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Kyoto Universi ty Press



Sampling Biodiversity in

Coastal Communities

NaGISA Protocols for

Seagrass and Macroalgal Habitats

Sampling Biodiversity in

Coastal Communities

NaGISA Protocols for

Seagrass and Macroalgal Habitats

Edited by

P. R. Rigby, K. Iken and Y. Shirayama


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Published simultaneously in Japan and Singapore.

Kyoto University Press

Kyodai-Kaikan (Kyoto University Hall)
15-9 Yoshida-Kawara cho, Sakyo-ku
Kyoto-city 06-8305
ISBN 978-4-87698-700-9 (Paper)

Ridge Books
an imprint of NUS Press
National University of Singapore
AS3-01-02. 3 Arts Link
Singapore 117569
ISBN 978-9971-69-368-8 (Paper)

National Library Board Singapore Cataloguing in Publication Data

Sampling biodiversity in coastal communities: NaGISA protocols for

seagrass and macroalgal habitats - A NaGISA handbook/edited by

P. R. Rigby, K. Iken and Y. Shirayama. - Japan: Kyoto University Press

in association with NUS Press, c2007.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN: 978-9971-69-368-8 (NUS Press: pbk.)

ISBN: 978-4-87698-700-9 (Kyoto University Press: pbk.)

1. Coastal ecology. 2. Seagrasses. 3. Macroalgae. 4. Invertebrates

Ecology. 5. Biodiversity - Monitoring. 1. Rigby, P. Robin. II . lken,
Katrin. III. Shirayama, Yoshihisa.


Cover photo I: Sampling a rocky intertidal site on Kodiak Island, USA

(photo courtesy of D . Kubiak 2004)
Cover photo 2: A seagrass core from Tanabe Bay, Japan (photo courtesy
of PR. Rigby 2003)
Typeset in Singapore
Printed in Japan


List of Figures



Part I


Section 1
Section 2
Section 3

Introduction to the Text

The NaGISA Concept
Biodiversity and Sampling Design

Part II Rocky Shore and Seagrass Bed Ecology and

Sampling Protocols



Rocky Shore Ecology

NaGISA Rocky Shore Protocol
Seagrass Bed Ecology
NaGISA Seagrass Protocol





Part III Specific Details for Working with the Primary

Target Groups











Part IV Specific Details for Working with the Secondary

Target Groups








Part V Beyond NaGISA; Further Information and

Optional Protocols

Section 19
Section 20
Section 21

Practical Coastal Physical Oceanography

for Ecologists
Guide to Identification and Surveying of

Nearshore Fishes
Sampling and Monitoring Rhodolith Beds







Glossary of TelIDs
Online References








Fig. 9.2







Rocky Shore Layout

Rocky Shore Quadrat Set
Macroalgae: Activity Flow Cha11
Model of Seagrass Genera Arranged by Size
Seagrass Bed Transect Layout
Seagrass Bed Quadrat Set
Sea grass Bed Cores
Sampling Horizontally Distributed Seagrass Beds
Seagrass Bed: Activity Flow Chart
General Morphology of Macroalgae
Key Morphological Characteristics of Strap-like

Leaf Blade Seagrasses

Key Characteristics of Oval Shaped Leaf Blade

Representative Echinoderms
Phyllodocidae, Syllidae, Polynoidae, & Terebellidae
Polychaete Dissection
A Medusa of a Hydrozoan, a Sea Anemone &

Hydroid Colonies
Parts of the Bivalve Shell
Parts of the Gastropod Shell
Parts of the Polyplacophoran Shell
General Body Plan of Dendrobranchiata
General Body Plan of Caridea
General Body Plan of Stenopodidea
General Body Plan of Brachyura
General Body Plan of Anomura
General Body Plan of Palinura
General Body Plan of Thalassinidea
The Sponge Body Plan
General Amphipod Body Plan
Cirolanid Isopod
Arcturid Isopod
Representative Species of Meiofaunal Phyla
Kelp Bass
NaGISA Field Data Sheet



































atural Geography In Shore Areas (NaGISA) was one of the first

projects to participate in the Census of Marine Life (CoML)
( With the goal to discover what was, what is , and
what will be living in the world's oceans, CoML has turned to NaGISA to
help discover the world's nearshore. NaGISA's simple, standardized protocols
and focus on widespread nearshore habitats make it perfectly suited to assess
nearshore biodiversity on a global scale. It also made it the ideal choice of
ambassador for CoML. NaGISA is a project that could be conducted by
anyone anywhere and thus brings global grassroots participation to CoML.
While CoML has expanded to include over 18 projects, ranging from the
nearshore to the continental margins and abyssal plains, and targets over
a billion cubic kilometers of under-sampled mid-ocean waters, NaGISA still
remains the most hands-on and international of all the projects.
Although the technology for sampling in the nearshore is straightforward,
the technology for analyzing the samples can be quite advanced. NaGISA
faces the challenge of accumulating and preserving traditional taxonomic
expertise for a large number of different taxa. However, NaGISA's ongoing
work on advanced imaging technologies and its future cooperation with
other census projects such as the marine microbe project and the Barcode
of Life will be the key to rapid reassessment of biodiversity change. N aGISA's
current work will lay the foundation for combining these advances with
traditional taxonomy and will allow monitoring of both the loss of diversity
and the appearance of invasive species in a matter of days instead of months.
NaGISA participation in the Census also means that the information, whether
data or highly resolved images will be publicly accessible through the Ocean
Biogeographic Information System (, the data portal for all
CoML projects.
It is easy to get excited about the unknown, and the mysteries that lie
within our reach on the ocean's doorstep are no exception. There are millions
of kilometers of shoreline between the Arctic and the Antarctic that are just
waiting to be sampled. The more sampling done the more surprises there
will be: species that are found out of their previously documented ranges,
unheard of relationships between species and maybe even species that have
never been seen before.
I encourage all readers to enjoy their journey into the near unknown.




Part I

In trod Detion




- - - - --





elcome to the nearshore as seen through the eyes of NaGISA.

Whether you are planning to sample the coast for the first time
or are a long-time NaGISA participant reviewing techniques
before conducting an annual survey, we trust this text will prove useful. You
will find the basic steps and procedures used to conduct standardized
biodiversity studies in rocky shore and seagrass coastal communities along
with introductory chapters on biodiversity, macroalgae and seagrass ecology.
Written by premier coastal ecologists and taxonomists, this book has been
organized as a text for field courses, a manual for coastal managers, and
a reference guide for researchers studying biodiversity, attempting to inventory
species or monitor their own local areas.
Chapters on the concepts of biodiversity, benthic ecology and data
management complement the descriptions of habitat-based protocols that
have been developed by researchers over the past ten years. The NaGISA
protocols given here represent the minimum standard by which biodiversity
should be monitored on a global scale and are written with flow charts and
diagrams in order to ensure their replication. Following the standardized
protocols are guides on how to prepare and identify specific taxonomic
groups. These groups have been selected for special attention, in some cases
because they are fairly simple to do, in others because they have never been

done, but most often because their study will reveal fundamental aspects

of the benthic ecosystem. The guides have been written with the intent of

instructing life science students and researchers on handling specimens

outside of their own field of expertise. The introductory tone is continued

throughout the text, and is supported by the inclusion of a glossary of

methods and compilation of selected references, field checklists and example

data sheets, included to ease even the newest researcher's transition into the


complement our overall goals including the elucidation of a baseline of

global biodiversity. We hope they will be of assistance to those who wish
to go over and above the global minimum.
All suggestions or comments or requests are most welcome and should
be directed to our Headquarters:
Kyoto University
459 Shirahama
Nishimuro, Wakayama
649 2211 Japan



-iodiversity and global strategies for ensuring its stability have been

discussed in many forums and on many levels. Loss of diversity has

become a political rallying point, recognized on the world stage

when the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) was established. This

global call to establish national species inventories and data co]]ection has

inspired national initiatives by numerous individual signatory members but

as yet lacks a system to ensure its global implementation or an international
body to disseminate findings.
In 2001, the Western Pacific (WestPac) division of DIVERSITAS, an

organization dedicated to the preservation of global biodiversity, inaugurated

the International Biodiversity Observation Year (lBOY). The most prominent

outcome of !BOY's activities was the recognition of an immediate need to

conduct a standardized assessment of global diversity. The coastal zone was

one of three selected target habitats and outlines of the protocols needed

were drawn up by a group of designated coastal scientists (Shirayama

et al. 2002). In 2002, when the Census of Marine Life (CoML) was looking

for its first suite of projects, the ideas laid out during IBOY were adopted

and the NaGISA project was formed .

To facilitate the rapid growth of NaGISA a structural hierarchy was
introduced. There are currently three levels in the system: International,
Regional and Local. NaGISA Headquarters manages the overall concept and
direction of the global NaGISA project and is situated at the Seto Marine
Biological Laboratory at Kyoto University, Japan. The regional level is
divided into eight centers: Western Pacific, Eastern Pacific , European Seas,
South American Seas, Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.
These regional centers coordinate NaGISA activities in the various regions
and act as the bridge between HQ, national groups, local areas and sites.
The local level is where most of the activity happens as students, volunteers,



within local areas and between regions and will for the first time elucidate
geographic patterns of biodiversity along latitudinal and longitudinal
directions at scales ranging between a few meters and thousands of kilometers.
The data collection will be ongoing and will serve as a living archive of
global coastal marine biodiversity information from which students,
researchers and stakeholders can receive continuously updated information
on local , regional and global biodiversity and its change over time. The hope
is that NaGISA will grow from a network of individually funded scientific
endeavors to a governmentally supported network, for which national budgets
contribute to the study and understanding of national resources.


& PR.






iodiversity, short for biologicaJ diversity, is a common term used in

various ways by ecologists, managers and the general public. In
popular usage, biodiversity simply refers to the number of species
that occur in a given area. When scaled-up to include the whole planet,
biodiversity re fers to all life on earth. This is an engaging term for a wide
audience, including non-scientists , becau se it focuses attention on the
importance of preserving life on earth and appeals to us to take action to
counteract species extinction.
Ecologists usually refer to biodiversity as the variability that occurs at
different levels of biological organization, including the processes that
maintain this variability (Gaston 1996). Thus, biodivers ity is the number of
genes, orga nisms, populations, species and habitats that occur in a given
seascape or landscape, including the interactions between each of these
levels of biological organization and their environment over a hierarchy of
spatial and temporal scales. This is summarized by the defi nition of
biodiversity given by the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP)
[Heywood 1995; see Magurran (2004) for a detailed hi story of the concept]:

"Biological diversity" means the variability among living organisms

from all sources including , inter alia , terrestrial, marine and other

aquatic systems and the ecological complexes of which they are pari ;

this includes diversity within species, between species and ofecosystems.

Why is biodiversity considered so important? Intuitively, the more diversified

life is, the greater the ability of nat ural systems to deliver goods and services.

These include, among others, food and medical resources, drinkable water,

clean air and fertile soils. Biodiversity also contributes to the productivity

of natural and agricultural systems in various ways, such as through the

effects of pollinators or the control of pests by natural predators. In addition

of natural habitats, loss of strong interacting species (such as habitat formers

and keystone species), introduction of non-native species, over-exploitation
of natural resources (such as over-fishing), urbanization, pollution and climate
change are all potential threats to biodiversity.
Ecologists have developed spec ific research programmes to understand
the cau ses and to predict the consequences of loss of biodiversity, with the
ultimate goal of providing the basic scientific understanding necessary to
underpin better policies of management and conservation of natural and
agricultural resources. These programs have framed the relationship between
biodiversity and the functioning of natural systems in a sc ientifically tractable
way and have used a more synthetic definition of biodiversity. This has
commonl y been redefined as the numbers, identities and relative abundances
of species (or higher taxa combining morphologically or functionally similar
species) in a habitat. The scientifi c hypothesis under scrutiny is that
biodiversity is positively related to meas urable properties of natural systems
like productivity, nutrient cycling, stability and resilience (defined as the
ability of a system to recover from disturbance). Although a detailed discussion
of the outcomes of these studies is beyond the scope of this introduction,
this hypothesis is supported by some, but not all the investigations that
have been conducted in aquatic and terrestrial environments. The interested
reader may refer to literature on this topic (Schlapfer and Schmid 1999;
Waide et al. 1999; Loreau et al. 2002; Worm and Duffy 2003). Of more
interest to us is the methodological rationale of the sampling design on
which these studies are based.
Observati onal studies examining biodiversity-ecosystem functioning
relationships (BEF) in natural systems face two major methodological
challenges: one is the estimation of biodiversity (usually the number of
species) in a given area; the other is the comparison of these estimates over
space and/or time. Since it is impossible to enumerate systematically the
number of all the species (or higher taxa) that are present in a given habi tat,
which would require the coll ec tion of all the theoretically possible
observations that could be conducted in that habitat, the assessment of
biodiversity relies on sampling. Thus, estimates of total biodivers ity must
be extrapolated from sample data. Variou s techniques are available for this,
including species-areas acc umulation curves, rarefaction methods, moment
based and non-parametric estimators [the interested reader may refer to
Colwell et al. (2004) and to Magurran (2004) for further details]. These
techniques share the same basic methodology in the way the data are
collected. The data are drawn from a collection of samples distributed in
space and/or ti me according to specific criteria determined by the particular
specific hypothesis of interest. Whilst the techniques for collecting samples
differ depending on the system being investigated (for example, quadrates
on rocky shores versus cores in soft sediment), the principles of sampling
design do not. Because these principles establish logi cal linkages between
the spatial (or temporal) arrangement of sampling units and the specific
hypothesis of interest, they are at the core of any comparative study of
biodiversity and need to be clearly understood befo re embarking in this type
of analy sis.


functional properties change along gradients. For example, some evidence

indicates that tropical systems have more species than those occurring at
higher latitudes, and if there is a positive correlation between biodiversity
and productivity on large spatial scales, then the biodiversity-productivity
relationship can be expected to follow the same pattern. To test this hypothesis
it is necessary to sample a number of localities at different latitudes and to
measure productivity and diversity in a number of replicate samples in each
locality. For example if five replicate samples per tidal height are collected
at sites established along a latitudinal gradient, then latitude is the factor
that is expected to account for a significant amount of the variability in the
data. Such a factor consists of a number of levels (the various sites)
representing groups of observations (the replicates) exposed to the same
condition with respect to the source of variability that the factor represents
(latitude). Because the levels of the factor 'Latitude' must be arranged along
a latitudinal gradient to test the hypothesis of interest, 'Latitude' is a fixed
factor. In other words, the sites create a latitudinal gradient and each site
differs from the others because of its unique property of representing a
specific latitude.
Of course, sites may also differ from each other for many reasons that
may have nothing to do with latitude (for example, oceanography, geological
history, etc.). For this reason, a genuine latitudinal gradient cannot be
represented by a single site at each latitude because this would confound
latitudinal effects with the intrinsic differences among sites due to other
factors. This is a very important point that is often neglected in large-scale
studies on biodiversity. Technically, the problem is known as pseudo
replication, following the terminology introduced by the seminal (and
recommended) paper by Hurlbert (1984). Site is the appropriate level of
replication to test the hypothesis of interest, not samples within a site. If
there is only one site for each latitude, the sampling design is pseudo
replicated. The appropriate design must therefore include replicate sites
within each latitude. NaGISA protocols demand that at least three replicate
sites that represent the habitat of interest should be chosen randomly within
each latitude. 'Site' now becomes a second factor in the design with three
levels (three sites within each latitude). Note that there is no particular
interest in any of these sites, they are included in the study with the purpose
of estimating natural variability within latitudes. Any set of sites would
take care of this task. Including 'Site' in the design makes it possible to
disentangle the variation due to the latitudinal gradient from other sources
of variability that are quantified by the differences among sites. Two things
must be noted in this design. First, 'Site' is not a fixed factor because its
levels are selected randomly from a population of possible levels. It is a
random factor. Second, each site can occur at just one latitude (by definition,
a site cannot span several latitudes); 'Site' is nested within 'Latitude'. In
summary, this sampling design consists of a fixed nesting factor (Latitude,
with as many levels as latitudes sampled), a random nested factor ('Site',
with three levels) and five replicate samples per tidal height in each locality.
Samples are also a random source of variation since they are used to quantify
the variability in each site.

to estimate variability at each scale and to identify the scale(s) at which most
of the variability occurs. Because different ecological processes generate
variability at different scales, identifying the relevant scales of variability
in patterns of biodiversity or in BEF focu ses attention on the potentially
important causal processes . This provides important clues for directing
subsequent experimental research.


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Shorelines are areas of transition between the ocean and land. Rocky areas
dominate much of the world's nearshore. The communities that live in these
areas are known for their high biodiversity, as the rocks provide the hard
substrate necessary for the attachment of sessile organisms, particularly
macroalgae. These nearshore macroalgal communities are very productive.
An example of this productivity is the primary production in the giant kelp
(Macrocystis pyrifera) forests in California, which ranges between 250 to
1500 g C/m 2/yr (Mann 1982). Macroalgal communities are important habitat
for many invertebrates, fishes and marine mammals. These organisms use
macroalgae for food and shelter. Many macroalgal habitats are known to
be nursery grounds for recreational, commercial and subsistence invertebrates
and fishes. The nearshore can be said to have two major areas: intertidal
and subtidal. The intertidal zone is alternately exposed to air and water while
the subtidal zone is continuously submerged.
The intertidal area ranges from the splash zone to mean low water level.
The spatial extent of this area varies depending on its slope and tidal
exchange. Due to variations of slope (steeper slopes have less aerial intertidal
space) and tidal exchange (which can range from a few centimeters to as
large as 10m) the spatial extent of the inteltidal zone can vary greatly.
The intertidal area can be divided into four zones: splash, high, mid
and low.
The splash zone is the area that is reached by the ocean's salt spray. Only
the highest tides and storm waves contact this zone. Most of this zone is
bare rock but there are some common organisms found here, including a
few species of periwinkles, limpets, and barnacles. Some species of lichens
and one green alga (Prasiola spp.) also are common in this zone.

in this zone is the barnacle, which cements itself to the substrate and closes
its test during low tides to avoid desiccation. The algal community is not
diverse in this zone and usually consists of ephemeral species such as the
green algae in the Order Ulvales and brown algae of the Order Fucales.
These leafy or thickly branched algae provide protection from desiccation
to resident invertebrates by keeping the animals damp and shaded.

The mid-tide zone is generally more diverse than the higher zones because
it is covered and uncovered by the tides on a shorter, more regular cycle.
Organisms living here have adapted well to this change in emersion. Common
animals in this zone can include many species of anemones and mollusks
(including chitons, limpets, mussels, and gastropods). During low tide,
anemones can conserve water by closing up and covering themselves with
small rocks and shell debris. Molluscs can protect themselves by using their
powetful foot to secure themselves close to the substrate so as to protect
their soft parts or can move to moist areas such as cracks or under macroalgae.
Other molluscs have an operculum so that they can use to close their shells
to avoid water loss. The most common macroalgae in the mid-tide zone are
the Fucales or rockweeds, although others, particularly many red algae, exist
depending on the region.
The low-tide zone is the most diverse of the intertidal zones. It is usually
submerged and only exposed to air during unusually low tides. Because of
the longer submersion period, organisms in this zone are not as adapted to
intertidal living. Common animals found here can include seastars , urchins,
crabs, gastropods, anemones, small crustaceans, and small fishes. Often
these animals will migrate to the subtidal area during particularly low tides.
The subtidal area extends from below the low intertidal into and including
the depths that supp0I1 large macroalgae given the proper substrate (often
as deep as 20m or more). Because the subtidal zone is continuously
submerged, many subhabitats exist along both vertical (through the water
column) and horizontal (along the substrate) depth gradients.
A vertical depth gradient can be understood by invisioning a cross-section

of the subtidal area from the surface to the substrate. On the surface of a
kelp forest, many birds and marine mammals are associated with the canopy
forming blades of the large kelps. These animals forage in the midwater and
at the bottom. Commonly associated with the mid water are phytoplankton,
zooplankton and fish. Many fish utilize the structure afforded by the canopy
and mid water kelps for protection and food. Connected with the kelp structure
floating on the SUliace and in the midwater, many encrusting and mobile
organisms use the blades and stipes for substrate and food . Encrusting
bryozoans, mobile gastropods and limpets, and isopods are often abundant
on mature kelp. The fauna associated with kelp holdfasts is incredibly
diverse. Upward of 351 species from 213 families and 15 phyla were found
in eighty Ecklonia radiata holdfasts in New Zealand (Anderson et al. in
press). The most common groups were the mobile arthropods, annelids,
mollusks and echinoderms. Similar species-rich communities have been
rep0I1ed from holdfasts of Laminaria hyperborea, Durvillaea antarctica,

Section 4


and Macrocystis pyrifera. Similar to kelp hold fasts, upright coralline algae
and other turfing algae that are attached to the substrate can contain high
biodiversity (Deam 1987).

A horizontal depth gradient is seen in the transition from the shallow

subtidal to greater depths, even though the areas often have very patchy
species distributions. This small-scale patchiness can often result in a
community structure that has very high natural variation (Edwards 2004).
In general though, shallower areas often have higher biod iversity than
deeper regions because of the continual disturbance from surge and wave
action. In these shallow areas, red and brown algae are abundant, as are
seastars, urchins, mollusks and crustaceans. As depth is increased, storm
surge and similar disturbance is decreased, however, other factors become
more important. For example, as depth increases, light decreases. This
change in light attenuation will cause associated changes in the algal
community, which will have cascading effects on faunal community structure.
Typically for the macroalgae, brown algae will become less abundant and
certain species of red algae will prevail, particularly the corallines. Changes
in algal community structure will affect faunal distribution and abundance.


Biotic and abiotic factors influence the community structure of nearshore
rocky communities, including algal and faunal composition and abundance.
Below is a limited, but not all-inclusive discussion of some important
controlling factors .

Biotic factors typically include predation (including grazing) and competition.

Predation is typically viewed as a "top-down" control. Animals and plants
are usually the prey of animals from the same zone or the one directly
beneath it. Some of these predators can play keystone roles on the community
by having extreme impacts although the predators' densities are not very
high. For example, studies have shown that seastars from low and subtidal
zones can playa keystone role in determining the structure of the mid tidal
zone by prey ing on mussels that reside here (Paine 1974). Similarly, animals
that can be considered top predators can have cascading effects throughout
the community. For example, it has been hypothesized that killer whales
predating on sea otters can determine nearshore benthic community structure
because sea otters are considered a keystone predator in certain areas by
controlling sea urchin populations and hence macrolagal communities
(Estes et al. 1998).


Competition is an important "bottom-up" biotic factor controlling community

structure. Space is often limiting in hard substrate environments and
competition for this resource can be seen at the recruitment level. While
timing, dispersal , growth rates, morphology, and other factors will be
important in de termining the winners in many competitions , many abiotic
factors will assist in this detennination , such as sedimentation and light.
Competition for food and shelter can also be important in structuring nearshore
rocky communities.

Abiotic factors can have an important role in determining structure in

nearshore rocky communities. One of the most important factors is the
presence and type of hard substrate. How stable and patchy hard substrate

nearshore communities.
Temperature is another controlling factor for the subtidal, and particularly
the intertidal zones. In the intertidal zone, desiccation caused by heat and
freezing associated with cold snaps can be detrimental to both algal and
invertebrate populations while they are exposed to air. Over large geographic
areas in the subtidal, temperature will control species distribution. For
example, the giant kelp Macrocystis is not found in subpolar areas while
the bull kelp Nereocystis is not found in warm temperate areas. Similar
species distributions along temperature gradients can be found in invertebrates
and fish.
Other important factors include sedimentation, nutrients, contaminants and
salinity. Of these, sedimentation can be particularly important because it has
many cascading effects. Increased sedimentation can reduce light quality
and quantity available for macroalgae, and it can also cause scouring and
burial, which can be detrimental to the early settlement of many invertebrates
and algae.

Nearshore rocky shores create habitat and provide food, shelter and nursery
grounds for numerous species, promote increased biodiversity, and enhance
overall organism abundance, primarily because of the structural elements
of macroalgae associated with them (Anderson 1994). Loss of these
macrolagal areas could have profound impacts on regional patterns of
biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and ultimately on human social and
economic interests through associated reductions in ecologically and
commercially important species.







-- F




irst decide where to sample. Practical concerns of accessibility are

a priority; if it is difficult to reach a site then future collection (in

the years to come) may be compromised. Sites should be located in

of any specific threats i.e.

relatively undamaged locations that are
scheduled construction. Care should be taken to make sure that the site is
not an anomaly in the general character of the seascape and that
the rocky shore habitat extends beyond the immediate site. The trade offs

between selecting previously sampled areas or new locations (historical

time lines vs. exploring the undocumented) and how closely related your

area is to other NaGISA sites are also factors that should be considered

when contemplating a new site location. Finally it is a good idea to visit

a site before committing to it as you will want to assess the practical issues

of getting in and out of the water, determine high, mid and low tide levels

and see how far out 1m, 5m, 10m and the optional 15m and 20m depth

contours lie.

