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Date: 11th of May
Teacher: Daniela Oelariu
Grade: 8th
Textbook: Enterprise 3, Express Publishing
Type of lesson: assessment of knowledge and skills (testing)
Unit: 9 12 In the Land of the Pyramids- Reported Speech; Citizens of 2050- verbal tenses and time
adverbials; Narrow Escapes- giving advice
Number of students: 26
Skills: reading, writing
Teaching techniques: conversation, explanation, individual work
Aids: worksheets, chalk, blackboard
Time allotted: 50 minutes
Lesson aims:
Teacher checks if the students are able to:
O1 choose the right tense of the verb as required by the given situation
O2 identify the wrong word in the sentence and correct it
O3 turn the sentences into Reported Speech, by following the rules of grammar
O4 write a letter of advice according to the task required in which will be assessed: structure, content,
adequate vocabulary, linking words, accuracy.
Evans, Virginia; Dooley, Jenny Enterprise 3 coursebook, Express Publishing, 2001
Evans, Virginia; Dooley, Jenny Enterprise Grammar 3, Express Publishing, 2009
Vizental, Adriana Metodica predrii limbii engleze, Ed. Polirom, Bucureti 2007
ACTIVITY 1: Warm up
Procedure: Teacher greets the students. The student on duty informs the teacher on the absentees. Teacher
marks the absences in the register, and then creates the proper atmosphere for the tasks that follow, by chatting
with the students about the issues they had to revise for the announced test paper: verbal tenses, changes from
Direct Speech to Reported Speech, giving advice.
Estimated time: 2 minutes
Interaction: teacher students
ACTIVITY 2: Communication of the aim of testing
Procedure: teacher gives the tests to the SS and explains the aims of the test: to evaluate and consolidate their
knowledge and skills. Teacher also explains the task of each item.
SS listen to the Ts explanations.
Estimated time: 2 minutes
Interaction: teacher students

ACTIVITY 3: Testing
Procedure: SS solve the exercises individually, in complete order. Teacher monitors their work, responding
with a suitable explanation to any demand of the students.
Timing: 45 minutes
Interaction: individual work
ACTIVITY 4: Homework, Appreciation, Greetings
Teacher collects all the worksheets and congratulates the SS.
Teacher announces the homework for the next time: ex. 6, ex. 8 and ex. 10 page 57
Timing: 2 minutes
Interaction: teacher students

the 11th of May

Name ..
I. Choose the correct item:

5 items x 0,40 = 2p

1. Susie was watering the plants while her mother an apple pie.
a) was making b) has been making c) had made
2. How long ago .. working for this company?
a) have you started b) did you start c) had you started
3. They for a table for an hour before they finally got seated.
a) were waiting b) have been waiting c) had been waiting
4. Why are you so tired?
I .. basketball with my friends.
a) have been playing b) was playing
c) had been playing
5. My deskmate .. my pen without asking me first.
a) always takes b) is always taking c) always is taking

II. Cross out the unnecessary word:

5 items x 0,40 = 2p

1. I started working here before five years ago.

2. Having an operation was being the worst experience of my life.
3. Thats the man whose his wallet was stolen.
4. I felt tired so I had decided to go to bed early.
5. Mrs. Parker who is my Science teacher.

III. Turn the following into reported speech:

5 items x 0,40 = 2p

1. I dont want to go to school today, Sammy said to his mother.

2. Tommy hasnt finished eating his dinner, Lucy told Roy.

3. My mother can look after the children next week, Sue said to her neighbour.

4. Is this exercise too difficult for you? he asked me.

5. Dont drink too much coffee! she told him.


IV. Sarah finds learning foreign languages too difficult. What 2 solutions do you think might help her?
Write a letter of advice to her, explaining how she could work this out (100-150 words).
structure, content, adequate vocabulary, linking words, language accuracy
5 x 0,60 = 3p
Overall total
9points + 1initial point = 10points

