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SEPTEMBER 17, 2014

Serial No. 113239

Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

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JOE WILSON, South Carolina
TED POE, Texas
TOM MARINO, Pennsylvania
JEFF DUNCAN, South Carolina
MO BROOKS, Alabama
TOM COTTON, Arkansas
PAUL COOK, California
GEORGE HOLDING, North Carolina
SCOTT PERRY, Pennsylvania
MARK MEADOWS, North Carolina
TED S. YOHO, Florida
SEAN DUFFY, Wisconsin

California, Chairman
BRAD SHERMAN, California
KAREN BASS, California
WILLIAM KEATING, Massachusetts
JUAN VARGAS, California
JOSEPH P. KENNEDY III, Massachusetts
AMI BERA, California

THOMAS SHEEHY, Staff Director

AMY PORTER, Chief of Staff
JASON STEINBAUM, Democratic Staff Director






CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH, New Jersey, Chairman

TOM MARINO, Pennsylvania
KAREN BASS, California
AMI BERA, California
MARK MEADOWS, North Carolina


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The Honorable Nancy Lindborg, Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, U.S. Agency for International
Development .........................................................................................................
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services ...................................................................................................
Luciana Borio, M.D., Director, Office of Counterterrorism and Emerging
Threats, Office of the Chief Scientist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services .............................................
Beth P. Bell, M.D., Director, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic
Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services .............................................................
Kent Brantly, M.D., medical missionary, Samaritans Purse (survivor of
Ebola) ....................................................................................................................
Chinua Akukwe, M.D., chair, Africa Working Group, National Academy of
Public Administration ..........................................................................................
Mr. Ted Alemayhu, founder & executive chairman, US Doctors for Africa .......
Dougbeh Chris Nyan, M.D., director of the secretariat, Diaspora Liberian
Emergency Response Task Force on the Ebola Crisis ......................................



The Honorable Christopher H. Smith, a Representative in Congress from
the State of New Jersey, and chairman, Subcommittee on Africa, Global
Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations: Prepared
statement ..............................................................................................................
The Honorable Nancy Lindborg: Prepared statement ..........................................
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.: Prepared statement .......................................................
Luciana Borio, M.D.: Prepared statement .............................................................
Beth P. Bell, M.D.: Prepared statement ................................................................
Kent Brantly, M.D.: Prepared statement ..............................................................
Chinua Akukwe, M.D.: Prepared statement .........................................................
Mr. Ted Alemayhu: Prepared statement ...............................................................


Hearing notice ..........................................................................................................
Hearing minutes ......................................................................................................
Dougbeh Chris Nyan, M.D.: Material submitted for the record ..........................
Questions submitted for the record by the Honorable Mark Meadows, a Representative in Congress from the State of North Carolina ...............................



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Washington, DC.

The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 oclock a.m., in

room 2172 Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. Christopher H.
Smith (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding.
Mr. SMITH. The subcommittee will come to order and good afternoon, or good morning, I should say, to everybody. We are here
today to hold our second hearing in just 5 weeks on the Ebola crisis
in west Africa to underscore just how serious a crisis they are facing and I would say we are facingan international pandemic
which threatens to balloon unless confronted head on.
I spoke yesterday to Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the lead witness at our
August 7 emergency hearing during recess on Ebola, and he said
that this is the worst health crisis he had ever seen.
He said, I have never seen anything like this in my life, and coming from the head of the CDC that was an extraordinarily powerful
Since our August emergency hearing, we are seeing a constant
movement upwards in the number of actual cases as well as the
predictions of how many people may contract the disease and what
potentially the number of fatalities might indeed be.
The numbers range. Yesterday the President was talking about
hundreds of thousands. I read a German doctor who said something on the order of 5 million.
That, hopefully, is way overinflated but it underscores that nobody really knows and we are talking about a pandemic that even
if it stays contained in the west African countries is doing unbelievable damage and imposing unbelievable sorrow.
The World Health Organization estimated we would see as many
as 20,000 cases of Ebola before it has ended and, again, the numbers have now begun to exceed that in terms of estimates.
We are holding this hearing to take stock of where our intervention efforts stand, particularly in light of the Presidents decision
to commit U.S. Military personnel to Liberia to fight this disease.
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, with whom I spoke
yesterday, has conceded that the Ebola epidemic has overwhelmed
her country, her ability to treat.

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She said this in a letter that she sent to the President: The
virus is spreading at an exponential rate and we a have limited
time window to arrest it. She pointed out that well over 40 percent
of the total cases have occurred in the last 18 days alone.
She said the treatment centers are overwhelmed and that at this
rate we will never break the transmission chain and the virus will
overwhelm usan ominous statement from the distinguished
President of Liberia.
We are also holding this follow-up hearing this morning to determine if there is a reasonable hope for vaccines, treatments, or detection strategies in time to help with this health emergency.
I hesitate to provide figures for the number of people who have
died but I think the estimates are something on the order of 2,500
people who have passed away and that is probably an underestimation of the actual number.
Ebola, which was mostly unknown in west Africa until now, presents itself early in the infection like usually non-fatal diseases
such Lassa fever, malaria, or even the flu.
The temperature seen in the early stages might even be brought
down with regular medicines. Therefore, many people may not believe or may not want to believe that they have contracted this
often fatal disease.
If someone is in denial or unknowledgeable about this disease,
they may not seek treatment until it is too late, both for them and
for the people they unknowingly infect. Families in Africa tend to
help each other in times of need, an admirable trait that unfortunately increases the risk of infection.
The sicker a person gets with Ebola, the more contagious they
are and never more so than when they die. So burials that dont
involve strict precautions to avoid direct contact with highly contagious remains of victims make transmission of this deadly disease almost inevitable.
Burial traditions make avoidance of infection problematic. The
porous lightly-monitored borders in west Africa lend themselves to
cross-border transmission as people go back and forth along welltraveled roads and into marketplaces where hundreds of people
also travel and make contact with those who are infected.
Patrick Sawyer, a Liberian-American, reportedly was caring for
his dying sister a few weeks ago. After she died, apparently of
Ebola, he left Liberia on his way to his daughters birthday party
in Minnesota. He collapsed at the Lagos airport in Nigeria and died
within days.
Had he left Liberia a week or even days earlier, he might have
made it home to Minnesota but he likely would have infected people along the way, including his own family.
We can say that because Sawyer infected several people in Nigeria, which led to Ebola being transmitted to health care workers
and then to dozens of other people.
We will never know now if Mr. Sawyer realized that he had contracted Ebola and just wanted to go home for treatment or whether
he thought his symptoms were from some other illness.
Many people are just like him, however, and they are spreading
this disease even to places where they have been brought under

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control. For example, the Macenta region of Guinea on the Liberian
border was one of the first places where this disease surfaced.
But by early September, no new cases had been seen for weeks.
Doctors Without Borders closed one of its Ebola treatment centers
to focus on harder-hit areas. Infected people leaving Liberia for better treatment than Guinea have once again made Macenta a hot
spot for the disease.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has established, as we know, teams in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and
Nigeria to help local staff do fever detection and to administer
questionnaires on potential troublesome contacts. The agency also
was helping to establish sites at airports for further testing and/
or for treatment.
Liberia and Sierra Leone are the hardest hit so far by this Ebola
outbreak. This is undoubtedly partly because of the weak infrastructures of the two countries emerging from long conflicts.
However, post-conflict countries also have significant segments of
the population who dont trust the central government. The unfortunate mishandling by the Liberian Government of an attempted
quarantine in the capital demonstrates why trust has been so difficult to come by.
The Liberian Government, as we know, established barriers to
block off the West Point slum area where, after a holding center
for Ebola victims was ransacked and contaminated materials were
This quarantine was done without fully informing its 80,000 inhabitants or consulting with the health care workers. Not only did
this prevent people from pursuing their livelihoods or bringing in
much-needed supplies, this move created great suspicions of the
motives of the Liberian Government.
This suspicion was heightened when the official in charge of the
area was called to a meeting and was seen leaving just as everyone
else was trapped behind barriers. The furor over the quarantine
forced the government to abandon it 10 days into its planned 21day term.
Liberian officials assured us that they have learned from their
mistakes, that of the quarantine, and has alerted Liberians of the
reality of the Ebola epidemic. I read many of the newspapers from
west Africa every single day and it is front-page headlines, sometimes a little bit exaggerated, but certainly front-page headlines, so
people are becoming more aware through that medium.
Despite the fact that the drug ZMapp appears to have saved
some lives including Americans Nancy Writebol and Dr. Kent
Brantly, who we will hear from in our second panel, there are no
proven readily available treatments for Ebola.
The death rate for this disease, once more than 90 percent, is
now down to 53 percent despite the number of cases growing exponentially.
In Africa, a few patients apparently have been successfully treated with ZMapp and Dr. Fauci, I am sure, will give us additional
insights in this, and some others may have been saved using other
treatment methods, especially when the disease was identified

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Yet there is not now nor will there be in the short term large
quantities of this medicine or any others. There are other several
Ebola therapeutics under development but if this outbreak cannot
be brought under control soon, even the most optimistic timetable
for the testing and production of these drugs will not be sufficient
to meet the ever expanding need.
ZMapp was used with the informed consent of those to whom it
was given. But how can we guarantee that the many Ebola victims,
whose most likely salvation would be to use an experimental drug,
truly understand the risk of using a drug that has not been fully
Lack of faith in national and international systems fighting
Ebola has impeded the replacement of many Africa health care
workers who have died from this disease. That is one of the untold
problems, that people on the front line are dying, as well as their
I was talking to a friend who runs an NGO in Sierra Leone who
works with obstetric fistula and a nurse at his clinic died, and so
did her six children. So health care workers have borne a disproportionate share of this horrific disease.
As of late August, 164 Liberian health care workers had contracted Ebola and 78 had died and that number no doubt has increased. African health care workers face an epidemic that threatens to defy control.
The lack of diagnostic techniques and insufficient supplies of
safety equipment have put these health care workers at extreme
risk. These health care workers know that the lack of treatment
centers and medicines means that those on the front lines of this
epidemic are most at risk, as I indicated earlier.
And finally, without objection will put my full statement into the
record. I will just point out that yesterdays announcement that
some 3,000 American service personnel will be deployed. Nancy
will remember that I traveled right after the typhoon hit in the
Philippines and if it wasnt for the military providing food, water,
shelter, and medicines working with USAID and NGOs like Catholic Relief Services, many more Filipinos would have died as a result
of Dengue fever and other terrible diseases might have manifested
in large numbers.
Same goes for the tsunami. I will never forget a number of us
went and we saw what was being done in Banda Aceh. Again,
USAID, working with CDC, NIH, and the military. But this is a
little bit different and perhaps our witnesses could elaborate on
this either during the Q and A or in their statements about what
precautions might be provided to those service members.
I know they will be likely building beds, which are unbelievably
lacking, particularly in Liberia. People cant find a bed when they
are sick to get treatment or at least to live in until they pass.
And so it does raise the question of what kind of precautions
those military personnel will take, whether they will be properly
suited, what their mission will be, and when will they be deployed.
A number of questions have arisen, I am sure, by many of us concerning it to ensure their safety.
I would like to yield to Ms. Bass and then to the chairman of the
full committee, Mr. Royce.

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[The prepared statement of Mr. Smith follows:]

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Ms. BASS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, as always for your leadership and for calling todays hearing to give us an opportunity to examine the scope of global efforts to address the ongoing Ebola crisis
in west Africa.
This is the subcommittees second hearing on Ebola in the past
6 weeks and I look forward to getting updates from our witnesses
today on how their agencies and organizations continue to combat
this deadly outbreak, what trends they are seeing both positive and
negative, and what additional support is needed as they coordinate
with the governments of the impacted countries.
I appreciate their efforts and outreach to help keep Congress informed on this evolving and devastating epidemic. Yesterday, I was
very pleased to see President Obamas announcement at the CDC
headquarters in Atlanta where he provided a comprehensive outline of the U.S. support for Liberia and other west African nations
impacted by the crisis.
The Presidents commitment totals, as I understand it, over $700
million over the next 6 months and will include sending 3,000
American military personnel to the region, AFRICOMs establishment of a regional intermediary staging base to facilitate the transport of medical equipment, supplies and personnel to affected regions, and the commands establishment of a medical training site
to train up to 500 health care providers per week.
It has been an honor to work with the various U.S. agencies
seeking sustainable solutions to the Ebola outbreak including the
CDC, USAID, the Departments of State and Defense, respectively.
I also want to commend the steps being taken by the Governments of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Nigeria and the great
work of the many health professionals from throughout the world
who are doing everything they can to help people who have contracted this disease.
The U.S. commitment will address the unique nature of this outbreak that has made combating the disease particularly difficult.
West Africa has not faced this before and communities and governments and health professionals in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia dont have the expertise and capacity to address the scale,
spread, and proper treatment of the outbreak alone.
The crisis is not just about obvious health concerns, and this is
a major concern to me and why I was happy with the Presidents
announcement about military support because I am really concerned about the stability of the countries, with post-civil war conflicts.
These countries have weak institutions and a crisis like this
could actually lead to a complete destabilization. Although they
have elected democracies right now, we know that in many of these
countries, as I mentioned before, you could actually have a collapse
of the governments.
Yesterday, I also had the privilege to speak with Liberian President Johnson Sirleaf on the impact of the outbreak in her country
and the work they have done to fight the spread of the diseases.
She called to thank me and to express her deep gratitude for
U.S. assistance and stated that with essential support from the
U.S. Government, the World Bank, the African Development Bank,
she actually feels confident now and she sees moving toward a

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health recovery, and I will say that this was markedly different
than the telephone conversation I had with her a few weeks ago,
and I am sure the chairman and ranking member and Mr. Smith
had the same type of calls, where she seemed to be particularly
desperate. So it was nice to have the call yesterday.
It is in Americas and the worlds interest to continue to assist
in this crisis and to continue to support nations as they fight this
outbreak and work to develop and strengthen their health care systems.
Health care is a human right. We must ensure that countries
have the ability to address this outbreak and are able to move forward and prevent future health epidemics from occurring. In Congress, there has been consistent activity related to the recent crisis.
Prior to the August recess, 100 bipartisan members introduced
House Resolution 701 expressing the sense that the current outbreak is an international health crisis and is the largest and most
widespread outbreak of the disease ever recorded.
On August 7, the Foreign Affairs Committees Africa Subcommittee held an emergency hearing on the crisis and 77 members have signed a letter to the Committee on Appropriations to
fulfill the Presidents $88 million funding request to fight the crisis.
And there is also going to be a member meeting tomorrow that
we are all doing together to brief members who dont have the opportunity to sit on this subcommittee or the full committee.
I look forward to your testimony and I am interested in hearing
from all of you about what more Congress can do to assist your efforts to combat the disease outbreak and support international efforts to improve health care systems around the world.
Thank you, and I yield back.
Mr. SMITH. Ms. Bass, appreciate it.
We are joined by the distinguished chairman of the full committee, Mr. Royce.
Mr. ROYCE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just guess I would start
by thanking and welcoming Dr. Kent Brantly who is with us and
to say that I am very glad that ZMapp is in trials and I am glad
you are here.
Our heart goes out to the families of your colleague who also
tried the ZMapp and did not survive. But we are encouraged by the
fact you are with us today. We have seen this pandemic in the past
in the Philippines, in Uganda, in Congo, different strains, and over
the past in each case the strain has burned itself out. I mean, we
have had about 2,300 deaths worldwide since 1976 as, time after
time, different strains of Ebola have been put to rest.
But in this latest chapter in west Africa, primarily in Liberia and
the neighboring states, we see a situation where we have already
had 2,300 deaths, as many as in all the previous cases combined.
And I spoke yesterday also to President Sirleaf, who contacted
me about the situation in Liberia. She acknowledged that the
health system of Liberia has virtually collapsed under the strain of
this Ebola crisis and she correctly pointed out that this is not just
a health catastrophe affecting her country.
It affects the region. It affects the security of the region, threatens the economic growth and food security but, beyond that, affects
the security of the United States.