Once the decision of where to sample has been made, carefully read through

the protocols, including the instructions on how to handle samples, confirm

the availability of all the necessary equipment for the field and sorting stages

and consult a tide schedule for the specific location. NaGISA Rocky Shore

sampling is done both intertidally and subtidally and so is best done during

a period of very low tides.

Transect tape (30m), 1 x 1m quadrat, 50 x 50cm quadrat,

25 x 25cm quadrat, labeled plastic bags and rubber bands, a scraper, a hand

held GPS unit, a thermometer, a field notebook , a pencil, a digital camera,

a salinometer*, a light gauge*, (for underwater sampling add SCUBA gear,

63~m and 500~m mesh bags and underwater housing for the camera).

* Optional




I. Measure and record the surface water temperature and salinity at the
site and the light intensity and temperature of each underwater depth
(-1m. -Sm, -10m, -15m, -20m).
2. Choose a starting point at one of the pre-selected heights/depths
(see Fig. 5.1). Lay out the tape measure for 30m from this point along
the same tidal height/underwater depth contour.
3. Find the location of the first replicate along this line (the first of your
five previously chosen random numbers) . Record the GPS of this
4. Place the I x I m quadrat at the replicate mark along the tape measure.
S. Facing the water, place the 50 x SOcm quadrat at the lower left comer
of the I x I m quadrat and the 25 x 2Scm quadrat in the bottom right
comer of the SO x SOcm quadrat (see Fig. 5.2).
6. Photograph the quadrats. Use the full frame and avoid shadows (label
your photos to ensure that they can be identified later).
7. Assess the percent coverage of the different species of macroalgae
in your I x I m quadrat, count the stipes of the larger kelps and count
all the macrofauna that is larger than 2cm. Record this information
on a field datasheet.
8. Take voucher specimens of all the species ; pl ace them in correctly
labeled plastic (or SOO/-lm mesh underwater) bags. The label should

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e- - --8h---~----tili-- [email protected]+



High tide
Mid tide
Low tide


Fig. 5.1 Rocky Shore Layout

Here seven 30m transects are shown with five random replicates (each
showing a complete quadrat set). Since replicates along each transect are
chosen randomly, replicate numbers between transects may not line up. The
15m & 20m (which is not shown) depth contours are optional but official
sites should have all other depths/heights.











indicate that it is a voucher from the 1 x 1m quadrat followed with

the date, name of the site, tidal height and replicate number. Put the
bag in a cooler as soon as possible.
9. Carefully remove all the macroalgae from the 50x50cm quadrat.
Place them in a correctly labeled plastic (or 500!lm mesh underwater)
bag. The label should indicate the quadrat size, date, site name, tidal
height and replicate number. Put the bag in a cooler as soon as
10. Carefully remove all the material from the 25 x 25cm quadrat. Place
it in a labeled plastic bag (or 500!lm mesh underwater). The label
should indicate the quadrat size, date, site name, tidal height and
replicate number. Put the bag in a cooler as soon as possible.
11. Repeat steps 3-10 for each replicate along a height/depth line.
12. Repeat this for high, mid and low tide heights and at -1m, -5m ,
-10m, -15m'" and -20m* underwater. (* = optional)







1-4 -






~ r;;nsectIHeight-Depth Contour Line


Fig. 5.2 Rocky Shore Quadrat Set

Instructions: Digitally photograph all 3 quadrats. Record percentage

coverage/individual number of visible (>2cm) species in the 1 x 1m quadrat.

Collect all removable macroalgae from the 50 x 50cm quadrat. Collect

everything (by scraping) from the 25 x 25cm quadrat.












Coming in from the field you will have a digital camera full of photos, a
handful of datasheets and coolers filled with sample bags. The photos must
be downloaded onto your computer and labeled with their corresponding
location , height/depth, replicate number and quadrat size. A CD library of
the photos will enhance your reference collection, assist in identification and
provide immediate viable comparisons for you and fULUre researchers. The
field data sheets (see section 23) must be combined and entered into the
NaGISA excel data sheet (obtainable from your regional coordinator) , which
can be uploaded to the NaGISA website with preliminary data entered (and
updated later). The sample bags must be carefully sieved and sOlted into
distinguishable groups as soon as possible.

record% coverage
and counts lake

remove all

voucher spedim~ns) macroal ac

(wet & dry)

and press



(Ph olograph.


a ll organi sms)

NaGlSA Exce l data

sheets wi th info o n
site location, vouchers

and and findin gs fro m

ench replicate

Rul es to work by: Throwaway nothing; record everything; label everything; always take a re ference photo

Fig. 5.3 Macroalgae: Activity Flow Chart


Each replicate is unique and must be dealt with separately.

Wash the contents of the 25 x 2Scm quadrat sample over O.Smm and
63J..lm sieves (either nested or one after the other, with out losing
material in the process) .
The material retained on the 63J..lm sieve will largely comprise of
meiofauna and can be preserved directly and sorted later (see
section 17).
The macrobenthos in the O.Smm sieve should be sorted into ' plant'
and 'animal' and detritus, empty shells etc. removed.
It is recommended that you sort, identify and weigh the macrophytes
as soon after coming in from the field (the same day if possible) .
Remember to combine the macrophyets from the SO x SOcm quadrat
and the 25 x 2Scm quadrat after the ones from the 25 x 2Scm have
been well cleaned over the nested sieves.
For each macroalga1 species with a sample weighing over 19
(otherwi se it is simply marked as present) a wet weight - dry weight
ratio should be established by drying a sub-sample of known weight
of each species at 60C for 24h. Selected samples should be pressed

and voucher specimens made. Note the creation of pressing has

priority over the establishment of wet and dry weight.

The macrofauna should be sorted. Individuals should be counted and

tbe wet weight determined for the species. Vouchers should also be
made from these samples.


Organizing and sorting are critical steps in the research process; the
documentation of evidence and the establishment of a tracking method are
particularly important to the quality of the resulting data. In the case of
ecological fieldwork, as conducted by NaGISA with the main objective to
detelmine species abundances the correct identification of specimens is a




priority. Regional keys are usually not enough to name specimens because
there is no guarantee that they cover all available taxa. Furthennore, there
is a lack of continuous update in the ta xonomy of many groups. The best
alternative is to use your voucher specimens to establish a reference collection
either 'in hou se' or with the assistance of a museum or herbarium . This step
should not be over looked , as reference to properly curated material is
essentia l for all studies.
Museums or herbariums often publish procedures for preservation and
long-tenn storage of the specimens in their institution; these are often related
to the features of taxonomic groups (Green and Lambert 1994; Rose and
de Torres 2002; Rose et al. 2002; Metsger and Byers 2003). In the following
sections Part III and IV we outline specific details for handling targets
groups that have been prioritized for identification within the NaGISA
P.R . RIGB Y &





In the coastal soft bottom areas, seagrass beds are an ecologically important
habitat. The beds occur from the intertidal zone down to the subtidal. Their
communities are highly productive, with a high degree of complexity and
biological diversity. Sea grasses are submerged marine flowering plants that,
unlike seaweeds, have stems , leaves, and rhizomes and produce flowers,
fruits and seeds for their propagation. They provide three-dimensional systems
with a network of underground structure (rhizomes) stabilizing the substrate
condition in coastal areas. With these conditions, the beds can form several
types of microhabitats for associated organisms. Hemminga and Duarte
(2000) noted that animals associated with seagrass systems belong to three
broad categories: infaunal species living within the sediments; epifaunal
species living on the plants and the sediment surface; and epibenthic large
mobile animals moving freely under and over the leaf canopy. Unlike coral
reefs, salt marshes and mangroves, seagrass beds exist in nearly all coastal
areas of the world, from tropical region up to the Arctic. Worldwide there
are about 60 species of seagrasses (Short et al. 2001). They have a wide
range of plant size with scale from a few centimeters (for example, genus
Halophila) to a few meters (for example, genera Posidonia, Phyllospadix
and Enhalus) (Fig. 6.1). Also, there are different morphologies among the
different seagrass species. The different species and species number of
seagrasses are, therefore, a major factor controlling the characteristics of
seagrass communities and their productivity and diversity.


Seagrasses are generally assigned to five families with 12 genera (Cook
1996). There are differences in generic distribution among geographical
regions. In temperate including arctic regions, the five dominant genera are
Phyllospadix, Amphibolis, Posidonia, Zostera and Ruppia, whereas the seven
dominant genera in tropical regions are Enhalus, Thalassia, Thalassodendron,




































Fig. 6.1 Model of Seagrass Genera Arranged by Size






Syringodium, Cymodocea , Halodule and Halophila. However, a few genera

overlap in geographical extent, e.g., Zostera capricomi extends into tropical
Northeast Australia and Ruppia maritima is widely distributed throughout
tropical regions, while some species of tropical genera such as Cynwdocea
nodosa also exist in temperate regions. Among ten regions identified for
seagrass distributions, the highest species richness (24 species) was found
in the Indo-West Pacific region while the lowest (one species, Ruppia
maritima) was reported in South Africa (Short et al. 2001).
Typically, temperate and arctic seagrasses form monospecific beds. In
northern temperate regions, Zostera marina is the most widespread and
dominant species in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, while Posidonia
oceanica dominates Mediterranean seabeds . Also, other seagrass species,
e.g. Zostera japonica, Ruppia maritima and Phyllospadix spp., can form
characteristic beds. Amphibolis beds are unique in the temperate regions of
the southern hemisphere. In tropical regions , seagrasses often form mixed
species beds. Commonly, beds in shallow waters less than 10 m deep are
formed by variou s seagrass species, e.g., Enhalus acoroides, Halophila
ovalis, H. minor, Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis and Halodule
pin(folia in Thalen Bay, Krabi Province, Thailand. Halophila decipiens and
TIUllassodendron cilia tum are found in the seagrass beds from the inteltidal
down to the low subtidal zone and in the shallow waters surrounding the
islands. In the eastern part of Indonesia and the southern and western coasts
of the Philippines, Thalassodendron ciliatum is found down to 17 m depth
(UNEP 2004).


Seagrasses form the basi s of many complex coastal ecosystems and play
a significant role as nursery ground by providing food, shelter and habitat
for many groups of animals, such as fi shes, crabs and shrimps. Juvenile
stages of a number of fish species, some of them economically important,
have been found to use seagrass beds before leaving to other habitats.

et ai. 1997), and at least 15 species of rabbitfish (Siganus spp.) in mixed

species seagrass beds in the South China Sea region (UNEP 2004). Moreover,
in Lombok Island, Indonesia, juveniles of many commercial species belonging
to the genera Siganus , Lethrinus, Lutjanus, Plotosus , Hemirhamphus,
Tyiosurus, MugiL, Caranx and Sphyraena were recorded from monospecific
seagrass beds of Enhalus acoroides and from mixed-species seagrass beds
of Cymodocea and Syringodium (Hutomo and Peristiwady 1996). Regarding
crustacean communities, many young stages of various commercial species
exist in the seagrass beds, e.g. blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in mixed
seagrass beds (Zostera marina and Ruppia maritima) in Chesapeake Bay,
USA (Orth et al. 1996), blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) and
various species of penaeid shlimp in mixed-species seagrass beds in Australia
(Loneragan et al. 1994, Fortes 1995) and in Pakhlok Bay, Phuket, Thailand
(unpublished data) . For a detailed review of the role of seagrass beds as
nursery ground see Hemminga and Duarte 2000.
Moreover, seagrasses play a vital role in marine food web dynamics.
The leaves and stems of seagrasses support numerou s epiphytic organisms.
Sessile forms include benthic diatoms, small seaweeds, bryozoans, ascidians
and sponges, and mobile forms include amphipods, tanaeids, isopods,
harpacticoid copepods and nematodes. Small animals such as shrimps and
snails graze upon these minute organisms. Subsequently, larger fish, shrimp
and crabs eat these animals. Furthermore, in tropical regions, seagrasses are
a main food for large animals, such as sea cow (Dugong dugon) (Erftemeijer
et al. 1993, Marsh et al. 2002) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) (Hemminga
and Duarte 2000).
The presence of commercially important marine resources in seagrass
beds is important for human subsistence in many coastal areas. Local
fi shermen can catch fish, shrimp and crabs by hand nets , beach seines and
gill nets. Also, during low tide, they collect shellfish, sea cucumbers , sea
urchins and seaweeds for their consumption and subsistence income. Fortes
(1995) estimated the monetary values of seagrass beds as annual shrimp
fi shery values of about Aus$700,OOO in North Queensland and Aus$I.2
million in Cairns Harbor seagrasses.

Seagrasses are submerged marine flowering plants that, unlike seaweeds,
have stems, leaves, and rhizomes and produce flowers, fruits and seeds for
their propagation. They form highly productive and diverse communities on
the soft bottom of all coastal areas of the world. There are about 60 seagrass
specie s known worldwide. Temperate seagrass species often form
monospecific seagrass beds, whereas in the tropical regions mixed species
beds are more common. Obviously, seagrass beds play important ecological
roles as nursery grounds and habitats for various commercial marine resources.
Moreover, the beds are significant for the effective conservation of endangered
species, such as the sea cow, in tropical regions.




eagrass sites, like macroalgal sites, should be located in relatively

undamaged accessible locations that are not scheduled to come under

anthropogenic threats in the foreseeable future . Care should be taken

to make sure that the site chosen for sampling is not an anomaly in the
general character of the regions seagrass habitat i.e. the choice of where to

sample should be made with a full understanding of the general region

and the seagrass habitat found in the area. Specifically care should be taken

to assess whether the region hosts; (a) intertidal and/or subtidal seagrass,

(b) permanent fixed beds or small transitional beds and (c) mixed stands

or homogeneous beds.

Once the decision of where to sample has been made, the protocols

including the instructions on how to handle the samples should be read

carefully and all the necessary equipment for the field and sorting stages

prepared. At an appropriate time in the tidal cycle, sampling should be

carried out in the middle of small single species beds or in horizontally

distributed or mixed stands at 1m depth intervals throughout the bed.

While in small single species stands care should be taken to procure

samples from the center of the stand (and optionally from the edges). Mixed

stands or horizontally distributed beds require more thorough measurements

(transects at 1m depth intervals) so that the variability of the habitat can

be recorded. In general , the seagrass bed should extend beyond the transects,

however as some areas naturally have very small individual beds this will

not always be possible.

50 x 50cm square quadrats, 15cm (inside diameter) x

10cm (subsurface depth) corer, 2cm (inside diameter) x IOcm (subsurface

depth) corer, labeled plastic bags, a spade, a hand-held GPS unit, a

thermometer, a field notebook, a pencil, digital camera, a salinometer, a light

gauge*, (for underwater sampling add SCUBA gear, 63I-Lm mesh bags and

500I-Lm mesh bags and underwater housing for the camera).

* Optional

Mid bed

Fig. 7.1 Seagrass Bed Transect Layout

A 30m transect shown going through the middle of the seagrass bed, with

five randomly placed replicate sets.

Before sampling, label all collection bags and prepare

datasheets including random numbers for all replicates.



I. Measure and record the water temperature and salinity at the surface
and at transect depth, measure and record the light intensity at the
surface and at 1m intervals until reaching the lowest depth obtainable
within the bed.
2. Choose a starting point for the main transect line so that it runs
through the middle of the sea grass bed (Fig. 7.1). Record the height/
underwater depth. Use a tape measure to mark off 30m from this
point along the same depth contour.
3. Go to the first previously chosen random number along this line.
Record the GPS of this point.
4. Place the 50 x 50cm quadrat at this point along the transect line.
5. Photograph the quadrat, taking care to use the full frame of the
picture and getting no shadows in the picture (ensure that quadrat
photos can later be labeled with their replicate number).
6. Count and identify all the macrofauna larger than 2cm taking voucher
specimens as necessary. Be sure to put the vouchers in correctly
labeled plastic (or 500J.!m mesh underwater) bags. The label should
indicate that these are voucher specimens from the 50 x 50cm quadrat
followed by the date, name of the site, tidal height and replicate
number. Put the bags in a cooler.
7. Count the number of seagrass shoots within the 50 x 50cm quadrat.
Record this information on the appropriate data sheet.
8. Place the 15cm core cylinder to the right hand side of the 50 x 50cm
quadrat and place the 2cm core cylinder to the right of that larger
core (see Fig. 7.2).
9. Push/twist the 2cm cylinder into the substrate to a depth of lOcm
(Fig. 7.3). Place the cap on the 2cm corer and remove from the





.... Tr:r




.. ~

Fig. 7.2 Seagrass Bed Quadrat Set

Instructions: Photograph the 50 x 50cm quadrat, count and record the

macrofauna (>2cm) and take voucher specimens, count the number of shoots

in at least 11,. of the quadrat. Remove a l5cm diameter by 10cm depth core

for a better assessment of the macrobenthos. Remove a 2cm diameter by

10cm depth core for meiofauna assessment.

substrate smoothly. Either cap the opposite end and place the whole
core in a labeled plastic bag (or 63flm mesh underwater) or empty
the contents into the labeled bag, rinsing the sides of the core with
spray from a squeeze bottle. The label should indicate that it is the
2cm core sample followed by the date, name of the site, tidal height
and replicate number. Make sure to get a full lOcm core - detritus
and/or air bubbles in the sediment can prevent the full IOcm from
being collected. If this happens repeat the core in a yet undisturbed
place as close to the first one as possible. Keep the material damp
and cool by placing the bag in a cooler or the mesh in a tub of
seawater until it can be sieved and sorted.
10. Push/twist the 15cm cylinder into the substrate to a depth of lOcm
(Fig. 7.3). Dig out fr om around the outside of the cylinder. Push
the bottom cover under the cylinder and lift everything up together,
empty the material into a labeled plastic (or 500llm mesh underwater)
bag. The labe l should indicate that it is the 15cm core sample



Fig. 7.3 Seagrass Bed Cores

Both the 2cm sub core and the 15cm main core are pushed/twisted into the

substrate to a depth of !Ocm. The sub core is capped before removing it

from the substrate and wedge is used to help remove the main core.

Covering the main core with a mesh bag prevents the loss of epifauna and

reduces the loss of sample material.

*over the


seagrass bed

* Optional
Fig. 7.4 Sampling Horizontally Distributed Seagrass Beds
Small single species stands should be sampled from the center of the stand
(and optionally from the edges) and care should be taken not to sample
between stands, but mixed stands or horizontally distributed beds are best
sampled with multiple transects at 1m depth intervals.

followed with the date, name of the site, tidal height and replicate
number. Remember to rinse down the sides of the cylinder with
spray from a squeeze bottle. Keep the material damp and cool by
placing the bag in a cooler or the mesh in a tub of seawater until
it can be sorted.
II. Move on to the next random number along the transect line until
all replicates are completed.
12. If the stand spreads over more than one depth contour then supporting
transects placed at 1m depth intervals should be added as necessary,
see Fig. 7.4.


Coming in from the field you will have a digital camera full of photos, a
handful of datasheets and coolers filled with sample bags. The photos must
be downloaded onto your computer and labeled with their corresponding
location, height/depth, replicate number and quadrat size. A CD library of
the photos will enhance your reference collection, assist in identification and
provide immediate viable comparisons for you and future researchers. The
field datasheets (see section 23) must be combined and entered into the
NaGISA excel data sheet (obtainable from your regional coordinator) which
can be uploaded to the NaGISA website with even just the preliminary data
entered (and updated later). The sample bags must be carefully sieved and
sorted into distinguishable groups as soon as possible.

Each replicate is unique and must be dealt with separately.

Wash the contents of the IS x lOcm core over a O.Smm sieve.
Separate the seagrass and the macrofauna that is retained on the
O.Smm sieve.



[n the laboratory

In the field

What you are left with


measure cOunt
,hoou record

take voucher



NaGISA Excel data
sheets with info on
= Isite
location, vouchers
and and fmdings from
each replicate



work by: Throwaway nothing; record everything; lab e l everything; always tak e a reference photo

Fig. 7.5 Seagrass Bed: Activity Flow Chart

It is recommended that you sort, identify and weigh the seagrass
soon after coming in from the field (the same day if possible).
Weigh the seagrass (species separately and establish a wet weight
- dry weight ratio by drying a sub-sample of known weight of each
species at 60C for 24h. Selected samples should be pressed and
voucher specimens made. Note the creation of pressing has priority
over the establishment of wet and dry weight.
The macrofauna should be sorted. Individuals should be counted
and the wet weight determined for the species. Vouchers should also
be made from these samples.
Wash the contents of the 2 x lOcm core over O.5mm and 63iJ.m
sieves (either nested or one after the other, without losing material
in the process) . Discard the material in the O.5mm sieve. The material
retained on the 63iJ.m sieve will largely comprise of meiofauna and
can be preserved directly and sorted later (see section 18).


Organizing and sorting are critical steps in the research process; the

documentation of evidence and the establishment of a tracking method are

particularly important to the quality of the resulting data. In the case of

ecological fieldwork, as conducted by NaGISA with the main objective to

determine species abundances, the correct identification of specimens is a

priority. Regional keys are usually not enough to name specimens because

there is no guarantee that they cover all available taxa. Furthermore, there

is a lack of continuous update in the taxonomy of many groups. The best

alternative is to use your voucher specimens to establish a reference

collection either' in house' or with the assistance of a museum or herbarium .

This step should not be over looked, as reference to properly curated

material is essential for all studies.

Museums or herbariums often publish procedures for preservation and

long-term storage of the specimens in their institution; these are often related







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III l.lud



--(photo courtesy of B. Konar)

I) Macroalgae are eukaryotic multicellular algae

2) Usually allached to substrate

3) Brown, red and green algae differ in their pigment composition, storage components,

and cell structure

4) Complex life histories including single-celled dispersal stages (mostly t1agellaLed)


Taxonomic classification is continuously changing and information about
the phylogeny of algae depends on the sources used. Traditionally, algae
were placed in the kingdom Protista and consisted of Rhodophyceae (red
algae), Ulvophyceae (green algae; formally called Chlorophycea) and
Phaeophyceae (brown algae). More recently (see , they
have been placed in the kingdoms Plantae (Chlorophyta: green algae;

Rhodophyta: red algae) and Chromista (Ochrophyta: brown algae). They are

generally multicellular organisms that attach to substrates like rocks, shells

unilocular zo idangia

. - ______ ~_~~1Por\es(~~I-ZOidS)

: 0


. ::. ,.... .....

. '.:




:-.:.}--------~---- : -~~-:

:~ ,


. . . . :<~

Fig. 8.1 General Morphology of Macroalgae

and other macroalgae with holdfasts (different from the roots of vascular
plants). Some of them have gas bladders or pockets of air for buoyancy
allowing them to stay relatively erect in the water column. The thalli (fronds,
stipes and holdfasts) of brown macroalgae, such as Laminariales (kelps)
often exceed several meters in length. Cool-temperate regions often harbor
kelp communities that build multi-layered habitats for many associated
smaller macroalgae and animals refened to as kelp forests. In contrast,
tropical communities are usually comprised of small macroalgae that
usually occur in multi-species clusters on reef flats. These so-called turf
algae produce much less biomass but can be as high in species diversity
as temperate kelp forests.
Macroalgae principally propagate by means of zooids (such as zoospores
and gametes), which can be either flagellated as they are in brown and green
algae or non-flagellated such as the tetras pores and carpospores of red algae.
Macroalgae have varied life histories, which often include the alternation
of generations. Sometimes, alternate life history stages have very different
morphologies referred to as heteromorphic and which are presumably an
adaptation to seasonal changes in the environment. Macroalgae are found
from the intertidal zone to depths of over 100m with the highest species
diversity and abundance occurring in the upper subtidal zone. The maximum
depth at which algae can grow is limited by their need for light. The depth
of the light compensation point differs depending on the species, but generally
is in the range of 0.5 to several percent of water sUiface light intensity.

The organization of macroalgal thalli is relatively simple. The thalli of
brown and most red macro algae are composed of a colorless medullary layer
and a richly pigmented cortical layer.
Green algae are often simply organized and undifferentiated in their
organization. In addition to the typical multicellular macroscopic forms,
green algae can also exist as unicellular macroscopic forms. These consist
of a single large cell with numerous nuclei and are call coenocytes or are
referred to having coenocytic organization.