Date: 11th of May
Teacher: Daniela Oelariu
Grade: 5th
Textbook: Welcome 3, Express Publishing
Type of lesson: mixed
Unit: 7 Shall I make the biscuits?
Number of students: 29
Time allotted: 50 minutes
Lesson aim: to enable students to identify actions in progress through speaking and listening activities that
simulate real life situations, thus encouraging them to use the verbal tenses properly
Objectives by the end of the lesson students will be able to:
O1 fill in with the correct word, number the pictures or tick the right answer
O2 read and sort out the needed information in order to choose the right variant
O3 talk about progressive actions, planned actions by using properly Present Continuous
O4 ask questions and give answers, using Present Continuous
O5 write a letter of invitation to a friend according to a given sample
Skills covered: listening, reading, speaking, writing
Language focus: expressing progressive actions and making offers
Vocabulary: food & drink, plans and preparations
Grammar structures: there is/ there are; How many/ How much?
Teaching techniques: conversation, explanation, individual work, pair work, controlled role-play
Aids: textbook, students notebooks, pictures, chalk, blackboard, CD
Gray, Elizabeth; Evans Virginia Welcome 3, pupils book, Express Publishing 2001
Gray, Elizabeth; Evans Virginia The Welcome Weekly booklet
Vizental, Adriana Metodica predrii limbii engleze, Ed. Polirom, Bucureti 2007

Activity 1: Warm up
Aim of the activity: to create the proper English class atmosphere for the students
Procedure: Teacher greets the students and marks the absentees in the register. Then, everybody sings a song of
the famous band The Beatles, as students have recently worked on a project about British pop-rock bands.
Estimated time
T class

2 min.

Activity 2: Lead in
Aim of the activity: to prepare students to acquire new vocabulary and distinguish between habits/ routines, on
the one hand, and progressive actions, on the other hand
Procedure: Teacher asks SS personal questions: Do you like parties? Why? What about celebrations? Do you
usually help your mum in the kitchen on this occasion? What about this weekend? Are you helping her? Do you
usually go shopping on this occasion? If your parents are going shopping this afternoon, are you going with
them? What are you eating today when you get home?
T class

Estimated time
2 min.

Activity 3: introduction of vocabulary - listening/ reading

Aim of the activity: to provide students meaningful situations for the new vocabulary
Procedure: Students listen to the words as they are pronounced on the CD and repeat each word. Then, they
listen the dialogue of the well-known, to them, characters Oscar, Lia and Carmen and, while listening, they
fill in with the right answer.
T class
Individual work

Estimated time
5 min.

Activity 4: role play making offers, talking about plans

Aim of the activity: to develop speaking and communicative skills
Procedure: Students choose a partner to talk about future planned-actions, using the prompts given (ex.5).
Shall I cook lunch?
No, its OK. Im cooking lunch.
In order to consolidate their skill of distinguishing between progressive actions and future planned actions,
teacher shows the SS pairs of pictures and asks them:
What are they doing now?
SS: They are riding the bike.
What about tomorrow? What are doing tomorrow?
SS: They are playing football
T class

Estimated time
5 min.

Activity 5: listening ordering exercise

Aim of the activity: to develop receptive skills and controlled production
Procedure: Teacher explains the task (ex.6) and plays the CD. SS listen and number the pictures in the order
they hear. Then, T checks the answers and asks the students to make questions and give answers according to
what they see in the pictures.
Estimated time
T class
Individual work
pair work

5 min.

Activity 6: writing
Aim of the activity: to practise use of Present Continuous
Procedure: Teacher explains the task (ex.7) to the SS, using two partners as a model. SS start filling in with
questions and answers, using the correct verbal form, in the Present Progressive.
Estimated time
T class
Individual work

2 min.

Activity 7: activate previous acquirements some, any, a lot of, no

Aim of the activity: to revise and practise grammar
Procedure: Teacher draws a table on the board with two rubrics countable and uncountable nouns and asks the
students to write the quantifier in the correct rubric. After reminding the SS the rules, teacher explains the tasks
to the students (ex. 8, 9, 10) and allows them in proper time to fulfill all the tasks required. SS read, put a tick or
a cross in the circle, make up 3 sentences, choose the right item and circle the odd one out: a carton of milk/
yogurt/ chicken ..
Estimated time
T class
Individual work

8 min.

Activity 8: role-play speaking, listening

Aim of the activity: to motivate students to get involved in real-life situations, so that they may improve their
Procedure: Teachers plays the CD, SS listen to the conversation. Then they play the role of the shop-assistant
and the customer, asking questions and giving answers with the prompts given ex.11 (they also use pictures of
the given products). Then, they underline the right word according to what they hear in the story.
T class
Pair work
Individual work

Estimated time
10 min.

Activity 9: reading comprehension

Aim of the activity: to help SS to discover by themselves the structure of a letter of invitation
Procedure: Teacher explains the task to the children (ex. 13) drawing their attention to the information in the
letter, which is, in fact, the answer to the questions given below. Students read individually and write the
answers. After the SS have completed this task, teacher starts a short conversation in order to help students
discover the structure and the content of a letter of invitation. Then, T and SS write the plan of the letter.
Teacher asks SS:
What is the opening remark of the letter?
What does the author of the letter mention in
the first paragraph?
Which is the key word in the second
How does the letter end?