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The entire global health community must come together and put
in place a coherent strategy to stem the tide of new infections and
my hope is that some of our effort here will encourage this in terms
of the entirety of the world health community.
We do not have the luxury of time. Infectious diseases like this
one, they do not recognize borders, they do not discriminate, and
the time to act is now.
And I spoke recently with Raj Shah, the Administrator of
USAID, who shares our concern on this subject. But I really want
to thank the witnesses for appearing today and we look forward to
working with them to ensure that the U.S. contribution to the global response to Ebola is robust and is effective. And thank you
again, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Chairman Royce. I would like
to now yield to the ranking member of the full committee, Mr.
Engel, of New York.
Mr. ENGEL. Thank you, Mr. ChairmanChairman Smith, Ranking Member Bass. Thank you for holding this important hearing on
the devastating Ebola outbreak in west Africa.
I want to say at the outset I am very happy that Betty McCollum, our colleague from Minnesota who is a former member of this
committee is here with us as well.
Without exception, the global health leaders from around the
world continue to sound the alarm about the terrible threat posed
by this Ebola outbreak. It is almost impossible to overstate how
dire the situation has become in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.
The World Health Organization has called this outbreak
unparallelled in modern times. Almost 2,500 of the 5,000 individuals infected by Ebola have died. NGOs and humanitarian organizations have shouldered most of the burden in fighting this epidemic for months but their passion and dedication is no match for
the speed with which this disease is spreading. More government
involvement is desperately needed.
The World Health Organization has also said that if the response
is quickly scaled up, only tens of thousands of individuals will become infected by the time the outbreak is contained. That is the
best case scenario, believe it or not. The alternative is simply unacceptable.
The need for more well-trained health care personnel, personal
protective equipment, and adequate health care facilities is immediate. So I am pleased to see the CDC, USAID, and Department
of Defense are rapidly scaling up their efforts. I am also glad that
President Obama has decided to send the U.S. Military to help.
It is my belief that our response must be well coordinated, sustained, and nimble enough to meet the needs as they evolve. However, the United States cannot contain this disease alone. It is a
threat to the entire international community and requires a truly
global response.
I will be interested to hear from our panelists about what our
other partners around the world are doing to help with the response and what significant gaps remain to be filled.
I would also like to take a moment to applaud the courage and
selflessness of the health workers on the front lines trying to help
those afflicted to survive.

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They put themselves at significant personal risk and are bearing
the brunt of the infections spread, as one of our witnesses, Dr.
Kent Brantly, can attest to. Their bravery and dedication is simply
appreciated and a true inspiration to all of us.
So let me say as the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, thank you, Chairman Smith and Ranking Member Bass, for convening this hearing and thank you to our witnesses for coming to talk about this urgent issue. I yield back.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Mr. Engel. Mr. Stockman.
Mr. STOCKMAN. I just want to say a brief note to those that are
here in attendance today, I was in South Sudan and one of the organizations, Mr. Chairman, that I saw there, of all the other nongovernmental organizations that were there, was Samaritans
Purse, and wherever I travel around the world they are a shining
light and example of true compassion and sacrifice and it is done
in silence that most Americans arent aware of.
And Kents sacrifice is not just in Africa, but your whole organization is to be commended for the compassion and the heart you
have and I know Franklin Graham and others have worked tirelessly and has not broadcast that.
But wherever I went Samaritans Purse was there and it is really
a testimony to the work that you and others have done on behalf
of the United States and I just want to send a thank you for that.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Mr. Stockman.
Mr. Cicilline.
Mr. CICILLINE. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I want to thank you
and Ranking Member Bass for holding todays hearing on this very
serious outbreak of Ebola in west Africa.
I also want to acknowledge and send thoughts and prayers to all
of the families who have already been affected by this outbreak and
I know in my home state of Rhode Island, which is the very proud
home to a wonderful Liberian community, it has caused considerable heartache and concern.
I want to particularly offer my gratitude to the witnesses today
for your testimony and for the really important work that you are
doing and to the government panel in particular for keeping Congress so well informed with regular updates on the situation on the
In particular, I also want to acknowledge and thank Dr. Kent
Brantly for joining us on the second panel and for sharing with us
the work that he has been doing in Africa to fight Ebola and, of
course, his own personal experience surviving the virus.
The United States has both a humanitarian responsibility and a
national interest in doing all that we can to fight this outbreak,
and in addition to obviously protecting against Ebola within our
borders, we also have a responsibility to work to help save lives
and strengthen the economies of our trading partners and maintain
political stability in the region that has been affected by this outbreak.
We must all be concerned about the serious issues of civil unrest,
food insecurity, and the collapse of national health care systems in
the African countries impacted by this outbreak, and I hope our
witnesses will share with us ways that we can address this crisis

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more effectively and what are the things Congress might do to support an effective response to this crisis.
And with that I, again, thank the witnesses and yield back, Mr.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you, my friend. I would like to yield to Dr.
Mr. BURGESS. Well, thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you
and Ranking Member Bass for allowing me to be part of your committees activities today and I am anxious to hear from the witnesses that you have assembled and to learn more.
I am on the Energy and Commerce Committee and we do have
a healthcare footprint. But, Mr. Chairman, let me just say you
have taken an outsized role in providing leadership in the Congress
in having the hearings on this very important outbreak.
Certainly, Dr. Fauci, for the last 12 years you have been a resource for me whenever infectious disease threatens and, unfortunately, it does and I have always looked to you for your expertise
and your leadership in this area.
Dr. Brantly, I just had a chance to meet you for the first time
today. You are from my part of the world in Fort Worth and I appreciate your service at Samaritans Purse and certainly grateful
that you are with us and I really mean that you are with us today.
Others have said it so well but more people have died in this outbreak than all of the previous outbreaks of Ebola going back to
1976. No one expected the outbreak to reach the proportions that
it did, but it did.
No one expected it to last the length of time that it has, but it
has. Now, certainly, whatever criticism there may be for lack of action in the past I am pleased that action is occurring now.
Just also feel obligated to note that an obstetrician is recovering
today in Omaha, NebraskaDr. Rick Sacrawho was not actually
treating Ebola patients but was exposed through his work in labor
and delivery, and it just underscores part of the riskthe accelerated risk that healthcare providers experience in this illness and
in the countries that are so affected but also the fact that the rest
of civil society and the healthcare infrastructure is really put under
strain by this.
And you can really scarcely devote the resources that are needed
to treating malaria and accident victims and mothers in labor
when everything else has to be diverted to taking care of people
with Ebola.
So, Mr. Chairman, I thank you for the opportunity to be with you
today. Thank you for your leadership on this issue and I will yield
back my time.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Dr. Burgess.
I would like to yield now to the gentlelady from Minnesota, Ms.
Ms. MCCOLLUM. Well, thank you, Mr. Chair. That is an unexpected surprise. Thank you very much.
I would also like to extend my thanks to the panels that are here
today who reflect all the healthcare workers around the world, especially those in Africa who are working so hard and the researchers who are trying to find ways in which to defeat this disease.

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Minnesota is my home state. We are a state that is blessed to
have so many wonderful, wonderful people from all over the world
who call Minnesota home including a large Liberian population,
one who is mourning the loss of their own, as Chairman Smith
pointed out.
We are also the home to my first state epidemiologist, Mr.
Osterholm, who sometimes gets accused of talking fire but he is
saying look where the fire exits are.
So in my work on the Appropriations Committee and the Department of Defense I am pleased that we are putting boots on the
ground to fight this disease. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Ms. McCollum.
I would like to now introduce our very distinguished panel, beginning first with the Honorable Nancy Lindborg, who is the Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and
Humanitarian Assistance at USAID, and she has testified before
our subcommittee several times and provided very valuable input
and leadership for her respective portfolio but also great input to
this subcommittee as to what we ought to be doing to be of assistance.
Since assuming her office in October 2010, Ms. Lindborg has led
DCHA teams in response to the ongoing Syria crisis, in the Horn
of Africa in 2011, the Sahel 2012 droughts, the Arab Spring upheaval, in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan in the Phillippines,
and numerous other global crises. Prior to joining USAID, Ms.
Lindborg was the president of Mercy Corps where she spent 14
We will then hear from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is Director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH.
Since his appointment as NIAID Director in 1984, Dr. Fauci has
overseen an extensive research portfolio devoted to preventing, diagnosing, and treating infectious and immune-mediated diseases.
Dr. Fauci has made numerous discoveries related to HIV/AIDS and
is one of the most cited scientists in the field.
Dr. Fauci serves as one the key advisors to the White House and
the Department of Health and Human Services on global AIDS
issues and he was one of the principal architects of PEPFAR.
We will then hear from Dr. Luciana Borio, who serves as Assistant Commissioner for Counterterrorism Policy and the Director of
the Office of Counterterrorism and Emerging Threats in the Office
of the Chief Scientist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
In this capacity, Dr. Borio is responsible for providing leadership,
coordination and oversight for FDAs national and global health security, counterterrorism, and emerging threat portfolios.
She serves as FDAs point of entry on policy and planning matters concerning counterterrorism and emerging threats, collaborates across U.S. Government and internationally on actions to advance global health security and U.S. national security.
And our fourth witness in Panel I will be Dr. Beth Bell, who is
the Director of the National Center for Emerging and Zoononic Infectious Diseases.
Most recently, Dr. Bell served as the Associate Director for Epidemiologic Science in the National Center for Immunization and
Respiratory Diseases.

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Dr. Bell has served in leadership roles during CDC responses to
several major public health events including the 2001 anthrax attacksand she will recall one of the post offices hit was my own
in Hamilton Township where we had a number of people who contracted cutaneous anthraxHurricane Katrina, and the 2009
H1N1 influenza pandemic.
As a member of the senior leadership team for the 2009 H1N1
influenza pandemic response she provided oversight of policy and
scientific direction. So four extraordinarily important and, I think,
great leaders in the field.
I would like to now go to Ms. Lindborg and then to Dr. Fauci.

Ms. LINDBORG. Thank you. Thank you, Chairman Smith, Ranking Member Bass, members of the subcommittee and other members.
Thank you for inviting me to testify today on the U.S. response
to the really unprecedented Ebola epidemic in west Africa and special thanks for your continued support and vital interest in these
I think as a number of you have very articulately laid out, this
is the largest and most protracted Ebola epidemic in history. Thousands have already been sickened or killed and for the first time
ever it is being transmitted in densely populated urban areas.
So we are now seeing a near exponential increase in the transmission of the virus with the potential for a regional spread beyond
the primary countries of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
The United States began combatting the epidemic when the first
cases were reported in March and what began as a public health
crisis began morphing into a multidimensional public health, humanitarian, and security crisis this summer.
And so we then significantly expanded our efforts and on August
5 USAID deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team, or a
DART, to the region to oversee and coordinate the U.S. response,
drawing on critical assets and resources from across the U.S. Government including CDC, USAID, HHS, DoD and the U.S. Forest
We developed a clear four-part government strategy that supports the U.N. and country-led responses. That was first and most
urgently focused on controlling the epidemic. Next, we are working
to mitigate the side effects of the crisis. This includes blunting the
economic, social, and political tolls.
Third, we are helping to coordinate with the U.N. and enable a
broader effective global response, and finally, very importantly, we
will work to fortify the global health infrastructure.
So we had deployed 120 experts to the region and began airlifting urgent supplies, personal protective equipment for
healthcare workers, disinfectant backpack sprayers, water treatment, chlorine, body bags, et ceterathe kinds of supplies that are
absolutely critical.

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The team is providing technical guidance to strengthen the local
response systems, do the contact tracing, and upgrade laboratory
testing facilities. We have supported the U.N. humanitarian air
service and we funded those organizations willing to step forward
to run Ebola treatment units.
However, we very quickly ran into the reality that there is simply not the global expertise or capacity in the humanitarian or
health world to respond to this kind of crisis at this scale at the
rate that it is continuing to increase.
With the disease transmission rates nearly doubling each week
there is little time to spare, and as President Obama announced
yesterday, we are now significantly expanding the response with
the deployment of the unique capabilities of our military to respond
with the speed and the scale that is so essential to get ahead of
this disease.
So those efforts will essentially provide the backbone for an expanded regional effort that will enable the entire international
community to contribute.
It will include the establishment of a joint force command
headquartered in Liberia, very importantly, a training facility in
Liberia that will have a tent city and the training facilities to train
500 workers a week so that we can have a vital pipeline of health
and management personnel.
They will include a regional base with lift and logistical capacity
to expedite a surge of urgently needed equipment, supplies and
personnel, and include command engineers to help construct the
Ebola treatment units.
This is the critical infrastructure, coordination and logistics to
provide the foundation for an ever greater response as needed so
that we can bring all our resources to bear and set the lead for our
international partners.
The President also announced the launch of our community care
campaign. This is focused on getting vital information and support
to families and communities so they can protect themselves and
their families.
We will work with local communities and international partners
to initially target 400,000 of the highest risk households with intensive outreach, information, and important tools for those unable
to access a bed in a healthcare unit and we will simultaneously
work on broad information campaigns to reach all of society and
every household.
We recognize that a significant number of people in this region
dont seek formal healthcare which is why ultimately the virus will
only be controlled if people have a better understanding of what
this is and how to prevent transmission.
We are hearing stories of ordinary west Africans who do not believe that Ebola is real. Show me Ebola, they say. So we are challenged to reverse deeply-ingrained cultural practices even as we
help the affected communities.
Cultural funeral traditions, such as washing the body where family members touch and clean the body of the deceased, are contributing to the spread and women are especially vulnerable as even
those who sometimes know they shouldnt continue this practice
are pressured to do so.