Section 8


Macroalgae have no root systems or flowers and most of the reproductive

structures are embedded in the algal tissue. They are normally formed near
the surface layer and are visible on the surface as densely colored patches.
Some brown algae develop specialized reproductive structures (receptacles,
sporophylls). Different life history stages (i.e. gametophytes and sporophytes)
may have remarkably different morphology. Even if the gross morphology
is indistinguishable by external appearance, they form different types of
reproductive organs on separate thalli.
Some taxa form crustose thalli tightly attached to substrates (e.g. non
geniculated coralline algae, ralfsioid brown algae). Some taxa (e.g. corallines
and Galaxaura in red algae, Padina in brown algae, and Halimeda,
Acetabularia and many others in green algae) are calcified, depositing

CaC0 3 around or within cells.



When collecting macroalgal specimens, the entire thallus (fronds, stems and
holdfasts) must be collected, as identifying macroalgae based on fragmented
specimens can be difficult. In many taxa, the anatomy of the reproductive
structures is an essential character for identification, and so it is possible
that for taxonomic purposes specimens may have to be collected outside
of the N aGISA quadrats or even at a different time of the year so as to collect
plants of different life history stages.
Collected specimens should be observed when fresh and special note
taken of the following features : colour; length, width and thickness of the
thallus; branching pattern; shape of erect thallus (is it terete, flat or foliose);
shape of holdfast (is it cupped or knotted); presence/absence of gas bladders
(are they hollow or solid); tissue anatomy (are the surface and inner layers
differentiated); reproductive structures when present; presence/absence of
special non-reproductive structures such as hairs, glands, ascocysts); presence/
absence of meristematic cells/regions.
Not all the macroalgae from the 50 x 50cm quadrats need to be preserved
but ample examples and vouchers of each species should be preserved.
Pressing macroalgae is the most common method for preservation and
pressed specimens are suitable for later morphological and anatomical
analysis .
Pressing: Place fresh wet specimens on herbarium mounting paper and
using as little water as possible spread the thallus out, displaying the
characteristic branching pattern . Cover with gauze or wax paper and press
between absorbent sheets of paper. Bind specimens together in a herbarium
press dry in a well-ventilated area. NaGISA protocols require that voucher
specimens be pressed (see glossary of methods for greater detail) but the
following methods can complement this technique:
Silica gel: Place the algae in an airtight container covered with silica crystals.
Specimens treated like this are suitable for DNA extractions although less
so for morphological observations as they will shrink and change shape.
Formalin: Place specimens in a jar with 4% neutralized formalin in seawater
(see glossary of methods). Specimens treated like this are suitable for later
anatomical observations, but the thallus will lose its colour; DNA extractions
from formaldehyde-preserved specimens have not been very successful.
Formalin is toxic, and this method requires a relatively large storage space.

Macroalgal guidebooks are usually specific to a region and taxonomic keys

are helpful, especially in the case where the local guidebooks may not cover
a specific area or may be out of date. The use of taxonomic keys requires
basic knowledge of the local macroalgal flora of and morphology to avoid
misidentification, beginners should assign specimens to higher taxa before
attempting to identify specimens to species level. Always start with a field
guide with color illustrations to make a preliminary guess based on the gross
morphology, and then make a more detailed anatomical examination. Some
red and brown algae have similar external appearances, but can easily be
distinguished by the tissue structure, chloroplast color, and reproductive
For the taxonomy of brown algae, mode of growth (presence/absence
of meristematic cell(s)/zone), number of chloroplasts and the presence/
absence of pyrenoids, and morphology of reproductive structures are important
characters at the ordinal level. For the taxonomy of green algae, basic tissue
structure (filamentous or membranous when multicellular; giant cells or
composed of tubular structures when coenocytic), morphologies of repro
ductive structures and zooids are important ordinal characters. For the
taxonomy of red algae, presence/absence of pit plugs (structures connecting
adjacent cells), ultra-structure of pit plugs, morphology of reproductive
structures (especially the developmental patterns of carposporophytes), and
basic architecture of erect thalli are important ordinal characters.
To observe tissue anatomy hand-section specimens using a light
microscope: 1) prepare a small piece of the thallus (5-lOmm X 1O-20mm);
2) put the tissue on a glass slide; 3) place another glass slide on the tissue;
4) slice the tissue with a razor blade using the edge of the top slide as
a guide, and slide the top slide gradually after each cut; use forceps to
place the thinly-sliced tissue on a glass slide, add several drops of seawater
cover with a cover-slip and observe under a microscope. Before sectioning
coralline algae decalcify it by adding a few drops of IN HCL (allow to it
to bubble).



(photo courtesy of L. Benedetti-Cecchi)


Flowering plants with roots, stems and leaves

Shoots arising from rhizomes

Leaves strap-like or ovate, with air charUlels

Mostly in shallow 5Om) soft-bottom environments


Seagrasses are submerged marine flowering plants. Unlike seaweeds they

have stems, leaves, rhizomes, roots and produce flowers, fruits and seeds.
They grow well in various types of sediment, namely sand, mud, fragmented
coral and shell and some species even grow in rocky habitats. They are found
in the intertidal to the subtidal zone from the equator to boreal regions. In
coastal areas they build complex and productive habitats, called seagrass
beds. Many species of fauna and flora exist in this habitat either permanently
or temporarily, creating highly diverse communities.


Seagrasses are structurally similar to terrestrial grasses. The plants consist

of two main parts: the aboveground portion; stems, leaves and reproductive
structures and belowground structure; rhizomes and roots (Fig. 9.1). While
most sea grasses are similar in general shape, several different morphological


~~:::Q=~==<-I----- rhizome

belowground {

Fig.9.l Key Morphological Characteristics of Strap-Like Leaf Blade Seagrasses

forms of seagrasses can be distinguished. The shape of the leaf blade is a

key character for seagrass identification. Mainly, there are two types of leaf
shape: strap-like (Fig. 9.1) and oval to oblong (Fig. 9.2). Major morphological
parts of sea grass plants are explained here briefly:
Leaf: the most obvious part with useful features for identification, such as
tip, veins and sheath. Leaf tip is the end part of a leaf blade and can be
rounded or pointed. Leaf veins are strands of vascular tissue in the leaf, to
transport water, nutrients and photosynthetic products, and their pattern,
direction, placement and number are used for identification. Leaf sheath is
the lower portion of a leaf clasping the stem in seagrass with strap-like leaf
blades. When the abundance of sea grasses is investigated, this part is counted
and expressed as number of shoots per m2. Petiole is a stalk of a leaf in
seagrass with oval shaped leaf blade. Leafscar is a scar on a stem or rhizome
marking where and how (closed or opened) a leaf was once attached.
Flower: a reproductive organ surrounding reproductive seeds. Seagrasses
are dioecious, with separate male and female flowers on different plants,
or monoecious, containing male and female flowers on the same individual
plant. Also, hermaplu-odite flowers , combining functional male and female
parts in the same flower, are found in some seagrasses.
Rhizome: a horizontal axis of a seagrass plant, commonly within sediment,
it is often a major part of the underground plant biomass. It is formed in
segments. Leaves or vertical stems arise from the joints of the segments,
called nodes. The interval between nodes is called an internode.
Root: underground tissues growing from a node with the function of nutrient
uptake and stabilization of the plant. Size and presence of root hairs are used
for identification .


Seagrasses should be collected as whole plants because both aboveground
and belowground portions may be necessary for identification. The corer
described in the protocols section should be able to do this effectively but



cross vein


male flower

I female flower

-{ rhizome/-~


._... "-_.

~ ~


Fig. 9.2 Key Characteristics of Oval Shaped Leaf Blade Seagrasses

if you are worried that you do not have a complete specimen gently wedge
a trowel or shovel deep underneath a desired specimen. Back in the lab
debris can be washed off the specimens over a coarse sieve 500llm and a
pair of forceps is useful to aid in removing bits of shell, gravel and epiphytic
organisms. Fresh specimens are best kept moist in plastic bags or bottles.
If specimens cannot be examined immediately, they may be stored for a few
days in the vegetable compartment of a refrigerator. For longer maintenance,
specimens have to be preserved in 4% neutralized formalin in seawater
(see glossary of methods), and although seagrass can be preserved wet
long-term preservation is best gained by drying specimens in a plant press
(see glossary of methods). Well-dried specimens should be labeled with
sampling information, such as species name, collector name, sampling place
and date of collection and wrapped with a plastic sheet or put in a paper
holder to protect them from dirt.

Seagrasses belong to the subclass Monocotyledoneae within the class
Angiospermae . These marine plants are divided into five families:
Posidoniac eae, Zosteraceae, Ruppiaceae, Cymodoc eaceae and
H ydrocharitaceae. The first two families are predominantly temperate, while
the last two are primarily found in the tropics. The family Ruppiaceae is
found both in temperate and in tropical regions and mostly in low saline
water. There are 13 genera found within the five seagrass families: one
Posidoniaceae (Posidonia); three Zosteraceae (Zostera , Helerozoslera &
Phyllospadix); one Ruppiaceae (Ruppia) ; five Cymodoceaceae (Cymodocea,
HaLoduLe , Syringodium, ThaLa ssodendron & Amphibolis) and three
Hydrocharitaceae (Enhalus, Thalassia & HaLophila). A description of each
genus follows:
Genus Posidonia: Five species (four found in Australia and one in the
Mediterranean region). Strap-like leaf blades, leaves bearing a ligule at
junction of sheath and blade, leaf sheath persists as bundle of fibers,
monoecious; spike inflorescence with various numbers of hermaphroditic
Genus Enhalus: one species (Enhalus acoroides from the east coast of

attached on long peduncle.

Genus Thalassia: two species (T. hemprichii from the east coast of Africa
to the Indo-West Pacific and T. testudinum in the tropical western Atlantic).
Medium-sized seagrasses, strap-like leaf blade, non-ligule leaves with a
basal sheath not persisting as fibers, thick rhizome prominently marked by
several shoot closed scars, dioecious; pedunculate inflorescence with one
to two flowers on the male plants and one on the female plants.
Genus Halodule: six species (wide distribution along the coasts of all
tropical seas). Slender strap-like leaf blade, leaves bearing a ligule and with
numerous tannin cells, having one to three longitudinal veins, leaf tips with
pointed, bi- or tri-dentate feature, unbranched roots, dioecious, very obscure
flower forming in the base of the leaf sheath, fruit with few seeds at the
base of the shoot and having a seed bank.
Genus Cymodocea: four species (c. serrulata & C. rotundata in the Indo
Pacific, C. nodosa in the Mediterranean and C. angustata in western
Australia). Strap-like leaf blade, leaves arising from vertical stems, with
ligule and numerous tannin cells, seven to 17 longitudinal veins, rounded
or serrated leaf tip, branched roots, dioecious, sessile or shortly stalked
female flower with an ovoid ovary and stalked male flower with two
anthers, mature seeds with dark coloured, hard coated, beaked nut with
various ridges along the length.
Genus Thalassodendron: two species (T. ciliatum: wide distribution in the
tropical part of the Indo-Pacific and T. pachyrhizum: in western Australia).
Strap-like leaf blade with spinulose margin, leaves bearing a ligule with
numerous tannin cells, stem not at each rhizome node, one unbranched or
sparsely-branched erect stem on every fourth rhizome node, dioecious,
solitary male or female flower attached on short lateral shoots, false fruits.
Genus Amphibolis: two species (A. antarctica and A. griffithii: wide
distribution along the southern and western coasts of Australia and on
Tasmania). Similar morphological characteristics to those in genus
Thalassodendron but with entire margin of leaf blade, one profusely branched
erect stem every four to eight rhizome internodes.
Genus Zostera: ten species (wide distribution in the northern Pacific, the
northern Atlantic with the best known species, Z. marina (eelgrass) and
few species (Z. muelleri & Z. capensis) in the tropical and subtropical
Australia). Strap-like leaf blade, leaves bearing a ligule but without tannin
cells, rhizomes not congested, with long (more than 2 mm) internodes,
monopodial and herbaceous rhizome with a short lateral shoot at each node,
hermaphroditic monoecious, distinguish spadix inflorescence containing
male and female flowers enclosed within leaf spathe at the base of the leaf
blade and attaching on a specialized shoot, fruit ovoid or ellipsoid, small
nut-like seed with hard coat.
Genus Heterozostera: one species (H. tasmanica found from the western
Australia to New South Wales, Australia, also in Tasmania and Chile).
Similar morphological characteristics to those in genus Zostera with



- ::



differences in having a sympodial and ligneous rhizome with an erect

unbranched , deciduous shoot at each node.
Genus Phyllospadix: five species (wide distribution in the northern part of
Pacific). Similar morphological characteristics to those in genus Zostera
with the differences being short compacted internodes (1-2 mm long) ,
dioecious, spadix linear lanceolate containing various numbers of male
(male spadix) or female fl owers (female spadix), crescent shaped fruit with
a soft exocarp and a hard fibrous endocarp.
Genus Syringodium: two species (S. isoetlfolium in the Indo-Pacific and
S. filiforme in the Caribbean). Terete-shaped leaf blade, leaves bearing a
ligule, dioecious, flowers forming a complex inflorescence cymose (called
a cyme), nut-like seed with beak and hard coat.
Genus Ruppia: few species (R. maritima: well known species in low salinity
water). Fine and thread-like leaf blade circular in cross section, fragile
rhizome with numerous roots, monoecious , male and female flowers in a
single inflorescence with male flowers maturing early, small beaked drupe
seeds and deposition of seed bank in sediment.
Genu s Halophila: 11 species (the most diverse genus and wide distribution
in all tropical areas, extending into subtropical and warm-temperate waters).
Fragile round (oval to oblong) leaves with petioles and in pairs or attached
on obvious vertical stem with more than two leaves, monoecious or dioecious,
forming seed bank in some species.



(photo courlesy of T. Kala)


Pentameric symmetry
Water vascular system
Stereom endoskeleton
Bilaterally symmetric larvae possessing rudiment structure and undergoing
5) Mutable collagenous tissue

The Echinodermata (echino = "spiny"; derm = "skin") is an entirely marine
phylum of deuterostome macroinvet1ebrates with great morphological
diversity. The echinoderms include forms such as the flower-like sea lilies
and feather stars (Crinoidea), sea stars (Asteroidea) and brittle stars
(Ophiuroidea), hard-bodied, spiny sea urchins (Echinoidea), and the soft
bodied and somewhat wormlike sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea). Most extant
taxa show radial symmetry based on five rays (pentamery), though some
fOlms have supernumerary rays. All echinoderms have a water vascular
system made up of a central water ring that gives rise to five radial vessels
that connect to the tube feet (podia). Tube feet are important external
manifestations of this unique echinoderm character, figuring strongly in
locomotion, feeding, respiration, and as sense organs. Rows of tube feet are
arranged in rays that define regions and systems of plates called ambulacra.
The water vascular system is connected to the sUlface of the animal via a
stone canal leading to an external , sieve-like madreporite perforated by
hydropores, although there sometimes is a secondary loss of this connection.
Most echinoderms have a well-developed internal skeleton of elements
composed of polycrystalline calcium carbonate with a protein matrix called
stereom. All the spines, plates, and other hard parts are made of stereom.
It is important to note that this is not true shell. Even when arranged as a


Section 10




hard, hollow casing as in echinoids (in which it is known as a "test"), it

is an endoskeleton nonnally covered with epithelium. Echinodenns are also
characterized by a two-part life history in which the bilaterally symmetric
larvae, usually planktonic, develop a structure called the rudiment. Prior to
metamorphosis, the rudiment initiates the development of the pentaradial
symmetry of the adult. Echinodenns are also unique among invertebrates
in possessing mutable collagenous tissues that can be stiffened or softened
through nervous control and allow the animal to maintain a specified shape
without expending muscular energy .
Other conspicuous features unique to echinodenns include spines and
pedicellariae. The former can be articulated on a ball and socket joint and
pointed or moved using a basal ring of muscles. Spines can also grow
directly from the surfaces of plates and ossicles, without articulation.
Pedicellariae are constructed of small, jaw-like, opposable pincers (valves)
made of stereom. They are distributed over the sUifaces of some echinodenns,
but certain types can be highly regionalized. Pedicellariae are used to ward
off predators and fouling organisms that might otherwise settle onto an

echinodenn's body. In asteroids, they are usually made of two jaws set low

on the body, either directly upon the plate surface, or on a small ossicle.

In echinoids, they assume a myriad of forms, and can be constructed of two

or three jaw ossicles (valves) mounted on the ends of spine-like stems of
varying lengths. In some instances there are as many as four or five of these
valves. Pedicellariae figure prominently in many taxonomic works, notably
Mortensen (1928-1951).
There are many rocky shore and seagrass species, but echinodenns also
occur on sandy beaches and coral reefs as well as at the greatest depths of
the sea. They range in lifestyle from pelagic larvae to infaunal bUITowers
and inhabit virtually every conceivable marine environment. However, as
they do not have complete barrier between the internal water vascular system
and ambient water, they cannot live in areas of very low salinity. Echinodenns
have left a relatively complete and detailed fossil record over 500 million
years long.

The best way to approach the morphology of this phylum is to survey
the representative groups and appreciate the important ways in which
they differ. This helps to detennine which resources to use for further
Tube feet. External, sometimes suckered extensions of the water vascular
system, usually found in rows along the body or arm to fonn an ambulacrum
Spine. Spikes of stereom that articulate with the body wall
Arm. An extension of the body wall accompanied by an ambulacrum

Disk. The central body at which the anns meet in brittle stars and sea stars
Feeding tentacles; anterior extensions of the water vascular system used for
feeding by sea cucumbers
Madreporite. Special, perforated plate on the top of sea stars, underside of
brittle stars, and in the apical region of sea urchins that covers the external
opening of the water vascular system

CRINOID (Feather star)

ASTEROID (Starfish)

HOLOTHUROID (Sea cuc umber) ECHINOID (Sand dollar)

ASTEROID (Starfish - underside)

ECHINOID (Regular sea urchin)

Fig_ 10.1 Representative Echinodenns

Mouth. Usually centralized. on the underside of sea stars. brittle stars. and
sea urchins. but on the top of the central cup-like body of feather stars. and
at one end of the elongated body of sea cucumbers
Anus. Absent in brittle stars and many sea stars. at the top of the body in
sea urchins. and at the opposite end of the body from the mouth in sea
Petaloid. The flowerlike arrangements of specialized tube feet in irregular
urchins such as sand doll ars and heart urchins
The techniques used for identification are as diverse as the echinoderm
groups. Characteristics used to key out the various taxa are highlighted
below for each of the five main groups.

Crinoidea. Sea lilies are stalked fonns and are generally rare in shallow
water. Feather stars are common in tropical coral reefs. and vary in arm
number and arm branching patterns. The number and form of cirri at the
base of the cuP. and the spination and form of pinnules along the arms are
also used in many keys .
Asteroidea. The presence or absence of suckers on the tube feet. types and
distributions of pedicellariae. and the morphology and number of plate
series along the anns are important features. Many keys also use the ratio
of major radius (center of the disk to the arm tip. "R") to minor radius (center
of the disk to the inter-arm margin. "r") as a diagnostic character.
Ophiuroidea. Keys rely on plate patterns on the central disk. arm plating
and spination. and the arrangement of small papillae and teeth on the jaw
ossicles on the underside of the disk. Color. when it is preserved or recorded
in photographs. can also be helpful.
Holothuroidea. Presence or absence of tube feet along the body. number and
morphology of feeding tentacles. and most importantly. the shapes and



Section 10


distribution of tiny ossicles in the body wall are used in sea cucumber

Echinoidea. Spination, color, plate architecture and overall shape of the test,
number and types of pedicellariae, presence or absence of the jaw apparatus
(Aristotle's lantern), arrangement of ambulacra, and placement of the anus
within or outside the apical region are only some of the main features of
sea urchins used in identification.



Few echinoderms are dangerous, but some echinoids are best handled
carefully, or with gloves. Some forms have poison glands at the spine tips
but the danger from these can be greatly exaggerated. To preserve tube feet
and the body form of soft-bodied taxa like sea cucumbers it is best to relax
the specimens before fi xing them, the use of magnesium chloride, magnesium
sulfate, ethanol or cool water treatment (see glossary of methods) are all
acceptable. Once the echinoderm has become sufficiently unresponsive it
can then be injected with and placed in the fi xative of your choice (see list
below) with little or no change in the orientation of soft parts. Most
echinoderms, excepting the sea cucumbers, lend themselves well to drying
for long-term storage and manipulation for identification. The stereom lends
rigidity, and helps the specimen to keep its form even after desiccation.
However, the specimen should be fi xed in 70% or stronger solutions of
ethanol for several days before drying in a well-ventilated area out of direct
sunlight. Dried sea urchins, sea stars, and brittle stars can be readily identified
with most keys. Wet-preserved material is necessary for the soft-bodied sea
cucumbers. As desiccated specimens can disartic ulate over time, sea lilies,
feather stars, brittle stars, and many of the more delicate sea stars are best
preserved as wet material in >70% ethanol or 4% neutrilized formalin in
To preserve soft tissue morphology and the overall body form of sea
cucumbers the specimens must be wet fi xed. This can be done with 4%
neutrali zed formalin-seawater followed by transfer to 75% ethanol for
long-term storage or for material that will be used for molecular studies,
in 95% ethanol. For larger specimens, injection by syringe of the selected
fixative/preservative is recommended. This is especially true for material to
be preserved in ethanol rather than formalin because ethanol must be brought
into contact with the internal organs as soon as possible.
Certain of the major groups require specialized techniques to view
morphological structures for identification. For pedicellariae of asteroids
and especially echinoids, the pedicell aria can be removed with fin e forceps
and placed in a drop of bleacb (5% sodium bypochlorite in a small dish
or microscope slide). Once the soft tissues are dissolved, the type and
morphology of the jaw and stem ossicles can be observed. Similarly, small
pieces of the body wall of holothuroids can be dissolved to reveal the
ossicles. Monitoring of the tissue digestion process is recommended because
the spatial orientation of the ossicles can also be informative. In echinoids,
notably the irregular fonns (sand dollars, heart urchins) , the plate architecture
of dried specimens can be revealed by brushing a solution of equal parts
of 95% ethanol and glycerin onto the test once the test is lightly cleaned
with a stiff toothbrush. As the ethanol evaporates, the glycerin darkens the
plate sutures. For sand dollars, it is useful to polish the test with a graded
series of sand papers before application of the solution.

arms. Sea lilies have a stem, feather stars lack one.

Asteroidea (sea stars or starfish) -1,500 species in five orders: Platyasterida,

Paxillosida, Valvatida, Spinulosida, Forcipulatida and the debated sea daisies
sometimes give their own class, Concentricycloidea. They typically have
five unbranched arms radiating from a central disk, which is confluent with
the alms themselves.
Ophiuroidea (brittle stars and basket stars) -2,000 species in three orders:
Oegophiurida, Phrynophiurida, Ophiurida. They typically have five arms,
but the central disk is more clearly demarcated from the arms. Basket stars
are a type of ophiuroid with branched alms.
Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers) -1,150 species in six orders: Dactylochirotida,
Dendrochirotida, Aspidochirotida, Elasipodida, Molpadida, Apodida. They
have a cluster of tentacles around the mouth at one end, the anus at the
other, and mayor may not have tube feet in ambulacra along the body.
Echinoidea (sea urchins, sand dollars, heal1 urchins, lamp urchins), -950
species in -13 orders divided into a rather complicated series of subclasses,
infraclasses and COh0l1S. They usually have a rigid body wall of sutured
plates upon which are mounted a dense forest of spines.









(phOIO courtesy of T KaIO)



Bilateral symmetry
Segmented worms
Usually have a pair of non-segmented parapodia on each segment
Usually chitinous chaetae arising from parapodia
Abundant in most marine environments, with a few species found in fresh water and
terrestrial environments

Polychaeta is a group of segmented worms belonging to the phylum Annelida.
Commonly known as seaworms or bristle worms they include a vast array
of different groups; fire worms (Amphinomidae), scale worms (for example,
Polynoidae, SigaJionidae), tu beworms (for example, Sabellidae, Serpulidae)
etc. Like other members of the Annelida (such as Clitellata, including
oligochaetes and hirudineans), the body of polychaetes consists of a
longitudinal series of more or less similar body segments. A large number
of polychaetes are easily distinguished from clitellates by having various
well-developed appendages on their heads and other body parts; although
some polychaetes have simple body plans lacking any appendages. Poychaetes

have only one synapomorphy, the nuchal organs (a pair of chemosensory

structures on the postero-lateral margin of the prostomium) , and the

monophyly of polychaetes is still uncertain.

