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WHO Publication/Guidelines

Natural Ventilation for

Infection Control in
Health-Care Settings

Edited by:
James Atkinson, Yves Chartier,
Carmen Lcia Pessoa-Silva,
Paul Jensen, Yuguo Li
and Wing-Hong Seto

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:

Natural ventilation for infection control in health-care settings.
1. Ventilation methods. 2. Air microbiology. 3. Infection control. 4. Health facilities
standards. 5. Guidelines. I. World Health Organization.
ISBN 978 92 4 154785 7 (NLM classification:WX 167)
World Health Organization 2009
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Foreword ......................................................................................................................... ix
Acknowledgments............................................................................................................... xi
Contributors...................................................................................................................... xiii
Conflicts of interest.......................................................................................................... xvii
Executive summary........................................................................................................... xix
Acronyms and definitions of terms................................................................................ xxiii
Part 1 Infection control and ventilation........................................................................ 1
1 General principles of infection control.......................................................................... 3
1.1 The concept of isolation precaution and an historical review.................... 3
1.2 Isolation practices for infection control...................................................... 3
1.3 Isolation practices for airborne infections ................................................. 4
1.4 Infection control for high-risk procedures.................................................. 5
1.5 Summary..................................................................................................... 6
2 Concepts and types of ventilation................................................................................... 7
2.1 Ventilation................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 What is natural ventilation?........................................................... 7
2.1.2 What is mechanical ventilation?.................................................... 7
2.1.3 What is hybrid or mixed-mode ventilation? ................................. 8
2.2 Assessing ventilation performance............................................................. 8
2.3 Comparison of mechanical and natural ventilation.................................... 9
2.3.1 Mechanical ventilation................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Natural ventilation ...................................................................... 10
2.4 Mechanical versus natural ventilation for infection control..................... 13
2.5 Summary ................................................................................................. 15


3 Infection and ventilation .............................................................................................. 17

3.1 The association between ventilation and infection................................... 17
3.2 Ventilation requirements relating to airborne infection control............... 19
3.3 World Health Organization recommendations relating to natural
ventilation requirements.......................................................................... 21
3.3.1 Explanation of the World Health Organization
recommendations........................................................................ 22
3.3.2 Review and assessment of recommendations.............................. 23
3.4 Summary................................................................................................... 24
Part 2 Designing for natural ventilation..................................................................... 25
4 Understanding natural ventilation .............................................................................. 27
4.1 The driving forces of natural ventilation ................................................. 27
4.1.1 Wind pressure ............................................................................. 27
4.1.2 Stack (or buoyancy) pressure....................................................... 29
4.2 Ventilation flow rate................................................................................. 30
5 Design and operation .................................................................................................... 33
5.1 Designs for natural ventilation and hybrid ventilation systems .............. 33
5.1.1 Natural ventilation systems.......................................................... 33
5.1.2 Hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation systems................................... 33
5.2 Basic design concepts for natural ventilation........................................... 35
5.3 Climatic and other considerations in ventilation design........................... 35
5.3.1 Maintaining thermal comfort....................................................... 36
5.3.2 Considerations for hot summers ................................................. 36
5.3.3 Considerations for winter ........................................................... 37
5.3.4 Maintaining healthy indoor air quality........................................ 38
5.3.5 Managing ambient air pollution................................................... 38
5.3.6 External noise............................................................................... 38
5.3.7 Selecting low-emission interior materials.................................... 38
5.3.8 Humidity and mould growth........................................................ 38
5.3.9 Security and vector-borne disease spread.................................... 39
5.3.10 High-rise considerations.............................................................. 39
5.3.11 Fire safety considerations ........................................................... 39


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

5.4 Designing for natural and hybrid ventilation systems.............................. 40

5.4.1 Vent sizing.................................................................................... 41
5.4.2 Three major design elements of natural ventilation..................... 42
5.5 Types of natural ventilation systems ....................................................... 45
5.5.1 Single-side corridor type.............................................................. 45
5.5.2 Central corridor type.................................................................... 46
5.5.3 Courtyard type............................................................................. 47
5.5.4 Wind tower type........................................................................... 48
5.5.5 Atrium and chimney type............................................................. 49
5.5.6 Hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation type........................................ 50
5.6 Applicability of natural ventilation systems............................................. 50
5.7 Commissioning, operation and maintenance . ......................................... 51
5.7.1 Commissioning ........................................................................... 51
5.7.2 Operation and maintenance.......................................................... 52
5.8 Summary................................................................................................... 53
References ........................................................................................................................ 55
Annexes ........................................................................................................................ 63
Annex A Articles included in the systematic review on the association between
ventilation and infection............................................................................... 65
Annex B Recommendation GRADE appraisal tables (GRADE system)................. 71
Annex C Respiratory droplets...................................................................................... 77
Annex D Basic concept of ventilation flow rate.......................................................... 83
Annex E Rationale for determining the minimum ventilation rate
requirements.................................................................................................. 87
Annex F Natural ventilation example I:
Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, Lima, Peru.............................................. 89
Annex G Natural ventilation example II:
Grantham Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China............................................ 95
Annex H Natural ventilation example III:
Tuberculosis Control Unit, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore............. 101
Annex I Natural ventilation example IV:
IOM Isolation Centre, Damak, Nepal........................................................ 105


Ta b l e s
Table 2.1

Summary of advantages and disadvantages of different types of

ventilation systems for hospitals.................................................................... 12

Table 3.1

The scope and definitions of three transmission models for the

systematic review........................................................................................... 18

Table 4.1

Estimated air changes per hour and ventilation rate for a

7m 6m 3m ward ................................................................................... 30

Table 5.1

Potential applicability of natural ventilation solutions in ideal

conditions (consensus of a WHO systematic review) ................................... 51

Table E.1

Decay of droplet nuclei concentration in an isolation room for

different ventilation rates and duration of time ............................................. 87

Table E.2

Infection risk with 15 minutes exposure with different ventilation

rates and quanta generation for an infector entering an enclosed
space with a dimension 6m6.7m2.7m................................................. 88

Table F.1

Ward data and measured air changes per hour............................................... 90

Table G.1

Measured ventilation rates in tuberculosis wards . ........................................ 98

Figure 4.1 Wind-induced flow directions in a building .................................................. 27
Figure 4.2 Fluctuating components contributing to single-sided airflow........................ 28
Figure 5.1 Different natural ventilation and hybrid ventilation systems......................... 34
Figure 5.2 Semi-open design allowing ground-to-sky thermal radiation can
greatly improve the thermal comfort in hot summer...................................... 36
Figure 5.3 The rules of thumb for the depth of the ward for three different
ventilation strategies....................................................................................... 44
Figure 5.4 Wind-driven natural ventilation in the single-side corridor type
hospital with wind entering the ward............................................................. 46
Figure 5.5 Wind-driven natural ventilation in the single-side corridor type
hospital with wind entering the corridor........................................................ 46
Figure 5.6 Combined wind and buoyancy-driven natural ventilation in the
courtyard type (inner corridor) hospital......................................................... 47
Figure 5.7 Combined wind and buoyancy-driven natural ventilation in the
courtyard type (outer corridor) hospital......................................................... 48
Figure 5.8 Wind tower design.......................................................................................... 48
Figure 5.9 Wind-driven natural ventilation in the wind tower type hospital................... 49
Figure 5.10 Buoyancy-driven (including solar chimney) natural ventilation in the
solar chimney type of hospital....................................................................... 49

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Figure C.1 (A) Schlieren image (visualization using light refraction caused by
differences in air density) of a human cough, and (B) flash photo of
a human sneeze............................................................................................... 78
Figure C.2 The Wells evaporation-falling curve of droplets ........................................... 80
Figure C.3 Patterns of air exchange during daily activities.............................................. 81
Figure F.1 Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo..................................................................... 89
Figure F.2 Floor plan and photos of different wards in Hospital Nacional
Dos de Mayo.................................................................................................. 91
Figure F.3 Improving natural ventilation in the outpatient waiting room of the
Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo ................................................................... 93
Figure F.4 Floor plan showing the waiting hall and consulting rooms............................ 93
Figure G.1 Open wards and windows in the tuberculosis ward in Grantham
Hospital ......................................................................................................... 95
Figure G.2 A ceiling fan for summer cooling and a radiator for winter heating.............. 96
Figure G.3 Ambient air temperature, wind speed and wind direction measured
by the Hong Kong Observatory at Wong Chuk Hang weather station,
close to the Grantham Hospital ..................................................................... 99
Figure H.1 Two views of the single-storey tuberculosis inpatient ward; the
perimeters are free from obstruction, allowing natural ventilation
throughout the year....................................................................................... 101
Figure H.2 Floor plan of tuberculosis unit inpatient ward.............................................. 102
Figure H.3 Inside the tuberculosis inpatient ward.......................................................... 102
Figure I.1

The IOM Holding Centre in Damak............................................................. 105

Figure I.2

Individual isolation unit (left), and the gap between the vertical wall
and the roof for natural ventilation (right)................................................... 105



In June 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a guideline document on
infection prevention and control entitled Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and
pandemic-prone acute respiratory diseases in health care WHO interim guidelines
(WHO, 2007). In this new guideline, natural ventilation is considered for the first time
among the effective measures to control infections in health care. Such a recommendation
from WHO demonstrates a growing recognition of the role of ventilation and natural
ventilation for infection control.
The 2007 guideline demonstrated that further study was required in areas such as minimum
requirements for natural ventilation and design, construction, operation and maintenance
for effective natural ventilation systems for infection control.
Over the past two years, a multidisciplinary team of engineers, architects, infection-control
experts and microbiologists has been working to produce this WHO guideline, providing
a design and operation guide for hospital planners, engineers, architects and infectioncontrol personnel. The recommendations in this WHO guideline followed a systematic
review of the literature on the association of ventilation and disease transmission, as well
as effective natural ventilation solutions for infection control.
This WHO guideline should be used in conjunction with other relevant infection-control
There are very few studies on natural ventilation for infection control in hospitals. The
authors of this guideline have attempted to document what is known today. Any comments
from the users and readers of this guideline will be useful for future revisions and further
information may be obtained at (and follow the natvent
links), or at
Dr Maria Neira
Department for Public Health and Environment
Health Security and Environment
World Health Organization
Dr Michael Ryan
Department of Global Alert and Response
Health Security and Environment
World Health Organization


We would like to acknowledge the collaboration and generous financial support provided
by the French Ministry of Health, Youth and Sport that has made the development and
production of this guideline possible.
We also acknowledge the United States Agency for International Development for
financial support for the development and publication of this document.
We also thank the Research Grants Council Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases
and the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong SAR for providing funding for research and field
measurements for the development of this guideline.
We also thank the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control for supporting the first
multidisciplinary consensus meeting on the use of natural ventilation for infection control,
1517May 2007.
Finally, we thank the staff and management of the facilities used as examples in this
guideline for their support and contribution.


Te c h n i c a l G u i d e l i n e D e v e l o p m e n t G r o u p


Paul JENSEN, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Yuguo LI, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Wing-Hong SETO, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR


Fernando OTAIZA

Pat CHING, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR

Derek CROOME, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Rod ESCOMBE, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
Yuguo LI, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (lead author)
Li LIU, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR
Zhiwen LUO, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Jianlei NIU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
Marco PERINO, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Hua QIAN, Southeast University, China
Matthew SALT, Salt.arq Architects, Porto, Portugal
Takao SAWACHI, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, Japan
WH SETO, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR
Julian Wei-Tze TANG, National University Hospital, Singapore
Xiaojian XIE, Nanjing Normal University, China


WHO Guideline Steering Group

Cathy ROTH

External Guideline Steering Committee

Michael GARDAM, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion and University
of Toronto, Canada
Paul JENSEN, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia,
United States
Hal LEVIN, Building Ecology Research Group, Santa Cruz, California, United States
Jan SUNDELL, University of Texas at Tyler, United States

Systematic review team

James AXLEY, Yale University, Connecticut, United States
Christopher Yh CHAO, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Hong Kong SAR
Benjamin COWLING, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Michael GARDAM, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion and University
of Toronto, Canada
Michael HODGSON, Veterans Health Administration, United States
Paul JENSEN, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia,
United States
Stephen LAU, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Michael LEUNG, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Hal LEVIN, Building Ecology Research Group, Santa Cruz, California, United States
Yuguo LI, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (Principal Investigator)
Chun-Ho LIU, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Arsen MELIKOV, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Peter V NIELSEN, Aalborg University, Denmark


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Steven RILEY, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Mats SANDBERG, KTH Research School, Sweden
Wing-Hong SETO, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong SAR
Adrian SLEIGH, Australian National University, Australia
Jan SUNDELL, University of Texas at Tyler, United States
Ignatius TS YU, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (Principal
Shelly Lap Ah TSE, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Kwok WAI THAM, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Fernando OTAIZA
Nahoko (Nikki) SHINDO



Conflicts of interest
All authors contributing to this document and members of the external and internal review
panels signed conflict of interest statements. No conflicts of interest were declared.


Executive summary
In June 2007, the World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidelines entitled
Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone acute respiratory
diseases in health care WHO interim guidelines (WHO, 2007). In this guideline, natural
ventilation was considered among the effective environmental measures to reduce the risk
of spread of infections in health-care settings.
The purpose of this latest guideline is twofold:

to promote natural ventilation design for infection control in health care (Part1); and

to describe the basic principles of how to design, construct, operate and maintain an
effective natural ventilation system for infection control (Part2).

This guideline is primarily developed for engineers and architects who design or operate
health-care facilities. The guideline is also useful for health-care workers, particularly
infection-control professionals who work in health-care facilities. The guideline recognizes
that the hospital designers, operators and health-care workers need to work together for
effective infection control.
This guideline applies to diseases that can be transmitted through fine droplets or through
droplet nuclei. The guideline describes how an airborne precaution room and its adjacent
areas can be designed to provide natural ventilation control of infections. However, this
guideline does not include thorough descriptions for other infection-prevention and control
The development of this guideline involved:

a two-day multidisciplinary consensus meeting on the scope and main elements on use
of natural ventilation for infection control (May 2007);

a systematic review of the literature covering the association between ventilation and
infection, and natural ventilation solutions (MarchDecember 2008) (see AnnexA for

WHO external panel review and outline of the main recommendations (November
December 2008); and

WHO internal and external peer review (JanuaryMay 2009).


The main recommendations are listed in the following box.

Main recommendations
1. To help prevent airborne infections, adequate ventilation in health-care
facilities in all patient-care areas is necessary.
Overall ranking: Strong recommendation
2. For natural ventilation, the following minimum hourly averaged
ventilation rates should be provided:
160 l/s/patient (hourly average ventilation rate) for airborne
precaution rooms (with a minimum of 80 l/s/patient) (note that this
only applies to new health-care facilities and major renovations);
60 l/s/patient for general wards and outpatient departments; and
2.5 l/s/m3 for corridors and other transient spaces without a fixed
number of patients; however, when patient care is undertaken in
corridors during emergency or other situations, the same ventilation
rate requirements for airborne precaution rooms or general wards
will apply.
The design must take into account fluctuations in ventilation rate.
When natural ventilation alone cannot satisfy the recommended ventilation
requirements, alternative ventilation systems, such as hybrid (mixed-mode)
natural ventilation should be considered, and then if that is not enough,
mechanical ventilation should be used.
Overall ranking: Conditional recommendation
3. When designing naturally ventilated health-care facilities, overall
airflow should bring the air from the agent sources to areas where there
is sufficient dilution, and preferably to the outdoors.
Overall ranking: Conditional recommendation
4. For spaces where aerosol-generating procedures associated with
pathogen transmission are conducted, the natural ventilation
requirement should, as a minimum, follow Recommendation 2. Should
the agent be airborne, Recommendations 2 and 3 should be followed.
Overall ranking: Conditional recommendation

These four recommendations were developed by the systematic review external panel
using the GRADE appraisal system during the panels meeting in Geneva in November
2008 (see AnnexB). In areas where vector-borne disease is endemic (e.g. malaria,
dengue), the use of natural ventilation should not affect in any way the usage policy or
practice of mosquito nets.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Only basic principles of design, construction, operation and maintenance are described
in this guideline, and the designers will need to consult engineering design guides and
textbooks for technical details of natural ventilation. The readers are reminded about the
limitations of natural ventilation when there is a lack of natural forces, such as winds and
breezes, especially for the delivery of the high airflow rates recommended in this guideline
for airborne precaution rooms. Users are reminded not to rely solely on this guideline for
design guidance for their naturally ventilated facilities.
Naturally ventilated hospitals or airborne precaution rooms need to be designed properly
for natural ventilation to provide the recommended ventilation rates, otherwise, factors
such as the lack of directional control of airflow may lead to a potential for transmission of
infection. Interested readers should obtain or consult the referenced technical documents
when contemplating renovation or construction using natural ventilation.
This guideline will be reviewed five years after its publication to include new data on the
association between natural ventilation rates and infection.

Implementation plan
The guideline is a new area so there is no adaptation plan available.
A follow-up project has already started and covers low-cost health-facility design
with naturally ventilated infection-control characteristics. It aims at providing design
assistance for naturally ventilated, low-cost health facilities in low-income settings. More
information regarding this may be found at
WHO intends to provide sample designs, plans and guidance for the renovation and
construction of health facilities to be posted on a web page for free downloading. This will
build on the current guideline to encourage and facilitate the provision of low-cost healthcare facilities with infection-control characteristics, in low-income countries, that use
affordable and sustainable means and (if feasible) natural ventilation.

Executive summary


Acronyms and definitions of terms


air changes per hour

personal protective equipment
Special Administrative Region
severe acute respiratory disease
World Health Organization

Definitions of terms

Set of managerial measures to warrant the needed conditions for the

application of infection control principles in health care. These include
establishment of sustainable infection control infrastructures and activities,
clear policies on early recognition of infections, implementation of appropriate
infection control measures, regular supplies and organization of services
(e.g.creation of patient triage system and placement). The health-care facility
management should also have staff planning to promote an adequate patientto-staff ratio, provide staff training, and establish staff health programmes
(e.g. vaccination, prophylaxis) to enhance the general health of the healthcare workers (WHO, 2007).

procedure associated
with pathogen

High-risk procedures that may increase the potential of generating droplet

nuclei because of the mechanical force of the procedure (e.g. intubation,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, bronchoscopy, autopsy, and surgery where
high-speed devices are used) (WHO, 2007).


A procedure that can induce the production of fine respiratory droplet in the

Airborne precaution

A room with 12 air changes per hour (ACH) and controlled direction of air
flow. An airborne precaution room can be naturally or mechanically ventilated.
In addition to the requirement of 12 ACH, in a mechanically ventilated
airborne precaution room, negative pressure is created to control the direction
of air flow. It is equivalent to the airborne infection isolation room described
by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In naturally
ventilated airborne precaution rooms the air flow should be directed to
areas free of transit, or permit the rapid dilution of contaminated air into the
surrounding areas and the open air (WHO, 2007).