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Our partners are already saying thank you for the public messaging campaigns, that now people know that this is harmful and
can spread the disease, even though it goes against their traditions.
This is a region of fragile states just emerging from decades of
conflict and poverty, so we are also looking at how to help with economic help, food support, and salaries for health workers. We know
that tough months lie ahead.
It will take a coordinated effort by the entire global community
to stem this terrible crisis, but past outbreaks have been stopped
and we are confident with this concerted effort we can stop this
I want to just add my commendation for the extraordinary courage of the health workers, including Dr. Brantly and the many,
many west Africans who have sacrificed to provide help for their
families and their neighbors.
We are remaining focused on outreach efforts to get additional
medical workers willing and able to go to west Africa. So we encourage those who are interested in joining this historic response
to go to our Web site at and we will continue
to work together and across the international community to stem
the tide on this disease.
Thank you very much.
[The prepared statement of Ms. Lindborg follows:]

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Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Nancy.
I would like to now ask Dr. Fauci if you would proceed.

Dr. FAUCI. Ranking Member Bass, members of the committee, I

appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you today the role of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the research that addresses the Ebola epidemic.
There are some visuals, I believe, on your screen in front of you
and I will speak from them if you see them, if we can do that.
It is very interesting that we became involved in this in an unusual way dating back to the tragic events of 9/11 followed by the
attacks by mail of anthrax to United States Senators and to the
press because that triggered a multi agency effort in what we call
biodefense involving the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, a variety of other
agenciesincluding Homeland Securityto develop an agenda to
be able to be prepared not only against deliberate attacks but
against natural emerging and reemerging infectious diseases.
We developed a research agenda against what we call Category
A agents, which is shown on this visual, including anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, tularemia, and notice on the last bullet is
what we call the viral hemorrhagic fever viruses including Ebola,
Marburg, Lassa and others.
These were of particular concern because, as we are painfully
witnessing now, these viruses have a high degree of lethality and
infectivity. Unfortunately, therapy consists mainly of supportive
therapy with no specific anti-viral drugs, and a vaccine, as I will
get to in a moment, is not yet available.
This is an electron micrograph of the Ebola virus, a particular
deadly character, as you know, as we are experiencing. It is a
member of the filovirus family because of the filamentous look that
you see on this image.
Just a very brief word as to what we were referring to as the kinetics or dynamics of the epidemic. This visually shows you the 22
previous outbreaks, some of which were so small that they dont
even fit on the scale.
If you will look at the far right, the current outbreak, as we have
all mentioned several times, is more than all of the others combined both in numbers and in deaths. And if you look at the map
of west Africa, this is a few days outdated but, indeed, even the underestimated numbers show about 5,000 infections and about 2,500
deaths in the countries involved.
Now, without a doubt, the approach to this is an intensification
of the effort of infection control. This next slide is a bit frightening
because if you look at the red line under Liberia that is a mathematical manifestation of what we call exponential increase.
Linear and incremental is not a steep slope. When you go up like
that what you have is an exponential increase at the same time
that we might be incrementally increasing our response. As we
know in public health when you put incremental against exponential, exponential always wins and that is really the problem and

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why we are so gratified and excited about the Presidents initiative
about really ratcheting up the response in infection control.
But also supplementing and complementing that is the development of countermeasures and let me just take a minute to outline
this because we at NIH and NIAID are involved in everything from
basic to clinical research and also supplying the research resources
for academic as well as industrial partners to develop the three
main interventionsdiagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines.
So a moment on therapeutics. You have heard a lot about
ZMapp. It is a combination of three artificially-produced antibodies
directed against the Ebola virus.
The results in an animalin this case, monkey modelhave
been really quite striking, and as I will get to in a moment it has
been given to seven humans, the first time it has been in human.
It is the responsibility and the mandate of the NIH when more
of this becomes available to strike the delicate balance of getting
it to people who need it and at the same time proving that it is
safe, that it really does work and if it does, how well does it work
and does it, in fact, hopefully not have any paradoxical harm.
Also shown on this slide are a couple of other interventions that
you will be hearing about or have heard about again. All did well
in an animal model and now are either in or getting ready to go
into Phase I trialsthings like novel drugs that interfere with the
reproductive process of the virus or small molecules that interfere
with the replication of the virus.
This is a series of press releases regarding the ZMapp and you
know there have been anecdotal data that it works. We are very,
very pleased and gratified to have our colleague, Dr. Kent Brantly,
with us today who received this.
Whether or not that was the deciding factor, we hope so and we
hope to be able to prove it, but we dont know that right now and
that is why a clinical trial is important.
And then, finally, the issue of vaccines. We have been working
on vaccines for Ebola for several years and incrementally have
done better and better in an animal model and even gone into
Phase I. The most recent one is shown on this first bullet. It is referred to as the NIAID/GlaxoSmithKline candidate.
It is not the only vaccine candidate but it is the one that we have
actually just started now, and as I know I have mentioned to this
committee before, you go from an animal preclinical to a Phase I
in human. If it is safe and it proves to be immunogenic, you then
expand the trial to be able to find the important informationA,
is it safe, B, does it work, and C, does it do no harm.
And, again, it will be the delicate balance of determining that at
the same time that we actually make it available to the best extent
that we can, and in this regard on September the first human received this at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland in a 20-volunteer
study. This is a little bit outdated.
We injected the 13th volunteer about 1 hour and 45 minutes ago
up at the NIH, and we are hoping to get to 20, and the data will
be available by the end of November or the beginning of December.
So in summary, members of the committee, the NIAID research
has a dual mandate. For years and years, we continually do robust

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and basic clinical research to be able to fulfill and determine pathogenic mechanisms and microbiology in infectious diseases.
Despite this effort every day, every week, every month, we still
stand prepared at a moments notice to respond to surprising
emerging and reemerging infectious diseases and this is exactly
what happened with the reemergence of Ebola in west Africa.
So we stand prepared for this pandemic and, hopefully, for anything in the future. Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Dr. Fauci follows:]

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Mr. SMITH. Dr. Fauci, thank you so very much for your testimony
and your leadership.
Dr. Borio.

Dr. BORIO. Good morning, Chairman Smith, Ranking Member

Bass and members of the subcommittee. Thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss FDAs actions to respond to the Ebola epidemic in west Africa.
This epidemic, with so many lives lost, is heartbreaking and
tragic. My colleagues and I at the FDA are fully dedicated to doing
all we can to help end it as quickly as possible.
The primary approach to containing this epidemic remains standard, tried and true public health measures, but effectively implementing such measures on a broad scale has proven challenging,
and I know the professionals caring for patients with Ebola are
doing all they can under very difficult conditions.
They are operating in a setting of very limited healthcare infrastructure which has made it almost impossible for them to provide
supportive medical care, such as intravenous fluids and electrolytes, for the large number of patients who need them, and this response is further complicated by the lack of specific treatments or
vaccines that have been shown to be safe and effective for Ebola.
In situations like this, the FDA plays a very critical role. We
have one of the most flexible regulatory frameworks in the world
and we are working diligently to facilitate and speed the development, manufacturing, and availability of investigational products
such as vaccines, therapies, and diagnostic tests.
We are providing FDAs unique scientific and regulatory expertise to U.S. Government agencies that support medical product development, agencies such as Dr. Faucis at NIAID, BARDA, and the
Department of Defense.
We are working interactively with companies to clarify regulatory requirements to help expand manufacturing capacity and we
expedite the review of data as it is received so there is no lag between receiving data and reviewing data.
As a result, the vaccine candidate being co-developed by the
NIAID and GlaxoSmithKline began Phase I testing on September
2 and a second vaccine candidate is expected to begin clinical testing very soon.
We will continue to work closely with all of these companies,
again, to speed development of their products. In addition, we are
collaborating with the WHO and working with several of our international counterparts, including the European Medicine Agencies
and Health Canada, to exchange information about investigational
products for Ebola and considerations for their deployment in west
It is important to note, though, that these investigational products are in the earliest stages of development. For most, only small
amounts have been manufactured for early testing. This constrains

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options for assessing their safety and efficacy in clinical trials and
for wider distribution and use.
Access to limited the supplies of investigational products during
an epidemic like this should be through clinical trials when possible because they provide an ethical means for access while also
allowing us to learn about product safety and efficacy.
FDA is working with developers to encourage the conduct of
practical, ethical, and informative trials so the global community
can know for sure the risks and clinical benefits of these products.
But until such trials are established, we will continue to facilitate access to these products when available and when requested
by clinicians.
We have mechanisms such as compassionate use which allow patients to access investigational products outside of clinical trials
when we assess that the expected benefits outweigh the potential
risks for the patient.
This epidemic has posed incredible demands on FDA. There are
more than 200 staff at FDA involved in this response and without
exception everyone involved has been proactive, thoughtful, and
adaptive to a complex range of issues that have emerged.
Developing these products for Ebola is highly complex and will,
unfortunately, take time. I once again stress that public health
measures remain the cornerstone of curbing this epidemic and improving the medical infrastructure in the affected countries is critical to save lives.
Such infrastructure is also essential for advancing product development to meet the global access to vaccines and cures. FDA is
fully committed to sustaining our deep engagement and aggressive
response activities.
Thank you so much.
[The prepared statement of Dr. Borio follows:]

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Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much for your testimony.
Dr. Bell.

Dr. BELL. Good morning, Chairman Smith, Ranking Member

Bass, members of the subcommittee and members of other committees.
I am Dr. Beth Bell. I am the director of the National Center for
Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases at the CDC. I appreciate the opportunity to be here today to discuss the current epidemic of Ebola in west Africa, which illustrates in a tragic way the
need to strengthen global health security.
I will be updating you on testimony that CDC Director Tom
Frieden gave before this subcommittee in August when you played
an important role in calling attention to this emerging epidemic.
The Ebola epidemic in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone is ferocious and it is spreading exponentially. The current outbreak is the
first that has been recognized in west Africa and the biggest and
most complex Ebola epidemic ever documented.
As of early September, there were more than 4,500 confirmed
and suspected cases and over 2,500 deaths, though we believe the
actual numbers could be at least two or three times higher.
We have now also seen cases imported into Nigeria and Senegal
from the initially affected areas and other countries are at risk of
similar exportations as the outbreak grows. There is an urgent
need to help bordering countries to better prepare for cases now
and to strengthen detection and response capabilities throughout
The secondary effects of this outbreak now include the collapse
of the underlying healthcare systems resulting, for example, in an
inability to treat malaria or to safely deliver an infant as well as
non-health impacts such as economic and political instability and
increased isolation of this area of Africa.
These impacts are intensifying and not only signal a growing humanitarian crisis but also have direct impacts on our ability to respond to the Ebola epidemic itself. There is a window of opportunity to control the spread of this disease but that window is closing.
If we do not act now to stop Ebola, we could be dealing with it
for years to come, affecting larger areas of Africa. Ebola is currently an epidemic, the worst Ebola outbreak in history, but we
have the tools to stop it and an accelerated global response is urgently needed and underway, as the President announced yesterday.
It is important to note that we do not view Ebola as a significant
public health threat to the United States. The best way to protect
the U.S. is to stop the outbreak in west Africa. But it is possible
that an infected traveler might arrive in the U.S.
Should this occur, we are confident that our public health and
healthcare systems can prevent an Ebola outbreak here and recog-

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nize that the authorities and investments provided by the Congress
have put us in this strong position.
Many challenges remain, particularly since there is currently no
therapy or vaccine shown to be safe and effective against Ebola. We
need to strengthen the global response which requires close collaboration with WHO, additional assistance from international partners and a strong and coordinated United States Government response.
CDC has over 100 staff in west Africa and hundreds of additional
staff are supporting this effort from Atlanta. CDC will continue to
work with our partners across United States Government and elsewhere to focus on five key strategies to stop the outbreak: Establishing effective emergency operations centers in countries, rapidly
ramping up isolation and treatment facilities, helping promote safe
burial practices, strengthening infection control and other elements
of healthcare systems, and improving communication about the disease and how it can be contained.
Controlling the outbreak will be costly and require a sustained
effort by the U.S. and the world community. Within HHS the administration recently proposed that the Congress provide $30 million for CDCs response during the continuing resolution period and
for efforts to develop countermeasures.
Yesterday the President was briefed at CDC on the epidemic and
announced that the unique logistics and materiel capabilities of the
U.S. Military will be engaged as part of an urgent and intensified
U.S. Government response.
As my colleagues can attest, we are working across United States
Government to assess the full range of resources that can be leveraged to change the trajectory of this epidemic.
Working with our partners, we have been able to stop every previous Ebola outbreak and we are determined to stop this one. It
will take meticulous work and we cannot take shortcuts.
As CDC Director Tom Frieden has noted, fighting Ebola is like
fighting a forest fireleave behind one burning ember, one case
undetected, and the epidemic could reignite. Ending this epidemic
will take time and continued intensified effort.
The tragedy also highlights the need for stronger public health
systems around the world. There is worldwide agreement on the
importance of global health security but the Ebola epidemic demonstrates that there is much more that needs to be done.
In Dr. Friedens previous testimony, he outlined new investments
we are seeking to strengthen fundamental public health capabilities around the globe. If these people, facilities, and labs had been
in place in the three countries currently battling Ebola, the early
outbreaks would not have gotten to what we are facing now.
Stopping outbreaks where they occur is the most effective and
least expensive way to protect peoples health. I know many of you
have travelled to Africa to see our work in global health, as have
I, and we all come away with an appreciation for the enormous
challenges many people and countries face.
These may never have been more evident than in the current
Ebola epidemic. Each day for the past months I have been in personal contact with our teams in the field. Their experiences rein-

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force the dire need and put real stories and faces on a tragedy that
cant simply be reduced to numbers and charts.
But these stories from the field also reinforce the unique and indispensable role that CDC and our many partners are playing and
the sense that with an intensified global focus we can make a real
Thank you again for the opportunity to appear before you today
and for making CDCs work on this epidemic and other global
threats possible.
[The prepared statement of Dr. Bell follows:]

