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290 F.

3d 602

Ernest West BASDEN, Petitioner Appellant,

R.C. LEE, Warden, Central Prison, Raleigh, North Carolina,
No. 01-24.

United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.

Argued January 22, 2002.
Decided May 3, 2002.


OMITTED ARGUED: J. Matthew Martin, Martin & Martin, P.A.,
Hillsborough, North Carolina; John Dalton Loftin, Loftin & Loftin, P.A.,
Hillsborough, North Carolina, for Petitioner-Appellant. Edwin William
Welch, Special Deputy Attorney General, North Carolina Department of
Justice, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Respondent-Appellee.
ON BRIEF: Roy Cooper, North Carolina Attorney General, Barry S.
McNeill, Special Deputy Attorney General, North Carolina Department of
Justice, Raleigh, North Carolina, for Respondent-Appellee.
Before WILKINSON, Chief Judge, and MOTZ and GREGORY, Circuit
Affirmed by published opinion. Judge DIANA GRIBBON MOTZ wrote
the opinion, in which Chief Judge WILKINSON and Judge GREGORY

A jury convicted Ernest Basden of the first-degree murder of, and conspiracy to
murder, Billy White, and recommended that he be sentenced to death. Basden
challenged his convictions and resulting death sentence in state court,
unsuccessfully pursuing direct and postconviction relief. Basden then filed this

petition in the district court for a writ of habeas corpus, see 28 U.S.C.A. 2244
(West Supp. 2001), maintaining that at his trial the State withheld exculpatory
evidence and knowingly presented perjured testimony, that his counsel
provided ineffective assistance, and that the indictment under which he was
convicted was constitutionally defective. He now appeals the district court's
summary judgment denial of all habeas relief. We affirm.

The Supreme Court of North Carolina on direct appeal described the facts
surrounding White's murder as follows:

The State's evidence tended to show Sylvia White wanted to kill her husband,
Billy White, for at least a year. She unsuccessfully tried to poison him with
wild berries and poisonous plants. She also enlisted the help of Linwood
Taylor, defendant's nephew. Taylor then approached defendant and told him he
needed a hit man and asked defendant if he wanted the job. Defendant initially
thought the idea was crazy and refused. Later, when defendant got into
financial difficulty he asked Taylor if the offer still stood and agreed to kill

Taylor developed a scheme to lure White, who was an insurance salesman, to a

location where he could be killed. Taylor pretended to be a wealthy
businessman from out of town who had bought property in Jones County and
wanted to buy insurance. Taylor arranged for White to meet him in a wooded
rural area at 8:30 p.m. Sunday, 20 January 1992. On the day of the murder,
Taylor and defendant drove to the designated spot and waited for White.

When White arrived, Taylor got out of his car and introduced himself to White
as Tim Conners. Then Taylor said he needed to use the bathroom and stepped
to the other side of the road. Defendant got out of the car and picked up a
twelve-gauge shotgun he had placed on the ground beside the driver's side of
the car. Defendant pointed the gun at White and pulled the trigger. The shotgun
did not fire because defendant had not cocked the hammer back. Defendant
then cocked the hammer and fired. White was knocked to the ground.
Defendant removed the spent shell casing and loaded another shell into the
shotgun. Defendant then approached White, who was lying faceup on the
ground, and while standing over White, shot him again. At trial the pathologist
testified that White bled to death from massive shotgun wounds to the right
upper chest and left lower abdomen. Although his aorta was nearly severed
from his heart, White did not die instantly but would have remained conscious
for some period of time and would have felt pain.

Defendant and Taylor drove back to Taylor's house after the shooting. Taylor
said he thought he left a map at the crime scene so they returned and went
through White's pockets taking a blank check, wallet, and gold ring. They then
returned to Taylor's house and burned all their clothing in the backyard. They
also sawed the shotgun into three or four pieces with a hacksaw, put the pieces
into a bucket of cement, and threw it over a bridge into the Neuse River. Taylor
gave defendant three hundred dollars.

Prior to defendant's arrest, police officers retrieved two metal base portions of
spent shotgun shells which were found in ashes from the fire in Taylor's
backyard. Forensic examination indicated they were consistent with twelvegauge shotgun shells and could have been fired from the same weapon. Officers
also went to defendant's repair shop in Kinston and retrieved a man's gold-tone
ring with three diamond settings from defendant, who had it in his pocket.

Taylor and Sylvia White were arrested for murder on 12 February 1992.
Defendant went to the Jones County Sheriff's Department where Taylor told
defendant that he had confessed. Taylor advised defendant to turn himself in
and talk to SBI Agent Eric Smith. Defendant was interviewed by Agent Smith
and Detective Simms of the Lenoir County Sheriff's Department. After giving
some preliminary background information, defendant told the officers that he
shot White. The officers immediately read defendant his Miranda rights and
defendant signed a written waiver of his rights. Defendant then gave a detailed
confession and stated that he killed White because he needed the money.

Defendant presented evidence that he suffered from depression, arthritis,

kidney problems, pancreatitis, and drug and alcohol abuse. He is the youngest
of ten children [and thus actually a few months younger than Taylor, his much
older sister's son]. He was extremely close to his mother, who was killed in a
car accident when he was fourteen years old, and he never really recovered
from her death. Defendant had been married once for about five years and was
a good father to his stepchildren. Defendant was considered by friends and
family to be a loner.


