Falling Film Transition and Heat Transfer On Horizontal Circular Cylinders

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17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference

Auckland, New Zealand

5-9 December 2010

Falling Film Transition and Heat Transfer on Horizontal Circular Cylinders

F. A. Jafar1, G. R. Thorpe2 and .F. Turan1

School of Engineering and Science

Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia

Centre for Environmental Safety and Risk Engineering

Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia
In this paper, an investigation of liquid film falling over three
horizontal cylinders is presented. A numerical investigation
verified with experimental results is carried out using a
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, FLUENT, for 2D and
3D configurations towards better design of beds of irrigated
horticultural produce.
The primary objective of the present study is to use numerical
predictions to study the effects of liquid flow rate, cylinder
diameter and the heat flux towards reducing energy and water
requirements in cooling horticultural produce.
The present numerical results show good agreement with the
experimental results. The use of a numerical tool has resulted in
a detailed investigation of flow and heat transfer characteristics
which have not been available in the literature previously.
Key words: horizontal tube, interface, CFD simulations, falling
liquid film, FLUENT, GAMBIT.

falling liquid film is widely used in refrigeration, petroleum

refining, chemical and desalinization devices and utilized in food
and dairy industries.
Three flow modes can be observed when liquid films flow over
horizontal cylinders, namely, droplet, jet or column and sheet
modes. These flow patterns are described by Mitrovic [9].
Armbruster & Mitrovic [1] predicted transitions between flow
modes. Additional work of flow modes is given by Hu & Jacobi
[5] as they described the flow characteristics and mode
transitions for wide ranges of flow rate and fluid properties.
They proposed a flow mode transition map of film Reynolds
number, Re, against the Galileo number, Ga. Here, Re = 4 / L

and Ga = 3/( L 4 g), where is the liquid flow rate per unit
length, L and L are the liquid density and dynamic viscosity,
respectively, and is the surface tension.
Studies of flow transition of the falling film modes have attracted
the attention of many researchers. Yung et al. [11] have
investigated the jet-droplet transition. Their correlation can be
written as,

List of Symbols

acceleration due to gravity, m/s2


Galileo number, Ga = 3/(

local heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2K)

L 4g)

average heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2K)

thermal conductivity, W/(mK)


local Nusselt number, Nu = ( 2 / g )1 3 h / k


average Nusselt number, Nu = ( 2 / g )1 3 h / k

heat flux, W/m2


film Reynolds number, Re = 4 /

liquid film flow rate per unit length of tube

flowing over one side of horizontal tube, kg/(ms)

instability wavelength, spacing between neighbouring jet

or droplets, m

liquid Newtonian dynamic viscosity, kg/(ms)

liquid density, 998.2 kg/m3 for water

surface tension, 0.073 kg/s2 for water

The rate of heat transfer that exists between falling liquid film
and a horizontal cylinder is generally high. For this reason,

d p 2
= 0.81 L

6 L 3



where is the stability wavelength on horizontal tubes, and d p

is the diameter of primary drops which can be written as,

= CL



where C L is an empirical constant equal to 3 for water. The

horizontal distance between two neighbouring drops or jets is
defined as the wavelength of the falling film.
Many researchers have studied the parameters which affect heat
transfer between liquids and horizontal tubes. Parken [10]
reported that the heat transfer coefficient increases with the liquid
flow rate. Fletcher et al. [2] reported that the Nusselt number
increases with flow rate and heat flux. Ganic & Roppo [3] have
experimentally studied the effect of liquid flow rate over heated
horizontal tubes on the flow regimes. They found that there are
two types of flow modes associated with liquid films. The first is
the droplet mode, which is related to lower flow rates, and the
second is the jet mode which manifests at higher flow rates.
They have also found that the heat transfer coefficient increases
with liquid flow rate and tube spacing. Sensible heat transfer
under different film modes has been investigated by Hu & Jacobi
[6]. They found that the heat transfer coefficient in the sheet
mode shows large circumferential variations related to flow.

They reported that average Nusselt number increases with

Reynolds number and decreases with tube diameter.
The investigation in this paper is part of an experimental and
numerical exploration of heat transfer of falling film modes.
Different parameters such as liquid flow rate or Reynolds
number, cylinder diameters and heat flux are investigated. The
ultimate aim of this research is to reassess the empirical
correlations that govern the performance of trickle bed reactors
and other porous media that involve two fluid phases with more
detailed computer simulations. In this paper, the numerical
predictions are obtained using the power of a computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) code FLUENT for 2D and 3D configurations of
three horizontal plain cylinders. The mathematical approach is
based on the volume of fluid (VOF) method where the primary
phase is represented by air and the secondary phase by the liquid.
The VOF technique has been employed to mark a point occupied
by liquid as 1 and 0 if occupied by air. The values between one
and zero indicate a free surface. The volume of fluid method was
established by Hirt & Nichols [4], when they traced the fluid
regions through an Eulerian mesh of stationary cells.

been modelled in order to obtain faster solutions. The boundary

conditions imposed are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
Velocity inlet (nozzle)

Air pressure inlet

Air pressure inlet


Experimental Setup
A schematic diagram of the experimental test rig is shown in
Figure 1. The test rig was designed after considering several
schemes described in the literature. Further experimental details
are given by Jafar et al. [7, 8].

