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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

E-ISSN 0976-3945

Research Article

Address for Correspondence

Ph.D., Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore institute of Technology,Coimbatore,
Tamilnadu, India
This research focuses a new method of using data obtained from CT images combined with digital CAD and rapid
prototyping model for the surgical planning of difficult corrective and this new application enables the surgeon to choose the
proper configuration and location of internal fixation of plate on humerus bone in the field of orthopaedics. This paper
presents the procedure for making model of humerus bone using rapid prototyping technologies [RPT].
Production of prototypes for medical modeling (orthopaedics) in general can be classified into two broad categories based on
manufacturing process route and type of data available, i.e. designed data and scanned/digitized data. Designed data is data
that is created according to a person's idea on computer aided design (CAD) system. For this type of data, the designer has
total control to modify, adjust and manipulate his design ideas to serve the functional purpose of his design. Producing
models with this type of data is very straightforward and no further data treatment is required. CAD solid model can be
directly converted to STL format for use in subsequent rapid prototyping process. For this type of data, the user has limited
capability to modify and manipulate the geometry and further processing is required before they can be readily used by rapid
prototyping system. For example, further data treatment is needed for Scanned data from computed tomography (CT) and
agnatic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners which capture soft and hard tissue information based on density threshold value.
The undesired soft tissue data is removed before it is sent to rapid prototyping machine for fabrication.
This procedure can be a daunting task for complex structure and one has to repeat the procedure many times until
satisfactory result is achieved. There are a number of commercial softwares such as MIMICS, and Go-build which translate
this data to the format required by RP systems. Also , this paper describes rapid tooling methods.
KEYWORDS: Rapid Prototyping (RPT); Rapid tooling (RT); Computer Tomography (CT); CAD; CAD; Orthopaedics.

Rapid Prototyping (RP) can be defined as a group of
techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of
a part or assembly using three-dimensional computer
aided design (CAD) data. What is commonly
considered to be the first RP technique,
Stereolithography, was developed by 3D Systems of
Valencia, CA, USA. The company was founded in
1986, and since then, a number of different RP
techniques have become available.
Rapid Prototyping has also been referred to as solid
free-form manufacturing, computer automated
manufacturing, and layered manufacturing. RP has
obvious use as a vehicle for visualization. In addition,
RP models can be used for testing, such as when an
airfoil shape is put into a wind tunnel. RP models can
be used to create male models for tooling, such as
silicone rubber molds and investment casts. In some
cases, the RP part can be the final part, but typically
the RP material is not strong or accurate enough.
When the RP material is suitable, highly convoluted
shapes (including parts nested within parts) can be
produced because of the nature of RP. There is a
multitude of experimental RP methodologies either in
development or used by small groups of individuals.
This section will focus on RP techniques that are
currently commercially available, including Stereo
lithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS),
Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM), Fused
Deposition Modeling (FDM), Solid Ground Curing
(SGC), and Ink Jet printing techniques.
In recent years, an industry of producing threedimensional models directly from 3D CAD data has
IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/435-448

grown rapidly. Several companies produce machines

that can fabricate a physical three-dimensional model
out of various materials including plastic, paper and
metal. Generally, the machines run unattended and
quickly produce an accurate model directly from
CAD data without the need for a highly skilled
model-maker or machinist. These machines are
generally known as rapid-prototyping machines and
the industry that has developed around these
machines is called the rapid-prototyping industry.
These methods are unique in that they add and bond
materials in layers to form objects. Such systems are
also known by the general name free form fabrication
(FFF), solid freeform fabrication (SFF) and layered
Rapid prototyping is the automatic generation of 3D
free-form shapes from virtual 3D models is a crucial
process in contemporary design and manufacture of
commercial products. Current modeling applications
are limited in that they may only generate a small
subset of all realizable 3D shapes automatically.
Typically only smooth and simple surfaces can be
quickly designed using the latest Computer-Aided
Design (CAD) software such as AutoCAD or
Computer-Aided Modeling (CAM) software.
Modeling complex shapes using these software
packages requires a large amount of time. In these
cases Rapid Prototyping is used to create the model
within minimum time.
Rapid prototyping isn't a solution to every part
fabrication problem. After all, CNC technology is
economical, widely understood and available, offers
wide material selection and excellent accuracy.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

However, if the requirement involves producing a
part or object of even moderately complex geometry,
and doing so quickly - RP has the advantage. It's very
easy to look at extreme cases and make a
determination of which technology route to pursue,
CNC or RP. For many other less extreme cases the
selection crossover line is hazy, moves all the time,
and depends on a number of variably-weighted, casedependent factors. While the accuracy of rapid
prototyping isn't generally as good as CNC, it's
adequate today for a wide range of exacting
applications. The materials used in rapid prototyping
are limited and dependent on the method chosen.
However, the range and properties available are
growing quickly. Numerous plastics, ceramics,
metals ranging from stainless steel to titanium, and
wood-like paper are available. At any rate, numerous
secondary processes are available to convert patterns
made in a rapid prototyping process to final materials
or tools. The names of specific processes themselves
are also often used as synonyms for the entire field.
Among these are stereolithography (SLA for
stereolithography apparatus), selective laser sintering
(SLS), fused deposition modeling (FDM), laminated
object manufacturing (LOM), inkjet systems and
three dimensional printing (3DP). Each of these
technologies - and many others - has its singular
strengths and weaknesses.
To increase effective communication.
To decrease development time.
To decrease costly mistakes.
To minimize sustaining engineering
To extend product lifetime by adding
redundant features
Rapid Prototyping decreases development
time by allowing corrections to a product to
be made early in the process. By giving
engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and
purchasing a look at the product early in the
design process, mistakes can be corrected
and changes can be made while they are still
The trends in manufacturing industries
continue to emphasize the following:
Increasing number of variants of products.
Increasing product complexity.
Decreasing delivery time.
Rapid Prototyping improves product
communication in a concurrent engineering
Although several rapid prototyping techniques exist,
all employ the same basic five-step process. The
steps are:
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Create a CAD model of the design

