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[G.R. No. 110397. August 14, 1997]

PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs.
BINAMIRA y ALAYON, accused-appellant.



In acquitting the accused, this Court stresses two doctrines: (1) a violation of the
accuseds right to retain a counsel of his own choice during custodial investigation renders
his extrajudicial confession inadmissible even where such confession was extracted on
October 3, 1985, i.e., before the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution, and (2) to sustain a
conviction anchored on circumstantial evidence, the prosecution must convincingly prove an
unbroken chain of events from which only one fair and reasonable conclusion can be
inferred -- that of the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt. Where such
circumstances can be the subject of two possibilities, one of which is consistent with
innocence and the other with guilt, then such evidence has not fulfilled the test of moral
certainty and the constitutional presumption of innocence must thus be upheld.

Statement of the Case

Appellant Armando Binamira y Alayon appeals the May 5, 1989 Decision of the
Regional Trial Court of Makati, Metro Manila, Branch 164, in Criminal Case No. 19504
convicting him of the crime of robbery with homicide, sentencing him to reclusion
perpetua and ordering him to pay the heirs of the victim, Jessie Flores y Cledar,
P30,000.00 as indemnity and P25,000.00 as actual or compensatory damages.




On October 7, 1985, an Information, dated October 4, 1985, was filed by Second

Assistant Fiscal Dennis M. Villa Ignacio accusing appellant of robbery with homicide
allegedly committed as follows:

That on or about the 2nd day of October, 1985, in the Municipality of Makati, Metro
Manila, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused, while armed with a fan knife, with intent to gain and by means of force, violence
and intimidation, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously take and divest
from one Jessie Flores y Cledera her 14K Gold Necklace worth P1,000.00 and One (1)
Ladys Citizen wrist watch worthP1,000.00 all belonging to Jessie Flores y Cledera in the
total amount of P2,000.00 to the damage and prejudice of the latter in the aforementioned
amount of P2,000.00; that on the occasion of said robbery, the accused stabbed the said
Jessie Flores y Cledera on her neck, as a result thereof, the said victim suffered mortal
wound which directly caused her death.
Contrary to law.
Arraigned on October 25, 1985, the accused, assisted by Counsel de Oficio Elpidio R.
Calis, pleaded not guilty to the charge. Trial ensued in due course.

Based on circumstantial evidence and on Appellant Binamiras extrajudicial confession,

the court a quo rendered the assailed Decision, the decretal portion of which reads:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the court finds the accused guilty beyond reasonable
doubt of the crime of robbery with homicide and hereby sentences him to the penalty
of reclusion perpetua; to indemnify the heirs of the victim the amount of P30,000.00 for the
death of Jessie Flores and P25,000.00 as actual or compensatory without subsidiary
imprisonment, in case of insolvency.


Aggrieved, appellant interposed this appeal.

The Facts According to the Prosecution

The prosecution presented four witnesses; namely, NBI Medico-Legal Officer Nieto
Salvador, who testified on the autopsy results; Nicasio Rosales, a security guard who
testified on the arrest and turnover to the police authorities of Appellant Binamira; Makati
Police Officer Wilfredo Cruz, who testified on the custodial investigation and extrajudicial
confession of appellant; and Narciso Flores, the husband of the deceased, Jessie
Flores yCledera. In the appellees brief, the Solicitor General summarized the facts as
presented by the prosecution, thus:

On 02 October 1985, at about 6:50 P.M., in Magallanes Village, Makati, Metro Manila,
Security Guard Nicasio Rosales of the RAPSA Security Agency assigned thereat together
with his co-guards were alerted by a report regarding the death of a woman by the name of
Jessie Flores y Cledera at No. 68 Margarita St., Magallanes Village, Makati. They hurried
to the scene of the crime where they saw the lifeless body of a woman lying on the ground
(pp. 4-6, tsn, February 14, 1986).
They immediately conducted a search of the immediate surroundings hoping to find the
person responsible for the killing and they saw a man wearing short pants, walking very
fast. When the guards approached him, the man who turned out to be herein appellant,
casually pretended to be urinating. Suspicious, they searched him and found a pair of pants
and undershirt inside his bag soaked with blood (pp. 6-7, id).
Thereupon, the guard brought appellant to the Galleria de Magallanes Hall where he, as
well as the bloodied clothings, were turned over to Police Investigator Wilfredo Cruz
whom they had called to respond to said incident. On the same day, appellant was brought
to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the Makati Police Station for further
investigation (pp. 7-8. id).
On the following day, 03 October 1985, Cruz conducted an investigation of appellants
complicity in the Magallanes robbery-killing incident. Before the investigation proceeded,
Pfc. Cruz first apprised appellant of his constitutional rights while under custodial
investigation by explaining to him his right to counsel, his right to remain silent and, that
any statement that he would give during the investigation may be used for or against him in
any court of law, and that in case he did not have a lawyer, the State would provide him
with one who will assist him in the investigation. At this juncture, the services of Atty.
Romeo P. Parcon of the Citizens Legal Assistance Office (CLAO) of Makati was offered to
which appellant agreed (pp.5-7, tsn, 1986; pp.4-6, tsn, May 14, 1986; pp.84, Record).