Expected answers:
Dear Andrew, as it is sent to a friend
Name and the date of the celebration. Then the
author makes the invitation (reason for writing)
Preparing describes all the preparations
for the party
Asking for an answer in a very friendly way

T class
Individual work

Estimated time
10 min.

Activity 10: homework assignment

Write a letter to invite a friend to a fancy dress party. Start like this .
Teacher marks the students that were very active during the class, praise them all and greets them good-bye.
T class

Estimated time
1 min.

Date: 11th of May
Teacher: Daniela Oelariu
Grade: 7th
Textbook: Enterprise 2, Express Publishing
Type of lesson: mixed
Unit: 7 Profiles, Working with the Sick
Number of students: 16
Time allotted: 50 minutes
Lesson aim: to involve students in activities meant to stimulate and improve their skills in English language, so
that they could be more confident and willing to use their knowledge.
Objectives by the end of the lesson students will be able to:
O1 practise scanning and silent reading for specific information
O2 demonstrate the level of text comprehension
O3 express ideas freely on the given topics
O4 use correctly Present Perfect Simple for personal experiences
O5 make the profile of a person they admire
Skills covered: listening, reading, speaking, writing
Language focus: asking for & giving information
Vocabulary: health/ illnesses/ accidents/ experiences
Grammar structures: Present perfect Simple
Teaching techniques: conversation, explanation, individual work, pair work, didactic game, group work,
didactic demonstration, Socratic dialogue
Aids: textbook, students notebooks, pictures, chalk, blackboard, CD, carpet
Gray, Elizabeth; Evans Virginia Enterprise 2, pupils book, Express Publishing 2001

Evans, Virginia; Dooley, Jenny Enterprise Grammar 3, Express Publishing, 2009

Vizental, Adriana Metodica predrii limbii engleze, Ed. Polirom, Bucureti 2007
Activity 1: Warm up
Aim of the activity: to motivate students getting involve in classroom activities
Procedure: Teacher greets the students and marks the absentees in the register. Teacher introduces the topic by
brainstorming information about famous people who have changed the world:
Is it important to you to do something for your fellows? To help the others when they need? Why? Can you
name some famous people who have done this?
T class

Estimated time
5 min.

Activity 2: Lead-in
Aim of the activity: to prepare students to acquire new vocabulary and personalize the topic of the lesson
Procedure: Teacher explains the SS the first task, dual choice (ex.1). SS read individually and underline the
correct word in bold. Teacher prepares the context for the next task by addressing directly to the SS:
Where should you go if you have these problems .. to a hospital, your GP, a dentist , or a chemist?
SS are expected to answer according to the given example, by using first conditional and the modal should for
expressing advice: If you have a headache, you should go to a chemist .
T class
Individual work

Estimated time
4 min.

Activity 3: reading comprehension and listening focus

Aim of the activity: to practise scanning and silent reading for specific information
Procedure: Teacher asks the SS to read the statements from ex.2 and explains the task. Then, plays the CD,
while students mark the statements true or false. After a quick check, teacher allows SS for 2 min. to scan the
text and select the right answer for the given questions. SS complete the task, and then they work in pairs: a
student asks the questions and his chosen partner gives the answer:
Where has Dianne Grey been working for the last eight months?
She has been working in Angola.
T class
Individual work
Pair work

Estimated time
7 min.

Activity 4: speaking focus

Aim of the activity: to enhance language comprehension by re-defining selected vocabulary items
Procedure: Teacher elicits explanations from the SS for the words in bold (ex. 3). They work in pairs, noting
down their answers in their copybooks. Teacher writes on the board.
Expected answers: organisation a group of people who joined together for a purpose, an association
career ahead a good job to work for in the future
equipment all things that are needed for an activity
armies large groups of soldiers trained to fight
training local people teaching people living there to become health care workers
meaningful experience an important moment in her life
T class

Estimated time
3 min.

Activity 4: language development

Aim of the activity: to reinforce and practise the selected vocabulary items
Procedure: SS are asked to fill in the correct words from the list, then work in groups of three to make
sentences using the completed phrases (ex. 4). Teacher monitors SSs work. Another fill in exercise offers SS
the opportunity to re-use selected vocabulary items (fighting, organisation, training, GP). Students work

individually. The last fill-in exercise requires from the SS to fill in with the correct preposition, then make
sentences using the completed phrases. Students work in the same groups of three.
Expected answers: in the area: A new supermarket opened in the area a few days ago.
at first: At first, she didnt know the whole story.
Estimated time
T class

10 min.