The transmission of disease caused by dissemination of droplet nuclei

that remain infectious when suspended in air over long distance and time.
Airborne transmission can be further categorized into obligate and preferential
airborne transmission.
Obligate airborne transmission refers to pathogens that are transmitted only
by deposition of droplet nuclei under natural conditions (e.g. pulmonary
Preferential airborne transmission refers to pathogens that can initiate
infection by multiple routes, but are predominantly transmitted by droplet
nuclei (e.g. measles, chickenpox) (WHO, 2007).

Air changes per hour


For a positive pressure room the ratio of the volume of outdoor air flowing
into a given space in an hour divided by the volume of that space.
For a negative pressure room the exhaust airflow rate is used for


A small room leading from a corridor into another room, often an isolation

Balanced mechanical
ventilation systems

A system where supplies and exhausts have been tested and adjusted to
meet particular design specifications.

Droplet nuclei

Dried-out residuals of droplets <5m in diameter.


Inspirable particles larger than 5m in diameter, which can be deposited on

upper respiratory tract levels and mucosa.

Envelope opening

Purpose-built openings in buildings for natural ventilation (,

doors, solar chimneys, wind towers, trickle ventilators).


Outflow through unintended leakages in buildings.

High-tech natural
ventilation system

A natural ventilation system that uses modern computer control systems, and
may be assisted by mechanical ventilation systems.

Hybrid ventilation

Combination of both mechanical and natural ventilation (also called mixedmode ventilation).


Air flow through unintended leakages into buildings.


See hybrid ventilation.

Natural ventilation

Use of natural forces to introduce and distribute outdoor air into or out of a
building. These natural forces can be wind pressures or pressure generated
by the density difference between indoor and outdoor air.

Negative pressure
ventilation system

A mechanical ventilation system that uses an exhaust fan through which air is

Negative pressure

The difference in air pressure between two areas. A room that is under
negative pressure has a lower pressure than adjacent areas, which keeps air
from flowing out of the room and into adjacent rooms or areas.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

airborne transmission

Transmission of droplet nuclei at short range during special circumstances,

such as the performance of aerosol-generating procedures associated with
pathogen transmission.

Piston (or plug-flow)

ventilation system

The ideal displacement in which ventilation air is pushed from one side of the
room to the other without any recirculation and minimal air mixing. The piston
ventilation system is the most efficient method of air exchange.

Positive pressure
ventilation system

A mechanical ventilation system that uses a supply fan through which air is
pushed into the room.


A quantity or an amount of particles.

Recirculated airflow

The amount of the returned air (for recirculation). Although recirculated air
can be filtered, its air quality is often worse than the outdoor air for most
conventional applications. Therefore, filtered, recirculated air cannot replace
outdoor air for ventilation.

Respiratory droplet

Depending on the size of the particles (which range from large droplets to
small droplet nuclei), respiratory droplets can be divided into large droplets,
fine inhalable aerosols and droplet nuclei (see AnnexC for more details).

airflow pattern

The pattern of airflow that occurs when part of the air is stagnant in a
ventilated room, and the ventilation air can bypass the stagnant air and move
directly to the exhaust outlets.


A set of practices that apply to hospital inpatients with specific infections for
which precautions beyond the standard precautions are needed to control
infection in the health-care setting.


Ventilation provides outdoor air into a building or a room and distributes air
within the building. The purpose of ventilation in buildings is to provide healthy
air for breathing by diluting pollutants originating in the building with clean air,
and by providing an airflow rate to change this air at a given rate. Ventilation
is also used for odour control, containment control and climatic control
(temperature and relative humidity).

Acronyms and definitions of terms xxv

Part 1 Infection control

and ventilation

The purpose of Part1 is to establish the recommendations for natural

ventilation in the context of infection control. Chapter1 explains the general
principles of infection control as related to ventilation. Chapter2 describes
the basic concept of ventilation, as well as justifications for the use of
natural ventilation for infection control. Chapter3 discusses the association
between ventilation and airborne infection, and gives the rationales and the
World Health Organization consensus on the minimum requirements of
natural ventilation design for infection control.

1 General principles of infection


The concept of isolation precaution and an

historical review

Isolation precaution is an important strategy in the practice of infection control. The spread
of some infections can be impeded if infected patients are segregated from those who are
not yet infected. Although there is no single study showing the effectiveness of isolation,
there are many reports documenting the efficacy of the various components of isolation,
including use of private rooms (Anderson et al., 1985), and protective equipments such
as masks, gloves and gowns (Klein, Perloff & Maki, 1989; Maki, 1994; Maloney etal.,
The concept of isolation can be traced back to biblical times when lepers were
segregated from the rest of the populace. Towards the end of the 19th century, there were
recommendations for patients with infectious diseases to be placed in separate facilities,
which ultimately became known as infectious diseases hospitals (Lynch, 1949). However,
in the early 1950s, many of these infectious diseases hospitals closed and the patients
were moved to general hospitals. The need for proper isolation of infections in the context
of these general hospitals thus became an important issue. Since then, several isolation
systems evolved (NCDC, 1970; Lowbury et al., 1975; Garner & Simmons, 1983) with
transmission-based precautions the most widely used, which included standard precautions
(to avoid direct, unprotected contact with blood and body fluids), contact precautions,
droplet precautions and airborne precautions (Gardner, 1996; Siegel et al., 2007).
Spatial separation is critically important when using isolation precautions because, as
Florence Nightingale observed, many infectious diseases spread mainly through direct
contact when patients are near to one another. Usually, special ventilation controls are
not required; these are needed for diseases that can be transmitted over long distances
by droplet nuclei (Gardner, 1996). Most diseases are not of this category. However, the
infectious diseases that can be transmitted through long distance by aerosols (i.e. airborne
infections) can result in large clusters of infection in a short period. Therefore, the proper
isolation of these diseases is critically important.
Specific natural ventilation recommendations for isolation of airborne infections are
discussed in detail in this guideline (see section3.2).


Isolation practices for infection control

This guideline does not describe the details of the various transmission-based precautions,
except for airborne precautions. Details of the other categories can be found in the relevant
references (Siegel et al., 2007; WHO, 2007).
When using isolation precautions, three levels of controls must be considered (Gerberding,

The first level of control is administrative controls, which are measures taken to ensure
that the entire system is working effectively. These controls include:

implementing proper procedures for triage of patients

detecting infections early

separating infectious patients from others

transporting the patients

educating the patients and staff

designating responsibilities clearly and correctly

communicating with all relevant partners.

The second level is environmental and engineering controls, including cleaning of the
environment, spatial separation and the ventilation of spaces.
The third level of control to further decrease the risk of transmission is personal protection,
which is the provision of the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g.masks,
When setting up an isolation system in the hospital, all levels of controls (administrative
controls, environmental and engineering controls, and personal protection) must be given
proper attention for the system to work effectively, and for the different levels to support
each other.


Isolation practices for airborne infections

Airborne transmission occurs by dissemination of droplet nuclei over long distance from
infectious patients (for more details on respiratory droplets, see AnnexC). For pathogens
to be disseminated via droplet nuclei, some requirements must be met, including:

existence of viable pathogen inside the droplet at the source;

survival of the pathogen inside the droplet after being expelled from the source, and
retention of its ability to infect after exposure to physical challenges (evaporation,
light, temperature, relative humidity, etc.);

attainment of sufficient infective dose to cause infection in a susceptible host; and

exposure of a susceptible host.

Infectious agents that may be dispersed over long distances by air currents and infect
other susceptible individuals include Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Riley et al.,
1957, 1959), rubeola virus (measles) (Bloch et al., 1985) and Varicella-zoster virus
(chickenpox) (Gustafson et al., 1982). Preventing the spread of airborne infections
involves implementing airborne precautions, which requires the three controls (see above
in section1.2): administrative controls; environmental and engineering controls
patient room with special air handling and ventilation; and PPE the use of particulate
respirators by health-care workers whenever possible (WHO, 2007).

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Patients who require airborne isolation precautions should be placed in an airborne

precaution room (WHO, 2007). An airborne precaution room is a room with >12air changes
per hour (ACH) (e.g. equivalent to >80l/s for a 423m3 room) and controlled direction of
airflow, and can be used to contain airborne infections (AIA, 2001; Wenzel, 2003; Mayhall,
2004; WHO, 2007). A mechanically ventilated room is equivalent to the airborne infection
isolation room described by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
which should have special features in air handling and airflow direction, including (CDC,

a negative pressure differential of >2.5Pa (0.01-inch water gauge);

an airflow differential >125-cfm (56l/s) exhaust versus supply;

clean-to-dirty airflow;

sealing of the room, allowing approximately 0.5square feet (0.046m2) leakage;

>12ACH for a new building, and >6ACH in existing buildings (e.g. equivalent to 40l/s
for a 423m3 room) for an old building; and

an exhaust to the outside, or a HEPA-filter if room air is recirculated.

The concept of natural ventilation for airborne precaution rooms was discussed in the recent
World Health Organization interim guidelines (WHO, 2007). Natural ventilation can be
used in airborne precaution rooms. The purpose of this document is to provide basic design
guidance for the use of natural ventilation for infection control. More detailed design
guides will follow the publication of this document.


Infection control for high-risk procedures

Airborne precautions were advised after the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
epidemic for patients infected with open pulmonary tuberculosis, measles, smallpox and
chickenpox. However, people also started to notice that there were situations in which other,
non-airborne pathogens could be transmitted through droplet nuclei when patients had
certain health-care procedures.
Presently, there is no clear definition or a precise list of high-risk health-care procedures
during which some pathogens (e.g. SARS-Coronavirus, influenza) can be spread through
droplet nuclei over short distances. The mechanism of this transmission is described as an
opportunistic airborne transmission (Roy & Milton, 2004), and high-risk procedures may
increase the potential of generating droplet nuclei because of the mechanical force of the
procedure (Ip et al., 2007). Some of these procedures have been associated with a significant
increase in the risk of disease transmission, and have been termed aerosol-generating
procedures associated with pathogen transmission (WHO, 2007). These procedures include
intubation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, bronchoscopy, autopsy, and surgery where highspeed devices are used (WHO, 2007).
As in all areas of infection control, administrative controls, environmental and engineering
controls plus the use of PPE should play a part in controlling the spread of infections during
high-risk procedures.

Part 1 Infection control and ventilation

For administrative control, it is critically important to limit these procedures to those

patients who need them. Adequate staff training and the provision of safe equipment
may also be important for reducing the risk. The proper use of PPE, including the use
of particulate respirators, eye protection, gowns and gloves, will also provide additional
protection to health-care workers. Finally, performing such procedures in a well-ventilated
location, away from other patients and health-care workers, may help prevent the spread
of infection. Although no studies have evaluated the impact of ventilation on reducing the
risk of infectious droplet nuclei during aerosol-generating procedures, it would be best
to perform these procedures in an adequately ventilated room, particularly for patients
infected with known life-threatening pathogens (e.g.SARS, avian influenza).
However, it might be difficult to implement the measures stated above, especially during
an emergency situation (e.g.resuscitating a collapsed patient in an outpatient department).
Therefore, it is important to have in place contingency plans for such scenarios and have
an emergency department that is appropriately equipped and well ventilated. Patients could
then be moved rapidly to a safe location with good ventilation that is already identified
for such purposes. Crowd control is also important to keep patients separate from other
people. Appropriate PPE should be worn by health-care workers before starting the highrisk procedure.



In summary, although there is little evidence from studies to show an association between
isolation precautions and infection control, reports and case studies indicate that some
types of isolation (e.g.using private rooms and PPE) may help to prevent the spread of
infection in health-care facilities.
All levels of control in an isolation system (administrative controls, environmental and
engineering controls, and personal protection) are important, and should be taken into
account when designing an isolation system in a hospital. Furthermore, isolation systems
should be designed to prevent the spread of disease via respiratory droplets over long
distances, with particular consideration paid to controlling transmission during high-risk
health-care procedures (such as intubation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, bronchoscopy,
autopsy, and surgery where high-speed devices are used).

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

2 Concepts and types of ventilation


Ve n t i l a t i o n

Ventilation moves outdoor air into a building or a room, and distributes the air within the
building or room. The general purpose of ventilation in buildings is to provide healthy air
for breathing by both diluting the pollutants originating in the building and removing the
pollutants from it (Etheridge & Sandberg, 1996; Awbi, 2003).
Building ventilation has three basic elements:

ventilation rate the amount of outdoor air that is provided into the space, and the
quality of the outdoor air (see AnnexD);

airflow direction the overall airflow direction in a building, which should be from
clean zones to dirty zones; and

air distribution or airflow pattern the external air should be delivered to each part
of the space in an efficient manner and the airborne pollutants generated in each part
of the space should also be removed in an efficient manner.

There are three methods that may be used to ventilate a building: natural, mechanical and
hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation.

2.1.1 What is natural ventilation?

Natural forces (e.g. winds and thermal buoyancy force due to indoor and outdoor air
density differences) drive outdoor air through purpose-built, building envelope openings.
Purpose-built openings include windows, doors, solar chimneys, wind towers and trickle
ventilators. This natural ventilation of buildings depends on climate, building design and
human behaviour.
2.1.2 What is mechanical ventilation?
Mechanical fans drive mechanical ventilation. Fans can either be installed directly in
windows or walls, or installed in air ducts for supplying air into, or exhausting air from, a
The type of mechanical ventilation used depends on climate. For example, in warm and
humid climates, infiltration may need to be minimized or prevented to reduce interstitial
condensation (which occurs when warm, moist air from inside a building penetrates a
wall, roof or floor and meets a cold surface). In these cases, a positive pressure mechanical
ventilation system is often used. Conversely, in cold climates, exfiltration needs to be
prevented to reduce interstitial condensation, and negative pressure ventilation is used.
For a room with locally generated pollutants, such as a bathroom, toilet or kitchen, the
negative pressure system is often used.

In a positive pressure system, the room is in positive pressure and the room air is leaked
out through envelope leakages or other openings. In a negative pressure system, the room
is in negative pressure, and the room air is compensated by sucking air from outside.
A balanced mechanical ventilation system refers to the system where air supplies and
exhausts have been tested and adjusted to meet design specifications. The room pressure
may be maintained at either slightly positive or negative pressure, which is achieved by
using slightly unequal supply or exhaust ventilation rates. For example, a slight negative
room pressure is achieved by exhausting 10% more air than the supply in a cold climate
to minimize the possibility of interstitial condensation. In an airborne precaution room for
infection control, a minimum negative pressure of 2.5Pa is often maintained relative to the
corridor (CDC, 2003).

2.1.3 What is hybrid or mixed-mode ventilation?

Hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation relies on natural driving forces to provide the desired
(design) flow rate. It uses mechanical ventilation when the natural ventilation flow rate is
too low (Heiselberg & Bjrn, 2002).
When natural ventilation alone is not suitable, exhaust fans (with adequate pre-testing
and planning) can be installed to increase ventilation rates in rooms housing patients with
airborne infection. However, this simple type of hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation needs to
be used with care. The fans should be installed where room air can be exhausted directly to
the outdoor environment through either a wall or the roof. The size and number of exhaust
fans depends on the targeted ventilation rate, and must be measured and tested before use.
Problems associated with the use of exhaust fans include installation difficulties
(especially for large fans), noise (particularly from high-power fans), increased or
decreased temperature in the room and the requirement for non-stop electricity supply. If
the environment in the room causes thermal discomfort spot cooling or heating systems
and ceiling fans may be added.
Another possibility is the installation of whirlybirds (whirligigs or wind turbines) that do
not require electricity and provide a roof-exhaust system increasing airflow in a building
(see Figure I.2 in AnnexI).


Assessing ventilation performance

Ventilation performance in buildings can be evaluated from the following four aspects,
corresponding to the three basic elements of ventilation discussed above.

Does the system provide sufficient ventilation rate as required?

Is the overall airflow direction in a building from clean to dirty zones (e.g. isolation
rooms or areas of containment, such as a laboratory)?

How efficient is the system in delivering the outdoor air to each location in the room?

How efficient is the system in removing the airborne pollutants from each location in
the room?

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Two overall performance indices are often used. The air exchange efficiency indicates how
efficiently the fresh air is being distributed in the room, while the ventilation effectiveness
indicates how efficiently the airborne pollutant is being removed from the room. Engineers
define the local mean age of air as the average time that the air takes to arrive at the point
it first enters the room, and the room mean age of air as the average of the age of air at all
points in the room (Etheridge & Sandberg, 1996). The age of air can be measured using
tracer gas techniques (Etheridge & Sandberg, 1996).
The air exchange efficiency can be calculated from the air change per hour and the
room mean age of air (Etheridge & Sandberg, 1996). For piston-type ventilation, the air
exchange efficiency is 100%, while for fully mixing ventilation the air exchange efficiency
is 50%. The air exchange efficiency for displacement ventilation is somewhere in between,
but for short-circuiting the air exchange efficiency is less than 50%.
Ventilation effectiveness can be evaluated by either measurement or simulation (Etheridge
& Sandberg, 1996). In simple terms, the ventilation flow rate can be measured by
measuring how quickly injected tracer gas is decayed in a room, or by measuring the air
velocity through ventilation openings or air ducts, as well as the flow area. The airflow
direction may be visualized by smoke. Computational fluid dynamics and particle image
velocimetry techniques allow the air distribution performance in a room to be modelled
(Nielsen, 1974; Chen, 1996; Etheridge & Sandberg, 1996).


Comparison of mechanical and natural


2.3.1 Mechanical ventilation

If well designed, installed and maintained, there are a number of advantages to a
mechanical system.

Mechanical ventilation systems are considered to be reliable in delivering the

designed flow rate, regardless of the impacts of variable wind and ambient
temperature. As mechanical ventilation can be integrated easily into air-conditioning,
the indoor air temperature and humidity can also be controlled.

Filtration systems can be installed in mechanical ventilation so that harmful

microorganisms, particulates, gases, odours and vapours can be removed.

The airflow path in mechanical ventilation systems can be controlled, for instance
allowing the air to flow from areas where there is a source (e.g. patient with an
airborne infection), towards the areas free of susceptible individuals.

Mechanical ventilation can work everywhere when electricity is available.

2 Concepts and types of ventilation

However, mechanical ventilation systems also have problems.

Mechanical ventilation systems often do not work as expected, and normal operation
may be interrupted for numerous reasons, including equipment failure, utility service
interruption, poor design, poor maintenance or incorrect management (Dragan,
2000). If the system services a critical facility, and there is a need for continuous
operation, all the equipment may have to be backed up which can be expensive
and unsustainable.

Installation and particularly maintenance costs for the operation of a

mechanicalventilation system may be very high. If a mechanical system cannot be
properly installed or maintained due to shortage of funds, its performance will be

Because of these problems, mechanical ventilation systems may result in the spread of
infectious diseases through health-care facilities, instead of being an important tool for
infection control.

2.3.2 Natural ventilation

If well installed and maintained, there are several advantages of a natural ventilation
system, compared with mechanical ventilation systems.

