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CHAP. 16, DIV.


Provision shall be made for the increased forces induced on

resisting elements of the structural system resulting from torsion
due to eccentricity between the center of application of the lateral
forces and the center of rigidity of the lateral-force-resisting system. For accidental torsion requirements for seismic design, see
Section 1630.6.
1605.2.2 Stability against overturning. Every structure shall be
designed to resist the overturning effects caused by the lateral
forces specified in this chapter. See Section 1611.6 for retaining
walls, Section 1615 for wind and Section 1626 for seismic.
1605.2.3 Anchorage. Anchorage of the roof to walls and columns, and of walls and columns to foundations, shall be provided
to resist the uplift and sliding forces that result from the application of the prescribed forces.
Concrete and masonry walls shall be anchored to all floors,
roofs and other structural elements that provide lateral support for
the wall. Such anchorage shall provide a positive direct connection capable of resisting the horizontal forces specified in this
chapter but not less than the minimum forces in Section 1611.4. In
addition, in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, diaphragm to wall anchorage
using embedded straps shall have the straps attached to or hooked
around the reinforcing steel or otherwise terminated so as to effectively transfer forces to the reinforcing steel. Walls shall be
designed to resist bending between anchors where the anchor
spacing exceeds 4 feet (1219 mm). Required anchors in masonry
walls of hollow units or cavity walls shall be embedded in a reinforced grouted structural element of the wall. See Sections 1632,
1633.2.8 and 1633.2.9 for earthquake design requirements.
1605.3 Erection of Structural Framing. Walls and structural
framing shall be erected true and plumb in accordance with the
1606.1 General. Dead loads shall be as defined in Section 1602
and this section.
1606.2 Partition Loads. Floors in office buildings and other
buildings where partition locations are subject to change shall be
designed to support, in addition to all other loads, a uniformly distributed dead load equal to 20 pounds per square foot (psf) (0.96
kN/m2) of floor area.
EXCEPTION: Access floor systems shall be designed to support,
in addition to all other loads, a uniformly distributed dead load not less
than 10 psf (0.48 kN/m2) of floor area.



listed, and loads at least equal shall be assumed for uses not listed
in this section but that create or accommodate similar loadings.
Where it can be determined in designing floors that the actual
live load will be greater than the value shown in Table 16-A, the
actual live load shall be used in the design of such buildings or portions thereof. Special provisions shall be made for machine and
apparatus loads.
1607.3.2 Distribution of uniform floor loads. Where uniform
floor loads are involved, consideration may be limited to full dead
load on all spans in combination with full live load on adjacent
spans and alternate spans.
1607.3.3 Concentrated loads. Provision shall be made in
designing floors for a concentrated load, L, as set forth in Table
16-A placed upon any space 21/2 feet (762 mm) square, wherever
this load upon an otherwise unloaded floor would produce stresses
greater than those caused by the uniform load required therefor.
Provision shall be made in areas where vehicles are used or
stored for concentrated loads, L, consisting of two or more loads
spaced 5 feet (1524 mm) nominally on center without uniform live
loads. Each load shall be 40 percent of the gross weight of the
maximum-size vehicle to be accommodated. Parking garages for
the storage of private or pleasure-type motor vehicles with no
repair or refueling shall have a floor system designed for a concentrated load of not less than 2,000 pounds (8.9 kN) acting on an area
of 20 square inches (12 903 mm2) without uniform live loads. The
condition of concentrated or uniform live load, combined in
accordance with Section 1612.2 or 1612.3 as appropriate, producing the greatest stresses shall govern.
1607.3.4 Special loads. Provision shall be made for the special
vertical and lateral loads as set forth in Table 16-B.
1607.3.5 Live loads posted. The live loads for which each floor
or portion thereof of a commercial or industrial building is or has
been designed shall have such design live loads conspicuously
posted by the owner in that part of each story in which they apply,
using durable metal signs, and it shall be unlawful to remove or
deface such notices. The occupant of the building shall be responsible for keeping the actual load below the allowable limits.
1607.4 Roof Live Loads.
1607.4.1 General. Roofs shall be designed for the unit live
loads, L r, set forth in Table 16-C. The live loads shall be assumed
to act vertically upon the area projected on a horizontal plane.
1607.4.2 Distribution of loads. Where uniform roof loads are
involved in the design of structural members arranged to create
continuity, consideration may be limited to full dead loads on all
spans in combination with full roof live loads on adjacent spans
and on alternate spans.

1607.1 General. Live loads shall be the maximum loads

expected by the intended use or occupancy but in no case shall be
less than the loads required by this section.

EXCEPTION: Alternate span loading need not be considered

where the uniform roof live load is 20 psf (0.96 kN/m2) or more or
where load combinations, including snow load, result in larger members or connections.

1607.2 Critical Distribution of Live Loads. Where structural

members are arranged to create continuity, members shall be
designed using the loading conditions, which would cause maximum shear and bending moments. This requirement may be satisfied in accordance with the provisions of Section 1607.3.2 or
1607.4.2, where applicable.

For those conditions where light-gage metal preformed structural sheets serve as the support and finish of roofs, roof structural
members arranged to create continuity shall be considered adequate if designed for full dead loads on all spans in combination
with the most critical one of the following superimposed loads:
1. Snow load in accordance with Section 1614.

1607.3 Floor Live Loads.

2. The uniform roof live load, L r, set forth in Table 16-C on all

1607.3.1 General. Floors shall be designed for the unit live

loads as set forth in Table 16-A. These loads shall be taken as the
minimum live loads in pounds per square foot of horizontal projection to be used in the design of buildings for the occupancies

3. A concentrated gravity load, L r, of 2,000 pounds (8.9 kN)

placed on any span supporting a tributary area greater than 200
square feet (18.58 m2) to create maximum stresses in the member,

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