Activity 5: introducing Present Perfect Simple

Aim of the activity: to provide a meaningful situation for SS to practise Present Perfect Simple through a
speaking activity
Procedure: Teacher writes on the board Dianne Grays words underlining the verb in the Present Perfect
Simple:I have never felt so useful before. Then elicits answers to the following questions:
Expected answers
What does she refer to?
Her meaningful experience.
When has she experienced that?
Recently, in the last eight months.
Has this experience influenced her?
Yes, she has felt great helping people.
Whats the result of this influence on her?
She will be leaving for Angola again next month.
After writing all the questions and their answers on the board, teacher concludes: the verbal tense in the
sentence refers to a past personal experience, but expressed at present, because the speaker feels the same now
or the situation hasnt changed so far. Can you make similar examples from your own experience?
SS come to the board and write similar sentences using Present Perfect Simple for experiences.
T class

Estimated time
10 min.

Activity 6: didactic game Magic carpet

Aim of the activity: to enlarge students knowledge field by providing them further information on the topic
Procedure: Teacher asks the SS to sit on the carpet, placed in the middle of the classroom. Then, puts on the
carpet seven cards, face down, so that SS cant see the image. SS are asked to pick up a card, reverse it and
describe what they see. The name of the person in the picture is covered, so the student is indicated to uncover
both the name and the information below and read it loud. Thus, in turn, famous campaigners are presented:
Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Wangari Maathai, Ai Weiwei, Ilie Ilascu, Marina Pisklakova-Parker, Elie Wiesel.

Estimated time

T class
Group work

10 min.

Activity 7: homework assignment

Make the profile of a person you admire, writing about how she distinguished herself in helping the others. You
can use quotations and pictures.
Teacher marks the students that were very active during the class, praise them all and greets them good-bye.
T class

Estimated time
1 min.

Date: 11th of May
Teacher: Daniela Oelariu
Grade: 4th
Textbook: Welcome 2, Express Publishing
Type of lesson: mixed
Unit: 9 Ive got a sore throat
Number of students: 18
Time allotted: 45 minutes
Lesson aim: to provide variety of interaction in order to help students express themselves freely
Objectives by the end of the lesson students will be able to:
O1 pronounce the new vocabulary items accurately
O2 use the new vocabulary items in proper contexts
O3 ask for and give advice using should/ shouldnt
O4 match the pictures with the sentences
O5 apply the new vocabulary items to given situations
Skills covered: listening, reading, speaking, writing
Language focus: asking for & giving advice
Vocabulary: health/ illnesses
Grammar structures: should/ shouldnt
Teaching techniques: conversation, explanation, individual work, group work, miming
Aids: textbook, students notebooks, flashcards, chalk, blackboard, CD, worksheets
Gray, Elizabeth; Evans Virginia Enterprise 2, pupils book, Express Publishing 2001
Vizental, Adriana Metodica predrii limbii engleze, Ed. Polirom, Bucureti 2007
Activity 1: Warm up
Aim of the activity: to motivate students getting involved in classroom activities
Procedure: Teacher greets the students and marks the absentees in the register. Teacher reminds the SS of the
previous lesson about animals and proposes them to start the English class with a famous funny song, Old
MacDonalds Farm.SS sing and imitate various animals.
T class

Estimated time
2 min.

Activity 2: checking of previous knowledge

Aim of the activity: to revise the use of short adjectives in the comparative form

Procedure: Teacher writes on the board two columns of words naming animals, and, in between, a column of
adjectives. Then asks SS to come to the board and put the adjective in the comparative form so that they can
make a sentence, comparing two animals.
The giraffeis. tallerthan.the zebra.
The elephant. bigthe hippo.
The pig .. fat the dog.
The cheetah fast ..the cat.
The mouse ..small the rabbit.
The whaleheavy the dolphin.
The snake ..long the lizard.
T class

Estimated time
5 min.

Activity 3: lead in; formulation of the new topic

Aim of the activity: to introduce new vocabulary by associating the items with the pictures
Procedure: Teachers pretends to be sick and mimes a cold by coughing; then a headache and a toothache. Each
time SS have to guess what the matter is. After creating this moment of inference, teacher announces the new
topic Ive got a sore throat; Well talk about different symptoms when feeling sick. Teacher writes the title
on the board then asks the students to look at the pictures and say what they see: a boy who has a sore throat, a
boy who coughs, a boy who has a headache, a boy who has a toothache, a boy who has a stomachache and a
man who has a cold.
T class

Estimated time
3 min.

