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Calibration of micrometer and dial gauge by using slip gauges.

Measurement of angle gauges by using bevel protractor and sine bar.

Measurement of taper angle of V-groove by using vernier height gauge.

Measurement of central distance between two holes by using vernier height


Gear metrology to find module, addendum, dedendum, pitch circle

diameter, tooth width an pressure angle of a given spur gear.

To check roundness and concentricity of spigot

To check straightness of surface plate by using spirit level and


Study of flatness of slip gauges by using monochromatic check-lite.

Tool makers microscope: To study screw thread profile (Major dia, minor
dia, pitch, thread angle) and tool angles.

10 Measurement of Surface Roughness by using Stylus method.


1. Object: Study of slip gauges.

2. Theory:
Slip gauges are the practical standard of length for use in the workshop for work where
a tolerance as low as 0.001 mm is needed (to room work). Slip gauges have a cross
section of about 3010 mm. they are hardened to resist wear and carefully stabilized so
that they are independent of any subsequent variation in size and shape.
After being hardened blocks are carefully finished on the measuring faces to such a fine
degree of finish flatness and accuracy that any faces when perfectly clean adhere
together, due to cohesion.
Slip gauges are used as reference standards for transferring the dimension of the unit of
length from the primary standard to gauge blocks of lower accuracy and also for
verification of measuring apparatus like external micrometer.

3. Use of slip gauges:

Desired lengt5h can be obtain by combination of different slip gauge blocks. The
complete pile is made by joining each individual block to each other by wringing
wringing is accomplished by pressing the face into contact (keeping them
perpendicular and then imparting a small turning motion whilst maintain the contact
The contact pressure is just sufficient in order to hold the slip gauges in contact and no
intentional additional pressure is required.

4. Precaution for handling slip gauges:

(i) Slip gauges should be kept in a proper box at a cool place where temperature
variation is minimum.
(ii) Slip gauges should be covered with a thin layer of grease to prevent corrosion.
(iii) Slip gauge should be handled very carefully and never dropped.

AIM: Calibration of micrometer and dial gauge by using slip gauges.
Principle of Micrometer:
The accuracy of the vernier calliper is 0.02 mm; most engineering precision work
has to be measured to a much greater accuracy than this, especially to achieve
interchangeability of component parts. To achieve this greater precision,
measuring equipment of a greater accuracy and sensitivity must be used.
Micrometer is one of the most common and most popular forms of measuring
instrument for precise measurement with 0.01 mm accuracy. Micrometers with
0.001 mm accuracy are also available. Micrometers can be classified as:
(i) Outside micrometer
(ii) Inside micrometer
(iii) Screw thread micrometer
(iv) Depth micrometer
Micrometer work on the principle of screw and nut. We know that when a screw is
turned through nut through one revolution, it advances by one pitch distance i.e,
one rotation of screw corresponds to a liner movement of a distance equal to pitch
of the thread. If the circumference of the screw is divided into number of equal
parts say n its rotation through one division will cause the screw to
advance through =


length. Thus the minimum length that can be

measured by such arrangement will be


by reducing the pitch of the

screw thread by increasing the number of divisions on the circumference of screw,

the length value of one circumferential division can be reduced accuracy of
measurement can be increased considerably.
Least count of micrometer:

Least count is the minimum distance which can be measured accurately by the
instrument. The micrometer has a screw of 0.5 mm pitch, with a thimble
graduated in 50 divisions to provided a direct reading of =



=0.01mm. Least count of a micrometer is thus, the value of one division on a

thimble, which is connected to the screw.
L.C. of micrometer=

Pitch of the spindle screw

Number of division on the spindle

Parts of micrometer:

(i) Anvil and spindle: The micrometer has a fixed anvil protruding 3 mm from the
left hand side of the frame. The diameter of the anvil is the same as that of the
spindle. Another movable anvil is provided on the front of the spindle. The anvil
are accurately ground and lapped with its measuring faces flat and parallel to the
spindle. There are also available with tungsten carbide faces. The spindle is the
movable measuring face with the anvil on the front side. The spindle engages with
the nut. It should run freely and smoothly throughout the length of its travel. There
should be no backlash between the spindle screw and nut. There should be full
engagement of nut and screw when the micrometer is at its full reading.
(ii) Lock nut: A lock nut is provided on the micrometer spindle to lock it when the
micrometer is at its correct reading. The design of the lock nut is such that it
effectively locks the spindle without altering the distance between the measuring
faces. It thus retains the spindle in perfect alignment.

