Sentinel: The San Bernardino County

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The San Bernardino County

News of Note
from Around the
Largest County
in the Lower
48 States

Friday, September 11, 2009 A Fortunado Publication in conjunction with Countywide News Service 10808 Foothill Blvd. Suite 160-446 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

Colonies Scandal Issues Were Explored by County Former

Taxpayers Group Three Years Ago DA Stout
SAN BERNARDI- control issues there, the oversaw the lawsuit are cials - have now become Mulls Run
NO–Moving on to three San Bernardino County now central to that inter- newly relevant. Indeed
Former San Ber-
years after the county district attorney’s office est. the ground that San Ber-
nardino County district
board of supervisors as and the state attorney In this atmosphere, nardino County Taxpay-
attorney Dennis Stout,
it was then composed general’s office have now the efforts of a citizens ers for Fair Resolution
who was ousted from
entered into a controver- interested themselves group that had been ac- covered three and four
that post seven years ago
sial $102 million settle- in the case. Long sim- tive in attempting to pre- years ago is now being
by the incumbent county
ment with the developers mering reports that the vent the county’s taxpay- retraced and re-analyzed
prosecutor, Mike Ra-
of a massive residential settlement was driven by ers from being exploited by investigators seeking
mos, indicated this week
and commercial sub- the provision of bribes to - efforts that had been ig- evidence of malfeasance,
that he is considering a
division in Upland to key county officials as nored by prosecutors and graft and corruption.
political comeback.
Bill Postmus end a dispute over flood well as the judges who other government offi- In the latter See P 4
On Wednesday, Stout
Judges Involved in Multiple Property Reconveyances announced the forma-
tion of an exploratory
obtained by the Senti- able business practices cited by the Sentinel as jump in value and sell campaign committee to
By Janet Phelan
nel point to suspicious by Melodie Z. Scott, a questionable involved the next year, withhold- determine his possible
Several years ago, financial activity by professional fiduciary giving conservatee prop- ing medical care from candidacy for district at-
all of the county’s pro- Welch, who at one point and conservator for the erty to her own family conservatees resulting in torney in 2010.
bate and conservator- in time was the presiding elderly. Scott is Presi- members, overcharges death and allegations of It is anticipated that
ship cases were moved judge of San Bernardino dent of C.A.R.E., Inc., on her clients’ accounts, possible undue influence Ramos will seek reelec-
to Redlands Courthouse County. Welch was fea- located at 25 E. State missing monies from on judges. tion next year, meaning
and most of these cases tured in an article in the Street in Redlands, right clients’ accounts, selling The documents un- that if Stout does run,
were subsequently heard Sentinel on June 12th of around the corner from conservatee property at covered relating to Judge voters will be called
by Judge Welch. this year in a lengthy ex- the courthouse. bargain basement rates Welch reveal that he has upon next June to decide
Recent documents posé regarding question- The activities by Scott only to have the property mortgaged his See P 3 the outcome of the politi-

Needles Hospital on Grand Terrace Closing Out cal grudge match.

“Citizens across San

the Financial Mend Contract with Terra Loma

Bernardino County are
asking me to consider
The hospital has ac-
NEEDLES—Things returning to the job of
are looking up at the crued substantial debt The city of Grand ed and is owned by Gene city government, all of District Attorney,” said
Colorado River Medi- in the last 18 months Terrace is taking steps to Carlstrom, a former which are deemed non- Stout. “They are very
cal Center, according to primarily because it has eliminate its contractual member of the Grand controversial and routine concerned about the high
Barry Delmonico, the failed to make timely arrangement with Terra Terrace city council. matters and are bundled level of political corrup-
hospital’s acting chief billings of patients, in- Loma Real Estate for Cortes has until only together so they can be tion in San Bernardino
executive officer. surance carriers and property management recently consistently approved in a single yes County and its negative
Delmonico’s reports Medicare and Medi-Cal. services. voted, as a member of or no vote of the council. impact on our future.”
to the hospital board In August, for the first The move comes on the city council, to ap- In Grand Terrace as Stout claimed that
on August 25 and Sep- time since the city take- the heels of recent pub- prove the consent calen- elsewhere, the consent “During my eight years
tember 23 provided the over, money received licity about councilwom- dars that are a part of the calendar contains the as District Attorney, we
most optimistic projec- exceeded the cost of op- an Bea Cortes and her council’s agenda at its city’s check register, that made major strides in
tions toward financial eration. professional relationship twice monthly meetings. is, a listing of the checks cleaning up the corrup-
solvency for the facility According to Delmo- with Terra Loma. Cortes The consent calendar, in that have been written to tion scandals that were
since the city took over nico, last month collec- has for years worked as a Grand Terrace as in all the city’s various ven- afflicting county govern-
operations there in April tions amounted to almost sales agent with the com- cities, typically contains dors and contractors. ment during the 1990’s.
2008. a million dollars. pany, which was found- multiple items pertain- See P 7 We successfully pros-
Previously, See P 2 ing to the function of the ecuted over 50 political

SB Council Rejects Speech Restrictions corruption cases. Un-

fortunately corruption
has once again reared its
In the midst of a po- council members that his council colleagues as the city manager to not from the council dais
litical season in which a potentially unfair ad- from engaging in politi- utilize the public forum but from the public po- ugly head in our county,”
four of its members are vantage over challengers cal self promotion during of the council’s meet- dium where the speaker stated Stout.
up for reelection, the accrued to incumbent of- the course of official city ings to promote or op- would be subject to the Stout told the Sentinel
San Bernardino city fice holders, the council business. The council pose political candidates three-minute time limit that he blamed Ramos
council this week at- was collectively unwill- did, however, entertain or ballot measures. Kelly members of the public for “politicizing the dis-
tempted to tackle the ing to impose on itself the concept of another suggested that if in their must abide by. trict attorney’s office.
thorny issue of limiting or its current or future effort toward political statements officials of- Kelley said that in ad- Stout, who was elect-
or prohibiting politick- members restrictions on reform, i.e. making pub- fer an opinion or an as- dition to providing an ed to four straight two
ing from the bully pul- free speech or political lic the council members’ sertion with regard to an elected official with an year terms as Rancho
pit of the council dais. expression. official calendars. ongoing political ques- enhanced forum from Cucamonga mayor be-
While there ap- Ultimately, the coun- Kelley asserted that tion such as a recom- which to promulgate a ginning in 1986 before
peared to be some rec- cil rejected councilman it was improper for the mendation of a candidate partisan viewpoint, al- being elected district at-
ognition on the part of Chas Kelley’s proposal city’s elected officials or or ballot issue, those of- lowing an elected official torney in a head-to-head
to prevent himself and city staff members such ferings should be made to prattle See P 2 match against See P 2
Friday, September 11, 2009 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 2
The San Bernardino County “There are some under Stout was being about Jerry Eaves. We
good and dedicated ca- favors, travel and hotel used as a political cat’s did talk to him during

