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[G.R. No. 106043. March 4, 1996]


Cagayan de Oro City, petitioner, vs. COURT
AUTHORITY (NHA), respondents.

This is a petition to set aside the decision of the Court of

Appeals, dated February 28, 1991, in C.A. G.R. SP No. 23080,
the Regional Trial Court of Cagayan
Oro City,
Branch 25, dated November 17, 1988.
The antecedent facts as found by the Court of Appeals are
as follows:
The land subject of the dispute is Lot No. 1982 of Cad. 237
consisting of about 12.82 hectares located at Cagayan de Oro
City. Said parcel of land was formerly a timberland identified as
Block No. F, L.C. Project No. 8 of the Bureau of Forestry.
On September 4, 1956, the Bureau of Forestry released the said
land as alienable and disposable public land.
Subsequently, on January 29, 1964, the Bureau of Lands
issued Survey Authority No. 16-64 granting authority to the
COCLAI to survey the land in question for purposes of
subdivision into residential lots. By virtue of said authority, the
COCLAI engaged the services of a geodetic engineer to prepare

the subdivision survey which was submitted to the Bureau of

Lands. On March 31, 1964, the Bureau of Lands, after
conducting an ocular survey, required the COCLAI, in behalf of
its members, to file a miscellaneous Sales Application over the
land in question which the latter did on August 13, 1970. The
said sales application was however held in abeyance by the
Bureau of Lands pending the final outcome of the civil case filed
by the Republic of the Philippines and the City of Cagayan de
Oro against Benedicta Macabebe Salcedo, et al. for the
annulment of Original Certificate of Title No. 0-257 covering the
land in question then pending before the Supreme Court
docketed as G.R. No. L-41115. In said case, the COCLAI was a
Meanwhile, on August 22, 1979, the NHA filed an
expropriation proceeding before the former Court of First
Instance of Misamis Oriental at Cagayan de Oro City docketed
as Civil Case No. 6806 to acquire Cadastral Lot No. 1982,
including the land involved in this case, located at Macabalan,
Cagayan de Oro City with an area of 224,554 square meters
which was then covered by OCT No. 0-257. In said case, the
COCLAI intervened claiming that instead of being paid the
amount of P300,000.00, they prefer to acquire residential lots in
any housing area of NHA. Upon learning of the pending suit
before the Supreme Court (G.R. No. L-41115) involving the
annulment of the title over the same land, the NHA sought the
suspension of the expropriation proceedings.
On September 11, 1982, the Supreme Court finally resolved
G.R. No. L-41115 annulling OCT No. 0-257 and declaring the
land covered thereby as public land.
On October 8, 1982, the Solicitor General furnished the
Bureau of Lands, Manila, with a copy of the Supreme Court
decision prompting the Director of the Bureau of Lands to order
the District Land Officer in Cagayan de Oro City to take
appropriate action for inventory of each and every portion of
Cadastral Lot No. 1982. In response thereto, the Regional Land
Director of Region 10 informed the Director of Lands that the
members of COCLAI were occupying portions of the said lot by

virtue of the Survey Authority issued on March 19, 1964 and the
COCLAIs subdivision survey had already been submitted to the
Central Office for verification and approval but was held in

Patent No. 3551 covering the entire area of Cadastral Lot No.
1982, and by virtue thereof, the Register of Deeds of Cagayan
de Oro City issued on January 3, 1990 an Original Certificate of
Title No. P-3324 in the name of NHA.

On May 10, 1983, the President of thePhilippines issued

Proclamation No. 2292 reserving the entire area of Cadastral
Lot No. 1982 for the Slum Improvement and Resettlement (SIR)
Project to be implemented by the NHA.Under the said
proclamation, the NHA was granted the authority to develop,
administer and dispose of Lot No. 1982 located at Macabalan,
Cagayan de Oro City, in accordance with the guidelines of the
Slum Improvement and Resettlement Program and the
approved development plan of the area.