Convert the CAD model to STL format
Slice the STL file into thin cross-sectional
4. Construct the model one layer atop another
5. Clean and finish the model
CAD Model Creation: First, the object to be built is
modeled using a Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
software package. Solid modelers, such as
Pro/ENGINEER, tend to represent 3-D objects more
accurately than wire-frame modelers such as
AutoCAD, and will therefore yield better results. The
designer can use a pre-existing CAD file or may wish
to create one expressly for prototyping purposes. This
process is identical for all of the RP build techniques.
Conversion to STL Format: The various CAD
packages use a number of different algorithms to
represent solid objects. To establish consistency, the
STL (stereolithography, the first RP technique)
format has been adopted as the standard of the rapid
prototyping industry. The second step, therefore, is to
convert the CAD file into STL format. This format
represents a three-dimensional surface as an
assembly of planar triangles, "like the facets of a cut
jewel." 6 The file contains the coordinates of the
vertices and the direction of the outward normal of
each triangle. Because STL files use planar elements,
they cannot represent curved surfaces exactly.
Increasing the number of triangles improves the
approximation, but at the cost of bigger file size.
Large, complicated files require more time to preprocess and build, so the designer must balance
accuracy with manageability to produce a useful STL
file. Since the .stl format is universal, this process is
identical for all of the RP build techniques.
Slice the STL File: In the third step, a pre-processing
program prepares the STL file to be built. Several
programs are available, and most allow the user to
adjust the size, location and orientation of the model.
Build orientation is important for several reasons.
First, properties of rapid prototypes vary from one
coordinate direction to another. For example,
prototypes are usually weaker and less accurate in the
z (vertical) direction than in the x-y plane. In
addition, part orientation partially determines the
amount of time required to build the model. Placing
the shortest dimension in the z direction reduces the
number of layers, thereby shortening build time. The
pre-processing software slices the STL model into a
number of layers from 0.01 mm to 0.7 mm thick,
depending on the build technique. The program may
also generate an auxiliary structure to support the
model during the build. Supports are useful for
delicate features such as overhangs, internal cavities,
and thin-walled sections. Each PR machine
manufacturer supplies their own proprietary preprocessing software.
Layer by Layer Construction: The fourth step is
the actual construction of the part. Using one of
several techniques (descrim bed in the next section)

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

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The model and any supports are removed. The

RP machines build one layer at a time from
surface of the model is then finished and cleaned.
polymers, paper, or powdered metal. Most machines
are fairly autonomous, needing little human
Rapid prototyping works on the basis of adding or
removing layers of material to form the desired
Clean and Finish: The final step is post-processing.
shape. The majority of commercial rapid prototyping
This involves removing the prototype from the
system build object by adding one layer after another.
machine and detaching any supports. Some
For simplicity, it can be visualized as stacking slices
photosensitive materials need to be fully cured before
of bread until complete three-dimensional bread loaf
use. Prototypes may also require minor cleaning and
is achieved. Rapid prototyping is a highly automated
surface treatment. Sanding, sealing, and/or painting
layer manufacturing process. The object is designed
the model will improve its appearance and durability.
in any solid modeling software (CAD) and the data is
converted into a standard format widely known as
CAD solid model
standard triangularisation language (STL) which is
.STL file
understandable by the rapid prototyping machine.
Slicing the file
Rapid prototyping software receives data in this
Final build file
format and creates a complete set of instructions for
Fabrication of part
fabrication on rapid prototyping machine such as tool
Post processing
path, layer thickness, processing speed, etc. Rapid
The basic methodology for all current rapid
machine then manufactures the object
prototyping techniques can be summarized as
method. Upon completion
it is subjected to postA CAD model is constructed, and then converted to
support material
STL format. The resolution can be set to minimize
features during
stair stepping. The RP machine processes the .STL
file by creating sliced layers of the model. The first
A variety of model materials are available depending
layer of the physical model is created. The model is
on the RP system used as shown in Table.
then lowered by the thickness of the next layer, and
the process is repeated until completion of the model.
Table1: Different types of Prototyping Processes


Table 2: Rapid Prototyping Vs Traditional Prototyping
Prototype manufacture comes early in the product development cycle.
Early visualization of design and manufacturing problems
Materials used are expensive or toxic
Design of jigs, fixtures etc. not required for prototype manufacture
Prototypes are build directly from its CAD model
Materials used are brittle
A very few tests are carried out
Design changes are not costly
Product development cycle time is drastically reduced
Rapid prototyping is agile
Easy to convert 3D-CAD model to prototype
Made of ABS, plastics, plastomers, metals etc...
Very short lead time
Difficult to produce Complex designs

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Prototype manufacture comes late in the product development cycle.
Late visualization of design and manufacturing problems
Materials used are cheap and non toxic
Design of jigs, fixtures etc. required for prototype manufacture
Prototype building has to go through various steps of manufacturing.
Actual materials can be used
All tests are carried out.
Design changes are costly
Product development cycle time is very long
Conventional prototyping is not agile
Requires high skill
Made of plastic or wood
Larger lead time
Very easy