Natural ventilation can generally provide a high ventilation rate more economically,
due to the use of natural forces and large openings.

Natural ventilation can be more energy efficient, particularly if heating is not required.

Well-designed natural ventilation could be used to access higher levels of daylight.

From a technology point of view, natural ventilation may be classified into simple natural
ventilation systems and high-tech natural ventilation systems. The latter are computercontrolled, and may be assisted by mechanical ventilation systems (i.e.hybrid or mixedmode systems). High-tech natural ventilation may have the same limitations as mechanical
ventilation systems; however, it also has the benefits of both mechanical and natural
ventilation systems.
If properly designed, natural ventilation can be reliable, particularly when combined with a
mechanical system using the hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation principle, although some of
these modern natural ventilation systems may be more expensive to construct and design
than mechanical systems.
In general, the advantage of natural ventilation is its ability to provide a very high airchange rate at low cost, with a very simple system. Although the air-change rate can vary
significantly, buildings with modern natural ventilation systems (that are designed and
operated properly) can achieve very high air-change rates by natural forces, which can
greatly exceed minimum ventilation requirements.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

There are a number of drawbacks to a natural ventilation system.

Natural ventilation is variable and depends on outside climatic conditions relative

to the indoor environment. The two driving forces that generate the airflow rate
(i.e.wind and temperature difference) vary stochastically. Natural ventilation may
be difficult to control, with airflow being uncomfortably high in some locations and
stagnant in others. There is a possibility of having a low air-change rate during certain
unfavourable climate conditions.

There can be difficulty in controlling the airflow direction due to the absence of a
well-sustained negative pressure; contamination of corridors and adjacent rooms is
therefore a risk.

Natural ventilation precludes the use of particulate filters. Climate, security and
cultural criteria may dictate that windows and vents remain closed; in these
circumstances, ventilation rates may be much lower.

Natural ventilation only works when natural forces are available; when a high
ventilation rate is required, the requirement for the availability of natural forces is also
correspondingly high.

Natural ventilation systems often do not work as expected, and normal operation may
be interrupted for numerous reasons, including windows or doors not open, equipment
failure (if it is a high-tech system), utility service interruption (if it is a high-tech
system), poor design, poor maintenance or incorrect management.

Although the maintenance cost of simple natural ventilation systems can be very
low, if a natural ventilation system cannot be installed properly or maintained due to
a shortage of funds, its performance can be compromised, causing an increase in the
risk of the transmission of airborne pathogens.

These difficulties can be overcome, for example, by using a better design or hybrid
(mixed-mode) ventilation. Other possible drawbacks, such as noise, air pollution, insect
vectors and security, also need to be considered. Because of these problems, natural
ventilation systems may result in the spread of infectious diseases through health-care
facilities, instead of being an important tool for infection control.
Table2.1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of ventilation systems for

2 Concepts and types of ventilation


Table 2.1



Summary of advantages and disadvantages of different types

of ventilation systems for hospitals

Natural ventilation

Suitable for all

climates and
weather with
air-conditioning as
climate dictates
More controlled
and comfortable

Suitable for warm and temperate

climates moderately useful with
natural ventilation possible 50% of
the time

Suitable for most

climates and weather

Lower capital, operational and

maintenance costs for simple
natural ventilation


Smaller range
of control of
environment by

Capable of achieving high

ventilation rate
Large range of control of
environment by occupants

More flexible

to install and
Reported failure
rate in delivering
the required
outdoor ventilation
Potential for noise
from equipment

Easily affected by outdoor climate

and/or occupants behaviour

May be expensive

More difficult to predict, analyse

and design

May be more difficult to


Reduces comfort level of occupants

when hot, humid or cold
Inability to establish negative
pressure in isolation areas, but
may be provided by proper design;
depends on situation
Potential for noise intrusion
High-tech natural ventilation
shares some of the limitations
and disadvantages of mechanical


Hybrid (mixed-mode)

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


Mechanical versus natural ventilation for

infection control

The decision whether to use mechanical or natural ventilation for infection control should
be based on needs, the availability of the resources and the cost of the system to provide
the best control to counteract the risks.
For example, in the United Kingdom, the National Health Service policy tends to limit
the adoption of mechanical ventilation to the principal medical treatment areas such as
airborne infection isolation rooms, operating theatres and associated rooms. Patient wards
are usually not required to be mechanically ventilated and natural ventilation through
opening windows is usually the most common solution (Mills, 2004). Mills (2004) also
states that One of the major energy users in hospitals is air treatment. The low-energy
hospital study identified this as an area for saving by naturally ventilating all nonclinical areas, and current NHS guidance has adopted this conclusion. Conversely, in the
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers design guide
(ASHRAE, 2007a, 2007b) all areas are required to be ventilated mechanically.
Mechanical ventilation is expensive to install and maintain in isolation rooms. It often does
not deliver the recommended ventilation rate and may fail to maintain negative pressure
(and may even be under positive pressure). For example, Pavelchak et al. (2000) evaluated
140designated airborne infection isolation rooms in 38facilities during 1992 to 1998
and found that unwanted directional airflow out of the patient room was observed in 38%
of the facilities. Primary factors that were associated with the incorrect operation of the
airborne infection isolation rooms included:

ventilation systems not balanced (54% of failed rooms)

shared anterooms (14%)

turbulent airflow patterns (11%)

automated control system inaccuracies (10%).

In addition, a number of problems related to the use of mechanical ventilation can arise
from the lack of active collaboration between medical and technical personnel, which can
also occur with natural ventilation. For example (ISIAQ, 2003):

building repair, without adequate control, may adversely affect nearby areas with high
cleanliness requirements;

sophisticated and expensive ventilation systems are often not properly integrated into
the building design, and then maintained, or even used; and

medical staff often have poor knowledge of the intended operational performance
of ventilation systems, even with regard to their protective functions; systems that
were originally properly designed can be misused to the extent that the intended
functionality is reduced, leading to increased risks.

2 Concepts and types of ventilation


Other problems with mechanical ventilation include the loss of negative pressure
differential in isolation rooms due to the opening of the doors; clogged filters; and
adjacent, negatively pressurized spaces (Fraser et al., 1993; Dahl et al., 1996; Sutton et al.,
1998; Pavelchak et al., 2001; Rice, Streifel & Vesley, 2001).
In response to the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak, the
government of Hong Kong SAR constructed 558SARS isolation rooms with more than
1300beds in 14hospitals. The negative pressure, airflow path, air-change rate and local
ventilation effectiveness were measured in selected isolation rooms in nine major hospitals
(Li et al. 2007). Of the 38rooms tested, 97% met the recommended negative pressure
difference of 2.5Pa between corridor and anteroom; and 89% of the 38rooms tested met
the same requirement between anteroom and cubicle. Although no leakage of air to the
corridor was found, 60% of the toilets/bathrooms were operated under positive pressure.
More than 90% of the corridoranteroom or anteroomcubicle doors had a bi-directional
flow when the door was open. Of the 35cubicles tested, 26% had an air-change rate less
than 12air changes per hour (ACH).
Most of these problems can also occur with natural ventilation.
A comparative analysis of mechanical and natural ventilation systems looked at eight
hospitals in Lima, Peru (Escombe et al., 2007). Five of the hospitals had an oldfashioned design (built before 1950) and three had a modern design (built from
1970 to 1990). Seventy naturally ventilated clinical rooms for infectious patients were
studied. These rooms were compared with 12mechanically ventilated, negative-pressure
respiratory isolation rooms built after 2000. The analysis found that:

opening windows and doors provided a median ventilation of 28ACH more than
double the recommended 12ACH in mechanically ventilated, negative-pressure
rooms, but relies on correct door and window operation; none of the rooms were
normally operated with windows and doors open; and

facilities built more than 50years ago, characterized by large windows and high
ceilings (larger values of the volume to patient ratio), with windows and doors open,
had greater ventilation than modern, naturally ventilated rooms (40ACH versus

However, these results should be used with caution. The ventilation rates in the analysis
were reported without detailed information on climatic conditions, such as wind velocity
and direction. The ventilation rate measurements were also affected by the carbon dioxide
measurement device, and the fact that measurements were taken in buildings with multiple,
inter-connected spaces, which would have affected the mixing conditions within the
measured interior space.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings



The use of outdoor air for natural ventilation, combined with natural cooling techniques
and the use of daylight, have been essential elements of architecture since ancient times
and up to the first part of the 20th century (ASHRAE, 2007b). Classical architecture with
H, L, T or U-shaped floor plans was used, together with open courts, limited plan depth
and maximum windows sizes, to exploit natural ventilation and daylight. In recent times,
natural ventilation has been largely replaced by mechanical ventilation systems in high- and
middle-income countries. At first, full mechanical heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
systems appeared to be able to solve all the practical problems of natural ventilation for
year-round control of indoor environmental conditions.
However, mechanical ventilation also requires careful design, strict equipment
maintenance, adoption of rigorous standards, and design guidelines that take into
consideration all aspects of indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency (ASHRAE,
2007b). The same is also true for high-tech natural ventilation. Natural ventilation is
not without its problems, particularly for facilities in countries where winters are cold.
More work is needed to design low-cost and reliable ventilation systems for rooms that
encourage rather than prevent the flow of air and yet allow internal temperature control.
It follows that natural and mechanical ventilation systems can, in practice, be equally
effective for infection control. However, natural ventilation only works when natural forces
are available, for example, winds or breezes, and when inlet and exhaust apertures are kept
open. On the other hand, the difficulties involved in properly installing and maintaining a
mechanical ventilation system may lead to a high concentration of infectious droplet nuclei
and ultimately result in an increased risk of disease transmission.
In existing health-care facilities with natural ventilation, this system should be maximized
where possible, before considering other ventilation systems. However, this depends on
climatic conditions being favourable for its use.

2 Concepts and types of ventilation


3 Infection and ventilation


The association between ventilation and


There is little evidence that ventilation directly reduces the risk of disease transmission,
but many studies suggest that insufficient ventilation increases disease transmission. A
number of studies have looked at the possible transmission routes of diseases, but few
have looked at the direct impact of ventilation on disease transmission.
Historically, the concept of airborne spread was first described by Wells (1934, 1955)
and then by Riley & OGrady (1961). The WellsRiley equation (Riley, Murphy & Riley,
1978) was used to evaluate the effect of ventilation, filtration and other physical processes
on transmission through droplet nuclei (Nardell et al., 1991; Fennelly & Nardell, 1998).
Detection of pathogens in room air and buildings may suggest a possible, indirect
association between ventilation and disease transmission (Artenstein et al., 1967; Sawyer
et al., 1994; Aintablian, Walpita & Sawyer, 1998; Mastorides et al., 1999; Suzuki et
al., 2002, 2003; Booth et al., 2005; Chen & Li, 2008; Huynh et al., 2008). However,
other aspects (e.g.necessary infecting dose, susceptibility of the host, infectivity of the
pathogen, other environmental factors) are important for determining the ability of a
pathogen to be transmitted. Therefore, data on presence of pathogens in the air does not
provide the full evidence for disease transmission, and should be used in conjunction with
other data (e.g.epidemiological data).
To develop this guideline, a systematic review of scientific literature up to June 2008 was
used (see AnnexA) to answer two questions.
1. Does ventilation rate (measured by air changes per hour ACH or flow rate in
m3/s) have an effect on decreasing (i) rates of infections or (ii) outbreaks of infectious
diseases by agents that are transmitted by each of the modes of transmission listed
in Table3.1, in (a) patients, (b) health-care workers and/or (c) other caregivers such
as household members? If yes, what ventilation rate has been associated with each
infectious agent?
2. Does airflow or direction have an effect on decreasing (i) rates of infections or
(ii) outbreaks of infectious diseases by agents that are transmitted by each of the
modes of transmission in (a) patients, (b) health-care workers and/or (c) other
caregivers such as household members? If yes, what conditions of airflow or direction
have been associated with this?


Table 3.1

Mode of



The scope and definitions of three transmission models for the

systematic review


Transmission of disease caused by dissemination of

droplet nuclei that remain infectious when suspended in air
over long distance (>1m) and time. Airborne transmission
can be further categorized into obligate or preferential
airborne transmission.
Obligate airborne transmission refers to pathogens that
are transmitted only by deposition of droplet nuclei under
natural conditions.
Preferential airborne transmission refers to pathogens
that can initiate infection by multiple routes, but are
predominantly transmitted by droplet nuclei.
Transmission of droplet nuclei at short range during
special circumstances, such as the performance of
aerosol-generating procedures associated with pathogen
Droplets are generated from an infected (source)
person primarily during coughing, sneezing and talking.
Transmission occurs when these droplets, containing
microorganisms, are propelled a short distance (usually

SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome.

Examples of the


syncytial virus,
influenza, SARSCoronavirus

The final selected studies (n=65) (see AnnexA for a list of these studies) were included
based on an association of ventilation rate or airflow direction with spread of certain
infectious diseases. The diseases that showed a possible association between transmission
among humans and ventilation were chickenpox (Gustafson et al., 1982), measles (Bloch
et al., 1985), smallpox (Wehrle et al., 1970) and pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) (Hutton
etal., 1990; Calder et al., 1991; Menzies et al., 2000). In this guideline, these four diseases
are referred to as airborne diseases.
There were five main findings of the systematic review.

Lack of ventilation or low ventilation rates are associated with increased infection
rates or outbreaks of airborne diseases.

High ventilation rates could decrease the risk of infection. For non-isolation rooms,
ventilation rates lower than 2ACH (e.g. equivalent to 13l/s for a 4 2 3m3 room)
are associated with higher tuberculin skin test conversion rates among staff. A higher
ventilation rate is able to provide a higher dilution capability and consequently reduce
the risk of airborne infections. For this reason, better ventilated areas have a lower
risk of transmission of TB and other airborne infections. AnnexD contains a more
detailed explanation of how ventilation rates reduce the transmission of airborne


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

No information exists on the impact of ventilation rate on transmission of droplettransmitted diseases. This agrees with the physics of droplet transmission, which
shows that general ventilation should not affect large droplet transmission.

The airflow from a contaminated source can lead to infection further away from
the source. The rate of infection (attack) reduces as the physical distance from the
source increases. One of the essential conditions for airflow-induced infection is that
the airborne pathogen concentration in the source location must be sufficiently high
(either due to high source strength or a low ventilation rate).

Although there are not enough data to support this, it appears that the airflow from a
contaminated source with sufficiently high dilution may not lead to further infection.
No information is available on the exact amount of minimum dilution needed.

Despite more than 100years of ventilation and infection study, the information is still
sparse and incomplete. There are insufficient data to estimate minimum ventilation
requirements in isolation rooms or in non-isolation areas in hospitals to prevent the spread
of airborne infection. There are also insufficient data to estimate the minimum ventilation
requirements in schools, offices and other non-hospital buildings to prevent the spread of
airborne infection.


Ve n t i l a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s r e l a t i n g t o a i r b o r n e
infection control

Central to the difficulties in developing ventilation guidelines for infection control is that
there are not enough data to recommend a minimum ventilation flow rate for infection
control against droplet nuclei. Ventilation can reduce the concentration of airborne
pathogens through removing or diluting airborne droplet nuclei. A higher ventilation rate
can provide a higher dilution capability and consequently potentially reduce the risk of
airborne infections. In line with this assumption, Menzies et al. (2000) found that the
tuberculin conversion among clinical personnel was significantly more rapid and frequent
among those working in average ventilation lower than 2ACH. A higher ventilation rate
can dilute the contaminated air inside a space more rapidly than a lower ventilation rate,
and can also decrease the risk of transmission of infectious droplet nuclei to individuals
in the space. However, the maximum ventilation rate (above which there is no further
reduction of infection risk) is not known. The choice of the minimum ventilation flow rate
may be influenced by the need to reduce energy consumption (because higher ventilation
rates have a higher energy cost for mechanical ventilation).
In this guideline, the rationale for determining the minimum ventilation rate requirements
is based on two main aspects (see AnnexE):

the effect of air-change rate on decay of droplet nuclei concentration; and

mathematical modelling of risk using the WellsRiley equation to estimate the effect
of ventilation rate on infection risk for known airborne diseases.

3 Infection and ventilation


These underlying principles indicate that the higher the ventilation rate, the more rapid
the decay of particles (e.g. droplet nuclei) in the room air. Also, according to the Wells
Riley equation, the probability of infection through infectious droplet nuclei is inversely
correlated to the ventilation rate. The parameters used in the WellsRiley equation include
ventilation rate, generation of droplet nuclei from the source (quanta/minute) and duration
of exposure

P = probability of infection for susceptibles
D = number of disease cases
S = number of susceptibles
I = number of infectors
p = breathing rate per person (m3/s)
q = quantum generation rate by an infected person (quanta/s)
t = total exposure time (s)
Q = outdoor air supply rate (m3/s).
Based on this model, in situations of high quanta production (e.g.high-risk, aerosolgenerating procedures), the estimated probability of infection with 15minutes of exposure
in a room with 12ACH would be below 5% (see AnnexE for more details).
When ACH is used to measure ventilation performance, the volume of the enclosed room
is clearly an important parameter. For a given ACH, a ward with a larger volume can
provide a larger airflow rate (m3/h or l/s) than a room with a smaller volume.
In some existing guidelines of mechanical isolation rooms (CDC, 2003), a minimum
negative pressure needs to be maintained while the minimum ventilation rate is >12ACH.
As discussed, a major disadvantage of natural ventilation is the difficulty in achieving a
consistent airflow direction, and major fluctuations may occur. Although negative pressure
is difficult to achieve with natural ventilation, if dilution is sufficient, air being emitted to
the open air presents a minimal risk.
Still, the choice of airborne precaution areas and the placement of patients within the areas
need to be planned and designed carefully, so as to further reduce the risk of infection for
people in the surrounding areas.
Based on the discussions above, the World Health Organization makes the
recommendations contained in section3.3, below.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


Wo r l d H e a l t h O r g a n i z a t i o n r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s
relating to natural ventilation requirements

Please see the explanations for the overall ranking (i.e. strong versus conditional
recommendation) of the recommendations in the respective appraisal tables in AnnexB.
1. To help prevent airborne infections, adequate ventilation in health-care facilities in all
patient-care areas is necessary (Gustafson et al., 1982; Bloch et al., 1985; Hutton et al.
1990; Calder et al. 1991).
Strong recommendation

Remarks: There is moderate evidence available to suggest that insufficient ventilation is

associated with an increase of infection risk and favours the use of ventilation for airborne
infection control.
2. For natural ventilation, the following minimum hourly averaged ventilation rates
should be provided:

160l/s/patient (hourly average ventilation rate) for airborne precaution rooms

(with a minimum of 80l/s/patient) (note that this only applies to new health-care
facilities and major renovations);

60l/s/patient for general wards and outpatient departments; and

2.5l/s/m3 for corridors and other transient spaces without a fixed number of
patients; however, when patient care is undertaken in corridors during emergency
or other situations, the same ventilation rate requirements for airborne precaution
rooms or general wards will apply.