Dr. J. Don Everhart, a clinical psychologist, testified that defendant has a

dependent personality disorder; he is lacking in self-confidence and clings to
stronger people, performing unpleasant tasks for them to retain their support.
Dr. Everhart further testified that defendant has an avoidance personality
disorder; he is shy and uncomfortable in social settings and is easily isolated.
Finally, defendant has a schizotypal personality disorder, with feelings of being
disembodied and disassociated from life events.


State v. Basden, 339 N.C. 288, 451 S.E.2d 238, 241-42 (N.C.1994).


The State tried Basden for capital murder, and the jury convicted him, less than
fourteen months after he shot and killed Billy White. At Basden's trial, the State
established the details of the crime that are outlined above, through the
testimony of police officers and cross examination of Basden himself. Two
officers testified to the contents of several detailed confessions, from both
Basden and his co-conspirator, Taylor. Moreover, Basden himself took the
stand and admitted in cross examination that he was "the one who actually shot
Mr. White," that he agreed to do it the Friday before the Monday murder, and
that he "did it for the money."


The jury deliberated for an hour and fifteen minutes before convicting Basden,
and for nearly nine hours before issuing its sentencing recommendation. The
jury found one statutory aggravating factor the crime was committed for
pecuniary gain and two statutory mitigating factors Basden was
dominated by Taylor and under the influence of a mental or emotional
disturbance. The jury also found five nonstatutory mitigating factors
repentance and remorse, willing assumption of responsibility, religious belief
and practice while incarcerated, stress at the time of the crime, confession and
cooperation with law enforcement at an early stage of the investigation, and
character and prior conduct inconsistent with the crime. In accord with the
jury's recommendation, the judge sentenced Basden to death.


Basden appealed his convictions and sentence to the Supreme Court of North
Carolina and after that court affirmed the verdict and sentence, the Supreme
Court of the United States denied certiorari. See State v. Basden, 339 N.C. 288,
451 S.E.2d 238, cert. denied, 515 U.S. 1152, 115 S.Ct. 2599, 132 L.Ed.2d 845
(1995). Then Basden filed a motion for appropriate relief, which the state
postconviction court denied in January 1996. After involved state court
proceedings, Basden finally won postconviction discovery in 1999. See State v.
Basden, 350 N.C. 579, 515 S.E.2d 220 (N.C.1999); State v. Basden, 348 N.C.
284, 501 S.E.2d 920 (N.C.1998). This discovery provided Basden with a
number of documents, including police reports of additional statements from
Taylor and a statement of one Tim Jones, describing facts concerning Billy
White's death and the plan to kill him. On the basis of these documents, Basden
filed an amended motion for appropriate relief; the state postconviction court
again rejected it, and the Supreme Court of North Carolina and Supreme Court
of the United States denied review. See Basden v. North Carolina, 531 U.S.
982, 121 S.Ct. 435, 148 L.Ed.2d 442 (2000); State v. Basden, 352 N.C. 357,
544 S.E.2d 549 (N.C.2000); State v. Basden, 352 N.C. 150, 544 S.E.2d 228
(N.C. 2000).


Basden then filed this petition for a writ of habeas corpus in federal court. The
district court rejected a number of Basden's claims as procedurally defaulted,
found the remaining claims meritless, and refused to grant Basden an
evidentiary hearing. Basden appeals.


We conduct de novo review of a "district court's decision on a petition for writ

of habeas corpus based on a state court record." See Spicer v. Roxbury Corr.
Inst., 194 F.3d 547, 555 (4th Cir.1999). Applying the same standard as the
district court, we can order issuance of the writ only if the state court's
adjudication of a claim "resulted in a decision that was contrary to, or involved
an unreasonable application of, clearly established Federal law, as determined
by the Supreme Court of the United States"; or "resulted in a decision that was
based on an unreasonable determination of the facts in light of evidence
presented in the State court proceeding." 28 U.S.C.A. 2254(d) (West 2001).


Basden raises two arguments grounded in Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 83
S.Ct. 1194, 10 L.Ed.2d 215 (1963), which holds that a State violates a
defendant's due process rights when it fails to disclose to the defendant prior to
trial "evidence favorable to an accused ... where the evidence is material." Id. at
87, 83 S.Ct. 1194; see also United States v. Agurs, 427 U.S. 97, 96 S.Ct. 2392,
49 L.Ed.2d 342 (1976). Under Brady, "evidence favorable to the accused"
includes impeachment as well as exculpatory evidence; the suppression of such
evidence is material and so violates due process "if there is a reasonable
probability that, had the evidence been disclosed to the defense, the result of
the proceeding would have been different." Strickler v. Greene, 527 U.S. 263,
280, 119 S.Ct. 1936, 144 L.Ed.2d 286 (1999) (internal quotation marks and
citation omitted).


Basden bases his Brady claims on documents he received through

postconviction discovery in 1999, years after his conviction, sentence, and
direct appeal. Ten documents fall into this category: (1) drawings of the crime
scene; (2) a report of Jimmy Britt dated February 6, 1992; (3) a report of
Deputy Jernigan dated February 6, 1992; (4) a statement by Timothy Jones; (5)
a report of surveillance activities involving Jones; (6) a "snitch" file containing
a long list of extensive informant contacts between the police and Basden's coconspirator Taylor, from September 19, 1991, through December 29, 1991; (7)
a polygraph document and statement from Taylor dated February 12, 1992; and
statements Taylor gave to police officers dated (8) June 10, 1992, (9) June 26,
1992, and (10) June 30, 1992. Basden makes no argument with respect to the
first three documents; rather, he bases his Brady claims on the Taylor and

Jones documents.

