Rhoda Gershman v. Robert H. Finch, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, 454 F.2d 229, 4th Cir. (1971)

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454 F.

2d 229

Rhoda GERSHMAN, Appellant,

Robert H. FINCH, Secretary of Health, Education and
Welfare, Appellee.
No. 71-1052.

United States Court of Appeals,

Fourth Circuit.
Argued Oct. 7, 1971.
Decided Dec. 15, 1971.

Samuel Shepard Jones, Jr., Washington, D. C. (Court-assigned counsel),

Hogan & Hartson, Washington, D. C., for appellant.
Jean G. Rogers, Asst. U. S. Atty. (George Beall, U. S. Atty., on brief), for
Before WINTER and BUTZNER, Circuit Judges, and DUPREE, District
WINTER, Circuit Judge:

Plaintiff, Rhoda Gershman, sought review of the Secretary's denial of her claim
for mother's insurance benefits as the divorced former wife of a deceased wage
earner. Her companion claim for benefits for her children was allowed. The
Secretary concluded that plaintiff was not receiving at least one-half of her
support from her deceased husband at the time of his death; and the district
court, concluding that there was substantial evidence to support this finding,
affirmed the Secretary's determination. We disagree and reverse, remanding the
case for entry of an appropriate order.

* Plaintiff and Benjamin Gershman were married in Philadelphia,

Pennsylvania, in 1941. Two children were born of the marriage: Michael, born
in 1945, and Lois, born in 1949. In December, 1950, plaintiff and her husband
separated and, in 1951, divorce proceedings were instituted in the Court of
Common Pleas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and resulted in the entry of a

decree. In December, 1951, the parties entered into a written separation

agreement and, in April, 1952, a final decree of divorce was granted. Following
the separation and subsequent divorce, the children remained in the care and
custody of plaintiff until Michael was of an age to establish his own residence
and Lois reached eighteen and married. To date, plaintiff has not remarried. Mr.
Gershman, an insured wage earner, died in January, 1960.

Under Pennsylvania law alimony pendente lite is allowable in all cases,

Commonwealth v. Scholl, 156 Pa. Super. 136, 39 A.2d 719 (1944); but, upon
the grant or refusal of a divorce a vinculo matrimonii, alimony must cease,
except in the case of a wife who is insane. See, Hooks v. Hooks, 123 Pa. Super.
507, 187 A. 245 (1936); 23 Purdon's Pa. Stat.Ann. Secs. 46, 47 (1955). See
also, Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Mesta, 123 F.2d 986 (3 Cir. 1941),
cert. den., 316 U.S. 695, 62 S.Ct. 1290, 86 L.Ed. 1765 (1942). The separation
agreement between the parties provided that Mr. Gershman would pay $50.00
per week for the support and maintenance of plaintiff and their two children
until a final decree of divorce was granted. Thereafter, he was to continue to
pay $50.00 each week, but the agreement provided that this money was to be
paid to plaintiff "as beneficiary for the two minor children . . . until the said
minor children reached the age of eighteen or have fully completed their
education." After cessation of the children's support, plaintiff was to receive
$10.00 per week provided she did not remarry.1

After the divorce was granted, Mr. Gershman made payments in accordance
with the agreement, although frequently plaintiff was required to resort to the
courts to obtain them. These payments were the sole means of support for
plaintiff and her children. She had no other income and she was not employed.2
The payments thus provided food, housing and other necessities for plaintiff
and her two children. On a number of occasions plaintiff resorted to the district
attorney's office in Philadelphia in an effort to obtain more money. At one point
the weekly payments were increased by court order to $53.00 per week,
although they were later cut back to $50.00, as provided in the agreement.
Plaintiff was required to account to the district attorney's office as to how she
spent the money and she showed that the $50.00 weekly payments were used
for her own support, as well as that of her children. There was also evidence
that the attorneys who prepared the separation agreement and the court
granting the divorce were all aware that plaintiff would and did apply the
payments to her as "beneficiary"3 for the children for her own support, as well
as that of the children, and there was no suggestion that this would be improper.

