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370 F.

2d 836

Garland FIELDS, Appellant,

UNITED STATES of America, Appellee.
No. 10684.

United States Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit.

Argued Dec. 5, 1966.
Decided Jan. 5, 1967.

Alexander L. Wilson, Arlington, Va. (Court-appointed counsel) for

Stefan C. Long, Asst. U.S. Atty. (C.V. Spratley, Jr., U.S. Atty., on the
brief) for appellee.
Before HAYNSWORTH, Chief Judge, and BOREMAN and WINTER,
Circuit judges.

Convicted, in a trial without a jury, of the offenses of selling narcotics not in

pursuance of a written order on a form issued in blank for that purpose by the
Secretary of the Treasury and selling narcotics not in the original stamped
package, in violation of 26 U.S.C.A. 4705(a) and 4704(a), and sentenced to
consecutive terms of eight and two years, respectively, appellant appeals. He
alleges as fatal to his conviction denial of a speedy trial, failure to sever, failure
to grant a mistrial when a codefendant allegedly essential to appellant's defense
refused to testify, and improper conduct on the part of the trial judge in
examining witnesses and erroneously summarizing previous testimony of other
witnesses. We find no merit in any contention, and we affirm.

The alleged denial of a speedy trial is predicated on the following facts: The
offenses allegedly occurred May 19-20, 1965. A complaint was filed with the
United States Commissioner on September 21, 1965 and appellant was arrested
that day. At a hearing on September 30, 1965, probable cause was found and
appellant was admitted to bail. Because a co-defendant was at large and the

grand jury was not in session, an indictment was not returned until December 8,
1965. On December 16, 1965 and January 10, 1966, appellant appeared for
arraignment without counsel. Counsel was then appointed by the Court and
appellant pleaded not guilty on January 12, 1966, waived a jury trial and the
date of April 11, 1966 was fixed for trial. The trial was held as scheduled.

True, eleven months elapsed between the date of the alleged offenses and the
actual trial, of which eight months was between arrest and trial, but the record
fails to disclose a single instance in which appellant was prejudiced by any
delay. At all times he was unrestrained, and his freedom to develop witnesses,
testimony and matters of defense unhampered. The record reflects no request
on his part that he be tried at any earlier date. We find no circumstances
amounting to an unconstitutional deprivation of the right to a speedy trial.
Pollard v. United States, 352 U.S. 354, 77 S.Ct. 481, 1 L.Ed.2d 393 (1957);
United States v. Hill, 310 F.2d 601 (4 Cir. 1962).

The alleged improper failure to grant a severance is grounded upon the fact that
a codefendant, Corbin, elected to testify in his defense, while appellant did not.
Prior to Corbin's testimony, the government's case consisted of the testimony of
a narcotics agent who purportedly met appellant and his codefendants twice
during the days in question and, for $300.000, purchased from them certain
narcotics not in or from original stamped packages and not in pursuance of a
written order on the from provided by the Secretary of the Treasury, and that of
another agent, who testified only that the first agent and the several defendants
were seen together at the times and at the places described by the first. Corbin's
testimony corroborated the association of the agent and the defendants at the
times and places previously testified to, but constituted a denial that Corbin was
aware of the nature of the transaction or that the materials delivered to the
agent, for which he paid $300.00, were various narcotics. Appellant's counsel
at no time, before, during or after Corbin's testimony, requested a severance for
his client.

In a proper case the failure of appellant's counsel to request a severance would

not foreclose our noticing and correcting plain error in the record. Rule 52(b)
Fed.Rules Crim.P. But appellant's claim that he was entitled to a severance on
the record in this case is a bald assertion that codefendants may not be tried
jointly when one or more of them elects to testify in his own behalf. Corbin
made no attempt to incriminate appellant, other than to confirm his presence
when the alleged illegal action was formulated and carried out. Under these
circumstances, we perceive no such rule as that for which appellant contends.
We disagree with appellant's argument that he could not have been convicted on
the testimony of the agent alone, because we are not aware of any rule which

requires corroboration of the agent's testimony. Indeed, the district court's

findings of fact with respect to appellant's guilt indicate that the court relied on
the testimony of the agnet, uncorroborated by that of Corbin; the district court,
in finding Corbin also guilty, rejected the exculpatory aspects of his testimony.

There is no merit in the contention that appellant should have been granted a
mistrial when the codefendant, Breeden, who changed his plea to one count of
the indictment from not guilty to guilty four days before the trial, refused to
testify. Breeden did in fact testify in regard to an aspect of appellant's defense,
albeit, unfavorably. Breeden was called as a witness by sounsel for Corbin for
the limited purpose of identifying and explaining a letter, which he admitted he
wrote, purportedly exculpating appellant and Corbin. Prior to his being called,
and during the course of his limited examination, counsel for Corbin twice
asked that Breeden be made a witness for the court, and counsel for appellant
raised no objection if, indeed, some of his remarks might not be construed as
joining in the request. During his limited examination, Breeden testified that he
was unable to say that a statement in his letter that Corbin and appellant had
nothing to do with the 'actual sale' referred to the sale for which appellant was
prosecuted. Later, when made a witness for the court, and asked to describe in
his own words what took place on May 19-20, Breeden, although instructed by
the court and his counsel to answer, refused to testify further. Again, before,
during and after Breeden's testimony, appellant's counsel did not request a

Although we can notice plain error, we find none in the failure to grant a
mistrial. That a witness testifies unfavorably, or even that his testimony is
different from that which is anticipated, does not indicate the necessity for such
relief in the circumstances reflected by this record.

There was no improper conduct on the part of the trial judge in examining
witnesses, and there were no errors of any consequence in his summarization of
previous testimony of other witnesses. In regard to this contention, we have
reviewed the record thoroughly. To the extent that the trial judge erroneously
summarized previous testimony of other witnesses, he was, in most part,
corrected by counsel, the witnesses themselves, or by his asking further
questions. Nothing in the district judge's finding of facts in which he found
appellant guilty discloses any misunderstanding of any essential fact. His
exercise of his right to interrogate witnesses, in this non-jury case, was nothing
more than an effort on his part to clarify his own understanding of the case and
to elicit potentially material facts not inquired into by any of counsel. His
calling Breeden as a court witness was in response to the twice repeated request
of counsel for one of the codefendants, and in the face of the announced refusal

of the prosecution to call him and the announced reluctance of counsel for any
defendant to call him. The trial judge's admonitions to Breeden that he must
testify and that he must tell the truth, under penalty of perjory if he did
otherwise, appear to be no more than a conscientious effort to carry into effect
the advice given by the court, and concurred in by Breeden's counsel, that
Breeden could not claim selfincrimination in the area inquired into. In short, the
conduct of the trial judge did not exceed the proper bounds of his function, as
set forth by us in United States v. Godel, 361 F.2d 21 (4 Cir. 1966), and Simon
v. United States, 123 F.2d 80 (4 Cir. 1941), cert. den. 314 U.S. 694, 62 S.Ct.
412, 86 L.Ed. 555 (1941).
The judgment of the lower court is


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