The design must take into account fluctuations in ventilation rate.

When natural ventilation alone cannot satisfy the recommended ventilation requirements,
alternative ventilation systems, such as a hybrid (mixed-mode) natural ventilation system,
should be considered, and then if that is not enough, mechanical ventilation should be
Conditional recommendation

Remarks: The application of natural ventilation depends on climatic conditions being


3 Infection and ventilation


3. When designing naturally ventilated health-care facilities, overall airflow should

bring the air from the agent sources to areas where there is sufficient dilution, and
preferably to the outdoors (Gustafson et al., 1982; Bloch et al., 1985; Hutton et al.
1990; Calder et al. 1991).
Conditional recommendation

Remarks: Despite some evidence suggesting a possible association of airflow direction

with spread of airborne infections, such spread was observed at a very low (lower than
4ACH) ventilation rate (Bloch et al., 1985). It is hypothesized that if the ventilation rate
in adjacent spaces is sufficiently high, the risk would be very low to minimal (e.g. as in an
open space). However, the precise ventilation rate required in closed spaces adjacent to
airborne precaution rooms to reduce the risk of spread is not known. The application of
natural ventilation depends on climatic conditions being favourable.
4. For spaces where aerosol-generating procedures associated with pathogen
transmission are conducted, the natural ventilation requirement should, as a minimum,
follow Recommendation2. Should the agent be airborne, Recommendations2 and 3
should be followed.
Conditional recommendation

Remarks: There is indirect evidence to show that some aerosol-generating procedures

are associated with an increased risk of infection. Ventilation may play a role, but the
minimum ventilation requirements for aerosol-generating procedures deserve further


E x p l a n a t i o n o f t h e Wo r l d H e a l t h O r g a n i z a t i o n
This guideline recognizes that the current epidemiological evidence of the association
between ventilation rate and airborne infection is weak, but appreciates the importance
of ventilation from both a theoretical point of view and the current practice in airborne
The guideline also recognizes the three major disadvantages of natural ventilation:
fluctuation of the ventilation rate due to variable driving forces, the difficulty in achieving
a consistent airflow direction and a comfortable internal temperature in extreme climates.
Although more research is needed on the effects of ventilation rate on infection risk, the
currently recommended mechanical ventilation rate of >12ACH for airborne isolation
rooms (CDC, 2003, 2005) is adopted as a reference. Possible rationales (which do not
have supporting evidence) for determining the minimum ventilation rate requirements
are explained in AnnexE. We also suggest that if natural ventilation is used for infection
control, the minimum ventilation rate should be higher than the existing requirement for
mechanical ventilation to compensate for the expected fluctuations in ventilation rate and
difficulties in controlling airflow direction.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

This guideline suggests the use of the volume of the room, the ventilation rate (litre per
second per patient or l/s/patient or l/s/p) rather than air changes per hour (ACH) rate,
although air-change rate is used commonly in other guidelines. The use of ventilation
rate (l/s/patient) recognizes the direct link between exposure level and ventilation rate, as
well as the direct association with the number of patients the space is designed to hold.
However, for corridors and other spaces without a fixed number of patients, the ventilation
rate is based on the volume of the space.
Other documents recommend 12ACH for an airborne precaution room, which is
equivalent to, for example, 80l/s/patient in a 423m3 room. This guideline recommends
double this ventilation rate for naturally ventilated airborne precaution rooms. Therefore,
for a room with similar volume, an hourly averaged ventilation rate of 160l/s/patient is
recommended. At the same time, the guideline also recommends a minimum ventilation
rate of 80l/s/patient at all times.
Refer to AnnexB for factors considered in the appraisal of specific recommendations.

3.3.2 Review and assessment of recommendations

The recommended requirements of natural ventilation for infection control will need to be
reviewed and updated once new data on the impact of ventilation are available.
The recommendations were developed by the systematic review external panel using the
GRADE appraisal system during its meeting in Geneva in November 2008 (see AnnexB).
Recommendation1 was based mainly on the studies of Gustafson et al. (1982)
(chickenpox), Bloch et al. (1985) (measles), Hutton et al. (1990) (TB) and Calder et al.
(1991) (TB). These studies provided evidence of an association of ventilation with the
spread of certain infectious diseases. Lack of ventilation or low ventilation rates were
associated with an increase of infection rates or disease outbreak for either airborne
transmission or opportunistic airborne transmission.
Recommendation2 was based mainly on the studies of Menzies et al. (2000) and Bloch
et al. (1985), which provided evidence of an association between low ventilation rate
(lower than 2ACH) and the spread of TB (Menzies et al., 2000) and measles (Bloch etal.,
1985). These studies suggest an association of airflow direction with the spread of airborne
infectious diseases.
For Recommendation4, no study providing evidence of association between ventilation
features and infection due to aerosol-generating procedures was found. However, there is
indirect evidence to show that some aerosol-generating procedures are associated with an
increased risk of infection.

3 Infection and ventilation




The design of proper, general ventilation systems can play an important role in preventing
the spread of infections. Patients with infectious diseases that spread easily through air
(e.g.chickenpox, measles, tuberculosis) should be placed in airborne precaution rooms.
However, there is often a delay between admission of these patients to the health-care
facility, and the diagnosis of their infectious disease. Disease transmission to other patients
or staff can occur while these patients are waiting in common areas (e.g.waiting room,
emergency departments). Paying more attention to ventilation requirements in these
common, non-isolation spaces could lead to significant infection-control benefits.
However, the strategies for disease control and prevention involve the assessment
of threats and resources, and then applying appropriate administrative controls,
environmental and other engineering controls, and PPE, in conjunction with using a
suitable ventilation system.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Part 2 Designing for

natural ventilation

Part 2 provides an introduction to the basic elements of design for natural

ventilation for infection control. This guideline focuses only on basic
principles that will be expanded in a follow-up World Health Organization
The follow-up design project will build on the introduction provided in
this guideline, and is aimed principally at providing the means with which
to adapt health-care facilities to natural ventilation, thereby maximising
outbreak preparedness while minimising costs and emissions. It is based on
the premise that clear and well thought-out design guidance can assist health
authorities, particularly in low-income countries. Such guidance will be
available for download from a web page free of charge. By providing sound
design advice, a relatively small investment in financial and staffing terms
can achieve far-reaching results in areas of critical global significance.
Readers are reminded that naturally ventilated health-care facilities, or
airborne precaution rooms, need to be properly designed if they are to
function as intended.

4 Understanding natural ventilation


The driving forces of natural ventilation

Three forces can move the air inside buildings:

wind pressure

stack pressure (buoyancy)

mechanical force.

The first two forces are explained in the following sections. Natural forces drive natural
ventilation, while mechanical fans drive mechanical ventilation. Mechanical force can be
combined with natural forces in a hybrid, or mixed-mode, ventilation system.

4.1.1 Wind pressure

When wind strikes a building, it induces a positive pressure on the windward face and
negative pressure on the leeward face. This drives the air to flow through windward
openings into the building to the low-pressure openings at the leeward face (see
Figure4.1). It is possible to estimate the wind pressures for simple buildings. Wind flows
around buildings are complex and the subject of a number of textbooks, for example
Aynsley, Melbourne & Vickery (1977) and Liu (1991).

Wind direction

Figure 4.1

Wind-induced flow directions in a building


For single-sided ventilation with the rooms otherwise hermetically sealed, there is no
contribution from mean wind pressures, only from the fluctuating components (see
Figure4.2). Etheridge & Sandberg (1996) covered the topic of unsteady pressures in some
detail. This is a common design; however, over time, there becomes significant leakage
around doors and other room penetrations. It must be remembered that just because a
window is open, sufficient air changes per hour (ACH) may not necessarily be achieved.

Wind direction

Figure 4.2


Fluctuating components contributing to single-sided airflow

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

The wind pressure generated on a building surface is expressed as the pressure difference
between the total pressure on the point and the atmospheric static pressure. Wind pressure
data can usually be obtained in wind tunnels by using scale models of buildings. If the
shape of the building, its surrounding condition and wind direction are the same, the wind
pressure is proportional to the square of outdoor wind speed. Thus, the wind pressure is
usually standardized by being divided by the dynamic pressure of the outdoor wind speed.
The standardized wind pressure is called the wind pressure coefficient and symbolized as
Cp. The outdoor wind speed is usually measured at the height of the eave of the building in
the wind tunnel:

Cp =


Cp = wind pressure coefficient ()
PT = total pressure (Pa)
PAS = atmospheric static pressure at the building height (Pa)
= density of air (kg/m3)
VH = wind velocity at a remote site from surrounding influences at the building height

4.1.2 Stack (or buoyancy) pressure

Stack (or buoyancy) pressure is generated from the air temperature or humidity difference
(sometimes defined as density difference) between indoor and outdoor air. This difference
generates an imbalance in the pressure gradients of the interior and exterior air columns,
causing a vertical pressure difference.
When the room air is warmer than the outside air, the room air is less dense and rises. Air
enters the building through lower openings and escapes from upper openings.
The flow direction reverses, to a lesser degree, when the room air is colder than the outside
air; the room air is denser than the outside air. Air enters the building through the upper
openings and escapes through the lower openings.
Stack (or buoyancy) driven flows in a building are driven by indoor and outdoor
temperatures. The ventilation rate through a stack is a function of the pressure differential
between the two openings of that stack.

4 Understanding natural ventilation


Pressure differential can be calculated as follows:

Ps = ( o i )gH = o gH

Ti To

Ps = stack (or buoyancy) pressure (Pa)
o = density of outdoor air (kg/m3)
i = density of indoor air (kg/m3)
g = gravity acceleration (9.8 m/s2)
H = height between two openings (m)
Ti = indoor air temperature (oK)
To = outdoor air temperature (oK).


Ve n t i l a t i o n f l o w r a t e

As a rule of thumb, wind-driven natural ventilation rate through a room with two opposite
openings (e.g. a window and a door) can be calculated as follows:

0.65 wind speed (m/s) smallest opening area (m2) 3600 s/h
room volume (m3)
Ventilation rate (l/s) = 0.65 wind speed (m/s) smallest opening area (m2) 1000 l/m3

Table 4.1 provides estimates of the ACH and ventilation rate due to wind alone, at a wind
speed of 1m/s, assuming a ward of size 7m (length) 6m (width) 3m (height), with a
window of 1.52m2 and a door of 1m22m2 (smallest opening).
Table 4.1

Estimated air changes per hour and ventilation rate for a 7m

6m 3m ward

Open window (100%) + open door

Open window (50%) + open door
Open window (100%) + closed door



Ventilation rate (l/s)


The wind speed refers to the value at the building height at a site sufficiently away from the
building without any obstructions (e.g. at an airport).


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

For stack (or buoyancy) natural ventilation, the ACH can be calculated as:
Air changes per hour (ACH) =

0.15 smallest opening area (m 2 ) 3600 s/h (indoor outdoor air temperature ( o K)) stack height (m)
room volume (m 3 )

Ventilation rate (l/s) = 0.15 x 1000 l/m 3 smallest opening area (m 2 ) (indoor outdoor air temperature ( o K)) stack height (m)

Advanced design tools for both analysis and opening sizing are also available



Before designing a purely natural ventilation system, designers need to understand the
main driving forces of natural ventilation wind pressure and stack (or buoyancy)
pressure. These forces control how air moves within and through a building, and they can
be combined, as needed, to design an optimal natural ventilation system.

4 Understanding natural ventilation


5 Design and operation


Designs for natural ventilation and hybrid

ventilation systems

This section outlines the main design categories of natural ventilation and hybrid (mixedmode) ventilation systems.

5.1.1 Natural ventilation systems

As previously defined, natural ventilation is the use of natural forces to introduce and
distribute outdoor air into or out of a building. These natural forces can be wind pressures
or pressure generated by the density difference between indoor and outdoor air.
There are four design methods available for natural ventilation systems:

cross flow (no corridor) the simplest natural ventilation system with no obstacles
on either side of the prevailing wind (i.e. windows of similar size and geometry open
on opposite sides of the building);

wind tower (wind catcher/wind extractor) the positive-pressure side of the wind
tower acts as a wind catcher and the negative-pressure side of the wind tower acts as a
wind extractor;

stack (or buoyancy), simple flue a vertical stack from each room, without any
interconnections goes through the roof; this allows for air movement based on density
gradients; and

stack (or buoyancy), solar atrium a large stack that heats due to solar radiant
loading, which induces air movement due to density (temperature) differentials;
without radiant loading, the atrium provides minimal ventilation.

5.1.2 Hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation systems

As previously defined, hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation relies on natural driving forces to
provide the desired (design) flow rate. It uses mechanical ventilation when the flow rate is
lower than that required to produce natural ventilation.


Three design methods are available for hybrid ventilation systems.

Fan-assisted stack when there is insufficient solar radiant loading on the stack
(i.e.evenings and inclement days) the ventilation rate is supplemented by extraction
fans. Inlet air is heated and cooled to maintain comfort for building occupants.

Top-down ventilation (fan-assisted stack plus a wind tower) when there is

insufficient solar radiant loading on the stack (i.e.evenings and inclement days)
the exhaust ventilation rate is supplemented by extraction fans while the supply
ventilation rate is supplemented by the wind tower (wind scoop). Inlet air is heated
and cooled to maintain comfort for building occupants.

Buried pipes when land is available, ventilation pipes (ducts) can be buried. If
air remains underground for long enough, the air will approach the steady-state
underground temperature (i.e. warming or cooling the outside air). This system is not
ideal for high ventilation rates.

Figure5.1 illustrates the different systems of natural and hybrid ventilation.

Source: Courtesy of Professor Martin Liddament, VEETECH, Coventry, UK.

Figure 5.1


Different natural ventilation and hybrid ventilation systems

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


Basic design concepts for natural


Developing the design concept for a naturally ventilated building that incorporates
infection control involves three basic steps, described in more detail in section 5.4.
1. Specify the desired airflow pattern from the inlet openings to the outlet openings.
2. Identify the main available driving forces that allow the desired airflow pattern to be
3. Size and locate the openings so that the required ventilation rates can be delivered
under all operating regimes.
A general procedure for natural ventilation starts from the architectural design, system
layout and component selection, vent sizing and design-control strategy. The procedure is
concluded by detailed design drawing.
Converting an existing building or designing a new building to use natural ventilation
for controlling airborne infection would, ideally, include the presence of single-bedded
isolation rooms with operable windows and ensuite toilets. However, in resource-poor
contexts, the number of such isolation rooms may need to be limited, with additional
cohort isolation being provided, when necessary, by contingency facilities (e.g. outdoor
isolation tents open to the wind).
There is a need to develop effective and appropriate engineering technologies and
innovative architectural features to maximize the use of natural ventilation for different
climatic conditions worldwide.
Unlike other types of buildings, when the prevailing wind direction and average velocity
may be used, the design of natural ventilation for infection control should consider the
worst situation that is, when the wind is absent, and where supplementary mechanical
ventilation may be needed.


Climatic and other considerations in

ventilation design

A number of factors need to be considered when designing a building to effectively use

natural ventilation for infection control.
High air-change rates are needed when infection control is the main building design
objective. The impacts of the high air-change rates on the overall indoor environmental
conditions should be considered; these include thermal comfort, indoor air quality and
fire safety. Other likely unfavourable ambient environmental factors such as noise and air
pollution, and their impacts on indoor environmental quality have to be assessed before
building design starts. In cold climates, the need for warmth inside the building can be at
odds with the high air-change rate needed for infection control. In transient seasons of hot
and humid climates, moisture condensation in the ward interior can lead to wet beddings
and floors, rainy ceilings, and mould and mildew growth resulting in unpleasant and
unhealthy conditions. However, large openings in the building envelope make it easier for
insects, wild animals and other unwanted intruders, and may also cause problems relating
to security and vector-borne infectious disease control.

5 Design and operation


5.3.1 Maintaining thermal comfort

In temperate and warm climates and under good ambient air quality conditions, a higher
ventilation rate is good for both thermal comfort and indoor air quality. However, this is
not true for cold climates where outdoor air infiltration should be minimized for thermal
comfort. When the ambient air temperature stays above 30C, the thermal conditions in
a naturally ventilated ward may become intolerable. Therefore, in a naturally ventilated
building, more effort needs to be spent on the architectural and envelope design to achieve
acceptable indoor thermal comfort than for a building with mechanical ventilation. This
includes the selection of windows, proper external shading, envelope insulation and
the properties of external surface materials with regard to solar absorption and thermal
radiation. A design engineer must also understand that a final design is a compromise
between the conflicting requirements in hot summer and cold winter conditions. Thermal
performance simulation tools are available to help quantitatively assess and compare
theeffectiveness of different design options. A more detailed explanation of the technology
options and simulation techniques are provided in ASHRAE (2009).

Considerations for hot summers

Architectural design features

When the land area allows, active use of ground-to-sky radiation will greatly reduce the
effective radiant temperature. Semi-open architectural design is preferred, and should
allow direct long-wave radiation from ground to sky to occur. The semi-opening should be
on the shade side of a building to avoid direct solar irradiation this is how a sunshade
works (see Figure5.2).
Solar heat gain should be minimized by using proper external shading or the more
sophisticated glazing systems. The buoyancy effects of the solar heat on airflow can be
used to lead the warm air to the higher levels of the building. Fortunately, this is in line
with the desired airflow patterns for infection control.

Figure 5.2


Semi-open design allowing ground-to-sky thermal radiation

can greatly improve the thermal comfort in hot summer

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Low-energy mechanical cooling

A high air change rate may be favourable for thermal comfort in cold weather; however, on
muggy and calm days, high air change would make conditions uncomfortable. In low-wind
conditions, air change that is caused by buoyancy may not generate enough internal air
Mechanical cooling fans

In addition to hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation systems, air movement can be improved

using electric cooling fans although improving air movement by introducing an
artificial breeze does not necessarily increase the air-change rate.
ASHRAE (2009) provides design guides that use the widely accepted predicted mean
vote (PMV) model, which takes into account the air temperature, radiant temperature, air
velocity, clothing level and peoples activity level. Designers can use the PMV model to
estimate the raised air velocity required at higher air temperatures. When the temperature
is below 30C, acceptable thermal comfort can be achieved using elevated air speed
(Xia et al., 2000). Temperatures above 30C will inevitably cause thermal stress in the
buildings occupants.
Cooling fans with multiple speeds should be used, and people should be able to adjust the
fan speed as needed. Using fans in this way greatly reduces energy consumption, compared
with air-conditioning.
On hotter days when air temperature is above 30C, using a cooling fan only would not be
sufficient to keep the building cool enough for occupants. Instead, a low-cost evaporative
cooling method can be used and is particularly useful when there is a high air-change
rate. This strategy also has a relatively low cost, compared with a full air-conditioning
system (Zhang et al., 2000).

