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838 F.

2d 468
Unpublished Disposition

NOTICE: Fourth Circuit I.O.P. 36.6 states that citation of

unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing
res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires
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UNITED STATES of America, Appellee,
David NICHOLS, Appellant.
No. 86-5540.

United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.

Aug. 11, 1987.

David Nichols, pro se.

Robert P. Geary (Geary & Davenport, on brief), for appellant.
Richard W. Pierce, Assistant United States Attorney (John P. Alderman,
United States Attorney, on brief), for appellee.
Before WIDENER and WILKINSON, Circuit Judges, and
HAYNSWORTH, Senior Circuit Judge.

The defendant, a lawyer, whose office was in Salem, Virginia, was convicted of
obstruction of justice in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1503, of conspiracy to
obstruct justice in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 371 and of perjury before a grand
jury in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1623. We affirm the convictions, but without
consideration of the defendant's post-trial claim of ineffective assistance of


Larry Schilling, a convicted drug dealer, was one of Nichols' clients. He

Larry Schilling, a convicted drug dealer, was one of Nichols' clients. He

appeared as a prosecution witness in Nichols' trial.

Schilling testified that in 1982 he wished to purchase a residence on Gates Lane

in Roanoke, Virginia. He wished his identity as the true purchaser to be
concealed, however, by handling the transaction in the name of Jay Thompson,
a fictitious person. Nichols prepared the necessary papers as if the purchaser
were Jay Thompson, though Nichols knew there was no such person and that
Schilling was the actual purchaser.

Later Schilling was arrested on state drug and conspiracy charges and retained
Nichols to represent him.

While in the Roanoke City Jail in the summer of 1984, Schilling wrote a letter
signed in the name of Jay Thompson. That letter was enclosed inside another
letter addressed to an unidentified person in Pennsylvania. Nichols smuggled
the sealed envelope containing the two letters out of the jail and mailed it. Later
the Jay Thompson letter was returned to Nichols with money orders
aggregating $5,000 to cover his fee for representing Schilling.

Nichols used the Jay Thompson letter in support of a claim on behalf of the
fictitious Thompson in a federal forfeiture action that had been brought against
the Gates Lane residence.

Schilling retained another lawyer to represent him in the criminal proceedings,

and that lawyer advised him to clear up the concealment of Schilling's interest
in the Gates Lane property. Pursuant to that advice, Schilling admitted in a
federal suppression hearing in October 1984 that Jay Thompson was a fiction,
and, soon after that, Nichols stipulated to the dismissal of the Jay Thompson
claim in the forfeiture proceeding.

Upon conviction of the state charges, Schilling was sentenced to 105 years in
prison. He also received a 15-year concurrent federal sentence for possession of
automatic weapons and income tax violations. Schilling had also been indicted
by a federal grand jury for perjury, but the United States Attorney agreed to
dismiss that indictment upon Schilling's agreement to testify about the fictitious
Jay Thompson before a federal grand jury investigating Nichols. Schilling did
so, and he testified at Nichols' trial under a grant of use immunity.

Nichols testified in his own defense. He testified that when he handled the
Gates Lane transaction he was unaware of Schilling's criminal activity. He

innocently prepared the papers according to Schilling's instructions, but without

suspecting that Thompson was fictitious. Indeed, he stated that he had met Jay
Thompson on two or three occasions, although he could not describe
Thompson's appearance or tell where he might be reached.

At oral argument in this case, Nichols appeared in his own behalf. He offered to
waive the first two contentions in his brief, and he argued only that the
evidence was insufficient to support his conviction. We decline the proffered


The defendant's principal contention on appeal is that the evidence was

insufficient to support the conviction. We examine the evidence in the light
most favorable to the Government. Glasser v. United States, 315 U.S. 60, 80
(1942), and conclude that a rational trier of fact could have found the defendant
guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. United States v. Jones, 735 F.2d 785, 791
(4th Cir.), cert. denied, 469 U.S. 918 (1984).