While being investigated with the assistance and presence of Atty. Parcon, appellant readily
cooperated to give his statements. He admitted that he stabbed the victim in the neck with a
fan knife after divesting her of one (1) wristwatch and a gold necklace. Appellant revealed
that he killed the victim when she began screaming for help despite his instructions to keep
silent. Midway during the investigation, Pfc. Cruz showed to appellant a gold necklace and
asked him the connection thereof to the investigation to which appellant, despite being told
that he was at liberty not to proceed with the investigation, admitted that the necklace was
the same one he took from the victim. After the investigation, the extrajudicial confession
was subscribed and sworn to by appellant (Exh. C to C-2) before the office of the then
Fiscal of Makati (pp.84-84, Records; p.10, tsn, March 21, 1986; p.7, tsn, May 14, 1986).
Dr. Nieto Salvador, the NBI Medico-legal Officer, who conducted an autopsy examination
on the body of the victim on October 3, 1985, found as per autopsy report no. N-85-2078
(Exh. F to F-3) dated December 2, 1985, the following:
'Lips and nailbeds, pale. Abrasions, reddish brown, 1.5 x 0.5. cm. right infraclavicular
'Wound stab, 2.0 cm. in size, lower extremity rounded, running downward and medially,
edges clean cut; located at the left side of the suprasternal, 1.0 cm. to the left anterior
median line directed backward, downward and laterally, involving skin, underlying soft
tissues, cutting carotid artery and vein, approximate depth artery and vein, approximate
depth, 7.0 cm.
Other visceral organs pale.
Stomach is filled up to 2/3 with partially digested food particles.
Dr. Salvador testified that the victims cause of death was due to acute hemorrhage on
account of a frontal stab wound she sustained at the base of her neck just above the
subtraclavicular notch. He further opines that the instrument used in the stabbing is a sharp
pointed object. Appellants clothings soaked with the victims blood were also submitted to
Dr. Salvador for examination (pp. 6-9, tsn, April 25, 1986).

According to the Defense

Appellant, as lone defense witness, admitted his presence at Magallanes Village that
fateful night but unequivocally denied participation in the crime. The following counterstatement of facts is narrated in Appellants Brief:

The evidence for the defense eloquently shows that accused-appellant was formerly
connected with the National Food Authority (NFA) as messenger from 1983 to 1985. On
October 2, 1985, coming from his work at Baclaran, Paranaque, Metro Manila, at around
7:00 oclock in the evening, more or less, he went to Magallanes Village at the back of
Bulwagang Pilipino for the purpose of taking a merienda which he usually did after office
hours. While walking all alone at the vicinity of Magallanes Village, accused-appellant did
not notice any unusual incident nor seen (sic) anybody until the security guards who,
without legal and justifiable grounds searched and apprehended him. Accused-appellant
was brought by the security guards at their headquarters where they beat, mauled,
maltreated and tied him to the post. They forced him to admit that he was the one who
killed the woman whose body was lying at their guardhouse. But the accused-appellant
maintained his innocence. After the lapse of several minutes, the security guards untied the