5.3.3 Considerations for winter

In cold winter conditions, a high air-change rate is not desirable for thermal comfort,
particularly as windows may be closed to keep the building warm. Even if normal heating
is introduced, with a high air-change rate the effects might be insignificant, and energy
efficiency will be low. Therefore, heating strategies must be planned carefully. Building
envelope design should be able to capture the solar heat and minimize conduction loss
through the wall. Proper insulation of walls and the use of double glazing are desirable.
For extremely cold climates, a rigorous assessment using simulation techniques should be
undertaken, so that the degree of coldness can be quantified. This can be used to determine
whether the natural ventilation strategy could be adopted for the climate being considered.
When considering active heating strategies, targeted radiant or direct near-body heating
methods are more effective, and are preferred for two reasons. First, due to buoyancy
effects, the warm air from the common convective radiators tends to float to the upper part
of a space. Second, at a high air-change rate, the heat loss is tremendous. Modern, electric
radiant heaters are readily available, and are a better option than other commonly used
electric radiators.

5 Design and operation


Electrically heated mattresses are also available and typically use about 50100watts. They
are effective for in-bed patients, and may allow patients to tolerate much lower
in-ward air temperatures associated with the high air-change rate. They also help to avoid
the excessive energy consumption associated with the ordinary space-heating methods.

5.3.4 Maintaining healthy indoor air quality

With a higher air-change rate, the indoor air quality is more linked to the ambient air
quality. The benefit is that the indoor air quality is less likely to be affected by the presence
of common indoor pollutant sources, such as the off-gassing from common building
5.3.5 Managing ambient air pollution
With the high air-change rate of untreated outdoor air, indoor air quality will be more
affected by the ambient air pollution (Weschler & Shields, 2000; Ghiaus et al., 2005).
In regions with severe ambient air pollution problems, the location of an infectious disease
hospital should be chosen carefully. A hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation design may be the
only option. Solely relying on ordinary window openings will expose the occupants to a
high ambient pollutants level.
5.3.6 External noise
As pointed out in CIBSE (2005), the presence of significant noise sources is one of the
main barriers to using natural ventilation. However, this guideline recommends two
solutions: one is to place the ventilation inlets on the sides of the building away from
the principal noise sources; the other is to integrate acoustic baffles into the ventilation
opening. However, this second solution will reduce the air-change rate, and is therefore
best combined with hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation where a mechanical fan can avoid the
increased pressure loss over such a vent.
5.3.7 Selecting low-emission interior materials
A comprehensive understanding of air pollutant emissions from interior building materials
has developed over the years (Levin, 1989; Li & Niu, 2007). Designers and contractors
should be aware of the standards and regulations on building materials for indoor use. In
particular, materials that can potentially release airborne respiratory-tract irritants should be
5.3.8 Humidity and mould growth
Condensation can occur on ceilings, walls, floors and beddings for many reasons. For
example, in buildings with a heavy structure and that use natural ventilation, a sudden
change of weather with warm, moist ambient air may induce condensation when the surface
temperature is lower than the dew-point temperature of the moist incoming air (Niu, 2001).
While the conditions are a discomfort and annoyance during the condensation period,
mould may also grow which is a health hazard.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

When designing buildings with natural ventilation for a hot and humid climate, lightweight
and insulated walls should be used. The surface temperature of a lightweight construction
or a wall with internal insulation will respond rapidly to changes in air temperature,
limiting the rise of surface and internal relative humidity when the sudden warm and
humid air comes in contact with the wall (e.g. in the transient spring season).
For existing buildings with massive concrete or masonry walls, several retrofitting,
operation and maintenance strategies may be needed if a natural ventilation strategy is to
be adopted. The first option would involve the interior surface treatment, which can either
be long term or short term.

5.3.9 Security and vector-borne disease spread

Large openings in natural ventilation without any protection increase the risk of security
breaches and the spread of vector-borne diseases. Purpose-designed barred windows and
semi-transparent mosquito meshes can be used in these situations.
5.3.10 High-rise considerations
Locating respiratory wards on the top floors may be desirable for high-rise buildings to
minimize the possible re-entry of the exhausts into adjacent floors. This re-entry is caused
by buoyancy as the exhaust air is normally warm and tends to flow upwards after leaving
the wards (Wehrle et al., 1970).
5 . 3 . 11 F i r e s a f e t y c o n s i d e r a t i o n s
Designing a building with openings connecting rooms may conflict with fire-safety and
smoke-control requirements. Naturally ventilated buildings may also be zoned to be in line
with the compartmentalization requirements for smoke control. Ventilation openings may
also be shut during a fire. The fire escape route also needs special attention, because natural
ventilation design also has an impact on smoke flow pattern.

5 Design and operation



Designing for natural and hybrid ventilation


When developing the design concept for a naturally ventilated building for infection
control, three basic steps are involved.
1. Specify the desired airflow pattern from the inlet openings, through the wards and
other hospital spaces such as corridors, to the outlet openings. This is associated with
the form (single corridor, central corridor, courtyard, etc.) and organization (relative
location of the nursing station, offices, storage, etc.) of the building, which in turn
depends on its intended use and site conditions, such as prevailing winds.
2. Identify the main available driving forces that enable the desired airflow pattern to
be achieved. The effective strategies for infection control tend to be mostly wind
driven, although the stack-driven strategy may also work if designed properly. A
combined wind-driven and stack-driven flow needs to be considered where necessary
and feasible. In some cases, hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation may be used and these
natural forces can be supplemented by fans. In a good design, the available dominating
driving forces are in synergy with the intended flow pattern.
3. Size and locate the openings so that the required ventilation rates can be delivered
under all operating regimes. This is, in itself, a three-step process. First, the ventilation
rates need to be determined based on the infection control requirements as specified
in Part1 of this document. Second, the openings need to be sized and located to
deliver these airflow rates under design conditions. Third, a control system needs to
be designed to maintain the required flow rates under varying weather and occupancy
A general procedure for natural ventilation design includes several components.

Architectural design architects and engineers must initially set the global geometric
configuration of the system (e.g. siting of the building and landscape configuration,
overall building form, and approximate positions of fresh air inlets and air exhausts),
considering both dominant and prevailing wind conditions, as well as unusual
conditions by time of day and season.

System layout and component selection the designer will then lay out the airflow
paths from inlet to outlet that will achieve the desired airflow objective (e.g. for the
purpose of infection control and thermal comfort) and then select the types of airflow
components (e.g. windows, doors, vents, solar chimneys) that will provide the desired
control of airflow.

Opening (door, window, vent etc) size the designer will then size the components
selected considering the ventilation requirements and relevant climatic conditions.
Both the indoor and outdoor design conditions (or design criteria) need to be

Design control strategy the designer must then develop a strategy for controlling
ventilation flow to the design objectives when the operating conditions vary. At this
stage, both hardware and software for control may need to be chosen to implement the
control strategy if a high-tech natural ventilation strategy is used.

Detailed design drawing finally, the designer must develop detailed drawings so
that the systems can be built.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

5 . 4 . 1 Ve n t s i z i n g
Vent sizing refers to the process of estimating the area of openings to achieve the required
ventilation flow rates based on certain geometry, climate and other data of the building
design. The sizing of openings is also a function of the opening distribution, which is a
part of the ventilation strategy.
There are two methods for estimating the size of the vents required.

Direct methods are derived for simple buildings where the ventilation flow rate is a
simple function of the governing parameters. Allard (1998) discussed five of these

Indirect methods use network models to try different opening size combinations and
identify the best one. One promising design method is the loop pressure equationbased method suggested by Axley (1998).

After the necessary ventilation flow rates in each zone of a building are estimated, these
methods can be used to design the main flow paths and size ventilation openings to
satisfy ventilation requirements in each zone. When designing large buildings, designers
might also need to know different design options, how natural ventilation compares with
mechanical systems, etc.
When a building is designed and operated with a configuration of openings and flow
paths, the ventilation flow rate will mostly be determined by the available natural driving
forces. At the design stage, it is important to harness the prevailing winds and to enhance
and control stack (or buoyancy) forces in the building. This can be done by carefully
positioning and sizing the openings, and by innovative use of devices to increase natural
forces, such as wind towers and solar chimneys.
Tr a n s i e n t h i g h v e n t i l a t i o n a l l o w a n c e s

Allowing a transient ventilation rate that is much higher than the minimum ventilation
rate specified in Part1 is one of the benefits of natural ventilation. When the outdoor
temperature is comfortable and the air is clean, it is effective to allow more outdoor air
into the building. For some climates and buildings, a transient high ventilation rate can
also be used for summer cooling. A transient high ventilation rate might also be needed
when there are renovation activities in the building, which generate a high amount of
pollutants in the air.

5 Design and operation


5.4.2 Three major design elements of natural ventilation

Designing natural ventilation requires more than just estimating vent and window sizes
it also requires innovative design and significant attention to detail. Priolo (1998)
presented a comprehensive design guideline for natural ventilation. This section gives
a brief overview of the three layers of the design process related to natural ventilation

site design building location, layout, building orientation, landscaping;

building design type of building, building function, building form, envelope,

natural ventilation strategy, internal distribution of spaces and functions, thermal
mass, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning if it exists; and

vent opening design position of openings, types of openings, sizing of openings,

control strategy.

Site design

Site design involves integrating the buildings with the surrounding topography and
buildings. For some situations, minor changes to the local site may be allowed, within the
limits of environment and wildlife protection.
For natural ventilation, it is best to use the natural airflow patterns of the site to increase
the potential of natural ventilation.

If the building needs summer cooling and minimum winter ventilation, investigate the
summer and winter prevailing wind directions, and locate the building to receive more
summer winds and protection from winter winds.

When several buildings are being built on one site, make sure each of the buildings is
exposed to summer winds, but not to winter winds in cold climates.

As discussed in section4.1, the driving wind pressure is not just the positive pressure at
the windward openings, but also the negative pressures at the leeward openings. Building
form and orientation should result in an increase in the negative pressures in the wakes of
airflows. Aynsley, Melbourne & Vickery (1977) provide a useful explanation of downwind
wakes caused by different building forms.
Vegetation also affects air movement around the buildings through wind sheltering, wind
deflection, funnelling and air acceleration. Air quality and conditions are also changed
when travelling beneath canopies of vegetation (e.g. trees).
Building design

For simple buildings, follow the guidance of Priolo (1998) on roof design, aspects
ratios and the use of overhangs, wind walls and recessed spaces. For large and complex
buildings, use computational fluid dynamics (e.g. Fluent, 2003) to investigate various
design options for improving the natural ventilation potentials, and to avoid cold draughts.
Take care to ensure pedestrian comfort at the outdoor ground level.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Internal space distribution is also important. For example, relatively dirty spaces should
be located on the leeward side to avoid back flow of polluted air and odours into other
spaces. Large windows for other living spaces in the windward side, such as the wards, can
create a funnel effect to induce more incoming air. Interior partitions and furniture should
not block the airflow.
For infection control, a single-row ward layout works better than a double-row layout with
a central corridor in terms of natural ventilation and daylight. Large, open spaces should
always have large windows in opposite walls. With the central corridor layout, natural
ventilation may be improved by combining cross-ventilation with stack (or buoyancy)
ventilation through corridor vents or through shafts in multistorey buildings.
For multistorey hospitals, stairwells and other shafts can work as exhaust ventilation
systems to avoid warm air entering the upper-level apartments or offices. The outlet
openings of the shafts should be located on the leeward side of the building, above the top
floor level, with the inlet openings on the windward side of the building.
As the penetration depth of wind-driven natural ventilation is limited, the width of the
building is limited (CIBSE, 2005). However, the use of wind towers may permit deeper
Ve n t o p e n i n g d e s i g n

In any design, the smallest opening area (the bottleneck) controls natural ventilation
flow rate. Inlet and outlet openings should have as near equal dimensions as possible to
maximize the airflow rate.
The position of openings needs to be considered with care, because of the possible conflict
between cross and stack (or buoyancy) ventilation, human cooling or thermal mass
cooling, etc.
Proper selection and design of openings such as windows, screens, louvres, solar
chimneys, passive stacks, is also important. Proper sizing may be done using the vent
sizing methods discussed earlier.
There are some other aspects to consider.

Furniture and internal portioning ventilation openings should not be blocked, and
furniture layout and internal partitioning must not restrict the intended flow path and
opening access.

Ward depth unlike mechanical ventilation, naturally ventilated buildings need to

be narrow. The natural air currents may penetrate deeply into a building. The rules of
thumb for the ward depth are available from CIBSE (2005) (see Figure5.3).

Shading blinds, overhangs and projections (including deep window reveals) may
be used. Self-shading by the building itself and remote shading (e.g. by another
building or trees) may also work if properly considered. Retractable external blinds
are desirable.

Daylight and glare control windows may be provided with a screen to avoid the
direct sunlight. The shape and the position of the window openings are also important.
The colour and the finishes of the surfaces must also be chosen properly for a
comfortable level of lighting and glare control.

5 Design and operation


Heating and cold drafts during slightly cold weather, localized heating may be used
to provide some thermal comfort. However, care should be taken if a greater indoor
and outdoor air temperature difference is caused, because this can, in turn, increase the
driving force. Natural ventilation may not be possible for ventilation control during
very cold weather.

Cooling during hot and humid weather, local spot cooling or personalized cooling
systems may be used (e.g. by using ceiling fans or desk fans).

Noise and acoustics external noise may be avoided by locating the windows
and other ventilation openings away from the primary noise courses. Absorbent
partitioning, ceiling banners, etc., may also be used to absorb noise.

Fire safety designing a building with openings that connect rooms may conflict
with fire-safety and smoke-control requirements. Ventilation openings may need to be
closed during a fine. Fortunately, naturally ventilated buildings can be designed to be
in line with the compartmentalization requirements for smoke control. The fire escape
route needs special attention, because natural ventilation design also has an impact on
smoke flow pattern.

Security security risks may be created with opening windows, particularly on

ground floors.

(A) Cross-ventilation. (B) Single-sided ventilation driven by buoyancy forces alone (i.e.stack (or buoyancy)
ventilation, which is not effective for airborne infection control). (C) Single-sided ventilation (not effective for
airborne infection control).

Figure 5.3


The rules of thumb for the depth of the ward for three different
ventilation strategies

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


Ty p e s o f n a t u r a l v e n t i l a t i o n s y s t e m s

Natural ventilation systems are classified by their basic architectural design elements
(corridors, courtyards, wind towers, chimneys, etc.). These building elements define the
routes of airflow, as well as the basic natural ventilation strategy.
There are six basic types of natural ventilation systems:

single-side corridor

central corridor


wind tower

atrium and chimney

hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation.

These systems are described in the following sections. It is possible to combine some of
these systems to suit the local climate and particular hospital needs. AnnexesFI describe
the natural ventilation systems used in four hospitals in different countries.
This guideline considers only simple natural ventilation systems, and designers will
need to consider other aspects (e.g. control) when they are designing high-tech natural
ventilation solutions.

5.5.1 Single-side corridor type

In the single-side corridor type of natural ventilation system, the corridor is on one side
of the ward (see Figures5.4 and 5.5). The airflow is a single directional flow either from
the ward to the corridor or from the corridor to the ward, depending on the wind incident
direction. This single directional flow can help to prevent cross-infection. The design of
the windows is crucial for this type of design: it is better to position the windows in line
with the ward door to create the path for cross-ventilation (Allard, 1998).
FBeer is credited with designing the first corridor hospital, where all the rooms were
arranged alongside internal walkways. His hospital in Bern, built between 1718 and 1724,
was the first of this type.

5 Design and operation



Floor plan

Note: This conceptual drawing should be used with care, and realistic limitations need to be considered.

Figure 5.4

Wind-driven natural ventilation in the single-side corridor

type hospital with wind entering the ward


Floor plan

Note: This conceptual drawing should be used with care, and realistic limitations need to be considered.

Figure 5.5

Wind-driven natural ventilation in the single-side corridor

type hospital with wind entering the corridor

5.5.2 Central corridor type

The central corridor type of natural ventilation system is derived from the single-side
corridor type by adding another series of wards on the other side of the corridor. The
possible airflow path would be from one ward to the corridor, and then to the ward on the
other side. When the wind is parallel to the windows, adding a wing wall helps to drive the
outdoor air to enter the wards first, and exit from the central corridor. A central corridor
type of floor layout would result in possibly contaminated air moving from the upstream
ward to the downstream ward. At present, this guideline does not recommend this type of


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


Courtyard type

Courtyards are traditionally enclosed zones that can help to channel and direct the overall
airflow and thus modify the microclimate around the buildings. Based on the relative
position of wards and corridor to the courtyard, this type of natural ventilation system
can be divided into the inner corridor and outer corridor subtypes (see Figures5.6 and
5.7, respectively). This system can supply more ventilation than the others, as long as the
courtyard is sufficiently large. The outer corridor type has an advantage over the inner
type, because it can avoid cross-infection via connected corridors by delivering clean
outdoor air into the corridor first.
The first hospital of this type was Ospedale Maggiore, built in Milan in 1456, and designed
by Antonio Averulino (better known as Filarete). The hospital is a symmetrical building
with a large central courtyard; on both sides, the wings of the building delineate four
smaller courtyards.




Floor plan

Note: This conceptual drawing should be used with care, and realistic limitations need to be considered.

Figure 5.6

Combined wind and buoyancy-driven natural ventilation in the

courtyard type (inner corridor) hospital

5 Design and operation






Floor plan

Note: This conceptual drawing should be used with care, and realistic limitations need to be considered.

Figure 5.7

Combined wind and buoyancy-driven natural ventilation in the

courtyard type (outer corridor) hospital

5.5.4 Wind tower type

A wind tower type of natural ventilation system can capture the wind at roof level and
direct it down to the rest of the building (see Figures5.8 and 5.9). Weatherproof louvres
are installed to protect the interior of the building and volume control dampers are used
to moderate flow. Stale air is extracted on the leeward side. The wind tower is normally
divided into four quadrants, which can run the full length of the building and become air
intakes or extractors depending on wind direction.

Note: This conceptual drawing should be used with care, and realistic limitations need to be considered.

Figure 5.8


Wind tower design

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


Floor plan

Note: This conceptual drawing should be used with care, and realistic limitations need to be considered.

Figure 5.9

Wind-driven natural ventilation in the wind tower type


5.5.5 Atrium and chimney type

An atrium or chimney can help to increase the natural ventilation potential. An atrium
or chimney type of natural ventilation system can be a side-atrium or chimney type, or
a central atrium or chimney type, depending on the relative position of the wards, and
the atrium or chimney (see Figure5.10). Outdoor air is sucked into the wards through
the windows by the stack (or buoyancy) effect. After diluting the contaminated air in
the ward, the hot and polluted air converges in the atrium or chimney and discharges
through the top openings. The applicability of this type of design will mainly rely on
the height of the chimney, the indooroutdoor temperature difference and its interaction
with the background wind. This approach may be combined with motor-driven dampers
and pressure sensors to control airflows and overcome some of the limitations of natural


Floor plan

Note: This conceptual drawing should be used with care, and realistic limitations need to be considered.