The undisclosed Taylor statements repeat much of the information contained in

two other Taylor confessions that the prosecution did provide to Basden's
counsel on the first morning of Basden's trial. In the suppressed statements,
however, Taylor recounts additional details of his plot with Sylvia White and,
in one of the nondisclosed statements, acknowledges that he lied to police about
some facts in another of the nondisclosed statements. The Taylor "snitch" file
reflects Taylor's extensive work for the police as a confidential informant in the
months immediately prior to the murder of Billy White.


The Jones documents reveal that Jones was a police informant, who on
February 10, 1992 (three weeks after the murder, but prior to the Taylor or
Basden confessions), told police that six months earlier Taylor had solicited
him to kill Billy White and shown him a photo of the intended victim; and that
shortly after White was murdered Taylor confessed to Jones, without
mentioning Basden, that he had killed White for $20,000 and a van, and
detailed the entire story of luring White to his murder. (Once defense counsel
received these documents, they located Jones, who further attested that Taylor
had dominated Basden and that Basden was not himself at the time of White's
murder in January 1992.)


The state postconviction court implicitly assumed that all of these documents
were favorable to Basden either as exculpatory evidence or for impeachment
purposes and explicitly assumed that the State had suppressed the
documents. Nevertheless, the postconviction court rejected Basden's Brady
claims, reasoning that the suppression of these documents was not "material"
because Basden "has not shown that there is a reasonable probability that either
his conviction or sentence would have been different had the suppressed
material been disclosed." The court relied on Basden's full pretrial confession,
his full confession at trial, the testimony of police officers at his trial as to the
voluntariness of Basden's pretrial confession, and the contents of the two Taylor
confessions that Basden received the first day of trial. Basden argues that the
state postconviction court's decision is an unreasonable application of Brady
and its progeny, which constitute "clearly established Federal law, as
determined by the Supreme Court," under 28 U.S.C.A. 2254(d). Specifically,
Basden maintains that, if the State had timely disclosed the Taylor and Jones
documents, he would not have been convicted of first-degree murder, or, if
convicted, would have been sentenced differently.



Basden's Brady challenge to his conviction cannot succeed because the State
presented overwhelming evidence of his guilt. Basden contends that if he had
timely received the nondisclosed Taylor and Jones documents, he would never
have taken the stand at his trial and confessed to the murder. Even assuming
that this is so, given the State's other evidence, the documents on which Basden
relies do not render clearly unreasonable the state postconviction court's
confidence in his conviction.


We must reach this conclusion because none of the nondisclosed documents in

any way affect the admissibility of Basden's detailed pretrial confession. It is
undisputed that prior to his arrest Basden voluntarily sought out the police
officers in order to confess to them. Although Basden states in a postconviction
affidavit that he "had smoked marijuana in the morning," both police officers
testified that Basden did not appear to be under the influence when he
confessed, and even Basden does not say that the marijuana affected his
judgment that day. Accordingly, the state postconviction court was not
unreasonable in concluding that a motion to suppress the pretrial confession
would have failed. See Boggs v. Bair, 892 F.2d 1193, 1198-99 (4th Cir.1989)
(discussing the level of intoxication necessary to render a confession


We recognize that Basden need not show that the State offered insufficient
evidence to convict him without the suppressed evidence. See Kyles v. Whitley,
514 U.S. 419, 437, 115 S.Ct. 1555, 131 L.Ed.2d 490 (1995). But even putting
aside Basden's confession at trial, when we consider his full pretrial confession,
its consistency with the two Taylor confessions that the State disclosed to
Basden, and the physical evidence confirming it, such as Basden's possession of
Billy White's ring, we cannot conclude that the state postconviction court's
ruling was unreasonable.


Basden's Brady challenge to his sentence raises more difficult questions. Before
turning to the merits of this challenge, however, we must address a Teague v.
Lane, 489 U.S. 288, 109 S.Ct. 1060 103 L.Ed.2d 334 (1989), argument
advanced by the State.1


The State contends that application of Brady to Basden's sentencing would

constitute a "new rule" under Teague, and for this reason, in the context of

sentencing, Brady is not "clearly established Federal law" for purposes of 28

U.S.C. 2254(d). See Williams v. Taylor, 529 U.S. 362, 412, 120 S.Ct. 1495,
146 L.Ed.2d 389 (2000). The clear language of Brady and its progeny renders
this argument meritless.

In Brady itself, the Supreme Court expressly stated that its holding applied not
only to suppression of materials at the guilt phase of a trial, but also at the
punishment phase: "We now hold that the suppression by the prosecution of
evidence favorable to an accused upon request violates due process where the
evidence is material either to guilt or to punishment...." 373 U.S. at 87, 83 S.Ct.
1194 (emphasis added); see also United States v. Bagley, 473 U.S. 667, 674-75,
105 S.Ct. 3375, 87 L.Ed.2d 481 (1985) (describing Brady); Spicer, 194 F.3d at
553 n. 1 (stating that in Brady "the Supreme Court held that a state denies a
defendant due process by failing to disclose to the defendant before trial
evidence favorable to the defendant that is material either to guilt or to
punishment") (emphasis added).


