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The data in the current system is migrated with the new system for Image
The DOC obtained from the customer is scanned as per the TELECOM
The work done is Quality checked and verified and the erroneous data is
Intermediate software is build to maintain DOC in image format.
Separate server is maintained within the intranet of TELECOM for
maintaining the data of DOCs.

Customer Data Capture and DOC Scanning

In this module CSE will collect the information regarding the customer
from DOC and make a detailed data entry in the software. The details in
DOC like customer name, mobile number, address, address proof,
identification proof, SIM No will be entered in the software along with
SSA details.
After finishing of data entry CSE will scan every page of DOC including
the proof attached with the DOC. The scanned image will be saved as
multipage PDF and its file name will be its mobile number of DOC.
Customer Data Verification
In this module Tele caller will view the details of individual DOC and
make a call to the customer directly and verify the details of address,
name, DOB and proof details. He will also view the scanned copy of
DOC and verify it with the original DOC. If everything is fine then he
will make entry in the software as DOC verified. Unverified documents
will be sent back to the CSE and customer will be intimated to re-furnish
the proper documents.
DOC Authorization and LOT NO Generation
In this module ENGG PROCESS will verify the details of DOC and
scanned copy of DOC. If everything is proper he will allot a LOTNO to
the specified DOC and DOC will be transferred to the LOT ROOM.
ENGG PROCESS holds the rights of administrator, he can mark any
document as verified, he can disqualify a document. Lot No number will
be sequentially generated from 1-1 to 1-750 per lot, after completion of
first lot it will start generating the next sequence from 2-1 to 2-750. The

Lot number is auto generated. The lot number generated can be printed
and fixed on DOC or it can be manually written over the DOC as per the
users preference.
Customer Identification
Checking the proof with the major providers like PAN, RTO, RDO
departments database for the validity of proof submitted. Maintaining a
unique number for a customer for any number of mobile numbers.
Checking with the Proof:
During the time of DOC submission his data will be fed within the
system. At that time the data of the proof submitted will be cross verified
with the provider of the document. For example if a customer submits a
PAN Card as his proof the data of his PAN will be retrieved from the
server of PAN and it will be displayed in the system. If any data misled
happens customer will be denied from issue of SIM

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