reer prosecutors in the accommodations to him paw. Ramos successfully the campaign and that
office,” Stout said. “It from various compa- used the negative public- was used to make us
is not like before where ity Stout received during look bad. But we didn’t
Published in San Bernardino County in nies or individuals with
the tradition of Dr. Henrietta Sweet, most of the people in the county contracts or proj- that episode to win in indict Jerry Eaves dur-
Clifford Moon, and John E. Berry office were there to work ects that were subject to 2002. ing the campaign. We
A Fortunado Publication in conjunction with County- and get four or five years board of supervisors’ ap- Stout this week said could have, but that
wide News Service experience and then proval. the damage he sus- would have been tam-
Mark Gutglueck, Publisher move off into private A sheriff’s department tained eight years ago pering with the elec-
practice. You have some task force working in has now been mitigated toral process. If we had
Call (909) 946-0900 who are dedicated to go- conjunction with the FBI by the final outcome of indicted him, he would
for locations to obtain a copy of ing there whole career in recorded conversations the Eaves’ prosecution have lost. What they
the Sentinel or to provide news tips the office and at least a between Rialto council- and the resolution of the were able to say was
10808 Foothill Blvd., Suite 160-446 few of them would make man Ed Scott, who was sheriff’s department/FBI we were talking to Ed
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 an excellent DA, far su- vying against Eaves in investigation. Scott. But like I said,
[email protected] perior to the incumbent. the 2000 election, and Eaves was eventu- we waited until after
909-904-3896 But none of them have various members of the ally convicted of conflict the election, which Jer-
the savvy and almost district attorney’s office, of interest and report- ry won, to indict him.
Stout from front page unit, which he founded none of them have the including the head of ing violations and was The FBI turned all of
San Bernardino city in 2003, for political desire to run and win. the investigations unit, forced to leave office as that over to the U.S. At-
attorney James Pen- purposes. I’ve been elected and Barry Bruins, assistant a consequence. In terms torney and we were not
man in 1994 and then “The public integrity reelected six times. I’ve district attorney Dan of the contact between prosecuted. That we
facing no opposition in unit exists as way to get been involved in poli- Lough and on at least his office and Scott, one were talking to Scott,
1998, said, “I’ve always political attention and tics and, if I decide that two occasions, Stout. of Eaves’ political rivals, who happened to be
viewed politics as a nec- is not there as a corrup- I will run, that will be a In those conversations, Stout said, “It turned out running against Eaves,
essary evil that exists tion fighting entity,” he huge factor.” Scott, who was work- we were being watched was used to make it
to allow voters to make said. “In the meantime, Ramos sent Stout into ing in conjunction with very closely by the sher- seem like we were en-
a choice. But as far as political corruption is retirement in 2002 in the sheriff’s department iff, who was a friend of gaged in political ac-
the prosecutor’s office is running rampant in our the aftermath of what and FBI, continuously Jerry Eaves, and mem- tivity. We were caught
concerned, I believe that county.” was represented in me- inquired about develop- bers of the FBI, who were flat footed by that right
once you are elected you Stout said he is con- dia accounts and widely ments in the investiga- working as part of a joint before my 2002 cam-
need to set politics aside templating reentering perceived to be a scan- tion of Eaves. Subse- task force with the sher- paign. But we weren’t
and put professional the political fray be- dal involving a politi- quently, Scott lost the iff. The undersheriff, working with Scott
prosecutorial principles cause of his belief that cal angle to the office’s 2000 election to Eaves. Bob Peppler, was angry and at this point there
into effect. While he is Ramos is inadequate to prosecution of former After he gained reelec- because Dan Lough had is enough information
in office Mike Ramos the task of the county’s Fifth District supervisor tion, Eaves was indicted obtained search warrants out there for everyone
has been engaged in fat- lead prosecutor and be- Jerry Eaves. by the district attorney’s for the sheriff’s depart- to know that.”
tening his political war cause he does not think Eaves, who was an office. Later, transcripts ment. So they assigned In comparison to
chest to make sure he the more able prosecu- ally of then-sheriff Gary of the recorded conver- some investigators to get the problems that have
gets reelected. Politics tors in the office who Penrod, had fallen under sations between Scott back at us. They were beset Ramos and the
is foremost in his mind would do a better job the district attorney’s and variously, Bruins, working with Ed Scott, questions about his
and prosecution is sec- than the incumbent office’s scrutiny for his Lough and Stout were who approached us first comportment in office,
ondary.” have the requisite polit- alleged involvement made public. This led with information about Stout said his travails
Stout lambasted Ra- ical acumen to compete in various kickback to accusations that the Jerry Eaves and then he were nothing.
mos for utilizing his successfully against schemes that involved district attorney’s office started asking questions Continued on Page 8
office’s public integrity Ramos. the provision of money,
The turnaround skilled nursing facility at CALPERS, the Califor-
Needles is credited largely to
is staying on top of cur-
the hospital is being con- nia Public Employees
Inroads on the arrear-
from front page rent billings and is going ages to creditors, Medi-
Healthcare Resource after 590 older, neglect- templated. Retirement System be-
vendors had long gone care and MediCal have
Group, a medical bill- ed claims. In July, the hospi- cause of payments and
unpaid. Given the up- been made.
ing specialist Delmonico Delmonico has tal owed approximately penalties that had not
swing in collections, Delmonico said he
brought in to handle the streamlined operations $1 million to various been paid for when the
Delmonico said suppli- is currently negotiating
hospital’s billing in late by cutting one-third of creditors and $700,000 employees at the hospi-
ers are now being paid with the California Pub-
July. the hospital’s staff. He to Medicare because of tal were mandated to be
on a timely basis. lic Employees' Retire-
Healthcare Resources said he was able to make overbilling, $100,000 to enrolled into the CALP- ment System to see if
these economies by judi- Medical because of over- ERS program and that that entity will consider
Inland Empire Make-up Artist ciously making layoffs billing and $266,000 to was never done.
See P 8
Jeneka Romero, Registered that did not impact the
hospital’s essential ser- are up for a vote, as is
Weddings, Proms or vices.
SB Council No one seconded Kel-
the post of mayor. In-
from front page ley’s motion to impose
any Special Event Delmonico said chal- the ban on city officials’
cumbent councilwoman
lenges still lay ahead. Esther Estrada is being
(909) 628-8436 Nevertheless, he said,
on from the council
dais in the midst of a
political speech. He then
made a motion to require
challenged by Virginia
Marquez in the First
(909) 993-3656 the financial picture has
improved to the point
meeting during which that the mayor's and
the public’s business is council members' ap-
Se Habla Espanol! that opening a 10-bed In the Second Ward,
being handled represents pointments calendars be
incumbent Dennis Bax-
a wasteful expenditure made available for public