accused-appellant from the post and they brought them back to their headquarters. The
security guards then pointed to accused-appellant a person lying at their guardhouse. They
forced accused-appellant to carry the dead body to be placed inside the funeral
car. Helpless, accused-appellant followed their order. After he has placed the body at the
funeral car, the security guards ordered him to take off the clothes he was
wearing. Accused-appellant consented. Afterwards, the security guards brought him once
more to their headquarters where accused-appellant saw Pfc. Willy Cruz. From their
headquarters, they brought him to the Criminal Investigation Division (CID), Makati Police
Station for interrogation.
At the Makati Police Station, the police investigators assigned that time investigated the
accused-appellant relative to the death of a woman at the Magallanes Village, Makati,
Metro-Manila. When the investigation was being conducted by the police investigator,
accused-appellant did not see one of his relatives at the police station nor was he provided a
lawyer of his choice. Subsequently, the police investigators blindfolded him. He was
thereafter mauled by the police investigators, forcing him to admit the commission of the
crime which happened in Magallanes Village. After maltreating the accused-appellant, they
detained him and was made to sign a statement the following day.
When his wife visited him at the detention cell, accused-appellant told her what the security
guards and police officers did to him during the apprehension and investigation. The wife,
due to fear, did not report the maltreatment committed on the accused-appellant to the
higher authorities.
Accused-appellant denied having divested Jessie Flores of one gold necklace
worth P1,000.00 and Ladyss (sic) Citizen wrist watch also worth P1,000.00 or a total
of P2,000.00 and having stabbed Jessie Flores on her neck which resulted to her untimely
death. On August 2, 1986, accused-appellant `wrote his lawyer on record reiterating thereto
the mishandling committed by the security guards and police investigator when he denied
the killing of a woman whose body was found in Magallanes Village, Metro-Manila. (Exh.
1). (TSN, September 11, 1987, pp. 3-11)

The Issues
In his brief, appellant assigns the following errors allegedly committed by the trial court:

The trial court gravely erred in giving full credence to thhe [sic] testimonies of the
prosecution witnesses despite of [sic] its improbabilities.

The trial court gravely erred in holding that the extrajudicial confession of
accused-appellant Armando Binamira is admissible in evidence.

The trial court gravely erred in totally disregarding the defense interposed by the

The trial court gravely erred in convicting the accused-appellant despite failure
of the prosecution to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

In the ultimate, the foregoing boil down to whether the evidence on record establishes
beyond reasonable doubt the guilt of Appellant Binamira. Two points will be addressed: first,
the admissibility of appellants extrajudicial confession; and second, the sufficiency of the
circumstantial evidence to sustain appellants guilt.

The Courts Ruling

The appeal is meritorious.

Extrajudicial Confession Inadmissible

Appellant Armando Binamira contends that his extrajudicial confession marked as
Exhibit C is inadmissible in evidence because it was improperly taken during the custodial
investigation. He contends that he was not informed of his right to counsel of his own
choice nor assisted by counsel of his own choice and that this was evident from
the Pahiwatig of his extrajudicial confession, which reads:



PAHIWATIG: Ikaw ARMANDO BINAMIRA ay nahaharap sa isang pagsisiyasat tungkol sa

isang pangyayari na kung saan ang isang babaing biktima ay namatay dahil sa isang
saksak sa kanyang leeg.
Bilang isang malayang mamamayan ng ating bansa, ikaw ay may ilang mga karapatan sa
ilalim ng ating bagong umiiral na Saligang Batas gaya ng mga sumusunod;
Na, karapatan mo ang manahimik o ang hindi pagbibigay ng pahayag tungkol sa
pagsisiyasat na ito.
Na, karapatan mo ang kumuha ng isang abogado o manananggol na siyang mamamatnubay
sa iyo sa pagsisiyasat na ito at kung ikaw ay walang abogado ay bibigyan ka namin ng
isang manananggol o abogado.
Na, karapatan mo rin ang hindi pagsagot sa mga ipagtatanong ko sa iyo na inaakala mo na
makasasama sa iyo.
Nais ko rin ipaalam sa iyo na ano mang sasabihin mo sa pagsisiyasat na ito ay maari ring
naming gamitin laban sa iyo sa alin mang hukuman dito sa ating bansa.
TANONG: Matapos kong maipaliwanag sa iyo ang ilan sa iyong mga karapatan, ikaw ba ay
magbibigay ng isang malayang salaysay sa pagsisiyasat na ito?
SAGOT: Opo. A.B.


T. Dahilan sa ikaw ay walang manananggol o abogado sa pagsisiyasat na ito, ikaw ay

bibgyan namin ng isang abogado sa katauhan ni Atty. ROMEO P. PARCON ng
Makati CLAO office na siyang mamamatnubay sa iyo ngayon. Pumapayag ka ba na
itong si ATTY. ROMEO P. PARCON ang siyang mamantnubay sa iyo sa pagsisiyasat
na ito?
S. Opo. A.B. [handwritten]
T. Ikaw ba ay magbibigay ng isang malayang salaysay sa harap ni Atty. Romeo P.
Parcon? (Underscoring supplied.)

