expertise of
MSgt Goodwrench and MSgt Butterfinger proved especially
helpful. The team discovered the length of the flying window
(thats the time between the first launch and the last landing) drove
the length of the duty day. The goal of the team was a reduction in
the flying window and consequently a reduction in the duty day.
The flying window was designated the process metric any
reduction in its length would indicate a process improvement.
CIP steps 2, 3, and 4 The team used brainstorming and
the five whys techniques to explore the cause-and-effect relationships between different actions and units. The team identified and
removed some inefficiencies in the maintenance process, saving 3045 minutes each day. An unnecessary ordinance check was
eliminated that saved another 30 minutes on some missions.
Encouraged by their successes, the team kept working to shave
even more time off the flying window.

Appendix C/Case Study


CIP step 3 MSgt Goodwrench used a checksheet to

develop a Pareto chart of maintenance jobs. The checksheet tallied
how often a job was performed and the Pareto chart compared the
frequencies of different jobs.
Then MSgt Goodwrench decided the most benefit could be derived
from improving the most frequently performed action. She was
right! Thats why MSgt Goodwrench focused on the most common
maintenance job: aircraft regeneration. She built a histogram of
M = AC regeneration
N = monthly check
O = avionics/elect.
P = hydraulic repair
Q = engine repair

Job type

different regeneration times. The histogram showed MSgt

Goodwrench the average time it took to perform a job, and also
showed how some performances varied.


Receive instruction
from faster group
G ive instruction
to slow g r o u p

T im e t o
fin i s h a j o b








The Quality Approach

CIP steps 3 and 4 oWhen recording times for the

histogram, MSgt Goodwrench always made sure crews performed
equally well, and checked to be sure nobody cut corners while
observed. To improve the routine, she asked those crews that
turned in faster times to explain their procedures. The information
was used to train the maintenance teams that were significantly
slower than average.
CIP step 5 This process eventually became the basis for
in-house training programs to update and improve workplace skills.
This reduced variation, improved skills and shaved more minutes
off the flying window.
The teams also used checksheets, Pareto charts and histograms to
evaluate the refueling process. Sgt Octane from the fuels flight
used these tools to discover refueling often involved two trucks and
averaged 45 minutes. In fact, 37 percent of the aircraft required a
second fuel truck to finish refueling. Maintenance crews often had
a long wait before the second truck arrived, and longer if they had
to wait for the original truck to fill its tank and return. Those 45
minutes for refueling increased the time required between flights.
Because of safety restrictions, no maintenance could be performed
during aircraft refueling; that meant refueling had an enormous
impact on the turn time and eventually on the flying window. To
solve the problem, trucks were dispatched in pairs that reduced
the average F-15 refueling time to less than 30 minutes.
CIP steps 5 and 6 Most team members were surprised
such a simple action could have such large payoff. Sgt Octane and
his shop never knew waiting for the second truck to show up
affected turn time. The people in fuels considered the time until a
truck arrived as the gauge for customer satisfaction. Their
measurements didnt include the time required to finish refueling,
and so they didnt realize they werent meeting their customers
Appendix C/Case Study


expectations. This lesson taught the group the value of selecting

the proper metrics; team members vowed to emphasize them to all
CIP steps 2, 3, 5, and 6 The team continually came up
with new ideas and suggestions for improvement. The members
had so many ideas, in fact, they needed to use multivoting and
nominal group technique to prioritize their ideas. One accepted
idea was to benchmark the repair process against team processes
used at Exercise GUNSMOKE and Exercise RED FLAG. Further
suggestions included charting the times for repair on a control
chart. To make a chart, the team recorded the time local
maintenance technicians needed to complete a repair. After enough
jobs were observed to calculate limits, they plotted the average,
lower and upper time limits of each specific job on X and MR
charts. MSgt Goodwrench reviewed the time-to-fixof the
specific jobs. Then she studied the out-of-control points. She
observed the out-of-control times happened to nearly all of her
crew at one time or another; all ranks and experience levels had
recorded slow times.


Control chart of repair times


The Quality Approach



Moving range of repair times

CIP step 6 MSgt Goodwrench was confused. From the

most experienced to the newest worker, everyone had recorded
long repair times. Rank and training seemed to have no effect.
What was wrong? When she investigated those incidents that
exceeded the upper control limit, MSgt Goodwrench learned tools
were late or unavailable and so the longer repair times were
recorded. When times recorded were shorter than expected, she
learned crews had the tools available from the start of the job.
Availability of tool packages directly affected the length of time
needed to complete a repair. And although crew chiefs frequently
complained about the lack of tool packages, maintenance had
exceeded its tool quota. There had to be a better way.
Maintenance came up with the idea of having the ramp supervisor
spotunused or soon-to-be-finished tool packages and radio their
location to the hanger. Tools became available as soon as the
current job was finished instead of waiting until the job was finished
and the kits returned. That reduced turnaround times, and the
flying window shrunk even more.
CIP steps 3, 5, and 6 All these initiatives yielded 20
recommendations and most were implemented. Deliberate team
effort and open discussion made this happen. There were no quick
solutions; the incremental and continuous improvement took many

