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Deutsche Bank

Global Transaction Banking

Delighting Customers and Democratising Finance:

Digitalisation and the Future

of Commercial Banking

Introduction 3
Opportunity space

Digitalisation in financial services: the story so far

The roadmap to digital sucess

Threats to commercial banks

1. Technology disrupting banks value chains

2. Blockchain technology


3. The risk of commoditisation..


and the opportunity to delight customers by accelerating

the digitalisation of business processes


Bibliography 14

Helena Forest
Product Management
Donya Rose
Strategy & Business Development
June 2015

Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

Digitalisationa impacts everything. Especially with
respect to finance its impact is transformative:
going far deeper than the cost-saving potential from
innovative IT, or even from sourcing new revenue
streams. Digitalisation is about taking control of your
customer-experience ecosystem by managing your
entire business from your customers perspective and
rethinking your legacy business model.

This paper summarises how the banking industry is being influenced by digitalisation:
the factors driving the change in business(1) and the evolution in customer expectations.
It then outlines ways to identify specific opportunities for the realisation of
digitalisations full potential.

Digitisation and digitalisation are sometimes used interchangeably. However, digitisation describes the process by
which other forms of representation are converted into a digital format, such as the conversion of an analogue audio signal
into its digital form. Digitalisation denotes transformation beyond that. An organisation seeking to become digital might
focus on automating processes to create efficiencies. By contrast, a company focusing on digitalisation might aim at more
effective outcomes by improving customer engagement. In this paper, we will use the latter term.



Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

Opportunity space
Digitalisationb is a trend
one being driven by three major forces:
Customer experience: Customers are
accelerating the drive to digitalisation. They are
leaders not laggards, having readily adapted
to the digital environment as consumers
and retailers. Customers expect a seamless
multichannel experience and a consistent,
global service. They judge their experience on
three levels: how well companies meet their
needs; the ease of doing business, and; how
enjoyable it is. One of the main challenges
for banks is, therefore, adapting their existing
service models to changing customer
expectations and cost-awareness.

implementing a digital business model

and when redesigning processes it is
critical for companies to develop an end-toend response that goes beyond fragmentary
changes in technology or use case in the
marketing department. The goal is nothing
less than a ubiquitous cross-channel journey
for the customer, as well as continuous
engagement with customers, partners,
employees and investors.

Technology push: Digital technology is rapidly

expanding its influence. Digital infrastructure
provides billions of customers with affordable
broadband and low-cost devices. Meanwhile,
cloud computing with its vast informationprocessing machinery is rapidly evolving.
Economic benefits: Digitalisation accelerates
economic growth and creates jobs, it allows
companies to save costs and generate revenue.
Indeed, digitising information-intensive
processes can cut costs by up to 90% while
improving turnaround times(19). Software also
allows businesses to collect data that helps
them understand process performance, cost
drivers and risks, which enables managers to
proactively address problems.
To benefit from digitalisation, however,
companies must develop a clear strategy
that optimises processes and costs, manages
rising data volumes, connects data to the
business and fulfils the growing number
of regulatory requirements. Indeed, when

The results can be transformative, as they

were at Burberry. By 2006, when CEO Angela
Ahrendts took charge of this iconic British
luxury brand, it was underperforming against its
peers. Ahrendts oversaw a major transformation
programme driven by digital technologies and
new processes. As well as online, Burberry
leveraged its digital strategy to enrich the
in-store customer experience. Meanwhile, at
the back end, it rolled-out a global enterprise
resource planning (ERP) programme to unify
processes and integrate data worldwide.

By digitalisation as a trend we mean the mass adoption of digital technology through connected services and devices by
consumers, enterprises and governments.

Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking


Digitalisation in financial services:

the story so far
Thus far, digitalisations impact on financial services has been
on non-knowledge-intensive services that can be standardised.
This includes areas such as a payments
solutions, online banking and automated
financial services, as well as financing products
such as consumer credit or the allocation of
venture capital.
Historically, banking practice has focused on
product push (i.e increasing sales targets)
rather than understanding how best to meet the
needs of customers. The result: retail banking
has been rocked by a series of mis-selling
disasters while wholesale banking continues to
uncover significant market abuses.
As a consequence, retail banks are keen to
become more customer-centric. Yet given
their legacy infrastructure, culture and
established business models this is clearly
a challenge, while wholesale banks are still
defining what client-centricity means (given
established reciprocities with counterparties
and the level of sophistication of their clients).