Frank Guzman
ter must face challeng-
of public funds. scrutiny. The full coun-
ers Jason Desjardins and
The other council cil supported the concept
Alex Avila. In the Fourth
Attorney at Law members said a pro- pursuant to an arrange-
ment by which redaction
District, Fred Shorett,
posed ordinance such the incumbent, is being
Former Prosecutor, Western State University of Law Graduate as Kelley was proposing of personal information
challenged by Joe Ar-
Handling all manner of criminal defense from DUI to Capital Murder would be subject to dif- in the calendars be made.
nett. In the mayoral race,
Over 24 years in practice fering interpretations as In November three
incumbent mayor Pat-
Over 200 jury trials to what constituted po- positions on the city
rick Morris is opposed
(951) 274-9798 (p) litical speech and how it council in the First, Sec-
by city attorney James
3633 10th Street Riverside, CA 92501 (951) 274-9036 (f) would be enforced. ond and Fourth wards
Friday, September 11, 2009 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 3
Judges “Please be advised that madness” and appears to
from front page I have received and re- be deployed when either The San Bernardino County Sentinel
viewed your letter of Au- the matter is too trivial
primary residence, lo- gust 11, 2009. Please be for the district attorney
cated in the 300 block of further advised that I am to take seriously or when has now been in existence for
La Colina in Redlands an administrative presid- there is a political agen- nine months.
several times in recent ing judge and, therefore, da to keep the report out
years, encumbering it my review jurisdiction of the system and thus
with loans which could is limited. Nothing con- not to investigate at all.
not possibly be paid back tained in your letter is Parenthetically, both Covering issues of public concern throughout
on a judge’s salary in the of a nature over which I McCoy and Waters were the largest county in the lower 48 states
brief turn-around time would have review juris- recently and consecu-
indicated by the recon- diction. Any request for tively removed from an
veyances (repayment of review or investigation active case in Riverside This week circulation of the paper will reach 10,000
loans). The document by me is, therefore, de- Superior Court, follow-
numbers and the size of nied.” ing a protest lodged that
the loans follow: There has been no the loans smacked of The Sentinel is distributed at various locations in San Bernardino, Red-
In 1998, Welch and confirmation or denial pay-offs or bribes. lands, Loma Linda, Grand Terrace, Colton, Lake Arrowhead, Baker, Vic-
his wife, Ginny, took from the court as to In San Bernardino torville, Lucerne Valley, Hesperia, Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Upland
out a loan for $217,200 whether Welch’s exodus County, Judge Steve and Ontario
on their La Colina resi- from his probate assign- Mapes ascended to the
dence, which was fully ment in Redlands had bench in 2007 and cur-
paid back in March of any bearing on the recent rently sits on Barstow Subscriptions of the hard copy version of
2003. The reconveyance media scrutiny given his court, following his the Sentinel
document number at- actions as a judge or his tenure as an deputy dis- are available at a rate of $4 per month,
tached to this transaction apparent bias towards trict attorney in San $18 per six months,
is 2003-0173087. cases involving Melo- Bernardino. Mapes has $30 per year
In February of 2003, die Scott, who recently also been involved in
James and Ginny Welch launched a legal protest the loan program, appar-
took out another loan on concerning the denial of ently going back to 1998, For prompt delivery
their residence, this time her fiduciary license by when he took out a loan Send a check payable to
for $234,000. This was the California Profes- on his home on Patricia The San Bernardino County Sentinel
fully paid back by June sional Fiduciary Bureau. Drive for over $155, 000. to 10808 Foothill Blvd. 160-446
10, 2004, as listed in This practice of judg- He subsequently took Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
document number 2004- es taking out large loans out further loans on his Include your mailing address
0410928. appears to be widespread property, including loans
Another loan was and crosses county for $100,000 in 2001 and
taken out by the Welches boundaries. Information 2002, another loan for
on May 17, 2004, as list- gathered on Commis- $307,500, also in 2001, For the time being
ed in document #2004- sioner John McCoy and one for $88,500 in 2002 A free PDF version of the Sentinel is available via e-mail
0353533. This loan was Judge Sharon Waters and a loan in 2004 which E-mail your request to [email protected]
for $358,965.71. (both of Riverside Coun- was in excess of the val- Include your name and city of residence
Messages were left ty) has recently been ue of the house, recorded
with Welch’s secretary, turned over to a River- at the tax assessor’s of-
inquiring as to where side County district at- fice as $427,528. This
the money was going torney investigator, Jeff loan was taken out for a
and how he was paying Chebahtah. While Che- resounding $493,000.
these loans back. The bahtah has acknowl- More recently, in
possibility that Welch edged receipt of the in- 2006, he again borrowed
was taking out loans formation on the Waters money against his prop-
and investing the money, and McCoy loans, he has erty. Since 2001, Judge Coast-to-Coast Metal Finishing Corporation
then paying back the at press time refused Steven Mapes has re- Specializing in metal finishing, powder coating and custom designed
loans with the proceeds to assign a complaint/ ceived seven different
was considered and dis- case file number. The reconveyances on his
lighting fixtures for both indoor and outdoor use.
carded. For the last seven practice of accepting loans.
years, Welch has report- Proprietor Gil Bernal has 25 years experience in all phases of metal
evidence and refusing to Mapes did not re-
ed to the Fair Political finishing and decorating and personally manages his own foundry.
assign a tracking num- spond to a call from the
Practices Commission ber has been previously Sentinel, inquiring on All Products made entirely in the USA
on his form 700 financial explored by this reporter how he was paying back
disclosure statements in an article entitled: these loans.
that he has no invest- “How the California (626) 282-2122
ments. Justice System covers
A query was also left
with Judge Welch’s sec-
retary as to three proper-
up crimes against the
elderly: A method to the ASN Depot, Inc.
ty transactions recorded
Rancho Computers, Inc. “Technology Made Easy”
in neighboring Riverside
County, attributed to a - Custom Notebooks - DSL Set-up
“James Michael Welch, - Custom Desktops - Digital Surveillance Systems
Trustee.” Custom Laptops
- Wesite Development - Spy Cameras
Judge Welch has de- Custom Desktops
- Virus & Spyware Removal - Night Vision Cameras
clined to comment. Pre- Web Design - Laptop Repairs - Media Center PCs
siding judge Jim Mc- Digital Surveillance - Desktop Repairs - Kitchen Entertainment Systems
Guire issued a terse letter Systems - Wireless Network Set-up - Digital Picture Frames
on August 12th, 2009, in
response to an inquiry 3580 Grand Avenue, Suite N
from the Sentinel about 8188 Rochester Ave, Suite B (909) 466-0600 (t) Chino Hills, CA 91709
the Welch loans and Riv- Rancho Cucamonga, CA (909) 438-6430 (c) (866) 477-3225 (toll free) (909) 548-0545 (office) (909) 910 6717 (mobile)