Thus, on July 24, 1990, a day after the COCLAI moved for
the execution of the judgment in Civil Case No. 11204, the NHA
filed a complaint for Quieting of Title with Application for a Writ
of Preliminary Injunction against the COCLAI and its president,
Pablo Solomon, as well as the City Sheriff, which was docketed
as Civil Case No. 90-337. Said case was assigned to Branch 25
of the Regional Trial Court in Cagayan de Oro City, presided
over by Hon. Noli T. Catli. In its complaint, plaintiff NHA alleged:

On May 19, 1983, the Bureau of Lands, through its Regional

Director, issued an order rejecting the subdivision survey
previously submitted by the COCLAI.
Sometime in November, 1986, the NHA, through its agents,
Virgilio Dacalos and Engr. Vicente Generalao, the area manager
and project engineer, respectively with the help of the policemen
and claiming authority under P.D. 1472, demolished the
structures erected by the COCLAI members. This action
prompted the COCLAI to file a forcible entry and damages case
against the NHA employees and police officers with the
Municipal Trial Court in Cities, Branch 3, Cagayan de Oro City
docketed as Civil Case No. 11204.
After due hearing, the MTCC on November 17, 1988
rendered judgment ordering the defendants in Civil Case No.
11204 to restore the COCLAI members to their respective actual
possession of the portions of Lot No. 1982 but the court
dismissed plaintiffs claim for damages. On appeal, the Regional
Trial Court in Cagayan de Oro City affirmed the decision of the
lower court. Thereafter, the prevailing party, the COCLAI
members, moved for the issuance of a writ of execution before
the MTCC on July 23,1990.
While Civil Case No. 11204 was pending before the courts,
the President of the Philippines issued on July 1, 1988 Special

4) That defendant landless association laid claim of a portion of

Lot No. 1982 aforestated alleging that they are entitled to
possession thereof and, in fact, filed a complaint for Forcible
Entry against certain Virgilio Decalos, Vicente Generalao, and
four (4) others, plaintiff herein not being made a party thereto,
which case is docketed as Civil Case No. 11204 assigned to
Branch 3 of the Municipal Trial Court of Cagayan de Oro City;
5) That on November 18, 1988 defendant landless association
obtained a favorable decision from MTCC Branch 3;
6) That pursuant to the ruling of the Supreme Court in City of
Bacolod et al. vs. Hon. Enriquez et al., G.R. No L-9773, May 29,
1957 the said decision could not be enforced against plaintiff
herein as it was not a party to the said case;
7) That the claim of defendant landless association for
possession of a portion of said Lot No. 1982, subject-matter
hereof, is predicated or anchored upon the fact that said lot was
declared a public land;
8) That on January 3, 1990, however, plaintiff National Housing
Authority became the absolute owner of said Lot No. 1982, now
the site of the Slum Improvement and Resettlement Project, by
virtue of Special Patent No. 3551 issued by Her Excellency, the

President of the Philippines, for which Original Certificate of Title

No. P-3324 was issued in its name; x x x

enjoined to refrain or desist from enforcing the decision of Civil

Case No. 11204 until this court resolves this complaint.

9) That the claim of defendant landless association has created

a cloud on plaintiffs title to Lot No. 1982 aforementioned, which
claim is apparently valid or effective but is in truth and in fact
invalid, ineffective and unenforceable and prejudicial to plaintiffs
title, the land, subject-matter hereof, having ceased to be a
public land;

Subsequently, the defendants moved to dismiss the complaint

stating, among others, as a ground therefor that the cause of
action is barred by a prior judgment in another case.
(Apparently, the NHA has filed an action for Injunction with
Damages against COCLAI and its President before the Regional
Trial Court, Branch 17, Cagayan de Oro City docketed as Civil
Case No. 89-399 to prevent the MTCC from executing its
decision in Civil Case No. 11204, but this was dismissed by the
Regional Trial Court in its Order dated July 19, 1990 on the
ground that the decision of the MTCC in Civil Case No. 11204,
had been upheld by the Supreme Court when it denied NHAs
petition for certiorari. The RTC, Branch 17, further stated that x x
x (I)f plaintiff believes that it is the owner of the property subject
of that civil case (No. 11204), then it should ventilate its claim in
some other case but not in a simple case of injunction.)