Figure 5.10

Buoyancy-driven (including solar chimney) natural ventilation

in the solar chimney type of hospital
5 Design and operation


5.5.6 Hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation type

A limitation of natural ventilation is that it can sometimes depend too much on the outdoor
climate. For example, if the outdoor wind speed is too small or the outdoor temperature is
too high, the availability of natural ventilation will be reduced. To overcome this, hybrid
(mixed-mode) ventilation can be used. In a simple hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation
system, mechanical and natural forces are combined in a two-mode system where the
operating mode varies according to the season, and within individual days, reflecting the
external environment and taking advantage of ambient conditions at any point of time.
The main hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation principles are:

switching between natural and mechanical ventilation

fan-assisted natural ventilation

concurrent use of natural and mechanical ventilation.

Each of the natural ventilation solutions discussed above (single-corridor, central corridor,
courtyard, wind tower, and atrium and chimney) may be combined with mechanical fans
to create a hybrid (mixed-mode) system. Of course, like all the systems that use natural or
mechanical ventilation, design and control are critical.


Applicability of natural ventilation systems

Natural ventilation systems should be designed to take into account the local climate.
There are four major climate types: hot and humid, hot and dry, moderate and cold.
Design of a natural ventilation system can also have one of three major objectives: to
provide thermal comfort, to control airborne infection or indoor air quality, or to save
When a ventilation type is evaluated against a climate type, both thermal comfort and
infection control should be considered, but not energy-saving performance.
The performance is star-rated.


The performance in either thermal comfort or infection control is

unsatisfactory. In terms of infection control, it means the magnitude of
the ventilation rate.
The performance is fair.
The performance is acceptable, but compromise may be needed in terms
of thermal comfort.
The performance is good in terms of both thermal comfort and airborne
infection control.
The performance is very good (satisfactory) in terms of both thermal
comfort and infection control.

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Table5.1 contains a comparison of the performance of different types of natural

ventilation systems in the four major climate conditions.
Table 5.1

Potential applicability of natural ventilation solutions in ideal

conditions (consensus of a WHO systematic review)

Natural ventilation


Hot and
Hot and dry







Note: The actual achievement is not always up to the potential and care must be taken with all ventilation designs in the critical
setting of health-care facilities with airborne infectious agents known or expected to be present.


Commissioning, operation and maintenance

The performance of a ventilation system depends crucially on design, operation and

maintenance collectively known as commissioning. These determine the performance
and reliability of the ventilation system and are important whatever the level of technology
used in the buildings ventilation system. Proper construction and commissioning are
needed to ensure the desired ventilation performance is achieved under different (climatic)
circumstances, while proper operation and maintenance are needed to ensure the desired
ventilation during the systems lifetime.

5.7.1 Commissioning
It is important that, even for a very low-tech system using grilles and vents, for example,
the documentation describing the reasons for the design, how it works and how it should
be maintained be handed over to the building manager or operator. For example, design
and maintenance documentation describing why vents are of a certain size and in certain
places will enhance the understanding of the system and help to ensure it is maintained

5 Design and operation


The designers need to provide documentation to the personnel managing the building and
its ventilation system:

about the design strategy and expected operation of the natural or hybrid (mixedmode) ventilation system;

on the operation of the natural or hybrid (mixed-mode) system in day or night time,
during different seasons, in extreme weather conditions, and when adapted for
emergency conditions;

for the patients and health-care workers explaining how the building works, is
operated, and who has the right to open windows, etc;

describing the operation and maintenance of the for the ventilation system, developed
jointly with the commissioning personnel (i.e. an operating and maintenance manual);

explaining all the above (i.e. commissioning documentation).

It is desirable that the people using the system have the opportunity to provide feedback to
the designers, however simple the system. Feedback and fine-tuning are essential to iron
out potential problems in the system, and should continue for the first year of operation.
The commissioning process acts as a checking procedure to ensure that:

the ventilation system is installed and operated as designed

the system can be operated correctly and safely

the system may be adjusted to satisfy the ventilation requirement at different climatic

ventilation rates under different weather conditions are appropriate.

This process should be maintained at least for the first year of operation.

5.7.2 Operation and maintenance

Operation and maintenance personnel should understand how the systems operate,
and have some knowledge of infection control. Special attention is needed for the
documentation and instructions for these personnel.
Operation personnel need training for the procedure to follow in special weather
conditions, such as heavy rain, typhoons and heavy storms.
Patients are generally not permitted to operate the system unless instructed to do so (this
includes opening windows).
Natural ventilation or hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation usually has many distributed
components, such as windows and fans. Detecting faults in these components can be time
It is crucial for any hospital designed for infection control to be reconsidered in terms of
ventilation design when the occupancy patterns are changed.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Regular occupant surveys and checks will help to identify potential operational problems,
as well as deal with complaints.
In naturally ventilated hospitals, the satisfaction of the patients and health-care workers
may be improved if they understand how the system works.



Designing a naturally ventilated building for infection control follows three basic steps:
selecting the desired airflow pattern, identifying the main driving forces, and sizing and
locating openings. Although these steps are common to designing all such buildings, local
conditions, such as the year-round climate and the impact this has on infection control,
must also be taken into account.
At a more specific level, the main design elements of natural and hybrid (mixed-mode)
ventilation systems are dictated by the specific components used. Aspects of different
ventilation systems can be selected and combined as needed to suit the local climate and
the requirements of each individual hospital.

5 Design and operation


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Riley RL et al. Aerial dissemination of pulmonary tuberculosis. American Journal of
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Roy CJ, Milton DK. Airborne transmission of communicable infection the elusive
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biocontaminants. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2004, 15(3):170174.
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Suzuki K et al. Detection of Varicella-zoster virus DNA in throat swabs of patients with
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Tang JW et al. Door-opening motion can potentially lead to a transient breakdown in
negative-pressure isolation conditions: the importance of vorticity and buoyancy
air-flows. Journal of Hospital Infection, 2005, 61(4):283286.
Tang JW et al. Factors involved in the aerosol transmission of infection and control
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Toth A et al. Tuberculosis prevention and treatment. Can Nurse, 2004, 100(9):2730.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Wehrle PF et al. An airborne outbreak of smallpox in a German hospital and its

significance with respect to other recent outbreaks in Europe. Bulletin of the World
Health Organization, 1970, 43:669679.
Wells WF. On air-borne infection. Study II. Droplets and droplet nuclei. American Journal
of Hygiene, 1934, 20:611618.
Wells WF. Airborne contagion and air hygiene. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University
Press, 1955.
Wenzel RP. Prevention and control of nosocomial infections, 4th ed. Philadelphia,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
Weschler CJ, Shields HC. The influence of ventilation on reactions among indoor
pollutants: modelling and experimental observations. Indoor Air, 2000, 10(2):92
WHO. Guidelines for the prevention of tuberculosis in health care facilities in resourcelimited settings. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1999.
WHO. Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone acute
respiratory diseases in health care WHO interim guidelines. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2007.
Wilson P. Is natural ventilation a useful tool to prevent the air borne spread of TB? PLoS
Medicine, 2007, 4(2):e77.
Wong CY. Severe acute respiratory syndrome and biology, air quality, physics, and
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Wong KC, Leung KS. Transmission and prevention of occupational infections in
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Xia YZ et al. Influence of turbulence on thermal comfort at warm conditions. Indoor Air,
2000, 10(4):289296.
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Zhang H et al. Enhanced performance of air-cooled chillers using evaporative cooling.
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 2000, 21(4):213217.




Annex A Articles included in the

systematic review on
the association between
ventilation and infection
The systematic review questions were defined by the World Health Organization
Guideline Development Group, and the systematic review methodology was developed
by the Technical Guideline Development Group and overseen by the External Steering
The systematic review was done by a team of research assistants (led by Prof Yuguo Li,
University of Hong Kong), under the guidance of a librarian from the University of Hong
Kong library. Search terms included keywords and medical subject headings (MeSH)
relating to ventilation, infection and buildings. Databases searched included MEDLINE,
EBM Reviews, ISI Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Engineering Village2 and ISI
ProceedingsSM. Google Scholar was also searched.
Set inclusion and exclusion criteria were used, and a review panel (comprising experts in
medicine, health, engineering and architecture) oversaw the literature review process from
the development of the search strategy to the critical appraisal of identified studies, data
extraction and reporting. The External Steering Committee oversaw the final results and
application of the results for the development of the guideline.
There were 13661 articles searched using identified keywords as agreed in the systematic
review protocol. Of these, 388 articles were retrieved and 65 were retained according to
the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and distributed to a panel of sixteen experts from
Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.
The 65 articles retrieved are listed below.
Anderson JD et al. Lack of nosocomial spread of Varicella in a pediatric hospital with
negative pressure ventilated patient rooms. Infection Control, 1985, 6(3):120121.
Andrewes CH, RE Glover. Spread of infection from the respiratory tract of the ferret. I.
Transmission of influenza A virus. British Journal of Experimental Pathology,
1941, 22(2):9197.
Basu S et al. Prevention of nosocomial transmission of extensively drug-resistant
tuberculosis in rural South African district hospitals: an epidemiological modelling
study. Lancet, 2007, 370(9597):15001507.
Bloch AB et al. Measles outbreak in a pediatric practice: airborne transmission in an office
setting. Pediatrics, 1985, 75(4):676683.
Brundage JF et al. Building-associated risk of febrile acute respiratory diseases in army
trainees. JAMA, 1988, 259(14):21082112.


Calder RA et al. Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission in a health clinic. Bulletin of the

International Union against Tuberculosis & Lung Disease, 1991, 66(23):103
Cars H, Petersson C, Hakansson A. Infectious-diseases and day-care-center environment.
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1992, 24(4):525528.
Couch RB et al. Airborne transmission of respiratory infection with coxsackievirusA
type21. American Journal of Epidemiology, 1970, 91(1):7886.
Dick EC et al. Aerosol transmission of rhinovirus colds. Journal of Infectious Diseases,
1987, 156(3):442448.
Drinka PJ et al. Report of an outbreak: nursing home architecture and influenza-A attack
rates. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1996, 44(8):910913.
Drinka PJ et al. Delays in the application of outbreak control prophylaxis for influenzaA
in a nursing home. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 2002,
Drinka PJ et al. Report of an outbreak: nursing home architecture and influenza-A attack
rates: update. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2004, 52(5):847848.
Edlin BR et al. An outbreak of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis among hospitalisedpatients with the acquired-immunodeficiency-syndrome. New England Journal of
Medicine, 1992, 326(23):15141521.
Ehrenkranz NJ, Kicklighter JL. Tuberculosis outbreak in a general hospital: evidence for
airborne spread of infection. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1972, 77(3):377382.
Ehresmann KR. An outbreak of measles at an international sporting event with airborne
transmission in a domed stadium. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1995, 171:679
Escombe AR et al. The detection of airborne transmission of tuberculosis from HIVinfected patients, using an in vivo air sampling model. Clinical Infectious
Diseases, 2007, 44(10):13491357.
Escombe AR et al. Natural ventilation for the prevention of airborne contagion. PloS
Medicine, 2007, 4(2):309317.
Greene D, Barenberg LH, Greenberg B. Effect of irradiation of the air in a ward on
the incidence of infections of the respiratory tract with a note on Varicella.
American Journal of Diseases of Children, 1941, 61(2):273275.
Gustafson TL et al. An outbreak of airborne nosocomial varicella. Pediatrics, 1982,


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Henle W, Sommer HE, Stokes J. Studies on air borne infection in a hospital ward II:
effects of ultraviolet irradiation and propylene glycol vaporization upon the
prevention of experimental air borne infection of mice by droplet nuclei. Journal
of Pediatrics, 1942, 21:577590.
Hocking M. Common cold transmission in commerical aircraft: industry and passenger
implications. Journal of Environmental Health Research, 2004, 3(1):712.
Hoge CW et al. An epidemic of pneumococcal disease in an overcrowded, inadequately
ventilated jail. New England Journal of Medicine, 1994, 331(10):643648.
Houk V. Spread of tuberculosis via recirculated air in a naval vessel: the Byrd study.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1980, 353:1024.
Houk VN et al. The epidemiology of tuberculosis infection in a closed environment.
Archives of Environmental Health, 1968, 16(1):2635.
Hutton MD et al. Nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis associated with a draining
abscess. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1990, 161(2):286295.
Jennings LC, Dick EC. Transmission and control of rhinovirus colds. European Journal of
Epidemiology, 1987, 3(4):327335.
Josephson A. Airborne transmission of nosocomial varicella from localised zoster. Journal
of Infectious Diseases, 1988, 158(1):238241.
Kenyon TA et al. Transmission of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis during
a long airplane flight. New England Journal of Medicine, 1996, 334(15):933938.
Kingston D, Lidwell OM, Williams REO. The epidemiology of the common cold: III. The
effect of ventilation, air disinfection and room size. Journal of Hygiene, 1962,
Leclair JM et al. Airborne transmission of chickenpox in a hospital. New England Journal
of Medicine, 1980, 302(8):450453.
Lester W. The influence of relative humidity on the infectivity of air-borne influenza-A
virus (Pr8-strain). Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1948, 88(3):361368.
Li Y et al. Role of air distribution in SARS transmission during the largest nosocomial
outbreak in Hong Kong. Indoor Air, 2005, 15(2):8395.
Li Y et al. Multi-zone modeling of probable SARS virus transmission by air-flow between
flats in Block E, Amoy Gardens. Indoor Air, 2005, 15(2):96111.
Li Y et al. Probable roles of bio-aerosol dispersion in the SARS outbreak in Amoy
Gardens, Hong Kong. In: Sleigh A et al., eds. Population dynamics and infectious
disease in the AsiaPacific. Singapore, World Scientific Publishing, 2006.

Annex A Articles included in the systematic review


Loosli CG, Robertson OH, Puck TT. The production of experimental influenza in mice by
inhalation of atmospheres containing influenza virus dispersed as fine droplets.
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1943, 72:142153.
Loudon RG et al. Aerial transmission of mycobacteria. American Review of Respiratory
Disease, 1969, 100(2):165171.
Lovelock JE, Further studies on the natural transmission of the common cold. Lancet,
1952(Oct 4):657660.
Lowen AC et al. The guinea pig as a transmission model for human influenza viruses.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
2006, 103(26):99889992.
Lowen AC et al. Influenza virus transmission is dependent on relative humidity and
temperature. PLoS Pathogens, 2007, 3(10):14701476.
Menzies D et al. Hospital ventilation and risk for tuberculous infection in Canadian health
care workers. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2000, 133(10):779789.
Meschievitz CK, Schultz SB, Dick EC. A model for obtaining predictable natural
transmission of rhinoviruses in human volunteers. Journal of Infectious Diseases,
1984, 150(2):195201.
Miller WR. Evaluation of ultraviolet radiation and dust control measures in control of
respiratory disease at a naval training center. Journal of Infectious Diseases,
Moser MR et al. An outbreak of influenza aboard a commercial airliner. American Journal
of Epidemiology, 1979, 110(1):16.
Olsen SJ et al. Transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome on aircraft. New
England Journal of Medicine, 2003, 349(25):24162422.
Palmer GT. Ventilation, weather, and the common cold a study of the prevalence of
respiratory affections among school children and their association with school
ventilation and the seasonal changes in weather. Journal of Laboratory and
Clinical Medicine, 1921, 7:3952.
Pei LY et al. Investigation of the influencing factors on severe acute respiratory syndrome
among health care workers. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences), 2006,
Ratcliffe HL, Palladino VS. Tuberculosis induced by droplet nuclei infection initial
homogeneous response of small mammals (rats, mice, guinea pigs, and hamsters)
to human and to bovine bacilli, and the rate and pattern of tubercle development.
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1953, 97(1):6168.
Remington PL et al. Airborne transmission of measles in a physicians office. Journal of
the American Medical Association, 1985, 253(11):15741577.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Riley EC. Aerial dissemination of pulmonary tuberculosis. American Journal of Hygiene,

1959, 70:185196.
Riley EC et al. Airborne spread of measles in a suburban elementary school. American
Journal of Epidemiology, 1978, 107(5):421432.
Riley RL et al. Air hygiene in tuberculosis quantitative studies of infectivity and
control in a pilot ward cooperative study between the Veterans Administration,
the Johns-Hopkins-University School of Hygiene and Public Health, and the
Maryland-Tuberculosis-Association. American Review of Tuberculosis and
Pulmonary Diseases, 1957, 75(3):420431.
Riley RL et al. Infectiousness of air from a tuberculosis ward ultraviolet irradiation of
infected air comparative infectiousness of different patients. American Review
of Respiratory Disease, 1962, 85(4):511525.
Schulman JL. Experimental transmission of influenza virus infection in mice
relationship of transmissibility of different strains of virus and recovery of airborne
virus in environment of infector mice. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1967,
Schulman JL, Kilbourne ED. Airborne transmission of influenza virus infection in mice.
Nature, 1962, 195(4846):11291130.
Schulman JL, Kilbourne ED. Experimental transmission of influenza virus infection in
mice. I. The period of transmissibility. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 1963,
Schulman JL, Kilbourne ED. Experimental transmission of influenza virus infection in
mice. I. Some factors affecting the incidence of transmitted infection. Journal of
Experimental Medicine, 1963, 118:267275.
Shigematsu I, Minowa M. Indoor infection in a modern building. Tokai Journal of
Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 1985 10(4):407413.
Sommer HE, Stokes J. Studies on air borne infection in a hospital ward I: The effect of
ultraviolet light on cross infection in an infants ward. Journal of Pediatrics, 1942,
Tang JW et al. Door-opening motion can potentially lead to a transient breakdown in
negative-pressure isolation conditions: the importance of vorticity and buoyancy
air-flows. Journal of Hospital Infection, 2005, 61(4):283286.
Tsujino G. Varicella infection in a childrens hospital: prevention by vaccine and an episode
of airborne transmission. Biken Journal, 1984, 27(23):129132.
Wehrle PF et al. Airborne outbreak of smallpox in a German hospital and its significance
with respect to other recent outbreaks in Europe. Bulletin of the World Health
Organization, 1970, 43(5):669679.

Annex A Articles included in the systematic review


Wong TW et al. Cluster of SARS among medical students exposed to single patient, Hong
Kong. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2004, 10(2):269276.
Yu IT et al. Evidence of airborne transmission of the severe acute respiratory syndrome
virus. New England Journal of Medicine, 2004, 350(17):17311739.
Yu IT et al. Temporal-spatial analysis of severe acute respiratory syndrome among hospital
inpatients. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2005, 40(9):12371243.
Zitter JN et al. Aircraft cabin air recirculation and symptoms of the common cold. Journal
of the American Medical Association, 2002, 288(4):483486.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Annex B Recommendation GRADE

appraisal tables (GRADE
B.1 Explanation of the GRADE appraisal of
Several factors should be taken into account to appraise the strength of the
recommendations, including the available scientific evidence, the balance of benefits
versus harms and burdens, differences in values, and the balance of net benefits and costs.
The scientific evidence was assessed through the systematic review designed for the
purpose of this guideline (see Annex A for details).
The overall ranking of the strength of the recommendations would consider each of the
abovementioned factors as follows.

