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Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti explains the Lord's potencies mentioned in
these verses: "Sri is the potency of wealth; Pusti that of strength; Gir,
knowledge; Kanti, beauty; Kirti, fame; and Tusti, renunciation. These are the
Lord's six opulences.
Ila is His bhu-sakti, also known as sandhini, the
internal potency of whom the element earth is an expansion.
Urja is His
internal potency for performing pastimes; she expands as the tulasi plant in
this world. Vidya and Avidya [knowlege and ignorance] are external potencies
who cause the living entities' liberation and bondage, respectively. Sakti is
His internal pleasure potency, hladini, and Maya is an internal potency who is
the basis of Vidya and Avidya. The word ca implies the presence of the Lord's
marginal energy, the jiva-sakti, who is subordinate to Maya. Lord Visnu was
being served by all these personified potencies."
Krsna's power is variegated, and thus the same sakti, or potency, works in
variegated ways. Vividha means "varieties." There is unity in variety. Thus
yogamaya and mahamaya are among the varied individual parts of the same one
potency, and all of these individual potencies work in their own varied ways.
The samvit, sandhini and ahladini potencies - Krsna's potency for existence,
His potency for knowledge and His potency for pleasure - are distinct from
yogamaya. Each is an individual potency. The ahladini potency is Radharani.
As Svarupa Damodara Gosvami has explained, radha krsna-pranaya-vikrtir hladini
saktir asmat (Cc. Adi 1.5). The ahladini-sakti is manifested as Radharani, but
Krsna and Radharani are the same, although one is potent and the other is
That exalted platform of prema is described by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as prema
pum-artho mahan, and mother Yasoda naturally acts in such an exalted position
in loving affairs. She is therefore a nitya-siddha devotee, an expansion of
Krsna's hladini potency, His potency to enjoy transcendental bliss through
expansions who are special devotees (ananda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhavitabhih).
Such devotees are not sadhana-siddha.

As stated in the Brahma-samhita:

tabhir ya eva nija-rupataya kalabhih
goloka eva nivasaty akhilatma-bhuto
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami
"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who resides in His own realm, Goloka,
with Radha, who resembles His own spiritual figure and who embodies the
ecstatic potency [hladini]. Their companions are Her confidantes, who embody
extensions of Her bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with everblissful spiritual rasa." (Bs. 5.37)
The emperic philosophers enjoy a transcendental quality of bliss by
philosophical speculation on the Supreme Truth, but beyond that pleasure is the
pleasure enjoyed by Brahman in His eternal form of the Personality of Godhead.
Brahman bliss is enjoyed by living entities after liberation from material
bondage. But Parabrahman, the Personality of Godhead, enjoys eternally a bliss
of His own potency, which is called the hladini potency.
The emperic
philosopher who studies Brahman by negation of the external features has not
yet learned the quality of the hladini potency of Brahman.
Out of many
potencies of the Omnipotent, there are three features of His internal potency namely samvit, sandhini and hladini. And in spite of their strict adherence to
the principles of yama, niyama, asana, dhyama, dharana and pranayama, the great
yogis and jnanis are unable toenter into the internal potency of the Lord.
This internal potency is, however, easily realized by the devotees of the Lord
by dint of devotional service.

Adi 4.59
radhika hayena krsnera pranaya-vikara
svarupa-sakti - hladini nama yanhara
Srimati Radhika is the transformation of Krsna's love.
internal energy called hladini.

She is His

Adi 4.60
hladini karaya krsne anandasvadana
hladinira dvara kare bhaktera posana
That hladini energy gives Krsna pleasure and nourishes His devotees.

Srila Jiva Goswami has elaborately discussed the hladini potency in his
He says that the Vedas clearly state, "Only devotional
service can lead one to the Personality of Godhead. Only devotional service
can help a devotee meet the Supreme Lord face to face. The Supreme Personality
of Godhead is attracted by devotional service, and as such the ultimate
supremacy of Vedic knowledge rests in knowing the science of devotional
The Supreme Personality of Godhead has three kinds of internal potency
namely the hladini, or pleasure potency, sandhini, or existential potency, and
samvit, or cognitive potency.
In the Visnu Purana (1.12.69) the Lord is
addressed as follows: "O Lord, You are the support of everything. The three
attributes hladini, sandhini and samvit exist in You as one spiritual energy.
But the material modes, which cause happiness, misery and mixtures of the two,
do not exist in You, for You have no material qualities."
Hladini is the personal manifestation of the blissfulness of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, by which He enjoys pleasure.
Because the pleasure
potency is perpetually present in the Supreme Lord, the theory of the
impersonalist that the Lord appears in the material mode of goodness cannot be
accepted. The impersonalist conclusion is against the Vedic version that the
Lord possesses a transcendental pleasure potency. When the pleasure potency of
the Supreme Personality of Godhead is exhibited by His grace in the person of a
devotee, that manifestation is called love of God.
Love of God is another
epithet of the pleasure potency of the Lord.
Therefore devotional service
reciprocated between the Lord and His devotee is an exhibition of the
transcendental pleasure potency of the Lord.
The potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that always enriches
Him with transcendenatl bliss is not material, but the Sankarites have accepted
it as such because they are ignorant of the identity of the Supreme Lord and
His pleasure potency. Those ignorant persons cannot understand the distinction
between impersonal spiritual bliss and the variegatedness of the spiritual
pleasure potency.
The hladini potency give the Lord all transcendental
pleasure, and the Lord bestows such a potency upon His pure devotee.

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