Following the death of her husband, plaintiff sought mother's and child's
insurance benefits from the Social Security Administration. Although her

application for the children was granted, the application for herself was denied
on the ground that she did not show that she had received support from her
husband pursuant to agreement or court order, as the statute then required.4
Judicial review was not sought.

After the 1965 amendments, plaintiff filed another application, seeking benefits
for herself. The application was filed March 30, 1966, and sought retroactive
benefits for the twelve months preceding (42 U.S.C.A. Sec. 402(j) (1), as well
as future benefits.5

The second application went to hearing and, notwithstanding the uncontradicted

testimony of plaintiff that she was supporting herself from the payments made
to her as "beneficiary" for her children, corroborated by the evidence of the
attorneys with knowledge of her personal situation and an assistant district
attorney of Philadelphia, the claim was denied on the ground that "[t]he
wording of the agreement, and of the court order in effect at the time of the
death of the wage earner, provided only for the support of the children, and did
not provide support or maintenance of claimant. The $50.00 contributions
clearly were specified for the support of the children." In deciding that there
was substantial evidence to support the Secretary's determination, the district
court apparently concluded that the recitals in the support agreement and the
decree granting the divorce constituted substantial evidence to support the
Secretary's determination.6


The decision in this case turns upon the 1965 amendments to 42 U.S.C.A. Sec.
402(g) (1) (F) (i) insofar as eligibility is dependent upon support from the
deceased wage earner. That portion of the statute, as amended, requires the
claimant to show

9 she was receiving at least one-half of her support, as determined in accordance

with regulations prescribed by the Secretary, from such individual, or
10 she was receiving substantial contributions from such individual (pursuant to a
written agreement), or
11 there was a court order for substantial contributions to her support from such
individual. (emphasis supplied)7

When compared with the statute as it existed prior to the amendment, the
amended statute eliminates the requirement that at least one-half of the

claimant's support be received "pursuant to agreement or court order." The

legislative history of the amendment does not illuminate the amendment,
although illumination would seen unnecessary in the light of the obvious
inference to be drawn from the elimination of the quoted language. Indeed, the
Secretary's regulation, 20 C.F.R. Sec. 404.350(a) states that prior to the 1965
amendments, a claimant was required to show that one-half of her support was
received pursuant to agreement or court order, but that proof of such technical
niceties is not required for the period after the 1965 amendments.

Given the indisputable proposition that since the 1965 amendments a claimant
is not required to show that at least one-half of her support was received
"pursuant to agreement or court order," we view the test of whether she
received one-half of her support from the deceased wage earner as a pure
question of fact. And in the instant case we view the record as showing, equally
indisputable, that plaintiff did receive at least one-half of her support from her
deceased husband. Of course, the agreement specified that the moneys she
received were received as "beneficiary" for her minor children and that after the
deceased wage earner's obligation to support them terminated, she would
receive only $10.00 per week from him for herself. We recognize that the
agreement does constitute some evidence of the nature of the $50.00 weekly
payments, but the explanation that these payments, irrespective of how they
were formally designated, were intended to be applied and were applied as the
sole means of support for her, as well as her children, is not controverted. We
infer that the deceased wage earner, and his attorneys, termed the payments as
solely child support not only to meet Pennsylvania's prohibition against
payment of alimony to a sane, divorced wife, but also to preserve for him the
full dependency deduction for federal income tax purposes for his children
whom he was supporting.


We conclude that there was not substantial evidence for the Secretary's
determination; and, since the uncontroverted, corroborated evidence that the
purported payments for support of the children were plaintiff's sole means of
support, there is no further factual determination to be made by the Secretary.
We are thus warranted in directing that plaintiff's claim for herself be allowed.