A number of players are responding to the

digitalisation challenge, however. Barclays was
one of the first banks to switch to internet and
digital banking, revealing that its customers now
visit their branch on average twice a month,
while using the banks mobile services 18 times
in the same period(17). Meanwhile with sevenday flexible opening Metro Bank is another
successfully-digitalised retail bank. Whats
more, Metro Bank has entirely outsourced its
IT component, ensuring that its digital offering
is infinitely scalable and always state-of-the-art.
There is at all times a single client view, and
the bank is able to fulfil regulatory reporting
requirements fast and cost-effectively.
Digitalisation also facilitated opportunities
for new business models for example in the
retail space, e.g. Atom Bank. Atom Bank is
due to open in 2015. This is a mobile-based
bank offering a range of financial products.
Yet there are no retail branches, and it has


Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

even dispensed with telephone banking. Its

customers will transact purely online or via
a mobile device(26). While traditional bricks
and mortar banks are ridiculed for their lack
of innovation, some appear to seem to be
taking it pretty seriously. From the looks of the
innovation centers of Standard Bank Playroom
Innovation Centre, Capital One Labs (they have
three), Commonwealth Bank Innovation Lab,
Citi Innovation Lab, Visa Innovation Center
and Chase Bank Branch Design & Innovation
Center to name a few; they are like digital
playgrounds, idea labs and test kitchens built
looking to keep pace with the wave of digital
disruption sweeping the industry as mentioned
Additionally there is a movement by several
banks to acquire innovative payment
companies as a way to bring innovation inhouse and leverage new evolving technology.
On the wholesale side, banks are investing
in enhanced cash management capabilities,
building e-platforms, implementing more
straight through processing of trades and
simplifying bank-to-corporate connectivity.
For example, XML messaging and ISO 20022
have emerged as standards for international
payment transactions, while SWIFT has
opened its network to corporations. As things
stand, some 900 large companies worldwide
including GE, Microsoft and T-Mobile have
used SWIFT connectivity to rationalise banking
platforms. Certainly, ISO 20022s deployment
has been welcomed by companies seeking
more transparency into their payment providers
Harmonised standards in cross-border
payments at least in the eurozone have also
been facilitated by the Single Euro Payments
Area (SEPA) project. Migrating small and

medium size corporate customers to the new

standards has been the biggest adoption issue
for many banks a complex process given the
number of varying payments systems across
the eurozone.
Transforming customer experience is a difficult
process: one that must be taken seriously
and treated as a business discipline. Indeed,
to achieve the full potential of digitalisation,
customer-focus must become an essential part
of business strategy.

Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

The roadmap to digital success

In order to remain competitive, companies must commit to
transforming themselves into fully-digitalised businesses.
According to McKinsey, successful digital enterprises share
seven traits(20):

An obsession with the customer experience. They find ways to constantly improve the
experience and learn from every interaction. Indeed, they are obsessive about this.

They are unreasonably aspirational. They make someone accountable at the ExCo
level. They also create stretch visions. And they measure digital value, not digital

They ring-fence and cultivate digital talent. Key personnel must be protected from
business as usual. They forgo existing HR models and, instead, set up a separate
business unit that nurtures digital initiatives. Within the unit, many remove organisational
hierarchies in order to increase collaboration, productivity and mind-shift.

They acquire new capabilities. They invest in scarce talent, en masse. They hire digital
skills not industry experience if required, moving into adjacent markets to do so.

They are quick and data-driven. They continually evolve their value proposition. They
embrace live testing, and they adopt methods such as agile development and live
beta supported by big-data analytics in order to increase innovation.

They follow the money. Successful digital enterprises create a zero-based technology
budget aligned with the value at stake. They also invest across the value chain
though not haphazardly across the organisation (perhaps under the halo of
experimentation). That said, they rapidly scale success.
They challenge everything. Questioning the status quo, they create plans covering
all functions, products, business units and locations. They examine all aspects of the
business: embracing both customer-facing and back-office systems and processes. They
look up and down the supply chain. They also think expansively about partnerships.

From the above, it is clear that a key differentiator is the intelligence they build on their customer
base: information about the customers that competitors lack. Critically, they constantly listen to
customers and ask the right questions often those never asked before.



Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

The threats to commercial banking

1. Technology disrupting banks value chains
Industry outsiders have been successful
in offering simple financial services. Many
anticipate technological developments
optimally linking service suppliers with
customers to best fulfill their needs. These
technology-driven competitors often gear their
business models to market conditions and
customer preferences, and usually avoid the
cost-intensive revamps of infrastructure required
of the incumbents(11).
The term used to describe the digitalisation
of the financial sector is fintech, new
technologies that enable or directly provide
financial services such as internet-based
technologies in e-commerce, mobile payments
or early-stage crowd-based financing of startups.
Fintech has become highly competitive. Driven
by the accelerating pace of technological
development, the rapid growth in data volumes,
increasingly sophisticated methods of data
analysis, and the pressures of regulatory
scrutiny, the sector is also highly investable. The
1,027 fintech companies worldwide attracted
US$3.1 billion in investment in Q4 2014 across
214 deals. In the UK alone, the sector is worth
an estimated US$20 billion in revenue to the
economy predicted (by the CBI) to grow to
US$300 billion by 2020(11).
Meanwhile, traditional firms including banks
struggle to monetise even modest digital
offerings. Given that the central role of banks is
to provide markets with liquidity and customers
with credit, few are early adopters of new
technologies. However, it is essential for them
at the very least to deploy technologies that
speed up and optimise processes, as in the
banking landscape of the future only the fleetof-foot will survive.

