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Commercial offer about the PET washing line, capacity

1000 kg/h

This industrial high-technology line is suited for recycling of highly contaminated PETbottles into PET flakes with a very high degree of purity.. The degree of innovation of
this line is very high compared to the recycling technologies currently used today. The
system described below is unique in many aspects and delivers the best results under
lowest operating costs possible.

Such lines are currently successfully used world wide (Europe, USA, Saudi Arabia,
Japan, etc.).
The main key behind their success is a unique patented technology of Controlled
Friction, which enables to reach very high degree of purity of the final product on the
one side and to minimize the costs on the other side.

Basic working principles of the line

The lines design allows continuous 24/7 (24 hours, 7 days a week) work
with minimal processing and maintenance cost. It is possible to wash
highly contaminated material to very high degree of purity (bottle to bottle
quality). It is possible to adapt the washing quality of the process to reach
the desired result.
Early contaminate removal: Since contamination causes machine wear,
reduces throughput and affects product quality, it is essential to remove as
much contamination as economically possible early in the process.
Modular design makes the line flexible and easy to adapt to the working
environment, it is possible to change the order of the machines, to add new
ones, etc.
If the demands for quality of the final product are not very high, with
minimal additions it is possible to make two separate washing lines (1000
kg/h each) out of this one.
The line is very reliable, is made with very high amount of steel. All
machines are very robust and made out of thick metal, special alloys and
heat treatment in order to reduce wear, make them more stable and
decrease the maintenance costs.
All wearable parts can be easily accessed and replaced.
Multiple sequential washing, rinsing, and floating, drying steps.
Centrifugal drying, is more efficient, than the drying by hot air, because it
also removes the chemicals and dirt dissolved in the water, which is not
possible during the hot-air drying, where some contamination usually
remains on the surface of the flakes after the water disappears.
No steam is required during the washing process, resulting in significant
energy savings;
Less caustic soda or other chemicals significantly reduce costs and
increase the efficiency of the water treatment system;
No water heating is needed for the washing process, only cold water is
used by the system. This results in additional energy savings and further
reduces operating costs of the facility.
Washing machine is an electronically driven device, where the operator
states the amount of friction for the flakes, from almost zero to the
maximum amperage allowed by the motor. The residence time, the
amount of the material going in, the amount of water, its temperature and
the degree of friction can be changed according to the contamination
degree. The whole process is displayed on the color TFT sensor display.

Main characteristics of the end product

Small fraction (< 0,5 mm)

Flake size
Moisture content
Chemical contamination (wash residuals)
Floatable contamination
Other non-melting particles


< 0,3
6-12 mm
7 0,5
< 0,7
< 50
< 60
< 30
< 10
< 20
< 45

Main elements of the line


Inclined conveyor belt
Sorting conveyor belt with metal detector
Inclined conveyor belt on wheels for feeding the material into the
Wet granulator with extraction screw
Rinse-Dryer 1
Pneumatic conveying system
Label Separator with 2 cyclones
Buffer tank with agitator and extraction screw
Sink-float tank 1
Washing machine 1
Rinse-Dryer 2
Pneumatic conveying system
Sink-float tank 2
Washing machine 2
Pneumatic conveying system
Electrical panel

1. Inclined conveyor belt

Delivers the bottles to the sorting conveyor, completely out of stainless steel.
(made in Finland),
- Length 7m,
- Width 0.8m
- Variable height
- Self-cleaning PVC belt, white color, 2mm thick
- Motor with gear box, Lenze (made in Germany)
2. Sorting conveyor belt with variable speed and metal detector (made in

Length 10m,
Width 1,2m
Variable height
Self-cleaning PVC belt, white color, 2mm thick
Motor with gear box, Lenze (made in Germany), variable speed.
Metal detector Mesutronic, (made in Germany),