Polychaetes are abundant in most marine benthic environments, from

intertidal to abyssal depths, from soft to hard su bstrates and from tropical

to boreal regions .

position and the shape of following appendages arising from the head region
are important taxonomic characteristics: antenna (e), palps (tentacular crown
and operculum, or buccal tentacles in some families), and eyes on prostomium,
nuchal organs (caruncle in some families) from the posterior edge of
prostomium, elongated cirri (usually called tentacular cirri) arising from
cephalised segments. The definition of cephalised segments, however, is
largely artificial, and differently defined between families.
In most polychaetes, the anterior part of the gut (pharynx or proboscis)
is eversible and used for food capture or burrowing. This proboscis may have
fleshy or chitinous papillae, and/or jaws. The trunk is the segmented region
of the body between head and pygidium , usually consisting of a large
number of almost uniform body segments. Body segments can sometimes
be clearly divided into 2 or more body parts (e.g., thorax and abdomen) with
different morphology (Fig. 11.1 D). Even among the uniform body segments,
the shape of parapodia and chaetae can change gradually or abruptly. Each
parapodium is divided into notopodium and neuropodium, and may have
dorsal cirri, ventral cirri, branchiae (gills) and other appendages (Fig. 11.1 C).
Chaetae are chitinous bristles; usually protruding from a pocket in the body

probosc is

M'---~~"-7 dorsa l cini

dorwi cimlS



-~r--'---,.,---?! tentacular


venlral ci rm s




Fig. 11.1 A Phyllodocidae, whole animal, dorsal view with everted

proboscis; B Syllidae, anterior part of body, dorsal view; C Polynoidae,
parapodium, anterior view; D Tereb ellidae , whole animal, lateral view.



Section I



wall. Morphology of chaetae is quite various, and the shape, distribution

and number of chaetae are used as taxonomic characteristics. The pygidium
is the post-segmental terminal part of the body surrounding the anu s, it
lacks parapodia and chaetae but may have one or several pygidial cini
and/or papillae .






Polychaete specimens should be anesthetized before fixation to ease future

observation of the soft body parts. A freshwater solution of magnesium
chloride MgCl 2 (see glossary of methods) works well for this purpose. Fix
animals by placing them in 4% neutralized formalin in seawater (see glossary
of methods). For long-term storage fixed material should be transferred to
70% ethanol.
The first step in the identification of polychaetes is to find a complete
specimen, or at least a frag ment including the head region. Polychaete
specimens are frequently broken into pieces during sampling or fixation ;
and headless fragments are difficult or imposs ible to identify. Specimens
in the best condition having all their head appendages (e.g., antennae, dorsal
cirri, elytra) should be chosen. To identify the head region look for the mouth
(not to be confused with the anus on the pygidium, although it can be
difficult to distinguish which is which). In most cases , there are well
developed appendages on the head, and only simple structures on the posterior
end. Most te lling is the direction of the chaetae, as they are usuall y turned
posterio-laterall y.
Most taxonomi c characters needed to identify polycheates are external;
arrangements and morphology of appendages on the head region , and
morphological features of parapodia and chaetae, and can be observed
without dissection using a stereomicroscope (a compound light microscope
may be used for smaller specimens). The number, shape and arrangement
of proboscedial papillae and/or jaws are important taxonomic characters in
certain groups of polychaetes, and for specimens with retracted proboscis
this will require dissection. To examine a retracted proboscis, the anterior
end of the specimen should be cut from the ventral side to avoid the
destruction of the important characters on the head (Fig. II.2A, 1O.2B).




Fig. 11.2 Polychaete Dissection. A-C Nereididae. A head , ventral view,

line indicates position of cut, B same, proboscis opened , C parapodia to be
cut, dorsal view.

amount of glycerol on a glass slide (you can use a cover slip to keep the
proboscis open as you work). After examination, the removed proboscis
should be preserved along with the body (i.e. in the same vial).
The morphological features of parapodia should be examined carefully
from both the anterior and posterior ends. Parapodia should be removed
from the body using a scalpel or a small steel razor blade on a handle. To
observe the difference of parapodial and chaetal features in different body
regions, at least three pat'apodia from the anterior, middle and posterior part
of the body should be examined. To determine the parapodia to be examined
and to avoid damaged parapodia, the specimen should be carefully observed
under a stereomicroscope. Pat'apodia should be cut along the anterior and
posterior margin (Fig. 11.2C), and removed gently to avoid damage on
parapodia and aciculae (if they are present). Removed pat'apodia should be
transferred to a glass slide with glycerol, and examined under a compound

The classification of Polychaetes is continually changing. Traditionally,
they have been classified into two groups: Errantia and Sedentaria, usually
given the rank of subclass or order. This is cUlTently considered to be an
artificial grouping. Dales (1962) proposed a new classification, based on
the structure of buccal organs and nephridia, dividing polychaetes into
14 groups (orders). Fauchald (1977) listed 17 orders largely similar to those
of Dales, and Pettibone (1982) recognized 25 orders including orders for
five 'archiannelidan' families and new orders for Myzostomidae and
Poeobiidae. Based on cladistic analysis using morphological characters
Rouse and Fauchald (1997) proposed a new classification and that is the
classification used here (Note the lack of taxonomic terms - subclass, order
etc. as they are still being discussed):
Polycheatea are divided in to Scolecida and Palpata.

Scolecida: Characterized by two apomorphies, presence of parapodia with

similar rami, and the possession of two or more pairs of pygidial cilTi. They
are simple-bodied polychaetes, lacking antennae and palps (although some
members of Paraonidae have a median antenna).
Palpata: Characterized by the presence of palps . Palpata is divided into
Aciculata and Canalipalpata.
Aciculata. Characterized by the presence of aciculae, ventral sensory
palps, prostomial antennae, dorsal ciITi, ventral cirri, one pair of pygidial
ciITi, and segmental organs in most of segments. It is split into three
Phyllodocida. Monophyly ofPhyliodocida is indicated by the ventral
position of sensory palps , the presence of anterior enlarged cin'i
(tentacular ciITi), the loss of dorso-Iateral folds, the presence of an
axial muscular proboscis, and the presence of compound chaetae.


Section 11


Amphinomida. Grouped together on the presence of calcareous

chaetae. Comprise two families, Amphinomidae and Euphrosinidae.
Eunicida. Include polychaetes with a ventral muscularized pharynx
with ventral mandibles and dorsal maxillae.
Canalipalpata. Characterized by an apomorphy of the presence of
grooved palps and are split in to three groups:
Sabellida. Characterized by the presence of a limited prostomium
fused to the peristomium , and the possible loss of peristomial lips.
Terebellida. Characterized by the presence of a first segment with
no chaetae, a gular membrane, and a heart body. All members have
either a pair, or multiple grooved palps.
Spionida . Characterized by the presence of a pair of peristomial
grooved palps, nuchal organs forming posterior projections, and
anterior excretory nephridia and posterior segmental organs for gamete


(photo courtesy ofT. KaIO)


Radial or biradial sy mmetry
Single body opening
Diploblastic structure

Members of the primarily marine phylum Cnidaria are diverse in morphology
and life cycles. One of the two basic cnidarian body forms is a medusa
(plural medusae), a deep or shallow circular dome with a central mouth
beneath the dome, and tentacles fringing the edge of the dome. Typically
living free in the sea (pelagic), its common name is jelly or jellyfish. The
other cnidarian body form is a polyp, a cylinder with a mouth in the center
of the disc at one end , and few to many tentacles surrounding the mouth.
In a polyp that is part of a colony, the end opposite the mouth is attached
to other members of the colony or to tissue connecting members of the
colony; an example of colonial polyps are soft corals. In a polyp not part
of a colony, the end opposite the mouth may be flat and attached to firm
substrata, or rounded or pointed and bun'owed into soft sediments; an
example of a solitary polyp is a sea anemone.
Cnidarians are considered morphologically simple because oftheir radial
symmetry (biradial in polyps such as sea anemones and corals), single body



Section 12







opening, and body made of two tissue layers (thus they are diploblastic; most
animals, including humans, are triploblastic, having three tissue layers). Yet
cnidarians secrete the most complex intracellular structures known - cnidae,
for which the phylum is named. All cnidarians possess the type of cnida
(singular of cnidae) called nematocysts, microscopic stinging capsules with
which cnidarians defend themselves and gather food. Nematocysts are a
diagnostic feature of Cnidaria: if they are absent, the animal is not a cnidarian.
However, their presence is not proof an organism is a cnidaria: nematocysts
may be found in some predators of cnidarians. The cnidarian life cycle can
also be complex: many species alternate between polyp and medusa forms ,
the polyps forming medusae through an asexual process, and the medusae
forming eggs and sperm that ultimately develop into polyps. In species
having only a medusa or only a polyp, that stage reproduces sexually, and
may reproduce asexually as well. If asexually generated individu als remain
attached to one another, the resulting group is considered a colony; if they
separate physically, whether they remain beside one another or disperse,
they are collectively termed a clone (i.e. each individual is not a clone but
a clone-mate).
Medusae may be in the water over hard bottom shores or among seagrass
blades, but most cnidarians in these habitats are polyps. Attached to stones
or seagrass blades are commonly hydroids (class Hydrozoa) (some solitary,
but most colonial) and sea anemones (class Anthozoa, order Actiniaria).
Tube anemones (class Anthozoa, order Ceriantharia) may be burrowed into
the sediment in which seagrass is rooted. Rare cnidarians on seagrass blades
or algal thalli are stauromedusae (class Staurozoa) and medusae that crawl
usin g their tentacles (class Hydrozoa, order Limnomedusae) .


Fig. 12.1 A. A
hydrozoan (from
B. A sea anemo
acontia (nemato
threads emitted
disturbed) (From
C. Hydroid colo
close-up of part
upper left, show
tentacles expand
tentacles retracte
cup surroundin g
cups, and two re
structures (from




and add the preservative of choice. Preservation method depends on whether

the organism is a medusa or polyp, whether it has a calcareous or chitinous
skeleton, and the sorts of analyses planned. For example, if histology is used
to identify a sea anemone, the polyp must be fixed (i.e. put into a liquid
such as 10% formalin or Bonin's solution; after some days, it should be
moved to a preservative such as alcohol). Tissue destined for molecular
analysis should not be fixed but should be preserved in 95% ethanol; because
molecular analysis requires little tissue, a piece of an individual or a colony
may be removed for preservation in ethanol and the rest fixed or preserved
in some other way. Because most taxonomy of scleractinian corals is based
on the calcareous skeleton, all tissue may have to be removed to make an
identification; typically this is done by placing the coral in a solution of
household bleach. For cnidarians such as tube anemones and sea anemones,
features of internal anatomy must be examined. For hydroids, form of the
colony or type of medusa it produces may be essential, so identification of
a single polyp may be impossible.
Nematocysts are useful or even necessary, in identifying sea anemone
and some other cnidarian species. Nematocysts will not fire once the animal
is preserved; keys are based on unfired ones. Nematocysts may be visualized
by placing a very small pinch of tissue on a microscope slide in a drop of
water, squashing it under a cover slip, and viewing with a compound
microscope at a magnification of at least 400x and ideally 1000x.

Phylum Cnidaria is divided into five classes (two having been identified only
rather recently), four with members that alternate between medusa and
polyp stages. In these four classes, collectively termed Medusozoa, the
duration of polyp and medusa stages may be unequal and the polyp and
medusa stages may not be equally conspicuous; in some cases, one or the
other stage is absent. The fifth class, Anthozoa, has only polyps.
Scyphozoa . "True" jellyfishes. Medusae larger and more conspicuous than
polyps .
Cubozoa. "Box jellies." Medusae larger and more conspicuous than polyps;
some members can injure or even kill humans.
Staurozoa. Medusa shaped like an eight-pointed star attaches to a firm
substratum; no polyp stage.
Hydrozoa. Medusae typically small, delicate, and short-lived. Polyps of
many species colonial, form a skeleton, and have specialized types of polyps
(i.e. some only feed, some only reproduce, some only protect the colony).
Polyps with a chitinous skeleton are tellned hydroids, those with a calcareous
skeleton are termed hydrocorals. The Portuguese Man-o' -War, which is not
a medusa but a pelagic colony mostly of specialized polyps, belongs to order
Siphonophora. Members of order Chondrophora, also pelagic colonies,
include the By-the-Wind Sailor.


Section 12


Anthozoa. A polyp of subclass Octocorallia (=Akyonalia) has eight tentacles,

each with small side branches; almost all are colonial. Sea fans and sea
whips (Order Gorgonacea) have stiff, flexible skeletons; a sea pen colony
(Order Pennatulacea) has an internal strengthening rod throughout its
entire length; blue corals (Order Helioporacea) have a calcareous skeleton.
Some octocorals have polyps specialized for particular functions, such
as pumping water through the colony. Polyps of subclass Hexacorallia
(= Zoantharia), which are more variable morphologically than octocoral
polyps, commonly have a multiple of six tentacles. Sea anemones (order
Actiniaria), tube anemones (order Ceriantharia), and mushroom anemones
(order Corallimorpharia) are exclusively solitary, black corals (order
Antipatharia) exclusively colonial, and "true" corals (order Scleractinia) and
zoanthids (order Zoanthidea) solitary or colonial.


Section 13


they have spicules or scales on the body surface. Most species are small
and live in deep water.

Monoplacophora: -25 species in a single order: Tryblidiida. They are

exclusively marine with a limpet-like shell and are found in deep water.




Polyplacophora (chitons): -1000 species in three orders: Lepidopleurida,

Acanthochitonide and Ischnochitonida. They are exclusively marine with a
shell of eight overlapping plates surrounded by a scaly or leathery girdle,
very common in shore habitats with hard substrates.
Bivalvia: -20,000 living species within four subclasses: Anomalodesmata,
Heterodonta, Paleoheterodonta and Proto branchia. Found in both marine
and freshwater their shell consists of two valves connected dorsally by a
hinge and a flexible ligament, head not differentiated, lacking radula.
Cephalopoda (octopuses, squids, cuttlefish): -900 living species in three
subclasses: Nautiloidea, Ammonoidea and Coleoidea. They are exclusively
marine and have elongated, tubular, tapering shells and live buried in soft
Gastropoda (snails, slugs): -70,000 living species in four traditional
descriptive groups : Prosobranchia, Opistobranchia, Gymnoforma and
Pulmonata . The taxonomy is currently under revision. The proposed
classification divides the group in two subclasses, Eogastropoda
(Patellogastropoda) and Orthogastropoda (Cocculiniformia, Vetigastropoda,
Neritaemorphi, Caenogastropoda, Heterobranchia). They are found in marine,
freshwater, and terresuial environments and usually have coiled shells
(reduced or absent in slugs) and bilateral symmetry transfOImed through
counterclockwise rotation of visceral mass and mantel cavity.
Scaphopoda (tusk shells): -900 species in two orders Dentaliida and Gadilida,
and eight families. They are exclusively marine and posses a well-developed
head surrounded by arms and tentacles that bear suckers and hooks, jet
propulsion provided by a funnel from the mantle cavity; shell modified,
reduced Or absent in most.


Mollusks can be anaesthetized by placing them in the freezer until they are
no longer responsive before fixing them in 70% ethanol or 4% neutralized
formalin in seawater (see glossary of methods). For long-term storage
they must be transferred to 70% ethanol , as formaldehyde will etch away
the shell.

anterio r margin

1~ ~ lunule

upper margin

posterior laleralleelh

cardinal teeth


adductor scar


anterior margin

posterior marg in
pallial sinus

posterior margin

adductor scar
~ pallialJine

low margin

Fig. 13.1 Parts of the Bivalve Shell



varix ----'~~r-:~~~~J_ anal ca nal

columella fold
last whorl


outer lip (labrum)

umbili cus - ----\:;;;;W

siphonal canal

Fig. 13.2 PallS of the Gastropod Shell

anterior (cephalic) va lve


~ insertion plate

central area
lateral area

G::s'.--=::;~jttdorsal area



anterior valve

sutural laminae

median val ve

anal valve

dorsal view

Fig. 13.3 Parts of the Polyplacophoran Shell

First, mollusks should be sorted into classes (chitons, gastropods, bivalves,

and, if present, tusk shells and octopuses) before proceeding to identify them
using appropriate illustrated local guidebooks and taxonomic keys. The
shells of some gastropods may be overgrown and encrusted by barnacles,
calcareous algae and other organisms, which obscure the sculpture and color
pattern beneath. In such cases it is necessary to remove these encrustations
using a pin or a metallic brush before attempting the identification.
With the exception of the Aplacophora, Cephalopoda and slugs, mollusk
species can generally be identified down to family on the basis of their shell
features (form, sculpture, hinge, color pattern, presence of nacre) based on
photographs or drawings in a guide. Then the description in a taxonomic
key of the likely families and genera of the specimen as well as the distribution
ranges, habitat, etc. should be compared. To pennit reasonable understandjng
of descriptions, it is necessaly to become familial with certain concho logical
(sea shell specific) terms (see accompanying sketches). An accurate
identification at species level may be difficult for the beginner but as you
practice you will improve your skills as a malacologist (a mollusk specialist).






(pho to courtesy ofT Kalo)


First tluee thorax appendages function as mouthparts
Five pairs of walking appendages
Sometimes with chela (pincers)
Stalked compound eyes

The decapod crustaceans are among the most familiar crustaceans and
include shrimps, lobsters, crayfishes, and crab-like species. Their well
developed carapace, usually well calcified, is used as protection for the
cephalothorax (head and body), including the branchial chamber where
branchiae have developed as the major respiratory organs. Their name
(Decapoda) means "ten legs", refening to the five pairs of functional
pereopods they use for walking or as defensive or feeding appendages (in
some cases some of these legs end in a strong or weak pincer named
"chela"). There are about 18,000 living species of decapods (Brusca and
Brusca 2003) and they occur in all aquatic environments (fresh , brackish
and marine waters) at all depths, and a few spend most of their lives on
land. Many are pel agic (free-living in the water column), but many others

development stages are free living, pelagic larvae that pass through several
stages before moulting to a small juvenile that will settle in its final
environment. Some species have an abbreviated early development.
The nearshore, rocky and coral reefs environments are among the most
diverse with respect to decapod crustaceans. These environments offer
multiple microhabitats for protection (e.g. rock fissures, protected areas
below rocks, dead and living coral, associated fauna like sponges, ciniped
beds and mollusks, attached algae) and a large food supply. Rocky areas
with strong wave action are usually less di verse than more-protected areas;
small rocks and boulders also favor higher species richness than very large
rocks as they offer a more protected area in term of refuges. Seagrass and
algal beds offer good shelter for many species of decapod, although decapod
species richness may be lower than in bare rocky shores where densities
may be high. Species either live on the plant stems and leaves, or wander
on or close to the bottom, under the plants. Many species of decapod living
among corals, seagrass and algae are mimetic species that have the same
or similar color (or even shape) as the substrate on which they live (i.e. the
coral branch or the algal thallus). Some species of spider crabs also use
algae, sponges or other material to decorate their carapace, making them
hard to detect in their natural environment (Wicksten 1993).


Decapod crustaceans are divided into two major groups: Dendrobranchiata
and Pleocyemata.
Group I. Dendrobranchiata (Fig. 14.1). Includes - 450 shrimp and like
species. Most species live on the continental shelf and slope and in the


J. Bod y extended, abdomen long and robus t.


Roslmm usuall y well developed, often spiny.

Antenna long, whip-like.
Lateral extension of abdominal segment 2 not overlapping segment J.
Legs 1-3 ending in a small claw (p incer).
Females do not carry an egg mass.

Fig. 14.1 General Body Plan of Dendrobranchiata


Section 14


pelagic realm ("pelagic shrimps"). They are rarely found in the intertidal
zone but many species come close to the coast during reproductive or
recruitment periods. Many benthic species are of great economic importance
and they are fished all over the world (Holthuis 1980). These decapods
possess dendrobranchiate gills (two branches divided into multiple secondary
branches), their body is fusifOlm, long, usually strong , with a well developed
abdomen, often with a spiny rostrum (extension of the carapace), their first
three pereopods end in a generally small chela (pincer). Contrary to all other
shrimp-like decapods, females of this group do not brood their eggs.
Fertilization of released eggs is external. Many of these animals are quite
large, over 30cm lon g. Although some of the pelagic species might have
a peculiar morphology due to adaptation to their environment (e.g. longer
and slender appendages, spines, additional hairs), all dendrobranchiata shrimp
look similar in shape.
Group 2. Pleocyem a ta Includes all the remaining decapods. Spec ies
included in this group never possess dendrobranchiate gills; they either have
trichobranchiate gills (series of radiating unbranc hed tubular filaments) or
phyllobranchiate gills (platelike or leaflike branches) . The embryos are
brooded by the femal e before they hatch (egg mass kept below the abdomen).
This very large group of decapods includes several kinds of shrimps, the
crabs, crayfish, lobsters, and many less famili ar forms. Seven infraorders
are currently recogni zed within the Pleocyemata but one (Astacidea) is
almost exclusively from fresh water or deep marine habitat. The division
into Natantia (swimming species) and Reptantia (walking species) has been
abandoned as formal ta xa, but is still found in many textbooks and guides.



Body ex tended, abdomen long and robust.

Rostrum usually well developed, often spiny.
Antenna long, whip-like.
Lateral extension of abdomi nal segment 2 overlapping segments I and 3.
Legs 1 and 2 ending in a claw (pincer), first often much larger than second.
Fema les carry egg masses.

Fig. 14.2 General Body Plan of Caridea


Body extended, abdomen long and robu st.

Rostrum usually well developed, often spiny.
Antenn a long, whip-like.
Lateral extension of abdominal segment 2 does not overlap segment l.
Legs 1-3 ending in a claw (pi ncer), second much larger than the others.
Carapace often very spiny.

Fig. 14.3 General Body Plan of Stenopodidea

Caridea (Fig. 14.2). The caridean shrimps include over 2,500 living
species and are mostly marine, although an important group of species
(e.g. genera Macrohrachium, Atya, Palaemonetes) are found in fresh water
(lakes, rivers) and in estuaries or brackish lagoons. The first 1 or 2 pairs
of legs end in a chela (pincer) and vary considerably in size among species.
The lateral part of the second abdominal segment overlaps both the ftrst and
third pleura. As in the case of the Dendrobranchiata shrimp, caridean shrimps
are either pelagic or benthic. Deep-water species are often bright red,
intertidal and shallow water species are usually brightly colored (particularly
species associated with coral reefs) and estuarine species are generally
whitish or transparent. Some species are important fo r fisheries (e.g. the
Pandalid shrimps) (Hendrich 1995). Many species are small and colorful
and live in sponges, among corals, algae and seagrasses.
Stenopodidea (Fig. 14.3). With less than 30 species, this is a little known
group of curious shrimps, all marine. The first three pairs of pereopods are
chelate, and the third pair is larger than the others. The lateral portion of
the second abdominal segment is not expanded as in carid eans. Usually
colorful, they are mostly tropical and benthic (coral reefs), although a few
species are found in deep water. Shallow water species are often associated
to other animals, like the cleaner shrimps of tropical fishes.
Brachyura (Fig. 14.4). This grou p, also known as the "true crabs", contains
over 10,000 species. The body is protected beneath a well-developed, calcified
carapace. The carapace is flattened dorsoventrally, ei ther smooth or
ornamented with spines (lateral or dorsal), tubercles, or protuberances, and
is oval, round, squ arish , rectangul ar, triangular or polygonal in shape. The
abdo men is symmetrical, flattened and reduced, and flexed beneath the
thorax. Females keep the eggs between the flexed abdomen and the ventral
part of the carapace until larvae are released. The first pair of legs, or
chelipeds, ends in a chela (pincer) sometimes very much enlarged and
adapted for defense, feeding or courtship. In many species cheJipeds are
asymmetrical and often larger in males than in females. Brachyuran crabs


Section 14





Carapace flat, often bearing lateral or dorsal spines or tubercles.

Four walking legs.
First leg ending in claw (pincer).
Front with or without rostrum.
5. Abdomen flexed beneath carapace.

Fig. 14.4 General Body Plan Df Brachyura

are mostly maline, but freshwater, amphibious and land crabs occur in the


Anomllra (Fig. 14.5). This group includes species with very different external

aspects, like the hermit crabs, porcelain crabs, mole crabs, galatheid crabs,

and king crabs. The latter two groups are only found in deep water while

the others contain a various number of species occurring from the intertidal

and shallow shelf water. Hermit crabs are typically found in empty marine

snails shells in which they retract for protection; indeed, they possess a soft,

asymmetrical twisted abdomen. Porcelain and mole crabs have a symmetrical,

short, abdomen flexed beneath the thorax (as in true crabs); porcelain crabs

are usually extremely flattened, very fragile (they tend to loose their legs

when attacked or disturbed) and adapted for hiding in small, narrow crevices

or below algae, shells or sponges. Mole crabs are oval to rectangular in shape

and live in shallow water along sandy beaches, often in the surf zone where

they hide in the sand. In all Anomura, the fifth pair of legs (and sometimes

the fourth) are much reduced and are not used for walking.

Palinllra (Fig. 14.6). Spiny lobsters and slipper lobsters are characterized

by a strong , subcylindrical (spiny) or flattened (slipper) abdomen ending

in a large tail fan. The chelation of the legs in Palinura varies but in spiny

lobsters all five legs lack terminal claws (except in females). All species are

marine and they are found in a vaJiety of habitats throughout the tropics.

