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The Project Supermarket Management System deals with the automation of supermarket. It includes
both sales and purchase of items. The project Supermarket Management System is developed with the
objective of making the system reliable, easier, fast, and more informative. There is a lot of reason for
the introduction of this project. In the manual System, there are number of inefficiencies that a
salesperson faces. Large records-books have to be maintained where relevant and irrelevant
information has to be stored which is very untidy and clumsy process. But our System reduces paper
works. On the other hand, there are many inherent problems that exist in any manual system. Usually,
they lack efficiency. Less efficiency has a great impact on the productivity of any human being
keeping the data up-to-date.
The different modules included in our project are administrative module, employee module,
purchase module, sales module and billing module. Administrator allocates unique username and
password to the employees. Each employee can login with the help of his/her unique id and password.
Purchase and Sales module contains all the purchase and sales details. All the payment details will be
shown in the Billing module.


E-commerce is fast gaining ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. More and more
business houses are implementing web sites providing functionality for performing commercial
transactions over the web. It is reasonable to say that the process of shopping on the web is
becoming commonplace.
The objective of this project is to develop a general purpose e-commerce store where any
products can be bought from the comfort of home through the Internet. However, for
implementation purposes, this paper will deal with an online Shopping Cart.
The Shopping Cart is a virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse the catalog and
select products of interest. The selected items may be collected in a shopping cart. At checkout
time, the items in the shopping cart will be presented as an order. At that time, more information
will be needed to complete the transaction. Usually, the customer will be asked to fill or select a
billing address, a shipping address, a shipping option, and payment information such as credit
card number. An e- mail notification is sent to the customer as soon as the order is placed.

The Shopping Cart is expanded permanently through new products and services in order
to offer a product portfolio corresponding to the market. Private customer and business
customers can order the selected products of the Shopping Cart service online quickly
and comfortably.
Target groups of customer of the Shopping Cart are. The customers can have a payment option
through credit card only. In order to use the load writing procedure, the customer registers itself
and receives a login for its purchases name. It is an Internet application.
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) applications support the interaction between different parties
participating in a commerce transaction via the network, as well as the management of the data
involved in the process.


In existing system shopping can done in a manual way, the customer has to go for shopping,
and then he is having the possibility to choose the products what ever he wants.
It is a time consuming process.

Thus, the system has to be automated.


In Existing System the Customer is completely depending on the manual process for buying
the products.
Manual process is a time consuming factor. And when customer approaches for a manual
shopping directly, actually he/she does not have an idea about things like, price range, items,
The time which has been spent by the customer in manual shopping can equates to multiple
number of shopping. As customer can sit at home and browse in a fraction of seconds.
Thus we need to change to a system like Online Shopping .

To debug the existing system, remove procedures those cause data redundancy, make navigational
sequence proper. To provide information about audits on different level and also to reflect the current
work status depending on organization/auditor or date. Required to build strong password mechanism.


We all know the importance of computerization. The world is moving ahead at lightening
speed and every one is running short of time. One always wants to get the information and perform a
task he/she/they desire(s) within a short period of time and too with amount of efficiency and
accuracy. The application areas for the computerization have been selected on the basis of following

Sends receipt to customer

Accommodates up to four types of shipping
Allows owner to predefine sales tax based a specific state
Tracks purchases even if user clicks the back button
Tracks each customer by Shopper ID (SID) (does not use cookies)




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Microsoft windows xp

ASP.NET 2005

Microsoft word 2003.

Java Script


Overview of Visual Studio.Net 2005

What is .NET?
When .NET was announced in late 1999, Microsoft positioned the technology as a
platform for building and consuming Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web services.
XML Web services allow any type of application, be it a Windows- or browser-based
application running on any type of computer system, to consume data from any type of server
over the Internet.
The reason this idea is so great is the way in which the XML messages are
transferred: over established standard protocols that exist today. Using protocols such as
SOAP, HTTP, and SMTP, XML Web services make it possible to expose data over the wire
with little or no modifications to your existing code.
Figure presents a high-level overview of the .NET Framework and how XML Web
services are positioned.

