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~upreme Qeourt
G.R. No. 195477



CARPIO, J., Chairperson,

- versus -




2 5 J~




We resolve the petition for review on certiorari filed by petitioners to

challenge the July 28, 2010 decision 1 and January 4, 2011 resolution of the
Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-GR CV No. 92770. The CA affirmed the
Regional Trial Court's (RTC) decision ordering the petitioners to vacate the
Spouses Antonio and Ligaya Dumlao (Spouses Dumlao) are the
registered owners of a parcel of land located at Barangay San Mariano,
Roxas, Oriental Mindoro, and covered by TCT No. T-53000. The San
Mariano Academy structures are built on the property.

Penned by Associate Justice Nonnandie B. Pizarro and concurred in by Associate Justices Amelita
G. Tolentino and Ruben C. Ayson; ro//o, pp. 37-48.



G.R. No. 195477

The Spouses Dumlao bought the property in an extrajudicial

foreclosure sale on April 25, 1990. Because the former owners, Spouses
Herminio and Editha Erorita (Spouses Erorita), failed to redeem it, the title
was consolidated in the buyers name.
The Spouses Dumlao agreed to allow the petitioners to continue to
operate the school on the property. The Spouses Erorita appointed Hernan
and Susan Erorita as the San Mariano Academys administrators.
The Spouses Dumlao alleged that the Eroritas agreed on a monthly
rent of Twenty Thousand Pesos (P20,000.00), but had failed to pay rentals
since 1990. The Spouses Erorita countered that the Dumlaos allowed them
to continue to run the school without rental out of goodwill and friendship.
On December 16, 2002, the Spouses Dumlao asked the petitioners
to vacate the property. Although the Spouses Erorita wanted to comply,
they could not immediately close the school without clearance from the
Department of Education, Culture, and Sports to whom they are accountable.
On March 4, 2004, the Spouses Dumlao filed a complaint for
recovery of possession before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) against the
defendants Hernan, Susan, and the Spouses Erorita.2
In their joint answer, the defendants prayed that the complaint be
dismissed because they cannot be forced to vacate and to pay the rentals
under their factual circumstances.
After the issues were joined, the case was set for pre-trial. However,
the defendantsEroritas failed to appear despite notice. Thus, the RTC
declared them in default and ordered the Spouses Dumlao to present
evidence ex parte.
On June 4, 2007, the RTC decided in the Spouses Dumlaos favor. It
ordered the defendants (1) to immediately vacate the property and turn it
over to the Spouses Dumlao, and (2) to pay accumulated rentals, damages,
and attorneys fees. The RTC also prohibited the defendants from accepting
enrolees to the San Mariano Academy.
The defendants Erorita appealed to the CA arguing that the complaint
patently shows a case for unlawful detainer. Thus, the RTC had no
jurisdiction over the subject matter of the case.
On appeal, the CA affirmed the RTCs decision.

Civil Case No. C-492. Rollo, pp. 196-202.


G.R. No. 195477

The CA ruled that the applicable law on jurisdiction when the

complaint was filed, was Republic Act No. 76913 (RA 7691). This law
provides that in civil actions involving a real propertys title or possession,
jurisdiction depends on the propertys assessed value and location if the
assessed value exceeds fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) in Metro Manila,
and twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) outside of Metro Manila, the RTC
has jurisdiction. If the assessed value does not exceed these amounts, then,
the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) has jurisdiction.
Because the tax declaration showed that the assessed value of the
property and its improvements exceeded P20,000.00, the CA concluded that
the RTC had jurisdiction.
Citing Barbosa v. Hernandez,4 the CA held that this case involves an
action for possession of real property and not unlawful detainer.
The CA denied the petitioners motion for reconsideration; hence, this
In their petition, the Spouses Erorita essentially argue that: (a) the
RTC had no jurisdiction because the allegations in the complaint show a
case for unlawful detainer; and (b) Hernan and Susan were improperly
impleaded as parties to this case.
In their comment, the respondents argue that: (a) the RTC had
jurisdiction because this case involves issues other than physical possession;
(b) even assuming the RTC initially had no jurisdiction, the petitioners
active participation during the proceedings bar them from attacking
jurisdiction; (c) Hernan and Susan are real parties in interest as the lease
contracts primary beneficiaries; and (d) this last issue cannot be raised for
the first time on appeal.
Based on the parties positions, the issues for our resolution are:

Whether the RTC had jurisdiction; and

Whether Hernan and Susan were improperly impleaded.

The petition is partly meritorious.


An Act Expanding the Jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and
Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, amending for the purpose Batas Pambansa, Blg. 129 [BP 129], Otherwise
Known as the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, March 25, 1994.
G.R. No. 133564, July 10, 2007, 527 SCRA 99.


