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Daquipil, Ellen Glae A.

Solidum vs People of the Philippines

GR No. 192123 March 10, 2014
Gerald Albert Gercayo was born on June 2, 1992 with an
imperforate anus. Two days after his birth, Gerald under went colostomy, a
surgical procedure to bring one end of the large intestine out through the
abdominal walls, enabling him to excrete through a colostomy bag attached
to the side of his body. On May 17, 1995, Gerald was admitted at the Ospital
ng Maynila for a pull-through operation. Dr. Leandro Resurreccionheaded the
surgical team, and was assisted by Dr. Joselito Lucerio, Dr.Donatella Valeria
and Dr. Joseph Tibio. The anesthesiologist included Drs. Abella, Razon and
Solidum. During the operation, Gerald experienced bradycardia and went
into a coma. His coma lasted for two weeks , but he regained consciousness
only after a month. He could no longer see, hear, or move. A complaint for
reckless imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries were filed by
Geralds parents against the team of doctors alleging that there was failure
in monitoring the anesthesia administered to Gerald.
Whether or not petitioner is liable for medical negligence.
Whether or not res ipsa liquitor can be resorted to in medical
negligence cases.
No. Negligence is defined as the failure to observe for the
protection of the interests of another person that degree of care, precaution,
and vigilance that the circumstances justly demand, whereby such other
person suffers injury. Reckless imprudence, on the other hand, consists of
voluntarily doing or failing to do, without malice, an act from which material
damage results by reason of an inexcusable lack of precaution on the part of
the person to perform or failing to perform such act.
The negligence must be the proximate cause of the injury. For, negligence no
matter in what it consists, cannot create a right of action unless it is the
proximate cause of the injury complained of. And the proximate cause of an
injury is that cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence and unbroken
by any efficient intervening cause, produces the injury, and without which
the result would not have occurred.
An action upon medical negligence whether criminal, civil or administrative
calls for the plaintiff to prove by competent evidence each of the following
four elements namely: a.) the duty owed by the physician to the patient, as
created by the physician-patient relationship, to act in accordance with the
specific norms or standards established by his profession; b.) the breach of
the duty by the physicians failing to act in accordance with the applicable
standard of care; c.) the causation, is, there must be a reasonably close and
casual connection between the negligent act or omission and the resulting
injury; and d.) the damages suffered by the patient.

Daquipil, Ellen Glae A.

In the medical profession, specific norms on standard of care to protect the

patient against unreasonable risk, commonly referred to as standards of
care, set the duty of the physician in respect of the patient. The standard of
care is an objective standard which conduct of a physician sued for
negligence or malpractice may be measured, and it does not depend
therefore, on any individuals physicians own knowledge either. In
attempting to fix a standard by which a court may determine whether the
physician has properly performed the requisite duty toward the patient,
expert medical testimony from both plaintiff and defense experts is required.
The doctrine of res ipsa liquitor means that where the thing which causes
injury is shown to be under the management of the defendant, and the
accident is such as in ordinary course of things does not happen if those who
have management use proper care, it affords reasonable evidence, in the
absence of an explanation by defendant that the accident arose from want of
Nevertheless, despite the fact that the scope of res ipsa liquitor has been
measurably enlarged, it does not automatically apply to all cases of medical
negligence as to mechanically shift the burden of proof to the defendant to
show that he is not guilty of the ascribed negligence. Res ipsa liquitor is not a
rigid or ordinary doctrine to be perfunctorily used but a rule to be cautiously
applied, depending upon the circumstances of each case. It is generally
restricted to situations in malpractice cases where a layman is able to say, as
a matter of common knowledge and observation, that the consequences of
professional care were not as such as would ordinarily have followed if due
care had been exercised. A distinction must be made between the failure to
secure results, and the occurrence of something more unusual and not
ordinarily found if the service or treatment rendered followed the usual
procedure of those skilled in that particular practice. It must be conceded
that the doctrine of res ipsa liquitor can have no application in a suit against
a physician or surgeon which involves the merits of a diagnosis or of a
scientific treatment. The physician or surgeon is not required at his peril to
explain why any particular diagnosis was not correct, or why any particular
scientific treatment did not produce the desired results. Thus, res ipsa
liquitor is not available in a malpractice suit if the only showing is that the
desired result of an operation or treatment was not accomplished. The real
question, therefore, is whether or not in the process of the operation any
extraordinary incident or unusual event outside the routine performance
occurred which is beyond the regular scope of customary professional
activity in such operations, which if unexplained would themselves
reasonably speak to the average man as the negligent case or causes of the
untoward consequence. If there was such extraneous intervention, the
doctrine of res ipsa liquitor may be utilized and the dependent is called upon
to explain the matter, by evidence of exculpation, if he could.

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