(iii) Sleeve or barrel: The sleeve is accurately divided and clearly marked in 0.5
mm division along its length which serves as a main scale. It is plated and
adjustable for zero setting.
(iv)Thimble: The thimble can be moved over the parallel. It has 50 equal divisions
around its circumference. Each division having a value of 0.01 mm.
(v) Ratchet: The ratchet is provided at the end of the thimble. It is used to assure
accurate measurement, and to prevent too much pressure being applied to the
micrometer. When the spindle reaches near the work surface to be measured the
operator use the ratchet screw to tighten the thimble. The ratchet automatically
slips when the correct (uniform) pressure is applied and prevents the application of
too much pressure.
The micrometer usually has a maximum opening of 25mm. they are available in
measuring ranges of 0 to 25 mm, 25 to 50 mm, 125 to 150 mm upto 575 to 600
Reading the micrometer:
The procedure for measuring the dimension with the help of micrometer is
as described below:
(i) Select a micrometer with a desired range depending upon the size of the
workpiece to be measured. The next step is to check it for zero error. In case of 025 mm micrometer the zero error is checked by contacting the face of the fixed
anvil and the spindle. While using micrometers of 25-50 mm or 125 to 150 mm
size, the zero error is checked by placing a master of 25 mm or 125 mm.
Respectively, between the anvil and faces. The zero on the thimble should coincide
with the zero on the reference line on the main scale (barrel). If this does not
happen, then zero error is present in the micrometer which must be taken into
account while taking the readings. A special spanner is usually provided with the
micrometer for eliminating the zero error.
(ii) The barrel has graduations, in intervals of 1 mm above the reference line. There
are also graduations below the reference line at the middle of two successive upper
graduations, so as to read 0.5 mm.
(iii) For measuring the particular dimension, hold the work between the faces of
the anvil and spindle move the spindle by rotating the thimble until the anvil and

spindle touches the work surface. Make fine adjustment with the ratchet. Now take
the reading on the main scale taking into account the divisions below the reference
line. Suppose, the main scale reading is 11.00 mm as shown in fig.
(iv) Take the thimble reading which the reference line on the sleeve.
Then total reading = main scale reading + L.C. reading on the thimble = 11.00 +
0.01 34 = 11.34.
Precaution to be taken while using a micrometer:
(i) First clean the micrometer by wiping of oil dirt, dust and grit etc.
(ii) Clean the measuring faces of the anvil and spindle with a clean piece of paper
or cloth.
(iii) Set the zero reading of the instrument before measuring.
(iv) Hold the part whose dimension is to be measured and micrometer properly.
Then turn the thimble with forefinger and thumb till measuring tip just touches the
part and find adjustment should be made by ratchet so that uniform measuring
pressure is applied.
(v) While measuring dimensions of circular parts, the micrometer must be moved
carefully over representative are so as to note maximum dimension only.
Least count (L.C.) =
Observation Table







DIAL Guage:
Apparatus: Dial Calibration Tester.
Theory: Dial indicators, also known as dial gauges and probe indicators, are
instruments used to accurately measure small linear distances, and are
frequently used in industrial and mechanical processes. They are named so
because the measurement results are displayed in a magnified way by means
of a dial. Dial indicators may be used to check the variation in tolerance
during the inspection process of a machined part, measure the deflection of a
beam or ring under laboratory conditions, as well as many other situations
where a small measurement needs to be registered or indicated. Dial
indicators typically measure ranges from 0.25 mm to 300 mm (0.015 in to
12.0 in), with graduations of 0.001 mm to 0.01 mm (metric) or 0.00005 in to
0.001 in (imperial).
1. Wipe the surface plate, the gauge blocks and the tip of the dial indicator's
plunger to remove any dirt or debris.
Lock the dial indicator in place on its stand, resting the indicator high
enough to allow the plunger to travel its full length and still be able to touch
off against the surface plate.
2. Rest the tip of the plunger directly on the surface plate. Rotate the
indicator's face until the "0" marking aligns with the dial.
3. Raise the plunger and slip a 0.020-slip gauge block underneath. Lower the
plunger onto the surface of the gauge block. Check that the indicator reads
0.020. Raise and lower the plunger two more times to check that the dial
indicator gives the same measurement in the same spot repeatedly.
4. Repeat the process with 0.025, 0.050, 0.100, 0.250, 0.400 and 1 gauge
blocks. Check each block three times to ensure the dial indicator's
repeatability. If the indicator's plunger reaches a 2-mm depth, stack the
blocks to check the dial indicator at 1.025-mm, 1.050-mm.
NOTE: Write the same tabular column written in the observation book.

Measurement of angle gauges by using bevel protractor and sine bar.

Aim: Study & angular measurement using bevel protector.

Theory: Vernier bevel protector is the simplest angle measuring instrument. It

consists of.

