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Chemistry 331

Chapter 2 Electrical Components and

The purpose of this chapter is to discuss basic direct current (dc)
circuit components in preparation for the two following chapters that
deal with integrated circuits and microcomputers in instruments for
chemical analysis.


Some basic direct current circuits and how they are used in making
current, voltage, and resistance measurements will be considered.
The general definition of a circuit is a closed path that may be
followed by an electric current.
A galvanometer is a device with a rotating indicator that will rotate
from its equilibrium position when a current passes through it. A

galvanometer has a negligible resistance.

Figure 1. Ampermeter
An ampermeter (ammeter) is a galvanometer with a calibrated current
scale for its indicator and a bypass resistor (called a shunt) for a fixed
fraction of the current, shown in Figure 1. Many ammeters have several
selectable shunts which provide their corresponding current meter
ranges. Typically, ammeters can be found with calibrated ranges of 1
micro-A for full scale deflection up to 1000 A for full scale deflection,
and in multiples of 10 between these extremes.

Figure 2. Voltmeter
A voltmeter, shown in Figure 2, is just a calibrated galvanometer with a
series resistor so that the total resistance of the path is increased. The
galvanometer range is calibrated for the current Ig passing through it.
This scale is adjusted to display the potential difference between points
A and B, (voltage) by substituting Vg values for Ig on the scale where
Vg = Ig Rg and Rg is the total resistance of the voltmeter. Voltmeters
may have more than one calibrated scale which can be selected by
changing the resistance Rg.
Current in a circuit is the flow of the positive charge from a high
potential (+) to a low potential (-). Meters are labeled to indicate the
proper direction of current flow through them. A reverse flow of DC
current may destroy a meter.
Electrical charge will not move through a conducting path unless there
is a potential difference between the ends of the conductors. All
materials resist the flow of current through them, requiring work to be
done to move the charge through the material. The source of energy in
a circuit which provides the energy to move the charge through the
circuit can be a battery, photocell, or some other power supply.
An electrical circuit is a circuitous path of wire and devices. A
schematic drawing of a real circuit utilizes the symbols shown in Figure

Figure 3.
Circuit Symbols

An example, Figure 4, shows a circuit with a DC. power supply in a

series with a resistor, a parallel branch with a resistor and voltmeter,
and an ammeter.

Figure 4. Example of an Electric

The flashlight is an example of a basic electric circuit. It contains a
source of electrical energy (the dry cells in the flashlight), a load (the

bulb) that changes the electrical energy into a more useful form of
energy (light), and a switch to control the energy delivered to the load.
A load is any device through which an electrical current flows and
which changes this electrical energy into a more useful form. The
following are common examples of loads:
A light bulb (changes electrical energy to light energy).
An electric motor (changes electrical energy into mechanical energy).
A speaker in a radio (changes electrical energy into sound).
A source is the device that furnishes the electrical energy used by the
load. It may be a simple dry cell (as in a flashlight), a storage battery
(as in an automobile), or a power supply (such as a battery charger). A
switch permits control of the electrical device by interrupting the
current delivered to the load.

Schematic of a Basic Circuit, the Flashlight

Laws of Electricity
Ohms law describes the relationship among potential, resistance
and current in a resistive series circuit. In a series circuit, all circuit
elements are connected in sequence along a unique path, head to tail,
as are the battery and three resistors shown in Figure 2-1. Ohms Law
may be written as:
V = IR
Where V is the potential difference in volts between two points in a
circuit, R is the resistance between the two points in ohms, and I is the
resulting current in amperes.
diagrams for determining resistance and voltage in a basic circuit,

Using Ohms's Law, the resistance of a circuit can be determined

knowing only the voltage and the current in the circuit. In any
equation, if all the variables (parameters) are known except one, that
unknown can be found. For example, using Ohm's Law, if current (I)
and voltage (E) are known, you can determine resistance (R), the only
parameter not known:

2) A steady increase in resistance, in a circuit

with constant voltage, produces a
progressively (not a straight-line if graphed)
weaker current.

In simpler terms, Ohms Law means:

1) A steady increase in voltage, in a circuit with
constant resistance, produces a constant linear
rise in current.


