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22 reasons to go

No one man speaks for MGTOW as a
whole, it is MEN going their own way
and it will never be defined by A man.
In this book, I hope to inspire and
rationally present the case for why
you SHOULD go MGTOW and what
you CAN do with your time to
maximize your freewill. It is not meant
to be an be all end all book, merely a

book detailing my experiences and

encouraging you to replicate the good
stuff while avoiding the bad stuff.
If you have any questions or comments,
contact me at:
[email protected]
You can also reach me on my youtube

1.More Resources for You
2. MGTOW Gives you More
3.Your Own Disposability
4. Marriage
5. Men and Women Arent
Natural Partners
6. Women are Lower Quality
Than Ever

7. Society is Hell-Bent on
Destroying Masculinity
8. Self-Improvement is a
Way of Life
9. Most Men in
Relationships are Miserable
10.Men are Happiest
11. Some of the Greatest
Men Were MGTOWS:
12. Women Cant Even Love
a Man The Way he Idealizes

13. Free From

14. You See Who Your True
Friends Are
15. Fidelity Is Dead
16.Other Men are Waking
up and a Strong
Brotherhood is Forming
17.You Begin to Rely on
Yourself, Your Own Opinion
and Self-Love
18.You Flip the Womens

19.You Fight the Cancerous

System in the Best Way
20.Amoral Institutions
Dont Care About You
21.More Freedom
22. Why MGTOW Wins:
Covert Warfare (Countering

1.More Resources for You

ALL humans have in this world is their
time, what they do with it will shape
who they are. If people want to look into
their future, they have the capacity to, all
they need to do is look at their habits
today, that is what will create the future
Men have a great capacity to do amazing
things, but it is only through
consistent/arduous and labor intensive
work, for nothing great was EVER
accomplished without some sort of
Ultimately our time equates into money,
not necessarily because that is the way it
is intended to be, but more so it is the

reality that for the majority of human

history, we have needed some sort of
monetary income to survive and prosper.
This has been something unavoidable by
ALL men and it is why women have
become so dependent on men as a
Society tries to frame men as needing to
be in love, needing women around them
and needing to be in some sort of
relationship to feel self-worth (which is
why most songs on the radio nowadays
have latently weak fuckboi lyrics of the
men essentially crying over women and
why most songs from the female
perspective are actually the EXACT
OPPOSITE in that the WOMAN is the

composed/poised and confident one) and

this could not be FURTHER from the
truth. The truth being that in actuality,
women need men more than men need
women. There is even a word for a child
without a father.A BASTARD
because even the ancients understood the
importance of the male role model in the
childs life and this is something that is
now corroborated by the following:
63% of youth suicides are from
fatherless homes (US Dept. Of
Health/Census) 5 times the
90% of all homeless and runaway

children are from fatherless homes

32 times the average.
85% of all children who show
behavior disorders come from
fatherless homes 20 times the
average. (Center for Disease
80% of rapists with anger problems
come from fatherless homes 14
times the average. (Justice &
Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
71% of all high school dropouts
come from fatherless homes 9
times the average. (National
Principals Association Report)
Not only do children need men, but
women did (and still do) nowadays as
well. In the past, the necessity for men

was tied to resources/money and

guidance, this is why the womans father
would actually gift the man and his
family when the two got married
because he understood that his daughter
was a LIABILITY aka a COST to the
man and he was offering something to
help offset that.
Nowadays, this has been offset by
women being able to earn for
themselves, yet on some level women
(and men) still do pine for that
traditional setup (which is why being a
stay at home mom or even a part time
worker is very popular even in the West
with all the equality/ra-ra
independent/strong woman chants) and

while some may dispute this, what

cannot be disputed is where men
REALLY win out. Men win out
ENTIRELY in the guidance aspect and it
is where a man will NEVER NEED a
woman because we have evolved to
have better foresight, we have evolved
to be better leaders and we have
evolved to be able to endure longer
periods of isolation coupled with a lack
of attention. The major difference being
that in the past, the longer a woman went
WITHOUT attention, the longer she went
WITHOUT companionship and
ultimately the longer she went
WITHOUT a man, were her odds of
passing on her genetics increasing or

decreasing? Whereas a man WASNT

busy fighting with Mother Nature as far
as a ticking biological clock that quickly
degraded his value.
Even your average woman nowadays,
what is the LONGEST you have known
a female that is semi attractive (6+) to
go WITHOUT a relationship? A month,
a few months? Most women cannot bear
to be alone and it makes sense when you
consider their need for resources in the
past because our brains are very much
still programmed that way.
The other thing to factor in is that a
woman had very little chance of raising
her social status enough to earn infamy
in being able to leave an imprint on

society or have her name be scribed in

history books detailing great deeds, so
she had NO shot of leaving a legacy that
way, her ONLY chance was through
having children.
A man on the other hand could be a great
conqueror, a great emperor, a great
philosopher, a great athlete, a great
painter etc etc etc and there is a good
chance that he would get remembered
for that. So we can say that women have
been PROGRAMMED to need men
more than we need them, but how does
that apply to us today?
Women STILL have the same capacity to
extract resources from men, whether it
be their time which also equals money,

their energy which can equal money and

their emotional investment which can
impact their creative abilities and thus
their money.
By avoiding relationships for the sake of
having relationships, by avoiding
women for the sake of having women
and by avoiding unnecessary engagement
with amoral institutions and entities
(government, corporations, banks) you
are able to retain MORE resources for
yourself. I understand that on some level,
it is difficult to avoid these things all
together, but through smart/tactical
planning as a good MGTOW should do,
you are able to retain more out of what
you rightfully earn instead of having it

wasted on vapid women who couldnt

care less about you.
Consider the following:
According to a new study put out by, a website devoted
to personal finance, falling in love in
Canada costs an average of $45,151.88.
A year worth of dates: $7,494.94
Engagement: $10,693.94
Wedding: $26,963.00
Does this sound like its REMOTELY
close to worth it for men? Instead of
falling into the asset category most

women inexplicably fall under the

LIABILITY categoryhmm I thought we
were equal, what do you mean men
should pay for dates?
The problem is that, a lot of men have
been conditioned to be weak, they have
been conditioned to be supplicating and
they have been conditioned to give into
womens most ridiculous whims.
The best examples of this are The
Simpsons and Everybody Loves
Raymond, both which feature similar
scenarios (at least in the overall sense of
In both families:
The father is actually very successful in
that homer is a nuclear power plant

safety inspector, Ray is a head writer at

a big newspaper
Both of their wives are stay at home
They both have three kids, live in a nice
house with their own cars/driveway and
By all stretches of the imagination, both
men and families are pretty well off, yet
in BOTH series the men are portrayed
as failures and nothing more than
walking punch lines, meanwhile the
women are portrayed as saints who
somehow manage to keep things together
for everyone, in spite of providing a
service that is nothing more than an over
glorified maid. The misandry is very

evident and something deeply embedded

within both shows. This is why I think
children and a lot of young men were
drawn to wrestling because it was the
one place where men were allowed to
be men, loud, intense, angry, treating
women as they pleased, jacked out of
their minds, not giving a fuck and being
themselves aka having their own
gimmick/style. In a strange way, the
WWE/WWF/WCW/TNA probably did
more for men than a lot of their very own
fathers, in raising them to learn about
masculinity, team work, comradery,
friendship, having a goal and the hard
work that it takes to get there. This is the
exact opposite at what most tv shows

teach and portray men as, youll find that

in most shows men are always at the butt
end of jokes and the females are always
coming out looking like Goddesses.
Even look at commercials.
A sample of 477 commercials
featuring domestic chores that aired in
a week of primetime television
programming on all of the broadcast
networks was analyzed. Among the
key findings: Male characters
performance of chores was often
humorously inept as measured by
negative responses from others, lack
of success, and unsatisfactory

So what has TV taught men and women
For men:
Tv has taught him to view himself as
weak/supplicating and stupid,
meanwhile women as superior in every
way, meanwhile the reality couldnt be
further from the truth, men being better at
everything in the world except
manipulation within relationships.
TV has shown him that successful (in
quotations) relationships involve a
woman who is in control and a man that
is nothing more than an over glorified
ATM machine. Irony being that,
relationships nowadays are a fucking

joke and probably at their worst ever

with both sexes being unhappy, although
female unhappiness being due to their
own stupidity, meanwhile male
unhappiness due to having to deal with
mentally deranged whores who have no
skills/manners or worth.
The woman:
Naturally a consumer has been trained to
view men as nothing more than
providers and has had her consumer
attitude unleashed to the ten thousandth
degree, telling her to never be satisfied,
never be quenched and ALWAYS want
more. In spite of the extra
stress/pressure and drama that this
desire will cause within the relationship

and in spite of the fact that men end up

suffering more heart attacks, stress
related diseases and earlier deaths
because of all of this. This creates a
level of entitlement never before seen
within the female creature.
Theyre taught that men are weak, not to
be trusted and that THEY should take
control of the relationships. Theyre
shown men that are pretty much legally
retarded and coupled with the brilliance
of their own sex on tv, its no wonder
that relationships today are a joke and
2/3s of marriagesthats marriage, what
is supposed to be a holy institution
end up in unhappiness, were not even
talking about relationships.

To avoid all these pitfalls, its actually

pretty straightforward what you need to
do, you take a cost per orgasm approach.
That is to say, you factor in the amount of
time you are investing, you factor in the
amount of money you are investing and
you factor in any emotional investment
that may also be necessary. If it
surpasses the point of personal worth,
then you do NOT do it.
Women/relationships are not
INHERENTLY valuable, they CAN be
valuable depending on what you value,
but for the most part, they are a money
pit, they are an emotional energy pit and
they are a time pit, those being the things
MOST crucial for your own success.

With your time, you create money, that

money is created through an emotional
and intellectual investment into a pursuit,
if that is siphoned by a woman, then you
will have less capacity to do so.
Scientists have actually measured will
power and they have come to the
conclusion that it is FINITE meaning that
there is only so much you can exercise
throughout a day before it perishes and
you are left to whatever habits you have,
so if your will power is being spent on
dealing with women, you can bet you are
going to have less of it when it comes to
your own pursuits, so it is VERY
important that you spend it wisely.
Some of the greatest men in human

history were naturally inclined to go the

MGTOW route, before MGTOW was
even MGTOW, when you look at the
accomplishments and the profound effect
that men like Tesla/Newton/Da
Vinci/Michelangelo/Nietzsche have had
on human history, you begin to realize
that you have the SAME if not BETTER
opportunity because unlike them, the
stigma now is somewhat softened due to
the movement at least having internal
support within a group of established
men. Thus if one needs someone to lean
on, they can always reach out to other
likeminded men, whereas they didnt
have that luxury. Not only that, but with
the internet, one can access their

approach, their works and their

knowledge and soak it all in, within a
very short time frame, foregoing days,
months, years of strenuous work, but do
not forget their commonality:
They KEPT their resources
They KEPT their time
Most of all, they kept their sanity by
avoiding unnecessary contact with
entities that did not serve them. They
understood their own potential and they
did whatever it took to go after that
potential, IN SPITE of the immense
shaming they mustve gotten from
deviating from the pre-planned path of
life taken by most blue pillers.

2. MGTOW Gives you More

Quality of life comes down to one thing,
amount of freewill that one has and then
how they use that freewill. MGTOW is
something that ONLY enhances your
freewill meaning that it gives you
MORE options as opposed to eroding
them. The ONLY difference between the
very best and worst chess players is the
ILLUSION of choice meaning that where
the worse chess players fail to see their
TRUE potential within the position, the
better players are able to extract THE
most out of it. Not only are they able to
get more out of it, but they understand the
WHY, as in WHY their moves make

Unfortunately for the worse chess
players, its not enough to make the
correct moves, but it is also necessary to
understand WHY because they WILL be
forced to move again, so if they dont
have sufficient knowledge to unlock the
foresight needed to understand WHY it
was a good move, they are nothing more
than a sitting duck. This is what most
men are.sitting ducks because they are
caught under the spell of the American
Women. Men look at women to be their
saviors and is it any wonder that in a
society that is hell bent on destroying
their masculinity and propagating

femininity as running this world (ththanks Beyonce) that this is the case?
Men are told that they are defined by
women, that without a woman they are
less of a human being and that in order
for them to be happy, they NEED a
MGTOW is the exact opposite of that,
MGTOW does not stress external
validation as much as it stresses internal
contemplation. A MGTOW man
CANNOT and WILL NOT be happy
with ANYONE else, unless he is first
happy with himself, this should be the
START point of your journey.
Fuck what the system tells you about
women, realize this: the reason why SO

many men put the pussy on the pedestal

is either an insecurity or they havent
been around women long enough
because they think that they are
something special or something that adds
a real value to their livesprotip:
Women are like men without the
responsibility, logic or ability to look at
things objectively aka most of them are
really like overgrown children.
When you spend enough time around
women, you begin to understand their
nature and stop making them out to be
unicorns, you realize, while men may be
disposable, women are replaceable. In
that AWALT logic applies aka all
women are like that. We see this across

ALL fields, jobs, athletic ability and

even IQ, IQ is probably the best one to
illustrate this point. While men and
women have nearly similar IQs (men
come out slightly ahead: ), when you look at how
the IQ is dispersed, youll see that men
are both the biggest losers and the
biggest winners, whereas most women
fall within the median.
The only TRUE advantage to having a
woman in your life is the added sex, but
what most women take for that sex is
your time, your money, your emotional
investment and depending on how crazy
she is, perhaps your sanity too. Even if

you factor in things like

cooking/cleaning, these arent exactly
extraordinary services or ones that a
man cant do for himself. So this begs
the question, is your woman ADDING
value to your life or you trading away
YOUR value for her sex?
Most women just arent worth it, when
you look at them ENTIRELY objectively
in asking yourself, would you hang out
with them if it werent for the sex? Then
how much is her sex worth because even
if youre not spending money on her,
youre still spending your time and
time=money, so how much is your time
This isnt to say you need to be celibate

to be MGTOW or that you cant have a

relationship or fling, but it is to ask
yourself every single time:
Apart from sex, what does this woman
bring to my life?
If she IS bringing something else, could I
learn/do it myself?
What is my cost per orgasm as far as
money/time goes?
Since my self-worth isnt tied to her or
women in general, do I really NEED
Since I dont really NEED her, what is
the minimal amount of investment that
makes it worth it for me and keeps her
around to fulfill my needs?
Oh and if you think this is a very

Machiavellian way of thinking and not

considering women as humans, just take
a look at the following:
Survey says half of all married women
have a backup husband in mind
This is MARRIED women aka NOT
women in relationships, NOT women in are
disposable, she is replaceable,
remember that
Cars/Money/Work. There is nothing
wrong with doing well at work, having a
lot of money or owning a nice car, but a
MGTOW man does NOT need those

things to be happy because a MGTOW

mans happiness stems from within.
If you are going after those things, make
sure you are doing it because you really
love and desire them as opposed to
satisfying someone elses map for
YOUR life. There is no object, no car,
no amount of money and no woman that
is going to bring you happiness if you do
not already have it within.
All we have to do in this life is decide
what to do with the time we are given,
do not waste it on things you THINK you
want because others have told or I
should say BRAINWASHED into
thinking they have value.YOU have
value and YOU are the true prize.