Activity 4: listening focus/ reading

Aim of the activity: to provide the SS correct pronunciation and practice of the new vocabulary items
Procedure: Teacher plays the CD. SS listen and repeat the words, then, at the second listening, they choose the
right variant. SS read the lesson by taking roles.
T class
Individual work

Estimated time
8 min.

Activity 5: expressing positive and negative advice

Aim of activity: to present should/ shouldnt in a specific context
Procedure: Teacher draws students attention to the grammar box and gives an example of using the structures
should/ shouldnt by responding to the students complaints (ex. 4), oral drill.
I feel terrible! Ive got a sore throat!
You should drink a cup of hot tea!
I feel terrible! Ive got a headache!
You should take an aspirin!
I feel terrible! Ive got a cough!
You shouldnt eat ice-cream!
I feel terrible! Ive got a stomachache!
You shouldnt eat too much chocolate!
I feel terrible! Ive got a toothache!
You should go to the dentist!
I feel terrible! Ive got a cold!
You should stay in bed!


Estimated time

T class
Pair work

2 min.

Activity 6: grammar practice listening, speaking

Aim of the activity: to give SS the opportunity to assimilate the modal should/ shouldnt by means of controlled
written practice and speaking activities
Procedure: Teacher explains the task to the SS, then plays the CD while SS put a tick or a cross in the box (ex.
5). After that, they write in their copybooks sentences expressing positive and negative advice, in accordance
with the dialogue they have just heard. Moving to the next exercise, teacher explains the task: match the pictures
to the pieces of advice expressed below (ex. 6). Students fulfill the task individually on their books.
Starting from a given model (ex.7) students act out short dialogues:
Q: Whats the matter?
A: Ive got a sore throat!
You should take an aspirin, then!
T class

Estimated time
8 min.

Activity 7: game What can I do?

Aim: to give the SS the opportunity to demonstrate comprehension of the new vocabulary
Procedure: Teacher divides the class into 4 groups. Each group receives 4 pairs of flashcards. Teacher explains
the task: they have to match the images with the words.

Estimated time

T class
Group work

2 min.

Activity 8: individual practice - worksheets

Aim of the activity: to provide SS with a suitable context to reinforce and practise should/ shouldnt
Procedure: Teacher hands out a worksheet to each student and explains the task of the first exercise. SS are
given 2 min. to solve it individually. Meanwhile teacher monitors their activity. For 1 min. teacher checks the
exercise with the whole class. This action is to be taken for each item in turn.
T class
Individual work

Estimated time
14 min.

Activity 9: homework assignment

Give advice for the situations that are given in your worksheet.
Teacher marks the students that were very active during the class, praise them all and greets them good-bye.
T class

Estimated time
1 min.

Marina Pisklakova-Parker

Issue: Ending violence against women

When Pisklakova-Parker opened Russias first domestic violence hotline in 1993, she answered
the phone herself, counseling women alone for hours each day. Domestic violence in Russia often
happened , but seemed to be invisible, because police would not intervene; because there were no
shelters, no support groups, and no legal aid. Pisklakova-Parker took gender-based violence out of the
shadows. Her Center ANNA now operates crisis centers across the country and trains counselors,
lawyers, and womens rights groups to aid survivors of rape and domestic violence. And she has
expanded her focus, fighting against sex-trafficking and working with communities in the North
Caucasus to end honor killings and bridal abductions. With an estimated 14,000 Russian women killed
by their husbands each year, and still no law against domestic violence, Pisklakova-Parker remains an
essential voice raised on behalf of Russias women.

Wangari Maathai

Issue: Environmental renewal and womens independence

Maathai has proven that environmental integrity and womens empowerment go hand in hand.
When firewood runs scarce or rivers run dry, as they did in villages in Maathais native Kenya, women
are affected first. In response, Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement, which gives the power to
local women to stop environmental degradation. Women are paid a small sum of money to plant trees,
in this process protecting their land and empowering themselves. A pioneer of womens rights, Maathai
was the first woman in East Africa to earn a PhD, and for her outspoken activism has braved
imprisonment and violence. But her commitment to environmental stewardship and womens
independence has never dissapeared. The result? 40 million trees planted, and a Nobel Peace Prize for
Maathai the first ever awarded to an African woman or an environmentalist.