Which channels are used how often?

% of customers of international banks

10 20

Cash dispenser

Branch 4 20
Call centre 3 9 18

18 12


8 14







0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%




Several times a year

(E&Y, Fintech the digital (r)evolution in the financial sector,
2014, page 5)

One solution is for banks to follow many

other industries and move to the Cloud. The
benefits are clear in terms of reduced cost,
better infrastructure and more investment
in development. Often, the challenge is to
successfully migrate data from legacy systems,
as well as to overcome the commonly-held belief
that data is less secure in the Cloud (though
industry leaders agree it is just as secure, with
the added benefit of enhanced control).

Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

While banks are generally good at gathering

data, they are not always good at interpreting
it and extracting the insights from it that
are required to provide sophisticated new
experiences to customers. Additionally, many
operate using archaic back-end systems that
lack the required functionality to support these
at the front end.(26)
The Cloud allows organisations to undertake big
data analytics faster and more cheaply. More
than that, it can also enable them to reshape
their business models. BBVA, for instance,
has been an early adopter of cloud-enabled


virtualised banking. Driven by a desire for

digital transformation, the bank saw the Cloud
as a route towards improved multi-dimensional
scalability, a more elastic infrastructure and
the potential development of parallel agile
models. Meanwhile, Atom Bank and Starling
Bank are leveraging client data to build new
business models using Cloud technology and
predictive algorithms to play back information
to customers in meaningful and beneficial
ways. Useful insights may also be gained from
the experiences of early adopters of cloud
technology in the public sector.


Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

2. Blockchain technology
Asked to name just one event reshaping finance
in recent years, fintech companies are likely to
cite the launch of Satoshi Nakamotos Bitcoin
in 2008. While Bitcoins long-term prospects have
been questioned since its 2004 value tumbled,
many believe that the technology underlying
it the Blockchain has a bright future. The
Blockchain is a ledger listing transactions credits
and debits in the form of an ever-expanding
computer file. Split up and distributed over
thousands of computers across the world, it uses
cryptography to ensure each block is digitally
signed in such a way that changing an entry
invalidates every other entry preceding it, all the
way back to Block 1. This ensures all entries in the
Blockchain are immutable. Indeed, to hack the
system requires commandeering over 50% of the
systems computers: possible, but unlikely.
It is genuinely new, and its applications are
infinite. Blockchains can be used to record
any transactional data requiring immutability
including smart contracts, royalty payments,
certificates authenticating art, electronic voting,
patents, even government budgets. Indeed,

Nasdaq announced in May 2015 that it is using

Blockchain technology to offer fully-electronic
issue, transfer and management of private
company securities(27). Anti-corruption group
Transparency International believes Blockchains
are a potential tool to eliminate corruption in
voting or allocating aid(25).
As a system of consensus by distributed
co-operation, Blockchain allows value to be
transferred without a central, controlling authority
or a middleman to verify the transaction. Its
advocates think it can change the centralised,
institution-dominated shape of modern finance.
Indeed, since being a trusted third party has
traditionally been a large part of banks raison
dtre, Blockchains are potentially a greater threat
to them than all other fintech inroads.

Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking


3. The risk of commoditisation

A further consequence of digitalisation is the
commoditisation of traditional services, one
of which is payment processing. For decades,
networks of correspondent banks moved money
from one country to another. Yet many new
companies are disrupting this model.
One example is Earthport, which as a crossborder payments service provider partnered
with the digital currency network provider Ripple
Labs to allow enterprises (including banks) to
transfer money more efficiently. Ripple Labs
provides a network enabling real-time payments
across borders in different currencies. Its clients
include two of the top four global banks and
four of the top 20 U.S. banks Bank of America,
HSBC, Western Union, Xoom and American
Express among them. Within correspondent
networks, a handful of banks set the foreign
exchange rates, while with digital currency
systems such as Ripple banks are likely to
compete on every single global payment,
pushing down the cost.
Another type of digital competitor are the
personal finance companies. They are finding a
highly-profitable niche disrupting a market that
banks had underserved that of small, shortterm loans. These companies are leveraging
the internet to transform relationships between
lender and customers. This may be the most
radical financial-sector disruptor in years.
Technology competitors have even upped their
push into the investment world. One example is
the Alibaba Group, which is launching a stock
market index (CSI Taojin Big Data 100 index)
based on its proprietary data thus highlighting
the potential for technology companies to
diversify into asset management as well as the
drive towards using big data in investment