Appendix C/Case Study


months. Eventually the flying window was cut by hours. That led
to a corresponding drop of four hours in the duty day. Before the
team worked on the process, the flying window exceeded eight
hours 40 percent of the time. After the improvements, the flying
window rarely exceeded eight hours. The maintenance crews were
happy with the shorter hours and increased efficiency, the aircrews
were happy with the shorter hours and increased training and that
made the families happier, too. Air Combat Command enjoyed
increased combat capability, the units enjoyed better relations and
everyone enjoyed an increased quality of life. This story has a
happy ending.


The Quality Approach

Benchmarking Code of Conduct
Preamble To guide benchmarking encounters and enhance the
professionalism and effectiveness of benchmarking, the
International Benchmarking Clearinghouse, a service of the
American Productivity & Quality Center, and the Strategic Planning
Institute Council on Benchmarking have adopted this common
Code of Conduct. We encourage all organizations to abide by this
Code of Conduct. Adherence to these principles will contribute to
efficient, effective, and ethical benchmarking.
Individuals agree for themselves and their organization to abide by
the following principles for benchmarking with other organizations.
1. Principle of Legality.

If there is any potential question on the legality of an issue, don't

do it

Avoid discussions or actions that could lead to or imply an

interest in restraint of trade, market, and/or customer allocation
schemes, price fixing, dealing arrangements, bid rigging, or
bribery. Don't discuss costs with competitors if costs are an
element of pricing

Appendix D/Benchmarking Code of Conduct


Refrain from the acquisition of trade secrets from any means that
could be interpreted as improper, including the breach or
inducement of a breach of any duty to maintain secrecy. Do not
disclose or use any trade secret that may have been obtained
through improper means or that was disclosed by another in
violation of a duty to maintain its secrecy or limit its use. Do
not, as a consultant or client, extend one benchmarking effort's
findings to another organization without first obtaining
permission from the parties of the first effort

2. Principle of Exchange

Be willing to provide the same type and level of information that

you request from your benchmarking partner to your
benchmarking partner

Communicate fully and early in the relationship to clarify

expectations, avoid misunderstandings, and establish mutual
interest in the benchmarking exchange. Be honest and complete

3. Principle of Confidentiality

Treat benchmarking interchanges as confidential to the

individuals and organizations involved. Information must not be
communicated outside the partnering organizations without the
prior consent of the benchmarking partner who shared the

An organization 's participation in a study is confidential and

should not be communicated externally without its prior


The Quality Approach

4. Principle of Use

Use information obtained through benchmarking only for

purposes of formulating improvement of operations or processes
within the organizations participating in the benchmarking effort

The use or communication of a benchmarking partner's name

with the data obtained or practices observed requires the prior
permission of that partner

Do not use benchmarking as a means to market or sell

5. Principle of First Party Contact

Initiate benchmarking contacts, whenever possible, through a

benchmarking contact designated by the partner organization

Respect the corporate culture of partner organizations and work

within mutually agreed upon procedures

Obtain mutual agreement with the designated benchmarking

contact on any hand-off of communication or responsibility to
other parties

6. Principle of Third Party Contact

Obtain an individual's permission before providing his or her

name in response to a contact request

Avoid communicating a contact's name in an open forum without

the contact's permission

7. Principle of Preparation

Demonstrate commitment to the efficiency and effectiveness of

benchmarking by completing preparatory work prior to making an
initial benchmarking contact and following a benchmarking process

Make the most of your benchmarking partners' time by being

fully prepared for each exchange
Appendix D/Benchmarking Code of Conduct


Help your benchmarking partners prepare by providing them

with an interview guide or questionnaire and agenda prior to
benchmarking visits

8. Principle of Completion

Follow through with each commitment made to your

benchmarking partners in a timely manner

Complete each benchmarking effort to the satisfaction of all

benchmarking partners as mutually agreed

9. Principle of Understanding and Action

Understand how your benchmarking partners would like to be

Treat your benchmarking partners in the way that you would
like to be treated


how each benchmarking partner would like to have

the information he or she provides handled and used, and handle

and use it in that manner


The Quality Approach

Suggested Reading
1. Benchmarking: The Search for Best Practices that Lead to
Superior Performance by Robert Camp (ASQC Press, 1989)
2. The Deming Management Method by Mary Walton (The
Putnam Publishing Group, 1986)
3. Employee Driven Quality: Releasing the Creative Spirit of
Your Organization Through Suggestion Systems by Robin E.
McDermott, Raymond J. Mikulak, and Michael R. Beauregard
(Quality Resources, 1993)
4. The Empowered Manager: Positive Political Skills at Work
by Peter Block (Jossey-Bass Inc., 1987)
5. Excellence in Government by David K. Carr and Ian D.
Littman (Coopers and Lybrand, 1991)
6. The Fifth Discipline by Peter M. Senge (Doubleday
Publishing, 1990)
7. Five Pillars of TQM by Bill Creech (The Penguin Group,