Significant in assessing this contention of the appellant is the Solicitor Generals candid
admission that Exhibit C (the extrajudicial confession) does not show that appellant was

informed of his right to have a counsel preferably of his own choice as required under the
present Constitution.

The prosecution however justified such failure to inform appellant of his right to
counsel of choice and to give him the opportunity to retain one by arguing that the
questioned extrajudicial confession was obtained on October 3, 1985, whereas the 1987
Constitution, which expressly provided for such rights, took effect only on February 2,
1987 and could not be given retroactive effect pursuant to Magtoto vs. Manguera. Thus,
the Solicitor General postulates, (a)t the time said confession was made, appellant was not
yet entitled to be informed of the right he is now invoking simply because there was none at
the time. The right to counsel preferably of ones own choice during investigation for the
commission of an offense is a new provision.




We do not agree. Article IV, Section 20 of the 1973 Constitution mandated that x x x
(a)ny person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to
remain silent and to counsel, and to be informed of such right. x x x Any confession obtained
in violation of this section shall be inadmissible in evidence. Parenthetically, this
constitutional provision was an acceptance of the landmark doctrine laid down by the United
States Supreme Court in Miranda vs. Arizona.

Significantly, in Morales, Jr. vs. Enrile promulgated on April 26, 1983, the Philippine
Supreme Court, applying said provision of the 1973 Constitution, laid down for the first time
the guidelines to be observed strictly by law enforcers during custodial investigation, and
there had occasion to state that x x x No custodial investigation shall be conducted unless it
be in the presence of counsel engaged by the person arrested, by any person on his behalf,
or appointed by the court upon petition either of the detainee himself or anyone on his
behalf. x x x (Italics supplied.) This doctrinal pronouncement was reiterated
in People vs. Galit, promulgated on March 20, 1985, and other cases. In People vs.
Jimenez promulgated on December 10, 1991 and which dealt with an extrajudicial
confession given during a custodial investigation on September 16, 1985, this Court through
then Associate Justice, now Chief Justice, Andres R. Narvasa held that a person being
investigated by the police as a suspect in an offense has the right, among others, to have
competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice and if he cannot afford the
services of counsel, he must be provided with one; and that said right cannot be waived
except in writing and in the presence of counsel. x x x In one case, the confession of an
accused was rejected there being no showing that the lawyer of the Citizens Legal
Assistance Office (CLAO) called by the National Bureau of Investigation to assist the
accused was his counsel of choice.






In its evolution, the right to engage a counsel of choice and its companion rights had
been initially a judge-made law, the definitive ruling having been first laid down by this
Court in Morales, reiterated in Galit and subsequent cases and eventually incorporated in
the 1987 Constitution. Ineludibly, these rights may not be given retroactive effect pursuant to
Article 4 in relation to Article 8 of the Civil Code and, by parity of
reasoning,Magtoto. Consequently, they do not cover extrajudicial confessions made prior to
April 26, 1983, the promulgation date of Morales. Since Appellant Binamira executed his
extrajudicial confession on October 3, 1985, or after April 26, 1983, he was correct in
invoking the right to be informed of his right to engage a counsel of his own choice and to be
afforded the reasonable opportunity to retain one. On this basis, the prosecutions argument,
pointing to our ruling in Magtoto, is flawed. For, clearly, the facts obtaining in the present
case do not justify the application of the doctrine on non-retroactivity or prospectivity of laws,
including this Courts interpretation of the same as enunciated in Magtoto.


In addition, the factual antecedents of Magtoto are not on all fours with that of the
present case. The former case contemplated a right previously absent under the 1935
Constitution and which was granted for the first time only by the 1973 Constitution. The
instant case involved a right which, although not then expressly worded in the 1973
Constitution, already existed as a judge-made law when the incident happened and its
application was claimed by the appellant.
Father Joaquin Bernas, a member of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, writes that
the brief sentence in the 1973 version was expanded (in the 1987 Constitution) in order
to clarify the scope of the right. Indeed, the present Constitution did not create a new right;
it merely affirmed its scope as already explained in existing jurisprudence. The deliberations

of the 1986 Constitutional Commission support this conclusion. Felicitas S. Aquino, another
member of the Constitutional Commission, proclaimed that [l]ikewise, the amendment of
incorporating PREFERABLY OF HIS OWN CHOICE reasserts that the freedom to choose
and the freedom to refuse belong first to the detainee. This Court had occasion to explain
the rationale of this right as follows:

It is noteworthy that the modifiers competent and independent were terms absent in all
organic laws previous to the 1987 Constitution. Their addition in the fundamental law of
1987 was meant to stress the primacy accorded to the voluntariness of the choice, under the
uniquely stressful conditions of a custodial investigation, by according the accused,
deprived of normal conditions guaranteeing individual autonomy, an informed judgment
based on the choices given to him by a competent and independent lawyer.
Thus, the lawyer called to be present during such investigation should be as far as
reasonably possible, the choice of the individual undergoing questioning. If the lawyer
were one furnished in the accused's behalf, it is important that he should be competent and
independent, i.e., that he is willing to fully safeguard the constitutional rights of the
accused, as distinguished from one who would merely be giving a routine, peremptory and
meaningless recital of the individual's constitutional rights. In People v. Basay, this Court
stressed that an accused's right to be informed of the right to remain silent and to counsel
contemplates the transmission of meaningful information rather than just the ceremonial
and perfunctory recitation of an abstract constitutional principle.'
Ideally, therefore, a lawyer engaged for an individual facing custodial investigation (if the
latter could not afford one) `should be engaged by the accused (himself), or by the latter's
relative or person authorized by him to engage an attorney or by the court, upon proper
petition of the accused or person authorized by the accused to file such petition. Lawyers
engaged by the police, whatever testimonials are given as proof of their probity and
supposed independence, are generally suspect; as in many areas, the relationship between
lawyers and law enforcement authorities can be symbiotic."

Clearly, the right to counsel preferably of ones own choice and the right to be informed
thereof were extant when Appellant Binamira was investigated by the Makati Police on
October 3, 1985, or more than two years after the promulgation of the judge-made law
in Morales.
In the present case, Appellant Binamira was not adequately informed of his
constitutional right to engage a counsel of his own choice, much less afforded an
opportunity to exercise such right. This much, we repeat, is admitted by the Solicitor
Moreover, the extrajudicial confession itself shows that, in the course of the custodial
investigation, Appellant Binamira was not fully apprised of his constitutional rights. While he
was perfunctorily informed of his right to be represented by counsel, it was not explained to
him that he may choose that counsel. More important, he was not given the chance to
actually retain such counsel of his choice. Furthermore, he was supposedly informed of
these rights through two kilometric sentences punctuated by similarly two terse answers
of Opo initialed by him. It was not demonstrated that appellant understood his
constitutional rights; and the Pahiwatigitself, which is obviously of martial law vintage, shows
that the investigating officers did not exert sufficient effort to explain such rights. Verily, the
right of a person under custodial investigation to be informed of his rights contemplates an
effective communication that results in an understanding of what is conveyed. Short of this,
there is a denial of the right, as it cannot truly be said that the accused has been informed of
his right.


Finally, the CLAO lawyer appointed by the police to assist appellant did not provide
effective or adequate legal assistance to the latter. He did not display any measure of zeal
commensurate to the magnitude of his responsibility. Said counsel even failed to object to
the apparent illegal arrest and unlawful search on appellant who was simply walking when

arrested by Nicasio Rosales, a security guard, on the sole ground that he looked
suspicious. Unquestionably, Rosales did not witness the robbery or the killing and did not
see appellant commit, or about to commit, the crime charged.

The evidence shows that said counsel was present only during the signing of the
extrajudicial confession. The record is bereft of any indication that said counsel explained
anything to or advised the appellant of the consequences of his confession. Although it is
clear that appellant had been investigated by the police as early as October 2, 1985, the
counsels presence was established by the prosecution only during the actual signing on
October 3, and not during the investigation itself. Prosecution Witness Rosales testified that
the Magallanes Village security guards turned over the appellant -- as a suspect in and not
as a witness to the killing -- to the Makati Police on the night of October 2. Pfc. Wilfredo
Cruz also testified that he investigated appellant on October 2. Appellant himself confirmed
that the investigation started as soon as he arrived at the police station.The extrajudicial
confession, however, was signed only on the following day. In spite of appellants allegations
of irregularities committed in the course of the investigation, i.e., before and during the
actual signing of the confession, the prosecution miserably failed to present rebuttal
evidence. To clarify all these, Atty. Romeo P. Parcon should have been presented on the
stand. Such failure or lapse denigrates the prosecutions cause.