The higher the quality of evidence, the more likely is a strong recommendation.

The larger the difference between the desirable and undesirable consequences, the
more likely is a strong recommendation warranted. The smaller the net benefit and the
lower certainty for that benefit, the more likely is a weak recommendation warranted.

The greater the variability in values and preferences, or uncertainty in values and
preferences, the more likely is a weak recommendation warranted.

The higher the costs of an intervention, that is, the more resources consumed, the less
likely is a strong recommendation warranted.

B.1.1 Strong versus conditional recommendations

The definitions of strong and conditional recommendations are:

strong recommendation the panel is confident that the desirable effects of

adherence to a recommendation outweigh the undesirable effects; and

conditional recommendation the panel concludes that the desirable effects of

adherence to a recommendation probably outweigh the undesirable effects, but is not



Implications of strong and conditional

The implications of a strong recommendation are:

for patients most people in your situation would want the recommended course of
action and only a small proportion would not; request discussion if the intervention is
not offered;

for clinicians most patients should receive the recommended course of action; and

for policy makers the recommendation can be adopted as a policy in most


The implications of a conditional recommendation are:

for patients most people in your situation would want the recommended course of
action, but many would not;

for clinicians you should recognize that different choices will be appropriate for
different patients and that you must help each patient to arrive at a management
decision consistent with his or her values and preferences; and

for policy makers policy making will require substantial debate and involvement
of many stakeholders.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


Recommendation appraisal tables

Recommendation 1:
To help prevent airborne infections, adequate ventilation in a health-care facility, in all patient-care
areas, is necessary.
Population: Health-care settings
Intervention: Ventilation

Quality of evidence




Benefits or desired

Strong (benefits

Reduce the exposure to infectious droplet nuclei by

patients and health-care workers.
Improved indoor air quality for patients and health-care

There is moderate evidence available to suggest that

insufficient ventilation is associated with an increased risk
of infection (Gustafson et al., 1982; Bloch et al., 1985;
Hutton et al., 1990; Calder et al., 1991).

Disadvantages or
undesired effects

There is a cost implication to install adequate ventilation in

health-care facilities.
Proper operation and maintenance procedures need to be


May be low or

Low cost is possible if simple natural ventilation is used and

properly designed according to local climate.
High initial cost is likely if full mechanical ventilation or hightech natural ventilation or hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation
is used.


Conditional to

Mechanical ventilation and hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation

are feasible in all climates, but may be limited due to
availability of resources.
High-tech natural ventilation is feasible in most climates
and if designed properly, simple natural ventilation is also
feasible in resource-limited countries.

Overall ranking


Research gap

There is a need to determine the ventilation rate requirements in health-care

settings for infection control.

Annex B Recommendation GRADE appraisal tables (GRADE system) 73

Recommendation 2:
For natural ventilation, the following minimum hourly averaged ventilation rates should be provided:
160l/s/patient (hourly average ventilation rate) for airborne precaution rooms (with a minimum of
80l/s/patient) (note that this only applies to new health-care facilities and major renovations);
60l/s/patient for general wards and outpatient departments; and
2.5 l/s/m3 for corridors and other transient spaces without a fixed number of patients; however,
when patient care is undertaken in corridors during emergency or other situations, the same
ventilation rate requirements for airborne precaution rooms or general wards will apply.
The design must take into account fluctuations in ventilation rate.
When natural ventilation alone cannot satisfy the recommended ventilation requirements, alternative
ventilation systems such as a hybrid (mixed-mode) natural ventilation system should be used, and
then if that is not enough, mechanical ventilation should be used.
Population: Health-care settings
Intervention: Natural ventilation


Benefits or
desired effects

Moderate (benefits

Quality of


Disadvantages or
undesired effects


There is no direct evidence available to suggest

the direct impact of natural ventilation on disease
transmission, though there is strong engineering
evidence that natural ventilation can achieve a very
high ventilation rate and it is suggested that a high
ventilation rate can reduce airborne infection (Menzies
et al., 2000).
Suitable for mild or moderate climates.
Lower capital, operational and maintenance costs.
Capable of achieving very high ventilation rate.
Large range of control of environment by occupants.
Easily affected by outdoor climate.
More difficult to predict, analyse and design to ensure
airflow direction control.
Reduces comfort level of occupants when hot, humid
or cold.
Inability to establish negative pressure in isolation
areas, but may be provided by proper design; depends
on situation.
Low cost if simple ventilation is used and properly
designed with suitable climate.
Can be higher if hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation or
high-tech natural ventilation is used.


May be low and



Conditional to
country settings

Overall ranking


Research gap

There is a need to determine the natural ventilation requirements in terms of

variable ventilation rate and variable airflow direction for infection control in
health-care settings.


Natural ventilation is less feasible in extreme climates

(extreme cold, hot, noisy, polluted).

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Recomendation 3:
When designing naturally ventilated health-care facilities, overall airflow should bring the air from the
agent sources to areas where there is sufficient dilution, and preferably to the outdoors.
Population: Health-care settings
Intervention: Airflow control in natural ventilation



There is moderate evidence available to suggest that

incorrect airflow direction is associated with an increased
risk of infection (Gustafson et al., 1982; Bloch et al.,
1985; Hutton et al., 1990; Calder et al., 1991).

Benefits or desired

Moderate (benefits

Possibly minimized transmission risks between rooms.


May be low and


Low cost if simple natural ventilation is used and

properly designed with suitable climate.
Can be higher if a hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation
system or high-tech natural ventilation is used or
additional engineering measures are used to control
airflow direction.


Conditional to
design and control

Natural ventilation is less feasible in providing

airflow control and requires careful engineering and
architectural design.

Overall ranking


Research gap

There is a need to study engineering and architectural methods for airflow

control in naturally ventilated buildings.

Disadvantages or
undesired effects


Quality of evidence

More challenging in design and operation of the natural

ventilation systems.

Annex B Recommendation GRADE appraisal tables (GRADE system) 75

Recommendation 4:
For spaces where aerosol-generating procedures associated with pathogen transmission are
conducted, the natural ventilation requirement should, as a minimum, follow Recommendation 2.
Should the agent be airborne, Recommendations2 and 3 should be followed.
Population: Health-care settings
Intervention: Room ventilation for spaces with aerosol-generating procedures


Quality of evidence

Very low

Benefits or desired

Moderate (benefits
sometimes outweigh

Disadvantages or
undesired effects


There is indirect evidence available to show that

aerosol-generating procedures are associated
with an increased risk of infection and ventilation
may play a role.
Possibly reduced infection risk.

Reduces comfort level of occupants when hot,

humid, or cold.


May be low and high

Low cost if simple natural ventilation is used.

Can be higher if a hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation
system or high-tech natural ventilation is used.


Conditional to country

Natural ventilation is less feasible in extreme

climates (extreme cold, hot, noisy, polluted).

Overall ranking


Research gap

There is a need to determine the minimum ventilation requirements for natural

ventilation in terms of variable ventilation rate and airflow direction control for
aerosol-generating procedures.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Annex C Respiratory droplets

According to Wells (1955), the vehicle for airborne respiratory disease transmission is the
droplet nuclei, which are the dried-out residual of droplets possibly containing infectious


Droplet generation and sizes

The term droplet, as used in this context, consists mostly of water with various
inclusions, depending on how it is generated.
Naturally produced droplets from humans (e.g. droplets produced by breathing, talking,
sneezing, coughing) include various cells types (e.g. epithelial cells and cells of the
immune system), physiological electrolytes contained in mucous and saliva (e.g. Na+, K+,
Cl-), as well as, potentially, various infectious agents (e.g. bacteria, fungi and viruses).
With artificially generated droplets in a health-care setting (e.g. suction of respiratory
tract), the main constituent will also be sterile water, with various electrolytes
(e.g.normal or physiological saline, including Na+, Cl-) and often the molecules of a
drug (e.g. salbutamol for asthmatics).
Both these naturally and artificially generated droplets are likely to vary in both size and
content. Droplets >5m tend to remain trapped in the upper respiratory tract (oropharynx
nose and throat areas), whereas droplets 5m have the potential to be inhaled into the
lower respiratory tract (the bronchi and alveoli in the lungs).
Currently, the term droplet is often taken to refer to droplets >5m in diameter that fall
rapidly to the ground under gravity, and therefore are transmitted only over a limited
distance (e.g. 1m). In contrast, the term droplet nuclei refers to droplets 5m in
diameter that can remain suspended in air for significant periods of time, allowing them to
be transmitted over distances >1m (Stetzenbach, Buttner & Cruz, 2004; Wong & Leung,
2004). Other studies suggest slightly different definitions, with ranges for large droplets,
small droplets and droplet nuclei being >60m in diameter, 60m in diameter and
<10m in diameter, respectively (Tang et al., 2006; Xie et al., 2007). The concept is that
the naturally and artificially produced aerosols will contain a range of droplet sizes, whose
motion will depend significantly on various environmental factors, such as gravity, the
direction and strength of local airflows, temperature and relative humidity (which will
affect both the size and mass of the droplet due to evaporation).
There have been several studies on the number and size of droplets of saliva and other
secretions from respiratory activities (Jennison, 1942; Duguid, 1945; Hamburger &
Roberston, 1946; Loudon & Roberts, 1967; Papineni & Rosenthal, 1997; Fennelly et
al., 2004) and excellent reviews have been written (Nicas, Nazaroff & Hubbard, 2005;
Morawska, 2006). These studies and reviews note that the size of droplet nuclei due to
sneezing, coughing and talking is likely to be a function of the generation process and the
environmental conditions. The actual size distribution of droplets also depends on


parameters, such as the exhaled air velocity, the viscosity of the fluid and the flow path
(i.e.through the nose, the mouth or both) (Barker, Stevens & Bloomfield, 2001). There is
also a great individual variability (Papineni & Rosenthal, 1997; Fennelly et al., 2004).
Humans can produce respiratory aerosols (droplets) by several means, including breathing,
talking, coughing (FigureC.1, A), sneezing (FigureC.1, B) and even singing (Wong,
2003; Toth et al., 2004).



Source: Photographs reproduced with the kind permissions of (A) Prof Gary S Settles, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear
Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA; and (B) Prof Andrew Davidhazy, School of Photographic Arts and Sciences,
Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY, USA, respectively.

Figure C.1

(A) Schlieren image (visualization using light refraction

caused by differences in air density) of a human cough, and
(B) flash photo of a human sneeze

There is a natural physiological variation in the volume and composition of such aerosols
generated between individuals and even within the same individual during any of these
activities. An infection is likely to increase this variability, which itself may vary as the
host immune system starts responding to the infection over time. For example, a patient
with chickenpox will have no specific antibodies to the virus at the beginning of the
infection, making the viral load much higher and thus potentially more transmissible
during the acute, febrile, coughing, prodromal phase of the infection than later, when the
specific antibody response starts to develop.
Relatively few studies have characterized the number, size and content of droplets
generated by either natural or artificial means. Also, because of individual variation,
studies on naturally generated droplets may be of limited use, and will not necessarily be
relevant to so-called super-spreaders infected individuals who manage to infect many
others, generating many more secondary cases than is expected on average. This may be
due to a number of reasons, including a poor host immune response to controlling the
infection, concomitant diseases or other respiratory infections that increase the degree of
shedding of the infectious agent, and environmental factors favourable to the survival of
such agents (Bassetti, Bischoff & Sherertz, 2005).


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Published data have suggested that sneezing may produce as many as 40000droplets
between 0.512m in diameter (Cole & Cook, 1998; Tang et al., 2006) that may be
expelled at speeds up to 100m/s (Wells, 1955; Cole & Cook, 1998), whereas coughing
may produce up to 3000droplet nuclei, about the same number as talking for five minutes
(Cole & Cook, 1998; Fitzgerald & Haas, 2005; Tang et al., 2006). Despite the variety in
size, large droplets comprise most of the total volume of expelled respiratory droplets.
Further data on the behaviour of droplet dispersion in naturally generated aerosols are
Infectious aerosols are generated when they come into contact and mix with exhaled
air that may carry infectious agents from patients respiratory tracts. Several medical
procedures generate aerosols, and some of these procedures may be associated with an
increased risk of pathogen transmission. However, many of the most recent studies of
these procedures have significant methodological flaws that preclude the use of their
conclusions to draw recommendations. Overall, the risk associated with many of the
aerosol-generating procedures is not yet well defined, and understanding the aerobiology
of the aerosol-generating procedures may change with further studies. For the purpose
of this guideline, the term aerosol-generating procedure associated with a documented
increase in risk of pathogen transmission refers to the performance of the following
procedures in acute respiratory disease patients:

intubation and related procedures (e.g. manual ventilation, suctioning)

cardiopulmonary resuscitation


surgery and autopsy.


Droplet evaporation

In the classic study of airborne transmission, Wells (1934) was able to identify the
difference between disease transmission via large droplets and by airborne routes. Wells
found that, under normal air conditions, droplets smaller than 100m in diameter would
completely dry out before falling approximately 2m to the ground. This finding allowed
the establishment of the theory of droplets and droplet nuclei transmission depending
on the size of the infected droplet. The Wells evaporation-falling curve of droplets (see
FigureC.2) is important in understanding airborne transmission and transmission by large
droplets. Wells study also demonstrated that droplets could transform into droplet nuclei
by evaporation.

Annex C Respiratory droplets


Figure C.2


The Wells evaporation-falling curve of droplets

Movement of air

Droplet nuclei floating on the air may be carried by the movement of air. Entrainment of
air into neighbouring airspaces may occur during the most innocuous daily activities; for
example, as a result of people walking, or the opening of a door between a room and the
adjacent corridor or space (Hayden et al., 1998; Edge, Paterson & Settles, 2005; Tang et
al., 2005, 2006). In addition, the air temperature (and therefore air density) differences
across an open doorway will also cause air exchange to occur between the two areas,
providing a second mechanism to allow air into other areas (Tang et al., 2005, 2006) (see


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings



(A) Demonstration of how a walking person may entrain air into their wake (Tang et al., 2006).
(B)Demonstration of how opening a door may transport air from inside an isolation room to the outside,
during the door-opening motion itself (Tang et al., 2005). (C) Demonstration of how an open door can allow
air of different temperatures and densities to mix and exchange (Tang et al. 2005).

Figure C.3

Patterns of air exchange during daily activities

Even a patient simply sitting in or beside the bed will create air temperature differences
from their body heat. A higher air temperature directly above the patients head (or body,
if lying down) will create convective air currents that may entrain potentially infectious
air from neighbouring spaces into the higher temperature column rising air above the
patient (Craven & Settles, 2006). Patients lying in bed, breathing or sleeping, may produce
exhaled airflows that can reach the airspace of a patient in the neighbouring bed, and even
further in the presence of certain types of ventilation systems (see below) (Qian et al.,
2006). In the same way, other mechanical devices, including fans, televisions and medical
equipment, may also disturb nearby airflows and disseminate air from nearby patients to
the rest of the ward.

Annex C Respiratory droplets


Annex D Basic concept of

ventilation flow rate
The ventilation flow rate can be referred to as either an absolute ventilation flow rate in
l/s or m3/s, or an air-change rate relative to the volume of the space. In this guideline, the
ventilation rate is referred to as the absolute amount of inflow air per unit time (litre per
second or l/s, cubic meter per hour or m3/hr) and the air-change rate as the relative amount
of inflow air per unit time. For example, in an airborne infection isolation room, we need
a 12ACH air-change rate (CDC, 2005), while in an office, we need a 10l/s per person
ventilation rate.
The relationship between ventilation rate in l/s and air-change rate is:
Air-change rate = [ventilation rate (l/s) 3600 (s/hr)] 0.001 (m3/s)]/[room volume (m3)]

Ventilation rate (l/s) = air-change rate room volume (m3) 1000 (l/m3)/3600(s/hr) (C.2)
The effect of ventilation rate on indoor air quality may be seen from its impact on the
airborne pollutant concentration through examining the simple macroscopic governing
equation of ventilation in a single room.
Consider a fully mixed room meaning that the pollutant concentration is the same
everywhere in the room. When there is a pollutant source in the room, the governing
equation for the concentration can be written as:

= q (co c ) + Vpol


V = volume of space (m3)
c = concentration (% or kg/m3)
q = ventilation rate (m3/s)
co = supply air concentration (% or kg/m3)
dc = change in concentration
dt = change in time

V& pol = pollutant generation rate in the room (m3/s or kg/s).


Equation (C.3) is called the equation of ventilation, which shows the basic relationship
between concentration, ventilation rate, initial indoor concentration, outdoor concentration
and the pollutant generation rate. The general solution for equation (C.3) can be written as

c = (co + cG ) 1 e nt + c I e nt



cG =


= source concentration

cI = initial concentration at time t=0

n = air-change rate.
On the right-hand side of the solution (C.4), there are two parts. The first part shows how
the concentration approaches its steady-state solution, and the second part shows how the
initial concentration decays with time. When the time is sufficiently large, the second part
will diminish while the pollutant concentration approaches the steady-state solution

c = co +



The difference between the ventilation rate and air-change rate can be seen from the
solutions (C.4) and (C.5). In (C.5), the steady-state concentration of a pollutant is
determined by the pollutant generation rate and the ventilation rate (absolute ventilation
flow rate), but not the air-change rate. Therefore, for the purpose of controlling long-term
exposure to pollutants, we should specify the ventilation rate, not the air-change rate.
In (B.4), assuming we consider the situation of concentration decay without a constant
pollutant source (the first term=0), the decay rate is governed by the air-change rate, not
the ventilation rate. Therefore, for the purpose of reducing the pollutant concentration in a
short time after a sudden release of a pollutant, the air-change rate is the most appropriate.
The above solution (C.5) can be re-written as the following relationship for the indoor and
outdoor concentration of gaseous pollutants
Indoor concentration = Outdoor concentration +


Pollutant generation rate

Ventilation flow rate

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


This is a useful relationship. We can easily find that:

the higher the outdoor concentration, the higher the indoor concentration

the higher the ventilation rate, the lower the indoor concentration

the higher the generation rate, the higher the indoor concentration.

Equation (C.6) is derived from a simplified steady-state equation that ignores various
removal processes, such as deposition on surfaces, transformation by collision with other
particles, chemical processes and decay or loss of viability of organisms.
Ventilation systems can be classified according to:

their driving forces natural ventilation including infiltration, mechanical ventilation

and hybrid (mixed-mode) ventilation;

supply or exhaust supply only mechanical ventilation, exhaust-only ventilation,

balanced mechanical ventilation;

integration with air-conditioning systems fan coil and induction systems, constant
air volume systems, variable air volume systems, single air duct systems, dual air duct
systems; and

air distribution strategies mixing ventilation and displacement ventilation.