Ohm's Law is a formulation of the relationship of voltage, current, and
resistance, expressed as:

V is the Voltage measured in volts
I is the Current measured in amperes
R is the resistance measured in Ohms
Volts = Amps times Resistance
Ohms Law is used to calculate a missing value in a circuit.

In this simple circuit there is a current of 12 amps (12A) and a resistive

load of 1 Ohm (1W). Using the first formula from above we determine
the Voltage:
V = 12 x 1 : V = 12 Volts (12V)
If we knew the battery was suppling 12 volt of pressure (voltage), and
there was a resistive load of 1 Ohm placed in series, the current would
I = 12 / 1 : I = 12 Amps (12A)
If we knew the battery was suppling 12V and the current being
generated was 12A, then the Resistance would be:
R = 12/12 : R = 1W

Note: Remember a battery is not measured in amperage as is

commonly believed with beginners to electronics. The battery supplies
the pressure that creates the flow (current) in a given circuit. The
amperage rating on a battery is "How long the battery will last for one
hour while driving a circuit of that amperage". It is measured in
Amperage-Hours. So a 1000mAh would last for 1 hour in a one amp
circuit. (1000mAh is 1A for one hour)
An easy way to remember the formulas is by using this diagram.

To determine a missing value, cover it with your finger. The horizontal

line in the middle means to divide the two remaining values. The "X"
in the bottom section of the circle means to multiply the remaining
If you are calculating voltage, cover it and you have I X R left (V= I
times R).
If you are calculating amperage, cover it, and you have V divided by
R left (I=V/R).
If you are calculating resistance, cover it, and you have V divide by I
left (R=V/I).
Note: The letter E is sometimes used instead of V for voltage.

Kirchhoffs Law
Kirchhoffs current law states that the algebraic sum of currents
around any point in a circuit is zero. Kirchhoffs voltage law states that
the algebraic sum of the voltages around a closed electrical loop is
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law

Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (or Kirchhoff's

Loop Rule) is a result of the electrostatic
field being conservative. It states that
the total voltage around a closed loop
must be zero. If this were not the case,
then when we travel around a closed
loop, the voltages would be indefinite.

Figure 1 Around a closed


loop, the total voltage should

be zero

In Figure 1 the total voltage around loop

1 should sum to zero, as does the total
voltage in loop2. Furthermore, the loop
which consists of the outer part of the
circuit (the path ABCD) should also sum
to zero.
We can adopt the convention that potential gains (i.e. going from lower
to higher potential, such as with an emf source) is taken to be positive.
Potential losses (such as across a resistor) will then be negative.
However, as long as you are consistent in doing your problems, you
should be able to choose whichever convention you like. It is a good
idea to adopt the convention used in your class.

Power Law
The power law states that the power in watts dissipated in a
resistive element is given by the product of the current in amperes and
the potential difference across the resistance in volts:

P = IV
And substituting Ohms law gives:
P = I2R = V2/R
Basic Direct Current Circuits
The Schematic Diagram
The schematic diagram consists of idealized circuit elements each of
which represents some property of the actual circuit. The Figure shows
some common circuit elements encountered in DC circuits. A twoterminal network is a circuit that has only two points of interest, say A
and B.

Figure: Common circuit elements encountered in DC circuits: a) ideal

voltage source, b) ideal current source and c) resistor.

Two types of basic dc circuits will be described; series resistive

circuits and parallel resistive circuits.

Series Circuits

Figure 2-1 shows a basic series circuit, which consists

of a battery, a switch, and three resistors in series.

Figure 2-1 (Principles of Instrumental Analysis)
The current is the same at all points in a series circuit, that is:
I = I1 = I2 = I3 = I4
Application of Kirchhoffs voltage law to the circuit in Figure 2-1 yields:
V = V1 + V2 + V3
The total resistance, Rs, of a series circuit is equal to the sum of the
resistances of the individual components.
Rs = R1 + R2 + R3
Parallel Circuits
Figure 2-2 shows a parallel dc circuit.