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

These technologies are still in their developing stage.
Due to the economic and material constraints it has to
cover a long way, before it can be fully
The major problems in the current systems include
part accuracy, mechanical performance and limited
material variety.
The main errors in developing CAD to get accurate
prototype are: mathematical, process and material
approximation of the part surface in the standard
input to the prototyping system, limited layer
resolution along the Z- direction, such as stair steps
and accuracy of vertical dimension.
A 5 axis CNC technique milling machine is
developed to eliminate the steps in newly developed
Rapid prototyping. These machines also maintain the
accuracy of vertical dimension by away the excess
2. Process related: These include the error in the
shape along X-Y and Z axis. This mainly depends
on the accuracy of prototyping machine and operator
3. Material related: Material related error occurs
due to shrinkage and distortion. Some times the
shrinkage is not identical along X, Y and Z-axis. So,
during solidification stress may be developed in
different sections.
This effect can be minimized by selecting appropriate
manufacturing control parameters, exploring new
materials with relative small shrinkage and stress
relief methods.
For SLA system, 3D systems uses star weave
method to limit distorting by curing more resin in the
vat, hatching inside cross sectional area on each

Fig 1Various prototyping processes

There are many rapid prototyping systems that can be
used for physical modeling. These are a few
examples of rapid prototyping with different method
of forming three-dimensional objects. However, no
single rapid prototyping alone is dominant in medical
applications. As model material varies and
consequently their strength and properties also vary
from one system to another, users will find that one
system alone is not always the best choice in every
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 Laminated Object Manufacturing(LOM)
 Selective Laser Sintering(SLS)
 Fused Deposition Modeling(FDM)
 Solid Ground Curing(SGC)
Stereolithography is a common rapid manufacturing
and rapid prototyping technology for producing parts
with high accuracy and good surface finish. A device
that performs stereolithography is called an SLA or
Stereolithography Apparatus Stereolithography is an
additive fabrication process utilizing a vat of liquid
UV-curable photopolymer "resin" and a UV laser to
build parts a layer at a time. On each layer, the laser
beam traces a part cross-section pattern on the
surface of the liquid resin. Exposure to the UV laser
light cures, or, solidifies the pattern traced on the
resin and adheres it to the layer below.
After a pattern has been traced, the SLA's elevator
platform descends by a single layer thickness,
typically 0.05 mm to 0.15 mm (0.002" to 0.006").
Then, a resin-filled blade sweeps across the part cross
section, re-coating it with fresh material. On this new
liquid surface the subsequent layer pattern is traced,
adhering to the previous layer. A complete 3-D part
is formed by this process. After building, parts are
cleaned of excess resin by immersion in a chemical
bath and then cured in a UV oven.
Stereolithography requires the use of support
structures to attach the part to the elevator platform
and to prevent certain geometry from not only
deflecting due to gravity, but to also accurately hold
the 2-D cross sections in place such that they resist
lateral pressure from the re-coater blade. Supports are
generated automatically during the preparation of 3D CAD models for use on the stereolithography
machine, although they may be manipulated
manually. Supports must be removed from the
finished product manually; this is not true for all
rapid prototyping technologies.

Fig 2 Stereo lithography(SLA)

 Unattended building process - The system is
very stable. Once started the process is fully
automatic and can be unattended until the
process is completed.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

Good dimensional accuracy - The process is

able to maintain the dimensional accuracy of
the built parts to within +/-0.1mm.
 Good surface finish - Glass-like finishing
can be obtained on the top surfaces of the
part although stairs can be found on the side
walls and curve surfaces between build
 The process is of high resolution and
capable to build parts with rather complex
 3D Systems Inc. have developed a software
called "Quickcast" for building parts with
hollow interior which can be used directly as
wax pattern for investment casting
 It is the most widely used process in the RP
 Curling and warping - The resin absorb
water as time goes by resulting curling and
warping especially in the relatively thin
 Relatively high cost (US$200-500K) However, it is anticipated that the cost will
be coming down shortly.
 Narrow range of materials - The material
available is only photo sensitive resin of
which the physical property, in most of the
cases, cannot be used for durability and
thermal testing.
 Post curing - The parts in most cases have
not been fully cured by the laser inside the
vat. A post curing process is normally
 High running and maintenance cost - The
cost of the resin and the laser gun are very
expensive. Furthermore, the optical sensor
requires periodical fine tuning in order to
maintain its optimal operating condition
which will be considerable expensive.
 Prototypes for concept models
 Form-fit for assembly tests and process
 Models for investment casting, replacement
of the wax pattern
 Patterns for metal spraying, epoxy moulding
and other soft tooling.
The first Rapid Prototyping technique and still the
most widely used. Inexpensive compared to other
techniques. Uses a light-sensitive liquid polymer
requires post-curing since laser is not of high enough
power to completely cure. Long-term curing can lead
to warping. Long-term curing can lead to warping.
Parts are quite brittle and have a tacky surface. No
milling step so accuracy in z can suffer. Support
structures are typically required. Process is simple:
There is no milling or masking steps required.
Uncured material can be toxic. Ventilation is a must.
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Fig 3 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