Moreover, in Strickler v. Greene, the Supreme Court considered the effect of

Brady materials on punishment on a sentence. Strickler, 527 U.S. at 263,
291, 294, 295, 119 S.Ct. 1936; see also id. at 307, 119 S.Ct. 1936 (Souter, J.,
dissenting); id. at 280, 119 S.Ct. 1936, citing Strickler v. Pruett, No. 97-29,
1998 WL 340420 at *10 (4th Cir. June 17, 1998) (unpublished disposition)
(considering a Brady claim directed to a sentence). Of course, because the
Supreme Court issued its opinion in Strickler after Basden's conviction had
become final, see Teague, 489 U.S. at 295, 109 S.Ct. 1060 (noting that the date
of finality is the date of exhaustion of direct appeal), if Strickler's application of
Brady to a sentence had announced a new rule for Teague purposes, that rule
would not constitute "clearly established Federal law" under 2254(d). See
Williams, 529 U.S. at 412, 120 S.Ct. 1495. But in Strickler, the Supreme Court
expressly stated that in applying Brady to sentencing, it was not announcing a
new rule. Rather, the Court explained, "[b]ecause our opinion [in Strickler]
does not modify Brady," it does not "announce a `new rule.'" Strickler, 527 U.S.
at 289 n. 35, 119 S.Ct. 1936. Consistent with this express statement, the
Strickler Court in 1999 applied the Brady rule to Strickler's sentencing claim,
which would have been contrary to Teague if Strickler had announced a new


In sum, the Supreme Court, in first enunciating the Brady rule in 1963, declared
that the rule applied to "favorable evidence," which is "material to guilt or to
punishment." Brady, 373 U.S. at 87, 83 S.Ct. 1194. Moreover, when in Strickler
the Supreme Court itself applied the Brady rule to determine if nondisclosed
documents were material to punishment if they affected a sentence the

Court expressly stated that this application of Brady did not constitute a "new
rule." Strickler, 527 U.S. at 289 n. 35, 119 S.Ct. 1936; see also Mincey v. Head,
206 F.3d 1106, 1139-40 (11th Cir.2000) (considering an asserted Brady
violation with respect to sentencing in a case final for Teague purposes before
Strickler was announced); Jackson v. Johnson, 194 F.3d 641, 648-50 (5th
Cir.1999) (same).

We, therefore, consider Basden's Brady claim with respect to his sentence,
examining the cumulative effect of the withheld documents, "collectively, not
item by item." See Kyles, 514 U.S. at 436, 115 S.Ct. 1555.


Basden argues that with the suppressed documents,2 he could have presented
the jury at sentencing with "a powerful argument regarding the lesser
culpability of Ernest Basden, with Sylvia White as the most culpable, Lynwood
as her Lieutenant, and [Basden] as the mentally ill, clinically depressed,
intoxicated, manipulated, rube." The state postconviction court rejected this
claim, like Basden's Brady attack on his conviction, on the ground that Basden
had not "shown that there [was] a reasonable probability" that the result "would
have been different had the suppressed materials been disclosed." Basden's
Brady sentencing contention presents a much closer question than his
conviction claim, but ultimately we cannot hold, given clearly established
federal law, that the state postconviction court was unreasonable in rejecting it.


At least one of the jurors, by finding that Basden was dominated by Taylor and
affected by alcohol and drugs at the time of the killing, accepted a portion of
the defense Basden describes accepted, in sum, that he was an "intoxicated,
manipulated, rube." Basden argues that the suppressed documents would have
permitted him to fill in the other side of the picture: the leading roles and
greater culpability of Sylvia White and Taylor.


The suppressed documents do paint a picture that a jury could find supports
such a theory.3 With respect to Sylvia White, these documents show that she
was obsessed with the desire to kill her husband for more than a year. Her
plotting involved much more than the specific details her requests that
Taylor look for poison and find a hit man of which the jury heard. White
used various strategies to encourage Taylor to take on the murder, once
threatening to commit suicide, and another time explaining "[i]t ain't that hard,"
and boasting that she had already smothered a child without much difficulty.
White supplied Taylor with a map to the murder site, strongly suggesting that
she had a significant role in selecting it. She provided him with pictures of her

husband to assist in the identification. She even gave Taylor a diamond

necklace, to be pawned so that he could buy a gun. See also White, 457 S.E.2d
at 846.

The suppressed documents also show that Taylor whose role the State
sought to minimize at Basden's sentencing entered into the murder plot with
similar energy. He thought up ideas for Sylvia, suggesting that she "make it
look like suicide" (which she rejected because she had already had one husband
who committed suicide and another "would be too suspicious"). Taylor
continually met and plotted with Sylvia White despite his purported reluctance
to kill her husband. Most importantly, the suppressed documents would have
shown that Taylor's determination to kill Billy White led him not only to
attempt to enlist Basden several times but also to try to hire at least one other
hit man. The documents reveal that after Basden initially rejected Taylor's
murder for hire scheme, Taylor actually tried to hire Tim Jones instead to
murder White, going so far as to give Jones a photograph of Billy White.