erside County transac- [email protected] (909) 466-0667 (f) [email protected] (email)
tions. McGuire stated:
Friday, September 11, 2009 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 4
Colonies and commercial devel- sequently, the William the Foothill Fire Dis- able state. rary city staff members
from front page opment. Lyon Company again ex- trict, which until it was For just under $17 mil- to accommodate them
But the property lying plored the possibility of absorbed by the city of lion, the Colonies Cross- whenever a significant
half of 2009, a burgeon- along the foothills be- developing the property. Rancho Cucamonga in roads Partners purchased issue regarding the con-
ing number of county low the towering 8,693 But again, the expense 1989 served as the fire 448 acres of property flicting interests of the
residents has come to foot Ontario Peak was of alleviating the flood department in Rancho from the San Antonio city and the completion
understand the manner fraught with problematic hazard over the property Cucamonga. In his ca- Land and Water Com- of the project arose.
in which the two prin- geologic complications. rendered the project at pacity as an elected of- pany. The property, upon Burum and Richards
cipals in the Colonies Owned by the San An- best marginally profit- ficial, Richards grew to which the county of San made significant political
Crossroads Partners ex- tonio Land and Water able. As development understand the level of Bernardino had recorded contributions to coun-
ploited the political sys- Company, it was criss- stalled, Lyon eventu- apathy the citizenry has three flood control ease- cil members in the city
tem, and the corruptibil- crossed with flood con- ally lost the property in with regard to local gov- ments in the 1930s, was of Rancho Cucamonga,
ity of three of the board’s trol easements that were a foreclosure. ernment as well as the shown on the city of which lies just a stone’s
members to wring $102 the natural consequence Thus, the earliest ef- limits of accountabil- Upland’s planning maps throw from the property
million out of the county. of its character as an al- forts to develop the ity for public officials. as open space and flood Richards and Burum
In 2006, only a relative luvial fan consisting of property were thwarted, These lessons were ones control land. Among its were seeking to develop.
handful of county citi- rocky scrubland across in the first instance by Richards would apply in most remarkable fea- This offset the raising of
zens had an appreciation which rainwater from technical problems and, devising the formula for tures were a gravel quar- any protest over potential
of the subterfuge that the Angeles National ultimately in the case of the Colonies Crossroads ry, and a makeshift and environmental problems
was being run. Among Forest flowed during the the proposal by William project. illegal dumping ground the project represented.
those were the mem- rainy season. The city Lyon, by financial prob- In 1997, after his that contained discarded Simultaneously, Bu-
bers of San Bernardino of Upland was a major lems. partnership with Wheat- furniture and build- rum and Richards and
County Taxpayers for shareholder in the San The experience of ley dissolved, Richards ing materials, asphalt, their agents touted the
Fair Resolution. Antonio Land and Water the Penhill and William formed a partnership barrels of oil and other development project as
The manner in which Company. Lyon Company did not with Jeff Burum that hazardous substances, one that would be a boon
the Colonies Crossroads In their initial discus- go unremarked by Dan was locally reported to concrete, trash, the scat- for the cash-strapped
Partners cozened the sions with the city of Richards. include 27 others - Colo- tered chassis and bodies bedroom community of
county into covering Upland over the require- Richards had long nies Crossroads Partners. of wrecked vehicles, and Upland, which lacked
the cost of constructing ments for development, been a major player in Richards and Burum tires. the sales tax-revenue
its infrastructure at the Penhill was informed San Bernardino County were the managing and Accompanying the producing major com-
massive subdivision is that to gain an entitle- and western San Ber- controlling partners. The Colonies Crossroad Part- mercial centers that
a textbook example of ment to build it would nardino County in rest were investors. The ners’ well thought out neighboring Rancho
strategic planning, ma- need to invest in millions particular. With Steve goal of the company was development program Cucamonga, Ontario
nipulation of the regional of dollars in flood con- Wheatley, Richards was to pick up where the ef- was the first phase of its and Montclair had cul-
planning process and po- trol improvements. Quite the co-owner of Stephen fort to develop the Lakes political program, con- tivated. The Crossroads
litical intrigue. simply, the consideration Daniels Commercial at San Antonio project sisting of massive scale Crossing portion of
In the late 1980s, Ir- that the property was Brokerage, which served had left off. In this case political contributions to their project, Burum and
vine-based Penhill Land situated below a typical the entirety of the Inland the project would entail a select group of candi- Richards promised, with
Company broached the year’s flood plain ren- Valley, with a particu- three distinct elements dates for the Upland city its easy access from the
concept of converting dered the property un- larly strong presence in - one for residential de- council. By ingratiat- 210 Freeway and travel-
the property lying in the developable. The upfront Rancho Cucamonga, velopment to be known ing themselves with the ers from outside the city,
northeastern portion of cost of providing infra- Upland, Fontana and as the Colonies at San city council, Richards would reap for the city an
Upland into a massive structure to mitigate the Ontario. Richards and Antonio that was to en- and Burum succeeded increase in sales tax in-
subdivision. The prop- flood problems would his company’s reach tail the building of 1,150 in neutralizing the hard come of no less than $3.5
erty both straddled and fall to the developer and extended all the way to homes, a commercial line that had previously million per year. And
lay upon the swath of would not be defrayed the county seat in San component to be known been taken by the Up- the upscale homes to be
right of way for the then- by the city or its taxpay- Bernardino, and Steven as Crossroads Cross- land planning staff with built in the Colonies at
yet-to-be-constr ucted ers, Penhill was told. As Daniels was involved ing that would involve regard to ensuring that San Antonio would rep-
210 Freeway extension. a consequence, Penhill in real estate in Rialto, 1.1-million-square-feet adequate infrastructure resent a major increase
On paper it seemed to be abandoned the project, Colton, and Montclair as of retail space and the - paid for by the develop- in property values and a
an ideal spot for a com- known as The Lakes well. infrastructure, i.e., the er - was in place before commensurate property
bination of residential at San Antonio. Sub- Along with Wheatley, flood control facilities, the actual development tax boon.
Richards in the 1980s to transform the entire was allowed to proceed. Nevertheless, the out-
Founders Scholarships was a board member of property into a develop- Indeed, at that point, at- standing feature of the
Available to Early Oak Valley College Applicants