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Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Dr. Bell.
Let me just begin the questioning and then I will yield to my colleagues for their questions. I will throw out a few questions and
if you wouldnt mind jotting them down because I do have about
100. I exaggerate a little bit.
There has been a lot of criticism about who is in charge. Is it the
health ministers in country? WHO puts out a lot of press releases.
Dr. Brantly made an observation, and I think it is a very good
one, that
Agencies like the World Health Organization remain bound
up by bureaucracy. Their speeches, proposals, and plans
though noblehave not resulted in any significant action to
stop the spread of Ebola. The U.S. Government must take the
lead immediately to save precious African lives and protect our
national security.
You know, I know that you might be loathe to criticize WHO but
we need to know who is actually in charge on the ground.
Secondly, if I could, the deployment of 3,000 members of the U.S.
Military obviously, that was weeks, certainly, days in preparation.
Interagency coordination had to have been a part of that for that
announcement to be made. I am just wondering if you could tell us
who will be deployed.
I will never forget making a trip to the border of Iraq and Turkey
immediately after the Kurds flocked to that border, and many were
dying from exposure and disease and Operation Provide Comfort
was established.
Within about 5 days a group of us went over there to take a look
at it and to talk to people, and if it wasnt for the Special Forces
and the work they did, and they handed the baton eventually to
NGOs and others who helped those individual Kurds, but for about
a month had it not been for the Special Forces, particularly the
military doctors and others that were there, hundreds if not thousands would have died. So my question is how that force will be
Will it be made up of a significant portion of MDs, nurses, and
others? I know that we have heard that they will be constructing
or, I believe, that is one thing they are going to do in Liberia, you
know, hospital beds or at least places where people can find refuge
and get help.
But what will that configuration look like? Dr. Brantly, again, in
his testimony makes an excellent point, For too long, private aid
group have been confronting this Ebola epidemic without adequate
international support. Then he says these organizations cannot go
it alone.
A significant surge in medical boots on the ground must happen
immediately to support those already working in west Africa . . .
and he goes on in his testimony. How many medical personnel are
How many have been deployed and will this deployment of 3,000
of our service members be significantly made up of medical personnel? On force protectionand Dr. Fauci, you might want to
speak to this as wellobviously, when you are dealing with an epidemic and people can contract this disease it gives new meaning

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to force protection, you know, all the usual. How many protective
suits will be needed?
Do you have adequate access to those suits and gear? You know,
as Dr. Brantly points out, he took every precaution and he still got
Ebola. So the question would arise, and I am sure for the individual service members being deployed and their families: Will
there will be adequate protections?
Is more money needed? You know, as my friend and colleague
pointed out at the Rules Committee the other day, $88 million is
in the supplemental: Is that enough?
You know, we should leave no stone unturned to make sure that
people are protected and hopefully safe from this hideous disease
but when putting many more Americans into harms way, no stone
should be left unturned in making sure they are protected as well.
If there are any gaps there, please speak to that. Let me also ask
you: How do you attract medical personnel to be deployed? You
know, if they are ordered by way of military, that is one thing.
But how do you incentivize it? Many of the faith-based groups go
there and risk their lives, as do the non-faith based, out of pure
love of African people or wherever it is that they are deployed.
But now they are dealing with a pandemic. How do you
incentivize and are people coming forward to go? The range of the
estimates of infections and, Dr. Fauci, I want you to speak to this,
is there a possibility or probability that this could mutate into an
airborne, you know, infection?
Right now we are told that is not the case but is that a possibility and, again, if you could put any kind of number on how many
medical personnel are needed to be deployed. You know, I have
been tryingI read everything I can on Ebola, talk to people nonstop about it.
I still dont know how many peoplebecause so much of the infrastructure, as we all know, in west Africa for healthcare has been
decimated as well as the NGOs that were there early on where
their personnel have been hurt as well.
And finally, to Dr. Borio, if you could, at our last hearing I raised
the issue of TKM-Ebola and the FDAs suspension of the trials.
Has that changed?
I remember reading the companys information and they were
kind of surprised. But has that been reversed on that particular
drug? Ms. Lindborg.
Mr. SMITH. Okay. Dr. Fauci, if you could.
Dr. FAUCI. No. Actually, Ms. Lindborg was going to, I think, take
the first question. There were several you asked me for which I will
be happy to answer but I think Ms. Lindborg is going to take the
first question.
Ms. LINDBORG. Let me also offer, Chairman Smith, that it might
be helpful to come and do a moreeven more detailed walkthrough since that seems to be something that is of great interest.
What I will say is that there is a two-star, General Williams,
from AFRICOM who arrived in Monrovia yesterday and is already
beginning to work closely with the DART on detailing out the exact
configuration of the mission. It will come out of the African Command.

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There will be a large contingent of logisticians and engineers,
medical planners, planners, that will be setting up the fundamental nerve center that will be able to support this overall response.
There will also be 60 medical trainers who will be operating the
training facility and critical barriers in moving forward a more robust response have been several key constraints.
First is there has not been confidence that people could get in
and out of the region. Therefore, we are looking at laying down the
significant lift capacity that will serve the entire region.
Secondly, people are worried because they have been uncertain
about Medevac in the event that they are ill, and so we are working to increase the reliability and availability of Medevac services
for health workers.
Thirdly, they have been concerned about lack of healthcare for
the health workers, which is why the military is bringing in a 25bed hospital for healthcare workers.
It will be staffed by public health workers, teams of 65 at a time
out of HHS, and the first of the 13 plane loads bringing that hospital in arrive on Friday in Monrovia. So that will be set up.
Then finally is the lack of training. It is not so much that you
need high-level medical expertise so much as there needs to be rigorous, very disciplined infection control.
Most urgently is a large cadre of basic care workers and part of
what this training will seek to do is create a pipeline of healthcare
workers who understand how to minimize the infection and how to
run a clinic that is absolutely rigorous in following the right kind
of procedures, and we will be working with MSF to adopt their
training so that that is available to a larger cadre.
Finally, there are doctors needed both for the Ebola treatment
units but also for the larger revitalization of the health systems.
As Dr. Bell mentioned, this is a problem throughout the country
and it is training those healthcare providers and those clinics also
on rigorous infection control because of the stories that we have
heard of people coming in and being treated for other problems and
end up you have transmission of the Ebola virus.
So there is that whole package of issues that when we address
those, the goal is to unlock greater capacity of organizations and
healthcare workers who can come in, augmented by this extraordinary capability that the U.S. Military is bringing.
Mr. SMITH. And we do have sufficient moneys allocated? I mean,
is there
Ms. LINDBORG. DoD has requested a $500 million
Mr. SMITH. Reprogramming?
Ms. LINDBORG [continuing]. Reprogramming previously and I believe today they will be submitting an additional $500 million.
Mr. SMITH. Now, is that request being based on what they think
can be gotten or is it to really get the job done?
You know, we know that U.N. agencies notoriously underestimate what the cost will be because they think when they put out
their request to other nationsdonor nationsthey think that is
all they are going to get rather that what is the need and then we
fight like the devil to get that money allocated.

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I have had that argument with them for 30 years in Geneva. Ask
for what is really needed even if we dont reach it so we know the
true need. Is what you are asking for what is needed?
Ms. LINDBORG. Well, that is for the militarys budget.
Mr. SMITH. Yes, I meanbut also, like, the $88 million
Ms. LINDBORG. The $88 million, and USAID has allocated $100
million from our budgets. We think so for at least the initial response but this is unprecedented. This is new territory for all of us.
And so as we lay down this urgent scaled response we will be
closely monitoring to see what impact it makes and what else we
might need.
Mr. SMITH. Gotcha. Dr. Fauci.
Dr. FAUCI. So let me answer the question about this potential
scope, which is important because there is a lot of confusion about
So the issue isthe question that is asked and that sometimes
frightens people: Is it possible that this virus would mutate and
then by the mutation completely change its modality of transmission, mainly going from a virus that you get by direct contact
with bodily fluids to a virus that is aerosolized, so if I am talking
like this I can give it to Ms. Lindborg or to Dr. Borio? So let me
explain to you how that possibly could happen and why I think it
is unlikely, but not impossible.
Ebola is an RNA virus and when it replicates it replicates in a
sloppy way. It makes a lot of mistakes when it starts trying to duplicate itself. Those mistakes are referred to as mutations.
Most mutations in this particular situation are irrelevant. Namely, they dontthey are not associated with a biological function
that changes anything.
They just mutate and it is meaningless. Every once in a while,
rarely, a mutation, which is called a nonsynonymous mutation
that is what scientists call itdoes have a change in biological
That change, if it occursif you historically look at viruses that
mutate, it generally, if it changes the function, modifies an already
existing function. It makes it either a bit more virulent or a bit less
It makes it a little bit more efficient in spreading the way it usually spreads or a little less efficient. What it very, very rarely does
is completely change the way it is transmitted. So although this is
something that is possible, and I need to emphasize because whenever I try to explain it people might think I am pooh-poohing it.
I am not. It is something we look at very carefully and we actually have grants and contracts with organizations like the Broad
Institute in Boston which very carefully follow the sequential evolution of the virus to alert us if in fact this is happening.
So A, we take it very seriously, B, it is something that we look
at and that we follow closely. But we dont think it is likely to happen. So I would rather that I lose sleep and Dr. Borio and Ms.
Lindberg and Dr. Bell lose sleep over that, but not the American
public lose sleep over that because we are watching it very carefully.
Having said that, what is likely, and this gets to everything we
are talking about, is that if this virus keeps replicating and keeps

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infecting more and more people, you are going to give it more of
a chance to mutate.
So the best possible way that we can take that off the table is
to actually shut down this epidemic and if we do, as I always say,
a virus that doesnt replicate doesnt mutate. So if you shut it down
then that thing is off the table. I hope that was clear.
Mr. SMITH. And your best case estimate on September 17th,
what this could evolve into? I mean, exponential was used several
times during your statement.
Dr. FAUCI. Well, Mr. Chairman, the estimate is going to be directly related to our response because it is kind of a race.
If our response is like this and Ebola is going like that, as I said,
this is going to win all the time and that is the reason why we are
excited and pleased to hear that the President came out and said
what he did and we are going to see the things that Ms. Lindborg
and others have been talking about because once you get over that
curve then you start to see the epidemic coming down.
Now, that could be within a period of a few months if we really
put a full court press on. If we fall behind, it could go on and on.
So it is almost impossible to predict without relating it to the degree of your response.
Mr. SMITH. Dr. Brantly calls for a surge of medical boots on the
ground. How many U.S. medical personnel are now in the impacted
areas and how many do you think will be there in the next month,
how many the next several months? I have been trying to get a
handle on that for some time.
Ms. LINDBORG. So one of the things we are doing is supporting
a worldwide call, this is really going to be an all hands on deck response.
The African Union has mobilized 100 health keepers, which is
doctors, nurses, and other health clinicians, and the U.S. is supporting their mobilization. Their advance team is on the ground
right now led by a Ugandan doctor who led the Ebola response in
The Chinese have mobilized medical personnel and the U.K. and
EU are both contributing facilities, labs and funding. So we will
continue to mobilize. One of the questions is how many of these
Ebola treatment units we will need.
Each Ebola treatment unit, according to the MSF model, takes
about 216 people, the majority of whom are basic healthcare providers, basic care providers, augmented by, you know, a chief medical officer, a lot of infection control logistics, water sanitation
those kinds of management capabilities.
So what we are seeking to do is to create a pipeline of the
trained medical care providers with this 500-a-week training facility augmented by additional support, training and direct provision
of that management infection control piece because ultimately the
most important thing is it is rigorous, disciplined, almost command
and control of the
Mr. SMITH. All right. If I could just get back to that. How many
medical boots on the ground do we have as of todayU.S.?
Ms. LINDBORG. We havewe are focused right now not on the direct care but rather on providing the system that can enable a fullthroated response.

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We have supported organizations like International Medical Care
and we are in discussions with several other organizations that will
bringInternational Medical Care has a 60-bed unit that they
have stood up and it is a combination of medical and other personnel that are needed to make each one of these Ebola treatment
units functioning.
Mr. SMITH. But we do have doctors and nurses on the ground?
Ms. LINDBORG. Correct.
Mr. SMITH. Could you get back to us if you can find that number?
Because, you know, I understand the training component and that
is extraordinarily important.
But we know that there must be, including in the military deployment, a number of doctors and nurses that will be a part of
that. Just to know what our commitment is on that side of it.
Ms. LINDBORG. Yes. And it is part of a much larger number. We
will get youwe will get you the break out of what the 25 percent
are, the 115 people already in the region and the 3,000 who are
being mobilized.
Mr. SMITH. And anyone else? Yes, Dr. Bell.
Dr. BELL. I wasthank you, Chairman Smith, and I actually just
wanted to mention that I led the field team in New Jersey during
the 2001 anthrax attack so I know your district, actually, quite
well from the old days.
I just wanted to say a couple of other things about this training
pipeline, to build on what Nancy was saying and to make a couple
of these important pointsthat the majority of the workers are
local workers but there is a need for some nurses and doctors and
more higher-trained healthcare workers and we have at CDC,
working with MSF, established a training program which will be
held in Anniston, Alabama, every week.
It is a 3-day program which is meant to build a pipeline of U.S.
healthcare workers that are getting ready to deploy to the region.
Our first training, will begin next week and is already full at something like 40 healthcare providers.
So, as Nancy says, we need sort of a very multifaceted and multi
disciplinary approach to addressing the problem and at our end
here at CDC we have had thewe will have these series of classes
every week for the foreseeable future to help build that pipeline.
Mr. SMITH. Just two final questions. The deployment of 3,000,
when will the full contingent be actually in theater and, again, to
reassure not only those who will be deployed but their families, will
they have the protective gear in adequate numbers from masks and
the like to ensure that they do not contract the disease?
And, Dr. Borio, if you could, speak to the issue of the TKM-Ebola
and whether or not the suspension has been lifted so that the trial
can continue.
Dr. BORIO. So, Mr. Chairman, I am unable to discuss the specific
product today but what I can tell you is that clinical hold issues
it is based on our assessment of the benefit risk profile for a proposed clinical study.
So whereas a product may be on clinical hold for a specific study,
it may not be on hold for different types of studies.
For example, sometimes the dose or frequency proposed in a
study does not allow us to believe the benefits will outweigh the

