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DM Consunji, Inc. v.

CA and Maria Juego

April 20, 2001 | Kapunan, J. | Waiver of rights

SUMMARY: DM Consunji seeks reversal of the CA decision on the grounds that the
appellate court erred in holding that respondent is not precluded (prevented) from
recovering damages under the civil code
DOCTRINE: The choice of a party between inconsistent remedies results in
a waiver by election. The claimant, by his choice of one remedy, is deemed to have
waived the other.
November 2, 1990 - Jose Juego, a construction worker of D. M. Consunji, Inc., fell
14 floors from the Renaissance Tower, Pasig City to his death.
November 25, 1990 - PO3 Rogelio Villanueva of the Eastern Police District filed a
report of the tragedy (opinion: the falling of the [p]latform was due to the removal
or getting loose of the pin which was merely inserted to the connecting points of
the chain block and [p]latform but without a safety lock.)
January 2, 1991 Maria received death benefits from the ECC
February 6, 1991 - Prosecutor Lorna Lee issued a resolution finding that, although
there was insufficient evidence against petitioners employees, the case was "civil in
May 9, 1991 - Jose Juegos widow, Maria, filed in the RTC of Pasig a complaint for
damages against the deceaseds employer, D.M. Consunji, Inc. The employer raised,
among other defenses, the widows prior availment of the benefits from the State
Insurance Fund.
RTC rendered a decision in favor of the widow Maria Juego.
On appeal by D. M. Consunji, the CA affirmed the decision of the RTC in toto.
D. M. Consunji now seeks the reversal of the CA decision
RULING: The case is REMANDED to RTC of Pasig and the decision of the CA is
The appellate court erred in holding that respondent is not precluded from
recovering damages under the civil code. - NO
Labor Code Article 173. Extent of liability. Unless otherwise provided, the liability
of the State Insurance Fund under this Title shall be exclusive and in place of all
other liabilities of the employer to the employee, his dependents or anyone
otherwise entitled to receive damages on behalf of the employee or his dependents.
The payment of compensation under this Title shall not bar the recovery of
benefits as provided for [] whose benefits are administered by the System or by
other agencies of the government.
Workmens Compensation Act Section 5. Exclusive right to compensation. The rights
and remedies granted by this Act to an employee by reason of a personal injury
entitling him to compensation shall exclude all other rights and remedies accruing

to the employee, his personal representatives, dependents or nearest of kin against

the employer under the Civil Code and other laws because of said injury x x x.
an injured worker has a choice of either to recover from the employer the fixed
amounts set by the Workmens Compensation Act or to prosecute an ordinary civil
action against the tortfeasor for higher damages but he cannot pursue both courses
of action simultaneously (Pacaa vs. Cebu Autobus Company, 32 SCRA 442)
The exception is where a claimant who has already been paid under the
Workmens Compensation Act may still sue for damages under the Civil Code on
the basis of supervening facts or developments occurring after he opted for the
first remedy (Floresca ruling)
The choice of a party between inconsistent remedies results in a waiver by election.
The claimant, by his choice of one remedy, is deemed to have waived the other.
By filing a Civil Case, Maria waived her right to receive benefits from the
Employees Compensation Commission (ECC)

The Court modifies the affirmance of the award of damages. Should the trial court
find that its award is greater than that of the ECC, payments already received by
private respondent under the Labor Code shall be deducted from the trial court'
award of damages. Consistent with our ruling in Floresca, this adjudication aims to
prevent double compensation.

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