Figure 1.1. Stateless XML Web services model.

Since the initial announcement of the .NET Framework, it's taken on many new and
different meanings to different people. To a developer, .NET means a great environment for
creating robust distributed applications. To an IT manager, .NET means simpler deployment
of applications to end users, tighter security, and simpler management. To a CTO or CIO,
.NET means happier developers using state-of-the-art development technologies and a
smaller bottom line.
To understand why all these statements are true, you need to get a grip on what the
.NET Framework consists of, and how it's truly a revolutionary step forward for application
architecture, development, and deployment.
NET Framework
Now that you are familiar with the major goals of the .NET Framework, let's briefly
examine its architecture. As you can see in Figure 1-2, the .NET Framework sits on top of the
operating system, which can be a few different flavors of Windows and consists of a number
of components .NET is essentially a system application that runs on Windows.

Conceptually, the CLR and the JVM are similar in that they are both runtime
infrastructures that abstract the underlying platform differences. However, while the JVM
officially supports only the Java language, the CLR supports any language that can be
represented in its Common Intermediate Language (CIL). The JVM executes bytecode, so it
can, in principle, support many languages, too. Unlike Java's bytecode, though, CIL is never
interpreted. Another conceptual difference between the two infrastructures is that Java code
runs on any platform with a JVM, whereas .NET code runs only on platforms that support the
CLR. In April, 2003, the International Organization for Standardization and the International
Electro technical Committee (ISO/IEC) recognized a functional subset of the CLR, known as
the Common Language Interface (CLI), as an international standard.
This development, initiated by Microsoft and developed by ECMA International, a
European standards organization, opens the way for third parties to implement their own
versions of the CLR on other platforms, such as Linux or Mac OS X. For information on
third-party and open source projects working to implement the ISO/IEC CLI and C#
The layer on top of the CLR is a set of framework base classes. This set of classes is
similar to the set of classes found in STL, MFC, ATL, or Java. These classes support
rudimentary input and output functionality, string manipulation, security management,
network communications, thread management, text management, reflection functionality,
collections functionality, as well as other functions.
On top of the framework base classes is a set of classes that extend the base classes to
support data management and XML manipulation. These classes, called ADO.NET, support
persistent data managementdata that is stored on backend databases. Alongside the data

classes, the .NET Framework supports a number of classes to let you manipulate XML data
and perform XML searching and XML translations.
Classes in three different technologies (including web services, Web Forms, and
Windows Forms) extend the framework base classes and the data and XML classes. Web
services include a number of classes that support the development of lightweight distributed
components, which work even in the face of firewalls and NAT software. These components
support plug-and-play across the Internet, because web services employ standard HTTP and
Web Forms, the key technology behind ASP.NET, include a number of classes that
allow you to rapidly develop web Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications. If you're
currently developing web applications with Visual Interdev, you can think of Web Forms as a
facility that allows you to develop web GUIs using the same drag-and-drop approach as if
you were developing the GUIs in Visual Basic. Simply drag-and-drop controls onto your Web
Form, double-click on a control, and write the code to respond to the associated event.
Windows Forms support a set of classes that allow you to develop native Windows
GUI applications. You can think of these classes collectively as a much better version of the
MFC in C++ because they support easier and more powerful GUI development and provide a
common, consistent interface that can be used in all languages.
The Common Language Runtime
At the heart of the .NET Framework is the common language runtime. The common
language runtime is responsible for providing the execution environment that code written in
a .NET language runs under. The common language runtime can be compared to the Visual
Basic 6 runtime, except that the common language runtime is designed to handle all .NET
languages, not just one, as the Visual Basic 6 runtime did for Visual Basic 6. The following
list describes some of the benefits the common language runtime gives you:

Automatic memory management

Cross-language debugging

Cross-language exception handling

Full support for component versioning

Access to legacy COM components

XCOPY deployment

Robust security model

You might expect all those features, but this has never been possible using Microsoft
development tools. Figure 1.3 shows where the common language runtime fits into the .NET

Figure 1.3. The common language runtime and the .NET Framework.