Turf Turner
rophy within the city of property - its location
Upland’s planning and in the middle of a flood
Oak Valley College, a residential campus, engineering divisions zone - complicated the
nestled into the San Bernardino Mountain Wilder- had resulted in the city project from the outset.
ness, offers a curriculum based in the liberal arts,
-Disking -Roto-tilling having inadequate staff The property for de-
with courses in the sciences, humanities, business, -Field Disking -Weed Mowing to process the building cades had been utilized
management, and entrepreneurship. -Lawns -Gardens and planning documents to mitigate the flow of
The college offers two majors, Business the project required. rainwater down and
-Fields -Hillsides
With the blessing of a away from the foothills
and Public Affairs. Business majors may work -Vineyards -Citrus Groves city council whose im- in the winter and spring
in private firms. Public Affairs majors may work in partiality had been com- and occasional flooding
non-profit organizations, media relations, ministry,
government or social services. (909) 989-7707 promised by the infusion
of Colonies Crossroads
caused by the melting of
snowpack in late spring
Classes are small and taught by Christian money into its mem- and early summer. The
professionals at the institution of higher learn- bers’ campaign funds, ground, with its sand
ing, located 30 minutes east of Highland, CA. senior city management and gravel quarries, was
hired contract engineers an ideal one to catch the
Merit and need-based scholarships are and planners to handle overflow of water and its
available. Founders Scholarships of $5,000+ the Colonies project and bare natural, unpaved
will be given to those who apply early. paid them with money state allowed water to
Contact Kimberly Toole, admissions officer at
(909) 965-2247 or [email protected].
Jewelry provided by the devel- percolate down into the
opers specifically for water table rather than
that purpose. Thus, the continue to flow onto
Free online application to Oak Valley College can Serving the Inland Empire
developers were able to neighboring properties.
be submitted at Alma Jimenez (909) 919-4370 pressure these tempo- Continued on Page 5
Friday, September 11, 2009 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 5
Colonies of California by which way extension - and the tonio project site. Norell Little progress toward ty has limited property
from Page 4 the develop company city of Upland, which further ruled that the that end was made, but rights within the Colo-
was paid $17 million for was seeking to facilitate easements recorded in on March 25, 2005, Bi- nies project to carry out
A series of deluges in 40 acres that were to be the Colonies project. 1933 and 1934 that al- ane and Postmus asked its flood control function
the 1930s prompted the ultimately utilized in the The Colonies Cross- lowed about 31 acres to the lawyers representing should its flood control
county, with the acquies- construction of the free- roads Partners insisted, be used for flood control the county and the Colo- authority be brought to
cence of the San Antonio way. Simultaneously, a still the same, that the and the 1939 easement nies Partners to leave the bear and that the county
Water Company, to re- dispute erupted between county flood control di- that allowed even more room while they attempt- had never abandoned its
cord flood control ease- the Colonies Crossroads vision was required to acreage to be utilized for ed to negotiate with Bu- original rights for flood
ments on the property Partners and the county build, at county taxpayer flood control purposes rum and Richards, under control on the Colonies
in 1933, 1934 and 1939. over which entity was re- expense, the flood con- with the owner’s consent the supervision of former development, as Norell
The city of Upland and sponsible for paying for trol system. were no longer in effect. state senator Jim Brulte, had found. “We hold
the county consequently flood-control improve- In 2002, the Colonies The county appealed a Colonies consultant, that substantial evidence
had listed on its zoning ments pertaining to both Crossroads Partners sued that ruling. an agreement to settle shows the relevant ease-
and land use maps a reg- the project and the Inter- the county, alleging the While that issue was the case. In this forum ments still exist for
istration of the property state 210 extension. county had failed to live yet in doubt, Richards they came to a tentative flood control purposes,”
as open space and flood The developers de- up to its responsibility to and Burum undertook deal whereby the county the three judges on the
control land upon which manded $25 million to construct the flood basin the third phase of their would give the Colonies 4th Appellate District’s
development was to be adapt the existing gravel and further alleging that political program, pro- Partners $77 million panel collectively wrote,
prohibited. The only pit into a flood basin. the county’s placement viding then-Ontario to end the suit. Before while noting that with
construction authorized The county, which never of the terminus of the Mayor Gary Ovitt with that pact was finalized, the Colonies at San An-
on the property was for conceded that the flood 20th Street Storm Drain $50,000 in his 2004 however, a firestorm of tonio project under way
drainage facilities to be control district was re- on its property resulted electoral effort against adverse publicity broke there would be even
built and maintained by sponsible for construct- in irreparable damage to Chino Mayor Eunice out. Kristovich and Wat- greater need for manag-
the county flood control ing the flood control their subdivision. Ulloa in that year’s spe- ford, as the attorneys ing water run-off. They
district. facilities, nevertheless That same year Rich- cial election for Fourth representing the county then sent the matter back
In the same time claimed that a basin ards and Burum em- District supervisor. They in the Colonies Cross- to Norell’s court. “The
frame, the city of Up- could be constructed for barked on the second also made hefty contri- roads Partners suit, were trial court must decide
land had contracted with around $3 million. phase of their politi- butions to the political so outraged at Biane and the scope of the flood
the county flood control By transforming the cal program, throwing war chest of the newly Postmus’ action that control easements,” the
district for the designing gravel quarry into a 67- $70,000 into Rancho selected chairman of the they resigned. But before panel said. In response
and construction of the acre flood-control basin Cucamonga city coun- board of supervisors, making their exodus, to the county’s request
20th Street Storm Drain, surrounded by land- cilman Paul Biane’s Bill Postmus. they authored a memo for Norell to discontinue
a pipe that brought flood scaping, benches and electoral challenge of While the Fourth dated April 4, 2005, call- as the trial judge on the
waters originating in bridges over a meander- then-incumbent Sec- Appellate District was ing the $77 million ex- case, Norell disqualified
the northwest portion of ing stream that fed into ond District supervisor yet considering Norell’s cessively generous and himself from hearing ev-
the city eastward. In an the basin, the Colonies Jon Mikels. Upland lies ruling that had erased tantamount to a gift of idence on the matter but
agreement signed on De- Crossroads Partners sig- within the county’s Sec- the county flood control public funds that if rati- left himself the standing
cember 7, 1999, the Colo- nificantly enhanced the ond District and Mikels, easements on the Colo- fied would endanger any to oversee a status con-
nies Crossroads Partners aesthetic appeal of the who was intimately fa- nies property, a sub- efforts to involve the city ference, according to the
agreed to the placement overall project. County miliar with the project committee of the county of Upland, SANBAG court record.
of that storm drain on its officials, who disputed and its attendant issues, board of supervisors, and Caltrans in defray- Judge Christopher
property in exchange for that taxpayers were in was adamantly opposed consisting of then board ing the cost of the settle- Warner was appointed to
the county’s agreement any way required to to the county being held chairman Bill Postmus, ment with the Colonies replace Norell as the trial
to suspend its flood-con- provide critical infra- financially responsible who was then chairman Crossroads Partners. judge.
trol rights on that portion structure for the project, for any part of a private of the county Repub- A little less than four In 2006, Burum and
of the Colonies Cross- absolutely rejected that entity’s capital venture. lican Central commit- months later, on July 29, Richards initiated the
roads Partners’ property the county should have Biane’s effort was tee, and Biane, who was 2005 the 4th Appellate fourth major phase of
where the first phase of to foot the bill for en- successful and Mikels then vice chairman of District court overturned their political program.
305 homes was to take hancements to basic in- was ousted. the board of supervisors Norell’s ruling that San Having already ingra-
place. frastructure that greatly The lawsuit the Colo- and vice chairman of Bernardino County had tiated themselves with
The county agreed to exceeded the purpose of nies Crossroads Partners the county Republican abandoned its flood con- Postmus by providing
suspend its easements such facilities. Indeed, had initiated against the Central Committee, un- trol rights on the prop- him with $40,000 dur-
on the property intended county officials asserted, county was heard by San dertook, in the company erty now owned by the ing his 2004 reelection
for the project’s second the flood control divi- Bernardino County Su- of the county’s lawyers, Colonies. The appellate run, they provided over
stage at such time as sion’s efforts with re- perior Court Judge Peter Stephen Kristovich and court ruled that the coun- Continued on Page 6
the developer presented gard to the storm drain Norell. On August 28, Paul Watford, a negoti-
and had ratified a flood-
protection plan accept-
were made to accom-
modate Caltrans and the
2003, Norell ruled that
San Bernardino County
ating session with Bu-
rum and Richards and
Green Life Tree Service
able to the county flood county’s transportation had no right to any of the Colonies Crossroads -Tree Trimming -Tree Topping
control district and the agency, SANBAG, both the flood control prop- Partners’ lawyers in an -Tree Thinning -Fruit Pruning
city of Upland and all of which were intent on erty contained within effort to hash out a set- -General Clean-Up -Hauling
three parties “entered completing the 210 Free- the Colonies at San An- tlement of the lawsuit. Expert, Reasonable, Reliable, Quality Work
into mutually acceptable


