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8 SCRA 813

Gallego and his companions were about to hold a meeting of the

Jehovahs Witnesses in front of the Public market. The chief of
police, approached him and asked if they have a permit to hold the
meeting, he answered in the negative. The chief of police enjoined
him from proceeding but he refused. The chief of police warned
appellant if he continued with the meeting, he was to place him
under arrest. Gallego disregarded the warning and continued the
meeting for at least 30 minutes.
CA ruled: That there was disobedience on appellants part is selfevident from his immediate reaction to the chief of police warning.
And there was an existing municipal ordinance at the time
(Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1957) providing for a previous permit for
the holding of religious meeting in public places.
He contends that he cannot be convicted of slight disobedience
because, there is no proof of the existence of an ordinance in force
on March 10, 1957, requiring a permit for the holding of a meeting.
For this purpose, petitioner assails the CA for taking judicial notice
of Ordinance No. 2, series of 1957 when the trial court itself
allegedly did not take cognizance of the ordinance.
RULING: There is nothing in the law that prohibits a court, from
taking cognizance of a municipal ordinance. On the contrary,
Section 5 of Rule 123 of the Rules of Court enjoins courts to take
judicial notice of matters which are capable of unquestionable
demonstration. This is exactly what the CA did in this case in
holding that "contrary to appellants contention, there was an
existing municipal ordinance at the time providing for a previous
permit for the holding of religious meeting in public places."
It is not true, that the trial court did not take notice of the
ordinance. For the lower court mentioned petitioners "failure to
secure the necessary permit" with obvious reference to Ordinance
No. 2, Series of 1957. CFI should take judicial notice of municipal
ordinances within their respective jurisdictions. It must be in

compliance with this ruling that the trial court took notice of
Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1957 of the Municipality of Lambunao.

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