In his trial, Nichols protested his innocence and testified that he was unaware
that Jay Thompson was not a real person and the actual purchaser of the real
estate. All of that, however, was squarely contradicted by Schilling. Schilling's
credibility may have been highly suspect, but there was some circumstantial
evidence and other corroboration of his testimony.


After Schilling's arrest, the Gates lane residence of which he professed to be

only the caretaker was searched. In the course of the search, unrecorded deeds,
that Schilling testified had been prepared by Nichols, were found. Those deeds
effectively transferred the property from Thompson to Schilling.


Nichols' secretary testified that she was sent to a hospital to procure Jay
Thompson's signature to the papers. Nichols gave her the number of the room
but did not accompany her on her mission. In that room she found Schilling,
whom she knew from his many visits to Nichols' office, and a man with an
injured leg who professed to be Jay Thompson. The injured man signed the
papers as Jay Thompson, though she had never seen him before and knew no
Jay Thompson.


Hospital records disclosed that there was no Jay Thompson in the hospital on

that date, but one Curtis Reed was a patient with an injured leg. Curtis Reed
was known to be a close friend and associate of Schilling. Indeed, Curtis Reed
was in the Roanoke City Jail with Schilling and signed the Jay Thompson letter
which later was mailed from Pennsylvania to Nichols with the $5,000.

Schilling testified that it was Curtis Reed who signed the deeds and the letter in
the name of Jay Thompson. He also testified that Nichols knew Curtis Reed
and knew that Reed was the patient in the hospital room to which Nichols sent
his secretary.


All of this, accepted by the jury as it was, was quite sufficient to support the
finding of guilt on the obstruction of justice and conspiracy counts.


The perjury charge against Nichols was founded upon his testimony before a
federal grand jury investigating Schilling for possible income tax offenses and
laundering the proceeds of drug sales. Nichols was asked about the Gates Lane
property where Schilling lived, and he responded that its true owner was Jay


Inquiry by the grand jury in an attempt to identify Schilling's assets was

obviously relevant to its investigation. Nichols' response that the property was
owned by Jay Thompson and not by Schilling was material. The jury could
conclude that Nichols knew that his testimony was false.


In response to a request before trial for the production of material as required by

Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963), the government produced a plea
agreement by which a charge of perjury against Schilling was dismissed upon
Schilling's agreement to testify truthfully about the ownership of the Gates
Lane residence. Nichols' defense lawyer used that plea agreement in an attempt
to impeach Schilling as a witness.


Nichols now complains, however, that another agreement was not produced. A
prosecutor agreed to recommend that any sentence imposed upon Schilling
upon a firearms charge be made to run concurrently if Schilling would enter a
plea of guilty to a tax evasion charge. Schilling accepted that agreement.


That agreement, however, had nothing to do with Schilling's testimony against

Nichols or the Gates Lane residence. The testimony was given in response to an
agreement to dismiss the perjury charge and the grant of use immunity. The
agreement about the income tax charge was not a mitivating factor in
Schilling's willingness to testify.

Since failure of the prosecution to produce the agreement about the income tax
evasion charge could not have affected the outcome of this trial, the failure was
not reversible error. United States v. Agurs, 427 U.S. 97, 112 (1976); United
States v. Alexander, 789 F.2d 1046, 1049-50 (4th Cir.1986).


Nichols filed a post-trial motion for a new trial upon a charge of ineffective
assistance of counsel. His lawyer had not called as a witness Alice Titus, a real
estate agent who had shown the house to Schilling and a companion who had
been introduced to her as Jay Thompson.


Before trial, the lawyer knew about Alice Titus. He may have talked with her
before trial. We think it inappropriate, however, for us to attempt to appraise
this collateral issue on this record, particularly without the merit of any
testimony from the trial lawyer. If the defendant desires to develop the matter,
he may do so in a proceeding authorized by 28 U.S.C. Sec. 2255. It would be
more appropriate to advance the claim in that fashion rather than on direct
appeal. Thus, we decline to address it here.


The defendant's convictions are affirmed, though we do not pass upon the
claim of inadequate representation.



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