There is a large fishery for lobsters around the world. Although spiny

lobsters are commonly caught near shore, in rocky areas or in algal and

seagrass beds, the other Palinura species live in much deeper water.

Thalassinidea (Fig. 14.7). Mud and ghost shrimps are particularly difficult

to collect as many species make burrows that occasionally reach well over

one meter deep. As their common name indicates, they look like small

shrimp but they are also often confused with small lobsters. Many species

l. Generally living in all e mpty shell (marine snail shell).

2. First pair of Legs ending in strong, sy mmetrical or asymmetrical claws.
3. Legs 2-3 used for walking.
4. Legs 4-S reduced in size.
S. Abd omen soft, (generally) co iled and asym metrical.

\. Body strongly depressed dorsoventrally,

front slightly produced forward but
w ithout a true rostrum.
2. Fi rst pair of leg ending in fl attened
cl aw, opening in an hori zon tal plane.
3. Legs 2-4 used for walki ng; leg S
reduced in size .
4. Abdomen partly flexed beneath

1. Body oval to subreClangular in shape, fron tal margin with teeth or spines.
2. First pair of leg ending in a fl at segment or in an imperfect (subchelate) claw, with
moving finger closing vertically.
3. Legs 1-4 or 2-4 adapted for excavating in sand.
S. Leg 5 reduced in size.

Fig. 14.5 General Body Plan of Anomura

live in muddy substrate, but they are also occasionally found in rocky areas
and among rubble, in deeper water, in muddy-sand or in mud. Their
symmetrical abdomen is generally fl attened dorsoventrall y or subcylindrically,
with a laterally compressed carapace; the first 2 pairs (or sometimes the first
pair only) of legs are chelate, and the first pair is usually much larger than
the second. Mud shrimps are very characteristic of tidal flats, generally


Section 14




- .....

1. Body extended , abdomen long and robust, cylindrical or dorsoventra lly flattened.
2. Five strong, similarly shaped walking legs, not ending in a pincer (except for a
small pincer on leg 5 in female s) .
3. No conspicuous rostrum.
4. Antenna long, wipe-like and spiny (spiny lobsters) or flattened (slipper lobsters).

Fig. 14.6 General Body Plan of Palinura



l. Body extended, usually depressed dorsoventrally with reduced rostrum and

carapace weakly calcified,
2. Rostrum spiny and carapace well calcified.
3. Legs 1-2 (or only I) ending in a claw, the first usually much stronger, long and
laterally compressed.

Fig. 14.7 General Body Plan of Thalassinidea

Examination of live specimens is not always easy as they move quickly,

especially when light is used . A mild anaesthetic can be lIsed to slow them
down (a few drops of clove oil or a 1% seawater solution of propylene
phenoxytol). Care should be taken with large crabs as their powerful claws
can cut or break a finger. Decapod specimens collected in the field should
be fixed shortly after collection. Preferably they should be placed in a freezer
in a plastic container, which allows a painless death before being fixed with
a mild solution (4%) of neutralized formalin in seawater (see glossary of
methods). After a few days, specimens must be washed with plenty of tap
water (leave the material in tap water ovemight after washing it two to three
times) and preserved in a 70% ethanol solution and examined under a
dissecting microscope. Usually a macroscopic examination is sufficient to
recognize specimens to species level.



sdno.lD la~.Ie~ A.lepUOJas aql

ql!M ~U!)f.lOM .IoJ sl!elao JY!JadS

AI l.lBd

(phOIO courtesy of C. Diaz)


Composed of outer pinacoderm, inner choanoderm and intermediate mesollyl

Amorpllous to regularly branching growth

Internal water channel system

Internal skeletal elements of spicules and spongin fibres

Sessile lifestyle

Sponges are motionless, aquatic, benthic organisms with a unique body plan
within the Animal kingdom , A sponge specimen may look like an amorphous
mass, a branching tree, a perfect sphere, or a thin skin , Its body is formed
by aggregations of cells differentiated into two layers of ill-defined tissues
(the pinacoderm and the choanoderm). These flank a middle "matrix-like"
layer (the mesohyl) that contains various ce ll types (reproductive, skeleton
secreting, undifferentiated, or specialized cells, and bacteria), and the skeletal
elements (spicules and/or collagen fibers). These basic three layers line up
around a system of pores , canals , water-pumping chambers (covered by
specialized flagelfated collared-cells), and oscules (excurrent openings),
making the sponge the most efficient water-filtering organism in the sea.
Sponges are present in all aquatic environments. In the ocean they occur
from low to sub-tidal depths, on rocky outcrops and crevices where macroalgal
communities splurge, to the deepest parts of the seas. In the rocky seashore
sponges are usually small, while in seagrass beds sponges can be small thin
crusts overgrowing seagrass blades to stand alone organisms as large as
truck tires.

The sponge body shows distinct features such as: shape, color, oscule
morphology, surface features, and consistency, which may characterize a





.... ."


Surface features
projections, papillae, etc.

Fig. 15.1 The Sponge Body Plan

A. A schematic drawing of Amphimedon compressa from the Caribbean
showing a massive flabellate body riddled by oscules (large excurrent
openings), and few surface features. Scale 1 cm = 1 cm. B. Schematic
drawing of a hypothetical cross section through the sponge showing the
direction of water filtration: ostia (Ost) - incurrent canals (In. c)
choanocyte chambers (Cc) - excurrent canals (Ex. c) - atrium (At) - oscule
(as), major ceU types and their location: choanocyte cells (Chc) lining the
choanocyte chambers, pinacocyte cells (Pc) cover the internal and external
sponge sUIfaces, amebocyte cells (Ac) on the mesohyl (Me), and spicules
(Sp) secreted from the mesohyl. Arrows indicate where the water enters
(open) and where it leaves the sponge body (black).

particular species (Fig. IS . IA) . The surface of the sponge reflects the
morphology of the skeleton under it. Depending on how the sponge skeleton
reaches to the surface a species may produce a different texture effect on
the sponge "skin". Projections shaped like small cones (conulose), spikes,
spatula, or with irregular shapes may characterize members of a species or
even a genus. Smooth surfaces usually reflect the existence of a specialized
skeleton layered tangentially to the sponge surface.
Sponges do not have a mouth or a digestive tract. Ambient water enters
their body through small pores (ostia) and follows tlu'ough incurrent canals
that reach flagellated "water-pumping chambers" (choanocyte chambers).
These chambers open into excurrent canals that converge into a larger cavity
(atrium) that reaches the outside through the oscule (Fig. IS.IB). These
water-filtration systems present various grades of complexity, ranging from
the simplest body with a single central cavity lined by choanocytes (Ascon)
to those with choanocytes restricted to small chambers and with simple
canal systems (Sycon) to those with complex and numerous subdivisions
of the internal canals (Leucon) such as the one represented in Figure 15.1.
Sponges possess an internal skeleton, which provides support for growth.
The skeleton is composed of one or more of the following elements: spicules


Section 15 PORIFERA

(mineral secretions of silica or calcium carbonate), fibrillar collagen, and

a type of collagen exclusive of sponges; spongin, which is found in the form

of fibers, spicules, or plates. Spicules occur in many different sizes and

shapes. Large spicules (the megascleres) usually form the main skeletal

framework, and are classified by the number of axes (monaxon, triaxon,

tetraxon), the number of rays (monoactineal == one ray, to hexactineal == six

rays), and other special features (spines, rounded ends etc.). Small spicules

(the microscleres) usually fill in the main skeleton, or are located in particular

areas of the body (sUiface). Microscleres come in a great array of shapes

(stars, chela etc.) and are an important classification tool.


When collecting voucher specimens of sponges or sponges within the 25cm

quadrat the specimen should be carefully studied. Characters such as shape,

size, color (external and internal), oscule morphology (shape, distribution,

and abundance), texture (surface features), and consistency (hard, soft,

glassy, etc.), descriptions of its habitat, substrate, depth, and observations

about its neighbors may result useful to characterize a species. Sponges

should be removed from the substrate where they grow using a knife, or

another cutting tool, and preferably wearing diving gloves to avoid contact

with toxic chemicals or sharp piercing spicules. For identification purposes

(i.e. in the 1m quadrat) only a photograph and small portion of a sponge

needs to be taken, leaving the major functional body parts (oscula, peduncle,

outer surface) intact to allow the recovery of the sampled specimen. The

sample should contain a portion of the external and the intemal body parts

since the skeletal structure of those parts might be very different.

For histological purposes a small piece of the sponge must be placed

in a fixative solution such as 4% neutralized formalin-seawater solution,

Bouins' fixative, or Glutaraldehyde 2% (in Cacodylate or related buffer).

The sponge must be transferred within a week to a 70% ethanol seawater

solution. Never place a calcareous sponge into a formalin solution since the

calcium carbonate will be dissolved. If the sponge is only being preserved

for skeletal studies then it can be directly placed into 80 to 90% alcohol.

For DNA studies a small sponge piece (2 g) can be placed in >90% Ethanol

or chopped into less than I mm pieces and placed into a 1.5 cc tube filled

with Silica Gel (electrophoretic grade) for later DNA extraction and analyses.

The first question to answer is what type of skeletal elements the sponge

has: calcareous spicules, spongin fibers assembled into fibers and/ or

reticulations, and/or siliceous spicules.

A rapid acid test (see glossary of methods) will allow you to identify

a calcareous spicule, which could belong to a calcareous sponge (di-,

tri-, and tetractineal in shape), or another animal phylum such as didemnid

asci dian (round spined spicules) , or a soft coral (long spined spicules). If

cleaner or permanent preparations are required it is more convenient but

more tedious to use acid digestion (see glossary of methods).

The next step is to classify the sponge skeleton. For this it is necessary to

make thin sections of preserved material (Dr. Klaus Riietzler, per.comm , see

glossary of methods for an explanation of the technique using both wet and

dry specimens). Other methods are used for histological studies. Sections

of parafin or epoxy embedded tissues are made by hand, microtome, or with

cutting and polishing techniques (used in geology and paleontology). These

guide with clear explanations and illustrations of the morphological characters

used for the taxonomy and systematics of each higher taxon within the
sponges. Within each sponge taxa, characters such as external mOlphology,
skeletal elements (shape and size) and skeletal arrangement have a distinct
diagnostic value. For example, species differentiations within a genus rely
mostly on external characters (shape, surface features, etc.), spicule sizes,
or special spicule features. Families and orders are distinguished on the basis
of skeletal framework arquitecture, spicule types, and choanocyte chamber
morphology. When the skeletal elements are absent, characters such as cell
types, reproductive structures, and sometimes chemistry (secondary
metabolites) can aid in the differentiation of ce11ain sponge groups. Genetic
and molecular information (protein electrophoresis, DNA sequencing) are
proving essential to discern the affinities on groups with low to none
morphologic diagnostic characters. They also provide means to study
population exchanges and the phylogenetic relationships within this animal

Sponges inhabit all aquatic habitats, and have been an important faunal
component of marine systems since the early Cambrian era (560 mya).
Approximately, 10,000 species have been described; however, their diversity
is believed to reach at least 15,000 species. Extant sponges are cUlTently
classified into three major classes: Hexactinellida, Demospongiae, and

Hexactinellida or "glass sponges" (approximately 500 species) possess

triaxonic hexactineal spicules (six rays), which usually form a tight mesh
giving the sponge a glassy consistency. The pinacoderm and choanoderm
in Hexactinellida are syncytial (cells are fused), and with respect to body
complexity they are either Sycon or Leucon. These sponges occur only in
deep marine waters (200-5000 m) and can reach massive sizes.
Calcarea (approximately 500 species) possess spicules of calcium carbonate,
usually a combination of monoaxonic, triaxonic and tetraxonic forms in one
or various size classes. They are exclusively marine and present the three
types of structural organization (Ascon, Sycon, and Leucon). Specimens are
usually small (a few mm, to 10-15 cm in length) and usually occur at
shallow depths.
Demospongiae (approximately 10,000 species described) include 90% of
the extant sponge diversity, inhabiting all aquatic environments. Their
skeleton is made up of a combination of fibrillar collagen, siliceous spicules
and/or the spongin fibers, spicules, or plates.



courtesy of M. Shimomura)


Small (usually less than lcm)

Laterally compressed
First four pairs of legs directed forward , last three pairs directed backward
One head, seven thoracic, three pleonal, and three urosomal segments
Three pairs of uropods on the urosome

Amphipods are very common small crustaceans living mainly in marine and
freshwater environments, although some live their entire lives in supralitoral
and terrestrial domains. More than 6000 species are described from the
marine waters, and they are considered to be one of the more important
groups of invertebrate animals in the benthic realm (although almost 200
species live planktonicaUy) .



These crustaceans are distinguished very easily by the fact th at the first four
pairs of legs are directed forw ard, unlike the last three, which are directed
backward; that is why they are named "amphipods"; amphi-both , pods-legs,
in Latin. Amphipods usually are small lcm in length, although much
larger species exist) and are laterally compressed. The head is followed by
seven pereonal (thoracic), three pleonal, and three urosomal segments. As
in aU crustaceans, one appendage fro m each segment is articulated. On the
pereon are two pairs of gnathopods and five pairs of pereopods. On the pleon
are three pairs of pleopods. On the urosome three pairs of uropods are
always present. The telson is a very small additional piece at the posterior
end of the animal.



Fig. 16.1 General Amphipod Body Plan

As they are peracaridean crustaceans they have no free larval development,

the eggs, embryos and juveniles are carried in the female's marsupium or
brood chamber, which is ventrally situated, and consists of the overlap of
the female's oostegites. The paired sides of the marsupium usually arise
from coxae two through six of the adult females.


Lay the amphipod on an excavated slide with one to three drops of glycerin
(dilute the glycerin with water when handling small specimens). Dissections
should be carried out with a stereomicroscope (using a reflected light, or
an optic fiber lamp), although the dissected pieces should be transferred to
a compound microscope.
The small size of the amphipods makes dissection difficult for the
beginner but not impossible, as with all new things practice is important.
Start with the dissection of any of the legs, which are usually the largest
pieces, and move on to the mouthparts, which are very important for
The first step is to identify which suborder the specimen belongs to:
Gammaridean, Hyperiidean or a Caprellidean (Ingolfiellidean are very rare
and are unlikely to be found in the near shore zone). The second and most
important characters to be checked are the type of accessory flagellum, when
present; the type of eye; if the coxae are touching each other or not, the
presence of dorsal teeth on the pereon or pleon; the morphology of uropod
three; the type of gnathopods and legs; and the morphology of the mandibular
palp, if present.

Amphipods are separated taxonomically into the planktonic amphipods
(Hyperiidea) and benthic amphipods (Gammaridean, Caprellidean, and

Gammaridean amphipods have 124 families, all with basic morphology.

They are mainly benthic animals with well-developed bodies and maxillipeds
bearing palps, although some do lack eyes.


Section 16


Caprellidea (ghost or skeleton shrimp) consist of 8 families. Their body is

elongated, not laterally compressed, and with a small abdomen. Caprellids
hold on to the substratum (seaweeds, hydrozoans, bryozoans) to catch prey
with well-developed sub-chelate claws on their thoracic appendages.

,- =

Hyperiidea have 2 Infraorders, and 21 families. They are exclusively

planktonic and have large eyes and well developed pleopods. The maxilliped,
which is reduced , never has palps. Some have a lanceolate body, but the
large head easily identifies them as a planktonic amphipod.
lngolfiellidea is a very rare and small group of interstitial or marine animals
that lives in deep waters and belongs to a single family.


(photo courtesy of M. Shimomura)

I) Bod y divided into three regions: head of fu sed segments; pereon of seven segments,
usually free; and abdomen of five segments, sometimes fu sed, plus pleotelson (fu sed
last segment and telson)
2) Head with lwo pairs of antennae, mandible, two pairs of maxilla, and maxillipeds
3) Pereo/! with seven pairs of pereopods (often but not always similar walking legs),
each of only one branch
4 ) Abdomen with fiv e pairs of pleopod s plus one pair of uropods attached to pleotelson
5) Females carrying eggs, embryos and juveniles in a marsupium silling under the
pereon and derived from branches of the pereopods (as in all peracarid cru staceans)
6) Males with pair of sty lets on inner edges of second pleopods
7) Juveniles without last pairs of pereopods (s ix pairs only)

The Isopoda are one of the orders of peracarid crustaceans, that is, those
that brood their young in a marsupium under the body. They are uniquely
defined by the combination of one pair of uropods attached to the pleotelson
and pereopods of only one branch . The order is the most morphologically
diverse of all peracarids, including flattened forms with similar legs,
cylindrical bodies with legs very different from each other, and sexually
dimorphic parasitic forms.
Most of these forms are found in the nearshore rocky environment, some
specialising as bUITowers in sand or mud and others as inhabitants of algae
or seagrasses.


A stereomicroscope with a magnification of at least 25 times is essential
as is a good light source (fibre-optic) . Reflected light is good for seeing
sculpture but transmitted light is better for counting setae although it is a



Section 17 IsoPoDA



y~is chium

oostegites ___








peduncle } antenna 2

coxal plates
pleonites 1-5





pedUncle }

Fig. 17.1 Cirolanid Isopod

A) Ventral and B) Dorsal Views (Kensley, 1978, relabelled)



antenna 2


Fig. 17.2 Arcturid Isopod, Lateral View (Poore, 2001 b)

matter of preference. Examination of most characters is facilitated when the
specimen is immersed in alcohol (70% is standard) and manipulated by fine
forceps and a sharp dissecting needle.
Isopods can be identified to species on the basis of external morphological
features of the body and limbs. Shapes and sculpture of body parts, counts
of the number of segments or articles , the degree of fusion between them,
and the number of setae or spines are critical features.
Usually specimens can be identified to family without the need to di ssect
limbs or mouthparts from the body. The first thing to look at is the abdomen

similar, or which antelior ones are setose or hooked will help define the
family. A compound microscope can be used to differentiate species by
examining setation or mouthparts after they have been dissected from the
body. To dissect an isopod place the specimen in glycerol and dissect parts
off with a needle; then transfer the dissected limbs to glycerol on a microslide
and cover with a coverslip.

The order Isopoda is classified into seven suborders not all of which are
found in macroalgal and seagrass communities. Several families are
micropredators or parasites on fishes or decapods and rarely encountered
freeliving in these environments. The suborder Onisicidea, with many families
are the most familiar isopods, slaters and woodlice, but are entirely tenestrial
and have few representatives associated with marine habitats, and then only
high on the shore. The truly marine and freeliving suborders likely to be
found in coastal seagrass and macroalgae are:

Cymothoida. Includes three freeliving superfamilies:

Cirolanoidea, with one family Cirolanidae, are the most commonly seen
typically flattened sea lice.
Anthuroidea, with six families, are, elongated isopods with uropodal exopods
standing erect over the pleotelson.
Cymothoida, including the families (among others) Aegidae and Corallanidae,
usually having free pleonites and hooked pereopods; and Gnathiidae, of
which the males have grossly enlarged mandibles. All are micropredators
of fishes spending much of their time away from their hosts.
Limnoriidea. Including families Limnoriidae, Keuphyliidae and
Hadromastacidae, all with hooked tips on the uropods. Limnoriids bore
tunnels into macroalgae and wood.
Sphaeromatidea. Including two superfamilies:
Sphaeromatoidea (Sphaeromatidae and other minor families), the pill bugs,
with segments of the abdomen fused into two units
Seroloidea (Serolidae and other minor families), extremely flattened isopods
with extended coxal plates and a usually enlarged first pereopod.
Valvifera. Including families Idoteidae, Holognathidae, Arcturidae and other
families - isopods in which the uropods fold under the abdomen to enclose
the pleopods in a branchial chamber
Asellota. Including Munnidae, Janiridae, Jaeropsididae and Paramunnidae
in shallow water plus many other families confined to the deep sea, small
isopods with the first and second pleopods modified as an operculum over
the remaining pleopods


Section 17


Many papers, websites and books on isopods recognise the now obsolete
traditional isopod suborder "Flabellifera", a catchall grouping of the
families now included in Cymothoida, Limnoriidea and Sphaeromatidea.
The keys to families of Flabellifera in these older works are still useful for
practical purposes.



(photo courtesy ofY. Shirayama)

Meiobenthos is not a taxonomic group but rather a size class of the benthic
community (Mare 1942), which is smaller than 1-O.Smm and larger than
32-63!J.m. ]n NaGlSA, it is defined as those organisms that pass through
the O.Smm mesh sieve and are retained by the 63!J.m mesh sieve. Meiobenthos
consists of Metazoa and Protozoa. The dominant metazoan taxa are
Nematoda and harpacticoid Copepoda. Usually the former accounts for
about 80% of total metazoan meiobenthos, and the latter for about 10%.
Other meiobenthic metazoans include: Kinorhyncha, Gastrotricha, Loricifera,
Tardigrada, Ostracoda, Turbellaria, Nemertenea (Fig. 17.1). Among
protozoans, Foraminifera and Ciliata are the most abundant.
Along with the permanent meiofauna listed, juveniles of macrofauna
(e.g. Polychaeta) are also found in meiobenthic samples, and are considered
temporary meiofauna. Meiobenthos is abundant in both rocky nearshore
habitats and seagrass beds. The number of individuals living per m 2 can
often be as high as 107 .


The only unification in a meiofauna sample is size and so there is a
considerable amount of morphological diversity found within a meiofaunal
sample. Foraminifera is the most abundant protozoan meiofauna. The species
with calcareous shells are easier to identify than those that do not create
a test or use sedimentary grains to do so. Nematoda is the most dominant
metazoan phylum and specimens with their thread-like appearance under
dissecting microscope are easily distinguishable. Nematodes with unique in


Section 18


Fig. 18.1 Representative Species of Meiofaunal Phyla

I: Ectoprocta; 2: Annelida; 3: Chordata; 4: Mollusca; 5: Echinodermata;
6: Sipunculida; 7: Nematoda; 8: Priapulida; 9: Loricifera; 10: Kinorhyncha;
11: Turbellaria; 12: Tardigrada; 13: Brachiopoda; 14: Arthropoda;
15: Rotifera; 16: Gnathostomulida; 17: Gastrotricha; 18: Cnidaria; 19: Ciliata;
20: Nemertinea; 21: Entoprocta; 22: Foraminifera (Courtesy of R.P. Higgins)

morphology (for example, Desmoscolecidae) can be keyed out to family

leve l very easily. Harpacticoid Copepoda are also easily identified if it
is in its co pepodite stage, but it is difficult to di stingui sh nauplii of thi s
group from other crustaceans such as ; Ostracoda, Tanaidacea, Cumacea
and Amphipoda, which are also abundant in most me iofaunal samples .
Kinorhyncha are easily separated from their groups of animals with segmented
bodies by the lack of segmented legs and their many anterior scalids.
Juvenile of or small species of Annelida (Polychaeta and Oligochaeta),
Mollusca (Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Solenogastres etc.), Echinodelmata (mainly
Ophiuroidea) , and Sipunculida are also abundant in meiobenthos. Other
phyla such as Loricifera, Priapulida, Nemertenea, Entoprocta, Ectoprocta,
Brachiopoda, Rotifera, and Urochordata are rarely found . It is difficult to
identify especially soft-bodied meiofauna such as Ciliata, Turbellaria,
Gastrotricha and Gnathostomulida from fOimalin-fi xed material, sometimes
even to the phylum level. It is, therefore, important to work with live materi al
as much as possible.


Meiofauna can be stored in 10% neutralized formalin in seawater (see
glossary of methods) until sorted, unless taxonomic voucher specimens are
to be prepared, which requires fresh specimens to be anesthetized using
MgCI2 or I-Menthol (Higgins and Thiel 1988) before sorting them to
phylum level under a stereomicroscope with a needle or " Irwin 's loop"

specimens. To prepare microscopic slides preserved specimens should be

transfened to a solution of 10% glycerol with thymol (several pieces per
500ml glycerol), 30% Ethanol in distilled water and placed in a drying
oven at 70C to evaporate the ethanol and water. Using a Cobb 's aluminum
frame or H-S slide (Shirayama et at. 1993) will allow the specimen to be
observed from both ventral and dorsal (or both left and right) sides.
Drawings and photos are invaluable for identification but should only
be made after observing all samples and selecting the specimen in the best
condition to make the most accurate representation .