Figure 2-2 (Principles of Instrumental Analysis)

Applying Kirchhoffs current law, we obtain:
It = I1 + I2 + I3
Applying Kirchhoffs voltage law to this circuit gives three independent
V = I1R1
V = I2R2
V = I3R3
Substitution and division by V gives:
1/ Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
Since the conductance, G, of a resistor, R, is given by G = 1/R:
Gp = G1 + G2 + G3
Conductances are additive in a parallel circuit rather than the

In conclusion, the most important things to remember about the

differences between resistors in series and parallel are as follows:
Resistors in series have the same current and
Resistors in parallel have the same voltage.
Learning objectives are stated at the beginning of each chapter. These
learning objectives serve as a preview of the information you are
expected to learn in the chapter. The comprehensive check questions
are based on the objectives. The learning objectives are listed below.
Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the

State, in terms of energy bands, the differences between a

conductor, an insulator, and a semiconductor.

Explain the electron and the hole flow theory in semiconductors

and how the semiconductor is affected by doping.

Define the term "diode" and give a brief description of its

construction and operation.

Explain how the diode can be used as a half-wave rectifier and as

a switch.

Identify the diode by its symbology, alphanumerical designation,

and color code.

List the precautions that must be taken when working with

diodes and describe the different ways to test them.

A diode is a nonlinear device that has greater conductance in one

direction than in another. Useful diodes are manufactured by forming
adjacent n-type and p-type regions within a single germanium or

silicon crystal: the interface between these regions is termed a pn

Figure 2-3a is a cross section of one type of pn junction, which is
formed by diffusing an excess of a p-type impurity, such as indium,
into a minute silicon chip that has been doped with an n-type impurity,
such as antimony. A junction of this kind permits movement of holes
from the p region into the n region and movement of electrons in the in
the reverse direction. As holes and electrons diffuse in the opposite
direction, a region is created that is depleted of mobile charge carriers
and thus has very high resistance. This region is referred to as the
depletion region. Because there is a separation of charge across the
depletion region, a potential difference develops across the region that
causes a migration of holes and electrons in the opposite direction.
The current that results from the diffusion of holes and electrons is
balanced by the current produced by migration of the carriers in the
electric field, thus there is no net current. The magnitude of potential
difference across the depleted region depends upon the composition of
the materials used in the pn junction. For silicon diodes, the potential
difference is about 0.6V, and for germanium, it is about 0.3V. When a
positive potential is applied across a pn junction, there is little
resistance to current in the direction of the p-type to the n-type
material. On the other hand, the pn junction offers a high resistance to
the flow of holes in the opposite direction and is called a current
Figure 2-3b illustrates the symbol for a diode. The arrow points in
the direction of low resistance to positive current. The triangular
portion of the diode symbol may be imagined to point in the direction
of current in a conducting diode.
Figure 2-3c shows the mechanism of conduction of charge when the
p region is made positive with respect to the n region by application of
a potential; this process is called forward biasing. The holes in the p

region and the excess electrons in the n region move under the
influence of the electric field toward the junction, where they combine
and annihilate each other. The negative terminal of the battery injects
new electrons into the n region, which can then continue the
conduction process; the positive terminal extracts electrons from the p
region, creating new holes that are free to migrate towards the pn
Figure 2-3d shows when the diode is reverse-biased and the
majority carriers in each region drift away from the junction to form the
depletion layer, which contains few charges. Only the small
concentration of minority carriers present in each region drifts toward
the junction and creates a current.
Figure 1. Ampermeter
An ampermeter (ammeter) is a galvanometer with a calibrated current
scale for its indicator and a bypass resistor (called a shunt) for a fixed
fraction of the current, shown in Figure 1. Many ammeters have several
selectable shunts which provide their corresponding current meter
ranges. Typically, ammeters can be found with calibrated ranges of 1
micro-A for full scale deflection up to 1000 A for full scale deflection,
and in multiples of 10 between these extremes.

Figure 2. Voltmeter
A voltmeter, shown in Figure 2, is just a calibrated galvanometer with a
series resistor so that the total resistance of the path is increased. The
galvanometer range is calibrated for the current Ig passing through it.
This scale is adjusted to display the potential difference between points
A and B, (voltage) by substituting Vg values for Ig on the scale where
Vg = Ig Rg and Rg is the total resistance of the voltmeter. Voltmeters
may have more than one calibrated scale which can be selected by
changing the resistance Rg.