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risks. In addition, sometimes we put a study on hold because of adverse events that are identified immediately after, you know, using
the drug in the first few volunteers.
Another reason for a study to be on hold has to do with the patient population that is being studied on that particular proposed
study. So there are many reasons for a study to be on hold.
It is rare that we are notwell, in situations where a study is
on hold we will work the company very closely, especially in a situation like this with Ebola, to be able to make sure that we can design the studies where the benefit-risk balance would be more appropriate.
Mr. SMITH. Again, are there cross conversations? You mentioned
how flexible FDA is, like with NIH and others. I was shocked when
that hold was placed because I read a lot about the drug.
It doesnt make me an expert, but there were some encouraging
signs and when you only have three or so drugs in the pipeline that
is not a large universe.
Dr. BORIO. We are working very closely with our colleagues at
the NIH, at BARDA, DoD, as well as all the different companies
that have products of interest to the U.S. Government to do all we
can to move the development programs forward as fast as we can.
Mr. SMITH. Okay. Again, Ms. Lindborg, do we know when the
3,000 will actually be there? You know, I know they will be going
in components but when fully will they be deployed?
Ms. LINDBORG. They are going in components and I will just
quote General Dempsey, who said they will move as fast as they
possibly can until they hit the laws of gravity.
Mr. SMITH. Okay.
Ms. LINDBORG. So they are fully seized and deployed.
Mr. SMITH. And fully protected?
Ms. LINDBORG. Yes, and ifI just want to underscore one other
point in response to your questions and that is we are continuing
to conduct outreach efforts so that we can find other medical workersdoctors, nurses, and physicians assistantswho are interested
in working with organizations who are responding and that is the
Web site,, and with the training that is available
and the pipelines of this critical gear that the response will provide
of PPE, et cetera.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you. Dr. Bell.
Dr. BELL. Mr. Chairman, just to your point about will the force
be adequately protected, I just wanted to say that, you know, at
CDC we have over 100 young trainees, many of them in the field,
and so we have worked very hard on the sort of information people
need ahead of timevery, very clear delineation of the sorts of protective equipment, things to do to protect yourself, and what to do
when you are in a situation that you think is perhaps not as safe
and secure as it should be.
And so this is the sort of information that I think we have
spentactually, quite a while now we have had people in the field
sort of perfecting and it is the sort of thing, I think, that can be
used with the military.
We all want to make sure that people are as safe as humanly
possible. The other thing I see off of my list of questions I just
wanted to address your question about the funding and to just say

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from the CDC perspective that the $30 million is enough to get us
through the continuing resolution and allow us to keep our people
in the field but that we are going to be considering during the period of the CR, what additional funding we might need for the rest
of the year.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you, Dr. Bell. You know, in a conversation I
had with the President of Guinea, who has deployed his military,
I was concerned about how well-protected they were, you know,
when they rush in to be of assistance and then all of a sudden they
find themselves contracting the disease.
So and I am very concerned about our military as well. I would
like to yield to Ms. Bass.
Ms. BASS. Thank you, Mr. Chair, and I would like to begin by
asking a question on behalf of my colleague, Mr. Cicilline, who had
to leave and in his opening statement he mentioned that many of
his constituents are from Liberia.
So his question is the current extension of deferred enforced departure for Liberians living legally in the U.S. is scheduled to expire at the end of the month and apparently this summer several
Senators sent a letter to President Obama asking him to end the
uncertainty, especially given the current crisis.
And so even though this is an issue under the jurisdiction of
USCIS, he was wondering if you know whether the administration
is really taking into account the health crisis if many of these individuals would have to return home.
Dr. BELL. Thank you, Congresswoman Bass. As I testified yesterday before the Senate HELP Committee and Senator Reed asked
a similar question, as you say, this is an important issue in Rhode
Island and other parts of the country as well, and actually my deputy participated in a number of briefings and town hall meetings
on this topic.
This is a humanitarian issue, we agree, but we dont have any
further information about what is happening from the perspective
of the Immigration Service on this topic. Do you have any information, Nancy?
Ms. LINDBORG. We will take that question. We are coordinating
closely across the interagency that is a State Department question.
We will take it and get back to you.
Ms. BASS. Okay. All right. Thank you. And then I, in speaking
to a number of my colleagues yesterday as we were preparing for
this member briefing tomorrow, several of them mentioned to me
their concerns about the virus mutating and becoming airborne,
and I am not sure if those came up in the questions before. Oh,
they did?
Mr. SMITH. They did.
Ms. BASS. Yes. You raised it? Okay. Well, maybe you could explain why that is not a concern.
Dr. FAUCI. Well, I wouldnt say it is not a concern but it is not
an overwhelming concern.
Ms. BASS. Okay.
Dr. FAUCI. As I mentioned, and I will just very briefly summarize
what I said when you were out, Ms. Bass, that this is a virus that
continually replicates and makes a lot of mistakes.

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It mutates, and the overwhelming majority of the mutations are
irrelevant. They are not associated with any change in function of
the virus. Rarely, occasionally, you will get a mutation that actually does have a biological function.
Now, that could be that it evades the diagnostic or the mutation
makes it a little bit more virulent or a little bit less virulent. It
makes it a little bit more efficient in being transmitted or a little
bit less efficient. But it would be distinctly unusual, underline, not
Ms. BASS. Right.
Dr. FAUCI [continuing]. For it to completely change the way it is
transmitted. In fact, of the many, many viruses like HIV that replicate in millions and millions of people and mutate a lot, you dont
see a change in the way it is transmitted.
Now, having said that, we have contracts and grants with organizations that do continuing phylogenetic sequencing which means
they trace the evolution.
So we are looking at that very, very carefully and thus far with
all of the infections and all the mutations we have not seen any
indication of any modification of biological function associated with
the mutations.
So, again, although it is not something you can completely rule
out, it is not something that I would put at the very top of the
radar screen and say this is something that is occupying all of my
concern. Having said that, the easiest way to avoid that is to stop
the infections which will then stop the mutations and then you
wont have to have the discussion we are having right now.
Ms. BASS. So it is safe to say that in previous outbreaks that has
never happened?
Dr. FAUCI. Right. Right.
Ms. BASS. Okay. Thank you very much. I yield back my time.
Mr. SMITH. Dr. Burgess.
Mr. BURGESS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And Dr. Fauci, along
those lines, now 10 years ago in the language of avian flu I remember the discussion was genetic drift and genetic shiftgenetic drift
being why we have to have a new flu shot every year because there
are little changes that occur and then genetic shift would be one
of those major changes that would occur insay avian flu, the
transmissability from human to human where it hadnt been occurring before.
Is that the same sort of thing you are talking about here?
Dr. FAUCI. A bit different, Dr. Burgess. It is a bit different because when we talk about a drift we are talking about the immune
response that the body has made to previous viruses and when it
drifts a bit it doesnt change much in its fundamental way that it
is transmitted.
How it changes is that it evades your already existing immune
response or the immune response that a particular vaccine might
induce. A little bit it drifts. It doesnt change.
A shift is that it is so different than the previous virus that you
dont have any background immunity to it. So when you have a
new pandemic like the H1N1 2009 influenza, except for people who
were alive and well back in the late 1960s, early 1970s, mid-1970s,
most of the young people never had seen a virus like that.

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So they didnt have any background immunity. Did that mean it
changed the way it was transmitted? No. Flu is a respiratory-borne
virus whether it is a pandemic flu or a seasonal flu.
The actual shift means that it was so different than anything
else that you experienced that you dont have any background immunity which makes it much easier for it to turn into a pandemic.
Mr. BURGESS. Okay. Thank you for the clarification.
Now, we have got CDC, FDA, NIH, and USAID today because we
understand from yesterdays speech by the President, Department
of Defense is involved and we have heard Department of State
mentioned today.
So I guess my question is, and this may be fundamentally naive
as far as the function of government, but who is in charge? Who
is in charge of our response to what is happening in Western Africa?
Is it the CDC? Is it the State Department? Is it now going to be
Department of Defense? Who is our go-to agency as far as who is
in charge?
Ms. LINDBORG. So the U.S. Military is working in support of
USAID on the ground. This is very similar to the approach that
Chairman Smith noted. We worked in the Philippines just recently.
There are task forces in each of the critical agencies that are enabling CDC, HHS, State Department, USAID to organize across
our agencies to mobilize for the best response.
USAID is leading the U.S. interagency response as part of the
worldwide efforts led by the U.N. in support of sovereign nations
Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leoneworking very closely across
those task forces and with the NSC.
Mr. BURGESS. So things are alreadythings are already tough.
If they get a lot tougher USAID is who we call? If things go really
bad, who do we pick up the phone and call?
Mr. BURGESS. USAID? All right. So noted. I will put you on
speed dial.
You know, we heard through some of the discussionI guess, Dr.
Fauci, this will be to you is that, you know, previous episodes this
virus has burned itself out. Is there still a possibility, even with
your rather frightening exponential graph that you showed us, is
it still possible that at some point this episode will burn itself out?
Dr. FAUCI. It is more than possible. That is what we are all striving for. The escalationit was very clear that the rate of increases
of cases that we were seeing, particularly in the densely populated
areas where instead of two or three contacts you have 30, 40, 50,
70 or 100 contacts, that the growth of it was outstripping even our
ability to increase it at incremental levels.
So that is the reason why, as I mentioned, Dr. Burgess, when the
President made this announcement that it is going to be a sea
change. It is not going to be an increment, it is going to be a major
change in how we approach this with a considerable amount of resourcesnot only direct resources of healthcare but home kits,
home care components, education components.
It is a very comprehensive package that the President announced
at the CDC yesterday. So if we implement that, which I believe we
willI hope we willI think there is a very good chance that it

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is not going to happen tomorrow and it is not going to happen next
month but that we are going to turn this around. But it is going
to require that really accelerated effort that the President spoke
about yesterday.
Mr. BURGESS. Well, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Borio, let me ask you as
well, being representatives for the Food and Drug Administration,
Dr. Fauci, I have been to the Galveston National Laboratory.
I remember right after Hurricane Ike going down there to make
certain they were okay and hearing about the work they were
doing on Ebola. Then I was down there I think it was less than
a year ago.
So there has been ongoing work. I mean, thisyou have known
of the risk and there has been ongoing work. I guess I am just a
little disappointed, Dr. Borio, to hear about a clinical holdI dont
know that I had heard that term before.
I mean, we knew this was out there. We knew this was percolating. U.S. taxpayer resources were being put toward the research
and development and I guess my question is what does it take to
get us over that obstacle to where we can put these things in the
field and beginand begin clinical trials. Instead of talking about
clinical holds let us talk about clinical trials. Let us talk about
breakthrough designation. Let us talk about making things available. Can either of you speak to that?
Dr. BORIO. Absolutely, Dr. Burgess. So for the vaccines, for exampleI will give an exampleyou know, even though they have
been in development for a number of years when this outbreak
epidemic began we did not have any of the INDs filed with the
FDA for the vaccines.
So I think what you are hearing is really an unprecedented level
of engagement by the FDA to facilitate the applications for these
vaccines and to be able to begin clinical trials in record time.
I can tell the reviewers review the applications in a matter of a
few days and in addition prior to the application being received we
work intensely with the sponsors to be able to get them ready for
thisfor the submission.
So I hope that I conveyed that, you know, so that there is no
doubt that we are doing all we can to beto exert not only maximum flexibility but also to speed development and to engage very
actively with all the developers, government partners, and the companies.
So the clinical hold thatthe clinical hold situation that I was
asked, again, all of our decisions are based on the science we have
available and with the interest of public health in mind and we are
working with every one of the developers to move their programs
But there are situations where if the risk is believed to outweigh
the benefits based on the available science weit is called a clinical hold. We basically tell the sponsor that the study cannot proceed in volunteers at this moment until some adjustments are
made and the benefit-risk profile is more favorable.
Mr. BURGESS. There is a broad understanding at the Food and
Drug Administration that this is no ordinary time, correct?
Dr. BORIO. Absolutely. I think, as I mentioned in my testimony,
there are more than 200 people at the FDA who are engaged in

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this response and working very actively with the developers. There
is no question in my mind that it is all hands on deck and everybody is very aware of the gravity of the situation and very determined to do all they can to help mitigate it. There is no question
about that.
Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Chairman, I realize that I am a guest on your
committee and I wasnt going to bring this up but you didyou
said you were loathe to criticize the World Health Organization but
then you went ahead.
So, Dr. Bell, not really a criticism but observation and then, of
course, this goes back several yearsif it were not for the CDC the
global outreach and response network of the World Health Organization would be pretty thin.
Now, I talked to the folks at the CDC right at the end of July.
Someone there told me you had 30 people that were getting ready
to deploy to western Africa.
I believe I have that number correct. And Chris Smith talked
about, you know, the surge of people that are needed in the
healthcare field. But we also recognize healthcare personnel are
under special risk in this outbreak.
Are you all the go-to people for that preliminary training for people who are going to western Africa to mitigate that risk somewhat
and to minimize that risk to the extent that it can be minimized?
Does that fall to CDC or is that actually a World Health Organization jurisdiction?
Dr. BELL. Thank you, Dr. Burgess. I think, as Nancy mentioned,
the scale of this problem is such that we are going to need many,
many different partners assisting.
On the topic of training and infection control, I think, first of all,
the good news is I think because of the leadership of MSF we have
actually a very clear and very tried and true protocol or method for
minimizing risk to healthcare workers when they are treating
Ebola patients.
I believe that there is something like 450 MSF workers who have
been working in west Africa and we have seen no infections so far,
thank goodness, in those healthcare workers.
So it is impossible to drive the risk to zero, obviously. There are
extremely difficult conditions but we do have, I think, a good
framework for training. As I mentioned, we at CDC we sort of have
the public health lead, as you well know, in this response and in
many others and given the importance of infection control as part
of the public health response we have been ramping up our efforts
in many spheres around infection control as we work to stop the
outbreak and one of them is to have taken a leadership role among
others to build this pipeline of training in safehow to work safely
in an Ebola treatment unit.
As I mentioned, we have this course that we have put together
in collaboration with MSF which we think will help with building
a pipeline of U.S. healthcare workers who are going to be deploying
to the region.
But as Nancy said, there are many other groups that I think will
be helping to gather people together to sort of bring to bear the resources that we need to bring to bear in the region.