When the metal is detected, both conveyor stop and the signal lamp flash. The
operator can remove the corresponding bottle from the belt.
Sensitivity of the metal detector can be adapted according to the desired results.
3. Inclined conveyor belt mounted on wheels with brakes.
Delivers the sorted PET-bottles, to the granulator. The belt is made out of the
thick rubber with pads, green, and 3.5mm thick. Conveyor has a metal-free zone.
An additional metal detector can be installed on it. The conveyor is mounted on
wheels with brakes to gain an easy access to the granulator when needed.
4. Wet granulator with extraction screw

Manufacturer Inan Plastic, Model IM 70/125. The machine granulates the incoming PET
bottles. The usage of water in the granulation process decreases the noise level and

reduces the wear of the blades. Besides that the usage of water enables a certain type of
pre-washing. Some amount of dirt, labels, etc. is being detached from PET. The rinsing
process, which comes next, removes all the dirt, which has been detached during the
granulation. This way a big amount of dirt is taken out of the system immediately after
the granulation. This simplifies the further process significantly and reduces the wear of
the equipment.
The design of the rotor reduces the heating effect during the granulating process and
combined with the water cooling of the bearings makes the 24 hours a day work possible.
The screen and the blades can be easily accessed. The hydraulic system enables to open
the feeding hopper with one button touch.
The granulator has 6 anti-vibrating pads Gerb (Germany).
Technical Data
Quantity of rotor blades

: 15

Quantity of stationary blades


Width of the rotor

: 1250 mm

RPM of the rotor

: 425

Rotor Diameter

: 700mm

Main Motor

: 75 kW

Blade Material

: DIN 2379

Screen Size

: 12 mm

Hydraulic Pump Motor

: 1,5 kW

Cooling System

: Water Cooling of the Bearings


: 7500 kg

Motor of the Extraction Screw

: 3 kW

Quantity of security switches


Length (together with the screw)

: 4800 mm


: 1915 mm


: 4895 mm

5. Rinse-Dryer 1

The purpose of the rinse-dryer is to clean the flakes from loose dirt.
It is a horizontal type machine.
The machine is divided into 2 sections. First section consists out of the solid stainless
steel basket, where material spins together with water at a very high speed (2500 RPM).
Due to the friction among the flakes, basket, the pads and the rotor certain washing also
takes place here, in addition to rinsing. In the second section, the flakes are separated
from water during the centrifugal drying process. (Please see the introduction page about
the advantages of the centrifugal drying over the conventional drying method using hot
All inner parts, where contact with water occurs, are made out of stainless steel. The rotor
and the pads are made out of special steel, hardened.

Technical Data
Quantity of the pads


Length of the rotor

:2050 mm

RPM of the rotor


Diameter of the rotor

:450 mm

Main motor

:37 kW


:2 mm

Water pump

:0,75 kW


: 2500 kg


: 2500 mm


:1600 mm


:2050 mm

6. Pneumatic conveying system

The purpose of the system is to transport the flakes from the rinse-dryer to the label
separator. The cyclones represent a stable construction with thick walls, made out of
stainless steel.
7. Label separator with two cyclones

Out of the rinse-dryer the flakes go to the label separator via the pneumatic conveying
system. Label separator is a stainless steel construction with a blower on top. The airflow can be adjusted in order to reach the desired results. It separates the paper labels
(and other light fractions) from PET. The flakes fall down to the buffer tank, while the
labels are taken away into the second cyclone via an air-flow.

8. Buffer tank with agitator and extraction screw

Stainless steel tank, where flakes are temporary stored, before they go to the washing
line. Agitator homogenizes the material and transports it in the direction of the extraction
screw, where the flakes are extracted. The speed of the extraction screw is adjusted
automatically (via PLC) according to the working state of the washing machines.
9. Sink-float tank 1

Made out of stainless steel. PET flakes enter the sink-float tank via the screw conveyor.
At the end of this screw conveyor an agitator takes the incoming flakes and sprays
them under the surface of the water with a very high speed. The strong agitation lets the
flakes into the tank to mechanically remove air from flakes surface. The spaying
principle makes the process more efficient and delivers a very high degree of
PET flakes are sinking down to the bottom of the tank and are being transported to the
end of it. The floatable fraction goes to the end of the tank with the water flow, created by
the water pump. It reaches a dewatering auger, and is extracted with the help of the screw
conveyor. PET flakes remain on the bottom of the tank and are moved towards the lower
end of the tank with the help of the special screw conveyor. After that they are extracted
via an extraction screw and forwarded to the washing machine.
The sink-float tank has an additional service tank with two water pumps to make the
water level and flow constant all the time, which is important for the separation process.