SLS works by selectively fusing a layer of powder
material on a powder bed enclosed within a build
chamber. A powder supply roller supplies layer of
powder onto the work area, then carbon dioxide laser
scans and fuses the layer. The fused layer is lowered
into a part build chamber. The process is repeated
until a complete part is formed. Once completed, the
part is removed from the build chamber and the loose
powder is removed and reused.
The powder supply system (E) is similar in function
to the build cylinder. It also comprises a cylinder and
piston. In this case the piston moves upward
incrementally to supply powder for the process.
Heat from the laser melts the powder where it strikes
under guidance of the scanner system (F). The CO2
laser used provides a concentrated infrared heating
beam. The entire fabrication chamber is sealed and
maintained at a temperature just below the melting
point of the plastic powder. Thus, heat from the laser
need only elevate the temperature slightly to cause
sintering, greatly speeding the process. A nitrogen
atmosphere is also maintained in the fabrication
chamber which prevents the possibility of explosion
in the handling of large quantities of powder.
After the object is fully formed, the piston is raised to
elevate the object. Excess powder is simply brushed
away and final manual finishing may be carried out.
That's not the complete story, though. It may take a
considerable length of cool-down time before the part
can be removed from the machine. Large parts with
thin sections may require as much as two days of
cooling time. No supports are required with this
method since overhangs and undercuts are supported
by the solid powder bed. This saves some finishing
time compared to stereolithography. However,
surface finishes are not as good and this may increase
the time. No final curing is required as in
stereolithography, but since the objects are sintered
they are porous. Depending on the application, it may
be necessary to infiltrate the object with another
material to improve mechanical characteristics. Much
progress has been made over the years in improving
surface finish and porosity. The method has also been
extended to provide direct fabrication of metal and
ceramic objects and tools. This process is developed
by DTM Corp. CAD files are transferred to the
system, where they are sliced and drawn, one crosssection at a time, by applying the laser beam to a thin
layer of powder. The laser beam fuses the powder
particles to form a solid mass that matches the CAD
design. As each layer is drawn, the prototypes take
shape within the system.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

The environment of the process chamber is tightly
controlled. The temperature within the chamber is
regulated at a level slightly lower than the melting
point of the material being used. The chamber is also
filled with nitrogen to prohibit the oxidation of the
materials at the elevated temperature. At the
beginning of the process, a thin layer of powder is
deposited onto the part building cylinder within the
process chamber. A heat generated CO2 laser traces
the cross section of the object, elevates the
temperature of the powder to the melting point, and
fuses the powder particles to form a layer of solid
mass.A new layer of powder is deposited on the top
of the fused layer and the previous process is
repeated with each layer fusing to the layer
After Processing, the part is removed from the
process chamber and the powder falls away. SLS
parts may then be require some post-processing, such
as sanding, depending upon the application.
Compared to other processes, however, this post
processing is minimal.
 Nylon for prototypes
 Wax for investment casting
 CastForm PS. Polystyrene powder for
investment casting
 Capable of producing the toughest part
compared with other process
 Large variety of material can be used,
including most engineering plastic, wax,
metal, ceramic, etc.
 Parts can be produced in short time,
normally at a rate of up to 1 inch per hour
 No post curing of parts is required
 During the building process, the part is fully
supported by the powder and no additional
support is required.
 Parts can be built on top of others
 The powder material requires to heat up to
the temperature below the melting point
before the building process which takes
about 2 hours. After building the parts, it
also takes 5 to 10 hours to cool down before
removing the parts from the powder
 The smoothness of the surface is restricted
to the size of the powder particles and the
laser spot resulting that the surface of the
part is always porous. Smooth surface can
only be obtained by post processing.
 The process chamber requires continuous
supply of nitrogen to provide a safe
environment for the sintering process to be
taken place resulting expensive running cost
of the process.
 Toxic gases will be generated from the
process which leads to an environmental
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Process using different material require

different license.
 Visual representation
 Parts are durable enough for most functional
 Pattern for making soft tooling,
 Making of electrodes for EDM and patterns
for casting
 Direct manufacture of metal mould
 Small batch production run
Patented in 1989.Considerably stronger than SLA;
sometimes structurally functional parts are possible.
Laser beam selectively fuses powder materials:
nylon, elastomer, and soon metal; Advantage over
SLA: Variety of materials and ability to approximate
common engineering plastic materials. No milling
step so accuracy in z can suffer. Process is simple:
There is no milling or masking steps required. Living
hinges are possible with the thermoplastic-like
materials. Powdery, porous surface unless sealant is
used. Sealant also strengthens part. Uncured material
is easily removed after a build by brushing or
blowing it off.
This method is very similar to selective laser
sintering.Here the Laser is replaced by an inkjet
head.The "three dimensional printers" allow
designers to quickly create tangible prototypes of
their designs. The three-dimensional printing system
receives input CAD file in STL, DXF and HPGL
Sliced formation is then created as in other systems.
Powder is supplied on a platform and a roller spreads
the powder. Layer evenly. Printing head as in inkjet
printer, releases jets of binder to bond powder
material. The platform is lowered one layer thickness
and the next layer is built until the part is completed.
One advantage of 3DP is that, no support structure is
 The multi-channel jetting head (A) deposits
a liquid.
 Adhesive compound onto the top layer of a
bed of powder object material (B).
 The particles of the powder become bonded
in the areas where the adhesive is deposited.
 Once a layer is completed the piston (C)
moves down by the thickness of a layer.
 The powder supply system (E) is similar in
function to the build cylinder as in selective
laser sintering.
 The piston moves upward incrementally to
supply powder for the process and the roller
(D) spreads and compresses the powder on
the top of the build cylinder.
 The process is repeated until the entire
object is completed within the powder bed.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

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Fig.4 Three-Dimensional Printing