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I do think that we have the sort of training that is necessary in
order to minimize that risk and that is a training that can actually
be sort of spread and propagated in any other venues where training might occur.
The same is true in-country. As Nancy mentioned, there is a very
large need for basic infection control in healthcare facilities. As I
mentioned, the healthcare system is really completely collapsed
and this was largely because healthcare workers were seeing patients who turned out to have Ebola. They didnt realize that. They
have no protective equipment.
They have no understanding of infection control. They dont know
what safe triage means and therefore, tragically, many of them got
infected and the facilities closed. So this is another large priority
on the topic of infection control that we and many other groups are
working together.
We would like to see an infection control practitioner in every facility in Liberia, for example, similar to the way we deal with infection control here in U.S. hospitals.
Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Chairman, fascinating panel. You have been
most courteous. I will yield back.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Doc. Ms. McCollum.
Ms. MCCOLLUM. Thank you. We hopefully will have someone
from the Department of Defense who can maybe inform members
more at the co-briefing we are doing with the Global Health Caucus along with you and Ms. Bass to have maybe some of those
questions answered.
But my understanding is, first and foremost, we need staging
areas. We need, you know, places where people can be treated and
so the DoD is bringing in a wave of engineers and those engineers
for the most part will not be coming into contact with patients or
people who are ill, and the DoD has a great medical staff.
I mean, infectious disease is something that they arethey have
their own research. They collaborate with the CDC, the NIH, everybodythe Department of Health. They all work together on
So I am fairly confident that AFRICOM has a good handle on the
first wave that is going to come in because if we dont have the infrastructure, and that is the boots on the groundit is building,
the framing up the hospitals and all that will be really, really important and then our soldiers will get really excellent training before going in.
But the first wave going in for a lot of what we are talking about
they are not going to be coming in contact, and you are all kind
of shaking your heads yes. So I just wanted to kind of say that DoD
knows when it is trained to this.
And so one of the things that I think you pointed out as, you
know, you all kind of have a hierarchy. You have your own special
responsibilities. You are getting together. This is an emergency and
you are talking amongst yourselves quite a bit.
But I want to just kind of talk about some secondary impacts.
We touched on a little bit about what is, you know, happening with
maternal-child health, what is happening with people who maybe
have been diagnosed with cancer, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDSall of

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those critical resources in healthcare systems that we have been
working to make better in these countries.
Now people are not being able to access that kind of a treatment
especially in some of the countries where the Ebola has gone. So,
for example, in Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia are large poor
populations, limited access to clean drinking water, basic infrastructure, other public health services.
One of the things that has come up time and time againhow
farmers are not out in the field, how we are expecting a major food
crisisthis is alreadymany countries, as I pointed out, with some
of the very poor people whose health is fragile as it is what are
some of the things we should be looking from the international
community to supplement the work that you are doing from the
World Bank, from the African Development Bank, from the, you
know, World Food Programme? What are some of the things that
we should be thinking of next step?
Ms. LINDBORG. Great. Thank you. And I would just fully agree
with you and reiterate that what DoD is fundamentally bringing is
their unique capability of having a scaled, fast response that sets
that framework up, as you said.
On the second order impacts, this is very important to pay attention to and we are coordinating closely with the World Bank, IMF,
African Development Bank, all of which are preparing economic
support packages.
We are also looking at ensuring that health workers salaries are
paid during this critical period where you need people to continue
to come to work at a time where there is the threat of total collapse. We are working throughout the region on preparedness.
Countries that border throughout west Africa are increasingly
concerned and so we have teams working to help them strengthen
their health systems and be more prepared in the event that there
is a case that appears.
Malaria, especially as we come into the rainy season, is a particular threat so there is an increased effort among all of the agenciesUNICEF, USAID, CDCwho participateWHOwho participate in the stop malaria efforts to ensure that there is a redoubled effort and a coordinated effort to get bed nets into the most
affected areas.
One of the most important issues is, first of all, controlling the
outbreak and as a part of that enabling people to have the kind of
information that can reduce the fear level because they are better
equipped to protect themselves.
Since it isnt an airborne disease, there are measures that families and communities can take to protect themselves so that commerce and regular activities can resume, borders can stay open,
and economic activity is not brought to a standstill.
So these are all part of that secondary impact piece of the strategy that we are very focused on, working with these global partners.
Ms. MCCOLLUM. Thank you.
Mr. Chair, much has been said about vaccines and having a vaccine is critically important. But making sure that we go through
the same clinical trials that we would for anyone in the United

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States or in Europe, for that matter, before a vaccine is widely disbursed is critically important.
To rush into this and not have it tested by sex, age, health condition, and blanketly using a vaccine that is not ready to go will discredit and make people more fearful of some of the vaccines and
preventions that we currently have in the field and there isthere
is grave concern from some in Africa, and I have heard it from
some of the population here, that Africa not be a testing ground,
that their African brothers and sisters and relatives have stuff that
has been safely vetted to the best of scientific ability.
There is always going to be, you know, human error and things
that dont go the way we quite planned. So I know that there is
a lot of pressure but I, for one, think it is really important that we
follow the science and that we do this safely so it could be done
effectively. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much. Before yielding to Mr. Wolf,
I would just point out that TKM-Ebola is a treatment and we have
such a limited universe of treatments available. Even Dr. Brantly
took a risk in taking ZMapp. I am not suggesting that we bypass
the safety, and the efficacy remains an open question, but I am still
bewildered as to why TKM-Ebola has this hold. I would like to
yield to the distinguished chairman of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Congressman Frank
Mr. WOLF. Thank you, Chairman Smith.
One, I want to thank Mr. Smith for having this hearing and
being really one of the first here in Congress doing it at the end
before the Congress went away. The other thing I just felt like saying as I was listening at the other hearing too, two groupsMSF,
every time they travel everywhere you go they are there.
They are in little villages, they are in places and Samaritans
Purse, which is a Christian group run by Franklin Graham who,
quite frankly, I think at one time was even disinvited from an
event that this administration had somewhere because he might
have wanted to pray at a prayer breakfastI forget what it was
two groups, MSF and the Samaritans Purse, have been out in the
front before our Government was and I want to personally thank
MSF, all of their people.
Theyand I think we should be thanking them, all of them, and
also Samaritans Purse and all of their people for what they have
done because they have been out in front of everyone and, Mr.
Smith, and Samaritans Purse people calling and having a hearing
back in the summer and I think we should recognize them.
I know you kept referencing MSF. Thank God for MSF. Thank
God for Samaritans Purse. I think Dr. Burgess made an interesting point. I think you need one personI want to thank all of
you for what you doI think you need one person in the administration so that there is a central point.
You have the State Department. You have the Health Department. You have the Defense Department. I think Ms. McCollum
was rightAgriculture would be involved. It would be very difficult
if you dont have one person who is the person that they cannot
that they will do it all, but one place to go to call.

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I also think, and that leads me to the question, you probably
need someone to travel the world the same way that Secretary
Kerry is, to his credit, asking for people to support the effort that
is going to be taking place with regard to ISIL and Syria and
places like that. When I listen to the testimony and read all the
articles, I only have America and reference periodically to one or
two other countries.
Are the other countries giving commensurate with what we are
giving based on their size and population? China, the Saudis,
Qatar, Germany, France, Englandare they stepping up the same
way that President Obama stepped up the other day?
Is Cameron stepping up in England doing that? Is the French
Government stepping up? Are the Scandinavians stepping up? Are
the Saudi princes stepping up? Is the Chinese Government stepping up?
Are they stepping up to the same degree, and I am not going to
try and embarrass each and every country but are they all cooperating and have they all been asked to do as much as we are?
Ms. LINDBORG. This is a very important point and what we know
is that when America leads it sets the frame for others to make a
bolder and more aggressive response as well. So on the heels of
yesterdays announcement there are calls this morning.
Secretary Kerry has been having meetings as a part of his Paris
conversations. There will be a U.N. meeting tomorrow on Thursday
and during the U.N. General Assembly next Thursday there will
also be a meeting on Ebola. The hope and the goal is that, inspired
by the response that the U.S. announced yesterday, there will be
a ramped up response from a large number of international actors.
We are already seeing some additional more forward leaning responses from the UK. We expect them to make an announcement
any day now that is quite larger.
As I mentioned earlier, the African Union has mobilized what
they call health keepers of 100 health workers who will be travelling to Liberia and we are supporting that effort. The European
Union has pledged $180 million and there will be more.
There will be more efforts as a part of the mobilization. So over
the next week watch for the global response, which we anticipate
will continue to ramp up.
Mr. WOLF. Okay. And I would assume, unless you differ with me,
that you all agree with me with regard to MSF and Samaritans
Ms. LINDBORG. Absolutely, and, you know, we support Samaritans Purse in many countries around the globe and are very aware
of the heroic efforts of Samaritans Purse and of MSF, who are on
the front lines of so many crises globally.
What is particular about this outbreak is that Ebola has not been
this kind of a challenge before. There have been small, relatively
contained outbreaks so there hasnt been a requirement for largescale global capacity to address Ebola and that has been one of the
challenges as this particular outbreak jumped borders and went
into urban areas in countries that were absolutely ill equipped to
deal with that level of transmission.
So this willthis will be a sea change in how the global community understands and responds to Ebola.

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Mr. WOLF. Thank you, and I want to thank all of you and your
people, too, the CDC that are on the front lines, and thank all of
your people for what they are doing and what I know they will be
With that, Mr. Chairman, I yield back. Thank you very much.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you very much, Chairman Wolf. Just one final
very brief question. Whose idea was it for this surge? Did it come
in from an interagency recommendation or was there one person
who said this is what has to be done?
Dr. FAUCI. There have been intensive discussions going on at
various levels and it became apparent to us all that we really needed to have a sea change and that is how it evolved.
Ms. LINDBORG. So I would say that, as I mentioned earlier,
USAID through our DART and our Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance is responsible for coordinating the U.S. Government response to disasters overseas.
Each of the critical agencies here in Washington has a task force
and we are using that whole of government approach to draw from
critical resources from across the government and there has been
a concerted effort working together to identify both the need and
then the kind of response that is necessary to get ahead of the
transmission, which has resulted in yesterdays announcement.
Mr. SMITH. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for spending time this morning with us, now afternoon, and we look forward
to work with you going forward. Thank you.
I would like to now welcome our second panel, beginning with
Dr. Kent Brantly, who is a family medicine physician who has
served since October 2013 as a medical missionary at a hospital in
Monrovia, Liberia.
In the spring of 2014, Dr. Brantly found himself fighting on the
front lines in the battle against the deadliest Ebola outbreak ever
to occur and was appointed as medical director for what would become the only Ebola treatment unit in all of southern Liberia.
On July 26, he was diagnosed with Ebola, became the first person to receive the experimental drug ZMapp and the first person
with Ebola to be treated in the United States. Thank you, Doctor,
for being here.
We will then hear from Dr. Chinua Akukwe, who is an Academy
Fellow and chair of the Africa Working Group of the National
Academy of Public Administration.
The Africa Working Group is the leading NAPAs effort to forge
lasting partnerships in governance and public administration reform efforts in Africa with the U.S. and African stakeholders. Dr.
Akukwe was the technical advisor in the design of two continentwide initiatives in Africa, the Communicable Disease Guidelines for
the Africa Development Bank and the Framework for Achieving
Universal Access to HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Services
for the African Union. He has written extensively on health and development issues and we welcome Dr. Akukwe to the subcommittee.
We will then hear from Mr. Ted Alemayhu, who is the founder
and executive chairman of U.S. Doctors for Africa, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing support to the continent
of Africa with regard to volunteer healthcare professionals, dona-

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tions of medical supplies and equipment, as well as hosting highlevel healthcare seminars involving African First Ladies and panAfrican medical doctors. He is also founder of the African First Ladies Health Summit as well as a key contributor to the formation
of the African Union Foundation.
Then we will hear from Dr. Dougbeh Chris Nyan, who is a medical doctor and a biomedical research scientist of Liberian origin.
He specializes in infectious disease diagnostics and his expertise
focuses on developing simple and rapid diagnostic tests for detecting blood-borne infections and pathogens. Dr. Nyan is currently a
scientist at the FDA but he is testifying here in this capacity as
the head of the Diaspora Liberian Emergency Response Task Force
on the Ebola Crisis, a conglomeration of Liberian professionals and
Diaspora organizations in the fight against the Ebola outbreak in
Liberia and in the region.
If you could begin, Dr. Brantly, and then we will go to each of
the distinguished physicians.

Dr. BRANTLY. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Chairman

Smith, Ranking Member Bass and fellow guests of this committee
and fellow witnesses, thank you for allowing me to testify here
today on behalf of those suffering in west Africa as a result of the
Ebola outbreak there.
I would also like to take this opportunity to express my deep
gratitude to the U.S. Government, particularly to the State Department, and everyone else involved in my evacuation. Thank you for
bringing me home when I was sick.
I am a little torn because I have this prepared testimony and my
personal story and there are so many questions and issues that
were just raised in the previous panel that I want to address. But
let me first present my prepared testimony here for you today.
I began work as a medical missionary, a missionary doctor at
ELWA Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia in October 2013, as you said.
Even before Ebola came to our area we worked long hours in challenging conditions to provide quality healthcare to support the
countrys struggling medical infrastructure.
Missionary facilities like ours provide between 40 and 70 percent
of healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa. So it is easy to see why we
were one of the first to join in the fight against Ebola as it made
its deadly march into Monrovia.
In June, we received our first Ebola patients and the numbers
quickly and steadily increased from that time on. My organization,
Samaritans Purse, took over responsibility for direct clinical care
of Ebola patients for all of Liberia the following month.
MSF had been present in Liberia but because of the growth of
the outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone their resources had been
stretched and they were unable to provide personnel at that time
for the outbreak in Liberia.
Ebola is a scourge that does not even allow its victims to die with
dignity. Most of them suffer a lonely horrifying death. I came to
understand the extreme physical and emotional toll that Ebola in-

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flicts in an even more personal way when I was diagnosed with
Ebola virus disease on July 26.
I had isolated myself 3 days earlier when I first felt ill. I had a
dedicated team of medical professionals who cared for me in Liberia. But even their best efforts could not prevent the virus from
racking my body with sustained fever, excruciating pain, and vomit
and diarrhea filled with blood.
Like the dozens of Ebola patients I had treated, I found myself
suffering alone, and the men and women who cared for me were
wearing protective personal equipment that looked like space suits
and all I could see were their eyes through their protective goggles.
The only human contact I had came through double layers of
medical gloves. While in Liberia I became the first human being to
receive the experimental drug ZMapp. Shortly after receiving
ZMapp, I was evacuated to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
As a survivor of Ebola, it is not only my privilege but my duty
to be a voice for those who continue to suffer devastation from this
horrible disease in west Africa.
When Nancy Writebol and I were diagnosed with Ebola at the
end of July 2014, the global media began feverishly reporting on
the grave situation in west Africa.
I am grateful for that coverage but it is unfortunate that thousands of African lives and deaths did not warrant the same global
attention as two infected Americans. Even after this attention,
when my colleague, Rick Sacra, arrived in Liberia 2 weeks after my
diagnosis, it was impossible to buy a box of medical gloves in the
city of Monrovia.
Agencies like the World Health Organization, as has been mentioned, remained bound up by bureaucracy. Their speeches, proposals and plans, though noble, have not resulted in any significant
action to stop this Ebola outbreak.
I was honored to meet with President Obama yesterday and I am
pleased that the U.S. has now committed to take the lead and provide military and medical resources to fight against Ebola.
Now we must make those promises a reality if we are to accurately represent the compassion and generosity of the American
people and reduce the suffering and death in west Africa.
Just this week, I saw a report that the 160-bed isolation unit at
my hospital in Liberia is turning away an average of 30 infectious
patients every day because they dont have beds.
Those with other life-threatening diseases are also suffering, as
Liberias already substandard healthcare infrastructure continues
to collapse under the weight of this epidemic.
The military assets that have been committed must be mobilized
as quickly as possible to set up larger treatment facilities, to send
in skilled personnel and provide logistical support.
It is also imperative that our Government response be conducted
in close partnership with nongovernmental organizations that have
been on the front lines of this epidemic as well as other governmental organizations like the health ministries of the countries
that are affected and other countries who wish to join in the fight.
These NGOs that have been involved in the fight, as was mentioned by the Congressman earlier, specifically MSF and Samari-