10) That defendants Solomon, et al. threatened or are about to

enforce the decision in said Civil Case No. 11204 in violation of
plaintiffs rights respecting the subject of the action, and tending
to render the judgment herein ineffectual, unless restrained or
enjoined by this Honorable Court;
11) That the plaintiff is entitled to the relief demanded, and the
whole or part of such relief consists in restraining the
commission of the act herein complained of;
12) That the commission of the act herein complained of during
the litigation would probably work injustice to the plaintiff;
13) That the plaintiff is willing and ready to file a bond executed
to the defendants in an amount to be fixed by this Honorable
Court, to the effect that the plaintiff will pay to said defendants
all damages which they may sustain by reason of the injunction
if the Court should finally decide that the plaintiff was not entitled
Acting on the plaintiffs prayer for the issuance of a restraining
order and/or preliminary injunction, the Regional Trial Court
issued an Order on July 24, 1990 stating thus:
x x x let a RESTRAINING ORDER be issued to Defendants
Pablo Salomon and Cagayan de Oro Landless Association, Inc.
and the City Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff of MTCC, Branch 3, or
anybody acting in their behalf or acting as their agent or
representative. And until further orders from this court, they are

On August 10, 1990, the Regional Trial Court in Civil Case No.
90-337 issued an Order denying the motion to dismiss as well
as plaintiff NHAs prayer for the issuance of a preliminary
injunction to restrain the enforcement of the decision in Civil
Case No. 11204. The motion for reconsideration filed by plaintiff
NHA was likewise denied by the Regional Trial Court in its
Order dated August 17, 1990.[1]
Aggrieved by the decision of the Regional Trial Court, the NHA
appealed to the Court of Appeals which reversed the decision of
the lower court.The decretal portion of the said decision, reads:
WHEREFORE, the instant petition for certiorari is GRANTED
the questioned Orders of respondent judge are hereby declared
null and void and respondent judge is ordered to issue a writ of
preliminary injunction to respect the possession of the petitioner
over the land subject of the dispute x x x[2]
Hence, this petition.

The issues raised by petitioner are: whether or not the Court

of Appeals erred in ruling (a) that the National Housing Authority
(NHA) is entitled to the injunction prayed for; and (b) that NHA
has a better right to the possession of Lot No. 1982, as a
necessary consequence of ownership.
As an extraordinary remedy, injunction is calculated to
preserve or maintain the status quoof things and is generally
availed of to prevent actual or threatened acts, until the merits of
the case can be heard.[3] As such, injunction is accepted as the
strong arm of equity or a transcendent remedy to be used
cautiously, as it affects the respective rights of the parties, and
only upon full conviction on the part of the court of its extreme
necessity.[4] Its issuance rests entirely within the discretion of the
court taking cognizance of the case and is generally not
interfered with except in cases of manifest abuse.[5] Moreover, it
may only be resorted to by a litigant for the preservation or
protection of his rights or interests and for no other purpose
during the pendency of the principal action.[6]
Before an injunction can be issued, it is essential that the
following requisites be present: 1) there must be a right in
esse or the existence of a right to be protected; and 2) the act
against which the injunction is to be directed is a violation of
such right.[7] Hence, it should only be granted if the party asking
for it is clearly entitled thereto.[8]
In the case at bench, the Court of Appeals was justified in
ruling that NHA was entitled to the writ of injunction. The reason
is that, while Civil Case No. 11204 for forcible entry was pending
on appeal before the Regional Trial Court, Special Patent
No. 3551 was issued by then President Corazon Aquino which
covered the lot subject of the dispute and by virtue thereof, an
Original Certificate of Title in the name of NHA was issued by
the Register of Deeds of Cagayan de Oro City on January 3,
1990. So, when petitioner moved for the issuance of a writ of
execution before the MTCC on July 23, 1990, a certificate of title
had already been issued to NHA. In view of this intervening
development, NHA filed a complaint for quieting of title before
the Regional Trial Courtof Cagayan de Oro City. Thus, it was