Annex D Basic concept of ventilation flow rate 85

Annex E Rationale for determining

the minimum ventilation
rate requirements
The rationale for determining the minimum ventilation rate requirements is based on two
main aspects.
First, we consider the effect of air-change rate on decay of droplet nuclei concentration.
TableE.1 shows the calculated pollutant concentration decay with different ventilation
rates in fully mixed isolation rooms, assuming the pollutant concentration in outdoor air is
0 and there is no source in the enclosed space according to the simple concentration decay
equation. The table shows that there is 7-fold dilution within 10minutes at 12air changes
per hour (ACH), 20-fold dilution within 10minutes at 18ACH and 54-fold dilution within
10minutes at 24ACH.
Table E.1

Decay of droplet nuclei concentration in an isolation room for

different ventilation rates and duration of time
Time (minutes)


ACH, air changes per hour.


Ventilation rate (ACH) (%)






Second, we use mathematical modelling of infection risk using the WellsRiley equation to
estimate the effect of ventilation rate on infection probability for known airborne diseases.
The WellsRiley equation was developed for predicting the probability of airborne disease
We can calculate the infection risk in an enclosed room with different ventilation rates and
quanta generations. The calculated results are shown in TableE.2 when we assume one
infector entering an enclosed room with a dimension of 6m6.7m2.7m over a period
of one hour. The cross-infection risk of airborne-transmitted diseases decreases when the
ventilation rate increases, especially for the low quanta-generation rate, while the actual
reported average quanta-generation rate of different airborne diseases is low.


The benefits of using higher ventilation rates are also obvious. In clinical situations,
where droplet nuclei are an important mode of disease transmission, the average quanta
production rates in clinical patients not undergoing aerosol-generating procedures is
usually <1quanta/minute, and between 46quanta/minute for bronchoscopy. With a
quanta production rate of 10quanta/minute, the estimated risk of infection with 15minutes
of exposure in a room with 12ACH is 4%, and with 24ACH is 2%, which illustrates the
importance of adequate ventilation.
Table E.2

Infection risk with 15 minutes exposure with different

ventilation rates and quanta generation for an infector entering
an enclosed space with a dimension 6m6.7m2.7m
Ventilation rate (air changes per hour) (%)

Quanta generation
















Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Annex F Natural ventilation

example I:
Hospital Nacional Dos de
Mayo, Lima, Peru
Note: Inclusion of the example hospitals in AnnexesFI does not
necessarily mean that this guideline considers the hospitals designs to be
effective. The examples are included because elements of their construction
are of interest when considering design that improves natural ventilation.
For an effective natural ventilation design, ventilation rates should be
measured over one year, under variable climate and operating conditions.
This has not been done in any of the examples included in these annexes.

F. 1

Description and history of the hospital

Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo is a government general hospital in Lima, Peru. It

was founded in 1538, and was Perus first hospital. In 1875, the hospital was moved to
its current location in Barrios Altos, near the historic centre of Lima. The hospital has
646beds, and offers services in all the major medical and surgical specialities, in addition
to paediatrics and obstetrics. There are approximately 14500inpatients attended annually,
240000outpatient consultations and 50000patients seen in the emergency department.
The hospital has 248doctors and 912other health-care workers. The hospital has a
nationally renowned infectious diseases and tropical medicine service. The respiratory
department inpatient wards are located upstairs above this service, and include beds for
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). These buildings for infectious disease and tropical
medicine were built in the 1950s at the northern end of the hospital, specifically for the
isolation of TB patients, following many of the design principles of European TB sanatoria
(see FigureF.1).

(A) The Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo. (B) View of the building housing the infectious

disease service

Figure F.1

Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo


F. 2

Principal architectural styles in the hospital

Many of the buildings that form the current hospital date from its inauguration in 1875,
and exhibit the characteristics of Spanish colonial architecture. These include high ceilings
(generally 4.2m or higher), large windows, and skylights for light and ventilation. The
general medical and surgical wards large Nightingale wards of 40beds are situated
around a central garden where patients and staff can relax outside. The building housing
the infectious diseases and respiratory wards, named Santa Rosa after the patron saint of
Lima, is a two-storey building with high ceilings, large windows and balconies for TB
patients to take the air (see FigureF.2). Part of the ground floor has been converted into
mechanically ventilated negative-pressure isolation rooms for TB-HIV patients.
Substantial additions were made to the hospital in 1971 using modern building design and
construction. These additions include the emergency department, paediatric and surgical
departments, and laboratory and X-ray services. These buildings generally have small
windows and low ceilings (approximately 2.9m high).

F. 3

Natural ventilation in wards built pre-1950

Ventilation was measured using a carbon dioxide tracer gas technique. The air changes per
hour (ACH) quoted in TableF.1 are for the configuration of all windows and doors open,
unless otherwise stated.
The respiratory wards are located on the first floor, well exposed to prevailing winds. Lima
is situated on the coast, and winds come from the south-west off the Pacific Ocean. The
general respiratory ward has 18widely spaced beds, and room area of 166m2. The room
has excellent cross-ventilation, with windows on the two long walls, and has four double
Table F.1


Ward data and measured air changes per hour

Floor area (m2)

Ceiling height (m)
Total window
area (m2)
Openable window
area (m2)
Area of doors
Mean ACH


TB ward









16.6 (n=4)

9.2 (n=2)

3.8 (n = 1)

2.0 (n=1)


25 (n=26)

29 (n=15)

33 (n=42)

49 (n=7)

51 (n=7)






ACH, air changes per hour; MDR, multidrug resistant; TB, tuberculosis.
Note: The climatic conditions at the time of the measurement of ventilation rate were not available; therefore, the measured air
change rates here are only indicative and short-term snapshots. The accuracy of the measured ACH is not known.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

(A) Floor plan of the respiratory wards

(B) General respiratory ward

(C) Drug-susceptible TB ward


(D) MDR-TB ward

(E) Location of the MDR-TB ward

MDR, multidrug resistant.

Figure F.2

Floor plan and photos of different wards in Hospital Nacional

Dos de Mayo

Annex F Natural ventilation example I: Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, Lima, Peru 91

The drug-susceptible TB ward has four beds, and is well ventilated due to the high ratio of
window or door area to room volume, despite the ward being on the side of the building
that is protected from prevailing winds. The faade of this room is seen on the first floor in
The multidrug-resistant TB ward is adjacent to the drug-susceptible TB ward. Although
still on the lee side of the building, it has better exposure to the prevailing winds. This
ward has three beds for multidrug-resistant TB patients. Smoke testing consistently
demonstrated airflow in through the door and out through the windows.
The isolation room is located off the main general respiratory ward (see FigureF.2, A).
The door connects with the general respiratory ward, and three windows open to the
outside. With the door closed, mean 23ACH were measured with the three windows fully
open (n=3). Opening the door as well permitted cross-ventilation, and mean 49ACH
(n= 7) were measured. Smoke testing consistently demonstrated direction of airflow from
the main ward, into the isolation room, and out the windows.
The procedures room (not shown) is currently disused owing to structural damage to this
wing of the building. It is hexagonal in shape and has large windows on five sides, and
large doors on the remaining wall for cross-ventilation. The room is also situated on the
side of the building sheltered from the wind. Multiple measurements of ventilation were
made with increasing numbers of windows and/or doors open.

F. 4

Improvements to natural ventilation made

through simple modifications

An example is given here to improve natural ventilation in a general outpatient waiting

room (see FigureF.3). To measure the impact of the interventions, ACH were measured
first in the original configuration (skylight re-sealed with plastic sheeting, removed panes
of glass covered with plastic sheeting), following which the plastic sheeting was removed
to measure ACH in the new configuration.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings



(A) Photo of the general outpatient waiting room. (B) The ventilation rate increased from a mean of 6.5ACH
to 15ACH with the opening of skylights in the general outpatient waiting room.

Figure F.3

Improving natural ventilation in the outpatient waiting room

of the Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo

The waiting area for general outpatients (including most medical specialties, surgery and
psychiatry) is located in the large hall shown in the photograph. The consulting rooms lead
off from both sides of this waiting hall. A front entrance leads out to the street, and doors
at either end lead to other parts of the hospital, as seen in FigureF.4. Up to 300patients
share this room during consulting hours in the mornings and afternoons.

Figure F.4

Floor plan showing the waiting hall and consulting rooms

Annex F Natural ventilation example I: Hospital Nacional Dos de Mayo, Lima, Peru 93

The roof of the outpatient waiting room originally had four sealed glass sections, two
measuring 14m 2.4m, the other two measuring 5m 2.4m. These were raised on
one-metre stilts to allow air to enter the waiting room through the roof. Ventilation was
considerably improved with this simple intervention that cost approximately US$1000.
Ventilation was originally a mean of 5.5ACH with windows and doors open, which
increased to a mean of 15ACH with the opening of the skylights (n=4).
Readers are reminded that the purpose of these examples is to provide case studies of
naturally ventilated hospitals for infection control. Some of the infection-control design
features in these examples (e.g. multi-bed wards, lack of alcohol-based hand sanitizers in
the photos) mean that these examples may not be ideal.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Annex G Natural ventilation

example II: Grantham
Hong Kong SAR, China

Description and history of the hospital

The tuberculosis (TB) wards in the Grantham Hospital are located on the seventh floor.
Natural ventilation has been used in the TB wards since the hospital was built in 1957, and
no central air-conditioning systems have been installed, although ceiling fans are used in
summer (see Figures G.1 and G.2). The windows and doors are kept open all the time. The
following is a description of the hospital in 1957:
In designing a tuberculosis hospital airiness and spaciousness are a prime necessity,
and it is for this reason that the main hospital building takes the form of a thin vertical
slab and is kept well away from the administration building, so that there will be the
maximum of through ventilation. It is oriented to catch the summer breezes, while
being sheltered by the hills to the north from the cold winds in winter. It faces just
east of south to give better shelter from the summer sun.

Figure G.1

Open wards and windows in the tuberculosis ward in

Grantham Hospital


Figure G.2


A ceiling fan for summer cooling and a radiator for winter


Measuring natural ventilation rates

Two measurements of natural ventilation rates were taken on 910November 2005 and
28August 2008. During each measurement, four TB wards were vacated and simple
thermal manikins were moved in to simulate thermal buoyancy flows of the inpatients. The
heat generation of each thermal manikin was about 76watts (W) corresponding to an adult
at rest.
The decay method was used to measure the air-change rate. A tracer gas, sulfur
hexafluoride (SF6), was injected continually into the ward until its concentration become
steady, then injection was stopped and the concentration decay measured. Two electrical
fans were used to mix the air in the ward during the measurement. The injection of SF6
was controlled by multi-gas sampler and doser type 1303 and the concentration of SF6 was
measured by the single-gas monitor 3425. Due to the difficulties in ensuring good mixing
in the test room, the tracer gas decay was measured at two points in the room for each
measurement, allowing two ventilation rates to be obtained. The ventilation rate for the
ward is reported as the mean value.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


Measured ventilation rates

Ventilation rates were measured in different situations, including when doors and windows
were closed or open, and when the exhaust fans were turned on or off. In total, 20tests
were taken (see TableG.1, below).
The measured ventilation rate increased as the opening area of windows and doors
increased. The mean measured ventilation rate was highest when all openings were fully
open. When all openings were closed in the ward, the measured ventilation rate due
to infiltration was only 0.71 in Test15. When the openings connected to the corridor
were fully open, the window to the outdoor was closed and exhaust fans were off, the
ventilation rate was 8.7air changes per hour (ACH) (Test14).
The occurrence of a high ventilation rate depends on wind direction, wind speed and
whether the two ventilation openings align with the prevailing wind direction. This
explains the difference in measured ventilation rates in Tests4 and 17 in the same
ward; see FigureG.3. FigureG.3 shows the measured temperature, wind speed and
direction from Hong Kong observatory during tests. Test4 was done at 15:19 to 15:30
on 9November 2005, when the wind speed and wind direction were 3.6m/s and 150
respectively at 15:00, and 2.4m/s and 170 respectively at 16:00. Test17 was done at
17:42 to 18:04 on 28August 2006, when the wind speed and direction were 4.1m/s and
100 respectively at 17:00, and 4.8m/s and 90 at 18:00. Despite the much higher wind
speed during Test17 compared with Test4, the measured ventilation rate of Test17
(18.5ACH) was much lower than that of Test4 (42.2ACH). This was because of the wind
direction. The angle between the wind direction and the tables and windows of Test17
were less than 10, while the angle of Test4 was almost 75. The effective wind speed
flow to the windows was 3.0sin(75) = 2.9m/s for Test4, while the effective wind
speed was less than 4.5sin(10) = 0.78m/s. The results indicate the significance of wind
speed and wind direction to the ventilation rate.

Annex G Natural ventilation example II: Grantham Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China 97

Table G.1




9 Nov


10 Nov

11 b

28 Aug

Measured ventilation rates in tuberculosis wards

/doors to
(% open)

Door to
(% open)


Room type


Cubicle 4;




2 beds
2 beds
2 beds
2 beds


Cubicle 0;




2 beds
2 beds
2 beds


Cubicle 7;




5 beds
5 beds
5 beds
5 beds


Cubicle 4;




2 beds
2 beds
2 beds
2 beds
2 beds
2 beds



Cubicle 7;



ACH, air changes per hour.

The window air-conditioner was on in the ward during the experiment.
Tests 8 and 11: the ventilation rates were so high that the sampled data were inadequate.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings


2 beds
2 beds
2 beds


Nov 06,2005

Nov 07,2005

Nov 09,2005

Nov 10,2005


Aug 28,2006














20 10


20 10


20 10


20 10


Wind direction(o)

Speed (m/s)


Wind speed
Wind direction


Time (hours)

Figure G.3

Ambient air temperature, wind speed and wind direction

measured by the Hong Kong Observatory at Wong Chuk Hang
weather station, close to the Grantham Hospital

The results show that it is important to recognize the large dependence of ventilation
rate and flow direction on wind speed and direction. Building designers should identify
the dominant or average conditions and create a design to address them. This guideline
is intended to be used in a wide range of climates and under a wide range of economic
circumstances, as well as in an unlimited range of sites with varying topographic
characteristics and other variable conditions. It is important that building designers, facility
managers and people who control the openings into and out of critical spaces, potentially
containing infectious agents, take these parameters into account.

Annex G Natural ventilation example II: Grantham Hospital, Hong Kong SAR, China 99

Annex H Natural ventilation

e x a m p l e I I I : Tu b e r c u l o s i s
C o n t r o l U n i t , Ta n To c k
Seng Hospital, Singapore
The Tuberculosis Control Unit (TBCU) outpatient services comprise the Diagnostic Clinic
where TB patients are evaluated and treated, and the Contact Clinic where TB contacts are
screened and managed. The 20-bed TBCU ward (see FigureH.1) houses inpatients who
are mostly long stayers with poor social or family support, and those under legal order
for inpatient directly observed therapy. The ward is staffed by two to four nurses, and one
health-care attendant per rotating shift (three shifts in 24hours). The medical and nursing
staff do not normally wear masks in the ward.

Figure H.1

Two views of the single-storey tuberculosis inpatient ward;

the perimeters are free from obstruction, allowing natural
ventilation throughout the year

The building has a long, sloping roof that overhangs the windows on each side; these
windows are slatted and kept open. There are multiple axes for wind-driven airflow to
ventilate the ward naturally. There are also numerous ceiling fans for cooling. The male
and female patient areas are separate, with the health-care workers workstation located in
between (see FigureH.2).
At any time, the ward has an occupancy rate of about 80%. The beds are spaced
approximately 1.35m apart, but patients are free to walk around the ward and to sit
outside where there is a large, covered entrance area. The staff office area (not shown) is
situated at the far end of the ward, opposite the main entrance and is separated from the
main ward by incomplete partitions rather than doors. The back door can be opened to
assist the flow of air along the length of the ward, and the slatted glass windows allow a
cross-flow across the ward (see FigureH.3).


Figure H.2

Floor plan of tuberculosis unit inpatient ward



(A) The side walls are of partial height so that there is a large gap between the top of the wall and the
ceiling. (B) Ventilation is improved by the high ceiling and multiple ceiling fans.

Figure H.3


Inside the tuberculosis inpatient ward

Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

Natural ventilation has been used in the Singapore TBCU for more than 50years. Despite
being situated near the downtown area of a modern, crowded island city, the environment
is open, spacious and pleasant for the patients. The wind-assisted ventilation in both
the outpatient clinic and inpatient ward allows for air exchange throughout potentially
infectious patient areas, to maintain a healthier environment for both staff and patients.
No measured ventilation data are available for this facility.

Annex H Natural ventilation example III: Tuberculosis Control Unit, Singapore


Annex I Natural ventilation

e x a m p l e I V: I O M I s o l a t i o n
Damak, Nepal
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Holding Centre in Damak provides
accommodation for migrants while they are undergoing IOM processing and health
screening. The isolation units adjacent to the centre provide capacity to isolate any people
who test positive for, or show signs of, infectious disease.
Both the compound (FigureI.1) and the individual buildings (FigureI.2) are designed to
provide a secure and safe environment for those isolated and for those necessarily coming
into contact with infected people through health-care treatment or otherwise. The design of
the isolation units is expected to provide safe conditions for occupants in terms of the risk
of airborne infection transmission, particularly for migrants who have been diagnosed with
an infectious disease.

Figure I.1

The IOM Holding Centre in Damak

Figure I.2

Individual isolation unit (left), and the gap between the

vertical wall and the roof for natural ventilation (right)


The units have three windows and a large, 0.8-m gap between the upper part of the wall
and the eaves. There is a rotating whirlybird on the roof apex intended to increase
ventilation rates and ensure an upwards movement of air. However, this has not been
The units are designed for single occupancy and include a built-in shower. There are
communal latrines in the compound.
The overall design is intended to maximize natural ventilation by providing a constant
updraft with the intended airflow direction through the windows, to exit at the eaves and
through the whirlybird.
The units are easy to build and could be built anywhere out of a range of locally available
materials. Although the roof design provides all-year-round ventilation, it may also allow
heavy rain to enter the unit via the gap between the wall and the roof.
The overhang of the roof should be increased to up to 1000mm (from 450mm) to let
patients keep windows open during the rainy season, minimizing the penetration of heavy
rain through the gap beneath the roof.
The IOM Construction Officer responsible for the design of these units intends to attach a
polypropylene skirt of approximately one-metre depth around the roof edge. This will keep
out slanting rain while not affecting greatly the ventilation of the building.
Given the substantial natural ventilation that large windows could provide (the existing
windows seem to be too small), the whirlybird and the opening in the apex of the roof may
not be necessary.
The limited area of this compound means that the nine units are relatively close to each
other. Greater space between the units (achieved through a slightly larger compound)
would help to create more air movement and therefore air exchange between the units.
This may decrease the risk of any airborne infection between the units.


Natural Ventilation for Infection Control in Health-Care Settings

This document is the product of collaboration between WHO Water Sanitation and Health (WSH) and
WHO Biorisk Reduction for Dangerous Pathogens (BDP), whose websites appear below:

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