Do whatever makes you happy and

exercise your freewill, as long as you
arent harming anyone, feel free to do
whatever the fuck it is that YOU please.
At the end of the day, its about
maximizing your own freewill in that
MGTOW doesnt state that you NEED to
do anything as much as it gives you a
guideline as to why you should avoid
certain things.
Women: View men as disposable, little
skills outside of their vagina, with
more likely to cheat than ever, take your
money, take your time, take your
Working too hard at a soul sucking

job: Most of the time its to buy bullshit

you dont need, extra stress reduces your
quality of life, the money you get is often
wasted since its tied to trying to
impress others, takes your time and turns
it into money for someone else, giving
you little feedback on what you
Material goods: Most shit you dont
need, advertisement is a billion dollar
industry for a needs you to
sustain it and it does WHATEVER it can
in conditioning you into being a
NONE of these things bring you
INTERNAL happiness which is where
the REAL treasure lies. Thus feel free to

disregard or entirely forego all together

as you need to in ANY of these
categories. If anybody tells you
otherwise that you NEED them,
remember, they are a blue pilled moron
who is an Agent Smith trying to keep you
conscripted to the Matrix. Your
happiness starts with YOU.

3.Your Own Disposability

Women. Women are incapable of loving
a man the way that he thinks he wants to
be loved aka in the
conditional/Disney/Blue Pilled way,
which is unrealistic for anyone apart
from your mother. Ironically this belief
that love should be that way could
actually be attributed to his mother in
that men have a male mother need that
seemingly plays out in their life, long
after their relationship and involvement
with their own mother diminishes
She is the first woman you see after your
birth, she is the woman that compliments
you, the woman that raises you and the

woman you get all your love/affection

to. On some level we all pine for those
early childhood feels again, but unless
we understand that, the love we received
was contextual, we will forever fail
should we try and replicate that
unconditional love with another woman.
A womans love is ENTIRELY
conditional and is based on what you
provide for her, women being the
gatekeepers of sex, they are the ones
who end choosing the relationships and
how they unfold. Their love for you is
based on how much she respects you or
how many resources you provide for her
and if those things start dropping off,
then there is a good chance she will drop

you off.
Women are out for one thing and one
thing alone, themselves. Concepts of
honor are not and were not ever
necessary for women in order to
survive. Concepts such as sexual fluidity
and the ability to adapt were. In that men
being much more likely to die at war, at
work or out hunting, the woman could
find herself in situations where she is
left alone to raise a child and feed
herself and their offspring.
Thus a woman would need to adapt very
quickly to that new environment and
procure a new mate ASAP if she wants
to ensure survival of her genetics, so you
can see why this ability to dispose of

men and not feel the slightest twinge

from doing so has arisen. Not only that,
but a womans biological clock is much
steeper in that she really only has 30
good years, before not only do her eggs
start becoming more questionable, but
also her looks have greatly deteriorated
relative to her 18 year old self and other
18 year olds.
A woman must be very careful with her
time and this is amplified in how they
treat men, hence why they are the sex
that absolutely NEEDS to be
hypergamous in order to survive, a
woman is already at a disadvantage in
being the physically weaker, mentally
softer sex, if she allows herself to take

on partners who dont have greater value

than her, she is setting up her and her
genetics for a great failure.
Now luckily for you, just with this
knowledge, you will be able to avoid the
pitfalls of oneitis, getting emotionally
involved with women or investing too
much (if at all) in any future interactions
with women. Knowing that they see you
as disposable is a great way to realize
that beyond some cheap fun you get out
your interactions with women, they will
never progress to more, unless you want
to deal with the reality of constant
competition in a day and age where a
semi attractive woman (6+) can have
500+ Tinder matches in a few days.

Work. ALL of your employers dont

give a damn about you, thus get as much
out of the company and dont be afraid to
jump ship at the first opportunity. There
is absolutely NO loyalty in this day and
age and every single successful company
has ONE bottom line:
If you as an employee come between
them and their profit, you WILL get
nexted as you are ENTIRELY
disposable. ALWAYS remember that and
ALWAYS be striving for more, not for
the companys sake and not for moneys
sake, but for the sake of your OWN
wellbeing. If you get the chance, do not
have an OUNCE of loyalty (unless it

was shown in spades towards you)

because most companies will drop you
at the drop of a hat if need be.
Government/Military. Governments
and militaries around the world have
always seen men as nothing more than
cannon fodder, thus you as a man should
do as much as possible to avoid doing
any sort of business or entering in any
sort of contracts with these amoral
institutions because their bottom line is
very similar to your employers:
They couldnt care less about you as a
human being and they would GLADLY
draft you to go fight some pointless war,
they would HAPPILY throw you in jail

because of retarded law XYZ that they

legislated to create business for their
lawyer friends, their police friends and
those employed by the jail industry. In
this day and age its all about
championing being free, without the
actual freedom seeing as you are
restricted with what you put in your
body (drugs), if you have sex with
someone for money, how much money
you make which is moderated and
eventually stolen (through taxes) and if
you even decide to kill yourself (suicide
REALLY owns your body?).
Everywhere you look, you as a man are
marginalized and made to be less than

you actually are, you are not viewed as a

dynamic being with ultimate potential.
You are viewed as a cog in the wheel,
whose sole purpose is to serve these
amoral entities.
Women dont care about you
Your work doesnt care about you
And the government and military
certainly dont care about you
So, make sure to care for yourself. If
somebody EVER tries to shame you for
not doing XYZ and being selfish
because of it, just think of how
ACTUALLY selfish everything in the
world actually is. Relative to these
massive institutions that are interacting
and coercing people on a mass scale,

what is YOUR supposed selfishness

relative to theirs?
Worry not about people who have
opinions like these are they are the most
mentally deranged, the sickest and the
stupidest individuals around. Love
yourself, do what makes you happy and
go on your own fucking journey. It is the
best road you can follow because you
decide how fast you walk, you decide
what direction you go and you decide the
pace. The less you interact with these
disgusting figures of mind control, the
more freewill you can exact, the more
happiness youll have and the more selflove youll feel.

Happy journeys and STAY TRUE TO


4. Marriage

Marriage is one of the worst things that a

man can do to himself because not only
is he entering the institution with an
already proven irrational creature, but
he is doing so at the cost of his own
freedom. The more partners a woman
has had, the more likely it is she is going
to cheat or be unsatisfied within the
And what are the odds nowadays that
you can find a semi-attractive woman
with less than 5 partners? You area
ALREADY up against it and we havent
even covered any other aspect of

marriage yet either.

The other thing is that women initiate at
least 2/3s of divorces:
And not only this, but men are often the
ones paying alimony. So this begs the
question, we already know for fact that
women are the more irrational sex,
however we also have scientific proof
that you cannot turn a whore into a
housewife which really doesnt come as
a surprise to anyone who has ever
interacted with a whore as you will
NEVER have successful relationships

with them, but we then see that women

also initiate the majority of divorces and
this isnt just limited to North America:
Women in China Embrace Divorce as
Stigma Eases
Divorce was once a dreaded fate for
women in China. Now, many younger
urban women like Ms. Cai view it
almost as a civil right, which has helped
drive up divorce rates. One government
study found that women had initiated 70
percent of divorce applications here in
Guangdong Province, where the number
of divorces increased by 52 percent last

What's new is this: the number of
registered divorces in India is on the
rise. The nation of 1.21 billion doesn't
compile divorce statistics, but news
reports estimate that one in 100 Indian
marriages end in divorce. In the 1980s,
New Delhi had two divorce courts; now
it has 16, says the Associated Press.
"From 2000 onwards, the trend has been
on the rise and it's been a spiraling
phenomenon," says Sanjoy Ghose, a
New Delhi-based lawyer who
specializes in matrimonial law.
When you factor in the fact that YOU

could be the one paying for all of this,

the question really becomes:
Are you feeling lucky punk?
As much as you might like a girl, as
much as you might think she likes you,
peoples feelings are subject to change:
Romantic love 'lasts just a year'
You have to understand that you are now
entering an institution with the
government, the same governments who
restrict what you can and cant put in
your body, the same governments that
steal money from you and tell you that
its good for you (taxation) and the same
governments who state that suicide is

illegal. This almost makes you wonder

who is crazier; women, the government
or men who WILLINGLY and
ACTIVELY seek to deal with these two
So what is the REAL benefit to
marriage? Are married women less
likely to cheat:
A stunning 90 percent of adulterous
wives told one Manhattan researcher
they suffered no guilt, but rather felt
entitled to the pleasure and excitement
of their secret trysts,
60% have engaged in at least one

extramarital affair
60% of cheating women seek a longterm affair
65% report that sex is better with the
lover than the husband.
70% say their lover is the opposite of
their husband.
45% remain in marriage after the affair
25% marry their lover
90% have no guilt, but feel entitled to
the affair
So what are you REALLY banking on?
Can you think of even ONE rational
reason that you would actually SPEND
MONEY to enter this faulty institution?
How fucking wild is it that most men
spend 20-30k on a wedding aka

something that literally takes place over

the course of a few hours and yet at the
very same time this is something that
almost inevitably ends up destroying
their freedom and giving them LESS
sexual satisfaction than they would
desire? Hell for 20k, you could fuck 10
of the finest porn stars and that would
probably last longer than your wedding,
let that sink inyou could derive
MORE pleasure and actually deal with
less risk than most men do entering the
institution of marriage.
B-but love you say? What fucking love?
Are you crazy?? The only love that a
man gets in this world is the love he has
for himself. This is the TRUE hierarchy

of love for a man:

Love of self
Love of his ideas/pursuits/passions
Love from other men (no homo and
maybe a bit of homo)
Love from children
Love from animals
Love from women
Just look at these statistics and realize
that even if everything was ideal,
meaning that you found a woman with a
low partner count, she wasnt
westernized and you had high value
yourself, its STILL only a matter of time
before the country becomes more and

more westernized and before different

laws are adopted and guess what?
Because you signed the LEGALLY
matter that you got married when the
getting was good, you obey the
CURRENT laws in place as in they are
Besides if you CAN pull a high quality
bird like that, that begs the question, why
not just enjoy her company and when its
overits over, but you KNOW that you
can do it again because youve already
done it once.
It is abundantly obvious that NO man
should EVER marry.
Spend your money on your hobbies

Spend your money on yourself

Hell, spend it on escorts every now and
then too
Just dont EVER spend it on marriage
because to sum up:
1.Love doesnt exist, not in the way men
would like it to
2.Your woman is irrational, why would
you give up your power to an irrational
3.Literally EVERY aspect of marriage is
designed AGAINST men
4.You could have WAY more fun with
your money OUTSIDE of marriage
5.You are FREER outside of marriage
than you will EVER be inside of it

Avoid marriage, avoid unhappiness and

avoid following the crowd. A happy
bachelor is a thing, a happy
bachelorette.not so much, ALWAYS
remember that if ANYONE tries to
shame you when it comes to a lack of
desire to self-sacrifice and self-destroy
for the benefit of a woman.

5. Men and Women Arent

Natural Partners
This is something that can be difficult for
people to deal with, theyve had this
notion of romanticism, the idea of soul
mates and the very M-F relationship
being established as the most natural
type of relationship out there. Yet when
you REALLY look at it, objectively,
without any bias, you begin to see that
men and women could not be any more
Men love sports, action and anything that
is high risk
Women love romance, gossip and things
that are relatively safe

Men are the doers of society, they are the

ones that drive great wars, they are the
ones that build great cities and they are
the ones that revolutionize the world
Women are the followers of society, they
are the ones sitting on the sidelines, they
are the ones allowing everything to take
place and they are the ones that
regardless of winner, go with them
The best example of just how opposite
the two sexes are would be children
because without the incentive to splice
genetic matter, it seems that the malefemale relationship falls apart. Children
have none of this desire and what do the
little kids say about each other? Each
sex is convinced that the other is yucky

and that they have cooties. Both sexes

keep to their own and both sexes are
repulsed by the other, yet kick in a bit of
testosterone and estrogen and *boom*
the powder keg that is romance
Most men have to honestly ask
themselves: if their partner didnt have a
vagina, would they spend any time with
them? Or maybe I should rephrase that,
if their partners personality was
transplanted into a man, what sort of man
would they make? Most women would
make awful men, as Jack Nicholson once
said When I look at a woman, I think of
a man, except without the responsibility
or the accountability because most

women have been incredibly coddled by

not only men, but other women and
society as a whole.
Nobody ever dares to call out women on
their bullshit because for the most part,
theyre too busy trying to fuck them.
Even the women that stand out and
actually have personality only do so
because they are being compared to
other women, other women who have a
void of anything remotely close to
substance, other women who list
shopping, being a foodie and Netflix as
hobbies, other women who havent ever
even dared to venture into their own
mind for much needed introspection.
In a way, men are just as if not more

responsible for womens very condition

nowadays because men SHOULD be the
leaders and they SHOULD show women
how to behave, however this is not what
has taken place and if anything, the
EXACT opposite has over the last 30-40
years. This has only exacerbated the
issue and made it abundantly clear, that
in the current condition men and women
are absolutely NOT natural partners.
This brings me to the real point of this
Your control over your sex drive will
define you
We all know males who are controlled
by the pussy whether they are pussy
whipped or pussy hungry, their

time/money/resources are tied to things

which arent adding value back into their
This isnt to advocate celibacy/no fap or
anything, but at the same time you have
to be very weary of spending most or all
of your energy on women. Women may
come along for the ride, they may last
quite a while, but women are not and
never will be the ride itself.
The ride is what you value
The ride is what you love
The ride is what will ALWAYS be there
The ride is your passion
The ride
Men have been caught up for too long in

channeling their passion into women and

I have no doubt that its taken away some
of the greatest thinkers, some of the
greatest inventers and some of the
greatest minds from this world, why?
Because they were too busy listening to
some bitch nag, they were too busy
working 60 hour weeks so their kids
could have food on the table and they
were too busy fighting senseless wars so
their families didnt get killed.
When you look at Da
Vinci/Tesla/Newton, these are 3 men that
absolutely revolutionized the world, yet
they had seemingly no contact with
women. Is it any coincidence that they
were able to accomplish as much as they

were? What would you do if you had

unlimited/uninterrupted time?
Im not saying that if you swear off
women that you will become like one of
them nor am I saying that you SHOULD
swear off women, but you just need to
have EXTREME tact when engaging
with the opposite sex as if things dont
go your way, they can end up in a
complete disarray:
Child Support
Being a wage slave to support people
you dont like
Instead of taking those resources you

were going to use on a woman, take them

and use them on yourself, take them and
use them on your own growth, explore
your own individual consciousness and
never stop expanding your masculinity.
One of the most profound moments you
can have as a man is seeing a beautiful
woman and appreciating her beauty, but
NOT giving into it because in that
moment, you have transcended your
biology, no longer are you overcome by
the feeling of a need to procreate, you
are free to think, free to act and free to
be with or without her. You understand
that her beauty is nothing more than
biological cues of fertility/good genetics
and youth:

I.e broad clavicles and a narrow waist

are attractive on men because they serve
a purpose, wide clavicles=more room
for you to carry things on your back and
bigger lungs which=better capacity to
run, a narrow waist=better strides and
better running ability, cheekbones and
squinty eyes are attractive because they
keep things out of your eyes and
cheekbones protect against strikes to the
eyes, height is attractive because it
allowed males to see more of their
environment and prey and to reach
higher things. On the female side, wider
hips have been proven to= better health
for your woman and child and tits/ass

are just fat deposits, so shell have

something extra to live off should a
famine strike. Men have evolved to be
bigger/stronger/faster, females have
evolved to be smaller/weaker/slower to
ILICT a yearning from the males to
protect them through their neoteny aka
bigger/more childlike eyes,
smaller/more petite stature (why are so
many men attracted to petite women?)
and their smaller tear ducts biologically
hardwiring them to be more prone to
Evolution and nature dont give a damn

about whether or not you are happy,

whether or not you achieve your
potential or whether or not you even
come close to doing anything with your
life OUTSIDE of P in V aka procreation
and having kids. That is natures goal
and that is why we react the way we do
to women and especially attractive ones.
However were FAR past the point of
needing to worry about humanity
surviving and were far past the point
where P in V, raise kids, rinse, repeat
into infinity serves us. In this day and
age, these can be extremely dangerous
and destructive things to partake in as a
man and once you understand how truly
awesome the world can be without a

woman and kids, i.e
What else could you buy for the average
cost of raising a child? Im glad you
asked. Here are 20 things you could buy
instead of giving birth to a human child.
1) A plane ticketwait for itto outer
fucking space.
2) A Chipotle burrito every day for 97
years or two every day for 48 years if
you have a friend whose digestive
system you also want to destroy.
3) Kourtney Kardashians super cool
Mercedes SLS.
4) A modest waterfront home in several

American cities.
5) 3,125,000 coins in Kim Kardashian:
Hollywood, enough to finally knock
Willow Pape down to the E-list where
she belongs.
6) A month in a penthouse suite in the
luxurious New York Palace hotel.
Just to name a few things you could be
doing, but its after seeing how truly
open the world is for a man in the 21st
century, how men and women arent
even natural partners and how to
conquer ones sex drive that a man is
able to create the life that HE so desires.

6. Women are Lower Quality

Than Ever
Do you want just ANY car?
What about ANY house?
What if someone gave you a million
dollars in ANY currency?
Then why are you ok with just ANY
What men need to look for in women is
ACTUAL quality because who gives a

damn if you can attract some low quality

woman? What is she REALLY adding to
your life besides another name to put
under your liability list?
Men have coddled women for too long,
they have allowed them to get away with
being nothing more than walking fuck
machines and it is because of the male
thirst that they have gotten this far being
this hollow character lacking substance.
If men want women as a hole to develop,
women need to have reason and the only
real motivation you can give to a woman
is if you threaten her ability to pass on
her genetics, then and only then will she
smarten up.
Notice these post wall 30 something

women looking for men, you can see the

desperation in their eyes, as their beauty
dries up, their youth fades away now and
ONLY now do they begin to realize that
there were OTHER qualities that they
couldve been developing all along,
however for most of them it is too late.
They have lost what matters most to
men: looks/youth and beauty and now
they are left in this awkward stage
where they are like a dying flower, not
quite ready to throw out, but way past
its prime.
Women like anything can be separated
into two categories:

Most (if not all) women fall under the

liability category. Men are the ones
paying to take them out, the males time
is usually the one that is more valuable
and if you took away all reproductive
abilities, the man would no doubt be the
more useful person to have around in
almost all cases.
By flipping the script and walking away
from women, youre actually doing
humanity a WAY bigger service than just
mindlessly rubbing genitals to squirt
some goo into her vajay jay and pop out
a few youngins.
MGTOWS serve as notice as to what
CAN happen when one sex completely
stops carrying its weight, tries to

overtly control the other and is actually

coming from a place of weakness/need.
So why are women worse quality than
Men have always been the thirstier sex
because it has served their sexual
strategy to be less selective due to low
investment and high return, whereas
women were high investment and low
return IF a good partner was not secured
in order to provide the resources she
was going to need, not only in her time
of pregnancy, but also in her postpregnancy stage. So male thirst makes
sense, from a biological standpoint, but
in the day and age of:

This can really rear its ugly head in a
very ugly way that ends up hurting
The problem is that women are herd
animals meaning they are FOLLOWERS
so if they see a trend, they cant help but
get on it and extract as much as possible
from said trend, it is just their nature.

When you have 2s/3s that can get as

much attention as the ones I posted
above, ask yourself how many
unsolicited messages a 5/6 can get, oh
wait.never mind, you actually dont
have to ask yourself, somebody already
As you can see, the results after 4
months echo those from a week into
the experiment.
The two most attractive women
probably would have received several
thousand more if their inboxes hadnt
have reached maximum capacity.

It took 2 months, 13 days for the most

popular womans inbox to fill up. At the
current rate it would take the most
popular man 2.3 years to fill up his.
THIS is the machine you are up against,
women are told they are special
snowflakes just for having a vagina
(feminism), they then have this
confirmed their entire life
(facebook/twitter/instgram) and finally
they have a never ending stream of male
attention that is LITERALLY at their
very finger tips (POF/OKC/Tinder):
This is a woman with over

900.yep.900.900 FUCKING
MATCHES. I dont think your average
20 something male has had a
conversation with 900 women let alone
have 900 women who are willing to fuck
him at the drop of the hat.
So the question becomes, when your
average or slightly above average
woman is able to garner this much
attention, what is really the point of
gaming her besides setting up some sort
of friends with benefit deal? Picture
yourself growing up getting all sorts of
attention, having things given to you
because you deserve it, everyone
telling you that youre amazing/perfect
and beautiful and seeing a world set up

to pander to your every whim, do you

really think YOU (as a man) could stay
Then it becomes reasonable that a
creature of lesser reasoning (a woman)
aka one prone to having estrogenic mood
swings from hell would not be able to
stay humble either, as a matter of fact,
most of them are for very good reason
arrogant as can be because who are they
to think critically of themselves when the
world has told them not to have the
slightest self-doubt, not to ever feel
down because regardless of objective
ratings, theyre beautiful and all while
residing in a world of affirmative action

where things are handed to them not

because of actual skill or merit, but
because of their possession of the
magical vagina.
The odds are stacked against you in
finding a woman that adds value to your
life, keep yourself emotionally distant
when engaging with women, view them
for what they are which in most cases is
nothing more than a fuckbuddy and stop
chasing the heralded unicorns. Find
happiness within, create value for
yourself and NEVER look for a woman
to help fill any void, the 21st century
Americana whore is nothing more than a
worthless slag (most of the time).

7. Society is Hell-Bent on
Destroying Masculinity
What are men to do in an anti-male
Everywhere you look, men are being
demonized, if it isnt on TV its through
the family courts, if its not through the
family courts, its through women talking
about how evil men were in the past.
The best strategy for dealing with all of
this isnt to go out marching and
screaming about the subjugation of men,
forget about it, at best youll be ignored
and at worst youll be jeered and
THE best strategy is to withdraw from

society to your maximum capacity,

withdraw your time, withdraw your
efforts and withdraw your investment.
Instead take those things and put it into
things that benefit you, put it into
WHATEVER it is that YOU feel benefits
Whether it be working a passive income,
whether it be lifting weights, whether it
be defining masculinity as YOU please,
go about it in your OWN way.
For TOO long men have allowed their
masculinity to be defined by forces
outside of themselves and where has this
gotten them? Killing their brothers over
senseless things, working themselves
into the ground for unappreciative beings

and losing themselves in a world that

views them as interchangeable cogs
meant to forever dwell within the robot
that is the matrix.
Free yourselves men
Free yourselves for GOOD
Masculinity is difficult to pin down, it is
an elusive definition, but heres my take
on it.
What is a man?
A man is a perfect being, he is strong, he
is rational, he is emotionally controlled,
he is charged with energy, he is ever so
curious, he has a burning desire to figure
things out, he has no problem sacrificing
himself or his time, he is by all stretches
of the imagination a well-oiled

machine.if not for ONE weakness,

womennaturally (literally mother
nature you fucking bitch ass whore).
Men WOULD be perfect if not for their
desire to pander to women, to be their
provider and to save them from the
ills of the world. For what else is
marriage, but a situation where one party
gets ALL the perks of an easier world
(the woman) and the other party gets all
the duties of a difficult world (the man)
aka it is a zero sum game that a man will
NEVER win.
The woman stays at home, cleans the
house, tends to the kids and cooks and
THIS is passed off as difficult. A man
could be working manual labor, he could

be the CEO of a fortune 500 company,

hell he could be the FUCKING
PRESIDENT and guess what? His wife
would STILL act as if she has the
toughest job in the world, meanwhile
with dishwashers, modern ovens,
toasters, prepared meals, thousands of
easy recipes being available online her
kitchen duties have been reduced to
something that will no doubt be obsolete
by the creation of some robot in the next
10 years. Well she cares for the kids,
surely thats a challenge right? Lol, have
you ever seen a child in front of a TV or
a video game, can you say goodnight
sweet childish fun loving/action oriented
spirit? B-butthe blowjobs??? Please,

most women suck dick at sucking dick.

Yet when you look at most men, THIS is
the very life they lead, THIS is the very
life they so willingly cast themselves
into and for what?
Clearly its not a rational proposition,
hell, all a man has to do is think about it
for 10-15 minutes objectively and they
can come to the same conclusion, yet
every day, every hour and every minute
we have men entering into these
institutionswhy though?
But is it worth it? As we see it is clearly
not, but then why do such brilliant
creatures continue to stifle themselves,
why does a stallion seemingly so

beautiful and free seek to shackle itself

into servitude?
All throughout their lives, men have
competed with each other, they have
fought tooth and nail for the attention of
the female creature. They have had their
very masculinity sucked out of them in
two ways:
The alphas in tying their worth to women
The betas in taking away their
masculinity entirely and telling them to
feminize themselves in order to treat
women as an equal
The alphas masculinity hijacking is
pretty straight forward as he is caught in
the never ending circular trap of

NEEDING women to justify his very

existence, as much as he THINKS he is
free, he is not because should something
happen to where he is no longer able to
get steady streams of pussy, be it through
a physical impairment, a change to his
status in the pecking order or through
marriage, you will see this man be
drained of his very essence that once
made him so attractive.
Nothing is sadder than seeing a high
school stud get chased down and
clamped down to some unworthy 6/10
who he just happened to knock up, to pay
the bills he now works 50+ hours doing
construction, he comes home and is
seldom greeted by his wife, so he turns

to alcohol and television to quell his

demons, but that wont help, nothing will
at this point in time because he
KNOWSfor ALL the power he
SUPPOSEDLY had, he STILL ended up
powerless to a creature infinitely
weaker than him, infinitely stupider than
him, but having ONE advantage (or
maybe two).she was more CUNNING
and she had the one thing he craved the
most.PUSSY. He was not able to
separate his masculinity from the golden
vagina, he was not able to step back and
look at the chase for what it was, the
chase being the fun part, the kill always
beingmehwhatever, onto the next
chase and nownow he paid the

ULTIMATE price a man can payhis

The beta is no better off, unfortunately
his freedom is shackled too, but unlike
the alpha, he enjoys NO immediate
carrots for his servitude. He is left to
wait, left to wait until the strongest of
lions finish ravaging the deer and
perhaps a chunk of meat is left for him,
maybe an eyeball or two or maybe just a
hint of marrow. Whatever he ends up
with, he will NOT be satisfied as it is
old, gross and used (not too different
than his eventual partner). Aged pussy is
like aged milk.not the most satisfying
thing in the world.
Where the beta really loses is that while

his masculinity is also defined by

women, he cannot even fulfill the
dominant role, his only dominance
over her is in the traditional noble
type fashion where he ends up putting
her first, neglecting to realize that this
only works if there is some sort of
contrast i.e if you are SO high status that
your gift of attention and affection means
something. In the same way that if
Obama offered you to teach you how to
speak, youd be flattered and would
graciously accept, meanwhile if some
guy off the street took the very same
action, youd tell him to fuck off. The
one place that the beta feels like a man is
when he is trying to fulfill these dead

roles with a woman, unfortunately

women no longer desire to be courted
like that, but they also resent it. Its why
theyll fuck the badboy within an hour of
meeting him, but this poor sap will
grovel for weeks on end for a semi
awkward hug that he lingers around for
too long and one that she eventually
forcefully pulls away from.
Make no mistake though, they BOTH
allowed women to control their lives.
They BOTH had their masculinity
stripped from them, one in the succubus
type way (pedestalling of not ONE
pussy, but pussy in general), the other in
the mental succubus type way (his
pedestalling of the pussy while not

receiving any).
The true zen.the true zen is in finding
the perfect balance between desire,
action and what is REALLY valuable in
your life.
Their masculinity is derived from a
script, a script that tells them pussy and
women are INHERENTLY valuable,
thus you MUST have them if you have
them you are THE man and if you dont,
you need to be striving for it. Where
does this end though? What about
houses? What about cars? What about
careers? What about your very purpose
in life? Are you going to let THOSE
things be dictated by some grand script?