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Every species, popUlation or community is to different degrees , related to
its environment. Coastal environments are normally a very physically
dynamic, and significant changes occur over a very short time period
e.g. the changes in water level induced by the tides or, in a shOIter period,
by the individual waves. The coast acts as a barrier to circulating water
masses. In open sea (beyond the continental shelf), water circulates in three
dimensional space with few interactions with its boundaries (sea floor and
land masses) . On the coast, these boundaries are much closer and thus more
interconnected to the processes, which are turbulent and complex .
The coastal environment has characteristics that make it different from
the open sea. The seafloor at very shallow depths induces frictional stress
over the water masses, which results in an increase of bottom sediment
transport. The presence of the coast generates convergences and divergences:
the water currents accelerate; waves deflect, reflect and refract. If the wind
guides the water offshore, large seasonal upwelling systems can result. The
tides can be amplified or substantially modified by the morphology of the
coast (estuaries, embayments, etc.) and the seafloor. The terrestrial influence
is of great importance. Freshwater runoff can locally modify the salinity;
large rivers add huge amounts of fine sediments; nutrients from land affect
the productivity of the system. Even the climate in the coastal areas is
influenced by the presence of landmasses. And finally, the coastal
environments are prone to be affec ted by human activities like urban
development, industries, fi sheries and touri sm.


In the process of studying marine biodiversity in a coastal system we need
to be aware of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the physical environment.

three to four seconds and the sea level changes produced by tides every six
to 12 hours, (2) medium period, like the seasonal changes in turbidity and
productivity due to the effect of the seasons occurring in six month cycles,
and (3) long period processes like the global circulation of a major CUITent
(such as the Gulf Stream), hurricanes and typhoons or El Nino events that
occur every three to seven years. The shorter the period, the more evident
the changes are to us.
We must also consider the spatial dynamics of the environment that
surrounds our sampling site. The spatial variability of the physical variables
on a shore could determine the structure of a community. Fresh water from
a river might have more impact on intertidal communities if they are located
in a place where the dominant littoral CUlTent transports the freshwater or
the sediments. Exposed shores have different communities (in species
composition and/or community structure) than protected ones.


It is always a good idea to have a birds-eye perspective of your sampling
site. Go to the local cartography office and get a good map of your area.
It is useful to have at least one map of a small scale (~1 : 100.000) and other
more detailed (1 : 20.000 or better). Recent aerial photographs are also
valuable to identify features in the field. There are also free satellite images
at high resolution (15 to 30 meters) at different band compositions available
from the Internet or if you have more resources, you can acquire a very high
resolution (0.6-4m) image of your site from IKONOS or QuickBird satellites.
Locate your site in the maps/photos/images, obtaining the GPS coordinates
using the correct datum and projection for your maps. You can also map
the surroundings communities or bottom types.
Next, identify all the oceanographic databases available for your region.
Look for your local tide stations, meteorological stations, marine data stations,
buoys, and gauge stations for local rivers (if applicable). Many oceanographic
data exist from automatic and semi automatic remote sensors and most of
them are low cost or freely available at the official local environmental
offices or on the Internet (see list of further resources). However depending
on the location of your site, it is probable that you will need to collect your
own environmental data. If you plan to start an oceanographic time series
on your NaGISA site, keep in mind that the oceanographic variables we
measure during our sampling campaigns are the consequence of the
combination of local and regional phenomena, in a temporal context. So,
sea temperature or salinity taken once or twice in a year is probably inadequate
to describe the environment of your site. If you have enough resources, small
monitoring devices could be set in place. There are low price automatic
meteorological stations and underwater temperature and light sensors. Always
give thought to precision, accuracy and reliability of the instruments for your
site, because the coastal zone is usually a very rough environment. A last
consideration: if you plan to start a time series, plan also to maintain it for
a long time.


Section 19



Tides: Tides are the regular changes of the sea level produced by the
gravitation pull of the moon and the sun on the water masses. The dynamics
of the system are non-linear but well known since late 1700s. The harmonic
constituents describe the interactions between the moon and the sun,
considering many orbital constants and their effect on the water masses on
the Earth. These coefficients can be estimated using the register from sea
level gauge stations and they are regularly used to make tidal predictions.
Tides also generate tidal currents, and in some embayment and semi-enclosed
areas they can be the principle driving force of water circulation (Stewart
2004) . Most countries have national offices that measure tides and produce
tidal tables. Moreover, free software and Internet utilities for tidal prediction
are available, but they must be used with extreme caution. It is highly
advisable to use the official local tide data whenever possible.

Currents: In general, all movements of the water masses are referred to as

marine currents. However, we can classify the movements considering their
location and origin. In a local context, coastal morphology and the proximity
of the sea floor are relevant, and they shape particular current systems. In
a beach, littoral CUITents are the main force transpoI1ing the sediments. They
originate with movement of the water and are defined by the shoaling of
the breaking wave and the morphology of the beach. Littoral currents are
the main constructors of the beach, continuously moving sediments in and
out. Littoral currents are difficult to measure and they can change in direction
and velocity in relatively short periods of time (weeks-months). However,
the main pattern can be maintained for very long time. Coastal morphology
gives important clues about the littoral currents, like the direction of the
mouth of a small river or the sand pattern around a jetty.

Waves: Waves are ondulations of the sea surface. Ocean waves have particular
characteristics (wave-height, wave-length) that are modified when they
reach the shallow coastal environment. The interaction with the sea floor
causes the breaking of the wave and the ocean wave theory cannot be used
in this situation. Normally, the waves we observe are caused by the wind
stress over the sea surface, but other waves, often impressive in size and
energy, are related to storm surges and earthquakes or submarine volcanic
eruptions. The energy of the waves is a determinant factor in shaping the
community structure and thu s highly pertinent to the areas biodiversity.
Different degrees of exposure and energy can be determined by observing
wave patterns (Beer 1996).
Light: Light is of utmost importance to the great maJonty of primary
producers. In rocky shores light is rarely a limiting factor, but it is for
submerged vegetation communities. In water, light is scattered, absorbed
and reflected. Depending on the wavelength, light attenuates rapidly with
depth and after a few meters in coastal waters (5-30 m depending on
suspended sediments and dissolved colored matter), less than 1 % of the
incoming light remains (Jerlov 1976; B ukata 1995). Several instruments can
be used to measure the penetration of light (a photometer or radiometer for
example), but the simplest one is the Secchi disk. Different Secchi disks
give us different transparency values . It is important to always use the same
disk and measure the transparency in the same conditions.

photosynthesis biomass produced by a community. The concentration of

chlorophyll can change in response to changes in light and nutrients, as well
as changes in phytopl anktonic communi ty structure. Laboratory assays can
detennine pigment concentration , fluorometric in situ measurements, or
remote sensing imagery. The last has the advantage of a high temporal
resolution (one to two images per day) although it can be strongly affected
by colored dissolved organic matter and suspended sediments.

Land inputs: Sediments from land can be a limiting factor for many
communities, as they block the light and clog respiratory or alimentary
mechanisms of marine organisms. Land run offs can also supply important
nutrients to the sea. Suspended sediments can be observed using remote
sensing im agery and its concentration can be estimated by simple laboratory
detenninations. Sediment traps can also be used and together with a carefully
designed sampling plan , they can provide us with estimates of sedimentation
rates. This variable is rarely found in any marine station data set.
Temperature: Temperature governs all metabolic processes. In general,
animals and plants live within a relati vely narrow temperature range. In the
sea, extreme temperatures outside this normal range are rare, but seasonal
variations can determine the presence of certain species over time. Measuring
temperature is easy and several automatic sensors exist that can be deployed
to obtain a continuou s record. However, it is always necessary to calibrate
sensors and take into account manufacturing calibration parameters in order
to have a reliable data series. Daily sea surface temperature maps are
available from the Internet derived from different satellite sensors (see li st
of further resources). Marine data stations routinely measure sea temperature
and buoy data normally provide a depth profile.
Salinity: Salinity was originally defined as the content of salts dissolved
in the water. In general and as in temperature, animals and plants live in
a relatively nanow sal inity range. In the open sea the sal inity is usuall y
around 36 parts per thousand (roughly 36g of salt in one liter of water), but
in coastal waters, freshwater inputs can significantly lower this value.
Nowadays salinity is defined operationally fro m its electrochemical
measurement and it is expressed as practical salinity units (PSU). It can be
measured with a conductivimeter or salinometer. Refractometers are also
used although the results are less precise . Almost all marine data stations
measure salinity.

Edwards, A.J. 2000. Remote Sensing Hand book for Tropical Coastal
Management. UNESCO Publishing
l erlov, N.G. 1976. Marine Optics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 14. Elsevier.
Open University. 1989. Ocean Circulation. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
Open University. 1989. Seawater: Its Composition, Properties, and Behavior:
Pergamon Press.
Open University. 1989. The Ocean Basins: Their Structure and Evolution.
Pergamon Press.


Section 19


Open University. 1989. Waves, Tides, and Shallow-water Processes. Pergamon

Stu wart, R.B. Introduction to Physical Oceanography. Full text available at O/ocng41 O_texcbook.htmi
Tomczak , Matthias & J. Stuart Godfrey: Regional Oceanography: an
Introduction. Full text available at
http :// .au/-mattom/regoc/pdfversion.html
Thurman H.Y. and A.P. Trujillo . Introductory Oceanography. 10'h edition.
Prentice Hall




I) Associated with vegetation
2) Occur on sea bottom and in the water column
3) Vary in density and diversity with stTUctural features of habitat

Macroalgae and seagrass beds are dominant structural components in
nearshore subtidal zones, providing habitat for many organisms. Assemblages
of fi shes are conspicuous in these vegetative habitats, using this biogenic
structure for food and shelter. The most conspicuous macroalgae are kelps
that form extensive canopies at the water surface (primarily giant kelp,
Macrocystis pyrifera, and bull kelp, Nereocystis leutkeana) and seagrasses
that occur very close to shore on open coastlines (surfgrass , Phyllospadix
spp.) or in embayments (seagrasses, Zostera marina and other species).
Several other brown macroalgae layer the bottom or fonTI subsurface canopies
I-2m above the sea floor.
The fishes that reside in such habitats often vary in their density and
diversity depending on the area, abundance, and structural features of
vegetation. These fishes come in man y different shapes, sizes, and with
distinctive coloration that make their identification underwater possible.


Besides body shape and coloration , other identifying features relate to the
color, size, and shape of fin s. The pectoral and pelvic fins are paired fins ,
whereas the anal, dorsal, and caudal fin s are median fins. The top, bottom,
front, and back of a fi sh are the dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior
regions, respectively.


Identification . Fishes occur in two main groups: cartilaginous fishes such
as sharks, skates, and rays, and bony fishes (the typical fish ). Within these





(plwto courtesy of T. Anderson)

Fig. 20.1 Kelp Bass, Parlabrax clathratus

two main groups, fishes are generally organized and recognized according
to family, for example: rockfishes (Scorpae nidae), basses (Serranidae) , and
surfperches (Embiotocidae), and within a family class ified by genus and
species. For underwater ide ntification, many nearshore fishes can be
distinguished by their shape, color, and pattem of coloration. Several excellent
guides to the identification of fi shes have been published (see Further
Resources), and the use of keys for identifi cation (for example, Miller and
Lea 1972, Eschmeyer et at. 1983 , Lamb and Edgell 1986, Love 1996) can
be helpful if a fi sh can be examined closely or if preserved specimens are
available. Familiarize yourself with the guides to the near shore fishes in
your location.

Transects. To obtain a reasonable estimate of the density of fishes at a

location, visual transects are most commonly used. Transects can be visualized
as three-dimensional corridors through which fish pass. As a diver swims
a transect, he/she should look ahead approximately 3-Sm at a time and view
the fishes within that corridor, taking a visual "snapshot" of the fishes
present. Once the fishes in that section of the transect have been recorded,
the diver does not look for fish again within that section; instead, the diver
proceeds forward to take a "snapshot" of the next section of the transect,
and so forth , until the transect is completed. It is important that divers swim
a consistently slow-to-moderate pace (about 10 meters per minute) to record
fish. Stopping to record data while swimming a transect is not advisable
because fish are attracted to divers and a diver may record fish that moved
into the transect corridor that were not there before or count the same fish
more than once. Transects are used to obtain a density per unit area or
volume, and "snapshots" along transects are used to avoid counting fi sh
more than once as they may swim back and forth through a corridor.
To record the species and number of fish, each diver should cany an
underwater slate with an attached pencil (underwater paper can be used, but
data can be written directly on the slate). While the divers are recording
species , they should also record the size of fish according to different
bins. Such bins are designated size classes: <Scm, S-lOcm, 11-1Scm,
16-20cm, 20-30cm, and >30cm. All divers performing transects should

Transect dimensions should be 2 meters wide by 2 meters high and

30 meters long. Four to six transects on the bottom and in mid-water should
be done at 12 meters depth, and another four to six transects on the bottom
and in mid-water should be done at 6 meters depth, totaling eight to 12
bottom and eight to 12 mid-water transects. These two depth contours
should contain most if not all of the species that occur in macroalgae such
as kelp beds. Of course, seagrass beds are generally shallower 7-8 meters),
so select depth contours that are relevant to fish surveys in this habitat
(e.g. 2m and 6m). If the depth is the same within a kelp bed or seagrass
bed, conduct the two sets of four to six transects at a reasonable distance
from each other relative to the size of the bed. Seagrasses do not extend
upward extensively into the water column, so conducting transects in the
water column is not necessary.
For censusing macroalgal beds with algal canopies at the water surface,
transects should be done along the bottom and in the water column by pairs
of divers, with one diver recording fishes in the water column at 5-lOm
above another diver recording fishes along the bottom. Fishes are recorded
for each transect (one through six) at each depth (6m or 12m). The diver
on the bottom attaches a 30-meter fiberglass tape to the bottom using a clip
or releasable cable tie attached to vegetation (algae or seagrass). After a
transect has been completed along a depth contour (e.g. 12m), the bottom
diver pulls on the transect tape to release the clip or cable tie from the
vegetation and rolls up the tape on the reel while remaining stationary. The
bottom diver then swims forward a short distance (about 5m) and again
attaches the tape and follows the designated depth contour. The diver in the
water column follows slightly ahead of the bottom diver while conducting
a transect to avoid disturbing fishes in the water column that may move away
from the rising bubbles produced by the bottom diver.




I) Free living, non-geniculate coralline red algae

2) Globally distributed generally in sandy shallow water systems

3) Require water motion to remain in an unattached state

Rhodoliths are free-living forms of non-geniculate coralline red algae
(Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) that form extensive beds worldwide over broad
latitudinal and depth ranges (Foster 2001). Synonymous with the maerl beds
common in the northeastem Atlantic, rhodolith beds are hard benthic
substrates, albeit mobile, made up of branching crustose coralline thalli.
Collectively they create a fragile biogenic matrix over carbonate sediment
deposits thought to be the result of long-term accumulation of dead thalli
(Minoura and Nakamori 1982; Steller and Foster 1995). To persist these
algal beds require light, nutrients and movement from water motion (waves
and currents) or bioturbation, which maintains them in an unattached and
unburied state (Bosence 1976). A wide morphological variation of individuals
exists and appears to be a response to variation in physical factors (Bosence
1976; Steller and Foster 1995). This variation in morphology and incorporation
of whole rhodoliths and carbonates into the fossil record has led to their
use as paleoindicators of environmental conditions (Foster et at. 1997).
Despite their global representation in both living beds and fossil deposits,
presently no world monograph exists for the taxonomy of rhodolith-forming
species. However, the few existing accounts have both modern species
descriptions and represent major geographic areas.
Rhodolith beds support a rich community of flora and fauna found
to be higher in species diversity than soft-sediment benthos alone (Steller
et at. 2003). Organisms within a bed can associate with the surface of algal
thalli (epi-fauna/f1ora), within the branches (crypto-faunalflora) or in the
underlying sediments (in-faunalflora) (Steller el at. 2003). Factors influencing
diversity patterns include increased architectural complexity and grain size,
reduced sedimention (Grall and Glemarec 1997), seasonal variation
(Ballesteros 1988) and reduced predation.
Unconsolidated rhodolith deposits have long been harvested for human
use as soil amendment in European waters (Blunden et al. 1977). However,

To increase the ecological understanding of rhodolith beds, they must

be described and sampled in a rigorous, comparable way. A basic methodology
for surveying rhod olith beds is introduced here. Methods are described to:
1) find and map rhodolith beds, 2) determine a sampling regime that provides
accurate taxonomic, distributional and diversity estimates, 3) measure
rhodolith growth rates, 4) set up long tenn monitoring to detect natural and/
or anthropogenic changes.

Localing and mapping a site: Subtidal rhodolith beds are commonly asso
ciated with both extensive areas of carbonate sediments (Steller and Foster
1995) and onshore deposits of fossilized rhodoliths (Foster et al. 1997).
Locating rhodolith beds may be expedited by seeking local knowledge from
fi shermen , information from herbarium collections, and aerial observations.
Locating a site can be enhanced using a benthic grab for exploration and
SCUBA surveys for Subtidal exploration. verification and mapping. In all
cases, have a buoy and a GPS to mark the location and enhance rel ocation .
Remote mapping of rhodolith distribution at a site can be efficiently
determined using sonar and mapping done using side scan sonar appears
promising (Tsuji. 1993).
develop an optimal quantitative sampling protocol that minimizes the impact
of sampling and combines methods to max imize sample design while
maintaining unbiased sampling. The first priOlity is determining the population
or community feature( s) to be described and then determining the number
of samples needed to reasonably estimate a mean and variance. Described
here is a combined method for an initial sampling of a variety of rhodolith
bed features using depth stratified sampling at multiple sites within one bed
to characterize population and species distributions within a bed . This
example is for a typical bed that spans a depth gradient and - 1km of
coastline. The design allows for unbiased characterization of the following
features within the bed: rhodolith taxonomic distribution and make up,
rhod olith size frequency distribution and community composition. A
description of how sample units are distributed in space will be followed
by speci fics for each feature .
30-m waterproof transect tapes
- Underwater slate with pencil that holds data sheets on underwater
Quadrats for estimating density of mobile organisms (lm 2 collapsible)
and rhodoliths (0.16m2)
Random Point Quadrat (RPQ) bar for estimating percent cover of
sess ile organisms (lm pvc bar with a 1.5m rope with 10 knots tied
at random distances)
Pre-Iabled collecting zip-Ioc bags
GPS - for site relocation
- PVC stakes + sledge hammer for marking sites in soft-sediment


Section 21



selected sites within the rhodolith bed, two 25 m transects are run parallel
to shore, stratified by depth to characterize relationships between depth and
rhodolith morphology and associated organisms . At four randomly assigned
distances along each 25m transect, data or samples are taken to characterize
the rhodolith species and size frequency and associated community. The 1m2
quadrat is placed at each random distance and counts of all mobile macro
organisms (> 1cm) are made within the quadrats. The RPQ bar is placed
inside the quadrat and the data of the sessile organisms and substrate from
under each knot is used to estimate the percent cover per quadrat. If rhodoliths
are present, the 0.16m 2 quadrat is placed in a corner within two I m2 quadrats
per transect and all live rhodoliths are carefully collected for size frequency
analysis and taxonomic identification.

Collecting material for

taxonomic purposes should be conducted in a method that allows for
description of all possible morphological and reproductive variants.
Therefore, extensive collections at each site should be made covering the
range of growth-forms and reproductive phases. Collected material should
be preserved immediately in formalin to best preserve taxonomically relevant
structures. For optimal anatomical analysis reproductive plants with different
morphologies should be embedded and sectioned. There are two general
procedures , one with white resin (Woelkerling 1988) and other with paraffin
(Riosmena-Rodriguez et at. 1999) that can be used equally and depend upon
available facilities.
To identify the plants it is necessary to evaluate the morphology and
anatomy, suggested regional resources for doing this are: temperate
Northwestern Atlantic (Bird and McLachlan 1992), tropical NOlthwestern
Atlantic (Littler and Littler 2000), Northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
(Cabioch et at. 1992; Irvine and Chamberlain 1994), Indian Ocean (Verheij
1993), Western Pacific (Woelkerling 1996a-e; Littler and Littler 2003) and
Eastern Pacific (Riosmena-Rodriguez et at. 1999; Athanasiadis et af. 2004).
These accounts should not be considered exhaustive for any area as new
records and species are still often found. Critical monographic work is
highly recommended as a parallel project to clearly understand the species
boundaries. Voucher specimens should be taken from the randomly collected
samples (method explained in previous section). At a minimum, take three
to five individuals with conceptacles that cover all life stages and the range
of variation in size and form.
An unbiased sampling design that samples the population to be
characterized should be used to assess coralline species within a bed - not
just haphazard collections. The samples should be dried in the shade, labeled
with depth, location, date and collector infOimation and wrapped individually.
Information on the size frequency of the rhodolith population within the bed
provides basic demographic information. For each rhodolith collection taken
in the 0.16m 2 quadrats the number of thalli are counted in size classes of
1cm increments. Variation in branch density can be estimated from a subset
of samples. Reproductive 'effOlt' can be estimated by measuring proportion
of individuals with conceptacles.

Many studies describing

patterns of faunal associations in rhodolith beds have sampled rhodolith
substrates using cores and suction dredges. These sampling methods mix


rhodoliths in the diverse community of associated organisms. Density and

percent cover of common epibenthic macroflora and macrofauna are
determined from the 1m2 quadrats. Cryptofauna , the organisms between
the branches of rhodoliths, can be determined from individual rhodoliths
collected from the 0.16m 2 quadrats. Each rhodolith must be placed in a
separate individual bag to retain associated organisms. Infaunal organisms
found in sub-rhodolith sediments are sampled using small sediment cores
taken within the 0.16m 2 quadrats, after living rhodoliths are removed. Both
cryptofaunal rhodoliths and infaunal sediment cores should be preserved in
4% formalin solution for later sorting .
PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS: Measures of physical parameters may be very
important for understanding a rhodolith system. Features include: water
clarity (use a secchi disk), water temperature (thermometer or temperature
logger), salinity (salinometer), light (light meter), waves and currents (current
ESTIMATING RHODOLlTH GROWTH RATES: In situ coralline growth rates
can be measured using the vital calcium carbonate stain, Alizarine Red
(Rivera et ai. 2003; Steller et ai. 2003), which binds with surface epithelial
layers down to about 4 cell layers. New apical growth occurs beyond this
line and subsequent sectioning reveals the pink stain allowing new growth
to be quantified. This method describes tagging, staining, recovery and
growth rate measurements.
Collect replicate rhodoliths spanning the size range of interest and tag
individuals prior to staining as branch tip breakage occurs during handling.
Fragile species can be tagged with I cm wide strips of stretchy pink flagging
or surveyors with the date written on the strip. For durable species, plastic
coated wire cable ties and fishing line with dated tags work well. Double
tag all individuals and tag enough individuals to cover a 50% loss.
Mix Alizarin Red at a concentration of 0.25g/liter seawater and place
tagged rhodoliths in the stain for 24 hours and aerate. Replace individuals,
marking the subtidal location well. If samples will be left for an extended
period of time or for areas of high current, rhodoliths may be put in
I x 1 x 0.25m2 PVC and plastic mesh con'als to enhance retrieval rates .
After the growth period, recover samples carefully to minimize the
breakage of apical tips. Dry samples in shade, verify label and wrap
individually in paper towels. Embed ten branch tips per plant in clear epoxy
on a microscope slide, let dry, and then add another drop of epoxy. Grind
down the surface with fine grinder to expose the stain and measure the new
apical growth. Measure the distance from the stain to the tip to determine
an average axial growth rate in mm/year. Double to give growth in diameter
rate per plant in mm/year.
described sampling protocol should allow for detection of 'change' through
time within a bed. An analysis of the initial data set can be used via power
analysis to determine what future change will be detectable. To rigorously
detect 'recovery' from a determined impact over time aBACI (Before-After





Control-Impact) design should be followed (Stewal1-0aten 1986; Schroeter

1993). At minimum this includes one impact and one control site that are
both measured before and after the impact. Numerous publications are
available discussing proper sampling design (reviewed in Andrew and
Mapstone 1983).