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tans Purse, are now taking the lead in finding creative interventions to halt the spread of Ebola.
Past outbreaks have been contained through the identification
and isolation of infected patients and the tracing of their contacts.
But the rate of transmission for this current outbreak has rendered
this approach nearly impossible.
A large part of the problem is that Ebola-infected people are
choosing to stay at home because of overwhelming fear and superstition. Family members are caring for these sick individuals at
home and therefore contracting the disease themselves.
We now have to educate and equip these home caregivers for
their own protection. They must be trained in safety measures and
supplied with basic equipment to protect themselves.
Ebola survivors can be instrumental in reaching their communities with critical information and resources. As the number of
survivors increases, employing them as educators and community
health workers can make them champions in this fight and help restore their dignity while tearing down the walls of fear and stigma
attached to this disease.
Admittedly, home-based care is less ideal than treatment provided in an isolation unit. However, Ebola treatment units are
overcrowded and unable to take new patients at this time.
If we do not provide education and protective equipment to caregivers now, we will be condemning countless numbers of mothers
and fathers and brothers and sisters to death simply because they
dont want to let their loved ones die alone.
There is no time to waste in implementing this home-based care
strategy in addition to the deployment of the resources the President has promised.
As the current outbreak is on the verge and maybe already over
the edge of becoming a significant threat to our national security,
in societies where fear and distrust of authority are the norm many
still deny that Ebola is real and they actively seek other explanations for the deaths of their loved ones.
I had one patient in early July who died after 2 days in our isolation unit. As we tried to explain to the family the cause of her
death, some of her family members, with the help of a witch doctor,
determined that her death was caused by a curse placed on her by
her best friend. The family was bent on getting revenge and that
meant the death of the person they believed had caused the curse
on their loved one.
There is a palpable sense of tension on the streets that is
priming the pump of society for skirmishes that could quickly lead
to war. The world cannot afford to allow more conflict in this region
that is home to dictators-in-hiding and terrorist groups.
This epidemic must be brought to a halt as soon as possible to
regain order and reestablish confidence in local governments. This
is a global problem and the U.S. must take the lead immediately.
The longer we wait the greater the cost of the battle both in dollars
and in lives.
We must act immediately and decisively to bring healing and
stability to the people of west Africa, the African continent, the
United States and the world.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for allowing me to testify today.

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[The prepared statement of Dr. Brantly follows:]

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Mr. SMITH. Dr. Brantly, thank you for providing this committee
the honor of hearing your testimony and for your very significant
recommendations, particularly in the home healthcare, which has
not been focused upon enough.
During Q and A hopefully you will elaborate on some of your answers to some of the questions raised early.
Dr. Akukwe, thank you for being here.

Dr. AKUKWE. Thank you, Chairman Smith, and Ranking Member

Bass and other members of the subcommittee. I think that this is
a great honor and a privilege to be part of this hearing in the global fight against Ebola, and I must say that it is also a honor to
share this podium with Dr. Kent because when I saw him walk out
of that ambulance and into the hospital, I knew that he had sent
a very powerful message that you can actually survive from Ebola.
So thank you, Dr. Kent, for all your wonderful efforts.
While I listened to the first panel I think a lot of what I had intended to discuss have been touched in various ways because my
discussion is around the idea that we can use this threat of Ebola,
the global outbreak of Ebola, to strengthen health systems in Africa.
I think for many of us who spent more than 20 years working
on HIV/AIDS in Africa, one of the things we learned within the
first decade is that you cannot really make any dent in the effort
against HIV/AIDS without addressing some parts of the healthcare
system and the thing about Ebola, as I have already mentioned, is
that if you look at the three main countries, two of them just came
out of war.
But if you look at all indices of health, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and
Guinea are always dominate the laggards. They are always among
the worst ranked for the past two decades, even before the wars
started, and it is getting worse since the onset of civil war and now
they are trying to emerge from the civil war.
And if you look at other indices of human development, Liberia,
Sierra Leone, and Guinea also have very poor rankings and if you
look at indices of health systems, Africa really has multiple challenges.
Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone have very difficult challenges,
always coming up among the worst ranked, and we do know that
WHO about 5 years ago indicated that Africa has 24 percent of the
global burden of disease with only 3 percent of the global workforce.
So we are dealing with 25 percent disease burden and you only
have 3 percent of the global workforce. So what you have in the
situation in Africa is that we have Ebola today. We have
Tomorrow we are going to have another outbreak. So no matter
what you are doing now, you know, send in people, boots on the
ground, trying to contain the epidemic, if you dont address some
of the lingering issues of a poor health system then you are going

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to come back again with this kind of emergency response within
the next few years as other epidemics come up.
And we do know that in the late 1970s and 1980s the global coalition that included USAID, U.N. agencies, World Bank, they came
together and from that infrastructure development had a primary
healthcare system.
In many African countries, physically, the only existing health
systems that you find are those health systems that were built as
primary healthcare centers, medical centers in the 1970s.
Not much has changed, and I think what I am calling for is to
use the opportunity of the Ebola outbreak to reevaluate how we
can assist Africa to become part of this global health architecture
that both the Obama administration and the Bush administration
have actually spent significant amounts of money trying to have a
situation where all regions in the world are part of this global
health architecture taking care of emerging diseases and other outbreaks.
And I agree with what has been expressed today that we need
to go beyond WHO. We need to make sure that we put together a
coalition that includes African governments, multilateral agencies,
global foundations, the academia, organized private sector to look
at the best ways to address healthcare systems in Africa.
In my book on healthcare services we did find out that it is not
easy for Africans on their own to deal with this problem. You probably need a lot of technical assistancenot just money but technical assistance to change the sort of health systems.
Let me use an example. Technical capacity at continental and regional levelwe are happy that the Africa Union set up the health
keepers program.
But we do know that Africa needs a lot of leadership at the continental and the regional economic levels to provide technical assistance for some of these very poor African countries that will never
have the capacity to manage some of these outbreaks like we are
seeing in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.
And in closing, I think that in 2000 the U.S. Congress, the 106th
Congress, when we were all paralyzed by the response to
HIV/AIDS, came up with the Global AIDS Trust Fund that
jumpstarted the global response to HIV/AIDS. It wasnt a lot of
money, about $50 million.
But what it did was that it now allowed the World Bank and
other multilateral agencies and other stakeholders to begin the
process of looking at HIV/AIDS from a totally different perspective
from the regular way of doing things.
And I think that this is what we probably need at this time from
the Congress in order to help African health systems be rebuilt in
such a way that they could become part of the global health architecture.
Thank you so much.
[The prepared statement of Dr. Akukwe follows:]

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Mr. SMITH. Dr. Akukwe, thank you very much for your testimony
and your leadership.
Dr. Alemayhu.

Dr. ALEMAYHU. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. First and foremost, I

would like to thank you and Congressmember Bass. You both have
been the true soldiers for the continent of Africa.
Every time there has been a pressing need you have been on the
forefront calling for hearings and showing mutual leadership. So I
am truly grateful for that. Also, I want to thank my colleagues here
at the table. Let me read my statement, Mr. Chairman, if you dont
Members of the United States Congress, it is my deepest honor
and privilege to come before you this morning in order to show, in
order to share what I know and what should be done to assist
Ebola-affected nations in west Africa.
I, first, wanted to express my sincere gratitude to you, Members
of Congress, and to the entire Government of the United States for
giving your fullest attention for this deadly crisis. I would also like
to thank Dr. Kent Brantly for his extraordinary service for the people of Africa. We are delighted to see him well and alive.
Mr. Chairman, Members of Congress, I have come before you this
morning as a son of Africa and a proud citizen of the United States.
As a son of Africa, I am deeply concerned and heartbroken to see
my people once again suffer from another deadly virus.
As you may recall, the HIV/AIDS virus has murdered millions of
Africans across the continent. I am terribly scared and terrified as
to what could happen now if we do not act rapidly and decisively
to stop this deadly virus.
Mr. Chairman, the Ebola virus does not discriminate. It is killing
babies. It is killing mothers. It is killing fathers, doctors, and
nurses and anyone else that is in its way.
The World Health Organization reports that over 2,400 of my fellow Africans have been murdered by this disease. If we do not act
rapidly and decisively we could potentially witness tens of thousands of dead bodies across west Africa and possibly even beyond.
What is happening on the ground, particularly in the Republic of
Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea is simply heartbreaking. The
governments of these nations are screaming for help and we must
respond to their call immediately.
We must still deploy some of our basis healthcare resources and
accessories, medical supplies, and equipment immediately because
they are needed and needed badly on the ground. Items such as
protective gears, hospital beds, gloves, and masks and gowns are
in dire need.
Local healthcare workers are threatened to quit their service if
their safety is not ensured with the delivery of these items. And
who really can blame them? According to the World Health Organization, approximately 301 healthcare workers were infected by this
virus and half of them are dead.
There is a severe shortage of healthcare professionals in most African nations and particularly those nations that have been af-

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fected by this virus. I am speaking averaging one doctor per 50,000
people or more. This is what I call a perfect remedy for massive
Once again, the World Health Organization has called for an additional 500 healthcare professionals to be deployed on the ground
in order to assist effectively with this crisis.
Mr. Chairman, I can tell you that U.S. Doctors For Africa and
our partners are ready to help. In partnership with the AFYA
Foundation of Americathe president and chairman is right behind meand many other strategic partners we are able to mobilize medical supplies and equipment worth tens of thousands of
dollars and ready for shipment.
We are also looking into actively recruiting medical doctors and
nurses to be deployed to Africa. U.S. Doctors for Africa has access
to medical clinics, telemedicine technology, emergency care units,
and other personnel. They look to do all of this and can deploy
them to Africa.
Mr. Chairman, we need strategic assistance and the sponsors to
deliver these units on the ground. Thank you, sir.
[The prepared statement of Dr. Alemayhu follows:]

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Mr. SMITH. Dr. Alemayhu, thank you very much for your leadership as well and later on I will ask you about actively recruiting
doctors and how well that is going.
I would like to now ask Dr. Nyan if you could present your testimony.

Dr. NYAN. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and members of this august committee, distinguished panelists, specifically Dr. Kent
Brantly, to whom on behalf of the people of Liberia and also Sierra
Leone and Guinea we pay you our deepest respect and to other
healthcare workers who did not make it through as a result of the
Members of the fourth estate, ladies and gentlemen, I would like
to thank the organizers of this hearing for the invitation extended
to Diaspora Liberia Emergency Response Task Force on the Ebola
crisis to testify on the situation of the current Ebola epidemic in
Liberia and the subregion.
We in the Liberia task force from the Diaspora believe that
through this medium U.S. policymakers will have the first opportunity of hearing about the outbreak from the Liberian perspective
The Diaspora task force is an umbrella organization which conglomerates Liberian healthcare professional organizations, community organizations, individuals of varying professional expertise including medical doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, pharmacists, biomedical research scientists and engineers, journalists,
et cetera.
From the inception of its nationhood in 1847, Liberia has always
maintained a very special link to the United States of America and
have always played a major role on the world stage. Also, Liberia
was always a trusted Cold War ally of the United States.
Cognizant of this relationship, Liberians have always turned to
the United States for rescue in times of problems be it economic,
social or political, now medical. Today, Liberia, along with countries of the Mano River subregion find itself in a situation that is
occasioned by the current Ebola outbreak.
This epidemic is dissipating lives, breaking up families as well
as stigmatizing and traumatizing the country and its people. It is
no secret that the Liberian healthcare system, as has been discussed over and over, completely collapsed under the pressure of
the Ebola outbreak while also the leadership and local health authorities demonstrated an incapability of dealing with the outbreak.
Most hospitals are still closed due to the lack of basic medical
supplies. Healthcare workers lack the necessary protective gear to
go in the field to perform their duties.
Although there have been massive input of medical support and
supplies from countries of the global community like China and
India and the United States, we have yet to see a logistic plan put
in place for the proper distribution and delivery of materials to intended clinics and hospitals.

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There is also the issue of mistrust and confidence between citizens and government authorities, as have been discussed over and
over, and a total breach of confidence. The crisis have been deepened also by the appointment of unqualified personnel, particularly
nonmedical personnel, as spokespeople to lead governments fight
against the Ebola outbreak.
And this has led to wrong decisions of government grossly contradicting public health disease control measures. Also, the unprofessional utterances from some nonmedical officials have engendered widescale disbelief in the general population that the Ebola
virus is not real.
Additional challenges include the lack of trained medical personnel in specialized areas of epidemiological infectious disease
On the side of the Diaspora efforts, coordination of logistics
across the United States has been difficult due the lack of financial
resources. In Liberia, reduction of air flights into the country and
the lack of clear policy on duty-free process for Ebola equipment
and supplies have hampered anti-Ebola efforts from the Diaspora
These are among a few examples of the looming challenges in the
fight against Ebola in Liberia and the subregion as a whole.
Notwithstanding, Diaspora Liberians and, as we have met with
others from the subregion, Guineans and Sierra Leonians, have
since embarked on massive mobilizations of medical supplies and
materials as well as food, and continue to send these items to Liberia and the other countries on a revolving basis.
For example, partnering with other organizations and foundations, the Diaspora Liberia Emergency Response Task Force recently airlifted about 4,000 pounds of medical supplies to Liberia
on August 27, 2014, set up its own distribution mechanism that
was very much independent of governments control, and effectively
delivered directly to healthcare facilities that were serving impoverished communities.
One of those communities was the West Point community which
was locked down, and in this service we utilized organized community involvement. It is important to note that Guinea, Liberia, and
Sierra Leone were ravished by civil wars and this damaged the little infrastructure that these countries had.
Yet, at the onset of the prevailing crisis there were some miscalculations also on the part of the international community. First,
the international community should have had the inclination that
these three Mano River Union countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone,
and Liberia did not have the professional and technical capacity to
control the outbreak of Ebola virus, a WHO-classified risk group
four or biosafety level four or category A virus.
Second, the international community failed to understand the
cultural and traditional ties that exist among the people living in
the common geographic region that connects Guinea, Sierra Leone,
and Liberia.
In that geographic triangle resides common ethnic groups, example the Kissi and Mandingo, that cannot be separated by political
or colonial boundaries.