To grant a writ of habeas corpus, however, we would have to conclude that the
state postconviction court's conclusion that Basden has not shown a
reasonable probability that these materials would have yielded a different
sentence was an unreasonable application of the test for materiality under
Brady. The problem with such a conclusion is that Basden had access to almost
all of the information contained in the suppressed documents.4


We acknowledge that this is not uniformly the case. Rather, some information
in the suppressed documents was not otherwise available to Basden's counsel.
Although the two disclosed Taylor confessions reveal that Taylor "told Tim
Jones everything," they say nothing more about Tim Jones. Thus, it is hard to
see how defense counsel could have learned of Jones's status as an informant,
or that Taylor had attempted to hire Jones to kill Billy White. Similarly,
although a police officer testified before the jury that Taylor was a police
informant, none of the disclosed documents reveal Taylor's near daily contacts
with the police in the months immediately preceding the murder, so Basden had
little opportunity to use the materials to highlight Taylor's relatively greater


But the two disclosed Taylor confessions otherwise provide a relatively full
picture of the involvement of Taylor and Sylvia White in the plot to kill Billy
White. Basden, therefore, had available for his use in his defenseto make the
case that he was the far less culpable "dupe" of the plotting masterminds,
Taylor and Sylvia Whiteeverything in these two confessions. The jury heard
that Sylvia White originated the murder plot and, generally, that she persisted in

urging Taylor to assist her for over a year. The jury heard of the many contacts
between Taylor and Sylvia White and his regard for her. The jury heard that
Sylvia White, with Taylor's help, attempted to kill her husband with two kinds
of poison, before turning to the shooting plot. The jury heard that both Taylor
and Sylvia White at various times claimed credit for developing the murder
planTaylor posing as an insurance agent to lure Billy White to the murder
site. The disclosed Taylor confessions further revealed that Sylvia White
"worried [Taylor] for over a year about killing her husband," told Taylor that
her first husband committed suicide, provided Taylor with a photograph of
White, scouted the site of the murder with Taylor, and egged him on to do the
killing by telling him that it was "easy," explaining that she had killed her
stepchild. Even the prosecutor, who naturally enough minimized the roles of
Sylvia White and Taylor, had to acknowledge that "the fact that his wife wanted
him dead" was part of the reason why Billy White died.

In sum, Basden's counsel knew almost all of the details that were available in
the asserted Brady materials, and were able to get most of those details before
the jury. Moreover, an even more powerful argument as to the greater
culpability of the other conspirators, which the Brady materials might have
provided, would not have eliminated the core prosecution argument that Billy
White died only because "somebody," i.e., Ernest Basden, "[wa]s willing to
take the money." Accordingly, we cannot hold that Basden has shown that the
state postconviction court was unreasonable in concluding that he failed to
show a reasonable probability of a different sentence.5


Basden also contends that the State violated Napue v. Illinois, 360 U.S. 264, 79
S.Ct. 1173, 3 L.Ed.2d 1217 (1959), which holds that a State denies a defendant
due process by knowingly offering or failing to correct false testimony. A
Napue claim requires a showing of the falsity and materiality of testimony and
the prosecutor's knowledge of its falsity. Perjury offered under these
circumstances is material if "there is any reasonable likelihood that the false
testimony could have affected the judgment of the jury." Agurs, 427 U.S. at
103, 96 S.Ct. 2392.


Basden bases his Napue claim on the testimony of Special Agent Smith, who
stated at trial, under oath, that he "didn't know" Tim Jones. In fact,
postconviction discovery revealed not only that Agent Smith knew Jones, and
knew him to be a confidential informant for the police, but also that Agent
Smith had met with Jones more than once in investigating Billy White's


No court has ever made a factual finding as to whether Agent Smith's testimony
was false or whether the prosecutors knew it was false. (Agent Smith and the
state's two prosecutors have filed affidavits stating that the court reporter
transcribed the wrong name, that actually Agent Smith was asked if he knew
Tim Conners the phony name Taylor gave himself in luring Billy White to
the murder scene and that the testimony was truthful, i.e., Agent Smith did
not know a Tim Conners; defense counsel, however, attest that the transcript of
the trial is correct.) The state postconviction court instead assumed that Agent
Smith's testimony was false and known to be false but nonetheless rejected
Basden's Napue claim, ruling that even so the testimony was not material. The
court stated three reasons for its materiality ruling: the jury did not hear the
testimony, Agent Smith's credibility was not an issue at trial, and Basden
confessed to the crime before trial and in court.


Basden himself recognizes that his Napue challenge is intertwined with his
Brady claims; he maintains that the state postconviction court overlooked the
Brady implications of the assertedly false testimony in assessing its materiality.
Given that the jury did not hear the relevant part of Agent Smith's testimony,
that testimony could only have affected the jury through its Brady implications
i.e., the falsehood kept Basden from acquiring the asserted Brady materials
and using them in certain ways. We have, however, concluded that the state
postconviction court was not unreasonable in ruling that the State did not
violate Brady when it failed to disclose the materials in question. Given that
decision, we cannot conclude that the state postconviction court's rejection of a
Napue claim based on nondisclosure of the same materials was unreasonable.


Basden argues that the State denied him due process by destroying evidence
that might have assisted his defense. Under Arizona v. Youngblood, 488 U.S.
51, 109 S.Ct. 333, 102 L.Ed.2d 281 (1988), if a criminal defendant can show
that the police failed to "preserve potentially useful evidence" with bad faith, he
or she has been denied due process. Id. at 158, 109 S.Ct. 333. However, "unless
a criminal defendant can show bad faith on the part of the police, failure to
preserve potentially useful evidence does not constitute a denial of due process
of law." Id.


Basden bases his Youngblood claim on the alleged destruction of evidence that
might have been useful to him, including handwritten notes of police interviews
(later reduced to typing), tapes of conversations, and a map drawn by Basden
himself. He argues that this destruction violated two state court orders to
preserve this evidence, and that both the violation of these orders and the false

testimony he alleges in his Napue claim show bad faith on the part of the State.