Fig.5 Laminated Object Manufacturing

In LOM, a sheet with single-sided heat activated
glue is supplied from a sheet supply roll onto the
platform. Laser is used to cut cross-sectional
outline of the layer. A new layer is bonded to the
previously cut layer and a new cross-section is
created and cut. Once all layers have been
laminated and cut, excess material is removed to
expose the finished model.
 It is a relatively high speed process as the
laser is only required to trace the contour
and no need to scan the entire cross
section. The more volume of material
within the part, the more greater is the
speed gain.
 Parts can be used immediately after the
process and no post curing is required.
 No support structure is required as the part
is supported by its own material.
 Simple to use and no environmental
 Although there is some choice of materials
including paper, plastic, ceramic and
composite, the most commonly used
material is only paper. Others are still
under development.
 The built parts absorb moisture quickly
resulting that the built parts must be post
IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/435-448

processed immediately and impregnating

with epoxy that is specially designed for
LOM technology, such as LOMPOXY
 Inherent deficiency in building fin-shape
parts, in other words the process is
restricted to build complex parts
 Since it is very difficult, if not impossible,
to remove the waste materials from inside,
the process is incapable of building
reentrant shapes
 Fire hazard is occasionally happened
when the working chamber becomes too
 Layers of glue-backed paper form the
 Low cost: Raw material is readily
 Large parts: Because there is no chemical
reaction involved, parts can be made quite
 Accuracy in z is less than that for SLA
and SLS No milling step.
 Outside of model, cross-hatching removes
 Models should be sealed in order to
prohibit moisture.
 Before sealing, models have a wood-like

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

E-ISSN 0976-3945

Fig 6 Roadmap for orthopaedic Modeling

Fig 7 Steps Involved In Rapid Prototyping

nozzle to cause the plastic to melt. This provides
FDM is the second most widely used rapid
much better control of the process.
prototyping technology, after stereolithography. A
plastic filament, approximately 1/16 inch in diameter,
is unwound from a coil (A) and supplies material to
an extrusion nozzle (B). Some lower-cost
configurations of the machinery use plastic pellets
fed from a hopper rather than a filament. The nozzle
is heated to melt the plastic and has a mechanism
which allows the flow of the melted plastic to be
controlled. The nozzle is mounted to a mechanical
stage (C) which can be moved in horizontal and
vertical directions. As the nozzle is moved over the
table (D) in the required geometry, it deposits a thin
bead of extruded plastic to form each layer. The
Fig 8 FDM Process representation diagram
plastic hardens immediately after being squirted from
Support structures must be designed and fabricated
the nozzle and bonds to the layer below. The entire
for any overhanging geometries and are later
system is contained within an oven chamber which is
removed in secondary operations. Several materials
held at a temperature just below the melting point of
are available for the process including a nylon-like
the plastic. Thus, only a small amount of additional
polymer and both machinable and investment casting
thermal energy needs to be supplied by the extrusion

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

The introduction of ABS plastic material led to much
greater commercial acceptance of the method. It
provided better layer to layer bonding than previous
materials and consequently much more robust
fabricated objects. Also a companion support
material was introduced at that time which was easily
removable by simply breaking it away from the
object. Water-soluble support materials have now
also become available which can be removed simply
by washing them away. The recent introduction of
polycarbonate and poly(phenyl)sulfone modeling
materials have further extended the capabilities of the
method in terms of strength and temperature range.
Several other polymer systems as well as ceramic and
metallic materials are under development.
The method is office-friendly and quiet. FDM is
fairly fast for small parts on the order of a few cubic
inches, or those that have tall, thin form-factors. It
can be very slow for parts with wide cross sections,
however. The finish of parts produced with the
method have been greatly improved over the years,
but aren't quite on a par with stereolithography. The
closest competitor to the FDM process is probably
three dimensional printing. However, FDM offers
greater strength and a wider range of materials than at
least the implementations of 3DP from Z Corp. which
are most closely comparable.
Stratasys is the only western supplier. Similar
technology has also been under development in
The FDM process works as follows; first, a 3D solid
model exported to the FDM Quickslice TM software
using the stereo lithography (STL) format .The
software generated the process plan that controls the
FDM machines hardware. The concept is that an
ABS filament is fed through a heating element, which
heats it to a semi-molten state. FDM machine builds
part by extruding a semi-molten filament through a
heated nozzle onto a platform. When one layer is
complete, the platform moves down by one layer
thickness and the process of extruding another layer
continues. After completion of all layers, the part is
removed from the platform and support material can
be peeled off or it can be removed by ultrasonic
vibration and solvent in an ultrasonic tank. This is
desirable for parts with internal cavities which are not
accessible by hands.
 A CAD file or 3-D model file of humerus
bone is converted into a .stl file. The file is
then opened in Stratasyss program
 CAD files converted to an STL format are
read into the software called Quick slice.
 It breaks the model into individual slices.
 Each slice represents one layer of material
and generates tool paths to fill slices.
 These tool paths form the Stratasys
Modeling Language (SML) file.
 SML file is downloaded to the FDM
hardware for modeling.
 FDM head moves in two horizontal axes
across a foundation and deposits a layer of
IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/435-448