Schroeder v. Hobby, 222 F.2d 713 (10 Cir. 1955), relied upon by the Secretary,
does not require a contrary result. In Schroeder the wage earner conveyed
certain rental property to the claimant as part of a property settlement incident
to divorce, and there it was found that the parties intended that the rent
generated by the property was intended to be the husband's exclusive provision
for his former wife's support. The husband also paid $100.00 per month for the
support of his children, and there was evidence that the divorced wife diverted

the child support payments, in whole or in part, to maintain the rental property.
Nevertheless, it was held the surviving divorced wife was not entitled to
benefits, because the death of the wage earner did not cause any impact upon
the divorced wife's economic condition and her diversion of child support
payments made no difference, since it had been intended that she was to be
supported from the rentals and not from the payments made for the children.
Moreover, Schroeder was a pre-1965 Social Security amendments case, and
that there was no reason for the court not to adhere strictly to the designations
contained in the property settlement and divorce decree. By contrast, the record
in this case establishes that plaintiff suffered a complete loss of economic
support when Mr. Gershman died.

Similarly, we think Adair v. Finch, 421 F.2d 652 (10 Cir. 1970), inapposite. It,
too, concerned a property settlement incident to divorce, undisturbed by the
former husband's subsequent death, and not periodic payments from the former
husband. Additionally, Adair, as well as Schroeder, was decided in a
community property state where, as the Tenth Circuit indicated, "income from
community property awarded to the wife as her sold and separate property
[does not] constitute . . . a contribution from her former husband." 421 F.2d at


The judgment of the district court is reversed, and the case is remanded for
entry of a judgment in accordance with this opinion.


Reversed and remanded.

It is said that the agreement also provided that if a decree was granted, Mr.
Gershman would assign his interest in a house owned jointly by the parties to
plaintiff, that he would convey to her certain personal property, and that he
would assign to her certain life insurance polices. The parties' formal agreement
was received as an exhibit in the proceedings before the Secretary but,
unfortunately, the copy included in the administrative record filed with the
district court and the copy contained in the administrative record furnished to
the members of this court is absolutely illegible. The matter would seem of
little moment, however, since plaintiff's testimony, totally undisputed, is that at
the time the parties separated their house was being offered for sale and they
had practically no equity in it. The house was subsequently sold. Plaintiff also
testified that she received from her husband neither personal property nor

insurance, as provided in this agreement

Similarly, the decree of divorce is illegible. Apparently it was silent on the
subject of alimony in accordance with Pennsylvania law.

The record contains evidence that because of the chronic illness of one of the
children, she could not be absent from the home

The word is a misnomer. "Trustee" or "guardian" would have been more


42 U.S.C.A. Sec. 402(g) (1) (F) (i) then provided that a surviving divorced
mother (not remarried) was entitled to benefits for herself if, inter alia, at the
wage earner's death she was receiving at least one-half of her support from the
deceased wage earner, "pursuant to agreement or court order." (emphasis
supplied) The statute was amended in 1965 by Pub. L. 89-97 Secs. 306(c) (7)
and 308(d) (3)-(5); 79 Stat. 286

As a result of subsequent events, the future benefits would be small, although

the record does not reflect their precise amount. Michael ceased attending
school in June, 1966, and became employed, and Lois reached the age of
eighteen and married in May, 1967. Plaintiff, therefore, could in no event be
eligible for benefits after April, 1967, since this was the month preceding the
month in which "no child of such deceased individual is entitled to a child's
insurance benefit . . . ," a condition terminating eligibility. 42 U.S.C.A. Sec.
402(g) (1)

In fairness to the district court, it must be noted that throughout the proceedings
on judicial review, the Secretary has evidenced considerable confusion as to the
correct statute which governs the outcome. It cannot be said with certainty that
the 1965 amendments which we consider crucial were brought to the attention
of the district judge

The regulations, adopted to flesh out p (I), state simply that a claimant is
considered in receipt of one-half of her support from a wage earner at his death
if, for the previous twelve months he "made regular contributions, in cash or in
kind, to such person's support and the amount of such contributions equaled or
exceeded one-half of such person's support during such period." 20 C.F.R. Sec.
404.349(b) et seq

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