The district court ruled that Basden raised this claim on direct appeal only as a
matter of state law, thus procedurally defaulting his federal constitutional
claim. The state postconviction court rejected the Youngblood claim on the
merits alone, however, supporting Basden's argument that he properly
preserved it. Accordingly, we consider Basden's Youngblood claim on the
merits under the deferential standard set forth in 28 U.S.C.A. 2254(d).


Basden's first asserted evidence of bad faith violation of state court orders
cannot suffice. He argues that the destruction of evidence to which he points
violated state law and specific court orders. But the state postconviction court
ruled to the contrary, and we have no authority to review this state-law ruling.


Nor do we find the bad faith necessary for this Youngblood claim in the alleged
perjury at trial that was the basis of Basden's Napue claim. Again assuming that
Agent Smith lied about his knowledge of Tim Jones, that falsity does not
establish bad faith in the destruction of the largely unrelated evidence on which
Basden relies. Only one of the items that Basden cites the tape of a
conversation between Jones and Taylor on February 10, 1992 was even
tangentially related to the subject of Agent Smith's assertedly false testimony.
Most of the destroyed evidence was memorialized in written summaries before
its destruction, and a written description of the creation of the Jones tape, in
particular, survives. Finally, the state postconviction court ruled that almost all
of the alleged destruction, including the destruction of the tape involving Jones,
was in keeping with state law and police procedures, and Basden challenges
neither these rulings nor the constitutionality of the underlying state laws and
procedures. We do not see bad faith here, and we therefore have no basis on
which to conclude that the state postconviction court's rejection of Basden's
Youngblood claim was clearly erroneous.


Basden argues that his trial counsel's assistance was ineffective in eleven ways,
depriving him of his constitutional right to counsel. See Strickland v.
Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 687, 104 S.Ct. 2052, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984); United
States v. Cronic, 466 U.S. 648, 658-61, 104 S.Ct. 2039, 80 L.Ed.2d 657 (1984).
Basden pursued only one of these claims on direct appeal. Basden, 451 S.E.2d
at 244. The state postconviction court addressed and rejected one other claim
on the merits, and found that the other ten were procedurally barred as well as
rejecting them, too, on the merits. The district court addressed and rejected two
of the claims on the merits, and ruled that the other nine were procedurally

defaulted because of the state postconviction court's ruling that they were
procedurally barred under North Carolina law. We begin with the claims
addressed on the merits, and proceed to those deemed to have been defaulted.

Basden asserts that he was denied effective assistance of counsel because of an

unauthorized admission of guilt by trial counsel in his opening statement.
Confronting affidavits to the contrary, the state postconviction court ruled that
"the record reflects that the defendant concurred in the decision to admit guilt to
the lesser offense in the opening statement." This asserted "factual finding"
does not dispose of Basden's claim, because it constitutes a pure credibility
determination made without benefit of an evidentiary hearing. For a different
reason, however, we cannot find that the state postconviction court's conclusion
was unreasonable. We have already discussed the impact of Basden's full,
voluntary, and detailed pretrial confession on the likelihood of his conviction.
For the same reason, Basden cannot show prejudice under Strickland with
respect to this claim. Cf. Haynes v. Cain, 272 F.3d 757 (5th Cir.2001) (ruling
that an unauthorized admission of guilt in an opening statement constituted
constitutionally ineffective assistance in a case in which the defendant had
never confessed).


Basden also contends that he was denied effective assistance of counsel

because his trial counsel neither understood nor protected his rights under
Brady. He bases this claim on an in-court colloquy between the court, his
counsel, and the prosecutor. Basden's trial counsel had moved, in writing, for
disclosure of "all ... records and/or information which arguably [sic] could be
helpful or useful to the defense." Orally, in response to this motion, the
prosecutor said he did not "know of any evidence that we have that we intend to
introduce that would be arguably subject to suppression." Basden's counsel did
not press further.


Basden did not raise this claim on direct appeal, see Basden, 339 N.C. 288, 451
S.E.2d 238, but after postconviction discovery, the state postconviction court
addressed and rejected it on the merits alone, as did the district court. Both
courts rejected this claim solely by reliance on their prior rulings that no Brady
materials were withheld.


In light of our Brady analysis, we agree with the state postconviction court and
the district court. We further note that Basden's written Brady motion did ask
for all Brady evidence. We think it clear that everyone at the hearing
understood the contours of Brady, and that nothing turns on the prosecutor's

apparently inadvertent use of the word "suppression" in responding to a later

oral request. We would not permit the State to hide behind the technicalities of
its response to a Brady request in defending a failure to disclose Brady
materials. See Agurs, 427 U.S. at 110, 96 S.Ct. 2392 ("[T]here are situations in
which evidence is obviously of such substantial value to the defense that
elementary fairness requires it to be disclosed even without a specific
request."). Nor will we permit Basden to argue that his counsel's performance
was constitutionally ineffective on the basis of this sort of hypertechnical
argument. Basden's counsel sought Brady materials, and accepted the State's
assurance in open court that all had been disclosed. Even if Brady materials
existed, we see no evidence that this performance was constitutionally deficient
for failure to understand or protect Basden's rights under Brady.