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material for each slice. The material

filament is pulled into the FDM head by the
drive wheels.
 Molten plastic material extrdede from a
 Turns CAD geometry into models.
 It is heated inside the liquidifier in the FDM
head so it comes out in a semi-liquid state.
 Features the Break Away Support System
(BASS), allowing the designer to create
models with greater speed and precision.
 BASS uses a second nozzle to extrude the
support material.
 The support tip extrudes a material that
supports any overhanging portions.
 Successive layers fuse together and solidify
to build up an accurate, three-dimensional
model of the design.
 The drawing is then sliced into layers.
 The FDM builds the model, it builds it in
horizontal layers,from the bottom up.
 When the FDM receives the design,it starts
an initial stage of calibration.
 The machine must be align itself on the X,Y
and Z axes
 After calibration the machine is set at its
initial starting point and then begins to
dispense the plastic material(ABS) onto a
Styrofoam platform
 The FDM dispenses one very thin horizontal
layer at a time, until the entire model is
complete. Build Material: 270 degrees
 When the model is completed, the support is
easily broken off.
 Finished product look better with minimal
post-modeling finishing.
 After production took place Bone model has
been removed from the FDM. The next step
was final preparations which included:
pulling the model from the Styrofoam
platform, carefully removing the support
material, and finally making final touches to
clean the model up and that was it! After
those steps completed successfully taken a
3-D CAD drawing and turned it into a
tangible physical model that we could hold,
touch, and experience.
This is the main build material used by the
FDM. Its also used for the support material
Support Material --- used to fill in spaces
that would otherwise have no material, for
building purposes.
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (C8H8 C4H6C3H3N)
n) is a common thermoplastic used to make light,
rigid, molded products. ABS plastic ground down to
an average diameter of less than 1 micrometer is used
as the colorant in some tattoo inks. It is a copolymer
made by polymerizing styrene and acrylonitrile in the

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

presence of polybutadiene. The proportions can vary
from 15 to 35% acrylonitrile, 5 to 30% butadiene and
40 to 60% styrene. The result is a long chain of
polybutadiene criss-crossed with shorter chains of
poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile). The nitrile groups
from neighboring chains, being polar, attract each
other and bind the chains together, making ABS
stronger than pure polystyrene.
ABS is derived from acrylonitrile, butadiene, and
styrene. Acrylonitrile is a synthetic monomer
produced from propylene and ammonia; butadiene is
a petroleum hydrocarbon obtained from the C4
fraction of steam cracking; styrene monomer is made
by dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene - a hydrocarbon
obtained in the reaction of ethylene and benzene. The
advantage of ABS is that this material combines the
strength and rigidity of the acrylonitrile and styrene
polymers with the toughness of the polybutadiene
rubber. The most important mechanical properties of
ABS are resistance and toughness.. The impact
resistance can be amplified by increasing the
proportions of polybutadiene in relation to styrene
and also acrylonitrile although this causes changes in
other properties. Impact resistance does not fall off
rapidly at lower temperatures. Stability under load is
excellent with limited loads.
Before the FDM machine can build the model,it has
to meet certain temperature requirements to dispense
the ABS plastic.
Temperatures are as follows:
 Build Material:270 degrees Fahrenheit
 Support Material :265 degrees Fahrenheit.
 The advantage to using FDM include the
speed and safety of the machine
 The machine does not use any toxic
materials,so it can be installed in office
 Build time for the machine is faster than
 There is no part clean-up needed for a part
made by FDM
 Cost of the FDM machine is usually lower
than the SL machines
 There are only a few materials commercially
available for the FDM: ABS, medical grade
ABS,elastomer and. investment
wax .
 The process is clean,simple,easy to operate
and produce no waste
 Fast building for bottle like structure or
hollow parts
 True desktop manufacturing system that can
be run in office environment.
 There is no worry of exposure to toxic fume
and chemicals
 Materials used are very cost effective
 Material is supplied in spool form which is
easy to handle and can be changed in minute
IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/435-448

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Mid range of performance

A good variety of material is available
including colour ABS and Medical ABS.
 Poor strength in vertical direction
 Slow for bulding a mass part
 Accuracy is relatively low and difficult to
build parts with complicated details
 Conceptual modeling
 Fit,form and functional test
 Pattern for investment casting
 MABS( methy methacrylate ABS) material
is particularly suitable for medical
The only major problem we encountered was that
many of the 3-D files we found online were simply
not transferable for slicing. I encountered many
errors in most of the files, making them unable to be
modeled as they were.
 Standard engineering thermoplastics, such
as ABS, can be used to produce structurally
functional models.
 Two build materials can be used, and
latticework interiors are an option.
 Parts up to 600 600 500 mm (24 24
20 inches) can be produced.
 Filament of heated thermoplastic polymer is
squeezed out like toothpaste from a tube.
 Thermoplastic is cooled rapidly since the
platform is maintained at a lower
 Milling step not included and layer
deposition is sometimes non-uniform so
"plane" can become skewed.
 Not as prevalent as SLA and SLS but
gaining ground because of the desirable
material properties.
Data acquisition
The morphological data of the humerus bone was
collected using the above mentioned CTscanner. A
3D data set was acquired producing 119 slices with a
slice thickness of 1 mm. The reconstructed CT data
was transferred to a CD and loaded into the MIMICS
The humerus scanning data and model STL
manipulation were processed using MIMICS RP
Software (Fig. 5.2.1). .The modeling software is a
general purpose segmentation programme for grey
value images. This software can generate both the
frontal and lateral view from the CT scans (Fig.
5.2.2). From CT data 3D model of humerus bone has
been created. RP made a real copy of the bone (Fig.
5.2.3). The real copy was used for planning of
orthopedic surgery (Fig. 5.2.4) especially choice of
implant type, implant position and application

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

Fig. 9 CT scans of HUMERUS BONE

Fig.10 Humerus bone in MAGICS software.