Current in a circuit is the flow of the positive charge from a high

potential (+) to a low potential (-). Meters are labeled to indicate the
proper direction of current flow through them. A reverse flow of DC
current may destroy a meter.
Electrical charge will not move through a conducting path unless there
is a potential difference between the ends of the conductors. All
materials resist the flow of current through them, requiring work to be
done to move the charge through the material. The source of energy in
a circuit which provides the energy to move the charge through the
circuit can be a battery, photocell, or some other power supply.
An electrical circuit is a circuitous path of wire and devices. A
schematic drawing of a real circuit utilizes the symbols shown in Figure
Types of electrical devices and their uses:
Bar Code Devices (196 companies) Devices such as scanners and
verifiers, used to decode (read) the bar codes stamped on products.
Batteries and Accessories (396 companies) Devices that convert stored
energy into electrical current; the two main types are chemical
batteries and physical batteries such as solar cells, nuclear energy and
thermal batteries.
Connectors (714 companies) Components used to conduct and transfer
signals (electrical, optical, rf, etc.) or power from one cable to another.
Data Input Devices (208 companies) Devices such as a keyboard or
mouse, used to interact with other devices or computers for the
purpose of inputting data.
Electrical and Electronics Fasteners and Hardware (95 companies)
Small components and hardware for electrical and electronic
Electrical Distribution and Protection Equipment (1668 companies)
Equipment used to distribute power and protect other equipments and
systems from current or voltage surges.
Electrical Testing Equipment (200 companies) Electrical testing
instruments for current leakage and insulation resistance

Enclosures (2785 companies) Used for enclosing or containing

electrical, electronic, or mechanical components, or to provide
protection for their operators.
Fans and Electronic Cooling (765 companies) Devices and equipment
used to regulate temperature by removing heat from electrical and
electronic components.
Fuses (169 companies) Fuses protect electrical devices from
overcurrents and short circuits that occur in improperly operating
Industrial Counters and Timers (234 companies) Industrial counters
and industrial timers are used in a variety of applications including
process timing, process control, and unit counting.
Magnets (194 companies) A magnet is simply any material capable of
attracting iron and producing a magnetic field outside itself, either
naturally or induced.
Meters, Readouts and Indicators (776 companies) Any type of
equipment used to display information in various formats including,
digital readouts, indicator lights or panel meters.
Motors (818 companies) All types of rotary and linear motors, including
AC, DC, servo, stepper, induction, hydraulic, pneumatic motors.
Passive Electronic Components (2211 companies) Passive electronic
components such as resistors, inductors and capacitors that do not
require power to operate.
Power Generation and Storage (605 companies) Products and
accessories related to power generation and storage.
Power Supplies and Conditioners (1713 companies) Devices that
produce constant voltage and stabilize voltage levels and signals.
Relays and Relay Accessories (326 companies) Relays are
electromechanical switches in which the variation of current in one
electric circuit controls the flow of electricity in another circuit.
Surge Suppressors (184 companies) Electrical devices used to detect
and control high voltage or current surges in order to protect
equipments or systems.
Switches (582 companies) Devices used to route signals by allowing or

preventing the signal flow when in closed or open position.

Transformers (516 companies) Transformers transfer electrical energy
from one electric circuit to another, typically by the principles of
electromagnetic induction. Transformer types include potential,
current, step-up, step-down, distribution and others.
Wires, Cables, and Accessories (1816 companies) Wires, cables, and
accessories used to transmit electrical power or signals.

Direct Current Circuits.
Field effect transistors (FETs) as transducers in electrochemical
Skoog, Holler, and Nieman. Principles of Instrumental Analysis. 5th ed.
Orlando: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1998.
Shulga AA, Koudelka-Hep M, de Rooij NF, Netchiporouk LI. Glucose
sensitive enzyme field effect transistor using potassium ferricyanide as
an oxidizing substrate. Analytical Chemistry. 15 Jan. 1994.
Thompson JM, Smith SC, Cramb R, Hutton. Clinical evaluation of
sodium ion selective field effect transistors for whole blood assay.
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry. 31 Jan. 1994.

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