Air pressure outlet

Velocity outlet
Figure 2. Physical configuration of the 2D model.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of heat transfer setup. 1) water tank, 2)

cylinders, 3) reservoir, 4) water pump, 5), 6), 7) valves, 8) low flow rate
flow meter, 9) high flow rate flow meter, 10) bypass line, 11) digital
voltmeter, 12) electric power meter, 13) thermocouples, 14) computer and
data acquisition system, 15) digital camera.

Numerical Model
The system investigated in this paper consists of a column of
cylinders, the axes of which are parallel and located one above
the other as indicated in Figures 2 and 3 for the 2D and 3D
configurations, respectively. Water, with a uniform velocity, is
introduced onto the array of cylinders through a slot nozzle
located above the top cylinder. Three phases, liquid (water), gas
(air) and solid (the cylinders) were modelled numerically.
Numerical simulations have been performed at liquid mass flow
rates of 0.0125, 0.025, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.2, 0.325, 0.5 and 0.75
kg/(ms), to achieve Reynolds numbers of 50, 100, 250, 500, 800,
1,300, 2,000 and 3,000, respectively. A commercial finitevolume CFD code, FLUENT has been used for the simulations.
The grid has been generated in GAMBIT. Half of the domain has

Figure 3. Physical configuration of the 3D model.

A tri-pave mesh has been generated for the fluid and solid
domains using a boundary layer technique, where the boundary
layer around the cylinder is relatively small. This boundary layer
thickness has been found to accurately capture phenomena that
occur in the liquid adjacent to the cylinder walls. A size function
technique has been employed to smoothly control the growth in
the mesh size over a particular region of the geometry starting
from a source or origin. It can also be used for smooth transition
from a fine mesh needed to resolve flow physics with curved
geometries and to model flows in thin gaps.

The simulations were allowed to continue to quasi-steady state.

Both 2D and 3D simulations have been verified to be grid and
time step independent. Further details are given by Jafar et al. [8].
The differential equations that govern heat and momentum
transfer have been presented by Jafar et al. [7].

Flow Mode Visualization
To understand the falling film modes and transitions, a horizontal
cylinder can be considered with a smooth thin liquid film around
it. The hanging or suspended drops separate from the lowest
cylinder position. Some drops might break away from the film
and fall under the effect of gravity prior to this position. This is
the beginning of the droplet mode from a falling liquid film. The
axial distance between the neighbouring droplets is determined
primarily by the wavelength of the most unstable free surface.
At low liquid flow rates, liquid droplets fall with a low frequency
from the bottom of the top horizontal cylinder to the one below.
The droplet formation frequency increases with an increasing
liquid flow rate. With a further increase of the liquid flow rate,
the liquid leaves the cylinder at the same location in a continuous
column. This event is the transition from the droplet to dropletjet mode. With a further of increase of the liquid flow rate, a
transition from the droplet-jet to the jet mode occurs. As the flow
rate increases further, the liquid leaves the surface in a
continuous column in the jet mode, where the diameter of the
liquid jet increases with the flow rate. When the flow rate
increases even further, the jet becomes unstable and an additional
column appears, resulting in the jet-sheet to sheet mode
transition. The liquid jets are unsteady in location for a short
time. Then, the sheet thickness becomes thin, and the sheet
becomes stable at a closer spacing to produce a full sheet mode.
Liquid film modes have been observed from the present
experimental and numerical flow visualization results. A brief
summary is presented in Figures 4 and 5, respectively.

Figure 4. Experimental visualization of flow modes: a) droplet, b)

droplet-jet, c) inline jet, d) staggered jet, e) jet-sheet and f) sheet modes.

Effect of Falling Film Modes and Reynolds Number on

Heat Transfer Characteristics

Figure 5. Contours of volume fraction. The numerical flow visualization

of 3D falling liquid film modes: a) droplet, b) jet and c) sheet modes.
Red is volume fraction of 1 for water. Blue signifies volume fraction of 0
for air.