Fig 11 RPT Model of Humerus Bone Using ABS


Fig 12 . Model of Humerus Bone with plate

Planning and explaining complex surgical
operations. This is very important role of RP
technologies in medicine which enable pre-surgery
planning. The use of 3D model of humerus bone
helps the surgeon to plan and perform complex
surgical procedures and simulations and gives him an
opportunity to study the bone structures of the patient
before the surgery, to increase surgical precision, to
reduce time of procedures and risk during surgery as
well as costs (thus making surgery more efficient).
The possibility to mark different structures in
different colors (due to segmentation technique) in a
IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/435-448

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3D physical model can be very useful for surgery

planning and better understanding of the problem as
well as for teaching purpose.
Teaching purposes: RP models can be used as
teaching aids for students in the classroom as well as
for researchers. These models can be made in many
colors and provide a better illustration of anatomy,
allow viewing of internal structures and much better
understanding of some problems or procedures which
should be taken in concrete case. They are also used
as teaching simulators.
The term Rapid Tooling (RT) is typically used to
describe a process which either uses a Rapid
Prototyping (RP) model as a pattern to create a mold
quickly or uses the Rapid Prototyping process
directly to fabricate a tool for a limited volume of
RP techniques can also be used to make tooling
(referred to as Rapid tooling) and even productionquality parts (Rapid manufacturing). For small
production runs and complicated objects, rapid
prototyping is often the best manufacturing process
available. Of course, "rapid" is a relative term. Most
prototypes require from three to seventy-two hours to
build, depending on the size and complexity of the
object. This may seem slow, but it is much faster than
the weeks or months required to make a prototype by
traditional means such as machining. These dramatic
time savings allow manufacturers to bring products to
market faster and more cheaply. In 1994, Pratt &
Whitney achieved "an order of magnitude [cost]
reduction [and] . . . time savings of 70 to 90 percent"
by incorporating rapid prototyping into their
investment casting process.
 Tooling time is much shorter than for a
conventional tool. Typically, time to first
articles is below one-fifth that of
conventional tooling.
 Tooling cost is much less than for a
conventional tool. Cost can be below five
percent of conventional tooling cost.
 Tool life is considerably less than for a
conventional tool.
 Tolerances are wider than for a conventional
tool. ]
 Tooling is one of the slowest and most
expensive steps in the manufacturing
process, because of the extremely high
quality required.
 Tools often have complex geometries, yet
must be dimensionally accurate to within a
hundredth of a millimeter.
 In addition, tools must be hard, wearresistant, and have very low surface
roughness (about 0.5 micrometers root mean
 To meet these requirements, molds and dies
are traditionally made by CNC-machining,
electro-discharge machining, or by hand.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

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All are expensive and time consuming, so

 Paper LOM prototypes may also be used, as
manufacturers would like to incorporate
they are dimensionally stable with
rapid prototyping techniques to speed the
 The paper shells burn out, leaving some ash
to be removed.
 Indirect Tooling
expansion in
 Direct Tooling
stereolithography parts, 3D Systems
introduced QuickCast, a build style featuring
Most rapid tooling today is indirect. RP parts are
a solid outer skin and mostly hollow inner
used as patterns for making molds and dies. RP
models can be indirectly used in a number of
 The part collapses inward when heated.
manufacturing processes.
 Likewise, DTM sells Trueform polymer, a
porous substance that expands little with
To directly make hard tooling from CAD data is the
temperature rise, for use in its SLS
Holy Grail of rapid tooling. Realization of this
objective is still several years away, but some strong
strides are being made.
 CEMCOM Research Associates, Inc. has
developed the NCC Tooling System to make
 Vacuum Casting
metal/ceramic composite molds for the
 Sand Casting
injection molding of plastics.
 Investment Casting
 First, a stereolithography machine is used to
 Injection molding
make a match-plate positive pattern of the
desired molding.
 It is the simplest and oldest rapid tooling
 To form the mold, the SLA pattern is plated
technique, a RP positive pattern is
with nickel, which is then reinforced with a
suspended in a vat of liquid silicone or room
stiff ceramic material.
temperature vulcanizing (RTV) rubber.
 The two mold halves are separated to
 When the rubber hardens, it is cut into two
remove the pattern, leaving a matched die
halves and the RP pattern is removed.
set that can produce tens of thousands of
 The resulting rubber mold can be used to
injection moldings.
cast up to 20 polyurethane replicas of the
original RP pattern.
 Rapid Tool
 A more useful variant, known as the Keltool
 Laser-Engineered Net Shaping (LENS)
powder metal sintering process, uses the
 Direct AIM
rubber molds to produce metal tools.
 LOM Composite
 Developed by 3M and now owned by 3D
 Sand Molding
Systems, the Keltool process involves filling
 A DTM process that selectively sinters
the rubber molds with powdered tool steel
polymer-coated steel pellets together to
and epoxy binder.
produce a metal mold. The mold is then
 When the binder cures, the "green" metal
placed in a furnace where the polymer
tool is removed from the rubber mold and
binder is burned off and the part is infiltrated
then sintered.
with copper (as in the Keltool process). The
 At this stage the metal is only 70% dense, so
resulting mold can produce up to 50,000
it is infiltrated with copper to bring it close
injection moldings.
to its theoretical maximum density.
 In 1996 Rubbermaid produced 30,000
 The tools have fairly good accuracy, but
plastic desk organizers from a SLS-built
their size is limited to under 25 centimeters.
mold. This was the first widely sold
consumer product to be produced from
 A RP model is used as the positive pattern
around which the sand mold is built.
direct rapid tooling.
 LOM models, which resemble the wooden
 Laser-Engineered Net Shaping
models traditionally used for this purpose,
 It is a process developed at Sandia National
are often used.
Laboratories and Stanford University that
 If sealed and finished, a LOM pattern can
can create metal tools from CAD data.
produce about 100 sand molds.
 A laser beam melts the top layer of the part
in areas where material is to be added.
 Some RP prototypes can be used as
Powder metal is injected into the molten
investment casting patterns.
pool, which then solidifies. Layer after layer
 The pattern must not expand when heated,
is added until the part is complete.
or it will crack the ceramic shell during
 Materials include 317 stainless steel, Inconel
625, H13 tool steel, tungsten, and titanium
 Both Stratasys and Cubital make investment
carbide cermets.
casting wax for their machines.
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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