Code written using a .NET language is known as managed code. Code that
uses anything but the common language runtime is known as unmanaged code.
The common language runtime provides a managed execution environment
for .NET code, whereas the individual runtimes of non-.NET languages provide an
unmanaged execution environment.

Inside the Common Language Runtime

The common language runtime enables code running in its execution
environment to have features such as security, versioning, memory management
and exception handling because of the way .NET code actually executes. When
you compiled Visual Basic 6 forms applications, you had the ability to compile
down to native node or p-code.
Visual offers a rich set of development tools that hide a lot of
the complexity inherent in working with the .NET Framework. This reduces time
spent both learning the product and developing applications. When Visual
Studio .NET is installed, the CLR and the .NET Framework classes are also

These are command line applications that are built without a

graphical user interface (GUI) and which can be executed from, and interact with,
a DOS Window. In addition to their intrinsic value, they can be particularly useful
for testing sections of code to ensure proper functionality.

Windows Forms
These are rich-client applications that are built around a GUI
similar to desktop applications written using Visual FoxPro 7.0. New features for
client applications developed in the .NET Framework include visual inheritance,
code-free resizing, automatic control updates, and new controls.

Web Forms
These are browser-based applications that are built around a GUI
with special controls. Web form applications are written using ASP.NET.

XML Web services

These are applications that define XML Web services that can be
consumed by other XML Web services or applications either on a local network or
exposed on the Internet. Because they are based on HTTP and XML, the
information they transfer can be passed through firewalls.

Overview of ASP.NET
ASP.NET is used to create programmable Web pages as part of Web form
applications. Not only can ASP.NET produce dynamic Web pages, but it can also
tailor them to the browser being used by the user. Development in ASP.NET is
much easier because it contains a wide range of object-oriented server-side
controls ready for use in applications. ASP.NET actually supports four different
types of control:
HTML server controls

These are programmable HTML elements that are exposed to the

server. HTML server controls expose an object model that maps very closely to
the HTML elements that they render.
Web server controls
These controls have more built-in features than HTML server
controls. Web server controls include not only form-type controls, such as
buttons and text boxes, but also special-purpose controls, such as a calendar.
Web server controls are more abstract than HTML server controls in that their
object model does not necessarily reflect HTML syntax.

Validation controls
These are controls that incorporate logic and that can be
attached to an input control to test what the user enters. Some validation
controls check for a required field, a specific value or pattern of characters, that
a value falls within a specified range, and so on.
User controls
These are custom controls created as Web Forms pages. Web
Forms user controls can be embedded in other Web Forms pages and provide an
easy way to create menus, toolbars, and other reusable elements.

Web Controls used in ASP.NET and Web Forms

1. Label Control:
Displays text on the HTML page.

2. Textbox:
Gives the user an input area on an HTML form.
3. Button:

A normal button control used to respond to click events on the

server. You are allowed to pass additional information by setting the
CommandName and CommandArguments properties.

4. Link Button:
Like a button in that it posts back to a server, but the button
looks like a hyperlink.
5. Image:
Very similar to the normal HTML control that displays an image
within the page

6. Hyperlink:
A normal hyperlink control that responds to a click event.
7. DropDownList:
A normal dropdown list control like the HTML control,
but can be data bound to a data source.
8. ListBox:
A normal ListBox control like the HTML control, but can
be data bound to a data source.
9. DataGrid:
Like a <TABLE> on steroids. You bind a data source to
this control and it displays all of the column information. You can
also perform paging, sorting, and formatting very easily with this
10. AdRotator:

Allows you to specify a list of ads to display. Each time the

user re-displays the page, the display rotates through the series of

Field Validator controls

1. RequiredFieldValidator:

Allows you to check a control on the form to see if it is filled in with

anything. If
it isn't, the ErrorMessage that you set will be displayed in this control.