Num. droplet mode

Num. sheet mode
Exp. jet mode

Average Nusselt number

Nusselt number shows a strong dependence on the Reynolds

number, as illustrated from the experimental and numerical
results in Figure 6. The effect of heat transfer coefficient on
Reynolds number in the droplet mode is due to the increase of
droplet frequency with increasing Reynolds number. In the jet
mode, the average heat transfer coefficient increases with the
Reynolds number, but the dependence is less pronounced than for
the droplet mode. The effect of heat transfer coefficient on
Reynolds number in the jet mode is due to the increase of heat
transfer coefficient in the impingement region more than what
occurs in the droplet mode. For falling film in the sheet mode,
the Nusselt number still exhibits a Reynolds number dependence.
In this mode, the heat transfer coefficient in the impingement
region is higher than in the jet and droplet modes, due to greater
heat removal. The numerical results differ from the experimental
ones by about 2.4% at the droplet mode, Re = 250. This
difference is 1.5% or less at jet mode, Re = 800, and 0.7% at
sheet mode, Re = 3,000. The closer agreement at higher Reynolds
numbers is attributed to the better control of the higher liquid
volume flow rates during the experiments.

Num. jet mode

Exp. droplet mode
Exp. sheet mode








Reynolds number

Effect of Cylinder Diameter on the Heat Transfer

Cylinder diameter has a significant effect on the heat transfer
coefficient as demonstrated by the results shown in Figure 7.

Figure 6. Average Nusselt number for droplet, jet and sheet modes at
different Reynolds numbers, present experimental (Exp) and numerical
(Num) results.

The heat transfer coefficient is larger for a smaller diameter

cylinder over the whole range of liquid flow rates or Reynolds
numbers covering the droplet, jet and sheet modes. The effect of
tube diameter on the heat transfer coefficient can be explained in
terms of the boundary layer development. The film thickness is
larger on a smaller diameter cylinder, keeping all other
parameters constant, due to its smaller surface area. Therefore,
the average heat transfer coefficient is also greater for a smaller
diameter cylinder. It is expected, based on the results presented
so far, that the largest contribution to the high average heat
transfer coefficient on a smaller diameter cylinder must come
from its impingement region.

0.022m diameter

0.1m diameter

Avarage heat transfer coefficient,

W/(m2 K)

0.123m diameter

Experimental work and numerical simulations with a commercial

finite volume CFD code, FLUENT, have been used to study heat
transfer to falling liquid film and the effect on the heat transfer of
different parameters such as liquid flow rate or Reynolds number,
the cylinder diameter and heat flux.
From the experimental and numerical results, the following can
be concluded:
Increasing the liquid flow rate (and hence, Reynolds number)
results in an increase in the heat transfer coefficient.
Decreasing the cylinder diameter results in an increase in the
heat transfer coefficient.
For the completely wetted surfaces, the heat flux has no
significant impact on the heat transfer coefficient.




[1] Armbruster, R & Mitrovic, J 1994, 'Patterns of falling










Liquid flow rate, kg/(ms)

Figure 7. Effect of cylinder diameter on average heat transfer coefficient,

present experimental results.

Effect of Heat Flux on the Heat Transfer

The experimental and numerical results indicate that for
completely wetted surfaces, the heat flux has no significant
impact on the heat transfer coefficient as shown in Figure 8. In
this figure, the variation of the average Nusselt number is
presented with heat flux. Both experimental and numerical
results are given, and the numerical results are verified with the
experimental ones. In the experiments and the numerical
simulations, the cylinder diameter is 0.1 m, and the Reynolds
number is 800. The heat flux on the cylinder surface is the range
of 50 to 171.368 kW/m2. While the surface temperatures vary
significantly, there is no significant change in the heat transfer


Average Nusselt number








Heat flux, kW/m2

Figure 8. Effect of heat flux on average heat transfer coefficient.

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[2] Fletcher, LS, Sernas, V & Parken, WH 1975,
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[3] Ganic, EN & Roppo, MN 1980, 'An Experimental
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[4] Hirt, CW & Nichols, BD 1981, 'Volume of fluid
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Comput. Phys, vol. 39, p. 201.
[5] Hu, X & Jacobi, AM 1996, 'The Intertube Falling Film
Part 1 - Flow Characteristics. Mode Transitions and
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[6] Hu, X & Jacobi, AM 1996, 'The Intertube Falling Film:
Part 2 Mode Effects on Sensible Heat Transfer to a
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118, pp. 626 33.
[7] Jafar, FA, Thorpe, GR & Turan, OF 2009, 'Toward the
Detailed Simulation of the Heat Transfer Processes in
Unsaturated Porous Media', paper presented to ASME
Summer Heat Transfer Conference, San Francisco,
California, USA, July 19-23.
[8] Jafar, FA, Thorpe, GR & Turan, OF 2007, 'Liquid Film
Falling on Horizontal Circular Cylinders', paper
presented to AFMC 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics
Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3-7
[9] Mitrovic, J 1986, 'Influence of tube spacing and flow
rate on heat transfer from a horizontal tube to a falling
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San Francisco, vol. 4, pp. 1949-56.
[10] Parken, WH 1975, 'Heat Transfer to Thin Water Film
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[11] Yung, D, Lorentz, JJ & Ganic, EN 1980,
'Vapor/Liquid interface and entrainment in falling film
evaporators', Journal of Heat Transfer, vol. 102, pp.

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