Then why the FUCK would you let

anyone or anything else dictate
something as simple as your desire.
The greatest men arent ones that got the
most pussy, theyre not the ones that built
the greatest kingdoms and theyre not the
ones that are depicted in history books,
the greatest men are ones who lived on
their own terms, met with their fate by
their OWN hand and created their OWN
reality based on their OWN values.
Men who werent afraid of being
alone because they knew, they knew
how truly lonely and isolating it is to
live in a DICTATED reality, one that
was set out to you by others because
even if youre the top dog, that only lasts

for so long and even while youre at the

top.its very isolating and lonely in
itself because no one understands the
pressures YOU feel, the struggle YOU
go through and the competitive anxiety
knowing that your very image, your very
essence is being measured by this
penultimate standard that others THINK
is so amazing, but really it has its OWN
challenges/drawbacks and battles.
Be a zen men.
Walk away if you need to, do not let
others tell you what is and isnt your
OWN masculinity, define it for yourself.
Fuck the world
Fuck society
Fuck me and my long winded writing

Fuck you
Fuck everything
Whyd I write that? Because I can and
because I do. Now go out there, take that
spirit and make it INTO SOMETHING>

8. Self-Improvement is a
Way of Life
1.Lifting, weight training and dieting is
SO important for EVERY man to

No man has the right to be an

amateur in the matter of physical
training. It is a shame for a man to
grow old without seeing the beauty
and strength of which his body is
If you are really strapped, you can
always try a very basic program called
Reverse Pyramid Training
v=GF17q4Jqkss) and follow that
protocol, something is ALWAYS better
than nothing. If you dont have money for
a gym at the moment, you can always
reach out to others over Kijiji/Craiglist
and see if anyone is willing to donate

equipment, youd be surprised at the

goodwill of others, but without asking ye
shall never receive. Regardless, at least
SOME exercise is necessary and if all
else fails, you can always do
calisthenics at home or in a park:
Some general lifting advice:
Train all muscle groups AT LEAST once
a week, optimally they should be hit 23x, but a very good/naturally gifted
muscle group can be trained once a
Above everything use progressive
overload, but also incorporate drop
sets/negatives/static work and other

methods as needed and depending on

how you respond.
Moderate volume depending on the
feedback and response you get from
either going low/medium or high with it.
Find the exercises that best yield
hypertrophy and get stronger along those
If you are a complete beginner, I would
suggest starting out doing 2 weeks of
conditioning workouts done every other
100 pushups
100 squats
100 lunges
5 minutes of holding a plank

If you want to add weight, you can

always strap on a backpack and fill it
with whatever adds weight. If youre
even more ambitious than this program,
you can go to a park and add 50 dips and
25 pullups.
NONE of these are meant to be done in
ONE set, so do a comfortable amount,
take a break and go again until you reach
the number. Add 10 reps to each of those
and 15 seconds to the plank each
session, once you have done that, you
should have built up your muscles a bit
so theyll be ready to go to the gym. A
great beginner routine would be the

If you have questions about HOW to
perform lifts, I would suggest checking
out these channels:
Cardio is something that youre going to
want to do as well. The benefits are
ample and when done correctly, it
actually ENHANCES your weight
training. You dont have to spend hours
on a treadmill or stair stepper doing
tedious work, make it something fun, do
something you enjoy, do it fast and do it

hard. HIIT is the perfect way to get in

some much needed cardiac work without
the added time pressures that LISS often
tends to cause. Who doesnt have 5
minutes for 4-5 20-30 second hardcore
bursts at the end of a workout. Love your
heart and it will lead you to the light.
The third pillar is a proper diet, feeding
the body is necessary for achieving
success, not only as far as your training
goes, but also in giving you energy to
perform your daily tasks at an optimal
level. Shoot for a few servings of
fruits/veggies, a gram of protein per lb
of bodyweight and fill in the rest of the
calories with whatever makes you
feel/perform best.

Some general tips for those trying to lose

Don't go crazy with the deficit right
Don't go crazy with the cardio right
ECA/preworkout as needed, again don't
start with this right away
Keep calories as high as possible and
cardio as low as possible and don't
adjust unless you stall
Diet drinks/waldens farms/spices
Fibrous veggies/egg whites are your
Here are some of my favorite studies as
to why regular lifting/cardio/diet control

is necessary:
People who exercise regularly make 5-10%
more money.
Lifting makes you smarter


Finally, I want to talk about the

importance of a thick neck, there is
NOTHING more intimidating and
masculine than a proper 16+ neck and it
should go without saying that you as a
man should strive to be as masculine as
you can be, if youre wondering as to
how one can go about building said
neck, well it is fairly simple. All you
really need is $15 to buy a neck harness
and then googling neck harness exercises
should be sufficient or if you cant afford
it, there are even bodyweight stuff you
can do to get dat girth going (no homer).
Dont believe a thick neck greatly
improves your appearance, simply take a

look at the following photos:
2.Regular reading:
It is SO important that you keep your
mind constantly expanding because it is
the ONLY way you get ahead in life.
Most people arent engaging their mind
daily, hell most people cant even be
bothered to read once a week, for fucks
sake let us be 100% reality right now,
most people dont read at all. By reading
on a daily basis you are putting yourself
above the average man. Not just in the

way that you become SLIGHTLY better

than him, but in a way that you set
yourself apart completely from the
normie peons that permeate throughout
this world.
Some must read books:
Way Of The Superior Man- If you are
going to engage with women in any
capacity or hope to do so in the future,
this is a MUST read as it lays some very
solid truths out that men need to
understand. Basic takeaway lessons are:
dominate, put yourself first, never
deviate from your mission, stay in
control of your emotions, dont give into
her bullshit. While I dont agree with
everything in this book, it is filled with

enough amazing info that makes it more

than worth the read.
The Alchemist-Inspirational short story
about a boy and his mission, yes there is
a love story, but if anything this enhances
it because of the lesson you take away
from it
Definitive Body Language Book- Read
the title
Book of Cold Reading-Read the title
The Pook And The Mill- In all in one
stop shop for a MGTOW man, SO much
wisdom is expounded in that book. It
touches on everything, women, men,
lifting, the economy, the future and our
The Manipulated Man-This book had an

extremely profound effect on how I

viewed the world/women and men,
before it, I had very simple beliefs as to
which sex was smarter. After reading
this book, things changed drastically and
I came to see the world in a new light.
27 Rules Of Pimp Game-Very short, but
filled with awesome tidbits when it
comes to dealing with women. Even if
you dont want to be in relationships or
even just to hook up with women,
understanding how to game them is great
preventative medicine in that most
people still have to engage with women
in their day to day life
48 Laws Of Power-Fantastic book on
human psychology and how to navigate

your way through life so that you get the

most out of your interactions. Even if
you dont agree with the methods
suggested, good to know so that you can
recognize when they are being used
against you.
No More Mr Nice Guy- Exactly as the
title says, a great book to show men how
to take charge of themselves and their
Supple Leopard- Book on posture
realignment, most people have issues
from dealing with extremely
unergonomic positions on the daily basis
40 Alternatives To College-Great book
for the young man around the world
contemplating putting himself in deep

debt because he believes it is the ONLY

way to achieve anything in life
Art Of Learning-Written by the guy who
played Bobby Fischer in finding Bobby
Fischer (the movie), his experiences
being a chess grandmaster, world
champion push hands competitor and
how he has optimized his learning
Wisdom Of Psychopaths-Need to
understand these ideas/concepts
especially in this world
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff-Simple
book on mindfulness
The Kybalion-Nature of the universe
Art Of War-Sun Tzu knows how to win,
sometimes winning isnt about engaging
but destroying your opponent through

other means

3.Watch documentaries/informative
I believe self-education is the ONLY
education-Isaac Asimov
It is so important that we expand our
mind in whatever way possible, who
doesnt have an hour or two to clip in to
reading or at least watching educational
videos? We live in a day and age where
information is so readily available for
those that seek it that to NOT go after it,

to disregard it and to experience a worse

quality of life for it is ignorant to the ten
thousandth degree.
Challenge yourself to ready daily
Challenge yourself to watch one
documentary daily
Challenge yourself to go to bed knowing
youve done EVERYTHING in your
capacity to arrive at YOUR highest level
and reach for YOUR best potential as a
human being and as a man.

9. Most Men in
Relationships are Miserable
At best most relationships are of mutual
benefit, however the reality is that most
of them dont come close to mutual
benefit, in most relationships, the man is
paying for her to go out with him, the
man is investing his emotional energy
into loving her aka tolerating her
bullshit, the man is the one making the
advances and ultimately if the man has
done his job to develop his masculinity
to the highest degree possible, HE is
sacrificing HIS time to be with her.
What do women contribute? Most
women are completely fine with
allowing the man temporary access to

their vagina as long as the man provides

what I described above, however most
women dont go much beyond that. Sure,
youll get more if you are a higher value
male, but that begs the question as to
what gives you the most pleasure? Your
value being validate by a woman in
some way, whether it be sexual or some
sort of nurturing or through creating
MORE value in yourself by taking on
some form of self-improvement.
What is it that gives you MOST
pleasure? Is it time with the woman or is
it time with your art, time with your
physical hobby or time spent trying to
make dem mental gainnzzzz? The other
thing to factor in is that those activities

tend to be PURELY fun meaning that

there is NO drawback from doing them,
whereas the same cannot be said about a
woman. Even if you are dominant of her
(as you should be), even if she mostly
knows her place, she is still an
estrogenic creature prone to
outbursts/breakdowns and just be
generally annoying, and pestering you
what are you thinking about? Do you
love me as much as I love you? Lets
go do brunch sometime my parents
would LOVE to meet you, so at best
she minimizes her negative impact, but
there is no bringing it down to nil. For
the most part, youre going to want to
minimize your time with her, maximize

your pleasure when youre with her or

you could skip the entire thing and just
focus on your hobbies, really its all
good at the end of the day.
All men are chasing freedom and they
are doing this constantly, they are
chasing financial freedom, they are
chasing physical freedom (orgasm) and
they are chasing spiritual freedom
(nirvana). The problem is when they
start to tie that freedom to women
because it will NEVER be so and the
sooner they understand this, the better off
theyll be as they wont limit their
happiness to being tied to something as
fickle, something as irrational and
something that sees you as disposable as

women do.
You can lose money, you can lose your
hobby, you can even lose your life
chasing women, but the flip cannot be
said. If you chase money, if you chase
your hobby and if you chase your
passion, you will NEVER lose women
because ALL women are attracted to
mavens and mavens that stand out, thus
the irony of MGTOW is that by going
MGTOW and by holding yourself
accountable to your own highest
standard of masculinity, you actually
become infinitely MORE attractive
because of your ability to demonstrate:
1.Leadership in not letting

women/society dictate your life

2.Aloofness in not being a white knight
pussy pandering simp
3.Abundance mentality in not giving a
fuck whether or not you have a woman
beside you
It is difficult to find the courage to exert
such freedom, we have been so
conditioned to NEED a woman, but once
we begin to break away from this
conditioning is when we see our
masculinity put to the REAL test in that
we are left to fend for ourselves,
mommy isnt coming to save us and
neither is anyone else. Its just you and
the world, you ready for the

10.Men are Happiest

Women are THE biggest losers ifwhat
am I sayingWHEN MGTOW happens
on a large scale because THEY will be
the ones missing out on what they crave
most and what they crave most is any of
the following:
Male attention, women are like flowers
that need to be watered with attention.
Now of course in the Western world they
arent just watered, they are FLOODED
with it and much like a flower that is
given TOO much water, they too parish.
Their death isnt as obvious at first, but
unfortunately for these women, the
attention they get in their late teens/early
20s is something that will NEVER again

be matched (not even close).

The more and more men that go
MGTOW, the more women will find
themselves on the outside looking in
because unlike men, they have never
dealt with the cold reality of not getting
attention just because you exist.
Male resources, women love to
entangle themselves in male affairs
because if they come across enough
alphas, there is a good chance that
eventually one of them might fuck her.
Even if she is only a 5/6, male thirst
knows no bounds and her ultimate dream
of somehow snagging this alpha into a
long term relationship could potentially
come true.

This is why women LOVE to invade

male spaces, hell if you knew that there
was a MOSTLY female activity that was
relatively harmless/cheap to enter into,
if they had the potential of providing you
assets as men do to women, youd enter
in it as well (well maybe not because
women are mostly mentally unstable, but
you know what Im saying).
A female being involved in a mostly
male space is an amazing opportunity for
her. These men are likely to pedestal her
due to the contrast effect of not having
many other females there and also due to
the fact that men LOVE to think they've
found the NAWALT, even when you're
BPed (blue pilled) you can tell most

women are shit and to think yours is

somehow different gives men a great
sense of pride/joy as if THEY have
attracted her.
All she has to do is keep up the act for
long enough and he's hers,
women....nothing more than rational
The bottom line for women is that the
desire for the two male derivatives
listed above is deeply embedded within
their biology because back in the day if a
woman went long enough without male
attention or male resources, there is a
good chance she would die, so even in
spite of the fact that women no longer

need them, they are going against their

biology by not getting them and for a
woman to become self-aware enough to
understand what is happening is often
too much of a task, so she will do
everything in her power to acquire them.
Societal recognition and some sort of
pair bonding. The sort of social
validation that a mother gets is INSANE,
when a woman has a child it is the male
equivalent of winning a championship at
his sport of choice, it is something that
the man will ALWAYS be able to look
back and say look at what I did. In the
same way the woman uses her child as
social proof that she too has
accomplished something worthwhile and

because how society has hamstered

itself into thinking that performing a
biological deed done over trillions of
times throughout our history is something
of note so too will others marvel at her
The other half of this is the pair bonding,
this isnt limited to her husband, but it
can also be derived from a child, if
anything it would probably be a much
higher bond with a child as its her own
DNA as well and thus she would
actually have a reason to care for it as
opposed to her husband who is entirely
disposable to her and women have
actually evolved to be able to deal with
the loss of a mate as men were the ones

MUCH more likely to die hunting,

building things, fixing things, fighting in
wars or just in general being a go-getter.
A womans highest purpose is in her
family and while there may be a small
percentage of the female population that
can be fine with it, these are often very
masculine women and they are not the
sort of women that have any relevance to
us here. However they do serve as to
illustrate a good point about our own
masculinity, unlike a woman we dont
NEED female resources, we dont even
need female attention and we certainly
dont need a family to be invigorated
with purpose.
While I do believe that a male DOES

need to be of servitude to something or

someone to have purpose, to find joy and
to reach nirvana that is NOT limited to a
woman or family. That is something that
can be found within serving the self, but
I do personally believe that a man
MUST be of service to other men to
have his greatest sense of self and his
greatest sense of purpose, but how does
one do this?
I remember I used to have an
EXTREMELY strong urge, but I couldnt
do it in the way I had wanted to, why?
Because I had not developed MYSELF
to the standard that I wanted OTHERS to
reach. First and foremost if a man is to

serve others, he must serve himself that

is to say, how can you help the world if
you cannot help yourself?
As a man you MUST strive to get better,
you MUST strive to be more and you
MUST strive to reach your highest level
of masculine dominance that you can
possibly attain. Now I know some will
say this sounds awfully preachy to me,
do as you please, but at the end of the
day, nobody needs a book to tell them to
jerk off and play video games all day,
that is something that is inherently easy,
what ISNT easy is to go after your
TRUE passion, to go after your REAL
dreams and to NEVER relent.