G.R. No. 195477

We hold that: (1) the MTC had jurisdiction; and (2) the second issue
was not raised before the lower courts; thus, it cannot be considered in the
present case.
Jurisdiction is based on the
allegations in the complaint.
On the first issue, the allegations in the complaint determine the
nature of an action and jurisdiction over the case.5 Jurisdiction does not
depend on the complaints caption.6 Nor is jurisdiction changed by the
defenses in the answer; otherwise, the defendant may easily delay a case by
raising other issues, then, claim lack of jurisdiction. 7
To make a case for unlawful detainer, the complaint must allege that:
(a) initially, the defendant lawfully possessed the property, either by
contract or by plaintiffs tolerance; (b) the plaintiff notified the defendant
that his right of possession is terminated; (c) the defendant remained in
possession and deprived plaintiff of its enjoyment; and (d) the plaintiff filed
a complaint within one year from the last demand on defendant to vacate
the property.8 A complaint for accion publiciana or recovery of possession
of real property will not be considered as an action for unlawful detainer if
any of these special jurisdictional facts is omitted.9
A review of the complaint shows that: (a) the owners, Spouses
Dumlao, agreed to allow the petitioners to continue operating the school on
the disputed property; (b) in a demand letter dated February 12, 2004, the
Spouses Dumlao told the petitioners to pay and/or vacate the property; (c)
the respondents refused to vacate the property; and (d) the Spouses Dumlao
filed the complaint (March 4, 2004) within a year from the last demand to
vacate (February 12, 2004).
Thus, although the complaint bears the caption recovery of
possession, its allegations contain the jurisdictional facts for an unlawful
detainer case. Under RA 7691, an action for unlawful detainer is within the
MTCs exclusive jurisdiction regardless of the propertys assessed value.10
The CA incorrectly applied our ruling in Barbosa. In that case, the
complaint did not state that (i) possession was unlawfully withheld and (ii)
the complaint was filed within a year from the last demand. Because these
special jurisdictional facts for an unlawful detainer case were lacking, we

Spouses Flores-Cruz v. Spouses Goli-Cruz, G.R. No. 172217, September 18, 2009, 600 SCRA


Hilario v. Heirs of Salvador, G.R. No. 160384, April 29, 2005, 457 SCRA 815.
Spouses Cruz v. Spouses Torres, G.R. No. 121939, October 4, 1999, 316 SCRA 193; Larano v.
Calendacion, G.R. No. 158231, June 19, 2007, 525 SCRA 57.
Corpuz v. Spouses Agustin, G.R. No. 183822, January 18, 2012, 663 SCRA 350 citing Canlas v.
Tubil, G.R. No. 184285, September 25, 2009, 601 SCRA 147.
Penta Pacific Realty Corporation v. Ley Construction and Development Corporation, G.R. No.
161589, November 24, 2014.
Section 33(2) of BP 129 in relation to Section 19(2) of BP 129, as amended by RA 7691, supra
note 3; Penta Pacific Realty Corporation, id. at 7.


G.R. No. 195477

held that the case should be accion publiciana over which the RTC has
In the present case, however, the complaint clearly contained the
elements of an unlawful detainer case. Thus, the case should have been filed
with the MTC. The RTC had no jurisdiction over this case.
Since a decision rendered by a court without jurisdiction is void,11 the
RTCs decision is void.
Jurisdiction over the subject matter
may be raised at any time.
With the jurisdictional issue resolved, we now examine whether the
petitioners timely raised this issue.
As a general rule, lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter may be
raised at any time, or even for the first time on appeal.12 An exception to this
rule is the principle of estoppel by laches.13
Estoppel by laches may only be invoked to bar the defense of lack of
jurisdiction if the factual milieu is analogous to Tijam v. Sibonghanoy.14 In
that case, lack of jurisdiction was raised for the first time after almost fifteen
(15) years after the questioned ruling had been rendered and after the
movant actively participated in several stages of the proceedings. It was
only invoked, too, after the CA rendered a decision adverse to the movant.
In Figueroa v. People,15 we ruled that the failure to assail jurisdiction
during trial is not sufficient for estoppel by laches to apply. When lack of
jurisdiction is raised before the appellate court, no considerable length of
time had elapsed for laches to apply.16 Laches refers to the negligence or
omission to assert a right within a reasonable length of time, warranting a
presumption that the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or
declined to assert it.17
The factual setting of this present case is not similar to Tijam so as to
trigger the application of the estoppel by laches doctrine. As in Figueroa,
the present petitioners assailed the RTCs jurisdiction in their appeal before
the CA. Asserting lack of jurisdiction on appeal before the CA does not
constitute laches. Furthermore, the filing of an answer and the failure to


Spouses Flores-Cruz v. Spouses Goli-Cruz, supra note 5.

Lopez v. David, G.R. No. 152145, March 30, 2004, 426 SCRA 535.
Boston Equity Resources, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 173946, June 19, 2013, 699 SCRA
16 citing REGALADO, REMEDIAL LAW COMPENDIUM I 187 (10th edition).
131 Phil. 556 (1968).
Figueroa v. People, G.R. No. 147406, July 14, 2008, 558 SCRA 63, 75.
Cosco Philippines Shipping, Inc. v. Kemper Insurance Company, G.R. No. 179488, April 23,
2012, 670 SCRA 343 citing Regalado v. Go, G.R. No. 167988, February 6, 2007, 514 SCRA 616-617.


G.R. No. 195477

attend the pre-trial do not constitute the active participation in judicial

proceedings contemplated in Tijam.
Thus, the general rule should apply. The petitioners timely questioned
the RTC's jurisdiction.

Issue not raised before

the lower court
On the second issue, it is settled that issues that have not been raised
before the lower courts cannot be raised for the first time on appeal. 18 Basic
consideration of due process dictates this rule. 19
We note that the second issue raised by the petitioners were not raised
before the lower courts. The petitioners only raised this issue in their
petition before this Court. Thus, we need not discuss this issue at our level.
WHEREFORE, we hereby GRANT the petition. The July 28, 2010
decision and January 4, 2011 resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-GR
CV No. 92770 are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Accordingly, we
DECLARE the June 4, 2007 decision of the RTC in Civil Case No. C-492
void for lack of jurisdiction.

Cilruw rJ an;._


Associate Justice


Associate Justice



Associate Justice


Associate Justice

Vda. De Gualberto v. Go, G.R. No. 139843, July 21, 2005, 463 SCRA 671-672.
Esteban v. Marcelo, G.R. No. 197725, July 31, 2013, 703 SCRA 82, 92.


G.R. No. 195477

I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.

Associate Justice

Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the
Division Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the
above Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was
assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.


Chief Justice

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