ASSURE Lesson Plan

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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

Title: Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa

Grade level: Grade 10
Content Area: Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa and the elements of short
story using the story grammar, and
Lesson Length (Total Time): 50 minutes
Analyze Learners
Learners general characteristics: The lesson is designed for 10th grade high school
students. This is an in-class support class comprised of 20 male and 20 female
students. Academic ability and learning styles vary. In general, students have short
attention span thats why they need to have an entertaining activities. The students
are not yet familiar with the story Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa but are
capable of determining the elements of short story.
Entry characteristics: The students in this class are collaborative and skilled in the
use of technology. However, their proficiency with this technology is limited to the
use of social media and entertainment applications.
Learning styles: Although the class is comprised of students of all learning styles, the
majority of students in this class are tactile learners.
State Objectives
Identify the elements of short story from the selection using story grammar
Using the story grammar the students will identify the elements of the story
based on the story that they have read.
Discuss the story: Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa.
The students will read with understanding the selection
Get the significance of the story
Analyze what are the things we need to consider before marrying.
Select Methods, Media, , and Materials
Strategies. A variety of teacher-centered and student-centered strategies have been
designed for this lesson.
Technology and Materials. Students will have access to computers, video,

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Last Revised: December 11, 2005

PowerPoint slide.
Print Media. Students will use print, textbooks- Serrano. J B., Lapid. M G.
English Communication Arts and Skill Through World Literature texts, visuals such as
photos, and clip art or drawings and creative story grammar to create assignments.
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
Preview the materials: The students will first watch a short video related to the
Prepare the materials: With the assistance of the instructional technology
coordinator, classroom computers and LCD projector with white screen will be
checked and ready for student use. Appropriate software will be accessible to the
Prepare the environment: Desks are to be arranged in a manner that allows for
small group work and well ventilated and lighted classroom.
Prepare the learners: Students will have been prepared for this lesson during the
Provide the learning experiences: Students have notes on Jose Garcia Villa and
literary devices which can be referred to as needed.
Require Learner Participation
Individual activities: The students will answer orally the questions that the teacher
will ask after watching the video and after reading the selection.
Group activities: The students are going to analyze the short story footnote to youth
using the story grammar and what is story grammar? A story grammar is a graphic
organizer which outlines the elements of the story. They will given 5-7 minutes to
work and then after that they are going to present.
Evaluate & Revise
Student activities will be evaluated using a rubric.

Jasmine A. Tan

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BSEd IV- Filipino

Last Revised: December 11, 2005

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