This is what is richest in the life of men,

these are the sort of men who change
themselves and these are the sort of men
who go on to change the world. A
woman might look at a man like Da
Vinci/Christ/Newton/Tesla and be like
but how can they be happy, they dont
have women, they dont have kids and
they dont keep in contact with their
family, but this is no different than how
a man would look at a woman getting
pregnant, then spending her life
cooking/cleaning and providing maid
like services to her family while
endeavoring to nurture them and say
bitch wtf are you saying? Are you
kidding me? This is THE most vapid

sense of existence around! However

both sexes are filled with purpose when
they follow their polarity and for the
masculine pole, the mission comes
before EVERYTHING, for the female
pole, it is family and relationships.
There is nothing wrong with either one
of those, but clearly we can see the
interdependence of one sex on the other
and ironically for males, it is NOT them.
If you were an alien visiting this planet,
you might think just that, hell you may
even question:
You males really seem to go out of your
way for the female, does she have some
sort of magical powers she grants you?

Ohwell does she at least provide

equal services to you? OhI mean
surely she has some value though?
Wait.youre telling me you do all this
bullshit, put up with all this nonsense for
a 5 second release? Really? And you
guys are supposed to be evolved?
This is why I preach self-improvement
so much, it is that when you improve the
self you NATURALLY improve the lives
of others meaning that just by lifting
yourself up, others will come to question
and admire what youve done. Not only
that, but they will seek to replicate that
within themselves and you will have the
opportunity to pass on the knowledge

that youve earned onto others, so that

they can then continue the circle of
growth. Except, unlike the
pointless/vapid circle of just
perpetuating life for the sake of
perpetuating life as most people that
have families really dont pass on
anything other than their genetics, you
will have passed on the greatest gift
ANY human being can receive:
Dont let your alien brothers down, Go

11. Some of the Greatest

Men Were MGTOWS:
What did Christ/Tesla/Da Vinci and
Newton have in common?
Except it wasnt exactly called MGTOW
back then, but what a MGTOW like
philosophy did allow them to do was to
focus ALL of their efforts into their
pursuit of choice. One of the reasons that
many men dont accomplish great things
has NOTHING to do with their capacity
and a lot more to do with their focus.

Developing your focus is a great way to

increase your happiness, the more force
you can exert within your focus, the
more you can CHOOSE what you focus
on. The problem with having a weak
focus is that you may have A LOT of
things to be happy with, but your
wandering mind gives you the illusion
that you've acquired far more
problems/issues than the previously
mentioned objectivity would say and
your lack of focus on the good things
completely destroys it all. Some ways to
increase focus would be to
meditate/write/read or really any
activity that forces you to ZONE IN.

You can be happy if you CHOOSE it, but

even within that choice, it will be
enhanced if you have more force behind
it (Think of choice as the gun and your
focus as the can use rubber
bullets or you can use the real stuff). You
need to make time to be happy,
something I suggest doing is at the end of
everyday writing down 3 things you're
happy that happened (it can be extremely
small) and why you're happy that they
happened. Then you can review this as
often as needed and with your intense
focus, you'll always have more than
enough to write about.
The best way to achieve that razor sharp
CLAWED IN focus is to meditate. For

me personally, I've been on and off with

the practice for some years, but I feel as
though I'm finally getting into the groove
of things as it has become important for
other avenues in my life. Meditation not
only improves my mental clarity, but it
also allows me to focus in on what
Meditation, this subject to some may
seem tooty fruity, but the truth is that not
only is it now starting to be backed by
science, but the overwhelming changes
Ive personally seen have helped me see
the light as far as showing that
meditation not only has a place in a
regime for optimal performance, but it
should be a regular staple. All

meditation really is, is bodybuilding for

the mind. You take the raw materials,
you begin to mold them and overtime
they take form, but unless you train the
mind like the body, it too will stay weak.
Meditation is crucial for building a
wizards mind.
There are two type that I recommends:
The internal contemplative state, very
good for finding peace, serenity,
overcoming fear, depression, anxiety and
worrying. It's essentially where you
focus on your heart beating, your breath
and try to limit external thoughts about
anything, your primary focus is those
functions. I have found this method very
useful for grounding me in the present,

the present being the ONLY thing that

REALLY exists, the past is the past and
the future hasnt come, but the present is
all there is to be truly done.
The external manifestation state, very
good for giving you confidence within
your pursuit and a sense of purpose in
helping to rewire dem neurons in a
pattern that serves you. Visualize
yourself achieving your goals and
manifesting your desires.
A good balance between the two is
needed to get the most out of it, if you
struggle with anxiety or fear a lot, then
what you could is first work on
controlling your breathing. Youd be
surprised at how much of your life is

dictated by the pace at which you inhale

and exhale air, not only will it affect
your heart rate, but it also affects how
your brain functions. So once youve
laid down and worked on your breathing
a bit, what you want to next do is begin
to envision yourself in the situations that
cause you to be afraid.
If you cant DIRECTLY practice
something, then the next best way is
through visualization and actually some
argue that this may even work better:
practice-and-visualizationtechniques_3.htm Regardless, a bit of
positive mental masturbation never hurt

Feel free to visualize whatever goals

and things you want to accomplish, these
are just examples of things Ive done in
the past and it is in no way meant to be
rules. If you struggle in certain situations
or if there is something you want to
improve, starting in your mind is a great
place to commence that journey.
As far as logistics go, you might be
wondering if you need music, to be in a
certain place, to burn incense or if you
need to go to some guru to transplant
knowledge? No, no, nope and fuck no,
all you need is a comfortable place and
to close your eyes and begin (aka
ACTION), there is no one right answer
as to how meditation is done and I

would absolutely encourage you to

experiment and find what works best for
You might ask, but what does all this
visualization REALLY get you? JUST
the contemplation of your dreams and
JUST THINKING about HOW to attain
them does something for you. Most
people dont even really think about
their dreams, yeah they might visualize
them once in a while, but they do next to
no regular visualization. They are simply
hit by a wave of inspiration every now
and then and for the next few hours they
spend semi engaged in some far off land
that they never venture to ever again,
physically or mentally.

One of my favorite things about

meditation is how it rewires your brain
for success. A recurring theme in this
book is going to be being in control and
staying calm and meditation allows you
to practice just that. It is something so
crucial because it PRIMES you for
action and the correct kind too. Not only
that, but just ENVISIONING yourself
achieving/being something will no doubt
help your subconscious realign itself so
that the actions you take throughout your
day have been taken from a start point
that is confident and going after your
goals. Correcting your mentality is huge
and while it isnt everything, meditating
often will ensure that when you take

action (remember ALWAYS TAKE

ACTION), that you already KNOW what
you want, now it is a matter of doing
what it takes to attain it.
Some of my favorite studies on the
benefits of meditation:
A host of people talking about their
experiences with meditation:
A bit of a detour we just took, but lets
get back to the topic at hand, these men
were able to accomplish the great feats
they achieved because of the focus they
were able to exert, but not only that, they
also had a ton of time to actually focus.
A lot of people may be able to get pretty
focused when they work and go after
their dreams, however if they dont
dedicate enough time to this, then its not
going to matter because 100% focus of
15 minutes is still only 15 total minutes
of actual work.
The real problem with women/children
and families is that they actually impede

a mans progress as he has WAY less

time to actually do his work, he still
CAN achieve great things, but he will
achieve them IN SPITE of those
obligations and never BECAUSE of
There is good reason that these men
avoid these things, the path of greatness
is filled with sacrifices and if you want
to achieve something special, you too
are going to have to give up something.
Luckily those things never have and
never will bring men the TRUE
happiness they can derive from
following their passions and giving
THAT their all.
Above everything, you need to prioritize

that which makes you tick, that which

makes you happy and that which gives
you purpose and those things will
NEVER be found within family for men.
You can look at your own family or
close friends, now you might like them,
you may even love them, but if it came
down between your wildest dreams and
not seeing them, be honest, what would
you choose?
Prioritize your own greatness, weve
had cohesive family units, weve had
great friendships, but we have not had
many renaissance men. Cultivate your
mind, cultivate your body and complete
the following:
John 10:34-35: We are not stoning you

for any of these, replied the Jews, but

for blasphemy, because you, a mere man,
claim to be God. Jesus answered them,
Is it not written in your Law, I have
said you are gods?
John 14:12: I tell you the truth, anyone
who has faith in me will do what I have
been doing. He will do even greater
things than these, because I am going to
the Father.
(No this isnt to get on a religious trope
or to try and convert anyone, personally
I dont believe in these things, but just
focus on the bolded and you too will
unlock your inner deity)

12. Women Cant Even Love

a Man The Way he Idealizes
Men are romantics disguised as
idealists and women are idealists
disguised as romantics:
Other research on gender differences in
romantic beliefs has found that men
report being more likely to experience
love at first sight4one recent survey
of 100,000 adults found that 48 percent
of men claimed to have fallen in love at
first sight, while only 28 percent of
women made such a romantic claim.5 In

addition, men, compared to women,

tended to place a greater emphasis on
the importance of feeling passion in their
relationships.6 Men have also been
found more likely to say I love you
first in a relationshipand they report
greater happiness than women after
hearing those words for the first time.7
To make sense of these apparently
counterintuitive gender differences, we
can turn to evolutionary psychology.
Women tend to be more pragmatic when
seeking a mate.
One of societys greatest lies is that
women are actually the lovers of the
world meanwhile men are these cold
calculating machines that are incapable
of being anything but machines of brute

force. Meanwhile if you look at your

own friends or even your own life, how
many of us can say weve been guilty of
oneitis? How many of us can say we
fell for a girl and fell for her hard? I
would be willing to bet that EVERY
SINGLE MAN reading this book at one
point did some shit that looking back on
it was EXTREMELY cringe, you are not
proud of and if it were played on a
jumbo-tron of an arena, you would
probably be looking for the nearest
noose. Why?
Because you ACTUALLY did indeed
love her or at least you THOUGHT you
did. Men believe that if they can just

give in to the feeling or should I say

chemical reaction that is love, that their
lives are better off for it. However, the
world is harsh, the world is cold and the
world does NOT give a fuck about your
problems as a man, so do you think it is
conducive to success to be mentally
weak? To give into soft feelings? To
be in lluuuvvvvvv? And what they end
up realizing is that it is NOT better, nor
is it good, nor is it even REMOTELY ok
to give into those feelings as a man.
What usually ends up happening is the
1.Boy meets girl
2.Boy falls for girl
This situation can split off to many

different scenarios, but Ill go through

the most common ones:
3.Girl doesnt reciprocate
4.Boy either gets shut down or gets put
into the friendzone
5.Boy continues to pedestal her HARD,
thinking shes perfect, making her out to
be WAY more than she is, fantasizing
about his and her life together, spending
tons of his time thinking about what shes
doing, how amazing she is and how he
doesnt deserve her
6.This goes on for a while and if he is
able to snap out of it.he just repeats it
with another girl.if he isnt, he
continues this degenerate mind
destroying philosophy until he has

conditioned himself to be nothing more

than a beta cuckhold for the rest of his
Or the other common scenario is as
3.Girl likes boy back usually due to
some derivative of the Looks Money
Status matrix meaning that the boy
actually has value to her
4.Boy is still pedestalling her as he is
head over heels in love with her, he
spends his time thinking about her and
when he is with her, he is overwhelmed
by the feelings (chemical reaction) that
is love
5.At first because she is young and
nave, she may reciprocate or even

initiate this sort of behavior, but slowly

this begins to die down, she becomes
more distant and eventually starts to fall
entirely out of love
6.You find yourself completely
confused/lost and hurt, you thought that
this sort of behavior is what women
wanted, you watched plenty of Disney
movies/blue pill television shows and
romantic movies after all, you should be
an expert on love.
7.You KNOW what youre doing is bad
strategy, but you continue down the
degenerate path, maybe you write her
poetry, maybe you call/text her regularly,
maybe you even cry to her how much
you need herit is too late, her pussy

has completely dried up (her vagina

tingles are gone), she has mentally
checked out of the relationship and you
are left dangling
This is a VERY common occurrence
among ALL males and it is NOTHING to
be ashamed of, for it was not you who
committed those crimes, it was your blue
pill alter ego that was programmed by
the toxic gynocentric, pussy pedestaling
world that we live in, by the cancerous
pop culture with shows like
Simpsons/Everybody Loves Raymond
and other programming that teaches men
to be weak, supplicating puss cakes and
by the feminist propaganda our
mothers/sisters and female

acquaintances have fed us:

Just be yourself
Always apologize
Dont ignore her, tell her how much she
means to you, always be communicating,
if youre jealous, hurt or weak TELL
A womans love is ENTIRELY based
on her respect of you and she shows
this through dispensing sex aka the
ONLY way she knows how to truly
show her appreciation. She KNOWS
that if she has a good man, SHE needs

him more than HE needs HER and

thus EVERY service she could provide
is something he could provide for
himself or get elsewhere, so she is left
to rely on her biology. In hopes of
tricking the man to pair bonding with
her, she may whisper sweet nothings
into his ear, but ALWAYS remember:
NINETEEN out of 20 women admit
lying to their partners or husbands, a
survey on attitudes to truth and
relationships has found.
Eighty-three per cent owned up to telling
"big, life-changing lies", with 13 per

cent saying they did so frequently.