2. CompareValidator:

Allows you to check the contents of one control against the contents
of another
control on the form to see if they match. If they don't, the ErrorMessage
that you set will be displayed into this control.


Microsoft SQL Server 2000 includes powerful features to support international

operations and environments. Extensive multilingual features make SQL Server 2000 a
compelling database product and applications platform. This article provides a complete
overview of how to use these features in a global context. This article is not limited to a list of
features but also will explain how international/multilingual requirements can affect many
aspects of a project.

ASP.NET includes data access tools that make it easier than ever for you to design
sites that allow your users to interact with databases through Web pages.
The .NET Framework includes two data provider for accessing enterprise databases: the
.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB and the .NET Framework Data Provider for
SQL Server. This section focuses on accessing SQL Server (version 7.0 or later) databases
using the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server, but you can adapt the code
examples to other databases with only minor changes.
To access SQL SERVER 2005 databases from ASP.NET
1. Create a database connection using the SqlConnection class.
2. Select a set of records from the database using the SqlDataAdapter class.
3. Fill a new DataSet using the SqlDataAdapter class.
4. If you are selecting data from a database for non-interactive display only,
it is recommended that you use a read-only, forward-only SqlDataReader
(or OleDbDataReader for non-SQL databases) for best performance. When
using a SqlDataReader, select the records using a SqlCommand query and
create a SqlDataReader that is returned from the SqlCommand object's
ExecuteReader method.

In some cases, such as when you want to sort or filter a set of data, you might also
want to create a new DataView based on a DataSet for the desired table.
5. Bind a server control, such as a DataGrid, to the DataSet, SqlDataReader,
or DataView.

A SqlConnection object represents a unique session to a SQL Server data source. In
the case of a client/server database system, it is equivalent to a network connection to the
server. SqlConnection is used in conjunction with SqlDataAdapter and SqlCommand to
increase performance when connecting to a Microsoft SQL Server database. For all thirdparty SQL server products, as well as other OLE DB-supported data sources, use

The SqlDataAdapter serves as a bridge between a DataSet and SQL Server for
retrieving and saving data. The SqlDataAdapter provides this bridge by mapping Fill, which
changes the data in the DataSet to match the data in the data source, and Update, which
changes the data in the data source to match the data in the DataSet, using the appropriate
Transact-SQL statements against the data source.
The DataSet, which is an in-memory cache of data retrieved from a data source, is a
major component of the ADO.NET architecture. The DataSet consists of a collection of
DataTable objects that you can relate to each other with DataRelation objects. You can also











ForeignKeyConstraint objects. For further details about working with DataSet objects, see
Creating and Using Datasets.
The SqlDataReader class is the SQL server version of the OleDbDataReader. Only
one SqlDataReader per associated SqlCommand may be open at a time. & any attempt to
open another will fail until the first one is closed. The ExecuteReader is one of the methods
of SqlDataReader. The ExecuteReader is used to execute the statements.
The SqlCommand class represents an SQL Statementsor stored procedures for use in
a database using SQL Server.The CommandText is used to gets/sets the SQL Statement for
this command to execute. The CommandType is used to gets/sets the type of CommandText
The Connection Object

The Connection object represents the actual connection to the database. Visual
Studio .NET 2003 supplies two types of Connection classes: the SqlConnection object, which
is designed specifically to connect to SQL Server 7 or later, and the OleDbConnection object,
which can provide connections to a wide range of database types.

