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944 F.

2d 903

NOTICE: Fourth Circuit I.O.P. 36.6 states that citation of

unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing
res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires
service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Fourth
Vonda Ann WALSH, Plaintiff-Appellant,
Sovran Mortgage Corporation, Defendant.
No. 90-1887.

United States Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit.

Argued July 30, 1991.
Decided Sept. 20, 1991.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Western District of
Virginia, at Roanoke. James C. Turk, Chief District Judge. (CA-87-376R)
Argued: James Clifton Walsh, Lexington, Va., for appellant; Theodore
Floyd Adams, III, Christian, Barton, Epps, Brent & Chappell, Richmond,
Va., for appellee.
On Brief: Carol F. Bowmer, Christian, Barton, Epps, Brent & Chappell,
Richmond, Va., for appellee.


Vonda Ann Walsh brought this action in the district court claiming that the
Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) violated the Equal Credit
Opportunity Act, 15 U.S.C. # 8E8E # 1691, 1691e, by discriminating against
her on the basis of her marital status when it rejected her mortgage application.
The jury found in favor of Mrs. Walsh and awarded her $2500 in damages. The
defendants moved for judgment notwithstanding the verdict (j.n.o.v.) pursuant
to Fed.R.Civ.P. 50(b), and the district court granted the motion. Mrs. Walsh
appealed. We affirm.

Mrs. Walsh and her husband, James Clifton Walsh, entered into a contract to
purchase real estate. The sales contract was conditional on the Walshes
obtaining financing. The Walshes filed an application for a mortgage through
the VHDA at Sovran Bank.1 The application had been altered in several places.
The application, as altered, reflected that Mr. Walsh was not to be considered in
the mortgage application and was not to be a borrower. The application was
accompanied by a letter stating that the loan was to be made only to Mrs.

Sovran submitted the loan package to VHDA, where it was reviewed by Terry
Beltz, a VHDA loan underwriter. VHDA rejected the loan application. The
rejection letter was addressed to both Mr. and Mrs. Walsh. Mrs. Walsh brought
this action2 under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act contending that VHDA
discriminated against her based upon her marital status by refusing to give her a
loan individually. In support of that claim, she cited the rejection letter
addressed to both her and her husband; she also pointed to a VHDA policy that
loans were generally made to both members of a married couple.

Beltz testified at trial that VHDA generally gave loans jointly to both members
of a married couple, but that loans would be granted to one member of a
married couple if that person so requested and was individually qualified. He
testified that he considered Mrs. Walsh's application based upon her individual
qualifications, but denied the mortgage because of her insufficient assets and
her short time in her job, as well as the overall credit picture. He stated that the
rejection letter was addressed to both Mr. and Mrs. Walsh so as to protect them
from liability on the sales contract, since both of their names were on the

During the course of the trial, the district court judge asked several questions of

Mrs. Walsh, including whether she had any evidence that VHDA discriminated
against her based upon her marital status. The purpose of these questions was to
clarify the testimony elicited during Mr. Walsh's direct examination.

Mr. Walsh asked that the district court judge put on the record his prior
statement that he was a member of the General Assembly at the time the
VHDA legislation was passed, and that he did not see a problem with requiring
both members of a married couple to join in VHDA loan applications. The
court granted the request.

The jury came back with a verdict of $2500 for Mrs. Walsh. The defendants
moved for j.n.o.v., and the district court granted the motion. Mrs. Walsh

The first issue on appeal is whether the district court erred in granting the
defendants' j.n.o.v. motion. A j.n.o.v. is proper only if there is no substantial
evidence to support the jury's verdict. Evington v. Forbes, 742 F.2d 834 (4th
Cir.1984); Business Dev. Corp. v. United States, 428 F.2d 451 (4th Cir.), cert.
denied, 400 U.S. 957 (1970). In making this determination, the reviewing Court
must look at all of the evidence in the light most favorable to the nonmoving
party. Ryan v. Edwards, 592 F.2d 756 (4th Cir.1979).

To prove a claim for damages under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, a
plaintiff must show that a creditor discriminated on the basis of marital status,
though a creditor may inquire about marital status. 15 U.S.C. 1691(a)(1), (b)
(1). Further, a creditor may refuse to extend credit pursuant to a credit
assistance program for the economically disadvantaged if the refusal is required
by the program. 15 U.S.C. 1691(c)(1). VHDA administers a program for
economically disadvantaged first-time home buyers. Va.Code Ann. 36-55.25.


There was no evidence that VHDA discriminated against Mrs. Walsh on the
basis of her marital status. All of the evidence supported the defendants'
contention that Mrs. Walsh was not qualified due to her lack of cash, credit
report, and short time on her present job-factors which disqualified her under
VHDA requirements. The rejection letter was written to both of the Walshes
because both of their names were on the sales contract. The only testimony
which contradicted VHDA's reason for denying the loan was Mrs. Walsh's
unsupported assertion that the loan was denied because of her marital status.
We hold that this is not sufficient to constitute evidence for the purpose of
rendering improper the motion for j.n.o.v. Therefore, we affirm the district
court's order.


Mrs. Walsh raises two other issues on appeal. First, she contends that the
district court judge was biased, as evidenced by his questioning of several
witnesses and his statement regarding his service in the General Assembly at
the time of the passage of the VHDA legislation and his belief that VHDA
could require both members of a married couple to apply for loans. Mrs. Walsh
did not object or move for recusal below. Consequently, the questions and
statement would warrant reversal only if they constituted a fundamental error
which infected the integrity of the trial. Stewart v. Hall, 770 F.2d 1267 (4th
Cir.1985). Because Mrs. Walsh was not individually qualified for the loan, the
judge's statement that the VHDA procedures were valid is, at most, harmless
error. See Liljeberg v. Health Servs. Acquisition Corp., 486 U.S. 847, 862
(1988). Further, the judge's questions did not show any sort of extrajudicial
bias, but rather an effort to allow Mrs. Walsh to state more clearly the basis of
her action. This cannot be said to be reversible error. See In re Beard, 811 F.2d
818, 827 (4th Cir.1987) (recusal warranted only where judge demonstrates
extrajudicial bias).


Finally, Mrs. Walsh contends that the court erroneously failed to instruct the
jury that it could award punitive damages and erroneously instructed the jury
that Mrs. Walsh had a duty to mitigate her damages. As the appellee points out,
the jury instructions were not included in the joint appendix. However, it is
clear in light of the j.n.o.v. that any error regarding jury instructions on the
issue of damages was harmless. Therefore, these claims are without merit.



VHDA does not itself make loans; rather, it approves or disapproves loans to be
made by authorized banks through a state program. Sovran was the authorized
bank where Mrs. Walsh applied for a VHDA loan. Sovran was a defendant in
the district court proceeding, but Mrs. Walsh appealed only the judgment in
favor of VHDA

Mrs. Walsh was represented at trial and on appeal by her husband, who is an

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