Appendix E/Suggested Reading


8. From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government That

Works Better and Costs Less: Report of the National
Performance Review by Vice President Al Gore (US Government
Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, 1993)
9. The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox, Second
Revised Edition (North River Press Inc., 1992)
10. Guide to Quality Control by Kaoru Ishikawa (Quality
Resources, 1993)
11. Hoshin Kanri: Policy Deployment for Successful TQM by
Yoji Akao (Productivity Press, 1991)
12. Juran on Leadership for Quality: An Executive Handbook
by Joseph M. Juran (Juran Institute, Inc., 1989)
13. Kaizen: The Key to Japans Competitive Success by Masaaki
Imai (McGraw-Hill 1986)
14. The Language of Total Quality by Arturo Onnias (TPOK
Publications of Quality, 1992)
15. Making Meetings Work: A Guide for Leaders and Group
Members by Leland P. Bradford, Ph.D., L. H. D. (Pfeiffer and
Company, 1976)


The Quality Approach

16. Managing the Total Quality Transformation by Thomas H.

Berry (McGraw-Hill, 1991)
17. Memory Jogger Plus by Michael Brassard (Goal QPC, 1989)
18. The Metrics Handbook (AFMC Pamphlet 90-102, May 1995)
19. The New Economics: For Industry, Government Education
by W. Edwards Deming, Third Printing (Institute of Technology
20. Plan or Die by Timothy Nolan and Leonard Goodstein,
William Pfeiffer (Pheiffer and Company, 1993)
21. Process Improvement Guide: Quality Tools for Todays
Air Force by the Air Force Quality Institute, Second Edition
(AFQI, 1994)
22. Profiles for Performance: Total Quality Methods for
Reducing Cycle Time by Jack H. Fooks (Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, 1993)
23. Simplified Baldrige Award Organization Assessment by
Donald C. Fisher, Ph.D. (The Lincoln-Bradley Publishing Group,

Appendix E/Suggested Reading


24. SPC Simplified for Service - Practical Tools for Continuous

Improvement by D.M. Amsden, R.T. Butler and H.E. Butler
(Quality Resource, 1991)
25. Statistical Quality Control Handbook by AT&T, (AT&T
Technologies, 1956)
26. Strategic Benchmarking by Gregory H. Watson, (John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993)
27. Team Building: An Exercise in Leadership, Revised
Edition by Robert B. Maddux (Crisp Publications, 1992)
28. The Team Handbook by Peter R. Scholtes, (Joiner
Associates, 1994)
29. Total Quality Transformation Improvement Tools by PQ
Systems Inc. (PQ Systems Inc., 1994)
30. Walk the Talk...and get the results you want by Eric Harvey
and Alexander Lucia (Performance Publishing, 1995)


The Quality Approach

Action Workout - 31, 41, 131
Affinity Diagram - 77, 78, 83, 84, 85, 131
Assessments - 30, 57
Chief of Staff Team Excellance Award - 6, 30
Secretary of the AF Award - 6, 30
Benchmarking - 24, 46, 48, 52, 133, 167
Boxplot - 94, 102, 133
Brainstorming - 34, 65, 71, 73, 86, 133
Cause and effect diagram - 85, 134
Checksheet - 94, 134
Continuous improvement process - 35, 51 55, 135
Control chart - 107-111, 118-122, 136
Customer/supplier model - 27, 138
Empowerment - 5, 13, 139
Environmental scan - 22



Facilitator - 22, 40, 141

Five whys - 67,141
Flowchart - 34, 78, 141
Force field analysis - 76, 141
Gap analysis - 24, 142
Government Performance and Results Act - 8, 142
Histogram - 96, 143
Key result areas - 23, 49, 146
Leadership - 4, 11, 19, 60
Mental Imaging - 68, 147
Metrics - 28, 147
Mission - 11, 131
Multivoting - 71, 141
Nominal group technique - 73, 148
Pairwise ranking - 74, 149
Pareto chart - 89, 149
Process capability ratio - 122, 150


The Quality Approach

QAF defined - 1, 152

QAF criteria - 6, 57, 63,
Quality advisor - 15
Reengineering - 52
Run chart - 101
Scatter diagram - 153
Shewhart cycle - 149
Strategic planning - 20, 61
Developmental - 33
Natural working groups - 33
Proces action - 33
Self directed - 33
Tiger - 33
Thematic content analysis - 87
Unit Self Assessment - 57
Values - 2, 12, 22, 156
Vision - 12, 131, 156



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