10. Washing Machine 1

This machine uses two main components of successful washing process, mainly
temperature and friction in an optimal way. During the washing process, due to
the friction, water heats up and almost reaches the boiling point.
This design allows us to reach two targets simultaneously: creating friction to scratch
the flakes' surface and generating hot water by friction itself.
The washing machine makes all the friction required to get the flakes clean. It keeps the
material under friction all the time. The residence time, the amount of the material going
in, the amount of water, its temperature and the degree of friction can be changed
according to the contamination degree. The whole process is displayed on the color TFT
sensor display. The washer generates heat by itself (no additional water heating or steam
is required) and it is continuous like all other machines in the system.
It is an electronically driven device, where the operator states the amount of friction for
the flakes, from almost zero to the maximum amperage allowed by the motor.
The feeding hopper is dimensioned according to flake size (and volume) and receives any
quantity of material coming from the system, keeps it inside under friction for minutes,
not seconds, while generating the heat that helps to detach sticky dirt, glue and everything
else from the surface of plastics.

The working chamber is made out of anti-wear manganese steel. The friction rods can be
replaced in less than one hour.

The main innovations of the washing process include but are not limited to the following:

No steam is required during the washing process, resulting in significant

energy savings;
Less caustic soda or other chemicals significantly reduce costs and
increase the efficiency of the water treatment system;
No water heating is needed for the washing process, only cold water is
used by the system. This results in additional energy savings and further
reduces operating costs of the facility; and
The system is continuous.

Technical data
Length of the rotor

:1150 mm

RPM of the rotor


Diameter of the rotor


Main motor

:112 kW

Water pump

:0,75 kW


: 2200 kg


11. Rinse-dryer 2
The dirt, separated during the first washing stage together with the remains of the
chemicals (if they are used on the previous stages) is finally removed by fresh water. The
design and the working principle is exactly the same as by the rinse-dryer 1, which is
described in the section 5. The dry flakes are being transported with the help of the
pneumatic transport system to the next stage.
12. Pneumatic conveying system
Fully identical to the system, described in the section 6. On this stage the flakes are 9598% clean. The next stages are needed to achieve the 99.5-99.9 % level.
13. Sink-float tank 2
Fully identical to the system, described in the section 9. The remaining light fraction is
finally removed during this stage.
14. Rinse-washing machine 2
Fully identical to the system, described in the section 10, except for the main motor (75
kW). The final washing with clean hot water takes place. The additional target, which is
being achieved here is a complete removal of all chemicals, from PET flakes (like caustic
soda, surfactants, etc.) if they were used during the washing process.
15. Dryer
Fully identical to the system, described in the section 10, except for the 2 section design.
The centrifuge delivers a flake with less than 0.6% moisture content with a screen with 2
mm holes. (Please see the introduction page about the advantages of the centrifugal
drying over the conventional drying method using hot air).
16. Pneumatic conveying system with the cyclone to fill the big-bags
Fully identical to the system, described in the section 6.
17. Electrical panel
Contains all the electrical elements needed like contactors, relays, safety devices, drive
inverters, PLC with the color sensor display to control the washing process and change
the washing parameters if needed. The PLC enables an automatic start and stop of the
system in a right sequence.

Layout of the line

Washing part of the line


18. Notes
In order to successfully install and run this PET washing line the following work needs to
be done.

Balancing: the washing equipment is new, two rinse-dryers and one dryer must be
balanced on the Customers side.
The software for the PLC must be updated, to reflect the new configuration of the
Assembling of the line

Two inclined conveyors, the sorting conveyor and the granulator are in used condition (3
months). The overall working condition is very good. The washing line is new and has
never been used.
Please contact for more information
Mr. Giorgio Mattiello ([email protected] or [email protected])


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