45 per cent said they told "little white
lies" most days.
Nearly one in four British women would
try to conceive without their partner's
consent if they wanted a baby, research
It found that 94% confessed to telling
fibs, with 48% lying on a daily basis
The vast majority (84%) said they could
lie with a clear conscience
Seven out of 10 women would instantly
change their minds about leaving a
boring man if he hit the lottery jackpot.
More than half (51%) would take the

money if offered 10,000 to share their

secrets with the world after bedding a
famous footballer.
And 40% would accept 50,000 for
their partner to sleep with another
In surveys since the 1960s, men typically
report having more sexual partners and
than do women - a statistically
impossible feat. For example, British
men boast an average of 13 partners
over a lifetime compared with an
average of nine partners for women.
Women change their answers depending
on whether or not they believe they will

be caught out not telling the truth, the

researchers found. The number of sexual
partners a woman reported nearly
doubled when women thought they were
hooked up to a lie detector machine.
"Women are more sensitive to social
expectations for their sexual behaviour
and may be less than honest when asked
about their behaviour in some survey
conditions," says Fisher, a psychologist.
She says women appeared to feel under
pressure to meet expectations of being
more relationship-orientated and not
Women who thought their responses
might be read said they had had an
average of 2.6 sexual partners,
compared with 3.4 partners for those

who thought their answers were

anonymous. But those who thought they
would be caught out by the polygraph
reported an average of 4.4 partners.
In contrast, men's answers did not vary
significantly. Those attached to the liedetector reported an average of 4.0
partners compared with 3.7 for men who
thought their answers would be read.
The researchers think the results explain
the previously reported differences in
men and women's sexual behaviour, with
women being afraid of getting labelled
as "whores".
The stuff they say makes no sense."

"I see them hedge, making it up as they

go along."
"They lie all the time. I can tell."
"No way it's true. No one would act like
that if it's true."
"They can't get their story straight."
This is the real truth and it is why you
must avoid the plague that is
romanticism, a womans love is and
always will be conditional, keep this in
Best loves a man will get:
Love of self
Love of his ideas/pursuits/passions
Love from other men (no homo and
maybe a bit of homo)

Love from children

Love from animals
Love from women

13. Free From

MGTOW=freedom and freedom is the
very ESSENCE of masculinity.
Everything men do is in some way
designed to either currently or eventually
release them, from what? They dont
know, but ALL men pine away for that
freedom, that release and that ultimate
manifestation of masculinity. The
problem is that, the more we walk
through life, the more it seems things get
in the way of that freedom. Everywhere
we go, we are commanded to erode
some of that freedom and fall in line:
As children we have dreams, but we are
told to have a backup plan and just to

focus on our studies

As we enter our teen years, we begin to
pick up hobbies, but if we dont want to
spend time chasing pussy, we are told
we are losers, that there is something
wrong with us and that we should be out
chasing skirts
As we finish high school, we are told
that were going to need to pick our
career. What is a career? Something that
makes you money while forcing your
body into for 40+ hours a week doing
whatever activity it is that others have
deemed ok and one that you are ok taking
on its conscription.
We begin to move through college and
university, everywhere we look, the

beliefs of relationships, the 9-5 rat race

and our future as nothing more than a cog
in the wheel is being reinforced. Our
parents are telling us to study hard, find
someone and begin to think about settling
down and having a family of our own.
Then if youre really unfortunate and
have given into the whims of others, you
will actually listen to their wishes for
you and take on ALL of these things.
Never once stopping to think Heythis
is MY life.this is MY world and this
is MY wish for what I want. Not
noticing that the freedom you once
craved has been so crushed that it could
be said that your desire for freedom has
now turned into a desire for slaverya

desire which you have manifested in full

form, but hey thats what you get for
following the crowd, for following the
herd and for being another sheep.
If you are not willing to endure great
criticism, you will hardly achieve
anything great for all the great dreamers
at one point were confronted with the
reality that their dreams seemed
impossible, that others told them not to
and that they themselves questioned the
legitimacy of what they could do in this
If you ever start to question and doubt
whether the path youre walking down
on is legitimate, know that the lemming
path will ALWAYS be there, but unless

you actually explore the alternative road,

you may find that after enough years of
going with the lemmings, it would
appear as though its damn near
impossible to break off and do your own
thing. Fear not, its NEVER too late to
be what you couldve been , but the
momentum (momentum doesnt exist, it
just feels like it does) you FEEL
(because it doesnt actually exist) you
have to break is what is overwhelming.
What does your average man deal with
when coming to terms with this society?
Shaming to date
Shaming to have girlfriends
Shaming to settle down

Shaming to have kids

Shaming to be a 9-5 rat racer
Shaming from his wife to keep moving
Shaming from his family to give up on
his dreams
Shaming from his kids because his
emasculation has become abundantly
obvious even to them
Obligations to show up to a job he
doesnt like
Obligations to keep showing up to that
job because he has a mortgage
Obligations to keep paying that mortgage
and deal with his wife whining about

how the house needs repairs in place

XYZ (it doesnt) or how they need a
bigger house or how the neighbors just
upgraded their fence and they need to do
the same
Obligations to spend time with the
Obligations to spend time being a
chauffer to miniature yous that you dont
get to even see that often because you
have to keep working to pay for the
house, to pay for the cars, to pay for
frivolous things your wife buys
Oh and keep in mind youre watching
yourself get progressively uglier
because nobody told you that one of
THE most important things in the world

is taking care of your body so that your

mind can function optimally and you can
properly exude the confidence necessary
for a man to get through this crazy world.
All the while, your wife is
fucking/sucking you less and less with
each passing year as she is hitting the
wall and becoming more and more
grotesque. Hell at this point in time,
youd probably take being one of those
losers that has his own bachelor pad,
works part time, spends his time lifting
weights, meeting women on his own
terms as in IF he wishes and IF he
desires and can leave for Thailand
tomorrow if he so desires.
The more you interact with amoral

institutions that are ONLY out for

themselves, entities like women/the
government/banks/corporations, the
more youll erode your ability to move
freely and to be who YOU want to be.
MGTOW is the quest for freedom
MGTOW is masculinity unleashed
MGTOW is love
MGTOW is life
Dont let others stunt who you become,
keep in mind that the majority of the
majority may as well not have existed at
all. They did accomplished nothing of
value, they did nothing of note and they
lead lives of quiet desperation. You have
been granted the greatest opportunity
because in this day and age where we

dont have to worry about starving,

where so many diseases have been cured
and where we have all the time in the
world to debate/contemplate and
postulate on spiritual problems, you can
100% weighing ALL the choices before
you, choose who YOU want to be.
Choose wisely and choose well as you
dont want to end up in rat race hell.

14. You See Who Your True

Friends Are
The great thing about MGTOW is that it
allows you to be you and it also allows
you to see what others REALLY think of
you. So many of us have gotten caught up
in the trap of trying to please others, it
seems that no matter how hard we try, no
matter how much we listen and no matter
how much we did, it was never enough
and THE biggest issue that arose from
We tied our OWN happiness to that of
someone else
We werent free thinkers, we werent
rational and we were acting AGAINST
our own best interests, no more.From

this day on, you are FREE. That is from

this day on, you shall not give a fuck
about what ANYONE externally of you
says, thinks or feels. Now that doesnt
mean that you disregard all of those
things that may come from a good friend
meaning well, but it does mean that you
filter out the trash and keep only the
good stuff.
When you go MGTOW, you begin to see
the world for what it really is and this is
often a bitter (red) pill to swallow:
You see how disposable you are to
You see what a utility you are to women
You see how others plot and scheme to
extract things from you

You see that in past times, you have been

nothing more than a glorified ATM
machine, a glorified emotional tampon
and a glorified resource provider
Youll come to see that there are A LOT
of negative people in the world whose
only wish is to take, take and take some
more. They care not about giving and
while there are both givers and
receivers, what good is a relationship if
you are the ONLY one invested and
giving within it?
Because a lot of MGTOWs are naturally
very good people, they can often get
taken advantage of and I believe that it is
because of this natural nature that many
MGTOWs come to find the notion of this

lifestyle so attractive. MGTOW is about

opting out, but MGTOW is also about
cooperation for MGTOW could not exist
without the MEN as it is not just A MAN
that goes his own way, it is a GROUP.
A group that shares its ideas, its values
and its philosophies because they too
have seen how cold the world is to men.
They have seen what happens when you
give too much without taking enough to
sustain yourself. MGTOW is about
realizing your OWN potential and your
OWN value. You move from thinking:
Hey I helped him, why wouldnt he help
me back?
Well if he isnt going to reciprocate, then

he can fuck right off, I dont NEED him

in my life. As a matter of fact I dont
need ANYONE in my life because I am
a value CREATOR, not a value THIEF.
It is the difference from qualifying
yourself to others as opposed to having
them qualify themselves to you and this
is something you want to do with
EVERYONE. Once you realize your
own potential, begin to take steps to
attain said potential and then start seeing
results towards, your time need not be
constrained in ANY way by lemming
peasants seeking to use you to further
their prospects.
Tis better to walk alone than to walk

with company headed in the wrong

Guard your time carefully
Guard your heart carefully
Guard your mind carefully
Do not share these things with just
anyone. You wouldnt give a rando your
house, you wouldnt give a rando your
car and you wouldnt give a rando your
money, so why share THE most intimate
things with them?
Your one true friend in the world:
Love you

15. Fidelity Is Dead
More than one sexual partner and the
odds of divorce go up significantly
More women are committing adultery
today than reported doing so in the past.
A 2010 survey by the National Opinion
Research Center found that women are
40 per cent more likely to cheat today
than they were 20 years ago. Some
researchers think this is because more of
them are in the workforce, and because
more women today have jobs that
require them to travel.

t 92 per cent of men said that their

infidelity wasn't about sex. The men said
that their reasons for cheating were often
emotional, such as feeling disconnected
from or under-appreciated by their
Men are the TRUE romantics disguised
as idealists whereas women are the
idealists disguised as romantics
Research into the behaviour of 4,000
cheats claims women are more
promiscuous, having an average of 2.3
secret lovers compared to a mere 1.8 for

Women tend to cheat as they look for

romance and emotional fulfillment while
men said they play away in the pursuit of
sexual excitement and boredom with
their marriages
A stunning 90 percent of adulterous
wives told one Manhattan researcher
they suffered no guilt, but rather felt
entitled to the pleasure and excitement
of their secret trysts,
60% have engaged in at least one
extramarital affair
60% of cheating women seek a longterm affair
65% report that sex is better with the

lover than the husband.

70% say their lover is the opposite of
their husband.
45% remain in marriage after the affair
25% marry their lover
90% have no guilt, but feel entitled to
the affair
Now I know there may be a small
percentage of you that are just too
skeptical that what I say above is THAT
definitive.ok, well, just take a look at
the following:
Lets even assume that this woman is an

8+, the fact that she is able to get 900+

thats right 900+ matches on tinder,
what does that tell you about the odds of
her staying faithful? Even if you ARE in
the 1% of the males, within that 900,
there are 9 other guys who are JUST AS
good if not BETTER than you.
Keep in mind that women are estrogenic
creatures and thus prone to bad
decisions solely based on the contents of
their hormones, so even IF you
miraculously were still doing better than
ALL the men she was able to match up
with or get interested in her online, her
being angry at you would just make her
more likely to act on the impulse. Why?
Because monogamy is based on two

This bullshit that your parents or
grandparents like to sell you Back in
our day, if something was broken, we
fixed itwe didnt just throw it away
is just that.BULLSHIT.
The REAL reasons they stayed together
was because of those two things. Either
your grandmother didnt have a great
availability of men who could replace
your grandfather because remember, pretinder days, if a woman lived in a small
town, she would MAYBE meet a few
men per week that she was even semi
interested in, then you factor in the men

that she is actually able to engage with

and find out more about them and you
finish off by keeping in mind that they
would need to be around her or live in
the same place, so that she could fully
calculate whether or not she could make
the branch swing. At this point youre
looking at maybe 30-40 men A YEAR
There is also the dependence to keep in
mind in that most women were
dependent on men, they didnt have many
skills, they werent working as much
compared to today and in a lot of cases,
they didnt even factor that some
societies wouldnt just shame a woman
for doing this, but she may actually get

physically stoned as in KILLED for her

abandonment of her husband and you see
why most people back 30-40 years ago
stuck together.
It wasnt because of some altruistic
virtue that had been so readily instilled
in them, its more so the reality of:
The dependence on the other person
Not having remotely as close to as many
Fear of repercussions
Couple that nowadays when women
have ZERO dependence on men because
even in a worst case scenario they have
big daddy government to care for them
and their offspring. Also the fact that a
woman can go online and as we saw in

the video and also the JonMiller

experiment, get hundreds of
UNSOLICITED messages, matches and
attention within DAYS. Then you factor
in that shows like Sex And The
City/hookup culture and feminism
literally encourage her to do whatever
she feels is right sexually and you have
the powder keg that is modern day
The entire thing is set up to fail and thus
your investment needs to be absolutely
minimum as can be. Instead of investing
in her, invest in yourself, invest in
whatever it is that makes you happy and
invest in something that gives you back a
TANGIBLE result.