Basden brings nine additional claims of ineffective assistance for failure to

move to continue the sentencing hearing, denial of the defense motion to
continue the trial, failure to move to suppress the statement by Basden, waiver
of venue, inadequate investigation of juror bias in voir dire, introduction of
Taylor's statements, failure to explore residual doubts concerning Basden's
guilt, failure to find and present mitigating evidence at sentencing, and
cumulative error.


The first claim is particularly troubling. Basden's counsel apparently knew that
Basden was to testify for the State at Sylvia White's trial for the murder of her
stepson only a few days after his scheduled sentencing. If defense counsel had
successfully moved to continue Basden's sentencing until after that testimony,
Basden could have submitted an additional statutory mitigating factor to the
jury. See N.C. Gen.Stat. 15A-2000(f)(8) (1999). But Basden's counsel never
made the necessary motion.


The state postconviction court found that on direct appeal Basden's appellate
attorney "was in a position to raise" all nine of these claims (including the
failure to move for continuance of the sentencing hearing), and that failure to
do so meant that the claims were procedurally barred. See N.C. Gen.Stat.
15A-1419(a)(3) (1999). Later, after Basden had received postconviction
discovery, the state postconviction court affirmed its earlier ruling, observing
that the postconviction discovery material "does not related [sic]" to these
ineffective-assistance claims. Since 15A-1419(a)(3) is an adequate and
independent state-law ground, the state court's ruling on that ground means that
Basden has procedurally defaulted these remaining ineffective-assistance
claims. McCarver, 221 F.3d at 588-89.6


Because Basden does not argue that his procedural default should be excused
on the grounds of factual innocence or a fundamental miscarriage of justice, see
McCleskey v. Zant, 499 U.S. 467, 494-95, 111 S.Ct. 1454, 113 L.Ed.2d 517
(1991); 28 U.S.C.A. 2254(e)(2)(B), to overcome the ruling of procedural
default, he must demonstrate cause for his failure to raise a claim on direct
review and actual prejudice resulting from the default. McCarver, 221 F.3d at
588. To establish cause, Basden must make a showing of "some objective
factor external to the defense [that] impeded counsel's efforts to comply with
the State's procedural rule," such as "a showing that the factual or legal basis for
a claim was not reasonably available to counsel." Murray v. Carrier, 477 U.S.
478, 488, 106 S.Ct. 2639, 91 L.Ed.2d 397 (1986) (citations and internal
quotation marks omitted). A petitioner may not show cause by pointing to
evidence that the petitioner "knew about or could have discovered" through a
"reasonable investigation." McCleskey, 499 U.S. at 497-98, 111 S.Ct. 1454.


The district court ruled that Basden had "made no attempt" to show cause for
the default and prejudice. Basden points to 22 documents all of which were
assertedly unavailable on direct appeal that, he contends, provide a factual
basis for these ineffective-assistance claims.


Many of the documents on which Basden relies were, in fact, plainly available
to his counsel on direct appeal. His certificate of honorable discharge and his
medical history were the subject of testimony at trial and fully available to his
counsel. Affidavits about events before and during trial by Basden himself, his
sister Rose Clark, and his counsel on direct appeal were all available to the
latter. Nor has Basden offered any reason to doubt that documents that were in
his trial counsel's file or filed with the court before trial were available to his
counsel on direct appeal. He offers expert testimony concerning events before
and during trial, with no suggestion that his counsel on direct appeal could not
have obtained the same opinions.


The availability of these documents means that Basden cannot show cause for
his procedural default with respect to five claims: denial of his motion to
continue the trial, waiver of venue, the introduction of Taylor's statements,
failure to explore residual doubts concerning Basden's guilt, and failure to
move to suppress Basden's confession. None of the remaining documents on
which he relies to show cause, discussed below, have any relationship to these
five claims, and so Basden has failed to show cause with respect to each of


Basden next points to affidavits by both prosecution and defense counsel in

Sylvia White's trial for the murder of her stepson, describing Basden's

assistance to the prosecution and the significant impact of his testimony in that
case. That assistance followed his own conviction by only six days. Moreover,
Basden himself certainly knew that he had assisted White's prosecutors and
offers no reason why that knowledge would not have been available to his
counsel on direct appeal. Because the knowledge that Basden had helped to
convict Sylvia White was available to his counsel on direct appeal, Basden's
claim based on his lawyers' failure to move to continue his sentencing is
procedurally defaulted. Because he has pointed to no other mitigation evidence
that was not available to his counsel on direct appeal, his claim based on failure
to find and present mitigating circumstances is also procedurally defaulted.

Finally, Basden contends that his trial lawyers' questioning of a juror at voir
dire was so inadequate that it constituted ineffective assistance. He relies on an
affidavit by the juror, dated well after his direct appeal, in which the juror
expresses a belief that capital punishment is appropriate for almost all killings,
and on voir dire colloquies between counsel and the juror in question. The first
colloquy was between the juror and the prosecutor:


Q: ... [C]an you tell me how you feel about the death penalty?


A: I think I could, if I thought a person is guilty, I would want the death

penalty. If I thought they had deliberately killed someone and planned it and, I
would recommend the death penalty.


Q: Okay, so you think there are some cases that are bad enough that the death
penalty ought to be used, is that right?


A: That's right and there is some that is not.


Q: And then others that it ought not to be.


A: I believe that's right.


Q: ... [I]n a proper case, could you yourself vote to give somebody the death


A: Yes, sir, I think I could.

*71* * * * *


Q: ... Let's suppose you sit on this jury and ... find him guilty of first degree
murder.... At that point then are you going to automatically say well, we've
convict of him [sic] of premeditated murder, therefore I'm going to give him the
death penalty?