at a Competitive Price
agreements” concerning
“the disposition of flood Ask for John
No such mutually ac- Suit Special
Save up to 70% (909) 532-3330
- 3 Suits 11819 Foothill Blvd.

Notary Public
ceptable agreements
were ever reached, how- Rancho Cucamonga
- 3 Shirts
ever. By 2001, with the
- 3 Ties (909) 581-0755
California Department
- 3 Belts Tracy Valenzuela
of Transportation mov-
ing toward the comple- - 3 Pairs of Socks
(909) 331-1713
tion of the long awaited all for $ 99
210 Freeway extension, Open 7 days [email protected]
the Colonies Crossroads
Wool Feel Suits
10 am - 7 pm
Partners entered into an Evening and weekend
services available!
agreement with the state We d o a l l k i nd s of a l t e ra t i on s for me n a nd wome n
Friday, September 11, 2009 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 6
Colonies shut down its investi- 2002, Ferguson on be- Ferguson went on to Judgment Obligation
from Page 4 has been much scrutiny gation of Postmus and half of San Bernardino note that “The settle- Bonds and authoriz-
of the events that led up Biane relating to their County Taxpayers For ment discussions are to ing an indenture and
$400,000 in political to the settlement and the
donations to him for his effort to confer the $77 Fair Resolution fired off take place in an anti- International Swaps
behind-the-scenes po- settlement on the Cross- a letter, dated November septic environment after and Derivative Asso-
2006 campaign for coun- litical skullduggery that
ty assessor, provided to roads Colonies Partners 6, 2006 to then-board your staff and your con- ciation master agree-
was part and parcel to that year. chairman Bill Postmus sultants have conducted ment.”
him both directly as well it. Postmus, whose po-
as filtered through polit- And information has and board members Bi- significant analysis and Ferguson told the
litical ambition led him surfaced to indicate that ane, Dennis Hansberger, your attorneys have board that the 3-2 vote
ical action committees. into forging a political
The lawsuit went to judge Warner, who re- Ovitt, and Josie Gonza- thoroughly analyzed all accepting the settle-
alliance with Richards peated Norell’s ruling les, as well as then-coun- aspects of the litigation, ment was a “viola-
trial before Judge Chris- and Burum while he
topher Warner that same that the county had aban- ty counsel Dennis Wag- before asking ‘Why is tion of the Ralph M.
was chairman of both doned its flood control ner and deputy county the city of Upland not Brown Act.” The
year. Both the Colonies the board of supervisors
Crossroads Partners and easements on the Colo- counsel Mitch Norton. a party to these discus- Brown Act is the state
and the Republican Cen- nies property after that Ferguson wrote, “My sion when it was the lead of California’s open
the county agreed to tral Committee when the
forego a jury trial and ruling had been reversed client, San Bernardino agency?’” meeting law requiring
deal to settle the Colo- by the appellate court, Ferguson then that action taken by a
instead allow Warner to nies lawsuit was being
hear the evidence and had a close relation- obliquely referenced the governmental board
worked out, later over- ship with Dan Richards inevitability of San Ber- be advertised before-
render a verdict. stepped his authority as
Warner stunned the that calls into question nardino County Taxpay- hand and provide for
the county’s chief taxing whether Warner main- ers For Fair Resolution public input.
county when he inexpli- official as county asses-
cably repeated Norell’s tained the appropriate joining the legal fray. “The public was
sor. A scandal entailing judicial objectivity in “You believe there is informed that you
overturned ruling that his use of the assessor’s
the easements had been his hearing of the suit a high likelihood that would be considering
office to hire political brought by the Colonies this county will be chal- a settlement agree-
abandoned and entered cronies, make favorable
a finding against the Crossroads Partners lenged,” Ferguson wrote. ment which involved
property tax adjustments against the county. Paul Biane “If the county defends the transfer of real
county on the merits of for political donors and
the case. The group San Ber- County Taxpayers for its position a challenge property thus requir-
in general utilize the nardino County Taxpay- Fair Resolution, is in- would be unnecessary. ing a 4-to-1 vote. This
For four months in the assessor’s office for po-
summer and fall of 2006, ers for Fair Resolution, formed that the board is- The questions are then was a blatant misrep-
litical purposes overtook founded in 2006 by Up- considering a settlement left be decided by the resentation,” Fergu-
Warner made no ruling him earlier this year. He
as to how much money land resident Glenn Bo- proposal for the Colonies trier of fact. My clients son wrote. “It caused
resigned from that post zar, had taken up pointed litigation that requires are of the opinion that those opposed to the
the county owed the in February amid revela-
Colonies Partners. The questioning of the deal the payment of $88 mil- your able counsel can settlement to believe
tions about the manner Richards and Burum lion and the transfer of very adequately defend that the settlement
county, this time repre- in which he hired and
sented by the law firm were attempting to work land valued at $14 mil- the county.” would not take place
taxed to reward his polit- long before it became lion for a total of $102 In January 2007, two based upon the posi-
Jones Day, was on the ical allies. He has since
verge of appealing War- fashionable. million to Colonies Part- months after the settle- tion of the various su-
been charged by the Represented by Cla- ners, Limited Partner- ment was made, Fer- pervisors. What then
ner’s ruling, based on his district attorney’s office
defiance of the appellate remont-based attorney ship,” Ferguson wrote. guson on behalf of San happened is known
with the misuse of public C. Robert Ferguson, the Ferguson went on to Bernardino County Tax- in common parlance
court and other issues at funds while serving as
trial. group questioned the reference judge Warner’s payers for Fair Resolu- as a “bait and switch.”
assessor. It has been re- ethical propriety of the then-pending decision, tion and another group, The board of supervi-
Before that appeal vealed as well that judge
was lodged, however, 2005 Postmus/Biane advising the county of- San Bernardino County sors then voted upon
Norell’s ex-wife obtained overture with regard to ficials that he believed it Residents Against Gov- a different agreement
in November, less than a home in the Colonies at
a month after Postmus the proposed $77 mil- wisest to see the matter ernmental Abuse, sought which involved only
San Antonio for close to lion settlement offer, as- fully processed through to undo the matter, cit- the payment of money
had been elected asses- $200,000 less than the
sor but while he still re- serting the substantial the court system rather ing technical violations and not the transfer of
then-going rate during political donations that than have politicians of process and the law in real property, thus re-
mained on the board of the time frame in which
supervisors before be- the two supervisors had who had been provided the passage of the settle- quiring a 3-to-2 vote.”
judge Norell entered the received from Burum with substantial political ment. Ferguson also
ing sworn into his new decision, later reversed
post, Postmus, Biane and and Richards and their donations by the Colo- Ferguson, in a letter raised an objection
by the appellate court, company should have nies Crossroads Part- dated January 23, 2007, to the county’s use
Ovitt voted to approve a that the county’s ease-
$102 million settlement disqualified them as ar- ners resolve the matter. wrote the board of super- of bond financing to
ments on the Colonies biters of the issue. “My client believes that visors a letter stating that make the settlement
with the Colonies Part- property were no longer
ners. That settlement Two weeks before such a settlement is ill- the two groups he repre- payment to the Colo-
in effect. It has also been the Postmus/Biane/Ovitt advised at this time. It is sented “object to your nies Crossroads Part-
provoked the Jones Day revealed that Norell, in
law firm, like Watford troika conferred the $102 stated that the county is taking any further action ners. “This practice
his capacity as the coun- million settlement upon faced with great pressure to implement the pur- is compounded by the
and Kristovich before it, ty’s presiding judge, pre-
to resign. the Crossroads Colonies to perform before a ten- ported settlement agree- fact that the public is
vailed upon the county Partners in November tative decision is made. ment between you and not being allowed an
Since that time there grand jury in 2005 to