(i) Main body

(ii) Base plate stock
(iii) Adjustable plate containing vernier scale
(iv) Acute angle attachment
Vernier bevel protractor with acute angle attachment. The body of the bevel protractor is
designed in such a way that its back is flat and there are no projections beyond its back
the flatness of the body is tested by checking the squareness of blade with respect to
base plate when the blade is set at 90 0 the base plate is attached to the main body, and
an adjustable blade is attached to a circular plate containing vernier scale. The main
scale graduated in degrees is provided on the main body. The adjustable blade is
capable of rotating freely about the center of the main scale engraved on the body of
the instrument can be locked in any position. An acute angle attachment is provided at
the top as shown in the fig. for measuring acute angles. The base of the base plate is
made flat so that it could be laid flat upon the work and any type of angle measured.
The blade can be moved along throughout its length and can also be reversed. It is
about 150 or 300 m long, 13 mm wide and 2 mm thick. Its ends are beveled at angle of
450 and 600 the acute angle attachment can be readily fitted into the body and clamped
in any position.
The bevel protractor are tested for flatness, squareness, parallelism, straightness, etc.
As shown in fig. the main scale is graduated in degrees of arc. The vernier scale has 12
division each side of the center zero. These are marked 0-60 minutes of arc, so that
each division equals 1/12 of 60, that is 5 minutes of arc. These 12 divisions occupy the
same space as 23 degrees on the main scale. Therefore, each division of the vernier is

equals to of 23 0 or 1-

12 . Since two division on the main scale equal 2 degrees of

arc, the difference between two division on the scale equal 2 degrees of arc, the
difference between two division on the main scale and one division on the vernier scale




or 5 minutes of arc

Acute Angle Attachment


Angle Measurement Using

Angle Plate

Angle Measurement

Reading of Bevel Protector (2815')

Least count (L.C.) =
Observation Table
Dimension Of


Main Scale
Reading ()

Vernier Scale
Reading ()

Size = M.S.S.+V.S.R X


Aim: Measurement of angle using sine bar.

Apparatus: Sine bar, slip gauges, surface plate, angle plate & dial indicator.

Sine bar are used in conduction with slip gauges for measurement of angles very
accurately or for locating any work to given within very close limits. The measurement is
limited to angle upto 450.Sine bar are3 made from high carbon, high chromium,
corrosion-resistant steel, hardened, ground and stabilized. Two cylinder of equal
diameter are attached at the ends.
The axes of these two cylinder are mutually parallel to each other and also parallel to
and at equal distance from the upper surface of the sine bar. The distance between the
axes of the cylinder is exactly 5 or 10 in british system and 100, 200 and 300 mm in
metric system.
Some holes are drilled in the body of the bar to reduce the weight and facilitate

Grades of sine bar:

A grade Accuracy of 0.01 mm/m of length.
B grade - Accuracy of 0.02 mm/m of length.

Principle of sine bar:

The principle of a sine bar is based on the laws of trigonometry. To set given angle, one
roller of the bar is placed on the surface plate the combination of slip gauges is inserted
under the second roller. If h is the height of the combination of slip gauges and L the
distance between the roller centers, then
Sin = h/L or = sin-1 h/L
Thus the angle to be measured or to be set is determined by indirect method as a
function of sine; for this reason, the device is called a sine-bar.

(i) Height of Ist slip gauge block, h1 =
(ii) Height of IIst slip gauge block, h1 =
(iii) Distance between cylinder centers, L =

Sin-1 ( h1-h2 )
Unknown angle, =

(i) The sine bar should not be used for angle greater than 60 0 because any possible
error in construction is accentuated at this limit.
(ii) A compound angle should not be formed by mis-aligning of work piece with sine bar.
This can be awarded by attaching the sine bar and work against an angle plate.
(iii) As far as possible longer sine bar should be used.
Angle of wedge,
Least count (L.C.) =
Observation Table
Dimension Of
Angle of face
1 with base
Angle of face
2 with base




Slip gauge
reading on one
side (h1)

Slip gauge reading on

one side (h2)

Angle sine = h/l



Measurement of Central distance between two holes by using Vernier height

Aim: To measure the central distance between two holes.
Apparatus: Vernier Height Guage.
THEORY: Vernier Height Gauge: Vernier height gauge is a sort of Vernier calipers
equipped with a special with a base and other attachment, which make the
instrument suitable for height measurement. Along with sliding jaw assembly
arrangement is provided to carry a removable clamp. The upper and lower surfaces
of the measuring jaws are parallel to base, so that it can be used for measurements
over or under surfaces. The vernier height gauge is mainly used in the inspection of
parts and layout work. The vernier height gauge can be used to scribe lines at
certain distance above surface with a scribing attachment in pace of measuring jaw.
Dial indicators can also be attached in the clamp and many exact measurements
can be made as it exactly gives the indication when the dial tip is touching the
surface. Surface plates as datum surface are used for the above measurements.
1. Place the object and the vernier height gauge on the surface plate.
2. Note the value on the scale when the moving jaw is touching the bottom of the
3. Take the moving /sliding jaw to the top of the object and note down the value on
the scale.
4. The difference between 3&2 will give the height of the object.
Sl No.

