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Modern World Civilizations

Lone Peak High School 2016-2017

BreAnne Staheli
[email protected]
Course description

The study of World Civilizations emphasizes the increasing interrelationships over time of the world's peoples.
These interrelationships have developed in two major arenas. First, the relationships have developed among
major regions of the world: East Asia, South Asia, Southwest Asia (Middle East), Africa, Europe, North America
and Latin America. Second, they have developed within all aspects of human activity: political, economic,
social, philosophical and religious, scientific and technological, and artistic.

Materials needed
Pen or Pencil

Class Website
The class website for this course has been created in order to help YOU stay organized and be successful. The
website contains day-to-day information on what we learned in class and what assignments we have done. You
are able to access the website through the following web link

Classroom Policies

Each Student must meet the attendance policy requirements and citizenship standards as outlined by the
school policy. Students are expected to attend all of their classes. (Unless they have a valid excused absence.)
Additionally, students are expected to be in their respective classes when the tardy bell rings. Students who
show a trend toward tardiness or absenteeism will be subject to administrative action. (This may include
attendance school, parent-administrative conference, and in some cases court referral or alternative

Class Rules

Be Responsible: Develop organization and reliability skills. Attendance each day is critical. If you
are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what was missed by checking the website. I am also
available before school from 7:15 7:40 and after school from 2:15 2:45
Be Engaged: Take the time to gain an appreciation for knowledge. Come to know how certain
subject areas contribute to who you are as an individual. Participate in simulations and engage
yourself in classroom discussions. *Electronic devices are allowed for class purposes ONLY!
Create: Help create a classroom in which we defy the odds and set new standards! Assignments are
crucial to our learning environment. They allow you to contribute to discussions as well as excel
throughout the class.

Students are graded in several areas; however, assessments will make up the bulk of students grades. These
assessments can be formal or informal, formative or summative. The goal is to have students reach mastery
in the content area. Quizzes, assignments, writing and homework will be part of the grade as well.

A 94% -100%
A- 93%-90%
B 86%-83%
B- 82%-80%





Tests: 40%
Quizzes: 20%
Writing: 20%
Assignments: 10%
Homework: 10%

Students will have homework almost every day. Homework may consist of a variety of reading, writing,
research and curriculum based assignments. If a student does not have Internet access at home, he or she
must use the school library before or after school to complete homework assignments, which require Internet

Late Work
Late work and re-dos on assignments and tests will only be allowed in certain circumstances and on an
individual basis. In this class, work is divided into instructional units. In each unit work is assigned to help
students demonstrate mastery of specific concepts, and work will not be accepted for credit after the due date,
and at all after the unit test. Students will be given late passes to help facilitate emergencies. (Two per term.)
Work turned in after the assigned due date but before the unit test will be marked as turned in but may not be
graded for credit. Students with a school or excused absence will be responsible for getting notes/assignments
from the website and handing them in upon their return to class. Having all work turned in allows students to be
eligible for test/quiz re-takes.

Make sure to read pages that are assigned to you as well as take notes in class. I can guarantee that
students will have a quiz at least once a week. These will be based on the homework and information
covered in class that week. These quizzes will also be the basis of the unit tests that we will take in class.
Excluding final, the tests in this course will not be comprehensive. Test will usually occur at the end of each unit
or section of study. Most of the information that will be on the tests will be presented during class time so it is
VERY IMPORTANT to come to class and participate! Test format will vary based on each unit and the information
presented therein.
***Retakes on quizzes and tests are allowed under the following conditions for ALL students:
1. Student has no missing assignments at the time of the unit test
2. Student completes the study guide prior to the unit test, and an action plan prior to the re-take
3. Student completes the re-take within one week of original quiz or test date.

Advisory Time
Advisory time will be used to help students reach their greatest success. This will be done differently throughout
the course. We will use individual time, small group time and whole class discussions. It will range from being
10 minutes each class period or 20 30 minutes once a week.

Extra Credit
Very limited opportunities will be provided for extra credit, as grades should reflect student achievement only.

We will watch a few movies that relate to our study of the world throughout the year. Ratings of movies shown
in class will not exceed PG. Various school appropriate clips will also be shown. If you have a problem with your
student participating, please indicate below your signature. Alternative assignments will be provided for
students who do not participate in viewing of the films.

Plagiarism and cheating are not allowed in my classroom. If plagiarism occurs the student will receive a zero for
the assignment and will not be able to make it up.

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ Period: ___________

Modern Civilizations Disclosure Document Signatures

I have read and understand the Modern World Civilizations course requirements for Mrs.
Stahelis class. I agree to abide by the procedures and meet the expectations of this course.
Please sign, date, and return this page to Mrs. Staheli by your next class.

Student Name:

Date: __________

Student Signature:

Date: __________

Parental Signature:

Date: __________

Parents, if there is any information that you think would be beneficial for me to
know concerning your child and their academic success please do not hesitate to
e-mail or call me.

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