As the county counsel the Colonies Partners, adequate or reason-
will tell you, decisions L.P., or adopting a reso- able amount of time
can be delayed if mean- lution providing for the to review and effec-
ingful settlement talks issuance and sale of the tively comment on the
are in progress. Such is San Bernardino County proposed bond resolu-

Jewelry and Watch Repair the case here.” Flood Control District tion,” Ferguson wrote.
Continued on Page 8
Ring Sizing - Chain Repair - Watch Repair - Watch Batteries
Restringing - Stone Replacement - Eyeglass Repair - Bracelet Repair Pro Smog Center
Engraving - Engravable Items - Earring Accessories One Stop Smog, Brake, Lamp Certification and Repair
Tune ups, Fuel Injections Settings, Carburetor Adjustments, Electrical Work

Victoria Gardens, Next to JC Pennys Fair Prices Honest Answers Quality Work
7872 Monet Avenue Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739 201 S. Wineville Avenue, Unit K Mon. - Fri. 8 am to 6 pm
(909) 646-7200 Telephone Ontario, CA 91761 Saturday 8 am to 4 pm
(909) 390-2234 Sunday Closed
(909) 646-7221 Fax
Friday, September 11, 2009 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 7

Ovitt and Leon Help Kick off Keep Art in School Program
ONTARIO—Two lo- “The Music Man” as the any further. He said that musicians to obtain a for about $150. the schools have high
cal politicians this week best high school musical the Keep Art in School necessary element for Lance Ding of quality instruments for
threw their support be- production in the nation. Program, which makes their musical education. Tincheng International, the next generation to
hind an innovative effort Similarly, Ontario High instruments available to Dennis Augustine, said his company has become skilled at.”
to maintain scholastic School’s drum corps and students at a 75 percent the director of sales and become involved in the Supervisor Ovitt said,
music programs in the marching band have won discount over their nor- marketing for Ameri- program because he “I will do everything I
face of financial chal- multiple competitions as mal retail price, will give can Sidco, said that his wants to give back to the can to assist in getting
lenges that have limited well as last year’s Cali- those students who have company has already do- community and live up new musical instruments
the availability of musi- fornia state champion- a desire to pursue music nated three instruments to his social responsibil- into the hands of our stu-
cal instruments for high ship. as a career or hobby pos- to the program and will ity as well as to create dents who desire to en-
school bands. Both Leon and Ovitt sible. donate two more in short a positive image for his hance their lives through
San Bernardino said that the Keep Art in At Thursday’s kick- order. The company is company. learning how to play mu-
County Supervisor Gary School Program offered off for the program, currently seeking per- Mayor Leon said, “A sic.”
Ovitt and Ontario Mayor an opportunity to ensure which took place at On- cussion instruments to tragedy of life is when a Matt Holden, a school
Paul Leon on Thursday that programs that main- tario High School, the be provided to Ontario gift and talent lays latent district official, said it “Is
joined with American tain students’ interest in advanced Ontario High High School to ensure in the person who cannot extremely important to
Sidco, Inc., a manufac- education and cultural School band performed. that its award winning afford the luxury of their keep the arts in school,
turer and distributor of issues remain intact. After a sparkling rendi- drum corps remains ad- own musical instrument even with the budget
musical instruments, to Leon recounted that tion of a tune from Alad- equately outfitted. to train with and practice cuts we are facing.”
actuate the Keep Art in as a teenager he wanted din “Arabian Nights,” Augustine, whose at home. Ontario High Larry Rook, the assis-
School Program. to play the trumpet. He Leon surveyed the per- company works in con- School and other schools tant principal at Ontario
Due to budget short- could not afford one, formers to ask how many junction with Tiancheng have instruments from High School, said “This
ages, art and music pro- however, and because of them owned their own International, Incorpo- log ago, instruments that program is fantastic. The
grams in California’s his talent with the instru- instruments. Many re- rated, said they are mak- have played finer notes material being donated
schools are underfunded. ment was less than some sponded positively. Leon ing instruments avail- in better days gone by. It keeps these kids con-
Despite that, Chaffey and of the other students at then made the point that able to student buyers is now time to rally our nected to the educational
Ontario high schools, re- his high school, he did instrument ownership and their families at a efforts around a new day, process. When these kids
spectively, boast award not qualify to receive had obviously facilitated fifty percent reduction where our championship are involved in the arts
winning drama and mu- one of the school issued the cultivation of their in the wholesale price, groups play on instru- they have better grades,
sic departments. Two instruments. For that talent. He said the Keep meaning an instrument ments they can call their are more focused and
years ago USA Today reason, he did not pur- Art in School program that normally retails for own, not just borrowed have greater opportuni-
selected Chaffey High sue learning the trumpet would allow aspiring $600 can be purchased from school, and where ties to be successful.”
School’s production of