IA l.lBd


The following are given as general guidelines, they are listed here to give
you a sense of the priority the NaGISA project puts on different parts of
the protocols.
SP = Scientific Personnel running a Core NaGISA Site

NP = Non Professional running a NaGISA Site


1. Intertidal zone (high, middle and low): Mandatory
2. Subtidal zone 1 (lm, Sm, 10m deep): Mandatory for SP, preferable
for NP
3. Subtidal zone 2 (ISm and 20m deep): Optional

Rocky Shore Set
1. Temperature (surfacelbottom), latitude and longitude:
2. 1 x 1m - photograph and counts: Mandatory
3. SO x SOcm - collecting: Mandatory for SP, preferable
4. 25 x 2Scm - collecting: Mandatory for SP, preferable
S. Optional
Light, Salinity, pH
Include a 6th replicate for DNA analyses (preserve
Plankton Pulls (see ,online protocols)
Fish Transects (Section 20)

for NP
for NP

in 98% ethanol)

Seagrass Set
1. Temperature (surfacelbottom), latitude and longitude: Mandatory
2. SO x SOcm (picture): Mandatory

Include 6'h replicate for DNA analyses (preserve in 98% ethanol)

Plankton Pulls (see online protocols)
Fish Transects (Section 20)

Locality and physical information: Mandatory
Species (presence) list: Mandatory
Quantified data of selected taxa: Macroalgae/Seagrass (including dry
and wet weights), mollusks, decapods, echinoderms, and corals:
Quantified data of other macrofauna: Mandatory for SP, preferable for
Species list of meiofauna: Mandatory for SP, preferable for NP
Quantified data of meiofauna: Mandatory for SP, preferable for NP
Optional: Species list of plankton, fish and/or meiofauna from the
15cm core


Number of replicates - there should always be at least 5 replicates
Photos -label with quadrat information, including latitude and longitude
Do not choose unsuitable habitats as sampling sites, e.g., rocky shore
without macroalgae, or soft bottom without seagrass
Do not neglect to record taxa, record presence even if you can not



Documentation of a site's physical data, the percent coverage, number of

species from the 1 x 1m quadrat and the recording of voucher specimen
identity are extremely important. Once filled out, the example below would
become the field data sheet for one replicate. It is prudent to keep the field
data sheets even after imputing the data in to the summary data sheets
(NaGISA Excel Data sheets, available from your regional coordinator).

ID nu mber


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NaG 1SA F Ie ld D ala Sheet

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I'D.orln dl ...ldu alj.



Seagrasses and algae are best stored as pressed specimens.

If stored in good (dry) conditions, they can last several centuries. Although
they are less suitable for anatomical studies than liquid-preserved specimens,
the color and gross morphology are retained for much longer. DNA can be
extracted from voucher specimens even after many years, if the specimens
were not treated with formalin, and were quickly dried and stored properly.
Place fresh, wet specimens on herbarium mounting paper and using as little
water as possible spread the thallus out, displaying the characteristic branching
pattern. Cover with gauze, blotter paper, non-stick wax paper or cloth, and
press between absorbent matelial sheets; paper, newspapers or paper towels.
Bind the sheets together in a herbarium press or simply stack one on top
of another, bind with twine and weigh down with weights. Dry in a well
ventilated area at ambient room temperature. During the first week, due to
the high water content of the specimens, the sheets of absorbent material
have to be changed daily. The specimens should be dried for several weeks.
Circulating air (fans, or simply allowing air to flow below, above and around
the stack) will help dry the specimens faster. Well-dried specimens should
be labeled with sampling information; species name, collector name, sampling
place and date of collection. Wrap with a plastic sheet or put in a paper
holder to protect from dirt.
FROZEN PRESERVATION: Place the specimen in a plastic bag, if possible
laying it out flat. Specimens treated like this are suitable for DNA extractions,
morphological observations and will not lose colour but consume considerable
space and energy, and risk damage by mechanical failure of freezers or by
power interruptions.


Section 24



FORMALIN PRESERVATION: Formalin is a dangerous chemical, and should
be handled in accordance with recommendations by health and safety agencies
and the supplier; however it is a fast and effective way to preserve specimens.
It is particularly useful in the field as solutions of less than 10% (1 part full
strength [= 39%] formaldehyde and 9 parts seawater) can be used, reducing
the amount of liquid that needs to be carried in the field. Always use
neutralized formalin in seawater and ensure that the specimens are not
crowded in the jars to avoid the creation of formic acid, which can damage
specimens. Specimens treated like this are suitable for later anatomical
observations, but DNA extractions from formaldehyde-preserved specimens
have not been very successful.
NEUTRALIZED OR BUFFERED FORMALIN: If the formalin solution is made
up using seawater rather than fresh or tap water, the natural buffering
capacity of the salts will help reduce the creation of acid which can lead
to decalcification, discoloration and the eventual breakdown of specimens.
However to ensure that the solution is not acidic it should be buffered. Buffer
IL of concentrated formalin by adding app. 15g CaC0 3 or Borax. Shake
well (it will not completely dissolve).
ETHANOL PRESERVATION: Specimens can be placed directly in > 75% ethanol.
However, unless DNA analysis is going to be conducted (see DNA
preservation) this is not recommended for soft tissue .

material is
to be used for DNA analysis, it should be put directly in > 80% ethanol.
Pressed specimens and those preserved in Silica Gel (see preservation
techniques) can also be used to save DNA for extraction and analyses. As
water escaping from the sample will dilute the concentration of ethanol it
is prudent to replace the ethanol within 24/48 hours.
Small pieces (2g) chopped into less than lmm
of fresh dry algae, seagrass or sponge can be placed in an airtight container
covered with silica crystals (electrophoretic grade) . Specimens treated like
this are suitable for DNA extractions although less so for morphological
observations as they will shrink and change shape.

Specimens should generally be transferred to >70% ethanol for

long-telm storage. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is different from isopropyl alcohol,
which is not recommended for long-term storage. A small amount of glycerol
may be added to prevent specimens from drying out if there is a risk of the
ethanol evaporating.


Relaxing specimens allows them to be worked
with easier, reduce trauma, and is recommended when preparing taxonomic
specimens in order to preserve subtle details and soft body forms. There
are a number of ways to do this:

containing sufficient seawater for the animal to expand fully, useful for

Menthol: an isotonic solution or crystals can be added to the seawater

surrounding the specimens, useful for cnidarians and meiobenthos samples
Nicotine: crushed tobacco from a cigarette can be sprinkled on the
sUlface of the water, useful for cnidarians.
Clove oil: add a few drops of clove oil in the seawater sounding the
specimen, usefu l for decapods and molluscs.
Propylene phenOJ.:ytol: add 1% propylene pheno.>.:ytol to the seawater
sUlTounding the specimen, useful for decapods.
95% ethanol: can be slowly added to the seawater surrounding an
animal placed in a small dish. After about an hour, a moderately sized
echinodelTn or mollusk will become sufficiently unresponsive that it can
then be injected with fixative with little or no change in the orientation
of soft parts such as tube feet.
Chilling: larger specimens, particularly from tropical regions, can be
placed in seawater and left in the refrigerator overnight. The animal will
die in a relaxed posture, and can then be fixed.
PRESERVATION BY DEHYDRATION: Effective for echinoderms (sea urchins,
sea stars, and brittle stars), cnidarians (corals) and crustaceans (decapod s) .
Specimen should be fixed in >70% ethanol for several days before drying
in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight.

This technique is for rapid non-permanent

preparations of spicules or sclerites. Place small fragments of sponge tissue
(l-2mm) into a small tube, flask, or on top of a glass slide. Add a few drops
of active bleach (sodium hypochlorite) and let the tissue dissolve completely.
Wash once or twice carefully with water to eliminate the bleach before
placing the slide on the microscope. If cleaner or permanent preparations
are required it is more convenient but more tedious to use acid digestion.

ACID DIGESTION (SPONGES): This should be done in appropriate clothing

and facilities able to deal with noxious acids (fume hood , protective glasses,
container for used acid disposal, etc).
Place 0.5cm) of chopped sponge tissue into a test tube and cover with
2x volume of nitric acid , and either leave overnight in the hood or accelerate
tissue digestion by placing the tube in a tube heater, or subjecting it to a
slow flame such as an alcohol flame.
Once the solution is clear aspire the acid with a pipette and, and proceed
with a series of washes. Washes start with regular tap water and follow with
a series of alcohol so lutions (70%, 90% , 95%, 100% ethanol). For each wash
the supernatant liquid has to be carefully aspired after spicules settle at the
bottom and discarded properly. After the last wash in 100% alcohol the
mi xture is gently swirled and a few drops placed onto a clean glass slide.


Section 24


After the alcohol evaporates (a slide heater or a flame an be used to

accelerate this process) spicules are mounted permanently with an appropriate
mounting medium (e.g. , Canada Balsam, Permount, Depex, Euparol etc.).

SECTIONING (WET SPONGE): Using a (wet) specimen that that includes

surface and core sponge tissue and has been preserved in 1-2 cc alcohol
thinly (0.2--D.5mm) cut sections from the surface to the core of the sponge
by hand using a new razor blade. Dehydrate the sections through a series
of 95% ethanol (four times, 3-5 min each), and 100% ethanol (twice,
3-5 min each). Place the sections on a glass slide. Add a drop of toluene
(or other clearing agent, carefully as toluene is toxic) so that it just covers
the section. Add a few drops of Permount or Canada Balsam. Dip one
side of a cover slide into toluene (decreases the formation of bubbles) and
place it gently on top of the sections embedded in the medium. If the
sections are too thick a piece of monofilament (fishing line) on each side
of the sections can help to place the coverslip. The mounting medium takes
24-72 hours to dry. Placing it on a heating plate (medium to low heat)
accelerates the drying of the medium.

A piece of a specimen can be air-dried overnight

or in an oven (60-65C) for a few hours. Sections made on dried pieces
are easier to cut, and do not need to go through the dehydration steps given
above; dry sections can be placed directly in alcohol (100%), then moved
to toluene and directly mounted. Several skeletal arrangements can be
studied in this way.


Abdomen. In crustaceans this is the posterior part of the body (the second
region of the two part body plan of decapods and the third region of the
thee part body plan of amphipods) consisting of six segments, sometimes
including a tail fan. In shrimps and lobsters the abdomen is well extended,
thick and strong. In crab-like species, the abdomen is flattened, reduced in
size and fold under the body.
Ambulacrum. The region that runs along the oral surface of an echinoderm's
ray containing the tube feet.
Annuli. Segments of the flagellum or antennae (often erroneously called
articles or segments).
Antenna(e) (1 & 2). Appendages found on the head. In shrimps and lobsters
they are long, wipe-like, sometimes spiny; in crabs these are shorter,
sometimes inconspicuous but in all crustaceans, they are the first (antennule)
and second (antenna) appendages and are comprised of a peduncle and
flagellum of various length; and may have antennal scales and annuli . In
polychaetes, antenna refers to the sensory appendages arising from the
anterior end or dorsal surface of the prostomium.
Appendage(s). A 'limb-like' extension from the main body, including legs,
rays, antennae and antennules.
Appendix masculina. A stylet-like copulatory structure on the inner margin
of the endopod of a male crustaceans' second pleopod.
Area. A distinct geographic region. The NaGISA plan outlines that 3 areas
should be chosen so that they combine to represent the maximum biodiversity
found along the shoreline within each project specified 20 box (20 latitude
x 20 longitude). Each area is to have at least 3 sites.



Article. Segment of an arthropod limb, usually articulating.

Ascocyst. A specialized vegetative cell in brown algae (e.g. Scytosiphonales),
occasionally called a paraphysis.
Axial. In gastropods, this refers to the line more or less parallel to the axis
of coiling.
Beak. The small tip of a bivalve shell, near the hinge.
Benthic. Refers to all marine species that live on the bottom (sea floor),
either in shallow water (intertidally or subtidally: on beaches or rocks, in
coastal lagoons, among seagrasses, in coral reefs) or in deep water. These
species belong to the benthos and are divided in two major groups: species
that live above the substrate and are part of the epifauna and those that live
burrowed in the sediments and are part of the infauna.
Body whorl. The last whorl of a snail shell.
Branchia. Gills - respiratory organs that remove dissolved oxygen from the
surrounding water. In arthropods they are located symmetrically on both
sides of the cephalothorax or thorax.
Branchial cavity/chamber. Space between thorax and lateral flap of the

carapace enclosing branchia or gills in some crustaceans e.g. decapods.

Callus. A thick deposit of smooth shell material or enamel in mollu sks.
Calyx. The central cup that contains the gut and from which the feeding

appendages radiate in crinoids and some stalked, fossil echinoderms.

Cancellate. Mollusk shell sculpture consisting of crossing lines.
Carapace. A shield consisting of hard (strongly calcified) or rather soft
(poorly calcified) tegument covering the head and the thoracic appendages
of crustaceans.
Carpospore. Diploid reproductive cell of red algae formed by the

carposporophyte on the female gametophyte.

Carposporophyte. A generation of red algae developed on the female
gametophyte after fertilization ; forms a carpospore.
Cephalothorax. The fused segments of the head and thorax, covered by the
carapace in decapods.
Chaetae. A chitinous rod-shape process arising from the notopodia and/or

neuropodia of the parapods of polychaetes.

Chela. Claw or pincer, located at the end of a leg in crustaceans comprised
of a fixed finger and a moveable finger.
Choanocyte. Flagellated cell type found in sponges, with a characteristic
set of cytoplasmatic projections that form a net-like collar, essential to filter
very small 211m) dissolved organic matter from the water. The beating
flagella pump water through the sponge at rates of up to 1 l/sponge cc/hour.
Coenocyte. Large multinucleate cell constituting the entire thallus of an
individual alga.

Continental shelf. Sea floor extending between the low water line and
(usually) about 150-200 m depth, where most fishing activities occur.
Core/Corer. A cylindrical tube (corer) of defined radius (I5cm or 2cm) that
is wedged into the soft sediment to a defined depth (IOcm) and removed
with the sediment intact (core), the sediments is then sifted and sorted for
Depth contour (Transect). An imaginary line connecting the ground of the
same height/depth. A transect following the depth contour follows the
undulations of the shoreline and thus is very rarely a 'straight' line.
Endopod. Inner ramus (branch) of a limb, paired with the exopod, in
Es. An index of biodiversity. Usually followed by two numbers as in
Es (50) = 25, the number in brackets refers to the number of randomly
selected specimens from the area in question and the second number refers
to the number of unique species expected to be found amongst those
Exopod. Outer ramus (branch) of a limb paired with the endopod, in
Flagellum. Distal part of a crustaceans antenna 1 or 2, generally made of
many annuli.
Gamete. Sexual reproductive cell.
Gametophyte. A haploid generation that forms male and/or female gametes
in algae.
Gland cell. A specialized vegetative cell in red algae, involved in secretion
or storage.
Gnathopod. First or second pereopod in amphipods, differing in function
and appearance to the following pereopods, usually chelate or subchelate.
Habitus. General appearance, body build and constitution of an organism.
Head. Anterior section of the body. In crustaceans it is the first of two or
three regions of body, incorporating segments bearing pairs of antennae and
Hinge. In bivalves, the interlocking, often toothed, structure in the dorsal
region of the valves.
Hydropore(s). Minute pores, usually contained within the madreporite,
that lead to a canal that connects internally to the water ring of the water
vascular system of echinoderms. Hydropores are believed to replenish water
lost through the tube feet.
Incisor process. Distal biting part of a crustaceans mandible, typically
found with teeth.


Section 25


Lacinia mobilis. Enlarged, nearly mticul ated spine of a crustacean's mandible

spine row, adjacent and similar to the incisor process , found on the left side
of the mandible.
Lamella. A thin plate or ridge often appearing in multiples .
Lip. In gastropods, the margin of the aperture.
Madreporite. A 'sieve-plate' , finely pierced by hydropores, embedded in
the body wall of sea stars, sea urchins, brittlestars, and held within the
coelom of sea cucumbers. The madreporite is connected to the water ring
by the SlOne canal.
Manca. One of th e first three stages of a Peracarida's (e.g . isopod)
postmarsupial life cycle, recogni zed by having the seventh pereopod absent
or rudimentary.
Mandible. Third limb of a clUstacean's head (after antennae), and first
mouthpart; important components are the incisor process, spine row , m.olar
process and (occasionally) 3lticulated palps on the left and right sides, and
lacinia mobilis on the left side.
Marsupium. A ventral pereonal brood-pouch on female amphipods and
isopods for developing embryos composed of oostegites projecting from the
coxae of anterior pereopods and sometimes from the m.axilliped.
Maxilla (1 & 2). 1- The fourth (maxillule) limb or second mouthpart on
the head of crustaceans, comprising of a large outer lobe (endite) armed with
short tooth-like setae, and a smaller inne r lobe (endite) with 1-3 longer
setae. 2- The fifth (maxilla) limb or third mouthpart on the head of clUstaceans,
comprising of a basal segment usually bearing three setose lobes (endites).
Maxilliped. Counted as the sixth limb on the head it is actually the fi rst
limb of a crustacean 's thorax. It is the fourth mouthpart, comprising of the
coxa, the basis bears an extended setose endite palp with 5 articles, and an
epipod attached laterally to the coxa and fused to the head.
Medusa. Solitary, typically pelagic stage of the cnidarian life cycle.
Meristem. A ce ll or group of cell s that divide conspicuou sly and more
actively than other cells (regions), with an essential role in constructing the
thallus in alga.
Metamorphosis. Transformatio n, usually radical and with extensive
remodeling and resorption of tissues, of the newly settled larval stage into
a miniature version of the adult.
Molar process. Grinding portion on the inside of a crustacean's mandible
(usually armed with ridges, teeth and setae although these are sometimes
reduced or absent).
Mutable collagenous tissue. Connective tissues capable of changi ng stiffness
in response to nervous control. Found in the body wall of echinoderms .
Nematocyst. Intracellular stinging capsule used by cnidaria ns in offense
and defense; the sine qua non of cnidarians.

Notopodia/ Notopodium. Dorsal ramus of a parapodium in polychaetes.

Operculum. A gastropod's 'trap door' which closes off the shell from the
external environment when the animal retracts.
Oscule(a). Ex-current aperture of the filtering system of sponges. Usually
visible, ranging in width from 1mm to several cm. Its size, position and
shape are important morphological characteristics.
PaJp. In crustaceans this is the lateral appendage of the mandible (maximum
3 articles) or maxilliped (maximum 5 articles). In polychaetes the palp is
a paired appendage emerging from the prostomium or peristomium, with a
sensory or feeding function.
Parapodia/Parapodium. Segmented foot-like projection of polychaetes,
usually bearing chaetae.
Parietal wall. The area on a gastropod's whorl near the columella, opposite
the outer lip.
Pedicellariae. Minute, jawed structures made of stereom found on the
external surface of echinoids and asteroids.
Peduncle (proto pod or sympod). Basal segment of a crustaceans pleopods
and uropods from which the flagellum or endopod and exopod arise.
Pelagic. Refers to all marine species that are free-swimming in the mid
water water mass, by definition pelagic species are not associated with the
sea floor.
Pentamery. The basic 5-part, radial symmetry typical of adult echinoderms
as manifested by the rays that extend outward from the mouth.
Percent cover. The degree of which a species covers an area, in the NaGISA
case it most often refers to the relative amount of the species found in the
lxlm quadrate in a replicate set. Complete coverage equals 100%, and care
should be made to separate the overhead or canopy coverage from the
benthic coverage (they are given two separate columns in the field data file)
and to record the percentage of bare rock as well.
Pereon. Second of three regions of the body of amphipods and isopods.
Pereonite. One of seven segments of the isopod and amphipod pereon, each
bearing a pair of pereopods.
Pereopod(s). A limb of the pereon or cephalothroax, comprising of 7
articles (or segments), named from the proximal end: coxa, basis, ischium,
merus, carpus, propodus, dactylus. In amphipods and isopods pereopods
are numbered 1 to 7 and are equivalent to limbs 2 to 8 of the thorax. In
decapods there are five pairs , the first pair ends in a claw, in some groups,
legs 4-5 or just 5 are reduced in size.


Section 25


Periostracum. The outermost layer of the molluscan shell composed of a

horny organic su bstance.
Peristomium. The segment behind a polychaete's prostomium.
Periphery (of a whorl). The edge of a gastropods whorl.
Phaeophyceae. Brown algae. A member of Ochrophyta (Chromista) with
multicellular thai Ii, using chlorophylls a, c and fucoxanthin (the source of
it's characteristic brown color) as its major photosynthetic pigments. Mostly
maline. About 2,000 species in 300 genera are described worldwide.
Pleon. Third of three regions of the body of isopods . Second of two regions
of the body of decapods.
Pleonite. One of first of (usually) 5 segments of the pleon or abdomen of
crustaceans. See pleotelson.
Pleopod(s). One of the first (usually) 5 paired, biramous limbs of the pleon
or abdomen of crustaceans.
Pleotelson. Segment derived by fusion of sixth pleonite and telson in some
crustaceans e.g. isopods and tanaids.
Plication. A fold in a mullu scan shell.
Polyp. Typically benthic stage of the cnidarian life cycle; may be solitary
or colonial.
Proboscis. The anterior part of a polychaete's prestomodeum (gut), which
can (usually) be everted past the prostomium for feeding and/or burrowing.
Protoconch. The first, usually uncalcified, translucent, smooth whorls of
a gastropod's shell, forming the apex.
Pygidium. The post segmental , most posterior section of polychaetes,
surrounding the anus.
Prostomium. The pre-segmental , most anterior lobe of polychaetes.
Quadrat(s). A square of a determined size (1xlm , 50x50cm, 25x25cm) ,
which is used to define the ground to be sampled. Often made out of simple
PCV tubing connected together and weighted for underwater use. Sections
within the quadrat can be measured off with string to assist with calculating
the percent coverage.
Quadrat set. A group of quadrats (one of each size: lxlm, 50x50cm,
25x25cm) in rocky shores, or quadrats and cores (one of each size 50x50cm,
l5xlOcm , 2xlOcm) in seagrass beds, that make up one of five of the
replicates to be taken along a single depth contour transect during NaGISA
field sampling.
Radial. In bivalves, in the direction of growth outward from the beak.
Radial canal. The part of the water vascular system of echinoderms that
progresses from the circum-esophagea l water ring along the ray, giving rise
to the tube feet.

and ambulacrum.

Reticulate. A network of crossing lines in mulluscan shells.

Rhodophyceae. Red algae. Traditionally divided into two subclasses,
Bangiophycidae having simple thallus structures and life histories, and
Florideophycidae having more elaborate thallus and apparent three-phase
life histories. Chlorophyll a and phycobili n proteins are the major
photosynthetic pigments. About 5,500 species in 600 genera are described
worldwide, most of which are marine.
Rostrum. Prolongation of median part of anterior carapace between a
crustacean's eyes. Can be inconspicuous, long or short, spiny or smooth.
Rudiment. A collective term for the structures formed in the earliest stages
of a developing echinoderm larva. The rudiment becomes more strongly
expressed as it interacts with various body cavities and tissues to develop
a miniature version of the adult body form on the left side of the larva.
Seta. A cuticular process clearly articulated wi th the basal cuticle; often
complex, with secondary setules or comb-like structures. Some literature
uses the term 'spine' for thickened setae but ' robust seta' is more acc urate.
For polychaetes see chaetae.
Site. A di stinct local ranging from 10 to 75 m hosting a conti nuous habitat.
NaGISA sites within an area mu st be separate and di stinct fro m each other.
Sites are chosen according to the following qualities: Pristineness,
Continuousness, Stability, Accessibility, and Relation to historic sampling
areas or communities.
Slate. A rectangular board made of PVC, often sanded so that it can be
written on with a pencil. Some slates are made to hold underwater paper
to record data.
Spicule(s). Mineral structures secreted by many sponge species composed
of e ither calcium carbonate or silica. Silicate spicules are secreted over a
protinaceous filament. Sizes range from a few micrometers to a meter. Its
main function is to give strength, and support to the sponge body.
Spine row. Row of spines on mesial side of a crustacean's mandibular
incisor process, proximal to lacinia mobilis.
Spiral. Following the same direction as the turning of a gastropod's whorls.
Spire. The visible palt of all the whorls of the gastropod's shell excep t the
last or body whorl.
Sporophyte. A diploid generation that forms asexual reproductive cells in
algae; when meiosis occurs in the formation of reproductive cells, the cell s
will develop as haploid gametophytes.

Section 25


Statocyst. Sac-like balance organ, usually contammg a granule(s). It is

found in the telson of anthuroids, the antennae of mysids and just behind
the eye of many cephalopods.
Stereom. Usually porous, sponge-like calcium carbonate (limestone, or
calcite) elements found in the body of an echinoderm. Although any given
slereom plate will act optically as if it were a single calcite crystal, stereom
is in fact polycrystalline, and also incorporates a proteinaceous matrix .
Stone canal. A tube, often invested with stereom elements, connecting the
madreporile to the water ring of the waler vascular system of echinoderms.
Subchelate. Claw-like extremity of a crustacean leg, forming an imperfect
pincer with a moving finger closing in a vertical plane.
Taxon (pI. taxa). General telm for a taxonomic entity of any taxonomic
rank e.g. form, species, genus , class.
Tetraspore. Asexual reproductive cell Plincipally formed after meiosis,
four in each tetrasporangium. Widely seen in red algae and one order of
brown algae i.e. Dictyotales.
Thallus. General term for a plant body without obvious differentiation i.e.
the part not divided into blades/leaves , holdfasts/roots etc. It is often thin
and flattened , as in the body of alga or the simple plant body of some
Transect. A (usually) straight-line corridor of varying dimensions (width,
height, and length) used to record the density of organisms. When run
subtidally it is referred to as an underwater transect. NaGISA transects
follow the depth contour line.
Tube foot (feet or podia). The hollow, tube-like external manifestations of
the echinoderms water vascular syslem, operated by exploiting the properties
of a hydrostatic skeleton. Muscles extend the tube fOOL by squeezing water
into the internal cavity to increase volume by increasing length. Opposing
mu scles for retraction operate to pull the tube foot back towards the body.
Ulvophyceae. A member of Chlorophy ta (green algae). Chlorophyll a
and b, and xanthophylls are the major photosynthetic pigments. About
1,100 species divided amongst 100 genera are described worldwide.
Umbilicus. The hole in the center of the basis of some gastropod shells.
Umbo. The upper or early part of the bivalve shell, opposite the hinge.
Unguis. Claw-like seta on the tip of dactylus of crustaceans.
Uropod. Most posterior paired limb of a crustacean, it is attached to the
pleotelson in isopods with which it can form a tail-fan or be found in the
styliform or operculifonn.
Varix. A thickened rib on the surface of a gastropod's shell marking the
end of a growth stage.
Water ring. The part of an echinoderm's water vascular system that forms
a ling around the esophagus , and which gives rise to the radial canals.

from the hydrocoel in the rudiment.