As this Court held in People vs. Deniega, [I]f the lawyers role is reduced to being that
of a mere witness to the signing of a pre-prepared document albeit indicating therein
compliance with the accuseds constitutional rights, the constitutional standard x x x is not
met. Under the circumstances of this case, appellants extrajudicial confession does not
merit our imprimatur.

The prosecution also hammers on the fact that neither Appellant Binamira nor his wife
or other relatives ever reported to the authorities the physical abuse appellant suffered in
the hands of the security guards and the police investigating him. However, such failure
does not prove the voluntariness of Binamiras confession. It is not very difficult to
understand the apprehension, even the refusal, of appellant and his wife -- poor folks not
highly educated, if at all -- to report these violations of appellants rights, for Binamira
suffered these wrongs from the very same persons who were supposed to protect him. The
fact that he was able to divulge these abuses only to his wife and Atty. Calis cannot by itself
destroy the credibility of his claim. Indeed, the Constitution also proscribes the admissibility
of any confession or admission from a person under investigation for the commission of an
offense if such admission was obtained through torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation
or any other means which vitiates the free will. However, the Court will not take up
appellants allegations that he was tortured and maltreated by the investigating police and
the security guards, because such consideration is no longer necessary in view of our
holding on the violation of his right to counsel of choice. Where a confession is extracted
contrary to the accuseds Miranda rights, it is ipso facto inadmissible in evidence. Hence,
there is no more need for the appellant to prove duress or intimidation to attain the same
objective of outlawing the confession.

Circumstantial Evidence Insufficient

In view of the inadmissibility of appellants extrajudicial confession, the prosecutions
case rests purely on circumstantial evidence. Under Rule 133, Section 5 of the Rules of
Court, [c]ircumstantial evidence is sufficient for conviction if: (a) there is more than one
circumstance; (b) the facts from which the inferences are derived are proven; and (c) the
combination of all the circumstances is such as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable
doubt. The well-entrenched doctrine is that:

x x x a judgment of conviction based on circumstantial evidence can be upheld only if the

circumstances proven constitute an unbroken chain which leads to one fair and reasonable
conclusion which points to the accused, to the exclusion of all others, as the guilty person,
that is, the circumstances proved must be consistent with each other, consistent with the

hypothesis that the accused is guilty, and at the same time inconsistent with any other
hypothesis except that of guilty.

In the case at bar, we find that the totality of circumstantial evidence does not support
the conviction of the accused. The only circumstances proven in this case were: (1) the
mortal stabbing of the victim, Jessie Flores; (2) the presence of Appellant Armando Binamira
in Magallanes Village where the crime occurred; 3) his arrest by the three RAPSA security
guards, on the ground that he was walking suspiciously fast; and (4) the alleged recovery of
bloodied clothes from appellants bag.
The prosecution also pointed out that a necklace belonging to the victim was
recovered from the appellant. This is highly dubious. According to the testimony of Police
Officer Cruz, the appellant allegedly surrendered the necklace to a CID personnel at the
police station after the investigation had already started. This is incredible, for no such
necklace or any other piece of stolen jewelry was found in appellants possession when he
was apprehended and searched by the security guards. Additionally, this Court wonders
why appellant, who would not even hold on to his loot of jewelry, would lug around in his bag
bloodied clothes which inexplicably were not presented in evidence during the trial.

All in all, these circumstances do not form an unbroken chain adequate to justify the
inference beyond reasonable doubt that appellant was the perpetrator of the crime. These
circumstances can be the subject of two possibilities: one consistent with the guilt of the
accused and the other consistent with his innocence. The hornbook principle is that x x x
when the inculpatory facts and circumstances are capable of two or more interpretations,
one of which is consistent with the innocence of the accused and the other or others
consistent with his guilt, then the evidence, in view of the constitutional presumption of
innocence, has not fulfilled the test of moral certainty and is thus insufficient to support a

