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Friday, 3 February 2012

Tim Lang
New Zealand
Attention: Tim Lang
Dear Tim
Thank you for the opportunity to supply the following prices.
We detail our quote as follows;

To supply fitted exterior overcover using padded waterproof fabric.

To supply fitted exterior overcover using lightweight reflective



All prices exclude GST and freight. Please feel free to ask for samples.
No allowance has been made for hangerage of your aircraft.
Any variations to pricing will be stated on sighting of actual parts and before work commences. We
appreciate your enquiry and assure you of our best workmanship and attention.
We look forward to discussing the above at your earliest convenience.

Yours Faithfully

Brent Hill
Sales and Marketing
NOTE: All interior upholstery is carried out I.A.W. NZCAA Approval; No. 48534, is fully traceable and clearly labelled as
approved upholstery. Please view our terms and conditions of trade below. Quote is valid for 60 days from date of email


1.1 Below are the terms and conditions of trade that apply in respect of all Goods and Services supplied or provided by National Aircraft Interiors Ltd (NAT) to the
customer from 1st February 2005.
1.2 An order placed will be deemed acceptance by the Customer of these Terms and Conditions, notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary in the
Customers inquiries of the Customers Terms and Conditions of Trade.
1.3 The Customers attention is drawn to clause 7 which includes an exclusion of liability for the benefit of NAT.
2.1 CUSTOMER means the Customer or any person acting on behalf of the Customer who orders Goods and instructs or requests services to be completed by
2.2 GOODS means all Goods supplied by NAT to the Customer (and where the context permits, includes any supply of Services).
2.3 SERVICES means all Services supplied by NAT to the Customer (and where the context permits, includes any supply of Goods).
3.1 The Goods/Services shall be as described on any invoice, quotation estimate, work authorisation, or any other work commencement forms as provided by
NAT to the Customer.
3.2 NAT is a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) approved maintenance provider, manufacturer and supplier. Therefore, NAT will use its best endeavours to complete
the Services and provide Goods in accordance with CAA standards and guidelines. However, the onus and responsibility rests, in all respects, with the Customer to
provide all required Technical Fata and all necessary Modification Directives in terms of CAA standards and guidelines. NAT may assist and provide guidance to the
Customer as to the technical data and modification directives that are required but the onus and responsibility shall at all times rest with the Customer.
3.3 Further, notwithstanding NATs status with CAA, NAT shall complete all services as instructed by the Buyer but reserved the right to decline to complete
services not in compliance with CAA standards at NATs discretion.
3.4 Where a Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (LAME) is required to certify any work completed by NAT, NAT will arrange the inspections necessary at the
cost of the Customer. NAT shall be the Customers agent in terms of instruction of a LAME.
4.1 The Price shall be as indicated on invoices provided by NAT to the Customer in respect of Goods and Services supplied (plus GST); or
4.2 Payment for the Goods/Services shall be due on the 20th of the month following the Invoice date.
4.3 Payment must be made by cash, by cheque or by direct credit to NATs bank account.
5.1 The Customer shall pay interest on all sums outstanding at 30% per annum from the date of default until payment is made in full (including accrued penalty
5.2 If a solicitor and/or debt collector is instructed by the Seller, the customer agrees to pay the solicitor and/or debt collectors reasonable fees and disbursements.
5.3 All payments by the Customer shall be applied first to the reduction of interest and costs due and the balance shall then be applied in reduction of the original
amounts due.
5.4 The Seller may assign all or any part of the debt owing.
6.1 NAT retains all property in all Goods supplied until fully paid for by the Customer, however, all risk for the Goods passes to the Customer on delivery.
6.2 If any of the Goods are damaged or destroyed prior to ownership passing to the Customer, NAT is entitled to receive all insurance proceeds payable in
respect of the Goods. NAT will apply the insurance proceeds first, in payment of the Price of the Goods that are damaged or destroyed, if unpaid and second, in
payment of the outstanding Price of any other Goods/Services supplied to the Customer by NAT.
7.1 NAT shall have no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage which occurs in the following situations;
(a) Any Goods or Services provided in respect of an aircraft of 10 passenger seats or more;
(b) Any services completed by NAT within an aircraft.
7.2 NAT does not hold insurance cover in respect of any Goods/Services completed or supplied on an aircraft with passenger seating configuration of 10 seats or
more (excluding crew member seats) or services/work completed within an aircraft, hence the above exclusion of liability. Therefore, the Customer must arrange and
keep in place comprehensive insurance cover at all times to cover any claim for loss or damage whether as a result of any action or inaction by NAT for the
scenarios note in clause 7.1.
7.3 Further, NAT shall have no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising from NAT providing Goods or Services in accordance with a Modification
Directive or Technical data provided by a Customer which subsequently transpires to be incorrect.
8.1 The Customer agrees that property in the Goods shall not pass until the Customer has paid all amounts owing for the particular Goods/Services and all other
obligations of the Customer are met.
8.2 It is further agreed that if the Customer fails to return the Goods to NAT then NAT (or agent) may enter upon and into land and premises owned occupied or
used by the Customer where the Goods are situated and taken possession of the Goods, without being responsible for any damage thereby caused.
8.3 The Customer acknowledges and agrees that their Terms and Conditions constitute a security agreement and a security interest is taken in all Goods
supplied by NAT to the Customer.
8.4 The Customer waives its right to receive a verification statement in accordance with section 148 of the PPSA.
9.1 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be invalid, void or illegal or unenforceable the validity existence, legality and enforceability of the
remaining provisions shall not be affected, prejudiced or impaired
9.2 All Goods and Services supplied by NAT are subject to the laws of New Zealand.
9.3 Should the contract between NAT and the Customer be subject to a dispute NAT and the Buyer agree that proceedings shall be filed in the District or High
Court at Nelson. Should the parties agree to mediation or arbitration or to attend a Disputes Tribunal hearing that any such hearing shall be held in Nelson.

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