Everything you have with women is

conditional and set up to fail, remember
that and always remember:
NEVER under ANY circumstance EVER
invest an ounce of emotion within a
This is a recipe for disaster, but in
todays day and age its not even
disaster, its Hiroshima X 9/11 X
Mao.not fun

16.Other Men are Waking

up and a Strong
Brotherhood is Forming
One of the greatest thing among
MGTOW circles is the brotherhood,
simply put, MGTOW while having many
different offshoots, many individual
thinkers and many different philosophies
on an array of topics still retains a level
of brotherhood , not often seen.
And for good reason too, men have
evolved to scratch each others backs so
to speak as if you were out hunting in a
group/working in a group or doing
anything in a group, it only made sense
to have your brother/friend/fathers back

as they were more likely to have your

own, a tit for tat approach.
I think that MGTOW is going to touch on
something deeper though, I think
MGTOW is going to show the sort of
bond that men can form with each other,
one that actually is WAY more
unconditional than ANY bond they
could ever form with a woman because
as a man, the friendship is ALL that
matters. You dont care if your buddy is
fat, lives in a basement and doesnt have
much money.the company is what is
With a woman it is ENTIRELY different,
her love for you is based on your
ability to provide the LMS

(Looks/Money/Status) that is appealing

to her at the current point in her life,
whether she is looking for a more
resource based boyfriend or whether its
a more genetic based boyfriend, one
thing is for sure:
The second either of those begins to
decline, she will start to look at the
branches available to her to swing off
Most men walk through life completely
divided and segregated from their fellow
brothers, they see them as competition
and something that is to be hated and
destroyed (if possible). However, the
reality is that the very man that you
PERCEIVE to be a threat/challenge is

probably the one that would understand

your situation most.
What man hasnt fallen for a woman?
What man hasnt done something silly
for a woman?
What man hasnt based his self-worth on
What man hasnt experienced coldness
and rejection from the world?
Most men have more in common with
each other than they ever could find in
the female sex.
Stupid people dont learn, average
people learn from their mistakes,
brilliant people learn from the mistakes
of others

The really great thing about being around

men is that masculine men in their own
way have explored different things,
theyve explored different levels of
consciousness, theyve held and
explored different ideas, theyve
explored the world and they have
explored themselves. If a man has been
developing himself and pushing himself
to his MAXIMUM capacity he will have
no doubt learned a ton, thus he will have
A TON of knowledge to pass on those
willing to listen, if only we would listen.
Unfortunately with the destruction of all
male spaces, the invasion of them and
the fact that women have segregated men
from each other through shaming,

intruding or outright NOT ALLOWING

them (husbands say holla!) to spend
time around other men has greatly
impacted our growth as men. This is
something that really leaves a sour taste
in my mouth because it is the LITERAL
stifling of the masculine spirit, it is
something that should not and will not be
Going forward, its going to be amazing
to see what MGTOW accomplishes
because when men come together, share
ideas, share what theyve learned,
usually great things take place, but they
need to have this opportunity, to quote
the Samurais:

When you are listening to the stories of

accomplished men and the like, you
should listen with deep sincerity, even if
its something about which you already
know. If in listening to the same thing ten
or twenty times it happens that you come
to an unexpected understanding, that
moment will be very special. Within the
tedious talk of old folks are their
meritorious deeds.
The Lunar society is a great example of
EXACTLY what happens when men
come together in the spirit of
creation/innovation and greater good, so
what happens? Oh thats rightthe GOD

aka a CRUCIAL part of why weve

progressed as much as we have today.
Now do you think the same sort of result
couldve been replicated if women were
involved in these parties?
What about if some of the men werent
allowed to go?
What about if they had to censor
themselves because their conversations
werent PG enough for the women
Of course not, but they serve as an
example as to what is possible for us
So rejoice, for while the male space is
something that has been eroded in the
last 50 years, the pendulum can only

swing so far before men begin to see

what is happening and reclaim their
masculine RIGHTyeah thats right
Men have the RIGHT to say as they
The right to discuss whatever the fuck
they want
To be who THEY want to be, free from
restrictions (as long as they arent
harming others) and free from the toxic
shaming that we so often see from our
families/society and women.
What I would encourage EVERYONE
reading this book to do is to start a club
with a few other men and meet once a
week, not for any other purpose than to

congregate and talk about things,

whatever they may be, I guarantee you
that the conversation will be
interesting/stimulating and can even
yield a life changing impact.
Take back the masculine sphere
Conquer the masculine realm
Be a man.your OWN manGo your
own way

17.You Begin to Rely on

Yourself, Your Own Opinion
and Self-Love
One of the best lessons that MGTOW
teaches is self-reliance because you
understand that the worlds love for you
is conditional, there is only one thing
you can TRULY count on in this world
yourself. So how does one attain their
highest self-love, so that they can then
feel comfortable in relying on
1.Positive affirmations, it may sound a
bit hokey pokey at first, but positive
affirmations were something entirely
necessary for me to rewire my brain. A

lot of us have taken on a TON of

negative habits throughout a lifetime of
receiving as much negative output that a
man receives. One of the ways to undo
this is to reclaim your sovereignty and
you do this by beginning to believe in
yourself and you can do this by
eliminating negative self-talk and only
allowing positive input. Write down 3
things you like about yourself and
whenever you begin to feel down about
something or yourself, repeat those
things until they become deeply
embedded within
The average person talks to himself or
herself about 50,000 times a day
self-talk about yourself, 80%

Transform your mind and transform your
2.Accomplishments, the reason why I
stress progress and hobbies so much is
because it is very easy to love yourself
when you have a reason to. A lot of men
have a hard time doing so because in all
honesty they are lame motherfuckers,
now thats no reason NOT to love
yourself because all you really have is
the moment and if you realize youre a
lame motherfucker and youre ready to
put in the work to change that, thats a
whole lot better than going through your
entire life and NOT coming to this

Have hobbies, whatever you do, do

something. Whether its painting,
vlogging, lifting weights, writing,
dancingit doesnt matter, as long as
its SOMETHING. Men are NOT meant
to sit around watching TV, jerking off
and wasting their lives NOT
accomplishing things. Male happiness is
tied to servitude and while it is not
necessary to serve others, it IS necessary
to serve yourself.
So learn to love yourself, its really
THE best thing you can do as a man. You
will no longer rely on anything
EXTERNAL to provide any sort of feel
good feelings, instead you will prosper
at your own hands and thus retain

ENTIRE control of your emotional state.

So many men look for external vices to
define them, they look at women, they
look at cars, they look at money, power,
status etc etc. NONE of it will ever fill
that internal void because it is just that
internal and those external things can
only ENHANCE what is within,
meaning that if you have a low level
happiness, then you will have a low
level enhancement. If you have a high
level of happiness, then those things can
absolutely magnify that happiness, but
they will NEVER make up or actually
BE it.
That is something you will decide and
that is something YOU will create

18.You Flip the Womens

Women are so used to men pandering to
them, to every whim, wish and desire
that they have never had to deal with
rejection or a lack of attention.
You take what women covet so much
(attention) and you turn it into something
that actually benefits you, now the
choice is yours as far as what you turn it
into, but SO many men are caught in this
never ending trap of allowing their
masculinity to depend on women and
this ends up being their Achilles heel.
When a man takes his attention and puts
it either internally or directs it towards
something that adds value to his life, he

is taking his MOST powerful resource

(time) and using it to create, as opposed
to having it destroyed by a time sucking,
money sucking, resource sucking
When it comes down to it, there are two
types of people in the world:
Just about everybody falls under these
categories when you evaluate what they
bring into your life and unfortunately,
most women are straight up liabilities.
They are THE worst type of liability
because unlike some other liabilities that
are only so for the momentary period of
time, women actually DEPRECIATE

with time (hello le wall), so a man has

to ask himself, what is it that makes me
take on this liability? A desire for a
meaningful relationship?
What's meaningful? Some subjective
value that men like to dream of, when in
reality, you are nothing more than
meatbags rubbing genitals.
Men only fall in "love" when they think
that's the best they can get
(oneitis/poverty mentality) and women
fall in "love" with men who either crush
their LMS and dominate/lead them.
"Love" is nothing more than one sex

submitting to the other, the man

submitting usually through faulty
reasoning as even if we are positing the
notion that some women are such
amazing gems, if he is capable of
attracting one gem, he can pull more.
However the male reality is that he
usually pedestals the **** out of her and
makes her out to be Gaia, when she's
nothing more than the average thot.
Now a woman's "love" is more rational
in that if you have higher LMS and are
able to dominate/lead her, you actually
DO stand out from a TON of other
males, but her love is based on
respect...respect derived from how well

you are able to retain LMS and how

well you are able to continue to
dominate/lead her. However the caveat
here is that unlike the man because she
doesn't pedestal the man, her love is
WAY more conditional.
Men are romantics, women are idealists,
both sexes are thought to be the other.
The love that most men want
(unconditional) is nothing more than a
pipe dream, unless you have LMS up the
ass, are on top of your game and she is
dependent on you or has a lot lower
There never was objective "meaning" to

it, only the subjective one that either sex

gave it. When you step back and examine
things for what they really are, you come
to see that it was all a ploy to get us to
continue to pass on our genetics, male
pair bonding (oneitis/pedestalling)
working well in making sure he'll stick
around and provide resources for the
woman/children and female practicality
(being able to leave you at the drop of a
hat without an ounce of regret/remorse
i.e how in some countries 3/4 of
divorces are initiated by women)
working well in dealing with the reality
that male disposability had men dying at
WAY higher rates

cities/doing dangerous ****) allowing

her to find a new partner to provide her
resources without having to mentally
cope with the passing of her previous
man. So the gist of this notion of a
meaningful relationship is really as
Pay a hooker for sex, its just as
meaningful as long as youre willing to
give it meaning because objectively
speaking, there is NO difference
between outright using money for sex or
the clever Im technically NOT using
money for sex take you out on dates,
take you to the movies, buy you meals
and spend my time (money) with

you.oh thats not using money for

sex..right and all women are chaste
virgins. Bottom line, most
women=liabilities, you dont want to
take on more liabilities than you have to
and JUST this knowledge allows you to
flip the female script and make HER
qualify HERSELF to YOU and work for
YOUR attention.
Now the assets are the exact OPPOSITE
of that, they are people who ADD value
to your life, those are the sort of
relationships that are of mutual exchange
in that you actually get something
tangible back from them. If somebody is
draining you, emotionally, financially or
time wise, drop them.if they are

enhancing your knowledge, enhancing

your mood and thus elevating your
wellbeing, spend AS much time as
Takeaway message:
Relationships/friendships arent
INHERENTLY valuable, there are
emotional vampires, failures and
cancers.avoid them, you cannot help
those who do not wish to be helped
because these come from a place of
lacking not a place of abundance.
Do not seek relationships/friendships out
for the sake of seeking them out, tis
better to walk alone than with company
headed in the wrong direction
Everyone knows the importance of

surrounding themselves with positive

people, but not everyone understands the
importance of filtering out shit people
Know thyself should be the great axiom
for ANYONES life in that when you
know YOUR value, you are able to
gauge other peoples value relative to

19.You Fight the Cancerous

System in the Best Way
Some people protest
Others riot
And some even write their politicians
You know what they all have in
What do you mean nothing you say?
Nothing in that it ACCOMPLISHES
Protests are often done with such a
miniscule amount of people that I dont
think even the protestors employers even

Riotslol, well riots are a good reason
for police to use their typical over
reaction protocol and injure (possibly
kill) a few protestors.
Writing a politician.cmon dont make
me laugh, you think your peon opinion is
going to make a difference relative to the
thousands of dollars they have coming in
from different people/groups.
ALL of these are old paradigms of
standing against the system and they are
all very similar in that they accomplish
You really want to effect change?
Speak with your wallet

Speak with your time

Speak with your investment
Why SO many MRAs fail is because
they think if ONLY I could go back.if
only we could go back to the traditional
days, well female dependence (as
outlined earlier) is at an all time low,
male cock availability is at an all time
high and the final nail in the coffin:
Societal shaming. Society not only
DOESNT shame women anymore, it
actually ENCOURAGES this behavior.
It is encouraged through divorce rapes
It is encouraged through TV/movies and
It is encourage through feminism

It is encouraged by making women feel

as though they NEED to ride the cock
carousel and tying their very femininity
to it as in saying only strong/sexually
liberate women are courageous enough
to be whores
There is no religion, there is no
community and there are no more
families holding back female hypergamy.
It is widely known and encouraged with
a you go girl attitude. The final
constraint that kept people together is
gone, shriveled awaydead
So there you have it.RIP traditionality
So where does the real potential for
change lie?
You, simply put, forget about changing

an entire system, forget about trying to

influence politicians and forget about
influencing others. Influence and shift
your focus on something that is entirely
Instead of looking at the evils of human
nature, understand and bend it to your
Instead of looking at individual behavior
and condemning it, use it to your
advantage or if it cannot be used, avoid
the situations where it arises.
The problem with trying to directly
engage and change the system is that one
of few things happen
1.You either waste your time entirely
and effect little change

2.You become inexplicably tied to the
system, you think youre free, but you
cannot get away from it. You think you
are altering it, but slowly it is altering
you as you begin to define yourself not
on your own terms and with your own
ideas, but in response to it.
Do not seek to be superman and martyr
yourself for the world. This disserves
you AND the world you are trying to
save. Focus your resources on that that is
easily impacted and can be shifted even
a bit, the butterfly effect/six degrees of
separation means your sphere of
influence even with a small action can

Yesterday I was clever so I tried

changing the world. Today I am wise and
Im changing myself-Rumi

20.Amoral Institutions
Dont Care About You
Amoral institution=something that puts
itself first even if at the cost of others.
Some of you may ask, but isnt this kind
of what youve been saying? Yes and no.
In NO way should your happiness
infringe on the rights of others, meaning
that your happiness shouldnt be derived
from the suffering of others. Apart from
that, do whatever the fuck you wanna do
mane, but also understand about amoral
institutions and how they are ONLY out
for one thing.themselves.
Thus whenever you see one of them, do
not engage unless you are SURE you can

derive mutual benefit because while

these interactions CAN be of mutual
benefit or even in rare cases to your
benefit, they can also go terribly wrong,
unless you have a keen/prepared and
strong mind.
This is why you should ONLY engage
when they FIRST show a willingness to
be cooperative and you KNOW that the
relationship can be of mutual benefit and
the SECOND it stops, cut your ties.
A lot of men love to transplant their
philosophy onto others, not in the Im
going to convince you way, but in the
Well Im a rational person and I think
like this, you appear to be the same, so
you too MUST think in this way. Call

Curse of knowledge Bias
When better-informed people find it
extremely difficult to think about
problems from the perspective of
lesser-informed people.[29]
This is shown in how a man loves
This is shown in how a man votes
This is shown in how a man borrows
and repays
However this is not something that is
necessarily reciprocated, not because
these things are lesser-informed, but
because it does not serve them (unless

they need to work with you in order to

A man must be very weary of the world
he lives in because of the opportunity he
is given, if you have the time to read
this, chances are that your life is pretty
good in that you have a house, a roof
over your head, food in your fridge and
clothes in your back. If you live in a first
world country, well youve already hit a
massive jackpot compared to a large
portion of the worlds population.
MGTOW as a whole isnt about whining
about women or complaining how much
easier things are for them, nay. It is about
the potential we ALL have as men and
the realization that it is an awful fucking

shame that so many men waste their

potential on things that dont give a lick
about them. It is about understanding
how AWESOME our lives can be, but
how AWFUL things can end up if we
give into cancerous matrix programming
of the average 9-5 drone.
MGTOW is righteous indignation of
what has happened to our brothers, our
fathers and maybe even our sons and it is
the reclamation of our right to define
ourselves as WE please. It is the
COMPLETE abandonment of anything
that seeks to destroy our freewill and the
adoption of anything that seeks to
enhance it.