Sufficiency and Weight of Evidence

In view of appellants admission that he was at the locus criminis when the offense was
committed, his defense of denial is admittedly weak. However, it should not be automatically
disregarded either. It may turn out to be true specially in this case where the appellants
extrajudicial confession is inadmissible in evidence and the remaining pieces of
circumstantial evidence are sorely insufficient to convict him. In any event, the burden of
proof is on the prosecution and unless such burden is discharged properly, the appellant
has no duty to prove his innocence.
In closing, we must stress that mere suspicions and speculations can never be the
bases of a conviction in a criminal case. Our Constitution and our laws dearly value
individual life and liberty and require no less than moral certainty or proof beyond
reasonable doubt to offset the presumption of innocence. Courts -- both trial and appellate -are not called upon to speculate on who committed the crime. The task of courts, rather, is
to determine whether the prosecution has submitted sufficient legally admissible evidence
showing beyond reasonable doubt that a crime has been committed, and that the accused
committed it. In this case, the prosecution has failed to present adequate proof
demonstrating beyond reasonable doubt that Appellant Armando Binamira y Alayon was the
culprit who robbed and killed Jessie Flores y Cledera.
WHEREFORE, the questioned Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch
58, is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Appellant Armando Binamira y Alayon
is ACQUITTED on reasonable doubt. His immediate RELEASE from confinement is
ORDERED unless he is detained for some other valid cause.
Narvasa, C.J., (Chairman), Davide, Jr., Melo, and Francisco, JJ., concur.


Married, 19 years old, employee of the National Food Authority and resident of ATO Compound, Fort Bonifacio,
Makati, Metro Manila, on the date of the crime. Records, p. 87.


Rollo, pp. 19-23.


Judge Zosimo Z. Angeles presiding.


Married, 30 years old, a beautician and resident of Blk. 9, Lot 12, Camella Homes, Alabang I, Muntinlupa, Metro
Manila on the date of the crime.


Records, p. 1.


Ibid., p. 4. Before this Court, however, appellant is represented by the Public Attorneys Office.


Decision of the Regional Trial Court, p. 5; Rollo, p. 23.


Appellees Brief, pp. 3-7; Rollo, pp. 88-92.


Appellants Brief, pp. 6-8; Rollo, pp.41-43.


Ibid., pp. 8-9; Rollo, pp. 43-44.


Appellants Brief, p. 15; Rollo, p. 50.


Ibid., p. 16; Rollo, p. 51.


Exhibit C, Records, p. 84.


Opo. A.B. was handwritten. A.B. allegedly meant Armando Binamira.


Appellees Brief, p. 21; Rollo, p. 106.


Article III, Section 12 of the 1987 Constitution provides:

Sec. 12. (1) Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of his
right to remain silent and to have competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice. If the
person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights cannot be waived
except in writing and in the presence of counsel.
xxx xxx xxx
(3) Any confession or admission obtained in violation of this or Section 17 hereof shall be inadmissible in evidence
against him.
xxx xxx xxx.

Section 27, Article XVIII, 1987 Constitution.


63 SCRA 4, March 3, 1975.


Appellants Brief, p. 21; Rollo, p. 106.


People vs. Maqueda, 242 SCRA565, 585, March 22, 1995, per Davide, Jr., J.; citing 384 U.S. 436 (1966).


121 SCRA 538, per Concepcion, Jr., J.


See,. Filoteo, Jr vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 79543, p. 43, October 16, 1996.


People vs. Morales, supra, p. 554. See also People vs. Maqueda, supra, p. 587.


135 SCRA 465, 472.


204 SCRA 719.


Ibid; citing People vs. Olvis, 154 SCRA 513, September 30, 1987.


People vs. Luvendino, 211 SCRA 36, 49-50, July 3, 1992.


See Filoteo, Jr. vs. Sandiganbayan, supra, pp. 41-44.


Bernas, Joaquin G., The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A Commentary, 1996 ed., p. 409.


Records of the 1986 Constitutional Commission, Vol. I, p. 734.


People vs. Deniega, 251 SCRA 626, 637-638, December 29, 1995, per Kapunan, J.


Records, p. 84.


People vs. Newman, 163 SCRA 496, July 26, 1988.


TSN, pp. 3-4, February 28, 1987.


Patrolman First Class.


Supra, p. 638.


Art. III, Sec. 12, pars. 2 and 3, 1987 Constitution.


People vs. Adofina, 239 SCRA 67, 76-77, December 8, 1994, per Regalado, J.


TSN, p. 10, March 21, 1986.


People vs. Agustin, 246 SCRA 673, 681, July 18, 1995, per Regalado, J.

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