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Psi Wiki


This is a Dark Ability

Darazkinesis is a new form of kinesis, which is very dangerous, as long

the owner has enough psi-energy to use it. It absorbs light and
everything and transform it into dark energy, which makes the user very
strong maybe unbeatable. But there are limits, more is down there.

I found these documents in germany, since the nazis were interessed in

that, but failed later. The document explains that a person called
"Daraznor" controlled the darkness and made a weapon to destroy the
human race.
He also spoke of a secret planet called: "Destroyer". There's a theory the
planet "Destroyer" is maybe Planet X(aka Nibiru) which will soon near the

earth. The maya did knew about it, but their culture was completly
destroyed and all important information were lost. Only old buildings of
the maya gives us some information.Strong light (lumokinesis) is able to
counter this but takes an extrmely strong will.

What is Darazkinesis able to?:

You are able to mix your powers with all kinesis out there, but the
power is stronger.
You are able to destroy aura's etc. and destroy your subject
If you lose control over Darazkinesis, then you will turn into a
You can control humans with your mind or use their body for
everything. You can also steal their spirit and transmitting it into
own energy, which makes you very strong.

This Kinesis is one of the strongest, powerful and dangerouest ever.
This kinesis let's you control everything that exists.



First you have to connect yourself with Nibiru. Sense Nibiru's energy, let it
flow into your body and feel how it makes you very strong. Now try to
touch a object you don't need anymore... What happens? Does it break?
Does it destroy itself? If Yes, then you are ready for the next part:

Lesson 1 - 3 main energy forms

There are not only 2 energy forms, there are millions, but the there are 3
main energy forms:
positive energy
negative energy
dark energy(aka dark matter)
The Dark energy is the power which helps to expand the universe. The
point of all: If you use this energy form, your power will expanse and will
be infinity until you reach your own limits. (The god of destruction is able
to gain very very much energy)
How to contact that energy form? Easy. Visualize how everything gets
dark: DON'T FEEL ANYTHING! Feel how this dark energy expands in your
body... How does it feel? If you got it, then let's go to the next part.

Lesson 2 - How to use Darazkinesis now?

After you touched the dark energy you will feel very strong now. You have
the feeling of destroying a whole building just with your little fingers. Now
try it out on some objects of your selection... They will break and get
destroyed. You will absorb the most energy of these objects.

How to Destroy Aura's and steal Spirits

How do Users destroy Aura's, steal the spirit?
By destroying a Aura, the User will destroy the shield of the human
completly, which allows them to steal the spirit, absorb it and
transforming it into your own energy. This is how they do it, so you can
be aware and prevent it,

Touch the Solarplexus of the human. Visualize very fast how you are
cutting his head, his heart and his brain of his body. (But you are NOT
actually killing him!)
Sense his Aura and program a dark psi-ball to destroy his aura.
After this, use the normal Ki Punch on his Solar Plexus and touch him
again on the solarplexus
Great you blocked his Solarplexus, now put alot of dark energy into his
body until the human reaches it limit(with other words, until the pain of
the human is so high...)
Now absorb his spirit by using the dark energy(it will eat the light out of
the target's heart.)
If you were successful, then your victim will have a seizure and will
painfully die. You got his spirit.
Now visualize how you are making that energy of your victim to your own,
so the energy of your victim will not harm you.
You're done, you successfully stoled a human's spirit. (This doesn't work
everytime, there are humans that are more vulnerable on the sacral
chakra etc. If you wanna find out his strongest vulnerability of chakras,
just visualize it and you will instantly feel what chakra is the most

If you don't want this and instead of this controlling the human, then do
Touch the crown chakra of the human(on the top of the head)
Now program a dark psi-ball to get the control of the victim. Visualize
that you are nesting your Psi-Ball in all parts of the victim's brain.
Visualize how you are pumping dark energy into the victim's head + the

If you're done, then let him go and try to give him a command. If he
refuses, then you made something wrong. If he achieves your command,
then you were successful. Again congratulations.

Another Hint
You can also mix up your powers and create your own of it. Telekinesis +
Gravitokinesis = Telekinesis is stronger and gravitokinesis is weaker or
gravitokinesis is stronger and telekinesis is weaker. But with
Darazkinesis = Darazkinesis ++ Telekinesis + Gravitokinesis = Both have
the same power.






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