21.More Freedom
Man is a strong creature
Man is an incredibly smart creature
Man is endowed with ALL sorts of
different capabilities
Unfortunately, man is a tamed stallion,
he is a desk jockey, he is a board tippertapper, he is a fallen angel. For once
upon a time, he looked up and he saw the
stars, he gazed upon their beauty and he
promised himself that one day he would
get nearer to them.
Not anymore though, today he looks
down and what does he see? A massive
gut, an empty wallet and when he fixes

his gaze to his reflection, he sees a

hollow creature, one that once had SO
much life, SO much joy and SO much
passionslowly.this was eroded.
This was stolen and not ever channeled
into anything. It was taken and he was
told just follow the yellow brick road,
we promise youll end up somewhere
nice. Have men ended up somewhere
nice? Take a look around at your average
fella today, he has health issues, his wife
runs his show, he doesnt even get to see
his kids and all the while his soul is
continually crushed at a job that
dissatisfies, demeans and takes every
ounce of fire he has left.

For this man, he has ONLY taken this

path because he BELIEVED that he
needed to in order to be happy. The job
is merely an extension of his other
beliefs, but the reason he completes the
arduous tasks at hand, the reason he gets
up at 6 and returns at 6 and the reason he
continues on with this cruel faade is to
support his family, his wife and a
consumerist lifestyle that he cares not for
in the least. He doesnt want another rug,
he doesnt want a new couch and he
doesnt think that the basement needs to
be refurnished.
The worst thing in this world is wasted
potential and what more is modern man
that a bundle of wasted potential? But

this ALL starts with the choices he has

made, there is an effect, but there is also
a cause and we must ALWAYS look to
the cause: his BELIEF that he NEEDS
xyz to be happy.
Fuck materialism
Fuck consumerism
Fuck externality
Fuck a soul crushing job
Instead of taking that money and pouring
it into something that doesnt serve you,
take it and invest in your education. The
great thing about living for yourself and
your own accord is that you are not tied
down to anything, nobody depends on
you, but you and because of this you are
MUCH freer to maneuver than most

everyone out there.

As a finishing note, I want to encourage
EVERYONE out there to start working
on their own source of passive income.
If you do not know much about creating
one, it isnt all that difficult with the
internet, check out the following thread
and get started on your passive journey

22. Why MGTOW Wins:

Covert Warfare (Countering
MGTOW is evolution, MGTOW exists
as an adaption to an anti-male world, but
one of the best things that I see about
MGTOW is the rationality of the
proposition it brings forward. In men
going their own way, they take back their
masculinity and begin to define it on
their own terms. They are no longer
looking to woman XYZ, they are no
longer looking to job XYZ, they are no
longer looking to possession XYZ, they
are looking within, thus they are
reclaiming the power that they ALWAYS

had, but one that APPEARED to have

been taken away from them.
The problem is that the best strategy that
society used as a whole has been
exposed.shaming and what happens
when something is exposed, it becomes
transparent. People begin to see it for
what it really is and the more men
talk/congregate and communicate with
one another, the more similarities they
begin to see within the Matrix. I.e take a
group of men, one from France, one from
England, one from Thailand, one from
America, one from Chile and they all
begin to talk online:
Wait, they tell you as well that you

NEED a girlfriend?
Wait, they tell you as well that you
NEED to get married?
Wait, they tell you as well that you
NEED to have this career?
Then comes the most important question:
why? Well if you ask this to the people
telling you what you NEED, you have
ALREADY lost because you have given
into their frame, who the fuck cares
about the why? If someone proposes
that you inject krokodili into your
pecker, youre not going to ask them why
because you ALREADY know its a
stupid idea. So instead of asking THEM
why, these men begin to ask EACH
OTHER why and they come up with the

correct answer.there is no good why.

These are ideas and notions that are
perpetuated in order to keep the system
churning and moving along smoothly, but
why serve this system? If youre serving
something greater than you, would you
not want it to care for you or at least
value you? Are men really valued in the
world? And thats fine, thats just how
biology has hardwired us, obviously a
vagina has inherently more value than a
penis, so it makes sense from a purely
biological perspective to have
whiteknights, to have pussy sycophants
and to have men who are willing to
throw themselves away to save a damsel
in distressif we didnt have those

characteristics, MGTOW may have

came about a lot earlier and who knows
whether the species wouldve survived
at that point and thats really all
evolution/nature cares about.
However we have now reached a point,
where its no longer about gene
replication, so a lot of the old strategies
that have gotten us this far are being
rendered useless. Why should I care
about serving something that doesnt
serve me? Why should I do what other
people tell me, especially when those
people would be willing to throw me
away at the first chance they stand to
profit in doing so?
MGTOW is just a rational proposition

that seeks to understand the world, our

nature and how our systems are set up,
except instead of doing what other
people when they find out some of the
truth and take up arms against the system.
MGTOW just says
THAT is why things are the way they
are..well then Ima just do me and they
can do them, but Ima keep my distance
and my resources for myself
A MGTOW man actually has WAY more
time/resources and emotional energy to
attain the things that actually objectively
enhance his life. He has more time to
expand his mind, he has more time to
improve his body, he has more time to

network, he has more time to meditate.

Things that RETAIN their value and ask
for very little in return. In essence
MGTOW is the search for low
investment/high return activities and
these things are not found in women,
careers or consumerism.
The funny thing is that because the
MGTOW man ends up with more time to
work on himself and create REAL value
within, he then actually has HIGHER
chances of succeeding with these very
same things than the average man who
just blindly pursues them, except unlike
the drone who doesnt think for himself,
they have the CHOICE of whether or not
they pursue them. Thats where the real

beauty of MGTOW lies, it is the

ENHANCEMENT of freewill.
Ive seen some criticism and it always
stems from people who dont really
understand MGTOW as a whole or what
its really about. For example, Ive seen
the Oh you guys are just like the bitter
feminists, waa waa whining about
women, nobody cares
There is a difference between
whining/bitterness which is more of a
systematic behavior where the identity
becomes meshed with what youre trying
to fight and righteous indignation that
says This is bullshit, this is why its
bullshit and this why you should avoid
it. THE biggest difference between

MGTOW and feminism is that MGTOW

is not trying to legislate or coerce
anyone to take any action, it merely
encourages people to pursue things to
their own accord, to their own trumpet
and to their own volition.
Whereas feminism endeavors to pass
new laws thus coercing people into
following their ideals and this isnt even
through actual reason/fact or truth. Pretty
much everything they cite can be easily
debunked by even a bit of research:
Men are half the victims of domestic
Men are more likely to be homeless,
have a higher suicide rate or be killed
Men are more likely to pay child

support, alimony or end up in jail for not

doing so
Women cheat as much (if not more), in
some places they get paid more and
affirmative action in FORCING as in
using COERCION (through the use of
big daddy government) in having
companies/universities have quotas for
Where is the MGTOW equivalent of
this? There is no coercion or things that
come of MGTOW that steal something
that shouldve been a womans, i.e the
job that shouldve went to the most
skilled worker, but instead is
automatically going to a woman because
if men and women are equal why would

you ever need to have quotas? Shouldnt

you be able to attain that position
through your natural ability to be equal
and thus with a bit of work to supersede
What is the call to action that feminism
takes? Do these women ever talk about
their hobbies or things that women can
do to enhance their reality? How can you
possibly liberate a human being if its
state stays the same as its apparent
shackled version? This is THE biggest
difference is that when you look at the
most popular MGTOWS, they ALL have
hobbies/passions and pursuits that they
Stardusk has his language study,

neurological study and his exercise
Barb has his running, coupled with his
interest in chemistry and his blog
Sandman has his photography, editing
and writing
This is OUTSIDE of their study of
psychology, philosophy and evo psyche
which is evident in their videos. THIS is
the major difference, MGTOW
ENCOURAGES men to pursue their
freewill and puts into PROPER
perspective what women are, their place
and what value you should place on

relationships.they may come along for

the ride, but never deviate YOUR own
course for them and they will NEVER be
the ride.
MGTOW is seeking to have MORE men
who are liberated from the system
because society/women and our
immediate families will NOT put into
perspective the ACTUAL cost:benefit
ratio in engaging with women and
ESPECIALLY getting married/having
kids with them. This is why this is an
important aspect of MGTOW, it is so
that FIRST the notions that people have
about the way things NEED to be can be
broken down through logic, rationality,
studies and experience of others. Then

and ONLY then are they TOTALLY free

because you have PROPER
understanding and context of
relationships, women and signing
contracts, having kids and sharing your
wealth with them.
This doesnt work if Sandman just said
be a photographer its a good hobby or
if Stardusk said Study language, its
challenging but can be worthwhile or if
Barbarossa said learn about chemistry,
its neato because even IF the men
followed their instructions, there are SO
many ways they can get fucked over,
side tracked or lost in society, that they
may not get past learning the word hello
or taking one picture or learning one

What needs to be valued above
EVERYTHING is truth, what does it
matter if someone is mad saying it? What
does it matter if theyre happy saying it?
Does truth shift to tonality and emotion?
Is something true because of the way it is
The criticism ALWAYS comes
OUTSIDE of someone who is a
MGTOWer, if people actually
read/spoke or asked to how the
MGTOWers lives ACTUALLY are
instead of projecting themselves by
calling names, making assumptions and
just being outright obtuse to new ideas,
theyd find out that pretty much all of

them are IMMENSLY happy and if you

have a rational philosophy, one that
encourages free thought, one that uses
studies, one that focuses on objectivity
and one where the people that follow or
identify with it are very happy, why
would you NOT look at it?
Fear, ignorance or bias, its just that
simple. People are afraid of the
implications that MGTOW has in
showing us that men and women are
actually INSANELY different, their
natures collide and if it wasnt for one
side making massive concessions, there
wouldve been NO cooperation to begin
with. Ignorance in that people are either
willfully ignoring evidence of what is

being said, using subjective conjecture

that nobody can possibly confirm or they
have negative knowledge and they
believe something that is flat out a lie.
Bias in that its obviously WAY easier to
disregard what MGTOW says than to
actually look at paradigm shifting
evidence (Semmelweis reflex) because
rewiring neurons, realizing you were
wrong and looking at past mistakes isnt
the most fun thing in the world.
This is why MGTOW wins because it
doesnt HINGE on those people, what
MGTOW allows men to do is to
TRANSCEND the opinions of others
and pursue happiness how THEY want

As Sun Tzu said It is best to win

without fighting, this is MGTOW in a
nutshell. Why fight to change female
nature? Why try to legislate laws to
coerce women in the way that men have
been coerced/ruined and bullied by the
gynocentric laws passed?
MGTOW is prophylaxis or the
PREVENTION of future problems
which is why its SO important for men
to be aware, to see these videos and to
look at the cold harsh truth. Their very
potential hinges on it because MGTOW
isnt about whining and saying women
are naturally evil, we as men are such
victims, pity party all on board, it is
about saying look at everything in the

world, in spite of all of this, you have an

AMAZING opportunity, here is how you
can take advantage of it and here is how
to avoid the problems that many men
How much money/time/effort and
emotional investment has been lost by
men who couldve taken that same
resource, channeled it into the self or
into something higher and been more
fulfilled for it? How much NEEDS to be
lost before men should wake up to their
reality? The irony is that by channeling it
into something other than women, they
actually end up with more women due to
their higher success in life
Its not so much that women are these

inherently evil creatures hell bent on

destroying men, its that unless men and
women understand their nature,
specifically men understanding female
nature, they can end up in TERRIBLE
positions as weve seen in the west with
all of the issues the two sexes have had
in the last 50 years, but which sex is the
one that pays for it? Are women facing
alimony in high amounts? Do women
ever serve any time for false rape
accusations? Are female against male
domestic violence cases taken as
seriously as a woman making the same
accusation and what of the woman if her
accusation is found out to be false?
MGTOW can literally save lives as

Straight Shooter so poignantly pointed

out. If men see the gynocentric nature of
society, how women CAN behave if it
benefits them and the sort of
consequences they face, their whole way
of thinking can undergo an epic
transformation. What if the war machine
understood the topics found in
videos? Would he have had the same
fate? What about all the married men
who got completely fucked over by the
family courts? THAT is the
potential.THAT is the chance we have
and THAT is the opportunity we can
take, if only we become aware.
People that criticize MGTOW, you have

to wonder, how many mens lives are

they saving? What good are THEY doing
for men around the world? I mean hell,
Ive only been on youtube for 3 months
with this channel and Ive already gotten
men from Greece/France/Asia/America
telling me how the videos have helped
them understand things differently and
how they are so much happier for having
this knowledge. THAT is THE most
worthwhile aspect of MGTOW to me,
literally helping others to see their own
capacity, their own potential and their
own ability to transcend the paradigm
and leave the plantation.
MGTOW is the unleashing of male
potential through first losing the

inhibition that SO many men have in

tying their masculinity to a woman, to a
family, to what others thing, to their kids.
CAN be fucking awesome as a man, the
world CAN also be fucking terrible as a
man, but unless you are armed with the
correct knowledge, your reality will not
be one of YOUR highest potential
because regardless of the understanding
you have of knowledge, if that
knowledge is false, it matters not, your
reality too will be false.
MGTOWs have NO need to be bitter,
theyve already won. They have the
proper context of women, they

understand their nature

(hypergamy/solipsism/their love
style/their loyalty), they understand the
dangers of engaging with them
(alimony/divorce rape/jail time), they
know their own nature (their sex drive,
their disposability and their tendency to
whiteknight if unchecked) and they
understand how society views them
(cogs in the wheel, cannon fodder and to
be thrown out if broken).they are SO
far past this.
Now they can spend their time studying
philosophy, finance, biology, psychology
Now they can spend their time lifting
weights, running, tracking their macros,

Now they can play video games, leave

the country on a whim or do whatever it
is they please
They have NO ties to any particular
philosophy, they have lost everything
and some of them without ever losing a
thing. Their reality, their mood and their
life does NOT hinge on others, their
thoughts, whether or not they have
person XYZ in their life and ANY
shaming.they dont give a fuck
They are self-actualized, they are selffullfilled and they are FREE. So my
brothas, do what makes YOU happy,
pursue your OWN dreams, let the world
be your oyster. Come as you wish, stay
as you please and do it all with steeze

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