Threat to retail banking from new market

participants in the next 3 years
% of those surveyed, by product, international,
(n=60 banks from 15 countries)


Simple savings


Current account




Corporate loans 215




Home loan business 3 20




10 12


Consumer credit 10
Structured savings 5



0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Very likely


Source: Roland Berger


Very unlikely


Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

And the opportunity to delight

customers by accelerating the
digitalisation of business processes
Banks have no choice: they must confront the challenges of
digital structural change and redesign their operating models.
By strategically connecting their businesses with the vast
amount of data available to them, they can build intelligence
on customers evolving needs, which can drive value.
Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Lloyds and others have announced
billions of euros of investment in this area. Others will follow.
Yet to remain competitive in the age of the
customer banks must accelerate digitisation
across the business. Customers want accounts
opened in minutes and expect banks to have
access to all their data (so they are not asked
the same question twice, for example). Aroundthe-clock availability, intuitive interfaces, realtime fulfilment and personalised treatment with
global consistency and zero errors are becoming
the differentiating factors, while the underlying
products and services are being commoditised.
As well as automating existing processes,
banks must reduce complexity and response
times across all customer interactions, as well
as develop automated decision-making while
complying more efficiently with regulatory
demands. To achieve this, data management
and analytics platforms are crucial. They enable
customer insights, quicker and better decisionmaking and strong performance tracking.
Internally, new roles, such as data scientists and
user-experience designers, may be required. Yet
banks should focus on their core strengths while,
where appropriate, seeking internal and external
strategic partnerships to extend their capabilities.
They also need to maintain momentum:
monitoring progress towards set targets through
suitable KPIs and communicating success stories
that help change the organisations culture.
Equally important is the need to encourage

employees at every level to identify new practices

and opportunities that will advance the vision for
example through process innovation competitions
and regular feedback.
No process of transformation can be fully
planned in advance, however. It is also hard
to predict the most successful approaches.
Some will create separate pillars of crossfunctional teams; others establish innovation
and digitisation labs; others sponsor initiatives
within their organisations. Engagement at scale,
harnessing collective intelligence both internally
and through partners, fostering collaborative,
mobile and real-time processes: all will be
essential to driving business growth.
Yet the banks that do rise to the digital
challenge will gain on all fronts strengthening
relationships with existing customers,
improving operational controls, lowering
their cost base, reducing risk and ultimately
improving the bottom line. Technology itself will
become invisible to the customer, manifesting
itself solely in delightful customer experiences
at every level of interaction.


Digitalisation and the Future of Commercial Banking

(1) Mazars, Digitalisation: a vehicle of the new
age of transformation, 2011
(2) EY, Digitisation of everything, 2011
(3) PWC, Managing for performance:
Transaction banking, 2012
(4) Strategy&, The digitisation megatrend:
(5) Capgemini, The Digital Advantage: How
digital leaders outperform their peers in
every industry, 2012
(7) Strategy&, Builders of the digital
ecosystem: The 2013 Strategy& global ICT
50 study
(9) Strategy&, Digital Health: A way for
pharma companies to be more relevant in
healthcare, 2013
(10) Strategy&, Becoming a digital telecom: Be
bold, move fast, 2014
(11) DB Research, Fintech the digital (r)
evolution in the financial sector, 2014
(13) McKinsey, Big data: The next frontier for
innovation, competition, and productivity,
(14) Strategy&, The data gold rush, Companies
need the right models and capabilities to
monetize data, 2013

(15) KPMG, Reinvention of UK banking,

(18) Euromoney, The 2012 guide to Technology
in Treasury Management, March 2012
(19) McKinsey, Accelerating the digitization of
business processes, May 2014
(20) McKinsey, The 7 traits of effective digital
enterprises, May 2014
(21) McKinsey, Finding your digital sweet spot,
November 2013
(22) Accenture, Digitizing the value chain for
high performance, 2013
(23) DB Research, Big data:
The untamed force, 2014
(24) Financial Times, Alibaba pushes into
investment world, January 2015 :
(26) Cloud Banking Europe Conference
Interview: from CEO of ATOM
[email protected]

These documents may not be reproduced, distributed or otherwise used without previous authorisation.
This brochure is for information purposes only and provides a general overview of the range of services offered by Global Transaction Banking of Deutsche Bank AG. The general information provided
in this brochure is based on Global Transaction Banking Services as they may be offered to clients on the date this presentation was published in June 2015. This information is subject to change. This
brochure and the general information on the services offered by Global Transaction Banking merely serve as an illustration; no contractual or non-contractual obligations on the part of Deutsche Bank
AG or its subsidiaries, or liability claims against Deutsche Bank AG or its subsidiaries, can be derived from them.
Copyright June 2015 Deutsche Bank AG.
All rights reserved.

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