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Third, the response of the international community was seemingly uncoordinated. After looking for a while, the French Government quickly went into Guinea with scientists, doctors and medical
supplies to help out.
Then the British Government followed suit, helping Sierra Leone
alone. Liberia was left alone for a little while, left alone, and by
the mercy of Samaritans Purse and Doctors Without Borderswe
take our hats off to you againLiberia was being cared for.
As if British and the French Government were saying to Liberia,
well, you have got Americalet America come to your aid. True to
this, in the last several days the U.S. Government has begun taking significant steps toward helping Liberia fight the Ebola crisis.
As the WHO has since declared the Ebola outbreak as a humanitarian crisis and called for a coordinated response, in this regard
the Diaspora Liberia Emergency Response Task Force on the Ebola
Crisis will kindly call for the following.
One, that Britain, France, and the United States create a triangular coordination of their assistance to the region for Guinea,
Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Nigeria.
Two, that the international community, mainly the United States
of America, with the WHO should take immediate control of the
healthcare system of Liberia and the subregion in order to resuscitate its capacity building.
Three, that the fight against Ebola be conducted through a community-based approach and community empowerment through
nongovernmental institutions as civic groups, churches, and community organizations have demonstrated competence and experience in service delivery during the war crisis at a time.
An example will be the Catholic Church through the Catholic Relief Services and now we can make the Diaspora task force as an
example and civic society groups that have already organized themselves in Liberia presently. Their acronym is called CASE. These
will be viable partners for U.S. Government and international donors.
Four, that the U.S. Government actively and practically supports
the proposal of the Diaspora Liberia Emergency Response Task
Force for the establishment of a national institute of disease control and prevention in Liberia to conduct disease surveillance and
prevent future outbreaks of Ebola and other related diseases and
establish a west African institute for disease control and prevention
so as to create a network of infectious disease professionals again
in Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone as well as the subregion to
conduct disease surveillance and prevent future outbreak of Ebola
and other related diseases.
Six, that the United States Government or its aid agencies kindly provide assistance to the Diaspora Liberian, Guinean, and Sierra
Leonian initiatives that are aimed at sending Diaspora healthcare
professionals among whom are doctors, nurses, public health practitioners, et cetera, to their respective countries on a revolving 6week basis.
Seven, that the United States Government kindly increase its civilian medical expertise at about 1,000 in the region in Liberia to
augment the 3,000 soldiers that will be sent. And this we are currently requesting should come from the Centers for Disease Con-

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trol, the National Institute of Health, and the Food and Drug Administration.
On this note, we would like to thank the Government of the
United States of America and the Obama administration for the
concrete steps it is taking in fighting against Ebola outbreak in Liberia and the subregion.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
[A prepared statement was not submitted by Dr. Nyan.]
Mr. SMITH. Dr. Nyan, thank you very much and for your very
specific recommendations to the subcommittee and hopefully by extension to the administration and to the rest of Congress.
Just a few questions and, Dr. Akukwe, when you talked about
watching Dr. Brantly walking on his own and what a sense of hope
that sent to you, that sense of hope is felt here on Capitol Hill in
a huge way that Ebola isnt necessarily a death sentence, that
some intervention may work.
And my first question to all of you and to Dr. Brantly maybe in
particular since he was on the ground dealing with Ebola patients:
How do you incentivize doctors and healthcare personnel, other
than those who might be ordered to be there as part of a military
deployment, how do you incentivize people to take up that huge,
not only responsibility, but to incur that risk that comes with it?
I know for you, and I watched your press conference when you
were with the doctors who had assisted in your recovery, and I was
awed by your statement of faith in Jesus Christ, your sense of that
motivating you to do what you did in helping those who were suffering so immensely, especially when the Ebola crisis hit, and you
might want to elaborate on that because I think it goes unrecognized that even people in governments, even people who are a part
of a military deployment, very often it is their faith that is the
prime motivator for their tremendous acts of love, compassion, and
altruism. If you could maybe elaborate on that.
Dr. BRANTLY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think there are a lot
of practical things that people want if they are going to respond to
a situation like this.
They want to know that they are going to be safe, that they are
going to have the support they need, they will have all the protective equipment they need. But none of that provides motivation.
I think the only way to get volunteers to go serve in these situations, to go serve the people of Liberia and Guinea and Sierra
Leone in the midst of this terrible Ebola outbreak, is for people to
have some internal motivation and for a lot of us that is our religious faith.
You know, Jesus instructed us, taught us to love your neighbor
as yourself, and he told The Parable of the Good Samaritan and
when he was asked the question: Who is your neighbor? the answer is Whoever is in need; that is who your neighbor is.
So for a lot of people that is and could be and should be their
motivation. But even for people who dont hold a close religious
faith, for medical professionalsI spoke to the Senate yesterday
and said healthcare workers take oaths such as the Hippocratic
Oath and all of us from the time we write our application essays
for medical school we want to save the world, we want to help peo-

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ple, we want to serve peopleeverybodys application essay says
thatbut it has to be true.
You have to have a sense of compassion on your fellow man and
an internal urge to serve your neighbor, to serve people in need,
and I think healthcare workers in this country and other countries
need to remember that that was their motivation for getting into
the practice of medicine in the first place, and when they have that
assurance that they will be supported and provided with the necessary protective equipment that theymany people dont want to
make a personal sacrificeso if they can be compensated for their
lost work or they can have someone fill in in their practice to be
sure that their patients dont suffer because of their service to others, those things are all helpful. But people have to be motivated
from their hearts to go serve.
Mr. SMITH. In your service would you, othersyes, Doctor.
Dr. AKUKWE. Thank you, Chairman Smith. I agree with what
Kent said. But there are a couple of other things that we have
learned because I served as the first executive chairman of the Africa Diaspora Health Initiative is that there are a series of things
that are very critical when you are talking of professionals going
into what they may consider hardship.
First one is about, in addition to faith and commitment, is logistics. They want to be sure that they are going to be safe and that
there is an organizing platform. You were asking this morning who
is in charge. That is one of the first questions that a typical professional will ask.
Who is, what is the coordinating authority or coordinating body
and then while they are in the host country the issue of safety and
then, are they going to have basic supplies in order to do their
We found out a lot of people, when they do not receive very specific assurances of that, they will not like to deploy. And then, of
course, the issue of compensation. Not necessarily getting paid for
what they are earning in United States but some form of compensation so they can take care of their families.
And I think also the issue of nonprofits MSF and Samaritans
Purse. The more people get to know what they are doing and they
are successful in deploying people in some of these countries, the
more you are going to get volunteers.
And then finally, with respect to Africa, the issue of Africans and
the Diaspora, when we see what the Indians are doing, what the
Chinese are doing in China, the issue of Africans and Diaspora,
there are thousands of healthcare professionals.
The National Medical Association has over 25,000 medical doctors. I know they have a program on the Diaspora but that is not
well funded. So you do have to help prepare professionals within
the Diaspora who with some kind of incentives, perhaps they will
be more inclined to deploy to Africa.
Mr. SMITH. Excellent point. Yes, Doctor.
Dr. ALEMAYHU. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I guess the short answer to your question is really what is the mission of being a medical professional.
I think most doctors and healthcare providers that I know of
their mission is very simple. It is to save lives. It may have been

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in different very, very difficult situations in the past with the war
zones, floods, earthquake disasters, you name it, and every step of
the way they go they take a huge risk.
And this is just another challenge and it is not so much of what
is in it for them but I think it is so much of what they can do for
others and that isactually that is their mission.
With regards to Africa for a moment, just 1 second, Mr. Chairman, the African Union is doing its best, you know, despite all
these tremendous challenges and a lack of resources and everything else.
Currently, they are assembling volunteer medical professionals
from across the continent. Apparently, there are about 100 of them
are being mobilized and being trained in Ethiopia at the African
Union headquarters and supposedly they will be deployed in the
next 48 hours or so.
So the African Union does need a lot of help because ultimately
I certainly dont want to come before you, and I am sure none of
us want to come before this subcommittee, 5 years or 10 years from
What we would like to see is hopefully an Africa taking care of
Africas business and challenges, and I think the work could be
done as despite what we think about the situation on the ground,
the African Union and the African governments should be supported in every effort they are out to accomplish.
And so such as the African CDC is something that the President
of the United States mentioned and the African Union is pursuing
and the Ethiopian Government introduced this, and I think they
are doing fantastic work but they do require a lot of supports.
Thank you, sir.
Mr. SMITH. Let me just askwe are going to have to leave at 1
oclock because there is another hearing that will have to be convened. But let me just ask the questionDr. Brantly, you pointed
out that a significant surge of medical boots on the ground must
happen immediately and I asked that question and it was right
from your testimony to our distinguished witnesses in Panel I and
I, franklyI still dont have a sensethe subcommittee members
dont have a sense: What is the critical mass that is necessary?
It is hard to build up and build out capacity if you dont know
what is needed. You also make an excellent point. I read a couple
of articles about how people are getting in taxis and they cant find
a bed anywhere and the taxis are actually getting hotat least
that is the way the author of the article put ityou know, potentially putting people at risk who get into the taxi.
And you mentioned that your 120-bed isolation unit in ELWA is
turning away as many as 30 infectious disease individuals every
day. Where do they go? And again, this idea of home healthcare
can that be set up?
Do you think that is part of the plan? I wish I would have asked
that of the earlier panel but I didnt but I will because that ought
to be incorporated and integrated, I would think, to a response.
Dr. BRANTLY. Thank you. Let me answer this in an orderly way.
The Ebola treatment units are absolutely necessary for handling
this outbreak but right now they are insufficient. That is where the
home care comes in.

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People are staying at home. There are not enough beds and it
takes time to construct new units and put beds in them and provide adequate staff.
A unit with beds but without the staff is just a place for people
to die and that is more incentive for people to stay home where at
least they are with their family. So we havealso have to have the
staff, which isgoes to your question as well.
The home healthcare strategy, I believe, has been addressed by
the President in his plan when heI think he committed 400,000
home care kits to be delivered and they have to be delivered without delay and those kitsI am not sure what is contained in them
but it has to be not only things like oral rehydration solution and
Tylenol to help treat the patient with that supportive careand
there are other types of supportive care that are not possible at
home like intravenous fluids and other more technical medical
interventionsbut we can do some basic things like try to keep
people hydrated with oral rehydration and ease their pain or their
fever with small doses of Tylenol.
But the more important part of that kit is the equipment to protect the caregiver and that is going to require education of those
caregivers as well and that is where I think implementing, employing survivors to help reach their own communities.
You know, survivors are stigmatized and many times cant return to their communities safely. But if they can return to their
communities with the support of the authorities with some safety
and security to be able to do this lifesaving work of educating their
communities, of helping those caregivers provide good care to their
patients, their family members in a safe way, I think that is very
important and that can be mobilized more quickly than we can
build new units. The two have to happen together. But I think the
home healthcare needs to start immediately.
As for numbers of medical boots on the ground, Mr. Chairman,
obviously I cant give you an exact number but let me give you an
idea of what is required to run a unit.
The treatment team is made up of a doctor, two or three nurses
or PAs or paramedics and two or three what we call hygienists.
The hygienist does not have to be a medical professional.
They have to be safety conscious people who are able to follow
instructions and who are willing to do dangerous and difficult
work. Those are the people who spray the unit with the chlorine
to keep everything sanitized. They take care of the bodily waste of
the patients and they deal with the dead bodies when patients pass
So if you have this team of five or six individuals it would be one
doctor, two or three other healthcare professionals which can be
nurses, physicians assistants, paramedics, and then two or three
of the hygienists, those people can care for maybe ten patients beforemaybe not even that manymaybe five patients before they
have to leave the unit because of the difficulty of wearing the personal protective equipment in the heat and you cant drink when
you are wearing that equipment; there is a time limitation for how
long you can stay in the unit.
I think MSF has or WHO has estimated that for a 100-bed unit
you have to have 200 personnel with that breakdown of, you know,

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six nurses, PAs, and paramedics for every three hygienists for
every one doctor.
So if you had 1,000 patients that needed to be cared for you
would need roughly 600 healthcare workers, 100 physicians, and
300 hygienists and that is for people that work 12-hour shifts with
no days off.
It requires half of that again to work 12-hours shifts and give
people a day off every once in a while. So we are talking about for
every 100 patients, 200 personnel or 300, if you want people to be
able to take a break and not be burned out after a few days of
So it is large numbers but it is not that we need 10,000 doctors.
It is that we would need 1,200 nurses, 600 hygienists, and 200 doctors for 2,000 patients. Those are roughly the kinds of numbers we
are looking at.
So if we are looking at 10,000 patients in the next few weeks you
can see the numbers of healthcare professionals and other volunteers that we would need to treat them.
Dr. AKUKWE. Let me sayin Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
there are lots of trained community health workers who are either
out of work, have retired, or have left the healthcare industry.
So as part of work Kent is talking about on home health. It is
easy to remobilize these individuals who benefited from very rigorous training 10, 15, 20 years agohundreds of them.
Dr. BRANTLY. And Mr. Chairman, may I also say I am not suggesting that all of these people would have to be deployed from the
United States of America. There are lots of Liberians in Liberia
who can help in this response and in fact there are unitsisolation
units, Ebola treatment unitsthat are being run entirely by Liberians.
There is one on the ELWA campus, which we refer to as ELWA
II, being headed up by Dr. Jerry Brown and they are having phenomenal success by providing supportive care to patients, nutritional supplementation, vitamins, and providing compassionate
care to them, and just in the last couple of days they had 50 patients and they have released 19 survivors.
In the month of August they released 51 survivors. So supportive
care works but you just have to have the personnel to provide it.
Mr. SMITH. Before we conclude, is there anything else you would
like to add? Any answers to the questions that might have been
posed earlier to Panel I that you think you would like to address?
Anybody? Yes, Doctor.
Dr. ALEMAYWU. Just quickly, Mr. Chairman. What one key piece
that I have not heard us talking about is the psychological part of
this whole thing. I am delighted to be joined by Dr. Judy
Kuriansky from Columbia Universityshe is also a board memberit is unthinkable what is going on now with regards to the
psychological challenge and the fear, and, of course, we have forgotten one huge piece in this which is the traditional healersthe traditional doctors, if you can call them thatbecause the locals,
whether we like it or not, they believe who they know and who
they trust, not so much of the outside forces coming to save them.

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And I think getting those elements in place and letting them be
a part of the solution making process is absolutely key. Thank you,
Dr. AKUKWE. And you need to know, from the earlier discussionthe problem is that I think in long term beyond the immediate response to Ebola, the next few years you are going to have
another outbreak. So what is the best way to assist African countries and manage these outbreaks on their own in the future?
Mr. SMITH. I would like to thank all four of our distinguished
panelists for your tremendous insight, your recommendations. I
think it will help not only Congress but it will help the administration with your guidance and your wisdom.
And, again, thank you for your leadership. It is extraordinary.
The hearing is adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 1:01 p.m., the committee was adjourned.]

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