Whorl. A complete turn of a gastropod 's shell.

Zoospore. A motile asexual reproductive cell produced by algae.


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The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (lTIS)

hltp ://www.itis. gov/

Checklists , maps and information on Italian fauna.

Stoch Fabio (2003) Fauna ItaliaOnline version 2.0, Italian Ministry of

the Environment


Gateway to online European resources of the natural world including

databases , keys and images.

. . -.

University of Nottingham (2006)

hup :/ / uk/browse/590. 744 .hlml

Biology teaching resources.

Morin, A., J. Houseman (2007) Digital Resource for Teaching Biology


hi tp ://b ca/

An searchable megabase with 25472 unique taxa pooled from 20 separate

taxonomic databases.
World Biodiversity Database (2007), Expert Center for Taxonomic


hI lP ://n l biLeti php

European register of marine species.




Flanders Marine Institute (2006) MarBEF Data System

htlp ://www.marbef. org/dala/erms .php
A photographic guide to the marine life in Britain and Ireland.
Picton, B. , C Morrow (2002) Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain
and Ireland llilbi las .org. uk/mari nelife/

Phylogenetic trees and systematics.

Tree of Life Web Project (2007) The University of Arizona College of

Agriculture and Life Sciences and The University of Arizona Library

http ://tol

Costal and Ocean Plankton Ecology, Production & Observation

Database, a global zooplankton and phytoplankton database.

O ' Brien, T. (2006) COPEPOD online database US National Marine

Fisheries Service, Service & Technology, Marine Ecosystems Division

http ://www.s l. ndex.hlml

The webpage of the International Association of Meiobenthologists,

links to their newsletter Psammonalla and a li st of meiobenthic taxa.

Walters, K. (2006) International Association of Meiobenthologists

Information about nematodes, interactive keys, and resources.

CSIRO Australia (2005) Nematodes (Nematodes or Roundworms)

http :// .ht m I

Electronic identification keys to free-living marine nematode diversity.

Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Natural History Museum, London (2006)

Darwin Nematode Project


A guide to information on gastrotricha, and access to current worm

research .

Todaro, M . A. (2007) Gastrotlicha Web Portal (2006)


Introduction to Nematode research.

Mitreva, M . D. et al. (2005) Nematode Net Genome Sequencing Center

Il tlp ://www.nem atode. net/

Key s and information on Venezuelan Mollusks (Echinoderms and
Crustaceans are also mentioned). In Spanish
Bordas H. and G. Griffon (2004) Le conchiglie dei litorali veneziani


Section 27


Searchable Molluskan Key, information and links. In Japanese and


Yamada, M. (2006) Shell Database

http ://www.bigai .ne.j p/i ndex .hlm I


Macloacology 4.0.2: A database on Western Atlantic Mollusks Species

(systematics , biogeography and diversity).

Rosenberg, G. (2005) Malacology 4.0: A database of Western Atlantic

marine Mollusca. Electronic publication


Information on Mediterranean shells with notes on shells from other

seas and mega mollusks.


Firm, S. R. L. (2006) Malacology, Electronic publication iglie/defaull_ lIk .hI m

Online Searchable museum shell collection and information.

Natural History Mu seum Washington State University

http ://shells .tri uedu/

A bivalve database with images, keys and notes on current research.

Bieler, R . and P. M. Mikkelsen (2005) BIVALVES-Research, Training,

Electronic Di ssemination of Data

htlp ://peet.fmnh .org/

. -.

Images of seashells from the Alboran Sea and North West Africa,

Morocco to Guinea including the Canary Island.

Bellocq, M., J. M. Hernandez, Otero and F. Gubbioli (2006) Alboran


ilttp://www.alboransilells .comj


A database-driven web site on all living cephalopods (octopus, squid,

cuttlefish and nautilus), taxonomy, images and information

Wood, J. B. and C. Day (2006) CepilBase Dalhousie University

illtp ://www.cephbase. lItmb.eduj

Physical Oceanography

Information on physical oceanography.

Stu wart, R. H. (2005) In troduction to Physical Oceanography






hll-p://oceanworld. tamu.ed u/ocean4l O/ocng4! O_texcbook.htm l

Satellite maps.


htlp :// iacs .umd .eJ u:8080jesdi /index.jsp.

Global sea level data.

Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS)

hll p://www.pol .ac .uk/psmsl/programnlcs/ ml

Global Weather forecast.

World Meteorological Organization WMO

hap://www. worldweathe

Ocean Colour data.


hl tp://oceancolor.gsfc. nasa. gov /

Ocean Wind data.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

http ://!.nasa. gov/

Online identification key to Polychetes. In French

Narendra Jussinen (2006) NEREIS Electronic publication

http ://w!ud ia nl s/projets/nereis/index.htm I

A guide to information on annelids, and current worm research and


Read, G. B. (2006) Annelida Resources Electronic publication ne t/

Online bibliography containing 17500 references from the last 300 years

on polychaete annelids.

Ward, L. and K. Fauchald (1997) Polychaete Bibliography, 2nd Edition

htl p://134.60.85 .50:59 l(PolyDB/PolyDB _sLl .htm l

Taxonomic information about polychaetes by the Darwin Initiative

projec t.

Paterson, G., Kendall, M., Aryutbaka, C. (2005) Taxonomic information

across the internet; Natural History Museum of London

http ://www.nhm .ac .ukiresearch-curati on/projects/taxinfo/index2.html

An interactive key and information system for polychaete families and

higher taxa.

Glasby, C. J. and K. Fauchald (2003) Polikey Version 2: 5

hl! r ://www.deh .gov. au/biodiversity /abrs/online-res ources/po likey/


Online key to species of the Family Eunicidae found in Italy.

Ponti, M. (2006) E uniidae of Italy haete_keys/Eunicidae/index. htm


Section 27


Guide to Poriferans (Sponges). Life history, Systematics and Morphology.
Collins , A. G. , B. Waggoner (2006) Introduction to Porifera Electronic


hllp:// .html

A global list of extant sponges - a searchable preliminary database of

all living and described sponges.

van Soest, R. , N. Boury-Esnault, D. Janussen and 1. Hooper (2005)

World Porifera database

http :// f era/

A guide to classification and identification of Sponge Porifera.
Hooper, J. N. A. et al. (2000) 'SPONGUIDE' Guide to sponge collection
and identification (Ver. Aug. 2000)
hltp://www. qmuseum .qld .gov. au/organisati on/sections/
Sess ileMarineJ Ilvertebrates/index . a.~r
Key to Porifera focusing on the class Demospongiae taken from

Kozloff, 1987, 1996.

Cowles Dave (2005) Phylum Porifera, University of Washington Press

http ://www.rosario. fera_Key. htmJ

Field Guide to Sponges from Antarctica.

Conlan, K. , P. Cziko, 1. Mastro and N. Wu (1998). Underwater Field

Guide to Ross Island & McMurdo Sound, Antarctica; Canadian

Museum of Nature

htlp://sc iii b.llcsd .edu/ s io/ns Ufguide/porifcra. hIm]

Species lists of Porifera found globally. The Porifera collection of the

ZMA , database, catalogue and 3D images.

van Soest, R. The Porifera collection of the Zoologisch Museum,

htl p://www. science. bases .cfill (Choose: Porifera)
Up-to-date listings of recent publications on ascidians worldwide, and
ascidian abstracts from recent meetings and links.
Lambert, C. C. and G. Lambert (2006) Ascidian Home Page for the
United States u/ascid ian!

Todd W. Anderson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology,

San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, California,
92182-4614, USA. He conducts research on the ecology of fishes, particularly
the population and community ecology of temperate and tropical reef fishes.
He can be contacted by phone (619-594-0995) or e-mail (todda@sunstroke.
sds Information about Dr. Anderson's research, graduate students,
publications, presentations, and current projects can be found at his "Fish
Ecology Lab" website ( Contribution:
Protocols for sampling and monitoring nearshore fishes
Chittima Aryuthaka is the director of the Ranong Coastal Resource Research
Station, Kasetsart University, Ranong Province and is a regional expert on
seagrasses und er the UNEP/GEF Project: Revers ing Environmental
Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand. Primarily
focused on ecological processes in seagrass beds her interests include ecology
and taxonomy of meiobenthos and using the Internet as a tool to increase
interest in taxonomy at large. Contribution: Introduction to seagrass bed
ecology and the seagrass identification guide
Lisandro Benedetti-Cecchi is an Associate Professor in Ecology at the
University of Pi sa. His research focu ses primarily on the ecology of
assemblages of algae and invertebrates in intertidal and subtidal rocky
seashores. Key-research topics and expertise include: design and analysis
of ecological experiments; analysis of the roles of species' interactions and
climate change in determining pattern s of biodiversity; experimental
evaluation of consistency and variation of ecological processes at multiple
scales in space and time; development of experimental designs to separate
the effects of intensity and temporal variance of ecological processes;
optimisation of environmental sampling designs for impact assessment;
species invasion and ecology of Marine Protected Areas. He is also the


Section 28



leader for the NaGISA European Seas region. Web Site:
disc at. uni!LBC. htm Contribution: Sampling
Juan M. Diaz is a malacologist and marine ecologist. He is the author of
more than 60 contributions in scientific journals, most of them dealing
with Caribbean molluscs (taxonomy and biogeography), coral reefs and
seagrass beds . He has also written several books that describe the distribution
and features of marine environments in Colombia and an ex hau stive field
guide of molluscs of the Colombian Caribbean. He was the leader of the
Marine Biodiversity Program at The Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas
y Costeras -INVEMAR- in Santa Marta, Colombia, for 18 years. At present,
he is Associate Researcher of the Humboldt Institute in Bogota and
scientific advisor of The Nature Conservancy for conservation planning of
the Tropical Eastern Pacific region . His tele phone number is 57-1-6278858,
and his e-mail address is [email protected]. Contribution: Mollusca
identification guide
Maria Cristina Diaz specializes in the taxonomy of intertid al and tropical
sponges but has a special interest in biodiversity and community structure
of the Caribbean. She has been fascinated with sea life since her very first
dive and has been working on sponges since focusing on the coral reef of
Los Rogues National Park for her undergraduate research project. When
not being followed by film crews (as she was for the Shape of li fe project hapeoflife/) or getting species named after her
(Halicnemia diazae Desgueyroux-Faundez & Van Soest, 1997), she can be
reached at [email protected] or [email protected] or found at
the Mu seo Marino de Margarita in Venezuela at the Smithsonian Institute,
National Mu seum of Natural History. Contribution : Sponge identification
Daphne G. Fautin is a student of sea anemones, specializing in their natural
history (reproduction and symbiosis) and evolution (their relationship to
scleractini an corals) . She is a Professor in the Department of Ecology and
Evolutionary Bi ology at the University of Kansas, USA , and a Curator in
the University of Kansas Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research
Center. Her office is in Haworth Hall, University of Kansas, 1200 Sunnyside
Avenue, Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7534 USA. Her telephone number is
1-785-864-3062, and her e-mail [email protected]
of her stude nts, and other related information is on her we bs i te,
www.nhm.ku. e du/~inverts. The website has a link to her taxonomic and
biogeographic database of "Hexacorallians of the World" (reef-forming
corals, black corals, tube anemones, sea anemones, etc.): http://
geoportal.kgs .ku .ed u/Hex acora l/an emone2. Contribution: Cnidarian
identification guide
Michael S. Foster is a Professor Emeritus at Moss Landing Marine
Laboratories. He obtained his PhD in biology ( 1972) from the University
of California, Santa Barbara and is a Fellow of the Califomia Academy
of Sciences and a Fulbright Scholar. His research interests center on the
ecology of subtidal and intertidal reefs, particularly algal populations and
assemblages in kelp forests, rhodolith beds and rocky shores, and have
resulted in 70 peer-reviewed professional papers, 4 books and numerous
reports. He is also interested in an thropogenic impacts to these habitats, and

analytical and statistical analyses. Contribution: Sampling and monitoring

rhodolith beds

Michel E. Hendrickx leads the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

benthic invertebrate laboratory, which is oriented towards investigating marine
and brackish water invertebrates of the Mexican Pacific. Beyond taxonomy
his interests carryover to ecology, biogeography and the anthropogenic
effect on natural systems. He has updated several invertebrate inventories
of the southern regions (Gulf of California, Mexican Pacific & Tropical
Pacific) and carried out numerous revisions of taxa all while continuing to
compile a considerable invertebrate specimen collection. He can be reached
at Unidad Academica Mazathin, ICML, UNAM, PO Box 811 Mazatlan,
Sinaloa 82000, Mexico. E-mail: [email protected]. Contribution:
Decapod identification guide
Eric C. Henry is a phycologist with a special interest in the systematics
and biology of brown algae and culture studies. He is presently an inde
pendent consultant providing expertise on algal problems, especially mass
culture growth systems. He holds an Affiliate appointment at Oregon State
University, and can be contacted at [email protected] or
[email protected]. Contribution: Macroalgae identification guide
Katrin Iken's research is centered on trophic interactions between
organisms. She is generally interested in shallow water community diver
sity, dynamics and ecology, especially in both Polar Regions, and in deep
sea communities . Most of her shallow water work uses scientific diving as
a research tool. She is the NaGISA regional manager of the Polar Seas
Region. Details of her current research, teaching schedule and supervising
roles can be seen at her page on the University of Alaska, Fairbanks website:!. Contribution: Editor
Testuya Kato currently at Kyoto University Aquarium is a polychaeta
taxonomist with a special interest in the family Phyllodocidae. He has
accumulated quite a few frequent flyer miles in the quest of his research
including trips around Japan during his doctoral work at Hokkaido
University, through Europe specifically Paris to work at the National
Museum of Natural History and throughout Asia as a taxonomy workshop
leader and field researcher. Contribution: Polycheate identification guide,
Protocols for rocky shores and seagrass beds.
Hiroshi Kawai a taxonomist of marine macroalgae, specializing in brown
algae, is a Professor and the Director of the Kobe University Research
Center for Inland Seas, and the President of the Japanese Phycological
Society. His offices and laboratory are in the main campus (Rokkodai
Campus) of Kobe University in the City of Kobe, but he splits his time
between there and the research center's marine station on Awaji Island in
the Seto Inland Sea. Summary of his laboratory and publications can be
found on his home page:
KURCIS/index-e.html and he can be contacted by email at kawai@kobe Contribution: Macroalgae identification guide

Section 28



Eduardo Klein is a marine biologist who uses satellite images of the

sea as a tool to understand the dynamics of the nearshore ocean and
their ecosystems. He is interested in the highly productive upwelling
environments in the Southern Caribbean, and some results of his work can
be seen at In addition to oceanographic data for the
Southern Caribbean, the page contains a set of friendly web tool s to extract
infolmation from satellite images. He is a professor in the Depa11ment of
Environmental Studies at Simon Bolivar University, Caracas, Venezuela.
He believes that basic environmental data, such as oceanographic and
meteorological records and basic biodiversity information should be
freely available for a better understanding of our environment. He can be
reached at [email protected] Contribution: Introduction to Oceanography for
Nearshore researchers
Brenda Konar is an Associate Professor at the School of Fisheries and
Ocean Sciences , University of Alaska Fairbanks, which is a bit different
than the University of California Santa Cruz where she received her PhD.
She is involved in vari ous projects focused on nearshore ecology, including
biodiversity, macroalgal/fish and invertebrate interactions, marine mammal
foraging studies, monitoring programs, and scientific diving techniques as
well as being the NaGISA Eastern Pacific regional leader. For more detail
see her web page edu/directory/fac ulty/kon ar/.
Contribution: Introduction to rocky shore ecology
Patricia Miloslavich is currently a Senior Professor at the University of
Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela. She obtained her PhD in Oceanography
at the University of Quebec at Rimouski, Canada. Her research focuses
primarily on reproduction of marine invertebrates, especially gastropod
mollusks, and on seagrass mollusk assemblages. She is also responsible fo r
coordinating the Caribbean regional committee of the Census of Marine Life
(CoML) program and the NaGISA (Natural Geography in Shore Areas)
project for the South American region. Contribution: Mollusca identification
Rich Mooi recei ved his PhD at the University of Toronto , Canada, in 1987,
and is presently Curator of Inve11ebrates at the California Academy of
Sciences . His research focuses on the phylogenetics and evolutionary biology
of both fossil and extant Echinodennata, particularly the sea urchins. Among
the urchins, his main interest is in the sand dollars (Clypeasteroida) and their
allies. He is also the site director fo r the Academy's Research Experience
for Undergraduates program (funded by the National Science Foundation),
and coordinates SFBay:2K. the Academy's survey of benthic animals in
San Franci sco Bay. You can find him at the Department of Invertebrate
Zoology & Geology California Academy of Sciences 875 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 941033009 U.S.A. 415-321-8270415-321-8615 (fax)
[email protected] or at his post as a Research Professor at San
Francisco State University. Contribution: Echinoderm identification guide


Manuel Ortiz Touzet is an active NaGISA site manger and taxonomy

expert. He has published more than 220 papers on Systematics and Ecology
of anchialine, and freshwater (epi or hypogean) Peracarid Crustaceans,
described more than 100 new species. and 8 new genera and as well as
recorded hundreds of new records from different areas of the world's oceans.


or [email protected]. Contribution: Amphipod identification guide

Gary C. B. Poore has 35 years expelience in taxonomy of marine crustaceans
and environmental ecology. He has a broad knowledge of the taxonomy of
marine invertebrates and is an authority on Crustacea. He has published
numerous papers on clUstacean systematics. revised several major taxa and
described many new taxa particularly of isopods and ghost shrimps. Gary
is author of the book published in 2004 "Marine decapod Crustacea of
southern Australia: a guide to identification" dealing with 800 species of
crabs. shrimp and lobsters. Contribution: Isopod identification guide
P. Robin Rigby currently a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science post
doc feIIow at Kyoto University. is an ecologist primarily interested in
movement. migration and behaviour of octopus but has become more and
more fascinated with nearshore ecology and the interrelationships between
species and anthropogenic integration/impacts in the system while working
with NaGISA first as the education manager and since 2004 as the project
coordinator. She can be reached at robin@seto . Contribution:
Introduction. Protocols for rocky shores and seagrass beds and Editor
Rafael Riosmena-Rodriguez is a Professor at Universidad Aut6noma de
Baja California Sur. He obtained his PhD (2002) from La Trobe University
and has been a member of the National Research System since 1998. He
was an invited researcher from 2002-2005 at the Natural History Museum
of Los Angeles and the Universidad de Alicante and Centro Interdisciplinario
de Ciencias Marinas. His research interests are related to the taxonomic and
biogeographical reassessment of Seaweeds and Seagrasses and the ecology
of intertidal and sub tidal algal dominated environments in relation to
conservation and sustainable development of coastal habitats. His research
has resulted in 50 peer-reviewed professional papers. 8 published book
chapters and 2 books in preparation. Contribution: Sampling and monitoring
rhodolith beds. Protocols for rocky shores and seagrass beds
Yoshihisa Shirayama is the director of the Seto Marine Biological
Laboratory. Field Science and Education Center in Kyoto University and
the PI of the NaGISA project. His true love however is for the smaIIer things.
which is understandable. as he has spent much of his carrier working with
meiobenthos. specificaIIy nematodes and scalidophores. His offices are
situated in Shirahama (459 Shirahama. Wakayama. 649-2211. Japan). a
famous spa town in southern Honshu. His CV and other related information
can be found on the web at or you can
reach him by phone 81-739-42-3515 or e-mail [email protected].
Contribution: Introduction. Meiobenthos identification guide . Editor
Diana L. Steller, a research biologist focused on the ecology of temperate
reefs and subtropical carbonate rhodolith beds with an emphasis on macroalgal
ecology. algal physiology and species interactions. She is currently the
Diving Safety Officer at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories where she also
teaches courses on marine science research diving techniques. kelp forest



Section 28


ecology and the ecology of the Gulf of California. She has been working
in the Gulf of California for the past 17 years and is particularly interested
in the role that macroalgae playas a substrate and food resource in subtidal
communities and how algal dynamics int1uence community dynamics and
the growth and establishment of carbonate reefs - past, present and future.
Contribution: Sampling and monitoring rhodolith beds

Abdomen 48, 60--65, 75-78

Ambulacrum 43

Antenna 48-50, 60-62, 65, 74,


Appendage 47-49, 59,61,73,


Area 7-8, 13-14, 17,25,35-36,


Article 77

Ascocyst 35

Axial 50, 58, 96

Chela 59,61-64,71,75

Choanocyte 70, 72

Coenocyte 34

Columella 58

Concentric 46

Continental shelf 60, 85

Core/Corer 8, 25-29, 38

Beak 40-41

Benthic 3-4, 15,22, 24, 47,

60--62, 69, 73-74, 80, 93-94,


Body whorl 58

Branchia 48, 57, 59-62, 78

Branchial cavity/chamber 56-57,

59, 69-70. 72, 74, 78, 95

Endopod 77

Exopod 77-78

Calyx 46

Cancellate 58

Carapace 59-62, 64--65

Carpospore 34

Carposporophyte 36

Cephalothorax 59

Chaetae 47-51


Depth contour (Transect) 17-19,

26, 28, 91-92, 94--95

Flagellum 74, 77

Gamete 34, 51

Gametophyte 35

Gnathopod 73-74

Head 47-4.9,56-57,59,73-77

Hinge 57-58

Hydropore 42

Lip 51, 58

Section 29

Madreporite 42--44

Mandible 51,76-78

Marsupium 74, 76

Maxilla (l & 2) 51, 76

Maxilliped 74-77

Medusa 52-54

Meristem 35-36

Metamorphosis 42--43

Mutable collagenous tissue 42--43

Nematocyst 53-54

Neuropodia/Neuropodium 48

Notopodia!Notopodium 48

Operculum 14, 48, 78

Oscule(a) 69-71

Palp 48,50-51 , 74--75

Parapodia/Parapodium 47-50

Pedicellariae 43--45

Peduncle (protopod or sympod)

40,71,74 , 77

Pelagic 24, 43 , 52, 54, 59-62

Pentamery 42

Percent cover 18, 94-96

Pereon 73-74, 76-77

Pereonite 74, 77

Pereopod 59, 61-62, 73-74,


Peristomium 48 , 51

Pleon 73-74, 77-78

Pleonite 74, 77-78

Pleopod(s) 73-76, 78

Pleotelson 76-78

Plication 3, 9, 45

Polyp 33, 52-55, 57-58

Proboscis 48-50

Prostomium 47--48 , 51

Protoconch 58

Pygidium 48--49

Quadrat 8, 18-20, 27

Quadrat set 27


Radial 42, 44, 52

Radial canal 44

Ray 71

Reticulate 71

Rhodophyceae 33, 93

Rostrum 60-62, 64-65, 74

Rudiment 42--43

Seta 76-77

Site 9, 17-19, 25-28 , 86,94--95,


Slate 91-92, 94

Spicule 57, 69-72

Spiral 58

Spire 58

Sporophyte 35-36

Stereom 42--43, 45, 49-50, 74,

76, 81

Stone canal 42

Subchelate 64

Taxon (pI. taxa) 8, 21, 29, 35-36,

42, 44--45, 61 , 72, 80, 82

Tetraspore 34

Thallus 35-36, 60

Transect 17-19,25-26, 28 , 90-92,


Tube foot (feet or podia) 42--46

Ulvophyceae 33

Umbilicus 58

Umbo 57

Uropod 48, 73-74, 76-78

Varix 58

Water ring 42

Water vascular system 42--43

Whorl 58

Zoospore 33-34


ISBN 9971-69 - 368-2

9 789971 693688

f;! '


\,;J ThuNppon ~
This pub lication was supported
by the Nippon Fou ndation

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