Unlike traditional powder metal processing,

LENS produces fully dense parts, since the
metal is melted, not merely sintered.
 The resulting parts have exceptional
mechanical properties, but the process
currently works only for parts with simple,
uniform cross sections.
 Direct AIM (ACES Injection Molding)
 A technique from 3D Systems in which
stereolithography-produced cores are used
with traditional metal molds for injection
molding of high and low density
polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene
and ABS plastic.
 Very good accuracy is achieved for fewer
than 200 moldings.
 Long cycle times (~ five minutes) are
required to allow the molding to cool
enough that it will not stick to the SLA core.
 In another variation, cores are made from
thin SLA shells filled with epoxy and
conductivity helps the molding cool faster,
thus shortening cycle time. The outer
surface can also be plated with metal to
improve wear resistance.
 Production runs of 1000-5000 moldings are
economically viable.


IJAET/Vol.II/ Issue IV/October-December, 2011/435-448

E-ISSN 0976-3945

Determine the approximate volume of

plaster needed.
 Volume = length x width x height for
 Prepare the proper amount of plaster and
water to be mixed
 Cold water will give increased expansion
(possibly making mold removal difficult)
and slower setting time. Warm water will
give less expansion and faster setting
without problems.
 Prepare the molds or forms. Before begin
mixing, arrange the containers for clean-up,
molds or forms, and a container or
cardboard box to dispose of excess plaster
before it hardens in the bucket. Plaster
releases well from leather-hard clay. For
other materials, size the mold with mold
soap (available from Ceramics suppliers) or
several layers of a water-soluble release like
Oil Soap (actually water-soluble). Using an
oil-based releases like Vaseline will release,
but the oils can block the mold pores and
decrease absorbency of the mold.
 Mix by hand for 2-6 minutes or with a
paddle for 1-2 minutes. It is recommends
mixing with a paddle for several minutes
and doing the last minute by hand. The
plaster has begin to set, and I was able to see
a faint trail by my finger drag across the
surface of the plaster. Tap the bucket several
times to bring trapped bubbles of air to the
surface. Plaster was setting and ready to
 Pour plaster slowly to avoid air bubbles or
splashing. Tap the container or jiggle the
table gently to release bubbles. Pour excess
plaster on RP pattern of Humerus Bone.
Pouring too early will allow the water in the
plaster to degrade the mold soap and may
cause release problems. Pouring too late
may result in uneven plaster pours; it sets
and reaches maximum expansion in about
20 minutes, then contracts slightly. It is a
good idea, to wait at least an hour before
taking molds apart to get two mold of (2 half
of dies) the above process has been repeated.
 Clean up the mold Use a metal rib or
Surform to round sharp edges.
 Molds should be dry before using. or the
mold will become soft and chalky, and it
will crumble easily. Make molds on a level,
smooth surface (formica, marble, glass,
linoleum). Use mold soap or Oil Soap to
size the item to be cast and the inside of the
cottle. Porous items has been sized several
RP technologies are definitely widely spread in
different fields of medicine and show a great
potential in medical applications. Various uses of RP
within surgical planning, simulation, training,
production of models of hard tissue, prosthesis and

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology

implants, biomechanics, tissue engineering and many
other cases open up a new chapter in medicine. Due
to RP technologies doctors and especially surgeons
are privileged to do some things which previous
generations could only have imagined. However this
is just a little step ahead. There are many unsolved
medical problems and many expectations from RP in
this field. Development in speed, cost, accuracy,
materials (especially biomaterials) and tight
collaboration between surgeons and engineers is
necessary and so are constant improvements from RP
vendors. This will help RP technologies to give their
maximum in such an important field like medicine.
An artificial bone model was fabricated using ABS
(Acrylonitrile Butadyine Styrene) by Rapid
Prototyping Technology. This technique helps to
analyze the actual bone structure and plate fixation
can be done more accurately. Due to RP technologies
doctors and especially surgeons are privileged to do
some things which previous generations could only
have imagined. However this is just a little step
ahead. There are many unsolved medical problems
and many expectations from RP in this field.
Development in speed, cost, accuracy, materials
(especially biomaterials) and tight collaboration
between surgeons and engineers is necessary and so
are constant improvements from RP vendors. This
will help RP technologies to give their maximum in
such an important field like medicine and new
technologies can not only improve and replace
conventional methods; they also offer the chance for
new types of products and developing procedures.
We express our sincere thanks to my beloved parents
for their invaluable love; moral support and constant
encouragement in my life. We owe immense gratitude
to our principal Prof. Dr. V. Selladurai, Ph.D.,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore for
his moral support during the course of my Research
work. We sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. G.
Sundararaj, Ph.D., Professor, Department of
Production Engineering, P. S. G. College of
Technology, Coimbatore and Prof. Dr. I.
Rajendran, Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Mahalingam College
of Engineering &Technology, Coimbatore for their
valuable guidance and suggestions.
This research was sponsored by the INSTITUTION
to acknowledge their support.
We would like to thank the Reviewers of this
editorial system for their valuable inputs and



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