Loma Linda Continuing with Solar Conversions at City Facilities

Knapp & Associates and system at the city’s cor- panels will follow the apply for Energy Ef- tural and electrical engi-
The city of Loma Lin- an $8,200 contract with poration yard. preparations now being ficiency and Conserva- neering for the project in
da is arranging to outfit San Bernardino-based Previously, the coun- undertaken by Knapp tion Block Grant fund- place will better position
another of its facilities W.A. Doby Engineering cil had approved a bud- & Associates and W.A ing. The city is eligible the city to receive the
with solar power. to provide structural en- get item in the amount Doby Engineering. to receive up to $123,251 grant.
This week, the gineering and electrical of $180,000 to install a The city competed a under that program. The Both firms are ap-
city council ratified a engineering services, re- photo votaic system at solar project at the civic application process for proved city vendors and
$14,900 contract with spectively, for the instal- the corporate yard. The center two years ago. the grant opens up this have previously done
San Bernardino-based lation of a photo voltaic purchase of the solar The city intends to month. Having the struc- work for the city. Knapp
Terra from front page Continued on Page 8
City payments to Ter- official or a business that the sole owner of that ing city manager Bernie We’re now refreshing represents a problem for
ra Loma for the property employs the official or paper and two others, Simon told the Sentinel our bids for property the city. It is anticipated
management service it one with which the of- the Colton City News this week. “We are in management service.” that in any future votes
provides are made by ficial is professionally and the Loma Linda City the process of ending our Simon said Terra made to confirm pay-
check. Those payments affiliated is construed as News. relationship with Terra Loma would be free to ments that will be made
are then ratified by the having a bearing on that Miller had never vot- Loma.” put in a bid to provide to Terra Loma to com-
city council as an item official’s financial inter- ed to authorize the city Simon said that as far that service. pensate that company for
on the consent calendar. est. to purchase the ads. That as he knew, “There was City officials have work it has carried out
Available records Though Cortes has decision had been made no RFP [request for bid] indicated, however, that or, until a new contract
show that in the last not been arrested or by city staff members process that we went the use of one of the city is in place, is continuing
year, the city has made charged for any of her who had determined that through when we hired council member’s em- to carry out, Cortes will
at least 11 payments to votes, one of her coun- the rates in the Grand them [Terra Loma]. ployers as a contractor abstain from those votes
Terra Loma totalling cil colleagues, council- Terrace City News were
$8,366.47. Cortes par- man Jim Miller on July lower than in compet- All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates
ticipated in the votes to 15 was arrested by San ing newspapers. Like
approve at least nine of
those, including a vote
made as recently as Au-
Bernardino County dis-
trict attorney’s investi-
gators and charged with
Cortes, Miller had relied
upon an assurance pro-
vided by city attorney
JC Landscaping
gust 11. violating Government John Harper that as long
Cortes last month in- Code section 1090. That as the newspaper was his *Sprinklers *Sodding
sisted she had done not- charge stemmed from wife’s sole property, the *Cement Work *Brick Planters
ing illegal in casting any votes Miller had made to city’s purchase of the ads *Wood Fences *Block Walls
of those votes. approve the consent cal- from her represented for *Walk Way *Driveways
Government Code endar which contained Jim Miller no conflict. *Patios *Hauling
Section 1090 prohibits check registers that con- It now appears that
an elected official from tained payments for the the city of Grand Terrace
participating in a vote city's legal advertise- is rethinking the sound-
on any matter in which ments that were printed ness of Harper’s advice. (909) 578-2215 cell
he or she has a financial in his wife's newspaper, “We have a request (909) 574-4675 home
interest. A payment to a the Grand Terrace City for proposals out for a
business owned by that News. Miller’s wife is property manager,” act-
Friday, September 11, 2009 San Bernardino County Sentinel Page 8
from page 6
could use
In recent weeks, dis-
that publicity
to garner reelection.
Needles Hospital
from page 2
Parents Seeking Recall of Recent
trict attorney Mike Ra-
mos has indicated that
Ramos has given indi-
cation that he is coordi-
waiving the requirement
for mandatory hospital
CVSD Board Appointee Dickie
he has detailed his in- nating with the Califor- Charles Dickie, who In handbills that havethat decision was made,
employee enrollment,
vestigators to a serious nia Attorney General’s was chosen by the Chino been distributed in con- Attwood, who has been
at least for the next sev-
inquiry into the Colo- office in the probe of the Valley Unified school junction with the recall previously active with
eral months. Despite the
nies settlement and the Colonies matter. board to replace Bill petition drive, it is alleged
regard to several issues
upturn in the hospital’s
possibility that illegal Glenn Bozar, the Klein in July, has become that the board purpose- roiling in the district,
financial circumstance,
inducements were made founding member of the the target of a recall. fully chose Dickie based pulled candidacy papers
Delmonico said the in-
to those public officials San Bernardino County A handful of parents upon his lack of familiar-
to vie to fill the vacancy.
stitution cannot possibly
who had a hand in forg- Taxpayers for Fair Reso- in the district say they ity with the district andInstead of holding the
afford the expense of resent Dickie’s presence the district’s voters’ lack
ing it. Ramos, who must lution, told the Sentinel, election, the board on Au-
enrollment or the fines on the board and they are of familiarity with him.
stand for reelection next “I’m glad to finally see gust 20 selected Dickie to
for lack of compliance at petitioning to have him “They picked Mr.
year, has an incentive to this is being investigated fill Klein’s post for the
this point. removed. Dickie precisely because
make progress toward by the attorney general. remainder of his elective
Simultaneously, the According to a petition nobody knows him,” a cir-
undoing the $102 settle- It was apparent to us term, which is next due to
hospital board of trust- being promulgated by cular states. “The board be contested in Novem-
ment. If the investiga- then that the interests
ees and the Needles city Peter Attwood and Bill hoped that if nobody ber 2010.
tors and prosecutors who of the taxpayers were
council are awaiting the Zeman, Dickie is unfit to knew him then nobody Dickie has lived in
work under him can es- not being looked after.
submission of a set of serve on the board. De- would be against him. Chino Hills since 2005
tablish that Burum and/ Three years later, I think
proposals by various en- spite Dickie having previ- What's more, the people and was previously em-
or Richards crossed the the issues we raised back
tities to take over opera- ously served in the role of who know and can really ployed as an administra-
line in their dealings then about this very
tions at the hospital. a school district adminis- do the job, who know the tor in the Baldwin Park
with Postmus, Biane, questionable settlement
One of these is an trator, his critics insist he issues and can think for School District.
Ovitt or the members of and the backroom politi-
overture by former city is unaware of important themselves, might chal- In that capacity Dickie
their staffs or with judg- cal deals that were part
councilwoman Rebec- issues currently burning lenge the board's foolishattended scores of school
es Norell or Warner, he of it remain relevant.”
ca Valentine, who has in the district and lacks decisions from within.” board meetings in Bald-
Lady Justice, Inc. formed a non-profit cor-
poration to assume oper-
the financial acumen
needed to deal with the
The school board orig-
inally intended to hold
win Park over the years.
He admitted, however,
A Full Service Legal Corporation ations and the outstand- economic challenges the a special election to re-to having been to only a
ing debt at the facility. district is facing. place Klein, but decided single board meeting in
Khandi R. Greer Recall proponents ap- against that option when the Chino Valley district.
President pear to be as upset with it was learned from the Attwood and Zeman cit-
Loma Linda Solar the board members who registrar of voters that it
ed this as an indication of
255 N. “D” Street, Ste. 220 from page 7 appointed Dickie as they would cost $460,000 to his lack of interest in the
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& Associates worked on Ramos has been hit with charges of carrying on with several
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the city library addition of the female employees in his office, ignoring wrong doing
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