Main scale reading



Vernier scale

Measured reading= =

To check roundness and concentricity of spigot
Aim: To check roundness & concentricity

To check straightness of surface plate by using spirit level and Autocollimator.
Aim: To check straightness of surface plate using Autocollimator.
Apparatus: Autocollimator, Surface plate, power source.

Study of flatness of slip gauges by using monochromatic check-lite.
Aim: Study of flatness of slip gauges.
Apparatus: Optical Flat, Monochromatic light source etc.
Light can be considered as an electromagnetic wave of sinusoidal form. High point
and low point of the wave are called as crest and trough resp. the distance between
a consecutive crest and a trough is called as wavelength . Maximum
displacement of the wave is called as amplitude. Velocity of transmission is \T
where T is the time provided. Wavelength has a precise value and form.
Interference of two rays:
Let us consider effect of combining two monochromatic rays of light of intensity
having amplitude A1 and An.
1. If they have combined with each other, the resultant effect is production of
maximum illuminator and the resultant amplitude of addition af A1 and An.
2. If they combine in such a way that the crest of one and trough of other are
simultaneous then they are said to out of phase by /p or 180.
Light source interferometer
For simple applications like testing of surfaces, it is used. However
satisfactory operation requires use of light sources such as mercury, Krypton,
Thallium, Helium and gases in this sources discharge lamp is charged with one
particularly element excited elastically so that they radiate at a certain wavelength.
Interferometer applied to flatness testing
The essential equipment is monochromatic light source and a set of optical
flats having its 2 plane surfaces flat and parallel and surfaces are finished to an
optical. The importance of optical flat is operation in light wave measurement
because all inspection operation are performed with reference to the surface of
optical flat. If an optical flat is placed upon another optical flat facing the reflecting
surface, it will not form an important contacting but will lie at some angle making
and if optical flat now be illuminated by monochromatic surface of light , eye
placed in proper position will observe number of bonds produced by interference
of light wave reflected from lower surface of other flat through thin layer of air
between two flats is monochromatic light of surface of wave of incident beam from
5 is particularly reflected thus recommended by the eye having traveled path
whose length will differ by an amount ACD.

Optical flat:
They are cylindrical in form with working surfaces and are of two types
Type A: Only one surface flat.
Type B: Both surfaces flat and parallel to each other.
Flatness test: Light from the mercury lamp is focused on to an operating piece. In
eyepiece, particularly reflected light collimating lens which collimates through it.
Further leveling arrangement is provided on a table.
Parallel test: Light from the mercury vapor lamp is focused on the eyepiece and
particularly reflected by a beam splitter. The reflected light strikes illuminated lens
which collimates it and through it further on optical flat under test. The flat under
test is placed on the table provided with leaving arrangement.

Result: Hence we have studied about surface flatness using optical flat for different
surfaces we got different patterns as follows: Flat surface: Straight lines Concave
surface: Concentric circles moving away from center.

Tool makers microscope: To study screw thread profile (Major dia, minor
dia, pitch, thread angle) and tool angles.
Apparatus: Tool makers microscope
A general view of the small model of tool makers microscope giving its design
and its optical system is shown in figure. This is designed for measurement of
parts of complex figure profiles of external threads, tool templates and gauges. It
can be used to measure center to center difference of holes in dry plane as well as
in co-ordinate measuring systems.
Basically it consists of the optical hand which can be adjusted vertically
along the guide ways of the supporting column. The optical head can be in any
portion by screw. The working table on which parts to be inspected are placed on a
heavy hollow box. The table has a compound slide by means of which the
measurement part has longitudinal and lateral movement. The beam of the light
passes through transparent glass plate on which parts to be checked are placed.
The main applications of load room are as follows:
1. Determination of relative position by using protractor.
2. Measurement of angle by using protector eyepiece.
3. Comparison in eyepiece measurement of pitch and effective diameter.
4. Comparison of an enlarged protector image with a tracing fixed to projecting

Determination of the relative position of two or more points on a piece of
work. This is measured by measuring the travel of the work table necessary to
transfer a second point to the position previously occupied by the first and so on.
i). Measurement of angles: Angles pre measured by successively setting fiducially
line simply in the focal plane of the eyepiece along with arm of the image of the
angle, or through indicating the angle and noting from a protractor scale the angle
through which the line has been turned.
(ii) Comparison of thread forms with respect to outlines on a glass template
situated at the focal plane of the microscope eyepiece and measurement of
discrepancies there from.
(iii) Comparison of the enlarged projected image with a tracing drawn on exact
number if times full size and affixed to the projection screen.



Tabular column
Figures(1 or 2)

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