Eliezer "Elie" Wiesel

Eliezer "Elie" Wiesel is a Romanian-born Jewish-American writer, professor, political

activist, Nobel Laureate, and Holocaust survivor. He is the author of 57 books, including Night, a work
based on his experiences as a prisoner in the Auschwitz, Buna, and Buchenwald concentration camps.
Wiesel is also the Advisory Board chairman of the Algemeiner Journal newspaper. When Wiesel was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, the Norwegian Nobel Committee called him a "messenger to
mankind", stating that through his struggle to come to terms with "his own personal experience of
extreme humiliation and of the total contempt for humanity shown in Hitler's death camps", as well as
his "practical work in the cause of peace", Wiesel had delivered a powerful message "of peace,
tolerance and human dignity" to humanity.

Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is a Buddhist leader of Tibetan Buddhism. The name is a combination of the
Mongolian word dalai meaning "Ocean" and the Tibetan word bla-ma (with a silent "b") meaning
"chief" or "high priest." "Lama" is a general term referring to Tibetan Buddhist teachers.
Traditionally, the Dalai Lama is thought of as the latest reincarnation of a series of spiritual leaders
who have chosen to be reborn in order to enlighten others.
When the Dalai Lama was just fifteen, China invaded Tibet and full political power was taken away
from him. Despite a meeting with Mao, president of China, and numerous efforts towards a peaceful
agreement with the invaders, in 1959 the Dalai Lama was forced to leave his country, in part at least to
protect the masses of Tibetans who put their lives in danger in order to keep him in the holy city. He
started a long and dangerous trek through the mountains, chased by Chinese troops, then arrived in
India where he found out about the tens of thousands people slaughtered, and 6,000 destroyed
monasteries in Tibet.
Few world leaders have been as respected and honoured as the 72-year-old Kundun who in 1989 was
awarded the nobel Peace Prize. For despite the ongoing suffering of his people, he continues to
remind the world that hatred will not cease by hatred.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela born 18th July 1918, served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999,
and was the first South African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election.
Before his presidency, Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of the armed wing of the
African National Congress (ANC). In 1962 he was arrested and convicted of sabotage and other
charges, and sentenced to life in prison. Mandela served 27 years in prison, spending many of these
years on Robben Island. Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela led his party
in the negotiations that led to multi-racial democracy in 1994. As president from 1994 to 1999, he
frequently gave priority to reconciliation.
Mandela has received more than 250 awards over four decades, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.

Ilie Ilacu

Ilie Ilacu (born 30th July 1952 in Taxobeni, Fleti district) is a Moldovan-born
Romanian politician, famous for being sentenced to death by the separatist Transnistrian
government. Ilacu became known for his opposition against Moldovan Communist Party
politics regarding Moldovan language, openly supporting the usage of Latin script and
recognition of Moldovan-Romanian identity, as well as giving the status of official language for
Moldovan. On December 9th, 1993, the Supreme Court of Transnistria found him guilty of a
number of offences defined in the Criminal Code of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic,
including incitement to commit an offence against national security. Ilacu was sentenced to be
shot and other three defendants were sentenced to hard labour for terms between 12 and 15
years. They had no right of appeal. During the trial, the defendants were kept in iron cages, as
they were considered "extremely dangerous". This decision was contested by various
international human rights organizations. Ilacu was eventually released on May 5th, 2001, two
years after he filed an application with the European Court of Human Rights.

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei (born 28 August 1957) is a Chinese artist and activist, who is also active in
architecture, photography, film, and social and cultural criticism. In addition to showing his art,
he has investigated government corruption and cover-ups. He was particularly focused at
exposing a corruption scandal in the construction of Sichuan schools that collapsed during the
2008 Sichuan earthquake. He intensively uses the internet to communicate with people all over
China, especially the young generation. On 3rd April 2011 police stopped him at Beijing airport.
His studio in the capital was closed, and his staff interrogated for "economic crimes". On 20 th
April, Ai was appointed Visiting Professor of the University of the Arts in Berlin. According to
Chinese authorities, he is a dissident to be watched, one whose inflammatory blog needed to be
silenced. But to others, he is the courageous voice needed in todays repressive China. According
to his projects findings, some 3,500 (80 percent) of the students perished in 18 of the 14,000
damaged schools, a result that supports Ais theory about a building scandal. His blog posts were
systematically censored or deleted throughout his investigation. On May 26-28 he wrote about
being followed and about unknown persons visiting his mothers house. On May 29 th 2010 his
blog was shut down. He is now imprisoned.

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