Visual Studio .NET 2003 further provides a multipurpose ODBCConnection class, as

well as an OracleConnection class optimized for connecting to Oracle databases. The
Connection object contains all of the information required to open a channel to the database
in the ConnectionString property. The Connection object also incorporates methods that
facilitate data transactions.
The Command Object

The Command object is represented by two corresponding classes,

SqlCommand and OleDbCommand. You can use Command objects to execute
commands to a database across a data connection. Command objects can be
used to execute stored procedures on the database and SQL commands, or
return complete tables. Command objects provide three methods that are used
to execute commands on the database:


Executes commands that return no records, such as INSERT,



Returns a single value from a database query


Returns a result set by way of a DataReader object

The DataReader Object

The DataReader object provides a forward-only, read-only, connected stream

recordset from a database. Unlike other components of a data provider, DataReader objects
cannot be directly instantiated. Rather, the DataReader is returned as the result of a Command

objects ExecuteReader method. The SqlCommand.ExecuteReader method returns a

SqlDataReader object, and the OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader method returns an
OleDbDataReader object.
Likewise, the ODBC and Oracle Command.ExecuteReader methods return a
DataReader specific to the ODBC and Oracle Data Providers respectively. The DataReader
can supply rows of data directly to application logic when you do not need to keep the data
cached in memory. Because only one row is in memory at a time, the DataReader provides
the lowest overhead in terms of system performance, but it requires exclusive use of an open
Connection object for the lifetime of the DataReader.
The DataAdapter Object

The DataAdapter is the class at the core of ADO.NET disconnected data access. It is
essentially the middleman, facilitating all communication between the database and a
DataSet. The DataAdapter fills a DataTable or DataSet with data from the database whenever
the Fill method is called. After the memory-resident data has been manipulated, the
DataAdapter can transmit changes to the database by calling the Update method. The
DataAdapter provides four properties that represent database commands. The four properties


Contains the command text or object that selects the data from the database. This
command is executed when the Fill method is called and fills a DataTable or a


Contains the command text or object that inserts a row into a table.


Contains the command text or object that deletes a row from a table.


Contains the command text or object that updates the values of a database.
When the Update method is called, changes in the DataSet are copied back to the
database, and the appropriate InsertCommand, DeleteCommand, or UpdateCommand is
Accessing Data

Visual Studio .NET has many built-in wizards and designers to help you shape your
data-access architecture rapidly and efficiently. With minimal actual coding, you can
implement robust data access for your application. However, the ADO.NET object model is
fully available through code to implement customized features or to fine-tune your program.
In this lesson, you will learn how to connect to a database with ADO.NET and retrieve data to
your application. You will learn to use the visual designers provided by Visual Studio .NET
and direct code access.

The Input Design is the main feature of the system. Input design determines the
format and validations criteria for data entering the system. Inputs originate with end-users; human
factors play a significant role in input design. The input design is designed to control the input, to
avoid delay, errors in data, to avoid extra steps, to keep the process simple.
The following are the general principals, which are considered in designing inputs.

Enter only variable data

Do not input data that can be calculated

List of values

Sequence entry

Completeness Check
This checks whether the important fields have been keyed or not. For example the
Document number, which is required field for any entry, if it is not entered by the user than message
should be raised that the Field must be entered. Insisting the user to enter value for the field and by
user from accessing the other fields without entering it.

The following are the forms:

Supplier Details
Purchase details
Sales details
Stock in
Stock out


The output form

the system is either by screen or by hard copies.

Output design aims at communicating the results of the processing of the

users. The reports are generated to suit the needs of the users. The reports
have to be generated with appropriate levels.


The goal of database design is to generate a set of relations that allows storing information
easily. The database is designed in relational model in which the data are organized into entities and
relational between them.

In our flow diagrams, we have given names to data flows, process and data stores. Although
the names are descriptive of the data, they do not give details. So the following DFD gives the details
of the fields used. A data dictionary has many advantages in improving analyst of user communication
by establishing consistent definitions of terms elements and procedures.

DFD Diagrams:
Context Level (0th Level) Diagram:

Login DFD

Admin Details Data Flow:

1st Level DFD Diagram:

2nd Level DFD For Manage Product

2nd Level DFD For Manage Orders

User Activities DFD

DFD for new user registration


Table: tblBrands

Table: tblCategories


Table: tblNewlyAddedProducts

Table: tblOrderDetails

Table: tblOrders

Table: tblOrderStatus

Table: tblProducts


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