A: I don't think so.


Q: No, you would wait until you heard the rest of the evidence, is that right?


A: The death penalty is forever and it's permanent.


Basden's own counsel then had this exchange with the juror:


Q: And when you get to the second trial, do you understand that you're not
required to impose a death sentence unless you yourself decide that is what you
wanted to do based on weighing the evidence which is aggravating and the
evidence which is mitigating and after weighing those two situations there,
decide what you think is proper and the particular case that you're voting on?


A: Right.


The state postconviction court ruled that "defense counsels [sic] questioning of
[the juror] was adequate." Even if we accept that Basden has shown cause for
not presenting the juror's affidavit on direct appeal, he has failed to demonstrate
why this ruling by the state court was unreasonable. Accordingly, Basden's last
specific claim for constitutionally ineffective assistance of counsel fails, and we
therefore also reject his claim based on cumulative error.


Finally, Basden argues that North Carolina's "short-form" indictment for

murder is unconstitutional under Jones v. United States, 526 U.S. 227, 119
S.Ct. 1215, 143 L.Ed.2d 311 (1999) and Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466,
120 S.Ct. 2348, 147 L.Ed.2d 435 (2000), because it omits essential elements of
the offense and aggravating factors relied upon to impose the death penalty.
Previously, we have ruled that Apprendi and Jones do not apply to cases on
collateral review. See United States v. Sanders, 247 F.3d 139, 146-51 (4th
Cir.2001); see also Hartman v. Lee, 283 F.3d 190 (4th Cir.2002). Of course,
Sanders binds us here, and indeed, Basden notes that he raises this claim before
us only "for the purposes of preserving it."


In sum, we cannot conclude that, given clearly established federal law, the state
postconviction court was unreasonable or that the district court erred in
rejecting Basden's claims. We, therefore, affirm the district court's denial of all
habeas relief.




The State also preliminarily contends that Basden "waived" or did not preserve
his appellate argument thatBrady violations entitle him to a new sentence,
because he failed to "focus[ ]" on this argument "[i]n the lower courts." The
contention is meritless. Before the state postconviction court and in the district
court Basden did indeed focus on his Brady challenge to his conviction, but in
both courts he also clearly preserved his Brady challenge to his sentence. He
moved for appropriate relief in state postconviction court seeking a "new
sentencing hearing" and arguing that the suppressed documents "taken together
... undermine confidence in the outcome of the case" and create a "reasonable
probability that a different result would have been reached," and argued in his
federal habeas petition that the state postconviction court "completely missed
the impact of this evidence [the suppressed Brady documents at the sentencing
phase," requesting, inter alia, "a new sentencing hearing."

We note thatBrady evidence need not tend to impeach a person who testified at
trial or sentencing. See, e.g., Kyles, 514 U.S. 419, 115 S.Ct. 1555, 131 L.Ed.2d
490 (reversing two lower courts' refusal to grant the writ on the basis of
exculpatory evidence including police reports that tended to impeach and
incriminate a witness who never testified),

Moreover, notwithstanding (or indeed perhaps because of) the greater cunning
of Taylor and Sylvia White, they have been treated much more leniently than
Basden. The State did not bring Taylor to trial until four years after Billy
White's murder, and then permitted Taylor to plead guilty to first-degree
murder; he received a sentence of life imprisonment. Similarly, the State did
not seek to try Sylvia White for almost four years after the murder of her
husband and then allowed her to plead guilty to conspiracy to commit murder
and second-degree murder; she too received a sentence of life imprisonment.
Prior to that conviction, the State tried and convicted Sylvia White for the 1973
unrelated murder of her stepson (Billy White's son and namesake) whom she

suffocated with a plastic bag when he was four years old; the State did not seek
the death penalty for that murder and White received a life sentence for that
crime tooSee State v. White, 340 N.C. 264, 457 S.E.2d 841 (N.C.1995).

It is troubling that the State did not provide Basden withany of the Taylor
confessions until the first morning of the Basden's trial, since the timing of a
disclosure ordinarily affects the defense's ability to use it effectively. See Leka
v. Portuondo, 257 F.3d 89, 100 (2d Cir.2001) (noting that "the closer to trial the
disclosure is made, the less opportunity there is for use"). In reviewing
Basden's arguments on prejudice, we have considered the timing of the
provision of Taylor's two statements. Even so, we cannot conclude that in this
case the state postconviction court's holding constitutes an unreasonable
application of Brady.

Basden seeks an evidentiary hearing on the prejudice at sentencing of theBrady

materials and on his claim based on the destruction of documents, see infra Part
V. The district court refused to grant a hearing reasoning that Basden had
produced no disputes of fact at the state postconviction court or in district court
requiring resolution at a hearing. Although Basden asserts that "genuine issues
of material fact" necessitate a hearing on both issues, he does not discuss what
such a hearing would explore. We conclude that the district court did not err in
refusing to hold a hearing. See McCarver v. Lee, 221 F.3d 583, 597-98 (4th

Basden cites a recent decision of the Supreme Court of North Carolina,State v.

Fair, 354 N.C. 131, 557 S.E.2d 500, 524-25 (N.C. 2001), to argue that he did
not have to raise his ineffective-assistance claims on direct appeal. When the
state postconviction court ruled in Basden's case, however, Fair had not yet
been decided, and Fair does not purport to describe North Carolina practice
before it was issued.

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