only proper for the Court of Appeals to direct the Regional Trial
Court,[9] where Civil Case No. 90-337 was pending, to grant the
writ of preliminary injunction to restrain the enforcement of the
decision of the MTCC in Civil Case No. 11204 as there was a
material change in the status of the parties with regard to the
said land. Clearly, the government, through the NHA will be
prejudiced by the impending enforcement of the decision in Civil
Case No. 11204 which directs the said agency to restore the
members of petitioner to their respective possession on portions
of Lot No. 1982.
Petitioner claims that Special Patent No. 3351 issued by
then President Corazon Aquino on July 1, 1988 and the
corresponding issuance by the Register of Deeds of Original
Certificate of Title No P-3324 in the name of NHA had entrusted
only the administration of the disputed lot to the said agency but
not the ownership thereof It also alleges that, by virtue of
Proclamation No. 2290, issued on May 10, 1985, declaring the
land situated at Barrio Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City, as
Slum Improvement Settlement (SIR) area, it is illegal for NHA to
claim ownership over the said land. Furthermore, petitioner also
claims that respondent Court overlooked the fact that the issues
on ownership and possession are sub-judice before RTC,
Branch 25, Cagayan de Oro City in Civil Case ;No. 90-337 x x
x[10] Hence, it concludes that the appellate court cannot pass
upon these issues as there is still no final judgment on said civil
Petitioners contentions are bereft of merit.
The Original Certificate of Title (No. P-3324) issued to
respondent NHA serves as a concrete and conclusive evidence
of an indefeasible title to the property. Accordingly, once a
decree of registration is issued under the Torrens systems and
the one year period from the issuance of the decree of
registration has lapsed, without said decree being controverted
by any adverse party, the title becomes perfect and cannot later
on be questioned.[11]
Furthermore, in the case at bench, the original certificate of
title was issued by the Register of Deeds, under an

administrative proceeding pursuant to Special Patent No.

3551. Thus, it is as indefeasible as a certificate of title issued
under a judicial registration proceeding as the land covered by
said certificate is a disposable public land within the
contemplation of the Public Land Law.[12] Moreover, the said
certificate of title was not controverted by petitioner in a proper
proceeding nor did it show that the issuance of the Original
Certificate of Title by the register of deeds to NHA was tainted
with bad faith or fraud. Hence, said certificate of title enjoys the
presumption of having been issued by the register of deeds in
the regular performance of its official duty.[13]
Also, OCT No. P-3324 issued in the name of respondent
NHA, clearly states:
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said parcel of land with all the
appurtenances thereunto of right of belonging unto the
NATIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITYand to its successors-ininterest or assigns forever, subject to private rights, if any there
Clearly the certificate of title vested not only ownership over
the lot but also the right of possession as a necessary
consequence of the right of ownership.
Respondent is not merely the administrator of the said lot. It
cannot be denied that Proclamation No. 2290 gave authority to
the NHA to dispose of Lot No. 1982. In the said Proclamation
the President of the Philippines granted to NHA the authority to
develop, administer and dispose of Lot No. 1982, located at
Macabalan, Cagayan de Oro City, in accordance with the
guidelines of the Slum Improvement and Resettlement Program
and the approved development plan of the area.
On the other hand, petitioners only basis for claiming the
disputed lot is lawful entry and possession for an extended
period of time and, as a matter of fact, there is a final judgment
in its favor in the case for forcible entry before the MTCC. As to
this, settled is the rule that, in an action for forcible entry, the
only issue involved is mere physical possession (possession de

facto)and not juridical possession (possession de jure)nor

ownership[15] As the case filed before the lower court is only one
for forcible entry, it is indicative that the legal title over the said
property is not disputed by the petitioner. There has been no
assertion of ownership over the land, only that of prior
possession. At any rate, the judgment rendered in the ejectment
case is effective only with respect to possession and in no wise
bind the title or affect the ownership of the land.[16]
Indeed, petitioner has no legal leg to stand as regards
ownership because its Miscellaneous Sales Application was not
acted upon nor favorably considered by the Bureau of
Lands. The Bureau, through its Regional Director, rejected the
subdivision survey previously submitted by COCLAI, in an
Order, dated May 19, 1983.
In effect, petitioners occupation of the land in question, after
the denial of its application for Miscellaneous Sales Patent,
became subsequently illegal. Petitioners members have, as a
consequence, become squatters whose continuous possession
of the land may now be considered to be in bad faith. This is
unfortunate because squatters acquire no legal right over the
land they are occupying.[17]
Although as a general rule, a court should not, by means of
a preliminary injunction, transfer property in litigation from the
possession of one party to another, this rule admits of some
exceptions. For example, when there is a clear finding of
ownership and possession of the land or unless the subject
property is covered by a torrens title pointing to one of the
parties as the undisputed owner.[18] In the case at bench, the
land subject of the suit is covered by a torrens title under the
name of NHA.
A writ of injunction should issue so as not to render moot
and academic any decision which the Regional Trial Court in
Civil Case No. 90-337 will render and in order to prevent any
irreparable injury which respondent may sustain by virtue of the
enforcement of the decision of the MTCC.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. The decision of

the Court of Appeals in C.A. G.R. SP No. 23080 is AFFIRMED.

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